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neonlightsfnaf · 1 year ago
Welcome !
ROLE TAKEN: Vanessa Shelly.
Thank you for your application, hyperchromatic! @hyperrchromatic You have been accepted as the writer of Vanessa Shelly, and I'm super excited to have you! :>
Since the roleplay is very very new, I will be sending out discord links when we have a few more roles filled! Thank you for your patience and I hope to see you soon in the server <3
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cuprohastes · 2 months ago
About ten, fifteen years ago I wrote a story about a guy living in a Capitalist dystopia. His walls, furniture, and tableware are all covered in smart displays. Basically animated wallpaper. It's sold as being able to turn your room or objects into anything - A nice forest view, outer space, a fantasy realm... but the companies that run this stuff keep sneaking ads in.
It gets so bad he's always being woken up by adverts that offer insomnia cures and better bedding that play when he tries to sleep.
So he buys the ad-free tier, and it's great... for a few months. And then he starts getting adverts from 'premium partners'. So he goes up a level... and the same thing happens.
So he jailbreaks his wallpaper and sends all the ad servers to and voila... he can sleep.
Until this SWAT team blows his door off and drag him off to jail. The Ad companies are suing him for loss of revenue for the products he' notionally have bought if he'd watched their adverts, based on some weird 'The average consumer buys X products with an average value of Y' calculation.
The judge is like 'well I dun wanna annoy the sponsors' so he RICO's this guy's house and possessions and sends him to jail.
... which is a nice relaxed non-volent offender jail for the corporately disenfranchised. But because these people have no money... there's no ads and now he's happy because the only place he's free... is in prison.
Which at the time was a bit much and now it's like: Called it.
Elon's suing companies for not advertising because he's losing revenue. He's also cranking the price of Ad Free Twitter. Disney and Amazon play adverts on their paid service when services used to be free because of the adverts... and now you have to pay to watch the adverts or go up a couple of tiers.
And google's going around freaking out about ad-blockers.
The original story was lost. However, I have started re-writing it. The first part is here - If there's enough interest, I'll keep going.
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suzypfonne · 4 months ago
Before January 2025:
If you are a USAmerican in a relationship that might be affected by legislation that dissolves same-sex marriages, who may no longer be recognized as next-of-kin, especially if you have children, get your rights in writing!
Your marriage certificate may not be enough to prove you have rights to make medical decisions for non-biological children or for a same-sex spouse or partner.
Go to a lawyer, get it spelled out as clearly as possible that you have a voice in emergency medical and legal situations.
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stinkybrowndogs · 2 months ago
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My foster dog’s adventures in motherhood
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malfoyesque · 1 month ago
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kenapiece-main · 7 months ago
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Can you believe I'm having to make this meme even after successfully finishing up taxes and applying to job
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cartoonsinthemorning · 8 months ago
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Since you guys liked Marcille as Kermit that much, it seems fitting to thank you for my 12k milestone with MORE Kercille. And this time, Miss Falin is also here.
Thank you so much again everybody! MWAH 💗
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scapegods · 2 months ago
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Chosen of the Wolf
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nightvaleofficial · 2 months ago
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dragonpyre · 5 months ago
Au where Jason is under the impression Talia told Bruce Jason was alive and just moves back to Gotham to get back to the life he missed. GED, college, part time job, etc. Runs into one of the bats at a coffee shop one day and is confused why they just fainted
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mushroom-punk · 1 year ago
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happy episode 11!
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anymouslydone · 1 year ago
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alexbutrandomthoughts · 11 months ago
"Can't two guys be just friends?" If they stop looking at each other like that then sure
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brbarou · 4 months ago
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affection that held us together
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thestuffedalligator · 10 months ago
It is November of 1893. You have just killed a vampire. Exhausted and worn, you close your eyes and rest.
You wake up. It is May of 1893. You are on a train en route to Transylvania. Your diary says you have had queer dreams lately.
You try to believe it.
(An old woman puts a rosary in your hands. You accept it without question.)
You are a guest in a castle you have never been in before (you recognize every hallway and know without trying that every door is locked). Your host is a man you have never met before (you killed him you killed him you killed him he had turned to dust and there was blood on the snow).
One morning you cut yourself while shaving.
There is nobody behind you in the pocket mirror’s reflection.
You turn fast, and the razor is like a Kukri knife in your hand.
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