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scruus · 1 year ago
…..i should open my inbox more
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tonitart · 1 year ago
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✨Tatsu with Gin ✨
[Commission for @scramingmantis thank you!!]
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hellish-heart-ships · 2 years ago
Most to least dangerous with my yandere self ship AUs
Wally, Kaito, mondo, Byakuya, Junko, Miu
If you’re smart enough to not push their buttons you’ll be safe
Syobai, Kokichi, Charles, Ace, Tatsu, Mikan, Monika, Taka
Leon, Hideyoshi
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s30620 · 3 months ago
Chapter 143: Let's Take a Break
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Tatsu's take on the "one bed" trope... but not with the main couple lol. Both Momo and Unji are very polite in this chapter, neither did something to make the other uncomfortable and respected each other's boundaries. I can't blame Unji for feeling something here, they just met but they work so well.
It's also so sweet that Momo is constantly thinking about Okarun, even in her dreams ❤️🥹 I wonder if Unji realized Momo is already in love with someone else when he heard her say that.
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saitatsu-enthusiast · 9 months ago
SaiTatsu shippers have reached 10,000 members on Reddit!
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I want to thank Fair6805 for coming out from beyond the stars and blessed us with SaiTatsu content for an entire year. He single handedly made this subreddit go from 400 to 6000 while he was here!
He appeared when SaiTatsu was barren. He showed and expressed his love for this ship Harder than anyone!
While he is more active on Twitter now, and has cultivated his fanbase on Twitter; we will always love and appreciate all the hardwork he did to elevate us to farther heights.
You will always be remembered and loved, we hope to see your return! 💖
I'd like to thank ChipTooth and Kymedi for securing the 1000 member mark with their comics! Their dedication to this ship also knows no bounds. We hope you're doing better! Much love to you two!
So many people to thank...Shaggy_Angel for being a consistent figure.
Fast_Cauliflower! mad3ofstardust! Bebe-tatsu! Allergictowatermelon!
So, so many. If I didn't write your name, don't worry - we haven't forgotten. There's just so many to choose from.
But thank you, everyone here! None of this would've been a reality without all of you!
Thank you for expressing your interest in this ship. Thank you so much for being part of this community!
Thank you, all! Much love! ❤️
Credit to Artists:
Shaggy_Angel (come back to us bro 😭)
Collage art of: Katu, Hombre_Negativo, Taiyonnii, and hehevich
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lostgalaxylee · 9 months ago
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Hanzoku Sentai Genshōger
Loosely translating as Bandit Squadron Phenomenon-Rangers.
Genshōger is an original team of my design with a Japanese folklore inspired, ninja, and yokai motif. Since yokai are typically the villains this team is made up of more anti-hero type characters, they lean toward good but stay mainly in a gray area. Within their world, the real villains are the powers-that-be, who report the Genshōgers as being evil and this is what's widely believed by the general public.
The five members are social outcasts and undesireables who fight against insurmountable odds but are committed to defending the truth.
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Hey, could you do a rottmnt boys with a dragon yokai S/O who's roughly 8' foot, really tough scales, and is a bit of an older sister/mom friend.
Thanks, I love everything you do ❤️💙💜🧡
Thank you for the kind words :)
I've already done 2012 Leo with a dragon Reader, check it out if you want!
Raph, Leo, Donnie and Mikey x dragon yokai Reader
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★ Canonically Raph is six feet tall, so you are taller than him by two feet. The hight difference between the two of you makes him blush. He's not used to being around someone who is taller than him.
★ He's always had to be the responsible one in his family so giving someone to share that burden is a godsend. The first time you showed concern over him getting hurt he froze up because he didn't know what to do.
★ Don't even get me started on when you clean up after him. He feels really bad about making a mess but with his size it is unavoidable, it's something that you both know well.
★ I like the trope of dragons hoarding treasure but imagen your "treasure" being stuffed animals. Hear me out. Just think about him walking into your home expecting it to be full of treasure. Only to see a literal mountain of stuffies in front of him. He'd be smitten.
★ Mom friend head cannons! (Might have repeated some stuff)
★ Lord knows that this guy needs a mom friend to keep him in line. Remember the episode where he continuesly eats poison? When you found out you dragged him to his room by the tails of his mask and lectured him for about a hour.
★ He's a little scared of you, not gunna lie. Leo would never admit it though. If anyone in his family found out they all would start threatening to invite you over when he's back on his bullshit.
★ He pushes every button you have but it's worth it because he would give up anything for you. And you would do the same. The things you put up with in the name of love....
★ At first he hated it when you motherd him. He doesn't need to be babied! Honestly he only hates it because it's a blow to his bad boy image. Later when you start to date he can't get enough, just as long as his family isn't in the room.
★ He has a bad boy image to maintain, so don't try to dote on him in public. If you do you will get a death glare because he can't bring himself to push you away.
★ Similar to 2012 Leo you gotta hide your mystical valuables from him. But unlike Leo's 2012 counterpart he doesn't want to give them back two there original owner. He wants to study any/all mystical items you have.
★ Big lady! Please carry him when he doesn't want to get up. The only person who has been able to carry him in the past 5 years is Raphael. He does the grabby hands thing and everything to try and get you to pick him up.
★ The size difference between the two of you is great because you always end up being big spoon while cuddling. This includes making massive pillow forts in the lair to binge watch shows and have lazy days in.
★ He practices drawing dragons in a traditional Japanese art style (also known as ryu or tatsu). Your figure is really unique and it inspires him to draw more inhuman characters.
★ Although he loves it when you pick him up, it can be very scary when you fly high up with him. It takes him awhile to warm up to it, pretty funny considering his future self floats. (that's basically flying, right?)
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auracinnabon · 2 months ago
🪔 garudiya Follow
so annoying how some karura just walk around thinking they can do whatever they want and be a nuisance to everybody in sorashima
💥 hawktic Follow
ffs can you stop fucking vagueposting about me like im sorry for throwing your baby sister off the roof of an 18-story building during her fledgling ceremony that ONE time but it’s a really common tradition in hokuto and in fairness I thought she could stick the landing bc ive seen babies successfully drop from like twice as high
🪔 garudiya
💥 hawktic
💐 utternonscents Follow
hey sorry not to intrude but what the FUCK is going on in the karura legion
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🪕 mawhoreraga Follow
ok chat the yasha are all asleep. post people committing petty crimes
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🔘 akala-activist-deactivated2
fuck you. do you know how fucking offensive this is? live a single day in the yasha legion and you’ll see that this shit is literally NOTHING to be joked about. People have lost their LIVES over what the rest of you see as “petty” crime thanks to our fundamentally broken justice system and our corrupt government. Sick and fucking tired of people acting like this shit is funny. If you’re not reading up on Yasha history/spiritology and working to incite real change, then kindly shut the fuck up and shove 8 cactuses up your asshole. I hope you and everyone else who exhaled through their nose at this post kill yourselves. better yet, save your stupid peabrains the trouble. I’ll take a fucking hammer to your dense ass skulls for you! maybe that’ll help fix the numerous dents in it ❤️
🪕 mawhoreraga
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☸️ bhavacockra Follow
now im not a yasha but don’t you think telling a stranger over the internet to kill themselves and/or threatening to murder them via hammer to the skull is just gonna earn you a shit ton of negative karma
🌋 magma-enthusiast Follow
🏝️ piklus-nansei-vacation Follow
HOLY SHIT??????????
🎏 waterfallhopper Follow
that explains why not a lot of yasha are online I guess
🪕 mawhoreraga
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☔️ raindancer Follow
so like……….. none of us ACTUALLY believe that that thing king tatsu took in is actually his “kid” right. let alone his “heir”. like we all just simultaneously agreed to play along and pretend. right
🍶 forfucks-sake Follow
people in the naga legion once again proving that they don’t believe adoption is real
🍱 bento-ver Follow
ok but in this case i feel like people are pretty justified in being skeptical
⛩️ toriibay Follow
they arent even blue
☔️ raindancer
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🐊 waniful Follow
Ok, so now that this new council thing is in place, which legion leader do we think is the most likely to come out as gay within the next few years. place ur bets now
🪶 death2amrita Follow
all of em except thre old man the brookie girl and da racist
🌳 mueang-365 Follow
Isn’t Queen Tasanee, like, superstraight?
🪶 death2amrita
homophobic homosexual probs
🪶 death2amrita
🔥 phoenixarizonerrrrrr Follow
2 for 2, oomfie
🪶 death2amrita
i know
🔥 phoenixarizonerrrrrr
you gotta stop doing this
🪶 death2amrita
I knqow
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🪽 wings-of-contemplation Follow
i love kalavinka but i swear she’s the reason for the insane uptick in kinnara fetishization shit ive seen going around. you guys know we’re not all like her right
🦢 peahen-tai Follow
why are you kinkshaming
🪽 wings-of-contemplation
kinnara raceplay fetish blog, opinion discarded
🦜 liarbird Follow
bros openly into feather poaching lmao what the fuck
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🎇 riverripped6to4 Follow
guess whose house just got firebombed by a bunch of ten supremacists 😀 at this point I might just move back to ashurado bc this is getting ridiculous. link to my ko-fi if you wanna help a low-income transfemme ashura and her pet komainu out
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⚓️ samudra-sailor Follow
ngl is it bad that ive kinda always wanted to try naga
🏯 naga-history-daily Follow
⚓️ samudra-sailor
cmere lizard boy let me have a bite 🤤🍽️
🏯 naga-history-daily
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🦎 nagaparvata-traditionalist Follow
ok but WHYYYYYY are we all acting like it’s suddenly okay to ignore all the ten’s past war crimes just bc their newest queen made a little friendship circle? youre all so fucking stupid and gullible it’s crazy. let’s not forget that the ten were responsible for hundreds of Asura legion casualties just a COUPLE of years ago, when yalls ten savior girl was STILL IN POWER. begging you all to stop glorifying politicians and holding them up on these insane pedestals. I hope King Tatsu stands up to her bullshit and comes up with a plan to take the amrita back from the Ten cause it feels like hes the only legion leader with a functioning brain anymore
🎭 tennyure Follow
“stop holding politicians up on these pedestals” then strokes king tatsu’s dick in the next sentence lol. spoken like a true naga who’s just salty they don’t have their funny little fiji water back
🦎 nagaparvata-traditionalist
this you? > 40.7116° N, 74.0133° W
🎭 tennyure
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🐦‍🔥 dharm-yoddha-garud-stan Follow
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ninadove · 1 year ago
23 for your Spotify wrapped!
Thank you for the ask! ❤️
There’s only one option for this one:
“Does one ever get used to it?”
The question echoes into the summer night, heavy with the scent of blooming buddleias. Felix has not let go of her hand even once; she gives it a squeeze, as if to delay the inevitable separation.
“I should be the one asking you,” he remarks, his thumb drawing small circles across her skin. “You’ve worn your ring much longer than I have worn mine.”
“I wasn’t talking about the rings themselves,” she corrects. “Not exclusively, at least.”
The weight of the jewel is familiar, reassuring; it is also a burden, one she will never be able to lay down.
“All it would take to get rid of us is one crack. One snap of someone’s fingers,” she states, twisting the sigil around. “We are only one mistake away from non-existence.”
“So is everyone else around us.” He smiles, as if it was nothing. “The only difference is that we don’t get the luxury of forgetting.”
She supposes their condition is a blessing, too. Lately, too much of her time has been spent lamenting, or worse, hesitating; perhaps this is just the reminder she needed.
She stops by the corner of the park — just out of view of Tatsu. The streetlight casts a golden glow across Felix’s features, highlighting the curve of his grin, the angle of his Roman nose.
When her hand rests on his cheek, he lets out a gasp, but does not pull away.
“If this is what we’re dealing with,” she starts, heart pounding in her chest, “if we could disappear into nothingness so easily, then — I don’t want to waste the time we do have.”
Still, she debates her next move, blinking a tear away. All she needs is to hoist herself up on her tiptoes — but the effort is tremendous when she could fall once more.
When she opens her eyes again, Felix has met her halfway, his nose brushing against hers.
“I’ve spent my entire life running against the clock,” he sighs, his breath warm against her lips. “I think I was running towards you.”
One more whiff of the perfumed air, and she melts into him, leaving her doubts behind.
Now also available on AO3.
Ask game here!
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wiffhuff · 1 year ago
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A collection of cursed XCX characters I did earlier today on Insta!!!! I think my favourite one is either Buff Tatsu or Catboy Doug w/ heart glasses ❤️
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stepswowdsen · 10 months ago
【WATGBS AU】 IdaTatsu 🖤🤍❤️💙
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【WATGBS AU】 IdaTatsu 🖤🤍❤️💙
Recent doodle redraws of IdaTatsu 🐬🐟
Homicidal oreo x magical oarfish wifey! 💘💘💘
Idate the oreorcat 🐈‍⬛🐬
Idate wears blue eyeliner to match with Tatsumiya's red eyeliner and because her favourite colour is ultramarine blue (群青色, gunjyou iro) 💙❤️
Matching couple eyeliner! 💗💞 I initially gave Idate blue eyeliner just cuz I thought it'd look nice since I chose blue as his theme colour to be the opposite of Tatsumiya...
Idate's theme colours are black, white, and blue 🖤🤍💙 Orca colours and blue
Tatsumiya's are white and red 🤍❤️ Oarfish colours
Takama's are black, white, and purple 🖤🤍💜 Purple, the colour of Poison... hehe.
Oh and I updated the shape of Idate's dorsal fin and his eye patch markings on his hair. Cuz I imagine Idate to be a Bigg's (Northern Hemisphere) Transient Orca (which are often seen near Japan too) 💗
I was trying to balance getting a good shape for his eye patch markings that look close to how IRL Transient orcas' markings look, and good shape language. So I took some creative liberties.
My fave animals are cats and orcas~~ Due to this God forsaken AU /pos
I gained a hobbyist interest in studying orcas and collecting orca plushies 🖤🤍
But the fact that ultramarine blue is Tatsumiya's fave colour makes my colour choice for Idate's eyeliner such a big brain move (all unintentional too) 🥰
Redrew the Idate and Tatsumiya doodles a bit.
Idate has darkened black gradient limbs since he's a demon, but I'll draw that later
My lines and line weights improved a lot since 2023 hehe
I mainly just redrew the face for now (adjusted the eyes and nose and mouth slightly) since they didn't really need major fixes
Oh and I fixed the alignment of Idate's earrings. He wears star and black sun ones (shaped like pointed void spirals), like a black Sun with pointed ends.
I'm planning to give Tatsu star and moon ones so they can match as the Sun/Moon themed couple.
My leitmotif/symbolism choices with them are intentional to match with the story in our WATGBS AU and to give them accessories that represent the other that they're connected with in their designs
I'll redraw the rest later 🙏
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scruus · 5 months ago
*throws up and cries* I miss this fuck ass manga already. Gege give me my wife back
Gege is our true enemy tatsu. Sukuna? Nah man thats just a character. The one writing their fates and twisting it according to his planned thoughts is the one we all should be looking at. I just want my wife and puppy back😩😩. Its so tiring but a look at geto’s smile and gojo’s smirk is enough to put me back on my 🦶
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Real image if me waiting for my babies
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tsaltyshims · 8 months ago
Dragons Banking Through Beautiful Skies
Rating: E ❤️
Miku sees Tatsu covered in blood in a dark alleyway. She couldn't leave him there so against all common sense she brings him home.
A story on how Miku met Tatsu, fell in love with her somewhat deranged yakuza, and Tatsu found his calling as the most wonderful househusband ever.
My thoughts:
Unfinished at the moment but I love what the author has created so far for Tatsu and Miku’s backstory. So good. Tatsu/Miku forever. No one does it like them.
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hellish-heart-ships · 2 years ago
🕷️🌕 for Tatsu, Hide and Charles
Self ship ask game
- 🕷️ : three words to describe your f/o!
Tatsu: Determined, loyal, tender
Hide: Softhearted, initiative, loving
Charles: principled, endearing, awkward
🌕 : general vibe of your f/o?
Tatsu: Intimidating but soft malewife!!!
Hide: Sweet, softhearted jock
Charles: Unintentionally adorable, stumbling malewife
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bubblesthemonsterartist · 2 years ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
Oh gosh I have so many fics this is an almost impossible ask, but I'll roll with the ones I have the strongest feelings about right now in this moment (as I scroll through my AO3 history)
and my sleeves are growing wet with the moisture dripping through [Mononogatari, Malevolent Spirits, Hyoma/Botan] - My most recent fic and the first time I've been the first fic in the tag! Just a little bit of hurt/comfort to soothe my soul. Still waiting for the tag wranglers to create an official tag on AO3 for it, but this was a lot of fun and I feel absolutely normal about this series, don't check
Seven Nights [Hakuouki, Yamazaki Susumu/Yukimura Chizuru, 🍋] - First completed multichapter in a non-AnS fandom! It's a slice of life/post war/home renovation fic the whole way down and I loved writing it.
the abyss gazed unto thee [Hakuouki, no pairing] - NECROMANCY 🙌🙌🙌
A Place at the Table [Akagami no Shirayukihime, Snow White with the Red Hair, Happy Family] - Gen slice of life series about Obi, Ryuu, and Shirayuki bonding over food. It soothes my heart writing it and going back to read it 💖
Initiate [Gokushufudou, Way of the Househusband, no pairing] - I mean, YES, canon pairing but it's not the focus on the fic. The focus is Tatsu finding a home and a sense of belonging in the community. It was my first fic outside of AnS, period!, and by kudos is my top fic on AO3.
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xianzhoualliance · 1 year ago
I just wanted to say ill alawysw love stellation but your new url is so good like I want to take a bite out of it you know when a combinartion of words and letters is just really good.... combined with tatsu pfp and eichi suicide header it makes me smile due to my joy since they are two sides of the same coin. bless 🙏
WAAA TY i found out it was valks title track (i think?!?!?!) and i justneeded to snatch it up.. ALSO HELPP hes so beautyful even when hes jumping off a building…❤️
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