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tough-n-dumb · 21 days ago
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obsessed w her
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askunwantedguestnarrator · 10 months ago
[Ahh I just saw a new TSP account and wanted to interact.]
May the Narrator tell us more about his character design? Or if they have any special powers or anything?
What about how closely related they are to canon? How much headcannons do they have? Are they still working via canon facts or a separate AU?
[Excuse the long questions, I'm interested and came up with these on the spot]
Sending my regards to the older gentleman and the rest.
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anywhoosies, thank you so much for the question, Kat!
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vldunchartedregions · 28 days ago
Stupid question, considering that I love the analysis of the meta you're doing, but why did they even change it in the first place? and what do you think the original ending was?
Hi! Thank you for the question.
The meta will capture what we believe to be the original ending based on many podcast interviews, meta analysis' already existing in the fandom, further analysis' of the episodes, etc.
I do know the real reason as to why it was changed (mainly Lotor), however it's quite personal rather than business, and therefore I won't be disclosing that information.
Please note: it also has to do with the social commentary at the time. I highly encourage you to watch the podcast: Afterbuzz TV for Voltron: Legendary Defender with a focus on the commentaries made during Season 8. They drop a LOT of hints.
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Thank you for the question!
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triple-pupil · 3 months ago
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dejwrld · 1 year ago
levi was made short because isayama knew he would eat eren up by being the hottest aot character
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ruthplaysthesims · 7 months ago
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Trouble in Tartosa..
There has been some rumors that Hilary plans to ask Carla to play at Greta's wedding. Lucia, feeling guilty for not protecting Carlos from the unfairness and cruelty he experienced while working for the Laurents, decides to confront her about it, not wanting to repeat the same mistake again.
Transcript under cut
Lucia: Didn't think you'd actually show your face.
Hilary: If I had known it was you, I never would have shown at all. I wish I could say it's nice seeing you but it isn't.
Lucia: Glad to know we agree on something for once. But if it wasn't for what I'm about to say, I would not be here.
Hilary:  So why did you call me here? Make it quick. I have an appointment at the bridal boutique with Greta.
Lucia: It's about Carla. And Carlos too. I've let you live in your little fantasy bubble for long enough. That venue would be NOTHING if it wasn't for those children and now you have some NERVE to want to ask Carla to play at your daughter's wedding, knowing how you and your husband screwed her brother over. What is wrong with you?!
Hilary: Screwed him over? All I did was grant Solana her dying wish. If anything, he screwed himself over. That boy knew nothing about responsibility. I don't pay irresponsible people. 
Lucia: I know your ass did not just sit there and call that boy irresponsible. Do you know what that boy had to endure after Solana died?! Solana was a good woman and you and I know better than anyone what she (and her son) contributed to make that venue what it is today! How dare you dishonor her like this?!
Hilary: All I'm hearing is your endless yapping. What have YOU done to help him, huh? It's not my fault he chose to date Greta. He got his heart broken and humiliated us by leaving before his performance.
 Lucia: No wonder your daughter is so heartless! He left because of the way you treated him the entire time he worked there. All you and Hector ever cared about was the money  he was bringing in. You used him like he was some trophy and pretended to care for him for the sake of your reputation! I'll be damned if I ever let Carla go through that same bullshit! You better stay away from her. 
Hilary: Or what?
Lucia: Or I'm telling Alonzo everything. And telling Hector that you slept with Alejandro.
 Hilary: What proof do you have?
Lucia: You asking what proof I have is already admitting to it. To think I once saw you as a friend. You disgust me, Hilary! Stay away from Carla. Consider this your first and final warning...
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the--quotifyer--innit · 8 months ago
john: I think we should kiss. sherlock: And I think you should die but we don’t always get what we want.
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yukidragon · 2 months ago
I thought i'd let you know about this user as they're a pro-israel, anti-abortion and transphobic too as what i heard. I remember they reblogged a blog about you for supporting palestine. They have been roaming around the SWWSDJ fandom and nobody knew about their problematic behavior.
@/lunauftngocamegabingforsyory is the name, you should block their alts (that are in their bio) too to avoid them.
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Thank you for the heads up. I must say that it's disheartening to be labeled as anti-Semitic just because I want to support the innocent civilians who are suffering in Palestine.
On that note, remember to give your daily click. Consider donating if you can to a charity you can trust. Here are some UN entities that you might want to look into for yourself as an example.
While I'm on this topic, I want to say that I am pro-choice and support a person's right to bodily autonomy. I am also a strong supporter of trans rights.
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Trans rights are human rights. If you are transphobic, I kindly ask you not to interact with me. Likewise, I do not wish to interact with anyone who is homophobic, biphobic, acephobic, or any other flavor of bigoted against members of the LGBT+. While I'm at it, pedophiles can also stay far, far away from me. Thank you.
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ruelin024 · 3 months ago
guyss i got my first commission, wish me luck. o((>ω< ))o
Finna disappear off for a bit (maybe, probably till it's finished)
I am so nervous, I sensed artblock tryna cheese neck me into oblivion.
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fairy-verse · 1 year ago
What would happen If Cross found Dream hurt or in danger? :)
Thump… thump… thump… Thump…
The beating of his soul was all that he could hear, and the glistening red was all that he could see, yet he felt warm hands cradle his cheeks and the pleasant vibration of a soft voice speaking to him. He wasn’t sure where he was, or who he was now. Everything had become a blur, a blend of colours the likes of what he’d see in his peripheral when he’d dive from the tallest mountain and down towards the grassy meadows below.
“… oss…”
His chest, waist, and hips ached as though the bones had been shattered and his ecto crushed to a pulp. Had it been? He wasn’t sure.
Was someone calling him? He swore he could hear a voice; far, far away it was, but still there. The warm hands on his cheeks gripped a little tighter, or they tried to. He didn’t think they could ever grip him too hard, not even if they wanted to.
Cross… Yes, yes that was his name, wasn’t it? It certainly sounded familiar. He could recall another voice speaking it, more feminine, but just as soft. His father had given him his name, but his mother had made him love it. She’d always been so gentle to him, coddling him, like a mother should when their faerling is so young.
“Cross, please, look at me.”
He wanted to look, but he couldn’t see. He blinked; hard. The redness didn’t go away. His sockets ached. Had they been forced open for too long? He wasn’t sure but a memory kept him from thinking about it. He could see his mother, smiling down at him, laughing as she let flower petals fall over him. Tiny, little hands were reaching up for them. Was that his hands?
He could see his hands reaching out further as they grew. They were still small when they tried to reach for his mother as ugly, giant hands seized her. She shrieked for him to fly away. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t stop watching as the troll brought his mother’s frail body toward its mouth; its grinning, wide open mouth; full of sharp teeth and disgusting black spit.
He screamed… and lunged.
The world flashed back to him and suddenly the wind was too loud and the rustling grass beneath him screeched as he winched in pain. And yet he remained stiff as his hands clutched at silks and soft, summoned ecto. He could see the sun; it was beneath him.
Dream was beneath him. His face was tear-stained and red blood trickled from his white bones, but he appeared unharmed. Cross on the other hand felt as though he’d been partly crushed by tumbling rocks and giant trees. It hurt to breathe, it hurt to move.
“You’re okay,” Dream said, voice gentle and careful. There was an edge of fear to it, and at first, Cross thought it was directed at him, but before the horror of it could consume him, he found himself following a trail of red on the grass. Further and further away it went until his eye lights landed upon a collapsed shape.
A troll. It was dead.
“You’re okay. I’m okay,” Dream said, reaching up to cradle his cheeks again.
Cross remembered what had happened then. He’d heard Dream’s startled and frightened scream, and he’d rushed to his aid in hopes of scaring away whatever had jumped the guardian of summer. He knew Dream was strong and could protect himself, but even the firstborn had their weaknesses, and unfortunately… trolls were resistant to fairy magic.
Cross had seen trolls many times before. He’d seen them hunt the Big Folk, seen them eating wildlife and fairies alike. He’d killed many of them, too, but this… No, this situation wasn’t new, but that wasn’t what had been the problem.
No, the problem was that he’d seen all this before, and his repressed memories of the past had come thundering down on him as he found Dream clutched inside the troll’s hand, being brought towards its mouth.
He’d blacked out after that.
“It’s dead, Cross. You killed it. I’m safe. You’re safe.” Dream’s voice was so soft and tender, it made Cross tired. He was so tired. “Please, Cross. Stand down.” It was a command. Dream had said it gently, but he’d commanded him, nonetheless.
“… okay,” he said, voice hoarse and unfamiliar to him. It was his own voice, he knew it, but it sounded far too weak. He was so tired.
The blackness claimed him again, but this time he knew he’d passed out in Dream’s arms and not into some horrid nightmare of the past come alive once more. No, this time he’d been strong enough. He’d been strong enough to protect Dream, though he wondered if that strength had been at the expense of his own health.
It didn’t matter.
Dream… He was still alive, and because of that, Cross gladly accepted the warm embrace of sleep.
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monospaced0ut · 7 months ago
Charles: Edwin, my hands are cold.
Edwin: *Holds Charles’ hand*
Charles: …
Charles: You know, my mouth is actually cold, too.
Edwin: *Covers Charles’ mouth with his other hand*
Charles: *Muffled* Jokes on you, really. I’m kind of into this.
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nerevar-quote-and-star · 1 year ago
Jolinar Aren: I'm gonna kick your ass.
Ancano: I'd love to see you try.
Jolinar: Loredas. Noon. The usual place.
Ancano: You're on. Loser pays for dinner and the movie.
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piltover-sharpshooter · 7 months ago
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"I would like to say I've gotten better in my possessiveness with my partners, and now it's just a thing I do with the expressed permission of them and usually in short bursts" Chuckles.
"Should have seen me in my earlier years. I'd have collared my loved ones if they let me" She still would, but in a playful way.
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Lilac and accidentaly perhaps a bit of apricot 🙈
Aww thank you for the lilac Birdie <3
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kyouzen · 6 months ago
Ah yes, drawing r-18 of my oc x canon just so I can forget all my problems...
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the-real-gmail · 5 months ago
oof, found out you're british, big oof moment, sorry, i have to unfollow and block, hope you get better
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