doe-prince · 1 month
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Witness what I got...
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batwynn · 19 hours
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orangedogsquad · 7 months
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schizononagesimus · 27 days
me and my collection of mostly empty lighters finding out i can only take one lighter on planes in the US ☹️
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hauntingblue · 1 year
Just watching tv and a celebrity gossip program is on and they start talking about Taylor and matty but somehow they put in the mix a Spanish F1 racer????
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niesamowite-wnetrza · 2 years
Jakość i komfort długoletniego użytkowania - zestaw Fotel EGG SZEROKI VELVET BLACK z podnóżkiem od HOMECARE Furniture
Komfortowe meble i oświetlenie są ważnym elementem każdego domu. Biorąc to pod uwagę, warto wybrać produkty, które będą w stanie wytrzymać wieloletnie użytkowanie. Jednym z takich produktów jest zestaw Fotel EGG SZEROKI VELVET BLACK z podnóżkiem. Kształtem nawiązuje do jednego z najsłynniejszych projektów w historii mebli i oświetlenia. Fotel jest wyposażony w mechanizm obrotowy z funkcją bujania oraz blokadą, zapewniając komfortowe siedzenie. Do zestawu dołączony jest również praktyczny podnóżek, który ma wbudowany mechanizm obrotowy. Korpus fotela wykonany jest z metalu, a tapicerowany jest welurem. Oba elementy mają lakierowane na kolor czarny matowy. Ważnym dla użytkownika elementem jest waga, bowiem waga netto 1 szt. fotela wynosi 22 kg, a podnóżka 8 kg. W przypadku wysyłki, produkt jest dostarczany na palecie, a maksymalna ilość szt. w opakowaniu to 1. Co ważne, produkty są dostarczane do samodzielnego montażu. Producentem zestawu Fotel EGG SZEROKI VELVET BLACK z podnóżkiem jest firma HOMECARE Furniture. Firma ta została założona w 2002 roku i od tego czasu produkuje wysokiej jakości meble i oświetlenie do samodzielnego montażu. W ofercie firmy znajdują się produkty przeznaczone do salonu, sypialni, jadalni, kuchni, biura, a także oświetlenie. Produkty HOMECARE cechują się wysoką jakością wykonania i funkcjonalnością, dzięki czemu można cieszyć się ich użytkowaniem przez długi czas. Ponadto, zespół ekspertów z firmy stale rozwija nowe produkty, by jeszcze bardziej zadowolić swoich klientów. Dzięki temu, klienci mogą znaleźć produkt idealnie pasujący do ich domu.
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suyouda · 2 years
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ahedderick · 11 months
Bear with us
Yesterday evening my daughter, home from college for the weekend, decided to take Hero out for a quick ride. A while later I heard my husband get a call. His voice raised. "a BEAR?!" . . . ""Well, get back to the barn!"
When she returned she told us that Lady, running a little ahead of the horse as she usually does, startled two black bears. She instantly deployed guarddog.exe, and barked furiously at them. K noticed that Lady's barking seemed a lot more than usual for a squirrel, and halted Hero to look around carefully. On of the bears had climbed a tree to get away from Lady (50ish lb, 22kg, WAY more bark than bite). The other ran off. K and Hero froze in place, and the bear decided to come back down the tree. Once it hit the ground, Lady got guarddog.exe confused with herdinginstinct.exe, and started chivvying the bear TOWARD K and Hero. There they stood, in the path of a running black bear, with a screaming hellhound right behind.
Hero, whose exploits have included the Plastic Bag Panic of 2018 and the Frog Freak-out of 2021, was nonchalant and unbothered by the bear. (K much more bothered). The bear turned sharply to get the hell away from everyone, and K was able to disengage Lady from pursuit. They returned home very quickly. Thank heavens Nutmeg wasn't with them.
It is always some damned thing around here.
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prismatoxic · 4 months
chilchuck is 3'7" (110cm) and weighs 48 pounds (22kg)
laios is 6'1" (185cm) and weighs 198 pounds (90kg)
do with this information what you will
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dendragasieniczka · 3 days
-22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg -22kg
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Basic Info:
??? (age?)
He/Him/They/Them/It/It's... S??/?er?
Sexuality Unknown
Pep is a sweet and goofy not-quite-person, with a curious mind and a heart of gold. He likes to see the best in others and help out, but sometimes he gets caught up in his anxieties, and becomes avoidant and skittish.
Pep can only speak backwards, but he can repeat phrases he's heard to 'speak' forwards, albeit slightly distorted.
Pep is not very aggressive, but will become violent if provoked, or if he feels that his friends are being threatened or in danger.
When meeting another Clone, Pep will observe them and try to match their energy; Playful if the clone is excited, Calm if the clone is frightened etc
More detailed information under cut!
Pep is the 'Fake Peppino' that Peppino fought in the tower, and then rescued as the tower fell. Being created in the tower, Pep did not have anywhere to go, and he ended up living behind Peppino's Pizzeria, sleeping in a box and eating from the dumpster for about a month.
Pep found a mysterious device that speaks to him, often asking questions and able to summon items for him. This 'box of a thousand voices' gave Pep the confidence to talk to Peppino, who he had not seen since fighting on the top of the tower, and had been avoiding as he was scared of fighting again, or worse.
Peppino has allowed Pep to stay with him for a while, until he finds a place of his own. Pep is also helping out in the pizzeria, with his new friends.
Being a clone, Pep was spliced with several types of DNA, giving him some interesting traits and abilities. He appears to be living pizza dough, warm, squishy to the touch and much lighter than expected, but he is able to change his form, becoming more liquid and sticky or more solid, but he is almost always 'dripping' in some way, usually on his arms, neck, cheeks and chin.
Pep will become more 'melty' and his form becomes more unstable when he is anxious or upset, while becoming angry or being frightened causes him to fluff up much like a cat.
Pep's 'clothes' are not actually clothes, and are not removable, but he is able to shift his form around, making it appear that he is wearing something else, or even appearing as someone else. Pep cannot hold more complex forms for too long, though, often needing to eat and rest a lot during and afterwards.
Since they are an extension of himself, Pep is able to use his apron ribbons as extra limbs, with each ribbon able to lift and carry about 50 pounds (22KG). The bow and ribbons of his apron are often an indicator of Pep's mood, akin to a dog's tail; Wagging when he is happy, tucked under himself or wrapped around something when nervous etc
Pep's tongue is long and prehensile, often using it to grab food or as an extra limb. Due to the length, Pep often leaves it hanging out of his mouth, but this also has another purpose; Pep is able to 'taste' the emotions of others around him. It is usually very faint, and he usually doesn't notice it, but the strong the emotion, the stronger the taste.
Pep does not produce any bodily fluids, his body instead 'melting' in the spots where it should be; Eyes 'melt' instead of producing tears, Tongue and Mouth 'melt' instead of drooling etc. Pep does not have blood, nor bones (besides teeth), but he is able to solidify parts of himself to give the illusion of bones.
Pep is able to digest most materials, and not get sick from old food, but he does prefer fresh food, especially sweets and pizza, of course! He frequently 'eats' inedible items, storing them inside himself in like a bird's crop, and then which he can regurgitate back up.
Pep adores affection, and enjoys being in close contact with those he trusts. His favourite forms of affections are head pats, chin scratches, hand holding (or ribbon holding), belly rubs, grooming/licking others, being laid on/laying on others and cuddles. Pep purrs very loudly and makes other happy vocalisations when he is giving or receiving any of these.
Pep also shows his happiness in various stims, such as hand flapping, bouncing, shaking, running in circles or just as fast as he can in general, wrapping his arms around himself and squeezing, or shifting his form rapidly for a short time. He does also have some negative stims, such as banging on things until his hands are bleeding oozing, digging his nails into his skin, picking at the more solid parts of his body or biting himself, causing parts to come off.
In very rare moments of stress or exhaustion, Pep will take on a very small form - affectionately referred to as 'Sopping Wet Creature'. In this form, Pep is only able to form from the waist up and is unable to speak. He is even more so easily overwhelmed in his form, so he hides until the stress source is gone, or he is able to get the rest he needs.
On the flip side, when enraged and after a??orb??? a ?a?? ?? c??n??, Pep grows into a monstrous version of himself - referred to as the 'Chase' form - determined to chase down and eliminate the cause of his wrath. While is it very difficult, Pep can be placated while in this form, but no one has figured it out yet.
(More to be added maybe! Hello, if you made it all the way down here, hehe!)
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carinaagain · 3 months
i just realized i’ll need to lose at least 22kg to look close to how i want to, that’s too much work, not even work, but patience, constantly waiting for time to pass to notice some of my progress
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xikasworld · 6 months
Jeśli co tydzień będziemy chudnąc 2kg, do wakacji schudniemy aż 22kg!
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bonesandashessis · 2 months
OMG, I'm so happy.
Yesterday, I received my new scale. The last time I weighed myself was back on april I was 120kgs is insane I'm 98kgs now I lost 22kgs In 4 months that is like 48lb I can't believe it, I just want to cry, I'm never gonna go back to a 3 digit number on te scale again and now I'm just like 38 kgs away from my goal this is crazy. C:
I'm going on vacation to an all-inclusive hotel so this week I'll be eating a lot, I deserve it, I already showed that I'm capable of losing weight whenever I want.
Stay safe, my angels, ily so much.
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el-tulipan-negro · 1 month
"el cuerpo de una Anorexica"
Creo que lo único que me gusta realmente de mi cuerpo, es que a pesar de mi peso, y de que como tal estoy gorda, aun así puedo ver mis huesos, ¡y eso me fascina!, creo que solo l@s
Pro - Ana o Mía, tenemos el cuerpo así, por más que subas de peso tus heso se notan, por que si te con paras con una persona de tu misma estatura y peso, pero que no sea An0rex1c4 o Bul1m1c4, verás que no se le notan los huesos como a ti.
Lo que pasa es que por ejemplo conmigo, yo baje 16kg hace unos meses (60 - 44 kg) y luego subí 22kg (44 - 66kg) pero a pesar de que subi más de 20kg, yo aun puedo notar los huesos de mis costillas y calderas, solo que no están tan marcados como antes pero aún así los puedo ver.
Es lindo no?
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hirocimacruiser · 6 months
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AP.E CIRCUIT ATTACK ALTEZZA 13th Tsukuba Super Battle NA class fastest
1998 SXE10 Toyota Altezza
282ps/7700rpm 28.6kgm/6200rpm
When using NOS 335ps/8000rpm 33kgm/6000rpm
Port processing
A'PEX 2.2L KIT (piston, crank, connecting rod)
A'PEX SPL Camshaft IN 295-13.3 EX 285-13.0
A'PEX Metal Gasket (T-1.5mm)
Compression ratio 12.0:1
AP Engineering Original NOS System
TRD 4 slots
EX manifold for TRD competition
front pipe
Muffler AP Engineering Titanium SPL
radiator normal
oil cooler
injector normal
PUMP - BOSCH Reinforced Pump
ATL Safety Fuel Tank (30L)
Plug cord
Brake pad PFC
Brake Hose AP Engineering SPL
With adjustable P valve
A'PEX N1 Dunbar Type PRO
A'PEX N1 Spring IIF 22kg/mm ​​R20kg/mm
Stabilizer AP Engineering SPL. (Adjustable)
Bush full pyrolysis
Tire MICHELIN PILOTSPORTS F 235/40-17 R235/40-17
Wheels Gram LIGHTS 57F F 8.5J-17 R 8.5J-17
Tower Bar AP Engineering
Mission TRD cross mission (6 speed)
Differential ATS
Clutch ORC single plate
Flywheel ORC lightweight flywheel
Roll bar 15 points
Strengthen members and make them rigid
A'PEX Power FC AP Engineering SPL.
A'PEX EL System Meter
A'PEX OIL PRO Racing NA oil
Mission OMEGA
Differential OMEGA
Steering Nardi gala 3 Buckskin
Seat belt
VERTEX Super durable F bumper, raised over fender
GT Wing, AP Engineering Polycarbonate Window
F under cover
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