#369 Recordings
ca-dmv-bot · 2 years
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Customer: (not on record) DMV: 369 CAN MEAN THREESOME Verdict: DENIED
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vodkaandsnakes · 5 months
Across the Universe
"Like a flash of light
In the endless night..."
"Anesthesia" from Life is Killing Me
Amongst the twinkling stars of the universe, there exists the flickering fragments of a series of moving images in which a face looms from the darkness and celebrants dance around a group of musicians, doing the Batusi.
These flickering fragments join the ever-expanding bubble of commercial radio and television transmissions that have slipped loose of the bonds of the Earth's atmosphere and are moving outward to spread enigma through the universe.
Moving at the speed of light, these fragments have travelled further than Voyager 1, and, are presently lapping at the shores of whatever planets may be orbiting 61 Ursae Majoris.
And, from there, to the limitless cosmos.
Some day, some sentient being on another world will experience the moving images comprising the video for "Black No. 1" for the first time.
At least by that point in time, they will have also experienced The Three Stooges, Looney Tunes, and Monty Python's Flying Circus...
Requiescat in pace
Peter Thomas Ratajczyk
(January 4, 1962 - April 14, 2010)
The images of your looming "Great and Powerful Oz"-like visage, stripe-y pirate shirt (Yo Ho!), and ginormous... upright... bass.. will live on to eternity- or at least until they are lost to a black hole (or is that the album cover for Origin...?)
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sapphyreopal5 · 11 months
Hello. I hope you are well and have a good time.💖🌺
First of all, English is not my language. Forgive me if there are any mistakes in my text.
I read the content and information on your page and I feel a deep and enjoyable connection with them. I mean, your attitude and accuracy and your way of writing and thinking are attractive to me and excite me. I have some questions that I feel you can give a logical answer to.
I have always had a special interest in books and the lives of successful and great people. Those who had great things for humanity. People who were different from ordinary people. People who are legendary and successful in our opinion. These people have discovered and invented things that have not occurred to other people. Humans whose souls and insides are different from other people. They receive signs from the world and the Almighty that others cannot see and understand. People like Tesla, Einstein, Darwin, Nietzsche and many other great people.
I think there is something inside these people that I cannot understand. A big thing that I can't see. I mean, they've done great things. They discovered great secrets of the world. But what is there in these people that makes them achieve these goals and signs and follow them? Are they chosen by the Almighty? I don't think the answer is easily found in social media. But after seeing your page, something inside me was enlightened. I feel you can have a logical attitude and answer about this issue.
In my opinion, those who achieve great things in life have a deep and transcendent connection with the universe and their higher self. Like the story about Tesla and the numbers 3, 6, and 9, which I find strange. Of course, I also consider the factor of intelligence, but I know that this is not the only factor (like Edison who was expelled from school). I feel that there is something bigger and beyond that I, as a normal person, cannot understand and see, but I would like to understand it. What do you think about this?
I realized that many scientists and great people were familiar with astrology and philosophy and knew those sciences. Maybe they saw and understood things that we superficial humans cannot understand. But how can we achieve that order and that big idea? Is it possible?
I wanted to know your opinion. Does the success and greatness of these people have anything to do with the content you share (such as tarot, numerology, astrology, communication with your higher self, etc.) Is it possible to achieve a great position in life by using these?
I mean, could these people have used these ways to achieve great things? A strong connection with the world and God to show them the way, the future and the goal.
In my opinion, as a person who has enough information in this field, you can give a good answer. You have a lot of knowledge and information that can help me. I also want to discover my purpose of being in this world and to receive and understand divine signs.
I wanted you to guide me. How did you progress in this way and how were you able to acquire knowledge in this field? If I want to progress in this way, what should I do?
I will be happy if you help me and correct my mistakes. I apologize if my message was long and annoying. I hope I didn't bother you.🙏💙
Hello Anon thank you for this very intriguing ask. Your English by the way is excellent, better than some native speakers I dare say! Tesla was indeed a very interesting, amazing man. I believe if we followed his model of electricity/energy from the get go the world would've been far cleaner and better. When it comes to the "great" people like Tesla, Einstein, etc. that you speak of, do take care of giving them credit that isn't due as I'll explain below. Mark Twain once said: “There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We give them a turn and they make new and curious combinations. We keep on turning and making new combinations indefinitely; but they are the same old pieces of colored glass that have been in use through all the ages.” I believe this applies to most if not all inventions and inventors, including AC power, the light bulb, etc. Before I delve into why some of these souls were "chosen" as you are inquiring about if this is the case, I want to clarify some historical facts regarding Tesla, whose story I am going to focus on with regards to your questions. As far as if these people like Tesla were chosen by the Almighty or not, I believe it's a little different from what you're thinking. It is actually who some of these people were incarnations of that in makes them more "great" or perhaps not as "typical" or "average" as other people, along with what was put into their divine blueprints.
Edison vs. Westinghouse "War of the Currents"
Edison came up with the Direct Current (DC) system of power while Tesla came up with a better refined form of Alternating Current (AC) power. However, it was actually Michael Faraday who came up with the idea of AC power and Hippolyte Pixii who made it basically come to life. AC operated medical devices were already being used before Tesla was born. However, Tesla did help to refine AC power and also make it so that it was more practical. Tesla it seems was just known for submitting a patent for an AC generator (maybe why people credit Tesla with inventing AC power to start with). Later on, a man named George Westinghouse bought the patent Tesla obtained for his AC generator.
I learned while researching for our ask that Edison used AC power, which is originally Tesla's model of electricity, to electrocute animals including stray dogs, horses and cattle in order to "prove" how dangerous Tesla's model of electricity is. In further attempts to discredit his rival Westinghouse (and in that Tesla), Edison also secretly provided funding to Harold Brown in order to ensure that the first electric chair was made using alternating currents to further prove just how "deadly" AC power is. Tesla did not invent AC power but he did help to refine it. Same with Edison being credited for inventing the lightbulb. He didn't invent it he just helped make it more practical. As this Forbes article on the War of the Currents puts it (similar to the Mark Twain quote I mentioned earlier): "Edison didn't invent the light bulb, he improved upon the ideas of 22 other men who pioneered the light bulb before him. Edison simply figured out how to sell the light bulb".
Who was Nikola Tesla an incarnation of?
In Nikola Tesla's case, I learned over a year ago he was in fact an incarnation of the Egyptian deity Anubis. Upfront this might not make much sense to people because Anubis in Egyptian mythology and paganism is the black canine/jackal-headed god of mummification and embalming, and a god of the dead. Anubis was said to be the Egyptian deity who weighed the hearts of those who died against the feather of Ma’at (Egyptian goddess of truth, justice, balance, and order) to determine their worthiness of entering the paradise-like afterlife with Osiris. If the heart was heavier than Ma'at's feather, one was not permitted to enter the paradise afterlife and instead enter the underworld. In this, he determined someone's fate after physical death on Earth.
Tesla seemed to be more the type of man who was interested in bettering the quality of physical life. Perhaps he was "listening" to his higher self's instructions to pursue providing the world with a better form of electricity/light so when he dies his heart is lighter than Ma'at's feather? It's interesting to go back and point out that Edison utilized AC powered devices to kill many animals including dogs and cows. It's also interesting knowing Edison secretly funded the first AC powered chair despite publicly being against the death penalty. I would say the War of the Currents is a very interesting connection there between Tesla's higher self Anubis, Tesla, Westinghouse and Edison, wouldn't you?
Black cats and Tesla, Bastet and Anubis
On another interesting note, Tesla's favorite childhood pet was in fact a black cat named Macak (which is apparently Serbo-Croatian for "male cat") who is credited with bringing to life Tesla's interest in electricity. In some Egyptian mythology versions, the cow goddess Hesat goddess of nourishment, milk, and motherhood was depicted as Anubis' mother. In other versions of Egyptian mythology, Anubis was said to be the son of Bastet, the Egyptian black cat-headed goddess of protection, pleasure, and the bringer of good health. In a few older versions of Egyptian mythology, Bastet and Anubis were said to be lovers (imagine that, a cat headed goddess and a jackal headed god being lovers...). In some of the Old Kingdom versions of things, Bastet and Anubis were siblings (Ra and Hastet for Anubis, Ra and Isis for Bastet). Despite there being some question as to how each of the Egyptian deities are really connected in Egyptian mythology, it does seem that for Tesla it was his childhood pet a black cat named Macak that served as the fire that ignited or "gave birth" to Tesla's passion for pursuing better forms of electricity.
Tesla Coils, Egyptian Ankh and Sistrums
Some people online have compared Tesla coils to the Egyptian ankh. Doing my research however, another somewhat comparable Egyptian tool that happens to be a symbol of Bastet is the sacred musical instrument sistrum, which is seen below (red background). I came across this information on Bastet/Bast (benevolent aspect of Sekhmet) and sistrums while reading the 2004 book "Egyptian Paganism for Beginners" by Jocelyn Almond & Keith Seddon on page 134. The ankh is a popular yet very important sacred symbol in Egyptian mythology and paganism as was the Sistrum.
As extracted from the National Park Service website on the Ankh's symbolism: "The ankh symbol—sometimes referred to as the key of life or the key of the nile—is representative of eternal life in Ancient Egypt. Created by Africans long ago, the ankh is said to be the first--or original--cross. The ankh is often shown in the hands of important Egyptian figures, such as pharaohs and kings, preserving their immortality. Moreover, the ankh is commonly depicted in temples and in the grasp of major Egyptian gods such as Osiris, Isis, and Ra. It could also have a more physical connotation: the ankh may represent water, air, and the sun, which were meant to provide and preserve life in Ancient Egyptian culture. Additionally, ankhs were traditionally placed in sarcophagi to ensure life after death. While the ankh is a widely known hieroglyph, its origins are somewhat unclear. Because the ankh shows similarities to the Knot of Isis, some speculate that the ankh and the Knot of Isis represent the same thing: an intricate bow. Other theories claim that the ankh could signify the cohesion of heaven and earth, interlinking male and female symbols, or ceremonial girdles."
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Since the Sistrum was shaped similarly to the ankh, the sistrum came to represent life and was said to help calm down angered deities and also drive away evil according to the Brooklyn Museum. Interestingly enough, Tesla once said this in an 1899 interview: "About Pythagoras and mathematics a scientist may not and must not infringe of these two. Numbers and equations are signs that mark the music of the spheres. If Einstein had heard these sounds, he would not create theories of relativity. These sounds are the messages to the mind that life has meaning, that the Universe exists in perfect harmony, and its beauty is the cause and effect of Creation. This music is the eternal cycle of stellar heavens. The smallest star has completed composition and also, part of the celestial symphony. The man’s heartbeats are part of the symphony on the Earth. Newton learned that the secret is in geometric arrangement and motion of celestial bodies. He recognized that the supreme law of harmony exists in the Universe. The curved space is chaos, chaos is not music. Einstein is the messenger of the time of sound and fury."
If you ask me, it sounds like Bastet and Anubis were speaking to Tesla in his divine hearing talking about "the sounds from the vibrations of moving celestial bodies that will one day be able to be "heard" after converting electromagnetic activity into sound using technology [computers], which will ironically be powered by his rival's [Edison] system of light [DC power]". I included a few YouTube videos of sounds coming from our planets after doing so, pretty cool if you ask me!
The Great Pyramids of Egypt, Tesla Towers
Another interesting thing to point out regarding Tesla being an incarnation of Anubis is that Tesla had a bit of an obsession with the Great Pyramids of Egypt (which of course have 3 triangular sides and a square bottom connecting the 3 sides). It's been said that he believed they were more than just the tombs of pharaohs but that they were energy generators that are capable of producing free, limitless energy. This seems to go back to the story of him building a a miniature pyramid out of paper and wire and placed it under a beam of charged particles. Apparently the pyramid began to glow, even though it wasn’t connected to any electrical source leading him to believe the pyramid was drawing energy from the Earth’s magnetic field. It's said that Tesla theorized that if a pyramid was made out of conducive materials (ex. copper) and placed in the right spot this could be a reality. Naturally, none of these things and beliefs Tesla held about the power of pyramids have been replicated by other scientists. Thus, this lead to the birth of the (failed experiment) Wardenclyffe Tower that he built with the intent to harvest energy and provide it wirelessly worldwide.
You mentioned Tesla's fascination with the numbers 3, 6, and 9. To summarize this theory briefly, the Abstract titled "Human’s Plexus Systems and “Nikola Tesla’s 369 Theory” for Forming Universe and God" written by Mahesh Man Shrestha from the European Journal of Theology and Philosophy states: "... According to the Theory of Nikola Tesla’s 369, there are all together 1 to 9 digital root numbers exist. All other higher or lower numbers are the combination of those digital root numbers. This statement seems quite true when we compare it with Theory of Absolutivity. If 3, 6, 9 numbers are arranged together it makes a letter Om (AUM)..." The author here is referring to the chakras system or "energy centers" in all living beings. Another interesting connection between is that there's an electrical unit for resistance called Ohm (named after German Physicist and Mathematician Georg Simon Ohm), which is a measure of the opposition to current flow in an electrical circuit. When looking at how many of our bodily functions get started physically (heart, liver, kidneys, brain, etc.), they happen as a result of electrical impulses occurring to get things started. Hmmm, there just might be something more to Tesla's Theory of 369 than we realized...
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A bit of a fun fact about myself, back in high school my very first online screenname I came up with for multiple websites and including AOL instant messaging was Punkdiva369 not Sapphyreopal5 which I picked out after I got out of high school. I came up with this screenname because I liked the show Punkd and the numbers 369 were easy to type on the keypad. Nothing to do with Tesla's Theory of 369 but an interesting connection I thought about when you mentioned this tidbit.
Using Tarot, Numerology, Divination, etc. for Success?
I see you were asking me about if we can use these things to communicate with our higher self (or higher selves in some cases) into becoming more successful. This really ultimately depends on your idea of success versus what your higher self considers to be success. Is it financial? Is it being spiritually intuned and able to flawlessly communicate with our higher self or selves (if you have any that is)? Is it simply being holistically happy with our lives? Is it being well received by the world? Is it changing the world by bringing in new ideas, concepts and inventions to change how we do things or think? This is the part where I tell you that you probably won't like what I have to say on this matter for multiple reasons.
I would not call myself a definition of success in most terms. I'm okay financially I suppose but I will say that I have things I would like to improve in my life. I am working towards being more of where I want to be in life. I also personally am more on a mission to ascend off of Earth and return to the Faye realm ASAP. After learning what I know now about the fate of this planet, history, the current state of things, etc., I felt a big sigh of relief realizing that I don't need to come up with a cure for cancer or some other great invention to change the world. It's not why I am here and if you're not here for that reason either, then you aren't and that's okay. Don't overwhelm yourself with ambitions for finishing such a big task. I would say overall the best answer to your overall question is that tools like numerology, tarot, pendulums, astrology, etc. are meant to be used to unlock your potential and your purpose, not to seek out things that are not meant for you. I believe that Tesla and others like him you mentioned tried to seek out the secrets of things like numerology, astrology, etc. to try gaining a collective understanding of things and therefore using this knowledge to change the world. What they were really trying to tap into were divine blueprints and plans; frankly, there's a reason most everyone has limited if any access to divine blueprints and plans. Heck, most people don't even decide many things about their lives prior to incarnating. Many ultimately did not live to see these grand goals come to fruition or see how their ideas and creations impact the world. Why? Because they were only meant to "achieve" or do so much before departing from this world.
I mentioned that Mark Twain quote earlier where original ideas don't exist. While there are obviously some original ideas, the message Twain was trying to convey here is that just about every idea piggybacks on other ideas, every invention piggybacks on someone else's invention. I may come across as a cynic here but a big reason why Tesla "failed" financially in life is because his execution was poor. He was considered to be unreliable due to having nervous breakdowns and is a big reason why his expensive Tesla Tower project was scrapped, along with the impracticality of his design. Tesla tried to obtain more funding for this project and failed to do so. Tesla's idea of wireless power ended up serving as a basis of design for wireless internet and other forms of communication. When it comes to being a successful innovator in this world, you have to know how to present your ideas to investors. Let's just face it, many of the greatest inventors and innovators don't exactly have the most wonderful people skills nor are they the best salespeople. Money makes the world go round. If your ideas and inventions don't have the potential to rake in money (or potentially destroy money flow by eliminating jobs), it will most likely get scrapped or your patent bought out so it never sees light of day.
With this being said, if you want to utilize tools like pendulums, tarot cards, numerology, etc. to start communicating with your higher self or selves better (assuming you have any) with more ease, I would suggest delving into universal symbol meanings. I used to do a lot of dream interpretation answering on Yahoo! Answers before it became defunct years ago. I realized that learning the meaning of different symbols like what different colors mean, animals, landscapes, etc. in terms of psychology, cultural significance, numbers, etc. in fact ended up helping me understand tarot cards and such much better.
Thank you for this very interesting ask Anon. I'm not sure if I covered everything as I am admittedly trying to make this post not be so long. I encourage you to also take a look at my index page that I pinned so you can explore some other things I've written about that may touch onto other things you want to know more about.
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transmutationisms · 3 months
do you have any reading recs (books, ~scholarly articles, whatever) in the same vein as this post? (doesn't need to be a super long list, i'm content to branch off with the works cited of whatever you come up with...) as always, love your blog!! :-)
yes :3 split roughly by subtopic, bolded some favs
Evolution in England prior to (Charles) Darwin
Cooter, Roger. The Cultural Meaning of Popular Science: Phrenology and the Organisation of Consent in Nineteenth Century Britain. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (1985).
Desmond, Adrian. The Politics of Evolution: Morphology, Medicine, and Reform in Radical London. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (1989).
Elliott, Paul. “Erasmus Darwin, Herbert Spencer, and the Origin of the Evolutionary Worldview in British Provincial Scientific Culture, 1770–1850.” Isis 94 (1): 1–29 (2003).
Finchman, Martin. “Biology and Politics: Defining the Boundaries.” In: Lightman, Bernard (Ed.). Victorian Science in Context. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (1997), 94–118.
Fyfe, Aileen. Steam-Powered Knowledge: William Chambers and the Business of Publishing, 1820–1860. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (2012).
Harrison, James. “Erasmus Darwin’s View of Evolution.” Journal of the History of Ideas 32 (2): 247–64 (1971).
McNeil, Maureen. Under the Banner of Science: Erasmus Darwin and his Age. Manchester: Manchester University Press (1987).
Ospovat, Dov. “The Influence of Karl Ernst von Baer’s Embryology 1828–1859: A Reappraisal in Light of Richard Owen’s and William Benjamin Carpenter’s ‘Palaeontological Application of Von Baer’s Law.’” Journal of the History of Biology 9 (1): 1–28 (1976).
Rehbock, Philip F. The Philosophical Naturalists: Themes in Early Nineteenth-Century British Biology. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press (1983).
Richards, Robert J. Darwin and the Emergence of Evolutionary Theories of Mind and Behaviour. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (1987).
Rupke, Nicolaas. Richard Owen: Biology without Darwin. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (2009 [ 1994]).
Secord, James. Victorian Sensation: The Extraordinary Publication, Reception, and Secret Authorship of Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (2001).
van Wyhe, John. Phrenology and the Origins of Victorian Scientific Naturalism. London: Ashgate (2004).
Winter, Alison. “The Construction of Orthodoxies and Heterodoxies in the Early Life Sciences.” In: Lightman, Bernard (Ed.). Victorian Science in Context. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (1997), 24–50.
Yeo, Richard. “Science and Intellectual Authority in Mid-Nineteenth Century Britain: Robert Chambers and Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation.” Victorian Studies 28 (1): 5–31 (1984).
Edinburgh Lamarckians and Scottish transmutationism
Desmond, Adrian. “Robert E. Grant: The Social Predicament of a Pre-Darwinian Transmutationist.” Journal of the History of Biology 17 (2): 189–223 (1984).
Jenkins, Bill. Evolution Before Darwin. Theories of the Transmutation of Species in Edinburgh, 1804–1834. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press (2019).
Secord, James. “The Edinburgh Lamarckians: Robert Jameson and Robert E. Grant.” Journal of the History of Biology 24 (1): 1–18 (1991).
Corsi, Pietro. ‘Edinburgh Lamarckians? The Authorship of Three Anonymous Papers (1826–1829)’, Journal of the History of Biology 54 (2021), pp. 345–374.
Darwin and Darwinism
Desmond, Adrian and James Moore. Darwin: The Life of a Tormented Evolutionist. New York: W. W. Norton & Company (1994).
van Wyhe, John. “Mind the Gap. Did Darwin Avoid Publishing his Theory for many years?” Notes & Records of the Royal Society 61 (2007), 177–205.
Sloan, Philip R. “Darwin, Vital Matter, and the Transformation of Species.” Journal of the History of Biology 19 (3): 369–445 (1986).
Phillip R. Sloan, “The Making of a Philosophical Naturalist.” In: Hodge, Jonathan and Gregory Radick (Eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Darwin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2009), 17–39.
Sponsel, Alistair. Darwin’s Evolving Identity: Adventure, Ambition, and the Sin of Speculation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (2018).
Young, Robert M. “Malthus and the Evolutionists: The Common Context of Biological and Social Theory.” Past & Present 43 (1969): 109–45.
Young, Robert M. “Darwin’s Metaphor: Does Nature Select?” The Monist 55 (3): 442–503 (1971).
Bowler, Peter J. The Non-Darwinian Revolution: Reinterpreting a Historical Myth. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press (1988).
Bowler, Peter J. The Eclipse of Darwinism: Anti-Darwinian Evolution Theories in the Decades Around 1900. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press (1983).
Hale, Piers J. “Rejecting the Myth of the Non-Darwinian Revolution.” Victorian Review 41 (2): 13–18 (Fall 2015).
Lightman, Bernard. “Darwin and the popularisation of evolution.” Notes and Records of the Royal Society 64: 5–24 (2010).
Richards, Robert J. The Meaning of Evolution: The Morphological Construction and Ideological Reconstruction of Darwin’s Theory. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (1992).
Ruse, Michael. The Darwinian Revolution: Science Red in Tooth and Claw. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (1979).
Lamarck and Lamarckism
Barthélemy-Madaule, Madeleine. 1982. Lamarck, the Mythical Precursor: A Study of the Relations between Science and Ideology. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Burkhardt, Richard. 1970. Lamarck, Evolution, and the Politics of Science. Journal of the History of Biology 3 (2): 275–298.
Burkhardt, Richard. 1977. The Spirit of System: Lamarck and Evolutionary Biology. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Corsi, Pietro. 1988. The Age of Lamarck: Evolutionary Theories in France, 1790–1830. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Corsi, Pietro. 2005. Before Darwin: Transformist Concepts in European Natural History. Journal of the History of Biology 38 (1): 67-83.
Corsi, Pietro. 2011. The Revolutions of Evolution: Geoffroy and Lamarck, 1825–1840. Bulletin du Musée D’Anthropologie Préhistorique de Monaco 51: 113–134.
Jordanova, Ludmilla. 1984. Lamarck. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Spary, Emma C. 2000. Utopia’s Garden: French Natural History from Old Regime to Revolution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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twopoppies · 2 years
If someone told me that we will get Harry singing You're Still The One, I Will Survive, Man I Feel Like A Woman, and Hopelessly Devoted To You ALL IN THE SAME YEAR I would not belive them yet here we are. Like-
Never would I have thought SEVEN YEARS since we last saw them together, that 2022 would be one of the larriest years on record.
Hopelessly devoted to Lou
Harry dresses as Danny Zuko for Harryween, just a few days after Louis reminds us, once again, that he played Danny Zuko in a high school production.
Harry flies a rainbow flag with not one, but three Louis cross-eyed smiley faces.
Harry flies a rainbow flag with a huge Louis cross-eyed smiley face
The peace ring returns and Harry is smug about it.
Harry flies a rainbow flag with Only The Brave on it (after doing a double take and noticing it)
Harry sings Still The One at Coachella (more details on why this is a big deal here)
Harry sang I Will Survive at Coachella (369 weeks after he last sang it on stage)
Harry randomly uses an origami fortune teller as a symbol for his song Love Of My Life. It shows the colors red and black (strongly associated with Louis these days) and blue and green (Larry colors). Louis’ album, Faith in The Future, is set to release November 11th. National origami day.
Harry quotes a song from Leonard Cohen’s album, Anthem, which has the larriest cover art ever.
Louis’ music plays at Harry’s venues before the show
The fish on the Pleasing merch at Coachella have blue eyes/thin upper lip or green eyes/full lips
Harry referenced the poet Richard Lax in his You Are Home promo. Lax has collections of poems with titles like "Love Had a Compass", "The Green Island," "The Blue Boat”, and "Circus of the Sun."
Harry doodles H L on his sneakers while on “vacation” with his beard.
You Are Home coordinates match up to a lot of Louis and Larry locations
Harry seen at Louis’ LA show (more here and here)
Harry has a blue and green moment
The You Are Home website tweets a Ralph Waldo Emerson quote about people destined to meet, 12 years to the day after Harry and Louis’ xfactor auditions.
And just in case you think Harry is the only one obsessed with Larry (like rads do):
Louis mentions Harry being at his show
Louis acknowledges a rainbow flag with a huge picture of the Larry hug on it.
Louis wears a “blue bird” colored shirt
Louis adds I Will Survive to his post show playlist the day before H performs that song at Coachella.
Louis plays Lego House as his exit song twice. The first time the day Harry’s House was announced and Harry’s first Coachella performance (where H also performed Still The One). Then Lego House again on the day Harry’s House was released and Harry performed his ONO in NY.
Louis’ merch colors match Harry’s merch colors
Louis wears Harry’s House colors the day of Harry’s House release
Louis changes his Twitter header to a photo with the Larry hug in the background.
Louis makes a point of going out for sushi right after Harry’s House drops, despite rolling his eyes in the past about the trendiness of sushi.
Despite his theme being red/black/white, Louis changes the arena lights to blue and green and he does it again and again and again and again
Louis acknowledges a larrie in a rainbow TPWK t shirt
Louis acknowledges a fan holding a poster of Harry with a rainbow flag (more confirmation here and here)
Louis acknowledged a fan holding a Sing Walls if Larry is Real sign ( more info here and here).
Louis winks at a fan holding Larry dolls (while singing the “come so far from Princess Park line)
Louis give a thumbs up to a fan holding two photos of him and Harry and points to himself while singing Too Young
Louis’ venue plays Sunflower Vol 6, Kiwi, and Sweet Creature before the show.
Louis acknowledges a fan’s I Can’t Change Tattoo
Louis adds Don’t Stop Believing and Halo to his preshow playlist
Louis acknowledges that Prada released a collection with Larry-inspired tattoos by joining a Prada Twitter space the day of the launch.
Louis uses green lights during OTB for the first time, the night Harry launches the You Are Home campaign. Not just for a moment, but during the whole song
I’m sure this isn’t everything they did this year, but it’s a lot. And some of it may be coincidence or a reach, but all of it? I really doubt it.
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mysticstronomy · 8 months
Wednesday, January 24th, 2024.
Welcome back,
Most people are familiar with the concept of a black hole: a “hole” or extreme warping in space and time that endlessly devours any matter unfortunate enough to venture close to it. Even light can’t escape the inexorable gravitational influence of a black hole, meaning these spacetime events are completely dark and can only be seen from their effect on surrounding matter.
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The same scientific theory that predicted the existence of black holes also predicts the existence of white holes, the opposite of black holes in almost every respect. Whereas black holes are endless takers of matter and energy, white holes (hypothetically) ceaselessly blast energy out into the universe. And since nothing can escape a black hole, nothing should be able to enter a white hole.
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While black holes are tough to spot due to their lack of emissions, white holes should be bright fountains of radiation and, theoretically at least, should be difficult to miss. Yet, so far, astronomers haven’t been able to find any.
But that hasn’t deterred many prominent physicists, such as Italian theoretical physicist and science communicator Carlo Rovelli, from positing their existence. This shouldn’t be too surprising.
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After all, general relativity has a good track record of theoretically predicting aspects of the universe well before they are discovered including black holes, gravitational waves, and the deviation of light known as gravitational lensing (which is used by instruments like the James Webb Space Telescope to see objects in the early universe).
Yet, white holes stubbornly remain the unfulfilled prediction of general relativity
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Very simply, a white hole could be considered a black hole that runs backward in time. White holes would have some things in common with black holes: they would possess the characteristics of mass, angular momentum or “spin,” and electric charge.
Like black holes, because they have mass, white holes would attract matter toward them, at least at first.
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The difference is that when matter and light pass the event horizon—the point at which the gravity is so strong, the escape velocity exceeds the speed of light—of a black hole, it would never actually be able to reach the “anti-event horizon” of the white hole. It is possible that matter that approaches the anti-event horizon of a white hole could be whipped away with an incredible amount of force.
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The major difference between black holes and white holes is their formation. We know, thanks to the work of J. Robert Oppenheimer and collaborators, that when a massive star undergoes a complete gravitational collapse at the end of its nuclear fuel-burning life, its outer layers are blasted away in a supernova explosion while its core collapses to birth a black hole.
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Yet if these death throes could somehow be “rewound” like a cosmic VCR—breaking all the laws of cause and effect in the process—that would not result in a white hole as the mathematics of Kruskal or Novikov surmise. Instead, this cosmic rewind button would just give us back a star on the brink of death.
That means there is actually no physical process in the universe that we know of that could create a white hole.
Originally published on www.popularmechanics.com
(Saturday, January 27th, 2024)
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todaysdocument · 5 months
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Presidential Proclamation 3282 of April 18, 1959, by President Dwight D. Eisenhower declaring May 1, 1959 Loyalty Day.
Record Group 11: General Records of the United States GovernmentSeries: Presidential Proclamations
WHEREAS loyalty to the United States of America, its democratic traditions and institutions, and the liberties embodied in our Constitution is essential to the preservation of our freedoms in a world threatened by totalitarianism; and
WHEREAS it is fitting and proper that we reaffirm by special observance our loyalty to our country and our gratitude for the precious heritage of freedom and liberty under law; and
WHEREAS the Congress, by a joint resolution of July 18, 1958 (72 Stat. 369), has designated May 1 of each year as Loyalty Day, and has requested the President to issue annually a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe that day with appropriate ceremonies:
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER, President of the United States of America, do hereby call upon the people of the United States, and upon all patriotic, civic, educational, and other interested organizations, to observe Friday, May 1, 1959, as Loyalty Day, in schools and other suitable places, with appropriate ceremonies in which all of our people may join in the reaffirmation of their loyalty to the United States and the renewal of their dedication to the concepts of the freedom and dignity of man.
I also direct the appropriate officials of the Government to display the flag of the United States on all Government buildings on that day.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States of America to be affixed. DONE at the City of Washington this eighteenth day of April in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and fifty-nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and eighty-third.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
By the President:
Robert Murphy
Acting Secretary of State
[black stamp] The National Archives and Records Service Filed and Made Available for Public Inspection APR 23 1 35 PM '59 in the Federal Register Division
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anarchywoofwoof · 1 year
in the past 30 days, ~5,000 heat and rainfall records have been broken or tied in the united states and more than 10,000~ records set globally
texas cities and towns alone have set 369 daily high temperature records since june 1st.
since 2000, the u.s. has set about twice as many records for heat as those for cold.
this is not just "one heatwave". this is the beginning of the culmination of our decades of unchecked hubris and ongoing rape of the natural world.
we have fucked around.
we are finding out.
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sichore · 5 months
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If I wait to make proper pictures they'll never get shared so here's some of what I've been working on. I may only be two chapters deep into paint the sky but I've been doing a shitton of worldbuilding behind the scenes. Jimi's evolved beyond the sorta " regular jack-off" POV they were meant to be, so I've been making some additions to the universe.
Megaera "Meg" Millian aka MEGADEATH - Assassin turned lapdog. owns one (1) braincell. Nobody knows how she got here. April Fools joke bit me on the ass
#369 "Onyx Ankara" - One of the earliest and longest surviving Gears and one of the few mfers Charles can trust in this mess. Actually a lead in logistics, supply, inventory and transportation. Onyx fills in a plothole I've long agonized over – how in the fuck did Dethklok not completely fall apart while Charles was dead? Now we know. Jalacy Sabrina Tharpe-Cornickelson - Roy got a little bit close to one of the widows of a Dethklok-related accident and got himself a new wife. Jalacy had a pretty okay relationship with her new step-dad, until he got turned into ground meat by supernatural and human forces. Pretty much forced to become a nepo baby in the wake of the apocalypse and a desire for Crystal Mountain Records to have some fresh talent as their faces. And I haven't got work for her yet but I'm also developing Shayla Puss, an artist from the 80s band Strawberry Pain that Pickles once collaborated with, based on this clipping from the show!
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highlighted text and some above it on the far right reads: "These recording also contain rare group collabs, like Michi T playing lead guitar over Felbrick Zoner's ultra-syncopated drumming, with a shared duet by Strawberry Pain's Shayla Puss and Snakes n Barrels former lead singer Pickles." And ofc Jimi's been getting a lot of stuff, but it's mostly background and future developments. I'm hoping to upload chapter 3 before the end of this month.
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xdivyxd · 1 year
I know my love should be celebrated (pt.2)
Pt. 1 can be found here :)
Pairing: Gerard Way x Reader, a tiny bit of platonic!Frank x Reader
Word count: 369
Genre: angst/fluff
Warnings: none
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It's been a week since he left me, I haven't seen him since.
I haven't left my bed since.
The guy i thought would never leave me, just got up and left.
The man i trusted betrayed me.
I hoped he was doing alright, that he was safe but at the same time i hoped he was suffering almost as much as i was suffering.
Frank came to my house a few times, he had the key and he wanted to check in on me, I didn't day much, i would just let my best friend sit next to me in bed, with an arm arond me, and let him talk about how recording the album was going, and how Gerard was miserable because of the brake up.
This morning i decided to get up of the bed and make myself something to eat, when i heard the door to the house opening "see Frank you don't have to worry anymore I'm not lying in bed anymore"
"I'm sorry"
That was not Frank, i turned around to face the man that broke my heart into a million pieces "what are you doing here?"
"I'm so sorry y/n you have no idea" i sat down on a chair in the kitchen and looked at him, waiting for him tk continue
"I screwed up, i was so caught up on my stuff i didn't realized i didn't check on you." I nodded and he continued "you deserve the world y/n, and i promise i will give it to you'
"Gerard i.." he cut me off "before ypu day anything, i love you, so much, and i want you to know that, and i want to show you that. I can't be without you. Youre the love of my life."
I got up, my hand stroked his cheek, he put his hand over mine "i love you too, but I don't want to feel the pain i felt anymore" he looked at me "I'll make sure you won't" he said and i leaned in, our lips met in a soft kiss.
"I love you so much" he whispered "I love you more" i whispered back and kissed his lips again
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50 Million Years of Climate Change with Christina!
Have you ever thought about how dinosaurs lived on a warm, swampy Earth and how we live on one that’s cold enough to keep pretty much the entirety of Greenland and Antarctica buried under kilometers-thick sheets of solid ice and wondered, hmm, how did we get from there to here? The short answer is that it took 50 million years of declining atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and dropping temperatures, not to mention building an ice sheet or two. For the longer story of the last 50 million years of climate change, including some of the reasons why, catch this episode of our podcast with Dr De La Rocha! You’ll hear about plate tectonics and continental drift, silicate weathering, carbonate sedimentation, and the spectacular effects the growth of Earth’s ice sheets have had on Earth’s climate. There are also lessons here for where anthropogenic global warming is going and whether or not its effects have permanently disrupted the climate system. Fun fact: the total amount of climate change between 50 million years ago and now dwarfs what we’re driving by burning fossil fuels, and yet, what we’re doing is more terrifying, in that it’s unfolding millions of times faster.
Bonus content: If you want to see sketches and plots of the data discussed in this episode, you can do so here!
!!Nerd alert!! 
If you're interested in the primary scientific literature on the subject, these four papers are a great place to start.
Dutkiewicz et al (2019) Sequestration and subduction of deep-sea carbonate in the global ocean since the Early Cretaceous. Geology 47:91-94.
Müller et al (2022) Evolution of Earth’s plate tectonic conveyor belt. Nature 605:629–639.
Rae et al (2021) Atmospheric CO2 over the last 66 million years from marine archives. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 49:609-641.
Westerfeld et al (2020) An astronomically dated record of Earth’s climate and its predictability over the last 66 million years. Science 369: 1383–1387.
Connect with Christina at her blog, on Twitter, and on Mastodon
Support the show on Patreon or make a one-time donation via PayPal.
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savebylou · 5 months
Thoughts about the LIVE album.
I wanted to do a post about my thoughts on the album, just a way to remember what this means to me and what make me feel.
This album was a beautiful surprise, even thought we already knew a live album was going to drop at some point in time, the way this was share was so unexpected and fun.
From the random pre save links with the 369 site to the multiple hotspots around the world to the suddenly changes to unlock part of the cover puzzle with the name of the songs and snippets of the songs online. Everyone around the world was waiting impatiently that their own turn will come so they can recieve that email with a piece of the puzzle.
And then after putting all the puzzles pieces we got the same day the album on streaming plataforms and with the possibility to buy physical copies with extra songs in two different versions and even merch.
When I find out that the album drop was like 3 hours after, you can imagine my shock to the news and trying to process my own reaction and seeing everyone's reaction.
Honestly I really can't think of a better way to inmortalice the last 3 years of Louis beautiful journey than this. This is a perfect gift to the fans and everyone that was part of Louis tour.
They were able to capture the magic of Louis shows in an album and that is not something easy to achieve. Artists usually record in one show but he didn't do that, he make sure to record as many shows as possible during 3 years of tour and include as many countries as possible, this is a true worldwide experience of music and it's for us to keep forever.
I honestly still processing that we have FITF songs and some of Walls on a live version. Louis voice sounds so clearly, the band sounds amazing, the fans sounds like a second chorus, just what Louis, Steve, Matt, Isaac, Zak, Michael and the fans create each show is in this LIVE album.
Every time I listen to the songs I can visualise the show, I feel the excitement from fans, is like you are part of that show when you listen to the songs, I'm transport to that moment in time, is just amazing hearing that experience in each show.
This album shows how powerful Louis voice is, his voice is unique and so special and I'm so happy we are in a point in the fandom when we see how Louis is confident not only in his voice but in him as an artist.
With this album he shows the world why the live shows are important, that not only his voice, music, lyrics are amazing but even better his shows as well. This album shows you that not only Louis is a great singer but also an amazing performer.
I'm thankful for: Louis and his wonderful mind, for his amazing band and team that make this possible. I will keep this album and songs in my heart and mind forever. This is a masterpiece and couldn't think for a better gift for fans, a dream come true.
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realbcysgifs · 1 year
Armani Jackson Gif Pack
Click the Links Below or in the source link for 784 gifs of Armani Jackson in Wolf Pack (Season 1). Armani is Mixed (White, Black). Armanis was 19 at the time of recording. Please cast him appropriately. You can use these however you like. Make gif icons, roleplay, resize them, recolor them, or create crackships. Just give all credit to @Realbcys if you do! The only thing you cannot do is claim them as your own, or put them into other gif packs/gif hunts.
Trigger Warning: Wounds, Blood, Drug Use, Drinking
Part 1 (415 Gifs) | Part 2 (369 Gifs)
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vermillioncrown · 5 months
something poignant about my last ever school thing to turn in...and i've managed to push it to the last possible due date as per usual 🙃
(yes, it's still my fucking document 😭, since getting my signatures i've went from 342 to 369 pages, i'm still not done but i don't think i'm busting the lab's record of ~650 pages)
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cadaverre · 4 months
Hi Juno my love, omg omg congratulations on the 369 followers I’m so happy for you <33 would I be able to request cypress grove, the rest/and or this is what it feels like?
I love youuuu so much and I hope you’re doing wonderfully
hiii tysm may!!!!! ilyy and i am doing pretty good today <3333
cypress grove - ill tell you a song, album and artist that reminds me of you
song: vampire empire
album: the record
artist: hozier
the rest - ill write a little paragraph on things i associate you with 
stars, flower fields, blue, pluto, winter and spring, iced tea, amazing music taste, big thief, late night walks to the park, dogs, nature, rivers and lakes, crystals, soft guitar, rainy summer days, bookstores
this is what it feels like - i write you a personalised letter
dear may,
my love!!! you radiate joy and peace, and i feel so comforted every time i talk to you. speaking to you gives me such a sense of hope for life, and i love flirting with you over the eroticism of blood ;). i cannot wait for the day when we will go on nature walks and late night stargazing talks, you bring me so much happiness and i am so grateful to have you in my life. i love you forever and ever, to the moon and back, all day every day <333
love, juno <33
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thedeadmaskchild · 7 months
Horizon Frame Model: FKEE-H89
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Name of this mech: The Oni of the Horizon, Or the Blue Archangel
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This frame is equipped with: One heavy machine gun blade, one Heavy railgun knife and a holographic shield
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Lore: This mech frame specifically is from the golden age when all 7 companies used to be one manufacturing factory of scientific research called The Blue Horizon before the major civil war had happened which as resulted the 7 major research branches of The Blue Horizon to split off and form their own company / Faction.
The FKEE (F-Key) frames all have Frozen Kinetic Energy Engine which produces frost having I tendency to over freeze instead of overheat which has caused problems in the past when they where still in the prototype phase.
So instead of trying to fix the fact it over freezes they choose to lean heavily into that. Which now because of that All FKEE Frames are all built-in stealth mechanisms, hover gliding capabilities and cryosleep system when the pilot activates it self-destruct sequence preserving them in the process or is critically injured and stranded space allowing them to be possibly rescued with a 95% survival rate
All FKEE frames also have a built in A.I system to help assist the pilot and can take control of the mech if the pilot is killed, critically injured or currently not in the mech.
This mech houses the A.I named Arc. Who specifically has a record of never losing a battle nor having a pilot die or ever injured in combat having 56 generations to have pilot it and having all died a peaceful death with its last pilot to have died of cancer. Has multiple metals
however thats the only information that we have that pre-dates the civil war
What we know currently is that it could be currently pilotless, currently stationed on the Frozen planet name Kopaka located in the Matoro system guardian or protecting something as to why we currently don't know other than it as do something with the planet being completely frozen reaching temps of -387 to -369 Fahrenheit and orbiting the Sun really closely ( about 31.132 million mi away form the sun) which should not be possible.
This mech is classified as a Demon rogue for it actively chooses not to side with any fraction. Nor assist in any of their fights. And has killed off any group of people who try to land on the planet it Kopaka and Research it's odd oddity
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