#(to the mutual who tagged me in a similar one around the same time: I will do it in a few days bc some questions overlap)
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anti-transphobia · 10 months ago
What it's like being a narcissist in a group chat with other narcissists
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atleastitsnotasbestos · 2 years ago
Tagged by @ziggy-solarecreator. Thanks for tagging me
Relationship status: single
Song stuck in my head: One Desire by Jakarta
Last song I listened to: Make The Bus by Janelle Monáe feat. Of Montreal
Three favorite foods: It's hard to pick only 3. Pizza, Lángos, Rostbrätel
Last thing I googled: besiedlung britanniens (settlement of britain)
Dream trip: North America during Brood X to see the cicadas
Anything I want: good night sleep
Tag 10 people you want to know better: @ongreenergrasses, @vakarianfan, @warpcoreejector @parasitic--saint @deepspace-cryptid @gavriel-matthew @wrenchwenches @ladydragonkiller @earthrooted1 @ganthor96 and anyone who feels like it
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simp-ly-writes · 6 months ago
Chocolate Chip Cookies
─────── · · A Smosh / Mythical Kitchen Fanfic
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Pairing: Trevor Evarts x short!Reader
─ · · SUMMARY: You are Trevor can't be trusted anywhere with one another, so during one of the few occasions you are allowed to film together- you both decide to make the most of it.
─ · · TAGS: gender-neutral pronouns, light swearing, mutual pining, friends/lovers, play fighting, Ian/Anthnoy/Rhett/Link are all "dads". small reference to the comments section
─ · · A/N: I fully support Trevors IRL relationships, this is fully fictional and meant for entertainment purposes! Man I am craving cookies after writing this. Smosh asks are now open!
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"Hey guys!" you call towards the camera, smiling widely while doing your best to ignore the tall man beside you leaning into your personal space.
"Hey guys!" Trevor mocks your voice before turning around to laugh as you punch his back. The camera cuts to you both standing beside one another, hands purposefully clasped in front as to not touch one another. You both had just been told off by the crew who were growing more annoyed with you two.
Yes, you both pulled many views being on camera together and held the best chemistry of anyone in the cast besides Spencer and his... best friend. But your ability to actually work beside one another was little to none, and your bosses knew this.
"Mine and (name)'s dads have finally allowed them to come over and play in the kitchen with me here at Mythical-" Trevor begins to say before you conclude his sentence.
"Thank you Ian and Anthony and Rhett and Link!" you speak sweetly into the camera, batting your eyelashes for extra effect. "-So as I was saying before being ever so rudely interrupted," Trevor looks down at you, eyes crinkling as you send him a playful glare, leaning into his side. "-we are going up against one another to see who can make the better dish. Josh will be coming in later to blind taste test and determine the winner of todays competition, you ready?"
Trevor asks you, rubbing the side of your arm. "I'm ready to kick you ass!" you declare, breaking away from his touch to move to your side of the kitchen as he does the same. A crew member begins to count off camera as you bounce in your spot, adrenaline pumping through your ears at the sound of one you are darting off. You pray that Trevor does not have the same ideas as you but as he moves to the fridge the same time at you, spreading out his arms to block your view as you slip underneath them and stand proudly in front, reaching in for your chilling dough.
He grabs a very similar looking one, allowing you to sneak back under before moving to his own station and as you both turn to your respective cameras to announce, you are shocked to find your answer echoing. "Today, I will be making my favorite cookies, the best kind of cookies- chocolate chip..."
"Fuck off, you're not," you voice out, pointing your spatula at him with ferociousness. Trevor puts his hands up before smirking and leaning down to look you in the eyes, "Well I am," be begins childishly as you roll eyes towards the camera. "But we will just have to see who makes the better one's now."
You refuse to look back at him as you grab an ice cream scooper from one of the drawers before showing the camera, "tip here: I recommend using this guy to get the perfect serving amount to place on your baking tray. Work smarter not harder-"
"That was cringe," Trevor yells from across the kitchen, you are confused as to how he heard you over the two mixing bowls he has running in the background. "Your bandana is cringe, never had the heart to tell you before," you retort back before smiling at the camera, trying to keep your 'good-child' persona on.
"From what I remember, you said you liked it quite a bit before we starting rolling," he voices, coming around your table and stealing a bit from your dough as you grumble your protest. Smacking his hand away when he goes in for seconds, "you're making your own cookies, remember?"
"But your's taste really good," Trevor says, now emptying his stand mixers as he preps his own trays flowing with memorized precision around the kitchen. You get lost in watching him work, spilling around, towel over his shoulder as he casts you a wink. You blush, flipping him off before sending your tray into the oven. Waving the camera crew over to get a shot of the temperature and times you recommend before going to clean your station.
─────── · ·
You were doing laps around the kitchen and set, trying to find where they kept the serving plates. Growing increasingly frustrated you walked into Trevors side of the kitchen, while grabbing a bite of his leftover dough and asked, "Where do you keep the plates? I can't find them in any of the cupboards..."
"Oh, they are on the top shelf," he moves to show you towards the cabinet. "Why would you guys keep plates on the top shelf?" You question as Trevor keeps his back to you, people behind the camera snicker as your raised eyebrows find the truth in his flushed ears.
"You hid them up there on purpose!" you gasp, hand clutching the false pearls on your chest as he brings the options down for you, leaning against the counter with nonchalance. "Well any excuse for more time filming with you," he hopes to soften your reaction with his comment as you shake your head at him. Holding your lip in from making a reply as you pick your plate and follow Trevor back to the oven as he takes out both of your baked goods.
You look at the two batches side by side curiously. Taking in the added rise in Trevor as yours have spread much wider. Both look mouthwatering as you are tempted to steal one of his and by the growing small smile on his face, he is thinking the same thing.
Reaching over and taking a bite out of one another, you both wave your mouths, dropping the cookies on the counter. "Hot, hot, fuck those are hot!" A staff member comes over, rushing with your water bottles.
After burning your mouths off you both hold each other and laugh, hands gripping aprons before you both move on to plating. You crumble some extra chocolate chunks on the plate with some sea salt chunks before stepping back with a smile, hands raised.
Trevor stands in the same position, "How did you think you did?" Still feeling as completive as ever, you watch both of your plates get carried away to get some close up shots before answering, "I am hopeful to win, but yours did taste incredible. Kinda wished I used the mixture of chocolates that you did instead of the one."
He hums out, nodding along to your reply before you both stand behind Josh as he introduces the judging segment. You grip Trevors hand in waiting, shaking it excitedly as you both score highly.
"It appears you both had fun in the kitchen with one another, in all honesty I was surprised to see the place still standing knowing your history with one another," Josh begins, you imagine the music in the editing later to be getting more dramatic now as the lights in the studio dim.
"Did you really have that little faith in us?" Trevor questions back, Josh twists over the bench to look at you both, returning the mock hurtful look you send him with an equal glare. "Well, this is the first time either of you were allowed in the kitchen without a babysitter and by the mess of your aprons- we should have had another person on the call sheet but nevertheless, we are here for these cookies today. So todays winner is..."
You and Trevor lean down, preparing for the answer and Josh proudly calls out your name, "congratulations!"
You scream, jumping up and down, Trevors hand still in your own as he pulls you into a celebratory hug that you return, giggling happily into his chest as Josh does the outro for you both. The whole studio is clapping, also celebrating the last shooting for the week as you turn to find your office dads waiting. They each send you a pair of thumbs up as the cameras cut and you walk over to them.
"So does this mean me and Trevor can hang out more often?" you ask, looking up at Trevor with hopeful eyes as he nods his head, looking between all four owners. All everyone can do is sigh, exhausted by the seemingly endless energy you and Trevor have when one another are in the room, rolling off each over.
"We will have to check with both of your schedules but... its a yes from our side," Rhett sighs, looking over at Ian who nods his head in a agreement, fixing his glasses. "Yup, but maybe we can double up on some more Mythical Kitchen shoots of you both since you both are still banned from being on Smosh together after breaking that couch..."
"and that lighting panel," Anthony adds before Link steps in to conclude, "You know, I rather like their energy together..."
"-oh god."
─────── · ·
─ · · A/N: the smosh fics just keep flowing from my brain.
─ · · TAGLIST: @lisiliely
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burnednotburied · 6 months ago
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Chapter 6: A Dagger In One Hand
AO3 Link | Masterlist
Pairing: Abby Anderson x fem!reader
Fic Synopsis: Abby goes looking for Owen and ends up on the wrong end of your knife.
Tags/CWs: angst; slowburn; mutual pining; enemies to friends to lovers; talks of purity culture/ideals and “sin”; internalized homophobia and some comp-het feelings (they’re both so gay but so dumb about it); animosity between WLF and Seraphites; blood/gore; descriptions of being hanged; religious/cult-like ideas
Note: I'm really sorry for how long it took for me to write this chapter. Life's been a bitch lately. Keeps kicking me while I'm down, so to speak.
Someone asked about a taglist, so I'm starting one! Please comment if you want to be added :)
Abby fell asleep surrounded by Scars but woke up alone.
She sat up, blinking away the stubborn remnants of her dreams. Images of her father, alive, and simpler times.
Sunlight shone in from nearby windows, indicating that it was probably already late morning, if not early afternoon, meaning that she’d slept much later than she’d meant to. Much later than she normally would.
But the last couple of days had been anything but normal.
The sound of voices in the hallway brought Abby to her feet and out the door.
Lev and Yara stood just down that hall, arguing, their voices low and insistent.
“Even if you make it, she’s not going to come with you,” Yara said.
“I can convince her.”
“We broke the rules, Lev! That’s all she’ll care about!”
Abby didn’t know who or what they were talking about, and she wasn’t nearly awake enough to begin to decipher it. Behind her, a door opened, across the hall from the room she’d come from.
Your voice was quiet. Almost surprised. Like you hadn’t expected to see her standing there.
She shivered, as if you’d touched her.
She wished you would touch her.
Jesus. She really needed to get her thoughts in check.
She turned to face you.
You smiled, a stark contrast to the tense words being exchanged just around the corner. “Hi.”
“Hi.” Abby might have just woken up, but she could’ve sworn there was a halo of light surrounding you.
Maybe she was still dreaming.
Her too-recently-conscious eyes could only take in one thing at a time. First, your eyes. She was stuck there for a while. Probably much longer than what was socially acceptable. You had beautiful eyes.
Then, your mouth. Lips still slightly upturned in a warm smile. She wanted to know if you greeted everyone like this. If that smile was a common sight to those around you or if it was just for her. She couldn’t imagine she’d done anything to deserve special treatment from you, but looking at you smiling at her felt like a gift. One that she couldn’t possibly have earned.
It was at that moment that Abby remembered that she was looking at the Seraphite Prophet.
Isaac had warned her about you just over forty-eight hours ago. He’d said that the greatest threat you posed was in your ability to win people over, earning their loyalty even at the cost of their own morals. Their life-long allegiances. Their people. 
She understood now why you had been chosen to be the new Prophet. There was something about you that drew people in – had them letting their guard down – with or without all of the Seraphite brainwashing. 
Hell, Abby met you two days ago and she was already prepared to leave the certainty and security of the Washington Liberation Front to follow you wherever you wanted to go.
There was something magic about you. You must have a similar effect on everybody.
Abby was momentarily relieved, feeling like she’d solved an equation. She wasn’t losing her mind. (At least not any more than anyone else around you was.) This wasn’t her fault. It was yours.
Even as she thought it, it sounded stupid to her. But the only alternative was that these thoughts and feelings were uniquely, inherently her own. And that could only lead to the hope that you might feel the same way about her. 
She finally managed to pull her eyes away from your face and noticed that you were carrying a small, neatly folded pile of clothes. 
“Mel gave these to me,” you said, following her gaze. “She said that they don’t really fit her anymore.” Abby only blinked at you incredulously, not understanding. If she hadn’t just woken up, she would’ve known what you meant. “You know. Because of the–” You trailed off, using your hand to make an arching motion over your own stomach, as if to represent a pregnant belly. “–the baby.”
“Oh. Yeah.” Abby looked away, running a hand absently over her braided hair. “Makes sense. That was… nice of her.”
You nodded, falling quiet as Lev and Yara’s voices grew louder just around the corner, the two of them still arguing.
“I can’t believe she’s on her feet already,” Abby said after a minute.
Your worried look gave way to another small smile. “Yes, well, Yara’s always been tough.” 
There was so much that Abby didn’t know about you. And Yara and Lev. And about your history together. She’d been picking up on bits and pieces of it, especially yesterday with Lev. It had taken some time, but he definitely started opening up to her as they traveled to and from the hospital.
He had even turned things around on Abby and asked what was going on between you and her. And he seemed to find it funny when she got flustered and dodged the question entirely. 
But you had not been such an open book. And Abby wanted to know more. She wanted to know everything. 
She just didn’t know where to start.
“What are they fighting about?” she asked instead. 
“Lev is worried about their mother,” you explained, just loud enough for Abby to hear. “About what’ll happen to her because of them.”
“Should he be worried?” she asked.
“He needs to focus on his own safety right now.” 
“What could happen to her?” If she had to guess based on what she knew about the Seraphites, it couldn’t be good.
You looked away. “Sometimes parents are held responsible for their children’s sins. But their mom is so devout that she’ll probably be fine.”
“Are there options? For helping her?”
You frowned. “Lev wants to go back to the island to get her. But he would never be able to convince her to leave. I’m not even sure that I could, and I’m–”
“The Prophet?” Abby finished.
You moved on without acknowledging that truth. “Yara and I are more worried about what she might do to him.” Before she could think of a response to any of that, you looked back at her, shaking your head like you were shaking those thoughts away. “They’ll work it out. Lev’s not unreasonable.”
“He’s a kid,” she said frankly. “I’m not an expert, but aren’t kids supposed to be hard to reason with, especially when they’re emotional?”
“He’s a Seraphite,” you corrected her. “Seraphites are never really kids.”
Again, Abby felt the urge to ask you to explain, to tell her more about what you meant by that. 
“I could use your help with something–” you said, hesitant, “–if you wouldn’t mind. I would ask Yara, but she’s occupied. And she’s also down one arm.”
“Yeah,” Abby said, sincere and probably far too eager. “Of course. What do you need?”
You smiled gratefully and gestured for her to go back into the room where you had all slept. She followed without question, shutting the door behind her. 
“It’s kind of embarrassing.” The look on your face told her that you wouldn’t be asking if you didn’t have to. “It’s this dress,” you said. “It isn’t meant for me to be able to take it off myself. One or two of my attendants would always have to help.” And then you turned, just enough to draw Abby’s attention to the back of the dress, where there was an admittedly overly complicated looking corset thing going on. It looked cool, but yeah, she could see how it would be difficult, if not impossible, for you to undo it by yourself.
“They might as well have sewn me into it,” you added, doing your best to look at it over your shoulder. Then you turned back to face her. 
She took a beat before she found her voice. “You have attendants? Like maids?”
You shot her an exasperated look. “I had attendants. But they are on the island and I am here, and it’d be really great if someone would help me get out of this thing once and for all.”
“Yeah yeah, I got it,” Abby said, smiling now. ���Turn back around.”
You sighed but did as you were told, tossing the pile of clean clothes on the couch for the sole purpose of being able to cross your arms over your chest. Abby chuckled, surprised but amused by your sudden attitude. 
She stepped up behind you, taking a closer look at the fabric contraption that had you trapped in this dress. It suddenly occurred to her that, in order to help you with this problem, she would have to get very close to you… And that she’d have to touch you… And that this would inevitably end with you taking off your clothes. Hell, she was (technically speaking) the one who would be undressing you.
She cleared her throat and tried – not for the first time that day and probably not for the last – to get her thoughts under control. You weren’t coming on to her. You just needed help. You probably would’ve been just as likely to ask Mel to do this. 
Abby shifted on her feet behind you, lifting her hands to start what was sure to be a very long untangling process, but she paused before actually touching the fabric that hugged your back. “Can I…?” she asked. It felt important to have your permission before she touched you. 
“Hmm?” you hummed, glancing over your shoulder before you realized what she meant. “Oh. Yes. Please.”
A thrill shot through her at the sound of you responding to her request to touch you with please.
God, there had to be something wrong with her.
No one – genuinely not one single other person in her whole life – had ever had this effect on her. 
She got to work on the dress, trying to convince her stupid, horny mind that the ribbons and fabrics beneath her fingers were not, in fact, attached to your body. She was unsuccessful.
“Jesus, they really did not want you getting out of this thing,” she huffed. “What? Was trapping you in your clothes their way of keeping you chaste?”
Since when did she say shit like chaste? It did sound like some bullshit the Seraphites would do though.
To her surprise, you laughed. “I think the idea was more likely to keep me dependent on others. Trapped both physically and mentally, you know? … It’s a dress, Abby. You don’t exactly have to take it off to have sex.”
Abby’s fingers stilled, her eyes went wide, and her face warmed. And she was glad you were facing the other way so you didn’t see any of it.
She changed the subject before she did anything stupid, like ask you literally anything else about that subject. “So… have you always worn this dress?”
It was a stupid question, but it’s the first thing she could come up with under these conditions.
“This exact dress, no,” you said. She could tell from your voice that you were smiling, and she couldn’t be sure but she thought you might be teasing her. “But some version of it, yes. Since the day I turned twelve. New ones were made for me as I grew and if they tore or got dirty, but it was always something like this.” You paused for a few seconds before going on. “It’s strange. I haven’t worn pants in eight years. I’m kind of excited.”
Abby couldn’t imagine being excited to wear Mel’s hand-me-down pants. But she also hadn’t been forced to wear the same virtually inescapable dress for nearly a decade. The thought alone made her chest feel tight. 
She had made a small amount of progress with the dress, but not as much as she would have wanted, and she was getting frustrated with the whole thing. She yanked on something that she thought would loosen it, but ended up making it much tighter. You let out a sharp hiss.
“Sorry,” Abby said quickly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do tha–”
“Do you want to just cut it off of me?” you asked, spinning around to face her again, clearly even more eager and annoyed than she was. 
“Umm.” Abby thought her brain might be shutting down entirely. “Yeah. I can do that. If you’re sure you’re not gonna want to wear it again.”
“I’m not going to want to wear it again,” you confirmed.
Neither of you had taken a step back when you turned around, which left very little space between you. Something that Abby was painfully aware of.
“Okay,” she said, voice low. “Then I guess I’m cutting you out of the dress.” But she didn’t move from where she stood, just a breath away from you.
You were the first to move, walking over to where you had all dropped your stuff yesterday and returning with your dagger. 
“Here.” Face unreadable, you offered the deadly blade to Abby handle-first. She took it as you spun back around.
She gripped the dagger’s hilt in her hand tightly. The trust that you must’ve had in her, to hand over your weapon and willingly turn your back to her… It made her feel brave.
Or maybe she had bravery and stupidity mixed up.
Abby began carefully cutting through the same ribbons that she’d previously been attempting to untie.
“Are there rules,” she asked, trying to sound nonchalant, “about abstaining from sex? I’ve read about a few Old World religions that were strict about that.” 
You were entirely unfazed by the question. “Seraphites have rules for everything. Some of them always made sense to me. But most of them are ridiculous. Meant only to ensure that our Elders are able to maintain complete control.” 
The top of the dress loosened and began to sag as Abby continued to slice through the offending constraints, until it was only held up by the straps. She had done enough for you to be able to easily get out of it. If you were to let those straps fall from your shoulders, the whole thing would fall to the floor, gathering at your feet. 
She looked away from the smooth expanse of skin in front of her and tried to force that image out of her mind. 
“Should be able to get it off now,” she said, deciding that it would actually be better for her to take several steps away. 
An earnest ‘thank you’ came from your lips as you grabbed the new clothes from the couch. You didn’t ask her to turn around, but she did anyway. And she was decidedly not thinking about what was going on behind her.
“To answer your question from before,” you began as you got dressed. “Yes, there are rules about that, but they’re wildly unimaginative. We are not permitted to be alone with someone of the opposite sex – outside of our family members – until a spouse is chosen for us. At which point, that person becomes a family member. So technically, we’re never allowed to be alone with someone of the opposite sex.”
“That sucks,” she threw out, not knowing what else to say as she stared at a random stain on the wall and forced herself to wonder how it might’ve gotten there.
“Probably. For most people. But I never really had a problem with it.” Your voice was much closer now, just behind her.
“Why not?” Abby’s question of if it was safe to turn around yet was answered with the light touch of your fingers against her wrist, trailing down to meet the dagger still grasped in her palm. She relinquished the knife to you, letting her hand linger against yours as she turned to face you, taking it all in.
You were, indeed, wearing pants. And also a shirt. And they both fit you pretty well.
And you were beautiful. There was always that.
You passed the dagger from your right hand to your left, and the look of determination on your face was nearly the same as it was moments after she first saw you. When Abby was hanging by her throat and you were going to kill her. Only this time the feeling coursing through her body wasn’t fear. It was anticipation. 
Whatever you were planning to do next, she wanted it. 
“Why not?” Abby had asked a minute ago.
“Because I’ve never had any interest in the opposite sex,” you answered as your right hand found its place against her jaw.
Time slowed as you stood there for a moment, holding a dagger in one hand and Abby’s face in the other. 
She thought you might kiss her. She was hoping you’d kiss her.
And then the door flung open and your hand fell to your side.
Yara was crying or yelling or both, and it took Abby way too long to process the words she was saying.
“Lev’s gone! He took a boat! He’s going back to the island!”
Note: This chapter is a bit shorter than usual, but it felt good to end it here for now. Also, I want you to know that I'm dedicated to finishing this fic, and I know exactly where I want to go with it, so expect more updates soon!
Taglist: @h0meb0dyi @lmaoo-spiderman @quinnsadilla @rew1nds @sapphicontherun
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ranunculussy · 1 month ago
enigma | part 03.
ꕥ part 01. | part 02. | part 04. | part 05. | part 06. ꕥ pair: Spencer Reid × BAU!fem!reader ꕥ warnings/tags: canon-typical violence, mentions of human trafficking, swearing, somewhat oblivious Reid and reader, age gap, moderately jealous Spencer, slow-burn, mutual pining, rivals to lovers, alcohol consumption, kissing, english isn't my first language so bear with me pls, idk about other warnings ꕥ word count: ~3.0k (i'm so sorry, this is a bit shorter but i felt like it didn't need more) ꕥ summary: Spencer can't quite figure you, his rival out and this annoys him more than it should [this fanfic is also available on AO3 with the same title and username]
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The rest of the day went by quietly. You and Penelope made friends with one of the younger agents around your age who was driving, since you had a few nerdy interests in common. He saw your decorated tablet case, so he initiated the conversation, which went more pleasantly than the usual firsts with others.
Reid kept his distance the whole day. Whenever there was a toilet break—approximately every four hours—he made sure to avoid your company. He lingered around anyone who wasn’t in a talking distance with you. Which wasn’t unusual, given that you were never close. But now it was very much intentional on his part. He made sure to get up from his seat before you could even think about asking him to let you out. He was out of the vehicle in a blink. Feeling confused was tremendously out of character for him and he despised this state.
He also avoided addressing you, even when he would’ve had the chance to disagree with what you’ve said. He just… He needed to sort out his tangled, unorganised thoughts and needed to do it quickly. Because honestly, what the hell was wrong with him that day? He’d been working with you for over a year now and never had similar issues. Many times, he was annoyed, irritated or even secretly entertained and amazed by you. But never like this. Ever since you came in close contact with him a few hours ago, it was as if his brain got coated with thick layers of honey, slowing down the otherwise rational and precise thought process that happened in his exceptional head.
The light brown minibus drove into the golden hour, filling the vehicle's inside with a warm, calming light. You were sitting next to each other in complete and utter silence. You even felt a bit embarrassed. You didn’t know what to say. Should you be unserious or serious? Should you be playful, teasing or stoic? Hell, you didn’t even know if you should talk to him at all. This was quite troublesome.
You directed your gaze out at the window, plugged in your earphones, listening to some of your favourite music while subconsciously biting your lower lip. As you stared into the breathtaking horizon that was painted in vibrant yellow, orange, pink and red colours by the setting sun, a sense of calmness climbed over your shoulders like a soft, shielding scarf. Even a small smile got plastered on your face. Sundown always had this kind of effect on you. It was such a simple thing that happened every day. And maybe that’s what made it so charming for you. The gorgeously painted fairytale-like clouds served as a symbol of certainty. For you, the astounding scenery meant that no matter how hard, embarrassing or horrible the day was, the end of it was given. Nighttime always came, bringing a sense of freedom with itself.
Spencer wasn’t this sentimental over an astronomical phenomenon. The evening sky was undeniably nice, yes. But it was all simple light scattering, basic physics. Light rays hit particles in the air, changing the direction of the light and the colours were determined by the different wavelengths of light, plus the size of the particles in the atmosphere.
However, when the genius’s lingering gaze settled on your face, that was when he felt in awe. As if the setting sun was hinting loving kisses on you, specifically. The warm, glimmering rays of sunshine were dancing around you, making your irises shine brighter. It was almost ethereal. He couldn’t help but notice how you seemed more relaxed. He was carefully engraving every tiny detail into his brain; afraid he might miss something. For a moment, he forgot about his eidetic memory. And for a moment, he even forgot to analyse himself, to look for an answer for his strange behaviour and reason everything.
Even though all of this felt like an eternity, the curious glances lasted only a few seconds. It was short enough for you not to notice anything, but long enough for Derek to do so behind you, whose lips stretched into his signature grin at what he witnessed. This was the moment when he decided, under no circumstances will he let the two of you switch roommates. He’s had enough of the year-long foreplay between the residential smartasses.
“Come on, pretty girl, out with it.” Morgan’s deep, silky laugh filled the small booth where part of the team was sitting as he pointed towards you with a glass of whiskey in hand. You tried to cover your flustered, red cheeks with your palms, but they were no help at all. In fact, this just worsened your situation, since the other four people also started giggling.
“A guest lecturer,” you mumbled in defeat and took a sip from your drink, which was rum mixed with ginger ale just to stall a bit.
“You did the dirty with your teacher?!” squealed Garcia on your left. Her expression showed surprise at first, but her lips quickly turned from an ‘o’ to a proud smirk. “Oh, you’re bad.”
“Naughty girl” Prentiss joined in with her signature teasing tone, she was sitting on your right. At this point, none of you were sober, not even the asshole doctor in front of you, which was an abundantly rare occurrence. He was mostly silent, even during dinner with the team. You thought he’d definitely take his leave after finishing his meal like Hotchner and Rossi did, but he stayed. Luckily, he didn’t feel like getting on your nerves that night, which was a tremendous help, given that the remaining people, however, all decided that that night would be the perfect opportunity to ask these kinds of questions.
“How much older was he?” leaned forwards JJ and she basically shot you in the head with this.
“Khm… 15.” you tried to cover the answer with your coughs with little to no success, causing the other girls to practically scream in disbelief. Derek at the left exit of the booth playfully shook his head and finished what remained of his drink, while the other man just stared at you with a slightly tilted head and raised brows. “Listen, in my defence, I didn’t know that he was a guest prof at the beginning, okay? Also, he had no relation to my grades, so I’m kind of in the clear, no?”
“Depends. I need to know every single itsy-bitsy detail.” Penelope didn’t want to make it easy for you, did she?
You leaned your head back and let out a painful, defeated moan. “Must you?”
“I think we’re all curious here, Y/N.” you didn’t exactly know who JJ tried to encourage, you or the team, but none of the options seemed too good for you.
“That’s not true. I’m sure Dr Reid couldn’t give a damn about the story, so how about we skip instead?” as your last dernier, you pointed towards your rival, expecting him to agree and save you from a rather embarrassing story time. To your greatest surprise, he shook his head and looked straight into your eyes.
“No, I’m very interested.” his tone caught you somewhat off guard. It seemed more confident than usual, yes, but that could’ve just been the alcohol. There was something else in it too. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but you instinctively swallowed your saliva a bit harder. I’m gonna push a pillow into this smug motherfucker’s face, I swear to God.
“Fine. We met at the uni library; he was about to take away a book I desperately needed for an essay worth more than half my grade that semester. Since it was one of Rossi’s books, I didn’t want to pirate it, and I was broke as hell, so I asked if I could quickly snap some pics of the pages I needed. Instead, he offered that we could go through it together if I wanted. Long story short, we clicked almost immediately, study dates turned into real dates, and I genuinely thought he was a student like me, just a bit older but that’s all. I almost single-handedly proved that instantaneous human combustion did exist when he walked into a seminar as a fucking guest lecturer while I was sitting there in the first row.”
“So did you break up?” Emily slightly pushed your shoulder with hers, enjoying the scandalous gossip. These past weeks none of you had the time or energy to get together and let out some steam like this. Today’s 12-hour drive was the last straw for most of you and you decided you’d get some drinks before bed, but nobody planned to cross any kind of lines in terms of getting wasted, since another day was ahead of you that you’d spend in a small bus on the road. You bit your lower lip—still silently cursing the man in front of you for not saving you from this by saying he doesn’t give two fucks about you—which gave away your answer immediately. “You didn’t!”
“I think I’m calling it a day, guys. It’s late and if we don’t get some sleep, suicide will look hella sexy tomorrow.” you tried to save yourself from having to explain why you continued your somewhat scandalous relationship with the older man, who was also a guest professor, and you were nowhere near to being drunk enough for that conversation.
Garcia tried to change your mind, she wanted to know everything, especially since this was the first time you let them in a bit more intimately. Luckily though, the others agreed with what you said, so the team slowly started to get their coats, purses and whatever they had with them, then left the little bar near the accommodation.
Back in your small, minimalist hotel room, you couldn’t even hide how flustered you felt. The fact that you just shared such a personal detail about yourself in the presence of the unnerving man suddenly weighted on you, making your cheeks warm and rosy-coloured. It was worse that he said nothing to you. No statistics about teacher-student relationship or about age gaps. He didn’t even try to tease you.
When you walked out of the compact bathroom after taking a quick shower and doing your usual routine before bed, Reid was sitting on his single bed, seemingly deep in thought.
“Uhm… The bathroom is free.” Even though your voice was quiet, the awkwardness was still obviously noticeable. Spencer lifted his gaze, which had been resting on his palms up until now, to your flushed face, and his breath got caught for a quick moment. You were wearing an oversized T-shirt and seemingly soft cotton pants as pyjamas, which was cute, but what truly attracted his attention was the round glasses you were wearing.
Ever since fifth grade, you were blind as a bat. It was thanks to both genetics and the countless nights when you were reading under the blanket without any proper lighting. When you were on duty, you obviously used contact lenses, since wearing your glasses on the field would’ve been heavily dangerous and unprofessional, but now, after the hot and calming shower, right before bed, you had no reason to put back the carefully made, curved silicone-hydrogel pieces.
The doctor was mesmerised. Maybe because he wasn’t 100 per cent sober? Or simply he just wasn’t in his element, since you’ve never shared a room before and this whole scenario was so out of the ordinary for him.
But you just… you were so pretty like this. Not that you weren’t usually. But this look definitely did something to him.
Before you could’ve asked if he was okay, since he hadn’t reacted in any way, he nodded, stood up and went into the unoccupied bathroom. As the doctor walked past you, he quickly ran his gaze all over your comfortably clothed body. He wasn’t subtle, not even in the slightest, causing your already flustered cheeks to take on an even darker shade of red.
You sat down to your designated bed, your eyebrows in a frustrated furrow as you replayed everything weird that’s happened so far. What the hell is up with him today? Is this some kind of tactic to throw me off balance and make me seem dumb or something? While you were fuming silently, you tucked yourself in bed. You were lying on your side and took out the soft, big pillow from under your head to hug it instead. If you weren’t this worn out, you might have debated whether you should show even this about yourself or not, but not that day. It might have been childish, but quite frankly, you didn’t give a damn about it. You always had problems with falling asleep and sleeping in general, so when you accidentally discovered a few years ago that this method made things easier, you stuck with it. If yes, then he has fucked with the wrong person because I can be so much worse than him in every possible way. I’m going to redefine the meaning of menace in his vocabulary. As you drifted towards the oftentimes erratic, unpredictable world of dreams, you mumbled to yourself almost inaudibly. “Game on, doctor.”
By the time Spencer came out of the restroom, approximately half an hour later, you were already fast asleep. The sight of you, snuggling up to the pillow made the dimly lit room seem all the cosier. Surprisingly, it didn’t take long for him to fall asleep too, which was rather out of the ordinary.
Spencer was wearing one of his favourite black semi-casual suits with a grey button-up shirt and a black tie. He was standing in front of a small audience and was currently detailing the technicalities of building a geographical profile, what counts as a forensic countermeasure and what doesn’t.
As he enthusiastically explained one of the more difficult cases that he’d dealt with not so long ago, he scanned the small group of students who attended his lecture, looking for their reactions. Were they bored, was the class engaging enough? Did they find it useful or a waste of time? The moment he recognised you, sitting in the first row, even his expressive, almost talkative hands stopped for a moment. What the hell was going on?
You looked up from your carefully written notes and shot a genuine smile in his direction. You seemed like you usually did. Wearing something pretty but comfortable, your belongings decorated to resemble your personality, just as in real life. You also had those big, round glasses on that you were wearing before bed, sitting on your nose perfectly. He cleared his throat, fought his initial confusion and returned to teaching. However, he couldn’t ignore the glances you were giving to him from time to time.
After the class was over and the lecture hall emptied, you found your way to his desk where he was packing his books, notes and old laptop away.
“Today’s class was very informative,” you said with your arms behind your back as you tried initiating eye contact. As you stepped closer to him, you continued, “However, I couldn’t help but notice that you seemed a bit distracted, sir.”
What did you just call him?
He looked at you. A playful smirk was sitting on your beautiful face, your eyes had a similar glimmer in them. You were teasing him, he realised.
“Did I?” he placed his right palm on the massive table’s surface as he leaned towards you. Before you could say anything else, he grabbed your waist with his left hand and pulled you closer to him until your chests were pressed together. You were close enough that both of you were able to smell the other’s perfume, both of you felt the other’s hot, heavy breath on your skin. “I wonder what the reason for that could be,” he murmured while his lustful irises flickered between your eyes and your lips, drinking in the sight in front of him. He moved his right hand from the table to your chin, gently tilting your face upwards. As he finally closed the distance between you, pulling you into an eager, hungry kiss, he felt like an eternity-long starvation was over. He felt like he found something crucial he didn’t even know was missing until that very moment.
Your fingers found their way to his soft, curly hair. As you leaned deeper and deeper into the kiss, it started to seem more like the beginning of a heated make out session. You pulled on his locks, making him growl into your mouth and grab your hips stronger. He couldn’t hold himself back. Compared to what he felt now, it was like as if he’s never known desire before. He firmly grabbed both your tights and lifted you to the table.
As he was standing between your legs, about to devour you, the smell of coffee hit his nostrils. Coffee?
Against his strongest will, the doctor got pulled out of his dream by the currently not-so-pleasant combination of warm light and a caffeinated drink. He needed a moment to gather himself and his scattered thoughts. Because honestly, what the fuck did he just dreamt about? He… Was he your teacher? Did yesterday’s alcohol-fuelled conversation mess up his failproof brain that bad?
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thank you so much for reading my work, hope you're having an awesome day! taglist: @halfbloodwriter divider from @cafekitsune gif from @reidgif
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weirdsht · 6 months ago
Disillusioned 18 . Heterogeneity (3)
a/n: my fav chapter is the one after this hehe, but y'all have to wait until wednesday (unless you're reading this after I already uploaded it lol)
tags: overprotective people around reader, sick reader, fluff overall
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are currently closed but my ask are still open (read pinned)
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_____ thought their headaches and worry would end when Cale woke up after 15 days. The healer is used to the rigorous schedule the commander has whenever he wakes up after fainting. Understand that there’s a lot to catch up on, especially this time since Cale was gone for so long.
Everything had been smooth sailing. There are still a lot of things to do at Mogoru but Jack and the others can handle it. 
Finding the Mercenary King was also easy. In fact, he was the one who showed himself in their inn. Making a deal with him was even easier. As well as getting to the Wind Island. 
“Uhm so you’re telling me the owner of my ancient power is not supposed to talk to me and tell me the race of every single being I encounter?”
“...At least yours don’t have full-blown conversations about bread with you.”
Well, there’s a discovery that Cale and _____ are odd. Apparently, you’re not supposed to hear voices when you have an ancient power…
But aside from that everything else is smooth sailing.
Things started going south when Cale entered Wind Island alone.
Day 1:
Everyone is relaxed albeit a little worried for the young master. However, everyone trusts that he will be fine as he always has been.
Day 2:
Same as yesterday. Everyone is doing their own thing while waiting for the young master. However, _____ thinks that the group is doting on them more than they used to. They aren’t sure though.
Day 3:
Cale is supposed to go back, but there’s not a single sign of him yet. This made everyone in the group tense. Nonetheless, all they can do is wait.
Day 5:
The ambience in the boat has become scary. Not surprising as Cale is 2 days late now. Everyone is still sweet in front of _____. In fact, they have definitely become more doting and protective towards the healer. 
Like they can’t even take a single step forward without someone trying to assist them or asking what they need. At first, it confused _____, but they figured they were probably acting that way because of Cale’s absence.
However, that’s just towards _____.
They are so snappy with Bud. The poor man can’t even take a single breath without being told off. The only time he isn’t getting scolded is when _____ is talking to him.
So _____ took this chance to get acquainted with the Mercenary King. The healer explained to the man how everyone was just on edge because they were worried about the young master.
Day 7:
It’s been 4 days since Cale was supposed to come back. Everyone had decided that if he still didn’t come back in a few hours then they would go to the island.
“Not _____-nim. Please stay here in the boat where it is safe. I promise to come back and bring back Cale-nim”
At this point _____ is used to the group coddling them. They figured it’d either end or dwindle once Cale came back. So they just let everyone be.
Meanwhile, the healer and Bud got acquainted pretty well. It helps that their abilities are similar to each other. Talking to each other is also mutually beneficial to the two. Bud gets to talk to the only person who’s not inherently vicious in the boat. While _____ gets a distraction from the abundance of worry they are feeling.
“I have to ask Medicus-nim, what’s you’re relationship with Cale?”
Bud once tried calling the healer by their first name… never again. The looks he got from everyone were not worth it.
Names aside, the mercenary king is curious about the relationship of the two. In his opinion, _____ is the most protected after Cale. There’s gotta be a reason why that is.
“Me and the young master are friends. However, I am technically working under his orders right now.”
It doesn’t look like that to Bud but sure.
In addition to that, the blue-haired man doesn’t miss the way everyone else softens while _____ is speaking about their relationship. Something is going on that these two young masters don’t know.
However, Bud doesn’t pry. Instead, he lets the conversation die there and opts to wait for Cale silently.
Sure enough, the redhead prevails as he always does.
He came out just before the group was about to attack the island. As soon as he got out he purified the island before desperately eating apple pies like his life depended on it.
“...Cale, you do know that you’re still going to faint right?”
_____ is currently beside Cale thanks to Raon’s floating spell. 
The man in question just ignored the healer and continued gobbling the pie.
“If you don’t stop eating you’re gonna faint with a soggy apple pie in your mouth.”
Cale continued ignoring _____.
“Everyone, the young master is going to faint with an apple pie in
True enough Cale fainted like a machinery out of mana after _____’s countdown.
Meanwhile, the healer who’s borderline making fun of Cale could be seen giggling.
Bud doesn’t know why and his afraid Ron and Eruhaben are going to kill him if he asks.
Their way back to Bud’s hometown was quiet. Everyone seemed accustomed to this and already knew what to do with Ron leading everyone.
All of them got to work as soon as Cale was resting on a bed. 
Well almost everyone.
When _____ tried to go out to help Beacrox, Eruhaben just used his mana to steer the healer back into the room. Once the healer was back in, Ron wrapped a blanket around them before guiding them to a comfy couch that had been moved beside Cale’s bed[1].
“Wait I want to help too–”
Ron ignored the healer as if they didn’t even say anything.
“A bed big enough to fit the two of you would be better but this couch would also suffice.”
“Why am I lying down too? I didn’t even use my powers–”
At that moment the children spoke up.
“Lemonade gramps, I think kind _____ forgot that their body is weak!”
“That’s true nya! It also looks like they forgot they’re still healing!”
“Go lie down nya.”
It took _____ a moment to realise what the three were talking about.
“Are you guys talking about what happened in the Caro Kingdom? That’s like a month ago. That wound is all healed up.”
“Yes it has been a month since then but your healing journey has been stunted since you used your powers while we were at the Empire. In addition to that the sea breeze is cold. It’s not good for your weak body.”
“But Eruhaben-nim I’m really okay–”
All it took was one exasperated stare from Eruhaben to make the healer clam up and lie down on the spacious couch. After they did the golden dragon sighed as if he had just dealt with a toddler throwing a tantrum.
True enough _____ developed a fever just a few hours after that. Their body couldn’t handle both the weather and the stress so it decided to break down the moment the healer got to relax. Good thing the group was already expecting this and has prepared everything a sick person would have needed.
At some point _____ tried to argue that maybe they’ll get the kids sick. So they should just let the healer recover in another room and maybe check on them from time to time. However, the children averaging 9 years old retaliated by putting on masks and casting a shield. (A bit overboard in _____’s opinion but when has not Raon been overboard.)
Just like that the two young masters slept for three days.
If on one of those days Cale’s hand twitched and placed itself on top of _____’s hand, then no one said a word.
And if they see Cale continue to hold _____’s hand after he woke up first? No, they didn’t.
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[1] if you can't visualize it, just imagine a big couch that's the same height as the bed and then it's side-by-side so the couch kind of looks like an extension of the bed. basically the two + the children are all sleeping beside one another lol
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these-posts-arent-real · 10 months ago
Clanblr dashboard simulator is back babye (part 1)
#yes i just finished part 1 #yes im already doing another one #this is really fun to me #hey btw when the follow button is "missing" it isnt missing. #that's your mutuals
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🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
I miss leaf-bareeeeee... my long-haired ass CANNOT with this weather
#shorthairs please dont reblog with "actually i think the warm weather is nice" #then this post isn't for you #robbbinposts
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🔁 🐍xviper-the-fagx reblogged
🐍 xviper-the-fagx
I'm trnasgender
🐍 xviper-the-fagx
Happy 6 moon anniversary to the time I butchered what was supposed to be my cool, unexpected coming-out with a spelling error
🔥 b-b-b-blaaazr Follow
At least the typo wasnt in your url dude
Also. The coming out wasnt unexpected. At all. We all knew.
#fuck you blaze #"we all knew" yeah maybe because i posted about how i wished i was a tom 10 times a day #whacking uou on the head with my manly paws
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🔁 🦁 lionsight-x3 Follow reblogged
🌻 l1llyst3m Follow
Happy bday to @lionsight-x3, my beloved mutual! Cant imagine life without you
🦁 lionsight-x3 Follow
#Was honestly having a TERRIBLE birthday until I saw this. #Love you so much Lilystem.
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🦋 lalala-bluegaze Follow
Am I the only one who didnt know that @ex-thunderclan-kipper is a kittypet??
🛤 carnation-stem-02 Follow
His whole blog, including his url, is based around the fact that he's ex-clan... how are you just now finding this out...
🦋 lalala-bluegaze Follow
I just followed for the wood-scratching art..
#didnt realize he was a kittypet #:/
17 notes
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🦢 gentlesong-momof17 Follow
Kits are having their apprentice ceremony tomorrow... can't believe they're all grown up. At least my next litter is due in a moon!!
#momlife #queen #leaving the nursery #mom life #nursery queen #perm queen #perm queen life #permanent queen #permanent queen life
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🔁 🪺 robbbinpaw Follow reblogged
🫎 mo0sedude Follow
Im actually gonna die
🫎 mo0sedude Follow
Sorry guys forgot to specify. My assessment is tomorrow. So like. My mentor is gonna decide if I get to become a warrior or not. Im freaking out
🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
Wait. Youre an apprentice still??
🫎 mo0sedude Follow
Ya? My bio says 11 moons- how old did you think I was?
🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
I thought you were 21 moons old! Last time I read your bio was 2 days ago and I swear I thought it said 21!??
#moose ive been thinking you were 21 this whole time #cant believe youre only a moon older than me #this is surreal #robbblogs
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🌠 nightshade-tast3s-yummy Follow
Im on transblr and I keep mixing @l1llyst3m up with @carnation-stem-02... they look nothing alike and post about completely different things I think it's just the (flower)stem names
🛤 carnation-stem-02 Follow
This is extra funny to me considering Lily and I actually became mutuals due to a similar mix-up (someone tagged her where they meant to tag me) but I for the life of me cannot understand how nobody takes one look at our blogs and never makes that mistake again.
🛤 carnation-stem-02 Follow
To the cats in the notes saying "but you're both trans, it's confusing" guys. We arent even the same flavor of gender...
#shes transfemme #im agender #why is this even a source of confusion #we dont even go by the same pronouns..
2,702 notes
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🌱 dirtdigger-23 Follow
Uh... hello?? I think Im on the wrong site... what in the name of StarClan is... Tumblr...
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felicity0801 · 19 hours ago
whiterose duo art
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rambling and bonus (Hannah + Mapicc) art under cut
@monachopsissssss @lady-hibiscus (my lssmp fandom mutuals i think, if you dont wanna get randomly tagged in the future pls just tell me)
bored and drawing things in class as usual
now i actually don’t watch like 99% of Hannah’s streaming due to my godawful time management but i think this was the vibe of them meeting up again after Leo’s revival?
anyhow i want to make a Leo design timeline but I have no clue at all what his pre-S5 lore was (all I know is that he used to be one of the top PvPers on the server).
speaking of design timelines, here’s some Hannah design stuff
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…yeah I know she’s a S6 new member and I already have more outfits for her than some of the members who’ve been around for way longer. but she’s fun to draw so. :>
random thought/headcanon about c!Hannah is that she’s probably a lil cold sensitive. She is like part plant after all. Her style’s very hyper fem though, so she tries to limit bulky insulating materials and deal with the consequences in favor of something that “looks nicer”.
anyhow first fit for season start and her time with The Mice is literally her canon skin. The basic and purely pretty focused. Not quite ready/adjusted to the way Lifesteal works and its differences from say DSMP, bedwars, or competitions/tournaments/events.
2nd one is for solo Hannah between the Mice disbandment and CFG confirmation. Still mostly the same, but with some small practicality fixes as she’s more edge alone: no more heels, no more skirt because it’s totally unnecessary, and more layering- it’s August, the height of summer, so a tank top for outside (esp. warm/hot biomes) to not overheat and also photosynthesize, with a cardigan for cold biomes or going underground.
3rd one is CFG Hannah. Fancier, but in like a steampunk rebel sort of way. There is visible influence from Wemmbu as it’s more “elegant pretty” than “pretty pretty” if yk what I mean. Wemmbu and Kab got that outfit together for her, Kab got her the corset/torso brace thing, and that becomes one of her more prized belongings.
4th one is spawn war/post-Oct 18 Hannah. The server is in flaming, crater-filled ruins with constant battles that frequently go on for hours or even days. Her nice clothes from her CFG days eventually end up permanently ruined- she can’t fix them anymore after Bacon/Hannah/Kab betrays Wemmbu as the trio don’t have access to anything similar to the nicer fabrics and equipment they had gotten from Wemmbu- I imagined the long outer skirt thing would have a lot of tulle, which is a nightmare to work with even under good conditions. It’s also well October so the cold’s starting to set in. Bacon made her a quilted cape from scraps to help her stay warm temporarily.
5th one is Winter Hannah. Pangi got her a practical sweater and trousers to keep her functioning as part of “repairing the server after the spawn war”. She keeps what she can from her CFG era even though it’s getting a bit worn. Also I know you can’t really tell but she’s supposed to have gloves too. I’d like to think her flowers close up, retract, shrivel away, in the cold like real flowers, so the ones on her arm don’t get in the way and there’s less in her hair. She has a jacket too that Pangi gave her, it’s unclear who it belongs to but most likely Leo or Red- it’s a black blazer that doesn’t quite fit her. (I like to think Lifesteal teammates resort to sharing clothes in hard times as a sign of loyalty. Unfortunately it tends to not work for the girls because there’s like 5 of them so it’s harder for them to find clothes that fit.)
I am almost certainly going to give Hannah a Spring 2025 outfit too, but currently I think I should wait a bit, catch up on streams, and figure out more about where her arc’s going.
+ Leo design thoughts: post-revive Leo is a mess. A general Lifesteal headcanon for me is hearts exist in 2 rows of up to 10 each (same configuration as UI hearts) on the inside of the characters’ arms. But after a character’s revived, they have a blackened or otherwise obviously discolored patch where the hearts should be and the new hearts appear in it, as a sign that they’ve been at no hearts before. Normal Leo is a very fancy/elegant guy who always gets nice stuff, but post-revive Leo is kinda helpless. It’s the middle of winter (he was revived around Christmas iirc) and the server just went through a massive war. And when he and Red were banned, Hannah and Kab essentially had to take all of their possessions for themselves and Bacon and Pangi in order to survive and be functional enough to try to repair spawn and do their things. He has like literally nothing to his name because all of his gear and everything he’d had prior had either been taken by Pangi for his shenanigans (including the whole PMC bit) or split between the Bacon/Hannah/Kab trio. Sure Atlas and the Bacon/Hannah/Kab/Pangi squad are trying to take care of his needs, but he’s still on low hearts and they’re all destitute. He has a blazer coat and knitted vest instead of his usual suit, and also his hair isn’t as structured or “stylized” as usual- the side bangs/“L” piece doesn’t curl as much and he also just has his hair down instead of in a bun. Also unrelated but im sorry his hands look kinda scuffed im just bad at drawing hands.
+ unrelated S6 Mape design stuff
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bangs in the main reference are unfortunately a bit scuffed, i unfortunately just forget how to draw characters I’ve drawn like uncountably many times sometimes.
also this is his Empire/S6 skin right? Because ysee I am planning to do LS!Mapicc for a cosplay and I actually drew this reference sheet for my textiles teacher (so she knows why i want to alter her hoodie pattern). I have picked this skin for the cosplay, that’s not changing, but I do want confirmation on what time/lore period this skin is for because I’m not that sure and don’t want to spread misinformation when it does matter. Oh and do not expect progress on the cosplay thing for at least like another 2 months. I’m going to be in China for like most of the next month to collect materials and I’m going to make a prop sword when I come back (which is also why I drew a sword design).
oh and i have so much LSSMP design stuff but i havent drawn most of it because again my terrible time management.
oh dear this is getting long lemme post it now
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schmedterlingfreud · 2 months ago
I was tagged by @ma-chi1993 thank you so, so much! (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) 💚​💚​
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Three Ships: - GerIta (Hetalia); they are the simple Perfection. Among my Hetalia ships, GerIta will always be my Number One, the Sacred and Untouchable One. Culturally, historically, and romantically speaking… they are absolutely perfect for each other. I love how different and complementary their two personalities are. I love how a rigid and stoic personality like Germany finds comfort and peace in a more soft and sweet and easy-going personality like Italy's, who helps him to mature, to express himself, emotionally speaking. And I love how a fearful character like Italy finds comfort and courage in Germany's bond, in his strength. A unique love -- and not necessarily romantic -- that will always have a special place in my heart. 🍺​🍝 - UsUk (Hetalia); choosing another of my Hetalia ships -- sorry, guys, my world literally revolves around two fandoms (xD) -- is very difficult. I choose UsUk for everything this ship has given me on an emotional level, and because it has allowed me to express myself a lot on a creative level. I love it because I see and experience these two characters in very different ways, depending on the thousand universes in which we can insert them -- and note well: I ship "Alfred and Arthur", not "America and England"! But, regardless of how you see them, I love their conflictual dynamics, I love their differences, I love everything that distances them and, at the same time, brings them closer. I (sadly) find myself having a personality very similar to England's, so I love the sense of comfort and peace that gives me the thought of having close to me an energetic and positive character like America. Very self-indulgent? Yes. But who the F cares, right? (u.u) I also love the more tragic side of their past bond, their family history, and also the romantic side that you can develop in an AU context in which the two boys/men are almost the same age and without family ties. A very magical ship ❤️​💙​ - Luberto (Luca); another perfect representation of "opposites attract". I really appreciate the "growth factor" of Luberto -- I don't know if it makes sense, saying it in this way (xD). I love the innocence from which it starts, I love the strong and indestructible friendship that they develop. And yes, I also love the fact that, seeing Luca and Alberto as young adults/adults, you can also develop a romantic side to their relationship. Just like it was true for Italy and Germany, Luca and Alberto are among the very few characters that I can see perfectly under the true definition of "soulmates". That feeling that makes you say: "You will always be my only true one, until the end of the universe". I also love the fact that they both help each other grow through their mistakes, their mutual closeness, but also their distance. I love the fact that they don't always understand each other, but at the same time they learn how to love their differences. I love the constancy of that underlying friendship that remains solid and perfect even without adding the romantic side. I love the fact that they both always have something to teach and learn from each other. I love the fact that, despite the possibility of being lovers, they will always remain best friends forever. "Growth" is the key word that made me fall in love with this perfect ship. 🐟​🛵
First Ship: - LawLight (Death Note); what do you want me to say? L and Light were the first characters I read fan fiction about, and they were one of the main reasons I actively became part of the ✨fandom world✨. Looking back at them now, with my adult and mature eyes, I see many more shades in them than when I was young, when for me they were simply the couple of: "Yes, I hunt you, I have to kill you, you're my enemy, but deep down I love you". I still see so much potential in L and Light's relationship -- despite the obvious toxicity (xD) -- and I continue to love them and their interactions, always conflicting, always intricate, always complex. Maybe, that's true, to remain IC there should be very little space for real romance between two cold and mental characters like them. And this is why, among the "Death Note" ships, I prefer the MelloxMatt. But L and Light were my "first ones" so they will always be the most special ones. 🍎​
Last Movie: I don't remember the last "new" movie I saw (maybe it was "Inside Out 2", so last summer!), but last night I re-watched "The Corpse Bride" while I was having dinner, just to keep my company.
Last Song: Nazhmi Na Knopku by Chernikovskaya Hata (... my current obsession)
Currently Reading: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by Lyman Frank Baum
Currently Watching: Nothing, but sometimes I re-watch random episodes of "Breaking Bad" and "South Park".
Currently Eating: A mug of my beloved instant coffee
Currently Craving: Nothing in particular... maybe another coffee? ☕
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Thank you again for the tag (💚), and I'm tagging:
@sigdom @mari--lace @nordic-italian-german
@faunabel @hondakiku @bachint
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i-heart-hxh · 11 months ago
Hi...Can I ask, what are your KilluGon fav moments? And what are your fav personal headcanons about them? Also, do you have any fav ships (from any fandom) that the dynamics remind you of KilluGon? Thanks if you want to answer....
Thank you for asking! This post will get way too long if I answer all your questions, so here's a post where I talk about some of my fav HxH moments (4/5 of which are KilluGon related), and here's my Headcanons tag to see some of the headcanons I've posted or approved of previously. I'm sure I'll revisit similar questions to these over time as well.
I haven't had anyone ask about ships that remind me of KilluGon though, and it's a fun question to answer! I think KilluGon is very unique, so these might not be incredibly similar, but I'm focusing on ships that give me a similar feeling or have commonalities that I think are worth mentioning. I enjoy all of these ships to varying degrees!
I'm going to stay away from ships from big, currently popular shounen series that people typically bring up in comparison with HxH (JJK, HeroAca, etc.), both because the ships I've come across in those don't actually remind me of KilluGon very deeply, and also because it's more fun to recommend ships/series people may not have heard of already!
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Reki Kyan and Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 the Infinity)
I'm all but certain these two were based off Gon and Killua in part--the personalities of the two and dynamic between them feels fairly similar, and the antagonist of the series, Adam, also strongly feels like he's based off of Hisoka. The series itself is less serious/dark than HxH so the intensity isn't the same, but they definitely have a similar strong friendship basis and mutual adoration to Gon and Killua.
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Suletta Mercury and Miorine Rembran (Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury)
Suletta is straightforward, somewhat oblivious, and grew up isolated from others (a bit like Gon), and Miorine is confident, tsundere, and trying to escape the influence of her rich and powerful family (a bit like Killua), and the two hit it off quickly and find joy and inspiration to keep going in each other. The degree to which they influence, support, and adore each other feels familiar. There are some later developments (spoilers) that remind me of Gon and Killua as well.
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Yuki Sanada and Haru (Tsuritama)
Yuki, who has severe anxiety, ends up having his life transformed when the strange and overly friendly Haru appears suddenly. There's a real cuteness, joyfulness, and closeness between them that reminds me of Gon and Killua, and the way they help each other understand the world differently and change each others' perspectives as well.
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Maru and Kiruko (Tengoku Daimakyou / Heavenly Delusion)
I can't say too much about this ship because I don't want to spoil any surprises, but let's just say in at least one major way it's not how it appears. Maru (the blond one) shares several commonalities with Killua, though he's at least a bit more straightforward in his emotions like Gon; while Kiruko is somewhat more tsundere initially (due to understandable past reasons). Their bond reminds me of Gon and Killua in that they travel all around together and develop a very close friendship and devotion to one another, and while one is more openly affectionate the other holds back more initially.
(This series contains some mature content, including a depiction of sexual assault, so please be careful when checking it out, but it's fantastic!)
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Shindou Hikaru and Touya Akira (Hikaru no Go)
These two are rivals and obviously Gon and Killua are not, but at the same time there's a certain intensity and degree of being obsessed with each other than reminds me of KilluGon, as well as things like their bickering and the degree to which the series revolves around their connection. It's been a long time since I read the manga so I admittedly can't remember all the details, but I feel like it's maybe a few steps closer to Gon and Killua than, say, Hinata and Kageyama from Haikyuu (though that's also a great rivals -> friends ship that has some commonalities with KilluGon). It has a strong canon basis and I remember really enjoying how their bond develops!
Riko and Reg (Made in Abyss)
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Riko is an adventurous, plucky girl who goes on a dangerous journey to find her missing parent, while Reg the robot boy supports her on their adventure (and semi-secretly adores her). Reg is also voiced by Mariya Ise, Killua's seiyuu, so it's hard not make the comparison! The personalities of the two are definitely similar and their bond feels familiar.
(Made in Abyss looks cute but it contains a great deal of upsetting/potentially triggering content, please be careful if you decide to watch or read it! It's amazing, but definitely not a series that will appeal to everyone.)
I hope people looking for similar ships might enjoy checking these series out!
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butch-chastity · 2 years ago
as The cass enjoyer and dick enjoyer i need your ideal cass & dick dynamic pls 🤲
dick & cass's dynamic is really interesting because, up until the evil cass arc, their canon material together tends to be really good! (even if there's not a lot of it)
cause, like, in the beginning, dick puts up his usual front. he's all about appearing responsible and collected in front of the new, "less experienced" hero:
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Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #120 / Batman: Family #7
but drops that role the moment he spends a few minutes alone with her.
dick realizes very quickly that a) cass can see through any facade dick tries to play in to, and that b) cass doesn't need him to be someone older & wiser than her.
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batgirl #29
compared to dick's other siblings, like damian and tim, cass feels like dick's contemporary, not someone he's mentoring or trying to guide.
they're on equal ground. and, they both know that they can take care of themselves.
this leads them to be pretty silly (for bats) around one another:
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Detective Comics #782
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gotham knights #45
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Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #184
because, while i'm not going to outright say that dick is completely himself around her (as in, he lets himself be emotional vulnerable), dick is at least aware that he can't pretend around her, and probably feels at least a little kinship with her.
I mean, they're pretty similar. They enable each other's guilt complexes, neither one of them is comfortable spending a lot of time in one place, and they wouldn't know what a healthy amount of devotion looked like if it smacked them upside the head.
^ that's not even unpacking their similar forms of trauma, which is just. woof. y'know?
cass's insecurities are similar to dick's, in that they're both desperately afraid of slipping up and hurting every one, but also her insecurities aren't similar to his at all because they formed under completely different circumstances and choose to act on those fears in different ways.
i think a lot of what i'm trying to say could be summed up by my own tags on a post:
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as well as @/heroesriseandfall's tags on the same post:
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also, as cool as dick & cass's canon material is, there isn't a lot of it and the evil cass character assassination ruined EVERYTHING!!!
i want cass and dick in blud together!!!!!! we were so close to having it all!!!! i want it sooooo bad and its so fucked that dc editorial decided to pull BULLSHIT and drag cass through the mud for ??? reasons.
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so, tl;dr my ideal dick & cass dynamic is pretty complicated, but looks a little like this:
they trust each other a lot. and they're a little goofy together, because they're on equal ground, and both know they're really damn good at their jobs. the majority of their relationship is quiet, based around mutual understanding and an unspoken desire to fill in the gaps left behind by trauma.
and if i had it my way: they would both live in blud (for at least part of the year) and get shitty midnight coffee together, on the really bad nights.
my absolute favorite interaction they have is in NW vol. 2, even if it happens because dick is busy being a cop:
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because, yeah. "what do you need me to do?" that's it.
also, much as i love being recognized as a dick and cass enjoyer, i think the person who's actually thee d&c enjoyer is @heroesriseandfall, who posts about them semi frequently and is actually smart enough to keep a dedicated tag, which i pillaged for screenshots for this post.
thank you, bestie. :>
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musette22 · 7 months ago
Hi Minnie, hope you’re doing well honey! I’m wondering if you have any thoughts or advice on something. I think you approach fandom in a somewhat different way to me, so you might not find yourself in the situation I’m in. But I’d appreciate whatever thoughts you have.
I’m currently in the middle of a huge shipping war (embarrassing but true) in another fandom, and it’s really stressful (similar to when it was Stucky shippers vs…well there have been a few rival ships). I have the vast majority of the ‘other side’ blocked and tags blacklisted etc, but stuff still leaks through, and some create burner blogs to harass and taunt us (staff does little to nothing about it).
Another problem is, their ship is currently “winning" in canon. Like, big-time. So it’s really frustrating to see that largely mean-spirited, nasty people are getting their way (I’m sure there are some nice ones but I don’t think they’re the majority), in addition to knowing that stuff I really don’t want to be happening is happening. It’s very hard to deal with the frustration. And there’s no telling how long this stuff might go on for.
I guess I’m just wondering what you’d do in this situation. I’m tempted to drop out of the fandom completely, but I’ve been a part of it for awhile and it would be hard to give up. I could take a break, but I’m pessimistic that anything will be better in 3 or 6 months or however long.
Thanks for any thoughts you have on this!
Hello my love! Thanks so much for your message 💗
I'm genuinely so, so sorry to hear about the situation you're finding yourself in, that sounds awful and incredibly draining. And that's just such a shame, because that's the opposite of what the fandom experience should be bringing us!
I haven't been in the exact same boat as you, but I think I've had experiences that were close enough to understand a bit about how you're feeling. It's just so tricky, because while taking a step back or leaving this fandom altogether would probably be the most straightforward solution, you obviously still love your ship and presumably also the good parts of the fandom your in, the bits that actually make you really happy. So by leaving the fandom, you wouldn't only be leaving behind the bad stuff, but the good stuff too. So yeah, I really hope you'll find a way around this which will allow you to somehow stay in your current fandom and also actually enjoy it.
It's such a shame that people can't just ship and let ship. I'll never understand why anyone would try to deliberately hurt or taunt other people who are just trying to enjoy their favourite pairings, and although I understand how easy it is to get caught up in it even if you don't want to be, shipping wars an sich are just about the dumbest thing ever to me. Completely pointless, imo. But yeah, once you find yourself in the middle of something like that, it can be really hard to extract yourself from it.
I think the fact that new content is still being made for your fandom, and that canon is not going the way you'd hoped, definitely complicates matters. When Endgame happened, and everything after that (including TFATWS), I also really struggled to continue enjoying being in the Stucky fandom for a while. And that was even without being harassed anybody (at least, not in any significant way). I remember feeling really upset for quite a while, mostly about how there were things happening to my beloved characters that I did not want to happen and felt like a violation of my happy place. Really the only thing that got me through were all the wonderful people who felt the same way I did, friends I could vent to, mutuals who continued fighting the good fight (and I don't mean actually fighting with anyone, just like, making beautiful fannish creations for Stucky), as well as the hope that the storm would down again at some point. And fortunately for me, it did. And without being constantly confronted with things that made me upset, and by creating some clear boundaries for myself, I was fortunately able to continue to enjoy being in this fandom.
I can't deny that the upcoming Thunderbolts movie is making me a little nervous, because I know that new Bucky content is bound to stir up a lot of that old agitation again. But the fact that I have consciously decided not to engage with any new Marvel content after EG, and that for me, Bucky's canon story ended in Wakanda with Steve, definitely makes it easier to deal with. To me, post-Wakanda canon is irrelevant. There is plenty of canon for me to draw on for the Stucky that I love, but mostly, *my* Stucky is a product of fanon anyway (that is, the version of Stucky created by fandom). So even when there is new Bucky content in the future, it just isn't part of my narrative for them, and for the most part, I can just ignore it and keep doing my own thing. So that's really what I would advise you to do too - try and delineate 'your' canon, your ship, as clearly as you can, and ignore everything that doesn't fit inside those boundaries to the best of your ability. It took some time and practice for me, but it did eventually become easier, and it really did make a difference.
So, I don't know if I have any actually helpful advice for you, lovely, because it sounds like you're already doing everything you can to make a bad situation work. But I would say, just keep blocking, keep blacklisting, never ever rise to the bait if anybody tries to antagonise you in any way (that one is REALLY important, I've found. People will eventually get bored of taunting you if they don't get a reaction).
Focus on the people you like and trust and who feel the same way you do, try not to dwell on negativity and try and focus instead on enjoying your ship in fanon, if canon isn't cooperating. Read and write all the fics, post headcanons, make edits and art for your ship, keep it alive - and do it for yourself and people like you, and not to spite anyone else. In the end, it's all fiction, and the fact that canon started it all doesn't mean you have to stick with it. This ship is yours now, and you can do with it what you like. And the most important thing you can do is enjoy it and let it bring you joy and comfort.
And it's possible that it won't be for a while, because I don't know how much new content will be made for this ship in the future, but eventually, the commotion is bound to die down. If you think you'll be able to keep going in your own, carefully curated bubble until then, then that's amazing. But if you think it's only going to keep making you miserable, then it's probably best to step away, at least for a while, however painful it may be. Mental health and personal happiness have to come first, always, otherwise what's the point of fandom?
I'm sorry I can't be of any more help, honey, I wish I could do more! But I genuinely hope you'll be able to make it work, and that your ship can continue making you happy for a long time to come. Sending lots of love and strength your way! ❤️
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montcumbry-gaytor · 2 years ago
Twenties • Prologue
David "Hesh" Walker x Male Reader
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Summary : It had been two months since the disappearance of Sergeant Logan Walker, Field commander Hesh, Commander Thomas Merrick, and Sergeant Keegan Russ are trying anything and everything to get him back, with you, Sergeant Y/N "Bishop" L/N.
A/N : I finished COD ghosts in like two days and im just enamored with the ending, with a fair warning that im not real smart so there may be mistakes regarding military aspects of this fic 🫶 be warned.
CW : Spoilers for COD : Ghosts, Semi-Mutual pining.
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Unpleasantly awoken for who knows how many times now, you finally chose to pop out of bed rather than rolling over and hoping for another hour of sleep before you were needed on duty.
Pulling the grey t-shirt you once slept in over your head, you tossed it into a laundry basket, replacing said shirt with a similar one of the same breathable material, now long sleeved to cover the many scars you formed.
You slipped on your Camo pants, and tied your black combat boots on tight, raising up to pull your dog tags from out under your shirt, letting them dangle freely from your neck.
You took a minute to slip into the bathroom, Slicking your hair back and brushing your teeth, you had time for all these things, as per usual with your mornings, because no one was required to be up until an hour later.
You trekked the halls of the large base, its silence comforting and common to you, your footsteps quiet as they were trained to be, not only to not wake other soldiers, but to never alarm an enemy of your presence.
Walks like these comforted you, little to no people ever crossed paths when you went, leaving you to your thoughts, clear your head after yet another restless night, preparing yourself for yet another long day.
Upon crossing in front of the main command room, your eyes landed on an almost unmoving Field commander, part of the infamous Ghosts and the son of the passed Captain Elias T. Walker.
You slowly stepped into the room, finding no one but him occupying its walls, his shoulders rising and falling slowly, his arms crossed in front of him and his face tucked into them.
You lightly pressed a hand on his shoulder, watching him shoot awake, seemingly a light sleeper alike you.
"As much as you need sleep, i recommend your quarters. Long night?"
You asked, pulling your arm back to your side, watching him rub the inner corners of his eyes, his lips upturned at your comment.
"Quite, Sergeant. What's the time?"
"Quarter past four, Sir."
You said, eyes quipping to the clock and back to him, watching as he pushed himself out of the office chair.
"Up early again?"
"You know me."
You answered, a small, tired grin flashing at Hesh, the friendly banter normal, as you had begun this since you had joined Elias' forces, catching Hesh asleep almost anywhere, and if he wasnt, he was exhausted.
"Walk with me?"
He asked, Green eyes eyeing you as he slung his coat over his arm.
"Always, Sir."
"-You really dont need to call me 'Sir', Bishop."
"I know, im still going to though."
You stated, walking with Hesh, slowly making your way outside the base, the sky barely beginning to brighten, the moon and stars danced faintly in the sky, the winds bite tickling the back of your neck.
"Any leads on Logan?"
You could hear the deep sigh Hesh let out, you understood the hurt his voice carried.
"Merrick said that theres a possible bunker Rorke had been staying in before he went M.I.A with Logan."
"Doesnt sound like much, Anything counts though."
You said, leaning on the railing that overlooked the city the base was set in, troops, officers and more trekked on below, everyone beginning to wake.
"Anything and Everything counts."
He said, You could only answer in a nod, Your eyes glazing over his relaxed demeanor, though his brows furrowed and his jaw tightened, you could tell it was determination that fueled him.
"I'll go with, I always do."
"You know i cant argue with that."
Hesh chuckled, turning around and leaning his back on the railing, Unbeknownst to you, he watched as the sun rose in your face, the way the wind tussled your hair and the way your lips curved as you listened to him speak.
"You have anything lined up for me today?"
You asked, your eyes flickering over to him, and back to the sunrise, fiddling with your dog tags.
"Just some boarder watch from eight to four, you can take riley with you so you dont get bored."
He responded, silence was carried between you, watching as the sun had risen, you could hear the faintest noises of Hesh's breathing.
"Well, We should be getting back in, especially me, Walk with me?"
He hummed, joining you as you walked back to the area where both you and hesh's quarters were located, small talk passed the time it took, finally landing the both of you at your room.
"I've gotta get ready, and I'll take good care of riley, You should shower though."
You joked, tussling his messy hair with your hand, chuckling as Hesh playfully smacked your hand away.
"See you later sir."
You watched him walk away, his footsteps disappearing as he rounded the hall, leaving you to get your things, pulling your vest on over your shirt.
Slinging your rifle around your shoulders after turning its safety on and checking it was properly loaded, you made your way to find riley in Hesh's room.
Peeking through the door, Riley immediately took notice of your presence, padding up to you with a wagging tail.
"Hey boy, You're with me today."
You hummed, crouching down to his level to pet behind his ears, standing once more, Hesh's familiar smell of gunpowder and rain meeting your nose, a comforting and friendly smell.
"Hm.. You're lucky you get to sleep in here."
You hummed, Clicking your tongue to get Riley's attention.
"Come on boy."
Exiting Hesh's room (Unfortunately), you pulled the door shut, humming a tune as you made your way down the stairs, Riley following in suit, Now on the concrete ground of the city, you passed many soldiers, a group of privates, which saw you and gave you a quick salut before continuing to their needed positions.
the large concrete wall stood between the city and the outside, steel stairs leading to the towers you made your way up, Sg. Russ turned his head to yours his eyes softening as he recognized your familiar face.
He said in recognition nodding his head upwards, you did the same back.
"Im taking over for you, you should get some sleep Sergeant."
"Very much needed sleep, Thank you, Bishop."
Keegan said, rising from his position, his rifle slung around his shoulder, patting your upper arm as he trekked off, exhausted after a long night.
And thus began your watch, sitting in the foldout chair, you eyed the wasteland -esc roads, seeming as if no life was found for miles.
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WOOO!!! tell me if yall want more of this shit because i had so much fun writing it!! Hesh needed a lot of love and I'm gonna give it to him!!!
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seaside-lovers · 3 months ago
⚓ Jotaro & Kate 🍂
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Ship name/tag: ⚓ oceans of love
Anniversary: June 15, 2020
F/O source: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
My backstory: I'm an employee working at the Speedwagon Foundation during the events of Stardust Crusaders. I joined with the intention of working in their conservation program, but I am also being trained to help study stands as I have an interest in them (and awakened my own several years back).
How we meet: Right after Stardust Crusaders, I meet Jotaro for the first time after I travel to the Tokyo branch of the Speedwagon Foundation to assist in the study of stands with Muhammad Avdol. We're introduced by his grandfather, Joseph Joestar, who figures since we are similar in age, we should get along just fine.
First impressions: My first impression of Jotaro is that he is cold and rude. At least, that's what I think of him at the time. He's hard to read and comes across as uncaring to me.
Jotaro isn't really sure what to think of me. I'm loud and bright, overwhelming in a way. He tries to avoid me though his grandfather keeps setting things up so we are partnered together on projects, studying together, etc.
Getting closer: At one point, I ask Jotaro about his studies and we discover we have a mutual interest in animals, especially sharks. This gives us a springboard for conversation, and we start to talk a lot more rather than just sitting in awkward silence. As we get to talking about sharks, it slowly starts to branch out into getting to know one another more.
It's during this time that I get more used to Jotaro and let my mask drop, becoming calmer/quieter as I don't feel the need to keep up a high energy facade around him. I also start to get a feel for his personality; he may have come across as cold initially, but he is a nice fellow, just not great at expressing his emotions.
Beginning our relationship: Jotaro and I both developed a crush on each other around the same time. I was honest to him after I realized it, telling him that I liked him and would love to start dating if he was up for it. Having someone he actually liked approach him and ask him out was a bit flustering, but he accepted, and we started dating.
We dated through college before I proposed, and we got married right after getting our Bachelor's degrees.
Canon introduction: Working for the Speedwagon Foundation same as Jotaro, I tag along with him on the trip (with Jolyne staying at Grandma Holly's while we are at work).
Ship trope(s): None ATM
Aesthetics: Oceans, blue + purple
Our song(s): "Falling In" by Lifehouse, "Nothing's Gonna Hurt You, Baby" by Cigarettes After Sex
Favorite forms of affection: Kisses... give me more kisses, please. Forehead kisses are my favorite to receive.
Jotaro loves being tightly squeezed. He loves the sensation and being able to snuggle into my shoulder and just give himself a moment to forget everything but us.
Favorite kind of date: Coffee dates are our favorite. We both like coffee and it's nice to sit together and talk or sit in silence depending on the day.
Ways we comfort one another: I comfort Jotaro by sitting with him. The fight in Cairo left him with a lot of anxiety, so I let him come to me when he needs it. Sometimes he just wants to sit in silence and sometimes I'll comfort him and remind him that we're both safe.
Jotaro comforts me via physical affection. I also enjoy bear hugs, but I find them to be the best when I'm needing comfort. Just sitting cuddled together while he holds me tightly can help me a lot.
What we love most about each other: I love Jotaro's loyalty and protectiveness. Once he's friends with someone, he sticks by them and becomes very protective of them. He hates seeing harm come to his loved ones and will go to the ends of the earth to protect us.
Jotaro loves my gestures of love. I'm not a super romantic person, but I love declaring my love and affection for him in lots of ways, like getting on one knee and swearing myself to him, kissing his hand, etc (when we're alone; I don't want to embarrass him). He loves being made to feel loved like this and it shows when his face turns bright red and he pulls down his hat, though I can catch the small smile underneath. He also appreciates my keeping it private since I know he isn't one for PDA.
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officeobject · 4 months ago
I fecking hate the forced concept of having to sit at the dinner table with other people, because, like, just because I live with these people, doesn't mean I wanna EXIST with these people right now, you know? Like, I want privacy, I want freedom, I wanna not be judged, I want them to not talk, and I wanna take eating at my own pace without being fecking judged. Like you know who I AM willing to eat with? This one squish who works at an office,
WHO I HAVE A VERY SMALL % OF CHANCE, THAT EXISTS NONTHELESS, OF WORKING NEAR, BECAUSE WE ARR FIGURING OUT IF I CAN GET AN OFFICE INTERSHIP, WHERE, AND WHAT I'D DO, AND JUDGING BASED ON WHAT PLACE IT MAKES SENSE TO SEND ME! So yeah, possibly less of my squish (temporarily + for my career life), or maybe no internship, and a chance to look around and see what the fuck office people actually do anyway. You see, as exhausted as I am right now, and stressed with all my problems, what we WANT, is to pray that I get an internship at the same place at my squish's, and then my "I'm not planning on socializing" self is gonna see what happens.
Also, HAPPY ACE WEEK! Not sure if saying that, goes for my squish who happens to act exactly like my character who is ace, and seems very similar to myself, and also acts like all my weird things like getting nervous and running from their sight is platonic (which IS true), and also showing at least one sign of ace obliviousness (not sure if you know what I mean, but I ain't gonna publicly embarrass them online, just trust me).
So, like,
And yes, I saw a crow, which is actually the sign associated with them.
Oh and also one day, random time, I put pride flag in window, average size, they treated me like usual, and that's "mutual staring through window" language for being AT LEAST an ally.
Like, I'm not guessing, assuming,speculating, or anything, I'm just saying they're exactly like my an ace character I have, and also are very similar to ME, as if we have the same species of brain.
Anyways, I don't recommend showing this poll to Coby (that platonic simp of mine I recently got), because even though I've toned down a lot of jealousy-fuel when describing THE squish of mine, there might still be some, although his jealousy IS very cute and funny, so you ain't crossing any boundaries if you do tag him or whatever.
Anyways, please pray.
Tagged with "ace characters", because I have one and my squish is exactly like him.
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meraki-yao · 1 year ago
thank you so much for your reply <3 i think grief is a good word to describe what i'm feeling. it might sound silly to some but the book has been one of my favourites since 2019 and the 'what could have been?' aspect of the movie's promotion devastates me bc the crew and the fans deserved more. i think im also a bit terrified of ppl moving on from rwrb to nick's other projects meanwhile i can't (and don't want to) do it, ugh it's just a mess of weird feelings and sadness and longing for something we've never had. not to mention how some people already talk about his new projects being upgrades from rwrb. that hurts me on so many levels bc henry is a complex and beautiful character, rwrb is a wonderful story and i genuinely think that even with all the changes they created something amazing.
Glad I could help <3
It's not silly at all. I'm in a similar position: if you've followed my blog you might have seen this but long story short my irl life is a bit fucked up and I was really, really depressed. (still kinda am) July and August, waiting and watching RWRB release became the happiest I've been since January 2022, and in the following months RWRB and the fandom (well, and my sister) nearly became my sole reason for hanging on. So trust me when I say I get the feeling.
I understand your fear, and I'd be lying if I say I wasn't afraid that the rwrb tag will be full of George instead of Alex and Henry, but please remember that liking something new doesn't necessarily always lead to leaving the previous fandom: I know for a fact that me and a couple of my mutuals are going do both. We're gonna be happy to watch M&G (personally not interested in the idea of you but the same applies) but we're still going to make RWRB content. M&G will be a great show but it won't have nearly the same emotional weight to me as RWRB. It's been five months, so those of us who hang around and are active are active for a good reason.
As for the comments about "upgrade", that's ridiculous and a very surface-level assessment. One of my best friends is studying to become an actress and we talk about acting often. Here's the thing: there isn't a thing called "easy" acting. Every genre of acting has its own challenges: for comedy many times you need to sacrifice your personal dignity; Sci-fi blockbusters you need to interact with nothing and make it look believable; even for things like kid shows you need to be hyperactive so the kids can focus and find it entertaining, which can be so draining. M&G is a historical thriller, TIOY is a romance, and RWRB is a rom-com. These are three different film genres, and each set out to achieve different things. For example in terms of relationships: TIOY needs to make the romance believable, RWRB needs to make the romance believe, funny, and be a fair representation of a queer relationship, and for M&G if history serves there's no "true love" relationship at all. You're right: Henry's a complex and beautiful character, and Nick clearly put all his heart into him. But you cannot take Henry's layers of grief, love, fear, and self-esteem, and say it is lesser than Geroge's cold ambition. Funnily enough, while Henry is so careful with his power as the prince, George rose to the same if not a higher level of power and abused it so badly, that it caused his assassination and downfall. A well-written character is ultimately, a human being, and there isn't truly a human being who's "easy to be". So don't listen to those haters.
I'm all ears if you still want to talk <3
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