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the-silent-fellowship · 3 months ago
[PT: Snaplicity]
Snaplicity, a term that can be accounted as a Inviane(link) subterm made for systems in mind. A term for when system base identities can only be defined though the use of images.
(ie: Innerworlds, -Based, Plurplex, Plurid, Evogenders, AGAFs, Somas, Introject Type, Role, etc.)
Suffix: Snap- / -Snap || Etymology: Snap(shot) + (Multi)plicity
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[ID: in Alt text]
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[Tags] @system-term-archive, @pluralitywords, @pluralterms, @radiomogai, @plurchive
[Extra] @kiruliom , @buntress , @chiroluna , @p-rtyboy , @daybreakthing , @gender-mailman , @eparchclass
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cherishedverses · 1 month ago
Nichelinkbased flags
[pt: Nichekinkbased flags :end pt]
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Some flags i made for nichelinkbased!
@nichelink (ask to be untagged if you don’t like to be tagged btw)
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ix-c-999 · 1 year ago
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a -based term for systems who feel as though aroace(-spec) identity/being aroace affects how the system works. this may look like the following: -having system members who are aroace -having system members who represent archetypes/presentations/identities/etc. within the aroace community -having introjects of aroace characters, or having introjects who are aroace versions of non-aroace characters -having system functions being affected by aroace attraction or relationships -having trauma holders who hold trauma experienced as a result of being aroace this term is inclusive of all aroace-spec identities.
this post has no DNI other than not to start discourse on it
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eparchclass · 3 months ago
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Foundationbased — Where one's system is heavily influenced by the SCP Foundation; such as it influencing what roles alters have, how the system / innerworld [ if there is one ] is structured, or how the system copes. The specifics, and whether this is a healthy / unhealthy situation is entirely up to the user
Tagging @radiomogai
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septembersanctuary · 8 months ago
Colorbased — A colorbased system is a system whose functions or structure are based on colors and/or their organization in some way, such as having introjects of colors (chromtives) play a central part in the system or having a rainbow-themed internal group.
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redacted-coiner · 10 months ago
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Plurplex, Systemgender, Plurid
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Synqueer, -Based, Masqutien
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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plurplex-archive-dot-net · 1 year ago
[PT: Templates!]
Note: I did not make these, I do not claim to make these I am mearly posting them to make the access to them more well accessible.
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[PT: Plurplex]
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[ID: none yet]
Plurplex symbol credit(link): @rusanya-does-edits
Plurplex Definition: An umbrella term for those who have an identity(s) that affects their entire system in some way. It doesn't need to be in the same way nor does it have to be in equal amounts, but it does affect the whole system (or subsystem, etc.) in some kind of way.
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[PT: -Based]
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[ID: none yet]
-Based Definition: -based is a suffix, kind of like -tien, for when an origin feels more like a type/modifier, instead of an origin.
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@radiomogai, @pluralitywords, @pluralterms
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glitchedstars · 2 years ago
Plural coining: Wishbased
Wishbased, also known as wishtien, is a term that refers to systems (, sisasystem, subsystems or any other plural grouping) whose structure, functioning, member count, architecture, etc is influenced by wishes in some way, shape or form Examples of a wishbased system could be (but are not limited to): - a system who wished for new members to form and then as a result gained new members - an introtive who wished for a sourcemate and consequently the system introjected a member from the same source - a headmate who wished to explore and then the system gained a new area of the innerworld/headspace/etc to explore/discover (This includes subconscious or unconscious wishes as well as intentional ones!) This term is for anyone who wants to use it in good faith
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ijustwannamakeemojis · 8 months ago
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[ID: Six pixel hearts of various flags in order being Sidesystem, Front Cluster, -Based, -Impacted, Plurplex, and Sisasystem. End ID]
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imamogaigremlin · 1 year ago
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OCDbased: A system that's based in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. This means that OCD affects the way your system exists in someway, with it being able to affect your innerworld, functions, and/or headmates, but it isn’t necessarily an ‘origin’. Our personal experiences with being a system with OCD have been pretty rough: most of the time, when i hear an inner voice, i know that it doesn't come from my headmates, but sometimes the line between their voice and OCD's trickery gets so blurred i can't do anything but answer it, despite knowing it might worsen our disorder. At the moment my headmates barely speak at all before getting overrun by OCD, like a mind-controlling parasite that can bend our inner realities, and i'm starting to feel even faker than i did before. I hope that, by making this term, i'll be able to help some people feel less alone, by saying "i'm here too, i get you, you're not the only one, we're in this together". Alt flag:
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Based on the OCD flag by @livingwithocd
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the-silent-fellowship · 5 months ago
We are unsure whether your requests are open or not, but would like to request a -based flag if that is alright. /no pressure
If yes, may we please request a synesthesia-based flag/official term coining for a plural friend of ours?
I believe it would fall under a type of neuro-based, as it is less color oriented and more synesthesia (the condition) oriented.
Thank you for your time, please have a lovely timezone.
[PT: Synesthesiabased]
Synesthesiabased. a system based in one’s Synesthesia. This means Synesthesia has affected the way the system exists, but is not necessarily an origin. This could mean that the system often forms Synesthesia symptom holders, that Synesthesia affects the way a system functions, or anything similar.
Colors and symbol used from this!(link)
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[ID: in Alt text]
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[ID: in Alt text]
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[Tags] @system-term-archive, @pluralitywords, @pluralterms, @radiomogai, @plurchive , @plurplex-archive-dot-net
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spiraldevs · 1 year ago
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Althumanbased —
✶ A -based term for systems that are based in alterhumanity or being alterhuman. Alterhumanity may affect the systems functions, innerworld, structure, or headmates, without necessarily being an origin.
naming: "althuman" (alterhuman), "-based"
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ix-c-999 · 3 months ago
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A term for systems whose functions, headspace, splitting patterns, etc. are based on or affected by death. This could involve: -headmates who appear dead in-space or who are ghosts/zombies/vampires/etc. -introjects whose sources are dead (e.g. factives of people who are no longer alive) -holders for trauma or psychosis related to death -spiritual headmates in a system with death-related practices However, it can include anything.
[No DNI, just be civil.]
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moristyle · 1 year ago
"It was made for me!" shouts the man in his boxers and glasses regarding the man-shaped hole in the pumpkin
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letthehatersbark · 3 months ago
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The funniest one star review of Wicked I've seen so far
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