#30 March is blessed
gramarye · 7 months
that time of the year where i have gotten more than one "what do you want for your birthday" inquiries from people i know irl and i have to really carefully gauge who i can suggest a bible to lest they freak out because i really want to read and own one for purely literary reasons
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femvaylin · 2 years
The forecast until the end of the month is temperatures above zero 😎
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Blessed Samhain, Shana! more Lady Mo or something else genderbendy?
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
Lan Xichen hasn’t seen Wangji this upset in thirteen years and he has no idea what could be the cause. He guides him to A-Yao’s private garden, mind spinning. If Xuanyu were in some sort of immediate danger, Wangji would not leave her side. He’s sure of that and it’s all that’s keeping him from marching back to Jiang Yanli and demanding an explanation out of her himself. He hopes Sizhui hasn’t noticed the commotion, certain it will cause his nephew to worry, but he doesn’t spare too much thought on it because right now his first concern is his brother.
Worryingly, when they come to a stop Wangji just continues to stare at him blankly.
“What happened?” he asks, resisting the urge to grab him by his shoulders and shake him. “Did you and Xuanyu get into a disagreement?”
Perhaps something to do with Jin Guangshan? Lan Xichen has long abandoned the idea that she’s some sort of spy, as has A-Yao, but that doesn’t mean her father can’t want things from her, can’t be trying to make things difficult for her. Perhaps Jiang Yanli was warning her and Xuanyu and Wangji had a fight about it? They fight often enough that he can’t imagine anything that would send Wangji running.
“I’ve done something terrible,” Wangji says tonelessly. “This is my fault.”
Wangji faced down forty Lan clan elders and received forty lashings all without admitting a single moment of poor judgement or regret. Punishments he accepts easily – culpability, significantly less.
“What are you talking about?” he demands, trying to keep the alarm out of his voice. “What did you do?”
“Xuanyu,” he starts, then presses his lips together and shakes his head.
He would not harm Xuanyu. Even that spar that set half the clan to breaking the rules about gossip was not about harm. He’ll fight her, argue with her, spar with her, but Wangji worries and watches over Xuanyu constantly, vexed and surprised by her at turns, and Lan Xichen had felt aching relief when the woman his brother had been coerced to marry had turned out to be someone that Wangji couldn’t look away from.
He forces himself to sound calm. “What about Xuanyu?”
Wangji wets his lips and has to clear his throat twice before he can make himself speak. “She’s pregnant.”
Lan Xichen stares.
The relief is enough to make his knees week and his grip on Wangji’s shoulder doubles as a way to steady himself. “Wangji! You nearly gave me a heart attack! This is wonderful-”
“Wonderful?” he repeats, looking at him like he’s grown another head.
Some of that relief drains away. “Is it not? Is something wrong with the baby? Or Xuanyu? I know she was a little weak when you married, but she’s gotten so much stronger.” A terrible thought occurs to him. “Is she – she’s happy about it, isn’t she? She said that she likes kids and she’s so good with Sizhui, she must be happy.”
“I,” Wangji blinks, “I don’t – I didn’t ask–”
“Well, what did you say?” he asks in exasperation.
“I apologized.”
A-Yao isn’t here, but Lan Xichen feels the familiar urge to turn to him. “You apologized.” Wangji nods. “Xuanyu told you that she was carrying your child. And you apologized. Then left.”
He nods again, slower this time.
Lan Xichen grips the bridge of his nose.
They both turn to see Jiang Cheng headed straight for them, sword unsheathed and Zidian sparking, although that’s not the most alarming part. The last time Lan Xichen saw that look on Jiang Cheng’s face, they were on a battlefield.
This, at least, likely is Wangji’s fault.
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afyrian · 6 months
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the longest contract - 💍 suna rintarō x fem!reader
  as a joke, you marry your best and longest friend for a youtube video. he isn’t confident in the idea at all, but for the sake of making you happy, he agrees. quickly after the ceremony, as you go to get divorced, you both find out that you can’t get divorced for a year. due to the newly passed law, you must find your way through the marriage and figure out whether this was a blessing in disguise or an awful idea.
main masterlist COMPLETED
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chapters; 0. prologue 1. july 2 2. august 24 3. september 16 4. october 21 5. november 1 6. december 25 7. january 25 8. february 13 9. march 10 10. april 30 11. may 1 12. june 22
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sweetmoonlight7 · 6 months
30. Diamond
@jegulus-microfic | March 30: diamond | word count: 619
If there was one thing that Regulus Black was known for it was being picky.
James has been thinking about this for months, even now as he walks back to their apartment he can't help but think about it.
Regulus had grown up in a fancy house in London with butlers and people who were willing to adhere to his every whim. This of course makes him, frankly at times, a very spoiled boy. While he had grown out of some of his habits from childhood, one thing neither of the Black brothers could ever outgrow was their expensive taste.
James has never minded this, he knew about all of the things that Regulus liked well before they got together. He loves Regulus and is more than happy to indulge him with all of those things.
This all tied into his dilemma.
Since he has never shied away from buying Regulus gifts. It's one of his many love languages. If he sees something that Regulus might like he will immediately buy it and give it to him, he won't even wait for a birthday or special occasion.
One of the things he will often buy for Regulus is jewelry. His boyfriend loves it, he trades out rings, necklaces, and earrings.
So what do you give your significant other that has a large assortment of rings (a lot of which) you buy for him yourself) each just as fancy as the next for an engagement ring?
This has been driving him crazy.
There are of course a few things that he knows. Like that he wants to get it engraved so that even if it is not custom-made it will be special, he knows it has to be silver, and he knows that it should not be overly flashy.
At the moment his biggest dilemma is what stone he will use. A diamond? no, too classic and boring. Pearl? too simple. Alexandirat? no blue wasn't either of their colors. Birth month stone? Basic. Opal, Emerald, Topaz… nothing seemed right. Nothing screamed, “Regulus Black I love you, marry me”.
He has seen hundreds of rings by now. Passed by so many jewelry stores, and had seen rings that Regulus would love…so why can't he seem to pick one?
Realistically James is aware that regardless of the ring that he gets him he will say yes. But how could he propose if he doesn't even know what stone Regulus would want? Isn't there some sort of guide or rule that says they should know?
The longer he waits the more reasons he comes up with as to why Regulus might say no and it becomes all too clear why he is having a hard time picking a stone. If he doesn't ask he doesn't get rejected.
Maybe taking the long way home wasn't doing any good to his overthinking. But Regulus had said that he would be home late and he thought the day was nice enough to go out.
The thoughts lay heavy on his stomach as he opened the door to their apartment.. and then almost like they had never even existed they vanished as he stepped in.
In the middle of their living room with flowers scattered around him and the light from the dining room hitting his face stood Regulus with a small box in his hand. He was smiling, a full real smile. Something that had been so rare when they met but he was now blessed with every day.
When he looks down at the ring in the box, he sees the complementary ring to the first one he had gotten Regulus, he knows that there is no world where Reg would've said no, or even hesitated.
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lovechristianity · 7 months
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On the early morning of Tuesday, March 12, 2024, Fr. Takla the Samuelite, along with Fr. Yostos Abba Markos and Fr. Mina Abba Markos, were martyred after masked terrorists attacked the Monastery of St. Mark the Apostle and St. Samuel the Confessor in Johannesburg, South Africa.
The three blessed fathers were reportedly dragged, viciously slaughtered and stabbed.
All three victims were found with stab wounds while a fourth who survived alleged that he was hit by an iron rod before fleeing and hiding. The murders remain unknown at this stage, as the suspects reportedly left the scene without taking any valuable items.
Information has been revealed.
The Monastery bell was rung between 2:30 am and 3:00 am for prayers. Father Takla was the first to head to the Church he was stabbed in the heart on his path to the Church. Father Mina heard something and ran to see what happened, he was beheaded on his path to see father Takla. Then the murderers went to Father Youstos and beheaded him on his rooms door step.
Fr. Hegumen Takla El-Samuely, Fr. Yostos Ava Markos, Fr. Mina Ava Markos, O holy martyrs, pray for us. May your sacrifice strengthen our faith and our Church.
"If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you." - John 15:18
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rabidline · 6 months
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2024 Stars on Ice Japan: Osaka - March 30, 2024 Kaori Sakamoto → Baby, God Bless You (Orchestral Version) by Shinya Kiyozuka, choreographed by Jeffrey Buttle
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thelovetheystole · 8 months
Made a list with dates for the Robert mentions (plus other somewhat Rob related show content) we've had since Aaron's return in October 2023. Please note that the quotes are not exact as I wrote them down from memory.
Will put a pin in it and hopefully add more as we go 🤞
○ October 18 - Aaron tells Vinny 'maybe I like the memories' after moving in to the second Mill flat
• October 27 - Rhona quips 'That worked out really well for Robert' in front of Aaron when he was talking about going after Craig
• December 13 - Victoria tells Aaron 'You sound like you're speaking from experience' when Aaron said she should wait for Jacob if he's the one. Followed by her then saying 'Speaking of the one, Robert's doing okay'.
○ January 15 - Aaron's drunken pause to Victoria
• January 18 - Charity reminds Aaron of the time he and Robert were 'raising Seb together', * first Seb mention in years
• January 30 - Aaron rattles of all the 'ghosts' on his list to Mack, but Robert was the only on there that's still alive, * first time Aaron has spoken Robert's name since his exit episode in 2021
° March 1 - Aaron tells Vinny he will probably never have kids, so zero chance to pass on a faulty gene
• August 8 - Victoria tells John about their brother Robert, she also says to Eric that she's going to tell Robert about John, later Aaron has a very visible reaction to learning he's unknowingly hooked up with Robert's half brother and John looks at an old Sugden family photo at Vic's house
• August 9 - Aaron emotionally tells his mum that 'It's brought everything back - about Robert' and that he 'can't go there again'
• Aug 13 - Aaron says to Chas that he 'never would have gone there' if he had known John was Robert's brother
○ Aug 16 - Aaron advises Vinny that it's no use 'pining for someone who isn't there anymore'
• Aug 27 - Vic tells John 'It's nice to have someone in my corner, I haven't had that since Robert went away'
° Aug 29 - Victoria tells Aaron and John that this is 'messed up' and questions if Aaron wants to sleep with all her brothers
• Sep 2 - Vic tells Aaron him being involved with Robert's brother is 'a bit weird', Aaron tells her 'John won't replace Robert' for either of them, later John says he's 'not been auditioning as Robert's replacement'
• Sep 23 - Vic has found old family photos and wants to show John, mentions 'Rob and Andy' twice. Later, she finds out John's still seeing Aaron, and tells him 'You know Aaron is married to Robert, our brother?' (Yes, is, not was!)
Link to my post with clues about John ⬇️
Links to my posts with Danny's quotes about Robert/Ryan from 2020-2024 (updated to include their interactions on social media and their pub meeting) ⬇️
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lordzannis · 3 months
Here are 30 ways you can support Palestinians:
Donate to reputable organizations providing humanitarian aid to Palestinians, such as the Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF), Muslim Hands, American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), and UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).[1][4][5]
Advocate for change by writing to elected representatives, signing petitions, and supporting political campaigns promoting peace and justice.[1][4]
Educate yourself on the history and root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.[1][4]
Support Palestinian businesses and the local economy.[1][4][5]
Attend protests, marches, rallies, and vigils to demonstrate solidarity.[1][4]
Write letters to the editor countering harmful narratives and providing context.[4]
Read and share Palestinian voices and perspectives, such as the anthology "Light in Gaza."[4]
Hold corporations accountable for complicity in human rights violations by divesting or boycotting them.[4]
Join initiatives like AFSC's "Apartheid-Free" campaign to dismantle Israeli apartheid.[4]
Make du'a (supplication) for relief and blessings in your efforts.[1]
Share information on social media to raise awareness.
Volunteer or intern with pro-Palestinian organizations.
Organize educational events, film screenings, or discussions in your community.
Support Palestinian artists, musicians, and cultural events.
Learn the Arabic language and Palestinian dialect.
Travel to Palestine as an activist or on a solidarity trip.
Boycott products made in Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territories.
Donate to crowdfunding campaigns supporting Palestinian families and causes.
Sponsor a Palestinian student's education.
Plant olive trees or support Palestinian farmers and agriculture.
Advocate for Palestinian refugees' right of return.
Call for ending the blockade and occupation of Gaza.
Demand corporations divest from the Israeli military-industrial complex.[2]
Support the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement.
Amplify Palestinian voices and stories through art, writing, or filmmaking.
Pressure universities to divest from companies complicit in the occupation.
Participate in an annual Palestinian solidarity event like Al-Awda or Israeli Apartheid Week.
Support Palestinian prisoners' rights and call for their release.
Donate blood or join a humanitarian aid convoy to Gaza.
Offer skills like web design, translation, or medical expertise to Palestinian organizations.
The key is taking meaningful action through donations, advocacy, boycotts, education, and amplifying Palestinian voices to promote human rights and a just resolution.
Citations: [1] https://muslimhands.org.uk/latest/2021/06/how-to-support-palestine-and-gaza-with-charity [2] https://www.reddit.com/r/EffectiveAltruism/comments/17nbhqf/what_can_realistically_be_done_from_abroad_to/ [3] https://afsc.org/programs/us-palestine-activism-program [4] https://afsc.org/news/6-ways-you-can-support-palestinians-gaza [5] https://www.pcrf.net/information-you-should-know/how-to-help-palestine.html
i asked it :how to build keffiyeh factory ?
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historyisdefgay · 3 months
Idfk understand how people say Laurens and Hamilton were “platonic” like there is so much proof they were more than friends!!!
First of all the way Hamilton ended his letters to Laurens WAS NOT PLATONIC;
April, 1779-  Yours. 
May 22d.1779-Affectionately Yrs.
September 11, 1779- Yrs most sincerely
January 8 1780- Adieu God preserve and prosper you
March 30, 1780-Yr. Affectionate
June 30, 1780- Adieu God bless you.
September 12, 1780-Adieu
September 16, 1780-Adieu, be happy, and let friendship between us be more than a name
 February 4, 1781- Adieu
August 15, 1782- Yrs for ever 
Yes some of these are regular ways to end a letter but he also referred to Laurens as “my dear Laurens” now I may be being delulu but that’s GAY, cause he didn’t refer to his other friends like that 😐😐😐
And can we talk about his letter he wrote April 1779
And the way Laurens last letter to Ham he said how he was sad about Hamilton stepping down from public service proves he cares about him even though they’d barely talked that year, than HAMILTON RESPONDS WITH THAT HE WAS HAPPY TO GET LAURENS LETTER. Than Hamiltons like you should do politics with me AND THAN ENDS THE LETTER WITH “Yrs for ever” an than there’s a chance Laurens never got this letter 💔💔💔 that’s the worst part
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Seeing POTO Live: Part 1 (An Unexpected Journey)
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On Monday May 20th 2024, I was fortunate enough to see The Phantom of the Opera live on the West End in London. It’s safe to say that I left as a changed person.
For my own posterity’s sake and in case anyone is interested, I want to give a little background about how I was able to see the show, because the story is a little crazy. I still can’t believe it happened. For my commentary and thoughts on the show itself, see Part 2 of this post.
So, at the time of this post’s writing, my parents and I just finished a vacation to various places in the UK that we’ve been planning since June of last year. We were scheduled to spend our last two days in London, so while making a list of all the things we wanted to see in the city, we briefly discussed seeing a West End show. However, when I went to look at tickets to see Phantom (because I was already a phan at the time so of course it was already on my bucket list), the website was only showing tickets available through March 2024. For some reason, my brain assumed this meant that the current West End run was only doing shows through March and then they would take a break for summer or whatever (idk how theaters work, so it sounded plausible to me at the time 😅). So we ultimately decided to not make plans to see a West End show, and I gave up hope of seeing Phantom on the West End for the foreseeable future.
That is, until a week before our vacation.
Out of curiosity I checked the website again, and I saw that there were now tickets available for a 7:30pm show on Monday May 20th, the day we were scheduled to arrive in London after sightseeing in Oxford in the morning. A little bit of hope returned, but I still didn’t get too excited because there was a lot we wanted to see in London and not much time to do so. I didn’t make seeing Phantom a priority because my parents weren’t as interested in seeing it as I was, and it didn't feel right to me to force all of us to go on an expensive outing that only I would enjoy to the fullest. So I again put the possibility of seeing the show out of my mind, and we enjoyed the start of our vacation.
Monday afternoon rolled around, and my parents and I were on the bus ride to London with our tour group after sightseeing in Oxford in the morning. Our tour guide told us we were due to arrive between 4:30-5:30 but that London traffic was very unpredictable and it may take even longer. My family and I had planned on walking over to Piccadilly Circus and Buckingham Palace that evening, and I off-handedly mentioned that we should stop by Her (now His) Majesty’s Theatre for a picture of the POTO decor and stuff. They asked me to check if any seats happened to be available for the performance that evening. I highly doubted it, but to my utter shock, there were still six seats available: three in the balcony that were close together and three on the ground floor in the stalls (the area directly in front of the stage). I was THRILLED, and my parents (the absolute angels they are, no pun intended) noticed this and suggested that we try to get the tickets to the show and see Buckingham Palace the next day. However, because we still didn’t know exactly when the bus would be arriving in London, we decided to wait until we reached our hotel to make sure that we had the time to get to the theatre in time.
The entire ride to London, I could feel the adrenaline and excitement pulsing through my body, and yet it still didn’t feel real yet. Sometimes I struggle with appreciating big events like this in the way they probably should be appreciated because I just get stuck in a state of shock that lasts until the event is over, and by the time it’s over I feel like I missed it. But this time, I told myself that if my prayers were answered and it all worked out, I would make a point to appreciate it to the fullest (and that’s what I am doing by making these posts).
We were BLESSED with easy traffic (a rarity in London, according to our tour guide) and got to our hotel at 4:30pm. I checked the availability of seats in the theatre again, and the same six seats were visible on my screen. However, when I went to purchase the three balcony seats for me and my parents, it said that one of the seats I wanted to buy had already been taken. I refreshed the page, and there were now only four seats available: one in the balcony and three in the stalls (ground floor). The ones in the stalls had two next to each other about four rows from the stage (these were EXPENSIVE, like £175 each), and one on its own DEAD CENTER in Row L, which is a couple of rows below the balcony (so not directly under the chandelier but close). My parents (again, angels) told me to get the lone seat in Row L and see the show on my own, and that they were fine with walking around London by themselves for the evening.
So I booked the ticket. We walked 40 minutes from our hotel to the theatre. The entire time, I still couldn’t quite believe it, and my shock was making me delusional—I was convinced when I got there they would say that my online ticket was invalid or that someone had already bought my ticket in advance. But it was all okay. The kind ushers let me in without issue, I bought myself a programme and a water bottle, and I made my way to my seat an hour ahead of showtime. I wanted to make a post telling you guys what was happening, but Wi-Fi didn’t work in the theatre (probably for the best). It was easily the best money I’ve ever spent.
I probably don’t have to tell you how damn lucky and fortunate I am in every aspect to have been able to afford a last-minute ticket to see the show I love in such a great seat. I wish I could have shared that luck and fortune with all of you and had you there with me so we could all enjoy the incredible performance (and trust me, it was INCREDIBLE). Since I unfortunately can’t do that, I want to try and do the next-best thing—in my review post (Part 2), I will be sharing my notes from the show that I wrote during intermission and when it was over that describe the details that I noticed about the performance as well as my own commentary/reflection. I hope you all enjoy sharing this experience with me and feel like you were there in spirit, because I know you all were!!!
Thanks and have a wonderful day,
Angie ❤️
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 3 months
E Rated Fics Masterlist (35)
Part 1- Part 25 / Part 26 / Part 27 / Part 28 / Part 29 / Part 30 / Part 31 / Part 32 / Part 33 / Part 34 / 
Created: March 17th, 2024
Last Checked:-----
Of Course - An Elevator Tale Demona424 (ao3)  Summary: Katniss Everdeen dislikes Peeta Mellark with a burning intensity. But it's not her fault! Ever since she started working at Panem Advertising Agency he's treated her like some sort of leper. And of course on one of her worst days ever she gets trapped with him in an elevator. She can't help but think somebody up there hates her. Our Time-ashyblondwaves (ao3)  Summary: My original story for Prompts in Panem's modern day Everlark challenge: Baby Boomers Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen meet each other on an online dating website. Pas de Deux-dispatchesfromdistrict7 (ao3)  Summary: AU. Katniss and Peeta, two principal dancers at the Panem Ballet Company, must honestly communicate in order to address a newly arisen trust issue affecting their performance.  Pity Party-Demona424 (ao3)  Summary: Katniss never expected to be in a bar on Christmas Eve drowning her sorrows surrounded by people dressed in Santa outfits but she also never expected her ex-husband to cheat on her with her best friend. She also won't ever expect what the night will bring when Peeta Mellark sits next to her with his own sorrows to drown. Pity parties are the best with some company. Play My Way-HGfanonezillion (ao3)  Summary: Katniss discovered a way to take back a lot of the control she feels she loses with her chronic pain by controlling men for pay. But she is ready to have a more meaningful relationship by tying up the same man every day. Play That Song-Broken_everlark (ao3)  Summary: I really wanted to make a one shot collection based off songs. So for my first post on Ao3 here is my one shot collection. (Mostly based off songs but if I have inspiration for a oneshot it'll be posted here.) I will credit the song artists in every chapter, don't worry. Pound of Flesh-bathsheba78 (ao3)  Summary: My body sings for him, longs for him, like a lover for her beloved, like a flagellant for the lash. Prayers Answered-Alliswell (ao3)  Summary: "Lord almighty in heaven, please show me the plan you have for my life... may I be a bright light in the darkness, a blessing upon another soul. Show me what plan there is for me," Was the nightly prayer of a boy who survived the Mayflower voyage to the new world, he waited patiently for and answer, until the first harvest Plymouth Colony celebrated in the new land, when God showed him a girl, as broken and alone as he was, in need of a defender and a helping hand. Loosely based on Historical accounts citing the voyage of the Mayflower and the pilgrims of Plymouth Colony. Private Dancer-angylinni (ao3)  Summary: Peeta Mellark lives a lonely life. Every night he comes to the Capitol to find solace in the only way he knows how. Katniss Everdeen is a girl trying to get her life back on track. She can't afford any complications but he can't walk away from the one person that makes him feel alive. What happens next will change them both.... Reviving Romance-DandelionSunset (ao3)  Summary: Valentine's Day is around the corner and no one hates it more than Katniss Everdeen. She keeps receiving messages from a supposed secret admirer, who she's positive is a nonexistent, horrible practical joke. Worse yet, she finds herself falling for her archery student and fellow classmate, Peeta Mellark, who is shy, sweet, sensitive, sexy... and assumably gay.
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taviamoth · 7 months
🚨 Government Media Office in Gaza:
The "israeli" occupation has committed 5 massacres against aid distribution centers within 48 hours, resulting in 56 martyrs and more than 300 injured.
Within 48 hours, and in a flagrant and appalling violation of the sanctity of the blessed month of Ramadan, the "israeli" occupation army committed 5 massacres and crimes against aid distribution centers for civilian citizens and individuals working there, with the martyrdom toll reaching 56 martyrs, in addition to causing injuries to more than 300 individuals during these barbaric crimes.
The occupation army committed these massacres by bombing an aid distribution center affiliated with UNRWA in the Rafah governorate, resulting in 5 martyrs. Additionally, two civilian citizens working in aid delivery were killed by bombing their vehicle in the Rafah governorate.
Another aid distribution center in the Al-Nusseirat camp in the central governorate was also bombed, resulting in 8 martyrs.
On the nights of Tuesday and Wednesday last week, the occupation killed 11 martyrs, and more than 30 civilians last night who were waiting for the arrival of aid at the Kuwait roundabout in the Gaza governorate, 23 of whom reached the hospitals.
Over 10 martyrs' bodies were left on the ground, with the occupation preventing anyone from reaching them and firing at anyone who approaches.
We hold the American administration and the international community, in addition to the "israeli" occupation, fully responsible for the crime of genocide and for the war of starvation and famine that is deepening further in the Gaza Strip. We also hold them responsible for the massacres and crimes committed against civilians, children, and women on a daily basis.
We call upon all countries of the free world to pressure the occupation to stop the genocide and ethnic cleansing it is waging against our Palestinian people, which has so far resulted in more than 110,000 victims, including martyrs, injured, missing, and detained.
We also demand an immediate halt to the famine before it is too late, and call for the opening of land crossings and the immediate entry of hundreds of thousands of tons of aid piled up at the land crossings to our noble Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip through the land crossings, in conjunction with the blessed month of Ramadan and in response to the famine.
Government Media Office
Friday, March 15, 2024
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starsandhughes · 2 years
Penalty Box— Quinn Hughes Edition (Part Nine)
previous: eight
next: ten
corresponding trevor post
SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 2023
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liked by _quinnhughes, jackhughes, and 9,607 others
yourusername welcome to my postgame penalty box update: oldest child edition! quinny baby made a series of wins last night including the canucks winning 2-1, him making the most out of the betting pool, not getting hit with the puck. But most importantly— he’s at four games without a penalty!!!
the tables have turned! quinny is now ahead of z on the penalty streak ladder, and reports confirm that he is enjoying the view! so proud!
p.s. quinner was on the ice for 27:20 minutes, and the game had six penalties total for those who didn’t keep track and wanted to know for our bet purposes!
p.s.s. i love you legally, quinny baby💙
tagged _quinnhughes
view all 213 comments
_quinnhughes aw i love you legally, too💙 (and a little not legally)
yourusername my love is contained within the legal amount
trevorzegras i’ll love you the rest of the amount
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras no thanks i’m ok
user1 the photographer really blessed us with that quinn and z pic
jackhughes what’s my streak what’s my streak
yourusername 25 as of yesterday
jackhughes DO I GET A POST
yourusername get to 30 and we’ll talk
_quinnhughes THIS IS MY POST GO AWAY
jackhughes if luke can be a featured guest, so can i😤
trevorzegras i wish i slashed you
_quinnhughes y/n said we couldn’t attack each other
trevorzegras she’d forgive me
yourusername no i wouldn’t he’s my emotional support hughes
user2 the ducks broadcast was actually the quinn hughes show
user3 i know i loved it!!!
_alexturcotte scrapbook moment…?
yourusername all ducks vs cannucks games are scrapbook moments smh… it’s like you don’t even know me
_alexturcotte you haven’t talked about them in a while!
yourusername too late we aren’t friends for the next hour
user4 quinn looking like he’s having war flashbacks while the screen shows his stats is such a mood
yourusername with the amount of times he gets hit, he probably was having flashbacks
lhughes_06 why is there always one person who wins way more than everyone else?
_quinnhughes at least it wasn’t jack this time
jackhughes HEY
yourusername jacky my love, you’re a piece of work when you win bets and we all fear it
lhughes_06 it’s true
_quinnhughes very true
jamie.drysdale congrats man!
_quinnhughes thank you! (clap twice for help)
jamie.drysdale 👏👏
_quinnhughes @/yourusername stop constructing your comment section
yourusername no <3
user5 soooo glad this game had some action!!
_eliaspettersson added this post to their story
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kellyvela · 5 months
🚨 Sophie Turner 'TRUST' Movie Update 🚨
¡¡¡IT'S A WRAP!!!
Trust filming wrapped on Saturday, April 20th, 2024:
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Here's a little video from the final day of shooting 👏 👏
You can see Sophie and Director Carlson Young hugging each other ❤️:
Some farewell pictures from the crew members!
Here's Sophie with the Make Up Team:
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They posted this pic with this caption: "A great pleasure to work with @.sophiet thank you for the flow every morning and your good mood after 1:15 min in the makeup chair. #makeup&hair #makeupdesing #movie #mexicancrew🇲🇽 @.c_o_q_u_e_t_a_makeup_lab"
This is a pic collage of Sophie with some of her cast mates & crew members:
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The caption of this picture says: "We are going to miss this Queen":
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Loving the two orchids in the middle of the roses 💐
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The caption of this picture is the sweetest: "DAY 30/30 🎬 @.sophiet eres humilde mi chiquita DIOS TE BENDIGA 💖 #trust #chicomalo":
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They praised Sophie for being humble, they called Sophie "mi chiquita," which is such endearing expression (something like my little girl) & they also wished her God's blessings ❤️
Trust Assistance Director reposted a pic collage from a fanpage & praised Sophie's work ethic:
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A Trust producer shared this picture of Sophie having a beer (Modelo black beer) with some crew members:
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Here's a group picture of Sophie with several crew members:
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You can see that they gave Sophie a bouquet of pink and red flowers & a bottle of what I presume is Tequila or Mezcal 🇲🇽
This is a cast/crew group picture from early stages of filming, cos' we can see actors who departed earlier, Sophie's not in the picture but I think this is the secluded house where Sophie's character take refuge after the high-profile scandal . . . .
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I didn't find any good picture from Trust Wrap Party, just this extremely blurry one 😢:
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I hope they had a blast!
And finally, Sophie chose a very suggestive picture from the Lucha Libre Show she attended on March 30, 2024, to say goodbye to Mexico City, with also a very suggestive caption:
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👀 😂
So much love Mexico 🇲🇽 ❤️
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girlactionfigure · 7 months
🔅Shavua Tov, a good and blessed week!
🔻Only a few rockets over Shabbat.. Hamas at Ashkelon and Zikim, Hezbollah at Zaria and Shomera.
🔻HAMAS - Rockets from Gaza - at Be’eri and HaTzerim.
🔻HEZBOLLAH - Anti-tank missiles from Lebanon - at IDF post Sheba farms.
▪️HOSTAGE CEASEFIRE LEAKS.. The White House: Israel agreed to the outline, Hamas has not yet responded.
A senior member of the Biden administration: “Israel agreed in principle to the deal, the ball is in Hamas's court. The discussed outline includes a six-week pause in fighting, Israel demands that elderly patients and women be released first.”
President Biden: “I’m hoping so, we’re still working real hard on it. We’re not there yet,” he told reporters at the White House when asked if he expected a deal by Ramadan, which will start on March 10. “We’ll get there but we’re not there yet — we may not get there.”
▪️3 HERO SOLDIERS FELL.. in battle in Gaza, as a booby trapped building exploded on the entering force killing 3 and wounding 14.  The fallen heroes:
.. Dolev Malka, 19 of Shlomi
.. Afik Tery, 19, of Rechovot
.. Inon Yitzchok, 20,  Mitzpe Ramon
…. may their families be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may G-d avenge their blood!
▪️ANTI-GOVERNMENT PROTEST THIS EVENING.. Demonstrators against the government protest at the Kaplan intersection in Tel Aviv and call for elections, the police block the intersection to prevent them from moving further. The police arrested seven protesters after they went down to demonstrate on the road near the Azrieli mall in an area not approved.
Demonstrators blocked Derech Begin in front of IDF HQ in Tel Aviv in both directions.
▪️ON RELEASING ARAB PRISONERS.. The Shin Bet will release about 30 more Palestinian administrative detainees this week; the Shin Bet clarifies: we have room to take in detainees on nationalistic grounds (who are a terror threat), we never said that we are in need of cells.
National Security Minister MK Ben Gvir responded: "We are before the Ramadan period, in the midst of a war in Gaza and in the north, attacked on a daily basis. Now they decide to freely release threatening prisoners? Does everyone in the Shin Bet think we are in Switzerland?"
▪️ATTEMPTED TERROR ATTACK - SAMARIA - ELON MOREH.. IDF forces captured 2 terrorists headed towards Elon Moreh equipment with M-16’s, en route to a terror attack.
▪️AID DROPS, BIDEN SAYS.. after day’s U.S. air drops of aid supplies into Gaza, President Biden announced that the U.S. will continue to air drop aid supplies into Ukraine and see about opening a marine corridor for supplies into Ukraine.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5_XnP0rTxg
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