#(which was the goal of both her little brother and her romantic interest)
brown-little-robin · 10 months
I was NOT expecting Tsunade (busty loser gambler, washed-up former elite ninja who makes herself look young and attractive via magic) and her attendant Shizune to become my new favorite female characters but here they are, doing that! Tsunade is so interestinggg
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nerd-artist · 29 days
Horizon Rock Bands AU: Rock Breakers
The second (and maybe last?) band of the AU that’s been leaving no place for any other thoughts in my mind. Jem and the Holograms inspired. Ereloy implied 🧡✨
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The band
The original leader of the group was Ersa, who started forming Rock Breakers with her brother Erend. However, after a tragedy left her unable to continue being part of the band, the Vanguard siblings decided that Erend should carry on with the group's formation. After what had happened, their mission was more critical than ever: to bring down Nemesis, its members, and their unfair musical dominance.
Avad, a wealthy representative with whom Ersa had a very close relationship, helped Erend in the search for other members who shared their common goal. That's how Varl, Kotallo, Drakka, and Nil joined the band, shaping the unique and diverse style that Rock Breakers is known for. Their blend of romantic and heavy sound has earned them a loyal fanbase, though, thanks to Nemesis' schemes, they've never managed to win The Proving. During the competition, they met Alpha Prime and came to the conclusion that both bands needed to support each other to defeat the evil group. Ersa became Alpha Prime's manager, ensuring that no one—not even they—would get in her little brother's way.
With Avad as their manager, Rock Breakers dominates their tour, which also serves as training for the competition. They don't have the help of any magical computers to make their shows unforgettable, but they pull it off with their creative use of fire and fireworks.
Character bios under the cut
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A deep voice and deep feelings—no wonder Erend is the lead singer and main songwriter of Rock Breakers. He always performs accompanied by his guitar ‘Hammer’, though it’s rarely the same one at each show, as he gets so excited in playing ‘Weird Space Ball’ that he ends up smashing it against the stage. He started competing in music contests for the love of music, but a tragedy changed his purpose: his sister Ersa, with whom he was originally going to form the band, went deaf because of their former boss, Dervahl, who is now a member of the antagonist band Nemesis. Since then, he has devoted himself entirely to destroying that band, just as he smashes his guitars.
With this common goal, it’s no surprise that he’s gotten along well with Alpha Prime since meeting them, though that encounter didn’t just gain him allies—it also changed his heart forever, as he fell head over heels for Aloy the moment he saw her. Since then, nearly all his lyrics have been about her, though Aloy seems to be the only one who hasn’t noticed. He doesn’t hold out much hope that someone as capable and beautiful as her would be interested in him, even though the two minutes she promised him keep becoming longer and longer.
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Varl met Erend at a comic con, and they instantly became friends. Coming from a strict upbringing where music had no place, he learned to play his bass, ‘Seeker,‘ in just a week, solely to join the band and experience the freedom of performing on stage. He’s always ready to carry out any plan that helps defeat Nemesis, even those that require sacrificing his own interests and beliefs. He fell for Zo, a member of Alpha Prime, the moment he met her, and unlike his friend, he did something about it—they´ve been together since, and they´re not subtle about it.
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The unstoppable rhythm of his drum set, ‘Bulwark,‘ is unmistakable. Kotallo has been playing it his entire life, and not even the sudden loss of an arm has slowed him down—he continues to captivate the crowd with every beat. He was once a member of the band "The Ten," where he played alongside Regalla, until she defected to join Nemesis after getting Kotallo involved in a street fight that ultimately cost him his arm. Kotallo joined Rock Breakers to get a shot at revenge against his former bandmate and to prove that no matter how she tries to weaken him, he’ll always be a better musician and more honorable than her.
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He comes from barren lands, though that doesn’t reflect his character at all. Playful and cheeky, his personality shines through in his backing vocals and in the way he plays his ‘Yarra.‘ Every key he presses makes the crowd roar louder, and it ensures he’s never alone after a concert. But his purpose is more serious than it seems: to destroy the reputation of the companies owned by Nemesis members so they stop diverting water from his town for their own gain. Who says you can’t have fun while pursuing the greater good?
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Little is known about his past, but it’s rumored that Nil is searching for redemption. His background is so enigmatic that even the other band members don’t quite remember how or when he became part of the group. Always mysterious, he used to cover his face during performances until he revealed it at the last concert, flashing that intense, mischievous gaze that drove the crowd wild. He found the perfect "Partner" in his guitar, which makes him stand out on stage with its unmistakable sound and with which he always puts on a good show.
Thank you for reading!!
If you want to know more about Alpha Prime, check this post.
Should I make one of these for Nemesis?
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piratadelamor · 1 year
skip and loafer ch. 53
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shima seems to see romantic love as a combination of different attraction factors, where liking someone as a person (for their personality) can be compensated for other things, therefore your standarts are lower when you're romantically attracted to someone. the way he sees it, the highest form of steem you can have for someone is to like them as a person, where these other factors don't matter and what you truly value is solely their personality.
i think it's interesting how mukai introduces this conversation by building a hierarchy of feelings, where romantic love stands on top of the feelings of friendship and of liking someone as a person, because that's one concept i've been personally focusing on deconstructing in my life. it's precisely by differenciating these types of feelings and putting them on a hierarchy that so many people end up in romantic relationships with people they don't really like, or why so many people drift away from their friendships when they start dating someone.
through everyone else's eyes, shima's feelings are romantic, and he doesn't feel like they are, because romance to him means something else. the lines between liking someone as a person, as a friend and as a lover are blurred. and listen, that's how they're supposed be. to love someone as a lover is supposed to mean you love them as a friend and as a person as well. a friend and a lover shouldn't be too different, and liking them as a person is supposed to be the core of both feelings.
i don't think shima is being innocent, like i've seen so many people saying on twt since the chapter came out. i think he's touching something very deep about relationships in our society that so many stories that focus on romance fail to address. in most of these stories, romance is the final goal. that's where most of them end. that's not the case here. i was already surprised when mitsumi and shima started dating, and even more surprised when they went back to being friends. that's not the usual narrative for this kind of story. because here, it doesn't seem like this hierarchy matters. and i think it's beautiful and i think it's HUGE how both shima and mitsumi value their friendship above everything else. not only them, because friendship is one of the main themes of this story. both as a dynamic and as a type of love as well.
but people have different perspectives on love and how love feels for them. it's different for mitsumi, for shima, for mika, for fumi. the way you're taught about love in your family or as a child in general has a big role on shaping that. we saw the matter of mitsumi having received lots of love in her family and childhood friends being brought up before as an explanation for her confidence. then, on the other hand, that's why we see shima acklowledging this on the next panels:
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we know a few things about shima's family and their complicated relationships. shima never realized his little brother liked him because he saw his behavior as coldness or indifference, when he was actually being considerate of the distance shima was putting between them himself. he felt the need to please his mother by acting in order for her to love him, or for him to be worthy of her love, because their relationship was too anchored on exploitation. his father was having an affair, which not only made shima watch the failure of his parents marriage but also perceive romantic love as something superficial (as in "people break up and move on to the next person") and possibily as something that pushes people away. then shima's first girlfriend only liked him because of his looks, and so many others confessed to him without barely even knowing him. how could shima trust his own feelings after all of that? if he spent most of his formative years in an environment of appearences where love was tied to selfishness, interest, volatility, coldness, pain? shima learned to supress all his feelings and be a people pleaser as a survival mechanism. don't get too attached, live up to others expectations, keep your distance, smile and wave, bottle it all up. he is a kid that doesn't know a single thing about love and is scared as hell of it. love feels as if something is about to break.
that's why liking someone as a person feels more important to him. and that's not only the highest feeling he can have for someone else, i think this is the highest form of feeling he thinks someone could have for him too. it's the kind of feeling he thinks his own mother couldn't have, because acting was more important to her than who he actually was. it's the feeling he unconciously doesn't allow others to feel for him, because he never shows people who he truly is. so shima understands mitsumi's words as a love confession back in chapter 41. she didn't say "i love you", she said "that's what i love about you". and he asks her out, not only because he already knows mitsumi is different, so it seems more reasonable to give it a try, but also because he thinks this is how it's supposed to go. this is what he thinks it's expected to give her in return.
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when society puts romance on the top of the relationships/feelings hierarchy, it builds an insane amount of expectations around it. i think it's crazy how friendships feel so free while romantic relationships feel so enclosured. they have too many rules. you're supposed to do this, and that, and behave in certain ways. if you start dating a friend then suddenly your friendship dynamic changes. a boyfriend or a girlfriend have responsibilities that friends don't have. it's a weight. i can't imagine a person like shima feeling any other way about a romantic relationship. for him, this is a big, big weight. that's why he puts an emphasis when he says "i thought that i could be a 'boyfriend' too". a boyfriend is a social role. when he phrases it like that, he's using the word "boyfriend" as an outside concept: he doesn't know what it means to him, he only knows what it means for everyone else. and that's not something he can do.
mukai is absolutely right when he tells shima he shouldn't be going out with anyone. shima isn't ready to be that close to anyone, not even his closest friends. i can't even describe how sad i felt when mukai said this to him:
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shima is just so, so lonely...
but this doesn't mean that shima's supposed to become ready to be a "boyfriend" on those terms. i just think he's still trying to figure out what all of these things mean to him. and the good thing is that mitsumi is also trying to figure out these things too. the difference between them is that mitsumi is a few steps ahead, because she already understands what friendship love feels like. and when it comes to that, she gave us one of the most special love confessions i've ever seen.
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so many people talked about this scene already, but now, in the light of chapter 53, her saying "i really like this person" has a whole new meaning. this is the most honest love shima has ever received from anyone. no romantic confession could top that. no romantic feeling could heal his wounds the way these words from mitsumi can. this is a treasure shima can't afford to lose.
we're taught that romantic love will save us. that it will make us the happiest, that it completes us. we grow up believing that we can't survive without it. what we really can't survive without are our friends... skip and loafer is putting friendship above everything else, but more than that, it is questioning how romantic love is supposed to feel. some people feel it, some people don't. i think most of us don't really know what it is. we think we do because we read enough, we saw enough movies, we listened to enough love songs. i think i felt it a few number of times in my life but everytime i felt it for someone new i asked myself, was it really love before? what is it, really? if i never read those books or saw thoses movies or listened to those songs. would i recognize it? would i know it better? would it even exist?
aren't shima's feelings for mitsumi already valuable enough? big enough, true enough? would they change if he called them romantic? mitsumi has SO much to teach him about love, about himself, about others. their encounter is so beautiful and so rich. we see how much he's changing, how many new things he's finally starting to understand about himself, how many important steps he's taken since they met. is finding romance at the end really the most important thing for their story?
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faulty-writes · 1 year
heyhey how are you doing ? I was super excited to see someone writing so much for Tenya. So if it's okay...Can you write hc of him with a romantic partner (gn or fem if you feel more comfortable writing fem) who tries to bond with his family, like someone who would befriend Tensei, help him with his recovery maybe, would get along with his parents etc ⸜( ´ ꒳ ` )⸝
[ I'm doing okay, thank you for asking. Been busy with schoolwork, Abnormal Psychology is kicking my ass this term but so far I've gotten A's so, hooray for me. Also got a new job. Honestly, he's very popular on my blog because I write him well. At least that's what everyone tells me, hah. Anywho, this sounds adorable. Plus Tensei is mentioned! I love him very dearly as well. ]
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"This is Y/n. She is my fellow student and romantic partner. She is rather admirable for the way she so victoriously displays her heroic skills during our assigned training sessions as well as the way she articulates her quirk!" You weren't sure if you were more embarrassed that those were his first words when introducing you to his family or that his mother immediately took a liking to you, going as far as to thank you for your interest in her son.
It was an honor to meet Tensei since Tenya continuously spoke of his admiration for the now-retired pro hero. Although it saddened you to see him in a wheelchair, it didn't dampen his spirits. "Hey! It's awesome to meet the girl my little brother keeps talking about!" He said, happily shaking your hand. "Brother! I ask you not to go into such details regarding that," Tenya insisted, flushing softly.
"Apologies, my family has requested my assistance." You understood that family was a priority for Tenya, especially considering he bragged about the Iida name. Because of this, he canceled your date plans on occasion, and you tried to remain supportive considering family bonds were precious.
On more than one occasion, you had dinner with the Iida family. "It is quite an honor to share this family bonding moment with you! I do hope the Iida family has made you feel welcome!" Tenya would always try to break the ice and unlike his mother, his father was less impressed by you but regardless, you tried your best to connect with him.
"You can pull harder, it's totally okay!" Tensei said. Sometimes you'd help him with his physical therapy exercises when Tenya was busy studying or just provide him with companionship, all of which Tenya would thank you for. "To show such noble attributes to fallen heroes is a wonderful characteristic! I hope that I may be able to display true hero qualities such as yours one day!" Sometimes his praise was too much.
His mother would invite you to go shopping or out to eat. Of course, you weren't used to the fine taste the Iida family was known for. However, you genuinely enjoyed your time and when you returned, Tenya was eager to hear what had happened.
The basis of your relationship was honesty and open communication, and you extended this courtesy to his family. Especially with his father who asked you specific questions regarding your dreams and goals for the future. He also asked you about your romantic life both with his son and any past partners you had.
The two of you managed to keep each other in balance and more importantly, worked around your busy schedules. Between your academic and personal lives, it was tricky to maintain your romantic life. But Tenya always made time to show you how much he and, to an extent, his family cared and loved you.
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
Anonymous asked: Can I please request Sebastian and Claude falling for a darling who is Ciel's older sister?
Darling is 18+.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, jealousy, manipulation
Darling is Ciel's older sister
Sebastian Michaelis
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🐈‍⬛Sebastian’s end goal is a simple and familiar one. Ciel is nothing more than his temporary master until he can devour his soul after the contract is fulfilled. It isn’t supposed to be more complicated yet when Ciel returns and his sister comes running to him with tears in her eyes, Sebastian is in a daze when he’s confronted with your soul. It’s absolutely enchanting and he can’t help but stare a bit before you notice the odd man behind your younger brother who introduces himself to you as the new butler. You have a sharp intuition and sense that something is strange about him, Sebastian admires that. It’s all confirmed when he repairs the burnt mansion in less than a day that you confront both of them about it, pointing out how this man can’t possibly be a human. Sebastian watches amused as Ciel tries to come up with an excuse, stuttering in front of his older sister and her penetrating gaze. Seems like even his master is helpless in front of his older sister. You see right through every lie of his, Sebastian essentially letting his master doing this all alone. It isn’t until you pull Ciel protectively behind you and glare at him that he ends up taking action.
🐈‍⬛You’re afraid of the demon but not even a creature of hell will separate you from your brother again. Ciel insists that it’s going to be fine since Sebastian will listen to him but you can’t help but be distraught when you hear of the condition for the demon to serve Ciel. You beg your brother to not go through with the plan, terrified to lose your only family left yet Ciel is determined to get his revenge. Sebastian himself reminds you that he can’t break off the contract anymore, it’s too late for that. You end up despising the demon because he’s going to take your brother away from you and Sebastian finds himself actually a bit bothered. You coldly ignore him or glare silently at him, although you’re wise enough to not lose your composure. Ciel doesn’t plan to change your mind either, he understands where your strong dislike comes from. Sebastian on the other hand quite enjoys your presence since your snarky yet collected and graceful. You’re such a enrapturing little thing with an outstanding soul. Since he is the butler of the house, you spend a lot of time around him too.
🐈‍⬛You often catch him staring at you longer than appropriate, notice how he surrounds you as much as he can and constantly asks you if there’s anything he can do for you. You deny him at any chance you can and as soon as the other servants start working, you always come running to them for help. The glint of disapproval in his red eyes never flies over your head. You and your brother are sharp and intelligent so both of you conclude at one point that the demon has a romantic interest in you. He grows the borderline of clingy, especially if he has been away on missions in which case he always seeks you out at first, his touches grow slightly more bold as he occasionally brushes you lightly and he always injects himself in an interaction between you and another noble who tries to woo you. When you attend to balls with your family, his gaze never leaves you and there's an unsettling feeling settling in when he sees you chatting or even dancing with someone else. He always uses such chances to ask you for a dance too as soon as he has separated you from your partner, an arm tightly wrapped around your waist when he swirls you around.
🐈‍⬛ Ciel orders him at one point to stop acting like this around you, scared for his sister. There's a short flash of something akin to mild anger in Sebastian's eyes before it quickly disappears and he accepts. The demon has his composure intact differently from his young lord who is now a bit freaked out since he doesn't want someone like Sebastian near his sister. He knows that the demon takes what he wants, you won't be an exception. Sebastian can afford to stay back simply because he knows he has basically won already. As soon as the contract is fulfilled, he is free to do whatever he wants. Ciel and you know that too and it makes you sick to your stomach when you catch the butler smirking victoriously at you yet you know that there's nothing you can do nor can Ciel. Ciel on the other hand might just regret for the first time seriously the contract he formed since he never wanted you to end up forcefully with Sebastian. As some last effort to save your brother you might approach the butler and ask him to let Ciel live and in return you'll go freely with him and will accept anything he will do to you.
Claude Faustus
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🕷️ His master has a weird fascination with the head of the Phantomhive company, nothing Claude cares for much. Without a doubt he has a rivalry going on with the demon of the Phantomhive boy though, Sebastian and him share a strong dislike for each other. He's heard of Ciel's older sister, a woman as graceful as clever and witty. He's never met you before though and he doesn't really pay much attention to your existence. That isn't until a ball is held and nobles like Alois and Ciel are invited. His gaze immediately goes to Sebastian as he senses his distasteful presence and the other demon stares back in a provoking manner. Then his eyes wander to the young master and the woman standing next to you and that's when he suddenly senses your soul. He's caught off-guard now that his focus isn't on the other demon anymore, your soul is absolutely delightful. Alois most likely seeks out Ciel himself to fake some friendly interaction when in reality he just wants to make him angry and Claude tags willingly along, drawn in by you. His gaze never leaves you once and you notice too.
🕷️ Sebastian catches on quickly, to Claude's great dissatisfaction. The red-eyed demon suddenly surrounds you more and prevents Claude from getting any closer to you. Additionally Alois demands Claude's presence and Sebastian just flashes him a mocking grin when he has to tag along with his own young master. His gaze never leaves you though and he gladly ignores everything Alois tells him. Sadly he never gets his desired dance with you and instead Sebastian asks you for a dance specifically to rub the other demon in the wrong spot. If Alois actually manages to get a dance with you too, Claude will silently brood and is likely to express some sort of coldness towards his own master for the rest of the evening. He's unhappy when you have to leave, unwilling to let a rarity like you leave him, all the more because of Sebastian. He spends the rest of the night pitying such a waste, as of now unaware who you really are for him. It becomes evident for him the following days though as he gradually grows more and more irritated and your scent and image linger with him. You won't go away.
🕷️ This change and loss of control irritates Claude even more as he is confused to why his feelings are acting up to the point where glitches of his true form appear. Hannah watches him warily and grows more protective of Alois. At one point she approaches Claude who snaps at her as he tries to calm down. She has attended the ball as well, she has sensed Claude's interest in you too. And now she suggests to him that you might be his mate since it would explain his behavior. Separation from a mate gnaws away at a demon's sanity after all. Honestly, the term of mates has been sort of ridiculed by Claude so far, he denies Hannah's suggestion yet in his heart he can't fully deny her words. He leaves the same night and lurks around the Phantomhive mansion, well aware that he can't get any closer since Sebastian would sense him. He catches your aura faintly though and it manages to soothe his inner turmoil a bit. He stays hours until he realizes that he has to go back or else Alois will be furious. It leaves a slight stinging to leave but at least he has confirmed Hannah's words now. You are indeed his mate. What irony.
🕷️ He's bound to Alois and has a feeling that Sebastian knows what you mean to him so Claude is in a more tricky situation. He grows angry and irritated due to your lack of presence and tends to lash out on Alois. At the same time he tries to manipulate the boy into seeing the Phantomhive more often so can be near you. When he has to get something, he often makes detours so he can pass by the Phantomhive mansion in hopes of catching a glimpse of you. He even threatens Hannah at one point to help him since otherwise he will make Alois pay since he knows what the brat means to the female demon. Claude could try to charm you but that is too draining and would take too much time. Especially since you know what he is and dislike demons since one of them will take Ciel's soul away from you. Abduction is the only option he has left, it's at least the only one the demon can see within his possessive side and growing impatience. If push comes to pull, Claude will even end the contract with Alois since the boy has grown into an utter nuisance. He will have you and he will kill anyone who stands in his way.
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shinidamachu · 1 year
Speaking of SessKik, I’m actually starting to really low-key get into that ship. Ngl, at first I thought they might be a little too similiar and cold to ever really work together but I remember someone explaining the appeal of the dynamic in that it’s basically two prideful racists coming together/clashing and having to subvert their preconceptions of the other’s race and each other. Plus the fact that they’re both fundamentally lonely people but extremely good with kids (Yashahime Sesshomaru will never be my Sesshomaru) could give them something to bond over. Also what’s more taboo than a Miko being with a hanyou? How about an honest to god full-blooded youkai instead?
The ship would honestly be great character development for the both of them because they’d be forced unlearn and unpack their prejudices by basically confronting their mirror self.
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It's precisely because Sesshomaru and Kikyo are so similar that they would make such a great match. Inuyasha and Kagome are only opposites on a surface level. Deep down, they're actually very alike and that's why they work perfectly together: they're different in every possible way except for the ones that matter, the ones that could make those differences irreconcilable. Sesskik would the morally gray version of that.
The fact that they're both stoic, pragmatic, arrogant, self-centered and prideful characters allows them to understand each other better than anyone else ever would because they operate in the exact same frequency.
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Not only that, but putting them together would have made perfect sense, story telling wise. They're both lone wolves with similar goals and similar ways to achieve them, acting on the sidelines. Plus, they share the same soft spot for children — as long as the children in question aren't related to them, it seems — and have special bonds with Kohaku and Rin. It feels only natural that they'd team up at some point.
Then, of course, there's the fact that Kikyo is dead and feeding off women's souls while Sesshomaru is the only character to have a sword that brings people back to life and a parent with ilimited access to an amulet that opens and closes portals to the underworld.
I know her situation is more complicated than simply snatching a soul from hell — for many reasons — but in a series such as Inuyasha, where everything is possible, is not really a reach to theorize that if someone had the means to really bring Kikyo back from the dead, it would've been Sesshomaru. Even if he couldn't, the idea of the two of them interacting is still thematically intriguing.
There are also rumors about an interview where Takahashi said Kikyo is the type of woman Sesshomaru would take romantic interest in and I can't help but agree, since the only woman who canonically caught his eyes was Kagura, an independent woman who was smarter than him — which isn't very hard —, had a lot of guts and just wished to be free, a woman he couldn't save even though he wanted to. It's not hard to picture Kikyo in the same role.
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The tragic way Kagura dies by Naraku's hand, therefore ending any romantic development with Sesshomaru, could become a parallel with the tragic way Kikyo died by Naraku's hand, therefore ending any romantic development with Inuyasha, the brother Sesshomaru despises. The room for angst and conflict is amazing.
To me the appeal lies exactly on the point you made: the creative choice of putting Sesshomaru and Kikyo together would pay off in great character development for the both of them by subverting their preconceptions of each other and unlearning the prejudice they still held against each other's races.
I love the idea of Sesshomaru finally making enough progress to love a human in a romantic way, someone who would see him not as simply his father's son, but as his own person, like Kagura did.
I love the idea of Kikyo falling for a demon without the safety net of eventually turning them human, someone who, in the most extraordinary of ways, makes her feel evey bit the ordinary woman she always wanted to be.
They would have been able to see through each other's poker faces and feel actually seen, in a way they haven't quite been seen before: for everything that they are. Not just his father's son and not just the embodiment of purety and perfection in the shape of a village priestess.
Sesshomaru and Kikyo are equals. There are no power imbalances, no idealizing each other, no putting each other on a pedestal because they refuse to acknowledge each other's flaws. They're both intimidating people who can not be intimidate by each other and would be totally comfortable being themselves around one another without fear of judgement or putting their partners in a position where they have to constantly make up excuses for their behavior.
Basically, they could have helped to progress each other's character development and pushed the plot forward while still making thematic and narrative sense, with the plus of fixing most of the things that personally bothered me in Inuyasha and Kikyo's relationship.
It's funny because at the same time I have complained about how much I hate that Inuyasha doesn't feel like himself when he's with Kikyo, acting all reserved, sad and cautious, without his signature fiery temper and dog like mannerism, I've seen people gushing about how mature he is around her and outside I'm like "to each their own", but inside I'm screaming: Sesskik. You want Sesskik!
It also doesn't hurt that they're aesthetically pleasing to look at: elegant, lethal and composed. And Takahashi seems to agree there was wasted potential there because it very much looks like she tried to make up for it with these Mao characters. Yes, I know same face syndrome is a thing and so is coincidence, but come one, now.
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Their separate personalities didn't call out to me but together they could have made a very interesting dynamic, even if it was only platonic, because asexuality, aromaticity and homosexuality still fits them very well and wouldn't be an impediment for the found family trope and being single is different from being lonely.
I understand the reasons Takahashi didn't go there, though, because it would have taken real work to make it right and to be honest I've always been more invested in the Inugang, anyway. But the potential was there.
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hamliet · 2 years
Hi! I just want to say I love your alchemy meta posts related to asoiaf! So many things clicked after reading them. Wanted to ask, you mentioned that Dany/Jon have an active/passive motif in their respective arcs, can you elaborate on that? Does it refer to their future arc in TWOW? (Dany going all out on slavery/conquest, Jon adopting a more apathetic attitude to the impeding doom of the Long Night...)
Hi!! So, you're here to nag me about the meta I said I would write and never did despite outlining it, yes, fair enough. (I'm kidding with you! Thanks actually for this kick in the pants.)
It's actually a motif for both Jon and Dany's arcs throughout the entire story. So let's start by redefining again what the point of passive/active is. In alchemy, the main goal is the "union of opposites," usually embodied in two characters in literature. The classic opposites tend to have the following motifs/symbols associated with them:
Male: Sun, sulphur, fire and air, hot and dry, red, gold, heart, active.
Female: Moon, mercury (or quicksilver), earth and water, cool and moist, white, silver, mind, passive.
ASOIAF switches the genders, which is very interesting. Jon is marked as white, water (snow), has qualities of mercury (mercury can shift states very easily; Jon goes undercover), is cunning, is of course associated with the cold north. Dany...
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Well, Dany actually starts A Game of Thrones as passive (not wanting to marry Drogo and begging Viserys not to make her), but by the end of the first book she is fully active. This actually fits her other "alchemical" motifs because she starts off as white, the "moon of [Drogo's] life,", silver, etc. but by the end of the first book is reborn out of fire, and is therefore marked as sun, sulfur, gold, fire and air (flying on fire-breathing dragons), hot and dry (the territory of Essos), etc.
And of course, Dany is active, while Jon is passive. Let's go through the books, shall we? The active/passive motif exists in relationships as well as their internal motivations/personal goals.
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Let's compare their (romantic/sexual) relationships first. Jon is reluctant to get involved with Ygritte and only does when there is little choice; he is attracted to her, so I wouldn't say it's nonconsensual, but there's also certainly an element of "do it or die." Dany also had little choice with Drogo, but by the middle of AGOT she's the one initiating public sex with him without any shame.
Jon's other quasi-romantic relationship so far is with Val, which thus far is (and likely will forever remain) unconsummated, with Jon fully committing to never violating his vows again. He also refuses to marry Val even though doing so would be politically expedient for Stannis. In contrast, Daenerys initiates with Daario, and she is the one who decides to marry Hizdahr even though she doesn't want to, for reasons of political expedience. She's actively making these choices.
It's even present in how they treat subordinates in regards to sex. Dany has sex with Irri and feels guilty for it, because even if Irri is happy to do so, she's still Dany's servant, and Dany knows there's an uncomfortable power dynamic there and expressly feels guilt over it. Jon is instead defined by what he doesn't do: his brothers of the Night's Watch spread rumors about him and Satin, but the reality is that nothing is going on and there probably isn't any attraction there either. Dany takes action; Jon does nothing and thinks that it'll all blow over and people will come to accept Satin, when that is very naive. (I'm not saying Jon is doing anything wrong; he's not. It's just an interesting parallel I noticed.)
Then let's talk their purposes and internal motivations. Jon defines himself as illegitimate, as Ned Stark's bastard. Daenerys defines herself as the rightful heir to the Targaryen dynasty. How does this translate into active vs passive?
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Daenerys is active in regards to protecting slaves and freeing them. She just doesn't always do it wisely. But she intervenes and stops several assaults and frees people, crowning herself queen in Meereen to stay queen.
Jon, on the other hand, is a lot more passive. He refuses to help Gilly when she asks for help at the visit to Craster's because it's just not done and would violate his vows. Jon is forced by Qhorin Halfhand to go undercover with the Wildings; literally, he's pushed into it. Even when he is elected as Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, he did not campaign for himself nor seek it out. It's passivity, and a sharp contrast to Daenerys's deliberate seeking of power.
However, what they both do with power is very similar. Daenerys wants to free people and save them. Jon, too, wants to save the Wildlings. They can't help but empathize with people mistreated around them. Daenerys definitely sees herself in slaves (sold to Drogo), in sexual assault victims (again, Drogo), and in people forcibly taken to strange lands (being raised in Essos, always on the run). Jon sees himself in the Wildlings, always defined as an "other" despite being very human (Wildlings and bastards are treated differently for no legitimate reason). Both struggle with duty vs passion, with Dany choosing duty (Hizdahr) over passion (Daario), and Jon of course as well (choosing the Night's Watch over Ygritte and over Val).
As for the future, well. Every character tends to become "the monster you think I am," to quote Tyrion. What is the monster everyone thinks Daenerys is? What is the monster everyone thinks Jon is?
The Mad King's Daughter.
Bastards are craven.
Both quotes occur multiple times in every single book. Both Jon and Dany try to define themselves as different from this. Jon refuses to be craven. Dany is in denial about who her father was, but there's also a level wherein she worries about her own sanity, so she suspects something.
Both Jon and Dany also make an opposite decision in A Dance With Dragons. Jon finally chooses to be active and march south; the problem is that this completely destroys duty and is foolish. Dany chooses to be passive and robes herself in white and pearls again in her marriage to Hizdahr. It just... doesn't work out for either of them.
Both have tried so hard, and gotten nothing. They're going to sink into their flaws, their tendencies towards activity and passivity, and also become the monsters people think they are. HOWEVER. Their arcs are not going to end with them as monsters. They need to see what they are capable of becoming to truly face their demons and overcome them.
Daenerys is going to go on the warpath in The Winds of Winter. I think that's very clear from her final chapter in A Dance With Dragons. She tried to temper herself. She chained her dragons. She married a Meereenese man. She let the fighting pits reopen. It hasn't brought the peace she's been seeking. I think she'll use fire and blood to subdue her enemies and take Westeros.
Jon, on the other hand, has just been killed. Melisandre is clearly going to resurrect him. He wanted to march south and ditch duty before he died, and I don't doubt he'll ditch duty. Why hang around the Night's Watch when they just killed you? He's probably going to sink into apathy, especially once he finds out that Arya is not the girl in need of rescue. His family is nowhere around him. He was just killed by his new "brothers." Why bother? Why keep caring? Why keep trying? I definitely see him ditching the Watch but not coming to Stannis's aid either.
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Also, both will get a reveal about their parents. Dany will learn that the Mad King was truly evil when King's Landing blows up in her face in a green blur of her dad's wildfyre. Jon will learn he's actually not Ned Stark's bastard... not even his son, in fact. Dany's reveal will be a result of her action, Jon's will almost certainly be a reveal from someone else to him, not his own searching. Dany will be horrified because of what her father wanted to do and what she committed (even if she didn't mean to go so far), while Jon will be horrified by what was omitted by the man he thought was his father.
But the answers to their problems can be found through each other. Jon will find his family again--his siblings Arya, Bran, maybe Rickon, and Sansa--and meet Sam again, too. He'll find love with Daenerys, someone who has messed up atrociously and still wants to do good. And he'll find out that being a Targaryen is not a taint through her; even when you'e messed up, you can still be a hero. Daenerys will be wondering why on earth she even has her dragons and how she can possibly rule after leaving the city in ashes, and along come the Others. She's the only one who can defeat them. She'll just have killed f!Aegon (likely unintentionally) and knew he was a fraud, but here's an actual family member. She's not the last Targaryen; instead of seeing that as a threat, I think she'll see it as a comfort eventually. Dany will help Jon remember his duty again, and Jon will help Dany love and be loved again, and together they'll save the world.
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lipstickchainsaw · 2 years
So, the running joke here is that these two act like a divorced couple forced to hang out because of shared custody, and that's a good joke, but let's dig a little further!
Lisa is not interested in relationships for herself, in either the romantic or the sexual side. She is in no way attracted to people, but there are hints that she's still a little romantic at heart.
She sets Taylor up with Brian, for example. Now, how much of that is because of her desire to give Taylor a happy and fulfilling life to counteract her suicidal urges, and how much of it is Lisa living vicariously through other people is up for debate (and I'd probably lean on the former, personally), but let's look at it from both sides.
For the latter, despite Lisa's cynicism, she eventually admits to herself that she actually gives a shit about humanity, about people, and wants to see them survive and live. This is a conclusion she comes to at the worst possible time in Worm, and that drives much of her motivation in Ward. A part of her really does want to see people happy, including in ways she herself isn't actually interested in.
And for the former, well, Lisa put a lot of effort into saving Taylor (and is saved by Taylor in return), but, in the end, she could not stop Taylor from sacrificing herself when that seemed to be the one thing to do. This left Lisa adrift. She attaches herself to people like Taylor in order to save them, in order to make up for what she feels is her failure to save her brother (see my post about her name), but, after Worm, the loss of Taylor weighs heavy on her, and none of the people around her are doing badly enough to need her.
So instead she's trying to keep the world on the rails in her supervillain mastermind way, which is something she wants, but doesn't satisfy her, and she gets cranky because of it, and drives her friends away, and gets harsher in the choices she makes for the world, spiraling without anything to grab onto, to help her focus.
And then Victoria comes back.
Victoria's spent two years in the hospital, and another two years barely living, going through life as if by rote. She's deeply uncomfortable in her own skin for Amy related reasons, and not particularly happy with her power, also for Amy related reasons, and also not exactly willing to think about herself being in a relationship, also for Amy related reasons. Sexually, she is interested in guys, but a lot of this is because she has some seriously conflicted feelings about any potential interest she might have in girls, for, well, three guesses.
Throughout the early arcs of Ward, Victoria finds some zest in her life, and comes back to life, finding her passion in heroism, and that's because one of the villains of her old hometown, one of the catalysts for the Amy situation, one of her own failures, comes right back to poke at her, and is she going to let her? Absolutely not!
The relationship that forms following that is mutual antagonism, with Victoria not wanting to just let this villain ruin more lives, and Lisa incredibly annoyed this ill-informed hero starts getting in her way of saving people. Both of them are wrong about each other, of course (Lisa's motives are more altruistic than Victoria is assuming, but Victoria is absolutely right to stop Lisa's more callous tendencies).
More importantly, however, the mutual antagonism is healthy for them both. It gives Victoria a goal, someone to spite, and the antagonism and the barbs are honestly a kind of security blanket an almost safe way of dealing with her personal vulnerabilities, and Victoria hones Lisa's focus, with someone who can actually hold her to account when she starts messing up, and someone she starts giving a shit about, despite her own reluctance to get there.
They don't come up with the idea of working together themselves, because the hatred is genuine, but both their teammates are more willing to cross the hero/villain gap, and, eventually, they become each other's first thought when they need someone on the other side of that divide.
As things go on, they settle into some kind of weird absolutely not friendship, where the barbs never stop, and they don't even stop being genuinely mean, but they're also safe, because they know each other well, and their hatred of each other as 'evil villain' and 'ignorant hero' both softens and hardens into 'this bitch is so close to doing it right, but she just has to be an asshole/idealist'.
And the fun part is that they never stop doing this! They just start hanging out together more, without this making them like each other more. Them hanging out together changes how they view the world, and it makes them both better at their side of the 'keep the world together' job, but they never fully resolve this conflict, even when they both start mentoring the same teen superhero/villain team.
Which is why they have bitter exes vibes throughout, and it makes for a great relationship dynamic.
A: I love it
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hanakihan · 4 months
Little EdSali AU brainrot
So anyway modern AU where Edmond is a really wealthy and successful CEO of French trading company. Jalter is his niece that also works as his personal secretary (or more accurately looking after her dumbass uncle and making sure idiot doesn’t die from forgetting to eat)
Edmond needs to spread his connections further in Europe and in need of that he goes along with one of his business partners to attend a music concert in Vienna where it’s rumored that Joseph II and his sister Marie Antoinette will attend, and it’s a win for Dantes since both of them are big names in trading and fashion industries, with Joseph high key being main trader in Austria’s inner market while Marie leads one of the main fashion houses in not only French but also Europe and gaining such connections will be really good.
So he does end up attending concert while having zero interest in music and not understanding the art of it. Joseph and Marie aren’t seen here, which disappointed Dantes, but leaving would be rude and damaging for reputation so he needs to sit through concert.
That’s when he sees leading conductor Antonio Salieri for the first time. Dantes is captivated by instant change in man’s eyes, from soft glowing rubies to hard burning hellish fire the moment man gives himself to music. Dantes’ sits through concert, and his business partner informs him that Salieri - is Joseph’s adopted little brother, so it is concrete that said man will show up at least one point at evening to greet his younger brother.
Dantes’ plan was to stick relatively close to Salieri so he won’t miss Joseph’s arrival, but the moment applauds die, Salieri quickly leaves to backstage and doesn’t appear among guests later on, refusing socializing. Edmond wanders in less crowded areas to find a place for smoke and stumbles upon balcony, ready to lit his cigarette only to hear a barely hoarse whisper asking him not to. Here in corner Dantes finds salieri on sofa but man is clearly not okay, judging by his even more unhealthy paleness and furrowed brows. Turns out Salieri has an episode of difficulty breathing, inhales and exhales coming in short whistling noises. Dantes stays with him until he catches his breath, and that’s how Joseph finds them.
Joseph thanks Dantes for looking after his precious little brother and thus Dantes accomplishes his main goal of coming here and connecting with Joseph. After that days later he receives a gratitude letter from Joseph with a vip ticket to Salieri’s concert and proportion for business talks after it at dinner.
Everything goes smoothly for Dantes and he also decides to have nice enough relationship with Salieri since it’s clear Joseph instantly goes soft and compliant when it comes to Salieri or Marie, but Marie is a married lady and being close to her may spiral unneeded rumors.
So anyway Edmonds keeps sticking to his plan, spends time with Salieri (who actually likes Edmond’s company but also feels like he’s taking edmond’s time for useless talks) but then oh no, he legitimately ends up falling in love with Salieri. He starts to low key court him, even having a talk with Joseph, and that’s when Joseph tells Edmond to give up since Salieri long ago gave up on love after rejection that costed him everything.
Salieri is still passionate about music and teaching it, but once concerts or lessons end he tries to leave as quickly as possible because he’s not a good musician anyway (as he thinks) because everyone compares him to Mozart. Salieri was once Mozart’s best friend, but then misunderstanding occurred - Mozart misunderstood Salieri’s love as romantic, the one he can’t and won’t return, and thus rejects Salieri. In truth Salieri loved Mozart as a brother, but also was deeply in love with Mozart’s music. After rejection and growing distance between them, as well as society spreading rumors and ridiculing his love, he attempted to cut his throat but wasn’t successful. Now he has a nasty scar on his neck and episodes of suffocation and pains, as well as slightly changed voice with hoarseness, that also prevents him from singing like he used to because for him his own voice sounds horrible.
In the end Joseph isn’t against Edmond’s feelings towards his brother, but warns him to think it over once again, because Salieri’s heart won’t survive another rejection. Edmond mentions that his own heart may not survive another betrayal, so if anything he and Salieri are a perfect match.
Enter a whole ass story of romcom where a French trading CEO tries to court an Italian conductor while both of them deal with their trauma. Also Salieri misunderstood that Edmond is being friends with him so he can get close to Joseph (which is accurate) but he thinks that Edmond actually likes Joseph so he kinda supports and provides opportunities and having no idea it’s actually him Edmond interested in even when Edmond himself directly tells Salieri that he likes him, and Salieri happily replies he also likes Edmond instantly knows that Salieri misunderstood once again.
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 7 months
How about 20 and 25 for Georgie, and 7, 30, and B for the twins!
Tyy!!! these are all so fun!! my awnsers got Looong so the rest are under teh read more<33
20, If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
Hmm. romantic as just a slightly different flavor of platonic, and familial as something stronger in some ways than both, familial is choosing to stay with someone through everything, where as most friends and lovers, however strong the feelings, are people who can fade in and out of your life. him being adopted causes this take on familial, and his calm approach to life & love shapes the others.
25, What are their thoughts on marriage?
Happily married to the love of his life Sosiel!! longer answer, he sees it as an extra step to show the bond you and a partner have, but doesn't see it as nessasery or an end goal, just one of the ways of pledging your love for someone [and throwing a big party!]
7, What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Celia: Most often? her close friends, but in general shes a very nostalgic person, constantly following threads of recognition back to the past, distracting herself from the constant threat of her situation in the warmth of the past, in the reassurance that shes made it through past struggles, she can make it through these, as well as reminding her what and who shes fighting for. she enjoys the feeling most of the time, and even recalling the horrors of the past can be reassuring to her.
Cecio: hmm. Wotr: everything? there is very little he cannot link back to Celia in his mind, to how she was when he was younger and how he thinks of her now. its less self soothing than Celia's nostalgia, and could be seen as self harm in a way, by constantly think of her and his complicated relationship with her. its not very healthy, but he morbidly enjoys the feeling sometimes.
30, Who do they most regret meeting?
Celia: Hmm. there is no one person that ruined or changed the course of Celia's life like Cecio, it was more of a butterfly effect over time. on one hand she regrets meeting her freind's and her part in dragging them further into the cycle of violence, but on the other she knows they had slim chances of surviving without her. I will say Polpo, even though she technically never met him as it was the lighter test & his stand puncturing her with the arrow that pushed her and her friends into a higher level of crime and violence, and her powerful stand meaning she would not be allowed to escape Passiones grasp.
Cecio: OOH. this is so good ill have to answer this both ways<3
wotr: his father, or the servant that took him to meet his father. if he had not met them, he would have stayed with Celia, stayed home. if he ever lest himself think about it, he would like to join the hellknights after her and eventually be able to fight side by side with her on the battlefield as an equal
jjba: the man who persuaded him to go undercover as a plant in the police force. while his urge to help his sister was preyed upon, and he is the only person other than Elena to have a genuine chance to escape the cycle, and he threw it away. then Passione didn't care about Celia's little brother, but by the time Rametto was 16, he had no other path than to take the test, which made Cecio feel guilt and regret over throwing his chance away. he would have been a defense lawyer, working to defend the people of his community, he had the grades and charm.
B, What inspired you to create them?
Celia i've already answered here but ill put myself on blast with Cecio.
Haurchefant Greystone. its so weird saying to now bc they are so completely different, but one fic i read made the very interesting choice to make his relationship with his father strained [in an au where he survived] and it was so fascinating to me!
i then pulled my dragoon oc and made her his half sister, someone left behind when Haurchefant was taken in by his father, and then combined it with him getting mistreated by his stepmother, leaving Celia to work to fund his knight training, as well as use the only method of social mobility she had, becoming a dragoon and attempting to become the azure dragoon. she fucking hates estinian and tries to kill him several times in her attempt to become the azure dragoon. yes im still anooyed by him from the drg job quests. i love him but i show it by throwing him on a cliff
silver hair and being a bastard son is what little remains, but i do imagine Cecio's friendly act, especially in pre-game in wotr is very similar to how Haurchefant acts.
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autisticrosewilson · 1 year
For the ship thing: rosecass and jayjoey
Rosecass my beloved <33333 I think that they have SO much in common and they're perfect mirrors of each other in a lot of ways. I also think that no matter how much romantic tension is between them, neither of them will ever give up on their goals.
Cass will never be content to let Rose kill and Rose will never stop fighting for her goals (whatever those are at the time) and whether those goals align with Cass's is up to chance. They have the potential to be really good together but they also chafe against each other.
By no means do I think this relationship would be particularly healthy but it would be INTERESTING and they would both commit everything they have to it and it's probably going hurt badly when it ends.
What can I say though I am a sucker for Tragic queer people. Speaking of which, Joeyjay is so absolutely soul shattering to me.
Like the parallels! The themes! The drama! Imagine that you're Joey and losing your older brother because your father fucking SUCKS has inspired you to be a hero, mainly out of spite, and partly to avenge your mother (who your relationship can be described as "tense" with at best).
And now you have this friend/leader with a new little brother whose small and frail but still fights to meet his dad's expectations and is constantly in the shadow of his more athletic and ambitious older brother when he would really just like to be loved and perhaps read a book somewhere quietly.
And you love your friend, you can see why what his dad did by putting a new kid in his dead family's Colors without telling him is upsetting. But all the fighting is putting a wedge between the two brothers and all you can see is how Alone this kid is, how deep and biting your friends anger can be, how much them losing each other is going to hurt.
So you spend some more time with the kid, and look at that! You have similar interests. He likes classic metal but you've got him hooked on Queen and David Bowie and your friends complaining about infecting him with your music taste. You like the same kinds of poetry, his school is preforming your favorite musical and you help him learn his lines, neither of you like when fruit is too soft but you both have sweet tooths. He fights like your brother. You two never spar.
You teach him how to make flower crowns and he teaches you how to hotwire a car. You edit his essays and short stories and he poses as long as you want him to so you can draw him. You really like drawing him. Your friend would skin you if he knew. What he doesn't know won't hurt him.
Now imagine you're Jason. You are starving, and not even for food, anymore. But you are so hungry for every scrap of love you can get. Your brother doesn't like you. He doesn't hate you, he tries to keep you out of fights with dad, but you can tell how strained his affection for you is.
You try to make it better, you side with him over Bruce even when you worry it'll be the thing that gets you kicked out, and you follow every order with almost no back talk, and you stay far from underfoot. You make yourself small and unnoticeable, because you've always been good at that.
But someone does notice you. A pretty boy with luminous eyes and shiny hair and artists hands. You don't know if you like boys yet, not sure if you like anyone, but you're sure you like this boy. You think he might like you too, if not the same way you like him.
He's your first for a lot of things; The first time you visit your mother's grave, Joey is who you come back to. The first time you put on makeup, he is the one who helps with your eyeliner. The first time you have a "sleepover", it's you Rose and Joey building a blanket fort in his bedroom.
It's New Years Eve on the roof of Titans tower, and when midnight comes around, he's not your first kiss. But it's the first time you kissed back. It's the first time you didn't want it to stop.
Dick would hate you, you're sure. Rose would never talk to you again. Bruce would stop forcing you to the Tower whenever he has an excuse. You don't know enough about Slade Wilson to know if he'd do anything, but you're not keen on finding out.
You ask Joey out, leave flowers (pink camellia) and a note neatly on his desk.
He's the first time you've ever been rejected too. You stop talking to Joey, and it's only meant to be temporary. Until it's not. Until he's standing next to his best friend, your brother, trying not to sob while "DECEASED" flashes in bold red letters next to your picture.
There's a single text message from you when he comes back to earth, he never opens it.
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theskylarkin · 1 year
KH OC Week Day 3 - Friends or Lovers
(Mostly friends lol, only one of my OCs has a significant other.)
Here are the ten most important relationships (platonic, familial, romantic, etc.) of each of my five OCs for this week:
Anima and Mundi -
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As an only child, Sophia has always had a close relationship with her parents. They were always there to cheer her on during major moments in her life prior to becoming a keyblade wielder, but having to enforce the World Order means that she’s not allowed to let them know anything about a huge part of her life now. Although she really misses their support, Sophia knows her mom and dad would want her to persevere and do her best (even when all she wants to do is quit and go back to a normal life).
Mariss and Relai - The twins are younger than Sophia by nine years but they’re still the closest in age to her within that generation of her extended family. Mariss has always been interested in science and Relai wants to be an artist, so Sophia was perfectly suited to look after both of her cousins during social events and encourage them to follow their passions. She hasn’t seen much of them or the rest of her family due to her apprenticeship, but she’s always excited to hear any news about the twins from her parents.
Master Vor - When Sophia began her apprenticeship, she saw Master Vor as an independent and self-assured woman beholden to no one’s authority. Now that she understands the responsibilities that come with wielding a keyblade and why Vor has distanced herself from the other masters, Sophia isn’t sure that she wants to walk that path of constant vigilance and solitude for the rest of her life. Additionally, Sophia in her sheltered life in Radiant Garden never had a reason to distrust an authority figure so she’s had a hard time trusting Master Vor after the reveal of how much she (and the other Scalan masters) lied about “the Calamity” and the fate of Master Hoder’s brother.
Brandr - Unlike most people, Sophia made an effort to see past her disconcerting first impression of Brandr and found that aside from his weird oracle powers, he was just kind of an awkward book nerd like her. Even as she has put most of her old hobbies aside over the course of her apprenticeship, Sophia has still kept reading books so she has something to discuss with Brandr. (She tells herself that it’s for his benefit but really it’s one of the only things keeping both of them sane sometimes.) Sophia doesn’t have much hope for Brandr’s plans to change the future he’s seen, but she keeps quiet because she doesn’t want to discourage him.
Virdandi - Although Sophia may have found Virdandi’s rough-around-the-edges personality abrasive at first, they ended up becoming fast friends because they complement each other so well. With Virdandi planning out their goals (once she’d gotten the chance to grow up a little) and Sophia keeping everything organized, the two of them are much more effective at getting things done together. Sophia just wishes that Virdandi could see this, as lately she’s gotten into the habit of going off on her own and getting in over her head when she could’ve just asked for help…
Ferrum - In their short time together, Sophia looked up to the eldest apprentice a lot. She was devastated by his death, especially since he ended up sacrificing himself to protect her, Brandr, and Virdandi. However, after years of comparing herself to him while trying to keep the other apprentices from fighting when Ferrum had always made it look so easy, Sophia can’t help feeling some mild resentment toward him (which she absolutely hates herself for).
Ventus - Unlike Brandr and Virdandi, Sophia is actually trying to get along with Master Hermod’s new apprentice and give him a fair chance instead of comparing him to Ferrum. She feels especially bad for Ven because she remembers how intimidating it was to be the newest member of the group at first and she didn’t even have all of the expectations that he’s facing from the others. However, she hates that trying to protect him puts her into conflict with Brandr and Virdandi all the time, and try as she might there’s always a part of her that quietly resents how much extra emotional labor she has to perform because of him.
Aqua - Since they’re not allowed to leave the Land of Departure until they’ve passed their Mark of Mastery exams, Sophia doesn’t get to see either of Master Eraqus’ apprentices much. She’s always grateful for the rare chance to hang out with Aqua because she admires her steady composure as well as her skills at magic and handcrafting. Sophia was overjoyed when Aqua made wayfinders not just for her but for Brandr and Virdandi as well, taking the gesture to mean that Aqua also believes that all of them will be able to get along one day.
Terra - Sophia had a bit of a crush on Terra at first, but she soon realized that his heart belonged to someone else (even if he hadn’t realized it yet). She admires his strength, his dedication to helping others even when he doesn’t know them very well, and his pleated hakama pants which she added to her second keyblade wielder outfit. Sophia is very excited for the day when he and Aqua become masters so they’ll be able to visit more (and she won’t have to be in charge all the time).
Nemus - Urgh. Sophia tried her hardest to get along with Nemus at first, but his anti-intellectual/anti-science attitude repulses her. He never listens to anyone but Master Hoder and is always stirring up trouble for the sake of it. (Even Virdandi didn’t use to be as bad as he is!) She was more forgiving at the start but now that Sophia sees Nemus for the manipulative snake that he is, she doesn’t even bother trying to stop Brandr and Virdandi from arguing with him unless the fight turns physical.
Urd and Magni - Perhaps Virdandi’s parents simply waited too long to have children, as their eldest daughter got away with a lot more terrible behavior when she was young than she might have if they were still young enough to chase her around. Magni was quite the boisterous and hotheaded youth back in the day, and Virdandi shares a lot of those traits so she’s always been close to her dad. Funnily enough, despite not getting along with her mother, Virdandi also had the same goal of leaving Scala as Urd once had at that age. By the time of BBS, Urd and Virdandi’s relationship has improved significantly now that the two of them are on the same page about Virdandi’s future.
Brandr - Despite resenting him for taking up so much of her mother’s attention, Brandr was Virdandi’s only friend for most of her childhood as both of them were the biggest social pariahs of Scala ad Caelum for different reasons. With the passage of time and the shared experience/trauma of being keyblade wielders, Virdandi and Brandr are now close enough to consider each other to be practically siblings. Ever since the incident in Traverse Town, Virdandi has been seriously pissed off at the streak of overprotectiveness that Brandr has developed toward her (and Sophia). Just because she’s a year younger than him doesn’t mean that she’s not capable of protecting herself!
Sigyn and Idunn - It took some time for Virdandi to adjust to not being an only child anymore. Since the new baby took away even more of her parents’ attention, she didn’t really care about Sigyn at all until she was three years old (around the time when Virdandi started to ignore Brandr because he’d gotten a keyblade and she hadn’t). Now that she’s matured up a little, Virdandi has been trying to be a better big sister but Sigyn’s more grounded personality has her acting like she’s the older sibling at times! Despite not actually being related to her, Virdandi considers Idunn to be her cool aunt, especially since she’ll let her get away with things that Virdandi’s parents would never tolerate.
Master Vidar - Virdandi met Master Vidar at the point in her life when she wanted nothing more than to leave her homeworld behind; of course she would consider the keyblade master who’d been exiled from Scala in all but name for decades to be the coolest adult she’d ever met. Unlike the bossy and overbearing Master Hoder, Vidar had more of a freeform and hands-off approach to teaching that Virdandi appreciated…but perhaps she really could’ve used a lot more structure in her training. Master Vidar’s style of mentorship is all about letting his student learn from her own mistakes as much as possible, which has worked for Virdandi in the past but now she views asking for help as a sign of weakness.
Sophia - Virdandi didn’t think she and Sophia were gonna get along at first because they’re so different, but their opposite personalities tend to balance each other out more than they clash. As different as the two may seem, they are similar in how they have their own set of strong core values that they are prepared to defend when challenged (it’s just that Virdandi is also willing to argue over more trivial things too). Lately, however, Sophia’s been kind of a wet blanket so Virdandi has been giving the other apprentice some space so she can focus on her own training.
Ferrum - Although Virdandi hated Ferrum at first for taking Brandr away from her (even though she was the one who pushed Brandr away once he got a keyblade), she warmed up to him quickly once she finally became an apprentice and didn’t feel left behind anymore. Even though she hadn’t known Ferrum for as long, he was still the second friend she ever made and his death hurt in a way she’d never felt before. Virdandi never wants to experience that kind of pain again so aside from Brandr and Sophia she subconsciously stops herself from building deeper relationships with others.
Aqua and Terra - Virdandi was never as close to Master Eraqus’ apprentices as Ferrum and Brandr were, only having met them once or twice before Ferrum’s death. In the present, she sees Aqua and Terra as overprotective goody-two-shoes and believes that if they hadn’t coddled Ventus while he was under Master Eraqus’ care he wouldn’t be so weak. Virdandi will back off if one of them chastises her for picking on Ven but she doesn’t really respect their authority.
Master Hoder - Even though years have passed since then, Virdandi still hasn’t completely forgiven Master Hoder for deeming her unworthy to be her apprentice. (Any chance of letting that grudge die disappeared when she met the person who Hoder actually chose.) Virdandi is aware that the leader of Scala still watches her like a hawk for any signs of emerging darkness, but she hasn’t been scared of her ever since she got a keyblade. Surely the fact that the keyblade chose Virdandi is a sign that darkness will never have a chance to take root in her heart, right?
Ventus - Virdandi didn’t react as badly to Master Hermod’s new apprentice as Brandr did, but she’s still mean toward Ventus on principle. Although she mocks his naivete and sunny optimism out loud, secretly Virdandi finds these traits of his… kinda cute? (Run, Ven, run!) Whatever, Virdandi is just glad she’s not the shortest apprentice anymore. Besides, she doesn’t hate him nearly as much as…
Nemus - From the moment that they met, Virdandi has loathed Nemus with every fiber of her being. She hates that he’s an inch taller than her, that he can so easily push her buttons, and that Master Hoder picked him to be her apprentice after rejecting her. Virdandi makes sure to celebrate every petty victory against Nemus as obnoxiously as possible because she knows how much he can’t stand losing.
Idunn - Okay, yeah, Brandr’s a bit of a mama’s boy but most people would be too if they grew up in a town where most folks were convinced that they were cursed by darkness at a young age and she was one of the only people who stood up for them. In spite of having to be a single parent of a child plagued with a condition no one understood, Idunn soldiered on and always tried to treat her son just like any other Scalan child whenever she could. Brandr’s motivation to become a keyblade master came from wanting the other inhabitants of the world to respect him so that Idunn didn’t have to be a social outcast by association anymore.
Master Urd and Magni - Long before Brandr became her apprentice, Master Urd was already a mentor figure to him as she tried to figure out a means by which he could manage his powers. As a result, they’ve been one of the closest master-apprentice pairs until recently as they’ve had a bit of a falling out over Brandr’s increasing reliance on his visions. Aside from the extra burden for Idunn, Brandr never really minded the absence of his biological father as Magni became a paternal figure to him very early on, despite the two of them being complete opposites personality-wise.
Virdandi - Regardless if she was his best friend or hated his guts at the time, Virdandi has always been a constant presence in Brandr’s life. He’s always thought of her as a sister because normal siblings are supposed to go from liking each other to fighting every other day, right? (He had to adjust this theory once Sigyn came into the picture.) They are each other’s closest confidants and worst enablers; no matter how much they argue, Brandr would go postal if anything ever happened to Virdandi.
Sigyn - Brandr and Sigyn aren’t actually related but he still thinks of her as his little sister all the same. Once his main goal shifted from becoming a keyblade master to changing the future, he would’ve stopped training with Master Urd if not for Sigyn as her parents would only allow her to begin her training once either Brandr or Virdandi had their Mark of Mastery. Brandr has had visions of Sigyn as a keyblade wielder and wants to preserve that future for her so she’ll be able to protect herself if his plans to alter fate should fail.
Ferrum - Although it took him some time to warm up to Ferrum in the beginning, Brandr considered him to be the older brother he never had. (Years later, Brandr realized that he might’ve had a bit of a crush on him as well.) Out of the trio, Brandr was the most affected by Ferrum’s death due to having known that the older apprentice would be gone someday thanks to his visions, but misinterpreting the reason for his absence in the future. Now Brandr has to live the rest of his life knowing that his last conversation with Ferrum ended with him telling Ferrum that he’d never forgive him for something that didn’t actually happen.
Sophia - In stark contrast to the other keyblade apprentices, Brandr had a much easier time befriending Sophia since the two of them share a love of books. Unbeknownst to her, Brandr has a huge crush on Sophia, which is a secret he’ll take to his grave. He’s seen glimpses of her future and he’s nowhere to be seen, but she seems much happier there than she is in the present and Brandr doesn’t want to take that away from her (and he doesn’t want a repeat of what happened with Ferrum).
Aqua - When he first met her at the start of his apprenticeship, Brandr had the biggest crush on Aqua and was unable to string more than three words together whenever he was in her presence. Those feelings faded after Ferrum died and Master Hermod got a new apprentice, disappearing altogether somewhere around the twentieth time she snapped at him for criticizing Ventus. Now Brandr dislikes how much of a stickler for the rules Aqua is and sees her as a potential obstacle to any of his plans to change the destined future.
Terra - Brandr used to be jealous of Terra and Ferrum’s friendship whenever they visited the Land of Departure together, but otherwise he didn’t really have any strong feelings towards Master Eraqus’ oldest apprentice. That changed one day when he had a vision of Terra striking down his own master. Now he’s always keeping one eye on Terra whenever he’s around Sophia or Virdandi, while also trying to drop hints to Master Eraqus that he should be on the lookout for a betrayal from an unexpected source…
Nemus - The first time they met, Brandr addressed Nemus as “the lab rat”. He still calls him that whenever he’s giving Sophia or Virdandi attitude (it’s just as effective an insult as before). Brandr finds Nemus’ attempts at attention-seeking and clout-chasing pathetic, but the real reason he’s so cruel toward Nemus is that he’s seen him in the future fighting Virdandi while Scala burns behind them. Due to this vision, Brandr can’t be bothered to pretend to be nice to someone who will end up as his enemy in the future (but really he’s just looking for an excuse).
Ventus - The first time they met, Brandr addressed Ventus as “the replacement”. He only stopped doing so because he was immediately chastised by Aqua and Terra for it. Deep down, a small part of Brandr knows his burning hatred of Ventus is unfair and that he’s taking out all of his frustration on the youngest apprentice because he’s a convenient target. And yet, just seeing Ventus standing next to Master Hermod (he doesn’t belong here, he’s not wanted, leave leave LEAVE!) is enough to set Brandr off.
Bragi/Luxu - [Data Not Found]
Yin - Ferrum’s boyfriend was also his best friend since childhood, although it took Ferrum’s departure from Traverse Town for both of them to realize that their feelings were more than platonic. Yin was the polar opposite of Ferrum, initially cold toward strangers and bitingly sarcastic in his speech, but there was no one in the whole universe that Ferrum trusted more. He always wondered why Ferrum never told the other apprentices that they were dating, and this secrecy ended up causing more problems for everyone in the end.
Paya - One of the other orphan kids who grew up on the streets with Ferrum and Yin, Paya was the third member of their trio responsible for looking after the younger children. She met Master Hermod at the same time as Ferrum when the keyblade master saved them both from an Invisible. (Years later, she would often wonder what could’ve been if only they hadn’t run into that heartless on that night.) As per his request, Paya kept Ferrum’s departure and new job a secret from everyone else even though she hated lying to them, Yin especially.
Master Hermod - The keyblade master was the closest thing Ferrum had to a father figure. For his part, Hermod thought of Ferrum as the closest thing he had to a son, but he was convinced that his apprentice had some kind of important destiny. Although he didn’t mean to emotionally burden his apprentice, Ferrum definitely felt the pressure to live up to Master Hermod’s grand expectations of himself. Ferrum’s death left Master Hermod devastated and he ended up being much more emotionally distant from his second apprentice, Ventus, as a result.
Zlatan -
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The proprietor of the First District Accessory Shop and Yin’s boss was the closest thing Ferrum had to a “father-in-law” figure. Zlatan was deeply suspicious of Ferrum because he wouldn’t tell him what he did for a living or where he went whenever he disappeared from Traverse Town, loudly remarking to Yin that maybe he should date someone more honest and reliable instead. His enmity toward Ferrum was born out of a sense of protectiveness towards his apprentice, as Zlatan had been planning for Yin to take over the business after he retired. Fate, unfortunately, had other ideas.
Ravi, Cor, and Laureen -
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Ferrum met these three average kids in Twilight Town shortly after the beginning of his apprenticeship. They could tell that there was something weird about him but they accepted him into their friend group anyway and taught him how to skateboard. As the three civilians had been kept out of the loop due to Ferrum’s adherence to the World Order, they never learned the true reason for his sudden disappearance.
Terra - Since they had a lot in common, Ferrum and Terra always got along splendidly on the rare occasions that Ferrum visited the Land of Departure. As Ferrum was three years older and half a foot taller, Terra jokingly vowed that one day he’d surpass Ferrum’s height. (By the time of BBS, Terra is still an inch too short to measure up.) It’s this bond that keeps Terra from giving up on getting through to Brandr and Virdandi in the present day, as he knows how much Ferrum cared about the two of them.
Aqua - Although he found her a bit too self-serious at times, Ferrum enjoyed spending time with Aqua as well but he wasn’t as close with her because they didn’t have a lot in common. However, he always remembered the time she complimented the earrings Yin made him and considered her a responsible young lady who would be a great keyblade master one day. In turn, Aqua still tries to look out for Brandr and Virdandi despite the way they treat Ventus and has vowed that none of the others will fall to the darkness on her watch.
Brandr - Ferrum’s experiences taking care of the other orphans of Traverse Town helped him to gently coax Brandr out of his shell after spending more time with him and realizing that his initial frostiness was due to him not really knowing how to make friends. Once Brandr warmed up to him, Ferrum appreciated how thoughtful and observant he could be, often remembering little details that Ferrum had forgotten or overlooked. (Tragically, he didn’t realize just how much Brandr came to look up to him until it was almost too late.) Like most people, Ferrum never truly understood Brandr’s ability but he always encouraged him to live in the moment and not let his condition define him.
Virdandi - Once she had her own keyblade and less of a reason to be jealous of him, Ferrum had a much easier time befriending Virdandi. Although he did find her brash personality grating at times, Ferrum was hopeful that she’d soon grow out of it along with her anti-social behavior. He tried to encourage Virdandi not to be afraid of her own emotional vulnerability and open up to other people, as being able to let others into your heart is such an important part of being a keyblade wielder.
Sophia - Even though he didn’t know Sophia for very long, Ferrum admired her curiosity about the worlds beyond her own and her eagerness to learn new things. He tried to teach her to not fear battle so that she’d be able to defend herself and others, even if she avoided fighting as much as humanly possible. Since Sophia had bonded so quickly with Brandr and Virdandi, Ferrum was confident that the three of them would make a fine team and could handle themselves if he wasn’t around anymore. Alas…
Master Hoder - Ever since she saved him, Nemus has been one hundred percent “ride or die” loyal to his keyblade master, acting as more of her enforcer than her apprentice at times. Although he’s been more open with her than anyone else since she’s still the only one who knows the truth about him, Nemus still doesn’t trust Hoder completely due to the similarities between her and Dr. Moto. Her cold and distant demeanor at times (the other masters claim she used to be a lot different before the death of her brother) makes it difficult for him to tell where he stands with her, discouraging him from trying to get any closer.
Dr. Rin Moto -
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The scientist is the closest thing Nemus ever had to a “birth mother”. She’s also the main source of his many trust issues. A part of Nemus is still trying to reconcile the maternal figure he knew her as for the first five years of his life with the mercenary researcher she was beneath the mask. Although he’d like to think that he’s left her in the past, Dr. Moto’s lasting influence on Nemus is most apparent in his decision to construct a fake persona for himself once he arrived in Scala.
Hana -
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Despite being just her “pet”, the young rich girl was the closest thing Nemus had to a real friend when he was growing up. Just like with Dr. Moto, his feelings toward her (and especially her uncertain fate which he could have prevented) are complicated and her influence on him still lingers on. For example, certain aspects of Nemus’ fake “Catkin” backstory are taken from one of the games that he and Hana used to play in the sprawling greenhouses of her family’s estate.
Kingsley and Akane - On the other hand, Nemus has no fond memories of Hana’s awful (to him, not to her) parents whatsoever. Abusive and cruel as they were, these two still had a significant impact on Nemus’ worldview, to the point where he has unconsciously based certain aspects of his new identity around them. In particular, Nemus’ preference for golden things and obsession with improving his social status can be attributed to Kingsley while his use of passive aggression and aesthetic obsession with trees/plants comes from Akane.
Sigyn - Virdandi’s younger sister is the only kid in Scala ad Caelum that Nemus remotely gets along with. It helps that she reminds him of the better parts of Hana and that she didn’t immediately accuse him of trying to replace someone else within seconds of meeting him for the first time. Nemus wouldn’t really consider them “friends” since they don’t have much in common, but sometimes Sigyn will show up with a snack to share and talk about her day while he tries his best not to say anything too condescending. Does that count as friendship? Nemus isn’t really sure.
Sophia - Out of the Fractured Trio, Nemus loathes Sophia the least…but that doesn’t mean that he likes her. Her scientific mindset invokes bad memories for him, making him even less inclined to do what she asks. Plus, no matter how hard she insists that she can be impartial, Nemus knows that Sophia will side with Brandr, Virdandi, and/or Ventus over him every single time.
Ferrum - As Nemus only became a wielder about a year after Ferrum’s death, he never got a chance to meet the oldest apprentice. However, Nemus has come to loathe him by association since everything he does gets compared to “how Ferrum would’ve done it” by both the other apprentices and the masters. There’s no winning when the competition is a dead guy that everyone’s put on such a high pedestal.
Brandr - Like most people, Nemus finds Brandr weird and offputting. The other apprentice doesn’t seem to care much about the things he values like attention and social status, so it’s hard for Nemus to rile Brandr up in any meaningful way (aside from targeting Virdandi or his mother, which will get Brandr to go full scorched earth and Nemus doesn’t want that smoke). Besides, Nemus is too creeped out by Brandr’s powers (and lives in fear that he’ll be able to see visions of the past one day, which would ruin the whole charade that Nemus has spent the last four years building around himself) to actually pick a fight with him.
Virdandi - Way before either of them knew they had a deeper connection to each other thanks to Morpho Biotechnical, Nemus and Virdandi absolutely despised each other. Nemus hates that she looks down on him for being a newer keyblade wielder and will take every possible opportunity to outshine her, especially in front of the masters. He has a lot of fun trying to wind her up but can only get away with it when they’re alone otherwise he will get outnumbered by the rest of the trio.
Ventus - However, the newest apprentice doesn’t have that kind of protection when he’s in Scala. Nemus bullies Ventus relentlessly because he perceives him as weaker, which has the added effect of making Ventus a more appealing target for Brandr and Virdandi (thus keeping them from ganging up on Nemus, at least in theory). Nemus’ real reason for this bullying is jealousy over Ven having a support system when he doesn’t.
(Nemus has never been to the Land of Departure just as Terra and Aqua have never been to Scala ad Caelum. Despite none of them having ever met in person, there’s a mutual dislike between him and Eraqus’ two apprentices by proxy.)
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bookofmirth · 2 years
I don't think that I will ever understand Vas/sien. I'm okay with people shipping them, even when they barely have any romantic coded scenes. It's just weird seeing people shout how Vas/sien have canon scenes and have an "actual spark" when the only canon scenes they have is just Lucien making a face. Yeah, they may live together and only Sarah knows what they do off page, but we have only seen just 3 little moments of Lucien making faces when it's about Vassa. I believe they count Lucien freeing Vassa and the whole "lord of fire and the firebird" thing, but Vassa hates the curse and Lucien is also the heir to the day court, a court where there is enough sunshine for a certain someone named Elain. idk... it just isn't enough for me to say that they are in love or have a high chance to become endgame. Not when there is already another potential LI for Vassa and he's called jurian. Jassa may not have many canon scenes either, but there are these lines "2 sides of the same coin" "At each other's throats as they like to be" that Sarah has thrown in for Jassa. We have seen them bantering in canon as well.. there's also the little history that they have when Vassa saw through all his lies. Vassa is a queen, Jurian a general, they're both mortal and they both seem to care for their people and seem to have the same goals. Their personalities seem to fit well together too.
I believe that Jassa is the type of ship that Sarah would go for. They’re equals and banter a lot. We all know that she doesn't go with the ships that don't have any tension or banter where they also challange each other... which he have not seen at least once with el/riel and I think it's also too late for El/riel to have that. Vas/sien seem to be just good friends and I dislike how people assume that they can only be lovers, just because he's a guy and she a women and his mate is crushing on a bat. Gwynriel challange and tease each other, Elucien have a lot of tension and angst, Jassa banter a lot as well - exactly Sarah’s type.
I get it in the sense that I understand why people see side characters who have 1-2 intriguing traits and we try to build up things about them in our heads. It's a fun exercise to imagine what they are up to when they aren't on the page, like how did the Suriel know everything, and what's Alis up to now, and I hope Tomas Mandray is choking on his tie somewhere. We know Vassa is a mortal queen who has been cursed because she was sold out by the other queens, she still commands her armies, and she and Jurian tend to butt heads and she's kinda crass. That's about it!
And we don't know a ton about her and Jurian other than like you mentioned, two sides of the same coin, but to me it's enough to imagine what they'd be like together. Lucien clearly has third wheel syndrome. He's annoyed at these two mother effers who need to just bone already.
But Lucien isn't like that, to me. I mean, he *isn't* the kind of character that we have minimal info about and so can insert whatever traits and feelings we want to imagine. We already know a lot about him and he has so. Much. Going. On. Clear connections to various courts and powerful, political figures in them, a complicated romantic life, a complicated family life. We know what his relationships are like with Beron, Feyre, Tamlin, his mom, his brothers, and we know enough to guess at what his relationships with Helion and Elain would be like. I think we fully know what's going on with him, and that includes looking at Elain in longing in acosf. (When people say they aren't interested in each other lmaooooo the word "longing" is NOT ambiguous, babes.)
Those are my two cents. I don't really care what people ship or what characters they like, but I just don't see it ever happening in canon!
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genuinerio · 2 years
SHE’S A RAINBOW ↠ 「 Steve Harrington 」
Second chapter is coming soon, I promise! Also, just a heads up, it’s a pretty traumatic one which is included in Nadine’s journey.
Profile of Nadine Byers.
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NICKNAMES: DEAN. (friends and family), NADS, NADIA. (steve).
AGE: 16 (season one), 17 (season two).
FAMILY: JOYCE BYERS. (mother), LOONIE BYERS. (estranged father), JONATHAN BYERS. (younger twin brother), WILL BYERS. (little brother), DARLENE. (great aunt), ELEVEN. (like a sister, friend and housemate)
FRIENDS: JONATHAN BYERS. (twin brother, best friend), WILL BYERS. (little brother, best friend), STEVE HARRINGTON. (best friend, love interest), MAX MAYFIELD. (friend, like a sister), CAROL. (former best friend), TOMMY H. (former best friend), BILLY HARGROVE. (frenemy), ROBIN. (good friend), VARIOUS OF OTHER UNNAMED FRIENDS. (good friends)
ENEMIES: NANCY WHEELER. (acquaintance, she strongly dislikes Nancy and finds her to be a goody two shoes but tries to remain cordial solely for Jonathan’s sake), TOMMY H. (currently), CAROL. (currently). BILLY HARGROVE. (currently)
LOVE INTERESTS: STEVE HARRINGTON. (eventual boyfriend, secretly in love with each other), ROBIN. (former crush by on), BILLY HARGROVE. (formerly crush by on), UNNAMED WOMEN AND MEN. (formerly secret significant others and hookups)
1. The meaning behind the name Nadine means “hope,” as it aims to lift spirits and give people something to believe in, it is originating from French.
2. Nadine is older than Jonathan by twenty minutes. It is known that she often points this out whenever they’re at odds.
3. Because of how much of a tomboy she was growing up, Nadine always preferred to go by her common nickname, “Dean,” as she felt Nadine was a bit too feminine and preferred Dean since it was more unisex than the former.
4. Despite them denying any relationship, it is known that Nadine and Steve hold romantic feelings for one another and for this, are believed to be more than friends.
5. Art is something that Nadine is extremely passionate about and excels at like other things such as music with playing bass guitar and soccer, she finds these things to help her as a coping mechanism especially art. She believes art is a way to help her express her emotions as she tends to have a hard time in opening up to others and herself, overall. Others have felt that if she was to become professional, Nadine would accomplish that with how amazing her art is.
6. Nadine is someone who sees herself as not very emotional and as someone who consistently tries to be strong, not only for herself but for others as well.
7. Despite Jonathan’s assumption, she is not ashamed to be a Byers child, in fact Nadine is happy with being a Byers kid as she loves her family a lot and is very protective of them. In Jonathan’s reasoning, he believes that Nadine denies any relation to him in public as he assumes she cares more about her popularity which often places the two at consistent odds. However, this sometimes does happen but she does stand up for him as well.
8. As children, it was pointed out by Joyce that Jonathan and Nadine had quite a few similarities but as she grew up, they developed more differences than kept similarities. However, they still held some similarities especially, particularly in similar taste in music as they both enjoy rock music and artists, in particular, Joy Division and David Bowie.
9. She is a huge fan of David Bowie, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Joy Division, New Order, Fleetwood Mac, Blondie, The Runaways and Janis Joplin.
10. Her often cited favorite Beatle is both John Lennon and George Harrison.
11. As a child, Nadine was a tomboy as she enjoyed watching and playing sports particularly soccer and baseball, another thing is that she enjoyed skateboarding a lot as well. At the result of this, Jonathan felt that Lonnie always saw her as the son that he wanted and hoped himself to be since she would go hunting with him. However, Nadine admitted that she hated going hunting and would just join so Jonathan didn’t have to anymore.
12. She has mentioned that Max reminds her the most of her younger self with their similarities of being tomboys, love of skateboarding, arcade games and horror movies as well as personality wise.
13. Throughout their times of knowing one another, Nadine has maintained a close, sibling like relationship with both Eleven and Max in which both girls look up to her as well. Despite her love of both her brothers, Nadine had always wished she could’ve had a younger sister but has since created a similar sisterly relationship with both girls.
14. Her favorite artists are Frida Kahlo, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Andy Warhol and Keith Haring.
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maybanksslut · 3 years
Dating Tommy Shelby would include...
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of alcohol and smoking :)
Ok pls watch me drop everything to write this bc I'm married to cillian murphy <3
First of all, how the two of you met
One night, you’d be alone in one of Birmingham’s many pubs, drowning down the sorrow you felt after fighting with your father, who was visibly upset with you for not being married
He’d been talking about marriage with you for weeks and you grew tired of having to tell him the same thing every day
“I don’t want to get married, dad, there’s no one I love!”
Of course, he’d think that was bullshit and tell you marriage wasn’t an act of love, rather a business that was supposed to tie two families together
This angered you, so here you were, drinking your pain away
And just as you’d got seated and ordered some Irish whiskey, a certain Shelby walked into the pub
Perhaps it was fate, perhaps a mere accident, but no matter what it was, it changed your life forever
“May I sit here?”
You were quick to realize he was a peaky Blinder by the way he was dressed
And by the way everyone appeared to shiver when he entered the pub, you concluded that he must be one of the Shelbys as well
“Only if you promise not to get blood on my dress”
To be honest, he was taken aback by your joke, expecting more of a nervous smile or a look filled with lust, like other women seemed to give him
He was immediately intrigued by you and made it his goal to get to know you better by the end of the night
Tommy tried to be a gentleman, he paid for your drinks, offered you cigarettes, and referred to you as “Mrs”
Until you told him you weren’t married, that is
His jaw (his jawline is perfect tho can we talk about that?) practically dropped, because how could such a beautiful woman like you not have a husband?
At the same time, he was happy, because this meant he could have a chance of making you his forever
Which, he realized later, was something he did wish to do
Tommy fell himself falling for you more and more every day, he just adored your smile, your laugh, the way you weren’t afraid of him, but rather treated him as a close friend
Yes, he was entirely enamored with you, and he knew he had to make a move before anyone else did
He often took you on horse rides or to restaurants to hear your voice, and he loved to hear you talk
“What about that horse race you went to last week, eh? Can you tell me more about it? I don’t quite remember”
He didn’t officially ask you to be his lover before you’d known each other for three months
His feelings for you were a big burden when he kept them a secret, and so was keeping your friendship from both of your families
Therefore, one night as you walked through the empty streets of Birmingham, he confessed to you
“The truth is, y/n, I am in love with you and I want you to be mine. What do you say, eh?”
You were stunned when you heard those words come out of his mouth
You’d never expected this coming, even though you had for some time now felt a stronger connection to Tommy than just a friendly one
Furthermore, the way he said it made your breath tremble. You could almost feel the passion burning its way through his confession
You could feel all the atoms in your body craving him and his love, but you couldn’t utter a words
So instead, you gently caressed his cheeks and kissed him, as if you were trying to pour everything you wanted to say into his mind by this sweet embrace
It took the both of you some time to cool down after the kiss, but when you did, the two of you grinned like idiots
“I love you, too, Tommy Shelby”
He’d carry you home and properly introduce himself to your father the second he got the chance
Your father would be so surprised, because of who you’d brought home
But he’d also be so happy (mostly because Tommy is rich, but also because his daughter finally had found someone)
He and Tommy ended up getting along quite nicely, though you saw his jaw (again he can cut me with that jaw) clench a couple of times when he mentioned the word “thugs” about some of his peaky boys
Before he left that night he kissed you so softly and romantically you thought you’d FAINT
Luckily, you didn’t, but you dreamt about him after you went to sleep
Sometime later, Tommy pushed aside his hesitations and decided to introduce you to his family
“Darling, I beg of you, don’t let them scare you away, eh?”
“Why would they scare me away? If they’re anything like you, I’m sure I’ll love them”
You’d be fascinated by all of his family members because they all appeared to be very interesting people
John would be the first one to talk to you, his outgoing personality very evident after even only a few seconds of conversation
You did enjoy his company, though you had to admit, he was kind of intimidating with his strong voice and loud laugh
Next on the list was Polly, the woman you’d heard so much about, yet knew nothing of
She was the one that you’d were afraid to meet the most, a sue she seemed so majestic and proud in her red dress and high eyebrows
Her personality was the complete opposite of what you’d expected
“Oh my god, you must be y/n! You’re gorgeous, my love! Oh, come here for a hug, my dear”
Her friendliness was overwhelming, yet it warmed your heart deeply to see that she cared for you after such little interaction
It was comforting how she took you under her wing, introducing you to the other family members while Tommy went to talk with his brothers
After the night was over, you’d befriended Ada and learned not to get on Arthur’s bad side
It was an evening full of emotions and feelings, but it was one of the best ones in your life, so you were quick to thank Tommy for making you the luckiest woman in England
“Don’t thank me, sweetheart, you’re the one who made my life brighter”
It took Thomas four weeks to propose to you
He loved you and he needed no time to know that you were his true love and he wanted to spend the rest of his life by your side
It was one night you’d spent together in bed, talking about anything and everything, stealing kisses from each other now and then
Suddenly Tommy’s face turned more serious
“I want you to marry me, y/n”
“I want you to marry me. I want to show the whole world how much you mean to me. I want to spend the rest of my life in your arms, holding your hand and kissing your lips. I want to start a family with you and I want you, forever.”
You agreed immediately, tears in your eyes as you looked into the eye of your future husband and thought of the life you’d build together
It was perfect.
TAGLIST: @fangirlings-things @runaway-mom-friend @gxtitobxby @amirahiddleston @myloveforluna
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lokiondisneyplus · 3 years
Yes, Loki series director Kate Herron knows about your fan theory about the show, the analysis you posted to social media. No, she won’t tell you what she thinks about it, or whether you were right.
“I follow all the conversations on Twitter,” Herron told Polygon in an interview shortly after Loki’s season 1 finale. “I don’t always weigh in on them, because I made the show, so they don’t want me weighing in like, ‘Actually, guys…’ I think that’s the whole point of art — it should be up for debate and discussion.”
[Ed. note: Spoilers ahead for season 1 of Loki.]
Loki has been a hit for streaming service Disney Plus — episode 6 of the show, the final installment for this season, was reportedly watched by more households than any of the platform’s MCU finales to date. The series has been a popular source of fan conjecture and argument, with one particularly big rolling conversation focusing on whether the budding romantic relationship between trickster Asgardian Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and his alternate-universe counterpart Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) is a form of incest.
Herron is willing to speak up about that one. “My interpretation of it is that they’re both Lokis, but they aren’t the same person,” she says. “I don’t see them as being like brother and sister. They have completely different backgrounds […] and I think that’s really important to her character. They sort of have the same role in terms of the universe and destiny, but they won’t make the same decisions.”
Herron says thematically, Loki falling for Sylvie is an exploration of “self-love,” but only in the sense that it’s Loki learning to understand his own motives and integrity. “[The show is] looking at the self and asking ‘What makes us us?’” Herron says. “I mean, look at all the Lokis across the show, they’re all completely different. I think there’s something beautiful about his romantic relationship with Sylvie, but they’re not interchangeable.”
Directing the final kiss between the two characters was a complicated process because it had to communicate something about each of them over the course of just a few seconds. Herron says the primary goal was creating a safe, comfortable environment for Hiddleston and Di Martino, and after that, she had to think about how to bring across Loki and Sylvie’s conflicting goals in that moment.
“It’s an interesting one, right?” she says. “Emotionally, from Sylvie’s perspective, I think it’s a goodbye. But it’s still a buildup of all these feelings. They’ve both grown through each other over the last few episodes. It was important to me that it didn’t feel like a trick, like she was deceiving him. She is obviously doing that, on one hand, but I don’t feel the kiss is any less genuine. I think she’s in a bad place, but her feelings are true.”
Herron says directing Hiddleston in the scene mostly came down to discussing the speech Loki gives Sylvie before the kiss. “That was really important, showing this new place for Loki,” Herron says. “In the first episode, he’s like, ‘I want the throne, I want to rule,’ and by episode 6, he isn’t focused on that selfish want. He just wants her to be okay.”
Loki writer and producer Eric Martin recently tweeted that he wished the show had been able to focus more time on two of its secondary characters, Owen Wilson’s Time Variance Authority agent Mobius M. Mobius, and Gugu Mbatha-Raw’s Ravonna Renslayer. “I wanted to explore her more deeply and really see their relationship,” he says, “But covid got in the way and we just didn’t have time.”
Asked if Loki and Sylvie’s relationship suffered from similar necessary edits, Herron says it’s true that the show’s creators and audience still don’t know everything Sylvie went through to make her so different from the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s original version of Loki. “We’ve seen her as a child, but she’s lived for thousands and thousands of years, in apocalypses on the run,” she says. “I think there’s so much more to delve into with Sylvie […] You’re filling in the blanks. You see [her on the planet] Lamentis, and it’s horrific. And you’re like, “Well, what kind of person would she be, growing up in apocalypses? What kind of personality would that give her?”
Herron says Sylvie’s backstory actually reminds her of the 1995 movie Jumanji, where a young boy is sucked into a magical board game in 1969, and emerges 26 years later as a full-grown man, played by with typical manic energy by Robin Williams. “It’s such a weird reference, but…” she says. “He’s a little boy when he ends up captive in that game, and when he comes out, it’s obviously been a life experience. With Sylvie, it’s similar. She was a child when she had to go on the run, so she’s had a very difficult life. I would love to see more of it. As Eric said, she’s a rich character, there’s so much to be explored.”
Herron says, though, that during her time on the show, material about Sylvie was added rather than cut — specifically, those scenes of her as a child, being kidnapped by the TVA. “This was before my time, but I know in the writers’ room, there were lots of avenues exploring Sylvie on the run and what her life was like,” Herron says. “I wouldn’t want to speak more to those, because I wasn’t there when they were being discussed. But something wasn’t in there that was important to me — I felt we should see her [history] in the TVA. Me and the team were talking about how it made complete sense, because episode 4 is all about twisting the idea that the TVA might be good on its head. And so that’s something that came in later, once I joined, was seeing her as a child. I think we needed to see that, not to understand her completely, but to get an idea of her motivations, why she’s so angry at this place.”
Talking more broadly about the series finale, Herron says the last few episodes weren’t as heavily referential as the first episodes, which she intended as “a love letter to sci-fi.” While early images like the TVA’s interrogation rooms had specific visual references from past science fiction, episode 6’s locations were drawn more from collaborations with the crew.
“The idea of the physical timeline being circular, our storyboard artists came up with that,” Herron says. “I had in the scripts, ‘We move through space to the end of time,” and then me and [storyboard artist Darrin Denlinger] discussed how we could play with the idea of time, while also adding MCU nods. He was like, ‘What if the timeline is circular?’ I think that’s such a striking image, like the Citadel at the End of Time is the needle on a record player. I just thought that was such a cool image, but it wasn’t necessarily taken from anything.”
Episode 6 focuses heavily on the mysterious figure He Who Remains and his citadel, a space she says was largely conceived by production designer Kasra Farahani. “I remember he brought in the art of the Citadel, and I thought it was beautiful,” Herron says. “He said, ‘The Citadel has been carved from an actual meteorite,’ which I thought was such an inspired idea. And He Who Remains’ office is the only finished portion of it.”
She says there are only a few direct homages in episode 6, including the zoom shot through space, which directly referenced a similar sequence in Robert Zemeckis’ 1997 film Contact.
“And then I have my Teletubbies reference for episode 5,” Herron says. “I wanted the Void to feel like an overgrown garden, like a kind of forgotten place. And I realized I’d pitched it as the British countryside. I remember trying to explain it to ILM, who did the visual effects, and saying, ‘Oh, you know, it’s like the Teletubbies. It’s just rolling hills, but they go on forever.’ That actually was quite a helpful reference in the end, which is funny.”
Asked for her favorite set memory from shooting the season, Herron says it comes down to Tom Hiddleston starting a mania for physical exertion before takes. “Sometimes he runs around set to get himself in the right mindset before he performs,” she says. “He does pushups. You know, you’re going into an action scene, you want to look like you’ve just been running. And it became infectious across all the cast. We’ve got so much footage of — I think Jack [Veal] ended up doing it, who plays Kid Loki. I’ve got [shots of] him and Sophia doing pushups and squats, just to get ready. It was so funny watching that echo across all the cast. I think all of them ended up doing those exercises with him at some point. It was so funny.”
“That might be my favorite set story, but it’s honestly, not a sweet one,” she adds. “I would say my favorite thing is his enthusiasm. He’s a very kind empathetic person. We were filming this in quite tough circumstances, a lot of people were far from home and isolating, and he brought this warmth and energy and joy to the set every day. And I think that made everyone feel very safe and very bonded. I’m forever grateful to him for doing that.”
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