#10 reasons ​why sunny is so fucked up
diddlydarndoodles · 1 year
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Ok ok ok last one
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#me when im feeling normal: lol y do i get burnt out so badly?#also me when im feeling normal: ur not allowed to do anything until u get X things done. u will focus for 8hrs then youll fucking sit there#and focus some more bc u really wanna not be doing X anymore#and my brain is just like wah i dont wanna#im trying to be nicer abt it. like trying to not get so frustrated when i cant focus and get distracted#and then just take a deep breath and start things#but it is weird how for whatever reason part of my brain decides im not allowed to do things until i meet X conditions#its very annoying and is why my life is such a fucking disaster lol#srry for being so chatty today i dont think I've talked to anyone since like friday? or Thursday?#no wait i opened the doors to the lab for a friend yesterday. but i was kinda talking past her bc my brain was like 2min delayed lol#hhhhh ive gotta get up at like before 6 to work with the fucking machines. bc i said i would test something today but i didn't so tomorrow#morning it is. but 1st i gotta fucking start this last application bc i wanna stop having stress dreams#hhhh 8 days and i can go home :-( and then i can stress abt other things#its weird to think abt but idk if ppl realize how little i tslk to ppl. like my socializing is being around ppl in the lab#and i try to go in when theres no one there so a when im stuck in a car with someone its like bro this is the most ive talked all week#i spend 90% of my life in silent isolation and the other 10% talking way way too much lol#but i cant help it. lulls in conversation make me wanna scream. also insert that always sunny quote abt having shit to say lol#unrelated
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novemberheart · 2 months
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{overview} you make some friends- and some not friends
{warnings} a/b/o dynamics, Simon being a grump, cursing, short chapter, mostly some “world-building”, Fem reader, Simon heavy chapter
Chapter 8 <- Chapter 9 -> Chapter 10
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Simon woke you up the next morning, with a rough series of pats on your back. You groaned curling around yourself, the smell of leather slowly filling up your senses.
“This day isn't going to fuck itself,” Simon grumbled. Your eyes opened groggily, sending him a glare.
“What does that even mean?” you croaked, forcing yourself to sit up. Simon bit back a smile at the sight of your bedhead. He was able to snap a picture as you stared off into space. He sent it to Johnny, who quickly made it his lock screen.
“Up, pup,” he commanded, getting up himself. He moved with much more ease, only wincing as he took a few steps forward. “Got a busy day,” he added. By the time his words settled in your ears, he had already made his way into his bedroom.
“Busy day?” you questioned to yourself as you brushed your teeth. “Where are we going?” you asked. Simon was able to shower, shave, and get dressed by the time you finished brushing your teeth and picking out an outfit.
“Something the omega committee planned. Breakfast in the park or some shite like that. Captain wants you to go.” he explained.
“I don't want to.” you began to whine.
“Ah, ah, ah don't start pulling that shite with me, it's not gonna work. Put your stompers on, and let's go.” he growled. You straightened up, a little worried at his tone. Why did he sound so angry? Regardless, you quickly did as you were told, grabbing your shoes out of the closet and following wordlessly behind him.
You wanted to ask him more about this ‘breakfast in the park’ thing but you refrained. Nervousness began to eat at you, as it would for most people when you were being thrown into a group of people you have never met. The omegas there have probably already formed cliques. Not that you weren't used to being the new person. You didn't quite feel as though you could tell the alpha next to you about it.
At least it was a pretty sunny day out.
The walk wasn't very far, and it wasn't exactly a park. It was near where Simon took you for a walk. There was a bit of a crowd already, sitting down on their own blankets. Simon pulled out a blanket that was tucked under his arm. “Look at me,” he instructed. “No reason for you to be nervous, yeah? They're lucky to have you, I think, I mean I don't really know you that well.” he huffed, causing you to giggle. “See the group behind me?” he asked. You peeked around him.
“Pink blanket?” you hummed. He hummed back.
“You steer clear of ‘em. They get into trouble.” he told, and you nodded your head in understanding. “I'll be right over there havin’ a cig, you go be a good girl and save me a scone, yeah?” he patted you with the blanket. You took it from him, watching as he headed past you, without a glance over his shoulder. You rolled your eyes but felt much better about the situation. You guess Simon was much more tough love than you were used to. You stood for a moment surveying the area. People were cliqued up all right. You decided just to head in the opposite direction of the pink blanket gang.
You grabbed a plate off of one of the tables and decided on a cinnamon roll and a scone for Simon. You also grabbed a hot chocolate. You pulled off to the side eyeing the array of people. A particular group caught your eye. Two women and a man. They seemed approachable like they wouldn't shoot you down if you went up to them. Only one way to find out. You followed the natural path set up by blankets.
They stopped talking as you stood before them. “Hi.” You smiled, trying not to sound too shy. You introduced yourself in one breath waiting for them to make the next move.
“Hi, I'm Anais.” the one in the middle introduced herself first. She was sweet-looking, her glasses taking up most of her face and magnifying her eyes in an endearing way.
“I’m Jane.” the one to your right looked. She looked just as uncomfortable as you, her obsidian eyes darting around.
“Jonah.” the last one greeted. “You're welcome to join us.” he offered, which you quickly took them up on.
“The worst part is over.” Anais smiled, adjusting herself so she was sitting on her knees. “When did you get here?”
“Four days ago,” you replied.
“I got here six days ago,” Jane spoke up. Her voice was soft and brittle. You were tempted to give her a hug.
“Ah, so you know what it's like.” you smiled. “How long have you two been here?” you asked, spooning a piece of cinnamon roll into your mouth.
“Seven months,” Jonah answered.
“A little under three months for me,” Anais said.
“Nice. Do you like it here?” you questioned. You were hoping to get the dirt on people.
“Not really. You're lucky you're with big guy over there.” Anais said through bites of her toast. “Do you really have your own flat?” she questioned. Looks like you were going to be the one giving out dirt.
“Yeah it's pretty close to that. Where do you live?”
“In the barracks,” Anais said. “It's a room filled with bunk beds.”
“That sounds terrible.” you winced. “Do you get any privacy?”
“Not really. Unless it's during my heat.” she shrugged. “That's usually what happens when you're just bonded to an alpha, not a whole pack,” she explained. “I hope to get my pack one day. You're lucky you didn't have to work for yours.” she sighed. Your brows twitched.
“Anais,” Jonah whispered harshly. She just shrugged. How did she know anything about you and your pack? There was obviously something you weren't aware of.
“It's alright.” you soothed, giving Jonah a smile. “She’s technically right.” you sighed.
“I didn't mean it in a bad way.” Anais continued. “Just that you're lucky,” she added. You have been hearing that a lot lately.
“I know.” you agreed. You figured it was better to play along. Plus you seem to be lucky. “Did you get assigned here or?” you asked, turning over to Jane.
“Me too.” you replied.
“I know,” she whispered, causing you to furrow your brows again.
“Does everybody know?” you finally asked.
“You have been a hot topic,” Jonah admitted. You looked over your shoulder and suddenly became aware of the glances and peeks your way. Has everyone been staring at you this whole time? “Don't stress about it,” Jonah added.
“Yeah, you're literally a celebrity,” Anais added.
“I don't know if I want to be a celebrity.” you said finally.
“I’ll trade with you. I'm not really into guys, but I’d do it for fame.” Jonah chuckled, causing you all to laugh.
“I'll let you know after I finish my first week.” you snickered. An hour went by fairly fast. The group next to you joined into the conversation and soon you were a nice group of seven. Priya- she was the one you bonded to quickly. You started talking because she also was with a task force, her choice, on the sixth floor of your building.
She smelled like apples and lavender. Your mom smelled like lavender.
“How’d you do?” Simon asked. He stood up from the bench, eyeing you up and down. You certainly smelled happy. Your scent turned warm when you were happy. Your normal scent was freshly cut peaches paired with a chilled vanilla ice cream. Yet when you were happy it became a peach crumble straight out of the oven. He chewed the inside of his cheek, moving so he was upwind.
Before you had time to respond something caught his attention. “Come on, pup.” he urged. His hand rested on the back of your neck guiding you away from the scene. You had the sense of mind to not question him, which he was grateful for.
“Lieutenant Ghost.” A voice called from behind the two of you. He growled, stopping, but keeping a firm grip on you as he began to turn.
“Lieutenant Hale.” Simon mustered.
“So this must be the little lady I've been hearin’ so much about.” He was Southern, a charming drawl in his voice.
“She would be the one.” Simon affirmed. His hand reached down, grabbing your hip pulling you towards his side.
“Haven’t smelt something so sweet in a long time. You remind me of home.” Lieutenant Hale smiled at you. You remained straight-face, your omega beginning to feed off of the signals Simon was sending out. “How have you been, L.T.? Heard you took a nasty tumble.” Hale clicked his tongue.
“Fine.” Simon replied bluntly.
“Well, I would hope so. Medicine like that could heal any man.” Hale smirked, his eyes still locked on you.
“Got that right,” Simon said back. The men were keeping pleasantries- probably for your sake. Simon gave your hip a squeeze. “See you around, Hale.” The hand on the back of your neck returned, turning you away from the scene.
“I look forward to it. Both of you,” he added, tipping his head towards you. You remained silent. When you got far enough away you looked back over your shoulder. Two of the girls from the pink blanket rushed over to him, nuzzling their way under his arms.
His eyes were still on you.
“You did good, pup.” Simon complimented once you got away from the crowd.
“Thank you.”
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It was two hours past your normal bedtime. The first two nights here you were so exhausted you fell asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow. The third night you fell asleep on the couch with everyone.
It felt like the first night here.
You can still remember the last night you slept alone. It was the night before your mom left. The night she left you remember her sneaking her way into your bedroom, holding you as tight as she could. You could still feel her breath on your cheek as she breathed you in. You didn't question it at the time.
You wish you had.
That day your grandparents came down to help out and you slept in the guestroom with them- terrified of being left again. Then you got step-siblings, then roommates at the omega holding house.
You scrunched your eyes tightly.
Your room was too dark. Too quiet. Too cold. It had yet to be drenched in your scent, the room still smelling like paint and carpet cleaner. You wondered if Johnny or Kyle would mind you crashing their room. You're sure they wouldn't, but you didn't want to set yourself up for rejection. You could always crash on the couch with Simon. You didn't want him to think you were too needy.
You suddenly heard movement outside your door. You stilled, pulling the covers further up your body. Your door opened very hesitantly. John carefully poked his head in. You closed your eyes as much as you could to make it look realistic. He trained his eyes on your form for a moment before he quietly shut the door. The realization suddenly dawned on you.
He was checking on you.
You weren't exactly sure why he was checking on you. To see if you were still awake? To see if you were comfortable? Or maybe to make sure you hadn’t escaped.
Either way, it meant one thing:
You weren't alone.
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Hi friends! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Chapter 10 will be in two days! See you then!
Likes, reblogs and comments are always appreciated🧡
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puppetwoman17 · 7 days
Honestly, I don’t know what I want the relationship with Cap and Billy to be.
Because I get why some people want them to be wholly separate beings. It just makes sense that Marvel is completely nonhuman. That he’s just magic given form.
But I don’t entirely like that conclusion. To me, it takes away the fact that billy is responsible for all those lives saved. That he is the one sacrificing his time and putting his life on the line. That he is the one getting all this trauma. Making them separate takes that all away for me.
But there’s also the issue that new52 dc doesn’t do that right either. When Cap and Billy ARE the same, Cap acts like a stupid kid, an overgrown child. I mean that’s not it completely. I have an entire separate issue with how New52 handles Billy’s personality and lore, but we can’t get into that rn or this rant will go on forever.
And the thing is DC DOES know how to handle Cap and Billy being the same(or not the same, but like Cap is Billy with…more. He’s Billy, but he’s also magic itself. Like a fusion of sorts. He has memories and some of his personality, but he doesn’t act like an idiot).
I mean, look at JL Unlimited. Despite Cap still acting somewhat childish, it never goes overboard. He’s even admired by his fellow Leaguers. Hell, BATMAN says the League needs him because of how sunny he is! And sure, while there’s some childishness in the YJ cartoon, it’s not cringy(at least to me, because when you see what they did to him in JL:Throne of Atlantis…)
There’s that one other movie with Superman and Batman that I can’t remember the name of, where some heroes are going after Superman for a reason I ALSO can’t remember. Cap is one of them, and he never once acts like a stupid kid. He, like those other heroes, doesn’t have the whole picture, and that’s why he’s attacking Supes.
Thwre is a way to have Cap and Billy be the same entity, have the same memories, but also be somewhat different. There is a way to make sure that Billy is shown to be responsible for the lives he saves. There is a way to give Cap respect in this universe because it has been done before. New52 needs to work on that or we’ll have this issue forever🙄.
It almost makes me glad we don’t have a Shazam/Captain Marvel tv show because gods know what they might do to him. I’m telling you, we have had the “child gets given tremendous responsibility and fucks up” schtik over and over and over for the past century and probably more. It’s been done. So many times.
Cap was a beloved hero in the 1940s and pre-52 BECAUSE he didn’t adhere to that. Because the writers made sure we knew he was capable of being responsible and a hard worker, and not an idiot, all while being like 10. And in recent years it has STILL been done.
It is possible. Just do it right!
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thalialunacy · 5 months
[for the @calaisreno May Promptacular]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 6: cold (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31)
'Wasn't it sunny two weeks ago?' John grumbles, taking a too-big gulp of too-hot tea as the usual outside chaos of a Monday morning in London is superceded by-- for fuck's sake-- snow.
His personal chaos, though, is (perhaps predictably) worsened by it.
Sherlock doesn't look up from where he's feeding Rosie from a beaker of scrambled eggs. 'Why is it that people insist on asking inane questions about the weather?'
John turns his eyes heavenward, then crosses to put his mug in the sink. 'I cannot wait until Rosie grows up so I can have a normal conversation with someone,' he mutters.
Sherlock makes a derisive noise. 'Rosamund is not normal nor should she aspire to be. And she is already conversant.'
As if on cue, a sound resembling the word 'Snow!' squeals into the kitchen air.
'That's correct, Ms Watson. 'Snow day.'
'Snow day!' Rosie repeats enthusiastically, flinging her hands in the air. John casually moves the beaker out of flight range. Eggs are relatively easy to clean up, but still.
He looks towards the windows, where the curtains have been pushed back to reveal that brightness that only comes with snow. 'There's barely half an inch out there, you know.'
'Doesn't matter,' Sherlock insists. 'Snow day, it is.'
'Her nursery is still open,' John puts in.
'Snow day!' Rosie yells again.
'I have to go into the clinic,' he tries. The thought of leaving now, though, makes him even grumpier than just the fact of it being a Monday morning with snow on the ground.
Sherlock leans into Rosie. 'What do you think, Rosamund? Don't you agree it's rubbish that your father insists on keeping hours at that dirty place?'
John rolls his eyes. 'Always nice to see your snobbery in full force, then.'
'Nonsense, I'm just stating a fact.'
'Rosie brings home shedloads of germs from nursery every day, Sherlock.'
'All the more reason for you to stop working, cut the number of foreign bodies by half.'
'Sherlock, what--' But John stops, mind stumbling to a conclusion as he stares at Sherlock. Whose neck is starting to redden.
'Never mind,' the detective says, clearly trying to sound neutral but failing. 'Go forth and remain part of the toiling masses.' He plucks Rosie up and takes her over to the window. 'We'll be here having all the fun, we won't miss you at all.'
John pauses, wavering. He puts his coat on, listening as Sherlock and Rosie chat in a language only they understand.
Then he stands up straight, and goes to kiss his daughter goodbye.
Her cheek is soft, her mouth gummy yet sharp with tiny teeth. 'Well,' he says, smoothing back her hair but looking only at Sherlock. 'I cannot say the same will be true for me.'
Sherlock's eyes widen almost imperceptibly. But John's not ready to say more, so he nods once, and makes his way out into the snow.
[ <3 ]
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drowninginblox · 7 months
HideDuo HCs bc we are going through it
The March drought is getting to me y'all. I don't know about all y'all but the anniversary isn't the best thing ever, especially with the Hatsune Miku incident.
I think we deserve a little treat for being dedicated to our favorite roommates. Hence these ramblings.
The following applies to the OSMP characters, not actual streamers themselves. This is gonna be very all over the place, overall cursed, and is projecting. I hope yall enjoy-
Can play any sport, but hates all of them (except for ice skating, he fucking loves it but he'll never admit it and he can't skate for shit)
Has read fanfiction before
Knows about dreamsmp lore but doesn't know what it all means in context, very much "Did you know a guy fucked a salmon and had a fox as a child?" "He started a country later? The fish fucker???"
Is into more fru fru coffee drinks than he lets on. Like- fuck yea 9/10 times that mother fucker be drinking that shit black, but he loves some good pumpkin spice- tooty fruity-cuchie deluci frappuccino. He'd only give in around sunny tho.
Was a smoker for a hot minute, quit tho when the ashes nearly lit a TNT. Hasn't picked it up since
Is a slut for pig step
Has read The Art of War
Had a celebrity crush on Philza. He still has it but it's defo diminished since he knows him personally.
Showers daily. I don't care that he's a war-torn mf, that man loves taking showers and will never pass up the opportunity to get one.
Has a poster of Miku Binder Jefferson. Someone gave it to him as a secret Santa present and he has no idea who or what to do with it. He's tempted to burn it but he's kind of afraid of it. It's so cursed that it shows up in his nightmares.
He thinks about Forever a lot more than he wants to admit. He's afraid of the possibility of turning into a monster since he was exposed to the black concert a lot. He understands the fear is irrational since it was long ago but the intrusive thought lingers.
He's thought about marriage in general and with Pac. He'd never admit it but he planned out everything from the venue to the music to the vows. He'd easily swipe it all away if Pac said he had an idea of what he wanted it to be like.
is fluent in Morse code
Knows sign language
Hearing aids mf
Has a family somewhere out there, one that he lost or left only to be dumped into TB2T
Loves crosswords, especially during breakfast and right after Ramon goes to bed.
His favorite smell is cinnamon and cocoa butter
Believes in Herobrine
Can't do long division to save his life
Hates the sound of Velcro
Likes the Pacman TV show
Smells like cinnamon and cocoa butter
Has too many scars from the cats he's owned over the years.
Married Mike for tax reasons in the past. They play it up that they're bitter divorcés from time to time
Doesn't shower as often as he should, not because he hates it but because he has a long routine and enjoys baths far more
Enjoys tea and coffee equally
Gay awakening was Rufio from Hook
watches Reading Rainbow as an adult
paints on his prosthetic all the damn time
Has a Post-it note collection. He barely uses them but he has a rainbow of them and each color represents a member of the island.
Has a sticker collection
Always carries small snacks for his pocket dude (I heard about this through the wiki, apparently Pac has a pocket boy? If not then he does now lmao) mostly gummy bears and crackers
Is afraid of the ocean. Idk why that just sounds right for him and if it is it recontextualizes the date he had w fit lol
knows Morse code
Knows some phrases in American sign language (fit is teaching him / is learning for fit, whichever is cuter)
Has hacked into a government-locked server, left lobster porn in place of any files he took. Idk which government it was or why he did it, but he did and they haven't recovered since
Is the type to listen to Jon Bellion and Talor Swift. No, i will not elaborate
Has very vivid daydreams. Aside from drugs and PTSD, he has some really nice ones all on his own. Mostly about Fit tbh.
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charms-cat · 21 days
Nitpicking Kaos
Aka "Is it so hard to have 10 seconds of Googling?"
Dislaimer: I'm not a follower of the Greek pantheon nor am I the most avid "fan" of Greek myth (putting that in quotes bcs there are still worshippers today), but oh my God. Is it so difficult to keep the most basic of information correct? I'm not gonna nitpick on how they twist certain myths (e.g. how Orpheus gets to and gets Eurydice out of the underworld) bcs it's fine, it serves the plot they're telling so it's not like they're doing it for no reason. But the names of gods? Their titles? The fact that Hera is probably the only goddess who has remained faithful to her spouse? Is it too much to ask?
EDIT: just realised just how negative this all sounds, but I did genuinely enjoy the show and its plot. It was interesting enough to captivate me for 8 whole eps, the character dynamics were intriguing, and the portrayal of the gods was cruel and I loved it since it hammers in the disconnect/lack of empathy that they feel for mortals
Anyway, here's a list of nitpicks [SPOILERS BELOW THE CUT] feel free to correct me if I'm wrong
Heracles, not Hercules
Why do people keep getting this wrong? The name of a literal Greek Goddess (Hera) is part of his name. How are you gonna make Zeus praise him, but still get his name wrong
Why is Hestia reduced to being a fucking dog????????? Not just any dog either, she's Zeus's dog that already died, absolutely no chance of an appearance of his fifth sibling unless you wanna make it that Zeus was such a dick that he named his dog after his sister. It's not like she has a "useless" domain. She's one of the three most well-known virgin goddesses. She's the goddess of the home and hearth and of the sacrificial fire. She's the one who receives the first offering at a (domestic) sacrifice so why is she just a dog??
If I had a nickel for every time I read a retelling where she cheats on Zeus with his brother, I'd have two nickels (the first was Lore Olympus, if you're curious). Hera is supposed to represent the ideal wife, the literal goddess of lawful marriage so how the fuck can you make her be unfaithful?????????
Not so much a nitpick than a question, said question being "why are we acting like Poseidon doesn't have a wife, the nereid Amphitrite, queen of the seas" did they get divorced? Is that why he's lusting after Hera
He's the god of THE DEAD. Thanatos is the god of death ffs; he's the literal personification of death. Thanatos takes mortal souls, and Hades presides over said dead souls. It would've taken only a few seconds to change Hades's title card and for Persephone to call him "god of the dead" instead of the "god of death". Nothing about Hades's position even hints to him presiding over death itself. We only ever see him running the underworld (Y'know, where all the dead are?). They literally had to change nothing but his title card and what Persephone calls him
This isn't really a nitpick on her character, but.... if she's in the underworld, shouldn't it be winter? It doesn't matter that she truly loves Hades or that she went willingly, Part of what fueled Demeter's winter is her grief over losing/being away from her daughter so why is it so damn sunny when we cut to the mortal world
Again, not a nitpick but a definite downplay of his musical abilities considering the fact that the song he sung to convince Hades and Persephone had literally stopped the underworld in its tracks
Not an egregious change, but I'll say it anyway: Wasn't he freed by Heracles during his 12 labours? It's not like he needs to be chained up, pretty sure the resentment that comes from centuries or millenia of having your liver pecked out and eaten would sustain his hatred for an equal amount of time
Their decision to make him a president instead of a king is not only unnecessary, but it makes him look like the Greek ver of Putin. I mean, they really didn't need to add in the part where Ariadne(?) says something along the lines of "you should let the people vote, they'd choose you anyway". Just... the implication that he simply declared himself president is dumb as hell. Despite Athens being the birthplace of democracy, I don't think they even had presidents in Ancient Greece. You could literally just call Minos a king and virtually nothing about the plot would even change so why bother. Is this really just their attempt at "modernising" their world/setting? It's not like we don't have kings in this day and age
It's true that Glaucus is a sibling of Ariadne, but the Minotaur is a whole separate sibling. The Minotaur even has his own name: Asterion/Asterius. Just another case of "why did they have to change this?" Literally just swap out the name "Glaucus" for "Asterion" and not only will (yet again) virtually nothing about the plot change, but it would be more mythologically accurate and less confusing for people who do know the myths. In fact, it could've been a fun hint for people who know the myths to clock what really happened to "Glaucus" early on, but still have them questioning "how did he become the Minotaur in this version?"
Ngl I'm kinda sad that Pas seems to be just a normal mortal woman bcs, in Greek myth, she was a sorceress-goddess, the daughter of Helios. Plus, although I think it's kinda fucked up that she was forced to fuck/be fucked by the Cretan bull (bcs being "made to fall in love" is not the same as "falling in love"), I think it would've been interesting to explore not only her grief over losing a child, but the grief that comes from realising that he never was and never could be accepted by either Gods or mortals. Also, it would've made her obsession over him look slightly less selfish (and lowkey creepy) if we found out that part of the reason was that she knew her son could never live among humans as half-man, half-bull so she resorted to making wax figures that would've at least let her imagine what it would've been like if he wasn't the result of divine punishment
Was literally just an Easter egg. Downgraded from a prince of Athens to a Cretan bodyguard. Didn't even do his most notable act (killing the Minotaur) or even get sent to the Labyrinth in the first place. Makes him feel very much like a character that the writers added just to say, "Look! Look, we know Greek myth!" Especially since Theseus disappeared into thin air after the Trojan 7 were arrested. I don't think they even showed him in the crowd with Andromache, mourning Astyanax
Non-character Nitpicks (yeah, I got more)
Not really bothered by this, but I'm pretty sure that bees aren't even one of Hera's sacred animals. They could've made it peacocks, make the birds wander the grounds and when the reveal drops, the symbol of opulence turns into an unabashed display of cruelty
Admittedly, the colour of ichor in Ancient Greek texts has always been ambiguous. But I feel like it would've been an interesting visual for their blood to be a non-red colour; maybe the popular gold, for example. Bcs it would've A) drawn a clear line between Gods and mortals and further "validated" the Gods' hubris by serving as visual proof that there's an undeniable difference between them and the mortals; and B) would've really caused Zeus to panic when he saw that his blood was red instead of gold, make him think that he's becoming mortal, vulnerable, weak
Minor nitpick, but isn't the sentence for not being able to pay the toll only 100 years, not 200? Why the extra 100 years? Why even change this? If they really wanted to make it feel like a long sentence, then they should've gone for 500 or 1000 years. Living even just 100 years of doing the same thing with no variation or even the choice to opt out, or even being able to taste anything, would start feeling hellish sooner than you might think
This might just be the aromantic in me, but why is there so much romance???? And it's between couples that never existed in the OG myths
1. Hera/Poseidon - why??? I've already talked about how it goes against Hera's character, but if they really wanted them to have a "deep" relationship, they're literally siblings?? They could just bond over having to be the ones that keep Zeus in line or being the only ones responsible for actually ruling their realms (bcs Amphitrite is nowhere to be found). They didn't need to insult Hera's character like that
2. Theseus/Astyanax - I'd have less problem with this if it didn't seem like Theseus wanted Ari to only save Nax instead of all 7 Trojans. It makes it feel like they're fueling the idea that a person would only be desperate to save the person they love romantically. E.g., a husband saving his wife, but not someone saving their best friend
3. Prometheus/Charon - same problem as the Theseus/Nax ship, especially with the added line that Prometheus needs to rely on "someone who will do anything for you" (or sumn like that). Like,,,, you can do that for your friend too, y'know. It's not out of the realm of possibility to miss your friend or love them so deeply that you'd do anything for them. It's literally a well-known joke(?) that there are friends who'd help you hide the body. It'd just be a more intense ver of that between Charon and Prometheus. They didn't need to be romantic to showcase Charon's trust in and dedication to helping Prometheus
4. Caeneus/Eurydice - I'm so tired of people falling in love in less than a week (I don't think this relationship even reached a full three days). Iirc y'all had a grand total of 6 conversations - first at the Frame, second meeting when Riddy introduces herself as a diver, third at the party, fourth when they're sitting on the bench, fifth when they have their short escapade to the Nothing, sixth in Caeneus's bedroom.
I mean,,,,, I get that they shared meaningful conversations, but I swear none of said conversations even lasted more than 5 minutes so where on Earth is this "love" coming from?? Y'all have barely scratched the surface of what you know of each other but you think you're connected??? Get real
Ending on a positive note
I actually love the Furies and the Fates. The Furies more for their looks and their vibe and especially the Fates for their (literal) know-it-all nonchalant attitude. I hope they come back next season.
The set design and colouring is also top tier, from the underworld filtered in black and white and looking industrial and office-like to the vibrant colours and festivity of Earth to the opulence of Olympus
Some actual trans and disability rep! I've been burned before with the trans rep since the Netflix adaptation of "Alice in Borderlands" has a cis woman playing a transfem, but Misia Butler is an actual transmasc! [Nobody argue that AIB couldn't have an actual transfem bcs of Japan's transphobia bcs I can tell you what's not helping trans rights: having cis women play transfem roles, thinking it makes no difference anyway. Good rep can pave the way for acceptance]
The disability rep in actors is so fucking bad that I genuinely thought most people with disabilities just didn't become actors. I only knew that the daughter in "A Quiet Place" was actually deaf bcs I went to look it up. Anyway, hope Mat Fraser (Daedalus aka only decent father figure) comes back bcs no way he actually got eaten, right? Right????
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baileythebean · 4 months
Reasons why you should read… Wings of Fire!!
Random LONG-ASS post but idc because this has been my favorite book series since 3rd grade and I still HEAVILY fixate on it - for anyone interested (after I explain ofc) These books are by Tui T. Sutherland and are available in audiobook, paperback, hardcover, and Kindle I think.
Reasons you might enjoy WoF and features of the books!
-creative character designs
-full plot with little to no holes and if there are any, they’re probably explained in one of the MANY side books available.
-well-written characters that can be powerful without being a “Mary Sue” and having their own personalities
-each book follows a different protagonist, sometimes with the protagonist switching up mid-book
-a prologue and epilogue in each book
-15 main books released so far with more coming!!
-STUNNING cover art
-the main characters are dragons!!
-Written like those fanfics where you read them and you forget you’re reading a fanfic but it’s still not quite written like an ‘official’ book, y’know?
-descriptive writing so you don’t have to imagine stuff in weird vague ways
-LOTS OF LGBTQIA+ rep! Including but not limited to: mlm rep, wlw rep, non-binary/non-conforming rep - and the best part about it? It’s casually brought up! It’s normalized! Not even the villains or shitty parents show an OUNCE of homophobia or transphobia!
-There are humans in these books! And POC rep!
-women in leading/strong roles :3
-different continents!
-different tribes of dragons each sharing similar traits depending on their habitat!! NOT JUST RANDOMIZED DRAGONS EVERYWHERE ALL MIXED TOGETHER WHERE YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHO CAN DO WHAT!!
-Each book features a map of the continent it’s set on, a description of the dragons of each tribe living on that continent (including looks, powers, diet, affiliation in war depending on the book, and current Queen) and a page for the prophecy the book fixates around (different for each arc)
-Three arcs, each solving a different conflict but STILL IN THE SAME PLOT!!
-creepy mind-control stuff!
-well-written villains
-lines that have made me CACKLE out loud multiple times
-and so much more! Read them for yourself to find out!!
THE DRAGONETS OF DESTINY ARC: 1) The Dragonet Prophecy (Clay of the Mudwings)
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2) The Lost Heir (Tsunami of the Seawings)
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3) The Hidden Kingdom (Glory of the Rainwings)
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4) The Dark Secret (Starflight of the Nightwings)
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5) The Brightest Night (Sunny of the Sandwings/Nightwings)
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THE JADE MOUNTAIN ARC: 6) Moon Rising (Moonwatcher of the Nightwings)
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7) Winter Turning (Winter of the Icewings)
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8) Escaping Peril (Peril ((the one in front)) of the Skywings)
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9) Talons of Power (Turtle ((the green one)) of the Seawings)
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10) Darkness of Dragons (Qibli of the Sandwings) (MY FAV CHARACTER YIPPEE)
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THE PANTALA ARC: 11) The Lost Continent (Blue of the Silkwings)
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12) The Hive Queen (Cricket of the Hivewings)
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13) The Poison Jungle (Sundew of the Leafwings) (MY FAV BOOK YIPPEE)
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THE RETURN ARC (not sure if that’s actually what it’s called but oh well): 14) The Dangerous Gift (Snowfall ((the one on the right)) of the Icewings)
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15) The Flames of Hope (Luna ((the obvious-looking one)) of the Silkwings)
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Legends: Dragon Slayer
A Guide to the Dragon World
The Winglets Quartet
There might be more but there are also a coloring book plus an activity/storymaking book and as far as I know the fandom is pretty non-toxic and full of artists and cosplayers!! So have funnnn :33
-IRL Bailey
@toniothegammafish @thesilliestofallqueers @rebootgrimm @ask-sora-aguilar @schnozzlebozzle
@bioexorcismss @piigeonss @weirdassartist @clown-prince-of-gay @lilacquintet 
@wakatoshi-main @metal-mage @vv4loe 
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kaidacresto · 8 months
Gang,.,… gang I’m thinking. I’m thinking of making gen 5 semi/full on canon in the Oops ALL Alicorns AU..,,,.,, things tie in together so well I MUST MAKE IT CANON
The idea that twilight took/locked away all magic translated to my au would mean she would need to fistfight the GOD OF MAGIC. HAVE YOU SEEN THEM? SHES GONNA NEED TO AT LEAST CONTROL THE THING.
- The reason the dragons looks so plain and similar is because the lack of gem diet. Gemstones are vital to dragon health, without them they arnt as strong or healthy. The magic makes them change physically aswell so without it they’re all just blank slates waiting for a magical push to start growing spiked tail balls or whatver!!
- The reason why earth ponies have such stronger magic and why unicorns seems to be able to cast any spell is due to the tribes magic l being separated completely equally! As stated before, Pegasi are technically the most magical, so when it was split up the amount of magic was even out. Pegasi now lack the ability to control the weather, that magic potential was split between the other tribes
- the lack of a crystal empire is due to The First Alicorn DESTORYING IT when he surfaced in the fight. The auroricorns town is what is left of the crystal pony tribe and the crystal empire itself
- the reason why Sunny Starscout isn’t a true alicorn is due to there not being enough magic left to fully transform her after Twilight erased everything! Opaline is the last alicorn, the last true alicorn to exist before the magic was erased, so she would’ve had to exist in gen 4. Most likely she was Twilights pupil, Luster Dawn!! Girl got nightmare moonified, she got pony of shadowsified,..,
- the together trees are lesser Trees or Harmony!!! (It is canon that there are multiple, seen in the season 10 comics (which have been said to be canon!!)) Trees of harmony require MASSIVE amounts of magic to become what they are, that’s why theyre crystallized, the crystals are formed from pure magic. But in a situation when there isn’t enough magic to grow, it becomes a together tree. Still magical and special in their own right, connected through harmony and friendship, but not what it could’ve been. In the future there isn’t enough magic available to create trees of harmony, so shits fucked
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covenantofthedeep · 2 years
can i call you tonight? ☆
feat. | scaramouche for chiyo bc u asked, just 10 years later summary | seeing scara after a long time :) set in a coffee shop and modern a/n | tfw u havent written in like three months so u forgot ur formatting and also why do u shitpost sm ✨ and also ur formatting is ugly af time to change it but ur too lazy what the fuck sunny. also ps im sorry if this is ooc
scaramouche |
you haven't heard from scaramouche for ages--probably weeks? probably months? honestly, you're trying to forget, you swear, but you really can't. it takes everything in you to not check who it is when the cafe door opens, every single time. 
maybe this time... maybe this time it'll be him, you tell yourself when the bell jingles above the door.
 you used to go to the cafe to work, because at home, it was too loud, crowded with your family. you have your own place now; there's no reason why you stay at the cafe besides the fact that you met him there the very first time.
he had rushed in from the rain, dripping wet, and painfully short, and your heart had jumped. you'd seen him around town, buying various things (he'd taken a clear hankering to unagi chazuke) and walking. you'd watched him as he'd plodded to the cash register, ordering a coffee (black). you hadn't been able to take your eyes off of him as he'd sat down beside you. 
you had scooted your stuff away, which had prompted him to gruffly ask, "is this seat taken?"
"no," you'd replied, closing your laptop and folding your arms over it. "scaramouche, right?"
that had kindled a friendship--and dare you say, even more?--but then one night, he'd left. not a word, not a letter, not anything. just up and left. it had torn a hole in your heart that you tried to fill with too-sweet coffee and running mile after mile, covering stretches of land in the hopes that you'd glimpse his face.
you loathed how you thought about him, how you dreamt up scenarios where he'd walk into the cafe, apologizing for his absence (usually, something had happened to the tsaritsa and he'd had to leave) and sitting down beside you. sometimes, when you hated yourself, you'd imagine him walking in with someone else on his arm.
you lose yourself in your daydream, sipping slowly at your intensely sweet coffee of the day, when someone pulls up a chair across from you. you ignore them and turn up your music, hoping they'll get the hint. can't they tell?? you're lost in your daydream.
three songs play before the other person apparently decides they've had enough and clears their throat. you glance up and a flush washes over your body, background sounds disappearing. your hands tremble a little bit (fucking hell, you want to laugh at yourself) and you can feel a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. you stifle a little laugh. 
you set your tea down, trying to calm your racing heart down, to no avail. he can probably tell how much you'd missed him right on your face. probably it's written right across your forehead: I MISSED YOU SO MUCH I THOUGHT UP AT LEAST 100 SCENARIOS ABOUT YOU COMING BACK.
this is so stupid, you tell yourself, slowly taking off your headphones. "no way," you mutter, "no way you're back."
he spreads his arms out wide, leaning back in his chair, just as he always did. "what can i say? i missed you."
you scoff, but  this time, you can't stop the smile spreading across your face. "i'm mad, just so you know," you tell him, but pull your chair closer to his. "and i have work to do."
"oh," he says. is it just you, or is he a little bit disappointed? huh. maybe he did miss you after all.
"can i call you tonight?" you ask, packing your things up. "i mean--i will. i will call you tonight."
"yes," you hear him call out as you shut the cafe door behind you.
you walk away with a little pep in your step, beaming so wide it hurts your cheeks.
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uselesslilium · 2 months
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[listen on Youtube] [listen on Spotify]
A mix I started like, over two years ago, and only just now have finally completed. :') I may finally know peace.
Track list and lyric samples under the cut:
1. Like the Dawn - The Oh Hellos I was sleeping in the garden When I saw you first He'd put me deep Deep under so that he could work And like the dawn You broke the dark and my whole earth shook
2. Garden Boy - Boy Blue And you've got a face like an ocean So blue, like a fountain pure The last time there were this many flowers in one place It was Eden
3. Big Black Car - Gregory Alan Isakov You were a phonograph, I was a kid I sat with an ear close, just listening I was there when the rain tapped her way down you face You were a miracle, I was just holding your space
4. Parachute - Ingrid Michaelson Won't tell anybody that you turn the world around I won't tell anyone that your voice is my favorite sound I won't tell anybody, won't tell anybody They wanna see us fall, they wanna see us fall down I don't need a parachute, baby, if I've got you Baby, if I've got you, I don't need a parachute You're gonna catch me, you're gonna catch if I fall
5. Rewrite the Stars - Greatest Showman It's up to you And it's up to me No one can say what we get to be So why don't we rewrite the stars? Changing the world to be ours
6. What I’m Trying to Say - Stars I am trying to say What I want to say Without having to say, "I love you"
7. Friends With You - the scary joke Here's to you and me And the crumbling infrastructure no one else can see The end result of my own reckless impulsivity Could you spare a sec to talk to me?
8. Are You Hurting the One You Love - Florence and the Machine Are you hurting the one you love? Bite your tongue until it tastes like blood Are you hurting the one you love? So many glasses on the tabletop Are you hurting the one you love? You'd like to stay in heaven but the rules are too tough
9. The Knife - Lauren Aquilina Thank you for the knife The knife in my back Almost took my life Now it's in my hand And I'll use it like you used me Cut you off and feel no cruelty 'bout that
10. Hurts Like Hell - Fleurie I don't want them to know the secrets I don't want them to know the way I loved you I don't think they'd understand it, no I don't think they would accept me, no I loved and I loved and I lost you And it hurts like hell
11. Francis Forever - Mitski On sunny days I go out walking I end up on a tree-lined street I look up at the gaps of sunlight I miss you more than anything I don't need the world to see That I've been the best I can be, but I don't think I could stand to be Where you don't see me
12. All the Trees of the Field Will Clap Their Hands - Sufjan Stevens And I am throwing all my thoughts away And I'm destroying every bet I've made And I am joining all my thoughts to you And I'm preparing every part for you
13. This is Love - Air Traffic Control It's pathetic, I know A jealous fool who won't let go If I was sorry for my actions Would I ever stoop so low? Got no reason to live And I've got nothing left to give you But my love, love, fuck it, this is love
14. Oleander - Mother Mother You stood beside Me when I Was out of my mind I broke the glass And you were there To sweep it aside And if you leave me Rest assured, it would kill me
15. Hardest of Hearts - Florence and the Machine There is love in your body but you can't hold it in It pours from your eyes and spills from your skin Tenderest touch leaves the darkest of marks And the kindest of kisses break the hardest of hearts There is love in your body but you can't get it out It gets stuck in your head, won't come out of your mouth Sticks to your tongue and shows on your face That the sweetest of words have the bitterest taste
16. Oceanographer’s Choice - The Mountain Goats Thought I'd finally beat the feeling back It all came back today And then we fell down And we locked arms We knocked the dresser over as we rolled across the floor I don't mean it when I tell you That I don't love you anymore
17. Everything I Love is Broken - The Airborne Toxic Event Isn't it strange how the seasons just pass? While you're lost in the farce of the past And you always said you were so tough Then you fell and I watched you give up But you were lonely too You were lonely too
18. I, Carrion (Icarian) - Hozier Once I had wondered What was holding up the ground I can see that all along, love It was you all the way down
19. I See You - Phoebe Bridgers I've been playing dead My whole life And I get this feeling Whenever I feel good It'll be the last time But I feel something When I see you now I feel something When I see you
20. Sick of Losing Soulmates - dodie What the hell would I be without you? Brave face, talk so lightly, hide the truth  'Cause I'm sick of losing soulmates So where do we begin? I can finally see you're as fucked up as me So how do we win?
21. Francesca - Hozier I would not change it each time Heaven is not fit to house a love Like you and I
22. Everything Stays - Olivia Olsen Let's go in the garden You'll find something waiting Right there where you left it lying upside down When you finally find it, you'll see how it's faded The underside is lighter when you turn it around Everything stays right where you left it
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ireneksstuff · 7 months
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Rant below
I'm sorry the fuck did WE do???
Like I think this whole thing started mainly with crows being mad ab the fucking eyeball lore rp, and some of them literally overstepping tubbos boundaries, being borderline ableist, and then accusing him of spreading homophobic rhetoric (and I'm not just referring to that ONE person, that post had like 15 reblogs with people agreeing with them and a lot more likes)
And when we rightfully called them out, they all doubled down until their OWN streamer called them out (bc tubbo addressing it did nothing)
And then sunny happened. Sunny had been expecting good things from phil and tallulah and chayanne bc tubbo spoke very highly of them. And even if it wasn't for tallulah s distrust, which I can write a thesis about tbh(since I think it's unfair to expect sunny to be ok with people disliking her for where she was from) Phil's language was insensitive towards a very traumatized kid that he had not build a stable relationship with. That's a fact. He didn't talk to empanada like that, so why did he towards sunny?
Yes, he did not mean to do that. But the Tubblings used it as an opportunity to have an angst moment. And crows fucking LOST IT. Like no we do not hate Phil guys.We love that old man. We can still make angsty theories with his interactions with sunny.
ALSO, when it was PHILS turn to take lore srsl, he acted the same way he did always due to not realising the gravity of tubbos' death. And that is not a bad thing. But when the Tubblings, instead of getting upset ab him not participating seriously in the lore,we chose to add it into the story, crows were all over it with meta reasons for why we shouldn't do that.
Like do you want serious lore or not? Pick one
I'm not here to pick a fight. Many tubblings have also gone to crows blogs and have sent hate and death threats which are NOT acceptable no matter what.
I'm just trying to point out that the pure hypocrisy that some crows have shown has made tubblings be fed up with this bs. Cause we expect the hate now.
Again we love phil. I was a crow first and i know thats the same for many of us.
However, EVERY time that he interacts with tubbo or when bolas are mentioned, I just feel the exhaustion of preparing for the disaster that my feed will be, due to like 3 crows starting shit, and then tubblings defending themselves.
I'm not kidding. Every tubbling was ready for war on twt when they did the prank, and we were relieved that at least we had the doozers with, so we wouldn't face this shit again on our own.
I am tired of this shit. I love hanging around in Phil's chat when he's playing qsmp. But when I read chat messages like these, I'm just angry? Disappointed that this is still happening? Like you can claim that we are toxic all you want, but so far, every time our communities have been at each others throats its been the crows picking the fights(and no making angsty hc ab the possible perception of a characters behavior does not count, it's normal fandom behavior)
Even while writing this, I had to check my language like 10 times to make sure I didn't piss people off for no reason.
Whether you like it or not, the toxicity didn't start with us
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somekindofsentience · 7 months
the relevance of arcs in the DreamScape AU, or trying my best to make predictions
*cracks knuckles*
Let's do this.
Determining the Goal of Each Arc
If a story is formatted in a particular way, typically it has a specific goal for that. You learn this back in the years of High School English, when you start to understand the point of plays being separated into acts. They have somewhat different stories, but ultimately link to the same final goal, or final climax of the story.
In DreamScape's instance, it is split into three arcs. An arc (in other contexts) typically refers to the development and eventual resolution of a particular theme or aspect - such as a character arc, which portrays character development over a period of time. I tend to use arc when referring to characters, so I'll capitalise when referring to the actual in-text arcs.
I believe that it is possible to use our understandings of the current Arcs to determine where loose ends might be tied up in Arc 3. We know for certain the ending is "bittersweet" - somewhat good, somewhat bad, not unlike the original game.
Arc 1
The first Arc provides us with the most understanding, since it's complete, but it's relatively easy to miss the goal of the Arc, considering how much is going on. We gain understanding of DreamScape as a location and a plot device, and begin to understand the characters centered around it, which is a lot to process.
The importance of the events that occur is obvious. Sunny fucks with the program, revives Mari, and causes a shit ton of problems, including seriously injuring Basil. Basil knows the truth of Mari's weird online activity, and Sunny is trying to fix the problem he made, causing more problems on the way. In the meantime, Kel and Hero wrestle a dysfunctional relationship, and Aubrey and Basil aren't on good terms.
Despite all this, the finale of the Arc is focused on Aubrey's relationship with Sunny, and it deliberately doesn't end with the creation of the Mari virus - that's the beginning. Having it as an ending would be a relatively reasonable ending for a beginning arc, so why wasn't it?
I believe the goal of the first Arc revolves around Aubrey/Kim/Kel discovering what Sunny has done, and also reader discovering the "truth" about Mari's death, as well as the way Sunny's life rotates around it. Rather than a journey of creation, it is a journey of discovery.
Mari's suicide is first directly described in Chapter 10, and so is Sunny's suicide attempt (mimicking his sister's). We also see Sunny's direct involvement in Mari's death - while her legs breaking was already mentioned, here we see Sunny curled up in the corner, sitting with Mari's dead body, when Aubrey finds him. We see Sunny mimic Mari's suicide, and we get one of the most key lines of this arc-
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From this, we learn more about Sunny as a character before the events of her death, and the nature of the destruction of Aubrey and Sunny's relationship, indirectly destroying Aubrey and Basil's relationship at the same time. Similar to the original game (except actually explicit), we watch how the friendship group broke up. This is the goal of the first Arc - much like the Truth Segment of the original game, we are understanding what happened in the past.
The first Arc also introduces Kel and Hero's clashing personalities, and also introduces Kim, to act as "Aubrey's Hero" (at least for this section). Kim and Hero are third-parties who don't like and rarely interact with DreamScape, although they are later required to. I believe setting up these characters makes them more relevant later.
Arc 2
As of current writing, this Arc is incomplete, which makes it difficult to determine its main goal. However, we can look at the current state of events and determine a potential conclusion from there.
Arc 2 has us understand more about the Mari virus, and its interaction and storage of memory. It also introduces Sweetheart, as well as Hero's bargain with her, and it foreshadows/demonstrates severe destruction of DreamScape.
The sequences wherein Sunny enters Mari's memories are very reminiscent of several Truth sequences in the original game. Even the images reflect this, depicting Sunny falling through a red sea; or the hospital. It depicts a continuum of Mari's memory, which also foreshadows the destruction of the way Sunny perceives time.
Despite the horrific nature of it, we know Sunny enjoys being with Mari or acting as her, in her memories - his obsession with his sister has driven him to insane lengths to see and feel her again, punishing himself . In this way, Sunny now acts as an antagonist, where his goals are somewhat beyond reader empathisation and understanding, pivoting them to want him to get help. It may be that we rarely see Sunny as the main perspective onward, but it's perfectly possible for that to not happen as well.
It is likely the game will be immensely broken from here on, or at least somewhat changed. I also predict Sunny will break free from Sweetheart's weird little lab to cause further destruction, because it would ultimately lead to a more interesting future climax.
Considering Loose Ends for Arc 3
The Potential Ending of DreamScape (as a game): Considering the best possibility for a bittersweet ending, the destruction/abandonment of DreamScape as a game would tie up Sunny's grieving and acceptance character arc. Though Hero's focuses on the use of DreamScape to heal grief, Sunny is more relevant and requires more support. Either the virus itself will ruin the game, or Sunny will choose to leave it.
Understanding the Mari Virus: At the present moment, Sunny (and everyone else) has a very limited understanding of the virus - we understand why it is there, and somewhat understand what it can do, but nothing of its extent. Surprisingly, we also understand little about its creation. Either another character will introduce a better understanding of it and its potential, or we learn from Sunny's experience.
A Possible Sunny Final Boss Fight?: Could be an interesting avenue to go down as complete corruption threatens the game, but also threatens Sunny's safety. Aubrey has already fought Sunny before, so it's not impossible. However, that fight also didn't achieve any goals of the other parts of the main cast.
Kel and Hero's relationship: I feel absolutely confident it won't stay this way forever, and we can already see slight change. This also goes for Aubrey and Basil. Whether or not the entire friendship group is revived is debatable, and potentially unlikely, considering Sunny's apparent differences.
Kim as a Character: Putting this here because she's apparently going to get more relevant. This may be because she knows something we do not, or perhaps to understand Aubrey more.
Sweetheart and her Crew: These characters definitely know more about DreamScape than the reader, as is evident by their relevance in the second Arc, as such I believe they might be beneficial to keep around for the next Arc.
Sunny's Eviction/Expulsion Threat: While stated to be five months away, time has been slipping from Sunny's grasp recently, meaning that this is definitely going to become relevant again soon.
Sunny's Physical and Mental Wellbeing: Need I say more?
Basil and Unrequited Love: The pining is probably going to get worse from here, especially considering Sunny's current state. It is possible Basil will have an internal strife between his desire to see Sunny happy and what is best for him.
There's definitely more. It's like, insanely early. I stopped having a train of thought twenty minutes ago. But I hope you enjoyed this!
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bestocship · 1 year
Eva and River (@mothpile)
Hoo boy. river (she/her, 33) and eva (she/he bigender, 30) bonded over being haters at their workplace 10 years ago and have been inseparable cunts in crime since. they call themselves just friends despite both knowing that they feel something for the other that's far mushier and genuine than the light-hearted insults they'll use in the place of giving these thoughts any acknowledgement. Pretending like they're not each other's most important person in the world, given they both aren't quite popular with others, it's easier to just be keep things as they are now and not risk being (gags) awkward. Emotions, right? Loser behaviour.
Of course nothing ever challenges this nope there is no workplace (different than the one they met at) event that causes everything to go to shit and now a bunch of different horror genres are happening at once and nearly everyone is dead or turned into some freaky monster, this life threatening circumstances certainly does not make them have to confront on a deeper level how they feel about one another. River's busy calling Eva "a fucking stupid idiot" for venturing out of the safe zone and into danger "for no fucking good reason, we're all doomed to die here anyways, why the fuck are you trying to speed things up". Because it's easier to say this instead of admitting she doesn't want to lose him, much less have him die somewhere where she'll have no way of knowing he's dead. Eva is equally blunt in terms of rudeness back to her about this. Fail situation. Probably important to mention somewhere that River does get death powers and (accidentally) rots her brain and other core functions so Eva has to deal with that (getting blood to River in a way that does not involve Eva dying in the process, as river is akin to a large frog when it comes to getting blood out of people in this state of being.)
tl;dr fail bisexuals who jackasses to everyone including each other who """care deeply""" (100% not in love guys we swear) about one another. 
their relationship is already bad enough, let them have some kind of win for this suffering.
Edwin Montrose and Giovanni Pantucci (@twinkrundgren @greengartside)
Rivals from childhood, after a long time of being cross continent penpals, the two starcrossed "rivals" reunite after Edwin, an esteemed poet from England, is forced to move to sunny California. Immediately they fall into a routine of annoying and pissed off each other, heightened by the burgeoning sexual tension when a fight ensues. Both repressed bisexuals, neither wanted to admit that these feelings were love until fighting turned into undressing.
Now, after turbulent fights, almost murder, and skin tingling sexual encounters, the two realized that their continued trysts would only lead to mutual self destruction. It was either they burn each other out, or try to make it last, a challenge for the morbid sadomasochistic Edwin and the depressed chronically self-sabotaging Pantucci. Despite both of them trying to make each other worse, their love for one another is the one thing that keeps them afloat.
The hedonist and the ascetic, constantly at odds with each other, yet they are the only two who truly understand one another. Whatever is going on between them would kill the average person, but it's only these two awful people who's flaws seem to complement each other perfectly who can create a relationship so toxic that it wraps back around into being true love.
your problematic fave ship.
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thesillyguyy · 6 months
Is it me, or are long text posts just better when the text is shrunk? It's just very pleasing to me for some reason, and I really really like it. Makes me feel calm. I'm trying to recreate that, but uh. I'm running out of things to say. So I'm gonna tell yall some stories. But ✨️aesthetially✨️
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First story - so I like playing minecraft. And a while ago I was playing this one survival world(I think it's deleted now but I'm not sure). I'm just wandering a snowy biome and trying to get out of it because I fucking HATE snowy biomes. So I eventually come across this ravine thing? It was like a cave with an opening at the top with a river at the bottom I guess? And I was crouched at the edge of the ravine thing, just looking down it because why not. While I'm doing that, a fucking POLAR BEAR comes from behind me and hits me into the fucking ravine, into the water, so that was fun. I almost drowned because that was a really deep river and a very high edge of the ravine so I almost drowned. :) 👍
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Second story - so it's like may of 2020. It's covid, we're at home, etc etc. On our front porch, we have a roof thing over it with pillars at each corner of it. In the corners, where the pillar met the roof thing, a couple of birds made some nests. The one closest to our door was beginning to be made by a chickadee or a finch before a bluejay kicked it out and claimed the nest for itself(that's what my dad said he saw idk). The bluejay hung around for a while, occasionally flying away and bringing sticks or going to eat or something. This went on for like, 2-3 weeks. Then, one night, when my sister and I were waiting on the front porch to be picked up by my nana for a sleepover that weekend, we heard some tweeting from the nest. I saw maybe two baby bluejays, but a couple of days later, my mum said she saw at least four. That was pretty cool until a grackle came by and killed and ate three of the babies. I was pretty sad about that. But after that, I was very careful about watching that last baby when the mum wasn't around. After a good week or so, the baby was pretty grown, and I called him Baby because I was a stupid idiot baby then, and I thought, why not. My mum sat on the porch to smoke a lot in the spring and summer, so she saw the baby try to jump out of the nest multiple times, same as my dad when he sat out there with her, just talking. But one rainy day, I noticed that the baby bird was missing from its nest, and I had thought that he had jumped out and soon figured out how to fly. Or so I thought. Because couple of days later, when it was sunny again, I asked my mum if I could go on my bike. She said yes, so I grabbed the keys to the garage and the side gate. I grabbed my bike out of the garage and walked down the short path while talking to my mum(she sometimes sits out on the deck to smoke) about this dead baby robin I found on the sidewalk while biking one day when I realized I almost RAN OVER THE FUCKING BABAY BLUEJAY. the little fucker was just sitting right in the path without a care in the world. I told Mum, and she went inside to get a towel so we could move him out of the backyard because we had three very big dogs(rest in peace, Tank, I will love you forever) that would probably eat him without a second thought. After about 10 minutes of chasing him around, Mum says to leaving him alone where he was(being in the neighbors front garden, I think). So I go biking for a while and when I come back the little fucker is sitting in the path to the side, on one of those things you'd find in garden shops with bags of dirt on them ig? They were proped up against our garage, and the baby was sitting on the bottom part of it, scaring the living shit out of me. After I put my bike away, I come back to him, and I just sit on the ground in front of him. You know what happened. I fucking pet him. Like the awesome badass i am. He didn't even try to bite me or pull away, either. A few days pass by, and every night, he tries to fly out over our fence(and failing, resulting in faceplanting into the fence). After a while, he managed to climb into our lilac tree and hopped/flew into a bigger tree, and left. Didn't see him again after that. I also renamed him BJ. 👍👍👍
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Yeah no I'm done with this tonight I just spent the last hour writing these so hope you have fun reading them holy fuck
I might do it again, though :)
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hollyswofrewrite · 2 years
Rough rewrite ideas for Arc One:
The dragonets of destiny have 10-15 dragons watching over them. Teaching them the different cultures of the kingdoms, battle tactics, hunting, etc. So when Scarlet comes through and kills them all... mildly traumatizing watching 15 of your only parental figures get killed :D
Kestrel 'killing' Sky is touched on far more. Especially with how Glory's egg looks eerily similar to Sky's+Peril's
On that note, Glory's egg was found in an orphanage in Possibility. It looked red(Rainwing eggs can be any color- they do have a slight opal-like swirl to them) and in the dim light, Webs Conch thought it was a Skywing egg.
That being said, Glory's color changing scales are put to use quite quickly in the TOP(Talons of Peace)'s Holding place for the dragonets.
Yeah... Rainwings aren't 'lazy' anymore. They stay in the jungle, have a camp set up for refugees from the war, and just kinda... avoid the whole thing.
(Not my problem buddy) kind of thinking.
And as such the whole Nightwing thing has changed to affect the Sandwings! Instead of staying on a FUCKING VOLCANO, they stayed on the peninsula that they called home back in Darkstalker's time.
But. whoopsie. Erosion and stuff. So they have to expand into the Sand kingdom, further destabilizing Blaze's control(The main reason why she doesn't just take the crown- she's fighting two wars. The Nightwings are pushing toward a valuable stretch of oasis heavy land.)
Blister's smart now! Less obviously evil.
Scrapping child soldiers because nope not writing that today! Even Blister has standards.
Orca is a main side character in book two- Queen Coral is a villain and is framed as one, and she struggles to hold things together. Not perfect, but trying.
Eventually, both are goaded on by Blister to fight for the crown. Orca is about to win, when she 'trips' over a misplaced something. And gets stabbed by Queen Coral. Tsunami is horrified that the most comforting Big sister figure that she knew is now dead. Because of her mother.
Aaand that's when the Mudwing/Skywing raid happens on the Palace. They escape, but not before a hushed goodbye to Anemone and Orca giving Tsunami and Anemone one of her trinkets/necklaces/earrings/things
Glory's struggle with the Guardians mistreating her is the focus of the third book.
Her adopted big bro Jambu(?) helps her work through it. Oh also Deathbringer/Jambu for life, convince me otherwise.
We get introduced to Kinkajou and Moon here- Moon is an escaped refugee who's mother helped the Sandwing's with information. They got exiled.
Glory is horrified and starts to realize what the war does to dragons
She eventually gives the council the big idea of letting the Nightwings into the forest.
They accept.
Book four is all about trying to make that happen! Starflight enters the Kingdom as a spy, fighting on the Sand Kingdom's side(Thorn begs Sunny, but Starflight steps up instead as a more passing nightwing.
He doesn't know about the rainforest truce. The dragonets got split up after book three in the chaos.
Shenanigans ensue.
Buut eventually the Nightwings start slowly heading to the Rainforest.
How does Starflight get blinded?
He was always blind
Book five- Sunny time!
Sandwing politics. and stuff.
Scavengers? Ew.
Sunny gets kidnapped by Burn. But Burn is kinda busy, so Sunny is left to wander. She reads scrolls. lots of them(Mainly due to missing Starflight)
And she sees how this has happened before.
Fights for power
Killing innocent dragonets.
Corrupt Kings/Queens.
And she realizes.
That the system is horrible.
More shenanigans ensue.
Eventually, the three sisters face off. Sunny tries to stop them, but they don't listen.
They all end up dying. Dying for power.
All the other Royalty of all Kingdoms are horrified.
But Sunny leads the example by starting a new way-
Book cuts off at Jade Mountain. All best buds are together.
And the idea for Jade Mountain academy is born.
Whoo, that one was a doozy!
Hope you enjoy!
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