#2000s crime shows my love
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badadboombadabing26 · 8 months ago
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Be the change you want to see in a Fandom that's been dead since the 2000's
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lilcathsmith · 6 months ago
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Crime Show Meme - CSI insp [3/5 characters]
"Do you believe in past lives? No, ma'am. How come?. Because I'm just trying to make it through this one." - Nick Stokes (portrayed by George Eads, 2000 - 2015)
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michameinmicha · 5 months ago
Schön wenn man liebt, was Mutter Natur einem gibt
Was kann ich dafür, dass du mich nicht vergisst?
Ein geselliges Tier ist das Schwein und das Stachelschwein lieber allein
Ohne dich will ich nicht, mit dir kann ich nicht sein
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thekimspoblog · 8 months ago
"It's part of Nissan's safety guarantee" - Tony Soprano.
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mychildhoodinablog · 2 months ago
I loved him so much watched so many episodes 🥹😇
can he sit on your dash for a minute?? he'll be very polite :]
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interact-if · 11 days ago
Our fourth edition of the Black History Month Author Spotlight series, features Becky (@losergames)!
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(I’ve been in awe of Becky’s multi-talents (art, writing, coding, excuse me??) for a long time now, and am super excited to get to interview her and introduce her awesome game, Chop Shop! The portion on morality and finding a middle-ground between harmful stereotypes of “bad” POC characters and angelic, one-dimensional ones who can do no wrong was a really interesting and insightful take.)
Author: Becky
Hello hello!!! I’m Becky! I am a black bisexual woman from the UK, lover of games, TV and food. I have a Bachelor's degree in Animation & Visual Effects and currently work as a technician at a college 😁
Games: Chop Shop (crime, action, LGBTQ+, meaningful choices)
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Short blurb: A crime action interactive fiction game.
Quote from the interview
There are a few main themes I keep in mind about when writing Chop Shop but the big one I think everyone understands is morality. What is right and wrong, and the various shades of grey in between, has been written about a thousand times in a thousand ways but it is continuously interesting to me in a changing world. What does it mean to be a bad person doing good things and a good person doing bad things? Is there a chance for redemption? What are the consequences? Race and class are also massive factors, made all the more complicated when we’re looking at sets of characters on either side of the PC’s life. I want to write black and other characters of colour make bad, questionable, and unredeemable decisions whilst also remaining aware of stereotypes and archetypes. I want them to be loud, messy, and rude, attributes that are always attached to minorities, but I also want them to be smart, calculating, and deceptive. I think a lot of people are scared to do so and we end up with plain, can-do-no-wrongers that lack any depth.
Read on for the full interview!
Can you tell me a bit about what you’re working on right now and your journey into interactive fiction? What inspired the game/story you’re currently writing?
I am currently working on the crime action interactive fiction Chop Shop. There are a mix of inspirations that went into Chop Shop but above all else I’d say the kicker was my circumstances at the time.
During covid I walked away from the WORST job I’ve ever had and moved back home, which I realised a while after was an extremely huge blessing. I had a major burnout and was processing what my ex-managers had put me and my colleagues through. So, in my freetime I was playing a lot of cyoa/ romance games (shoutout Love Island the game) and found a whole fandom that also enjoyed them. 
I made some friends, did art commissions, and wrote some fanfic here and there, yadda yadda. A close friend recommended I try out a very popular COG game at the time (🧛) and it all spiraled from there. I fell in love with the format, endless creativity, and community and never looked back.
I loved the Need For Speed games as a kid, the og Most Wanted, Carbon, and Underground 2 are, in my eyes, amongst the masterpieces of games from the 2000s. It got to the point I was going over to friends houses just to play on their PS2 lmao. I am also a Fast and Furious fiend (shock) and I will defend that god awful series till I die. Fast forward to being a teenager/ young adult I’ve become a massive fan of fictional crime shows. Breaking Bad will always be my first love, but I also love The Sopranos, Fargo, The Wire and more.
How has your identity, heritage/background, upbringing, or personal experiences influenced your storytelling or writing process? OR How does your work feature aspects of your identity / experience?
The real catalyst for Chop Shop was my previous job. A lot of the PC’s experiences are based off my own. A few examples I love sharing are how I had to make breakfast for my boss every morning and had to keep the office freezer stocked with a specific supermarket ice lolly because he ‘needed’ one every day at 3pm. I truly wish I was making this up because people think I’m crazy when I tell them. But I really was catering to a man-child because I was desperately trying to get my foot into a creative industry. Woof!!!
That said, the industry I wanted to work in was and still is extremely competitive. I came out of uni with a tonne of friends, but also a tonne of competition. It stung very badly to see my peers excel and surpass me when it came to careers but that’s just a part of becoming an adult. That life really was not for me and I’m glad I’m out of it now.
My mother is an extremely influential person in my life. Bits and pieces of her stick with me, not just in my writing but my every day. She’s worked in corporate all her life, from the early 80s and still to this day. She laughs about it now but she tells stories about the times she was laughed out of meetings or undermined by subordinates because she was a black woman in positions that were not occupied by minorities. It hurts to think about but I can only dream of having the type of strength she does.
Now that I think about it, Chop Shop is a massive fuck you to the past.
Are there any specific themes or messages you hope players take away from your work?
There are a few main themes I keep in mind about when writing Chop Shop but the big one I think everyone understands is morality. What is right and wrong, and the various shades of grey in between, has been written about a thousand times in a thousand ways but it is continuously interesting to me in a changing world. What does it mean to be a bad person doing good things and a good person doing bad things? Is there a chance for redemption? What are the consequences?
Race and class are also massive factors, made all the more complicated when we’re looking at sets of characters on either side of the PC’s life. I want to write black and other characters of colour make bad, questionable, and unredeemable decisions whilst also remaining aware of stereotypes and archetypes. I want them to be loud, messy, and rude, attributes that are always attached to minorities, but I also want them to be smart, calculating, and deceptive. I think a lot of people are scared to do so and we end up with plain, can-do-no-wrongers that lack any depth.
What does your writing process look like? Any rituals or habits? Any tips, tricks, philosophies or approaches that have worked very well for you?
I write way better outside of my bedroom. I know writing is supposed to be fun and a hobby but sometimes it’s… not. If I get stressed out in my room, it’s all a mess. The brain needs to be away from where I sleep to get work done. Last summer, when all the teachers were on holiday time, I was the only one in my department for weeks and it was the best writing stint I ever had haha.
Oh and I keep a huge spreadsheet. All the episode breakdowns, outlines, character details etc. It looks insane to anyone else but it is my prized baby.
Do you have favourite interactive fiction games, characters, scenes or authors that you’d like to recommend?
My goto game rec is always 180 Files: The Aegis Project. So quick and punchy, more narrative/plot than romance focused. The action sequences are fun and the interactions are so delicious, ugh. I love it. I’ve played it at least 20 times to get the different endings and it’s never not satisfying, just… chefs kiss. I’m also really enjoying Thicker Than right now AAHHH I NEED TO CATCH UP!!! 
Any books, music, movies etc. you’re obsessed with at the moment, or which changed your life (or perspectives on something)?
Not anything specific but I do have some books I’d like to recommend to my fellow black readers:
The Psychosis of Whiteness: Surviving the Insanity of a Racist World by Nicola Rollock
Black Skin, White Masks by Franz Fanon
The Strangers: Five Extraordinary Black Men and the Worlds That Made Them by Ekow Eshun
Black England: A Forgotten Georgian History by Gretchen Gerzina
The Hard Road To Renewal by Stuart Hall
Honestly I’d recommend anything by Stuart Hall lmao. RIP king, you would be shocked at the media literacy today.
This-or-that segment: (bold = Becky's pick)
Coffee or tea?
Early mornings or late nights?
City or countryside?
Angsty or Cozy romances? (Or enemies-to-lovers or best-friends-to-lovers?)  
Steady progress or frenzied binge-writing followed by periods of calm?
Summer or Winter?
First drafts or editing?
Introvert or extrovert?
Plotter or pantser?
Characters or plot first?
Becky’s custom “either-or” pairing: Driver or passenger?
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loudclan-clangen · 4 months ago
So, here is the pitch:
AU where Siltsplash finds out they are pregnant around the same moon that Eklutna gives birth to the boys. (Rather than an AU where Owl doesn’t cheat because then we wouldn’t have Song, Dance, or Dash and that won’t do)
It makes the betrayal even worse because it’s even more pointless since they were going to give Owl an heir.
Anyway, meet Spindlekit
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She will eventually go blind I imagine, but if Owlstar suggest she retire she tells him that he should retire for being old lmao.
Warrior name is open to suggestion
I love her and I’m so mad that she doesn’t exist now.
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The fact that Song doesn’t have a little sister is a CRIME. This is what he was born to do.
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Not only am I okay with it, I would love to see it!
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You are so right, here's a flashback that was cut for time from Moon 28:
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Erminepaw has had a crush on Songpaw since they were in the nursery together, he just never called attention to it. He honestly probably doesn't even register that it is a crush, he's doing that thing that kids do where they're like this is my best friend, of course I want to marry him that's how everyone feels about their best friend. Nothing out of the ordinary here! Just my best friend that I must be holding hands with at all times for best friend reasons!
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Yes! This is Fox----, he has been causing problems since the literal day he was born. You've met both of his parents, but I would be a little bit surprised if you guessed them correctly. Parental drama is kinda part of his whole deal. He's one of the first 3rd generation cats born in Loudclan.
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I have SO much advice, about the images, the recommended size is 1280 x 1920 pixels, that's always a little too short for my panels, so I try to aim for 1280 x 2000 - 3000. It still deteriorates them a little bit, but people can always click on them for better quality. Bigger text and variation in values also help for readability regardless of size. (value meaning how light or dark a color is. if you want something to stand out it's more important to change the value than it is to change the hue generally speaking.) As for grabbing attention, I would recommend making sure that the image you're trying to show is visible above the cut off for longer posts, posts with only text visible are a lot less likely to get interaction. That being said, the most important thing for the longevity of your blog is making sure that it's something you are doing for yourself. There's nothing wrong with liking when your posts get attention, but it's not likely to happen for a long while (I think moon 5 was the first time I got double digit likes which was three months after I started.) I appreciate all of the love that Loudclan gets now, but if I had started with that as the goal I never would have been able to reach the point of it happening. (I actually started posting Loudclan with the intention of proving to myself once and for all that posting art was not a viable endeavor for me, so... I'll consider that a successful failure!)
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You CANNOT DO THIS to me anon- "the canadian city"- YOU MEAN JUNEAU? YOU MEAN THE CAPITAL OF ALASKA JUNEAU?!?! JUNEAU?!?! CANADIAN?!?! When I catch you anon- anon when I catch you-
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Come here, anon. I just want to talk. I just want to have a word with you.
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goldsainz · 2 years ago
GUESS WHO’S BACK? — one shot.
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pairing: daniel ricciardo x reader
NOTE: first of i wanna say that this is not meant to diminish the treatment nyck got bc it is undoubtedly shitty (helmut marko you will pay for your crimes), i am just happy one of my fav drivers is back. this is eminem!daughter!reader an idea @lorarri let me use, all the lyrics and song she came up with are fantastic, i couldn’t have made this without them, so thank you lola!!!!
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liked by danielricciardo, eminem and 3,082,719 others
yourusername i am so excited to announce my newest album “BADGER BEWARE”!! this project has been in the making for quite some time, it has the help of people i am very close with. and inspirations behind a lot of impacting moments in my life. which is why i am so happy that it is finally here and you can all enjoy it july 13th
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ynfan1 oh this is so about daniel
danielricciardo 💛💛💛
liked by yourusername and 96,053 others
⤷ danielfan1 acting as if the album isn’t gonna be dedicated to him
icespice gonna be bomb 🔥
scottyjames31 Claiming track 3 right now
⤷ danielricciardo No, it’s already claimed. Pick another.
ynfan3 july 13th cannot come any sooner
danielfan2 i hope y/n knows that she just sent me into cardiac arrest
ynfan4 thank you eminem for the blessing that is y/n🙏
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liked by charles_leclerc, bellahadid and 3,950,416 others
yourusername “BADGER BEWARE” is out now in all streaming platforms! i wanna take a moment to thank all the people who made this album possible, to the man who inspired this project and sat with me until sunrise writing down lyrics, to my friends who participated and helped me push through, but especially to all my fans who waited patiently for me to release my music in my own time. have fun and pls don’t take what i talk about too seriously (or do 😉)
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danielricciardo I would sit until sunrise every day with you
⤷ yourusername love the sentiment but you were asleep 90% of the time
⤷ danielricciardo But I was still there!
ynfan22 album of the year!!!
danielfan21 oh so this is a diss track to mclaren…
redbullracing Our playlist has been updated!
liked by yourusername and 107,368 others
ynfan23 when we needed her most she appeared🙏
ynfan24 damn she did not hold back
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“Show-stopping” is the expression Y/N wants to convey each time she sits down and starts to write her songs. It is a “big word”, as she puts it, but there is no other word that would fit the feeling she hopes to transmit through her music.
“I started writing “BADGER BEWARE” back in 2021, I think around august, and by the end of that year I had written 3 songs. I stopped writing because I thought of either scrapping the whole project or making a 4-5 song EP. Obviously that didn’t end up happening because now there are 10 songs, 1 intro and 1 outro. All those songs hold a different place in my heart and while they all form part of the genre of Rap, they’re heartfelt in their own special way.”
Rap is a genre Y/N is all too familiar with. With her father being Eminem, an icon to the genre and the 2000s — even now. She says that the choice is not arbitrary, that there is an influence she cannot deny, but chooses to embrace it rather than push it away.
She dedicated the album to her boyfriend of 3 years, Daniel Ricciardo, who was the initial inspiration behind it. “Danny listened to me rant about my ideas for hours, sat in different studios with me and suggested different things that made the whole experience different than anything I’d ever done before. He also introduced me to — now one of my good friends — Charles Leclerc, who plays piano and is the one that composed the music for both the intro and outro.”
When asked about her favourite songs she picked a couple because “there is no way I could choose just one”. There is an evident passion to her craft when it comes to Y/N, something not everyone in her field possesses quite as well as she does.
“HONEY, RED WINGS and SUMMER SMILE are probably my top 3. They were all written at such drastically different points of my life, about things that have practically nothing to do with each other but that are tied by a little string. Some people think I pick my singles because they’re my favourite, which is true because all my songs are my favourites! But most of all I pick them because they’re the ones that I felt most comfortable publicising, all the other songs in the album are like a little secret between my fandom and me.
“There are also songs which are more personal. MONZA MASH, for example, it’s a very hyper song but it still is about an event that was very emotional. TEARS OF THE SUN, is also an obvious one. My songs are about something, and if it makes you feel anything at all then I did my job right.”
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liked by tayrussell, saweetie and 2,785,046 others
yourusername 2 THE MAX MV IS HERE!! i heard it was a fan favourite and had to deliver… there is no way to express my gratitude to you all for the support the album has gotten, so i guess this is my way!
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⤷ danielfan31 “i turn up the heat to the max and watch them bitches squirm” ATE THAT SHIT UPPP
ynfan32 y/n mathers?? MORE LIKE Y/N MOTHER
danielricciardo She’s wearing red, next question!
⤷ yourusername LMAO??
⤷ maxverstappen1 Let him be, he’s a bit jet-lagged
ynfan33 literally fell down the stairs bc of this announcement
danielfan32 forget daniel… I WANT HER
ynfan34 as a y/n fan i am more than amazed at the amount of content we’re getting😭
ynfan35 it suddenly got real hot
⤷ ynfan36 we call that “the y/n effect”
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michele-apricity · 3 months ago
𝓭𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓪𝓬𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓶𝓲𝓪 ˙⟡🪶─
𝒎𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒗 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔
Some of my favourite movies and tv shows that I keep rewatching literally all the time, also fit the dark academia aesthetic...
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Dead Poets Society (1989)
A timeless film about the power of literature and the consequences of challenging societal norms in a boarding school.
The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999)
A psychological thriller drenched in luxury, deception, and the pursuit of identity.
Kill Your Darlings (2013)
Follows young Allen Ginsberg and his entanglement in a murder during his time at Columbia University.
Atonement (2007)
A visually stunning film about love, betrayal, and regret, with an air of intellectual melancholy.
The Imitation Game (2014)
A story of genius and tragedy, focusing on Alan Turing’s work during WWII.
The Riot Club (2014)
A dark examination of privilege and elitism among Oxford students in a secret society.
Harry Potter Series (2001-2011)
Especially The Prisoner of Azkaban, which captures the darker, atmospheric tones of the series.
Crimson Peak (2015)
A Gothic romance with haunting visuals and themes of mystery and intellect.
The Oxford Murders (2008)
A mystery set at Oxford University, blending logic, philosophy, and crime-solving.
The Theory of EVerything (2014)
A poignant biopic about Stephen Hawking’s life, featuring beautiful academic settings.
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𝒕𝒗 𝒔𝒆𝒓��𝒆𝒔
The Umbrella Academy (2019-2024)
While more fantastical, its themes of family, ambition, and intellectualism align with dark academia. (we're going to act as if the 4th season never happened)
Sherlock (2010-2017)
A modern take on Arthur Conan Doyle’s detective stories, with a focus on intellect and mystery.
The Queen’s Gambit (2020)
A visually stunning series about genius, competition, and the pressures of academia-like environments.
Penny Dreadful (2014-2016)
A Gothic series weaving together classic literary characters with dark, intellectual themes.
How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020)
A thrilling blend of academia and crime, revolving around law students entangled in murder mysteries.
Derry Girls (2018-2022)
Though comedic, the show captures an academic setting with themes of friendship and youthful rebellion.
The Magicians (2015-2020)
A fantasy series with a dark academia feel, featuring a secret university for magic and complex moral questions.
His Dark Materials (2019-2022)
A richly intellectual fantasy series set in an alternate, academic-focused world.
Gilmore Girls (2000-2007)
While lighter, it captures the love of books, academia, and witty intellectual banter.
Shadow and Bone (2021-)
A mix of dark fantasy and the kind of rich world-building that appeals to dark academia enthusiasts.
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Let me know your favourite movies and/or tv shows that I should watch.
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cobbbvanth · 4 months ago
the culture impact of glee, for the uninitiated
okay YEAH I'm starting glee discourse in the year of our lord 2024 due to recent events on the gay firefighter show. so for those who don't understand why josh's speech on 911 this week was so important, here's a brief run down of the impact glee had on queer history.
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glee, also created by ryan murphy, began airing in 2009 and ran for six seasons before ending in 2015. for all ryan murphy's crimes™, his contribution to queer representation in media has been incredibly influential especially in the early 2000s-2010s. at age nine, kurt hummel from glee and mitch and cam from modern family were the first queer characters I remember encountering. representation of any kind was still so hard to come by on television, let alone stories where queer characters got to have happy endings. in 2009, chris colfer (who played kurt on glee) was one of the youngest openly gay actors in hollywood, being just 19 years old when they started the show. throughout its run, glee introduced several additional queer characters and story lines that dealt with real issues queer people experienced such as being closeted, coming out, homophobia - external and internal.
only 33% of Americans supported same-sex marriage when glee started airing, and "even among millennials — Glee’s target audience — just 51% were in favour at the time."
the support for marriage equality jumped to a record high of 60% as glee was airing it's final episodes. same sex marriage was legalised in the usa in 2015, just months after the final episode of glee aired. a season six episode features a double wedding for a wlw couple and a mlm couple where a lesbian, a bisexual woman and two gay men get to experience a day of joy and celebration surrounded by friends and family, despite having to cross state lines to marry legally. and yes, as stated in the above quote from this article and the speech josh gave on 911 this week, glee had its fair share of problematic moments. plenty of stuff on that show (as is the case with many ryan murphy shows) is not what we'd class as "good representation" today. and it's not perfect yet either. biphobia is still prevalent in bisexual arcs, wlw representation is still far behind mlm representation, and it's hard to convince networks to go for anything that's not cis male queer rep. but it's important to show grace for the media that helped us get to the state of queer representation we do have now. shows like glee have been credited with changing the minds of many of the people who were initially against marriage equality, purely by exposing them to stories about lgbtq+ people and their experiences. and glee was HUGE. one of the biggest shows on television when it was airing - it brought in millions of viewers weekly, hundreds of glee covers climbed the charts, it won awards, the cast sold out national and international tours. we get to have characters like josh and hen and karen and buck and tommy BECAUSE OF shows like glee that came before. so yeah, it wasn't just ryan murphy worship on another ryan murphy show, the pre-glee/post-glee timeline was a "genuine unit of culture measurement" as @autisticjoshrusso put it here.
on a personal level: I watched glee every week as it aired from age 9 to 15. so much of the way that I am today (my sense of humour, my love for performing, my taste in music) is because of this show. I've seen it countless times, but didn't fully realise how much it meant to me as a piece of queer media until I was in my early 20s, so this is a topic I'm very passionate about. I owe ryan murphy my life and I also want to hit him with my car <3 anyway. stream teenage dream (glee cast version)
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sailormew4 · 5 months ago
Happy International Lesbian Day!
Here are some of my favorite Sapphic Ships and awards to them. (Reblog and add your favorite sapphic ship with your own award to them)
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Lumity! Congrats for being one of the few Sapphic Ships that ended up being Canon with No Margin to Deny It. You get the Fuck Disney Award!
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Anthy and Utena for being the THEE Yuri Ship for Anime. Creating so many tropes as well. Also for being the start of Pink x Purple Ship for me. You get the Trope Starter Award
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Bubbline! For being the Slowest Queer Coded Turn Canon in Western Animation. Award for "My Ex Keeps Missing Me, But Her Aim Is Getting Better!"
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TogaChako! Congrats for breaking the internet this past weekend. Award for Making Me Scream, Cry, and Throw Up Everytime I See You (I will make them Canon every chance I get in fics)
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Catradora! Congrats for being my introduction to Childhood Friends to Enemies to Lovers Ship (this definitely didn't affect my future ships at all). Award for Winning a War with Gay Love!
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HaruMichi! Congrats for finally having your love story shown without censors for western audiences. You get the "And Censorship Will Call Them..." Award
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Korrasami! Congrats on jump-starting Sapphic (and maybe even LGBT relationships) in Western animation. We salute you! You get the Hand Hold as an I Love You Award
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And here's a surprise contender. ZakuMint from Tokyo Mew Mew. You gave the Vibes in 2000s and now you're fully Gay Coded Congrats! You get the Upgrades People Upgrades Award!
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It's not as surprising but needs to be mentioned. But here's a Liana and Alexa from Barbie and the Diamond Castle with the award of "Baby's First Gay Coded Movie"
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MadoHomu for being my first Doomed Yuri Ship... pray for their safety in the next movie. You get the "Was It Casual" Award.
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Harlivy for showing that Men (specifically men like Joker) ain't shit and healing from toxic relationships. You get the Award also for "Be Gay, Do Crimes"
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Sashannarcy: To show you what's better than one girlfriend? TWO Girlfriends. You get the "She Has Two Hands" Award
And we'll be closing out with Rupphire! The first Sapphic Wedding I watched on screen. May you live as Garnet forever happily!
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And Honorable Mention to Kugisaki Nobara! For being the Most Lesbian of Lesbian to the point where I knew to multiship her with Maki, Mai, and many more. You get the award of "Most Girlfriends" Award
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Along with Velma Dinkley who had the Best Lesbian Coded to Canon Lesbian Development. Shout Out to being played by Lesbian Jesus Hayley Kiyoko in a live action!
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doubledeadstudio · 2 months ago
Hello, happy holidaysヾ(^∇^) I apologize for this being a long question but I've been thinking for a long time and I really have to ask if you would ask the RH crew (Mars, Abel and Fleur too if that's okay) for book and/or movie recommendations, what would they give ? If it's not a spoiler, what media inspired their depiction, if any? I want to practice English so I find new things I like, and I hope my words make meaning when I use translation. Have a happy holiday (づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ♡
Happy Holidays! This is so sweet. Good luck on your language journey.
Crux Hertz - The Ritual (2017) or Bones and All (2022) (movie), Siddharta by Hermann Hesse or No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai (books)
Black Lumaban - Mad Max: Fury Road (movie), The Conquest of Bread by Peter Kropotkin (book)
Vincenzo Fontana - Possession (1981) (movie), The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde or Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov (book)
Florentin Blanchett - The Substance (2024) or Dead Ringers (1988) (movie), Stiff by Mary Roach (book)
Abel Valencia - American Psycho (2000) or Wolf of Wall Street (2013), no books because he's stupid but I will give a TV show... Desperate Housewives
So, the thing about this is really complicated because I'm an avid art fan and I consume all sorts of media, from books to movies to tv shows and music. Generally, I get a concept then my brain starts piecing things together. (Crux is the hardest to explain because he originally started off as the child of two of me and my husband's oldest OCs... and he became a whole separate beast on his own.)
But I can give characters that really remind me of them!
Crux - Sans (Undertale), Gojo (JJK), Loki (Marvel), Shawn Spencer (Psych) (This is the worst list of all time), also Markus (Red Embrace:Hollywood), and Lee (Bones and All). Hozier and Will Wood remind me of his aesthetic.
Black - Guts (Berserk), Lio Fotia (Promare), Fenris (Dragon Age), Warren Peace (Sky High), Bigby (Wolf Among Us), Juri (Utena). For music, grandson has his vibes.
Vincenzo - Lestat (Interview with a Vampire), Orin (Baldur's Gate 3), Gilbert (Kaze to Ki no Uta), Mahito (JJK), Alois Trancy (Black Butler), Ryo Asuka (Devilman Crybaby). His storyline was largely inspired by HP Lovecraft's Dreams of Witch House. For music, near everything by Emilie Autumn and Mindless Self Indulgence.
Abel - Ashley (The Boys), Rhys (Tales from the Borderlands), Nathan (Life is Strange). (I won't lie, a huge part of him is directly inspired to parody Right Wing pundits lolol) For music, no lie, Laufey and Lana del Rey, LMAO.
Florentin - Griffith (Berserk), Viktor Frankenstein, Dr Herbert West (Re-Animator).
For Mars:
Hello, Clovis here, creator of Mars! Thank you for the interest! Mars likes classic films with lots of sexuality and violence. Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, Chicago (he loves a good musical if it isn't too sugary-sweet). He'll go for the stereotypical Dad Movies too as long as he thinks they're suave enough, like James Bond and Indiana Jones. For books, he reads a lot more than you'd think and enjoys being well-read, but let's say A Song of Ice and Fire, because there's political drama and everyone's suffering. (Their misfortune and crushed innocence amuses him.)
Mars is inspired heavily from the Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood depiction of Greed. While not a direct inspiration (I've had the character for years), Sukuna from Jujutsu Kaisen is hilariously similar to him. Vintage mafia movies are where a lot of his aesthetic comes from. If you like crime thrillers, I would highly recommend the television show Fargo for bastard men that you love to hate, are scary as hell, and are darkly comedic. — Clovis @VileFable
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ang4lbaee · 7 days ago
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˚ʚ♡ welcome to my girlblog ♡ɞ˚
porn blogs pls dni
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୨୧┇my name is irene, i am 5teen and my birthday is in the 4th of december ♡
୨୧┇i'll be posting daily (or try to)
୨୧┇i'm an enfp and a saggitarius however it's hard for me to open up 🩰
୨୧┇i follow back and i would love to make friends on here 🎀
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╰─ - ̗̀ꪆ୧ my favorite...
୨୧┇colors: pink, dark red
୨୧┇shows: euphoria, pretty little liars, skins uk, anne with an e, scream queens, shameless, gossip girl, rupaul's drag race, squid game
୨୧┇movies: priscilla, pearl, the virgin suicides, girl interrupted, the bling ring, marie antoinette, thirteen, grease, jennifer's body, mean girls, clueless, but i'm a cheerleader, legally blonde, uptown girls, black swan, buffalo 66, lolita, alice in wonderland, tangled, little women, barbie, dirty dancing, speak, 500 days of summer, 10 things i hate about you, anyone but you
୨୧┇artists: olivia rodrigo, sabrina carpenter, gracie abrams, lana del rey, phoebe bridgers, chappell roan, taylor swift, ariana grande, charli xcx, melanie martinez, britney spears, remy bond, marina and the diamonds, fiona apple, the smiths, elvis presley, ayesha erotica, nancy sinatra, beabadoobee, big thief, adrienne lenker, billie eilish, conan gray, hole, kesha, lady gaga, katy perry, mars argo, mitski, nicki minaj, rihanna, the ronnettes, will wood, mazzy star, cocteau twins, azealia banks, tv girl
୨୧┇books: my dark vanessa, tess of the d'urbervilles, lolita, elvis and me, being lolita a memoir, diary of an oxygen thief
‧₊˚✧ ⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ‧₊˚✧
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╰─ - ̗̀ꪆ୧ interests & more!
୨୧┇likes: shopping, watching movies, listening to music, writing, drawing, girlblogging, watching true crime, hanging out, sleeping, vintage, the 60s, the 2000s, sofia coppola, reading, history, summer, pets, travelling, pop, sweets, dancing, singing, alone time, old disney, makeup, nails, priscilla presley, baking, workout, jacob elordi, duncanyounot
୨୧┇dislikes: maths, mean people, sexist people, porn blogs, blogs that promote eating disorders, trump, girls that don't support feminism, homophobes, racists
୨୧┇dms open to everyone except creeps
୨୧┇my spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/celkm7ehd0oz4adokngy8jrg2?si=pkl4_y6URjObuy7PYk2cBg
୨୧┇thanks for reading x 🤍
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floatingcatacombs · 3 months ago
Anaheim Gals Being Anaheim Pals
12 Days of Aniblogging 2024, Day 2
Zeta Gundam has a real lurching, strange start by design. In the time between the One Year War and the Gryps Conflict, things have gone terribly! Not only did a good amount of Zeon’s forces escape to the asteroid belt and start rebuilding, the Earth Federation is getting taken over from within by the ruthless Titans. But wait, the Titans are still feddies at the end of the day, so why are they the ones piloting Hizacks and other Zeon-style designs at the start of the show?
The answer to this is brilliant and sadly relegated to a narrative footnote. You see, after the One Year War, Zeonic’s personnel and blueprints got absorbed into Gundam manufacturer Anaheim Electronics, as part of an Operation Paperclip-style deal. This leaves Anaheim's mobile suit aesthetics during the interwar period a total hodgepodge, iterating on both GM and Zaku style designs while also moving forward with plenty of secret prototype successors to the RX-78 Gundam. Maybe it’s just the OL in me, but this particular era and company really pique my interest! The culture shock and office politics that would follow from Anaheim folding in the engineers from the other side of the last war, the competition between rival design teams, the back-channel deals of an arms manufacturer now compelled to play both sides…
I’d been told that the Gundam OVA entitled Stardust Memory was vaguely about this, but I’d also been told that Stardust Memory was terrible and just plain not worth watching, so I steered away from it. Instead, my prayers were answered in the form of a lovely 2009 yuri doujin visual novel called Anaheim Girl’s Love Story.
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I don't feel like cropping the screenshots, so peep my VM setup. it'll add to the vibe
First things first, I would like to simply acknowledge the joy of being alive, and alive at this exact moment in time. It is so wonderful that a group of dedicated fans made a complete visual novel starring lesbian office workers at the Mecha War Crime Engineering Company. And not only did they realize this dream in the first place, a separate group translated the script into English in 2013, and then another team reverse-engineered the game’s engine and released a patch in 2020 so that now the translation can be experienced in its original format. Each and every one of you is a true yuri warrior.
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Anaheim Girl’s Love Story is a passion project through and through, extrapolating from all the bits and pieces of lore we get about Anaheim Electronics across various shows and crafting a believable setting, while still making it feel like a Gundam story on some level. It’s also fully voice acted? I don’t know what typical doujin VN production values were like in 2009, but still, color me impressed. We play as Rinne, a new recruit to Anaheim and a mecha otaku through and through. She loves these mobile suits, just like you and me! And she wants nothing more than to work for the company who invented the Gundam. Anaheim is a tech company through and through – most of the workers on the ground really believe in what they’re doing and put their whole heart into it, even as their leadership takes on increasingly shady and secretive contracts. But it’s also implied, in the VN and in the Gundam shows, that the company is staffed by mostly women. Great! I really do like when a setting asserts that being invested in mecha is primarily something that women do. After all, girls were the ones that kept 0079 popular in the first place according to Tomino.
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All of the Anaheim girls have pale blue double-breasted suit jackets and long pencil skirts, culminating in an extremely 80’s look. AGLS also covers its blurry background photos with a dark blue filter, resulting in a fairly monochrome game where the character expressions really pop out from everything else. The mecha CGs are surprisingly well done, even if they suffer a bit from 2000’s shading syndrome, when everyone went a little too hard on the airbrush. The character portraits holds up a lot better in comparison. All of this to say that the presentation is fairly minimal, as they were clearly working with limited resources, but it gets the job done.
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Rinne likes milk tea and is equal amounts excited and anxious about her job. This is the sort of milquetoast relatable protagonist traits you’d find in any dating sim, so the fun twist here is that when she’s feeling down about her work, she’ll go to the hanger where an RX-78 (the RX-78? It’s left unclear) is being stored and start talking to it. Rubber-ducking your mobile suit designs with an actual mobile suit is cute!! Things unfold as you’d expect, with Rinne befriending her hacker kouhai, starting a rivalry with the office villainess, and getting intimidated by her boss Sophie. It’s nothing revolutionary, but that’s fine, because the setting alone does a ton of the lifting. While no named characters from any official Gundam series appear, they’re namedropped ever so occasionally, and there’s plenty of cameos and lore sprinkled about for a Universal Centuryhead to lap up.
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Of course, Rinne invites her boss over for dinner a bunch and discovers her soft and vulnerable side, and the two of them engage in a slowburn office situationship while trying to also trying to win the Gundam Development Project, an internal competition to develop next-generation experimental mobile suits. And wouldn’t you know it, office politics are afoot. She’s been keeping it from Rinne, but Sophie was originally an engineer from Zeonic. Trust issues ensue, as do complicated feelings about being in love with someone who designed the weapons that nearly killed you. The leadership of Anaheim has a clear bias towards Federation-style suits, and still views the Zeonic hires with scorn and suspicion, even if they bring useful perspectives in design philosophy. Sophie wants to design every part with cost and performance in mind! That’s what enabled the Zakus, after all. But if we skip ahead and look at the results, the end goal of this intra-office competition seems to have been extravagance bordering on wastefulness. Rinne and Sophie’s team produce a fairly standard but combat-versatile Gundam, while the other teams contributed a hyper-flexible Gundam, a hilariously overinflated mobile armor that you can stick a Gundam into, and a Gundam with a fucking nuke attached to it.
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Most romance VNs and stories in general have some sort of last-act plot development that threatens to end things so the couple can bounce back and have a narrative climax. Sickness, family, trauma, a breakup feint, really anything is fair game. Anaheim Girl’s Love Story pulls out the most brutal one yet – “Stardust Memory happened”. It turns out that Anaheim has been playing both sides of the emerging Delaz conflict, and was planning on giving your team’s ship to a particularly unhinged Zeon commander as a gift of goodwill and temporary alliance. In doing so, they dismantle the iconic Gundam armor from the mobile suit frame, replacing it with a new and undeniably Zeonic red outer shell. It’s a genuinely fucked-up moment! To see your child ripped away from you and corrupted into being the other kind of war crimes monster, and your boss/girlfriend knew this was going to happen and was too ashamed to tell you. Rinne runs out of oxygen while trying to stop the Gebera Tetra from deploying, and falls into a coma afterwards. By the time she wakes up, the events of Stardust Memory have all played out, and things are in the process of returning to normal. Our protagonist ends up on a research vessel to Jupiter to test cutting-edge mobile suits, but promises to meet up with Sophie again when she returns. One wonders if she got recruited into joining Paptimus’ crew while on Jupiter, and was subsequently killed by Kamille. The timelines just barely overlap to make it possible!
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Anyways, that’s Anaheim Girl’s Love Story. I’m not sure how fleshed out the hacker girl’s route is, or if there are different endings I could have gotten on mine. Maybe I’ll give it another shot next year. This game is by no means amazing. It is on some level just a softcore lesbian eroge with a Gundam coat of paint. But the delicacy with which it fits itself into the UC chronology without messing things up or being a fully irrelevant plot, the care put into having these ladies fall in love and do the usual OL yuri rituals, the honesty with which it carries itself… I’m so charmed by it all. I don’t know if I’d recommend it outright (you’d want to already be very invested in this slice of Gundam, and you need a VM with an older version of Windows to play it, and I think the website linking to the patch went down earlier this year), but I’m so happy that this exists in the first place and that I got to play it.
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What I am less happy about is that this visual novel made me trick myself into watching Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory. This is entirely on me, mind. Most lesbians are fooled into watching Stardust Memory because they saw images of Cima Garahau online, but I was ready for that trick. No, I genuinely wanted to fill in the finer plot details of the 6.5/10 visual novel I just played. Oopsies.
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stompmesqueezeme · 2 months ago
One of my favorite early 2000s crime show staples is the not subtle at all car sponsorships. All of them have them like what was up with that specific niche and car sponsors I love it so much
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angelshizuka · 10 months ago
I actually think Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss being so called "problematic" (though, what tf does that word even mean anymore, with the way it's being used for literally anything someone personally doesn't like) is exactly why I love it so much.
Modern media has gotten way too "pure" and "wholesome" for my liking. I mean, I like it from time to time, but I'm sick of it being shoved down my throat as the only meal option. Because god in heaven forbid characters have flaws and arcs anymore. Nowadays they're expected to always have been good little beans from the start, with nothing to learn, because they're already right and everyone else is just wrong. Even villains, the characters we are supposed to enjoy hating, now commit some of the mildest crimes imaginable, because godforbid evil characters are shown doing evil things.
It's all thanks to the kind of people who act like showing fictional characters "committing a crime" in a fictional world is the literal same thing as that crime actually being committed in the real world... I need people to tell me they know the difference between those two things, common sense can't be THAT dead... right??
This is also one of the reasons I'm so happy these shows are for mature audiences, because the "think of the kids" arguments can finally fuck off and there's no need to "dumb things down for the kids" (despite kids who grew up decades ago being able to handle it just fine). Either you're mature enough for these shows or you're not, but it's not our problem if your media literacy hasn't matured beyond kindergarten.
Like, I grew up with movies that showed the villain literally burning down an entire city, because he had a boner for a woman who didn't want him. Or heck, when they had the balls to show the main character literally killing the co-lead's mother, because of his own bigotry. (A cookie for the people who know which movies I'm talking about!) Modern "kids media" could never.
The best way I can describe HH and HB is the fandom of a 2000s show, so like the best of both worlds. With a bit of modernization sprinkled in, because yes, I can acknowledge the 2000s wasn't perfect either. I just feel like these shows really know what tropes to ditch and which ones to keep. As someone who grew up with shows in that era and has been active in online fandoms since the mid 2000s, it just makes it right up my alley.
And considering Viv is barely a year older than me, this doesn't suprise me. I also think it's why she understands her fandom so well, because she's literally been on the fandom side of this sorta thing.
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