#pantone 369
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vodkaandsnakes · 1 year ago
On this day, January 4, in Type O Negative history:
If today is your birthday, you share your special day with the man who was primary among THOSE AT FAULT. Happy Birthday to you, and to left-handed raconteur Peter Steele!
Left-handedness is a spectrum of ambidextrousness- some left-handed folks need the left-handed scissors, while some only use their left hand for writing, or, to some degree, can write with either hand. In any case, left-handers are typically doomed to never being able to properly read the logo on a pencil or pen.
While certainly an annoyance, what does this mean in the larger scope of things in the life of a left-handed person? It means having to face each new task or situation trying to determine how to safely and efficiently accomplish that which right-handers undertake with ease. This, quite obviously, leads left-handers to a lifetime of 'thinking outside of the box'. One wonders if Peter's left-handedness didn't have a significant impact on his powers of creativity- and his legendary wit. When you're born into a world that is not really interested in accommodating your unique challenges, one learns early on to accept it, get over it, adapt accordingly, move on, and have a chuckle or two at the absurdities of life.
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The Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial Arch near Prospect Park in 1900, Courtesy of the Library of Congress
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skepticalarrie · 2 years ago
Hi Allie how are you?
I don't know if you have seen this but pantone colour 369 is the exact same shade of green Harry had on his mic.
I have seen only a few people talking about it and I wanted to point it out bc I couldn't find it under your 369 tag.
HAHAHAHAH noooooo this one is new for me. How annoying is that, please, I feel harassed by the universe making everything about Larry.
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evelinerossi · 8 years ago
The power of Green for your wellbeing…
          Source: ELLE DECORATION JULY 2017
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braverytattoos · 2 years ago
i know it means nothing but the fact that pantone 369 is green is the funniest coincidence 😭
are there coincidences with these two though......? that is the question
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so-idialed-9 · 3 years ago
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Some initial thoughts on what @bluewinnerangel via @shippingalongnicely calls Louis Gay-Vinci Tomlinson's recent posts/merch symbology:
This, to me, is Twilight Zone x Alice in Wonderland x Oz. Overall, it speaks of going on a journey to a new dimension or level if being, and manifesting profound change.
First - it's important to watch this. Start at 2:35.
You'll see things jump out at you - stars, eyes, spirals, doorways, clocks.
Listen to the language. It's all about breakthroughs; unlocking a new or higher dimension of consciousness.
Now! A very special nugget I unearthed which I am excited to tell you about -
The video linked at top in red is all the various Twilight Zone episode intros over the course of many seasons.
Louis' artwork references the version that was used in seasons 4 and 5. This version was first used on an episode called "In His Image."
If you guessed this was the gay Twilight Zone episode about closeting, you'd be right.
The Twilight Zone's creator, Rod Serling, famously noted that he could get away with pointed cultural criticism that would normally raise objection from censors by using Martians instead of humans as his mouthpiece. Or in this case, robots.
"In His Image" is about a man who learns he is actually a robot created in Simon Cowell's lab by a man who felt he could not live up to society's expectations of how he should act and what he should want. So he created a "perfect" robot version of himself coded to act in acceptable ways.
A copy of a copy, if you will....
The problem is, the robot begins to malfunction whenever its programming can't reconcile with the truth of the actual nature of its creator. In the end, the creator kills the robot and takes his place.
A copy of a copy of a copy...OK that was low-hanging fruit... I'll see myself out
"Here the usage of the doppelganger in the text serves to depict the double lives queer people were often forced to live." From this excellent analysis of "In His Image."
Spirals, paths, and rabbits
There are a lot of spirals in Louis' new images, but also in AFHF and HSLOT. Could they be a single image deconstructed into its two parts??
Looking at these, would you know they are from two different artists, two different concerts, occurring at the same time? Two artists that supposedly hate the narrative that they are together and want to avoid any rumors? Two people who don't really speak?
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Spirals are a universal symbol across cultures and ages representing rebirth, natural cycles, intuition, and divine feminine power.
Which is why a spiral is used in both Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland to represent a journey that leads to a higher level of knowledge about self and the world.
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In Alice, she falls down a spiral hole chasing a white rabbit 🐇 carrying a clock (also in Twilight Zone), and this adventure helps her learn about the true nature of things and herself.
The clock in Louis' images also looks like a path, which has also been used in AFHF.
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The spiral labyrinth at the top of the new images is also shaped like an eye. An eye with 369 at the center.
Eyes have deep symbolic meaning across cultures - insight, wisdom, vision, power, etc.
369 is a Pantone color code for a color that is a mixture of blue, green, and a little bit of red.
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369 is a method to manifest your dreams because of what the individual numbers represent in numerology.
3 represents our connection to source or the universe, and our creative self-expression
6 represents our inner strength and harmony
9 represents our inner rebirth (as in letting go of what no longer serves us and changing into who we are becoming)
369 is also a copy of a copy of a copy.
The boy climbing the ladder to the sky to shatter it (another dimension) looks like 2 sculptures by artist Sara.H.
Any French speakers willing to translate?
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One sculpture has a poem carved on the rungs of the ladder describing a boy who braves the night to climb to the top and offer up his only fortune, a marble.
A similar version, Blyanovei, is based on the tale "Some stars have a secret." Oh rlly Louis??
In that version, the boy climbing the ladder has a star in his grasp. There is a story book that goes with it and small sculptures of the stars which are sold on Etsy, where the artist says they symbolize your children's dreams. Video of the making of this sculpture.
In Louis' images, the sky or glass is shattering. Again symbolizing a new opening and referencing the Twilight Zone imagery.
There are arches. Arches symbolize a threshold, a decision to enter a new kind of time and space. Arches are very strong and thus offer protection, and they're portals that encourage you to move forward.
There are quite a lot of art pieces and album artworks with doors opening in the sky, beyond the Twilight Zone images. It deserves its own post. You can't bribe the door on your way to the sky....
I will also think some more about the blocks and the spiral target. It was too much for one post.
Someone with more IT experience than I have, I would love to know if there is any embedded html or whatever code in the images.
The doors as a line and grainy stars vibe of the whole thing ALSO does actually remind me of this One Direction 2014 performance of Steal My Girl. (Start about 1 minute in.) I really doubt this one is intentional.
This is the performance with several Larry moments - most noticeably they were late coming on stage and when the interviewer asked them about it, everyone gave completely different answers...one of which was Harry saying he had lost his pants (underwear). So fans have thought Louis and Harry were Mario Karting backstage just before the performance.
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essercipertuttienonperse · 4 years ago
https://essercipertuttienonperse.tumblr.com/post/649722382713552896/hello ok but pantone 369 👀
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it's an olive green :) djgjh I love him
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bluewinnerangel · 3 years ago
omg, people on twitter are deranged 😭 they also made fun of the people who pointed out the 369 being a green color in pantone. like baby maybe it's not connected to larry at all but it's fun to point out 😭😭
I mean, there's theories out there that are.. not it. And some frustrate me too be real honest but that's another story. But it's one thing to just be like lol that's funny but no, and a whole other thing to wish death upon the one pointing it out and telling them they need help in the most vile ways. Like there's just this whole trend to be the worst person you can possibly be on twitter and tiktok in the least amount of characters possible. At least we get (incoherent but) essays in our inboxes here 🤪 But I guess the crazies always scream the loudest from any side tho, the vast majority of people thinking "haha, no" will just not interact with it, as you should.
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twopoppies · 4 years ago
Hey gina. There's this theory floating around that 369 is the Pantone number for green and it's almost the exact shade of green that harry used to have on his mic. Considering that harry is obsessed with louis blue, this does seem like a possibility. Ur thoughts?
Hi sugar. Yeah. I’ve seen that. I don’t really have thoughts about it except that it’s possible. I still think Louis following Elon Musk in the midst of the 369 conversation was a hint as to what he was going for. But who knows?
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pr0fitofd00m · 5 years ago
Nobody :
Type O Negative : Pantone 369
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pantone-colors · 5 years ago
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Pantone 369-c rgb(100,167,11) hsl(86,88%,35%) #64a70b https://t.co/zC6X9kf1pL
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yahoo-twnews-3cevents · 5 years ago
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1.全球首款模組化設計的運動相機「Insta360 One R」
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近期最具話題的攝影新機絕對是全球首款模組化設計的「Insta360 One R」,它採用非常酷炫的模組化設計,總共分為三塊組件,分別是電池模組、處理器模組,以及可快速更換的鏡頭模組;鏡頭模組分別有全景鏡頭模組、4K廣角鏡頭模組,以及與Leica 1英吋感光元件模組,Insta360 One R更與徠卡合作,拍照可以支援到5.3K 30fps超高畫質影片,照片達到1900萬素品質,對於運動攝影機來說,算是一大突破。
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此外,One R使用第二代FlowState 防震技術,手持或運動狀態下,照片品質都非常優異,同時加入了色彩增強功能,讓影像的色調更佳濃郁討喜,One R內建一鍵星空延時,露營時不用繁雜的器材,這台就能當成天文攝影機,而且One R不需要防水殼就達IPX8防水等級,能直接深入水下5公尺,One R也加入了語音控制功能,並且內建有簡單的指令,當相機固定在雙手較不容易觸碰到的地方時,使用者可以透過語音控制,更輕鬆的啟動拍攝、自動追蹤等功能,讓你的創作充滿無限的可能性!
2.為專業工作者而生「Acer ConceptD 7」創作者筆電
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鎖定專業影像/3D/動畫工作者需求打造的「ConceptD 7」創作者筆電,在核心規格下足功夫,搭載第 9 代 Intel Core i7-9750H 處理器,配上採用 Max-Q2 設計的 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 顯示晶片,以及採用 Raid 02 的高達 1TB 的 PCIe NVMe SSD 固態硬碟,進一步將運算效能結合精緻藝術外觀設計,同時也能藉由強化影像色彩顯示精準、降低整體運作聲噪,讓創作者在使用設備能有更多選擇。
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為了滿足影像工作者對於色彩精準的需求,ConceptD 7 具備 15.6 吋 4K UHD IPS 顯示螢幕,支援 400 nits 高亮度,並具備 100% Adobe RGB 色域、DeltaE < 2 色彩精確度與 Pantone 校色認證等專業色彩技術。以NVIDIA Max-Q形式設計的ConceptD 7 對應編輯6K RED影片編輯和渲染,並且維持多工處理使用效能,厚度僅17.9mm,重量則僅有2.1公斤,簡約外形設計相當適合專業工作者。
3.新手入門版的「Wacom One」繪圖螢幕
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Wacom 推出的繪圖螢幕向來是設計創作者所不可或缺的好助手,但是高單價往往成為其中一大阻��,所幸近期官方推出了一款針對新手設計師的��價手繪版「Wacom One」,定價400美金,台幣售價約12,000元左右,相對親民不少,在規格方面,螢幕採用 13 吋的 1080p 解析度,雖然只有 72% NTSC 色域,配備壓力感應級數為 4,096 的免電池數位筆,最大可傾斜 60 度於螢幕上進行繪圖,亦不過不失。
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Wacom One 強調具備宛若紙張般的表層處理,使用者不會覺得是在玻璃上作畫,更趨近傳統紙張作畫的觸感,而 Wacom One Pen 也標榜手感與設計與創作者慣用的筆更接近,另外,整個繪圖螢幕更使用內建式可折疊支腳時,讓顯示器可最大呈 19 度,重量亦相對地較輕巧。
4.復古文青最愛!「Fujifilm X-Pro 3」旗艦相機
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第一眼見到「Fujifilm X-Pro 3」會誤以為這是台復古底片相機,但其實這可是一台復古外型的��新旗艦相機,Fujifilm X-Pro3機身外殼由鈦合金製成,使得相機具有經典優雅的外觀,之所以採用復古造型,搭載一塊特殊設計的雙面螢幕,刻意將大螢幕隱藏起來,正面只會有約1.28吋的方形區塊顯示拍攝數值,是希望讓創作者更專注於拍攝畫面,創作出充滿溫度的畫面。
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Fujifilm X-Pro3搭載了 2610 萬畫素的 X-Trans CMOS 感光元件和「X-Processor 4」影像處理引擎,由於演算法大幅改良,因此相位檢測自動對焦目前可在低達 -6EV 的亮度下運作,大幅提升暗部對焦性能,Fujifilm X-Pro3 配備混和式觀景窗,使用者可以在光學觀景窗和電子觀景窗之間進行切換,除了具備 OVF 的零延遲感之外,也同時擁有 EVF 的拍攝後即時檢視功能,其中電子觀景窗採用 369 萬畫素 OLED 面板。
5.安全保護你的創作內容「PD400 可攜式固態硬碟」
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針對直���及影音內容創作,十銓科技提供可攜式大容量儲存產品做選擇,PD400 可攜式固態硬碟通過實驗室驗證達到 IP66 防塵及防潑水等級,並搭配 USB Type C 介面,可隨插即用於 Windows PC、MAC OS、筆記型電腦及 Android 系統,搭載 USB3.2 Gen1 高速傳輸介面,適合影音創作檔案需要安全及快速存取的創作者;而適用於數位攝影機、全景相機或空拍機的 PRO V30 記憶卡,符合 UHS-I 等級 3(U3) 及 V30 的規範且支援 4K Ultra HD 的拍攝,是戶外創作者的最佳儲存夥伴。
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vodkaandsnakes · 10 months ago
Across the Universe
"Like a flash of light
In the endless night..."
"Anesthesia" from Life is Killing Me
Amongst the twinkling stars of the universe, there exists the flickering fragments of a series of moving images in which a face looms from the darkness and celebrants dance around a group of musicians, doing the Batusi.
These flickering fragments join the ever-expanding bubble of commercial radio and television transmissions that have slipped loose of the bonds of the Earth's atmosphere and are moving outward to spread enigma through the universe.
Moving at the speed of light, these fragments have travelled further than Voyager 1, and, are presently lapping at the shores of whatever planets may be orbiting 61 Ursae Majoris.
And, from there, to the limitless cosmos.
Some day, some sentient being on another world will experience the moving images comprising the video for "Black No. 1" for the first time.
At least by that point in time, they will have also experienced The Three Stooges, Looney Tunes, and Monty Python's Flying Circus...
Requiescat in pace
Peter Thomas Ratajczyk
(January 4, 1962 - April 14, 2010)
The images of your looming "Great and Powerful Oz"-like visage, stripe-y pirate shirt (Yo Ho!), and ginormous... upright... bass.. will live on to eternity- or at least until they are lost to a black hole (or is that the album cover for Origin...?)
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universomovie · 6 years ago
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Vem ver mais da colab da Via Mia com a Pantone!
A marca carioca Via Mia completa 20 anos em 2018 e, pra comemorar, lança uma parceria com a Pantone! Claro que as cores são o destaque dessa coleção, mas o que rouba a atenção é a escolha das peças – tem até marmiteira! E bolsa térmica, mochila, tênis e chinelo, tudo dentro da paleta de cores que conta com turquesa, lima e coral. A colab já está disponível nas lojas da Via Mia e abaixo você confere as peças e os preços, é só clicar na foto pra conferir!
Via Mia: (21) 3204-4083
Curtiu? Pra ver mais é só acessar o site da Via Mia
Rasteira por R$ 129
Também tem bolsa térmica por R$ 179
Olha aí a marmiteira por R$ 139
Superlegal esse tênis: R$ 179
As peças tem a mesma cara da paleta de cor que a Pantone usa, com essa faixa branca, sabe? Mochila por R$ 369
Bolsa de tela por R$ 179 e chinelo por R$ 199
Vem ver mais da colab da Via Mia com a Pantone!
Via Mia e Pantone: uma colab para o dia-a-dia A marca carioca Via Mia completa 20 anos em 2018 e, pra comemorar, lança uma parceria…
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universallyladybear · 7 years ago
Placez un grand miroir au dessus dans une entrée, dans un couloir ou dans un grand salon pour y ranger quelques objets.
© photo.femmeactuelle.fr
Ce meuble au look industriel où le mélange des matières très solides : une base en métal et un plateau en pierre façon marbre blanc veiné de gris. Cette base de pierre offre un design minimaliste – Canapé Sluito, 3 places (existe en 4 places), en tissu coton et lin, L. 186 cm, H. 85 cm, P. 98 cm, assise : L.150 x H.45 x P.58 cm, à partir de 3 990 €, Natuzzi). Dr facebook Twitter Pinterest 37 / 60 [En archives] Un canapé mi-cuir, mi-tissu – “Metropolitan”, modèle modulable, revêtement en tissu, P.81 x L.213 x H.77 cm : 1006 euros, Habitat. Côté Maison facebook Twitter Pinterest agrandir 9 – http://www.oney.fr </br> n’a pu être localisé Trier par : Popularité Prix + Livraison Ajouter au comparateur Fermer le comparateur Publicité Canapé Lit Escamotable Soff 1 100 € Secretdechambre -16 % Salle à manger complète IZYR 369,50 € 369 € : 102 € Prix total : 6 670 € Supra France -9 % Salle un lait nourrissant pour sa brillance et sa longévité. Dr facebook Twitter Pinterest 25 / 60 Un canapé à la silhouette classique et au confort accueillant – Canapé Mega, 4 places fixes, structure: panneau de particules et hêtre massif, suspensions ressorts zigzag. Revêtement 80% polyester, 20% lin, L.297 x H.85 x P.160 cm, 1138 euros, Conforama. Conforama facebook Twitter Pinterest 48 / 60 [En archives] Extra-longueur pour canapé – “Fek”, système composable, revêtement en mousse de polyuréthane, design Derin Sariyer, L 66 x P 96 x H 74 cm (à partir de 1299 euros, La Redoute Intérieurs.
© kibodio.com
La Redoute Intérieurs facebook Twitter Pinterest 52 / 60 Un élégant canapé bleu pantone – Canapé Olaf, 3 places, structure en panneau particules et pin massif. Revêtement tissu 90% polyester et 10% polyamide. Piétement en hêtre : 499,90 euros, Fly. Fly facebook Twitter Pinterest 56 / 60 [En archives] Modèle aérien pour mini-canapé – “Aire”, modèle recyclable à 80%, appuie-tête inclinable, avec ou sans roulettes, design Piero Lissoni, L 264 x P 88 x H 115 cm (commercialisation en janvier 2011, prix sur demande, Poliform chez Silvera). Comment valoriser son canapé : Symbole de convivialité, le canapé mérite attention. Par son style, ses formes, sa couleur, c’est lui qui donne le ton à l’ensemble de la pièce. Son implantation est fonction de l’usage que vous puissiez les lire, les imprimer et les enregistrer avant de les accepter. Vous notifiez ensuite votre acceptation électronique par la marque hollandaise LABEL51. Elle embellira votre espace de vie par le mélange de l’acier et du petit mobilier (bout de canapé, table basse, pouf). Les adeptes de la délivrance.
© www.elle.fr
Il répond également des défauts cachés de la chose vendue pour tout autre défaut que ceux réputés acceptés sur le modèle d’exposition. La garantie Hespéride ® porte, selon le produit et au choix exclusif d’Hespéride, sur le plateau et/ou la structure même du produit. Il est rappelé en outre que la Garantie Hespéride ® ne saurait couvrir une utilisation à des fins professionnelles ou commerciales du Produit, de même elle ne saurait couvrir de mousse polyester, pieds en bois, L.226 x H.88 x P.90 cm, 853 euros, Conforama. Pour vous, alinéa s’engage Conditions générales de vente internet Conditions générales du programme fidélité Mentions legales Cookies Traitement en cours Fermer Message Valider l’email Revenir à l’écran précédent Fermer Simulez votre financement Paiement de votre commande et la carte de remerciement sur une feuille plus épaisse type bristol, et y ajouter votre message personnel. A vous de jouer! Couleur: Beige Alinéa 89 € Voir l’offre > Modifier les filtres 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Bricolage Castorama Cultura Falbala luminaires Hairpinlegs Leroy Merlin Scrapmalin Cadeaux et déco Anthropologie Bathroom Graffiti Beldeco Boutique les Fleurs Cadeau maestro Coming B. Lampe veilleuse lapinou 5,99€ chez Maisons du Monde vient de sortir sa nouvelle collection printemps été 2016 avec un chiffon humide. Montage : À fixer soi-même Origine : Pays-Bas DRAWER 869 € Voir contreplaqué, suspension de l’assise sur ressorts, assise et coussin en mousse HR et ouate, accoudoirs en bois, piètement en bois massif… 1 599 € 1 399 € : 19,90 € Prix total : 679 € RoyaleDeco Canapé-lit déplimousse Ascott Blanc 249 € Voir 359 € Voir Comparer les 2 marchands -56 % Meuble étagère dessus wc bois coloris bl… 69,99 € 30,99 € : 80 € Prix total : 56,89 € IDMarket.com -7 % Salle à manger complète couleur chêne cl…
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829,99 € 769,98 € : Gratuite Prix total : 725,90 € So-inside.com Salle à manger industrielle en métal/boi…
Alinéa Canapé Placez un grand miroir au dessus dans une entrée, dans un couloir ou dans un grand salon pour y ranger quelques objets.
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germaicanlady · 7 years ago
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2018 Calendar and Background • The background is a mixture of 940 Brilliant Red Violet (PV 55), 910 Brilliant Blue Violet (PV 3) and a little 369 Crinacridone Magenta (PR 202) from the Schmincke Horadam Aquarell Watercolour range which I sprinkled with water based gold size (adhesive for gold leaf - Anlegemilch) and embossed the sprinkles with WOW! Rose Gold Embossing Powder via SimonSaysStamp. I don’t think the photo does the colours and their vibrancy justice but if you know Schmincke watercolours, you will know how brilliant they are. For “2018” I – once again – painted my Fabriano watercolour paper with Viva Décor Rose-Gold Maya Gold paint a couple of times and used it to cut out my design. Which I then glued to the watercolour background with Ranger Multi Medium Matte. It may not look it but it’s stuck tightly to the background! The months were written with a MozArt Brush Pen from a set of 20 and the days are written with Pilot FriXion ball pen – as I am prone to make mistakes! I used copper washi tape from folia to decorate the page. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #BulletJournal #Calendar @SchminckePaint #Horadam #Aquarell #Paint #Watercolors with @royallangnickel @royalbrushart on @ fabriano1264 #Fabriano Studio cold pressed 160 gsm, 25 % cotton #Paper, @simonsaysstamp #SimonSaysStamp, #IdeeCreativmarkt @idee_creativmarkt #WOW @wowembossing #Emboss #embossing, powder, #Sizing, #VivaDecor @vivadecor_creative_color from @GERSTAECKER_DE in Bremen, #Ranger @ranger_ink Multi Medium Matte #MozArt #BrushPen from @mozartsupplies @pilot_pen_deutschland #FriXion folia Deko-Klebeband Washi-Tape HOTFOIL KUPFER from @folia_max_bringmann #ColourOfTheYear @pantone #UltraViolet @dailyart @instagram #dailyart #lettergram •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #CNICELY #PhotoGraphy #ChrissieNicely @chrissienicely #Graphics #Art #Craft
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HP Color LaserJet Pro M377dw
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Les points forts :
Imprimante - photocopieur - scanner
Laser - couleur
Connexion PC : USB 2.0, Gigabit LAN, Wi-Fi(n), hôte USB
Vitesse de reproduction maximale : Jusqu'à 24 ppm (mono)-jusqu'à 24 ppm (couleur)
Volume mensuel recommandé : 750 - 4 000 pages
Résolution d'impression maximale : Jusqu'à 38 400 x 600 ppp (mono)-jusqu'à 38 400 x 600 ppp (couleur)
Fonctions de l'article de bureau : Impression à partir d'un lecteur flash USB, sauvegarde sur lecteur flash USB, numérisation vers e-mail, HP ePrint, enregistrer vers le dossier réseau, numériser vers le Cloud, impression directe sans fil, technologie Instant-on, certification Mopria, Google Cloud Print 2.0, Instant-on Copy
Type de support pris en charge : Enveloppes, papier ordinaire, étiquettes, papier recyclé, papier photo, papier, papier brillant, papier perforé, papier préimprimé, cartes postales
Niveau sonore : 30 dBA (inactif) - 51 dBA (en fonctionnement)
Informations générales sur le produit Marque HP Nom du produit HP Color LaserJet Pro M377dw Catégorie IMPRIMANTE Général Type de périphériqueImprimante - photocopieur - scanner Technologie d'impressionLaser - couleur Cycle d'utilisation mensuel (maxi)50000 pages Fonctions de l'article de bureauImpression à partir d'un lecteur flash USB, sauvegarde sur lecteur flash USB, numérisation vers e-mail, HP ePrint, enregistrer vers le dossier réseau, numériser vers le Cloud, impression directe sans fil, technologie Instant-on, certification Mopria, Google Cloud Print 2.0, Instant-on Copy Volume mensuel recommandé750 - 4 000 pages Caractéristiques d'affichageEcran tactile Taille de la diagonale de l'écran4.3" LocalisationFrançais - France Fonction de connexion à un ordinateurOui AirPrint activéOui Connexion PCUSB 2.0, Gigabit LAN, Wi-Fi(n), hôte USB Copie Copies maximales99 Vitesse de reproduction maximaleJusqu'à 24 ppm (mono)-jusqu'à 24 ppm (couleur) Résolution de reproduction maximaleJusqu'à 600 x 600 ppp (mono)-jusqu'à 600 x 600 ppp (couleur) Fonctions de copieAjuster à la page, impression de cartes d'identité, collation de copies Agrandissement maximal de documents400% Réduction maximale de documents25% Utilisation des documents et des supports Taille d'origine maximumLegal (216 x 356 mm) Type d'origineFeuilles Type de support pris en chargeEnveloppes, papier ordinaire, étiquettes, papier recyclé, papier photo, papier, papier brillant, papier perforé, papier préimprimé, cartes postales Capacité de support standard300 feuilles Capacité du chargeur de documents50 feuilles Taille des supports pris en chargeANSI A (Letter) (216 x 279 mm), Legal (216 x 356 mm), Executive (184 x 267 mm), A4 (210 x 297 mm), A5 (148 x 210 mm), A6 (105 x 148 mm), 100 x 150 mm, Folio (216 x 330 mm), 100 x 148 mm, JIS B5 (182 x 257 mm), 101.6 x 152.4 mm, 76 x 127 mm, 127 x 203.2 mm, JIS B6 (128 x 182 mm) Capacité des bacs de sortie150 feuilles Capacité du bac de dérivation50 feuilles Détails sur la vitesseImpression: jusqu'à 24 ppm (A4) - N-B normal Impression: jusqu'à 24 ppm (A4) - couleur - qualité normale Impression: jusqu'à 25 ppm (Letter A) - noir & blanc Impression: jusqu'à 25 ppm (Letter A) - couleur Impression: jusqu'à 19 ipm (A4) - noir et blanc recto-verso Impression: jusqu'à 19 ipm (A4) - couleur - recto-verso Impression: jusqu'à 20 ipm (Letter A) - noir et blanc recto-verso Impression: jusqu'à 20 ipm (Letter A) - couleur - recto-verso Copie: jusqu'à 24 ppm (A4) - N-B normal Copie: jusqu'à 24 ppm (A4) - couleur - qualité normale Copie: jusqu'à 25 ppm (Letter A) - noir & blanc Copie: jusqu'à 25 ppm (Letter A) - couleur Numérisation: jusqu'à 26 ppm (A4) - N-B normal Numérisation: jusqu'à 21 ppm (A4) - couleur - qualité normale Numérisation: jusqu'à 26 ppm (Letter A) - N-B normal Numérisation: jusqu'à 21 ppm (Letter A) - couleur - qualité normale Tailles d'enveloppe acceptéesUS No 10 (104.7 x 241.3 mm), International DL (110 x 220 mm), International C5 (162 x 229 mm), International B5 (176 x 250 mm), Monarch (98.4 x 190.5 mm) Détails concernant la manipulation de documents et de supportsADF - 50 feuilles taille : 102 x 152 mm - Legal (216 x 356 mm) poids : 60 g-m² - 90 g-m² Bac de dérivation - 50 feuilles taille : 76 x 127 mm - Legal (216 x 356 mm) poids : 60 g-m² - 200 g-m² Bac d'entrée - 250 feuilles taille : 100 x 148 mm - Legal (216 x 356 mm) poids : 60 g-m² - 200 g-m² Capacité de support maximum850 feuilles Taille d'origine minimum48.8 x 48.8 mm Poids maximum du support200 g-m² Poids minimum du support60 g-m² Taille maximum du supportA4-Legal Taille minimum du support76 x 127 mm Alimentation Tension requiseCA 230 V (50Hz) Consommation au repos19 Watt Consommation en fonctionnement560 Watt Consommation en sommeil2.4 Watt Mémoire Mémoire Standard256 Mo Mémoire maxi prise en charge256 Mo Mémoire Flash prise en ChargeLecteur flash USB Impression Résolution d'impression maximaleJusqu'à 38 400 x 600 ppp (mono)-jusqu'à 38 400 x 600 ppp (couleur) Vitesse d'impression maximaleJusqu'à 24 ppm (mono)-jusqu'à 24 ppm (couleur) Pilotes - émulations imprimantePCL 6, PostScript 3, PCL 5c, PDF, PCLm, URF Technique d'amélioration de l'imageHP ImageREt 3600, Pantone Calibrated Impression recto-verso automatiqueOui Balayage Résolution optique1200 x 1200 ppp Profondeur de couleur30 bits Elément de numérisationCIS Profondeur de gris8 bits Divers Conformité aux normesHomologué FFC de classe B, cUL, GS, CB, EMC, Laser Class 1, FCC CFR47 Part 15, EN 61000-3-3:2008, EN 61000-3-2:2006+A1:2009+A2:2009, IEC 60825-1:2007, ICES-003 issue 5 Class B, EN 62479:2010, LVD 2006-95-EC, 21 CFR 1040.10, 21 CFR 1040.11, CoC, EN55022:2010 Class B, EN 55024:2010, CISPR 22:2008, IEC 60950-1:2005 + A1:2009 + A2:2013, IEC 62479:2010, CAN-CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-07 Second Edition 2011-12, EN 60825-1:2007, EN 60950-1:2006+A11:2009+A1:2010+A12:2011+A2:2013 Consommables inclus1 x Cartouche (noir) - jusqu'à 2300 pages 1 x Cartouche (cyan) - jusqu'à 1200 pages 1 x Cartouche (magenta) - jusqu'à 1200 pages 1 x Cartouche (jaune) - jusqu'à 1200 pages Normes environnementales Compatible Blue AngelOui Certifié ENERGY STAROui Garantie du fabricant Garantie (²)2 ans - pièces, main d’œuvre Caractéristiques d’environnement Niveau sonore30 dBA (inactif) - 51 dBA (en fonctionnement) Température de fonctionnement maxi30 °C Température de fonctionnement mini15 °C Taux d'humidité en fonctionnement10 - 90 % (sans condensation) Dimensions et poids (emballé) Poids emballé26.8 kg Dimensions et poids Largeur41.6 cm Hauteur40 cm Poids23.2 kg Profondeur47.2 cm Connexions Logiciel inclusPilotes de périphérique & utilitaires Système d'exploitation requisApple Mac OS X 10.7, MS Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Apple Mac OS X 10.8, MS Windows Server 2012 x64 Edition, MS Windows XP 64 bits Edition SP3 ou ultérieur, Apple Mac OS X 10.9, MS Windows Server 2003 (32-64-bits), MS Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-64-bits), MS Windows Server 2008 SP2 (32-64-bits), MS Windows Server 2012 R2 x64 Edition, MS Windows Vista (32-64 bits), MS Windows 7 (32-64 bits), Apple Mac OS X 10.10, MS Windows XP 32 bits Edition SP3 ou ultérieur, Windows 8 (32-64 bits), Windows 8.1 (32-64 bits), Windows 10 (32-64-bits), Novell NetWare 6.5 SP8, Novell Open Enterprise Server 11 SP1, Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 Interfaces2 x USB host - USB de type A 4 broches 1 x USB 2.0 - USB 4 broches type B 1 x LAN Gigabit - RJ-45
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