#her younger brother and her romantic interest both died trying to protect the village and she left the village with shattered dreams after
brown-little-robin · 10 months
I was NOT expecting Tsunade (busty loser gambler, washed-up former elite ninja who makes herself look young and attractive via magic) and her attendant Shizune to become my new favorite female characters but here they are, doing that! Tsunade is so interestinggg
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ladyherenya · 5 years
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Books read in July
After I read How to Find Love in a Bookshop, I searched the library’s catalogue for other titles containing “bookshop” or “bookstore”. I was curled up in bed with a bad cold at the time, which meant I ended up choosing a bunch of books whose covers or synopses would have, on a different day, put me off. And that worked out rather well!
But afterwards I felt like I didn’t get the right balance between contemporary fiction and fantasy this month.
Favourite cover: Minor Mage by T. Kingfisher.
Still reading: The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert.
Next up: Mort by Terry Pratchett. Maybe The Queens of Innis Lear by Tessa Gratton.
(Longer reviews and ratings are on LibraryThing. And also Dreamwidth.)
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Things a Map Won’t Show You: stories from Australia & Beyond, edited by Susan La Marca and Pam Macintyre: I borrowed this because I recognised some of the names involved. I liked bits and pieces of it but nothing really stood out. Maybe Peta Freestone’s “Milford Sound”, for the setting. According to the introduction, the stories and poems were chosen “with the curriculum in mind and for their appeal to Year Seven and Eight readers”. That’s a valid reason but I suspect that approach is unlikely to result in a collection that would really appeal to me, not me now and not even when I was a young teenager.
A Thousand Sisters: The Heroic Airwomen of the Soviet Union in World War II by Elizabeth Wein: This is AMAZING. It is aimed at young people, and I wondered if I’d find the writing style too simplistic, but it was just remarkably accessible. I knew bits about Russia’s history but this gave me a much more comprehensive understanding of the culture and politics these women grew up with, and how Russia came to have three regiments of airwomen at a point in time when other countries wouldn’t let women fly into war. The rest of the book is just as fascinating and surprising. Wein knows how to tell a story.
How to Find Love in a Bookshop by Veronica Henry: This is about Emilia, who inherits her father’s bookshop in a picturesque Cotswold village, and the bookshop’s customers. It doesn’t shy away from Emilia’s grief but otherwise is very much a cosy, optimistic story in which friends are made, relationships are mended, mistakes are overcome and everything turns out all right. Which definitely has its appeal. I wanted just a few more sharp edges -- or else slightly more uncertainty -- so that everyone’s happy endings felt more realistic. (I keep brainstorming ways that could have been managed.) Although I didn’t love this book, there was a lot I liked about it. 
The Masquaraders by Georgette Heyer (narrated by Ruth Sillers): This is ridiculous but still quite entertaining. Either I missed something or Heyer doesn’t really do a great job of explaining why Prudence and her brother Robin need to be in disguise, nor why they’ve decided the best way to do this is by crossdressing. The key to enjoying this book was to just roll with it. Also Prue’s romantic interest is a type Heyer writes so well: perceptive, unflappable, competent, with a sense of humour and an appreciation for level-headedness in others. Sensible people pushed into madcap adventures is something Heyer has a flair for.
The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle: It’s much more dreamlike than I was expecting, in a similar vein to Patricia A. McKillip’s fantasy. I was emotionally invested only in flickers and bursts, but I appreciated the way it plays with, and comments on, fairytales. Quests may not simply be abandoned; prophecies may not be left to rot like unpicked fruit; unicorns may go unrescued for a very long time, but not forever. The happy ending cannot come in the middle of the story.
The Bookstore by Deborah Meyler: Esme, a British scholarship student studying art history at Columbia, discovers she’s pregnant and gets a job at a quirky secondhand bookshop. I would have found some of her choices -- and the book itself -- terribly frustrating, except I really liked the bookshop and Esme’s narration. I liked her quotes and references and her enthusiasm and her observations, especially those about living in New York and about the shop -- this is a story with a vivid sense of place. Esme’s naivety and optimism is both understandable and believable, and I wanted to see her finally, properly, free of her awful boyfriend. 
The “Happy Ever After Bookshop” books by Annie Darling:
The Little Bookshop of Lonely Hearts: If I hadn’t already read the second book about the Happy Ever After bookshop and liked it a lot, I probably wouldn’t have bothered reading this. The romantic interest annoyed me -- he’s not a bad match for Posy, but I’d find him infuriating in person and I didn’t want to read about him. Fortunately the book is just from Posy’s POV. I enjoyed the Britishness, and the bits about running a bookshop. I particularly liked Posy’s relationship with her younger teenaged brother, whom she has responsibility for. And I was pleased the romance bookshop stocks appropriate YA and mystery titles.
True Love at the Lonely Hearts Bookshop: I was expecting it to turn into the sort of romance which annoys me. To my delight, it did not! Verity loves her noisy family, her nosy friends, her job in a bookshop and reading romances but she believes she isn’t suited to being in a romantic relationship. She reluctantly agrees to a fake-dating situation to avoid friends trying to set her up. I loved the way this story shows Verity being an introvert, and her obvious love for Pride and Prejudice. And this has all the things I like about fake-dating without too much cringe-worthy deception.
Crazy in Love at the Lonely Hearts Bookshop: I have less in common with Nina than I do with her colleagues: she’s into make-up, tattoos and Wuthering Heights. But it was interesting seeing why she’s embraced both Wuthering Heights and her own particular style so fiercely -- she’s finding her own path, one that differs from what her conservative working class family expected. Some of the resolutions came about a bit too easily. However, I liked getting a different perspective on the bookshop, I enjoyed bits of her romance with Noah, and I share some of Nina’s fascination with the Bronte sisters.
A Winter Kiss on Rochester Mews:  Mattie runs the tearooms attached to the Happy Ever After bookshop. She is delighted about living above the bookshop, but not so impressed about her new flatmate. I’m not a fan of the crazy commercialism of Christmas, but really enjoyed reading about it here -- probably because the story recognises that not everybody loves it. And, given the weather, I was in the mood for something wintry. Other things I liked: the vivid portrayal of the challenges of working “in a customer-facing environment over Christmas”; the details about Mattie’s baking; and the intelligent commentary about romance novels and romantic relationships.
Allegra in Three Parts by Suzanne Daniel: Eleven year old Allegra lives with one grandmother, next door to the other, while her father lives in above the garage. Allegra knows her grandmothers love her, but they are very different. “Sometimes I wish they could just love me less and take what's left over and put it into liking each other a little bit more.” The initial mystery and conflict were slightly stronger than the answers and aftermath. But it’s an interesting portrayal of growing up in Sydney in the 70s, the women’s liberation movement, and of a family dealing with grief. I read it in practically one sitting.
We Rule the Night by Claire Eliza Bartlett (narrated by Chloe  Cannon): Revna’s father is a traitor. Linné’s father is a general. Revna is discovered protecting herself with illegal magic during an air-raid. Linné is discovered after three years fighting at the front disguised as a boy. They’re both sent to a new women’s Night Raiders regiment, where, if they are to survive this war, they have to learn to fly together. This is tense and captivating -- and nuanced. Magic is wondrous but also confronting, the Union is unjust but contains things worth defending, loyalties are not always predictable, difficult people can become valued friends, and not everything is neatly resolved.
The Way Past Winter by Kiran Millwood Hargrave: In the fifth year of winter, Mila and her sisters wake to find their brother has left. Sanna believes Oskar left them willingly, like their father once did, but Mila is convinced that Oskar was taken by last night’s unsettling visitors -- and is determined to rescue him. I didn’t find this as emotional and compelling as Hargrave’s previous books. I don’t know if that’s because this is a simpler narrative or because I didn’t listen to the audio book -- a good narrator adds liveliness and emotion. But Hargrave’s prose is lovely and I liked the fairytale quality this story has.
Grace After Henry by Eithne Shortall: I really enjoyed Love in Row 27, so I borrowed Shortall’s other novel. After her boyfriend dies, Grace keeps seeing him everywhere. Then she meets a man who looks unnervingly like Henry -- a long-lost relative of Henry’s she did not know about. This story is funny and touching. I didn’t expect it to be so compelling, nor make me so invested in Grace’s relationship with Henry. There’s a strong sense of history and of place -- it was interesting to read about contemporary Dublin. There are unexpected and hopeful developments in Grace’s life. But mostly, it’s just very sad.
Famous in a Small Town by Emma Mills: Sophie loves her friends, her high school’s marching band and her small town. She has an idea for how the band could raise money -- enlisting the help of a famous country singer. I liked Sophie’s deep sense of belonging and how much she cares about things. She’s very kind in a way that is realistic and realistically complicated. Her friends are very supportive, but believably so. They all have flaws and make mistakes and have their secrets. I really enjoyed this story about friendship and summer (and it was a good choice after reading something sad).
Can’t Escape Love by Alyssa Cole: I’ve tried a couple of Cole’s novels and they didn’t appeal to me -- I wouldn’t have considered this novella if I hadn't seen a positive review. It’s fun and fandom-y and diverse. Reggie contacts an old internet acquaintance after she discovers his puzzle livestreams are no longer online. I liked how it’s very clear that Reggie’s disability has a significant impact on her daily life, but has nothing to do with her current problems. And, for Gus, being autistic isn’t ever an obstacle to a relationship with Reggie. I would have liked to read more but this still satisfying.
The Orphans of Raspay, a novella in the World of the Five Gods by Lois McMaster Bujold: Penric’s ship is captured by pirates and he is thrown in a hold with a couple of young girls from Raspay. As always, I enjoyed Pen’s interactions with Desdemona. I would have enjoyed the story even more had there been more significant character interactions -- the girls aren’t quite old enough to play a very active role in escape plans but are old enough that, in terms of emotional support, they’re not very demanding. I’d like to see Pen challenged more. But this is still a solid adventure. I’m very glad that Bujold hasn’t finished telling stories about Pen and Des.
Minor Mage by T. Kingfisher (Ursula Vernon): Oliver, a twelve year old minor mage with an armadillo familiar, is sent by his village on a perilous journey to the mountains to bring back rain. There’s some dispute over whether this is a children’s book -- Vernon thought it was, her editor was adamant it wasn’t. It feelslike a children’s book to me, even when Oliver has to deal with ghuls, bandits and murderers. (There have always been children’s books which have been too dark and scary for some kids.) The tone is dryly humorous, the armadillo is a delight and I never doubted that Oliver would succeed.
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Character Solidifying for Rowan!
god this is so fucking late forgive me, but anyway here u go! answers under the cut
1. How does your character think of their father? What do they hate and love about him? What influence - literal or imagined - did the father have?
oh he loved his dad, and he thinks of him with a lot of love and respect. really, the only thing about his father that was not so great was the amount of time that he spent working, and both rowan and em wished that he had more time to spend with them. at the same time though, if rowan or emilia sought their dad out he’d always try to spend time with them. he was a good guy, and rowan wants to be someone who would make his dad proud & honor his legacy.
2. Their mother? How do they think of her? What do they hate? Love? What influence - literal or imagined - did the mother have?
his relationship w/ his mother is more complicated, mostly because she died when rowan was very young (she died in childbirth giving birth to emilia, so rowan would have been about 3) so rowan doesn’t remember her well. he maybe thinks of her with a bit of longing, but that’s more about the idea of a mother rather than the woman herself. 
3. Brothers, sisters? Who do they like? Why? What do they despise about their siblings?
he has one younger sister, Emilia (3 years younger). he loves his little sister a lot, partially because he was always very attached to the role of being a “big brother” and partially because he and emilia were probably each other’s only playmates as kids? they probably fought sometimes, like siblings do, especially since em always had a lot more energy and rowan just wanted to be left alone sometimes, but at the end of the day she’s one of the most important people to him. he’s very proud of her, even if she is a terrorist probably?
4. What type of discipline was your character subjected to at home? Strict? Lenient?
it wasn’t very strict at all but i also think he was a pretty good kid who didn’t get into trouble all that often
5. Were they overprotected as a child? Sheltered?
physically yes, mentally not as much? he and em had their own personal guards, and rowan was accompanied by a group of guards + marcus after his family was attacked, so physically he was never in much danger. on the other hand, his father believed in being honest w/ the kids and not trying to hide all the stuff that was going on in the outside world, and after rowan started traveling w/ marcus they didn’t keep their plans from him and let him be involved (probably because rowan would be even more upset if he didn’t know what was going on)
6. Did they feel rejection or affection as a child?
all affection. one thing that can be said for his tragic backstory™ is that at least he was always surrounded by people who loved and cared for him
7. What was the economic status of their family?
very rich, they were nobility
8. How does your character feel about religion?
he wasn’t raised in any religion so he has no attachment to any specific religious beliefs, but he believes that gods exist and it’s probably a good idea to stay on their good side (although this is changing a bit now that he’s met a bunch of gods and some of them are dicks *cough* aengus *cough*)
in modern day he’d probably be considered vaguely agnostic
9. What about political beliefs?
very anti-new initiative and pro-hoth (obv). on a more theoretical level, he believes that there should be a government to unify, organize, and protect the people, but it shouldn’t run into totalitarianism and should have input from the people it governs.
10. Is your character street-smart, book-smart, intelligent, intellectual, slow-witted?
as a kid, very book smart, which would have continued if it wasn’t for the attack on his home. he ended up having to abandon his studies to some extent and focus much more on practical skills, so he has a good amount of street smarts as well now, although they mostly focus on his ability to move unnoticed and gather information.
11. How do they see themselves: as smart, as intelligent, uneducated?
he sees himself as fairly smart, but not super well-educated (or at least not as well educated as he’d like to be), since he’s self-taught on a lot of stuff and doesnt have a full formal education
12. How does their education and intelligence – or lack thereof - reflect in their speech pattern, vocabulary, and pronunciations?
i think the fact that he was well educated as a kid but had to quickly adapt to life on the road (w/ a bunch of guards no less) is reflected in his speech, as he goes back and forth between a more formal speaking style and more casual speech in his day to day conversations. he can switch back into more formal/well-educated speech if he needs to (see: when pretending to be a noble) but it’s not very natural for him.
13. Did they like school? Teachers? Schoolmates?
he loved it! he’s a fucking nerd and he loves to learn, so much that he kept up his studies even after he lacked a formal schooling environment. he also really like his teacher ms. alduri, even if she was strict sometimes. he didn’t have schoolmates though, he was basically homeschooled and his sister was younger than him and interested in different subjects anyway.
14. Were they involved at school? Sports? Clubs? Debate? Were they unconnected?
those didn’t really exist, he had private tutors
15. Did they graduate? High-School? College? Do they have a PHD? A GED?
he stopped his formal education at age nine
16. What does your character do for a living? How do they see their profession? What do they like about it? Dislike?
he’s a spy, basically. he doesn’t really see it as a matter of liking or not liking his work, but instead the work that he does is a matter of necessity. he’s doing this work because it’ll help him achieve his ultimate goals (bringing down new initiative/bringing back hoth) and because he has a deep loyalty to the resistance for all the help and protection they’ve given him. he likes that he’s doing useful work, and he likes seeing new places.
17. Did they travel? Where? Why? When?
all the time since he was nine. they never stopped in one place for more than a month, mostly around khajjitan (sp?) and then when he started helping out the resistance, in the desert as well, although recently he’s been traveling farther north. he travels because if he stays in one place too long he might be found by people who may potentially want to kill him, and because his job requires it.
18. What did they find abroad, and what did they remember?
this is kind of a weird question to answer, because at this point his “being abroad” encompasses… over half his life? but i would say he found his godfather, his favorite weapon, his best friend, and a lot of new skills. he remembers a lot of moving around and never really making friends or relationships that lasted, and seas of grass, and later seas of sand that go on for days. and he of course remembers marcus sticking by him and taking care of him.
19. What were your character’s deepest disillusions? In life? What are they now?
right after his home was attacked i think he realized, moreso than he ever had before, that the world was a mean and dangerous place and that he wasn’t safe, and that no one really was. i think it’s still probably something close to that, that you can’t really trust anybody but yourself and a few others.
20. What were the most deeply impressive political or social, national or international, events that they experienced?
oh boy. well, when he was very young he was in the area when the capital of hoth collapsed, and he was also present for the attack on his home where the last king of hoth was assassinated. later on, he was in the capital of khajjitan when the high councilor was killed in an attack on the city and he participated in fighting off invaders. he was also present when that one building blew up in the fishing villages. a lot of shit has happened tbh.
21. What are your character’s manners like? What is their type of hero? Whom do they hate?
he’s pretty polite to strangers, kind of a snarky shit to people he knows better. i don’t think he’s particularly taken with the ideas of heroes, but he would model his image of a hero off of his father or marcus, very kind men who always put others before themselves.
he hates a good portion of jashtall’s government. he also tends not to like people he perceives as untrustworthy which is… ironic
22. Who are their friends? Lovers? ‘Type’ or ‘ideal’ partner?
lumley + the people on his team, although to varying degrees (he probably puts lumley, maybe peitho and honeyclaw in the friend category, while he views mies and ko as coworkers, although he’s starting to get closer to mies). he doesn’t really have a lot of friends otherwise since he didn’t grow up around a lot of people his age. he also doesn’t really have ‘lovers,’ unless you count a couple one-off flings from when he was traveling by himself or his current thing with quinn.
as for ‘type’, i dont think he pursues romantic stuff often but he tends to go after people who are a bit more outgoing than him that he can have a good conversation with/match intellectually (that he can nerd out with basically). i think he also tends to go for people who are taller than him? i think that’s a thing
(i’ve also definitely decided that his taste in girls is “girls that are definitely way cooler than him” but i havent figured out his taste in guys yet, more info to come)
23. What do they want from a partner? What do they think and feel of sex?
he wants (or at least definitely needs) someone who is stable and can sort of ground him emotionally, and someone he can trust completely.
as for sex it’s…weird? because i think sex is something he wants/enjoys but he has a lot of hang-ups wrapped up in his issues with trusting others and being open with them. so he finds the experience of having to be very intimate physically or emotionally very uncomfortable and it makes sex kind of an awkward topic
24. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually?
almost none, he doesn’t interact w/ a lot of people outside of missions. when he is around people he either likes to fade into the background unless he’s put in a specific role he’s supposed to fulfill. in reality he likes to be in control of the situation and know what’s going.
25. What are their hobbies and interests?
he loves magic! so much that he studied it even after his formal schooling got cut short. he also loves history and reads non-fiction books whenever he gets the chance. and in his spare time he enjoys playing cards (which some of the guards he traveled with taught him). it’s how he developed a good poker face.
26. What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?
what home lol
as for personal taste though, he tends to go for darker/duller colors that don’t stick out too much (he likes to wear shades of blue and brown especially). he likes comfortable and inconspicuous clothes, and goes for simplicity over complicated outfits, altho he’s a fan of layers. his head is shaved, but when it grows out he has dark curly hair. 
27. How do they relate to their appearance? How do they wear their clothing? Style? Quality?
he cares a lot about his appearance but more in the sense of being very careful of what kind of image he’s projecting. he doesn’t want to stick out too much, and is careful to dress in a way that will make him blend in to whatever circumstance he needs to. unless he’s wearing the very fancy clothing he obtained recently so he could dress as a noble (a situation which is very weird and new, he hasn’t dressed up like this since he was little), he tends to go for comfortable, modest clothing that he can move around in easily, usually involving layers and some way to hide his face. nothing ridiculously high quality, but he likes clothes that will last him a while.
28. Who is your character’s mate? How do they relate to him or her? How did they make their choice?
he’s not really with anyone atm, all of his recent romantic encounters have been born almost exclusively out of him trying to get info out of people
29. What is your character’s weaknesses? Hubris? Pride? Controlling?
depends on the situation and who you ask. in relationships, his tendency towards thinking of relationships strategically and hella trust issues/lying. in his job, has a soft squishy center that can lead to him getting attached, although on the other hand he also has a bad tendency towards very black and white thinking, putting a lot of emotional weight on ppl he trusts and kinda disregarding anyone who falls into an enemy category. it’s complicated.
30. Are they holding on to something in the past? Can he or she forgive?
oh boy is he! he’s holding onto his father’s death and his sister’s disappearance, and it’s not something that he’s going to be able to forgive, ever i think. it fucked up his life too much for true forgiveness to ever really be an option.
31. Does your character have children? How do they feel about their parental role? About the children? How do the children relate?
he doesn’t have kids, although he’d like to be a dad one day
32. How does your character react to stress situations? Defensively? Aggressively? Evasively?
usually evasively, if something is wrong or he doesnt want to deal with a situation his first instinct is to run or evade.
33. Do they drink? Take drugs? What about their health? 
he drinks occasionally but not often, since he doesn’t like the “lowered inhibitions” part of it that much
34. Does your character feel self-righteous? Revengeful? Contemptuous?
very revengeful and somewhat righteous towards jashtall. they killed his family and destroyed his country and his life, he’s not happy.
35. Do they always rationalize errors? How do they accept disasters and failures?
he puts a lot of pressure onto himself to live up to the roles placed onto him, so when things go wrong he tends to think of it as his fault and freak out a bit, usually trying to atone for whatever happened.
36. Do they like to suffer? Like to see other people suffering?
no, but he’ll endure a lot if he thinks its for a good reason or cause. and he doesnt like to see people suffer but there are some enemies he won’t be afraid to be ruthless against.
37. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
he’s not a big daydreamer, tends to be more focused on the moment and how he’s going to approach the future. he tends more towards the latter two, worrying quite a bit but tbh his situation calls for a good bit of that, and when he’s alone he prefers to revisit old (good) memories rather than daydream.
38. Are they basically negative when facing new things? Suspicious? Hostile? Scared? Enthusiastic?
almost always very suspicious, even of things that seem relatively innocuous. he’s not very trusting and usually assumes others are out to get him or could lead to him being found out unless he has reason to believe otherwise.
39. What do they like to ridicule? What do they find stupid?
he doesn’t (outwardly) ridicule others a lot i don’t think (unless they did something really dumb), but internally he thinks people who automatically trust others are dumb, as well as people who don’t think before they act.
40. How is their sense of humor? Do they have one?
he doesn’t have much of a sense of humor. he can laugh at other people’s jokes but is very bad at making them himself. he likes wordplay and puns though.
41. Is your character aware of who they are? Strengths? Weaknesses? Idiosyncrasies? Capable of self-irony?
he’s aware of his own strengths and weaknesses on a physical level, he knows what skills he has and how he can be most useful, but he’s not super self aware internally. he’s not very introspective and probably isn’t aware of how emotional he is.
42. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
right now, he wants his sister back, he wants jashtall in pieces, he wants to build his home again. he’ll sacrifice a lot of work and pain and hardship for that.
43. Does your character have any secrets? If so, are they holding them back?
oh boy does he lol. mostly the “secretly the prince of hoth” thing, along with the “currently a spy” thing, along with the several fake identities he’s using at the moment. he hold these things back from most people, but he’s becoming more open now that he has more people that he can rely on. he won’t give most of this info up unless it’s necessary to do so though.
44. How badly do they want to obtain their life objectives? How do they pursue them?
very badly, but his responsibilities come first– it’s a rare occasion that he drops everything to go do whatever he wants. he generally tries to obtain his goals through planning and slow/deliberate action, utilizing help available to him rather than just pursuing things on his own. 
45. Is your character pragmatic? Think first? Responsible? All action? A visionary? Passionate? Quixotic?
very pragmatic, much of which is learned– constantly moving and running away lends itself to making one very pragmatic about their actions, which even extends to how rowan uses magic, mostly picking up charms and illusions because they tend to be the most useful, even if they’re not what he’d prefer. he’s not very impulsive and much prefers to clearly plan things out before acting. “responsible” is also a key character trait of his, he’s very committed to the responsibilities given to him or the responsibilities that come with any role he has (whether as a brother, a prince, a leader, etc.)
 46. Is your character tall? Short? What about size? Weight? Posture? How do they feel about their physical body?
height-wise he’s very average (he’s 5′9″). i don’t know his weight but he errs on the leaner side, although he does have muscles (his build is somewhat akin to a dancer’s build, where he has muscles but they’re mostly focused on being able to move quickly and efficiently rather than pure strength). he has very good posture. i don’t think he has any problems with his body, but he’s also pretty modest and doesn’t really want to show it off at all.
47. Do they want to project an image of a younger, older, more important person? Does they want to be visible or invisible?
he wants to come off as older and more secure and in-control than he is. whether he wants to be viewed as important/visible/invisible changes depending on the situation. if he’s pretending to be someone important then he wants to project that, but otherwise he feels very uncomfortable being looked at and noticed and would much prefer to blend into the crowd.
48. How are your character’s gestures? Vigorous? Weak? Controlled? Compulsive? Energetic? Sluggish?
very controlled and deliberate.
49. What about voice? Pitch? Strength? Tempo and rhythm of speech? Pronunciation? Accent?
his voice is... tenorish maybe? idk, not terribly low but not super high either. he doesn’t have a very loud voice but knows how to speak authoritatively, and he tends to speak a bit more slowly and deliberately. 
in regards to pronunciation & accent (and also vocabulary), i think it’s somewhat apparent in his normal speech that he goes back and forth between a more “proper” and “educated” style of speech that he spoke growing up as nobility (which also would probably come with a hothean accent, whatever that is in this world), and a more casual style of speech that he picked up from years on the road (he also pronounces some words with a kajjitani accent/pronunciation), he can fall back into the more “noble” style if the situation calls for it, but his normal speaking style goes back and forth between the two. 
50. What are the prevailing facial expressions? Sour? Cheerful? Dominating?
his main facial expression is a serious one, trying to seem impassive but definitely kind of “on” at all times. if he shows his emotions his expressions tend to be kind of grumpy, although he can put up a front and appear very polite and amiable if he wants (although he finds it very draining to do so).
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cognitivecapricorn · 8 years
ItaHina Analyzed
Alrighty, so with the successful turnout of the Sasuhina analysis, I thought I might try it again only this time I’m going to take a look at Itachi and Hinata.
The same rules apply as before:
-You're not inclined to read this at all
- If you like NH, or pro Konoha this is not for you
-Know that it's up to you how you take it, I'm putting my analysis on here so take it or leave it it's up to you.
Right so let's not waste any more time and get to talking about Itachi first. He's. Been. Damaged. Legit eight ways to Sunday, Itachi Uchiha has been damaged emotionally, psychologically, and even physically if you'd like to include his illness. Why? Well for starters he was given a very very bad hand since the beginning. He was born into a clan that has suffered an extended period of prejudice and isolationism from the very village that they live in. So day one, already messed up. Then there's his childhood, he's grown up doing a very turbulent time where children as young as 5(might be older or younger) were given outlandishly high expectations. He joined the black ops at a young age, was taught to kill, at a young age, and was looked at and judged at a young age. I cannot harp that enough because childhood is where you lay the foundation for your life, and already his foundation isn't the greatest. Fast forward a couple years and now he's a big brother, great! Or was it? Granted he loved Sasuke unconditionally without a question, but he was also starting to learn and realize just how fucked up of a situation he’s (and I guess you could also say the Uchiha clan) truly in and it adds weight. Remember Itachi may be the badass that he is, but he's still human. He still will feel the weight and burdens that were placed on him at the time, and honestly being that he was basically threatened on top of the compromising situation, he could deal with it much longer. Choosing poison is never a good solution but in Itachi's case that's all that was left anyway he'd try to spin it, nothing good would result from it. Hence why Shisui told him he was “gentle”(more on that soon).
Now for those that haven't read my SH analysis I talked about Hinata's faults being that she's been given the “you tried” star all her life throughout canon. But I also talked about how she’s not so quick to judge someone because of what’s presented in front of her. As I mentioned before, she’s a listener but not just because of her stereotyped personality, but because she’s knows what it feels like to not be validated. Her father never paid her any attention, and to the rest of her clan she was just the heiress. The only one (for a time at least) who she could talk to was her little sister and even then, this was the same sister who was better than her in combat and Kurenai. So she always internalized everything quietly and went about her day being “quiet.” living a rather speak when spoken to only, type life. Her problem wasn’t a lack of a backbone, instead it was the lack of a maturing backbone. She would get that one step forward. . .  and that's about it, remain stagnant, plateaued, did not get better.
Now then, how do these people make a good ship? Allow me to explain. Itachi, for one is older ergo the maturity factor is there, he’s not a total edge lord like his little brother however he does have his flaws. He killed a girl he cared a great about(I won’t say loved because it’s debatable),he has some pretty deeply rooted wounds about what he’s done and honestly he hasn’t had the time to properly grieve. If you send in Hinata, such a chain reaction may happen and here’s why. Hinata, in a abstract way actually mirrors some of the same traits as Itachi. It’s extremely crazy I know but hear me out and check this out:
In his final hour Shisui called Itachi “gentle.”. Now this could be taken as “you’re weak.” or “you’re really kind.” I'm putting my towards the second option because it fits better to the story and to Itachi’s true character. He was in tears when Shisui died, he cried with Sasuke, he cried before he killed his parents and even shed a tear after he left Konoha. He’s not a cold hearted killer compared to let’s use Madara for example. People like Madara may feel bad and lament over what they have done but would have rationalized it as “doing it for the greater good or that it had to be done.” not Itachi. He’s a very compassionate person, and at that same coin he’s also sensitive. He wanted peace but was stuck between a rock and a very hard place thanks to a village that failed him and his clan.
How in the hell does Hinata mirror this?
Well simple, it’s in her very character. She wasn’t a genius like Neji and Hanabi, hell they beat her. Yet, you see her trying regardless even though her father belittles her daily, she still tried to protect Naruto even though she knew she had 0 chance of winning. Winning isn’t necessary the point in her case, because winning has a negative connotation attached. Think about it, Neji was partially fine with Hinata dying if it meant he beat her during the chunin exams (he almost had her going into cardiac arrest fam) and when you see the flashback of Hanabi and Hinata fighting, these are small children at around age 4 to 7(I’m estimating) and they are being trained to just beat each other up. Yes Hinata had to learn but what would be the point if she would hurt her little sister? She cares about her, as she did with Neji. She knows what is expect of her as a shinobi, however she could possibly choose not to hurt the ones she cares about. I mean if she had Neji’s mentality or even Hanabi’s, her fighting style would be a total 180 of itself. Her personality screams gentleness, and compassion in more than just a trope like fashion.
Now let these two individuals meet and it would be an interesting affair indeed. Naturally Itachi would be the one to initiate things first, probably starting with small things like saying good morning as they pass by or just making small talk but nothing extreme at first. Hinata wouldn’t be ridiculously shy about meeting and talking with Itachi but her natural nervousness would kick in and Itachi may even find that low key cute.
How these two would bond would be rather interesting in that, the more comfortable Hinata would get with Itachi, the more it would prompt the “opening up” process to begin. Granted, much like SasuHina it will not happen overnight, it’s going to take a lot of time and effort. More so on Itachi’s part due to the fact that he wears his emotions on his sleeves and yet at the same time will build a wall to keep you out. Remember Itachi’s basically at this point in his life scarred to the point of being traumatized by the idea of intimacy all over again. He’s seen first hand what tragedy looks like with someone you care about and it’s not pretty. So while he may bond with Hinata and they may get along, he will also shut her out to keep her from getting too close. Ergo Hinata would respect this and give him his space and not try to clingy or pester him, because she’s patient. Also, the one thing that Kishi actually did somewhat(keyword somewhat) right was give her make her one of those characters that likes another person beyond their appearances. She didn’t care that Naruto was orphaned and alone, she looked passed that. She would do the same with Itachi or anyone really, because she not quick to judge or speculate. With these two, there’s a similar theme of beauty(being Hinata) and the beast(being Itachi) without all the stockholm syndrome and everything else that makes the Disney version bad. It’s the idea of mercy with these two come to mind, because Itachi’s not necessary “innocent” and he knows this, he fucked up big time and probably knew that no one should forgive them in their right mind. However Hinata, with the proper time would be able forgive him properly and not in a way that's like: “I’ll forgive you for killing your clan because you’re hella fine.” No, it would take some doing from both parties but in the right light these two would be able to create a harmony that’s truly beautiful.
Not to mention, Itachi’s true personality would be able to come back. He could go back to being happy, because we only see his happiness show up when he was with Sasuke or Shisui or the people he genuinely cared about. After a while he was basically forced to throw his old self in the trash because there was literally no use for such a personality in the Akatsuki. With someone like Hinata at his side it would come back tenfold because that again is someone he’s genuinely invested in and on the Uchiha spectrum of male protectors Itachi is the type of protector that will tear someone to shreds if they even lay a finger on his SO but would expect them to be able handle themselves as well. He is no white night(in a romantic regard).
Well to wrap everything up here’s the rundown: Itahina is all about that mercy and compassion. As with SasuHina, the patient Hinata is able to mold well with the emotionally damaged Itachi. It would take some time and a lot more effort on Itachi’s because he has to learn how to let intimacy back into his life after all the tragedy that has happen to him, but Hinata (believe it or not) is capable of helping him heal.
This one was a bit more lengthy than the SH analysis but I hope it was a good read if you read all of the way to end.
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