#1963 (1966)
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signorinaclaudiacardinale · 7 months ago
The Dance is over, Alain Delon…
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French legend actor Alain Delon passed away today, Sunday, August 18, at the age of 88, his three children announced Sunday morning in a joint press release sent to AFP. “Alain Fabien, Anouchka, Anthony and Loubo (his dog) are immensely sad to announce the departure of his father. He passed away peacefully at his home in Douchy, surrounded by his three children and his family. They requested respect for the intimacy of the immense pain of grief."
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Claudia Cardinale through her official IG account published a heartfelt message:
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"They ask me for words but the sadness is too intense. I join the pain of their children, their loved ones, their fans… The dance is over. Tancredi has gone up to dance with the stars… Forever yours, Angelica".
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Claudia and Alain met for first time in 1959 at a gala in Rome, when Claudia was starting out in the world of cinema and they started a beautiful friendship:
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Their first film together was "Rocco and his brothers" in 1960:
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Then both met again on the recording set of "Il gattopardo" in 1963 as the leading couple "Tancredi and Angelica":
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And in 1966 they shared scenes again in "Lost Command":
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A friendship that lasted from 1959 until today 2024 and that will always be eternal.
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|Claudia & Alain in Sicily, 1963|
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|Souvenir photo from the book "The women of my life" by Alain Delon in 2010|
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For my part, the departure of this legend called Alain Delon hurt me a lot, I woke up learning of his departure and it was inevitable to cry; I had to make this small tribute to Alain yes or yes because he was a great friend to Claudia, his departure hurt me a lot but I am consoled that Alain was reunited with the people he loved so much, especially the beautiful Romy Schneider, the great love of his life.
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"I will leave this world without regret. Life no longer has anything to offer, I have seen it all, I have experienced it all. But above all I hate the current era. Everything is false, everything has been replaced, there is no respect for the word given, now the only thing that matters is money and wealth! I know I will leave this world without regrets!" - - Alain Delon.
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vizuart · 2 months ago
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Alfred Eisenstaedt - Children at a Puppet Theater, Paris, 1963 (1966)
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jhsharman · 2 months ago
"Storm Cloud"
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Obvious difference with Archie working to meet Veronica's demand and Betty cheerfully drops on by. Move into the narrative stories, and they drop implied somethings.
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Veronica won't stand that!
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arconinternet · 16 days ago
I've Got a Secret - various 60's episodes (Videos, 1960-1969)
You can watch them here.
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dollyluvme · 30 days ago
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reckonslepoisson · 1 month ago
Tous les garçons et les filles (1962), Le Premier Bonheur du jour (1963), Mon amie la rose (1964), L'amitié (1965), La maison où j'ai grandi (1966), Ma jeunesse fout le camp… (1967), Comment te dire adieu (1968), Françoise Hardy
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There’s a tendency to assume all French music (and all French people, for that matter), are elegant and sophisticated, an assumption which is of course severely mistaken and rather silly, though several cultural figures have, over the years, fed it. Françoise Hardy is one of those cool Frenchies, with her classic sort of presented Frenchness – but she was also atypical. Hardy’s opening decade shows her distinction from the start, the extent to which her style was not just classier and less coquettish than most yé-yé girls but also unforcedly refined. How could one listen to this and not be seduced by a sense of sophistication? Perhaps I’ll be made a Francophile yet.
Pick(s): ‘Le temps de l’amour’, ‘Nous tous’, ‘Je veux qu’il revienne’, ‘Ce n’est pas un rêve’, ‘Je changerais d’avis (se telefonado)’, ‘Voilá’, ‘Comment te dire adieu’
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ludmilachaibemachado · 6 months ago
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Jane Asher photographed at home by John Drysdale, august 7th, 1963.
Third and fourth picture part of the article named "Jane Asher's rise stardom in pix" from 16 magazine, march 1965 issue. The article states "She made her first appearance on Juke Box Jury, a top English record-rating show, in July 1963 indirectly through this show, Jane met her current boyfriend (that's right, Paul McCartney) !"
Seventh and Eight picture is part of the article "The Many faces of Jane Asher" 16 magazine, february 1966 issue.
Via @ladyjaneasher on Instagram
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kscowpokes · 9 months ago
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Burke's Law (TV Series 1963‑1966) Steve Cochran
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an-ode-to-film · 10 months ago
Favorite first watches of April 2024
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High and Low (1963) dir. Akira Kurosawa / Stray Dog (1949) dir. Akira Kurosawa / The Face of Another (1966) dir. Hiroshi Teshigahara / Seconds (1966) dir. John Frankenheimer
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jhsharman · 2 years ago
The prehistory of the Archies
The Memorial Day Special -- a tad more involved than my Christmas and New Years Special.
So in 1963 Archie, Jughead, Moose, and Reggie had a whirlwind rise and fall as the band The Beetles. Though it was only a dream, it re-taught Archie the lesson on the high price of fame that he had learned some years' prior when he dreamt he was a Frankie Avalon clone, and the lesson Jughead learned before that when was Elvis.
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Despite that harsh slide, the pull of music and the overwhelming power of Beatle-mania kept him enthralled -- so he was still trying his hands with the probably sue-able The Beets.
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Reggie was headlining his own group in 1966 along with a shaggy bown haired boy and original Beetle Moose. Though Archie had been a part of Reggie's Rockers, Archie cut out once he was shown some overly aggressive female fan behavior.
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But the three -- Reggie, Moose, and shaggy brown hair kid -- were still together as "Reggie's Rocking Rockers" in 1967.
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At this point Archie had gotten Jughead and Dilton together to form their own not named competing band, a big hit at Harold's Teen Club, before inadvertently sabotaging their way to victory at the Battle of the Bands against Reggie's Rocking Rockers. To be sure I am not sure what a rock contest victory judged by Mr. Weatherbee is worth -- The Pinheads were never going to get a fair shake from the Hill Valley judges -- but they considered it something.
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1968 and Archie is dabbling with a band with Jughead, but also taking up solo gigs -- not a good sign for nascent band dynamics.
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Reggie's Rockers imploded, leaving him to a bitter anguish and jealousy --
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Yet, Reggie ended up in the band -- replacing the rotating third and sometimes fourth anonymous members. They were not yet able to settle on a name, but Archie's Archers was the clear favorite. And even as they were always on the hunt for the big chance, working any available connections -- most obviously Mr. Lodge --
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which was an exercise in desperate stubbornness --
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They got themselves one record executive hearing at least, and one clear rejection --
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and had to have been getting the sense of their greenness and limitations --
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And pulling their way out of a bad Beatles imitation, Archie spearheaded an era of experiments -- experimental nature, bringing in unusual instruments for rock as they sought to find their own more industrial sound.
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Indeed, even after finally settling on their permanent name of The Archies, and despite a lot of aural dead ends, Archie's musical experimentation continued.
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Needing a fuller sound, perhaps with Reggie's familiarity from when be was a part of his bands, they brought Moose in for a couple tries in 1967 and 1968
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But it did not last. And while initially showing a decided bias against female rock musicians --
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-- with the Gallant Gals appearance in the Riverdale Music scene possibly inspiring Veronica to form her own group --
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-- Veronica and The Groovers quickly evolving into the more stream-lined set The Veronicas -- made up of Veronica, Betty, and a never set third member --
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-- and despite Reggie's snide comments on and low regard for The Veronicas, as too the opinions expressed by members of that group toward the music of The Archies --
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The Archies soon found the need for a female vocalist, and so poached Betty out of the band -- spelling the end for The Veronicas.
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The record is a little hazy on how Veronica ended up in the band. But once there it was set -- the three member Archies expanded to five members. Except for some instances where for plot purposes when they needed to jettison Jughead or Reggie. As too a hefty backlog of stories written when there were three members. Otherwise --
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As with the dynamics of any band, Creative Differences and fights reared their head behind the scenes. But this too marks for creative energy.
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After much struggle, and missing a shot to get on Johnny Carson -- the band was able to once more lean on Mr. Lodge's connections -- wearing him down through incessant pleading -- to get a hearing with Don Kirshner ...
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And from there it went. To the top of the charts in 1969. Where Archie and his group would learn again the high price of fame, as sitting at the top of the Riverdale Music scene they found that rival musical acts would stop at nothing to elbow their way past them. Freek and Weirdo. B.G. and the Scurvys. The Three Tones. Joker's Wild. Cabaret singer Jezebel. Ruthless in their jostling against their prime competition.
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Not to mention having their eyes open and naivete shattered when experiencing the deeds of their unscrupulous business associates.
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As for the cast-aways of earlier formations of the band, Dilton and Moose and a shaggy haired kid had an unsuccessful band named The Diltons.
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And though Moose was not able to deal with the rejection and quickly dropped out of the music business, Dillton kept at it -- through a couple failures
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moved on through his scientific theory and approach in engineering music,
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until after much fine-tuning, he finally hit gold, and was able to hire some musicians to fill out a successful prog rock project.
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No clue on what became of the third member of the group, or of the various members of Archie, Reggie, and Veronica's earlier band attempts.
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petermot · 1 year ago
The Hugo Winners Volume One: 1962-1967, redactie: Isaac Asimov
Bespreking: Peter Motte, 1460 woorden Mijn huidige boek, The Hugo Winners 1963-1967, bevat twee verhalen van Jack Vance: “The Dragon-Masters” en “The Last Castle”.Van “The Dragon-Masters” zouden er maar liefst 3 vertalingen in het NL bestaan, tenzij minstens één van de vertalers met een pseudoniem werkte.De uitgave in de SF-Kwadraten bij Meulenhoff heb ik jaren geleden gelezen, maar ik…
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michaelcoffeysthoughts · 1 year ago
Favorite First Time Watches of 2023
After Hours (1985) dir. Martin Scorsese
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The Banshees of Inisherin (2022) dir. Martin McDonagh
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Black Girl (1966) dir. Ousmane Sembène
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Bringing Out the Dead (1999) dir. Martin Scorsese
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Cairo Station (1958) dir. Youssef Chahine
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Cemetery Man (1994) dir. Michele Soavi
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Chicago (2002) dir. Rob Marshall
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Crimes of Passion (1984) dir. Ken Russell
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Elvis (2022) dir. Baz Luhrmann
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Faust (1926) dir. F.W. Murnau
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Female Trouble (1974) dir. John Waters
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Fire of Love (2022) dir. Sara Dosa
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Footprints (on the Moon) (1975) dir. Luigi Bazzoni and Mario Fanelli
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Funeral Parade of Roses (1969) dir. Toshio Matsumoto
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High and Low (1963) dir. Akira Kurosawa
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In Search of Darkness: Part III (2022) dir.David A. Weiner
Let the Right One In (2008) dir. Tomas Alfredson
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Lingua Franca (2019) dir. Isabel Sandoval
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Odd Man Out (1947) dir. Carol Reed
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Original Cast Album: Company (1970) dir. D.A. Pennebaker
Paper Moon (1973) dir. Peter Bogdanovich
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Pearl (2022) dir. Ti West
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Petite Maman (2021) dir. Céline Sciamma
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Porco Roso (1992) dir. Hayao Miyazaki
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Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (2022) dir. Joel Crawford
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Querelle (1982) dir. Rainer Werner Fassbinder
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The Silent Partner (1978) dir. Daryl Duke
Slap Shot (1977) dir. George Roy Hill
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Southern Comfort (2001) dir. Kate Davis
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To Live and Die in L.A. (1985) dir. William Friedkin
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Train to Busan (2016) dir. Yeon Sang-ho
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The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964) dir. Jacques Demy
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X (2022) dir. Ti West
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arconinternet · 1 year ago
Totem, Relativity, Space Mates & Sunstone (Videos, Ed Emshwiller, 1963/1966/1972/1979)
You can watch these short independent art films here.
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You can watch a clip from another of Emshwiller's films at the start of this interview excerpt.
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soupy-sez · 2 years ago
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The Four Seasons with their album 'The 4 Seasons' Gold Vault Of Hits', which has gone gold after a million dollars in sales, ca. 1966
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kscowpokes · 9 months ago
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Burke's Law (TV Series 1963‑1966) Steve Cochran
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