kathrahender · 27 days
A man and a woman share romantic themed scenes and other wholesome moments.
Everyone: Omg they're an awesome couple! They belong together! They're beautiful and perfect! They're my OTP 😆😆❤️❤️
Two men/two women sharing literally the same scenes or even more emotional/romantic themed scenes than the main canon straight couple has.
Everyone: They're just friends/rivals. They have a platonic relationship. Why do you ship them? Why can't two men/two women be just friends???? Why they have to be boyfriends/girlfriends????? 😭😭😭
Don't make excuses. Just say you're homophobic. And if you really aren't homophobic, if you don't like the ship for other reasons, not because they are two men/two women, just directly say "I don't like them because X" but don't use those arguments because if you do I'm just gonna assume you're queerphobic. I don't know, use the "I don't like the trope of their relaitonship" "I prefer another couple". But don't use the "they're just friends" because that argument is so overused.
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yesnonsense · 2 months
I rewatched pacific rim:uprising and my god did I forget how gay it was.
And Now I have this need for lamcost and all I have is 89 fanfics, tumblr post/fanart and the internet to scour for obscure things about them.
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bae-science · 3 years
everyone shut up. “i couldn’t get the boy to kill me, but i wore his jacket for the longest time” is about lamcost
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aimeecarreros · 4 years
me: [minding my own business]
a ship i haven’t been investing in in a while: hey remember when-
me: [sobbing on the floor upon catching up on new content for the ship, watching episodes/season(s) i put on hold, going through the ship tag...expected to come back after a month or so]
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samaspic31 · 4 years
Man I love Pacific rim fanfiction. Two characters sharing a literal telepathic bond and still useless enough to pine and yearn
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bieurekabarnes · 4 years
So, you’re telling me I coulda shipped Jake and Nate THREE YEARS AGO BUT DIDNT BECAUSE I GOT BORED TEN MINUTES INTO THE MOVIE?!?!!
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That awkward moment when you scroll through an entire blog o.O
Also I wasn’t aware people shipped through Jake Pentecost and Nate Lambert from Pacific Rim: Uprising. I vaguely remember watching it in theaters with my sisters a few years ago. I mean I see the chemistry, but I don’t really remember shipping them. Maybe I did ship them, I think I was recovering from a concussion at that time so idk.
I expected them to get in a fight and was disappointed that they didn’t (my younger sister was as well). I though maybe like they’d fight then chill out and laugh afterwards, but that didn’t happen. They chilled out a bit as time went on in the movie, but I had different expectations for it. 
I personally prefer the first movie. I like how there’s isn’t fully confirmed relationships in the movies. There’s implied attraction, but nothing is confirmed and the endings are a bit ambiguous. That gives opportunities for people to come up with some good headcannons. 
Also the intro to Jake in the second one is hilarious, I randomly think about it sometimes. 
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nixie-deangel · 5 years
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For @racheld93, who asked for Nate x Jake Fairytale. 
Nate Lambert x Jake Pentecost - Little Mermaid AU. 
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hazelnatcoffee · 5 years
and they were drift compatible.... oh myghodthey were drift com p a t i b l e
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kathrahender · 29 days
Is there any Pacific Rim fan in this site???? I need someone to talk to about Pacific Rim :(
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yesnonsense · 4 years
The way Pacific Rim: Uprising was so gay...
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bae-science · 4 years
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theloccent · 3 years
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It’s Supportive Sunday!! Let’s show a little love for the people sharing their infinite talent with us!
A short comment like ‘I loved this’
A more detailed comment like ‘X really made me smile’
Sending an anon ask to am author like ‘What inspired you to do X?’
Sending an anon ask to a commenter who made your day
Recommending   a fic by reblogging this post and adding the rec, or by making your   own  post and tagging it #LoccentSupportiveSunday
Carpe Diem, YOLO, and Other Sound Advice by dragonQuill907 ( @kingeiszler) [Nemwann | Rated M]
“What the fuck! Are your feet made of fucking ice? Why don’t you wear socks to bed?” “Why don’t you wear trousers?” “I run hot, dude, I don’t usually wear anything.” Hermann’s face burned as he tried not to picture it. “Thank god for small mercies. You keep to your side of the bed, and I’ll keep to mine.” “My– My side!? It’s all my side!”
Or: Newt and Hermann huddle for warmth
We should just kiss (like real people do) by CompletelyOrdinaryCat [Newmann | Rated E]
The air conditioning is broken in the Shatterdome, and Hermann and Newt have to share a bed! You know what that means!
the two of us together again by  buckgaybarnes ( @hermannsthumb) and Ksci_janitor ( @k-sci-janitor​) [Newmann | Rated T]
Newt is, like, pretty sure he and Hermann are having relationship problems. What better way to fix them than with another road trip?
[sequel to say it will always be like this (the two of us together)]
Mess Hall by ProblemWithTrouble ( @problemwithtrouble​) [Lamcost | Rated G]
Just Nate and Jake holding hands and talking in the mess hall late at night.
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aimeecarreros · 5 years
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#pilot exes
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helplessly-nonstop · 5 years
Okay, is anyone else super pissed that we didn’t get an actual interaction between November Ajax’s pilots and Amara? Like could you imagine the attitude that Amara would get from those two? Amara’s freaking out like ‘Okay, first of all, you’re a dick for zapping Scrapper and second of all, you’re the pilots for November Ajax, holy shit.’
‘Yeah and you’re the little shit that tried to escape us.’
Meanwhile Jake and Nate is watching the entire interaction with Vik and Jinhai betting on whether Amara is gonna faint or not.
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pacificrim-au · 5 years
Jake and Nate were insperabile as kids. They were best friends and went to the same schools. Until Jake was sent away to a boarding school after he kept getting into trouble (they’d get into trouble together but Jake always took the blame)
But once Jake is gone he never text he never emails. It’s just the occasional like on Instagram that even lets Nate know he’s alive.
Nate’s still mad about it when they’re forced to share a dorm room during their first year of university
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