#13 scarier movie moments
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hannigram-palace · 1 year ago
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13 Scarier Movie Moments
11. Hard Candy (2005)
Dir. David Slade
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loveyourlovelysoul · 1 year ago
Choose a number 1-30 and read a sentence for you in time of needs. You can ofc read them all.
1- You're braver than you think. You can get through this too. Just take a breath and then start again. Do not give up.
2- You're not alone even if at times it feels so. Don't worry about being a burden or annoying others: ask for help, talk about your needs and feelings. You don't have to deal with all that by yourself. Keep asking even after being rejected. Someone will answer you.
3- Look inside and see your real worth. No one else can compare to you. You're you, and you're enough and deserving already as you are. Don't let others' harsh judgement make you think otherwise.
4- Life is made of light and dark and so are you. Find your balance again among the two and keep going. It'll be fine, no feeling is going to last forever.
5- Things look scarier and rockier cause they're changing (you're changing too). It's okay to feel uncomfortable and a bit loss or overwhelmed: give yourself time until you find a new balance in your new reality. It won't be bad, I promise.
6- Go slow, take your time. Nothing and nobody is rushing behind you. It's okay to take breaks, it's okay if you're taking a bit more time than you thought in doing something. Focus on the journey not on how much time you're using or thinking you're wasting. You're not wasting time when you use it for yourself. But worrying will make you lose a part of it and hurt you even more.
7- Try to believe that things can change. Be open to them, even if you cannot control this process and see how it is gonna be, chances are it will be great. Trust yourself too (not your fears though, separate from them).
8- You're on the road of success, whether you see it or not. Keep learning, keep welcoming (your feelings in particular): the more grounded and stable you will be able to be, the more opportunities you'll be able to see and make yours.
9- Always be kind and compassionate with yourself: the mistakes you made today won't ever be the mistakes of tomorrow. Making mistakes is a way of learning, not a confirmation of you not being enough. Nobody ever has made no mistakes while trying or becoming better at something. Be patient and give yourself another chance (and even more).
10- Remember the last decision in your life is always up to you: you're the protagonist of your life, don't let it pass you by. Even if at the moment you cannot see a way out, it will come to you. Keep staying hopeful. Keep focusing on what you can actually control, be it even just your feelings.
11- You're not responsible for anyone's feelings or emotions. Remember you cannot control how they react to you or anything really, and you don't have to necessarily make everything better for others. Respect yourself too.
12- Be confident in your abilities and knowledge. Do not second guess yourself cause you were somehow taught you're not good enough: you are. And you can be wrong here and there too and it won't change your worth ever. Trust yourself whether you're right or wrong and soon you'll be just right.
13- Remember that as you give, you also need to receive from others as much. Stay open to that. You don't have to just empty yourself in order to get crumbles or the bear minimum: that's not what healthy relationships are about.
14- Set your boundaries and stand up for yourself. You're not being selfish for this, as you're not imposing on or taking advantages of others. You're just putting yourself on the same page as them, you need as much respect and love as them.
15- Take care of you: stay hydrated, make your bed, take a shower, go for a walk, enjoy a nice book or video or movie, sing, dance, paint... prepare yourself a nice cup of tea and treat yourself with a little gift here and there. You deserve all this, especially when things get rocky and too much to bear with. Celebrate your little successes too.
16- Surround yourself with the right people for you. If you cannot get away from some negative people, try at least to build boundaries and find other people with whom you can share nice moments of peace and growth, and that can get your feelings too. It's important to communicate with people that can understand us.
17- If you feel alone, try to go out and go visit place where you may find like-minded people. Join a volunteering association, go to a movie teather, a park or a library, or start a course of something you're passionate about. Sometimes we need to be the one creating opportunities to ourselves instead of waiting for others to approach us first.
18- It's okay to feel lost while trying to figure out what to do or where to go. Take a breath when this happens and focus on just doing things you like. The more you'll get to know yourself and work on something you enjoy, the faster you'll get to understand more about the next steps to take. Ask to someone trusted for their advice as well: many times people around us can see us better than what we do. Just remember that not everyone can really do that anyway so trust yourself first.
19- You don't have to work on your fears anytime you get triggered or feel overwhelmed. Take a break, focus on something else and come back to it another day. Taking breaks is part of the healing process as much as working with your shadows and triggers, so take time to enjoy your present life away from that too.
20- Help yourself liberating from the excess of energy, caused by anxiety and overthinking, that you may have stored in your body. Move your body: walk, dance, do yoga or any little light exercise (as much as you body allows). Go back to yourself, get in touch with your body and release what is not serving you anymore.
21- Journaling can help you wording and throwing out your confused thoughts, in order to clear them from the inside. You don't have to write them reasonably, this will come later: just focus on freeing yourself first and foremost. At times we just need to pour emotions/events out to process them.
22- Trauma may have caused you to detach from yourself, so take time know yourself again. Know your values and what you can compromise on and why. List things you like and dislike, what you think are your strengths and what may be your flaws (be objective here, don't let others or your wounds decide for you) and so on... you make the rules. Making lists of pros and cons for something may also be useful.
23- As we never stop learning, we never stop making mistakes and growing. Share everything you got around you, keep welcoming and understanding yourself and the world around you. Keep spreading your talents: yes you do have talents, and no they're not negative ones. Allow yourself to try anything you want: who cares if others do it too? They are not doing it better than you, they're doing it differently. See yourself where you can get just by trying with no pressure.
24- You can also try something new and different from what you're used: getting out of your comfort zone can be very inspiring both for your creativity, your mind and your life in general (and in knowing yourself). Share your finds, share your passions. Don't be shy.
25- Having being judged so harshly during your life has probably made you more insecure and willing to close off from the world: please try and allow yourself to see that even if it hurt you so much, it wasn't on you. You weren't the real object of those judgement. It is always all in the head of the person judging, it's never on the object. Be nicer with you, you're worth much more than that.
26- What is really stopping you from trying what you have in mind? Fear of making or not making? Either way, take your fear by the hand and take it to see how is it gonna be for real. Our minds want to keep us safe and try to make things look worse than they actually are just cause they want to keep us in a known zone. But what if that's not where we're supposed to stay? Or where we want to stay?
27- Don't fear: you won't be let down forever nor you won't be alone forever. Your people are coming, try to get ready to meet them and let them in. You're not made for everyone and, if your past has been tough, you may fear not being good enough for the relationship (any type) of your dreams, but you are. And you'll have the chance to build it the moment you'll be ready for it.
28- You may not trust others much out of past hurt, but the fact is that it's never your fault what others do with your trust. You don't have to feel guilty or any less cause you trusted the wrong people. It wasn't your fault.
29- Take your time when you need to bring yourself closure about an event or a relationship. Go slow and try to welcome and nurture each of your emotions and feelings, of whatever type they may be. Ask for support, talk about how you really feel, write, and slowly go back to your passion. Act according on what you feel like doing. Do not make sudden decisions and also, take time to grieve and cry. Grieving is complex, you'll experience ups and downs: it's okay, give yourself time and space to deal with all that at your own pace and conditions.
30- Healing is not about not being triggered anymore and feeling like nothing can scare you: healing is about learning how to recognize your triggers before they hurt you and taking action so that these emotions won't overcome you as they did. It's about learning to not let your fears decide your actions, but taking actions even if not knowing the results feels really uncomfortable and scary. It's about learning to be in discomfort and not letting this ruin your whole life.
I hope these short texts can help you in your journey. I hope you take care of your whole being even if you don't really love yourself. I hope you can see yourself as someone you may end up liking after chatting a bit or as someone in need and that you may want to support. Start with that. And be open to see your good sides too, cause you have plenty even on your darkest days (they never disappear).
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asoftepiloguemylove · 2 years ago
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give me back my girlhood, it was mine first
unknown / @/apocryphics (on tumblr) / @/heartlikegold (on tumblr) / unknown / Ashe Vernon excerpt from Buried, "Not a Girl" / The Virgin Suicides (1999) dir. Sofia Coppola / unknown / Serge Ivanoff / Sally Wen Mao excerpt from Drop-kick Aria, "Mad Honey Symposium"
i. unknown
[ "A girl in the shape of a monster / A monster in the shape of a girl" ]
ii. @/apocryphics
[ Screenshot of a tumblr post by @/apocryphics. "girls will carry unimaginable primordial rage but still go about their day as if nothing is wrong and that is very sexy of us I think" ]
iii. @/heartlikegold
[ Screenshot of a tumblr post by @/heartlikegold. " 'girlhood rots between my teeth, a sickness so sweet it aches' / - SUGAR, SPICE & EVERYTHING NICE // d.s" ]
iv. unknown
[ Painting of a young girl in the process of braiding her blonde hair. She looks away from the viewer towards the right as she braids her hair towards the audience. ]
v. Ashe Vernon, Buried
[ "Isn't all that rage so ugly? And isn't it mine, still? Good god, isn't it mine?" ]
vi. Sofia Coppola, The Virgin Suicides
[ Movie screencap of The Virgin Suicides. Hanna Hall (playing Cecilia Lisbon) las on a hospital bed wearing a blue gown. The subtitles read, "Obviously, doctor, you've never been a 13-year-old girl." ]
vii. unknown
[ "girlhood / 1. ripped stockings, smeared red lipstick, stolen lilac branches in our hands, scrapes from tree-climbing stinging our knees. a laughing moon to guide us home. the wild, wicked stars. the crimson fires of our heartbeats burning. so many secrets we keep like knives between our teeth. / 2. i'm made of fairydust and that moment of silence right before the thunderstruck sky breaks open with rain. i'm a breathing, bleeding body. i'm a breathing, bleeding soul. / 3. what prayers do we say when we think god isn't listening?" ]
viii. Serge Ivanoff
[ Cropped image of a painting by Serge Ivanoff . A woman stands in a room wearing a light pink dress. She folds her hands in front of her as she poses. ]
ix. Sally Wen Mao, Drop-kick Aria
[ Screenshot of a tumblr post by @/lifeinpoetry. "If i could do girlhood again, I'd ask / to be scarier. Less whimpering-more pyromanic / urges, more flirting with kerosene." ]
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adamwatchesmovies · 9 months ago
Peeping Tom (1960)
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I’ve seen Michael Powell’s Peeping Tom on several lists of “the best slasher movies ever made”. I don’t know if it belongs among the likes of Halloween or The Burning. Not because it isn’t good. Quite the opposite; this is an excellent film. I’m saying it doesn’t belong because this isn’t really a slasher film. This psychological horror-thriller doesn’t have the masked killed, the character “in the know” or many of the other tropes you’d expect to see. Instead, it has the transitional elements that would someday become them. Semantics aside, this film stands confidently as a piece of horror history or on its own.
In London, Mark Lewis (Carl Boehm) is a photographer and aspiring filmmaker obsessed with capturing images of fear. Alone in his loft, he watches videos of the murders he's committed. As the investigators on his tail begin getting closer, he befriends Helen Stephens (Anna Massey).
It would be interesting to see Peeping Tom remade because so many aspects of it would be different if shot today. In 1960, cameras weren’t rare but they weren’t everpresent the way they are today and you could argue that we’ve become as obsessed with photography and videos as Mark. He isn’t merely shooting the last moments of his victim’s lives; he goes back to the scene of the crime the next morning to capture the looks on people’s faces when they wheel out the prostitute he murdered (Brenda Bruce). He wants to see how people react when they find the bodies. He wants to see the moment when his victims realize their lives are over again and again. Whenever he meets a woman and shows the slightest bit of interest in her, you wonder what he sees. Another victim? A kindred spirit? To a man this unhinged, is there a difference?
The thing is that Mark isn’t completely loony. Most of the time, he seems like a perfectly normal person. Perhaps a bit shy, but he has a normal job, the scenes with him and Helen are even a bit sweet - though they can make the middle feel a tad slow. You’d never guess just how disturbed he is under that facade, which makes him much scarier than someone like Jason Voorhees. This is the kind of character any psychologist would have a field day evaluating because each scene unveils a new layer of psychological complexity.
For the titular peeping tom alone, this is a great film but there are other elements to appreciate. The very first shot is from Mark’s point of view. It’s not because we’re going to have a twist reveal of his identity later; it’s so we can feel what it’s like to be him. We never see the actual murders - the camera always cuts away. This means we eagerly anticipate the scenes where Mark sits down to watch his snuff films - even if the scene just happened. Like him, we’re hoping to catch something we didn’t the first time. Every time, his reels fail to deliver what we want. It makes us look forward to the next crime. “This time, for sure” the film seems to say. For 101 minutes, we're addicts and that ending? It’s quite a shocker. You should’ve seen coming but didn’t, which makes it that much more unsettling.
Like so many horror classics before it, Peeping Tom was practically burned at the stake upon its initial release. In a way, you can sort of understand why. Even today, Mark Lewis makes your skin crawl and the idea that a “good movie” has to be “good for you” still prevails. The outrage made everyone miss the excellent storytelling and characterization at the core of Peeping Tom. This is a picture I see myself returning to, and appreciating more with every subsequent watch. (May 13, 2022)
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thesungod · 2 years ago
hey I just finished the book & wanted to complain somewhere & I saw all ur anons etc about it so I hope this is ok!
but I just thought it was so unbearably...cringe. I can't quite remember how blatant the ‘messages’ were in the other books & maybe it was because I was very young when I read them but I can't remember them being so...unsubtle. & of which were just generally not good. It felt like there was some lesson constantly being repeated, nothing in the subtext to interpret, & I know that it is obviously aimed to younger readers but they still have the skills of inference lol. & Idk I haven't read anything past BOO I don't think but I can't remember any of the others being so relentlessly unserious.
obviously not asking him to write some abstract horror lol but I think even younger readers could engage with a more challenging text. I don't understand the point of the Tartarus plot line (which is constantly reinstated as being this awful, terrible etc etc place) if it's ‘horrors’ are not going to be explored.
what was good in the other books was how we didn't really know much about what happened to Nico there, & could only infer through the very obvious trauma—and even the PercyAnnabeth bits were more mature...I don't know. it just seems like reintroduction if it is less ‘scary’ in a way than the first time around & cheapens in a little. I think there is so much potential that just wasn't explored at all!
plus I just thought the dialogue was so so bad. obviously it's not going to be all serious. but it just seemed like bad one liner after bad one liner to the point they seemed ingeniune & lazy. So much dialogue that could have been used to build a relationship was used to unfunny jokes (which we were constantly being told were jokes! U shouldn't have to tell us a joke is a joke!) & when there were ‘heartfelt’ moments between them they seemed regurgitated out of some trauma self-help book lol. We were told directly of their thoughts about one another so often that the miscommunication & arguing just seemed repetitive...
& I had to half skip thru that later scene of Nico & Piper it was just so so cringe. Don't even know what to say about it lol.
Ok. this has been so long I'm sorry. I'm just too much of a hater....
tdlr: book was bad. characters were cringe.
What I hate is that thanks to this book, my legacy will be being a hater. That’s so fucked up because I literally hate being a hater I enjoy everything my bar is so low.
I watch 99% of movies and think “wow this was fun!”. I liked Pretty Little Liars. All seven seasons. I read the After books. I’m an enjoyer. I love trashy fun.
(Complaining under the cut!)
The problem is exactly that this wasn’t fun😭😭 The messages were so on the nose and blatant. Characters were having conversations for the readers and that’s so bad from a writing standpoint. It was a constant fourth wall and immersion breaking but it was not done intentionally. I got pulled out of the narration all the time.
The dialogues were either “unfunny meme unfunny meme unfunny meme” or self help Ted Talks.
Exactly what you said about Tartarus being scarier because we didn’t know what exactly had happened to Nico. Obviously flashbacks were going to happen, but there was really no subtlety ever, in anything, and i don’t get it because 12-14 year olds can read the Classics, or higher level YA fantasy such as The Hunger Games, and are generally beginning to enjoy a broader scope of fiction. They are not preschoolers. Have faith in them.
Also it’s useless to pretend Rick isn’t aware of his older fanbase. Who do y’all think he’s milking the series for? Newborns that will read it in 10 years? Writing a book for kids that’s enjoyable, even if considered a bit juvenile or simple, for adults too is perfectly doable. “Family movies” are based on this exact concept.
Hell, The Hunger Games is for kids!! Not as young as 10, but still for kids (13-16)!! And look at how it’s written!!!
Overall, I don’t deny that the book is full of important messages and if kids got something out of it, then good. But it’s not well written. From pretty much any point of view.
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all-the-gory-details · 1 year ago
Whumptober Day 10
Broken Phone / Stranded / “You said you’d never leave.”
TW: Alcohol, mugging, kidnapping, captivity, disassociation, gun
Casey was drunk on the night he first met Alexei, which was quite a rare occurrence. He had turned 21 a few months ago, but his relationship with alcohol stayed mostly the same. He might have a drink or two at a friend’s party or family holidays, but other than that, he preferred Orange Fanta or a mocktail.
But his best friend had wanted to spend her 21st birthday bar hopping, and he was sort of obligated to come along. 
After the second bar and fourth drink, he made the executive decision to head home. He offered his regrets to the birthday girl, who drunkenly protested before hugging him and thanking him for being there for her.
The plan had been to call an uber from the last bar they planned to drop by, but a quick look at the street signs told Casey he was only a few blocks from his apartment, and the weather was still nice, the last hints of summer persevering before cooler temperatures made themselves known.
He decided to walk.
Even sober, well rested, and prepared, Casey would have a hard time defending himself against a 13-year-old bully asking for his lunch money. He was none of these things, and his attackers were quite a bit larger, scarier, and better trained.
It didn’t take them long for them to beat him to a pulp, grab everything even slightly valuable, and walk off.
Casey, of course, didn’t know that his doom was driving towards him. He thought his biggest threats had left after leaving him for dead.
Maybe that was a bit dramatic. He was bruised, yes, and had a few cuts from the rough asphalt he had fallen on, but the alcohol was definitely blurring his thoughts, making the situation seem a lot more dire than it really was.
The muggers had taken his phone, so he couldn’t exactly call a friend to come pick him up. He was stranded in this alley, at least until he could muster up the strength to get up and stumble the rest of the way home.
He wasn’t ready for that yet. At the moment, he just wanted to lay on the hard ground and feel sorry for himself.
He noticed the dark shape emerging from around a corner, deeper in the ally, and sighed with relief. Someone had heard the assault. Now, he could get some help.
“Excuse me, sir, could I get some help please? I-I’ve been attacked, and-”
“Yes, yes,” the stranger said, sounding impatient. “Let’s get going then, the car’s still on.” He held a hand out to help him out, but Casey hesitated. There was something wrong about this situation.
Rolling his eyes, the stranger grabbed Casey’s wrist and yanked him to his feet. He didn’t let go and began to pull Casey deeper into the ally.
For the most part, Casey went along with him. There wasn’t much else he could do; the man had his wrist in a vice-like grip, and Casey was too beat up to really oppose him (not that he could have done much anyways).
So, when Alexei opened the passenger side door for him, Casey clambered in. He didn’t panic when the stranger locked the door (there were a lot of creeps around tonight), didn’t panic when he started to drive further away from Casey’s house (maybe he was taking him to a hospital), didn’t panic when the man pulled a gun on him and told him to shut the fuck up.
Ok, maybe he did panic a bit then, but he didn’t get shot. So that’s something.
Casey’s mind was doing that strange thing where everything felt plastic and jerky, like life was a stop motion movie with a single frame per second.
By the time he felt real again, Casey was sitting on the cold floor, in a room whose door had no handle. There was another person in the room, sitting next to him, a few feet away. Felix he remembered. They had introduced themself when he was still in the haze.
Felix seemed to notice that Casey had come back. “Hey, Casey. Are you… are you alright?”
Slowly, Casey shook his head. “I… I don’t know what-”
“It’s ok,” Felix soothed, “I can explain everything. I… I know how it feels. To be here suddenly, without explanation. You’re in shock. I get it. Just… just breathe.”
Casey sucked in a shuddering breath, then let it out. “I’m… I’m trapped here, right?”
“He took me here.”
“Alexei? Yes. He brought you here.” Felix let Casey have time to process, to work stuff out on his own. They didn’t want to bring the weight down too early.
Casey closed his eyes and sighed. “God, I’m such an idiot. And now… now what? What does he want with me?”
Felix scooted over closer and gently placed their hand over Casey’s. He gripped on tightly, eyes full of fear and confusion and mist, still clearing as his mind caught up with his reality.
“How about I tell you tomorrow,” Felix whispered. “How about we go to sleep and I’ll tell you everything in the morning.”
Slowly, Casey nodded, and Felix helped them over to a mattress in the corner.
In the morning, the terrible, painful truth would be discovered. But that night, Casey had a few hours of relative peace, of ignorant bliss.
That night, he was able to sleep without nightmares.
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gloriabomfim · 1 year ago
Certainly! Here's Part 4 with a list of montages, followed by actions and dialogues for Phobus in scared places while he is feeling scared:
Montage 1: Haunted House Attraction
Phobus enters a spooky haunted house attraction, screaming and running in terror as he encounters scary surprises.
Montage 2: Eerie Forest Exploration
He explores a dark, eerie forest at night, hallucinating scary creatures lurking behind every tree.
Montage 3: Horror Film Acting
Phobus takes on a role in a horror film, convincingly portraying a terrified character.
Montage 4: Tense Escape Room
In a tense escape room, he freaks out, convinced that the puzzles are part of a sinister plot.
Montage 5: Ghost Tour
Phobus participates in a ghost tour, his imagination running wild as he sees ghosts around every corner.
Montage 6: Halloween Prank
He gets a scare from a friend's Halloween prank, screaming and fleeing in panic.
Montage 7: Spooky Carnival
Phobus attends a spooky carnival, his fear of clowns and dark rides leading to frantic moments.
Montage 8: Mysterious Cave Exploration
He explores a mysterious, dimly lit cave, seeing shadows that send him into a state of panic.
Montage 9: Horror-Themed Escape Game
Phobus takes on a role in a horror-themed escape game, struggling to keep his composure as he faces his worst fears.
Montage 10: Abandoned Asylum Visit
He visits an abandoned asylum, his fear magnified by the eerie atmosphere and his own hallucinations.
Montage 11: Scary Movie Night
Phobus attends a scary movie night, his fear intensifying with each suspenseful moment on the screen.
Montage 12: Encounter with a Creepy Doll
He encounters a creepy, possessed-looking doll in a dimly lit room, screaming and running away.
Montage 13: Walk Through a Haunted Cornfield
Phobus navigates a haunted cornfield at night, his fear mounting as eerie sounds surround him.
Montage 14: Terrifying Roller Coaster Ride
He reluctantly gets on a terrifying roller coaster, gripping the safety bar as he screams throughout the ride.
Montage 15: Spooky Mansion Tour
Phobus takes a tour of a spooky mansion, jumping at every creak and shadow.
Montage 16: Fear of Heights on a Suspended Bridge
He attempts to cross a suspended bridge high above a canyon, trembling with fear at every step.
Montage 17: Encounter with a Scary Clown
Phobus unexpectedly meets a scary clown on the street, fleeing in terror as the clown approaches.
Montage 18: Abandoned Theme Park
He explores an abandoned theme park, where the rusted rides and eerie silence send shivers down his spine.
Montage 19: Ghostly Shipwreck Exploration
Phobus ventures onto a ghostly shipwreck at night, imagining ghostly sailors emerging from the shadows.
Montage 20: Fear of Heights on a Skyscraper
He attempts to stand on a glass-bottomed skyscraper platform, clinging to the railing in sheer terror.
Phobus's Actions and Dialogues:
Haunted House Attraction
[Phobus screams and runs as actors in scary costumes jump out at him.]
Phobus: "I can't handle this! Get me out of here!"
Eerie Forest Exploration
[He panics at every rustling sound, imagining creatures lurking nearby.]
Phobus: "I knew I shouldn't have come here! It's like a nightmare!"
Horror Film Acting
[Phobus convincingly acts terrified, his fear genuine.]
Phobus: "This is way scarier than I thought it would be!"
Tense Escape Room
[He frantically searches for clues, convinced that the room is haunted.]
Phobus: "These puzzles are part of a ghostly conspiracy, I just know it!"
Ghost Tour
[Phobus jumps at every sound and shadow during the tour.]
Phobus: "I swear I saw a ghost back there! This is terrifying!"
Halloween Prank
[He falls for the prank, screaming and running from the fake monster.]
Phobus: "You got me good! I thought it was a real monster!"
Spooky Carnival
[Phobus clings to his friend, refusing to go near the creepy clowns.]
Phobus: "I can't handle clowns! They're just too terrifying!"
*Mysterious Cave Exploration*
[He shines his flashlight on imaginary creatures, his heart racing.]
Phobus: "I knew I should have stayed away from caves!"
Horror-Themed Escape Game
[Phobus nervously solves puzzles, his fear of what's around each corner evident.]
Phobus: "I'm solving these puzzles, but I'm still terrified!"
Abandoned Asylum Visit
[He hears eerie whispers and sees ghostly apparitions, running out in terror.]
Phobus: "This place is haunted! I need to get out of here!"
Certainly! Here are actions and dialogues for montages 11 to 20 for Phobus in scared places while he is feeling scared:
Montage 11: Scary Movie Night
[Phobus hides behind a pillow during the movie, screaming at jump scares.]
Phobus: "Why do I keep watching these? It's too terrifying!"
Montage 12: Encounter with a Creepy Doll
[He encounters the creepy doll, his voice trembling as he speaks.]
Phobus: "Please, don't come any closer! You're giving me nightmares!"
Montage 13: Walk Through a Haunted Cornfield
[Phobus navigates the cornfield, his voice shaky as he speaks to himself.]
Phobus: "Just keep walking, it's all in your head… I hope."
Montage 14: Terrifying Roller Coaster Ride
[He screams throughout the roller coaster ride, gripping the safety bar tightly.]
Phobus: "I can't believe I agreed to this! Make it stop!"
Montage 15: Spooky Mansion Tour
[Phobus jumps at a creaking floorboard, his voice filled with fear.]
Phobus: "Did you hear that? I think this place is haunted!"
Montage 16: Fear of Heights on a Suspended Bridge
[He trembles with fear on the bridge, his voice shaky as he speaks.]
Phobus: "I can't look down! Just keep walking, one step at a time…"
Montage 17: Encounter with a Scary Clown
[He stammers in fear as he encounters the scary clown.]
Phobus: "P-please, stay away! I have a fear of clowns!"
Montage 18: Abandoned Theme Park
[Phobus explores the eerie theme park, his voice a nervous whisper.]
Phobus: "This place gives me the creeps. Why am I even here?"
Montage 19: Ghostly Shipwreck Exploration
[He hears ghostly whispers and panics, his voice trembling.]
Phobus: "I knew I shouldn't have come aboard this haunted ship!"
Montage 20: Fear of Heights on a Skyscraper
[He clings to the railing, his voice barely audible in fear.]
Phobus: "I can't look down. Someone, please, help me get off this thing!"
Phobus's fear is evident in every action and word as he navigates these scary situations. His vivid imagination often makes his fear feel even more intense.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years ago
217 of 2023
01. Do you ever use sleep as a way to cope with bad moods?
I used to. Not anymore, my sleep is kinda messed up.
02. What’s the most self-destructive thing you’ve ever done?
I guess my eating disorder counts as self-destructive. Probably self-harm as well.
03. Have you ever wanted to believe in something, but couldn’t?
Yeah, quite many things that I can’t remember right now. Wait, one of them was that eventually things would get better.
04. Right now, would it be scarier for things to dramatically change, or for things to stay exactly the same?
Change dramatically.
05. What was the last thing you lost sleep over?
Insomnia. Lol.
06. If you can remember what helped you fall asleep when you were a child, do those things still work?
No, absolutely not.
07. Do you have a favorite lullaby?
Not directly, but if anyone is familiar with that Turkish historical drama The Magnificent Century, I quite liked that lullaby that Hatice Sultan sung to her son.
08. Have you ever purposely avoided saying goodbye to somebody?
I don’t think so. It’s a strange question.
09. Was (or is) it difficult for you to watch your siblings mature? If you’re an only child, is it difficult to watch family members in general get older?
It was strange seeing my sister grow older, I can’t believe she’s gonna be 28 already.
10. What do you imagine are the best and worst things about being famous?
Lack of privacy.
11. Have you ever felt bombarded by major life events?
Yeah. At some point my life was quite overwhelming.
12. Have you ever blamed an outside force for a problem you were having?
I don’t think I ever did. Sounds very much not like me.
13. What’s your favorite song that was written specifically for a movie?
I don’t watch movies, so I don’t know what music is wtitten ofr them.
14. Have you ever known anyone that you desperately wanted to impress, for any reason?
o. You either like me for who I am or you don’t like me at all.
15. Do you think the overall meaning of a song is lessened when it doesn’t come directly from the writer’s personal experiences?
No. It can be written for or about a friend, or about general issue, i. e. war.
16. If you have a dream job, would you have to sacrifice anything to get it?
I do have a dream job and I don’t sacrifice anything for it.
17. Have you ever been in a relationship or friendship in which you were clearly more into it than the other person?
Yeah, with my first ex. He wanted only my body. He didn’t get it, though.
18. Of all the people you know, who changes most frequently? (Feel free to interpret “changes” however you want.)
Does changing boyfriends every year count? If so, then Melanie.
19. What moments, if any, do you hope to always remember as if they happened yesterday?
Every moment spent with Nielsje.
20. Do you find yourself getting more optimistic around New Year’s, or does that time of year have a negative affect on you?
I hate New Year’s and I don’t even know why.
21. If you ever imagine leaving where you live now, where do you imagine going?
Back to Westende.
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imaginearyparties · 3 years ago
multiverse of madness thoughts
non-spoiler section
multiverse of madness is kinda a horror movie and i was not expecting it. don’t get me wrong, i think the movie was very intentionally calibrated to skirt the edge of horror without quite being horror, but if jump scares are an issue for you i'd be cautious with it.
i think america chavez is alright. i don’t immediately love her, I don’t dislike her at all. excited to see where they go with her.
i love wong
why is stephen strange the main character? not of this film in particular but more just a general question of like, whose fave is doctor strange and can you explain to me why he is your fave?
wanda maximoff is the strongest avenger and like, we knew but it’s nice to get confirmation
we thought there were going to be so many more cameos than there actually were, and i'm happy with that. this was not a crossover event movie, it was not a cameo fest. 
this is a really big tonal departure from the rest of the mcu. it had a really clear artistic perspective and i was very into that. 
the pacing was also really interesting. it barely felt like a movie but i liked how quickly it moved. 
okay, now some spoiler thoughts:
giving stephen strange a child to care about didn’t pull at my heartstrings a second time around. i don’t want to falsely equivocate america and peter their respective relationships with strange are very different but i don’t think america’s introduction here was helped by being a direct follow up to no way home. it felt a little copy-pasted, except  strange and peter made for a better dynamic imo. 
it should be noted that I've never seen an x-men movie and if you have you probably freaked the fuck out when charles xavier wheeled his way on screen. it did very little for me (was the rubble mindscape a him thing? i assumed it was). 
i don’t fucking care about whatever the fuck charlize theron had going on and i probably won’t see the next doctor strange movie.
on wanda:
look, i love wanda maximoff. i've had a soft spot for her ever since i saw gifs of aou on my dash when i was 13. and i was ready for them to make her a villain. 
it felt really abrupt to go through the emotional arc of wandavision and then have her be a full on demon the next time we see her. sure, the corrupting dark magic or whatever but having her in full on “I'm gonna murder a child” now mode felt like a huge 180 from “I'm going to sacrifice my own children because i am hurting people”. i don’t fully agree that it’s regressive but it also doesn’t fully feel thought out. i feel like if we’d even seen a second of whatever was happening in the end credit scene of wandavision (where billy is calling out for help in her mind) it would’ve helped a great deal to contextualize what the hell was going on here. 
very curious as to why vision wasn’t present. they didn’t even say his name. like, was there no appeal to living with alternate universe vision?
wanda is a great villain. what makes wanda terrifying and dangerous and human and lovable is that she’s always seconds away from being the hero or the villain. one wrong move and she’s going to set the world on fire. one right one and she’ll see the error of her ways and try desperately to make amends. it is so clear here that she’s convinced herself that she isn’t hurting anyone even when she is blowing through entire universes in her desperation to murder a child because tommy and billy might get a cold. like, it’s powerful and devastating. the moment where she asks reed richards if his kid’s mother is alive and then says “good they’ll have someone to raise them” strikes at the core of this and it was bone chilling. she will always be scarier than any other villain because she’s supposed to be your friend and most of the time, she’s trying to be. 
the idea that a mirror version of wanda could be literally possessed by her and almost have her kids taken by her but be totally capable of offering her love and sort of forgiveness in an instant is exactly the balance i was just talking about. it was a fascinating scene for that character and i loved it. 
i don’t think she’s dead. they just made the character one of the biggest selling talking points in the entire franchise. i don’t quite know what they're going to do with her now though. they’re gonna need to find a really good reason to bring her back when she was willing to destroy the multiverse as a means to an end. i think the balancing act of wanda being a good guy and being so awful we no longer care is gonna be a challenge. 
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bts-hyperfixation · 4 years ago
Innocence - kinktober - day 13
Jin X virgin f!reader
Pretty vanilla, female oral, protected sex because we are sensible in this house
You’d been dating Jin for three months now. Every moment you spent with him seemed perfect. The boy truly was the sweetest and funniest person you think you have ever met. You knew he was the one from the second date… well maybe not THE one, it was way to early to make those assumptions, but he was the one you were going to lose your virginity to. There had been other boys you’d thought about giving yourself to in the past, but something always felt off with them. Turned out you were right in every case. Each one of your past boyfriends had taken it as a challenge to break you when you told them you wanted to wait. Some had even broken-up with you on the spot. Not Jin though.
The two of you were watching a movie in your living room. By watching you mean it was definitely playing but could not for the life of you remember what was actually on the screen. No, you and Jin were more invested in exploring each-other’s mouths. It had been about half an hour of heavy petting before his hands started their trail south, playing with the waistband of your jeans. Immediately you withdrew, taking a deep-breath and readying yourself for another awkward and potentially relationship ending conversation.
“Is something wrong?” his eyes searched yours for a reason to your sudden apprehension.
“It’s just I want to wait…” you’d trailed off unsure of how much to reveal in such a new relationship, you watched to gauge his reaction.
“That’s okay we don’t need to go any further, I know it’s pretty early” he settled back like he was going to focus back on the movie and motioned for you to cuddle back into his side. The instant acceptance gave you the courage you need to continue.
“Jin… I’m a virgin, I really like you so far but I need to wait, and I really hope that doesn’t change how you feel right now, because I really want this to work and it doesn’t usually go well for me at this point and…” he cut you off by putting a hand on your cheek and making you meet his eyes.
“I will never pressure you to do anything, if you want to wait then we’ll wait” he shrugged and pressed his lips against yours for a much more chaste kiss than before.
Now you were three months later, in a similarly compromising position on his bed. You’d decided over a week ago that this was going to be the night. Bought new underwear, shaved all over, and wore a new perfume. It was probably going more than overboard but you couldn’t help it. The two of you had spent the day walking around beautiful gardens before returning to his for take-out and a movie. You’d been worried he would sense your nervous energy and ruin the surprise, but you’d managed to keep yourself relatively calm until now.
You were lay out on his bed. Jin had you pinned underneath him, kissing down your throat and playing with your chest through your shirt. It suddenly felt like you were just horny teenagers. You’d gotten so in your head about what you were going to do that in the moment you froze a little. There were so many ways you thought about instigating it. Pushing him down on the bed and unbuttoning his trousers (this option was out due to your current placement). Undressing for him, revealing yourself intimately while he watched (This idea created to many variables and opportunities for him to reject you). Having an in detail discussion of exactly what you wanted and were expecting from your first time (Somehow the thought of being this emotionally vulnerable with someone was scarier than the physical vulnerability).
In the moment you settled with just going for it. One of your hands snaked down between your bodies and you fumbled with the button on his jeans before he pulled away from you a little.
“Y/N what are you doing?” he can’t help but chuckle a little at your attempt.
“I don’t know” you bury your face in your hands as you feel the blood running to your cheeks “I was trying to be sexy I guess? I just didn’t know how to tell you I was ready and I guess I thought this might be the best way? It was stupid and I shouldn’t have tried it just forget about it” you could feel yourself rambling but were unable to stop the flow of verbal diarrhoea coming out of your mouth. Luckily Jin took this opportunity to pull your hands away and kiss you again.
“Are you sure you are ready Jagi?” you nod shyly, and the man takes your hand and leads it to his lips, kissing your knuckles carefully. “I need words from you baby”
“Yes… I want to, I really want to” with your conformation is mouth trails up your arm sending shivers down your spine.
“Then let me take care of you” he moves to straddle your legs pulling you up so he can remove your shirt before letting you lay back down. “Your bra is so pretty Jagi… did you wear this just for me?” you nod as he drags his tongue along your cleavage. “What did I just say Y/N, I need words, I need you to tell me everything, what’s okay what isn’t… and I definitely need you to tell me if you bought this just to show off to me today” you can feel his smirk against your chest at the thought of you going out of your way to please him.
“The panties match” is the answer you give. It’s your attempt to regain a little of the upper hand. Although, as he shamelessly places kisses all over your upper body, you’re not sure it’s something you want to have.
“This is something I need to see.” He makes his way down your body to unbutton your jeans. You fidget uncomfortably as he pulls your pants down, leaving you exposed in just your lingerie. He lets out a deep sigh as his eyes rake up your body. Only to find that you had a pillow over your face in embarrassment.
“So beautiful” he breaths as he pulls the pillow from your clutches “Don’t hide from me, not ever” the look in his eyes is so soft that it puts you completely at ease. You relax under his gaze and put your arms out to summon him back to you. He obliges, catching your lips for another kiss. He uses one arm to support his weight over you while the other explores your almost nude body. His finger trail playfully down your side. The sensation causes goose bumps to form along his path. He hesitates briefly at your underwear, before placing his hand purposefully in the centre of your clothed sex. You whine as he traces his middle finger along the damp line of your folds.
“So needy for me baby” he croons “So innocent, yet so… wet” his voice is low in your ear, barely above a whisper, but its more than enough for you to experience another wave of arousal.
“Jin… I…” still unsure of yourself, you struggle to vocalise what you need. He waits for you expectantly. “Jin I want you to touch me… properly” the vocalist required no more prompting as his fingers hook around your panties and dive into your damp core. His thumb plays with your clit for a little while before his pointer finger delves into your hole. The slight stretch feels foreign. Obviously, you’ve explored yourself before, but the feeling of someone else’s fingers was something else entirely. The angle of his hand could reach depths that you had only attempted alone. As he pumped the digit in and out, moans tumbled freely from your mouth. While your eyes were closed in pleasure, he wiggled his way down the bed so he was now eye level with your sodden cunt. He pulled his finger from you, making you clench around nothing. You hadn’t realised he had moved until then.
He makes eye contact with you and licks your juices off his fingers, letting out a little moan at the taste of you. He fully removes your underwear before sucking your clit into his mouth. He plays with the sensitive bud as his finger finds its way back into your folds. This time two digits find their way inside. The feeling burns. Yet it feels so good. His tongue teases you, drawing small shapes into your tender flesh. Your stomach tenses as your lower half tightens, orgasm imminent. You wrap your hand in his hair; no longer caring so much about how you were coming across. Your reaction spurs him on. His fingers curve against a soft spot inside of you. For a moment it feels like you might wet yourself it feels that good. Your high hits you hard and you are left writhing and panting. His fingers keep fucking you through the pleasure, but he takes his mouth away, opting to watch your face contort instead.
“Are you doing okay?” his genuine concern turns you on more than you ever thought it could. You nod in response still trying to catch your breath but manage to earn yourself a playful smack to your thigh.
“Yes” you pant, struggling to get any words out. He sits back on his heels to admire your fucked-out expression. You manage to get yourself to a functional level again a sit up to meet him. You play with the hem of his shirt signalling for him to remove it. He does so instantly, and your hands fly to trace along his happy trail. This time you have no issues undoing his jeans. He kicks off the offending article, his boxers joining his puddle of clothes shortly after. You gape at his cock, rock hard and a little bigger than expected. The prospect both terrifies and thrills you. You reach for it automatically, in an almost trance like state. He stops your hand in its tracks.
“I said I was taking care of you tonight, there will be plenty of time for me later” You pout but allow him to lie you back anyway. He reaches into his bedside table and pulls out a condom. “Tell me if you need me to stop” he places a chaste kiss on your forehead before lining himself up. The tip of his cock presses against your entrance. Slowly, he pushes himself in. You choke back a small sob as the stretch burns a little too much. He pauses immediately. “Do you need me to pull out? Do you want me to stop?” his concern evident all over his face. You shake your head.
“No just give me a second” Your voice is weak, but your resolve is not. A few seconds later the burn has faded and now you just feel full. “Okay try again” this time he pushes in a little faster. It seems the worst bit has passed. He stays buried in you, content to be sucking little purple marks into your shoulder as you wriggle, testing out the new sensation as you become accustomed to it. You signal for him to start moving and he does, carefully at first. As your small squeaks turn to full moans of pleasure, he increases his speed. Thrusting into you and chasing his own high. Your own hand comes between the two of you; you start rubbing furiously at your clit. Anxious to reach your second orgasm. It isn’t too long until Jin’s hips are stuttering, his rhythm faulters as hot cum spurts into the condom. The feeling of him spasming inside of you pushes you to the edge.
He waits until you come down to pull out, pressing feverous kisses all over your face. He removes the condom and ties the end throwing in a near by trash can. He then lies back on the bed and motions for you to cuddle into him.
Let me know if you want to be added
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hannigram-palace · 1 year ago
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13 Scarier Movie Moments
12. Cloverfield (2008)
Dir. Matt Reeves
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excelsi-or · 4 years ago
just a little sweeter (final)
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GUYS, we’ve made it to the ennnnnnnnd! What a coincidence that it was 17 parts. I didn’t mean for that to happen lol.
BIPOC rec: I’m currently reading a book called Yes, No, Maybe So. It’s a YA novel written by minorities with minority characters. It’s about two teenagers who go canvassing for their local election in Georgia. It made me realize that maybe I need to start reading more adult fiction because reading about teenagers kinda makes me sad / cringe. But I admire Aisha Saeed and Becky Albertalli for really nailing teenagers on the head. 
w.c. 1.5k (fluuuuuuuuuuuuuffffffff)
pt.1; pt.2; pt.3; pt.4; pt.5; pt.6; pt.7; pt.8; pt. 9; pt. 10; pt. 11; pt. 12; pt. 13; pt. 14; pt. 15; pt. 16
Jihoon finds her at the dinner table reading after he puts Eunha to bed. He stands in the doorway to the kitchen and watches her for a moment before she looks up at him.
“I think we need to talk about what we’re going to do,” she says.
Jihoon takes a seat across from her. She closes her book.
“It is entirely possible that Yeri is going to put your entire life on blast.” She tips her head. “So, what do you want to do?”
Jihoon touches his ear; his eyes are unfocused. “Eunha won’t be a secret anymore.”
“And do you want me here?” she presses.
He seems to tune back in and his brow furrows at her question.
“Do you want to have to deal with a girlfriend scandal as well as a baby scandal?” she asks. “I’ve seen what people say about other idols’ girlfriends. And they don’t have babies.”
His confusion turns to distaste. A frown replaces his confused look. “You looked?”
“A while back,” she admits. “After you told me about Dispatch following you. I looked up other couples that’d been outted or admitted to dating. The things people say are… harsh, to say the least.” She meets his eye. “And we can stop now if it makes what’s coming easier to deal.”
“Wait, what are you saying?”
“This has gotten way beyond what either of us were anticipating, Jihoon. What’s going to be easiest for you and Eunha to cope with? Because she’s here regardless. If I’m not and it makes the rumours and scrutiny easier—”
“That is not even an option anymore,” Jihoon argues. “If you’re putting that on the table as an option, then I don’t tell you I need you or love you enough.”
She blinks in surprise.
“And your expression tells me that I definitely don’t.” Jihoon finds her foot underneath the table and begins playing footsie with her. “I wouldn’t have been able to find Eunha that fast or as calmly as you did today. I don’t think I would have made it this long without losing my mind if you weren’t there to take care of things before I knew I needed them taken care of. I definitely need you more than you need me, and it’s not even just need. I love you. I love what you bring to this home and…” Mochi’s pattering feet run through the apartment to join them. Jihoon picks her up and sets her in his lap. “And my little one would be extra confused if you and this little one disappeared.”
A small smile grows on her face.
“And Seungcheol told me that you told him Eunha feels like yours.” Jihoon ducks his head, embarrassed all of a sudden, at all he’s admitted. “Where else am I going to find something like you?”
She chuckles. “Well, if that’s out of the way, what are we going to do about Yeri?”
“Everything people will say will be awful. And you’re easy to find. So, I think if the story breaks, I’ll ask PLEDIS if they can put security guards at your café for a while.”
“You think it’ll get that bad?”
“I think it could get that bad.”
She pauses. “Do you think they’d make you leave Seventeen?”
Jihoon tilts his head. “It’s something I need to talk about with the company. If it gets really bad and we can’t perform or anything, yeah, maybe.”
She hesitates again and Jihoon is quick to reassure her. “The baby will be bigger news than the fact that I have a girlfriend. It’ll be bad regardless whether we’re together or not.”
She chews her bottom lip. “So, there’s really nothing we can do.”
“Nothing except prepare,” Jihoon agrees.
They sit in silence for a while. Mochi has found a comfortable sleeping position on Jihoon’s lap.
“Maybe you should move in permanently,” Jihoon says now.
She lifts an eyebrow.
“I wouldn’t put it past people—” He sees her skeptical eyebrow and he sighs. “Okay, maybe I just have been wanting to ask you to stay permanently, but I haven’t figured out how.”
She traces patterns on the dining room table and Jihoon senses her hesitation. Seventeen leaves for their tour in two days. The couple have agreed that she’d stay with Eunha for the two weeks the group would be in and out of the country. Jihoon definitely agrees that this relationship sped through his fingertips, but it’s never felt out of control.
“Just think about it,” he says.
She looks up at him, a smile on her face. “Sorry, I guess I should say that I would love to stay.”
“I’ve asked you before, but…” She shakes her head. “Maybe it’s not necessary now. Given what you’ve told me.”
“What’s on your mind?”
“How am I any benefit to you and Eunha?”
Jihoon stares at her in disbelief. “For all the reasons that I told you?”
“But like… anyone could’ve done that.”
“That’s not true, because before you, life did not seem this easy.”
“I’m not really taking care of anyone.”
“Now, you’re delusional.” He stops toying with her foot and reaches for her hand instead. “I understand if my asking you to stay solidifies a lot of this relationship. It’s easy to be with me when you have the option to leave.”
“It’s not that,” she mumbles. “I just… Eunha’s a great kid. I love her, and you, and want the best for both of you. Is that me?”
Suddenly, they hear the bedroom door open and both of them listen to Eunha’s feet pad towards them. Bleary eyed, Eunha reaches for her hand. Without thinking, she meets Eunha at eye level.
“What’s up, kiddo?”
“Daddy just put you to bed,” she chuckles, scooping Eunha up.
“Story.” Eunha rests her head on her shoulder, already falling asleep again.
She looks to Jihoon who has an ‘are you freaking kidding me’ look on his face.
“You can question it all you want, but I think that’s your answer,” Jihoon chuckles.
“I guess… I’m staying then.” Before taking Eunha back to her room, she stops to kiss Jihoon on the forehead. “Movie night?”
“I’ll get the snacks.”
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“We’re not doing that.”
Jihoon frowns. “Why not?”
She adjusts Eunha on her hip. The two-and-a-half-year-old has fallen asleep since she and Jihoon are taking too long arguing over furniture. “It’s not going to fit in the space.”
“But where are you going to work?”
“I told you that the dining table is fine.”
“You’re going to make a mess there.”
“Where are we supposed to put another desk?” she demands. “We are not doing that to your space.”
“You live there now,” Jihoon reminds her.
She moved in two weeks ago. They’ve quickly realized that she requires desk space since she is currently working on the floor. They’ve moved the coffee table off to the side so she and Eunha can occupy the spot in front of the TV. The fact that she lives there shouldn’t be such a shock to them, but there were things she did that neither of them realized needed to be accommodated. Like her art and her bookkeeping.
“I know, but you’ve styled it in a way that works for you.”
“Well, now, it needs to work for you too. And I’m telling you, jagi, you need a desk.” His black mask and currently black hair should give off a scarier aura than it does.
“But until we can figure out how to move the space around to accommodate one, we can’t get one.”
“What if we move?”
She laughs. “I just moved in.” They head towards the exit. “So, we’re not doing that either.”
“You’re impossible, you know that?”
She nudges him with her elbow. “I’m honestly fine with working on the floor for now. Until we can figure out what—”
“What if I move all of my stuff to the studio?”
“Then you can have that desk in the living room.”
“You work from home.”
“When I was taking care of Eunha on my own, yeah. But now I don’t have to do that. If I move all that extra equipment to the studio, then you can have that desk.” Jihoon looks to her. “What about that?”
He’s trying so desperately to make sure she’s comfortable; she can’t help but relent. “If you’re sure you don’t need the space.”
“We’ll start on it as soon as we get home.”
They head outside and Jihoon takes Eunha from her. She rolls her shoulder out and checks to make sure the toddler hadn’t drooled on her. She pecks Jihoon’s cheek. “I’ll see you at home.”
Jihoon smiles a little at hearing her say ‘home’ and having it mean the same thing as him. Then he remembers something. “Oh. Soonyoung wanted you to sit on the dance practice tonight.”
“Right.” She tips her head back, as if mentally creating a to-do list. “Then I’ll see you at the studio.” She checks her watch. “Okay, I think my lunch should be over, right?” She takes a deep breath. Over the past year, the cafés popularity has increased. She’s been able to take on more staff, though she’s struggling to trust that everything will turn out okay without her there.
She gives Jihoon another kiss, pecks the back of Eunha’s head and hurries back to work. “Love you.”
“Love you too. See you in a few hours.”
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The amount of love you guys showed this series was insane and some of the comments really made me laugh. Thank you for sticking it out with me. I know it’s not as long or as particularly “exciting” as to the boy i love right now, but I love this one a lot. 
I think I’m going to post some one shots, because I’m trying to find some inspiration with writing again so I’ve been doing a few as writing warm ups. In terms of series to come, would you guys prefer a university, i’m-dating-you-because-of-a-bet trope story OR a thief-partner story? Both will probably be posted one day, but any preference for which one you get first? 
Anyway, thanks again lovely humans. 💛
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takaraphoenix · 3 years ago
Ofc I'm excited for the new chapter phoe, I am so starved for Jason content that even the suggestion that I'm going to get some (esp QUALITY Jason content like urs) makes me unbelievably giddy and I'm fr checking my phone to see when it's gonna be update time in ur timezone 🥺✨
Oh gosh, you're so sweet. Your messages always delight me a lot and since Jason took kind of a backseat today in favor of the build up of the secret reveal, yooou get a small, Jason-focused flash-forward into their future. ;) also because I actually have time to write again fdklghaöklh
Sky-blue eyes were large as they quickly flew over the words in front of him. His mouth was in a small oh-shape as he absorbed every little bit of information that was given to him. And then it just ended.
To Be Continued...
No, no, no. That couldn't possibly be! This was too exciting, it couldn't just end like that! His sister next to him made a squealing sound as she also reached the ending. She grabbed the comic book out of his hand and tried turning the page, hoping against hope there would be more.
"No, no, no," she whined frustrated and threw herself back onto the bed.
After a moment, her brother mirrored her. The two groaned and whined until their current babysitter walked in, a frown on his face. He brushed hazel-hair out of his face.
"What's gotten into you lot?"
"The comic ends, uncle Tyson! It just ends! And the next issue won't come out until next month, but it just got really, really exciting!" he heard his sister complain.
"Grace is right! This isn't fair. Cliffhangers are unlawful and inhumane!"
Tyson laughed and approached the bed to sit down between his niece and nephew. "I think I gotta talk to your parents about your definition of unlawful and inhumane, Jacky."
Jackson huffed and crossed his arms over his chest, pout in place and sky-blue eyes dark like a brewing storm. When it darkened in the room and rumbling could be heard from outside, Tyson frowned concerned and cleared his throat.
"You guys do know that you could just... ask your parents, right? They were right there. They know exactly how all of this unfolded," offered Tyson.
He took the comic-book - issue 13 of The Adventures of the New Olympians - and closed it to hold up the cover, where Jason di Angelo was standing heroically in his Blue Lightning uniform, fighting a giant space-octopus. Jackson frowned and turned to look at his sister.
"I dunno", admitted Grace. "Dad is like... dad. Not Blue Lightning. Dad sings bad old boyband songs in the shower and steals daddy's blue cookies and baby-talks to Mrs. O'Leary."
"Yeah. These comics are totally fiction, uncle Tyson", agreed Jackson seriously. "Dad's a total dork, not a superhero! He isn't like daddy and papa."
Tyson huffed a little at that, fond smile on his lips. "He isn't now. But when push comes to shove, he always got our back in a fight. Because he could never bear standing aside if his family gets hurt. Go and ask him about it, mh."
"Tyson? Where are you?", called his wife from somewhere else. "Jason is here to pick up the kids!"
"Ah, your cue, pipsqueaks", Tyson grinned and ruffled both their hair.
Grace quickly grabbed her Wisdom Warrior doll, while Jackson took the comic book, both kids quickly running out the room and downstairs. Grace just lept off a few steps before the end of the stairs, jumping straight into her dad's awaiting arms. Jason was smiling softly, hugging her tightly. Her blonde curls bounced as he whirled her around once.
"Hey there, kids. Had fun with uncle Tyson and auntie Ella?"
"Ye--es", chorused Jackson and Grace.
"Thanks for watching them, guys", Jason turned to offer Tyson and Ella a small, grateful smile. "With Perce and Nico still in Canada about that... maple syrup fuled robot apocalypse... it's been kind of stressful. And then Thabi got into trouble at school and-"
"No need to explain, or to thank us", assured Tyson, patting his brother-in-law on the back. "That's what brothers are for, Jay. We got your back. Besides, we love those two."
With a last smile aimed at the couple, Jason herded the twins out of the house and toward the car. He made sure their seatbelts were fastened before he got in the driver's seat and started the car. In the rear-mirror, he could see the twins whispering with each other, but neither speaking up. He decided against asking, for now. They'd tell him whatever was on their minds when they were ready.
Once at home, both of the kids ran off to their rooms and Jason was so busy with things around the house that he nearly forgot about the kids' strange behavior. That's what they got for having a ridiculously big house and stables, but then again, they did need the grounds to allow their companions enough space to roam free. He'd just finished feeding Tempest and Blackjack when the twins suddenly stood behind him, serious, matching frowns on their faces.
"We have come to the agreement that we should ask you", declared Grace.
A nine-year-old with pigtails had no right to look this serious. Jason smiled a little at that, nodding and waiting for more.
"We know that daddy and papa are superheroes", continued Jackson as the three headed back toward the house. "But you aren't! You're just... dad. Right?"
"Ouch", Jason huffed out a little laugh. "Just dad, huh?"
"I mean, you're normal, like us", corrected Grace with a frown, motioning at the posters at the walls when they entered the living room. "You're only a hero on the big screen! Not in real life!"
The smile on Jason's lips turned more nostalgic. His dorky, dorky husbands had decided to plaster every wall that wasn't filled with family pictures with posters of his movies. Right now, Grace was motioning very decidedly at The Twelve Tasks of Hercules. Hercules was his most popular role, a fictional superhero clearly supposed to be the son of Zeus but never actually name-dropping Zeus in the movie series. Or the spin-off TV show. It had spanned a whole cinematic universe about fictional superheroes after they had introduced Theseus, a water-powered superhero who was a thinly veiled homage to Percy, in one of the movies. Theseus got his own solo-movie, then a sequel and over the years, they had established more and more heroes in this universe. Jason was so incredibly proud of it, not just because he played the hero who started it all, but because he was also creatively involved; he had pitched the character of Theseus.
Sitting down on the couch, he let his eyes wander just a little. A poster of his first big breakout role as Jace Herondale in a TV show adaptation of The Mortal Instruments... naturally, Percy had chosen the poster where Jason posed shirtless, showing off the runes.
"What do you want to be when you grow up?", asked Jason softly.
"I wanna take over granny's bakery", declared Jackson with a puffed-out chest. "I'll learn all of her recipes and become the best baker in all of New York."
"I dunno, dad. I'm nine", huffed Grace with a pointed look. "Maybe I'll become a great fashion designer like auntie Silena! Or a teacher like auntie Annabeth. Or president. Or astronaut. Oh! Or doctor."
"Okay, okay", Jason interrupted her, laughing. "But neither of you wants to become a superhero like your dads?"
The twins exchanged a silent look before shaking their heads and Jackson answered. "No. It looks scary. It looks cool to watch but I'd be super scared."
Jason nodded slowly. "But if Gracie was in danger, like really, really scary danger, what would you do?"
"I'd help her!", exclaimed Jackson immediately, grabbing his sister's hand.
The smile on Jason's lips grew some. "Being a hero is really, really scary and really, really dangerous. And I never-ever wanted to be a hero. I'm not as brave as your dads when it comes to that. But when there is something very big and dangerous that your dads can't handle on their own, I'll put my own fears aside. Because you know what is just... so much scarier than being a hero? It'd be if something happened to your dads. And I couldn't help."
He knew their kids were under no illusions; they knew Nico and Percy led dangerous lives and they knew something could happen to them. Nico had already been hospitalized for a longer period of time a few years ago.
"So when they really need me, I'll be very brave to help them."
"So... So this is really real?", asked Grace softly, holding up the comic-book.
Jason snorted a little at the extremely overdone hero-pose he was striking on the cover. "It's... more or less real. There's some... made-up stuff there, because those who write these comics, they only had the news coverage to go by, they weren't actually there when we met in private and planned and talked. But yes, that happened."
Jackson straightened up at that and took the comic from his sister to open it on the last page, putting it down on Jason's lap and very decidedly pointing at the To Be Continued in the lower corner.
"How's it end!?", asked Jackson eagerly. "We don't wanna wait!"
"Ye--es! Did you save the day? Did you rescue daddy when he got abducted by the alien octopus?", wanted Grace to know, eyes large.
Laughing to himself, Jason leaned back against the couch and opened his arms, both his kids immediately snuggling up to him and eagerly awaiting the story. Jason wasn't the greatest story-teller in the family, Piper was the author, but he did his best to actually tell the story as exciting as possible. He talked and talked for over an hour and by the end of the story, both twins were deep asleep. Asleep on him, not giving him a chance to move from the couch either. Though he was tired too, so he closed his eyes, just for a second.
"I'm de--ead", groaned Percy softly and something shifted.
Jason blinked sleepily, turning his head toward the source of the voice. His face lit up when he saw Percy snuggled up to Grace from behind. When he turned toward his other side, he saw Nico behind Jackson.
"I'm sorry we were both gone, amore", whispered Nico as he leaned over to kiss Jason sweetly. "It was an all-hands-on-deck situation..."
"You don't have to explain", Jason smiled faintly. "You're the leaders of the Olympians. They rely on you. Especially now with all the newbies, they need your guidance."
"Yeah, but we promised you we'd step back some", Percy sighed frustrated.
"You can't control when a weird Canadian wants to start the robot- apocalypse", Jason chuckled amused. "I'm proud of you both. And you have been stepping back a lot."
Percy hummed in agreement, eyes slowly closing as he rested his head on Jason's shoulder. Within moments, he was out cold. So the entire family was going to sleep on the couch today, mh?
"How did your meeting go?", asked Nico, sounding sleepy.
"Good. I mean. Really good. The studio is still so stubbornly thinking that female superheroes won't sell, but we finally pushed through. We got the Helen of Troy spin-off greenlit", replied Jason with a puffed out chest.
Nico smiled at him, kissing his cheek. "Good. I'm proud of you."
And then he yawned and snuggled closer to Jason. It filled Jason with warmth to just sit here, with his husbands and children, in their home. Safe and happy. Yes, he worried for Nico and Percy when they were out there, but he also knew that this was their dream and they loved their job. And ever since the twins had been born, the two really had stepped back, leading from the headquarters and training new heroes, only going out themselves if it was an emergency and the others needed help. Jason couldn't be mad about that, wouldn't want to be either, because he could never resent his husbands for living their dream - they had, after all, always supported Jason and his dream. Even when Jason would be in another country for months filming a movie, they never complained, they took care of the kids and were proudly at his side during the premieres.
"I love you two", whispered Jason, carefully kissing the top of Nico's head on one of his shoulders and the top of Percy's head on the other. "My heroes."
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year ago
Shutter (2004)
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Shutter makes up for its occasionally scrappy filmmaking with surprising twists and a conclusion that burns itself into your memory. It’s been a while since I’ve seen the Hollywood remake but I remembered enough to “know” what was going to happen. Despite this, I was drawn in by the mystery and jumped in my seat enough times to call this Thai horror film a success.
Driving home after a friend’s party, Jane (Natthaweeranuch Thongmee) hits a woman with her car. Her photographer boyfriend Tun (Ananda Everingham) convinces Jane to keep driving. Soon after, Tun discovers strange shadows and images in his photographs. It seems the woman they left dead on the road has come back to make them pay.
Directed by Banjong Pisanthanakun and Parkpoom Wongpoom, Shutter doesn’t deviate much from the "J-horror" formula. The spirit appears intermittently, prompting the protagonists to gather clues about the apparition's past. They think they've found a way to appease it, but then there's a twist, etc. What makes it successful nonetheless is the way these elements are handled. Some of the scares are less “fill the room with dread” and more “quick, shocking images” but the ghost (Achita Sikamana) is still creepy. Seeing her bathed in red light as she emerges from a chemical bath inside a darkroom is unnerving. Jane is likeable despite her transgression at the beginning and there’s just something about the movie that makes you feel uneasy - in a good way. You want to know what’s going on and the more you learn about the girl, the hungrier you are for answers.
Certain aspects of photography itself help make Shutter work. That moment of uncertainty between the flash and the polaroid picture developing, or between the paper being dunked into the chemical bath and the details coming into focus builds great suspense. The camera puts us in the shoes of the photographer every time a shot is snapped. They look through the viewfinder and click the button. From there, either the coast is clear, or the ghost is right in front of them. Either way, you're sweating.
Though an element of the conclusion requires you to kind of know what social norms are like in Thailand, it isn’t so foreign that you can’t understand why the characters are behaving the way they are and everything surrounding it is upsetting in a very human, very universal way. The final scene is so twisted you kind of want to smile but you’re still reeling from the horrors that preceded it and won’t be able to. So often, horror films over-explain or lose steam towards the end. Shutter ramps up the horror and then concludes as the terror is at its peak.
You can see why Hollywood opted to remake Shutter. Some of the performances aren’t quite convincing, you can see how it could be made scarier and unlike other tales of this kind, relocating the story to another country would be easy. The fact that it turned out so awful is now even more perplexing. So what if you’ll have to read subtitles? Stick with this Shutter. (Original Thai with English subtitles, August 13, 2021)
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mha-academia · 4 years ago
todobaku headcanons pt.2
-Definitely a power couple in real life and in the media. Like the intimidating, hot, black-clothes-wearing couple.
-Whenever Katsuki calls Shouto by his actual name, he knows he's in trouble.
-Shouto's that partner that says "I missed you" whenever he doesn't see Katsuki for longer than 3 hours.
-They're smart in general, but when they're together, all their brain cells leave the facility. They're complete idiots together. And you know what? Couple goals.
-Katsuki honestly picks Shouto's clothes out for him because he and everyone else knows that Shouto has a horrible sense of style. The only reason he's gotten away with it for so long is because he's pretty.
-Katsuki's cleanliness transferred over to Shouto. Like one day the Dekusquad was having a movie night and Shouto automatically started to organize the mess.
-They'd fight over who's the little spoon.
-If one of them is mad at someone, the other is gonna be just as mad. They have each other's backs.
-Shouto hanging out with the Bakusquad and the squad just ruining him. Katsuki is exasperated.
-Shouto would take Katsuki's name when they get married... Bakugou Shouto. yeah <3
-Katsuki has formed an efficient 13 step plan to wake Shouto up so he's not a grumpy bitch.
-Shouto is spoiled. Katsuki absolutely endorses it whether he likes it or not.
-They'd do a court house marriage and not feel the need to tell anyone. People would only figure it out when they spotted the rings.
-Shouto's presence always lowers Katsuki's murderous rage by 11.43%.
-They'd have study sessions together!! Does it either end in Shouto sleeping or them making out? Yes. But that's not important! What is important, is the 30 minutes of studying they manage to get in.
-Plays rock, paper, scissors to decide who tops. In reality, whoever tops is decided in the spur of the moment. So the game is pointless, but they both still feel the need to do it.
-If Shouto never ended up sneaking a cat into their relationship at one point, Katsuki would give in eventually and buy him a cat for his birthday or something. Shouto cries. You cannot tell me otherwise.
-Katsuki is the embodiment of anger. We know that already. But Shouto is the embodiment of reserved anger. Personally, that's scarier. And Katsuki agrees because whenever Shouto actually gets angry, he's out of there.
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ambientstars · 4 years ago
I was wondering if you would be willing to write a 13x reader where the reader is very touch starved (I mean so is 13) and they just want to cuddle and hold and touch the doctor but they feel weird asking... it can be angsts or fluffy you know best! Quarantine has got me missing sweet human interaction so I would be really happy if you could try. 💙💙
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Thank you for the request. I’m sorry it took so long! I kind of mixed these two requests together because they both involved touch.
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Gif credit: @minimoefoe
Note: not quite smut because I wanted it to stay innocent and fluffy, but 13 does get down to her undies so 🤷🏻‍♀️ Just 2 touch starved people doing soft things!  I apologise for any mistakes.
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“Can we please watch a horror this time?” Ryan begged, his eyes wide like a puppy’s, his smile big and sparkling.
Graham groaned from his spot in the armchair he had claimed in the movie room. “We watched a horror last time!”
“That one wasn’t scary at all!” Ryan huffed. “I want to watch something that will give me nightmares!”
Yaz laughed lightly, grabbing the bowl of popcorn and taking a handful. “I’m with Ryan on this one.”
Ryan grinned as The Doctor flopped down on the large couch beside you, sitting much closer than she needed to be considering the size of it.
He flicked through the movie options and settled on something that made him laugh with a type of glee that made a chill run down your spine. This was not going to be good.
From the minute it started, the tension of the movie began to build. You had never been a horror fan, much preferring a good comedy or heartfelt romcom. You stayed quiet and nervously fiddled with the hem of your shirt, sending out a silent prayer to no one in particular that the movie wouldn’t turn out to be so bad.
Unfortunately for you, your prayers had been ignored. It surprised you somewhat that you could still find horror movies scary after seeing and fighting off real monsters with the Doctor, but here you were, curled up into yourself, shivering with fear and your lip nervously between your teeth.
“Are you cold?” The Doctor whispered beside you, looking in your direction, but unable to actually see you due to the pitch dark room, the only light coming dimly from the large screen in front of you.
“A little.” You whispered back, not wanting to admit that you were actually just terrified.
She unfolded the soft blanket that sat beside her and draped it across both of your laps, providing you with warmth and comfort, and unknowingly something to cover your eyes with.
“Thank you.” You mumbled in her direction, receiving a you’re welcome in return.
The movie seemed to last forever, a jump scare every five minutes. You weren’t sure if this really was enough to give Ryan nightmares, but it would definitely do the trick for you.
The scene was quiet, a fairly young woman looking around her surroundings for the creature that was hiding and waiting to attack. She searched around, a crowbar in her hands, her rapid breathing matching your own. The creature made it’s surprise attack from behind, making the woman scream in fright as well as you and Yaz.
You grabbed a hold of the nearest thing to you, which happened to be The Doctor’s hand, and squeezed it just as tightly as you had your eyes shut.
Graham, having fallen asleep within the first ten minutes, snored loudly from his chair at the commotion and Ryan’s handful of popcorn went flying, landing all around him, his eyes never leaving the screen.
“You okay?” The Doctor asked, giving your hand a gentle squeeze back.
“Can I just hold your hand for a while?”
She smiled, although you couldn’t see it, and moved your connected hands to rest comfortably on your lap. “Of course.”
You tried to focus on something other than the movie, willing all your senses to concentrate. You could still smell the popcorn in the air despite it having gone cold and lost it’s freshness a bit, you could hear Graham’s rumbling snores and Yaz’s panicked breathing, you could feel The Doctor’s shoulder pressed against yours, warm and comforting.
She seemed to be unbothered by the movie and you figured it was because she’d seen much scarier in her lifetime, her breathing slow and steady, her body still save for the thumb that was now stroking the back of your hand.
You wondered briefly if she even knew she was doing it, her eyes trained on the screen in front of you. Her thumb made slow circles, the feather light touch bringing a heat to your cheeks.
Sure, you’d held her hand before when you’d been out on trips and had to run away from something or someone, The Doctor grabbing your hand so that you could keep up, but it had never been this intimate before.
It gave you butterflies to know that she was touching you not because she had to, but because she wanted to. Your mind wandered, imagining if she wanted to touch you more and if so, where.
Her hand slipped from yours and placed itself on your thigh, her fingers grazing the delicate skin of the inside. Your breath hitched in your throat at the contact, your skin now tingling and beginning to heat up.
“Doctor.” You whispered, catching her attention. “Your hand, uh-“
“Oh, sorry.”
“No!” You caught her hand before she could pull it away, needing the warmth of it to stay right where it was.
Ryan and Yaz looked over at you for a moment, concerned about your outburst, but you offered an apologetic smile and looked back towards the screen, hoping they would do the same.
“It’s fine where it is,” you continued to whisper to the timelord beside you, your hand firmly holding down hers on your bare thigh. “I just wondered…”
“I didn’t realise I did it.” The Doctor explained, gently squeezing the skin under her fingertips.
Under the cover of the blanket in the dark room, tension built not only from the movie, but from you and The Doctor in the corner of the couch.
You’d been crushing on her for a while now, keeping your feelings pushed down and bottled up as much as you could, realising that a relationship between the two of you was ridiculous and you’d be stupid to even attempt it.
Everyone except Yaz was oblivious to your feelings. She had cornered you one day and commented on how often you stared at The Doctor and how you lit up when she walked into the room. You tried your best to deny it, to convince her that she was so wrong it was almost funny, but she stood her ground and eventually broke you down, pulling an admission from you.
You had begged her not to say a word about it and so far she had kept her promise, even though she made her opinion on how cute the two of you would be together very clear.
You realised that after The Doctor began to absentmindedly stroke your skin again that you were reaching a new level of friendship, possibly even crossing a line.
The creature in the movie made its appearance again, crashing through the roof of a car and scaring everyone inside it as well as yourself. You jumped in fright, causing The Doctor’s hand to unintentionally move higher up your leg.
You swallowed passed the nervous lump in your throat, settling back into the couch cushions and revelling in the feeling of soft fingers on such a tender part of your skin.
Maybe you shouldn’t have worn shorts today.
She continued the movement of her gentle fingers, causing a fire in the pit of your stomach to burn softly. You forced yourself to breathe normally, your heart picking up pace and your lip between your teeth to hold back sighs of content.
Her finger accidentally brushed across the skin just under the hem of your shorts and a quiet moan escaped you before you could hold it back, electricity briefly shooting up your veins and stoking the fire within you.
The Doctor looked over to you, her face displayed with innocence, barely lit by the screen. Her brows were knitted and her eyes shining like a doe’s, her fingers pressing even further into your skin.
“What’s wrong?”
You felt heat rise up your neck and to your cheeks. “Nothing! I just need some air.”
You stood from the couch and hurried out of the room, your head dizzy from the pace you moved at. You stumbled down the halls of the TARDIS, in search of the kitchen to fetch yourself a cold glass of water in an attempt to calm yourself.
The Doctor followed behind, confused and concerned at your sudden behaviour.
You gulped down the water and groaned when it didn’t take immediate effect.
You felt stupid, getting so worked up over nothing, over a friend. Although you couldn’t be blamed, it had been a very long time since you’d been touched like that by anyone and your body just responded to it much quicker than usual.
“Hey, are you alright?” The Doctor came up behind you, placing a hand on your shoulder. “What happened?”
You turned to face her, your stomach flipping with nervousness. “It’s nothing, really.”
“It was definitely something.” She pressed, raising a brow.
“It’s stupid.” You sighed, looking down at your feet.
“‘Stupid’ is my middle name,” The Doctor nudged you playfully, trying to get you to lighten up a bit. “Come on, tell me. You can trust me, you know that.”
“Promise you won’t laugh?”
She nodded immediately, a warm smile on her face. “Promise.”
You swallowed harshly. “When you touched me the way you did, it stirred up some uh… feelings.”
You half expect The Doctor to roar with laughter despite her promise not to, but not one sound came from her. You looked back up and met her eyes.
“What kind of feelings?”
“Please don’t make me say it.” You were already embarrassed enough, you didn’t want to embarrass yourself further by saying that you were turned on by a simple touch out loud.
“Then show me.” The Doctor shrugged, no signs of playfulness on her face.
“I can’t just do that!”
“Sure you can. Just do whatever it was that I did to you and let me see what feelings you’re talking about.”
You gawked at her for a long minute, trying to figure out if she was being serious or not. It seemed like it, her eyes wide and her brows raised in expectancy.
You sighed deeply. “Fine, but not here.”
You led her down the winding hallways until you reached your room. You knew you’d have privacy here, no one ever entered each other’s rooms, all of you understanding that each of you needed a private space you could have for yourselves.
Once inside, you moved her to the middle of the room and pointed at her trousers. “You’ll need to take those off.”
“My legs were uncovered,” you gestured to your legs. “If you really want to feel what I felt, you’ll need yours uncovered too.”
She made a sound of agreement and swiftly removed her bottom halves, leaving her in nothing but her shirt and panties. Her underwear was basic and nothing to get excited about, but they hugged her curves perfectly.
You took a deep breath. You’d definitely crossed a friendship line now.
“Okay, now what?” The Doctor asked, kicking the blue fabric from her ankles.
You came to stand directly in front of her, your faces only inches away from each other.
You hardly believed that this was happening, but pushed on nonetheless, preferring this over speaking your mind.
“Just stay still.”
She nodded and watched you move your hand to her lower half, her eyes fixed with concentration, her body relaxed and ready to feel.
You started at her knee, using your finger tips to softly drag up the inside of her thigh until you reached just below her panty line. You stroked there gently, feeling her muscles tense and twitch under your touch.
A gasp lodged itself in her throat, her nerves sparking to life under her skin. “Oh.”
Her face carried a look you couldn’t quite understand, a mix of surprise and something like indulgence, her cheeks pink and her mouth slightly ajar. “Do it again.”
“Are you- really?”
She nodded, taking a hold of your hand and bringing it to the knee of her other leg, pulling it upwards in slow motion, sighing quietly. “Now I understand.”
“I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.” you stepped away from her, looking anywhere but at her flushed face.
She took a step forward, closing the gap between you again. “Can I- I mean I want to-“
You forced yourself to look at her again. Her chest moved quickly as she breathed at a new pace, her hand hesitantly reaching out to hold the side of your face.
“I want to try something. Can I?”
You nodded silently, your eyes closing at the feeling of her warm palm on your cheek.
You registered her uneven breathing on your face only a few seconds before her lips were on yours, capturing you in a surprise kiss that forced a groan from your chest.
You stumbled backwards slightly, your feet uncoordinated and clumsy. The Doctor caught you with her hand on the small of your back, firmly holding you against her.
Something seemed to change within her, her hand moving from your cheek to the back of your neck, deepening the kiss with an almost inaudible moan.
You wrapped your arms around her neck for support, losing yourself is a flurry of kisses and soft sounds.
Never had you thought you’d be in your room making out with The Doctor while she was only half dressed, but here you were, kissing her like your life depended on it.
She finally broke away, resting her forehead against yours. Her eyes were heavy and lips a deeper pink than normal, a very nice look on her indeed.
Her hands moved to your waist underneath your shirt, stroking your skin with her thumbs soothingly. “I didn’t mean for it to be like that, I’m sorry.”
With a light laugh, you grabbed her face and pecked her lips a few times as reassurance. “Do it again.”
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