#carbonate sedimentation
50 Million Years of Climate Change with Christina!
Have you ever thought about how dinosaurs lived on a warm, swampy Earth and how we live on one that’s cold enough to keep pretty much the entirety of Greenland and Antarctica buried under kilometers-thick sheets of solid ice and wondered, hmm, how did we get from there to here? The short answer is that it took 50 million years of declining atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and dropping temperatures, not to mention building an ice sheet or two. For the longer story of the last 50 million years of climate change, including some of the reasons why, catch this episode of our podcast with Dr De La Rocha! You’ll hear about plate tectonics and continental drift, silicate weathering, carbonate sedimentation, and the spectacular effects the growth of Earth’s ice sheets have had on Earth’s climate. There are also lessons here for where anthropogenic global warming is going and whether or not its effects have permanently disrupted the climate system. Fun fact: the total amount of climate change between 50 million years ago and now dwarfs what we’re driving by burning fossil fuels, and yet, what we’re doing is more terrifying, in that it’s unfolding millions of times faster.
Bonus content: If you want to see sketches and plots of the data discussed in this episode, you can do so here!
!!Nerd alert!! 
If you're interested in the primary scientific literature on the subject, these four papers are a great place to start.
Dutkiewicz et al (2019) Sequestration and subduction of deep-sea carbonate in the global ocean since the Early Cretaceous. Geology 47:91-94.
Müller et al (2022) Evolution of Earth’s plate tectonic conveyor belt. Nature 605:629–639.
Rae et al (2021) Atmospheric CO2 over the last 66 million years from marine archives. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 49:609-641.
Westerfeld et al (2020) An astronomically dated record of Earth’s climate and its predictability over the last 66 million years. Science 369: 1383–1387.
Connect with Christina at her blog, on Twitter, and on Mastodon
Support the show on Patreon or make a one-time donation via PayPal.
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covenawhite66 · 11 months
An international team of researchers examined the environmental DNA of mammoth remains and more than 1,500 arctic plants to conclude that a wetter climate quickly changed the landscape from tundra grassland steppe to forested wetlands that could not support many of these big grazing animals, driving mammoths to extinction as recently as 3,900 years ago.
Sedimentary deposits are complex. Materials of different ages are routinely buried together. Scientists cannot carbon date DNA.
A unique challenge for environmental DNA (eDNA)-based palaeoecological reconstructions and extinction estimates is that organisms can contribute DNA to sediments long after their death. Recently, Wang et al.1 discovered mammoth eDNA in sediments that are between approximately 4.6 and 7 thousand years (kyr) younger than the most recent mammoth fossils in North America and Eurasia, which they interpreted as mammoths surviving on both continents into the Middle Holocene epoch. Here we present an alternative explanation for these offsets: the slow decomposition of mammoth tissues on cold Arctic landscapes is responsible for the release of DNA into sediments for thousands of years after mammoths went extinct
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anandhitha · 2 months
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Discover the best alkaline water purifier in Hyderabad with Sharks Innovation. Improve your health with our innovative filtration technology, which provides clean, alkaline water for your home or business. Shop for the top alkaline water purifier services.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 9 months
This simplified cycle (figure 14.23) does not therefore involve any redox chemistry.
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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kagrenacs · 11 months
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Long awaited, here is the soil map of Skyrim using the Canadian System of Soil classification. Brief description of my conclusions under the cut:
Chernozem: Whiterun Hold is likely home to the majority of Skyrim’s Chernozems. The majority of biological carbon sequestering in grassland environments are below ground, within the root systems. Organic material- humus, builds up, causing the upper layers of the soil to take on a dark colour. Additionally, Solonetzic soils could be present, peppered throughout the hold if the parent material to the soil is salty enough.
Cryosols are formed in Skyrim’s far North and high alpine regions. The mean annual soil temperature being 0 degrees C, with permafrost conditions. Freeze-thaw cycles lead to permafrost at the soils surface, but also cryoturbation: soil movement arising from frost action.
Additionally in mountainous regions, you would find Regosols. Soils which develop on unstable landforms and have had little time to develop, such as mountain slopes, or river floodplains.
Gleysols occur across the landscape of Skyrim, but primarily in Hjaalmarch. Gleysols are commonly found in depressions or low-lying areas where water saturates the soil continuously, leading to a molted characteristic to the soil.
Organic soils would primarily be found in the water saturated soils of Hjaalmarch. These are wetland soils found in forested areas and are commonly known as peat, muck, bogs or fens.
Borrowing from the USDA soil taxonomy, Inceptisols are light colored soils with moderate alteration, occurring under cool and cold climates. These soils would be found in the Eastmarch caldera.
Luvisols are associated with forested landscapes overlying loamy glacial till, or on clayey lacustrine deposits. Lake Honrich dominates a large portion of the Rift, according to UESP, seemingly draining from the lake. I believe this to be the site of a melted glacier, the lake being meltwater. Clay sediments are associated with lakes because of their deposition, coarser sediments bordering the lake near the shore, and finer particles at the deepest reaches. Additionally, at the end of the Karth river, where sandy deposits would be deposited at Solitude, before the stream looses power further down the river, leaving only clay to be deposited.
Podzols are associated with igneous parent materials, coniferous vegetation and high acidity. Primarily they are found in Falkreath Hold and Southern Eastmarch.
Brunisols are an intermediate stage between Regosols (undeveloped soils), and Podzol or Luvisols. I believe with the unstable, mountainous landscape of the Reach, soils would remain still rather undeveloped. Brunisols would also be interspersed among the Luvisols.
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pearlwaterblog · 2 years
What is a Sediment Filter and Why it is important?
Sediment Filter is a filter designed to remove the sediments such as dirt, sand, slit and rust from the water. The sediment filter is the first line of defence against the sediments. It prohibits all this solid particulate from entering your water supply and impeding the performance of your Water Filtration system.
Read full blog:
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mbari-blog · 8 months
Meet the unsung climate heroes in the deep sea: Acorn worms
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Twisting and turning atop the muddy ooze, the acorn worm (class Enteropneusta) is an unassuming worm-like animal that has a surprising connection to Earth’s climate.
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Named for their acorn-shaped front end, enteropneusts are actually more closely related to humans than to worms.
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They have a rudimentary nerve cord that is similar to ours, and they breathe oxygen using structures similar to a fish's gills.
Acorn worms are connected to us through the carbon cycle. They play a significant role in the redistribution of sediment and nutrients in deep-sea communities. As they do their part to help regulate climate, we can do our part by drastically reducing our carbon dioxide emissions. The ocean is a powerful ally that has buffered us from the impacts of climate change—now it is our turn to act on climate change to safeguard the future of the ocean and its inhabitants.
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There's a guy who really, really loves Pepsi. He's been drinking it since he was a kid and it's his favorite drink of all time, he can't get enough of it. So, when a lady comes up to him and offers him a glass of Pepsi, he's ecstatic. "Yes, please!" he says, and takes the glass and drinks it down. The Pepsi is warm and kind of flat, but that's okay. It's still Pepsi and he still loves Pepsi. So when the lady offers him another glass, he takes it and drinks it down. This one is also warm, and much more flat, but that's okay. It's still Pepsi, and he still loves Pepsi. So when the lady offers him another glass, he takes it and drinks it down. This time, it's very warm and very flat. But, it's still Pepsi. And he still loves Pepsi. So, when the lady offers him another glass, he takes it, and drinks it down.
Now, by this point, the man who loves Pepsi is starting to forget what fresh Pepsi tastes like. It's been forever since he had it, and while he has a lot of old pictures of Pepsi and of him drinking Pepsi, that crisp, fresh taste is just out of reach in his memories. So, when the lady offers him another glass, he takes it, drinks it down, and starts to wonder if maybe this is as good as Pepsi will ever be again. If so, he's disappointed, but he still loves Pepsi. So he keeps taking the glasses, and he keeps drinking them down.
Then, one day, the woman hands him a glass that he drinks. The moment the Pepsi touches his tongue, he gags. This isn't just warm and flat. This is disgusting. It's old and sour and thick and filled with sediment and it tastes like it's been baking in the sun for six weeks. The woman who handed him the glass insists it's Pepsi. The man who loves Pepsi disagrees. Pepsi used to be fresh and crisp and its distinct taste filled his mouth with joy. It was cold and refreshing and always made him happy. This...stuff he just drank is not in any way the Pepsi he loves. "Not so," says the woman. "It has all the same ingredients. The same sugars. The same recipe. It even comes from the same can with that famous Pepsi logo. Sure, those ingredients were mixed a little differently. Some of the proportions were changed. Certain ingredients were prioritized over others. And the can was opened weeks ago and left outside in the sun a bit, but everything you love about Pepsi is still there. You're just too caught up in your idea of what Pepsi is to see it."
But the Pepsi fan will not be swayed. This is not Pepsi. This is some terrible bastardization of what Pepsi used to be. What it always should be. The crisp taste and the cool refreshing carbonation is essential, and he no longer wants to drink this desecration of the thing he loved.
"But this is the thing you love," the woman insists. "All the same ingredients. All the same packaging. If you don't love it now, then you never truly loved it at all."
Now the Pepsi fan is angry. How dare this woman tell him he never loved Pepsi. He's always loved Pepsi! And right as he's about to tell the woman exactly where to shove her fake, cheap, imitation slop, out from her pocket she pulls a brand new, unopened can of Pepsi. Our Pepsi fan stops and stares at the familiar blue can. This is the Pepsi he remembered. The woman places it in the fridge. It's even going to be cold! The Pepsi fan asks if he can have a glass of that Pepsi.
"Soon," the woman says.
The Pepsi fan is thrilled. Soon. Soon, he will once again have his Pepsi. The Pepsi he remembers. The Pepsi he's loved his whole life.
With a smile on his face and a spring in his step, he goes into the next room to wait until he can once again enjoy his Pepsi. The moment he leaves, the woman takes the can out of the fridge, opens it, and leaves it outside in the sun.
The man, blissfully unaware, eagerly begins to anticipate his next glass. He goes online and tells all the Pepsi naysayers that finally they're going to get back the Pepsi they all love.
And that's Disney Star Wars in a nutshell.
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
Proposed logging project in the Daniel Boone National Forest (South-Central Kentucky, USA)
I found out about this recently and Ive seen barely any discussion or attention about it in real life or on the internet, so hopefully I can attract more attention
The USA Forest Service is planning to log 10,000 acres of the Daniel Boone National Forest near Jellico Mountain, near the Kentucky-Tennessee border. The plan includes around 1,000 acres of clear cutting.
We need mature forests to remove and store carbon from the atmosphere. This is disastrous from a climate change perspective.
The excuse being given (apart from the obvious economic incentive of logging) is that the tract is mostly "mature forest" and that the forest needs to have a "diversity of age classes" for wildlife. This is total bullshit, since less than 1% of old growth forest in the Eastern USA remains, and an 80-year-old forest is still incredibly young. This type of reasoning is greenwashing.
To make matters worse, the planned logging is on mountain tops, which will cause huge amounts of erosion and possible floods and landslides that endanger the people who live in the valleys below.
Kentucky experienced a deadly flash flood in the eastern mountains that killed 40 people last year. Forests help stop flash flooding by absorbing rainfall in a dense layer of roots and soil, draining it slowly into waterways; without them, mud and rainwater goes rushing straight into narrow mountain gullies rapidly, causing dangerous floods.
Mud and sediment rushing into streams also kills fish and aquatic life that need clear, clean stream water.
Kentucky has one of the most biodiverse freshwater ecosystems in the entire world, with only a couple states next to it having more freshwater species. Kentucky's forest streams have fresh water fish, crustaceans and other species found nowhere else on Earth.
The Southeastern USA has the most diverse freshwater life of any place on Earth, the most salamander diversity of any place on Earth, and the Appalachian Mountains are a global hotspot of biodiversity, considered one of the world's most biodiverse temperate deciduous forest habitats.
It is crucial that we begin building the old-growth forests of the future NOW!
Logging these forest tracts will facilitate invasive species to take over. Mature forests form buffer zones against invasive species. The forest will never grow back the way it was; it will be infected with Kudzu, Autumn Olive, Honeysuckle and other invasives that take advantage of the destruction and prevent the normal process of forest succession from happening as it should.
If you live anywhere near this area, talk to everyone around you about this, send them the links above and encourage them to do the same themselves.
Talk to your friends, your neighbors, people at your church, everyone you are in contact with or speak to in your day to day life. Tell them about the risks of flash flooding and landslides and the importance of preserving mature forest land. Any environmental clubs and organizations you know of, tell them as well.
Most people haven't even heard this is happening, and that's how they get away with it.
Public outrage protects priceless habitats all the time, so TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW. Tell people you don't know, even. Call and email organizations and people that might be interested, until you run into someone who has an idea of what to do. That's how change happens!
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North America once housed more beavers than humans — by a lot. Even before Europeans showed up and built an entire extractive economy on beaver pelts, estimates put the number in the hundreds of millions (during the Pleistocene, there were even giant species of beaver, as large as bears). The North American fur trade, which lasted for centuries, nearly wiped beavers off the continent — and, unknown to trappers, vastly changed its ecosystems from sea to sea. “There is evidence that riverscapes across the West were much more complex and ‘anastomosed’ prior to European colonization,” says Nicholas Kolarik, a Ph.D. student working with Brandt, who is focusing on mapping data sets of wetlands. Anastomosis denotes branches connecting two things, like organs in the body, but in this case, he means streams, since waterways in the U.S. West used to be much more interconnected. Today, they’re “starved of wood,” he says, but by adding wood into streams and rivers, especially by building dams, beavers slow water down significantly. “In doing so, sediment is stored, water infiltrates into the aquifers, riparian vegetation establishes, habitat is created, and carbon is stored,” Kolarik says.
“Beavers maintain healthy riverscapes which store carbon and water. Consistent access to water is key to mitigating the effects of climate disturbances like drought.” Beavers’ role as firefighters has already been documented in Idaho. A 2018 technical report by Anabranch Solutions, a river restoration company, found that beavers were a major factor in decreasing burn intensity along Baugh Creek during that year’s Sharps Fire. “Where active beaver dams were present, native riparian vegetation persisted, unburnt,” the authors wrote. In our hotter and fierier world, beavers are a buffer.
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mindblowingscience · 2 months
A little over a decade ago, a robotic rover on Mars finally uncovered an answer to a pressing question. It's now clear that the red planet does, indeed, have organic material buried in the sediment of its ancient lakebeds. Since then, we've continued to find organic molecules on Mars distributed in a way that suggests carbon chemistry is widespread across our small rusty neighbor. This doesn't mean we've found signs of alien life. Far from it; there are many non-biological processes that can produce organic molecules. But exactly where the material came from has posed a bit of a puzzle.
Continue Reading.
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S2.8 is now on YouTube!
Have you ever thought about how dinosaurs lived on a warm, swampy Earth and how we live on one that’s cold enough to keep pretty much the entirety of Greenland and Antarctica buried under kilometers-thick sheets of solid ice and wondered, hmm, how did we get from there to here? The short answer is that it took 50 million years of declining atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and dropping temperatures, not to mention building an ice sheet or two.
For the longer story of the last 50 million years of climate change, including some of the reasons why, catch this episode of our podcast with Dr De La Rocha! You’ll hear about plate tectonics and continental drift, silicate weathering, carbonate sedimentation, and the spectacular effects the growth of Earth’s ice sheets have had on Earth’s climate. There are also lessons here for where anthropogenic global warming is going and whether or not its effects have permanently disrupted the climate system. Fun fact: the total amount of climate change between 50 million years ago and now dwarfs what we’re driving by burning fossil fuels, and yet, what we’re doing is more terrifying, in that it’s unfolding millions of times faster.
Bonus content: If you want to see sketches and plots of the data discussed in this episode, you can do so at our website here!!
Nerd alert!! If you're interested in the primary scientific literature on the subject, these four papers are a great place to start:
Dutkiewicz et al (2019) Sequestration and subduction of deep-sea carbonate in the global ocean since the Early Cretaceous. Geology 47:91-94.
Müller et al (2022) Evolution of Earth’s plate tectonic conveyor belt. Nature 605:629–639.
Rae et al (2021) Atmospheric CO2 over the last 66 million years from marine archives. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 49:609-641.
Westerfeld et al (2020) An astronomically dated record of Earth’s climate and its predictability over the last 66 million years. Science 369: 1383–1387.
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thinkingimages · 2 years
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Wonders of the drifting world...
Radiolarians (Polycystinea) are microplanktonic Protozoa characterized by a delicate skeleton of opaline silica, visible here as tiny ocre-colored dots. On the top left is a colonial radiolarian – Christian Sardet, 'Plankton – Wonders of the Drifting World', Univ. Chicago Press 2015 “Take a Breath and Thank Plankton. One out of every five breaths taken by any (and every) life form on the planet comes from a diatom. Diatoms are a kind of phytoplankton: that is, microscopic plants drifting in all bodies of water. They carry out photosynthetic processes, ultimately producing oxygen in the air we breathe. Like diatoms, single-celled algae that also form silica skeletons, radiolarians sink after death, trapping atmospheric carbon in the sediment of the deep oceans. The composition and distribution of their fossils are used to estimate past water temperature and salinity in the oceans.” Unraveling the Mysteries of Radiolarians | AMNH…
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anandhitha · 2 months
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Discover the best alkaline water purifier in Hyderabad with Sharks Innovation. Improve your health with our innovative filtration technology, which provides clean, alkaline water for your home or business. Shop for the top alkaline water purifier services.
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Dandelion News - September 8-14
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $kaybarr1735 or check out my new(ly repurposed) Patreon!
1. Pair of rare Amur tiger cubs debuting at Minnesota Zoo are raising hopes for the endangered species
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“[The Minnesota Zoo’s] Amur tigers have produced 57 cubs, [… 21 of which] have gone on to produce litters of their own, amounting to another 86 cubs. […] “They’re showing a lot of resiliency, which is something that we work hard for in human care. We want these animals to have a lot of confidence and be able to adapt to new environments just as they’re doing today.””
2. Powered by renewable energy, microbes turn CO₂ into protein and vitamins
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“The team designed a two-stage bioreactor system that produces yeast rich in protein and vitamin B9. [… The protein] levels in their yeast exceed those of beef, pork, fish, and lentils. […] Running on clean energy and CO2, the system reduces carbon emissions in food production. It uncouples land use from farming, freeing up space for conservation[… and] will help farmers concentrate on producing vegetables and crops sustainably.”
3. JCPenney Launches Apparel Collection Aimed At Wheelchair Users
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“A major department store is rolling out a new line of clothing specifically tailored to meet the needs of women who use wheelchairs featuring options for both everyday wear and special occasions. [… The clothing have] modifications like zippers located for easy access, pocket positioning and extended back rises optimized for the seated position and shorter sleeves to limit interference with wheels.”
4. Snails bred in Edinburgh Zoo sent to re-populate species in French Polynesia
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“Thousands of rare partula snails bred at Edinburgh Zoo are to be released in French Polynesia to restore the wild population of the species.The last surviving few of the species were rescued in the early 1990s[….] 15 species and sub-species [are being bred in zoos for repopulation], the majority of which are classed as extinct in the wild.”
5. [NH Joins 19 Other States] to Provide Essential Behavioral Health Services Through Mobile Crisis Intervention Teams
“[CMS] approved New Hampshire’s Medicaid State Plan Amendment for community-based mobile crisis intervention teams to provide services for people experiencing a mental health or substance use disorder crisis. […] The multidisciplinary team provides screening and assessment; stabilization and de-escalation; and coordination with and referrals to health, social, and other services, as needed.”
6. Recovery plan for Missouri population of eastern hellbender
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“It is expected that recovery efforts for the Missouri DPS of the eastern hellbender will reduce sedimentation and improve water quality in the aforementioned watersheds, which will also improve drinking water, as well as benefit multiple federally listed mussels, sport fish and other aquatic species.”
7. How $7.3B will help rural co-ops build clean power—and close coal plants
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“[The funds are] serving about 5 million households across 23 states [… to] build wind and solar power, which is now cheaper than coal-fired power across most of the country. […] Some of it will be used to pay down the cost of closing coal plants[….] federal funding could help co-ops secure enough wind, solar, and battery resources to retire their entire coal capacity by 2032, cutting carbon emissions by 80 to 90 percent and reducing wholesale electricity costs by 10 to 20 percent[….]”
8. Native-led suicide prevention program focuses on building community strengths
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“[Indigenous researchers have] designed programs that aim to build up a community’s endemic strengths, rather than solely treating the risks facing individuals within that community. By providing support and resources that enable access to Alaska Native cultural activities, they hope to strengthen social bonds that build resilience. […] “In a Yup’ik worldview, suicide is not a mental health disorder, and it’s not an individual affliction, it’s a disruption of the collective.””
9. Another rare Javan rhino calf spotted at Indonesia park
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“A new Javan rhino calf has been spotted in an Indonesian national park, the facility's head said Friday, further boosting hopes for one of the world's most endangered mammals after two other […] calves were spotted earlier this year at the park, which is the only habitat left for the critically endangered animal.”
10. Transparent solar cells can directly supply energy from glass surfaces
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“[Researchers have] unveiled a method of supplying energy directly from glass of buildings, cars, and mobile devices through transparent solar cells. […] It has also succeeded in charging a smartphone using natural sunlight. It also proved the possibility that a screen of a small mobile device can be used as an energy source.”
September 1-7 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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rel124c41 · 5 months
Good old Jaido is being ironic, acting happy on the worst day of his life. Why would an artist create happy music to pair it with such sad lyrics?
tags: unrequited love, angst and tragedy, hurt no comfort, complicated relationship, regrets & sorrows, friendships, bro doomed by the narrative, happy birthday to me fuckers
word count: 2,087
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The first dance goes to Floyd, his brother.
This is only natural because, of course, the bride dances with the groom on their wedding day.
At his seat at the family table, Jade rolls a glass of celebratory champagne in his gloved hand. Freshly poured, it still bubbles with some last desperation. Champagne is a sipping wine but – carbonation burns the bridge of his nose with white pain as he gulps it down. Each organ in Jade stirs like kicked sediment, bubbling over. 
Floyd’s side of the table is weighed down by their father, mother, himself, and grandmother; yours is weighed down by Grim, who is trying to steal extra food off his father’s plate. The reservation hall is drowned in people though, all coming together to support your unity. 
The only one who fails to uphold this support wholeheartedly is one-drink-down-ten-more-to-go Jade Leech, the pillar of brotherhood crumbled and eroded. 
It is my own fault. Jade thinks as his mother pours him another drink. All my fault.
You and Floyd dance to ‘Can’t Take My Eyes Off You’. Sung by Frankie Valli, each lyric and note match up with each other perfectly. There is no juxtaposition between melody and meaning. With you cradled in his arms, Floyd looks down, softly mouthing each word to you. By doing so, he expresses that each word is genuine, engraved in his soul. 
To Floyd, he truly cannot take his eyes off of you, magnetized in. When there is a break in lyrics, he steals June coded kisses – warm like the beginning of summer. You two nuzzle cheek to cheek, amorous. 
As expected, Floyd cannot stay slow-dancing for longer than a minute. Melody starts to change. From sweet, it goes to this jumping excitement as the baritone horn and baritone saxophone intensify. You two start to pull away, independent in your motions. 
Besides the tight hold both your right hands have … refusing to let go … tying the knot.
The music goes: can’t take my eyes off of you, bum bum, whump whump, bam-d bam-d, bum bum, whump whump. You shimmy your shoulders back and forth, a smile eclipsing your face. Floyd throws you a wink, hips swaying side to side. Despite the ridiculousness … no, because of your joint ridiculousness, it amplifies that sentiment of nuptial bliss: you two were destined and designed for each other.  
Moved by music, you even hop in platform heels. Then, blindsided and unexpecting Jade watches, as the beat reaches its peak. You two shout, both of you jumping, but making certain your eyes connect when you shout the lyrics: “I love you, baby!!” The crowd goes wild with cheers, clapping along to the music. 
And if it’s quite alright, I need you baby to warm a lonely night! You and Floyd throw away coordination lessons as the song continues, already the perfect dance partner for each other. 
This entire wedding feels like one big, ironic joke being played on him. 
Jade looks up from his happy, bubbling champagne when Floyd dips you so low that your spine is parallel and supine to the ground, floating only four inches or so. Both of you laugh louder than the music and cheers. A polite smile is still glued to Jade’s face. 
He says words that only the watery ear of his champagne hears, “I should have never introduced them.” Unsaid because he is swallowing his alcohol-scented sorrow: It is all my fault.
The second dance goes to their father.
You seem to remember those coordinated dance lessons afterall. Especially graceful in his father’s imposing arms. Though, you keep your stance far away from his father’s shoes. Trembling at the mere notion of just touching the side of one. Burnished elkan leather that probably costs equivalent to your engagement ring. 
Your engagement ring – ah, what a cursed, loathed object it is in Jade's world. 
He was there when Floyd bought the ring. Do you know this? Jade thinks you probably do not. The proposal spot was all Floyd’s plan while the engagement ring was Jade’s. 
“Get her this one.” Jade had pointed towards an engagement ring with a criss-crossing design on the band and a diamond the size of a dime. “Diamonds are known for their durability.”
Diamonds would be able to sustain through a wild lifetime with Floyd. 
Washing dishes and spreading cream cheese on bagels in the blissful morning light, typing on computers and holding a phone up to your ear to talk in the middle of noon, brushing teeth and reaching under the sheets to stroke teasingly at his navel, moving further down and down, in the blanket of night light. Living a domestic life until you were dissolved into seafoam. All the remains of your love. A single diamond ring on a skeleton finger. Resilient.
Even though one should be the main player in their own life, it seems Jade is destined and designed for the background. 
When Floyd told Jade where he would propose, it kicked his ribs and stomach harder than any alcohol could. ‘I’m already down, why push me further’ is what Jade’s half-a-second wrinkling expression spoke. With the news broken, Jade smiled with hidden rage, “I’m sure she will love that.”
The place Floyd proposed? It was the place Jade introduced you to his twin. 
Isn’t it ironic? Jade knew you first but he will never know you the best. You will reveal your pink love and black secrets to Floyd yet never Jade. Jade: your first friend in Twisted Wonderland, now your brother-in-law. 
The third dance goes to their mother.
You are truly more beautiful than any diamond. You are something that gleams brighter than all the jewelry on the ocean floor or in sunken shipwrecks. When Jade and Floyd were little, they used to steal stuff from each other all the time. Noses would be broken because hey, that shell you found is prettier than mine! It only makes sense that they would find themselves attracted once again to the same, shining allurement. 
They learned to share as all children do. They broke off pieces of a sturgeon’s scales together and shared that. The diamond that is you though? Jade means a lot to you, he knows it; he knows it does not go beyond friendship. 
When you are dancing with his mother, you shine. Laughter pianos out of your mouth in a genuinely happy melody. Unlike him, you do not have to force this mirth. Acrylic nails grab your wrist and twirl you so fast you could puke. Giggles are a kinder substitute. Despite your early anxiety, all is alright now. 
Jade reflects upon that. The only moment you were frowning at that wedding.
He was speaking to Trey Clover when you appeared out of nowhere, platforms clicking. The visage of you stole his breath away; then, you stole him away from his conversation with Clover, apologizing. Jade let himself be dragged by your firm hand. As the tendrils of your hair and wedding veil bounced with your pace, Jade watched the dorsal side of his diamond gleam and raced down to a secluded hallway. 
You turn on Jade, blindly bright. Sevens, you look gorgeous. Even with that frown on your face – how can he help, he wants to soothe it away immediately – you are a sight he will never tire off. 
“Am I doing the right thing?”
For a second, Jade’s world stops. 
He thinks for a second, perhaps he could be the main character. For second, the diamond on your ring finger is not so loathsome to him. Instead of it representing infinity, it turns finite. It is a piece of jewelry you can take off. It takes only a second before you speak again:
“I mean, Floyd has been so great through all this. Super understanding, super wonderful. I mean he’s put up with all my little whims. And he was so excited about seeing the dress! I mean, the tradition of not seeing the bride before the ceremony is boring and super outdated –”
Ah, he is back in the secondary character position. You were only talking about the tradition you brought over from your world. It had a little bit of your culture that you wanted to keep with you – not seeing Floyd until you walked down the aisle. 
Jade is incredibly stupid to think you were talking about the wedding. You do not seem the type to call off a wedding. He smiles and asks, “That eager?”
“Well, I,” you fluster and look away. ‘No. I’m not, but it was the only thing Floyd and I really fought on. I’m starting to realize that it is a bit silly.”
“Keeping tradition is often how we show love for the generations before us.”
You weigh Jade’s words carefully on the scale of your consciousness. He wonders if he spoke his heart if you would take that into consideration or ignore it. After a pregnant silence, you say, “But I don’t really have a family history anymore.”
Jade blinks, surprised, as you continue, “Today, Floyd is going to become my family. Or, well, I’m going to become part of his. I have nothing of myself to offer in terms of tradition anymore.”
“You will just choose to assimilate to the circumstances?”
“Wouldn’t anyone do so for love?”
Those words fall like an anvil on Jade’s heart. “Yes. I fear they might.”
“Fear is such a drastic word!”
Jade laughs as you say, “Ah but I suppose it is true. I’m actually terrified right now.” Your hands fall down to play with the hem of your gown. You run your thumb over the outfit you will only wear once. Such a monumental, life-changing piece of fabric. 
The diamond catches a flicker of light, reflective. Jade asks, “Are you having regrets?” He waits with bated breath. 
“About Floyd? No. Never.” Your expression only solidifies the truth of your words. 
“Then my advice?” You look on with eager eyes. Jade smiles through the pain. “I say you should keep with the tradition. Weddings are a merge of the very notion. When you become a Leech, you still have your identity to care for.” That is not the real reason though. Because, this. This Jade gets to steal: the first sight of you in your wedding dress.
“Thanks, Jade. You’re the best friend – the best brother that a bride could ask for.”
Hand over his heart, concealing everything, “It is my pleasure.”
The final and fourth dance goes to Jade.
Carried by a crowd that rushes, you two dance a mad dance, hands welded together. In your gown, you move like Jade imagines all those sneaky princesses that defied and tricked the Seven must have – well, six princesses. Like an oscillating dream, you lean back, arms out. Laughing, you swing right back into Jade, chest to chest and arms out to the side instead.
When your hearts connect in the dance, Jade thinks he could be foolish enough to steal a kiss. Just one to be a solution to all his troublesome pining. A shade of Venus pink, shining and alluring him into a dumb mistake. 
I had you first but I will not have you last. Or in any ways that matter to your heart. 
The song that plays is a melody that demands dancing. It is a force that moves your hips to sway side to side. Puppets you jump around, platforms banging along with the lyrics. And what tragic lyrics they are. The smile on your face would make him think he was listening to a love song. 
Fluent in quite a few languages, Jade knows better. Though, Jade is unsure why the song is structured like this. Why would an artist create happy music to pair it with such sad lyrics? It is such a cruel juxtaposition. Jade smiles when you twirl yourself so your dorsal side lies against his front, snug in his arms as he dances with you. Those Venus-hued lips pull up in a diamond grin.
Why would an artist create happy music to pair it with such sad lyrics? There is only one answer. Irony. 
Jade laughs and helps you back to your feet when your platforms catch on the bottom of your wedding gown. You thank him so genuinely. Jade never wants this particular melody to end.
Then, it does.
“Can I steal my Shrimpy back,” Floyd jokes, when the song ends. You happily launch yourself into his arms, ready to dance until your feet are sore. Stolen successfully. 
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