The LipstickChainsaw logs
73K posts
Ideas are defined by their merit; people are defined by their actions. This description used to be even more pretentious, but I'm leaving that first line up there to shame myself. I'm too lazy to tag stuff, so keep that in mind before following me.
Last active 60 minutes ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
lipstickchainsaw · 7 minutes ago
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(Seen here)
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lipstickchainsaw · 7 minutes ago
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lipstickchainsaw · 8 minutes ago
I love you dead punctuation marks.
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lipstickchainsaw · 9 minutes ago
Hey if you own a business I need you to repeat after me:
I will not let my web developer manage my domain registration.
My domains are my responsibility and they cannot be handed to a contractor.
If I do not control my domains, I do not control my website.
If my domain is paid for on somebody else's credit card, it isn't really mine.
I will read every contract carefully and abide by its terms.
If the terms of a contract are not agreeable to me, I will amend them until the contractor and I both agree to and are aware of the terms.
I will pay my contractors in a timely fashion.
I will not burn bridges with my contractors.
I will pay for domain registration myself, and will never grant anyone else complete control over my domain.
I will not let my web developer manage my domain registration.
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lipstickchainsaw · 12 minutes ago
a teacher at the school I was at in 1992 addressed the students in an attempt to reduce homophobic bullying -- not that it was called that at the time -- and I wish I had a transcript of what they said because it required incredibly adroit rhetorical footwork to demand this without once saying the word "gay", which was of course one of the slurs they wanted the students to stop saying.
but the real elephant in the closet was that there was zero official recognition that there might actually be gay students (or for that matter gay teachers!) at the school, the focus was entirely on making the problem go away in a very don't ask / don't tell sense: there might be gay characters in literature or history and there might be gaybashing in real life that had to be stamped out but there couldn't be kids who just happened to be gay and might casually acknowledge that fact in public, that had to stay under wraps.
and this was completely untenable of course, like obviously you can't "not ask" in practice unless you don't interact with someone at all and you can't "not tell" unless you're prepared to live your entire life in the most ghastly of surreptitious circumstances, so this awkward attempt at progress by compromise just heightened the contradictions in the cracking bulwark of homophobia and thankfully it soon came crashing down, but damn it was a weird time.
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lipstickchainsaw · 53 minutes ago
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lipstickchainsaw · 3 hours ago
I know that realistically you can only fit so many movies into a list of approximately 100, but I cannot take that "How many of tumblr's favorite movies have you seen?" list that's been going around seriously because there are some truly egregious omissions.
Some of it is very clearly recency bias, which makes me wonder if the op truly wasn't on here in 2013 or so, but you're telling me you made a list of "tumblr's favorite movies" that doesn't include Pacific Rim or Mad Max: Fury Road? Because, like, I was there, Gandalf.
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lipstickchainsaw · 3 hours ago
People Love Studio Ghibli. But Should They Be Able to Recreate It?
rare example of rhetorical headline with a simple "yes" answer
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lipstickchainsaw · 3 hours ago
Also Copernicus probably would have been miffed about the Copernican Principle being named after him.
I mean it's hard to say, we don't know basically anything about the guy's personal opinions (unlikely Gallileo lol) but --
Put non-technically, the Copernican Principle basically states that the Earth ain't special. This accords with the popular understanding that heliocentrism knocked Earth out it's "special" place at the center of the universe, but that's wrong.
In the medieval (and early modern) geocentric understanding of the universe, Earth was not at the center of the universe because that was "special", but because it was the lowest realm in the cosmos (except for Hell, which was at the center of Earth!)
This was partly a both a practical/physical conclusion -- they knew earth was round and it's aproximate radius, and they could figure out how much all that dirt and rock would weigh! Obviously something that heavy is going to sink to the lowest spot -- and a theological/moral conclusion -- Earth is the realm of base, sinful creatures, the heavenly bodies seem to operate on different rules.
(The heaviness of the earth was actually a major problem for heliocentric models -- what force could possibly keep that much mass in constant motion?? -- until Newton figured out gravity.)
Anyways, Renaissance Humanism was in large part a reaction to this medieval worldview. To the extent that humanists did embrace Copernicus' model (e.g. Giordano Bruno), it was in service to raising humanity's (and Earth's) relative position in the universe, making us more special!
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lipstickchainsaw · 3 hours ago
When I was in the hospital, they gave me a big bracelet that said ALLERGY, but like. I'm allergic to bees. Were they going to prescribe me bees in there.
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lipstickchainsaw · 3 hours ago
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Japanese embroidery artist, Narumi Takada. Step on fresh snow (2021) Footprints painstakingly executed in straight stitch, satin stitch, and backstitch; snow created with punch needle and cut loops.
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lipstickchainsaw · 3 hours ago
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lipstickchainsaw · 3 hours ago
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lipstickchainsaw · 5 hours ago
The idea that this is imposed from the outside, rather than something that organically arises in these, presumably non-white (gotta specify the 'white', apparently) cultures also rubs me the wrong way.
White leftist suddenly against cultural preservation after learning it also includes that culture's religion, many such cases
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lipstickchainsaw · 5 hours ago
White leftist suddenly against cultural preservation after learning it also includes that culture's religion, many such cases
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lipstickchainsaw · 6 hours ago
"Adulting" is such a juvenile word we should give it a more dignified suffix. How about "Adultery"
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lipstickchainsaw · 8 hours ago
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