#...this isn't really a /happy/ vibes playlist yet
aparticularbandit · 4 months
-starts playlist for dr/haruhi crossover-
-immediately has a better series title and has to go change it-
Gonna call it That Faint Green Light. It's a Gatsby reference!
...still have no idea what I'm going to call the first fic, though.
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year
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Realize where you belong.
Pairing: neteyam sully x female!human!reader/female!dreamwalker!reader
Neteyam is aged up.
Chapter 2
CW: angst, reader hates her life, neteyam is like her "secret admirer" but he eventually becomes obsessed, so, it gives off some creepy vibes, possessive neteyam, forbidden love, neteyam is REALLY protective over her, neteyam isn't really fond of humans (hates them) and only makes an exception for reader, TRIGGER WARNING for a few depression symptoms (such as reader holding back tears and looking miserable really often), stalking, obsessive behavior & possessiveness
Synopsis: Reader is unhappy with her human life. She works for the lab as a cook. She's a Dreamwalker and she spends every free day she gets walking through Pandora's forests. In one of those days, Neteyam sees her but she doesn't notice him. He falls in love, seeing how happy she is amidst nature. Neteyam finds out she's actually a human in an Avatar, so, he finds a way to go where her real body is. He hates to admit it but, seeing her in her human body, he realizes he still loves her. After watching her, he notices how she's always happier when she's in her Avatar, so, he develops a deeper connection to her. However, he becomes obsessive. Reader has only heard about him, the famous son of Jake Sully and future Olo'eyktan, praised for his great achievements as a young Omatikaya. After getting reader's attention, Neteyam asks her to choose to live forever in her Avatar, becoming his mate and making tsaheylu with him, gaining a new home as a fresh member of his tribe. Reader is scared and torn, since, even though she's intensely attracted to him and only truly enjoys life when she's Dreamwalking, she doesn't really know him and she's afraid of dying when trying to go past Eywa's eye. But Neteyam just won't give up on her that easily.
♡ This is Reader's Avatar
☆ This is the official playlist for this story, the songs I listen to while working on it.
Finally, this fanfic is out!! lots of people seemed to love the tiny sneak peek I posted so... I hope you guys will love the fanfic itself too hehe I'm so relieved I could finally post it ooof My environment is the worst EVER rn & i haven't had any motivation or focus to write lately BUT i seem to be getting out of that damned writer's block I was in (ITS THE WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD UGH HATE IT TO DEATH)
Not proofread. My life is a hurricane, so, we don't work with proofread stories here. Hope you find it in your hearts to forgive me, my angels :')
na'vi words:
yawne - beloved
tsaheylu - the neurological bond the na'vi make with their mate, through their tendrils, at the end of their long braid.
Chapter 1
I love your touch, cold as ice
And I love every single tear you cry
I just love the way you're losing your life
Oh, my baby, how beautiful you are
Oh, my darling, completely torn apart
Gone With The Sin (HIM)
Neteyam would look at you every moment he could. He didn't have that much free time since he was the Olo'eyktan's son and had so many responsibilities weighting on his shoulders. But he would always make any sacrifice he needed to make to find time to see you. Even if it meant using the few hours he had to himself to contemplate you. His sad, gloomy-eyed, beautiful girl. You were not actually his yet, but, he was determined to make that change.
Neteyam saw you holding back tears way too damn often, so, he was always deeply worried about you, and, that was one of the reasons why he was always creeping around, high up in branches of trees located in Hell's Gate, watching over you, almost every day, ready to help you, defend you from any danger, to say "screw it" to how out of the blue it would be if he - a stranger, a male na'vi stranger - just came up to you and said "hey, I've been watching you for a while, and… I'm so, so in love with you. Please, leave this damn idiotic human life you live and let Eywa help you be transferred to your Avatar body for good, just like she helped my father. You're so insanely pretty like this - and I have never felt attracted to any female of your demon kind before, so, believe me when I talk about your beauty - but you look even prettier when you're in your Avatar form. Let me make you my mate, let me make you the future Olo'eyktan's mate. I can give you a far better life than the one you have now"
He knew he was just a weird alien boy (as the humans would probably say), stalking you, always up in the highest tree branches he could find and reach, watching a girl while she cooks - as it was your job - like a hunter watching their prey. But he meant no harm. On the contrary, he meant to take care of you, to save you from it all. Because he wasn't blind. Neteyam saw how unhappy you looked while peeling potatoes (he knew what they were because his dad who was once human told him and his siblings about how delicious that vegetable from Earth tasted, especially when it was made as French fries) to cook on the high-tech stove the humans used to prepare their meals in and prepare mashed potatoes to those damn lab guys who invaded his Planet and did nothing but harm.
Neteyam thought it to be unnecessary. His future mate could easily prepare the same potatoes in a bonfire he would light up for you in the Omatikaya forest. He knew they would taste even better roasted in the natural fire than just plainly cooked in that energy fueled cooking device the humans used. He could give you a life so incredibly better than the one you had right now, it pained him to see his yawne working so hard to feed every damn scientist in that cold, air-conditioned lab while not being as appreciated and thanked by them as you deserved to be. You could be preparing food to feed his children instead, the sons and daughters he would give you, if only you accepted becoming his forever mate.
He hated the humans. They didn't know how to lead a proper life. But you were different.
Neteyam knew how breathtaking you looked in a na'vi like body because the first time he saw you, you were in your Avatar body - as you were a Dreamwalker - and that's when he fell in love with you. But he learned to love your human body too. He could never hate you, even in your human form. You were the only human he did not despise.
The day Neteyam first saw you, he was out in the forest to hunt and gather food, collecting bladder polyps, lionberry seeds and trying to kill a hexapede, so, he could bring all of it home and him and his family could eat a nutritious dinner.
That's when he heard a squeaky, funny laugh. It was a female voice, he recognized. Neteyam followed that sound just like he was a sailor and the girl whose laugh he heard was a mermaid, bewitching his senses and drawing him closer.
When he saw you, it was like his heart was going to explode in a thousand pieces, so fast it was beating inside his rigid ribcage, so strongly the blood was being pumped through his arteries. He knew he had to make you his mate, to have you forever.
Neteyam had always been a practical and rational young man, he had to be. He was the eldest son and had to look after his 3 younger siblings and not show a single sign of weakness when his father would scold him in a harsh tone, whenever any of his siblings - specially his younger brother, Lo'ak -, got into trouble and somehow, Neteyam ended up having to take responsibility over their actions. "But that girl… that beautiful, ethereal girl… she makes me believe in things I've never even considered before. I know it sounds stupid to say that about a girl I just met, only some minutes ago but I don't care", he thought. Only he and Eywa herself knew the raw, powerful feeling he was experiencing at that moment. He just wanted to let go for a while. To not force himself to be all brains, zero heart for once, just once. And you were gifting him the opportunity to do just that. Your beauty was so enchanting, it could leave any creature in awe.
His father had once told him about Christianity, one of the most popular religions back on the glory days of the Planet Earth, and, of course he didn't follow those beliefs, his spirituality was completely based on Eywa, the Great Mother, the spirit and moving energy of Pandora, but, if the beings called "angels" his father talked about were real, Neteyam was utterly sure that they could only look like you.
You were perfect. Every curve of your body, every bioluminescent freckle, every pattern of your stripes, your long dark braided hair falling like water on your flawless back, as you kept smiling and touching every single flower you could see, playing in a foolish way, just like a child. He felt a primal urge coming from his guts to make tsaheylu with you right there, right at that moment.
So many thoughts roamed through Neteyam's mind: "I need her… right here, right now. She's… ugh… I've never felt anything like this before… What's going on with your stupid mind, Neteyam?! You can't just choose any girl to be your mate, you'll be the next Olo'eyktan, remember?! The best choice would be a girl who has a calling to be Tsahìk. Maybe your parents will try to arrange a marriage, to find the perfect match for you. Damn! Who am I trying to fool? She is the only perfect match for me…"
Neteyam started to watch you go about the forest every chance he got.
When he found out you were actually a Dreamwalker, a human in a body created in a laboratory, a hybrid of demon and na'vi, a freak... It was like his world was falling apart, piece by tiny piece crashing on the floor. How did he not notice your fifth finger before?! Was he that much under your spell, that blinded by how beautiful and charming you were?, he asked himself.
So, he told himself he was going to find a way to at least see what your true form looked like. He hissed at the thoughts and feelings you had caused him the whole way to Hell's Gate, where the laboratory was and where he knew all the humans that stayed in Pandora and had an Avatar stayed.
When Neteyam saw you in your human body, he got hit by something as strong as lightning. The moment he sniffed your sweet scent (the smell you had in your Avatar had notes of your original human scent, as your DNA was used to build that body), the moment he recognized that melodious voice… The expression in those eyes, that smile, that laughter… it was you. His yawne.
He didn't understand how that was possible, what he was feeling. Nevertheless, he realized he still loved you. His heart still beat fast for you. It didn't matter which physical form you took. Na'vi or human. You were you. And he loved you. Madly.
His people had a great contempt towards the ones who Dreamwalked. They were "demons in false bodies", like his grandma and his mother always said. And Neteyam himself felt the same. Worse, he had felt disgusted by the love and desire you made him feel, back when he watched you wandering around the Omatikaya lands, when you would jump like a little kid, so happy playing with the bioluminescent, neon plants of the forest.
But, still, that feeling lingered inside him. The attachment, the deep affection, the devotion… He could not comprehend it.
All Neteyam could grasp was that he hated all humans, but you were the only exception.
Even though you were originally human, you had a na'vi heart. He just knew that. As crazy and impossible as it sounded, he figured out it was true. And that blew his mind. That sorrowful girl he was seeing cooking in a small technological kitchen was not the same one he had seen at the forest. But it was, at the same time. It apparently made no sense, but it actually did. You were not where you belonged. You did not belong imprisoned among those four walls that the other humans kept you in. That you were keeping yourself in. You belonged free amidst the Pandoran trees. You did not belong in those big human clothes. You belonged in a comfortable loincloth and a big leaf necklace covering your beautiful breasts, letting the wind hit your skin.
You seemed out of place in that environment you were currently in. And that made Neteyam feel something so overpowering. He knew it was useless to try and fight it. He was not even sure if he even wanted to fight it anymore. That feeling was good. It felt just like what he felt when he thought you were a na'vi girl. He even felt attracted to you, even though he still thought you looked much prettier in your Avatar body.
He was fully aware you were one of the demons. But you were not like the rest of them. You were special. He could tell that. He could tell you'd be a hundred per cent happier if he could convince you to become na'vi. And that's exactly what he was planning to do. He still did not know how, but he would find a way.
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Hi! Could you talk more about "character development exercises", please?:]
Character Development Exercises
Character development exercises are writing exercises you can do to help you explore and develop your characters. This isn't a required part of writing or character development, but many writers find it helpful. Here are some that I like to do when I'm struggling to get to know a character:
Character Interview - imagine that you’ve pulled your character out of a story into the room and now have the opportunity to interview them. What questions would you ask them? What do you want to know about them that you don’t already know? What do you think the reader would want to know? What might be pertinent to the story that you haven’t thought about yet?
TV Crew follow around - Imagine you’ve dropped an invisible TV crew into your story’s world to follow your character around through an average day (even if it's anachronistic). Follow them from the moment they wake up until the moment they go to bed that night. What are they like when they wake up? What is their morning routine? What do they eat for breakfast? How do they get ready? What do they do throughout the day? Who do they interact with? What else do they eat and drink? What do they do for fun or relaxation? How to they make money or meet their basic needs? What is their bedtime routine like?
Letters or Journal Entries - Look at your character's back story, off-screen events, etc. and find something for your character to write about in a journal entry or a letter to another character. What would they say about this event? How does it make them feel? What do they think about it?
Use Your Character in a Writing Prompt - Look at some writing prompts and do one using your character as the main character. You can keep it within your story's world or plop them into a whole different world. Whatever works for you and your story. This is about getting to know this character in a different context than the events of your story provides.
Create a Character Mood Board/Aesthetic - Mood boards go a long way in mentally fleshing out a character for me. Being able to have a visual representation of their style, their vibe, things that are important to them, etc. really turns them into real people in my mind.
Create a Playlist for Your Character - I think playlists can also be a really great way to mentally flesh out a character in your mind. Sometimes, just having a particular song or a playlist of songs that makes you think of them gives them some dimension they wouldn't otherwise have.
Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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battydora · 1 year
masterlist | rules
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pairing: kyojuro rengoku, reader
content: sfw, college au, modern au, gn reader, friends to lovers, too tooth rooting fluff to my taste, kyo is a blushing and awkward mess, soft shit overall i love him so much, barely proof read!!
note: MAN THIS TOOK FOREVER. it's finally done. this is my first kyojuro fic in a long time omg i missed writing for him i'm so happy!!! also this is for @renhoeku 's kyojuro's birthday collab, i'm so excited because this is the very first collab i join to as a fic writer too!!! thanks for letting me join, this is so niche and cliche but i'm still a sucker for cliche tropes, i can't help myself, i hope you enjoy it! ♡
music inspo: this playlist ♡
wc: 3.4k
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you are running late to your second class that day because you got distracted with your friends from other courses. a few books you borrowed from the library are being held by your hands about to fall thanks to your turbulent running.
would it really be that cliche and dumb to crash into someone midway? yes, and you are right, you just crashed into someone unexpectedly, all your books are now spread across the hallway and you're on the floor. you make your best to quickly sit down to apologize to the person you just basically slammed into, who seems to be a boy around your age you are sure you never seen before. what is up with his hair?
“oh my god, i am so sorry! are you okay?!” your voice filled with concern when you se the stranger on the floor rubbing his head in ache, who turns his gaze to you at your question.
“yes, i am fine! you shall not worry! are you alright?” his voice is loud and cheerful, luckily he isn't showing any signs of injury or such so you sigh relieved.
“yes! yes, i'm fine, god this is so embarassing and cliche” you sigh again now collecting your books, seeing how the boy was doing the same with his stuff. he finishes quickly so he is able to lend you a hand and he hands you a few of your notes.
“there you go” he says with a bright smile, now that you had a chance to look at him upclose, you find yourself staring at a charming face that sends you vibes of a person with a bright personality, kinda blessing if you are honest, his red eyes as shiny as his curious looking yellow and red hair, you zone out for a few seconds staring at the stranger before you snap back when he speaks to you.
“thank you, and i'm so sorry again!” you bend down in order to apologize to him.
“do not worry, i am not in pain! you seemed in a rush so it is totally alright, you can head to your class”
"yes, i'm already running late, so bye! thank you!" you say in a charismatic tone, you finally got up and start running again, leaving the kind stranger behind.
you got to class very late. you tried to catch up with your classmates but they were very ahead of you, you try to cheer yourself up by thinking the class was going to be short anyways and that coffee break was just around the corner. once the class is over, you start to head to a cafe near the campus, but before you can leave the building, you see the same kind stranger leaving his classroom. you lock gazes with eachother and he smiles at you when he sees you walking in his direction.
"ah, it's you!" he begins, an innocent enthusiasm captured his loud voice "did you make it to class?" he asks with an amused tone, yet sounding nice, no harm in his words. you chuckle out a sigh and smile in disbelief, your head lowers a bit.
"yes but i arrived quite late, all my classmates were already ahead of me" you sound dissapointed, wanting to forget about the misfortunate act.
"i see, that's a shame to hear" his smile fades just for a few seconds, pitting you a bit "where are you heading now?" he asks out of pure curiousity.
"oh, i'm going to the cafe nearby to have a coffee before going to my next class, i hope i'm not late this time" at your words the stranger chuckles out a loud laugh.
"i'm sure you won't, i was about to go to the cafe aswell. would you like to grab some coffee with me?" he asks looking at you, his smile flashing on his face again, it is almost as if his smile had a radiance of its own.
you can't deny his invitation, you liked this stranger, he seemed like a nice guy, everything about his vibes feel comforting and pleasant. why not?
"sure, let's go!"
in the way to the cafe, you exchange a few personal data, you get to know his name is kyojuro rengoku, he is a third year of his career like you and he is in an opposite class of yours. your schedules rarely alinged so it was almost impossible for you to see him around, however he was there today because he was taking extra classes for his upcoming exam next week, he also said he finds morning shift much more comfortable than the afternoon one so he is considering changing shifts. he is an interesting and nice guy, very cheerful and respectful in his manners, once at the cafe he asks you a few questions about yourself too, so you start to talk on and on about yourselves, exchanging thoughts and interests, slowly developing a friendly bond. he is very humoristic too, making little jokes and comments in order to make you laugh, some people around side eye at you both a small judgamental face at how loud you were laughing but it doesn't seem to bother any of you.
never was a coffee break this entretaining.
after 15 minutes you start heading back to classes alongside kyojuro, with a bright smile on your face, this dude is amazing! he made you completely forget about the mishap you went though earlier, his company is bright and lighthearted, you want to get to know him better if you are honest.
six months pass by and you and kyojuro developed a lovely friendship, you got to know him better as you proposed yourself too and he ended up being twice as interesting than you imagined, he was rising his younger brother on his own, his father was abscent but still made sure to pay for everything their sons needed, you feel pitty for him for having such a dick dad but he tells you to not pay him any attention, kyojuro is more than fine with the way he lives. he is overly optimistic but realistic at the same time, he knows his father is not the best dad but he still chooses to smile and hold his head high doing the best he can for his brother, this attitude of his makes your days lighter and this often makes you feel encouraged you to work hard or try new things you normally would've need a lot of courage to do. now that kyojuro changed shifts, you two use to go to the campus yard and sit on the grass to study or just talk, often letting your conversations continue until sunset, the lovely seasonal sunlight always witnessing your friendship's growth. other times you meet at any of your homes to study for upcoming exams, he is a great studying partner! you share some snacks and drinks during those study sessions and laugh a lot. this turned into a habit overtime.
you met a few people along the way, kyojuro introduced you to his friend group and now you spend plenty of time with them, everyone is so nice and fun to be around, this guy tengen is one extroverted and entretaining person, however the group (including yourself) tease him about him claiming to be the most flamoyant looking but then having a disastrous sense of fashion, he dresses well, yes, but his accessory choices are an absolute mess. you tease him often saying a headband full of glitter and plastic gems is an horrendous choice even if he says otherwise. then this girl shinobu, she is one of the quietest of the group but whenever she speaks you always engage in an interesting and thoughtful conversation, she is very smart and you get to exchange interesting and weird facts, conversations with her tend to be very fruitful (and she always has some gossip or embarassing stories of the other group members, she is truly so entretaining to be around too). there is this other guy, giyuu, who is the quiet introverted after shinobu, who sticks around his extroverted friends and always signs up to the chaotic ideas the three loudest members come up with, he is a man of few words but his group understand him perfectly without needing to speak to him. you try to talk to him, but it's just that it's difficult to draw his attention and have long chats with him if your interests don't align, however you made your way to his heart when you told him your favourite bands and they ended up being the same bands giyuu was into you so you always find time to talk about your favourite songs and their meanings, after that you got to know him a little better, turning out to be an interesting guy.and then finally is this girl, kanroji, who is kyojuro's childhood best friend, they met in kindergartden and since then they're inseparable, she knows kyojuro from head to toes; she is a very lovely girl, always full of compliments for everyone and is nice, even to strangers. she is sweet around you too and since you're kyojuro's friend, she whispers embarassing facts about younger rengoku for you to laugh and his only reaction is to laugh awkwardly at the weird kid he was in highschool, blushing out of embarassment, which only made you feel closer to him, everytime you got to know something new about him, you found yourself feeling more captivated by his sparkling personality, he is indeed a wonderful person.
you grew close to this group and spent a lot of time together after class, some weekends you went out for beer and spent so many amazing nights together, but there was some things you weren't quite aware of until the first five months you spent together, such as how kanroji and uzui teased kyojuro more than they usually did, specially when you were around. it was overall suspicious to you because it looked like the flamboyant boy and the lovely girl were up to something but you had no clues of what it could be. kyojuro's face would turn red at their statements and start telling them to cut it off. you asked shinobu what was up with those three and she would just laugh softly and answer "those are just uzui and mitsuri's antics, don't pay them any attention" but she knew quite well something was going on around rengoku for them to act the way they did and she did not want to tell you.
you didn't pay much attention to it at the moment because finals are now around the corner and you have to strive on passing, so your studying sessions with kyojuro took place at least three times a week, both you two were a bit stressed, there was a lot of content you had to study for both of your careers so you barely had time to spend doing anything else than studying. you are now at your place, you agreed with kyojuro to go to your house to study after class, it is around 6 PM now and you two are sitting at the living room table, notes and folders spread all over it and the floor. silence is all over the room, both of you two focused on your books, which is common in your studying sessions, you work better working in silence yet together in a way.
after like three hours, you sigh out of tiredness and throw yourself back, laying flat on the ground, a grunt of disbelief leaves your mouth as you frown completely exhausted. kyojuro just looks at you, raising his eyebrows at your motion.
"too much?" he asks in a calm tone, despite him being just as tired as you, he even shows small signs of having baggy eyes.
"yeah, i hate this career" you say, jokingly but yes, you are tired, he lets out a giggle.
"how about a break?" he suggests, putting his pen down and closing his notebook for a minute.
"that sounds great" you agree sitting back down, now looking at your phone cheking the time "oh my god, it's already 9 PM. don't you have to be home to senjuro?" you ask in concern, his little brother was left alone.
"oh, no don't worry, he is at a friend's house, he is staying over until tomorrow. however i should be heading back not too late because the street may turn dangerous if i walk too late" he says standing up, you copy his action.
"i don't have a problem with you staying over, though. if it gets too late you can sleep here" you offer.
"really?" he seems surprised, a sparkle of excitement shining in his eyes.
"yeah! we can prepare a nice meal and continue to study until we go to sleep" your smile widens as you speak, the idea of having an improvised pijama party with kyojuro.
"yes, i would love that!" his eyes seem to sparkle with joy at the proposal, you both start walking to the kitchen and open the fridge to check what you had.
"well, i went to the market the other day so i have plenty of things to prepare. how does udon sound for you?" you ask with a gentle smile.
"sounds great! let's do it"
and just like that, you two start preparing dinner. you put some music to make the cooking much more entretaining, you nor kyojuro can help but sing outloud, even dance, to your favourite songs, using kitchen utensils as microphones. the preparing overall is easy but what really made it entretaining and different from any other meal you ever prepared, is that you are doing it with good company, people say food tastes better when sharing it with someone and kyojuro is the living proof of the saying.
you cut the vegetables as he waits for the water to start boiling to finally cook the noodles, however, he walks behind you and rests his chin on your shoulder, checking on what you are doing, this isn't weird at all sometimes he would just do that affectionately.
"hi" you say in a sweet tone and a cute smile.
"hi" he answers with a wide smile on his face too, looking adorable as ever.
you go silent only for a few seconds until your body almost jumps for feeling kyojuro's hand making its way to the hand you are holding the knife with and lay it on the kitchen table as the other lands subtly on your waist, its a subtle motion but it is enough to make your face turn slightly red, wandering what he is thinking about now... not until he just starts tickling you making you to burst out laughing loudly, his fingers tickle all around your waist and armpits and laughs the moment you start fighting to stop him.
"k-kyojuro, s-stop! i'm al-almost peeing!" you protest between laughs, struggling to get some air in your lungs and trying to tickle him back, the attempt is useless because he's got you wrapped around his finger and all you can do is try to kneel down, as an attempt to escape from his grip, he follows as he continues laughing and sits on the ground wrapping your waist with his arm as the other continues to tickle you.
the laughter gets louder suddenly and in your last efforts to free yourself before giving up, you forcefully turn around to face him, a bit too clumsily, because this makes kyojuro fall back on his back, with you on top of him.
the blonde notices quickly the position you both ended up in and suddenly stops the tickling, giving you the chance to recover some air, you realize only a few seconds later the awkward situation you are left in the moment you look at kyojuro's face, his eyes are wide open, an awkward smile formed on his lips and a deep red blush covering the width and long of his face. your face turns inmediately red as you stare down at him, his hands resting again on your waist subtly, unsure of what he should do now. is this weird? is he being weird? no, why would he? it was just an accident, so why is he so nervous? what he should do? your wide open eyes are locked to his and now he is unsure if he should look away or not. the awkward silence goes on for a long time, you gulp and your heart is pounding, how did this happen all suddenly?
kyojuro meditates for a long while, is this a wrong time to make a move? he has been having mixed feelings about you, you two are amazing friends but he can't help but feel totally love-struck around you, you're so wonderful and smart... what if you don't like him back? what if he ruins the beautiful friendship you two have? he can't risk it... he doesn't want to push you away from his life.
but your body so close to his, your face looking his way, you can almost feel his heart jumping out of his chest... he just can't.
he bets everything to this very moment. his lips make a very small movement, as if he is trying to twist them into a kissing manner, noticeable to your eyes. your world falls apart when you see his head shyly trying to lean closer to you and your reaction is to blush even harder, everything is moving too fast, moments ago you were cooking and laughing and now you're suddenly on top of kyojuro on the floor, him trying to kiss you know, does that mean he likes you? or is it physical attraction only? how would this impact in your friendship? are you overthinking? you probably are. there are so many questions and so little time to answer each, he is already so close to your lips, his eyes are almost shut down entirely so you take a small breathe, choosing to relax and give in to the moment. your eyes close slowly, your head also leans in carefully and the distance between you two breaks, giving your friend a soft smooch on his lips.
it's sweet and gentle, shy one might say. not too long nor short, it's just enough for you two to implode out of happyness, kyojuro pulls away first out of nerves, he wants to see your face, he wants to know what are your thoughts in this very moment, he seems more nervous than you are. you two remain silent for a few instants before he speaks again.
"w-was that okay?" his face fails to go back to normal, it's still as red as before. you snort out a small giggle.
"it was sweet, i liked it" you smile warmly at him.
"gosh i'm so glad" he sighs in relief, throwing his head back for a second, trying to recover his composture, he was so scared he might mess up what you two had "i was mortified at the thought of... you know, scaring you away or seen as a weirdo by you"
you raise your brows and decide to finally move, you sit on the ground and grab kyojuro's hands to help him sit back down again, now getting the chance to talk normally.
"i don't think you would ever scare me away. perhaps, it was just a kiss" you pause only for a second "and i like you, how would a kiss be a reason to push me away"
"i... guess you are right" he laughs at his own thought, the nerves got the best of him, you are an amazing person, a kiss can't ruin everything "still, there is something i need to tell you..."
your face turns slightly pink at his words, your imagination wandering like crazy, is he really...? "yeah? what is it?" you try to stay calm, a small smile on your face, ready for his upcoming words. kyojuro seems a bit nervous again, he takes a deep breathe before talking again, his cheeks turning red once again.
"tengen will lose a bet to kanroji if i confess to you now, and i want him to lose." his statement is amusing, it makes you laugh, what is going to happen next is so obvious, his smile turns into a wide, warm and sincere one "there are feelings i want to confess to you right now, please listen to me"
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thanks for reading!
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too-much-otome · 6 months
Belphegor Playlist
I hope you guys like this. Belphie was the second character I made a playlist for so I've had his ready for a long time before I refined it. I hope it's good!
Explanations (Excluding Character Songs):
Killer In The Mirror - Set It Off
I've always connected this song with Belphie! For years! It just sounds like his whole arc! From being locked in the attic and meeting MC to breaking out and killing MC. Feeling betrayed by his brothers and being backstbbed by Lucifer! I will never let this go! "There's nobody but me here" "now I know there's no one I can trust. I used to think there was"
Happy Pills - Weathers
Kinda gives off that slightly unhinged and crazed side of Belphie we all know and love while also keeping a slightly mellow mood for most of the song.
Oblivion - Grimes
Another song that gives off slightly crazed vibes but also kinda a revenge song which is a big thing for Belphie and how he feels towards Lucifer or how he felt towards humans before MC.
Young And Menace - Fall Out Boy
Okay, I wasn't sure about it at first but I think it fits well. It's also just a really good song, don't @ me. It talks about madness and going crazy a lot and it sounds like something that fits Belphie's personality, even if it's a bit hard hitting.
Pumped Up Kicks - Foster The People
I know this is more for.... something else but I still think it fits. You can think of the chorus and how it's about someone on the prowl. I cannot stop my serial killer Belphie agenda, I'm sorry, I love him I promise!
I'm Not Okay - My Chemical Romance
He's really not and neither are we but that's okay. (You know damn well he love emo music)
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing - Set It Off
He's definitely a wolf in sheep's Clothing. Also, I've always connected him with sheep. I know that's MCs thing but I can't help it! It's also a song filled with rage like our beloved Avatar of Sloth.
Jenny Was A Friend - The Killers
Literally a song about accidentally killing a lover. Also based off a crime from the 80's but anyways.
don't fall asleep yet - Powfu
I know Belphie would definitely prefer to fall asleep than stay awake but I can't help connecting him with this song and the soft, slow, smooth vibe is very much him.
Monster - Skillet
As much as we've talked about Belphie and his murderous intent, he very clearly has guilt from it. I'm a firm believer of the opinion that he even has immense trauma from it. I think for a long long time after the incident that he hated himself and what he did. Not only because of MC, but because it fractured his relationships with his brothers.
i'll die anyway - girl in red
a song about the past being good but losing touch with themself over the years and becoming emotionally numb but also still feeling lonely. I think this speaks to Belphie, especially since we saw a lot how much he changed after both losing Lilith and being locked in the attic.
Can't Go to Hell - Sin Shake Sin
I just think it fits well and while it's not exactly connected lyrically, I think the sound of it is very much Belphie's vibe and something he'd listen to.
REVIVED - Derivakat
Revenge and return. very much reminds me of the entire scene of Belphie breaking out of the attic. From revealing he played MC to taunting and mocking his brothers over their shock and horror after he kills MC. The lyrics all just remind me of Belphie. It even mentions being locked away.
8 Legged Dreams - Unlike Pluto
Talk of nightmares but the lyrics also read like the singer is trying to help someone sleep or ease them into it which is obviously one of Belphie's powers as the Avatar of Sloth.
Backstabber - Kesha
Self explanatory
Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood
It's so him. Very soft and mellow. You also can't convince me Belphie isn't a sweater boy. He even wears one in both his casual clothes and his demon form. It's very much him.
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blank-house · 10 months
heyy i was wondering, since we already know Cam really likes music (especially kpop), if we could know what the other characters' taste in music is like? mostly how often they listen to it, what genres they like and whatnot. just out of curiosity :)
and what about movie genres? we know Deja and MC often watch movies together while Deja paints her nails, but does she care for the genre? and everyone else?
really loved the demo, i can't wait to see how the game develops. thank you and everyone who's working on this game for all your hard work 🫶
D'aww thank you for the kind words! Motivation up up!
Music Tastes
Haha now for your ask, we actually have a scene for players in the extended demo regarding this! It's a bit of a spoiler in the context of the scene's theme so I won't disclose it quite yet (sorryyyy gotta wait for the extended demo first ahdakldh) but I can say this:
Elio and Cameron often listen to music. For Cameron, it's because it's one of their favorite pastimes. Plus, in their opinion, music makes the commute to and from campus faster.
Elio on the other hand listens to music a lot because of the dance team. Anddd because he's dabbled a bit with playing (if others haven't seen the previous post yet, he's our guy with a ton of skills so he actually knows how to play a couple of instruments).
Though they've got their reasons, Cameron's definitely coming out on top with the highest stats on their Spotify wrap.
Third would be Reynah and actually you don't get to learn about her favorite type of music since she's not in the scene so I will disclose her favs! She's big on old school music, early late 1980's and early 1990's! Anything goes within that time frame, hip-hop, pop, rock, ballads, etc.. She does listen to modern music, but she's got a couple of fond memories of her parents playing older tunes during car rides so they've stuck with her.
Deja, Percy, and Jamie have their favorites of course but their numbers don't come as close to the other three.
Speaking of music, we curated some playlists about the cast! Some players already came across the playlists on our art director's Spotify that is catered to the idea of them, so songs that give off Cameron, Deja, etc. energy. And I actually got to work on making playlists about the music they'd listen to.
You can listen to the first since it's public. This is what the some of the dev team members listen to for the Keyframes vibes when we're working! And you can check out their page for specific cast members. But I'll share the ones about their music taste when I get them done!
Movies/Media Taste
Oh movies is a cute thought!
Unfortunately, Deja doesn't care to watch movies, hence why she opts to do her nails during it. She's got a habit of looking things up ahead of time as well so "watching" isn't something she likes to do. That being said, she likes mystery genres or things that she can think about-- because the twists and themes are still interesting to her even if she spoils it for herself lol
Cameron's got their favorites when they're by themself but they're big on anything and everything with company! Ghibli movies are a good thing to shout to get their attention (they've seen Ponyo like too many times to count haha). Cringey stuff are a safe and hilarious genre for them to put on when they crash at your place, too.
But since MC is a part of their dynamic trio, a lot of what Deja and Cameron watch is ultimately shaped by MC's likes too! Since Deja doesn't have too much of an opinion and Cameron's down to watch anything, your likes are their likes! Granted they'll tell you if it's reallyyyy bad because that's what friends are for lol
Reynah's not too big on films either- but in the way that she just doesn't watch them by herself. Usually, it's other people inviting her to watch one, and she's always happy to tag along and share any opinions about the viewing (they're usually in good light if not critical). That being said, she does have her favorites! It's just hard to say she likes one genre when she hasn't seen everything and she's found gems across multiple genres.
Reynah, at some point probably: I love Night at the Museum, does that mean I like fantasy or comedy the best? Nope!
For the guysssss, you can expect foreign movies (Japanese, Thai, and Euro movies are often exchanged since they've got their favorites from childhood), and romcoms and early '00-'10 movies. The latter is because they firmly believe that's the best era of movies. Home Alone, Lord of the Rings, 27 Dresses, The Last Holiday, etc, etc.
Percy, at one point: They just don't make 'em like they used to.
Elio, shaking his head solemnly: Kids these days won't get to know true movie magic.
Jamie tilts his head: Sorry, what's High School Musical?
Aha yeah, Jamie didn't grow up watching the same things they did. He knows some of them like LOTR but that's just because it's a big franchise. Before his roommates educated him on early American romcoms and feel good movies (which included an HSM marathon and the entire soundtrack on repeat at their place), Jamie stuck to the classics/big names- things that have left a mark in cinema history like the Godfather and the Breakfast Club.
That kind of media is actually what he, Deja, and Reynah bond over. It's the symbolism or the overarching theme that tends to keep their interests so they'll have discussions about it if it comes up. Ah, and, horror. All three of them are completely unbothered by it as a genre and boy are there plenty to talk about the human psyche and behavior there.
If I had to summarize everything:
Jamie, Deja, and Reynah like films that invoke thought. Especially as people who don't often watch movies.
Meanwhile, Cameron, Percy, and Elio are all for the ones that evoke emotion. It's a good movie if they cry. It's a good movie if they're shouting at the screen. It's fantastic film if they get to do both!
Other things about movies for them:
Percy won't watch any horror- nope don't even think about asking him to.
Elio will look at a stunt or a choreography in a film and attempt it himself at least once.
Jamie is the first in his seat with a bowl of popcorn when the guys are doing their movie nights. He also has a sour view of Howl from Howl's Moving Castle since some people have said he looks like the character.
Cameron would suggest repeats a lot during your movie nights- their favorites are their favorites for a reason.
Deja rarely reacts to movies- but she will never recover from Grave of the Fireflies.
Reynah, freshman year, had been invited to 18 different playtimes at the town's cinema over the course of two months and, yes, she saw all of them.
And that's it! Wah, my responses are getting longer and longer... haha you guys let me know if I'm ever dumping too much about our cast and I'll hold back. But thanks for the lovely ask!
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thaliagrayce · 1 year
i've been talking abt my voltron playlists and @iveofficiallygonemad asked to hear them and i want to share with anybody who wants!! i know they're not perfect, i'm working on them & trying to make them better. if you have any recommendations for any of them, let me know!! there's like A Lot and i want to give a lil explanation for most of them, so i'm putting them under the cut ^-^
SO first i have my favorite one <3 it's just. all of them. it's the whole team. it's a mess and it's a bunch of different genres because it's them fighting over the aux cord on a road trip. it's them trying to make each other laugh or annoy each other or play something catchy enough it will infect everyone in the vicinity with brain worms.
Hunk: i'm pretty happy with my Hunk playlist! chill vibes. he strikes me as the kind of guy who listens to calm music to try to find his own calm, and that's what i got here :)
Pidge: this is messier and less cohesive than my usual playlist because frankly i think pidge would have a shit taste in music. all over the board. this is a mix of meme songs and 8-bit covers and vocaloid and stuff that i think pidge would genuinely connect with, and i think pidge listens to all their music on shuffle without any regards for genre or mood because they're a gremlin. nobody gives pidge sole control of the aux.
Coran hears 80's music for the first time and loses his mind. He thinks ABBA is humanity's single greatest achievement.
Lance: i have ideas about where I'm going with this but haven't really settled yet. Lance seems like the kind of boy that loves to dance (is that canon? i forgot) so most of these are Bops That Make You Move in some way or another. he likes to present an upbeat face to the world, so there's no angsting in this playlist! we are clinging to the things that make us happy with both hands until our knuckles turn white!
Keith: i'm gonna be honest. i made him a playlist but i honestly don't think he cares about music very much. it's very important to some people! he's just not one of them! i haven't cracked this playlist open in a while but i'm pretty sure it's full of songs that i think he would conceivably train/work out to.
Shiro: this playlist involves the dumbest headcanon i have for shiro that has just not left me alone since i first thought of it. most of the playlist reflects the fact that he had an emo phase in middle school (that one isn't a headcanon, you just have to look at him to know) but BUT there are a few songs on here that are on here because. little known fact. he also went through a Twilight phase that he told nobody about. (keith knows. keith was there.) he has the entire twilight soundtrack memorized. he moved past the story but the music stays forever. he used to daydream about slow dancing to Flightless Bird, American Mouth. the first time Coran mentions that they have to avoid a place because there's a supermassive black hole there, he has to bite his tongue in order to keep a straight face. do NOT ask me why i believe this so wholeheartedly.
Allura's playlist sucks right now. I think it's because in my heart of hearts i know that, were she on earth today, she would go fucking nuts for taylor swift. i have ambivalent feelings for taylor swift. i cannot do allura justice like this. if you see my vision and have recs as to what might actually fit her, PLEASE.
Klance: i haven't done it yet but i'm gonna go through this and sort it to be a sort of progression of their relationship, starting with the more combative Rivalry songs, then slipping into "oh shit oh shit" songs, then maybe ending on the more lighthearted purely romantic songs <3
(i have two songs in a shallura playlist which does not at all encapsulate how much i'm obsessed with them. the tiny cop inside my head is just constantly screaming at me that i'm going to get yelled at for liking shallura. i am going to kill the cop inside my head.)
#mj talks#oooooh i don't know if i actually want to put this in the show tag. that's a lot of people. that's a lot of people that might see this.#fuck it we ball#voltron#anyway. as i said if you like music and you have songs that you think fit please send em over#also who wants to talk about shallura? i want to talk about shallura.#i rewatched the first ~3 seasons (the best part of the show and some of season 3) with my roommate a while back and.#ngl if we're strictly talking about the show itself and not fanworks. i care about shallura SO much more than i care about klance.#oh i should probably tag#klance#in case anyone has that blacklisted and just doesn't wanna see it#BACK TO MY POINT.#rewatch seasons 1 and 2 and you will see there was a REASON everyone included shallura in the background of their fics#and it wasn't just shoving 'space mom' and 'space dad' together#there is a very real and very compelling dynamic there. the mutual respect. the connection that comes with taking responsibility.#watch shiro's whole deal after allura gets herself captured so that he can go free and try telling me it's all in my head. just TRY.#anyway i have a lot of complicated thoughts about shiro's sexuality and most of them boil down to I Don't Think It Was Planned#i think they shoved it in last minute because somebody higher up#(not the writers i don't blame u writers i know that you have people breathing down your necks telling you what you can and can't do)#some higherup didn't like any queer storylines that might have been in the works and pulled them from the show#but then there was fan backlash because... gay people are loud now? people wanted A Queer In Space? wild thought#so they had to save their ass and actually deliver on what they had promised in interviews/on the internet/idk i didn't keep up too much#because it was so clumsily revealed! there was no buildup!#it felt very shoehorned to me unfortunately. when a) they had already built a solid and compelling potential relationship for shiro#(see above)#and b) klance was? right there? like. dude. you /had/ to have seen that. or at least some of it????#backstory dead fiance was not the best move vis a vis queer representation and i reject him#if you want me to care about a relationship try going back to storytelling basics and Show Don't Tell :)#not giving you brownie points for that 'queer representation' :)#anyway. that's my shallura manifesto in the notes.
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portellini · 10 months
Deastra X Heimdall - Song quote
"Love's gonna get you killed, but pride is gonna be the death of you and you and me. (and you and you and you and me) - PRIDE. , Kendrick Lamar
Message: No warnings, chill fic. Testing the waters with this one. Deastra is the OC I made for GOW x reader fics, I linked the character info sheet below.
Word Count: 1.8k ish
Vibes While Writing: ultimate sped-up playlist for actual hot ppl
-> Deastra / y/n character info if something is confusing: https://www.tumblr.com/tia-00l/736839705205817344/deastra-gow-oc?source=share
Heimdalls" POV
Again, she's waiting by the hallway, waiting for her "giant" brother to finish with the All-father, my father. Never does she move, and yet I'm still required to watch her even though any of these drunken dim-witted gods could handle her easily. But no, Father insists that I watch her, for the sake of keeping her out of the business he has with that weird boy. So, for another reckless and loud night in the Mess Hall, I pretend to read one of Bragi's many scriptures while endlessly watching this fake god, and my gaze never falters.
"Hail ye jerk!" Oh, what is it now? I hiss to myself. An Aesir who's drunk out of their mind approaches me. "Might I ask what made the All-Father's son such a pain in everyone's ass!" He starts to slug towards me, and I move out of the way while grabbing his face and throwing him in the other direction. The drunk bumps into more drunks and now they're all fighting each other. I scoff and look back to the fake god. "..." Oh shit, where did she go?
Deastra's POV
"And thanks to that lovely drunken Aesir, I smoothly escaped that puppy's gaze." Ever since we arrived in Asgard, I realized that I never fully explored this new realm. I stretch out my arms to the sky, Tonight is the night I fully explore. I look around and wonder where I am. "Oh shoot," I think to myself. I am a bit lost. This Asgardian city isn't too hard to navigate, but I can't help but find this place repetitive to look at. The only thing that really catches my attention is what's beyond those walls. So that is where I'll go. Except I don't know how to get back to the lift, I used my shadow jump a bit too much and ended up in a random shadow beside someone's house.
"KRAA!" A sound of birds catches my attention and I look up. I see a murder of crows resting on top of a house. "Maybe I should do the same as them," I say to myself. Without voicing another thought I shadow jump to the roof of that house disturbing the crows and they fly away. "Maybe I should've chosen another roof," I whisper while looking around for the wall's lift. I squat down and look through a circle made with my fingers. I find it aaannndd I need to get close to the Mess Hall again. That's going to be a problem for me, the poor pup probably noticed I'm gone already. Sigh, I hope the murder scattering wasn't too obvious.
"Oooh it was quite obvious, Sunshine." I look up and see Heimdall towering over me. "Oh shit, how nice to see you here." I grin at Heimdall and he replies with a neverending glare. His face shows slight confusion and annoyance, am I thinking of something weird? Well, I am happy to see him, I just realized I can get him to be my guide.
"Since you're here already-", "No" Heimdall hisses. "I didn't even finish what I was going to say!" "You didn't need to," Heimdall crosses his arms and his glare intensifies. I stand up and avert my gaze from his. I can't help but be nervous. Maybe I should make a run for the lift right now? Can he stop me? Probably. "Don't bother running, you won't make it." Heimdall cocks his head. "How do you know that?" I jokingly say still avoiding his gaze. Oh wait, he has foresight, wait, does he read minds or intent? I forget. I should be more attentive around here.
"Does half of your brain not work?" Heimdall suddenly spits. "Don't think I trust you or think of you as a docile being to the All-Father. It's just what you say is literally what you think, and there's no ill intent." Heimdall steps closer to me and leans towards me. "What really goes on in that brain of yours?" His hand grabs my jaw and makes me face him. Our eyes interlock and he glares into my eyes once more.
I grow uneasy, not from the lack of distance between us, but the lack of awareness I have of his abilities. How far can he see in my mind? He scoffs and pulls his hand from my face. He steps back and turns his back to me.
"Tell me, do you see yourself as the unwanted child in your family." Heimdall looks back at me with a stupid grin on his face. "With what I saw, I can certainly confirm it." I wince at his comment. Never have I doubted the bond I have with my family, but the thought of being unwanted is something I can't get rid of, no matter how silly it might be. Father and Atreus have grown closer throughout the years, and their bond is special. Never have they done anything to make me think ill of my position as their family, it's just a thought that intrudes my peace at times. I notice that Heimdall has turned back to me and his expression is filled with amusement. He sees deeper in my mind than I can realize, rather, he sees the layer of my thoughts that I choose to reject.
"Quit it," I say. "Haha, no, I don't think I will." His grin widens. "Kratos thinks of you as a constant reminder of his past. YOU were there with him in that other world." Heimdall draws closer to me again and bends down to meet my face with his. His eyes pierce mine. "And I suppose it doesn't help that his regrets with his old family resurface with your presence." Heimdall tilts his head, not breaking eye contact. "Your so-called father will never feel for you as deeply as he does for that boy, and you know that." Heimdall stands back to his full height and peers down at me.
I smile back at the god before me. Sure, what he said bothered me for a moment and I began to feel bad for myself again. But what he said was only things that I've thought before. To add, those are my thoughts, not the truth. "I will admit that revelation of yours did hurt to hear," I say while I place my hand on my chest. "But at least if how I felt was true, I wouldn't turn into this realm's greatest jerk." My smile widens and I shadow-jump to an open field that headed towards the lift up the wall. Heimdall most likely saw this coming as he arrived there shortly after I jumped.
"Oh please, what did you mean by that?" Heimdall coos. "I am the Herald of Ragnarok, I am the one he seeks council within nearly every situation!" He continues to spaz about the many feats that would make him feel that Odin loved him truly as his son. "Out of all my brothers, I am the most competent and smartest!" I started to dull out his voice in my head, which was something he noticed right away and did not like.
Heimdall's hand pulls my shoulder making me spin around and face him. I've been in his situation with Kratos when his revenge was his sole priority. I've been with Kratos when he regretted his actions and I did begin to remind him of all his pains. I was in Heimdall's position of having a father who had no true want for you. Although, after he granted my life once more, he gave me his blood and even Faye's as a way of becoming their child, he changed and I was no longer unwanted. Even with Atreus's birth, I was never treated any differently. So thinking I was unwanted in my family is only a pain from the past that still haunts me.
"You know nothing of my intent or the feelings my father has for me!" Heimdall's voice is seething with annoyance. Did he read my monologue just now? The god's face twists. "I do the All-Father's bidding because I must protect Asgard and him. I don't do this because I'm trying to gain his attention like a needy mutt." That's not at all what I thought, did that slip from his mind?
"I may not have the same ability to read intent and thoughts as you, but I can read people to an extent." This time I step closer to the Aesir god in front of me and rest my hands on my hips. "The twisted, disgusting, despicable, and ruthless feelings that old man has towards his sons are vile. He treated Atreus much better than he probably ever did to you and your brothers right?" Heimdall's eyes twitch. "I don't have any ill intent towards anyone here just yet, because the ones I do have issues with are dead, and I frankly don't want any more bloodshed. To be completely honest with you, I pity the hell out of you, and you probably hate that." Heimdall steps closer to me, his eyes dark. "Don't speak another word." I back off once he says this, I don't mean to anger the people of this realm, let alone Odin's most favored tool.
I'm sure this ass in front of me is capable of love. Except the only thing he does love is maybe that Gulltopr thing and Odin. His familial love for Odin will never be reciprocated. I hate how much I relate to this thing. I can't help to think about it either.
"Do not believe that we are similar in any way." He hisses. "Being tasked to watch you has proven to be a pain. You've only been here for one day and I have grown to feel sick of you." Heimdall turns towards the Mess Hall. "You are a rare truthful but infuriating being that I no longer want to deal with. I can truly see there is no actual threat to you being here, so I don't need to bother with you right now." Heimdall storms off. Before he leaves, I can't help but blurt one last thing.
"HEY!" I shout out.
Surprisingly he stops in his tracks. "Your love for Odin is gonna get you killed, but pride is gonna be the death of you and me." Heimdall turns his head to me, his face filled with annoyance. "And what do you mean by that?" My mind is blank, I don't know, I just said it. "No idea actually, don't dwell too much on it golden boy," I say to him with the intent of peacefully ending what feud we just had. I recall what I was doing, going to the wall. I begin to trek to the lift once more, forgetting about Heimdall who hasn't looked away from me. The gods of this realm are much more tolerable than the ones I knew in my previous existence. I genuinely hope to co-exist with these gods, even Heimdall.
Note: Do y'all like it if I color code who talks? Or only if I do it partially.
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quiet-nocturne · 10 months
answer your 30 questions please and thank you!!!
ao3 wrapped [writers edition]
How many words have you written this year? Published? 22,685. Unpublished? A loooooot ahaha.
How many works did you publish this year? Currently, 3. Hoping to have 4-5 by christmas though. 👀
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? definitely cause i'm lovesick. That thing was a labor of love. My first fanfic baby in a loooong time.
What work of yours has the most hits? currently cause i'm lovesick (I ain't even ashamed), which is at 735 hits. But it's kind of biased, considering I only came back to fic writing in like october.
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? nothing in particular - I'm just happy to have any engagement!
Favorite title you used honestly, no favorite as of yet. All the titles I've used come from song lyrics that are super royai coded/important to me, so I like them all. That answer could definitely change in the future though!
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? most recently, taylor swift (hopeless, breathless, burning slow), but also banks (cause i'm lovesick and you're all that matters to me anyway - she's SO GOOD for angsty love songs). Lyrics are so, so important to me. I have a ~300 song royai playlist (which I'm going to slim down and post here at some point) that I listen to constantly, lol, and a huge notes file on my phone filled with potential song lyric titles. I have a music degree and it's literally so important to my writing process aajsaksjljasjl.
Pairing you wrote the most for this year? Royai. lol. That's not going to change any time soon. The extreme hyperfixation is REAL.
Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? Again royai. They're the best. My babies. 💖
What work was the quickest to write? Surprising, chapter 2 of hopeless, breathless, burning slow. started it last night and i'm already nearly done the first draft. That thing flew out of me, especially considering chapter 1 was much more of a journey lol.
What work took you the longest to write? definitely chapter 1 of hopeless, breathless, burning slow. it wasn't the writing that was the issue - it was the editing. I really dragged my feet on it, and could have had that thing out like 2 weeks ago. 🤦‍♀️
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year? oh god. my wip's currently include: - chapter 2 of hopeless, breathless, burning slow - sequel to cause i'm lovesick (I ain't even ashamed) - a christmas fic - angsty, hurt/comfort, character exploration, ishval restoration multi-chaptered fic (I'm REALLY excited to work on this!!! yay angst) - roy and riza returning to her old father's house post-cannon and STUFF HAPPENS, fluff, hurt/comfort, etc (also really excited for this one! i've been daydreaming about it for MONTHS. Even just thinking about this fic feels like sinking into a warm bath. That's the vibes I want it to give) - ANOTHER post-promised day fic, because I'm a broken record, but this time more humorous/cute. - aaaand yet another post-promised day fic, but one where Riza REALLY ISN'T DOING WELL/almost dies like a million times at the hospital and roy is sad (!!!). - briggs angst/sick fic - does that make sense? no? it will. Yeah. yeahhh. That list is only going to get bigger. 🤷‍♀️ Some of these will also, shockingly, not have smut lol.
What’s your longest work of the year? So far, ch. 1 of hopeless, breathless, burning slow at a whopping 9, 792 words. It really ran away from me.
What’s your shortest work of the year? mmm, you're all that matters to me anyway at 5,954 words. apparently I can't write anything below 5k lol. 🤷‍♀️
What WIP are you taking into next year with you? Oof, I mean probably most of what I had listed above. I aim to have some of it done - but it's already December 7th, so yeah.
What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag? Smut. lol.
Your favorite character to write this year? Surprisingly, Roy. I almost find him easier to write than Riza. Normally I don't enjoy writing from the male perspective. But Roy Mustang is just 🔥. I was so surprised lol.
The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year? No one, as of yet. But we'll see what I say once I start working more on the multi chaptered fics. 😬
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? More Royai, maybe with a dash of Roy/Maes. Maybe I'll try a bit of Ed/Winry? Who knows!
Which work of yours have you reread the most? chapter 1 of hopeless, breathless, burning slow. I am so fucking sick of it ahaha helppp.
How many kudos in total did you get this year? Currently at 142! You are all so sweet. 😭
Which work has the most comments? I think cause i'm lovesick at the moment!
Did you do any collaborative works this year? nope! Definitely something I'd consider doing in the future though!
Did you write any gifts this year? maybe! 👀 we shall see
Did you receive any gifts this year? nope!
What’s your most common category? ...Smut. lol. 🤷‍♀️
What do you listen to while writing? ahhhh I love talking about music with my ships! like I said, my ridiculously huge royai playlist. also all of my top songs on spotify were from it, which includes: 1. Say Yes to Heaven - Lana Del Ray (i've got my eye on you / i've got my mind on you) 2. Work Song - Hozier (no grave could hold my body down / i'll crawl home to her) 3. I Wanna Be Yours - Artic Monkeys (secrets i have held in my heart / are harder to hide then i thought / maybe i just wanna be yours) 4. Night We Met - Lord Horan feat. Pheobe Bridges (i had all and then most of you / some and now none of you / take me back to the night we met / i don't know what i'm supposed to do / haunted by the ghost of you) - that ishval restoration fic is definitely going to use a lyric from this song SOMEWHERE Honorable mentions: Die First - Nessa Barrett (someone dies or someone gets hurt / but if one of us dies / i hope i die first) Ya'aburnee - Halsey (i'll never know / if there's danger in confession / or it's memory that presses / like a blade against my throat / another word and i could choke / but what's worst? / tellin' you my feelings / or to die without revealing / that you got inside my head / and set a fire there instead?) Dress - Taylor Swift (there is an indentation in the shape of you / made your mark on me, a golden tattoo / all of this silence and patience / pining and anticipation / my hands are shaking from holding back from you) 10000/10, would play at royai's wedding.
Favorite work you wrote this year? cause i'm lovesick. Again, it was my baby. I loved writing it so much.
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? mmmm, probably: "She'd planned to stay angry at Mustang for longer, but then he'd surprised her by sauntering into her apartment basically the second his train had arrived, eyes blazing with desire as he collected her in his warm embrace, murmuring you have no idea how much I've been craving to taste you against the soft skin of her throat." (I tried to find one that was mostly sfw lol).
Biggest surprise while writing this year? Just being able to write, in general! It's been so much fun. 💖
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puckpocketed · 3 months
Hi! Sorry if this is weird but do you have song/video recs? I have enjoyed what you recommended in the past. Please ignore this if you want, I know this isn't really a hockey ask :')
so does everyone else have a playlist where they store all their favourite essays/documentaries miscellaneous vids. or is that just me?? anon i hope u like hearing from me, if u wanted short answers u came to the wrong person. here are various faves from over the years:
Dawn from Pride and Prejudice (2005). i think about it often. it's a beautiful piece. i listen to this song and experience the movie all over again. the mud on elizabeth's skirt. dancing at parties. lovely potatoes. darcy and his cleavage. the mist in the morning. "you have bewitched me, body and soul. and i love, i love, i love you." the sun rising as she kisses his hand. HELLO!!!!
minesweeper is literally causing me health issues by i am error. a harrowing look at addiction through the lens of a minesweeper fixation. very funny and warm video.
The Best Food Movie Scenes Supercut by William Adiguna. fascinated by this. also i have used it for painting study reference.
How J Dilla's Timefeel ACTUALLY Works by Digging The Greats. right so. i know everyone's been making posts about black artists in the wake of the Kendrick-Drake beef and white tumblr subsequently figuring out that rap exists outside of Hamilton and music as a whole exists outside of uhhhh taylor swift. I don't think I've seen anyone mention J Dilla in my circles yet so here's a small essay about how he changed music history forever and you should absolutely listen to him. we lost him too fucking early, but his legacy lives on in the beat!!
The Lincoln Highway: Across America on the First Transcontinental Motor Route by Noah Caldwell-Gervais. this is a 7 and 1/2 hour travelogue by one of my favourite writers of all time. he has shorter videos about games and travel, but this one is an all-timer for me. I admire him so much. His writing voice is so lush and intentional, he weaves narrative with every sentence, and yet nothing feels superfluous. i have listened to this video multiple times and always find something new to think about.
Savestate vs Armada - The Quest for the Frozen Turnip by Melee Stats. if you made it this far down the list we are either best friends or you are super bored and want something to watch. here's the sell: Armada is one of the 5 Gods of Super Smash Bros. Melee, Savestate is this weirdo who does speedruns and loves to break the game. they go head to head at a tournament, super smash con. the frozen turnip is a bug that sort of breaks the game. chaos ensues <3
Stylish Academic Writing a lecture by Helen Sword (Harvard University). I think about this video a lot. As someone who writes a lot of academic essays and For Fun essays, this lecture was formative.
Time and Again - How to Write and Understand Time Loops by Replay Value. dissecting and categorising time loops, and teaching you how to write them in the process. excellent video even if you aren't a writer or don't have an interest in writing sci-fi/time travel!
With Love by Harbour. this song makes me so happy. i will dance to it with my future wife in our kitchen. i will sing this to her under under our pink lights. that kinda vibe <3
thank you for dropping by!! <3 and giving me an excuse to inflict a bunch of recs onto my followers!! hit me up for more recs any time ig??
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oneiromania · 11 months
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Welcome to oneiromania's RP blog!
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Hi, call me Nei! I'm a 21 year old female student with just a little over a year of RP experience, though I've been writing for a lot longer than that. Ever since I got into the RP scene, I've been itching to write with others and finally let some of that brainrot escape it's fleshy prison. I try my best to be friendly and understanding, and I don't want or plan to get into any internet (and especially Tumblr) drama. I just wanna write!
I like to chat OOC when I vibe with my RP partners, and I'm prone to gushing about the characters, sending songs and playlists relevant to the RP, making Pinterest boards, sharing memes, and so on! I'd appreciate it if my partner shared the enthusiasm, but I get that that just isn't for everyone, and as long as the RP is fun and consistent, and my partner is respectful and understanding, I don't mind a more chill OOC experience.
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Standard DNI criteria. MAPs, TERFs, racists, and other assholes, get the fuck off my blog.
You must be 18+. As I am an adult myself, I don't feel comfortable writing with minors regardless of the contents of the RP. I also prefer to write with people no older than 30.
I mainly write over Discord. I say mainly because I haven't yet decided if I'm going to make RP sideblogs for specific characters! I'll update this post if I do, but generally I don't RP outside of Discord. Additionally, I like making a private server for easier organization, and I like using Tupperbox. If you don't know what that is or how to use it, I'd be more than happy to teach you! But Tupperbox is not a must.
NO REALISTIC FCs. This might seem like a strange rule, but I simply cannot do RP when the faceclaim is a real person. This goes not only for actors, singers, and other celebrities, but really any photos of real people. You can use picrew or neka, or your own art, or even art you found on the internet. (I'm cool with using photos of real life outfits and stuff for reference, though!)
I write fandomless OC x OC, and sometimes CC x CC. I'll list my fandoms later, but generally speaking, I'm currently comfortable writing only a few canon characters.
My preferred ships are MxM and FxF, and I can also do ships with NB and genderfluid characters. I can do MxF as well, but I vastly prefer queer relationships, and I'll only do MxF if I really feel like it fits the RP. I hope you'll understand! Also: ships don't have to be romantic, I enjoy platonic and familial relationships as well, including friends, found family, and even enemies.
I write third person past and present, and I don't accept RP written in first person.
I can write anywhere from semi-lit/literate to novella. It depends on my mood and what the scene requires. Currently, I'm very busy, so I can only do shorter replies – around 2-3 short paragraphs, and likely not super detailed. Please just use good grammar.
Currently, I DON'T do NSFW. I'm comfortable with flirting and intimacy, but I prefer fading to black when it comes to sex scenes. It kind of depends on the RP and my partner if I'm willing to do more, because I need to feel comfy with writing it first!
I don't double. I know doubling means different things for different people, but however you define it, I don't do it.
My activity varies, as I am in college so sometimes life gets stressful or I get busy. I'll likely do at least 2-3 replies a week, though. At least one reply a week is what I ask from my partner.
Limits and triggers will be discussed before the RP.
Work with me when plotting! I CANNOT plot alone or figure out characters alone, if you're going into this with no plot or character ideas whatsoever, we're gonna have a difficult time figuring out what to write.
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I do both angst and fluff.
I like a lot of genres and settings! I have some plots in mind but I'd love to hear what you have to offer! The genres include: fantasy (high, medieval, victorian...), victorian settings, modern, sci-fi, supernatural, horror/thriller, futuristic, slice of life, and more.
I'm open to dark subject matter/whump. Since I enjoy horror, I also enjoy dark and gritty themes, as well as things that might be upsetting to explore. So long as we're both being mature about it, there shouldn't be a problem. This will, of course, be discussed in detail before we start writing.
I'm prone to making OCs on the fly or repurposing existing OCs, so even if I don't have an OC for our specific RP, I can make one in a matter of several days.
I reblog RP prompts and plots and make my own posts when I have an idea for a plot, so check out the rest of my blog and see if you like anything!
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This is a list of fandoms that I'm into! This doesn't necessarily mean I will RP characters from this fandom, instead, I'm listing them in case you're interested in RPing in the same or similar universe! I don't do CCxOC, but I do enjoy putting OCs in an existing fandom's universe, or making a world similar to that of the fandom. I also just get inspired by these fandoms, so if you look at any of these and think, "I'd love to do something inspired by this!", I think we can make some fun plots!
Fandoms which are bolded are those which I have CC characters I can RP, and I will write the characters I RP next to them
In no particular order:
Alice in Wonderland (the book, the sequel, the animated movie, Alice: Madness Returns)
Demon Slayer
Jujutsu Kaisen
Bungou Stray Dogs (have read the manga up until chapter 88) → can try my hand at a couple of characters!
Fate/Grand Order → Merlin (Caster), Jeanne d'Arc (Alter), Gudao/Gudako, probably more
Hades → Zagreus, Thanatos
Detroit: Become Human
Deep Sea Prisoner games (Mogeko Castle, Wadanohara, Gray Garden)
A Night In The Woods
Soul Eater (anime)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Arknights (not super confident writing canon characters right now, but I'd love to use the setting)
Spirited Away
Spy x Family
RPGs (Mad Father, Witch's House, Pocket Mirror, Ib, Alice Mare, LiEat I, II and III)
Honkai: Star Rail
Death Parade
Black Butler
Tokyo Ghoul
SCP foundation
Corpse Party
Little Nightmares (1 and 2)
and more, probably!
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A link to the overview of my current OCs! There's a short description for each of them, and a few of them have full docs ready, while for the rest, I can explain a bit more about them if you're interested in writing with any of them.
For my plot ideas, search the tag #nei's evil thoughts!
For my writing samples, search the tag #nei's evil scriptures!
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I hope to find some more RP partners on here and write some incredible stories! If you'd like to discuss RP, please reach out to me via DMs and I will send you my Discord handle! Happy writing everyone!
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creativesplat · 5 months
alright gonna send you some good vibes asks! <33333
tell me about your animal crossing island! what's your favourite music album? how do you cheer yourself up? tell me a little about your dog, if you'd like to!!!
ahh thank you Snails!
My island isn't finished yet (so tragically I don't have a dream address (but when I do I'll be sure to post it!), it has a cinamaroll themed cafe, an outside dnd area (complete with a bit of a messy map of the world I DM in) and a market beside that. I also have a heart-shaped lake (naturally occurring!) so I made a bit of a lover's pond style thing. It also has Fuchsia, Papi, and Hamlet who are so cute!
I also made a MiphLink custom design (MO-8FJD-V13Q-XF2W) of the Mipha memory, because I couldn't find one anywhere and really wanted it in a picture frame so... if you want a picture of mipha and link 😂
I really don't know what my favourite music album is... Rebel by Lecrae (a really intense set of christian rap songs, very theologically packed, sometimes quite harsh) is one I have a soft spot for because it helped me in my faith when I was having a rough time as a teenager. ColdPlay Strawberry Swing is probably my all time favourite song though, my happy place has that on headphones in it! I have a miphlink playlist and Alflear playlist that I enjoy as well.
I usually listen to my angsty/bad day playlist (it is literally called that lol) so I feel like the bad feelings are acknowledged, and then have a cup of tea and a read of a book or watch something nice. As a Christian I also read a nice psalm if the other methods don't work - I swear its like an instant happiness beam 😅
I WOULD love to tell you about my dog! He is an adorable border collie, runt of the litter, and the best little guy ever. He is a male dog, but everyone things he's a girl (he is a very feminine little guy). He loves chocolate, so around easter everything has to go up high so he doesn't eat it (because that would be very bad for him...), he's a fussy eater, and he's really good at helping with stuff. I don't know why, but particularly for ASD meltdowns and stuff he just knows how to help. The goodest boi. 10/10. (he loves belly rubs and ear cuddles as well, but is not a fan of getting his paws cleaned)
(turns out I lied about not posting the dream address, I now have done, because I can't think what else to do on my island lol)
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booasaur · 2 years
Badhaai Do omg. I loved it but boy did it hit home. I’m Nigerian, not Indian but the cultures are really similar(the scenes with the meddling aunties, the colourism, how young adults are treated in the family, even the buildings lol)and watching everything unfold had me holding my breath while rejoicing the quieter, tender gay moments. I went into it with no spoilers, thinking it would be a cheesy rom com(I wanted a little more joy/moments from the lesbian relationship for sure)and sure there were hints of that but it was definitely more of a drama and the second half was quite serious. After the reveal, I was scared as hell at how things would play out but it worked out in the best way and I’m so glad they went with that ending. The pride scene though. I teared up through their families but those scenes always get me and this felt way too real. I wish people who complained about closeted gays would watch more stuff like this and try to get it tbh.
Oh, that's so interesting, how cultures that are so physically distant can be so similar in certain ways. And I bet there are probably some LatAm places we'd find familiar too. I'm glad this was able to resonate with you, then!
Yeah, it wasn't as comedic as I'd expected even from the trailer since I did have some preconceptions but while it had a lot of jokes it was definitely more wistful and dramatic too. The way they treated their home life, I started to get nervous even before the reveal, because of the sleeping arrangements and the family visiting, since things seemed going fairly well for them with too much of the movie still left, and of course then the other shoe fell.
I LOVED the pride scene and watched it so many times and even now have the song in my playlist. It was one of those moments that becomes larger than the movie or fictional characters and more about the real people making progress and winning the ability to even have a movie like this made.
The ending was lovely, and they almost got me with that fakeout, lol, but I really loved how it ended on a fully hopeful, happy note. Yay for them and us!
You know, unfortunately, I feel like if people can't already put themselves in the place of closeted characters closer to home and understand their decisions as what works for them, this isn't really gonna help much? Because if they have to qualify under what circumstances a person deserves sympathy, that's already on the wrong foot.
But anyway, heh, not to be too much of a downer, for sure, I really enjoyed it, though as you said, wouldn't have mined more of a romcom vibe. I feel like of these three movies so far, ELKDTAL, Badhaai Do, and Maja Ma, none have yet fully leaned into the epic romance Bollywood is known for, but you can see the good intentions and the attempts to get closer all the time.
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turianosauruswrex · 6 months
📻 + per!!!!
my son my son my son my son thank you so much Shan!!!
Send me 📻 + an oc and I’ll give you a random song off their playlist + an explanation of why it’s there
Okay so this was harder than I thought. Per's (first) (complete) playlist is largely based on vibes, lyrics being relevant of course but the sound of a song taking precedence in that I didn't listen to many of these song's lyrics until later. And then the ones I did pick for their lyrics-- I mean they're a little obvious.
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Like come on. That's just them! It wasn't on purpose I made them fit that song either! Coincidence!
So the one I'm gonna go with is "Autoclave" by the Mountain Goats!
It's the last song on their playlist, after an onslaught of loud, dissonant, dark sound and dark lyrics. And I specifically wanted to give them one or two Mountain Goats songs to contrast the rest of their songs, because they are still a person underneath their violence, their indifference, their bloodline. Peregrine very much feels like they're set on their path: They do not have a choice in their murderous actions. They do not have a choice on whether or not they are Bhaal's son. Everything is fixed. They can't change it-- they tried, once, and they were punished for it. The Mountain Goats not only do an exceptional job of putting such feelings to song, but they also come steeped very heavily in religious and mythological imagery, which are things I obviously wanted to lean on for Peregrine.
"Autoclave" is a heartwrenching song (that I would kill to see performed live) because it sounds so defeated, so resigned, so lonely. The verses fit Peregrine well, as by the point of the Chains of Asmodeus campaign, they firmly believe their path is set down that of a monster-- figuratively, as one of their Father's death-dealers, and literally, as the avatar of the Slayer.
Hand me your hand, let me look in your eyes As my last chance to feel human begins to vaporize Maybe it's the heat in here, maybe it's the pressure You ought to head for the exits, the sooner the better
When I try to open up to you I get completely lost Houses swallowed by the earth, windows thick with frost And I reach deep down within, but the pathways twist and turn And there's no light anywhere, and nothing left to burn
And to be clear-- this isn't something they angst over. They have better things to do than worry about the state of their soul (it's cubed, apparently). If they are meant to be a monster, then by gods, it's the will of their Father, and who are they to defy him? Thus, they avoid getting close with anyone-- it happened twice. It ended disastrously for those two people, and for themselves, and some part of Per, deep down, won't let it happen a third time.
I dreamt that I was perched atop a throne of human skulls On a cliff above the ocean, howling wind and shrieking seagulls And the dream went on forever, one single static frame Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name
They are so lonely. Oh my god. They could have everything they want-- Bhaal's favoritism, the world dead at their feet in his name, and it would not bring them happiness. This is not something they yet realize-- that they find more peace and joy in companionship, more love from people rather than their Father.
But it's the second chorus that I really wanted to pull for them:
And I am this great, unstable mass of blood and foam And no emotion that's worth having could call my heart its home My heart's an autoclave My heart's an autoclave
The bloody imagery in the first line, the defeat in the second, and the use of an autoclave-- pressure and heat to sterilize and make inhospitable-- to describe their heart. This song is less an outside description of Peregrine and more, when you pry, when you twist it out of them, how they see themselves.
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systemic-dreams · 10 months
I made a playlist for Elliot Krangsdt! it's not perfect, but I'm pretty happy with it. I hope you enjoy :)
I've been listening to this all day. what a jam. it's so different to what i usually listen to. like walking into a room with brightly coloured walls.
"sometimes the only road to take is the darkest" really hits. i think Evan only ever took that road and Elliot is still confused about having other options. like, there's a fork in the road now but the light side is unfamiliar, so he needs to be dragged in and told it's okay, it's not a trick
literally all of momento mori gets it. but it's so upbeat and almost playful in tone. i get an insomnia/insanity vibe. staying up way too long and going a little crazy. or a lot crazy.
hollow moon was very acoustic and folksy. i had to look up the lyrics because i was missing them with all the flourishes but damn. "if I made my bed, did I make the demons in it?" ummm. yes. I think as much as Evan had actual demons, Elliot is creating phantom demons to fill the holes the horrors have left in his psyche. and his decisions absolutely created the demons that plague him now. spot on.
lampshades' "fear makes us really really run around" is 100% Elliot but also Evan. whenever he was afraid or uncomfortable, Brennan would try to move him out of the scene or just leave the space. but the pilot program would follow instead of letting him go alone. which made the exits seem like transitions instead of escapes. Even Evan's exit from the school which the pilots stop in the series, is Evan removing himself from the area because he's afraid of what he will do to do people close to him. Elliot has a different problem, in that, dangerous things are happening to people he cares about and he runs around trying to fix them out of fear they will be hurt or killed.
"i'd give an arm and a leg, just to go, just to be on my own, but i need to stay and fend for myself." definitely an adult Elliot feeling. I think younger Elliot tried to leave the Krangsdts multiple times. just because of past experience with foster families either treating Evan poorly or getting eaten by monsters. and he doesn't remember, but the feeling of being in a house with people in it is not a comfortable one. I think he eventually learned he cant just go AWOL but he still couldnt live in a house with people in it. the excuse he made to himself would be: he needed somewhere to stash his vampire hunting gear and crash when he gets beat up so he doesnt look sus or worry anyone. but its more than that.
cicada days really got me with lines like "it just feels inhuman to lose this much" i mean, fr. I don't think Evan is human or considers himself human. no one can go through that much trauma and come out sane. it's a miracle or some form of magic that keeps a spark of naivety and hope and goodness alive in him. even if he's super broken. there's cynicism in his personality but it's more of a healthy scientific skepticism. it isn't despair. there's a lot of pain that comes from keeping that spark of good alive within incalculable darkness. and you get hit with "now it feels damn inhumane to get all i've dreamt of" which i think is more applicable to the later chapters i havent published. but there is massive guilt there. like, 'it's too good to be true', 'what's the catch?', why? how? waiting for it all to come crashing down because it couldnt all possibly be happening.
also, "cause when you leave you know you take more than your love" i feel hits more with K. because it's unsaid between them. there's not enough time to process feelings. they barely confess and suddenly it's time to part. and you cant say 'i love you' yet. but you want to. but it's just too much and its probably not true. and when Evan leaves, he does take that love with him and also their futures.
moonsickness is so raw with "I'm the worst mistake your god has ever made". it's too bad i don't like penelope scott's voice or tone. she might as well be ordering a pizza over the phone lol. great lyrics though. i would love to hear a cover that does them justice. i think early Elliot does feel like a mistake and that plagues him for a while. my plan was to have the pilot program flip the switch eventually and turn it into "I'm the worst mistake your god has ever made and I'm gonna make it your problem." but i don't know if i'll ever get there. writing hard hurr durr
this was so fun! thank you for sharing! I've never made a playlist for Elliot because in my mind he was always a caricature of every popular emo song i could think of. stuff that K and Cody Walsh would think is cool but in reality would be a nightmare. when i put them in a playlist, it became clear why he is my blorbo lol.
please find attached: my emo son - the playlist
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nonbinarv · 10 months
ask game! <3
loop (isat) - 5, 12, 23, 25
ena (ena) - 2, 3, 4, 13
absol (pkmn) - 1, 6, 23, 24
2. the basis for her design is a cool concept :o
3. does the end of temptation stairway count /hj
4. hmm. pokémon bc i have made a team for her before. she would find fun there i think. a strain of joy she recognizes
13. 🎭. yes this is just my ena tag on my kin blog but like am i wrong,
1. i forgot when or how i really ended up attaching to absol in particular but like. the pokédex entries… it just wants to keep people safe but is scorned for it… it's really just the black cat of the pokémon universe and i want to hug it. also i know people call its design edgy but i consider it more majestic than anything ngl. idk i just want it to be happy
6. could use a hug
23. look at its little tail wags… its paw movements… ;w;
24. …hm not sure tbh? design-wise mayyybe joshua twewy. mega absol in particular. it's just the Vibes™
loop (under the cut for spoilers)
5. so technically there's an official playlist for them i haven't listened to yet- but the very first one that comes to mind is sundial by lemon demon thanks to this comic. since that's more of an overall siffrin song than specifically loop though (it's on my kin playlist too which has a lot of songs that overlap for obvious reasons), there's also upside down & inside out by ok go and you are getting a ramble on discord about my logic later tonight owo
12. okay okay hc time. so the thing is siffrins are not very subtle creatures right. so i think that just like odile was suspicious of the time loops before having enough info to really put the pieces together, she'd be suspicious as all hell of loop in a post-canon scenario where they join the family. while they'd still keep their façade up there'd be all these little things that she can and would notice. especially considering her own guilt that she expresses in act 6 for not pushing more to find out what was wrong she would confront them so quickly about it and they would not react well because in addition to pineapples siffrins are also extremely allergic to being vulnerable. also this odile may be a near perfect copy but not quite, not theirs, a complete stranger wearing her face- loop wouldn't go full act 5 but they'd definitely ramp up their playful exterior out of desperation and flee.
odile ends up the first to know (besides siffrin of course) after siffrin is 👀 at them and loop has to experience the other side of self to self therapy momence. self-recognition through the other (derogatory but necessary bc if siffrin has to start opening up to the others then so does loop it's not fair for only one siffrin to). maybe going the 'if you got to tell them about my time loops i get to tell them about this if you don't' type thing but not in like a manipulative or getting back at them way more a 'i know you'll never actually say it otherwise but you do have to come clean eventually' thing if that makes sense. bc how are they supposed to start healing from it if they won't even admit it
she takes it surprisingly well; she'd only push to a certain point (not as necessary to like with siffrin and his wish, the universe isn't breaking over it) and let loop know that while she may not be their odile they're still a part of the family all the same and that she's there for them too not just siffrin. may ramble more @ you later on discord about how i perceive loop's relationships with the rest of the group bc this question has me rotating them in my mind
23. not a favorite emotionally bc they deserve better but also ough. the moment of their old appearance shining through before the battle. and this pic when they talk about their second wish, stuck in it for so long that they just break and want someone to help them, for it all to stop… it's gonna kill me when i get their act 6 stuff. it's the emotional impact of it
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25. initially an absolute bastard. not quite hatred but also damn "have you tried not dying?" fuck that y'know. they're still very much bastard but now it's like. i get it sdgfkjhl i can't say anything really. i want to give them a hug because they're just as touch-starved if not even more so. old friend start again siffrin continuing to go through hell, again of their own making…
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