#13 x clara
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For The Woman Who Has Everything: CH 7: DATES AND DECISIONS ______________________________________
With a big night ahead of her, Joanna finds herself face to face with Clara's past and later on, her own future. Meanwhile, the crew at UNIT gain some valuable info from Liz and make a big decision… ________________________________ AO3 LINK
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tonsillessscum · 4 months
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lanawinterscigarettes · 8 months
I think one of my favorite doctor who ships by far (other than thoschei and all its variations) is the thirteenth doctor x any one of the doctors' previous female companions/lovers. I'm thinking in more of a romantic sense (for example her and river together would be such a power duo) but also the image of donna running around after the doctor because her younger brother is now her sister and she's just as chaotic as before if not more so is hilarious to me
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Canon Sapphic Characters Tournament Final Round (Bracket 3)
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lariskapargitay · 8 months
The way that 13 is EXACTLY how 12 would imagine the kind of person Clara wanted him to be. Not just a good person, not just open, but like super bubbly, super talkative, always upbeat, always cheerful… 13 is 12’s ‘annoying’ stereotype of what a good person would be, and he RAN with it to the point he even changed his gender to appear super approachable and less ‘attack eyebrows’.
But what’s funny is the Doctor STILL manages to fuck it up
Clara- You need to be kind, nice and good
12- So regenerative into someone who hides every bit of strife from my friends and never let them think anything is wrong even if there is? Got it
Clara- What? No! That’s not-
13- Hello! Everything’s all good, no worries here, only fun!😃
Bc 11 was very similar to 13 in that they both hid their real feelings from everyone. 11 did it with this smooth cool faux confident cockiness exterior and 13 did it with her whimsy, outgoing golden retriever energy, but neither one actually came out and showed their true selves very often. 11 was trying to convince himself he was okay and 13 was trying to convince everyone else which is why when she was just one on one with someone she didn’t do that fast talking, upbeat persona, she was very ‘tell me wtf I wanna know and tell me now’.
But 12 just wanted to live up to Clara’s memory of him and be the best version of what he thought she wanted so he became the most stereotypical ‘good’ person he could be, even to the point where 13 was apologizing for *GOING TO PRISON FOR DECADES* bc she missed out on 10 *MONTHS* with her fam bc that’s what a ‘good, decent kind’ person would do in 12’s eyes, apologize for thing no matter if it’s your fault or not, so long as you keep other people happy
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so i’ve always found the look of 13’s sonic just kinda…odd ? idk it just felt different to me, anyway I’m rewatching old episodes and this exchange between Clara and 12 stood out to me 🥺
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second imagine description : snippet of doctor who season 8 ep 1 deep breath script :
doctor (talking about the sonic) “don’t let it roll away”
Clara “next time make one that doesn’t roll”
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circeyoru · 6 months
Collection of Overlords _ Part 3 = Requested
[Alastor x Soul Owner of All Overlords!Reader]
Related Ask (1) + (2)
Part 1 — Part 1.5 — Part 2 — Part 3 (here) — Part 4 — Part 5 — Part 6 — Part 7 — Part 8 — Part 9  — Part 10 — Part 11 — Part 12 — Part 13
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On the appointed day, you dressed your best and made sure everything was right. Then you sat at the balcony that overlooked the entrance of the hotel, enjoying your drink with a hum. You were pleasantly surprised when Alastor joined you with a plate of traditional breakfast platter, just as you like it but never spend the time to make
The two of you enjoyed a peaceful morning together, until a little argument got too heated between a hotel guest and an outsider. Alastor swiftly got up and bowed to excuse himself, working as the host of the hotel, he needed to handle the issue since Charlie was a bit of a pushover and not quite convincing when it came to breaking off fights
It led you to wonder if you should give Charlie some pointers like you did to her parents, but then you recalled how Vaggie, Charlie’s girlfriend, was by her side. You’ll admit that they have quite the unique dynamic in their relationship and not in the bad way. So you decided against it and let things go as they please
With a miniture earthquake and some screaming, the argument seemed to be handled well. Not long after that thought, Alastor had returned to your side. Both of you enjoyed your time together again, before you decided it would be fun to drop in on Camilla, not that she’d be preparing when it’s this late
Alastor offered you his hand with a bow, you rose from your seat and gave him your hand. A portal opened beneath you two and the both of you emerged on the other side in the blink of an eye
“Who dares to enter—! My Liege!” Carmilla caught herself half way when she looked over to see you and Alastor arrive earlier than expected, “Welcome to my humble abored. I hope this is satisfactory.”
“I sprung this onto you, so it’s okay.” You turned your head to her, removing your hand from Alastor’s while a small but soft smile played on your face. With your closed eyes, it gave you such a look of elegance that Carmilla strived to be.
“You’re too kind.” Carmilla bowed to you in greeting. 
“How are your daughters? I heard you’ve survived quite the ordeal last last extermination.” You inquired, your smile widening just a smidge. 
Carmilla flinched, though it wasn’t the fact that you knew since she did tell you about killing an angel and what to do if it got out. It was more on the sense that you were showing care to lesser individuals, as much as she hated to admit. “They are fine. Would you like to see them?”
You hummed, “Of course.”
Not even a second later, Carmilla’s daughter duo came out from whatever hiding spot they were at. Odette and Clara both gave you a bow of their own style, though still respectful. “Collector! It’s good to see you again!”
You raised their heads by the chin, then rubbing their heads with a chuckle, “Look at you two, still fun sized. You’re as beautiful as your mother, you know?”
Carmilla blushed while Alastor gave her a teasing grin. Meanwhile, Odette and Clara chuckled along with you. “Thanks!”
You turned to the Overlord, “Now, we have time, why not chat a bit? Tell me about your business.”
Carmilla Carmine was your first female and second Overlord that you came into contract with. She was by far one of the more successful souls that you favour and support from the shadows. Her initial deal was the right to make business ventures to other Rings of Hell in exchange for your ownership of her soul
It later changed when she knew angelic weapons can be wielded. For additional protection that would extend to lesser demons, namely her two daughters, she gave you a range of modified angelic weapons and crafted your Cages with angelic steel. Of course, with Carmilla’s successful, you later continued to support her and protect her daughters from danger
Passing along a card to Odette and Clara that holds the power to summon you in times of need no matter the case. Good acts are rewards, Carmilla learned, you weren’t at all evil to the core or cruel to abuse your owned souls like other would, that’s what she admired about you
Before your absence, you would hang out with her and her daughters on days to discuss about business opportunities and how business was going in the other Rings since it was hard for Carmilla to receive feedback like that
In fact, that day, they were trying to find you, only to end up being cornered by exterminators. While Odette and Clara wanted to summon you to their aid, Carmilla made them hold off. She was present, she can protect them and show you they weren’t weak. So she did what you had suggested before, to actually test out her weapons on the intented targets
You were overjoyed when you first heard the news. An Overlord had actually managed to kill angels and it was done while protecting others. You truly didn’t waste your time and energy on Carmilla, that’s for sure
Yet you wonder why Carmilla was still insecure about her position as one of the Elites that you’d never give up. She can’t be threatened when she has such success in her domain; the best Weapons’ Dealer of Hell
“I desire I wasn’t late to greeteth thee, mine own Liege. (I hope I wasn’t late to greet you, My Liege.)” Zestial greeted with a bow. 
You waved your hand, by now you have returned to the meeting room with Alastor stationed behind you by your left side. “No, no. I was early. Wanted to catch up with Carmilla, you see.”
Zestial took the seat to your right and next to Carmilla who had already left his seat empty, “T hath felt as though t hast been ages since we lasteth did talk. (It felt as though it has been ages since we last talked.)”
Zestial was your first and oldest Overlord by far. He maintained his spot at the top of your collection with ease. With his fearful reputation before your support, he was one to be reckoned with
It seems that his knowledge of Hell and wisdom served him well, as he was the one to seek you out when you were first on the hunt for potential Overlords to crown and give your support to. He offered himself to you wholeheartedly and obediently, something you didn’t expect someone of his caliber to do so. Yet it proves that he was knowledgable not to cross you
His humble nature earned your good graces. You offered him support and protection to which he agreed without much thought. Funny how he never asked for more as he was someone deserving of more. So you gave him a fearsome authority that makes sinners and demons alike trumble in fear in his presence
During your time of weeding out the weaker Overlords, it was with his knowledge that you overturned the system the sinners so ignorantly constructed without power or authority. To this day, you didn’t think your ‘Overlord rank’ planning would be this smooth if not thanks to Zestial
Needless to say, he was also another soul you won’t let go
“Oh, My lovely darling Liege! It’s been so long! Where have you been?! Oh, you’re always so mysterious!” Rosie greeted with a bow and a half curtsy to you, she came to your left side, setting her umbrella on the second empty seat as the first was for Alastor should he be told to sit. Then she opened a box and showed it to you, “A gift from Cannibal Town~! Prepared it myself, your favourites.”
“Thank you, Rosie. You know my taste well.” You smile, picking up the demon parts before nibbling on it, savouring the taste. “It’s wonderful. Tell me, how’s your town after the battle with Heaven?”
“Everyone had their fill, Alastor did me no wrong.” Rosie winked in Alastor’s direction who smiled back. “We’re all happy to be able to help out.”
Rosie was your third Overlord to form a contract with. Her record was quite perfect and ideal too, the leader of the Cannibals. At the time, she was a ringleader, sure. But she lacked the territory to provide for the other Cannibals, so you provided and supported. The moment the deal was signed, a town was constructed to be named as her domain
You’ll say, they were quite the nice ones, save for the devouring other demons. Rosie’s territory had to be one of the more respectful and disciplined ones that you love. You lament on the fact that Rosie wasn’t the violent type, though it’s a relief as well perhaps
“My Sovereign!” Zeezi bursted in, immediately bowing, “Sorry, I would have been here earlier but some pucks was trying to get in and I have to teach them a lesson!”
“It’s all well, the meeting has yet to start.” You eased Zeezi’s rushed thoughts.
Zeezi bowed her head as a nod, taking her seat next to Rosie. “Right.”
Zeezi was the largest within your Overlord Collection and the most physical one. Whenever it was a more violent and brutal ordeal you needed taken clear of, she was the Overlord you call upon. Unlike those that came before her, she was more free spirited and you let her keep that element of hers
At first, she was hestitant to submit to your service, but you’ve showed her there was now to power than violence and brute force that she displays and revolves around. She pride herself as the strongest Overlord with great physical strength. Maybe she’ll win against another Overlord, but not you. As easily as squashing a bug, you had her pinned
In return for her soul, you offer her strength and authority, as well as your support in her rise and maintance as an Overlord. She was smart to take the deal without a need for a beatdown, while you’re delighted to provide, you didn’t want to damage your soul
“The Witching Hour is almost upon us.” You spoke. It was an indirect question to ask who was still not in attendance. 
Everyone turned to the opposite side of the table from where you sat, the three empty seats for the only grouped Overlords. Alastor suggested, “Perhaps they don’t want to attend.”
“Or their representative is running late.” Carmilla hissed, an obvious scowl on her face. 
The doors suddenly bursted open, though even more force as opposed to Zeezi’s entrance. However, they appear to be still in their little world.
“I told you it’s this way but you didn’t even listen!” Velvette shouted.
“How was I supposed to know? It’s all the same!” Valentino exclaimed back.
Alastor cleared his throat rather loudly, bringing the Vees’ attention to the room they’ve entered. “Quite brazen of you to not greet our Liege.”
Vox flinched, immediately passing by the other Overlords and stood to your side, he bowed repeated as he apologized, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I was just trying to make sure you’re safe! It’s nothing like stalking! Really! Trust me! I’d never—!”
“Damnit! Stop apologizing so much!” Velvette came over to slap Vox in the back of his screen head, making her partner glitch and malfunction. Velvette pulled back Vox till they were next to Valentino, she silently whispered but everyone could hear as clear as day, “One, two, three…”
“We greet our Master.” The Vees all bowed, finally greeting you.
You hummed, head tilted a bit, “Arriving the last and creating a scene, you three almost amuse me so.” Your eyes peeked open a bit, “Not in a good way.” A chill ran down the three’s back while Alastor had a smug smile directed to them, especially at Vox, and the other Overlords remained quiet but were internally grinning. “Now sit down.”
And then there were the Vees, the last to add to your collection and the most disappointing souls by far. They are strong in their own rights, yet they require the other two to boost their power. You were already able to do so, why would they prefer each other more? It was in a way insulting. However, you’d rather they be under your thumb than them running amok in the Pride Ring
It’s times like these where you wonder if Husk would make a better Overlord than them if he learnt his lesson
With Vox, he was trying to please you while also trying to appear better than Alastor. In your opinion, if he had focused more on himself and his strength, he could go places. Yet he opted to working with the other two
With Velvette, she was a strong lady, no doubt. Similar to Zeezi, but more chaotic and destructive. She doesn’t take criticism well, more focused on her own perspective and views. Nothing wrong in that sense, but it limits her capacity for more. She could have been so much more
With Valentino, oh, you don’t even know where to start. You honestly believe he’s a total lost cause. While believing so, your fear tactic worked to perfection. Your dissatifaction and anger was the first thing he avoids. Usually, he’s very very outspoken, but when you were around, he was more careful. Though that doesn’t account for his actions and behaviours when you were out of sight
You clapped your hands together, your eyes closing once more. All your Elites were here and accounted for, all three levels seated as you’d like. All the souls that you own have gathered before you once again. “Let’s begin the reunion of an afterlife time.”
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Note: Still not the exact meeting yet, but the drama is gonna happen next one! I think this one might be a bit boring cause I'm laying out the relationship. Oh well~
Circe Y.
@aconfusedwonderland @crowleysthings @donustellaron @mistpurpl3 @lucifers-silhouette @plutobots @ray-rook @thealienartist @serenity-songbird @galaxydreamer468 @raynerrold @wen01203 @hikari-michiko @colecreo @myromanempiree @xsamkuro
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josketches · 2 years
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new who docs + flowers x
9 - roses. black roses symbolize mourning (for gallifrey) and lavender roses symbolize 'unique love' (with rose).
10 - gladiolus. they represent strength, remembrance (for his planet), and integrity. red symbolizes love, yellow compassion, and purple charm/mysteriousness.
11 - delphinium. cheerfulness, silliness, levity and attachment (mostly to amy).
12 - zinnias. they symbolize never forgetting friends/loved ones or their lasting impact and affection. 12 had the most development, most of it having to do with clara and other close friends.
13 - daffodils. rebirth, new beginnings, and energy. she was a new era, fresh joyful eyes with endless energy.
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khaylin27 · 4 months
The Tortured Poets Department
khaylin27's version
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fortnight (ft. post malone) - jason todd x reader
2. the tortured poets department - george russell x wolff reader
3. my boy only breaks his favorite toys - jake seresin x reader
4. down bad - daniel ricciardo x reader
5. so long, london - carlos sainz x norris reader
6. but daddy i love him - fernando alonso x stroll reader
7. fresh out the slammer - oscar piastri x norris reader (part three to so long, london)
8. florida!!! (ft. florence + the machine) - logan sargeant x reader
9. guilty as sin? - oscar piastri x norris reader (part two to so long, london)
10. who's afraid of little old me - bat family x reader
11. i can fix him (no really i can) - logan howlett x grey reader
12. loml - carlos sainz x norris reader (part five to so long, london)
13. i can do it with a broken heart - lewis hamilton x pop star reader
14. the smallest man who ever lived - tim drake x reader
15. the alchemy - oscar piastri x norris reader (part four to so long, london)
16. clara bow - piastri-norris reader (part six to so long, london)
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wanderingsimsfinds · 1 year
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WanderingSims Fave CC - Nursery/Kid’s Rooms
1-2 - Sketchbook Pixels - SIMPLY Hideout A & B*
3 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 Nordica-sims Nyborg Bunkbed Bed Frame*
4 - Sketchbook Pixels - MXIMS House Bed Toddler
5 - Sketchbook Pixels - SIMPLY Toddler Mattress
6 - Kale House - Boho Crib Fixed
7 - Kale House - Kalon Crib
8-9 - Kale House - Geo Cot Original & Geo Cot Recolours
10-12 - Milla - Gift 26 (Crib, Crib Mattress, Dresser)
13, 15-16, 18, 20-21 - Martassimsbook - 43t novvvas Safari Toddler Bedroom Pt. 2 Furniture (Ameise Crib, Ameise Retro Dresser, Ameise Bed, Toddler Bed Frame, Ameise Retro Wardrobe, High Chair)
14 - Sketchbook Pixels - SIMPLY Retro Changer 2**
17 - deniisu - 4t3 Classic Toddler Bed Mattress
19 - Milla - 2SIS Baby Bum Dresser
22 - Sketchbook Pixels - MXIMS TripTrap Highchair
23-25, 27-28 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 novvvas Safari Toddler Bedroom Decorations & Toys (Wall Arts, Wall Arts 2, Wall Arts 3, Cloud Blackboard, Drawing Wall Board)
26, 32, 41-42, 46-47, 50-52 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 Syboulette Dreamy Set (Rug, Hanger Bag and Books, Blocks, Potty, Kawaii Moon Toy, Toys Drawers, Books Plant, Kawaii Cloud Toy, Kawaii Star Toy)
29 - Sketchbook Pixels - SIMPLY Clara Houseboard
30 - Kale House - Lulworth Toy Box
31 - sweetwildoranges - Random Children’s Paintings 1
33 - wondymoon - Phosphorus Toy Box (TSR)
34 - Sketchbook Pixels - Squishies B
35 - Sketchbook Pixels - Squishies F
36 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 Nordica-sims Bear Toddler Room Bookcase
37 - Sketchbook Pixels - Squishies I
38 - AroundTheSims - Ikea Advent Easel
39 - WanderingSims - Kids Wall Art 4
40 - WanderingSims - Kids Wall Art 6
43 - Simply Kitsch - Shelf with Books
44 - LPVinyl21 - Childrens Book Ledges
45 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 Ravasheen x Pandasama Little Chefs Toy Kitchen
48 - WanderingSims - Kids Wall Art 10
49 - WanderingSims - Kids Wall Art 11
*For these bunk beds I use Sketchbook Pixels SIMPLY Bunk Mattresses & Tug Mattresses Single & Bunk Beds
**To get this changer to sit on a dresser you’ll need to use OMSP 
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cher-rei · 3 months
afterglow- pt 10 [ T.A.A ]
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pairings: trent alexander arnold x fem!reader
summary: young and aspiring marketing and business major jamie carter (you) is privileged with working alongside the liverpool marketing and public relations team while also getting entangled with their star player and right back, trent alexander arnold.
genre(s): friends to lovers, fluff, slowish?? burn
[w.c: 5.6k] [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [paet 8] [part 9] [part 11] [part 12]
notes: another reallllllyyy lengthy chapter
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it was still 0-0 at half time despite the amount of action that has taken place. arsenal had 13 shots on target but none of them hit the back of the net which was insane. and you guys a good few opportunities as well but none of them were good enough unfortunately.
so as the half-time whistle blew, jurgen was already halfway down the tunnel and darting for the dressing room as usual. you stood with your hands on your hips as you watched the boys come off the pitch, heaving and frustrated. you pat jarrel lightly on the shoulder and shot him a small smile.
"are you okay bud?"
he let out a breath and nodded, accounting for the small fall on his ankle earlier. it had you worried but he managed to get up again and played on without any issues.
when everyone was finally in for the break, you gestured to clara that you were heading up to the booth to check on the media team who were handling the team's social platforms. just as you entered the corridor, your phone buzzed in your pocket, and funny enough, it was from laura— one of the team members in charge of monitoring the media feedback.
"yep, I'm on my way," you answered and continued up the flight of stairs, ending the call soon after as you entered the room where the team's staff was set up.
"feedback is looking great," laura said and spun around in her chair to look at you, her hand gesturing to her laptop screen that had the twitter feed open.
you leant over her and scanned through the hashtags. it was better than you expected, but unfortunately for arsenal it was the opposite. but a part of you couldn't help but be slightly rejoiced, and it definitely had to do with the fact that michael and kelly were here.
when you made eye contact with him earlier you tried your best not to show any reaction despite the bitter taste on your tongue. you wondered if he knew that you were going to be here, and if he came just to spite you. but you pushed those thoughts aside, and tried to focus on literally anything else.
your main issue at the moment— trent coming over to your apartment. that didn't seem to calm your mind either, instead, it filled you with more anxiety because you didn't know what you two were going to do.
clara suggested that you watch a movie and chill, and though it seemed like a great idea you didn't know which movie to watch. what if your taste in movies was completely different to his? heck, what if he didn't watch movies at all??
the anxiety settled in your stomach and you needed fresh air. "thanks for the updates laura. do me a favour and get an idea of who they're interviewing after the match besides trent."
laura gave you a thumbs up. "yes ma'am." and you were off again, just in time for the second half to begin. you were practically rushing through the corridors, funny enough to meet both teams lining up halfway, chatting among themselves.
you were greeted with a few polite "hello"s and waves from the home side to which you returned, as opposed to the visitors of today's match who were yelling at you for completely different reasons.
"jamie!" your attention was caught midway by curtis and as much as you wanted to leave him hanging just for the fun of it, you gave in.
"hello to you too," you greeted sarcastically and he faked a laugh.
"I need your help with the interviews. not today, I can't answer those questions today," he pleaded desperately and you nodded, telling him that you were already on it.
just as you were about to leave again, you were pulled back by someone else. only this time, you didn't mind. you happily obliged and turned to look at trent, struggling to breathe a bit. you've told clara this before, but him in the purple away kit had you on your knees.
maybe it was the lighting, but he looked breathtaking.
he smiled at you softly. "are you okay?" he asked loud enough so that only you could hear. the question was strange but you nodded regardless, and asked why he was wondering.
"you kept on looking over your shoulder," he said and your stomach dropped. "and you looked stressed."
there was a genuine look in his eyes and you wanted to tell him everything, mentally cursing yourself for feeling this vulnerable with someone who probably couldn't care less. but you swallowed your pride and gave him some explanation.
"michael's here," you whispered. trent was taken back by your answer and suddenly he stood up straight with his eyes wide in shock.
"he's here now? is he alone?"
you tried to shush trent but that got the rest of the team's attention, and if it was one thing that you knew then it was that they were one nosy group of men. trent flashed an apologetic smile as the others leant over to hear what you were talking about.
"who's here?" dom asked with a cheeky grin and trent nudged his arm, only for a few more questions to be thrown into the air in the middle of the tunnel with seconds until the second half began.
you managed to break free from the huddle, and apologised despite their pleas for an answer. "you guys should be focusing on the match you know? good luck!"
the group of men watched as you left, annoyed groans leaving their mouths as they got ready to leave, only to earn them a few very confused looks from the arsenal squad who watched the entire interaction.
joe took the liberty and chucked awkwardly. "we love her around here."
harvey was quick to interject, "who's we?"
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"how has no one scored yet?" it's jota who spoke up at the 50' minute, reflecting everyone else's thoughts as they watched from the side. the ball would just not go in. no matter how well the passes were made, no matter how far into the penalty box they were— the ball was in a mood today.
it's not long after his comment that jurgen told jota to start warming up, and the squad member happily obliged with a muffled "finally" that made you and clara laugh.
not much happened after that, other than even more frustration and missed opportunities to score for both sides. everyone began to grow agitated, and you couldn't blame them. you got up from your seat for a bit, just to loosen up some tension.
jurgen stood just centimetres from the touchline as usual, his arms crossed with a snarky grin on his face. he waved you over, and you knew what was coming. if there was one thing that this man could do, then it was complain and rant. but you didn't mind, because you just so happened to be a professional in both of those departments.
he went on for a bit and you agreed with him, and suggested that maybe some changes would do good. just to flip the dynamic a bit, seeing as they were getting nowhere. jurgen nodded, looking down at his watch now that arteta was making his substitutions.
funny enough harvey had just gotten booked for dissent, and that pretty much summed up everyone's frustration. you felt a light pat on your shoulder. "get the kids ready for harvey and curtis."
you left without any hesitation while jurgen went over to talk to pep about something. there was a smile on your face as you called on conor and bobby who were watching the match eagerly, their eyes lighting up in disbelief when you told them to warm up.
the board went up and you wished them luck but there was a sly smirk on your face as harvey and curtis came to sit down. "calm down tiny." harvey stopped to look at you with a hardened expression. "I can see the fumes coming from your ears."
the rest of the bench found your comment quite funny but that prompted harvey to throw his water bottle at you, but suddenly you jolted in your seat at the roaring sound of the away fans. in frantic you turned to the pitch, only to see that arsenal scored an own goal thanks to trent's free kick.
the stadium was alive again, the supporters began to sing and chant again and you were filled with hope that arsenal wouldn't equalise. 88' minute rolled around and you were sitting back in your seat, chatting with clara while your eyes subconsciously followed trent until you caught something.
not sure if you were being paranoid or not you leant forward in your seat to get a look. he did have a fall a few minutes earlier and even got booked for the tackle but it didn't seem that serious. "he's limping."
"who? trent?" clara asked, slightly confused but you remained silent. you watched as he went behind the goal line to grab the ball for a throw in, a slight hop in his step that had him scrunching his face in pain.
nobody else noticed the way that he bit his jersey to contain the pain, the captains armband holding much weight for him at that moment but he carried on. you made an appeal to pep, bringing his attention to the right back who was clearly not okay.
it was rolling into the 4 minutes of added time but you were extremely uneasy. yeah sure you had feelings for him and you were aware of them, but this amount of worry was a little weird. there was seconds left on the clock and lucho managed to score the winner, but you weren't able to rejoice.
the full-time whistle finally blew and the players stood on the pitch for a bit as usual but the minute to saw trent alone, you waved him over and walked with him to the dressing room.
"a normal person would've asked for help if they felt that they were hurt you know?" you said and hooked your arm into his for stability, just in case.
trent let out a scoff, fighting back the pain shooting through his leg. "there was 5 minutes left so it didn't matter. and," he looked pat the captain's armband. "I had a role to play."
there wasn't any point in arguing with him, so you just rolled your eyes. "okay, captain fantastic."
when you got to the dressing room, he sat down with a heaved sigh and just in time, the medics arrived. they couldn't do much at that moment but it was bad enough that he had a physio assessment the following day. the medics left shortly after, and you stood in the middle of the dressing room with a look of pure fear.
a smile tugged at trent's lips as he watched you, not being able to help that he found your concern for him endearing. "you're more stressed out than I am. and I'm the one that's injured."
that didn't help you at all. just the mention of an injury made you upset. there was a moment of silence before he spoke up again, leaning his head back onto the locker. "so what are we doing tomorrow?"
you shook your head at the question. "no there's no we. there's only you, who's going to go home and rest because you need it."
"I can just rest at your house though?" he shrugged his shoulders, clearly not understanding the depth of the situation and his potential injury.
you seriously tried to fight him off, urging him to go home and rest, and that you'd pick up your hangout another time. unfortunately for you, this man was stubborn beyond comprehension. he would not back down without a fight and insisted that he needed the distraction anyway.
when you finally gave in, he was more than happy, which left you slightly annoyed. but at least that meant that he actually enjoyed your company so it was a win win situation... kind of.
when you were done wrapping up your work and bidding everyone goodbye, you took a stroll to your car with clara, who was conveniently parked next to you. of course, the first thing she asked about was if trent was still coming over, to which you nodded with an eye roll.
it was safe to say that she was more excited about tomorrow than you were. at least you had some time to prepare because trent still had to go home and freshen up. you offered to drive him but he said that his brother would probably drop him off since he couldn't drive.
all of that was extremely convenient, but there was still a small amount of fight in you that told him to cancel and rest at home. which didn't make a difference at all, but there was no harm in trying.
"yeah and then we're going to..."
clara trailed off with her sentence, her lips parting at the sight in front of your car. your breath hitched at the sight of michael with his hands in his pockets, his attention focused on the floor.
kelly was nowhere to be seen so you assumed that he told her to wait in the car or something. there wasn't much you could do since he was in front of your car, so you took the last few steps and he lifted his head to look at you.
he straightened his posture and took a quick glance at clara who was staring daggers at him which made him visibly uncomfortable. you pursed your lips to stop a laugh from escaping and gave a light squeeze to clara's hand, indicating that you'd be okay.
she wasn't too keen on leaving at first and pulled you in for a quick hug. "call me when you get to the hotel okay? drive safe."
"you too, angel." you waved her off, watching as she safely excited the parking lot.
the second she was out of sight, michael cleared his throat and took the liberty of taking a step closer. you swallowed the lump in your throat and tilted your head at him, urging for him to speak.
he licked his lips and cleared his throat. "this brings back memories, how ironic." there was an awkward smile on his face and it took a moment for you to realise that he was talking about your outfit.
you looked down at your liverpool jersey and back to his arsenal jersey with a bitter taste in your mouth. nothing came from it though, and you stayed silent. you didn't see any reason for you to respond, having more important things to do.
"I uh..." michael rubbed the nape of his neck. "I wanted to say hi since it's been a while. how are you?"
is he being serious right now?
the chill of the evening air was starting to pick up, a few goosebumps rising on your arms. "I'm great." you crossed your arms for some warmth. "how are you--" your nose scrunched, an irritated smile tugging at your lips. "--and kelly?"
a flash of hurt struck across his face and you relished in it. what gave him the nerve to talk to you after everything? that was the question plaguing your mind at the moment, you weren't even mad— you were just really irritated.
it took him a moment to come back from that but he simply nodded. "we're okay. I don't think she knows you're here by the way an--"
you sighed and checked your watch for the time. "yeah, let's keep it that way." it was nearly 9 and you had to get home. "michael, can we please speed this up, I need to leave."
you narrowed your eyes at his answer and it was clear to him that he wasn't going to get the light of day, definitely not from you. "I mean, yeah, sure," he hurriedly corrected himself, putting out his hand but quickly retracing it.
he noticed that you were growing impatient, and checked over his shoulder for a moment. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry jamie."
you were barely listening, and instead began fishing for your car keys from your handbag, not wasting a second to move him out of the way and unlock the door. "aw, good for you buddy."
your answer caught him off guard. this wasn't how this interaction was supposed to go apparently but you couldn't care less. it was water under the bridge and you didn't have the energy to worry about it, but clearly he thought otherwise.
just as you were about to get into the driver's seat, michael put his hand on the door to stop you. your eyes shut in annoyance, and you had no choice but to look at him and the pitiful look on his face.
"michael, what do you want from me?" you asked, the anger slipping out in your tone. "it's been a year, we've both moved on and there's nothing we can do. so why are you talking to me right now, please enlighten me?" there was some mock in your voice because the situation was genuinely amusing.
"I'm here to apologise, and you're not listening to me," he answered in offence but you only rolled your eyes.
"I don't need an apology." you moved his hand away from the door. "I need to get to the hotel because my bus leaves in 40 minutes."
"jamie!" he raised his voice this time but you weren't fazed, only reflecting his energy.
"what michael!?"
he ran a hand through hid hair in frustration. "I'm trying to be decent and set things straight and you're acting childish."
"no, what you're being," you dropped your bag in the passenger seat and glared at him. "is an inconvenience. I don't want you to apologise because you were supposed to do that before I fucking left london."
of course, his apology wouldn't have made a difference back then and you still would've left but at least it would've been something. but you moved on, you got your life together and buried that part of you.
the emptiness of the parking lot echoed its silence as you stared at each other. your eyes filled with hatred and his with something you couldn't care less about. the moment was thankfully interrupted by the sound of a woman calling his name, and for the first time in a while you couldn't have been happier to see kelly.
"babe, hurry up we need to get home."
a smile crept to your face and you waved to kelly who was approaching, watching as she stopped dead in her tracks. "your girlfriend is calling you and I need to leave."
you shut the car door in his face and drove without looking back. this was your last goodbye to whatever part of you was left in london and you intended to keep it there.
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when you got home a little after 12, you didn't say a word. even on the bus you sat in silence with clara holding your hand the entire ride. her understanding was seriously appreciated and that was all you needed, some emotional support.
sure, you didn't sleep as well as you usually would but when you woke up you were back to normal. the surprise encounter was water under the bridge once again and you had no reason to think about it. for your off day however, there wasn't much to do except having trent over.
he had his physio assessment earlier that day so he'd be over after 3 which gave you enough time to prepare. there wasn't much on his injury yet but it was practically confirmed that he'd be missing his match against fulham on tuesday, which he was immensely upset about of course.
so that was your plan today. to help him relax and distract him from the setback. since he couldn't walk, you set up a few things you could do at your apartment which was ideally your ideal idea of a date. not that this was a date! it was just a friendly hangout and nothing more.
anyway, you'd start the afternoon with an icebreaker. not just any icebreaker though, no you'd be building a puzzle. although it might've seemed strange, but just as you told clara, "trust the process." your friend wasn't too convinced by your answer but she went with it nonetheless.
after that, you'd have a few movies lined up. (5 of your best recommendations) after the movie and lunch you'd head to the kitchen for a little baking activity. and to wrap the evening up, you'd play a few games and just hang out.
it was perfect.
and by the time you were done with most of the setup, there was still enough time for you to make a quick stop. it was the christmas present that you'd gotten for yourself a while ago, but you were only allowed to pick it up today.
the drive to the shelter was a quick one, your excitement and eagerness for the long-awaited present pumping your adrenaline. you don't even remember properly stopping the car before you were at the reception and signing in.
you were led to a room on the far end of the building, where a litter of puppies were happily wandering and playing with each other. your heart nearly exploded in your chest, and you carefully stepped into the pen to tend to them.
"unfortunately their mum didn't make it, so I'm glad that we're able to find at least one of these babies a home," the employee who helped you said with a lopsided smile.
they were the most previous litter of golden retrievers you'd ever seen, and you couldn't have been more grateful that your complex allowed pets.
in no time you chose one of the pups, and were at the reception once again to finish up some paperwork. she fit perfectly in your arms and not to be emotional but you felt like crying.
everything was already back at your apartment— her toys, her food and water bowl and her bed. it was just a matter of finally welcoming her home, which wasn't much of a problem.
"come here bubba, " you called with a smile as you sat on your living room carpet. the golden retriever was a but hesitant sr first, tilting her head to the side before slowly approaching you until she took refuge in your lap.
your heart swelled in your chest and you pet her gently and took a picture for your instagram story.
spamjam._. added to their story
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it wasn't long after you uploaded your story that your doorbell rang. honey, who wasn't familiar with the sound jumped up in fright which caused you to laugh. you picked her up, cradled her in your arms and opened the door.
on the other side, stood trent with his hands in his pockets. he flashed a smile, one that had your breath hitching but you managed to compose yourself and let him in.
"and who's this angel?" he asked and bent down to look at honey, who was more than eager to accept his ruffling of her fur.
you watched with a smile as he interacted with honey, taking her in his arms and baby-talking her. it was genuinely the most heartwarming experience, seeing him be so gentle and bashful with your puppy.
"this is my baby and the new addition to my family," you answered and sat beside him on your couch enough space between the two of you for the puppy. "she's a little christmas present from myself."
"well she's absolutely gorgeous," trent complimented and kissed the side of her head. he lifted honey in the air to get a better look and took a quick glance at you, the smile on his face not faltering. "you definitely take after your mother."
your heart stopped for a moment, unsure if you heard him correctly or if you misunderstood what he said. when he saw how you froze trent was quick to interject with a teasing scoff. "I'm sure you're used to compliments by now. unless mine just make you flustered?" his eyebrows raised with a cheeky grin.
all you did was roll your eyes to hide the fact that you were flustered. by now it was obvious that he knew that you had feelings for him, and some part of you felt that he felt the same way. so if this hangout went well, then you were on the right track.
after a few more minutes of chatting and getting comfortable, you started the first part of your dat-- hangout! the puzzle wasn't anything too crazy, just a picture of some aesthetic scenery. you'd been meaning to put it together for a while now, but there was never time.
you set it down on the coffee table along with some snacks. both you and trent took your seats on the carpet, side by side, but you made sure that he was comfortable. he had a knee brace on at the moment and was still limping.
the conversation between the two of you picked up quicker than before, there was no tension in the air or the need to hold back on saying something. everything just felt so free and light. there wasn't a moment where either of you wasn't laughing or bickering with each other, and that made it all the more fun.
the conversation sprung from topic to topic with ease. at some point it got to your family dynamics and the relationships between your parents and your siblings. you asked about how it felt to be the middle child, and why he was the only one of his two brothers that pursued his football career.
"I mean tyler is my manager now so he's still kind of in it, does that make sense?" he asked, more to himself than you and you nodded. "and marcel..." he paused and looked up for a moment, not knowing what to say. "he's just marcel. you know how younger siblings are."
a scoff left your lips as you scavenged across the array of puzzle pieces in front of you until you found one that might fit. "I am the younger sibling. unless alex counts then all the knowledge I have is from the word of mouth."
"yeah, you're privileged. younger siblings are such a pain."
it took him a while to realise what he said, and by the time he turned to apologise, you were already glaring at him. in an attempt to fix the situation, he held his hands up in surrender. "every younger sibling except you of course."
your eyebrows quirked. "uh huh? and why's that?"
trent's lips tugged up and he eased back down at the sound of your teasing tone. his eyes flickered between your lips and your eyes for a moment, but not long enough for you to realise. "because you're just the sweetest person ever. genuinely such a pleasure to be around, with all your screaming and laughing--" he put his hand on your shoulder. "--and not to mention your constant complaining."
your lips parted at the way he was mocking you. "oh, that's how it is?" you slapped his hand from your shoulder but he continued to ramble on jokingly, despite your protest.
"but I'd listen to you complain and scream any day, trust me."
your nose scrunched at his answer. "and the laughing?"
it felt like the space between the two of you had decreased a significant amount because your knee was touching his thigh. his doe eyes caught yours for a moment and you reminded yourself not to do anything rash.
"it's like music to my ears," trent answered in a mote gentle tone. and once again, you couldn't tell if he was being serious or not.
the moment was interrupted by honey barking, probably because she was hungry. you cleared your throat and got up to tend to your puppy and trent's eyes remained fixed on every movement. the way that you gently cradled honey and spoke to her, the way that you tucked a strand of her behind your ear— the strand that always seemed to bother you.
it was all so miniscule but he couldn't look away or ignore it. not when there was a reoccurring tightening in his chest whenever you were near him.
after more than an hour, you had finished about half of the puzzle and it was time to eat and watch one of the movies you'd picked out. now usually you'd just order a pizza or some sushi, but for some reason you felt like cooking for the occasion.
you plated the fettuccine alfredo and got your drinks out. it wasn't too dark outside yet so you left the lights on and got comfortable on the couch with the remote in your hand.
"okay, so I have no idea what you're into," you sighed truthfully and held up your finger. "but I have movies that everyone should like."
"and if I don't like them?"
you shrugged at his answer. "then consider our friendship over."
"jamie, that's just unfair," trent protested and turned to look at you but you weren't paying attention and settled on a movie.
you sat back and got comfortable, waiting for the movie to start. the familiar soundtrack sounded through the living room which caused trent to stop eating immediately.
"are we watching karate kid?"
when you looked at him you had to bite back a laugh and simply nodded. "It's one of my favourite movies. play it at funeral."
it was about 15 minutes into the movie when you both finished eating, and you were quick to take your dishes in while trent went to the bathroom. you washed the two plates and left them on the drying rack and quickly got back to the lounge.
trent was already huddled comfortably beneath the blanket with his legs spread out in front of him on his side of the L-shaped couch. the lights we all off now except for the t.v, and you couldn't explain a more relaxing feeling.
"come here, my angel," you said sweetly and placed honey on your lap.
after a bit, you felt the need to stretch your legs since they had been crossed for so long. the only issue was that trent was there, and if you put your legs on the couch, it would stretch over his lap.
for a few minutes, you mentally debated with yourself and endured the sharp pains shooting through your calves. trent must've noticed, you're not sure how, but he just did.
he caught your attention by tapping his lap lightly, giving you a look that said "I can see that you're dying". you declined of course and as usual, it was a back-and-forth about your comfortabity.
he won though. but it was by force. he literally leant over and grabbed your legs and put them across his lap, shushing you whenever you wanted to say something.
it was difficult to pay attention to the movie, seeing as all you could concentrate on was the feeling of his fingers trailing along your shins. you felt yourself drifting off to sleep at how comfortable you were, but you fought it off.
instead, you both basked in the atmosphere and the other's company. even if it was silent for most of the movie, the presence of each other made a significant difference. even if your feelings for each other were up in the air at the moment, something was bound to happen.
"we should do this more often."
you perked up at his sudden retort, and unbeknownst smile crept onto your lips. "just say the word and I'll work something out."
there was a beat of silence.
you rolled your eyes with a hearty laugh. "oh wow, you're hilarious."
the evening continued and came to an end quicker than you liked. you could hear in trent's voice that he wasn't too happy about it either, glaring at the text from his brother saying that he was outside.
you didn't know how to say goodbye. were you supposed to just wave? were you on hugging terms? like you said earlier, it was all up in the air. just floating around.
you stood awkwardly at the front door and bid him goodbye. and just when you expected him to then around and leave, he pulled you in for a hug and placed a gentle but quick kiss on your cheek.
and when you finally processed it. he was gone, leaving you alone in your doorway with a pounding heart and a feeling of slight emptiness.
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liked by liverpoolfc and 4 453 223 others
trentarnold66 best way to fix my leg 🥱 [tagged: spamjam._.]
view all comments below
spamjam._. your welcome 🙄
→ trentarnold66 I can hear you smiling
→ spamjam._. bro get a life [liked by trentarnold66]
user uhm what is going on in the house of commons???
user the math isn't mathing, but at the same time it is???
clarashaw someone stole my bitch 🥲 [liked by trentarnold66]
szoboszlaidominik 😟💔 [liked by trentarnold66]
judebellingham when my two worlds collide but I'm in another country 😃 [liked by trentarnold66]
→ spamjam._. tell jobe to change the netflix password back
→ jobebellingham I didn't change the password ?? 😭
→ spamjam._. @judebellingham kys.
→ judebellingham tehe 🤭
user this is the first time this man has posted in months and ya'll are worried about the comments 😭
user are they a thing??
→ user nah they're just friends, there's been rumours about trent and some other girl. iris I think?
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Rating: G Chapters: 1
Summary: The Doctor returns to the Tardis after an adventure and finds Clara with a very interesting piece of clothing.
Read this story on another platform: Archive of Our Own
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tonsillessscum · 6 months
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ofstarsandvibranium · 5 months
Unexpectedly Yours: Part 13
Fandom: Ted Lasso (Regency AU)
Pairing: Roy Kent x F!Reader
Summary: Lord Roy Kent still has yet to marry. He hates the notion that marriage is a way to ensure your status in society. You have delayed your debut to society for years because of the same idea. So what happens when two people who hate the idea of marriage are constantly drawn to each other?
Series Masterlist
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You feign illness the day after your discovery of Roy and Duchess Georgina. You couldn't find the strength to do anything at all.
Your mother had checked up on you, of course, after breakfast. You reassured her it was just a head cold that would dissipate within a day or two.
Around lunch time, your lady's maid came into your room, "Miss, um, Lord Kent is here to see you."
You sigh, looking over your shoulder from your writing desk, "Tell him that I'm ill and in no state to see anyone today."
You can see your hand maid have some hesitation, but she only replies with, "Yes, miss." She leaves promptly.
You sigh, moving from your writing desk to your reading nook in your window sill. It was your favorite part of your room. The way the sun shines through it, illuminating the small cubicle. It also gave you a few of the street below. When you're not in the mood to read, you like to watch people go about their days.
Unfortunately, when you decide to peer down, you see Lord Kent exit your home and bound back to his carriage. For some reason, he turns and looks up, immediately catching your gaze. You see sorrow in his eyes but you scoff, immediately moving away from the window.
He has the audacity to be upset when you found him with his ex-lover? How dare he!
Clara watches her brother pace back and forth in the drawing room. After he told her what happened, she couldn't help but roll her eyes. She never liked Georgina and of course she would find a way to still hurt Roy after all these years.
"She hasn't written me about breaking off the engagement so that must be a good sign, right?" Roy asks his sister, "Maybe I should try to see her again later? I caught a glimpse of her and she seemed well."
Clara rolls her eyes, "Brother, trust me, she needs time. Allow her that. She's heartbroken."
"But if she'll let me talk to her, I can ease her-"
He stops, looking at his sister helplessly, "Please, give her time. Maybe, I should see her later rather you?"
Roy relents with a sigh, "Fine. I suppose that is best."
Before dinner, your lady's maid announces that Clara was here to see you. Did Roy really send his sister to speak with you? A part of you wants to send her away as well but decide against that.
"I'll meet her in the drawing room."
Moments later, you enter the drawing room to find Clara sitting on the chaise sipping some tea.
She stands to greet you, "Hello, Y/N."
You curtsey, "Ma'am," and then sit on a chair across from her.
Clara chuckles, "Back to formalities again?" You don't answer and she continues to speak, "I heard you were feeling unwell earlier. I take it you're feeling better?"
"Getting there."
Clara hums, "My brother didn't send me. In fact, I decided to come here instead of Roy." She pauses to see if you would say anything, but you remain silent. She sighs, "Roy may be an arse sometimes, but he would never hurt you like that, Y/N. He loves you. Truly. I've never seen him this way before. Georgina may have been his first love, but you, you're different."
You slump forward, all propriety slipping from you, "I just can't see him right now, Clara. Give me another day and I'll be ready to talk to him."
She nods and stands. She makes the short distance to you and places a reassuring hand on your shoulder, "You're the best thing that's ever happened to him, Y/N. He wouldn't ruin this. What you saw, I'm sure, was very heartbreaking, but I think you should listen to Roy has to say," she kisses your head before leaving.
After breakfast, your handmaiden accompanies you to the Kent estate. You're escorted to the sitting room and one of Roy's servants steps out to find his master. It's not long until Roy bursts into the room.
You swallow down a nervous gulp and stand, "Good day, sir," you curtsey and Roy's jaw clenches.
"Please, don't do that. You don't ever need to do that with me."
You sit down and Roy, hesitantly sits on the couch with you, but on the opposite end.
"How are you feeling?" he asks, nervously rubbing his hand along his pant leg.
"Physically, I'm fine, but...my heart hurts, Roy."
Roy gulps and nods, "I understand. What you saw that day-I'm sure I'd feel the same if the circumstances were switched. But, Y/N," he turns his entire body to face you, "I can assure you what you saw was unwanted by me. Ge-The Duchess had thrown herself at me."
"Why though? Why would she do such a thing if she's already married? Married to a man that she left you for, no less."
Roy couldn't help but chuckle, "When she saw us together at the ball, she saw how happy I was. How happy I am when I'm with you. Unfortunately for her, her marriage to the Duke isn't what she expected it to be. She wants an annulment and wants to be with me again." He watches as your jaw clenches and you grip your dress tightly.
He reaches out, placing his hand over yours, "Hey," he says softly, "I don't want anything to do with her, Y/N. Only you. You infuriatingly beautiful and smart woman, you. You drive me up the walls in the best way. You challenge me and you fit so well with Clara and Phoebe. I can't see myself with anyone but you, Y/N."
"So, you still love me and you still want to marry me?"
Roy chuckles, "I gave you that, frankly, incredibly romantic speech and you still ask me if I still love and marry you?"
He brings your gloved hand to his mouth and kisses it, "I love you. I adore you. I yearn for you. Irrevocably so. I want to be by your side forever."
You immediately press your lips to Roy's and you can feel him smiling. He pulls you closer to deepen the kiss but the door pushes open and you hear a surprised gasp.
You pull apart to see Clara with a smirking from the threshold, "Well, I'm happy things turned out well."
You promptly distance yourself from Roy, "Apologies."
"Don't be. I'm just glad my brother won't be sulking around the house anymore."
Roy glared at his sister, "I wasn't sulking."
"Of course you weren't, brother. Anyways, I believe you two should continue wedding planning, yes?"
You shoot up from your place on the couch, "Yes! Oh goodness, there's still so much to do," you turn back to Roy, "Will you be available today? Oh, nevermind, it's too last minute. You must have-"
Roy chuckles as he stands, "I'll cancel my meetings. My future wife needs me," he slips his hand into yours and looks at you with loving eyes.
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Who I write for/Rules;
This is a list of fandoms and characters I write for (some may be missing) and some rules, if you’re curious about a fandom or character please message and I’ll let you know if it’s someone I’ll write for or not! If you’re looking for prompts please search the tag Lokittys prompt list
Please if you’re requesting use some manners, say please and thank don’t demand I write something from you
This blog is for all ages, do not be hostile towards any member of this blog as you will be told to remove yourself immediately and if you don’t I will remove you, hate will not be tolerated this is a safe space regardless of age, sexual orientation, gender/pronouns, disability and such
If you’re wondering about a request you have but you’re worried or confused if I’ll write it or not or you’re just curious please reach out through inbox or asks and I’ll let you know! I write both romantic and plutonic requests for a wide range of characters!
Some things I will NOT write include; teenage pregnancy, smut(or related themes), underage!reader x older characters (these will ALWAYS be plutonic either a parental or sibling relationship). If you’re wondering about anything else just message! 💜
Fate the winx saga
- Saul silva
- Farah Dowling
- Jake
- Quaritch/ recom Quaritch
Criminal minds
- Hotch
- Rossi
- Derek
- Spencer
- Jj
- Emily
- Garcia
- Castle
- Beckett
Lucifer (Fox)
- Lucifer
- Maze
- Chloe
- Dan
Greys anatomy
- Alex
- Derek
- Mark
- Carlisle
- Esme
Harry Potter
- Sirius
- Remus
- Snape
- Tony
- Clint
- Bruce
- Natasha
- Thor
- Steve
- Loki
- Bucky
- Logan
- Wanda
- Pietro
- Maria
- Phil
- Carol Danvers
BBC Merlin
- Merlin
- Arthur
- Gwaine
- Leon
- Percival
- Lancelot
BBC Sherlock
- Sherlock
- John
- Moriarty
- Lestrade
- Mycroft
Black butler
- Sebastian
- William
- Undertaker
- Claude
- Sam
- Dean
- Castiel
- Gabriel
- Balthazar
- Chuck
- Crawley
- Lucifer
- Jack
The witcher
- Geralt
- Jaskier
Brooklyn nine nine
- Rosa
- Jake
- Amy
The good doctor
- Melendez
- Shaun
- Joey
- Rachel
- Ross
- chandler
- Monica
- Phoebe
Teen wolf
- Derek
- Peter
- Melissa (plutonic only)
- Chris
- Parrish
- Noah (plutonic only)
Doctor who
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- River
- Clara
- Rose
- Amy
- Rory
- Jack
Lord of the rings/the hobbit
- Bilbo
- Legolas
- Thranduil
- Elrond
- Lindir
- Thorin
- Fili
- Kili
- Aragorn
My hero academia
- Aizawa
- Mic
- Dabi
- Hawks
- Midnight
- All Might (Toshinori)
- Fat Gum
Demon slayer
- Rengoku
Tokyo ghoul
- Yomo
- Uta
- shizuo
- Vilkas
- Farkas
Ackley bridge
- Mr Evershed
- Mrs Carter (plutonic only)
- Mr Bell
The vampire diaries
- Damon
- Klaus
- Elijah
- Finn
the watcher
- Ryan
- Shane
- bobby
- Buck
- chim
- hen
- Athena
- Maddie
- Eddie
Downton Abbey
- Thomas Barrow
- Anna
- Tom Branson
- Mary
- Sybil
- Edith
- Mrs Hughes (plutonic only)
- Merlin
- Eggsy
- Harry
- Booth
- Brennan (bones)
- Hodgins
- Angela
- Sweets
Buffy the vampire slayer
- Angel
- Giles
The walking dead
- Rick
- Daryl
- Negan
- Glenn
- Rosita
- Carol (plutonic only)
- Gabriel
- Aaron
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masked-fools · 1 year
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❝ your old buddy sampo is a model citizen these days. y'know the guards on sentry duty in the restricted zone? i deliver their breakfast every day! ❞
— Sampo Koski, ancient relic specialist
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Tavern Notice Board
28th of August — 3rd of September
(1) Flirty Pick-Up Lines [Gepard, Dan Heng, Welt] — @cnnmairoll
reader uses flirty pick up lines on them after getting into a relationship
(2) Just Don't Say Love [Blade] — @pyroxeene
he sought you out whenever the pain got too much to handle. he didn't want to know what that made you; feared the day you would ask him how he felt.
(3) Like Me Better [Dan Heng] — @eggluverz
you want to braid dan heng's hair and he wonders if you like him better in this form.
(4) Harmony In The Moonlight [Caelus] — @cnnmairoll
him serenading you outside your balcony
(5) The Sedative [Dan Heng] — @pyroxeene
after you got hurt in the battle on the xianzhou, the doctors need to do an endoscopy on you. still under the influence of the sedative when you wake up, you think it's a wonderful idea to call dan heng and make your feelings clear to him.
(6) Silver Tongue, Golden Heart [Sampo] — @cnnmairoll
with a naive reader who has a very positive image of him
(7) Something Shiny This Way Comes [Dan Heng] — @eggluverz
dan heng wants to face part of his past by walking around xianzhou luofu with you, but he freaks out when he notices you are no longer by his side.
(8) First Snow, New Hope [Pela, Bronya, Serval, Hook, Clara] — @leonistic
platonic headcanons of how you spend your winters with them in belobog
(9) Noodle [Dan Heng] — @generalsmemories
an evening of you getting familiar with dan heng's true form leads to the birth of an unique nickname - he doesn't complain though.
(10) I Had The Best Day With You Today [Jing Yuan, Blade, Dan Heng, Gepard] — @particular-one
how they would plan + surprise you on your birthday.
(11) After All This Time [Dan Heng] — @eggluverz
you were the great imbibitor lunae's disciple. he trusted you with his life and you with his. but when the time came, you weren't able to save him. what happens when you run into his reincarnation years down the line?
(12) Love Bites [Blade, Jing Yuan] — @cnnmairoll
with a lover who's love language is biting
(13) Sparks Of Enthusiasm [Gepard, Tingyun, Welt] — @cnnmairoll
with a very energetic reader
(14) A Haven In Your Arms [Blade] — @bladesmuse
it is late, and you come home from your mission exhausted. thankfully, your doting boyfriend Blade is there to look after you.
(15) Bearing The Burden [Blade] — @cnnmairoll
reader is having a hard time due to challenging life circumstances and is incredibly stressed because of it, but is constantly putting on a brave face for blade
(16) The Moles' Beloved Miss [Luka] — @cnnmairoll
luka x fem!reader where luka sees reader taking care of the moles and he just gets this very homey and fluffy feeling within him
(17) Them Being Clingy [Sampo, Dan Heng] — @ryker-others
dan heng and sampo being clingy
(18) Waking Up At Night And You Aren't By His Side [Blade] — @milksnake-tea
when he wakes up in the middle of the night, and you aren't by his side. + "please, stay. just… stay."
(19) Finding My Voice With You [Jing Yuan] — @cnnmairoll
with a reader who often gets talked over and feels like their voice is annoying
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