#16 June 2024
northgazaupdates · 14 days
16 June 2024
Journalist Hassan Hamad reports on Telegram heavy quadcopter activity in the Al-Daraj neighborhood of Gaza City. Quadcopters are a type of autonomous helicopter or drone, with mounted weapons that fire on targets. They have disproportionately targeted civilians in Gaza. Note that it is now early morning in Gaza, the time when people are coming out of their shelters to look for food and water.
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sunshineandlyrics · 12 days
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🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Tash Frisco replying to a fan about her Jude Bellingham tshirt (16 June 2024) x
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rabbitcruiser · 13 days
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National Turkey Lovers’ Day
Turkey Lovers’ Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June — on June 16 this year. It is dedicated to turkey lovers across America. For those who believe that Turkey is something they can only have on Thanksgiving, this day is quite an eye-opener. There are plenty of exciting and mouthwatering recipes you can make with turkey throughout the year. The fact that it is rich in protein and low in fat also makes it a healthy option.
History of Turkey Lovers’ Day
Compared to other national days, Turkey Lovers’ Day is relatively new. It was founded by the National Turkey Federation, an organization that has been promoting the use of turkey as part of America’s cuisine for the past eight decades, and Turkey Lovers’ Day was an important step in that direction.
There are many reasons why the National Turkey Federation decided to commemorate this day. Firstly, more turkey is consumed outside of Thanksgiving Day than during this festival. Secondly, more people are opening up to having turkey because of its nutritional value and rich taste. The NTF also feels that it has a responsibility towards turkey farmers and the industry in general since turkey is an important part of the American food industry.
Even though the commemoration of this day is not recognized by any law, the event has become quite popular simply because people love to have turkey and want to try out different recipes that they can prepare with turkey in the summer.
Turkey Lovers’ Day timeline
1621 The First Thanksgiving
With the first Thanksgiving Day, turkey meat becomes an integral part of the American diet.
1940 The NTF is Established
The National Turkey Federation begins to raise awareness about the turkey industry.
1990 Industry Diversification
The turkey industry becomes more diversified with new meat products being marketed aggressively.
2016 First National Turkey Lovers’ Day
The first National Turkey Lovers’ Day is celebrated in the U.S., as announced by the National Turkey Federation.
Turkey Lovers’ Day FAQs
Is every type of turkey meat safe?
You can be confident that your turkey meat is safe to eat if it carries the USDA-grade mark, which says that the U.S. government deems it safe for consumption.
Does age affect the flavor of turkey?
Younger turkey has a milder taste compared to older turkey and is generally used for frying or roasting. Older turkey meat is also quite flavorful and can be used for heavier and slow cooking.
Is frozen turkey meat less tasty?
There is absolutely no difference in taste between frozen and fresh turkey. Which one you prefer is based on convenience and whether fresh turkey meat is available in your local stores.
How to Celebrate Turkey Lovers’ Day
Organize a barbecue
Have a cooking contest
Create a social media page
Having a turkey barbecue with family, friends, and neighbors is a great way to celebrate Turkey Lovers’ Day. There are so many things you can make with turkey meat, including burgers, drumsticks, sandwiches, sausages, and more. The great thing is that you don’t have to worry about problems like cholesterol or high-fat content because turkey meat is very healthy. You can even make it an intimate family event if you do not want to invite a lot of people.
If you are like most people, you probably have not experimented with turkey meat a lot. Why not break that habit today by organizing a turkey cooking contest? Invite over your friends and try making some really fantastic new recipes with turkey meat, such as a turkey sandwich or even turkey tacos. You are sure to have hours of fun making these recipes and sharing them with your friends. You can even try selling your new turkey recipes to your local deli.
You can make a fun social media page dedicated to Turkey Lovers’ Day. It can be something as simple as uploading pictures or videos of you making a turkey recipe or even pictures of various turkey dishes. You can make your page more informative by sharing health facts about turkey meat, such as its protein and fat content, calories, and so on.
5 Facts About Bird Farming That Will Blow Your Mind
The impact of bird flu
More than 10 billion chickens slaughtered
A cause for mental stress
Supporting the farming industry
Poor hygiene standards
In 2015, a massive bird flu epidemic spread across the U.S., resulting in the deaths of 10% of poultry birds.
Each year, more than 10 billion chickens are slaughtered across the United States.
Working on poultry farms, especially slaughtering birds, causes mental stress in some workers.
Poultry manure is a useful material for the fertilizer industry.
The poultry industry is known to have poor hygiene standards because of the way birds are fed and handled.
Why we love Turkey Lovers’ Day
It lets you try a healthier alternative
It recognizes the efforts of turkey farmers
It makes our food richer
Turkey is known to be a highly nutritious and healthy option for red meat. Given that so many people are conscious of their health, cholesterol, and blood pressure, it can be quite beneficial to explore how turkey can be made part of your regular diet. It is widely available and is very easy to prepare.
The turkey industry is an important part of the American economy, both in terms of local consumption as well as exports. There are almost 2500 turkey farms in the U.S. that grow different varieties of turkey throughout the year. Our support is essential for them to continue production and contribute to the economy.
People are always looking out for new recipes and flavors. Celebrating Turkey Lovers’ Day is the perfect time to explore how new meals can be prepared using turkey meat. It is high-quality meat due to its high protein content and it is known to absorb different herbs and spices more readily than other meats.
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serickswrites · 13 days
At Least It can't Get Any Worse
Warnings: explosion, collapse, head injury, crush injury, blood
"At least," Team Leader panted as they strained to lift the metal beam off themself, "it can't get any worse."
Smallest Teammate stared at Team Leader in horror. "What do you mean it can't get any worse? The building exploded and came down on top of us. You've hit your head and are pinned beneath a ceiling beam. The rest of the team probably thinks we are dead!"
Team Leader stopped trying to move the beam. They gave Smallest Teammate a wan smile. Smallest Teammate flinched at the sight of Team Leader's blood coated teeth. "That's my point," Team Leader continued, "this is pretty bad, Smallest Teammate. It won't get any worse than this."
Smallest Teammate leaned against another fallen beam. Somehow they had managed to only get a few cuts and bruises, while Team Leader took the majority of the injuries. "How bad is it, Team Leader?"
"Not too bad," Team Leader lied quickly. They didn't want to worry Smallest Teammate. The truth was their head injury was the least of their problems. Just a cut above their eye that bled heavily. The real problem was they were pretty sure the beam had crushed their pelvis. Even if they managed to get the beam off, Team Leader knew there was no way they would be able to walk out of the rubble.
Smallest Teammate nodded. "Still, I think I should try to find us a way out of here. Will you be ok if I look around a bit?"
Team Leader nodded. "Don't worry, Smallest Teammate, I'm not going anywhere. If you find a way out, just go. Get the others. They can help us get the beam off."
Smallest Teammate nodded and rose carefully. "I'll be back soon. Quick as I can. I promise!" And they quickly disappeared into the gloom.
Team Leader lay back and let out a sob. Their body hurt. It was hard to breathe around the pain. At least they got Smallest Teammate out. At least Smallest Teammate would be ok. That was all that mattered.
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nando161mando · 25 days
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Kurdistan Solidarity Network Helsinki invites you to a discussion with legal and human rights experts about the prison island İmralı - the "Guantanamo of Europe" - and the situation of its most famous inhabitant Abdullah Öcalan.
Time: 16.6. at 15.-18.00
Place: Rosebud Sivullinen (Kaisaniemienkatu 5 00100 Helsinki)
The discussion will be in English.
The İmralı system in its current form was established on the basis of the complicity of many states, and since its conception in 1999, rulings of the European Court of Human Rights and the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture have been ignored. İmralı is a place of political struggle, and the "İmralı system" refers to the application of liquidation policies related to Öcalan and the Kurdish question rather than laws and regulations. We will learn more about this system, it's role in Turkish and European politics and it's effect on those imprisoned in İmralı. Welcome!
@anarchistmemecollective @antifainternational @kropotkindersurprise @radicalgraff
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ldshadowdoodles · 13 days
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[208] Happy Father’s Day!
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card-of-the-day · 12 days
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Today's Card Is: Zero, Master of the Magic Saber
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foetus-muncher · 13 days
Happy Father’s Day to Nanamin because even though he isn’t a dad, he really needs it
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icedbatik · 13 days
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alastor-simp · 13 days
Happy Fathers Day Everyone!
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littlemixdaily · 13 days
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leighannepinnock: 1 year of 'Don't Say Love' 🥹🥹 so so proud of that moment, stepping out of a group of 12 years and going solo isn't an easy thing to do! 💚 Finding your feet and solidifying who you are as a solo artist. It's a journey, and I really am loving every second of this 🍀. Thank you to everyone who's supporting me and making this a dream come true for me. Honestly where would I be without my Legion 😩😩😩 adore you all more than you'll ever know! Look what we did in a year! And we only just getting started 😍😍
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sunshineandlyrics · 13 days
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⚽️ Louis after England's 1:0 win over Serbia, 16 June 2024.
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desi-pluto · 13 days
Eid Al Adha 2024 Mubarak to my moots and followers.
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✨️✨️Remember to keep the people of Sudan, Palestine, Jordan, Congo, Yemen, Kashmir, and Armenia in your thoughts and prayers 🙏🏼🤲🏼✨️✨️
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followyourarrows · 12 days
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spaceykacey: casual 💕
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ms-m-astrologer · 20 days
The Week Ahead: June 10-16, 2024
Lunar Phases
Monday, June 10, 04:34 UT - Crescent Moon, 4°48’ Leo
The key phrase for the Crescent lunar phase is “gather and mobilize resources.” Important to be realistic and not carried away by our emotions and imaginations. Might be a resource (Perseverance? Steadiness?) we have to develop over time?
Friday, June 14, 05:18 UT - First Quarter Moon, 23°39’ Virgo
The key phrases for the First Quarter lunar phase are “take action,” and “build new structures to support our intentions.” Time to pick one or two of those brilliant Gemini ideas - the ones that stand the best chance of realization - and then work on making them reality.
Void of Course Moon
Tuesday, June 11, 19:16 UT (Leo) - Wednesday, June 12, 05:39 UT (Virgo)
Friday, June 14, 17:54 UT (Virgo) - 18:12 UT (Libra)
Monday, June 17, 06:05 UT (Libra) - 06:38 UT (Scorpio)
Retrograde/ Direct/Etc.
Pre-retrograde shadow: Saturn/Pisces
Retrograde: Ceres/Capricorn, Pallas/Scorpio, Pluto/Aquarius
Post-retrograde shadow: Juno/Virgo
Monday, June 17, 06:20 UT - transiting Venus enters Cancer
The first of three Cancer ingresses next week, beginning a shift away from our brains and toward our guts. Venus here can be sloppily sentimental, but also showing love to the family/tribe.
Et Cetera
There is one Opportunity Period this week: Friday, June 14, 18:13 UT - Monday, June 17, 06:05 UT. “An excellent waxing Moon OP for commerce, arts, networking, and partying.”
Just this week remains of the super-scattered Gemini/mutable sign emphasis. Anything that requires flexibility and versatility, but not commitment, is favored. If at first you don’t succeed, try something else! Next week, Venus, Mercury, and the Sun (in that order) enter Cancer, and we move into a more emotional, less cerebral, emphasis.
Also next week: Cancer solstice, and the first of two Capricorn Full Moons.
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June of Doom 16, alt prompt
Secret | “Who did this to you?”
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Contains: angst, poison mention
WC: 990
A very interesting companion
“No!” The word slipped out of the maidservant’s mouth before it occurred to her that in refusing this poor, unsuspecting, very naïve young man, she was doing the exact opposite of what she was supposed to.
He wilted slightly. “He said you’d say that.”
She frowned. “He?”
“My friend. Employer. My, uh  . . . lord? I mean . . .” He paused, straightening. “Oh, and I wasn’t born in a barn. No matter how believable that seems.”
The maidservant stared, quite certain he was some sort of madman, and that was what made him “a very interesting companion.”
“You’re the most beautiful person here,” he said, “and I’m the most . . . ridiculous. And socially inept. And, well, out of my depth. You have to admit, we’d make quite a pair.”
Learn everything you can, the prince had said. What she’d already learned: he was far too brash, but with a streak of humility—and a dash of stupidity.
“I ought to say no,” she told him.
A grin crossed his face. “But . . . ?”
But if she said no, the prince would find out somehow that she’d squandered her opportunity. And even though she’d been fantasizing about failing him badly enough that she’d never have to see his face again . . .
She couldn’t desert her brother.
“One dance,” she said faintly, praying her trepidation passed for haughtiness.
His eyes widened, as if he, too, had expected to fail.
He was a man of his word—just as ridiculous, inept, and out of his depth in a waltz as he’d promised, and twice as clumsy. She had lost her touch at dancing over the years, but in comparison, she was as graceful as a swan.
“Thank you for not humiliating me in front of my boss,” he said earnestly when the music ended, lifting her hand to his lips.
A princess would have wrenched her fingers away as if she’d been scorched. The maidservant allowed him to kiss her hand.
“It’s been an honour,” he said, suddenly solemn. “I’ll never forget tonight, I promise you.”
The maidservant smiled.
Somehow, this silly boy with his clumsy feet and gentle fingers and rural accent . . .
He’d made her believe, even for a few meagre, blissful minutes, that she was not alone after all.
“You may accompany me to the balcony,” she said. Years of deference had made words of command feel foreign on her tongue. “. . . If you wish.”
Compared to the ballroom, the night air was cool. The balcony wasn’t deserted, dotted with other dancers who’d escaped to taste the fresh air, but it was calmer and quieter, and the maidservant’s uneasy muscles relaxed.
“Your accent,” she said, hopelessly uncertain of where to start.
That was all it took. Instantly, he was loose and cheerful, utterly oblivious to her true intentions. Laughing all the while, he told the tale of a dirt-poor farm boy who’d ended up a food taster for a governor and his son.
An expert on poisons, she gleaned. She felt another shiver down her spine. What did the prince want with him?
His reasons couldn’t be benevolent.
“I get paid to eat glorious, rich foods all day long,” he said, “and do a whole lot of nothing the rest of the time. And now my head is filled with useless knowledge.” He pointed out over the balcony’s edge to the flowers that embodied the vernal festival they were celebrating at that very moment. “We’re having this big party for those pretty little blossoms because everyone likes how they look, but did you know they’re poisonous?”
The maidservant blinked. “No.”
“Mmm-hmm.” He peered around again. “Oh. There’s another.” He nodded toward a pond on the ground below. “Those pads in the middle of the water? It’s night, so the flowers have closed, but they’re bell-shaped, and they’ve got this little spike deep inside. One prick and you’ll be on the floor. And—” He stopped. “I . . . uh, I’m doing the thing. Talking too much. I’m sorry.”
The maidservant, biting her lip, suppressed a laugh. “It’s far more interesting than any of the conversations inside, I assure you.”
She nodded.
He smiled again, turning away from the railing so he faced her straight-on. “Shall I accompany you back in before I leave you be forevermore?”
She didn’t know what else she could get from him. But as long as she was out here with him, she didn’t have to be in there.
“No.” She turned to face him, too, and commanded, “Keep talking.”
Without meaning to, she inched slightly closer, and when she lifted her hand to rest it on the railing, she found he was doing the same. The gold chain brushed softly against his skin.
A strange look crossed his features: confusion, alarm, recognition.
“It’s you,” he said, his eyes wide.
She took a step back, heart suddenly pounding. “Me?”
“You,” he repeated, “that—I thought I’d—but—” She held back a cry when he pinched the chain on her wrist. “You’re cursed.”
The maidservant felt the blood drain from her face as his eyes roamed wildly from her wrist to her throat.
“These are cursed,” he said breathlessly, almost panicked. “Why? Who did this to you?”
He knew. How?
What was she supposed to do now? She couldn’t tell him the truth. Literally.
The maidservant could think of only one action that might feasibly distract him from his questions. All she needed: the chance to slip away before he could ask any more.
She kissed him.
The kiss stung, for she knew she must taste of dark magic, loneliness, and years of unwarranted torment—while he tasted of freedom, kindness, and carefree days in the sun.
Here she was, poisoning him with a toxin against which he had no resistance: her.
“I’m sorry,” she said, pulling away.
Heart thrumming violently, she fled.
She turned around once, but the food taster wasn’t running after her, or even looking. He’d remained on the balcony, stock-still and forlorn, staring confusedly down at something in his palm.
June of Doom Masterlist
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All my writing is original. Feel welcome to interact/comment/reblog. Pls don’t steal or repost.
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