#3D& 2D Elevation
bungalowmakers · 19 days
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endlessnine09 · 1 year
“I think no matter how Luo Yunxi wears it, there is a sense of story…”
©️ 张突然啊
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animationstudio · 4 months
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bayaarchitect · 8 months
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animatedshortoftheday · 10 months
Per Aspera Ad Astra (2019) [11 min] by Franck Dion | France
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graphicsnart · 1 year
3D building model & Render
I will do building 2d planning,3d plan,design,rendering,estimation
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jovial-thunder · 5 months
Pre-alpha Lancer Tactics changelog
(cross-posting the full gif changelog here because folks seemed to like it last time I did)
We're aiming for getting the first public alpha for backers by the end of this month! Carpenter and I scoped out mechanics that can wait until after the alpha (e.g. grappling, hiding) in favor of tying up the hundred loose threads that are needed for something that approaches a playable game. So this is mostly a big ol changelog of an update from doing that.
But I also gave a talent talk at a local Portland Indie Game Squad event about engine architecture! It'll sound familiar if you've been reading these updates; I laid out the basic idea for this talk almost a year ago, back in the June 2023 update.
We've also signed contracts & had a kickoff meeting with our writers to start on the campaigns. While I've enjoyed like a year of engine-work, it'll be so so nice to start getting to tell stories. Data structures don't mean anything beyond how they affect humans & other life.
New Content
Implemented flying as a status; unit counts as +3 spaces above the current ground level and ignores terrain and elevation extra movement costs. Added hover + takeoff/land animations.
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Gave deployables the ability to have 3D meshes instead of 2D sprites; we'll probably use this mostly when the deployable in question is climbable.
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Related, I fixed a bug where after terrain destruction, all units recheck the ground height under them so they'll move down if the ground is shot out from under them. When the Jerichos do that, they say "oh heck, the ground is taller! I better move up to stand on it!" — not realizing that the taller ground they're seeing came from themselves.
Fixed by locking some units' rendering to the ground level; this means no stacking climbable things, which is a call I'm comfortable making. We ain't making minecraft here (I whisper to myself, gazing at the bottom of my tea mug). 
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Block sizes are currently 1x1x0.5 — half as tall as they are wide. Since that was a size I pulled out of nowhere for convenience, we did some art tests for different block heights and camera angles. TLDR that size works great and we're leaving it.
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Added Cone AOE pattern, courtesy of an algorithm NMcCoy sent me that guarantees the correct number of tiles are picked at the correct distance from the origin.
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pick your aim angle
for each distance step N of your cone, make a list ("ring") of all the cells at that distance from your origin
sort those cells by angular distance from your aim angle, and include the N closest cells in that ring in the cone's area
Here's a gif they made of it in Bitsy:
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Units face where you're planning on moving/targeting them.
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Got Walking Armory's Shock option working. Added subtle (too subtle, now that I look at it) electricity effect.
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Other things we've added but I don't have gifs for or failed to upload. You'll have to trust me. :)
disengage action
overcharge action
Improved Armament core bonus
basic mine explosion fx
explosion fx on character dying
Increase map elevation cap to 10. It's nice but definitely is risky with increasing the voxel space, gonna have to keep an eye on performance.
Added Structured + Stress event and the associated popups. Also added meltdown status (and hidden countdown), but there's not animation for this yet so your guy just abruptly disappears and leaves huge crater.
UI Improvements
Rearranged the portrait maker. Auto-expand the color picker so you don't have to keep clicking into a submenu.
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Added topdown camera mode by pressing R for handling getting mechs out of tight spaces.
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The action tooltips have been bothering me for a while; they extend up and cover prime play-area real estate in the center of the screen. So I redesigned them to be shorter and have a max height by putting long descriptions in a scrollable box. This sounds simple, but the redesign, pulling in all the correct data for the tags, and wiring up the tooltips took like seven hours. Game dev is hard, yo.
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Put the unit inspect popups in lockable tooltips + added a bunch of tooltips to them.
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Implemented the rest of Carpenter's cool hex-y action and end turn readout. I'm a big fan of whenever we can make the game look more like a game and less like a website (though he balances out my impulse for that for the sake of legibility).
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Added a JANKY talent/frame picker. I swear we have designs for a better one, but sometimes you gotta just get it working. Also seen briefly here are basic level up/down and HASE buttons.
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Other no-picture things:
Negated the map-scaling effect that happens when the window resizes to prevent bad pixel scaling of mechs at different resolutions; making the window bigger now just lets you see more play area instead of making things bigger.
WIP Objectives Bullets panel to give the current sitrep info
Wired up a buncha tooltips throughout the character sheet.
Under the Hood
Serialization: can save/load games! This is the payoff for sticking with that engine architecture I've been going on about. I had to add a serialization function to everything in the center layer which took a while, but it was fairly straightforward work with few curveballs.
Finished replacement of the kit/unit/reinforcement group/sitrep pickers with a new standardized system that can pull from stock data and user-saved data.
Updated to Godot 4.2.2; the game (and editor) has been crashing on exit for a LONG time and for the life of me I couldn't track down why, but this minor update in Godot completely fixed the bug. I still have no idea what was happening, but it's so cool to be working in an engine that's this active bugfixing-wise! 
Other Bugfixes
Pulled straight from the internal changelog, no edits for public parseability:
calculate cover for fliers correctly
no overwatch when outside of vertical threat
fixed skirmisher triggering for each attack in an AOE
fixed jumpjets boost-available detection
fixed mines not triggering when you step right on top of them // at a different elevation but still adjacent
weapon mods not a valid target for destruction
made camera pan less jumpy and adjust to the terrain height
better Buff name/desc localization
Fixed compcon planner letting you both boost and attack with one quick action.
Fix displayed movement points not updating
Prevent wrecks from going prone
fix berserkers not moving if they were exactly one tile away
hex mine uses deployer's save target instead of 0
restrict weapon mod selection if you don't have the SP to pay
fix deployable previews not going away
fix impaired not showing up in the unit inspector (its status code is 0 so there was a check that was like "looks like there's no status here")
fix skirmisher letting you move to a tile that should cost two movement if it's only one space away
fix hit percent calculation
fix rangefinder grid shader corner issues (this was like a full day to rewrite the shader to be better)
Teleporting costs the max(spaces traveled, elevation change) instead of always 1
So um, yeah, that's my talk, any questions? (I had a professor once tell us to never end a talk like this, so now of course it's the phrase that first comes to mind whenever I end a talk)
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greatwyrmgold · 1 year
When was the first 3D video game published? Trick question, this is a post about how "3D video game" is a meaningless phrase.
In 1984, King's Quest: Quest for the Crown was published. King's Quest was marketed as a "3-D Animated Adventure," even though it looked like this:
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At first glance, it looks like any other low-resolution 16-color adventure game of the pre-EGA era. But it has one revolutionary feature that sets it a step above its peers: You can walk behind things.
To be clear, that's basically it. There's not even sprite scaling or anything; King Graham is the same size whether he's close to the "camera" or not. Modern gamers would probably find it a bit ridiculous to say this game has a "camera" at all. But you can walk around in that green field, and you can go behind the tree or the castle tower, and those things would hide the part of Graham's sprite behind them—and you could also walk in front of them!
Well, if you didn't fall off the bridge. Why did Roberta Williams never put handrails on those things?
Anyways, the next game I'm going to mention is Wolfenstein 3D (1992), another game which marketed itself on cutting-edge 3-D technology.
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You can see a lot of graphical improvement between these two games set in castles, and not just because Wolfenstein has thrice the resolution and 16 times the colors. The sprites can be scaled with their distance from the camera, for instance, and the backgrounds aren't static flat planes. They're dynamic flat planes, capable of warping as your angle to the wall changes.
In some ways, this is as great a leap over King's Quest as King's Quest is over Zork, or at least Mystery House. But is it really 3D? It's still just a bunch of distorted 2D sprites being drawn to the screen. There's nothing really 3D going on in the computer. It's no Super Mario 64 (1996).
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SM64 is among the first popular "real 3D" games, with models and polygons and stuff. And it is, again, a great leap above Wolfenstein 3D. It doesn't distort 2D sprites to mimic 3D shapes; it shapes 2D textures around 3D models. Totally different! It has polygons and stuff!
Now, I'm not 100% sarcastic about that. There are some technical differences between how SM64 handles its textures and how Wolfenstein and other Id shooters handle their sprites. But those differences aren't so much "doing something completely different" as they are "doing the same thing with fewer limitations".
And it would be absurd to claim that Wolfenstein graphics have more in common with KQ1 than with SM64. It would be even more absurd to say that SM64 has less in common with W3D than it does with older and newer titles using what people commonly consider 3D technology.
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On the left we have Battlezone (1980), an arcade title which predates KQ1 as much as W3D predates SM64. It has little in common with Wolfenstein's graphics, not needing to distort any kind of 2D image file to mimic 3D, because it's just wireframes.
From a graphical perspective, it has more in common with KQ1 than W3D; both use vector graphics. (Bitmap images would take too much storage space for KQ1.) In fact, you could probably make a compelling argument that KQ1 and Battlezone's vector graphics have more in common with each other on a technical level than they do with Wolfenstein's 3D sprites or SM64's 3D models.
And on the right...it's either leaked security cam footage from Area 52, or The Callisto Protocol (2022). I can't explain what separates it graphically from the other games in this post, because there are so many new systems—systems which require specialist graphical engineers to understand, let alone create or use. I could rattle off some technical terms like subsurface scattering and cloth simulations and soft-body deformation, but I don't understand these techniques on anything but the shallowest level, and TCP has elevated them to another level.
I know it sometimes seems like graphical technology stopped having Big Improvements some time around the seventh or eighth console generation, but it kept going. The difference, I'd argue, is that the improvements have been more spread-out, enabled less by advances in hardware technology and more by learning how to use those advances, distributed throughout a hardware generation rather than concentrated at the start.
Anyways. The point I'm trying to make is that modern games make every prior game in this post look ridiculously primitive. SM64 was impressive in its day, but Mario is rendered with less than a thousand triangles, separated into several rigid components. And his face is just a couple dozen flat polygons with a texture printed on them. Even modern indie games often animate eyeballs with more polygons than Mario's entire body, with the eyeball and eyelid and so forth all being separate models with textures and shaders bringing them to life. Giving them more depth.
Making them even more 3D.
There is not a firm line between 2D and 3D. Wolfenstein 3D is more 3D than King's Quest I, and Super Mario 64 is more 3D than either of them, and Skyrim more 3D than that, and The Callisto Protocol more 3D still. If someone dismissed Doom as not being "real 3D," they're drawing an arbitrary distinction around one of many graphical innovations that made gaming graphics incrementally more verisimilitudinous. That's all.
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thequeenskeep · 20 days
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Everything in your life is a result of your greatest thinking.
∞ = 0. It is everything and nothing simultaneously. 0 is a circle-an enclosed space that feeds into itself. Infinity is zero collapsed, where nothing becomes everything. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction reducing All to 0. All numbers, all energy, all dimensions. The YOUniverse is infinite. Self-mastery is the application and transcendence of infinity, reaching the 0-dimension. The In. Finite. Point. In everything we do, we seek embodiment and expect to achieve a specific result. Be specific. Become limitless.
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The origin, or starting point, of a graph is also known as the point of intersection. A point where the x-axis, y-axis, and all quadrants meet.
All dimensions exist on the same plane, the first dimension (1D), and within the same point, the 0 dimension (0D), as demonstrated by infinity. Our inability to perceive mystical energy or entities stems from their exist in other dimensions beyond our comprehension. The unforeseeable exists outside of our third dimensional perception. Our minds, thoughts, feelings, spirit, etc. exist on different planes.
When you take a picture or video of the third dimension (3D), it is captured as a flat image observed 2 Dimensionally. Movies, for instance, are shown in 2D. When you turn that image on its side, it is a line or plane. That is the first dimension. Furthermore condensing it to a point, brings us to the 0 dimension. Multidimensionality is inherent; what exists is not absent, it is unseen or inconceivable. If you exist on point (3,2) in the graph that is physically (3D) all you know.
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Our minds transverse dimensions. When we close our eyes and see darkness, we are observing 0. Within we can see everything. This is known as astral (a star) traveling. However, opening our eyes reinstalls us into the 3D plane binding us to the laws of physics. It is possible to elevate our perception to see other dimensions with our physical eyes. However, this can lead to psychosis for beings accustomed to the 3D world. Its infinite nature reignites our genetic code(DNA), and we are bombarded with the real Truth. Reality. This rebirth, or revelation, prompts an overwhelming influx of knowledge putting us into a state of infancy where everything feels new, unfamiliar, and challenging to process causing a possible loss in consciousness.
We are creators. Our souls are creating everything we experience in other, alternate dimensions. Our mind is the messenger. Everything our brain’s experience is documented and delivered to the soul as an Instruction Manual. Our 3D vessel is the anchor, or origin point for the rope grounded to the Earth while our being occupies the cosmos. We are tethered to our creations, alternate realities, or dimensions and birth them into the 3D by tugging on, or embodying that energy. Eventually these dimensions, or planes, overlap and generate a 2D image, visualization, and as we experience life we identify them in the 3D as synchronicities or coincidence. We and our subsequent creations are bound to the Universal Laws that govern how our creation manifests in life.
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The name of the ‘Game of Life’ is self sufficiency. This includes self-awareness, self-discipline, emotional intelligence, positive, realistic thinking, goal setting, time management, and stress management. To achieve self mastery one must transverse the 7 dimensions, or chakras, within the One by: learning to think; learning to intuit; learning to feel; learning to do; learning to communicate; learning to lead; and learning to be. We evolved from nothing; therefore everything is accessible within. We have everything we need to succeed. How will you access it?
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sometipsygnostalgic · 2 months
Nintendo 3d rendering vs Sony disc size
The Nintendo 64 and the Nintendo Gamecube both had better 3D geometry than the Playstation and the Playstation 2, but the Playstations were able to have much more music and textures than the Nintendo consoles. They were also able to have more 3d objects in a space at one time. Infamously you could fit all the top 10 N64 games on a single Playstation disc, and then more.
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The N64 models looked solid despite their low polygon count. It had this weird double anti-aliaising effect which made images look blurry. However, textures were very, very limited, and the cartridge could not fit much music or fmvs.
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The playstation had worse geometry and even had the "wobble" effect on most games, due to its Z-buffering hardware not being used. However, it was able to make up for its weaknesses.
It used textures to elevate the look of its 3d models, and replaced backgrounds with detailed 2d textures in games like Resident Evil and Final Fantasy 7.
It also used pre-rendered videos and lots of music, things missing from the N64 entirely.
Games that use pre-rendered videos on other platforms, like "Star Wars Episode 1: Racer," had them removed from their N64 ports.
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This image seems to be taken from an emulator. I'm having a hard time finding images captured from the original devices. However, you can see that the ps1 has a "wobble" effect and the n64 has lower resolution textures.
These issues ended up carrying over into the PS2/Gamecube generation.
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This is Mariokart Double Dash. It's a very good looking gamecube. Its geometry is simple and it only has 16 tracks, but it's more than playable today, and still looks good when upscaled on an emulator.
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This is San Andreas. While the game is graphically impressive, you'll notice that the models for vehicles and even the UI look worse when compared to Gamecube games.
However, San Andreas was able to fit so much more information on the disc than any Gamecube game.
Instead of being limited to 16 race tracks and 16 racers like Double Dash, you have an entire open world to explore and dozens of cars to choose from. You have a hundred hours of things to do in this game. There is hours of music that you can listen to in the cars.
That's why San Andreas was never ported to Gamecube - the game requires 4.2gb of DVD space, whereas the Gamecube's DVD-R was never larger than 1.4gb.
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To be honest, I have no idea what black magic Capcom used to port Resident Evil 4 to Gamecube.
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When the Nintendo Wii came out, it retained the Gamecube's power for the most part, while offering DVD space of up to 8gb!!! Finally it could have things like music and voice acting.
However... the PS3 and Xbox 360 were already on their way, and the standard definition Wii was far from their ballcourt.
In the Wii's early days, the PS2 was also still in a lot of hands. So developers who wanted to make games for Wii ported them to PS2, and vice versa. Both consoles ended up having lots of "previous generation" versions of games, like The Force Unleashed, which ran better on Wii than the PS2 by a small margin and had different features like motion controls.
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bungalowmakers · 19 days
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animationstudio · 4 months
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Rambling About New Pork City
This is just a long series of ideas for how I envision New Pork City's layout (mostly from planning for my Minecraft build)
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My vision differs a lot from the layout in the game, since that's only a 2D representation of the city, and there's probably a lot we don't see So I want my version of it to fit in a 3D environment, while also having some extra worldbuilding for flavour ^^
So something I've seen debated a few times is where exactly NPC actually is! In the game, we only reach it through a flying limousine, so we don't get any sense of where we've actually gone. It's not marked on the map, and there's not really any strong clues in the city itself to suggest where it's located. (early in development, it was actually gonna be New Pork Island, which is interesting) Personally, I recently started liking the idea that it's actually located in the Death Desert! It's mysteriously blocked off after the timeskip, the only area in the game we can't return to Plus, it's situated right over the 7th Needle, which Fassad presumably lived nearby (like the other Magi), while his floor in the Empire Porky Building is decorated to look like a desert. There's obviously nothing concrete, but that's where I place it in my mind!
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So let's start at the earliest point in the timeline of NPC's development: Porky first arrives in the Nowhere Islands, around the vicinity of Locria's house. They meet, exchange ideas, etc, Porky sways him to his side. Soon after, he starts pulling in his armies and all the people who will form his empire. At the site of his arrival, the Pigmasks begin construction of some very basic buildings. Simple things like barracks, armories, the very first labs, etc. Really just a small compound built around Fassad's house while the empire starts.
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Over time, more and more buildings were added to this spot, expanding upwards and forming a chaotic, mountainous "city," the Pigmask's capital. This is still at the beginning of the Pigmasks' expansion into the Islands, so everything is very shoddy and crude, purely functional and with none of the sophistication of their later structures. (Fassad's house is airlifted out and temporarily relocated elsewhere).
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During the 3 years following the third chapter of the game, as the Pigmasks solidly establish their presence across the Islands, the King deems the old city to be unfit for the grandeur of his empire. As such, the entire city is buried under a mountain of dirt and concrete, to serve as the foundation for the brand new capital of the Nowhere Islands. A shaft is dug from the base of the mountain to its summit, and an elevator is installed to allow for quick travel to the future city.
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3 years after the Pigmasks' arrival in Tazmily Village, New Pork City is finally completed (mostly). It sits on top of the buried husk of the old city, which can still be accessed through several points (the sewers and the MT Apartments are both parts of the old city). A section of the highway leads to the main elevator (now incorporated into the Empire Porky Building, and later into the caves underneath the desert), where newcomers from Tazmily can enter the city. The city itself also contains a landing pad for Porky's private limousine, but this is reserved just for him and his special guest.
The city is arranged so that all the most interesting sights are oriented towards the landing pad, providing the King's guests with the best possible first impression of his empire's capital. Though it's largely a monument to himself, it was also Porky's express desire that New Pork City be the perfect utopia for his special guest, with everything he could possibly dream of.
The entrance to the Empire Porky Building sits at the top of the city, but parts of the building actually extend downwards into the ground, connecting it to the main elevator shaft, which the building sits centered directly on top of. The rest of the city spirals down from the building's entrance, built into and around the mountain's summit. Most of the city is just wooden cutouts of course (including the seemingly-larger city in the background), and as said above, they're all pointed to face towards the limousine pad. As such, the city's entire facade falls apart once one starts to make their way upwards to the top level and passes behind all of the false buildings on their way. Most of these are also placed to cover up the uglier parts of the city, dumpsters and grimy service doors, etc.
Few random things to finish up: There's speakers all over the city constantly blaring music (Porky can also take control of these if he wishes). Heck, they probably have things pumping smells into the streets like Disneyland. Pretty constant rains of confetti, too. Porky snatched a bunch of old-world things from all over the place and scattered them around the city to fill up empty space, hence why there's so many random objects placed everywhere (like the greek pillars, the masks, etc. did that christmas tree belong to someone). He told the Pigmasks to go uproot the coolest tree they could find so he could incorporate it into the city and finally have the world's coolest treehouse. Honestly idk what he was thinking with the Rollercoaster that Just Kills You
So yeah, that's all the stuff I have in my head about New Pork City, minus all the stuff specific to my interpretation of Porky's characterization (which'll be it's own post... some day...) :D And this sort of shows how I wanna go about designing it in Minecraft... still going slow, but it's going! I've figured out a style i think works, and I've figured out a rough idea of how I wanna scale it ^^
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journalsouppe · 6 months
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I started and beat this within like 4 days in July 2023, and I just completely forgot to take photos of this spread T-T.
BUT I loved Tunic so much, one of my all time favorite games I've ever played. If this was a Zelda game, it might've been my favorite Zelda game. This was only beat out by Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice bc my aa brainrot is that bad hfjdkal.
All of the stickers come with ordering the physical version of the game on fangamer!! There's also a freebie fox sticker I got from TheLittleBirdeeCo thats below keep reading.
My writing is typed below as well as my game notes. I will not type out my game notes and I also don't recommend looking at them unless you have played the game.
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Game notes^ Plus a little blurb after rewatching a playthrough that I won't type out either since these are more just for fun.
Rating: 9.5 Played: Su 2023 Port: Nintendo Switch Favorite? Y Replayable? Y Recommend? Y
similar opening to links awakening
the start screen is gorgeous
THE POT SHARDS ARE MOVEABLE - i love the clay feel
tons of hidden paths and secrets
oooo you find the instruction booklet in the game
oooo you can hear the wind chimes
LOVE the mechanics of the draw bridge
what are the small tuner/bells for
i am apparently really good at finding hidden chests
i love that the fairies are stone versions of the oot/mm fairies
it's hard to get acclimated since I'm so used to 2d zelda strategies and patterns
the statues of the hero perfectly encapsulate my view of oot link, i really love the design
the garden boss is hard T-T
the bell towers are so pretty
the west garden is so pretty omg
idrk what to do at the heros grave
the librarian fight reminds me of the links awakening nightmare fight
frogs domain music reminds me of the forest temple
who am i?
why is the cathedral filled with ... me?
the boss rush was fun but hard
i don't think there's a set order to do "dungeons" so i'm not locked to doing only the siege engine
i thought cat man was pissing
why do i have the power to activate the boxes?
librarian's ghost?
was the heir me?
Game Notes:
beautiful 3D animation and modeling - very pleasing
wide attacking range - don't just attack straight forward
incredible environmental design and path making
two endings - exploration and collection for good end
diverse attack patterns and learning curve + boss rush
What a phenomenal game. I loved playing this game so much. It was challenging and I wasn't used to the souls mechanics, but I learned fast and had so much fun fighting the bosses. I love the two endings. The Bad where you replace your former self as the heir, continuing the cruel cycle. The Good where you free the Heir and find out it's you, older, someone who is no longer stuck in the cycle, and you get to be friends together. The music is absolutely gorgeous. I listened to it while falling asleep and was just sobbing from it. I love how mysterious the lore is and how everything still hasn't been answered. I love the designs of the environments and enemies and how the game can go from nice and serene to dark and creepy. I loved how this game was a perfect blend of 2D zelda plus monument valley plus a souls game, it forced me to think outside of the box and use my journal to takes notes on all the little secrets and surprises. I can def see myself play this game again, it's such a charming game that has a lot of nostalgia despite being a fairly new game. I am so happy I bought the deluxe edition, I truly cherish this game so much and love the stickers and artbooks I received. I highly recommend this game to anyone, it is such an incredible journey to go through. I'm gonna be spending a lot of time watching and reading about the lore and digging deeper into this game. Truly what a phenomenal game with such a cute yet tragic main character, ough i love tunic.
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ali3nboyfriend · 15 days
there comes a time in every digital artist’s life where they realize 3D work would really elevate their 2D artwork in some way and then they sit there and say to themselves, “you know, i could totally learn blender.”
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petalpetal · 6 months
Okay drunk rant time so if you don’t I have a degree in art history and my favorite form of art is printmaking. Not only is it heavily tied into books (art and books are my one true love they are equal) but it’s a challenging process.
Anyway so I started out as a visual art major (I changed because my focus because I wasn’t competitive enough to put myself out there and realized I rather elevate existing artist rather then create art) but as all visual art and art history majors when getting your bachelors you have to take the 101 of every basic art class (drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, 2d design, 3d design, ceramics, and printmaking) and when I took printmaking I FELL IN LOVE
not only does this involve print and typography but it is a challenging medium. Okay so before I get into it let me show you the main types printmaking
Silkscreen, Intaglio, lithography, and woodblock
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Everting minus silkscreen has to be drawn backwards because printmaking is like a stamp
Not only do you have draw everything backward but you have to make like 15 copies exactly the same down to little imperfection (think like the wood grain patterns the ink picks up)
Anyway I feel like this such a underpreicted medium that is actually one of the most challenging art mediums
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