#30k :3
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systemdeez · 2 years ago
Completely inactionable fetishes are so funny to me. "I wanna be a robot girl and I want you to install a virus on me." Like okay good luck with that.
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stealingpotatoes · 1 month ago
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it’s eunuch Tucker’s adoptiversary and defacto birthday today <3
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r-truth · 1 year ago
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disableddyke · 1 year ago
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badolmen · 1 year ago
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faradaykay · 2 years ago
sometimes you will spend 30 minutes thinking about a character and you will expect to have something coherent to say by the end of that time but the best you can come up with is "they are sooooooo shaped they are so silly i love my blorbo"
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poisongardenz · 2 years ago
happy summer to dykes in tank tops and basketball shorts, goths who's makeup is melting, little kids catching frogs and fireflies, guys who just bring their guitar everywhere now, 13 yr olds very obviously in their emo phase during a family vacation, gas station employees, old people sitting on porches, and dogs swimming at the beach
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locklylemybeloved · 2 years ago
me liking posts from my mutuals hyperfixations that i dont actually understand at all
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gay4elliew · 3 months ago
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the way their relationship wasn’t just represented as platonic or romantic but just pure love is so beautiful to me. they’re not just soulmates but their souls were somehow made for each other. they’re are destined together in every timeline. EVERY TIMELINE. it was tragically beautiful and bittersweet. souls intertwined on a singular celestial level; an eternity together in the cosmos. not as lovers or friends or partners but as soulmates. everything was for them. and that truly was such a beautiful thing.
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meangreennunseen · 21 days ago
Because some of you Asked about the map of imperium, here it is. I grabbed it off wikipedia page of Chronologic timelines, but I read through so many pages, I cannot pinpoint exactly the one I grabbed this from:
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Also this is same map with Emperor's drunken quest to dad™ route marked.
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The map is missing Nunceria (Angron's world), but it should be in Ultima Segmentum, somewhere between Ultramar and Prospero. Also I am not sure where Alpharius/Omegon were found in as it was not specified.
Big E sure does love travelling in fucking triangles....
P. S. Until I drove to work, I remembered Alpharius/Omegon were found on planet named Hydra, but that one is also not on the map
P. S. 2.0 Primarchs from first to last were found roughly over 120 year period based on timelines (loosely), so Big E's journey makes tad more sense.
P. S 3.0 Due to likely differences of lenght of solar year of every Primarch planet, it is very likely that Primarchs had woken up and started their mayhem in different periods of time and most likely their biology adapted to aging on different intervals, so while it's funny to think Big E grabbed one adult Primarch from a planet, but ignored another one on nearby one, it's very likely while Primarch A had woken up and aged to adult, Primarch B was still a baby asleep in gestation capsule and was yet to be discovered.
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miabrown007 · 2 years ago
Félix: kidnapping is a love language Kagami: you have no social skills, idiot
*two weeks later*
Félix: okay, so when Marinette's at her most vulnerable, I'll gaslight her into thinking I'm her boyfriend, so she'll follow me into an abandoned building where we can put her in an altered mental state and present to her my family's life story in the imaginable most cryptic play of theater she has ever seen, which will reveal to her our horrible secret and the fact that her abusive father-in-law is also her arch-nemesis Kagami: you're so big brained, bae 🥰
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wtl-archive · 10 months ago
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Intermission | MADELEINE 1
[Table of Contents]
In light of an official Rebecca endorsement I feel the need to make another Tumblr update lmao
And hey, perfect timing too, cause we got the roll credits moment!
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stealingpotatoes · 2 months ago
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i love my cat but he is very fond of trickery
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luckyartdrawer · 2 months ago
(Bitter) Sweet! Art & Drabble
For @divinit3a Café Lunch Rush prompt list! There's still plenty of time before the first prompt is due (Jan 12th), and there's 2 other prompts as well for the month! Definitely check it out lovelies! <3
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Drabble name: Instability Of The Heart Contents: Sun x reader, Heavy Pinning, Bitter Sweetness Chosen Words: Clouds, Opals, Celebration, Star-crossed, Letting Go, Hope, Candle Word Count: 1,625
AO3 version now available!
(Close Ups are also at the bottom <3)
It’s been a whole year…
Unsure how to approach the festivities now, Sun decided to find a quiet spot instead, spending all morning setting things up to participate in his own way. He couldn't not join in, but it just wouldn't be right to go back into the thick of it either.
The not-too-far-off town square, only a mile below his expanse of cloud, is alive in the lieu of celebration. The live orchestra plays the same casual songs, their passion dying the expanse of clouds they rest upon pink with their infectious energy, and the music drifts up clear as day to his ears despite the distance. The community brightens at each strum of a chord, chatter so lively that they create lyrics to their own song. They all are so alight that even once the sun sets, not even a single candle will be necessary to keep the festival bathed in a warm glow.
Sun sighed as he looked towards his namesake, feeling both relief and dread seeing it only moved a little since he last checked, located slightly past the center of the sky above him. Any moment now the square should clear its center and engage in its Hearthwarming Dance.
A spark crackles in his chest, sending longing pangs to his heart and head. It swirls through the burning magma and dips through every ligament, the tips of his fingers and toes buzzing with the itch to do something.
He turns to his partner, waiting for the first note of the new song to swell before grabbing their soft hand and whispering,
“May I have this dance?”
Without his usual banter, Sun embraces them and sways to the familiar beat without hesitation.
Upon closing his eyes, he is suddenly not dancing on a patchy field of clouds, but rather upon a lively opal plaza shimmering in the warm sunlight; the polished stone reflecting all those lovely pink clouds to create a mosaic, speckled with a rainbow of beautiful color.
Yet, the way you shined changed everything. It had completely ruined his view of beauty.
Your smile glistened through the sheer cloud of stardust that orbits around your form. Your eyes were as hypnotic as the ring of light you absorb, blindingly white before turning into a pitch black that's impossible for him to comprehend. He could barely even remember what you wore that day, too busy memorizing your face.
You were a star that had gone supernova, a rarity unseen for the last 3 centuries, let alone for a star of your kind.
Even the thought of your imagery causes him to inhale sharply. He clutches at his partner tightly, mindless of the give as he steps around in a traditional dance.
You were so scared when the change happened all those months ago...
Sun had found you holed up in your dark room, begging him to not look at you. He had initially come over to barge down your door for being an hour late to meet him, only to find your home was unlocked. It wasn't too unusual, so he welcomed himself inside, used to doing so after years of friendship.
His bitterness over how you kept him waiting for so long evaporated at finding your tearful state, almost unrecognizable if it weren't for your usual wear and voice.
He's still ashamed to say that he was enraptured by you despite the state you were in.
You were a glimmering dwarf star before, enchanting enough as is, and yet somehow you turned into something even more bewitching, compounding his years of desire into something even stronger. It felt right. Not to see you sad, but to see you in that form. Everything about it felt like you. The pull was indescribable in every step he took, the very essence of you invading his senses.
As soon as he recounts reassuring you, drying your tears, and pulling you into a hug; he snaps back to having you in his arms in the light of day, grasping his right hand and prancing with ease across the square, expertly avoiding other participants.
The magnetic pull is intense, the need to somehow get closer and closer was nearly impossible to ignore. He wanted to run away from such a force, yet he only clutched your hand tighter as he spun you, pulling your back into his chest and locking you there for a beat too long.
He was so afraid that you could read his every move, regardless of knowing your sheer obliviousness to his desires.
You always playfully indulged his yearly insistence of being your dance partner, yet nothing had come of it from either side. But this time, his gaze was constantly locked with yours, unable to break contact. His possessive grip had ensnared you, barely leaving even an inch between you. He couldn't help but pause, disregarding the mass of bodies moving around him, wanting to hold you forever.
How could it not be obvious?
Regardless, he knew it was inevitable he'd spill out his soul to you soon, barely able to restrain his lips from colliding into yours at that very moment.
He hoped, he prayed, he begged like a mantra to the celestial mother that you'd feel the same. That this magnetism isn't so one sided. That restraint would one day be unnecessary and he'd finally be able to drink in the flavor of your kiss.
Only mere seconds had passed when he released you from his hold, continuing the dance as if nothing happened. Perhaps to you, nothing did happen.
Would that explain what had happened?
He spent that whole day with you, following you to vendors with traditional carbon foods and indulging in your proximity as you'd graze hands and bump shoulders on occasion, finally left comfortably alone as the town's people were accustomed to your new appearance by then.
He was more than happy to scoop you up the moment you said you were getting tired and overwhelmed. You insisted that you didn't want the fun to end, but he could tell by the sound of your voice that you at least needed a change of pace.
The sun was setting when he leapt up stray puffs of clouds to the field above the plaza. He pranced in circles, leaping gaps to the dying beats of music, and teasing about dropping you through them when you didn't believe he could cross. Your rivers of laughter only fueled his audacity, as he never wanted to hear them end. Inevitably, his foot barely slipped off the edge of one of his more daring jumps, causing the two of you to fall forward and collide with the cloud beneath you.
Despite the grunt the two of you made at the impact, you were quick to laugh at Sun’s failure, teasing him about his cockiness biting him in the behind.
But Sun couldn't ignore the press of his body on top of yours, the echoing melody of your voice ensnaring his throat, refusing to allow him to even draw breath, let alone words. His mind fogged over, the only reprieve to his pinning troubles all pointed towards you, and he desperately needed that relief.
Your lips were more delicious than he could have ever dreamed of, your endearing expression was wide eyed and glowing.
Glowing so much that he actually had to close his eyes for a moment to recuperate, despite how much he wanted to savor your appearance.
And then with a fluttering blink, he's back in the present, kneeling down in the same position over some sad facimally of you. The cloud he molded this morning was mangled already from his delusions, but due to his fall it had melded into the cloud below it, its pink color feeling more taunting than sweet.
Sun looked down at his hand to find a tiny piece of said cloud still in it, a tear welling up in his eye.
It was too fitting.
In that original moment, it was as if you dissolved right in his arms after that kiss, but he refuses to believe anything bad happened. He searched your home, your favorite places, and even contacted your friends and family. No one knew where you were.
Some believed you to be dead after he finally admitted what happened between the two of you.
He vehemently denied that possibility, despite the plausibility. You were barely older than he was, still spry with centuries of life ahead of you. You couldn't just die from a kiss…
The only spark of hope he was given was when he questioned one of the elder Neutron stars, one of whom recalled personally knowing a singular supernova; one who had been taken suddenly to a world beyond the sky to contain their unstable make up. They had returned only once to explain their departure, before saying goodbye for their next one shortly after.
Sun brought the small puff of cloud to his lips – it should have been your hand.
He couldn't repress the tear that escaped him.
It's been a year since your disappearance. He still hasn't given up on his star-crossed lover, if he may even call you that. Your sudden departure left him wanting, stagnant, unsure of so many things.
If you reciprocated, wouldn't you have come back to him by now..?
Overtime, many have caught onto his depressed demeanor and advised him that it's best to learn to let go.
Preaching that waiting is fruitless.
Denouncing the Neutron’s tall tale of some magical plain snatching you away.
Scolding Sun for ruining his life over some runaway star.
However, he cannot help it; you own all the hope he has left. As he is unfortunately, completely, woefully in love with you.
Close Ups!
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garoujo · 1 year ago
hi guys! unfortunately for now, if it wasn’t obvious i have decided to leave garoujo . . i’ve just not been feeling very great here anymore & as much as i have such an attachment to this blog, it’s become not fun again as it’s beginning to affect my mental state. i’m not going to deactivate for now it will be left here as an option & an archive! i may eventually private eventually but until then it’ll stay.
i’ve made a new possible blog that could be an option after a well needed break from here, but i won’t be publishing the url publicly because i feel like i need a proper fresh start and a clean slate if so. mutuals can still dm me to ask for the new url (ive followed a few already but i’ll still be logged in here to make sure i don’t miss anyone if u ask) but its mostly just a personal one for the time being. also if you happen to come across it on your own eventually, please respect my decision to have it remain completely separate from this one.
i appreciate all the kindness & support that’s been shown to me during my time on this blog despite how much it’s been through. i also want to apologise to anyone who’s ever gotten a negative impression from / of me on here or been roped into any drama surrounding me, i hope we can all just continue to enjoy our time here while we indulge in our silly little hobby!
please remember to be kind & thank you for giving me a place.
- emmie ❤︎
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vvictuss · 1 year ago
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i like to imagine that Morty has a stinky personality in addition to just being a stinky little guy. partially inspired by @incorrect-primarchs-quotes various posts and dumb conversations me and my wife have (@valhallasoutlaw go look at her WH40k art <3)
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