nobeerreviews · 2 months
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The only lasting beauty is the beauty of the heart
-- Rumi
(Cluj, Romania)
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local-lover-boy · 7 days
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Just made a playlist for the woman who owns me
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ijustkindalikebooks · 4 months
“No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting.” ― Mary Wortley Montagu.
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chronivore · 1 month
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random-xpressions · 4 days
Your brain creates the deepest impact on first time experience - so ensure that whenever you do something for the first time that you keep yourself absolutely open, receptive and vulnerable. That's the best way to mould your spirit...
Random Xpressions
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stoicmike · 11 months
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A lot of little love affairs don’t add up to one big one. -- Michael Lipsey
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clove-pinks · 1 year
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His and Hers sporting dress from 1837, Journal des Dames et des Modes (Rijksmuseum).
"Robe & pantalon en lasting" caught my eye (apparently referring to the woman's clothes), and Valerie Cumming's fashion history dictionary defines this textile:
Everlasting, lasting
Period: 18th century to ca. 1840.
A stout worsted fabric with double warps and single weft. “A cloth with a shining surface” (1829).
I usually don't focus on women's dress but I really love her outfit with the pantaloons beneath her shorter skirt, and the beautiful stock with masculine frilled shirt! (Sporting dress and equestrian dress for women are wonderful for their masculine tailoring). Women's sleeves are pretty deflated by the late 1830s, but hers seem extra-tight and very 1840s-looking, perhaps for practical considerations. It also looks like she has a feminine version of Albert boots.
If anything, the man's dress seems less functional for outdoor activities, with his light coutil trousers that not only have a footstrap but seem to be almost covering his shoes.
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alexxisokay · 1 year
A real love is all I ask for
I'll never not second guess someone. 
every time i get comfortable 
and let myself settle down,
the rug gets swept from under my feet
and their gone before i can get back up. 
i know the feeling all too well
yet i continue to let people in,
hoping to find the right person. 
i want a soft love
crisp as the october air 
and as gentle as the warm sun.
and i want it to last, this time. 
please let it last. 
i don’t want to feel like i’m 
not good enough, 
that i’m not built for love 
though i happen to be so full of it, 
but everywhere i turn
leads me to dead ends. 
all im left with is myself and
the pit in my stomach that 
will seemingly never 
go away.  
maybe i am 
but i’ll never stop 
running from it.  
A real love is all I ask for 
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murasakinocatt · 6 days
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AMOR é um sentimento a longo prazo, que evolui e se adapta, é um sentimento mais profundo, duradouro e estável baseado numa relação de reciprocidade e cuidado com a pessoa amada.
Já a PAIXÃO é mais intensa e rápida, é momentânea e limitada, pode transformar-se em amor ou simplesmente desvanecer.
Interpreto que a paixão vêm de modo intenso, o que nós leva a criar fantasias e expectativas, que podem nós levar a frustrações por serem fora da realidade.
Já o amor pode surgir através da paixão, é quando o sentimento não é alimentado por fantasias e sim por questões de reciprocidade e honestidade.
AMOR é superar as fantasias da paixão, é perceber que o relacionamento não será somente "um conto de fadas", é quando ambos estam abertos para a resolução de problemas e adaptações no próprio relacionamento, é o sentimento de querer construir uma vida com alguém, de modo honesto e natural.
O amor de um relacionamento deve ser cuidado como um filho, e isso o tornará adapto a evoluções, o que lhe fará ser duradouro.
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JAKUB GIERSZAŁ as Michał in Nieulotne/Lasting (2013) dir. Jacek Borcuch
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dfivezstore · 11 months
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deeniyaat · 1 year
“Love is more powerful than separation, but the latter is more lasting.”
—Joseph Brodsky
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mentagenesis · 1 year
Expansive Abundance.
by Daniel Wolfert. This is a meme I created a few years ago after a deep meditation on the emptiness of materialism. I’ve posted it quite a few times and every once in a while someone comments something to the effect of “Why can’t we have both abundance and personal growth?” The answer is (drum roll please) we can! The two are not mutually exclusive. This meme is asking us what our focus is on;…
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mattfromkc · 2 years
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I am dead 😂😂😂😂
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random-xpressions · 4 months
No, I don't want to be glad that we crossed paths. I want our paths to become one. Not brief encounters, but a lasting bond...
Random Xpressions
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theriverbeyond · 6 months
Ideal work schedule:
I show up and am given a list of cognitively engaging but achievable tasks
I complete the list
I leave immedietly
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