#2x20 return to tomorrow
spockeveryday · 2 months
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slightlycrunchy · 2 years
EVEN CHAPEL EYES HIM WITH CONFUSION LIKE “that was beautiful—what’s wrong with Spock?”
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skybson · 1 year
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2x20 - Return to Tomorrow
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perlukafarinn · 1 year
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warpfactor9 · 10 months
god i think i'm used to spock calling kirk "jim" and then he hits me with the soft-spoken "that is still jim's body" when gently cautioning bones not to hurt him in Return to Tomorrow (2x20) and i am suddenly incapacitated for the next 3-5 business days...
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daraoakwise · 2 years
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Rewatching the Original Series just for the Uhura parts! Because we love her. Episode 2x19 - A Private Little War and 2x20 - Return to Tomorrow. Featuring Uhura in command (maybe?) and a rather amazing scream from Nichelle Nichols.
Episode 2x19 - A Private Little War. Uhura is barely in this one, although there is an interesting scene at the beginning.
Spock is shot on a early-civilization planet by a weapon that shouldn’t be invented there yet and is critically wounded. Kirk and McCoy beam up with him, and as the medics try to stabilize Spock in the transporter room, Uhura brings the ship to red alert. Kirk calls up to the bridge; a Klingon ship has appeared, she tells him urgently.
Kirk rushes up to the bridge with Spock’s life still very much in the balance. When he arrives, it’s not clear who has been in command. With Kirk and Spock on the planet, Scotty would have been, but he ran down to the transporter room to beam the away team home after the report of a critical injury. The center seat is empty; it honestly looks like Uhura, Chekov, and the helmsman are the only ones there. Uhura is kind of acting in charge. She certainly ranks Chekov, and random helmsman doesn’t say a word. Is this the first (only?) time we see her in command of the bridge?
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The Klingons haven’t seen the Enterprise, Uhura’s reports; they are making a routine transmission to their base
Kirk muses, in concern, that just thirteen years ago the indigenous people had barely learned how to forge iron, and now had flintlocks. Uhura states that it took earth twelve centuries between those two events. Kirk surmises that the Klingons have interfered on the planet. Scott, Uhura, and Chekov push him on that, rapidly tossing out various alternatives until Kirk growls at them that he did not invite a debate. The three officers straighten, chastised and a bit shocked. It is uncharacteristic of Kirk to snap at his officers like that. Kirk apologizes; he’s very concerned about Spock and the planet.
Other than being on the bridge when a healed Spock returns to it, that’s it for Uhura in this episode.
Episode 2x20 - Return to Tomorrow
We open on a tense bridge; Uhura reports that while there isn’t a signal, and nothing seems to exist to explain their readings, something is affecting all channels.
The arrive around a dead world, and a booming voices fills the bridge. Uhura looks up in amazement. Her hailing frequencies are not open.
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Kirk is invited to the planet, although the voice admits that the voice is dead. Kirk makes a log stating that he’ll go, in the name of exploration. Uhura tells him Starfleet won’t get the log for three weeks.
As a complete aside, I love these little moments when they are way out there. Sometimes it seems like they are just patrolling Federation space, but sometimes they are so far away that a recorded signal, traveling at warp speeds, will still take weeks to get home. It also means no one is calling home; there are alone out there, and only have each other.
The episode unfolds around alien consciousnesses who need help and, with permission, inhabit the bodies of Kirk, Spock, and Pretty Lieutenant of the Week. It turns out the one inhabiting Spock is the bad guy who intends to keep Spock.
Uhura doesn’t appear again until the end of the episode, giving a truly blood-curdling scream when the alien inhabiting Spock’s body uses its mind to torture her for some transgression (presumably refusing to cooperate), causing her agonizing pain. She slumps forward onto her station, nearly unconscious. It’s really pretty horrible, even more so because it Spock (sort of) torturing her.
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She has recovered enough to stand up when it seems that Spock has been killed in both mind and body. But Spock is restored, and Uhura reaches toward Nurse Chapel and straightens her as Chapel slumps forward a bit — it turns out Chapel has been hosting Spock’s consciousness. (I truly think Uhura and Chapel are friends. They don’t interact often, but end up touching one another every time they do.) Uhura looks on as the aliens inhabit the bodies of Kirk and Pretty Lieutenant of the Week one more time to share a goodbye kiss before spreading themselves into oblivion.
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tailsrevane · 2 years
[tv review] tos 2x20-2x22 (1968)
2x20 “return to tomorrow”
this is a pretty prototypical tos snoozefest, notable only for captain kirk’s famous “risk is our business!” speech, which despite being stirring and a good bit of character writing, seems wholly out of proportion with the episode it actually occurs in. it’s drastically better if you take it out of context. it’s also hilariously overacted by an increasingly sweaty shatner. like, someone really decided, “yeah, that was fine, let’s go with that take.” d-rank
2x21 “patterns of force”
the episode is boring and generic as fuck aside from an uncomfortably sexy whipping/aftermath of whipping scene featuring gay power couple kirk and spock, but the episode is just so fucking cavalier about everyone including the two main characters wearing nazi uniforms. it even finds an excuse to have kirk wear two different nazi uniforms. it’s honestly super gross. d-rank
2x22 “by any other name”
like, it’s not good, but it’s harmless tos bad. oh also, i love how upon reaching the galactic barrier, spock recites exactly the same readings as in “where no man has gone before.” it was literally word for word. that was a cute little detail. c-rank
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frogayyyy · 3 years
TOS Episodes in stardate order:
I finally finished my rewatch and thought this might be useful for ff writers or just anyone interested
(this is using the Netflix episode order and the star date which was mentioned first in the episode)
1x04 Where No Man Has Gone Before 1312.4
1x07 Mudd's Women 1329.8
1x02 The Man Trap 1513.1
1x11 The Corbomite Maneuver 1514
1x03 Charlie X 1533.7
1x06 The Enemy Within 1672.1
1x05 The Naked Time 1704.2
1x18 The Squire of Gothos 2124.5
1x08 What Are Little Girls Made Of? 2712.4
1x09 Miri 2713.5
1x10 Dagger of the Mind 2715.1
1x14 The Conscience of the King 2817.6
1x17 The Galileo Seven 2821.5
1x21 Court Martial 2947.3
1x12 The Menagerie Part 1 3012.6
1x13 The Menagerie Part 2 3013.1
2x07 Catspaw 3018.2
1x16 Shore Leave 3025.3
1x19 Arena 3045.6
1x28 The Alternative Factor 3087.6
1x20 Tomorrow is Yesterday 3113.2
1x23 Space Seed 3141.9
1x22 The Return of the Archons 3156.2
1x24 A Taste of Armageddon 3192.1
1x26 The Devil in the Dark 3196.1
1x27 Errand of Mercy 3198.4
2x16 The Gamesters of Triskelion 3211.7
2x09 Metamorphosis 3219.8
1x30 Operation: Annihilate! 3287.2
2x01 Amok Time 3372.7
2x02 Who Mourns for Adonais? 3468.1
2x12 The Deadly Years 3478.2
2x11 Friday's Child 3497.2
2x14 Wolf in the Fold 3614.9
2x13 Obsession 3619.2
2x05 The Apple 3715.3
2x10 Journey to Babel 3842.3
2x25 Bread and Circuses 4040.7
2x19 A Private Little War 4211.4
2x18 The Immunity Syndrome 4307.1
3x13 Elaan of Troyius 4372.5
3x06 Spectre of the Gun 4385.3
2x08 I, Mudd 4513.3
2x15 The Trouble with Tribbles 4523.3
2x22 By Any Other Name 4657.5
2x24 The Ultimate Computer 4729.4
2x20 Return to Tomorrow 4768.3
3x03 The Paradise Syndrome 4842.6
3x02 The Enterprise Incident 5027.3
3x04 And the Children Shall Lead 5029.5
3x12 The Empath 5121.5
3x16 The Mark of Gideon 5423.4
3x01 Spock's Brain 5431.4
3x08 For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky 5476.3
3x05 Is There In Truth No Beauty? 5630.7
3x09 The Tholian Web 5693.2
3x11 Wink of an Eye 5710.5
3x14 Whom Gods Destroy 5718.3
3x18 The Lights of Zetar 5725.3
3x15 Let That Be Your Last Battlefield 5730.2
3x10 Plato's Stepchildren 5784.2
3x21 The Cloud Minders 5818.4
3x20 The Way to Eden 5832.3
3x19 Requiem for Methuselah 5843.7
3x22 The Savage Curtain 5906.4
3x24 Turnabout Intruder 5928.5
3x23 All Our Yesterdays 5943.7
No Stardate:
1x01 Pilot: The Cage
1x15 Balance of Terror
1x25 This Side of Paradise
1x29 The City on the Edge of Forever
2x03 The Changeling
2x04 Mirror, Mirror
2x06 The Doomsday Machine
2x17 A Piece of the Action
2x21 Patterns of Force
2x23 The Omega Glory
2x26 Assignment: Earth
3x07 Day of the Dove
3x17 That Which Survives
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kinetic-elaboration · 2 years
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(reaction post masterlist)
2x01: Amok Time
2x02: Who Mourns for Adonais?
2x03: The Changeling
2x04: Mirror Mirror
2x05: The Apple
2x06: The Doomsday Machine
2x07: Catspaw
2x08: I, Mudd
2x09: Metamorphosis
2x10: Journey to Babel
2x11: Friday’s Child
2x12: The Deadly Years
2x13: Obsession
2x14: Wolf in the Fold
2x15: The Trouble with Tribbles
2x16: The Gamesters of Triskelion
2x17: A Piece of the Action
2x18: The Immunity Syndrome
2x19: A Private Little War
2x20: Return to Tomorrow
2x21: Patterns of Force
2x22: By Any Other Name
2x23: The Omega Glory
2x24: The Ultimate Computer
2x25: Bread and Circuses
2x26: Assignment: Earth
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250 Favorite Arrowverse-Episodes: Part 3: 200-176
Picked from Arrow, Supergirl, Black Lighting, The Flash E1.1-8.5, Legends of Tomorrow E1.1-7.7, Batwoman S1 and Superman & Lois S1. Shows and Seasons that are not in here were either never seen by me or are not considered part of the Arrowverse but rather the DC-TV-Multiverse.
 200. Haywire (Superman & Lois 1x4)
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4, Written by: Michael Narducci, Directed by: James Bamford
 Lois is uneasy about Edge and Clark is distracted in Metropolis.
 199. Dancing Queen (Legends of Tomorrow 4x3)
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54, Written by: James Eagan, Morgan Faust, Directed by: Kristin Windell
 Ray goes undercover in a Punk Rock Band.
 198. The Martian Chronicles (Supergirl 2x11)
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31, Written by: Gabrial Llanas, Anna Musky-Goldwyn, Directed by: David McWhirter
 A White Martian comes for M’gann.
 197. Seeing Red (Arrow 2x20)
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43, Written by: Wendy Mercile, Directed by: Doug Aaroniokoski
 Roy goes crazy and Slade takes a life.
 196. Rogue Air (The Flash 1x22)
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22, Written by: Todd and Aaron Helbing, Directed by: Doug Aarniokoski
 Barry wants Snart’s help in moving the Pipeline Prisoners to saftey.
 195. Out of Time (Legends of Tomorrow 2x1)
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17, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Chris Fedak, Phil Klemmer, Marc Guggenheim, Directed by: Dermott Downs
 The Legends get scattered in time.
 194. Call to Action (Supergirl 4x6)
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71, Written by: Gabriel Llanas, Daniel Beaty, Directed by: Antionio Negret
 Ben Lockwood ruins Friendsgiving.
 193. The Darkest Place (Supergirl 2x7)
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27, Written by: Robert Rovner, Paula Yoo, Directed by: Glen Winter
 Cadmus and Cyborg Superman have captured Mon-El.
 192. Birds of Prey (Arrow 2x17)
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40, Written by: Mark Bemesderfer, A. C. Bradley, Directed by: John Behring
 The Huntress returns again and faces off against the Canary.
 191. Crazy for you (The Flash 1x12)
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12, Written by: Todd and Aaron Helbing, Directed by: Rob Hardy
 Shawna busts her boyfriend out of jail and Caitlin and Barry fail in moving on.
 190. Abnominations (Legends of Tomorrow 2x4)
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20, Written by: Marc Guggenheim, Ray Utarnachitt, Directed by: Michael Allowitz
 Psst, it’s Zombies, don’t tell Martin!
 189. White Knights (Legends of Tomorrow 1x4)
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4, Written by: Sarah Nicole Jones, Phil Klemmer, Directed by: Antionio Negret
 Ray and Leonard try to seduce the same woman to stop a Soviet Firestorm from being made.
 188.The Sound and the Fury (The Flash 1x11)
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11, Written by: Alison Shapker, Brooke Eikmeier, Directed by: John Showalter
 Pied Piper is here.
 187.The Chicago Way (Legends of Tomorrow 2x8)
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24, Written by: Sarah Nicole Jones, Ray Utarnachitt, Directed by: Ralph Hemecker
 Al Capone won’t go down quietly.
 186. City of Heroes (Arrow 2x1)
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24, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg, Directed by: John Behring
 Oliver comes back home - again.
 185. Kara (Supergirl 6x20)
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126, Written by: Jessica Queller, Robert Rovner, Rob Wright, Derek Simon, Directed by: Jesse Warn
 It’s the Series Finale.
 184.The One with the Nineties (The Flash 7x6)
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139, Written by: Kelly Wheeler, Emily Palizzi, Directed by: Jeff Byrd
 Cisco and Chester get stuck in a time loop in the Nineties.
 183. Menagerie (Supergirl 4x12)
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77, Written by: Robert Rovner, Daniel Beaty, Greg Baldwin, Directed by: Stefan Pleszczynski
 Meet Menagerie at Valentine’s.
 182. Grinning from Ear to Ear (Batwoman 1x14)
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14, Written by: Denise Harkavy, Directed by: Michael Blundell
 Duela is more than a litte crazy.
 181.The Flash is born (The Flash 1x6)
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6, Written by: Jaime Paglia, Chris Rafferty, Directed by: Millicent Shelton
 Barry faces off with his childhood bully.
 180.The Legion of Doom (Legends of Tomorrow 2x10)
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26, Written by: Phil Klemmer, Marc Guggenheim, Directed by: Eric Laneuville
 Damien, Malcolm and Eobard have Rip. And don’t really know what they are supposed to do with him.
 179. Don’t Run (The Flash 4x9)
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78, Written by: Sam Chalsen, Judalina Neira, Directed by: Stefan Pleszczynski
 DeVoe gifts Barry his own dead body for Christmas after Amunet gifts Caitlin a kidnapping.
 178. Land of the Lost (Legends of Tomorrow 2x13)
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29. Written by: Keto Shimizu, Ray Utanarchitt, Directed by: Ralph Hemecker
 Sara and Jax visit Rip’s mind, while Ray, Nate and Amaya meet a Dinosaur.
 177. Attack on Central City (The Flash 3x14)
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60, Written by: Benjamin Raab, Deric A. Hughes, Todd Helbing, Directed by: Dermott Downs
 Gorillas in Central City!
 176. Love is a Battlefield (The Flash 6x11)
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125, Written by: Kelly Wheeler, Jeff Hersh, Directed by: Sudz Sutherland
 Valentine’s Day with Mirror Iris.
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spockeveryday · 4 months
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jonathanarcher · 4 years
Star Trek characters that have canonically died and come back to life
Hoshi Sato- Enterprise 4x11, "Observer Effect", killed by a virus (topical), brought back by the Organians
Trip Tucker- Enterprise 4x11, "Observer Effect", killed by a virus, brought back by the Organians
Entire Discovery Crew + Harry Mudd - Discovery 1x07 “Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad”, killed multiple times in a time loop, revived by the time loop resetting.
Hugh Culber- Discovery 1x10 "Despite Yourself" and 2x05 "Saints of Imperfection", neck broken by [spoiler] Klingon/Ash Tyler, brought back when his body was regenerated in the mycelial network
Montgomery Scott- The Original Series 2x3 "The Changeling", killed by laser from Nomad, brought back by Nomad
Jim Kirk- The Original Series 2x20 "Return to Tomorrow", body died when inhabited by an all powerful being (these things happen), brought back by a different all powerful being
Spock- the Wrath of Khan and Search for Spock, killed by radiation poisoning, brought back through a combination of the Genesis device and the Fal Tor Pan
Tasha Yar- The Next Generation 1x22 "Skin of Evil", 3x15 "Yesterday's Enterprise", 5x01 "Redemption: Part Two", killed by an evil alien goo monster, brought back when the Enterprise was in a temporal anomaly where she joined the crew of an Enterprise from the past and was captured by Romulans
Worf - The Next Generation 3x25 “Transfigurations”, neck broken after falling off shuttlebay balcony, brought back by god-like alien healing him
The entire Enterprise Crew- The Next Generation 5x18 "Cause and Effect", killed when the ship was stuck in a time loop and would blow up every few hours, brought back every time the time loop reset
Jean Luc Picard- The Next Generation 6x15 "Tapestry", killed when he was shot and his artificial heart stopped, brought back when his heart was restarted and maybe Q was involved
Miles O'Brien- Deep Space Nine 3x17 "Visionary", killed by a massive dose of radiation, replaced by a version of himself a couple hours into the future
Harry Kim- Voyager 1x8 "Emanations", killed by some weird ass alien tech, resuscitated by the EMH
Tom Paris - Voyager 2x15 “Threshold”, died while evolving into a lizard, resurrected by evolving into a lizard
Harry Kim- Voyager 2x21 "Deadlock", sucked into space, replaced by a himself after an accident duplicated the Voyager crew
Naomi Wildman- Voyager 2x21 "Deadlock", killed by transporter complications after birth, replaced by herself after an accident duplicated the Voyager crew
Neelix- Voyager 4x12 "Mortal Coil", shot by an energy beam, brought back after being injected with Borg nanoprobes
Jean Luc Picard- Picard 1x10 "Et In Arcadia Ego Part Two" dies because of a terminal brain tumor, resurrected inside a kickass android body
Jim Kirk- Into Darkness, return of the being killed by radiation poisoning, brought back by a transfusion of Khan's super blood
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austencello · 6 years
Level 2 - Arrow Music Notes 7x04
Oliver expects to find the Demon in Level 2 and yet ends up being tortured over his own demons.  Meanwhile, the legacy of the Canaries continue in the future with Zoe and Dinah.
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Oliver in Level 2
Oliver is put into solitary confinement, withheld food and drink, enduring blinking lights, and an extremely annoying buzzing.  The chief psychiatrist, Dr. Parker, introduces himself and suggests that Oliver is a danger to the other inmates and himself.  He is there to essentially reprogram the violent tendencies that Oliver has and as they begin, an electric guitar theme begins to play.  This was first introduced in 7x02 when the guard told Oliver that while others may view him as a hero, they both know better.  This theme is a repeated pattern both in the individual notes (playing the same note several times before moving to the next) and the pattern itself.  It is used throughout the episode as the Doctor continues to ask him his name and where the source of becoming the Green Arrow originated. Continuous repetition for reprograming Oliver from a violent man and his sins.
The doctor finds Oliver resistant and drugs him with something to help him talk (truth serum?).  As he asks Oliver about the turning point from being a playboy to the Arrow, the music from that same flashback in the pilot plays including the hero horn 1 “Sacrifice” (1x01- not to be confused with “Sacrifice” in 1x23) marking the turning point for Oliver musically. As the doctor asks Oliver what he sees, the guitar theme from earlier returns repeating over and over: you are not a hero.  Oliver shares that his father asked him to right his wrongs which is why he became a vigilante.  The doctor tells him that a father provides a legacy and that Robert provided a legacy of murder (killing the bodyguard), condemning him.  
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The next time Dr. Parker returns, he brings up William and passing along his legacy of violence on to him.  Violins play a minor melody over a repeating timpani beat, reflecting Oliver’s anguish over the life he left for William.  As the doctor asks him whether he is concerned that William will be a murderer like him, violins plays the beginning of  “Promise Kept” (2x20), when Moira offered her life up for her children and was killed.  Oliver’s parents both sacrificed themselves for him and that legacy is something Oliver is willing to do for his son.  As the doctor continues to tell him that his mission was tainted from the start, infecting Oliver and his son, and that he must let go of the past, a version of the guitar theme returns.  “You are not a hero.”  Oliver has heard enough and tells the doctor to go to hell.  The jail clanging sound returns from previous episodes over a low bass and dissonant high notes as the doctor decides to use the machine to help him respond appropriately, bringing a feeling of danger.
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The machine turns out to be electric shock therapy to “reform” Oliver’s memory of that turning point with Robert. As he remembers that moment again, strings play the slow three notes (going up one note and coming back down) from that scene (and used throughout the pilot) and then switches as William suddenly appears in his memory, having switched places and roles with his own father.  The theme “I forgot who I was” (1x05) begins in the cellos. Beside being very on the nose with the title in a moment where his memory is literally being reprogramed, this melody is a key one for both Oliver and William.  It is about the Queen family, their lies and consequences and sacrifices. It first played as Diggle told Oliver that things were not going the way he planned when he came back: so many people having questions and doubting him especially Laurel and Thea, or how much he would have to lie to those he loves most (as Walter left Moira for an extended break after her continued lies in order to protect him).  “When you were plotting your grand plan to save this city, I don’t think you planned on the effect it would have on the people in your life or how it would hurt them.”  Oliver responded that he thinks about it all the time and that not being able to tell them the truth hurts him the most.
The countermelody (additional melody played at the same time) is introduced in that scene when Moira and Walter part ways.  This becomes Moira’s theme for a lot of season 1 and 2 “Sad Moira” (1x10) as she deals with the consequences of lying and pushing Walter away to protect him.  Both themes return in “Own Worst Enemy” (2x18) when Thea is missing, bringing back Oliver and Moira together.  Moira realized that in lying to protect her family she became her own worst enemy: “From the moment your children are born you worry about what the world will do to them, not what you will do to them.”  In 2x19, this countermelody returns “Dad knew” as Oliver tells Thea that their Dad knew that Thea was not his daughter but still chose her. “He chose us.  He chose you.”  In 3x03, “Lose you forever” Oliver tells Thea about their father sacrificing himself for him, telling her that he needs her even if she doesn’t need him.  It also returns as he says goodbye to Thea in 6x16.  It is a theme of family and sacrifice.  
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The roles begin to switch from being a son and brother to a father but the theme stays the same as Oliver discovers William’s existence and then meets him “Oliver meets William” (4x08) and then sends him away to protect him: “I wanted to give you a real childhood.” in “Message to William” (4x15)  In 6x21, it plays as he says goodbye to William again with possibility of going to prison: “you are strong like me...I am always right here with you.” echoing Moira’s saying the same thing in 2x20 “Never Without Me.”
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Now Oliver is reliving the moment with his Dad but as the father with his own son seeing the life cycle of violence and sacrifice being repeated. A repeated harp note tolls under the string melody almost like a death knoll (harp was used  in “Message to William”) as he repeats the same words as his father “I will take care of everything. Everything will be fine.”  The legacy of sacrifice that his mother and father left him continues through his words as Moira’s countermelody plays while he tells William that he will have an amazing life, he is destined for great things and tells William to forget about him and life his life before killing himself the way Robert did. 
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The guitar theme returns one last time as Dr Parker asks Oliver his name and Oliver responds with Inmate 4857, implying that the reprograming worked.
The legacy of the Canary
The show has had a legacy of Canaries since the introduction of Sara’s theme as the Canary in 2x03 “Canary”.  Each one has their own theme based off the original theme for Sara, first introduced in horn (a hero instrument) but also used frequently in the flute especially when Laurel took over in Season 4.
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When Sara was killed, Laurel wanted to find justice and in doing so became the next Canary in Sara’s legacy.  She had her own theme that begin 3x02 as she wanted to go after Sara’s killer.  This theme “saving the train” (4x01) had the same amount of notes (5) and rhythm as the original Canary theme and also went up but the intervals (distance between notes) were different.  It was an imitation but clearly different which fit for Laurel trying to both avenge her sister and wanting to become her sister.  This was her primary theme though she occasionally did have the original theme.  It was used at her funeral “Laurel was the Black Canary” in 4x19 as Oliver shared her identity to the world and returned as Oliver and Diggle discussed having a new Canary on the team in 5x11 in honor of Laurel’s request.
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Of course, since Black Siren is Laurel’s doppleganger, it is only fitting that her theme is both the same but different.  Her theme was first introduced in the Flash (2x22) and then in Arrow 5x10 “Laurel, not Laurel.” The theme is the same except for the last note which goes up one extra half step, providing a distinguishing mark that while they may be practically the same, this one is the evil and dissonant version.  Her theme returned in this episode as she prepared to scream at the Silencer for answer.
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Dinah Drake joined the team in Season 5 and her theme was introduced with her character in 5x10.  Her theme “Cemetery Confrontation” (5x14) is based off of Sara’s original Canary theme but like Black Siren’s changed from Laurel’s, Dinah’s changes at the last note, going up one step instead of a sixth.  Carrying on the legacy but a different person.
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Dinah’s theme is used very sparingly so when it appears, it means you have to take notice. During the flash-forwards, William and Roy enter Smoak Tech, discover a rubix cube from Felicity and are almost caught by the police.  As they are rescued by a vigilante with a bo-staff, the music plays Dinah’s Canary theme, the hero rescuing them.
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In the present day, Dinah drops by Rene’s apartment to apologize and visit Zoe after being in the hospital.  She gives Zoe a canary pin as a new Canary theme plays based off of Dinah’s/Sara’s. Like Dinah’s, the theme stays practically the same except the last note goes down instead of up.  The other interesting part is the instrumentation.  Instead of horn or flute, Zoe’s is high electronics matching the sound of the future, foreshadowing her appearance in the flash forwards as the new Canary of the next generation (also accompanied by this theme). This electronic sound is used much for the future in this episode which is a similar to sounds used on Legends of Tomorrow in their travels to the future and on the waverider “Where to Next” (Legends 1x06)  
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Extra Notes:
- I ran out of time to expand on most of the other details.  (and my computer keeps losing parts as well instead of saving it!)  Only so much time!
- the Longbow theme returned as Felicity tried to get information from the Silencer at the beginning
- there may be a new Green Arrow theme.  It played in the horn when he/she rescued Zoe and when Rene and Dinah talked about it later in the hospital.  We shall if it returns or just for this episode.
- Rene’s Wild-Dog theme returned as he investigated the fire/Green Arrow
- the music for Felicity and Laurel was darker string patterns as they discuss darkness and whether she is willing to be ruthless.
- I don’t think Felicity is dead.  The music are the end match more being shocked and surprised instead of using her themes and instruments (or William’s for that matter).  Maybe if they give proof...
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@smoakmonster @ah-maa-zing @herskirtsarentthatshort @academyofshipping @mel-loves-all @almondblossomme @scu11y22 @jorahandal @pulpklatura @green-arrows-of-karamel @thegeriatricfangirl
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mykclassic · 3 years
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mykclassic just watched a show his official rating : Star Trek 2x20 "Return to Tomorrow"
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kiss-my-freckle · 4 years
My Tom Domino theory (yes, all mine) was built similarly to the Rederina theory. That’s why the same can be said - Each factor taken separately is not conclusive, but put them together and it's clear. Shippers can come up with one excuse after another to argue each factor for the sake of their desires for the show. Put together - those factors made it clear to me that another story is being told. I do believe reveals are coming for Tom, it’s just a matter of when. At least two untold stories remain (that I know of). Richard Game is one. Gina Zanetakos is the other. That’s why she was first introduced in 1x6, and why we haven’t seen or heard of her since 3x17. 
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Agnes: Mommy, who’s that funny-looking man? Liz: It’s a long story. But we finally have time to tell it.
Little Red
Liz: You killed him? Tom: Uh, no. Actually, Gina did. But that’s a long story. 
My prediction: What’s coming in S8...
Look, what I want you to know is that it happened because I made it clear that I’m out. I’m done with those people and that life. But there are things that I did, and… and… and I might be done with those things, but I can’t promise you that those things are done with me. And I can’t promise you that it’s not gonna happen… tomorrow or next week or… or five years from now. And I would understand, frankly, if you didn’t want to deal with any of…
Ressler: Then we’ll deal with it.  Liz: We?
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I believe the “long story” of Gina will basically play on the opposite side of Dom’s “long story" of Ilya, and THAT story will be along soon enough. We will know the truth about Tom and Gina, Victor Fokin and both passport boxes before the show is over. I believe that’s why Liz pulled Tom’s box out of her vent just like she pulled a box out of Gina’s. I believe their truth will come at a time when all dominoes can tap one after the other. The suitcase arc is over. Scottie is the only enemy I see directly stemming from that arc. I believe Marvin could be taking part, but I don’t see him being powerful enough to act as a big bad. The Townsend Directive won’t return immediately - if they return at all. Whoever they introduce as the next big bad, I fully believe they’ll be connected to Tom Keen, and likely reintroduce Gina’s role. I believe Solomon will be the one revealing all because he worked with the Cabal before he went to work for Scottie - and both coincidentally connect in 3x17... the last time we saw or heard of Gina. So yeah, I believe Scottie and Solomon will be the next (and final) big bad and my Tom dominoes will fall throughout the entire arc, pulling full circle back to the pilot. 
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To see my memory wipe theory, rewatch 2x18 to 2x22. Take note to the order of things - who’s present and where, but pay closer attention to 2x20. I believe Tom made his first move toward the second memory wipe in that particular episode.  
Scene 1. 
Tom and Liz were at the gym, questioning the Russian for her mother’s identity. Both of them left knowing Red’s alias - Bill Kershaw. For Liz, all she had to do was return to Red’s flat because she was already there in 2x19. For Tom to find its location, he had to follow Liz when she left, or find someone to do an Aram-like intel search for properties rented under Red’s Kershaw alias. I believe he followed Liz to Red’s flat.
Scene 2. 
They didn’t show whether Tom and Liz drove to the gym together, nor did they show whether Tom and Liz drove from the gym together. From the gym, we see Liz in Red’s flat - alone. Red and Dembe are viewing her on surveillance via the ipad. We’re not shown what became of Tom after the gym - where he was at the same time Liz raided a place where Red keeps all of his secrets - which would include contact information for Dr. Krilov. 
Scene 3. 
Red, Liz, and Dembe were then shown together. Red and Liz were discussing the photograph while Dembe observed at the doorway. Neither were watching his surveillance via the ipad. They didn’t even show whether Red or Dembe made sure the surveillance cameras were set to continue recording. The writers pretty much left an opening where Tom could’ve broken into Red’s flat after Liz left it, and his break-in went undetected because Red’s cameras weren’t yet set to record at that particular time. 
Add in what we already know. The fact that a truth about Red was removed from her memory and Red wasn't the one who removed it speaks volumes. I believe this person betrayed Red, and in doing so, needed to betray Liz by taking her to Dr. Krilov. Keep all of this in mind, return to Red’s shooting at the end of 2x18, then continue rewatching to 2x22. Every bit of my memory wipe theory follows through to current storyline. 
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soysaucevictim · 4 years
Week 6.
Feb. 6
I woke up around 10AM.
One of the first things I did was start on my exercise.
First, today’s DD. 60 side kicks with EC. Did them as 30/30, but since it wasn’t specified to do the balance sort anywhere - I let the foot drop for each rep. A fun exercise, as expected!
(After updating some logs, whipping up a couple Begotten!AU sketches, and chatting...)
Last, Chapter 31 of the AoP. First segment was traveling again. 54TP, this time. Done at Level 2, as high knees. I split this up into 14+4(10).
Workout proper was done at Level 3 - all plank work (5 sets, 10 reps each exercise). It wasn’t specified, but I maintained the plank for each set, even if it was highly tempting to do some drops for recovery. For everything, I alternated sides rather than load things 5/5. Intense, but happy I could manage.
Spent rest of day on the usual and some writing.
I got to bed later than yesterday.
Feb. 7
I woke up around 10AM.
One of the first things I did today was my exercises.
First, today’s DD. 30 push-ups with EC. Kind of sloppy form, but good enough for me.
Last, Chapter 32 of the AoP. Going for Option B started me off with needing to do 100 climbers in one workout. Still relatively easily managed to do it in one go.
Workout proper was done at Level 3 (15 sets, 1′ rest), This was was manageable, I’m happy that it was only 5 plank walk-outs per set - since those were the more intensive exercise of the sequence. This was mostly a cardio-centric experience with the high knees and plank jacks.
After a bit of the usual, I made today’s Hello Fresh Meal. Plant-based protein enchiladas rojas. This was reasonably tasty. Though I like the other enchilada recipes with more contiguous fillings - since they make the enchiladas hold structure better (like the ones that used mashed black beans, this filling was pretty crumbly.)
Did some dishes and spent rest of day on the usual stuff.
I got to bed a little later than yesterday.
Feb. 8
I woke up around noon.
Did some writing stuff and chatting before today’s exercise.
First, today’s DD. 50 squat hold calf raises with EC. Very doable work, all told. Takes some focus to minimize changes in held height through the whole exercise.
Last, Chapter 33 of the AoP. It’s sometimes nice not needing to take travel points, today went straight into workout proper. Did it at Level 3, max rest. I did contemplate on cutting down the rest times a bit because I felt I had the stamina for it. But decided otherwise.
I did however enjoy the whole thing! All the chops got me wishing I could break out my bokken. And also just imagining Roman do stuff like that side-kick + side-to-side chop combos.
Spent rest of day on the usual and some writing and I got to bed around the same time as yesterday.
Feb. 9
I woke up around noon.
One of the first things I did today was my exercises.
First, today’s DD. 50 split jacks with EC. Still not a personal favorite. Left knee complained a bit from doing them. But mission nevertheless accomplished.
Last, Chapter 34 of the AoP. Did the workout proper at Level 3 (7 sets), max rest (2′). Probably the only dicey part here were the jump knee tucks. But All-in-all, this was very doable. Might’ve even got away with shortening rests, but decided not to.
Did some dishes, made some dinner, and finally got around to cleaning up the kitchen counters. That was pretty exhausting for my feet and knees. But I needed to make the place look less like a travesty, even if the guys to install our new microwave tomorrow probably wouldn’t care.
Spent rest of night on the usual and I got to bed earlier than yesterday.
Feb. 10
I woke up around 10AM.
One of the first things I did was start on my exercise.
First, today’s DD. 40 one arm climbers with EC. Took a little bit to orient myself properly, but then I was offer reasonably manageable!
(After some YouTube...)
Last, Chapter 35 of the AoP. First segment involved doing some more traveling again, 41TP. Level 2, as high knees, split into 11+3(10).
Workout proper was done at Level 3, by the skin of my teeth (5 sets; 3x15 push-ups + 2x20 squats + 20 jump squats per). Multiple times I though about stepping down to Level 2. But somehow I managed this. Push-ups were a lil sloppy, nothing new. Not helped by my right elbow needing to work out a kink as I went. The jump squats coulda been standards, since the illustration was such and typically the illustrations are the intended exercise as a rule of thumb - whenever these typos are made.
Spent rest of day on the usual and some writing.
I got to bed obscenely late, tonight.
Feb. 11
I woke up around 10AM.
One of the first things I did today was my exercises.
First, today’s DD. 30 clamshells with EC. A reasonably enjoyable one to do.
Last, Chapter 36 of the AoP. First segment was traveling, 25TP. Did things at Level 2, as high knees, and did this in one pop today.
Workout proper was done at Level 3 again. This was just a fun sequence and I wound up going toward halving the given rest times. It’s fun being fairly confident in one’s coordination for elbow strikes - decking yourself in the face would be no bueno. :,D
Did some dishes, writing, and had a phone call.
Next, I made today’s Hello Fresh meal. Meatloaf à la Mom. My gawd, this was tasty, but I’m growing weary of prepping fresh thyme for recipes. I wound up on my feet for a lot longer than comfortable stripping the leaves off those stems. Even if I was doing the more efficient, pinch an run fingers down them technique. Ooof.
Did some dishes and hit the showers after that. Spent rest of night with the usual and some writing. Oh, and updating a timeline of events involving family BS. That was fun/painful.
I got to bed a bit later than yesterday.
Feb. 12
I woke up around 10AM.
Went to a dental exam appointment this morning. Went well enough. Due to the driver availability situation, was a bit sad about not being able to get Starbucks  before activating/calling-ion my return trip. But hey, it meant I got home earlier. C’est la vie.
Got home and did my only devoted exercise for the day, the DD. 80 knee-ins to leg extensions (40/40). Very manageable work.
Spent a good chunk of rest of day chatting and watching Inception with a friend.
I also decided to whip up a concept sketch of the Begotten!Twins parents and name researching. Did note that I was getting a pretty distracting headache... probably from being overtired.
I got to bed barely into the red zone. Was getting exhausted at this point.
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