#(the beth/mick were ones were Clear and Present)
sothischickshe · 3 years
Rio + Dean
Ship ship ship!!!! 🚢 I can be convinced on basically any and all options (romantically /sexually / platonically / familially etc) slash it's such a weird loaded dynamic and there's so much possibility there!!!
I mean dean's canonically obsessed with rio, that's basically non negotiable (ALSO!!! REMEMBER THE TIME HE FELL IN LOVE WITH A PET BIRD?! WHAT DO YOU THINK THAT FORESHADOWED??? HELLO??????)
But I think you can also make a strong argument re rio's feelings for/abt/towards Dean. Consider:
their first meeting where rio IMMEDIATELY touches dean (how many eps did it take for him to touch beth?!) AND claims dean looks untrustworthy (i.e. rio’s type)
how snuggly they are in the s1 finale
the fact that rio shoots him (canon establishes that this is essentially foreplay hello)
they’re both cyborgs (or possibly starfish?)  #destined to be together
dean spends a lot of time complaining abt how rio’s always ~around but they barely have any scenes together (Clear Sign They’re Hanging Out A Lot Offscreen)
the Presence of dean in beth and rio’s first two sexual encounters (plus arguably the third too actually, everyone WAS just banging on abt how married beth is)
rio once hid inside an ugly car so he could do a surprise reveal for dean <3
their shared love of ugly over compensate-y cars generally tbh
that GIANT grin @ sight of dean during the smurf convo
how at the beginning of the wire scene, rio seems far too engaged with beth’s boring anecdote abt dean’s snacks for the circumstance
FURTHER!!!!! you only have to scratch the surface of dean’s storyline a BIT to find the comp het take and i MAINTAIN a dean coming out storyline could have been GREAT (i mean yes it could also have been terrible) bc it would have GIVEN HIM SOMETHING TO DO which wasnt annoying or boring or both, and it’s a way to give the audience something to connect with him abt (and, more crucially, something for annie to connect with him abt.... a dean-annie teamup couldve been just as fun as a beth-stan one tbh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). and like it’s fine...canon’s over...i’m mostly over this... but like....ok.....if this wasnt the plan then explain to me WHY
a depressing chemistry-less affair with gayle
Vs a buoyant almost-romance with eric (plus that campy montage!!)
along with that homosocial, homoerotic cult
but anyway....dean + rio.... hanging out, hiding from beth cos she’s mean to them, complaining abt prison food & waffling on abt their boring children is a good dynamic actually, im right
send me two characters and a symbol and i will tell you something!
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mego42 · 3 years
Meggggg I was just musing on something and decided to send an ask because I LOVE ASKING YOU ALL YOUR OPINIONS.
Ok so I always see people mention that rio was crying In the club ™️ because he thought Beth and nick slept together. I get lost as to why people make this assumption though. At the start of the episode nick is asking rio for advice on a very clear problem: how to get Beth to agree to run for city council. Rio gives his smug hair-pulling advice as the solution to the problem. Beth agrees to run at end of episode and nick sends rio the bottle complete with “for pulling her hair” note. (Because he thinks Rio pulling her hair via strip strip coercion meant that Beth was won over by nick’s romancing tactic in comparison?? Because he thinks Rio’s hair pulling tactic convinced Beth to run? I’ve never totally known).
This bottle is clearly celebrating Beth deciding to run for council? It was the hurdle nick was facing at start of episode, and the one he’s jumped by the end. I’m so confused why people think rio thinks it means nick and Beth slept together?!???? What am I missing?? What do you think??
My hot take was that rio knew it meant Beth had agreed to run and while Rio had been all talk up to that point about being FINE SO FINE about nick using Beth for his plans, when the event itself actualized, he realizes he’s very NOT ok with nick using Beth or working with Beth or getting close to Beth or spending time with Beth, especially in light of the fact that nick has been kinda overt about his intention to also hit on Beth as part of the above. (The very next rio and Beth scene is the next episode when Rio can barely contain his “so WHY do you want this, what’s in it for you” question.) cue rio in his feels crying in the club and the true turning point for Rio in his decision to take nick down.
This was meant to be two sentences. Oops.
hahahahahaha NO OOPS I LOVE IT!!!!!!
personally, i think i'm in line with you? i never thought rio took the bottle as notice that beth and nick slept together as much as confirmation from nick that she was running aka nick had his hooks in her now (or so he thinks). my take was rio's angst came from seeing where that path could lead, and it's almost more worrisome than just beth and nick potentially sleeping together for someone who's in big fat stupid love with beth like rio is.
more so than money, rio knows beth's horny af for power, control, and respect. his ability to give her all of the above is a huge part of what attracted her to him in the first place and all three of those are things nick/city council are able to give her with a crucial difference of not coming equipped with all of the bloody baggage and bitter history beth and rio have accumulated between them.
i always thought he's crying in the club bc he's looking at that bottle and seeing a future where beth's able to get everything rio's been able to give her from nick and she cuts rio out/leaves him/chooses nick. why wouldn't she? as far as rio knows, beth has no idea he's playing her and again, he and beth have all that baggage making nick look like a much less complicated option on paper. additionally, it's compounded by the fact that nick's got a history of taking what rio has/loves, so (i think) he's afraid that if presented with that opportunity, nick's gonna go for it/her just to mess with rio.
which brings me back around to what i ultimately loved so much about the love triangle (beyond the sheer delight i took from watching rio lose his ding dang mind and spiral his way into proposing): the way the contrast between rio and nick highlighted beth's feelings.
if money, power, control, and respect were all beth was after, she could've made her life a hell of a lot less complicated and turned on rio after he gave her what she needed to get nick out of the way. she had all the cards, she had the line on the secret service, and she decided to protect rio (and if there was any doubt, the show made sure to explicitly underline it with that beat between nick and dave where dave said rio had something nick didn't and then they cut straight to beth)
AND THEN, just in case anyone was like well yeah but she was all pissed off about nick lying to her blah blah blah, the show went for the compare/contrast again and set up (what seems to beth like it might be) a betrayal from rio with mick and the gun, and beth chose to protect him again!!!!! and then they made it explicit again with her and ruby and annie where beth flat out tells them sure rio might have had me shot but it was a flesh wound so basically he loves me and i'm not saying i love him too but i am saying i'm giving up all of our plans and a stress-free life with a clean slate in favor of criming with him until death do us part bc actually i am kind of saying i love him too
at the end of the day, beth wants rio, not just the money/power/control/respect. it's personal for her too, and she chose rio and the twisted, complicated mess between them bc she's just as in it with him as he is with her thank you and good night.
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elise-jupiterstyle · 3 years
WIP sneak peek: the night’s harboring shade
“Where is he?”
The words escape Beth before she can think better of it. A blush erupts across her chest when Mick pops a brow and fixes her with a knowing look.
And, okay—this isn’t exactly how she’d planned on broaching the subject. She’d intended on keeping her line of questioning as apathetic as possible, avoid showing her hand too early—which, much to her chagrin, she’s managed to do in a matter of seconds—but as soon as she’d caught sight of Mick’s silhouette in the doorway instead of Rio’s, the question had burst forth from her lips before she could stop herself.
This is the third week in a row he’s missed their drop.
“Expectin’ someone else?” Mick asks, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips as he saunters over to her. The swish of his leather jacket is the only sound in the room besides the constant, dull hum of the heating system in the corner as it fights off the mid-winter chill.
Although her chances are slim to none that Mick will buy into her charade now, Beth feigns nonchalance, shrugging her shoulders and pursing her lips as he comes to stand at the opposite end of the work table.
“I had just been under the impression that he would be at the drops he scheduled, is all. It’s a little unprofessional,” she replies as she glides her hand over the immaculate surface of the work table, pretending to brush off debris that isn’t there just for something to do with her hands. When she glances up at Mick again, he’s got an elbow propped up on the work table as he leans against it, fixing her with the same knowing look, and she feels herself tense as a flicker of irritation ignites in her chest. She clears her throat, throwing back her shoulders and twisting her neck slightly to dispel some of the tension.
Beth still has yet to grow accustomed to Mick’s perpetual state of indifference. He’s calculated with his reactions, never giving her more than an inch, never revealing more than he needs to, and she despises the way it unnerves her. It’s not that Rio is any less onerous, has ever  made it easier for her to get information out of him, but unlike Mick, he can’t seem to help himself when an opportunity presents itself for him to get a rise out of her, for him to go toe-to-toe with her even when he knows he’ll inevitably gets his way. Mick, on the other hand, has an infuriating knack for making her overshare—feeling like she needs to overcompensate for all that he doesn’t contribute to every one of their brief interactions.
“He’s busy,” Mick responds, his voice gruff and tinged with mild amusement. Beth narrows her eyes slightly, tampering down the irritation that flares in her gut at his vague response, knowing that it’ll only give him more satisfaction if she shows it.
The worst part is that she knows he’s reading her like an open book right now, can tell how desperately she wants to ask him what he knows, even though the odds of him actually giving anything up are as slim as her finding them out for herself. She also knows that if there’s any trait of his worth noting that Rio lacks, it’s patience. He’ll wait her out until she inevitably breaks—will let her interrogate him about the unanswered calls, the unacknowledged texts, the radio silence that she has zero explanation for—and he’ll undoubtably report back to Rio about it like he did all those months ago when he was posted up at her house, ensuring that she didn’t try to flee before her borrowed time was up.
Point is, she knows that she won’t have to elaborate on what she means when she asks about him, but she’s almost certain that Mick will play dumb, drag it out, refuse to give her an inch until she’s laying it all out for him, giving him a transparent abridgment of not what she’s asking, but why.
The true killer is that she’s not even entirely sure what the why is, never mind how she would go about justifying it to herself or Mick—he would know immediately, if he doesn’t already, that this has nothing to do with their business relationship.
It’s not that she’s worried, exactly—her patience for being ignored by the men in her life expired long ago—and it’s not like she’s hurt, either. It’s not like she thought that night had changed anything or mended what was broken between them.
(Didn’t it, though?)
The room is dead silent, neither of them exchanging any words as Beth deliberates over whether it’s worth it to pry while Mick, she’s sure, waits patiently on her to make the next move.
It must be at least a full minute before she expels a heavy, conceded breath. She rolls her shoulders back, straightens up, and plasters on a cheery smile, slipping into her customer service persona with a practiced ease.
“Alright then,” she chirps as though it’s no issue at all, ignoring Mick’s bemused snort even as she watches him shake his head to himself out of the corner of her eye. He finally shifts his attention from her to the dark blue duffel on the other end of the work table, watching patiently as she grabs one of the thick straps and lugs it across the tattered wooden surface.
“It’s all there. Take as much time as you need,” she says, her voice sugary enough to bore through tooth enamel. Mick grunts, unaffected, his gloved hands tugging the bag closer to him and drawing the zipper without another word.
He makes quick work of counting the stacks of red-banded cash—always does, really, which is one thing she can say she appreciates about doing the drops with him. 
Despite herself, her mind drifts back to Rio, wondering what could’ve kept him away for nearly three weeks without so much as a text message when, not too long ago, he obliged to practically every impromptu meeting that she called, no matter the time or reason. The thought branches off in several directions until she’s spiraling, working through the possible reasons for his sudden withdrawal from her, and it feels as though someone is dragging a sharpened blade along the seams of her heart, increasing the pressure with each possibility her mind conjures up.
Then: what if he regrets it?
The blade in her chest twitches before it’s tearing through the seams, her chest lurching as her heart splits wide open.
Is that why he’s been avoiding their meetings, she wonders, refusing to so much as hear her voice over the phone? Did the consequences of letting her in again finally rear their ugly heads, infusing him with the very feelings she feared they would? After everything—the sentiments they shared, the walls they bashed down, the desire they surrendered to—has he come to view that night as a mistake?
The mere thought of it hollows her out until she can feel nothing more than her bleeding, battered heart as it echoes throughout the chasm of her chest.
The metallic bite of a zipper yanks Beth from her thoughts just in time for her to catch Mick heaving the duffel off of the table, his work for the night finished. She watches silently as he backs away from the work table, the straps of the bag clutched in one hand while the other raises to his forehead, offering her a two-fingered salute.
“See you next week,” He informs her, curt as ever, before making for the door.
He doesn’t give her a chance to respond, but she hasn’t a clue what she would say if he were to, anyway. There’s no way to pry further about Rio’s whereabouts without inadvertently admitting that his absence concerns her—without insinuating that, god forbid, she misses him—unless— —
Unless she figures them out for herself.
Beth’s gaze follows Mick’s retreating form to the back of the shop, focusing absently on the taut line of his leather jacket as her thoughts work themselves into a frenzy. She watches him peel through the door (with more stealth than anyone of his build should be capable of, she might add), the blinds clacking softly against it as it closes, and just like that, she’s alone.
The silence lends her some clarity with which to sort through her thoughts until one stands out above all the others, echoing against the walls of her skull as if Mick were still in the room with her.
Art class. You know, pencils and chalk and whatnot?
And yeah, Beth thinks, eyes trained on the door as the clattering blinds begin to settle, the stillness of the night just beyond it encompassing her along with a new sense of determination.
Art class.
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riofann · 4 years
Rio Random 3
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TW: Alcoholism
Part 1    Part 2 
You don’t hear from him for the next month or so. He doesn’t pay you any visits, no calls or texts. Nothing radio silence on his end. You contemplated calling him but what would that do? Nothing! Nothing he could say or do would make you feel any better at the moment. Plus you couldn’t just go back to him with open arms even though you wanted to. There were many levels of betrayal here and a simple I’m sorry wouldn't fix things, it couldn’t.
You were woken up from your sleep on the couch, typical for you these days. You were too afraid to sleep in your bedroom afraid that anything could happen and you being in the back of the house away from the door and windows didn’t make you feel safe. You hear the knock again before sitting up. Slowly you walk down the steps, when you look through the peephole you see Mick getting ready to break in before you open the door. 
"Hey" you say using the door for support
Rio steps into your house before speaking, irritation laced in his tone “What were you doing we were knocking for a long time"
“I was asleep, you could just break in like normal.” Mick steps in after Rio “Hi Mick” 
With a head nod Mick says “Sup”
You close the door and lean your head on it. You were still sozzled. Another thing you picked up after the great revelation. You would drink yourself to sleep every night. 
“You aiight?” Rio asks leaning to the side to look at you “Hmm!” You perk up. For a second you had forgotten he was there, you walk past him, Coconut your dog runs over to Mick who in turn gives her all the pets she wants as they retreat down to the bottom half of your home. You quickly rush over to where you were sleeping and grab the tumbler and drink the remaining liquor before rushing to wash it. Rio doesn't say anything but watches you. 
“Want something to drink?”  You turn to face him, doing your best to not look as drunk as you felt before he can answer you, grab a glass and make the infamous Bourbon on the rocks. “HEY MICK!” “YO!”  you hear him rush up the steps
“If you want food or drinks help yourself,” 
“Cool cool” he retreats back downstairs to watch the game. “Come on Coconut!” You smile
It was cute seeing him with Coconut, a Samoyed, who looked like a teddy bear had come to life with Mick of all people. 
“I was gonna say tequila”
Tequila is your favorite liquor 
You roll your eyes “Please you know you love bourbon it's your girlfriend's favorite drink”
Without speaking he stares at you making you nervous, thinking that he knew you were drunk. You quickly make conversation "to what do i owe this visit?”
“Came to check on you see how you doing, you haven't texted or called”
“You haven't done the same either” you counter
“I am a busy man”
“I have a target on my back”
He looks at you before speaking “We both do”
“Fair enough, we can both do better let's just leave it at that”
He nods in agreement “Just came to check on you”
You look at the clock on the oven “At 1:00AM”
“No better time than the present” he says flashing his infamous smile 
You nod, “I guess” your anxiety was starting to get the best of you again. You were able to pretend so long as he wasn’t around but now it was becoming more difficult by the second. 
“You aiight?” he says as he notices you taking lots of deep breaths “Yea i just need to lay down”
You walk towards the bedroom without even looking back at him, you assume that he planned to spend the night. You hear him walking behind you and you become more panicked. You rush into the bathroom before he reaches the bedroom. 
“Thought you said you were sleeping” he comments noticing your bed was made up 
“Yea on the couch!” you answer from the bathroom
He takes a seat on his side and starts to undress himself getting comfortable in nothing but boxer briefs
You sit on the toilet and do your best to calm down. You reach for the flask in the vanity drawer and  take a few gulps before you put it back in its hiding spot, a few more breathing techniques and you feel calm enough to walk out. He watches you as you walkover to your side of the king sized bed. He always hated it. It was entirely too big for two people let alone one person. 
You avoid all eye contact. If you thought you looked drunk he would definitely pick up on that. 
When you lay your head on the pillow the room feels like it's spinning before the feeling slowly subsides and you feel yourself falling asleep.
“Hmm?” you hum
“I came to talk to you” normally you would be alert and waiting for him to talk but this time you’re avoiding any type of conversation 
You sigh “Your timing is impeccable!” 
He chuckles he missed you. He missed having to deal with a grumpy you, who didn’t get enough sleep, missed how you were so picky over ice cream, missed how you smelled, how your skin felt under his finger tips, missed your sarcastic mouth that always irritated him
You sit up and move closer to him grabbing a pillow to put on your knees so you could lay your head on it. “Okay i'm listening”
He says nothing but looks at you, 
“My name is Christopher”
For a second you want to thwack him with the pillow. Is this why he came over to tell you his name?! 
When you look up at him there’s a look of vulnerability behind his eyes. You get the sense that he was being truthful
“Okay what do you want me to call you then? Christopher or Rio?” He smiles lazily, he was expecting you to roll your eyes and fuss at him “whatever you want mama” he reaches over and rubs your leg
“I like Rio, maybe i’ll call you Christopher when i'm mad at you”
He chuckles “fair enough,” he clears his throat. “My name is Christopher, people know me as Rio. I am a divorcee to a lady named Rhea and we have a son together named Marcus.” 
You smile at him “nice to meet you Christopher”
“I’m single by the way so you know”
“Why are you doing all of this?”
“I don’t know how things like this go, I’ve never “dated” girls it was always we vibe together cool we together. I’m trying something different, you don't like it?”  You shrug “No its just odd......”
“I meant it when i said i cared about you, Beth and I are a thing of the past only business”
“What did you do break up with her yesterday?”
“More like a month ago” 
“How did she take it?”
“How most women do? Cry got mad at me typical shit”
You nodded “okayyy”
“Im serious Y/N I want to be with you,” 
You didn’t respond but laid down next to him, when you woke up in the morning he was gone. You sigh in relief. You didn’t want to discuss him wanting to be with you in greater detail. As far as you were concerned words meant nothing when it came to him. He always spoke with his actions. Nothing changed besides him revealing his name to you. He was back to being the mysterious person in your life. I guess since he told you the truth there was no need to pretend anymore. No late night calls asking how you were no more frequent pop ups. 
The next time he does show up, he’s nothing but irritated. Standing outside your door for almost 10 minutes knocking, just to break in. When he finally locates you on the couch there's a bottle of tequila beside you, cap half screwed on even Coconut’s excited yipping doesn’t wake you up. 
“Do me a favor find every liquor bottle you can in here and get rid of it” 
Mick nods in agreement before he returns to petting Coconut
You wake up the next morning in bed wondering how you got there the last thing you remember watching was Scandal before blacking out. You hear commotion near your kitchen area, you get scared but hear Rio’s deep voice and relax a bit. You get up and ready to go to work before walking out of the room. 
Without thinking about him you look in the cabinet that housed all the liquor
“It’s not there”
He scared you, you had forgotten he was there, you take a few deep breaths before turning around to face him 
“Where is it?”
“Don’t worry about it”
“Why you drinkin’?” 
“Why not? As far as we are concerned there’s still drugs in my house right?”
He ran his hand down his chin “I told you I’m taking care of it”
“What does that even mean? You don’t text or call nothing just show up out of nowhere whenever you feel like it. What is the definition of taking care of it, if drugs are still being funneled into my house. You don’t  want me drink? When I can smell her perfume around the house after I come home from work? You don’t want me to drink? When I can see a trail of dirt going down or up the steps? At any given moment I could be ambushed by the feds or your enemies.... But you’re taking care of it?! Right? You tell me if you were me and someone kept telling you I’m taking care of it would you believe them?” He remained silent for what felt like an eternity “It's complicated”
“Then uncomplicate it!”
“So what you gon drink yourself to death?”
“YES!.....I mean NO!..... But you can’t possibly think that i am going to deal with all of this by myself without you there and a sober mind”
“Need to grow tough skin, if you wanna stick around” 
“I didn’t ask for this! All I wanted was a boyfriend not someone who is supposedly plotting my demise and telling me don’t worry about it” 
Offended he speaks before he can stop himself “And I ain’t ask to be with no drunk either”
You paused for a while and walked away. Rushing into your bathroom your hands shaking from being extremely pissed and needing that drink in the morning to take the edge off. You quickly locate the flasks in your room thankful he had yet to find those.Once the liquid poison settled in your stomach. You quickly gather the remaining flasks and stuff them in your purse before rushing out the door. You could feel his eyes on you as you left the house. 
When you return home your heart sinks to see his G Wagon sitting in the driveway. Carefully you put the flasks in your purse. You were hoping he didn't make someone follow you because your flasks were now full to the brim with alcohol. 
You open the door and Coconut runs towards you barking and hopping on you. “Hi girl, how are you? Were you good today?” You bend down and pet her, tears coming to your eyes as you realize just how much you had been neglecting her lately, “I promise i’ll make it up to you” you whisper as you continue to pet her. When you stand up you see Rio standing in your line of vision. You walk up the steps to see Mick sitting on the couch watching sports. You wave at him and take the corner towards your room. You had a short window to hide the flasks before Rio would come in. 
When you step into the kitchen you don’t see Mick on the couch instead its Rio sitting by the kitchen counter. You move slowly as you feel the alcohol racing through your veins. You pour water in your tumbler and pull out the bowl of fruit salad that you had made early in the week. 
“Not gon eat?”
It hadn’t even occurred to you that Rio actually cooked until you set eyes on the stove which had multiple pots with simmering food
“Not hungry”
“Late today” he comments 
“Where were you?”  
You look at him wondering if he was just baiting you or he actually had no idea where you were
“Hello” he brings your attention back to him “Where did you go after work?” “I thought you knew” hinting to him possibly trailing you 
“What you talking bout?”
You knew this question was coming so you pulled out the pamphlet of AA which ironically was signed by the organizer. You place it in front of him. “We can’t have your reputation destroyed can we?” you spew out venom, almost like you were looking for another argument. Which you weren’t you just wanted him to hurt as much as you were. 
He  ran a hand down his face and looked up at you, however you weren't standing in the same spot you were walking back to the room. He wanted to apologize. He didn't mean what he said, well he did but he didn't mean for it to come out as harsh as it did. 
The next day was Saturday and he knew your routine to go to brunch with either your Aunt Brenda  and/or your best friend Mia. He was going to propose taking you out maybe to lighten the mood, get you out of the house so you don’t obsess over things that he was actively trying to fix. Soon after he sits down to drink his water he hears you up and an hour later the clicking of your heels on the wooden floor. 
“Going to brunch” is all you say before you begin to walk down the steps
“Think you can cancel?”
You stop and turn and look at him “Why?”
He shrugs “I wanted to take you out for brunch”
“Okay you can just join us” you offer
“Nah i just wanted it to be me and you” he is now standing in front of you and moves the hair out of your face
You nod in agreement and look down to begin texting.Aunt Brenda and  Mia could keep themselves busy anyway
“Ready?” He asked with a smile on his face  
“Yea!” you answer you walk past him and down the steps
The car ride is silent until you arrive downtown and park a street over. You let him lead the way which brings you to one of your favorite brunch spots a chic french restaurant. He remembered you talking about it and how much you wanted to come back but you and the girls were busy exploring other places. 
When you arrive you get seated, you look down at the menu before looking up at him. You kinda knew what you wanted, you had made your mind up the last time you were there what you would get next. When the waiter arrives he greets in french and you respond
“Bonjour comment-allez vous? (good morning, how are you?)” “Qu’est-ce que vous voulez boire? (what would you like to drink?)”
“De l'eau s'il vous plait (water please)” you turn to Rio. “Rio what would you like to drink?” He smirks before answering “Water”
The waiter then proceeds to tell you about the house specials for today before leaving to get your drinks
“I didn't know you spoke french”
“Yea, Krystal knew that, I guess your girlfriend forgot to mention that”
He had to admit he was lazy in his research about you, trusting Beth would tell him all about you. 
The waiter quickly returned with the water. You two were not ready so you ask for more time. 
He sighed before taking a sip of his water, You had reverted your attention back to the menu. He was really trying hard at this boyfriend thing. Majority of his ex girls were attached in some form or another to his business so it was easier to sit and talk about plans and things that needed to be fixed, than actually have a conversation. However Beth ‘Krystal’ was the last one, he was faced with the realization that someway or another that being part of the business never really made the relationship stronger in fact it made the bulk of it which he realized was not good for anyone involved.
“What are you gonna get?” he asked breaking the silence, he also hated how you could just be silent, he would rather you make small talk like Beth, whether it be joyous or filled with hate
“Im debating” 
“Pancakes with omelette or the french toast” you looked up at him 
“Hmm” he held his infamous smile on his face the one that always made you weak to your knees
“Eggs Benedict”
You smile at him “good” 
Before your food comes you two try at the small talk thing, out of nowhere you hear her voice
“Hi you two!”
You both look up at her it seemed like she came out of nowhere
You feel nauseous, the smell of her perfume now made you sick. “Hi how are you?”
“Having a little brunch?”
“Mind if i sit”
You look at Rio and before he can answer you say “Sure!” 
He gives you a look both you and Beth can read
“Here I’ll move over”  you offer as you move to the middle seat
The waiter rushes over and gets her order before any conversation takes place
“You didn't tell me our girl could speak french” “I didn’t? Must have skipped my mind”
“How are the kids Krys?” you ask
“They are good.” She says curtly before turning her attention to Rio “So uh the cookies you wanted me to bake are ready”
“I told you i didn't need them anymore” 
“But i took time off to do so can’t you just come by and pick them up?”
“I’ll send Mick” 
You sit back and observe her behavior. She had done herself up slightly more than usual, her cleavage was showing and she was accentuating it every chance she got. They continue to talk in code and it was  becoming irritating to you because you were sitting there eating your food while they could be discussing the situation in your home without you knowing. At this point you had to assume the worst. 
“Maybe you two need a bathroom break,” you interject both of their head whipped around to look at you, both looked bewildered
“Why would you say that?” Rio asked 
You shrug “it seems like there's a lot you two want to talk about clearly not in front of me” 
Rio smirked before answering
Quickly, Beth answered “Actually we could” “Nah we good, Krystal was just leaving.” He flashes her warning look before she quickly excuses herself. 
He can tell that your mood has turned sour and chucks the date as a fail. When you return to your home he speaks before you exit the car “I didn’t know” “I know Christopher,  gotta grow tough skin right?” He sighs before following you inside.
As always tell me what you think. 
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thesmokingguns · 3 years
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warning: smoking, slight smut, drug use
Wendy and The Lost Boys
Sasha sat in class, her notebook open and pen in her mouth as she looked out the window. It had been two weeks since she had been back to the apartment.  After she had hooked up with Nikki she had tried to not be around the guys. Even when she worked at the club she’d call a taxi or Len would pick her up after her shift. She was aware that she was avoiding Nikki but she wasn’t sure what to do to fix it. After she had slept over a couple weeks ago she had worn so much cover up or scarfs to cover the marks Nikki had left on her. When she undressed she had seen the purple hickeys and angry looking bite marks. He had done it to show her not to make him jealous or he’d mark what was his. It wasn’t like she was hooking up with anyone at school. Len was a good boy towards her and she knew he was trying to take it slow before weaseling it to get her. He was one of the guys who were looking for a girl who came to school for a wife degree. But Nikki had made it impossible to even think about fooling around with someone else. All she could think about was the feeling of his mouth on her body and how when he kissed her she couldn't even think. She had known she had a crush on him but it was becoming apparent to her it meant more than she had expected
The sound of books shutting made her aware that the seminar was over. It was a Friday afternoon so everyone was hustling around campus heading home or off to get ready for the night. Sasha was working that night and was scheduled for an earlier afternoon shift the following day. She was only working two days a week unless she picked up other shifts but the money was better than most places. As she slipped into the blue costume she’d be wearing that night she looked around her dorm. With her schedule she needed to stay at the apartment. It made the most sense. She threw everything in her overnight back and headed to the bus stop. She’d need to call Tommy to give him a heads up about staying over.
“Sasha is staying over tonight. I’m going to grab some beers for her because she said she won’t come out with us.” Tommy said headed to the window to leave the apartment Nikki looked up from where he had been writing a song on the couch trying to process what he was told. After they had hooked up Sasha had vanished. She called Tommy sometimes but she wasn't around at all. He had thought about calling her or even driving the fifteen minutes away to her dorm room but there was nothing to really say.
Nikki loved the rockstar lifestyle. He loved the attention women would shower on him at shows or pretty much anywhere on the strip. He loved always having someone giving him booze or drugs when he wanted them and even when he didn’t. He loved all the eyes on the stage watching him and his band play the songs he created. The rush of it all was everything that he had dreamed of in his life. The problem with how much he loved the rockstar life meant that he wasn’t going to settle down. Sasha was a good girl and if there was someone who was worth settling down with it would be her but not now. Now when the band was putting out their first record and she was finishing her first semester of college; it wasn't the time for either of them to commit.
But Nikki hadn’t stopped thinking of her. Even though he knew he couldn’t be with her he still remembered every inch of her body and wanted more of it. He could feel her kiss still racing through him throwing him off balance. He could smell her on his sheets and feel her against him in his dreams. He was hooked on her with constant thoughts that no amount of alcohol or drugs seemed to numb. And now she would be in the apartment tonight and he would know she was there. How was he supposed to hit the Strip thinking of her in the house alone? He groaned, kicking the table sending bottles shattering onto the carpet. The fucking apartment was a mess and he was sure she would start cleaning it without anyone asking her to
They needed to move out of this dump. It was only him and Tommy living there now. Mick had moved in with a girlfriend; he was sick of the constant parting going on, never giving him a break to rest his back and the fact the place was always a mess. Vince had gotten married to his girlfriend Beth and they were renting a place together, playing family in the house well he would come out with the band most nights and run astray, Nikki didn't get the point of getting married and sleeping around like Vince did, They were too young to be worried about having old ladies keeping them in check. He even worried about Mick missing out and he was the old man of the group.Tommy was the youngest and he always managed to have a girlfriend because he thought he loved every other woman he met. Maybe, Nikki though, I’m just cut from a different cloth. He had been by himself for so long he didn’t know what value there was in love.
Sasha shook her head as she lit a cigarette. Tommy had told her that he was going to pick her up after her shift but it was 1120pm and he was twenty minutes late so she didn't expect him to come. She lit her cigarette headed down the strip to the apartment. She hated walking down the strip by herself, not that she was scared but more because she was so used to doing it with one of the Crue boys by her side. She was glad she had changed into her Keds before leaving but made a mental note that she would need to throw her bag at the apartment before her shift or take over one of Tommy’s draws. She yawned as she turned past the Whisky to the apartment hoping that there wasn’t some party going on. She was pleasantly surprised to find the house empty.
“Jesus fuck.” she gagged, her hand flying to cover her mouth at the smell. “I’m going to fucking kill them.” she said to herself. There was trash everywhere and it smelled like they hadn’t done any basic cleaning in months. A ripped up map was hanging outside of the bathroom and she peaked inside and wanted to scream. It had been two weeks since she had been there but a couple months since she cleaned the place. “Fucking children.” she moved into Tommy’s room stepping on a used condom and literally gagging. She was going to kill all of them.She changed into her pair of shorts, even though it was cold and tucked in a sweatshirt with the UCLA logo on the front. If she was going to sleep here she needed to clean it up.
The trash hadn’t been taken out since god knows when, and when she started moving the pile she ran with the cockroaches that came rushing towards her. It took her over an hour to get the trash into the apartment's garbage and by then she was crashing. Sasha took a half of one of her pills that she usually used to help her focus when she was studying. She wanted to get a few hours of cleaning done, not sure that it would actually really do anything to the house but at least someone should put in the effort.
It was three in the morning and she was still going strong, a warm bucket of water and bleach as she cleaned the walls in the living room. Hall and Oates were blaring on the record player as she danced around to the song. She had done all the laundry, dishes, cleaned the bathroom including buying toilet paper, made Tommy and Nikki’s bed, and was still going strong. She clapped her hands as she dropped the rag into the bucket. The sound of the needle skipping had her turning, looking at Nikki. She hadn't heard him come in so her heart had skipped a beat.
“Do you understand people know this is our apartment and we have a reputation to keep up with? You can’t be listening to this shit in the apartment.” he picked the record up, snapping it in half, watching the way her mouth fell open. She was shocked he had gotten so mad that he broke her record that he knew she loved. “Imagine if someone came by and here you are pretending to keep fucking house with your shitty disco music. For someone in college you should use hit fucking head.” she was staring at him, blue eyes watering. Nikki was notorious for being the asshole of the strip but he was never like this with her. Her mouth was open slightly as if she didn’t even know what to say to him yelling at her. She hadn’t been yelled at since the last night with her ex. Nikki moved over only stopping when he saw her flinch at him advancing towards her, her arm coming up like she was going to cover herself. He realized at that moment that he messed up. The tears were falling now and she wiped them with the back of her hands, noticing they were shaking.
“I’m sorry. “ she stepped back, fumbling as she picked up the bucket of water. She was moving to the sink, her heart racing. The water got dumped out and she placed the empty bucket under the kitchen sink. “Can I have my record?” she asked her hands out wanting the two pieces that he was holding. He handed them over not sure what to say. “Thanks.” Sasha stuffed them into the sleeve and headed to Tommy’s room, shutting the door behind her. She wanted to leave the apartment but she was afraid
He knew that he had fucked up as soon as he grabbed the record, snapping it like that and then yelling at her was overkill. The whole night he had been thinking of her back in the apartment. He had been so distracted that he barely realized what or who he was doing. He had thought about staying at the girls house who he had slept with but the idea of leaving Sasha alone in the apartment had him stumbling home. And when he saw her through the window, God she was beautiful. All her blonde hair and her ever present shorts drove him crazy.  The way she was so in her world as she cleaned up all the shit that they had left, taking care of them in a way that only she could care enough to do. He stumbled into his room stopping when she saw the bed made, the empty beer cans cleared out, clothes hanging on the hangers in the closet. So he had fucked up even more because she was just trying to help.
“Fuck.” he was turning to go knock on Tommy’s door before he could talk himself out of it. The door opened and she answered it looking up at him, “I’ll go to Tower Records tomorrow and get you a new record. I shouldn’t have broken it, even though it sucks.” He ran his hands over his head feeling the knots of Aquanet teasing not allowing him to run his fingers through it. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.” he didn't want to look at her and see her upset.
“You don’t have to buy me a new record. I shouldn’t have left it here.” there was a tension between them and it was just heightened with the fight they were just having. “And I’m sorry I cleaned the apartment. I just wanted to do something nice since you guys let me stay here.” Of course was doing something nice for him, that’s who she was.
“Are you going to be okay sleeping by yourself?” he looked at her, seeing the way that her eyes flashed almost annoyed at him when he asked that question. Sasha could see the lipstick down his neck and knew if he was coming back to the apartment at 3am that he had been with some girl.
“Yeah. I think I’m getting to be like you, Sixx.” the way her tone was turning bitter surprised the bassist, “I mean you didn’t have to come back here tonight But you like being alone and I respect your space.” She knew where he had been and now he knew she wasn’t going to be the one that acted like he hadnt been fucking someone else.
“I came back here because I knew that you would be here.” Nikki told her, his hand on the door to block it from closing. She was angry at him for hurting her feelings again and mad at how he always was. He thought he was speaking volumes to her but she just looked mad at him.
“So you decided to come here to start a fight with me and break my record. That’s good to know. Now I know where you stand with me.” she was mad at him and her stomach was turning. He was such an idiot and Sasha didn’t know why she liked this moron who never said the right thing. He reached out and she closed her eyes, “I don’t like smelling some other girls perfume on you.” She told him and that was true. Knowing what Nikki did and having to experience it was a lot different.
“So why don’t I go shower and you meet me in my room?” He asked her to look at him so he could kiss her. She shook her head stepping back from him. The fact he was so casual about if made her even more mad.
“We can’t, Nikki. I want too much of you and you don’t want enough of me.” Her words meant nothing to him, despite it being kind of true.
“I think we both want the same thing. Even if it’s just for tonight.” She looked at him giving Nikki the opportunity to kiss her. Once their lips were locked, it was like a free for all. He lifted her easily slamming her into the wall. Her legs were around his waist and her hands buried in his hair. This fire between them as they both were starved for the other.
“I can’t have sex with you.” She managed to get out, making Nikki chuckle his mouth on her throat well he used one of his hands to get up her shirt. The feeling of her breasts in his hands had him pushing into her so she could feel how hard she made him. Sasha was pressed against the wall with him rocking into her wondering if she was going to cum from him dry jumping , “Wait, I’m serious.” She moaned out watching as his green eyes held hers.As much as she wanted to there needed to be a shred of self preservation, “I won’t have sex with you if you’ve slept with someone tonight.” He knew she was serious now and rolled his eyes.
“It’s past midnight. I should get a do over.” She was already wiggling her way to her feet. “You aren’t going to do anything?” He asked, watching her. She shook her head and Nikki wanted to punch something but his temper had already flared once. “What am I supposed to do?” He asked as she moved to go back into Tommy’s room.
“Use your hand and imagination.” The door was almost closed, “Like I’m going to do.” She shut the door hearing him groan and smiling.
“Okay, angel.” Sasha heard him outside the door. “I’ll play by your rules, just for tonight. But I want to either see you or hear you explain everything you’re doing.” She gulped because she couldn’t play games like this with Nikki. He knew more than her and wanted things she didn’t know how to give to him. Nikki couldn’t look and not touch. She knew that as much as he did but she was opening the door anyway letting him pull her into his room already breaking his no touch rule. Sasha was vaguely aware at this point that her feelings were going to get really hurt.
His mouth was on hers, her clothes being discarded before she could even figure out what he was doing. It was like she was falling in a spiral. Nothing made sense and she would collapse if Nikki had his hands on her back pretty much keeping her steady.
“Why does everything feel so good with you?” She whispered as his mouth went lower. He was nudging her on the bed. “Maybe because I feel safe with you and I trust you.” She sighed out wiggling under his hands. His lips were on her hips but when she spoke he stopped looking up at her blue eyes.
“You trust me?” He asked her feeling frozen in the moment. Sasha pushed herself up on her elbows looking at him.
“Of course I trust you. You’re always making sure no one touches me at shows and during the summer you’d split your food with me. You always tell me how things are and don’t sugar coat it. I like that.” Nikki almost fell on his ass. His hands slid up her body moving to kiss her, this time slowing things down instead of rushing her. Sasha surprised him when she rolled on top of him pulling off his shirt. Nikki hadn’t had anyone trust him before. When she confided in him it was like it made something realer between them. There was no doubt in his mind that he wanted her but now he could lose something he didn’t know he valued.
“That’s just how you should treat people.” He said his hands in her hair. She was five years younger than him but they both evened each other out in areas the other didn’t. If he was going to settle down it would be with her. He just needed her to get college so she could sow all her wild oats. She laughed at him and he frowned, “What is funny about what I just said?” he asked her, his hands behind his back. There had never been a time where a girl was naked on his lap and he talked this much. Usually he saved the pillow talk for,...never.
“Nikki, you’re literally one of the rudest people I have ever met in my life. “ he frowned at that and she touched his cheek. The small motion had him looking up at her, redirected, “You literally pissed on someone outside of The Roxy the night of my birthday because you didn’t like his shoes.” he smirked remembering that night. “And I haven’t had the best track record with people so when someone is nice to me it just means a lot.” she seemed to realize that she was naked on top of him but the way his fingers were dancing over her back.
“Do you think I should be mean to you so people don’t know?” he asked her, his hands on her hips pushing Sasha into his body. He did try to be a little mean to her to keep her on her toes and he did have a shitty personality.
“Don’t know what?” she asked, licking her bottom lip as she leaned closer into him. She could drown in kissing Nikki and wouldn’t even ask for a life raft. He did his side smirk, his hand sliding down her cheek and into his hair.
“I think we’ve talked enough, Angel.” he wasn’t going to tell her he liked her and set her up to be hurt even more but Sasha wasn’t going to let him go that easy. Her hands on his shoulders as she looked down at him.
“Tell me.” she was giving him this look, “Or do you want me to guess?” she asked, cocking an eyebrow. His hands were running up and down her sides and she knew that she was getting distracted.
“Forget I said anything, Angel.” he laid her down moving so he could be on top of her. Nikki put his lips on her. She was wiggling again and he sighed. “Why don’t we just sleep if you’re not going to let this go?”he asked her. He rolled holding her in his arms. She was quiet.
“I like you too. Even though you’re a huge asshole. And sometimes you stink from not showering.” She whispered. Nikki listened to her, frowning. The last thing he needed was to hurt her. But Sasha was smart, ambitious, good looking, and Nikki didn’t want to be the one to ruin her shine. Yet he was pulling her closer burying his face in his his as he fell asleep. Everyone was going to get hurt by this.
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bensonstablers · 3 years
Mick helping to look after Dakota in 4x05 made me think about crime and parenting in Good Girls, particularly in regards to him and Rio and Beth, and how surprisingly similar they all are or could be and I may have spiralled.
At first it was thinking about his kid. For all we know Mick is from Cincinnati or lived there a time and that's how he met his daughter's mum or maybe the mum moved from Detroit and there's no clear cut way of knowing if Mick’s involvement in crime was a factor in that decision. HOWEVER, it's got me thinking about the fact that considering the stuff Mick has to do (e.g. killing people) and seemingly working all hours, he probably didn't protest at living around a 4-5 car drive away from his kid. 'Cause, like, looking after Dakota showed he was aware and knew what he was doing and was probably an involved parent (or wanted to be) so it's not as if he would've been all dismissive and uninterested in being a part from his kid. It's more likely that it made sense and was better for his daughter.
And then I got to thinking about Rio who we know has been absent here and there when it comes to Marcus. Rhea even mentioned that his sudden disappearance at the start of season 3 wasn't unique. Then there's the similar factors to Mick in regards to the things Rio has to do and the hours he works as well as the fact that he already lives apart from Marcus and I don't think it's a stretch to assume that Rio has already considered the possibility of having to distance himself more from Marcus' life or that Rhea could choose to move away with Marcus. Not only that but Rio probably knows he'll accept it because it's essentially a consequence of his crimes (so long as he doesn't want Marcus to fall into the same business).
And then I thought about Rio's somewhat frustration and eye rolling at Beth's whole "I'm a mother" / "I have kids" spiel because sure, he's also a parent, but he most likely knows the sacrifices needed if you want to be all in and has possibly seen those sacrifices first hand in areas of his life but also possibly with Mick’s situation too.
And then I thought about how Beth's life and role as a parent has changed. We can assume through tidbits of information that she was the one to set the rules and even if the kids did have a good time with her, Dean would have been considered the actual fun parent who didn't have rules ('cause even if he followed the already established rules, they were set by Beth). Then things changed and she took over the dealership and Dean stayed at home. She became more absent (something made clear in 2x07) and not only would the kids still have that mentality of Dean being the "fun" parent but he's also now around more than ever and his rules are different. For example, he lets them eat dinner on the couch in front of the TV or drink soda (presuming the kids aren't lying but even if they are, it doesn't seem totally out of the realm of possibility for a set of rules set by Dean).
Already Beth's way of parenting is being phased out and that distance with her kids is growing (I think Jane acting out while Dean is in prison is in part an example of this). Whether she wanted it to or not, crime is affecting her life and role as a parent. We saw the consequences through that of Dean taking the kids and, sure, that time she chose them over crime but still, she couldn't stop and soon she was back to crime again. 
It's got me wondering if we'll get to see a point where Beth accepts all of that. I feel like lying in bed with Jane was an indicator to how she feels about the argument they had but also how she can't do this without Dean. Even if witness protection happens, Beth won't be able to leave crime behind so that distance with her kids could still grow so regardless, her life is still split between being a mum and being a criminal. I want to see when she fully accepts that she might need to step back more and miss parts of the kids lives and rely on Dean to be the fully present parent after years of that being her role.
I'm not saying I want her to give the kids up. I don't think she would (not completely) but I want to see her accept that it's a possibility and that one day she might have to (which funnily enough seems to be exactly what's happening with Annie and Ben) or at the very least, needs to sacrifice how present she is in their lives if she truly wants to make crime work.
On a side note, it also makes me wish Dean stayed in prison longer because after all the changes and everything currently happening in her life, Beth was clearly stressed about parenting alone again and I think more of that could have been a catalyst to fully realising just how much things have changed.
And here's the thing, I don't think it'd make her a bad parent, I think it makes her an honest one. Rio might drop in and out of Marcus' life but he still tries to be a dad and does as much as he can. Mick lives several hours away from his daughter but from that one car scene, I think it's clear he loves her (and this could even be seen through him looking after Dakota). I think trying and failing to do this impossible balance that Beth is dead set on could actually be worse for the kids.
And now, this is all another example of how similar she is to Rio (and technically Mick in this case) but unlike him (them), she tends to bury her head in the sand while they compartmentalise and accept things. I can see that shift in Beth to bury her head less and make those sacrifices and really, truly decide just how dedicated to crime she is. Not only that but also embrace the downsides and making hard choices instead of taking this quite frankly dangerous route of being so determined to split herself so much. And gosh, I hope the writers can properly see all of it too because there's so much groundwork already and it could be so good and such an entertaining character arc.
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menofchaos · 4 years
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Note/Warning: Someone commented on one of my posts and said they were curious how Rio and Sasha met, so this is what I came up with. Hope you guys like it! Slightly sexy!
Rio pulled his hood off his head, heading into the bar. The bartender, John, nodded at him.
“What can I get you?” he asked.
“Whiskey, neat,” Rio told him, “On my tab.”
John started pouring the drink and Rio looked around at the quiet room, “Here you go.”
“Thanks, man,” he murmured, “Is David here?”
David, the bar owner, and Rio had a business arrangement and Rio came in to check on how things were going.
John motioned to the back room, “He’s having a meeting with the newest bartender, Sasha. Evaluation shit. He should be almost done.”
“How’s she doing?” Rio asked, curious.
“It’s not her first bartending gig so once she figured out where everything is, she’s doing great. Fits in with all of us,” John explained, “Makes great tips, does the shitty jobs nobody else wants,” he laughed.
Rio smiled, “The best kind of employee.”
The back door opened and David walked out, still talking. Rio looked over and felt his heart skip a beat as the woman laughed. She was a little shorter than him, her hair hanging over her shoulders except for two space buns on top of her head. She was dressed casually, no different than the other bartenders but he couldn’t take his eyes off her.
“Rio,” David noticed him with a grin, “Sorry I’m late. Sasha and I lost track of time. Sasha, this is one of my associates, Rio. Rio, this is Sasha.”
Her smile was genuine and she held a hand out to him, he noticed tattoos covering most of her arm, “Nice to meet you.”
He shook her hand, her skin warm, “You too,” he licked his lips.
Sasha blushed as David cleared his throat, “You ready, man?”
Rio nodded and got off his stool, following David to the back room. He looked back to see Sasha watching him.
After their meeting, Rio left without being able to talk to Sasha again. He was kept busy over the next few weeks by the housewives. He finally had a free afternoon and stopped by. Sasha was the only bartender there.
“Hey, what can I get you?” she asked.
“Whiskey, neat,” he told her as he sat down.
“Starting a tab?” she started pouring a drink, her cheeks reddening.
He laughed softly, “I have an open tab. I’m Rio.”
Her eyes widened, “Right, sorry. I forgot.”
“You forgot me or my tab?” Rio smiled.
“Your tab,” Sasha set the glass down, “I’d never forget that face.”
Rio smirked, “No?”
She shook her head with a coy smile.
Rio sat at the bar of a club, ordering drinks for Mick and him. He took three shots in a row.
“You good?” Mick asked.
“I’m fine,” he sighed. He noticed a few women checking him out. He gave them a smile, letting his eyes travel over them slowly. They would giggle but never approach him. He couldn’t get the last interaction with Sasha out of his head. 
Ever since he met her, he frequented the bar more and more. She would stay toward his end of the bar as she worked and they would talk. The other day, another bartender was working with her. Sasha set down Rio’s glass and he picked it up almost immediately, their fingers brushing. He locked eyes with her as she hesitated to pull her hand away.
Brandon, the other bartender, laughed, “The sexual tension is so thick in here, damn.”
Sasha just looked at Rio, her eyes drawn to his. Brandon excused himself and she stepped closer.
“He’s not wrong,” she leaned over, her cleavage presented to him.
Rio’s lips parted and he looked back up at her eyes, “No, he’s not,” he licked his lips slowly as his phone rang. He picked it up without looking.
“Rio, it’s an emergency,” Beth exclaimed.
“What is it?” he asked, only half listening as Sasha bent over to get a few things out of the fridge, “So deal with it.”
“I can’t,” she insisted, “You need to get here.”
He hung up without answering as Sasha stood upright, “I gotta go.”
“That’s too bad,” Sasha murmured, “I was about to go on break. Thought we could spend some time together.”
He nodded slowly, “I wish I could stay,” he told her, his eyes on hers, “Trust me.”
Sasha laughed, “Next time.”
Rio felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Sasha behind him, smiling.
“Hey mama,” he looked over her. She was wearing a black and blue dress, heels on her feet that still had her shorter than him. Her long hair was draped over her shoulder.
“Hi,” she bit her lip, “That emergency work itself out?”
“It’s all settled,” he told her, turning fully to face her.
“Good,” Sasha squeezed his knee, “Because it’s next time.”
Before he could respond, Sasha was headed to the bathrooms. She looked over her shoulder and winked, then walked into the small room. 
“I’ll be back,” Rio told Mick before getting up and following her. He opened the door, locking it shut. Sasha was leaning against the sink, “You’re wearing that dress like you’re doing it a favor.”
Her bright smile made his stomach flip, “You don’t need to give me a line.”
“I’m serious,” Rio took a few steps closer to her, resting his hands on either side of her body, “I couldn’t dream up a more gorgeous woman.”
Sasha’s eyelashes fluttered at the feel of his body against hers. She looked up as he leaned in, their lips connecting. The kiss was gentle until she pulled his hips closer and his tongue pushed into her mouth. Then they were a flurry of fast movements and harsh breaths. Sasha ended up sitting on the sink, her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs around his waist as Rio thrusted into her harshly.
“Fuck,” she gasped when he grabbed her thighs and lifted them higher.
Rio focused on making her feel as good as he could. He zeroed in on the spots that made her tighten her grip on him. He held her hips tight, his hand in her hair.
“Does that feel good, mama?” his lips brushed her ear and he smiled when she shivered.
“So good,” she whimpered, “Fuck.”
He kept going until she had three orgasms, each one making her clench tighter than the last. After the last one, he pulled out and watched as she immediately got on her knees to finish him off. He was still panting when she stood up.
“Such a good girl,” Rio kissed her lips quickly before helping her clean up. He left first, smirking from the bar when he saw her limp a few steps out of the bathroom.
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pynkhues · 4 years
In a previous ask I asked if you thought the writers dumbed the ladies down, thanks for answering by the way, but what about Rio. Do you think they dumb Rio down so Beth’s ideas look good? Like this episode wouldn’t Rio know that about the car wash? It seems easy enough to figure out?
You’re welcome, anon! And I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to get to this. The pandemic just sort of threw a grenade into my life in many respects, and I still feel like I’m scrambling to catch up on things – including my ask box – particularly for asks I have longer replies to like this one! 
As for your question – it’s a really interesting one! I don’t disagree with the sentiment at all, and can completely understand where you’re coming from. It is obvious, and seems a bit of a convenient pivot for a character who’s generally been depicted to us as very intelligent, a step ahead, a kingpin, etc. etc. 
Probably surprisingly, my answer as to whether or not they’ve dumbed Rio down in s3 to make Beth look good is actually no though. I mean - gosh - think of his re-introduction this season which was entirely about showcasing how well he was able to play Turner and ‘handle him’ in the way Beth had no capacity to. In fact, a lot of this season was about positioning Rio as competent, powerful, and aspirational overall for Beth, but actually in some ways Ruby and Annie too. He’s really their yardstick in how they measure themselves and their own success, and I think a lot of this season was trying to add dimension to that and him overall, both in the slightly softer ways (i.e. Rhea, Marcus, and even Mick) and the harder ways (Lucy, Turner and even Beth). 
Which brings me to something I’ve actually thought since 2.04 but never really elaborated on here beyond brief mentions, haha. 
I think the show is running a subtextual storyline with Rio. I think it’s been running that storyline actually since Turner’s introduction in 1.04, and that it’s been on-and-off successful on a textual narrative level – mostly because they don’t give us enough of it. I do think it’s there though, and pretty consistent if you’re keeping an eye on it, but it doesn’t really bleed through enough to sate audiences beyond that. (And hey look! I’m one of the people who doesn’t usually have too big of an issue about Rio’s lack of screen time!) 
But yes, haha. 
What I’m getting at is that I think there’s a parallel, very present storyline that is trying to tell us that Rio’s business and operation was already under the microscope by the feds before the show had even started, and that Beth and the girls getting him arrested in 1.10 has been a hurdle that’s had major ramifications.
So let’s break that down a bit. 
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I feel heat on, I shutdown.
The seed for this storyline is, in many ways, planted with Beth’s monologue in 1.02 where she tells Rio that if he kills her, Ruby and Annie, he’s ultimately playing himself (there are hashtags and movements after all, haha). The set-up here is that Beth is an outlier for Rio in more ways than one, but there’s also an inference that Rio’s used to pulling the trigger first, and dealing with the fallout later – something that’s reiterated through his handling of Eddie in this very season, and then later Lucy in s3. 
But we’ll come back to that. 
The point here is that Beth calls him out on not being as subtle as he thinks he is, which is a fact that the story doubles down on with Turner’s introduction two episodes later in 1.04. Turner’s FBI, and he’s in town specifically investigating Rio. It’s immediately clear that there are a lot of gaps in that investigation, and in a lot of ways Beth bridges those gaps for Turner, but still. Turner was always onto Rio before Beth was ever in the picture.
In this sense, Rio’s seeming position in the crime world is already splintering – he has the feds on his tail already. Something happens – we never find out the details – in 1.04 which has one of his boys shot badly (Eddie), and Rio deliberately drops him off with somebody who’s very much on the perimeters of his operation (Beth). That same boy is later pinned by the feds and blackmailed by Turner (1.07) and something happens that quickly leads to Rio not only shutting down business, but seizing all of his assets from everyone, including Beth and the girls (1.08). 
He has Eddie killed, orchestrates a test in 1.09 to see how much information Eddie actually leaked to the feds – a test Beth took personally – before he tries to cut her out and Beth retaliated by having him arrested in 1.10. 
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I’m out, I’m done, time for something new.
Which means starting s2, Rio’s business hasn’t actually been up and running since 1.07, and he’s now got a very public arrest on his record too. 
I don’t think it’s an accident that Rio’s shown as virtually alone in s2 outisde of Beth, Marcus and Gretchen, rather I think it’s a deliberate effort to show where his priorities have resettled – which is in business (which Beth is, which I’ll come back to shortly), his son, and his freedom respectively.
But yes. 
Let’s talk about work. 
Rio tries to get Beth to handle Boomer (2.01), the key witness in the case she’s just given a lot of weight to through the Fine & Frugal job in 1.10, but generally speaking, I think Rio’s still technically, professionally shutdown for the first half of the season. Not only that, but he seems to be trying to disentangle from fake cash generally to get into prescription pill distribution – a pretty distinct pivot for him. 
This could be a bit of a controversial opinion, but I don’t think he printed any new cash in s2. I think everything he left for Beth was stuff he had before she’d gotten him arrested, and I think that that’s demonstrated with him giving it to her in the first place (Beth says it herself in the same episode – if they can’t wash it, it’s just paper) and with him flipping his game overall. 
In other words, I think Rio was still shutdown and trying to figure out how to redistribute the work he could operate, while he handled the court case and no doubt tried to cover his losses. 
And in that incredibly stressful set of circumstances, I think Rio threw a line out to Beth as someone who owed him and was unencumbered by other networks in the crime world, and she bit, she delivered, and then Rio took advantage.
Something that was only ever made more complicated by their relationship, of course, haha, but even after that, I think he justified her presence in his life as a useful and unexpected card in his deck, and someone to keep his bed warm. In that capacity too though, I actually don’t think Rio ever intended for Beth to find out about the pills. I think he was already building that operation, saw an opportunity in Boland Motors, and worked it. 
The point is that things were fraying for Rio back in s1. I think that things were getting back on track for him at the start of s2, but then fell apart in a way that was bigger and worse towards the end of it. 
Beth successfully wrangled half his business, sure, and he not only let her, but he made a bad choice in investing too much in Boland Motors because he thought he had a better handle on her overall. Boland Motors ended up not just being the front for him to wash the cash he’d made via the girls, but was now the key stop-point for the drugs he was bringing across the border.
I’m sure he did have other operations at this point, but Boland Motors was BIG, and it blew up for him twice over.
First when Beth dumped him in 2.09.
Then with the FBI raid in 2.10, which ultimately rendered their cash useless in 2.12.
Something I imagine was only made worse by Ruby dumping the pills that would ordinarily be delivered through the car airbags in 2.10 too. 
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So who made your money? 
Which brings us to where we are in season 3, where actually a lot of this seems to come to a head off-screen. I think this season actually really quickly established three things that work together and with the information of previous seasons pretty effectively, just that it was hindered by it being too subtextual, and not quite textual enough in certain parts. 
1. Rio’s operation is still kicking, albeit not without challenges. He’s able to set up other crews, while mobilising his own to assassinate Turner from what is essentially a lockdown situation. The first episode is devoted to telling us exactly how powerful Rio is, while also how much he isn’t. We get Rio playing puppeteer with Turner and the crime world, but we also get the disconnect from his child as symbolised through the model airplane, and the lack of connection he has to his family through Beth and Rhea’s relationship. It’s a really great character breakdown to parallel Rio’s control over his professional life, and lack of control over his personal one. 
2. Rio’s lost professional networks and is struggling to re-make them. This is actually the point I think we needed more of in the show, because I do think it’s there, but I don’t think it’s as textual as it should be. I’ve said it on here before, but we know from 1.03 that Rio’s never designed his own money – it’s what he sent Beth, Ruby and Annie to go collect from Canada after all, and that design was cooked by 2.12. 
We also know he was washing cash through a variety of local businesses prior to his arrest in 1.10 as per the news report in the same episode, and from the fallout in s2, it seemed like those networks had dried up, hence him giving Beth the money to wash in 2.04 and then jumping all in on Boland Motors. 
Beth also latches onto this concept in 3.04 when she tries to negotiate with Rio for her life, telling him “no cars, no pills, no cash, it’s gotta hurt”, and he responds, pretty simply with “You don’t know my interests.” 
Which she doesn’t, particularly as she latches onto the idea of Rio needing money, because I don’t think he does, and I think the introduction of the G Wagon this season was a significant symbol in teling us that as an audience.
I don’t think Rio needs money. I think he needs to be making other people money. 
I think he needs the business.
It seems to be something underlined in Rio’s confrontation with Gil in the bar later in the episode. He’s holding Gil to get the name of the person designing his money, because Rio knows the value of the product, and he needs to rebuild professionally after the arrest, raids and his own disappearance, and it’s only re-emphasised by Rio taking over Beth’s operation when he finds out. She owes him enough, is on the backfoot enough, that he can own all of it, knowing she’ll let him.  
3.  Lastly is that Rio is, and always has been, a dangerous person with a ready and willing trigger finger. He handles his rotten eggs – for better and for worse. 
Sophie, what are you going on about?? 
A good question, me, haha. I guess my point in all of this is the fact that I think Rio’s comfortable financially but is in deep in crime and as a result has a lot of people relying on him (both above him and below him) to build business. Since the shutdown in s1 and his arrest then disappearance, I think shit’s hit the fan, and a lot of his old professional avenues have been cut off, and that Beth presents to him as this sort of perfect in to a world he’s just been re-ostracised from. 
The carwash was obvious, of course it was, but I think that was sort of the point? I think it was a narrative signpost of how many steps backwards Rio’s operation has had to walk, and how far Rio’s been boxed into a corner (something I actually do think would have re-emerged on a textual level this season given we know we were supposed to be meeting Rio’s crime bosses).
I think he wanted another Boland Motors sort of operation, and forcing Beth’s hand created Boland Bubbles, and I think the prospect of that was a relief to him in more ways than not (hence his tone shift in 3.11). 
Beth is, after all, a logical person in many ways for Rio to invest in because she owes him, and because she has no other ties in the crime world. I’ve said this in multiple other posts, but I think Rio’s really deliberately kept it that way. I think he sees her potential, yes, and I actually do think a part of him wants to protect her (again, 2.07 being the clearest example of that), but I also think he sees her as an asset for himself. She’s quick on her feet, exists in a world he can’t – that world being middle class, white mama – and he can throw down a challenge to her, knows she’ll rise to meet it, and present a solution.
She did it unprompted in s1 with the secret shoppers, prompted when given the means in s2 with Boland Motors, and then prompted with a threat in s3 with Boland Bubbles. 
For all his talk of not knowing how to incentivise her in 3.10, he really does know, and more than that, he knows how to prompt her to level up in a way he can then take advantage of. 
Does this mean that Rio can’t or doesn’t come up with the ideas? Of course not! (Athough I do think he likes outsourcing them, haha) But I think he’s aware of where he stands and who he is and what he looks like, and I think that’s been compounded by a period of time that’s been dangerous for him both personally and professionally, and fuck - - exhausting too. I mean – he was shot! Three times! In the chest! 
But I do think Rio’s a kingpin too. It’s just been a hard year, y’know?
(Because I think it mostly has just been a year? There’s something to be said here after all given we know there was only eight months between early-s1 and 2.12 given the timestamp, and now only two months apparently between 2.09 and 3.03, so it very well could’ve been only little over a year in canon? That said, requesting any sort of logical timeline on this show feels like a trap, haha).
I don’t know though! This is just my theory. What do you guys think?
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septiembrre · 4 years
Rio Headcanons
Tagged by the wonderful @foxmagpie
What are your headcanons about Rio’s family? Siblings? Parents? Lifestyle growing up?
I really love the idea of Rio having been raised by a supportive, healthy, loving, beautiful nuclear family. I personally have imagined him with siblings -- sisters! Cousins! I think his respect for women and their power has to come from somewhere and it’s probably a matriarch. He has a strong handle on parenting and I think he must be modeling his own caregivers... 
But, @foxmagpie pointed out the black & white vintage photos in his closet...  Obviously, I had seen them but I just understood them to be like my family’s own old photographs. I had thought -- they’re just his ancestors, probably his grandparents or bisabuelos. But, then I realized there’s no sign of sisters, any siblings or of his parents in his apartment.  The Good Girls set design team loves a ridiculously terrible photo prop (hello old Dean/Beth family photos) and you know they would have been down to make the same thing for Rio... but alas. All we have are those photos of Rio + Marcus, an ambiguous baby picture and the black & white photo and it’s probably intentional. 
I come from a small, atypical Mexican-American family structure myself, but I feel for him. I always headcanoned that he had a dad who had died when he was a kid or a teenager and that maybe his mom was still around and involved in his & Marcus’ life. But, quizas no? 
I’m curious about how much Beth knows now about Rio’s family structure from Rhea. She knows Rhea’s a single mom, and her co-parent was out of the picture for a spell. But, I think Rhea would have also mentioned involvement or support from Marcus’s other set of abuelos/her former in-laws? 
So... who were Rio’s caregivers? His grandparents? No sisters??? We should all collectively DM Manny and ask him to share his own Rio backstory headcanons. Haha, watch -- the show is totally going to ret-con this in Season 4. 
It’s interesting overall how the writer’s deploy family world-building for the characters. Dean’s mom is the only one on-screen -- and Dean’s parents overall have gotten more build out than any other family history combined (wild!). I know that’s influenced by them casting Jessica Walter who is phenom, but expanding out the family histories is such a rich area for the show creators to play in if they choose to go there. All of our main protagonists have deceased parents. I think it’s been a choice on the show to play into a lack of safety net and support for the women. For better or for worse, Beth, Ruby & Annie are at a point where they are it for their children.  
That being said -- I would love to meet Stan’s parents! And I would love to get information about Rio’s coming-into-crime especially as a parallel to Beth’s experience. It’s the parallel we would all want and the parallel we deserve. (Dear show, Stop with the Boland family parallels, PLEASE! If I have to hear about Dean’s scummy dad one more time--). 
But, yes, I’m very invested in Beth & Annie’s, Ruby’s, Stan’s, and, of course, Rio’s families and hope we get to see more characterization unfold over the next seasons.
What are your headcanons for Rio and Rhea’s relationship? How do you think they met, at what point did Rhea learn about his work, was Rio in love with her, etc.?
I’m so curious about what attracts Rio to people/his love interests. It’s becoming clear what attracts him to Beth...  But, I wonder about has attracted him to others. 
While Beth & Rhea are both moms (haha, and beautiful, and well-endowed with the boobs), that’s in the present time on the show -- Rio was attracted to Rhea before she was a mom. I wonder what he looks for? What did he see in Dylan? 
What are your headcanons about Rio’s and Mick’s relationship? Did they meet through crime? Are they lifelong friends?
I want them to be childhood friends!!!! I want that so badddddd!!! 
Oh, god, can you imagine a flashback to them young in crime?! Like late teens or early 20s? Ha, as a parallel to the Beth + Ruby scene/origin story? I would die. DIE.
Do you think Rio’s been arrested before Beth got him arrested in 1.10? When, and what for?
Ha, I don’t think he’s been arrested for anything significant.  He’s plenty sanctimonious about keeping his name out of everything. 
If Rio weren’t a crime boss, what jobs do you think he’d be good at? Why?
I mean he’s probably great a math, phenom at managing a huge team/multiple business ventures, and super charismatic. What couldn’t he do? 
I think he was probably pushed to crime because of lack of opportunity for MOC and the need for money. This does make me think he came up poor. But, I think he stayed in crime because he’s so good at it, and likes the flexibility, the creativity, the $$$, and the power. 
I think he could go legit and still be pulling in decent buck with all of his business fronts but he doesn’t choose to. 
What are Rio’s hobbies outside of work and Marcus? What do you think he’d get up to on a day with absolutely no responsibilities?
He’s obviously an art heaux. The real question is WHAT’S HIS MEDIUM???? If he actually produces art like the abstract stuff up in his house, I would scream. I can see him being into photography when the mood strikes him and he has time. #hipster
I like the idea of Rio taking cooking classes in some sort of exclusive, foodie way (1:1 with a chef, or a compa who is a fly line cook). 
We know he plays tennis and I also imagine he boxes and works out at the type of high-end gym I could only dream of. It probably never smells of sweat, and all the machines are top-end, brand new. I mentioned in a post a while ago that I wasn’t sure if I wanted Rio to be my boyfriend, my bff, or to adopt me -- and I stand by it.  
Who do you think Dylan is to Rio (a friend, an associate, someone he was dating?) and why?
I do lean towards friend/associate/some one he’s fucked. Rio was very handsy with Dylan’s person. Obviously, in real life Manny & Adelfa are married, and I think they were leaning heavily on that intimacy in the scene. 
But Rio also didn’t kiss Dylan? Which leads me back to -- damn, Rio. You were fronting so hard. Like... that was high-school-level showmanship. 
What do you think Rio’s goals for the future are?
I think he wants to be his own boss, I think he likes being at the top of the food chain, and I think he wants to stay in crime because he still sees opportunities. 
I’m so curious as to what his $$$ bench marks are?
Beth’s are current financial security and probably college for all of her little ones. So what it for Rio?
- College for Marcus? 
- Inheritance for Marcus?
- Inheritance for all of his (nonexistent) family?
It has to be more than that. He’s already hit these benchmarks based off of the status symbols in the show (the G-Wagon, the quality of furniture in his loft, Rhea’s offer of maybe like a $5-10k check to Beth. Beth’s not family!).
What do you think Rio is bad at (cooking, dancing, singing, etc.)? How come?
I don’t think he can bake.
I also don’t seem him being good at boldly lying to people? It’s definitely not his style. He’s more of a lying by omission type of person. I don’t see him being able to spin a tale like Beth, but he also doesn’t have her white privilege/whole suburban mom aesthetic. 
Hm, I haven’t rewatched the show in a minute but I think the only time we’ve seen him boldly lie is to Beth -- when he lies about the nature of their relationship. Haha, and he’s really bad at it. Maybe this isn’t the fairest thing to judge him on. But, I think his lying relies on purposeful silence. 
Why do you think Rio is drawn to Beth?
I think Rio was drawn to Beth because she’s a survivor, she’s scrappy and she’s smart. I think he’s drawn to how quick she is on her feet. Beth has limited awareness but she can be really good at navigating what’s going for her and leveraging it for her gain (and Rio’s). I think he’s also been drawn to her because she’s a parent, and she can be really brave (I would say reckless!! Beth, stop endangering yourself!).
Beth’s also like absurdly beautiful. Christina is ethereal and they try to make her ... frumpy or something in the show. But... we have eyes. And Rio certainly has eyes for her figure, and her face, and like all the attributes and isn’t shy about letting her know. 
Why do you think Rio didn’t kill Beth? Was it their past, his present feelings for her, because he needed her business? Some combination?
I think Rio sees a kindred spirit in Beth and at this point (post-Season 3), she’s in his life now. Despite all that she’s done to him, he seems completely unable to extricate himself from her. I think this due to his present past feelings for her. The business is a bonus, a front if you will. 
In Season 2, there were these questions for Beth about whether all of it was real -- if she meant something to Rio, if Beth could walk back all of her crimes so far and retreat into anonymity. In Season 3, we know that Beth can’t let go of crime, and that she’s capable of the same dark deeds as Rio, and we know that Rio did care for her, cares for her still apparently because he’s very much in his feelings. Those Season 3 picnic table scenes? Wow. 
Ah, can you believe these two are going to like... have some sort of development in their relationship again? Obviously, it will be full of strife and conflict. But isn’t it wild that we have another Brio sex scene in store for us one day? Jenna Ban’s comment, “You don't go from having the hottest sex of your life to wanting someone dead without conflicted feelings” is just the BIGGEST TEASE.  How are our bbs going to be intimate with each other again? 
OKAY THIS ENDED UP BEING SUPER LONG. Jeez... If you’ve gotten this far, thank you for engaging with my headcanons. Lmk what you think :-) 
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afaimsarrowverse · 4 years
My 30 Favorite Arrowverse Episodes:
This list reflects my personal opinion and is in no way objective. Everyone has their own taste. Also Love is Love and  can not be measured – except on stupid lists like this one. If an episode is not on it, that does not mean I don’t like it (unless it does). Everyone ist entiteled to their own opinion, so please respect mine and don’t reblog or answer to that just to tell me how wrong mine is.
 30. The Fellowship of the Spear (Legends of Tomorrow Episode 2.15/31, Written by: Keto Shimizu, Matthew Maala, Directed by: Ben Bray)
 This episode is “Legends”-Homage to Tolkien and his works. However the most quotes and nods go to the Peter Jackson Movies, which is no problem, because we love them too. The Legends recruit Tolkien out of the trenches for a treasure hunt, however things go bad and some fans were not to happy with one of the team betraying their own at the end of this episode. But don’t you guys remember Boromir? I really love this one, because it combines two of my favorite things: “Legends of Tomorrow” und Middle Earth.
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 29.  Flashback (The Flash Episode 2.17/40, Written By: Aaron Helbing, Todd Helbing, Directed By: Alice Troughton)
In this episode Barry travels backt to the time of Season 1 and therefore changes the outcome of the Season 1 Episode in question and creates a new timline, which no one but him notices. Later on stuff like this would happen all the time, but this was the first instance, and it was very very wild to have Barry knock out Barry and pretend to be Season 1 Barry. Also we got Eobard and Eddie back and given how much I love both of them it no wonder I love this episode.
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28.  The Last Temptation of Barry Allen Part 1 (The Flash 6.07/121, Written By: Jonathan Butler, Gabriel Garza, Directed By: Chad Lowe)
 Here Barry is infected by Ramsay who gets in his head and in the Speed Force which tries to help but ends up getting attacked by an paranoid and confused Barry, who finally gets to voice all of his frustration about the Speed Force and the way it interfered in his life. This is a very emotional episode that confronts Barrys immanent death, all the losses he had do bare and his conflicted feelings about everything that is going on in his life at this point of his story.
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 27.  The Once and Future Flash (The Flash 3.19/65, Written by: Carina Adly MacKenzie, Directed By: Tom Cavanagh)
 In this episode we get to visit the future in which Iris was killed by Savitar. Barry ends up there while trying to find out more about his foe. It’s a dark and depressing „What If“, where we get to see new sides most of our characters and this episodes dives deep into the immanent darkness of the seemingly so bright „Flash“-TV-Series.
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 26.  The Adventures of Supergirl (Supergirl 2.1/21, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Jessic Queller, Directed by: Glen Winter)
 This essentially is a Crossover Episode, even though it took Superman three more years to get his own show. However the episode acts as if there is an existing Superman-Show that crosses over into „Supergirl“. This version of the character is as adorable as Kara and a very good antidote to the Snyder Version of the character. Oh, and it does help that the episode is good as well.
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25.  Nora (The Flash 5.01/93, Written By: Todd Helbing, Sam Chalsen, Directed by: David McWhirter)
 Season 5 opens up extremly strong with this episode where Barry and Iris meet their future daughter, who has some secrets up her sleeve that change everything for next one and a half seasons. Nora is perfectly portrayed in this one as a mixture of both of her parents and manages to screw up the timeline imediatly, while everyone is still reeling from the fallout oft the last season finale.
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24.  The Brave and the Bold (Arrow Episode 3.8/54, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Marc Guggenheim, Grainne Godfree, Directed by: Jesse Warn)
Crossovers were the moments „Arrow“ had a chance to let ist hair down and just be a little bit different for a while. This one has Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco visiting Starling City and the Flash and the Arrow teaming up against Captain Boomerang. It’s still Arrow, but with a splash of „The Flash“ in it, which makes it funnier and nerdier then „Arrow“ usually is. I always loved it.
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23. Haunted ( Arrow Episode 4.5/74, Written by: Brian Ford Sullivan, Oscar Balderrama, Directed by: John Badham)
 John Constantine crosses over in the Arroverse in this episode which reveals Olivers dealings with him in the past and shows him restoring Saras soul. With this episodes the show started to embrace it supernatural arc, which many fans weren’t too fond of in latter part of this season, but this episodes remains a favorite because here „Arrow“ got mystically weird. Also Johnny Constantine tends to make everything better and we got Sara back, so it’a clearly a win.
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22. Kapishon (Arrow Episode 5.17/109, Written By: Brian Ford Sullivan, Emilo Ortega Aldrich,Directed By: Kevin Tancharoen)
 This is the episode in which Adrian Chase manages to break Oliver. That sounds painful and yes it is very painful, but it’s really really great at the same time. This episodes asks all the uncomfortable questions the show seemed to shy away from in the previous seasons, builds on Season 5s solid Bratva-Flashback Arc and even presents us Anatoly meeting Malcolm Merlyn. It’s cleary a highlight of the show.
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 21. The Bottle Episode (Supergirl Episode 5.10/97, Written by: Derek Simon, Directed by: Tawnia McKiernan)
 The Post Crisis Carzyness lived in this episode. We got a lot of doppelgangers, most of them Brainys, and a lot of chaos, I mean more chaos then most other shows usually have, except for „Legends“. So I guess this episode was „Supergirl“ trying to do an episode of „Legends“. Also Brainy evolves in this one, so it wasn’t just for the laughs. In short: There was nothing not to like in this one.
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 20.  Welcome to Earth-2/Escape from Earth-2 (The Flash Episodes 2.13-14/36-37, 36: Written By: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Katherine Walczak, Directed By: Millicent Shelton, 37: Written By: Aaron Helbing, Todd Helbing, David Kob, Directed By: J. J. Makaro)
This two parter is the first time we ever visited a parallel earth. We visit Earth-2 in this, where pretty much everything and everyone is different. Adorable Nerd Barry, Cop Iris, Singer Joe and many more ahoy. But Deadshot of Earth-2 is the best thing about this reality. Too bad it pretty much everyone from over there was done away with later, but we will always have these episodes, so that is something.
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19.  Out of Time (The Flash Episode 1.15/15, Written By: Aaron Helbing, Todd Helbing, Directed By: Thor Freudenthal)
Time Travel is an important plot element of the Arrowverse, but it wasn’t always so. This is the first episode where Barry discovers that he can time travel, after kissing and losing Iris and witnessing the end of Central City. Which is one of those „everyone dies“ instances that are always cool and I always love. Also it’s Season 1 of „The Flash“, where they really couldn’t go wrong most of the time.
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18.  Starling City (Arrow Episode 8.1/ 161, Written by: Beth Schwartz und Marx Guggenheim, Directed by: James Bamford)
In this one we are essentially reliving the „Arrow“- pilot with a few signifcant changes. Turns out we are actually on Earth-2 and Oliver pretends to be his doppelganger in order to do a thing for The Monitor. Until the shocking ending, this on is like everyone favorites „Arrow“ fanfic come to live. Even the flashforwards were not bothering me in this.
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17.  Flash VS Arrow (The Flash 1.8/8, Written By: Ben Sokoloswki,m Brooke Eikmeier, Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Directed By: Glen Winter)
 This one was the first real Crossover Episode of the Arrowverse and it blended classic comic book action which Season 1 „Flash“-Style, meaning it was beyond great. We never quite saw Oliver like this before and not very often after, and seeing him and Barry connect is just one of the joys of this superior episode.
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16.  Worlds Finest (Supergirl Episode 1.18/18, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Michael Grassi, Directed by: Nick Gomez)
Speaking of the first seasons and Crossovers. This was the Crossover we always wanted, but never believed we would get, because back then “Supergirl” was on another network. But we got it anyway. Barry gets stranded on Karas Earth, which leads to a lot of chaos, many nice moment and fine jokes. This was one of the clear highlights of Season 1, and it paved the way for the season finale as well as future crossovers.
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15.  Myriad/Better Angles (Supergirl 1.19/19-1.20/20, Written By: Yahling Chang, Caitlin Parrish; Ali Adler, Andrew Kreisberg, Robert Rovner, Jessica Queller Directed By: Adam Kane; Larry Teng)
 Season 1 of „Supergirl“ ended with this „all or nothing“ two-parter where everything came head to head. Driven and energatic „Supergirl“ cemented itself as one of the superior superheroe shows of it’s time. I loved the show, I loved Kara, I loved Cat and especially in this one.
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 14. Camelot 3000 (Legends of Tomorrow Episode 2.12/28, Written By: Anderson MacKenzie, Directed By: Antionio Negret)
 From the far future to Camelot and King Arthur – this episodes travelled far and mixed those two areas up quite nice. In true Legends fashion Ray became a Knight of the Round Table, Sara got to hit on Guenevere, and Mick got to beat the adversary army with his brain. Yes, you read that one right. Just ask poor Martin about it. Given how much a love both Arthurian lore and the Legends this one remains one of my favorite up to today.
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13.  Meet the Legends (Legends of Tomorrow Episode 5.1/69, Written by: Grainne Godfree, James Eagan, Directed by: Kevin Mock)
In this episodes Ava tries to race money for the Time Bureau by making a documentary about the Legends and their work. This episode is the documentary and the making oft he documentary. Think Arrows „Emerald Archer“ only way carzier and funnier. The Legends meet Rasputin who kidnappes the camera team, while Ava writes Sara a very weird condolence note, everyone is acting weird(er) because cameras, and well it’s „Legends“ only even nuttier than normally. I love it.
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12.  Invasion! (2) (Arrow 5.8/100, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Wendy Mericle, Directed by: James Bamford)
In the middle of the big „Invasion“ Crossover „Arrow“ celebrated its 100the episode by looking at a world where the Gambit never sank. While the writers cleary had fun with Barry and Kara in this one, the heart lies in the dream reality, where things are better but sadly not real. Oliver, Thea and the others need to chose the life they want and weg et rewarded with a really great episode while they do so.
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 11. Raiders of the Lost Art (Legends of Tomorrow Episode 2.9/25, Written by: Keto Shimizu, Chris Fedak, Directed by: Dermott Downs)
 This is officially the episode where „Legends“ went nuts. Oh and it’s a delicous one. George Lucas never became a filmmaker after being scared of by Malcolms and Damiens attempts to kill amnesiac Rip Hunter who thinks he is an American filmstudent, whose script is basically the plot of the shows first season. Too bad he can’t find a decent Vandal Savage. And that everyone thinks he is this Rip Hunter guy. Also Mick gets a brain surgey, Ray and Nate change occupations, and Amayas babysits their attempt to get George Lucas back to film school, and thanks god she does otherwise … well otherwise there would be no „Star Wars“ or „Indiana Jones“, would there?
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10. Beebo the God of War (Legends of Tomorrrow 3.9/42, Written by: Grainne Goodfree und James Eagan, Directed by: Kevin Mock)
 This was supposed to be the sad goodbye to Martin Stein and it still is that as well, but mostly it’s the episode about Beebo Day. You know, the blue god, who hungers for war and conquest? Whose birthday we celebrate once a year in december and … wait? What was I talking about? Oh, yeah Leo tries to make Mick quit drinking and Beebo get’s squeezed a lot. Well you have to see that one to know why it’s a great one, but believe me it is great.
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9.      Elseworlds 1-3 (Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Part 1: The Flash Episode 5.9/101, Written By: Eric Wallace und Sam Chalsen, Directed By: Kevin Tancharoen und Tom Cavanagh, Part 2: Arrow Episode 7.9/147,  Written by: Marc Guggenheim und Caroline Dries, Directed by: James Bamford, Part 3: Supergirl Episode 4.9/74, Written by: Mac Guggenheim, Derek Simon und Rob Rovner, Directed by: Jesse Warn)
In this Crossover Oliver und Barry switch identities which no one on Earth-1 believes, but Kara’s help leads to an evil not-quite Superman and a brand new reality. Also we are introduced to Batwoman and Gotham. And Lois Lane. Well, there is a lot going in there - even Gary guest stars on „Supergirl“ – but mainly Oliver is Barry and Barry is Oliver and that if fun and Kara makes a connection with the Elseworld version of Earth-1 Alex Danvers which is also great.
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8. Legends of To-Meow-Meow (Legends of Tomorrow Episode 4.8/59, Written by: James Eagan und Ray Utarnachitt, Directed by: Ben Bray)
 Sulky about missing out on the Crossover the Legends crossovered with themselves in Season 4. John and Charlie destroyed the timeline for selfish reasons, and now everything is wrong and everything they do makes things worse instead of better. Zari gets to spend most of the episode as a cat, the rest of the Legends get turned into puppets, we meet the Sirens of Spacetime and the Custodians of the Chronology, and a gay kiss saves all of spacetime. Why can’t all shows be more like „Legends“?
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7.      The Scientist/Three Ghosts (Arrow Episode: 2.8/31-2.9/32, 32: Written by: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Geoff Johns, Ben Sokolowski, Directed by: Michael Schultz, John Behring)
 This two parter introduces us to Barry Allen and culuminates in the „Arrow“-Version of a „Christmas Carol“ Oliver gets visited by three ghosts and Barry gets hit by lightning. Among other things. All very good stuff – I watch „Three Ghosts“ every Christmas, if I manage to get around to it. But this also is very the Arrowverse was born. And back then it was the best of „Arrow“ they ever did. And it still stands out today, combindes strong Flashbacks with a strong Main Story, which is all we ever wanted from „Arrow.“
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6.      Resist/Nevertheless, She Persisted (Supergirl 2.21/41-2.22/42, Written by: Derek Simon, Jessica Queller, Andrew Kreisberg, Robert Rovner, Caitlin Parrish, Directed by: Milicent Shelton, Glen Winter)
 Season 2 of „Supergirl“ ends with a very strong two-parter that features the Daxamits Invasion of earth. Superman is in it, but these are all about Kara who get’s inspired by Cat Grant again, goes on to inspire everyone else in turn, faces of against the truly evil mother of the love of her life, and has to make a big sacrifice. The two parter was especially well written and  no season finale of the show later ever measured up to it afterwards.
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5.      Reset (Arrow Episode 8.6/166, Written by: Onalee Hunter Hughes und Maya Houston, Directed by: David Ramsey)
Yes it’s a time loop episode in „Arrow“! Yes, it’s still „Arrow“, it will still break your heart. But it’s probably the moment the show embraced it’s funny pages origin the most wholehearted. It will make you cry in all the right ways. We get to say goodbye to Quentin in a prober way in this finally and that is beautiful. And Oliver gets around to accept his destiny which is heart breaking, but still this is my favorite episode of „Arrow“ if you get right down to it.
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4.      Fast Enough (The Flash 1.23/23, Written By: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Gabrielle Stanton, Directed By: Dermott Downs)
 Season 1 of „The Flash“ has the strongest Season Finale in the history of the Arrowverse. In a very real way it could only get downhill from here. This one will break your heart in so many ways, but it’s the good sort of pain, that makes an impact, may even destroy a part of you, but makes you come out stronger in the end. The whole season comes together in this one and never falls apart (that will only happen later, if you think about it, but it’s explained away by later reveals). Sadly neither this show nor the others could ever measure up to this one, but on the other hand that is exactly what made it special.
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3.      The Faithful (Supergirl 3.4/46, Written By: Paula Yoo, Katie Rose Rogers, Directed by: Jesse Warn)
 This one is my favorite episode of „Supergirl“. Mainly because this is what a certain director tried to do nut failed at in three movies: An exploration of the idea that Kryptonians are essentially Gods compared to humans. This episode is always respectful and has much to say, it touches on Karas own faith, shows us a new and intriguing side of James, and creates a villain that should have ruled the show and the season, but who sady stumbled later. In this one though Coville is just perfect. Like the whole episode.
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2. Duet (The Flash Episode 3.17/63, Written By: Aaron Helbing, Todd Helbing, Greg Berlani, Andrew Kreisberg, Directed By: Dermott Daniels Downs)
 It’s the Musical Episode! This „Flash“/„Supergirl“-Crossover has all the jazz – singing, dancing, kissing, opening up about feelings – and also a mini „Glee“-Reunion. Kara and Barry are trapped in a Musical Dream World and doomed to follow the plot, while Wally has to confront Darren Crisses Musis Meister. For vocals sakes the episode also includes John Barrowman and Victor Gaber of course, because there was no excuse to make this episode without them. I love this one just as much as it was to be expected and I will never forgive them for never making another Musical episode in any of the shows.
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1.      The One Where We are trapped on TV (Legends of Tomorrow Episode 5.13/81, Written by: Grainne Godfree, James Eagan, Directed by: Marc Guggenheim)
And the award for the Craziest TV Episode of all time goes to this one, where the Legends are trapped on TV. Charlie put them there to protect them, and so we get very familiar but strange versions of „Friends“, „Downtown Abbey,“ and „Star Trek“ with the Legends as the main characters instead. We also meet a murderous Mister Parker, get another musical number lead by the Tarazi siblings, and are as amazed as Mona about everything that is going on here. Can „Legends“ ever top what they did here? Or anything else in the Arrowverse? Let’s not challenge them, I am sure they can. But until then, we have this one, which of course is not only my favorite episode of „Legends“ but also the whole Arrowverse.
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motleycrueimagine · 5 years
This Ain’t a Love Song - Part Eight - Nikki Sixx Fan Fiction
Words: 1477
Warnings: Language, alcol, drugs, soft smut
N/A: I know it took ages for me to update, but I'm really struggling through my first semester as a University student and time flew by like nothing. I hope you like it, feedback is appreciated as always <3
Huge thanks to @blonde-shamrock
Summary: Maya Prescott has done anything possible to fix her life. It was 1977 when she left her groupie life: no more parties, no more concerts, no more drugs, alcohol or casual sex, just to achieve a full standard life. Now it’s 1981 and after a four years disappearance  Maya Prescott unexpectedly shows up to the party of one of the most promising emerging bands of the LA’s rock’n roll scene: Motley Crue. But what should be her last ride is destined to change her life in so many unexpected ways.  
TagList: @motleycrueee  @babygal-babygal@unknownoblivion @sweetshutter​ @sparxx27​ @bandaid-rainbow​
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Nikki’s POV
She was walking a few steps in front of me, the sound of her black heels on the sidewalk was all I could hear. We had taken a secondary road in order to avoid the mass of people that every night gathered down the Sunset Strip. Here the music was only a light background noise.
“Why are you running?” I asked as my lazy ass struggled to keep up with her. Maya stopped, waiting for me.
“You’re as slow as a sloth, and you’re not even wearing heels,” she mocked me, sliding her arm on the low side of my back, taking possession of my personal space; not that it bothered me anyways. I did the same embracing her shoulder, despite the height difference provoked by her pumps.
“I was afraid you were running from me,” I jokingly said, or at least I tried to make it seem like a joke. It had been almost a week since our ‘almost fuck’ and she had literally disappeared from our place. We had barely talked after that and she was making it pretty clear that she was not really into the idea of doing it, at least in the near future.
“I would never run away from you, Sixx!” her fake outraged voice was enough to make me laugh.
“Oh yeah? As if you hadn’t run away the other morning…” I liked to poke the bear every now and then. In the meantime, we were getting closer to the liquor store, the neon sign illuminating our path.
She rolled her eyes while a light, kinda bitter smile grew on her lips; it seemed like she was trying to find the correct reply to my words. It never took her too long to collect sarcasm.
“Well, to be fair… I wasn’t running away from you, but from the situation. I told you I don’t want to have sex with you that’s it.” She let go my hip trying to deviate towards the entrance of the store. I did the same with her shoulders, but I couldn’t help but hold her wrist preventing her from entering. She stopped, looking back at me, and lifted a brow “What?”
I gently pulled her closer, she didn’t bother to resist. “Well, to be fair,” I imitated her with a smirk “You asked me to fuck you.”
Her big blue eyes wandered around my face with an annoyed frown. She didn’t like to be contradicted.
“You were naked and you were touching me,” she pointed out, “I never denied that you’re attractive, I’m just trying to be a good girl; not sleep with every fucking human being that turns me on, and buy some fucking alcohol. Do you think I’ll get through all these tasks at least for tonight?” she listed with a straight face. I didn’t let go her arm; my curiosity was having the best of me.
“I think I’m gonna let you go through the last one if you tell me what is preventing you from having the most memorable night of your life with me.” I was not expecting an answer I just enjoyed too much messing with her.
“Well I don’t wanna risk you getting a crush on me for how well I ride your dick. That would be a problem.” She tried to hide a smirk by biting her lower lip. My imagination flew toward the picture of her getting wild on top of me. How come that I always ended up with a boner when I was around her?
“I bet It would be the opposite.”
She shook her head, “I’m not gonna bet with you, course then we’ll have to try and see and that is not gonna happen.” We looked at each other silently for a while; studying each other’s profiles as if we were both unsure whether to say something else or not, for a split second I almost considered pushing her to the wall and fuck her in the middle of the street.
“Let’s go buy some booze, Sixx,” she whispered, taking my hand, finally entering the shop.
We wondered the store buying as many bottles as we could, and dragged them on the way home.
Maya’s POV
The day of the shooting Vince had offered to drive me to the studio. There I met the photographer: his name was Robert Greiner and surprisingly he was not as creepy as the previous ones that I had met. He was pretty young, I wouldn’t have put him at more than thirty years old - definitely good looking, very caring too and interested in knowing what I was comfortable doing and what not. For the whole afternoon we shoot different photos under Vince’s watchful eyes, at times way too watchful.
“They’re gonna be amazing,” Robert reassured me for the tenth time after we were done. “If not, that means we’re gonna do them again, okay?” I nodded moving my hair to the side.
“I’m sorry, it’s just that is very important for me,” I apologised while with the eyes I followed his hands as he was storing the lensed he had used for the photoshoot.
“Your boyfriend is gonna love ‘em too,” he added with a playful but discrete smirk, I looked back at my blonde escort, I cleared my throat.
“Uhm, Vince is just a friend… but yeah I’m sure he will.” I smiled back. An awkward moment of silence stepped in as he was processing that new information.
“Well,” he zipped up his bag, “I’m gonna call you as soon as they’re ready.”
“I want a copy of each one of them!” was the first thing Vince told me once we headed out of the building towards the car. I lightly laughed shaking my head in disbelief.
“Do you think they were good?“
“I don’t think they were good, I know they were good! I mean if those pictures were the cover of magazine I would definitely buy it.”
I playfully pushed his shoulder and then took him by his arm and reached the car. The ride home didn’t take too long. When we arrived, we were still debating about the supposed interest that, in Vince’s opinion, Robert had shown for me.
“Well if that smile didn’t make him hard then the guy has a problem,” he was trying to make a point, failing miserably. We stepped into the apartment not even bothering to acknowledge the presents in the living room.
“Vince, darling you are not a very good term of comparison, you’re always hard.”
“That’s just because I’m always available to satisfy a lady in need. My dick is donated to society.”
“They used to call him the master at the grand entrance,” Beth’s voice didn’t seemed too pleased, while Vince looked pretty surprised to see her at the Motley house.
“Babe, I thought you were at your mom’s place.” I frowned, my eyes following Vinnie as he started arguing with the love of his life, till they moved towards a more private space.
“Why does she have to freak out every single time?” I asked the two boys that were sitting on the couch, but none of them answered. Instead Nikki studied me for a few seconds before questioning me.
“By the way… what were you two doing you together?” he wondered nonchalantly.
“C’mon she babbled all morning about this fucking shoot, man…” Mick, stiffly seated on the couch, intervened. It surprised me that he had actually listened. I pointed my finger at him nodding.
“See? Somebody actually cares about what I say!” I exclaimed while arranging the table for dinner.
“As if I had any choice,” the guitarist scoffed in his classic stoic way. He fixed his sunglasses up his nose and went back in silence. Nikki rolled his eyes before approaching the table to pick inside the In-N-Out Burger bag that me and Vinnie had brought. I slapped his hand as he tried to pick up a French fry.
“Hey!” I protested trying a second time and I slapped him again. His hazel eyes, unusually uncovered from his hair, widened, “Do that again and I swear you won’t be able to sit for the entire dinner!” he warned me.
“Is that a threat or a promise?” I jokingly teased, moving the bag away from his clutches.
“Both,” he replied with a douche-like smirk.
“I think I’m gonna throw up,” Mick intervened again. I turned towards him ready to gift him with a sarcastic answer.
“Whoo French fries!” Tommy, who had appeared form the hallway stole a pack from the bag, interrupting me.
“What’s wrong with you guys!” I pushed both hands through my hair. “Vince! Beth! C’mon they’re gonna eat everything!” I called out to them, as I let the bag go, allowing the hungry animals, known as Motley Crue to start devouring the burgers.
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Manifest Season 1 Episode 5
Unlike with the previous episodes, this one starts off by taking us back five years earlier... to the earlier flight that left Jamaica. Even though I'm sure that there were other family members who decided to split the trip by taking the later flight (and the money), we only follow Grace, Olive, and their parents. Following that plane going missing, we're given a seen full of understandably upset family. Jared is called in by somebody, but he isn't able to get any more information than what the already upset families already know. Mainly because, you know... there's not much to know about the entire thing.
Throughout the entire episode, there are more flashbacks. But I hope that you know how much that I hate split plot episodes that never actually connect at the end. So... Here we go.
Jared finally deciding to let Mick go and to take a chance with Lourdes. It was on their “kissadversary” that Jared got word that the plane with Mick on it was mysteriously back.
There was also a separate scene where Jared went to talk with Mick and Ben's parents, which seems like it was right before the mom died. She gave Jared an afghan blanket that she was famed for, and said that soon, he wouldn't be a bachelor. (Even though Jared himself didn't quite know it at the time... Moms are good at that, I guess.)
Another mini flash-back plot is with Grace. Olive is in there, too, but only because she's an important character to Grace's plot.
Grace is a mess... which is understandable considering that half of her family vanished just like that. Olive is the one who takes care of her, but that's a lot of effort for such a young girl. Grace eventually snaps out of it because she realizes that she has to be an actual mom for Olive, rather than the other way around. She goes to some sort of group therapy, where she says that she wishes that people would just say “Wow Grace! You look like shit!” Because she's sick and tired of constantly holding it together and people telling her how well that she's doing. After the meeting, Danny comes up and says “Wow Grace, you look like shit!” which they laugh about being the weirdest pick-up line ever.
Some time later, Danny comes over for dinner, but Olive has a hard time adjusting to everything. She screams that Cal isn't dead, but, as mentioned in an earlier episode, nobody takes her seriously.
Meanwhile, in the present day, Ben struggles to come to terms with being roped into the nonsense with Thomas. Although why they decided to involve him is anybody's guess. Ben doesn't want to be there at all, so he just kind of leaves. (This will be important later, so this is why I'm telling you about this.)
Bethany also leaves to pack up for their trip to a friend's cabin in the middle of nowhere.
Meanwhile, the FBI/NSA/whatever they're calling themselves this episode now know that Beth was at the hospital moments before Thomas vanished. So it's understandable that they'd jump onto the “connection” wagon... Because they are completely right.
They are seen showing up at her house and arresting her just as she's about to get into her car to go get Thomas and disappear.
Oh, and the shady government guys give Jared basically a slap on the wrist after the incident in the previous episode. Ten days without pay...
Just when he's feeling like he's really lucked out, it turns out that the shady government guy (whose name I should really look up one of these days) says that he bailed Jared out simply because he needs Jared to keep an eye on Mick. Despite the fact that Jared knows that something strange is going on with Mick, he's still kind of in love with her... so he won't rat her out simply because the dude bailed him out.
Later, in a fit of being worried about Jared, Mick goes to see Lourdes. She asks him if Jared has seemed okay to her, but Lourdes says that Jared never said anything about being in trouble at work. Which, as you might imagine... in a marriage, something like that isn't exactly good or healthy.
While that's going on, Ben decides to take Cal out. He says that he's got his resumes out there, so now it's just a waiting game. And Cal isn't back in school just yet.
Ben starts to hear something, so he decides that they're going to do things “randomly”. Which ends up with them flipping a coin and going to the amusement park, and flipping coins over and over to decide which ride to take, and which food to eat.
Later, when they're going home via the subway, Ben noticed a lot of people taking pictures of them. Cal runs off at the next stop, which sends Ben into a panic. Cal, however, doesn't actually leave the station, and instead, squeezes through things like locked gates and crawls through an air shaft. (To be fair, it's a pretty large air shaft.) He accidentally ends up where they've been keeping Thomas.
Ben is baffled, because Beth was supposed to have come to take him away hours earlier. Thomas said that she never came. Cal then says “somebody's coming!” in a super creepy way. A moment later, somebody knocks on the door... But then Cal says “It's okay; she's a friend.” It turns out to be Bethany's wife, who was present when Beth was arrested. She's there to take Thomas to the cabin. Seeing as how she's Beth's wife, she obviously knew of the plan, too.
Danny shows up to see Grace, despite the fact that she's trying to make it pretty clear to him that she's picking the man that she's still legally married to (Ben). He says that he's not there about that, but rather, Olive. See, when she was picked up shoplifting, the store told her to call her parents, and she called Danny. And it mortified her that she did that rather than to call her actual father. And Danny just wants to remind Grace that, even though Ben's now back in the picture, a large part of Olive's life now includes Danny. He is also her father.
Later, Grace apologizes to Olive, stating that she should have been the adult in the relationship. Like telling Ben about Danny.
Later, Mick goes to see Ben, and finds that he's got a very nice chart going, including where everybody sat on the plane. Mick calls him out on this, because at the beginning, he said that he didn't want to get involved. However, Ben says that he keeps getting dragged into this, so I guess... he thought “Go big or go home”? He also tells Mick that Cal is having strange... things. Not quite voices like he and Mick are hearing, but something else completely.
We end the episode with Cal staring out the plane window and seeing a bright light. For some reason, despite the fact that this was in the middle of the night, nobody else, not even Auntie Mick, who had the window seat, noticed this bright light.
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septiembrre · 4 years
I'm not mad for the three word prompts pls xx
“I’m not mad”, 3 word prompts
I couldn’t sleep last night and instead of writing the prompt that has an actual deadline and due in a few days, I decided to write this because @sothischickshe is so nice and keeps giving me internet kudos, and I wanted to answer their prompt. <3 This is kind of a weird, nonsensical conversation. I know I’m not selling it, but truly I wrote it at 3 in the morning. Also yes, there’s lot of endearments in this that haven’t yet been used this way in the show, don’t @ me. 
On Ao3, too. 
Set: One day in the future when Brio is an item. 
Beth had made a mistake. She had started the bread late, off schedule.
The meet with their new contact was pushed back from a blithe afternoon meet and greet at Rio’s bar to eight in the evening semi-dinner that wasn’t incredibly tense but not really the kind of thing you actually wanted to eat at. But, regardless of business woes, she was still committed to making walnut bread whether she liked it or not. The parent group for Emma, Jane, and Marcus’s soccer team organized a bake sale for the team. Despite the ever-present shadiness of upper-middle-class, overly prideful parents, she had happily committed herself to three loaves - one for each of the children. It could be worse. At least she was no longer at a stage where all of her babies were elementary school-aged, and running ragged trying to room mother and volunteer at games.
Successful as the day was with their new connects, her whole bread-making schedule had been thrown off. By the time they had gotten home it was after eleven and she just had time to start the bulky second prove before she collapsed in exhaustion from the long day. Rio had tugged her zombie-like to bed.
But that was then and this was - now. Her over-disciplined mind had woken her up at an hour that still qualified as the middle of the night to shape the bread. Beth tried to undergo the mental gymnastics of which floorboards to avoid, to make it all the way to the kitchen without stirring Rio, but damn if she was still tired. He who must not be disturbed was snoring softly at her shoulder. Beth could already hear him, but she would just take it slow. She started first with one arm, and then the next. Limb by limb she freed herself from his all too enticing warmth and peeled away the blankets.
Slowly, she shifted her weight out of the bed, as a hand emerged out from under the piles of blankets to snag her own wrist.
Fuck. She moved two feet and she already got caught.
“Where you goin’?” Rio says it slow, rolling like molasses through his exhaustion and the fog of sleep. Rio always collapses into slumber, chronically under-rested. He took the luxury of rest where he could. It meant he slept heavy and he was always fussy to be interrupted. Beth leans back into the bed and kisses his temple, then his cheekbone.
She leans into his ear to whisper, “I need to go check on the dough.”
Beth strokes the scrunch of his brow, kisses the bridge if his nose. She’s pulling out all the stops.
“Go back to sleep, baby.”
He groans. The sound is loud in the darkness of their bedroom. Beth loves it, she loves him sleepy but holds her ground.
There’s a short pause, as she continues to stroke his temple. She’s hoping he decides to go back to sleep, he’s waiting for her to get back into their bed. For a moment, it’s a stalemate. Then, he gives.
Another groan - a purely theatrical protest, he certainly could answer a work text at any hour of the night.  He runs his hands over his face trying to clear the sleep and then continues to make his little show by lumbering out of bed as if this asshole ever had an ungraceful day in his life. “I’m goin’ wit you.”
She huffs. “I’m fine.”
“Nah, you want to do this now. So we’re gonna do it.”
“Go back to bed.” Beth sternly whispers, trying to keep her voice down. For who she isn’t sure. They’re alone, the kids at their respective parents for the week. Maybe she does it to maintain the decency of the hour.
“You go back to bed.”
His fingers reach out to her, curling under the top of her pajamas, and pulling her closer towards the mattress. Rio’s hands are warm and big against the softness of her skin there. She considers relenting, inviting his body to curl back around her, knows she could probably get an orgasm out of this. But, the children!
“Let’s just buy it tomorrow.”
A year ago she would have scoffed, offended. Now she just rolls her eyes at him the dark. Maybe he can’t quite see but she knows that he knows.
She catches his hands. Slaps him on the wrist.
“If you’re coming with me you have to behave.”
“Fuck. You sound like my middle school math teacher, Mrs. Ramos-“
“Or like your mother.”
“Or like a really mean librarian. Mrs. Castillo-“
“Oh my god. Let’s go.”
Rio collapses on a chair at the island, blearily keeping an eye on her. Beth turns on one of the lights in the kitchen. Halfway through her checking unearthing the proved dough, he starts playing Animal Crossing on his phone. She recognizes the app jingle.
“The kids play that.”
“E’rybody plays it.”
“I mean kids do.”
“Sweetheart, it was on the GameCube in ‘01.”
Beth scrunches her face at him. It’s an ungodly hour, he’s pouting like her youngest, who is for the record an eight-year-old who plays Animal Crossing, and watering his fucking crops or fishing or whatever. She lets herself digress because certainly, she wouldn’t be the first to indulge in childish behavior. Also, the fucking GameCube? This guy. “How old are you again?”
“Four years younger than you.” This is a pattern they’ve fallen into, a refrain. The other day he finally showed her his license but then she reminded him, it could be fake for all she knew.
“No one our age played the GameCube.”
“Your age maybe. My age they did.”
Fuck him.  She glowers.
“What, your old hubby never played Galaga? Or whatever the fuck boorish white dudes played in the 90s? Bet he was a Tetris guy.”
“First of all, Tetris is fine. I’ve seen you play Tetris! And white people play Animal Crossing.” She ends a touch snidely.
“Yeah. Like I said, everybody plays it. Nintendo is the shit.”
She would know. All of her children, and her pseudo-eldest, Annie, cannot remove themselves from whatever the Nintendo calls itself these days. All of Annie’s social media updates have been about her virtual island. And then Ruby had started using Sarah’s console, and joined Annie there - on that island. They took kind-of cute cartoon pictures wearing matching hot pink outfits with what they adamantly claimed was “juice” but was definitely a daiquiri. Beth was just feeling a little left out is all.  
“I thought you said you didn’t like the phone game.”
“It’s not good like the Switch, but it’s a fix.”
“Uh huh.”
“Besides your sister is blowin’ shit way the fuck out of proportion on New Horizons. I already visited her damn tacky island three times this week. She bought a fuckin’ port-a-potty and put it in her house. It’s fuckin’ weird. She kept insisting we take screenshots by it-“
Beth stops listening, distracted as an image of a cartoon Rio drinking mimosas with Annie and Ruby on stylized furniture flashes in her mind's eye.
“Don’t pout, darlin’.”
She scoffs and then her lips purse a little more.
“It ain’t becoming’.”
The bowl she’s working with clatters a bit as her movements become more vigorous.
“Did you just tell me to ‘smile’ at four-thirty in the morning?”
He opens his mouth as if to answer her, shuts it, and pointedly continues tapping on his phone. After a minute he lowers the volume. All that can be heard is the jingle playing softly.
She continues shaping the bread. Rio migrates over to the living room and Beth hears him collapse on the couch. She stores the bread, tucking it back into it’s proving spot, and sets the timer so she can wake up and bake the dough later in the morning.
“Elizabeth.” It’s not lush, weighty like he usually says it. He lets sleep curl around it and soften the syllables. She comes to perch against the open entrance of the living room. Rio’s pulled a blanket down with him on the couch and is being purposefully charming. It works but god is it annoying.
“Sweetheart, c’mere.”
She stares at him.
“Don’t be that way.”
Beth lofts her head. “I’m not mad.”
“Let’s go to bed.”
“C’mere, please.”
He lifts the blanket. She glimpses his hoodie-clad body underneath and she knows the toasty warmth of his body and she knows she’s mad for no reason, so she tries to get over it, and goes to lie with him on the couch.
They wrap themselves around each other. He kisses her forehead. “You just feel old because it’s five in the mornin’ and that makes everyone feel like shit.” He dips down to kiss the grooves under her eyes. “You interrupted our beauty sleep.”
His kisses travel the frame of her face and then he continues.
“Also, your girlfriends and I aren’t going to decide we all like each other better and un-invite you to the party.” He pecks her lips. “Besides your sister’s a freak and there’s no way she’s replacin’ you as my best friend. No way anyone is replacin’ you.”
“Not even Mick?”
She notices that he makes an uncommitted noise, but allows herself to melt further into their embrace, kisses his shoulder. She lets herself be soft.
“I love you.”
His hands dip lower to the swell of her ass. She can tell he’s eyeing the way her boobs swell up pressed against his chest.
“Yeah, darlin’?”
“Either say you love me back or go to sleep, Christopher.”
He chuckles and whispers a quick I-love-you into the shell of her ear and then a nip, “How much time we got before you check the bread again?”
Now she’s laughing. Fuck it. They’re up anyway. She kisses him, dips down to suck a mark into one of the wings at his neck.
“Plenty of time.”
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