#(thank you for being patient)
witheredallium · 1 month
Thank You, Clyde
(I could not find the original post. However, this fic is based on the idea that Clyde could mimic Lewis Williams/William Lewis' voice for Alex. Be prepared, it's a bit longer than my normal fics.)
Being on the run allowed time for a lot of thinking. Alex thought about many things; Clyde, Winfrey, Lankmann, Patient 66, the situation they were in, etc. The thing that came with a wave of grief every time they thought about it, was their brother, Lewis Williams. 
Lewis was the best little brother that Alex could ask for. They got along well, he was well-behaved, had many friends at school, and tried his hardest to make Alex proud. After the death of their parents, Alex had taken care of Lewis for a few years before his untimely death. Although Alex had seemed put together in that news segment, they were internally shattered to pieces. 
His death hurt less now, but sometimes the grief just came around every once in a while to punch them in the gut. It’s been happening more often now since Alex and Clyde were on the run. When they did think about Lewis, Alex wondered what he would think of where they were now; hanging out with the creature that killed him. How fucked up was that? They often thought that Lewis would be rolling in his grave at the thought. Then, they would remember that there was no grave for Lewis or the other children at all.
Alex hadn’t even noticed that they were crying until Clyde loudly cleared its throat. They wiped their eyes furiously, they hadn’t cried about Lewis in months. 
Clyde watched the human in mild concern, wondering if being on the run was getting to them. “What are you thinking about?”
“Thinking about my dead brother, Lewis,” Alex sniffled lightly. 
Clyde didn’t know how it had never made the connection before. Alex was Lewis William’s older sibling. And Clyde had killed him. 
Clyde had never felt any grief or remorse for the ones he had killed until that moment. Clyde never got particularly close with any of the humans he killed, but this situation was different. One of its closest frie- companions had been harmed by his actions. However, it then realized that it would have never met Alex unless he had killed Lewis, so it felt a little less bad. Despite that, Alex was still upset and Clyde did not know how to handle an upset human.
Suddenly, Clyde was hit with an idea.
“You can absolutely say no to this, but I can mimic his voice and create a hallucination of him for you. You could at least talk to him one last time,” Clyde suggested quietly.
“That’s kind of fucked up, but you’d really do that for me?” Alex sniffles again, eyes wet with unshed tears.
Clyde nodded, “Whenever you’re ready.”
Alex hops down from the tree they are hiding in. They knew it was probably unsafe to be so in the open, but they would rather fall to their knees on the ground than fall from the tree. Alex whispers almost inaudibly, “I’m ready.”
Suddenly, a small dirty blond-haired boy appeared in front of Alex. He looked disorientated for a moment before locking onto Alex’s face.
“Allie!” the boy cried, racing toward his older sibling.
“Oh, Lew,” Alex almost choked out a sob. They crouched and held their arms out for a hug for just a moment before realizing they couldn’t do that. As real as Lewis looked, he was just a hallucination. Alex frowned for a half second before smiling again at the young boy.
“Allie, don’t be sad, I’m right here!” Lewis beamed as if that would take all the pain away. He was still in his Halloween costume, Alex noted. They had saved up for Lewis’ Halloween costume and were so excited to take pictures of the boy, but they never got the chance before he was taken. Lewis noticed Alex checking out his costume. “I love my Halloween costume. It must have been a lot of money.”
Alex nodded, “It took me a bit to save up for it, but you had been doing so well in school that I thought you deserved something nice.”
Lewis sits in front of Alex’s crouched form, “You didn’t have to do that, y’know. I’m grateful for all you do for me.”
“I know, bud,” Alex sits down fully. “But, doing special things for you made me feel good because it made you happy. And I love you so much, I would’ve hated to see you upset.”
“I love you, too,” the boy smiled. “But I have to go very soon, my friends are waiting for me.”
“Ah, yes, of course. Friendship is very important,” Alex sighs. “I’m sorry I ended up in this situation, I hope you can forgive me. I just have to survive for now and Clyde is the only way for me to do that. I love you so much, Lewis.”
The boy smiled and tilted his head, “I could never be mad at you. I love you, too, Alex.”
And the boy faded away.
Alex had been holding everything in, so the moment Lewis disappeared, Alex began sobbing. Fat hot tears trickled down their face. Snot clogged their nose, making it hard to breathe. Alex almost threw up. They had worked so hard for that boy. They had struggled with taking care of him while Alex still had to finish high school and work a job to make ends meet. Alex worked so hard and he died.
Clyde hadn’t anticipated such a visceral reaction from Alex. It quickly and not so gracefully landed on the ground and wrapped Alex in a blanket. Alex hardly, if at all, acknowledged the action.
“Shit,” the veldigun sat in front of the human. “Can you hear me, Alex?”
Alex coughed harshly and nodded. “Okay. Uh… everything is fine. Just try to follow my breathing.”
It took several minutes for Alex to calm down. Even as they did, it seemed as though they were dazed and unfocused. The veldigun carefully placed its claws on the blanket covering Alex, hoping that the pressure would ground them. Slowly, they raised their eyes to Clyde’s and spoke.
“I’m sorry.”
“I don’t understand,” the veldigun looked confused. “What are you sorry for?”
Alex sighs, “Because you had to see me like this and I used you for something so selfish.”
Clyde removes its claws from Alex’s shoulders. “Eh, I’ve done worse to others. Plus, I’m using you for something selfish, too. Least I could do.”
Alex chuckles mirthlessly, “That doesn’t reassure me… but, thanks for doing what you did, though.”
“Like I said, the least I could do.”
The rest of the day was slow and uneventful. Clyde silently made plans on how to get food for the night while watching over Alex’s sleeping body. It had thought about running off to steal hot chocolate from somebody’s house but decided that he shouldn’t leave the human all alone. Another thing that crossed its mind was to sneak back to Alex’s house to get their scrapbook. It knew it would have to do that soon. Being on the run was difficult for the veldigun and it had no idea how the human would continue to respond to such dire circumstances. Getting the album would put Alex into higher spirits so they could keep surviving, Clyde justified, and not at all about the fact that sometimes it needed to see a smile on Alex’s face.
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j0kers-light · 4 months
Y/n being as crazy as Joker.....but can sorta hide it.
Imagine joker sitting at the table, trying to think of a way to carry out a robbery but every plan he thinks of had a fault and it's stressing him out. Without thinking y/n just blurts out a plan that is mind-blowing and perfect. She just says 'it's the voices in my head'.
However the plan goes left because some goon did something stupid. Joker gets caught by the batman and is sitting at the back of the police car in hand cuffs being sent to the asylum. When the police officer talks to him, he recognises the voice and the eyes from the rearview mirror and its his bunny blended in as a cop. Recklessly driving away and ending up in a car chase with many police cars and even a helicopter on their tail.
His Lighthouse: Paint the Town Red (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
Paint the Town Red - Oneshot
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OOOOOOOOOOh my GOSH! Thank you to the moon and back @chelsea-xxx2003 for your patience! This request was a long time coming but I love love love loved writing it! This request is so old it makes me wanna hide in the box of shame!
But anyhoo!!! I hope you enjoy my love! Thank you once again for your patience (omg😭 please don't hate me!!) and if its not to your tastes, let me know! I can try again!🖤✨
Of course the song that inspired the plot 🤭
@blackreaderatrisk @twinkledinkle @clemdango04 @l3ejm @tears-of-amber @what-an-angel @darthjokerisyourfather @thatsnoteii @dollster @cheetahspy @kaidennnnn @urdariingdoll @motivation-idontknowher @ins0mniac-whack @spaghettificationandpretzels @reneisance @alittlesmartcookie @ninacutebee16 @carydorse @jaysmentalspace
Let me know if you wish to be added to the official His Lighthouse taglist! Be alerted with any oneshots and the main story updates! 🖤✨
The saying, “You are known by the company you keep” could be misconstrued in so many ways.
For how can someone say they truly know a person?
Joker felt that he knew you both inside and out; his stubborn yet highly intelligent Y/n. He loved you to a toxic degree and he knew the feelings were mutual.
He’d only known you for a year, but he knew the itty bitty details that made you unique. You were quiet when necessary and rowdy at the most inopportune times. Your literary skills were profound at the cost of your social prowess.
J loved how you stumbled your way through conversations and your cute little um’s were to die for! But if given a pen and paper, you could move the masses with your words.
In Joker’s eyes you were just shy of being perfect. Sweet, innocent—you couldn’t harm a fly. He thought he knew his soft-spoken Bunny.
Come to find out: he didn’t know you at all.
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Your dining room table was a war zone of stationery and mindless clutter.
Joker had parked himself there early this morning and had not moved since. You brought him breakfast and snacks but he would only grumble a quick, “Thanks Bun” to you before resuming his work. He was so fixated on this new heist idea that nothing else mattered. He couldn’t focus on anything if it wasn’t the blueprints in front of him or his phone that would chime with more reliable intel.
Come to think of it, you didn’t see him take a bathroom break. This robbery couldn’t be that important. You tried to get his attention despite failing every time.
Nothing was getting through to your dark clown, so you stopped trying.
You could tell planning was stressing him out, but once J was in his thinking mode, either he would finish or throw a murderous tantrum until he figured it out. All you had to do was wait for the outcome.
In the meantime, something you loved about Joker was his handwriting. It resembled nothing of the infamous madman. His penmanship was legible and slightly feminine with hints of cursive in unexpected places. Only Joker could get away with writing slaughter in pretty script. You did not expect him to have neat writing. It was a huge contrast to his deranged mental state.
It was soothing to watch J hunch over his notebook plotting out his next heist. There were so many intricate details that ultimately found their way into his notes—and you got to see the magic unfold in real time. You almost missed him groaning at the ceiling. He finally stopped plotting and started mumbling to himself under his breath.
A tantrum was imminent, so you decided to intervene before he went out and started killing innocent people.
“What’s bothering you, J?” You asked him.
His stressed-out green eyes immediately found yours from across the room.
You watched his pupils dilate taking in your beauty. You tried not to let his awe-struck reaction get to your head and instead focused your attention on his response.
“It's nothing to worry that uh.. pretty little head of yours with, Bunny. Am I... bothering you sittin’ here?” He gestured to his mess at the table while raking a hand through his dirty hair.
He needed to wash it but if he was going out, he needed to dye it. You would miss his natural sun kissed strands until the green faded out. A pity he covered up something so beautiful.
You shook your head, walking closer to him. “You are never a bother, J. I just came to see if you needed anything. You know... like a break.”
You made grabby hands at Joker’s hair and waited for him to voice his consent.
With a happy squeal, you carded your fingers through his greasy locs. The texture was a bit unusual, but it was an honor to touch Joker in such an intimate way that you overlooked your own discomfort to establish his.
Joker’s head fell back against your stomach in bliss. Your nails felt so good on his scalp, all his thoughts about the upcoming mission just melted away.
It was crazy how you automatically knew how to calm him down. J purred under your touch and you smiled at the overgrown cat at your mercy. This man worked so hard, he never stopped to take breaks and care for himself. He was blessed to have you around to remind him.
Not much it did with the stubborn clown, but the thought was appreciated.
The snacks you brought J were left untouched except for the sugary treats you added last minute. Joker and his sweet tooth. You rolled your eyes and they landed on his scattered plans.
From your advantage point, you could read everything from over Joker’s shoulder.
The heist was thoroughly thought out even in its rough planning phase.
Joker planned to rob the mob run bank in downtown Gotham, but you noticed there was something missing to tie it all together. He couldn’t seem to figure out how to access the bank’s service panels on the roof. You skimmed over the goons’ hired for the job. They were familiar names from your past and you remembered their individual skill sets. You knew who needed to be where to extract their ultimate usefulness.
The heist was scheduled to be done at the day’s end so that Joker could blend in with the district's school buses that drove by the bank everyday like clockwork.
It was perfect. Too perfect, hence why Joker circled alarm panel three times in red marker at the top of his notes and underlined, eliminate idiots twice.
There were open gaps within his idea. He didn’t know how to fill them.
Your poor clown was overthinking this and his little doodles on the plan’s margins were a sign of his restlessness. The solution was so easy; you couldn’t stop yourself from spelling it out for him.
“Baby.. have John John and Razor zip-line from the adjacent office building down onto the roof. John John can access the alarm panel and disable it. He’s got more situational awareness than Razor, so he’ll regroup with the two idiots you stormed the bank with. Tell them... it's only five shares, they’ll off each other to hoard all the money for themselves. Greed will have them turning their guns on their own accomplices. You won’t have to do a thing but watch. Before the bus gets there, there should be only one guy left. That way...”
You leaned down to kiss Joker’s scarred cheek. “You can kill him and the bus driver and make off with the cash. Easy.”
You resumed stroking his hair as if you didn’t solve his day long conundrum.
It was a mind blowing and perfect plan, one that he could’ve crafted if he weren’t so stressed but coming from his Bunny—it was even more diabolical. It was a glimpse at a darker side of you that he’d never seen before. He honestly didn’t know one existed.
He turned to stare at you in disbelief and you had the audacity to look surprised.
“I’m sorry, did I scratch too hard?”
You were worried about his hair rather than the plan you just orchestrated on the fly. How did you string it together?
He glanced down at his unfinished notes scattered on the table. Frost still had trouble decoding Joker’s long code, it was so complex, but you managed to decipher it and fill in the blanks within minutes.
“Can ya read that doll?” J pointed to his notes.
Were you not supposed to? It was clear as day, but you didn’t want to hurt Joker’s feelings if he didn’t like his own handwriting or something.
Joker stood up slowly, seeing you hesitate. He hoped he was just overthinking this.
There was no way his precious Light was some secret criminal mastermind. You wouldn’t harm a fly, yet he couldn’t ignore how easily you read his coded text. No one was supposed to unless they had previous skill in certain circles.
You sensed a shift in Joker’s demeanor and quickly backtracked.
“Um well, I.... I mean not really, no! The um voices in my head.. kinda filled in the gaps? Perks of being a writer, I guess? We can read anything! You have pretty handwriting if that’s the problem! Haha.. Wow! Would you look at the time? A-Are you hungry? I was thinking lamb stew with some fufu for lunch!”
You laughed and all but sprinted towards the kitchen, leaving a perplexed Joker staring after you.
Perks of being a writer? Was he really supposed to believe that? Although he did blush at the compliment you made towards his penmanship. You somehow managed to talk your way out of his suspicions with your sweet nature.
Joker watched as you washed your hands and forgot about the odd moment altogether. Watching you cook was the perfect way to distract Joker. It must’ve been a fluke for you to be able to read his code.
But why did he have the feeling you were hiding something?
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Your plan was so foolproof, Joker didn’t change a single thing.
The day of the hit came, and everything went smoothly as if you personally knew the mindset of his hired goons. They played their part as pawns perfectly and Joker was able to drive the school bus out of the bank with no issues. His Light was secretly a genius!
What neither of you predicted was the loyalty of the bus drivers in front and the one behind Joker’s decoy.
Despite the hush money given, they still snitched to the GCPD, and the authorities had Joker surrounded by the time he broke off from the fleet. He couldn’t put up much of a chase in the worn-down vehicle and was quickly apprehended.
There was nothing Joker could do to get himself out of being hauled back to Arkham by his arch-nemeses, Batman.
J’s triumphant day was instantly a catastrophic failure.
The caped crusader was standing around, giving Jim Gordon the rundown of events as if he did all the work. They were talking for almost an hour now with no end in sight! All Joker could think about in the meantime was how many strings he had to pull to break out of Arkham to get back home to you.
He didn’t want you to worry when the news of him being captured aired. It was an inevitable outcome within the relationship, one that you mentally prepared for; but Joker had always planned on saying goodbye should this situation arise.
Joker hardly gave you a kiss when he snuck out your apartment for this robbery. He was so confident in your plan that he didn’t fathom the possibility of being caught and skipped his traditional goodbye. It was a small mistake that he regretted terribly.
Without a doubt, Joker knew you would sit up all night waiting for him only for a breaking news bulletin to squash your hopes of his return.
Escapes from Arkham took careful planning months in advance and eight times out of ten, they ended in failure. Joker couldn’t survive a day without his Light. Now he would be separated from you for an undisclosed amount of time before he could even begin plotting an escape. He was screwed.
He banged his head against the window in anger. Jim and Batman glanced over at the noise and didn’t notice a rookie cadet snatch the handcuff keys away from Jim’s belt.
Joker’s world was crumbling fast and the voices in his head were making things worse.
What will Bunny think deserting her like this?
She’ll never love you again for leaving without a word.
You’re gonna lose her forever.
No one said anything about the rage filled tantrum Joker was having in the backseat. They could hear his yelling and saw how the car was rocking violently as he flipped out.
Batman spent enough time talking with the Commissioner. It was time to transport Joker before he grew too volatile and risked an escape attempt.
Jim turned around and got the attention of a cop he trusted. “Hey, Cruz! You and the rookie take the clown back to the precinct. We’ll follow after we finish here.”
Cruz nodded and slapped his newly appointed partner’s arm. “Hah! Let’s go rookie. You drive.”
Joker was still fighting against his restraints when he spotted the two cops approaching the vehicle.
He found it odd that Batman wasn’t escorting him straight to Arkham Island. Instead, two average looking police officers were tasked with the job. Much to his amusement, one of the cops stuck another with a needle about halfway to the car.
Cruz crumbled to the ground and was dragged out of view of the surrounding GCPD officers. It wasn’t an unusual sight to see a corrupted cop and for that Joker didn’t raise an eyebrow at the sight.
He grew curious when the rookie hopped into the car and cranked it up.
They didn’t waste any time stepping on the gas pedal and flooring it straight out of the parking lot. It was only after they drove through the police barricade did a fellow cop shout, “HEY!” thus alerting the squadron of the situation.
Shouts rang out in attempts to pierce the tires, but the cruiser was screeching away like a bat out of hell. Joker couldn’t balance himself being handcuffed as he was.
He tumbled roughly into the door and had a mind to complain about it. “Who taught ya how to drive?!”
He was unsure if this person was his savior but his answer came when other GCPD vehicles gave chase. Even more surprisingly, the Batmobile was not in pursuit just yet.
“I know how to drive, thank you very much.” The erratic driver mumbled towards the backseat.
Joker’s head shot up hearing the voice. There was no way.
Despite the fast speeds and harrowing turns, he managed to right his balance and peer through the dividing glass at the driver. Your e/c locked eyes with his shocked green through the rearview mirror.
“Y/n?” Joker was sent headfirst into the passenger side door after you made a sudden turn onto the highway, literally on two wheels. Okay that jerk felt a little intentional.
J shook off the pain and overheard you laughing in the front seat. He was in shock seeing this rare side of you. Was he dreaming?
Joker almost didn’t recognize his Bunny dressed undercover—mainly due to the scarlet red wig you wore. This had to be a dream. Your e/c eyes were wild with excitement and much to his horror, there was a natural ease to you.
You were in your element speeding down the highway with an apprehended criminal in the back seat.
The police cars caught up and opened fire, yet you laughed at their pathetic attempts even as a few gunshots cracked the back windows of your cruiser. The odds were stacked against you, however you continued, swerving in and out of traffic, causing wrecks and utter chaos in your wake.
You spotted a familiar SUV driving parallel to you and waved at the driver. Joker was about to ask if you knew them when they introduced themselves in a bold fashion.
Two men leaned out the backseat windows and returned fire at the police. Their aim was true and hit the police tires, stopping them in their tracks.
Joker was speechless. How was any of this happening?
His brain didn’t have time to process anything when a helicopter highlighted the car from above. You groaned in anger but reached over to grab a walkie talkie.
“Up top! Up top! Up top!” You chimed into the device.
Then it finally clicked to J. Somehow you were in on this daring escape. He didn’t care about his fate; you were the only concern on his mind.
Joker banged his bound hands onto the divider glass to get your attention. “Bunny! This is dangerous! Ya gotta stop!”
All you did was roll your eyes and scoff. “Mm that’s cute coming from you!” You shifted gears when you spotted something up ahead. “Thank God! Our backup has arrived!”
Joker glanced out the window and only saw Gotham civilians trying to get out the way and the all black SUV shooting back at the GCPD. That wasn’t backup? He didn’t understand anything at this point. The spotlight overhead was keeping you and him visible to the authorities so what could you possibly have in mind to escape?
“What are ya talkin’ about doll?! What backup?” Joker saw twin 18 wheelers up ahead open their hatches. His green eyes widened at the heat they were packing.
What he didn’t see was two more SUVs entering the highway, already aiming at the police helicopter with rockets.
In response to his question, all he received was your maniacal laughter as you reached one hundred and twenty miles per hour. From there, everything happened simultaneously.
You spotted the tank Batman called a car fast approaching and radioed to your men. “Light em up, boys.”
Your cruiser whizzed past the two trucks and the now three support SUVs at the precise moment they blocked the highway and unleashed their weaponry on the unsuspecting police.
It was a war zone. News outlets later on reported that the highway sustained so much damage, it would need to be repaved.
A brave civilian caught the battle from the southbound lanes on his cell phone and it was a literal massacre to witness.
The helicopter was shot down and exploded in a fireball onto the first two cop cars leading the chase. Once a wall of fire separated the GCPD from you and Joker’s getaway car, your goons opened fire and brutally murdered the rest of the fleet of police officers.
Batman tried to save the day but his tank suffered heavy structural damage from the RPGs and other arsenal fired at it.
The bat had no other choice but to flee the scene.
The authorities were severely outgunned and quickly outmanned by a few criminals. Jim Gordon was at the end of the chase and his face paled seeing the insignia painted on one of the 18 wheelers.
It was his cue to call out the immediate, fallback orders to his men. But it was already too late.
It had been decades since Jim Gordon had seen the haunting image of a cobra coiling around a bouquet of nightshade.
The Mors Atra Lux Syndicate. Their Latin translation meaning; death is a dark light. They were the deadliest gang in the east, dating back as far as the Great Roman Empire. And now their current leader was making their stand here in Gotham City by allying with The Joker.
The ominous air was palpable. This was the beginning to a very long bloodbath.
But it wasn’t that deep to you.
All you did was call in a favor the second you saw Joker landing himself into trouble during his heist. You were worried about his poor choice of a getaway vehicle right from the beginning. The school bus would help him blend in, but after separating from the yellow procession, he would be vulnerable.
And you couldn’t have been more correct. Through surveillance and radio, you watched Joker be apprehended. It was now or never, and you acted fast.
You called your uncle and exhausted your one-time favor to rescue Joker.
The consequences of your actions would sink in later. You didn’t care that asking for help was your Defacto swearing in ceremony into the gang. There was no way out once you got involved.
None of that mattered as you exited the highway and drove to the predetermined meet up spot. Joker had yet to stop yelling in your ear.
He was giving you a mouthful about the events that were unfolding around him. He too recognized the ancient gang’s insignia and its importance. The Mors Atra Lux Syndicate was the greatest active gang in the world and to have them as an ally was legendary.
His mind was still reeling to discover his Bunny was affiliated!
You screamed whenever there was a bug in the apartment. He shielded you from his own organization due to your intolerance to violence. That’s the Y/n he thought he knew.
His Light wasn’t pure as he thought.
That much was evident when you pulled into an abandoned junk yard, turned off the car, and faced him. “SHUT UP, J! Just.... be quiet, I can’t hear myself think!!” You closed your eyes as Joker stared at you in horror.
You were mumbling to yourself with an eerie smile on your face. Whatever you were discussing was resolved for you quickly composed yourself and grabbed the keys to unlock his handcuffs.
You joined him in the backseat and without hesitation, you grabbed Joker by the neck to kiss him.
He wished it was the interaction mutual but the shock factor of discovering your dark side was hindering his ability to function properly. Just how deep was your affiliation? Should he be intimidated or aroused?
You caught onto Joker’s wary demeanor.
You smoothed down his wind tossed hair, “I’m sorry baby, I’ll explain m-more later but right now? We need to get you somewhere safe.” Your attention wavered after hearing a car door close.
Joker sputtered seeing you pull a gun from your waistline. It even had a silencer on it, he was impressed!
Thankfully you didn’t need it, yet he knew you were a seasoned warrior based on your stance. This wasn’t your first rodeo. You had nothing but murder on the mind and a steady hand.
You recognized your first cousin Flex approaching from his armored SUV and lowered your weapon.
“Bella.” He nodded at you before giving Joker the up down. He wouldn’t judge your choice of a partner. “We’ll take care of him from here.” Flex noted.
Joker was positively mind blown. He waited until you freed his hands to ask. “Uhhhh.. Bella? Is that your err real name, Y/n?”
You and Flex snorted. You hugged your cousin and whispered something in his ear as Joker looked on, growing more and more annoyed by the second.
Finally, you replied to J’s question. “No. Its an honorific in our Syndicate. Flex will take you to your hideout. Don’t. Kill. Him. I won’t be able to save you if you anger the order. I’ll see you at home for dinner, okay J?”
You kissed him one more time and smoothed out his suit, as if you didn’t pull off a highly dangerous recovery mission to free him.
Joker’s head was spinning as you urged him to follow Flex back to the car. Nothing made sense. Everything Joker thought he knew about you was apparently a lie.
You were already destroying the cruiser’s license plate and removing your wig to revert back to your harmless civilian look. You fluffed out your natural curls and then proceeded to coat the cop car in gasoline. The fire started inside the vehicle as Flex cranked up his SUV.
Joker watched you stay behind, staring at the growing flames with that eerie smile on your face. He was staring at a stranger. A devil in disguise. He thought he knew his soft-spoken Bunny.
Come to find out: he didn’t know you at all.   
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tunabesimpin · 1 year
I’d like to humbly request Floyd making a “Ur mom” joke. congratulations on 500, may your days be bright
ur wish is my command !!! I hope u r havin good days as well ^v^
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I'm terrible at makin ur mom jokes but i hope this will suffice
Thank you for being patient!!! <3
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justanaspiringsomeone · 4 months
(For the character ask !! ) Keiki’s favorite Touchstarved Li? (Also I love her so much so I offer this bouquet as a token of my appreciation 💐)
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In all seriouness Anon! Here's Keiki's thoughts on the LIs so far!
Relationships w/ Cast
Keiki likes
“He’s like a warm, comforting sun for the downtrodden.”
Aside from being the first genuinely good person she has met, Keiki feels drawn to Kuras in ways she doesn’t understand, but hopes to with time.
Kuras likes
Kuras finds Keiki’s natural charm to calm others and beckons them over interesting. Sometimes she helps in the clinic because of this whenever he has child patients.
Keiki dislikes/likes
“I never met a mage like him, while he’s flirtier than I anticipated… I don’t dislike it. I think.”
Leander so far provides Keiki with many things that she is thankful for. However, there’s something to him that rubs her wrong and she’s hoping it’s not experience preventing her from seeing his kindness.
Leander likes
Finds Keiki adorable, both to fluster and to talk to. He often tells her tales that she enjoys hearing. tries to ease any reservations and worries she has about him and Eridia as a whole.
Keiki dislikes
“so frivolous and uncaring almost to his detriment… and yet, it’s something to behold.”
Vere is everything Keiki hates. His smooth words and backhanded remarks serve as a reminder of the life she left behind yet finds herself unable to completely find all traits of him unappealing.
Vere dislikes
Vere dislikes the motherly and seemingly naive nature Keiki has, he likes it more when she lets her more negative emotions loose. Knows that there's something protecting her as well, much to his ire.
Keiki dislikes/likes
“He’s definitely not good for my heart, yet I want to see him all the same.”
Keiki isn't sure how to gauge Ais. On one hand, he’s irritatingly smug and often causes problems when there shouldn’t be. And on the other, his calm and confident demeanor gives Keiki a strange respite from her own worries. He makes her feel things she hasn’t felt before. And that scares her.
Ais likes/dislikes
Ais finds her lack of backbone annoying but her enthusiasm and surprising morbidness is interesting to him, what more could she have to find for him?
Keiki likes
“They seem in need of guidance and a safe place…”
Keiki feels some form of attachment to Mhin, reminding her of the children within the temple she lived with most of her life. Dotes on them as a form of repentance to which they don’t recuperate or understand.
Mhin likes/dislikes
Mhin feels like a child when Keiki dotes on them, but she continues despite their biting comments and snarls. Still, she brings a gentleness that they aren’t familiar with but can’t find it within them to be completely closed off to.
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
Dare I ask why Abram doesn’t like being called pretty??
I don’t know anon, do you dare?? 👀 jk here we go
I’ll preface with: this isn’t going to be as bad as the canon Nest, nor as bad as canon Andrew’s childhood but there’s a tw for assault/coercion
So like. Neil is just a good looking guy, right. We all know this, it’s canon, we love it for him (and Andrew).
I’m imagining in this au some of the major points of his upbringing are (obviously) not having his mother’s protection - at least not as much if any at all idk - and being a lower station than like half the people he’s around regularly. I think we figured Nathan is some noble that has his own land and place of operations, but I think it’s more a title the eldest Wesninskis have historically earned once they’ve proven themselves worthy and loyal. So yes Nathaniel is the son of a noble and expected to take his place as such but he’s not going to get there anytime soon until he grows strong/smart enough to take the title from Nathan. Which, clearly, he doesn’t stick around long enough to get to.
An introduction as a bit from this scene (which is part of the writing masterpost of this au that you can find here!)
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So the Moriyamas still have a considerable leash on him. Acting against or refusing anyone higher in station is very much a punishable offense, and honestly? Nothing the various nobles, etc do is worth getting punished in Nathaniel’s mind.
From the time he’s like seven? Eight? Some of the court ladies likely start commenting on his appearance (because this is the Nest equivalent and because they’re above reproach and the Moriyamas definitely don’t care enough to stop it. Doubtful Nathaniel is the only one this happens to). Bit by bit they get more and more comfortable, usually the ladies, sometimes a man or two, and eventually it’s touching, holding, ‘asking’ for kisses, threatening him as a joke they put on for each other. And Nathaniel, of course, can’t even say anything without earning harm. He’s dealt with lots of unwanted touching, he’s used to having blades pointed at him or against his skin, and at least with the nobles it’s never more than a nick or scratch. They just like scaring him. They never undress him or even try more than to get under a sleeve, but still all roaming is fair game to them over the clothes. And the most common (though not only) comment from any of them is telling him how pretty he is. How lucky he is to have his father’s looks, and how could they possibly let that go to waste? (This is the main reason Abram still thinks he’s a carbon copy of Nathan, though he’s not - he leans more toward his mother’s features, and only his father’s hair, eye color, posture, etc)
As he gets older and grows more dangerous, this starts to slow down. Partly because then he’s a lot better about staying out of sight, he’s gotten used to getting himself out of those situations earlier. Not to say it never happens. Just a ‘his reputation precedes him’ - the smarter ones know that if they go too far, if Nathaniel decides he’s had enough, he could kill them as easily as he could anyone else, and most of them know he isn’t as well trained as the Moriyamas would have liked. He’s more of a risk now and there’s others they can subject to their whims instead.
I don’t think Abram would ever get used to being called pretty, even by Andrew. It’s not a full on trigger like some other things, it just makes him severely uncomfortable and maybe even a little scared. Like a kid again. Clueless and helpless. A jolt through his body when he hears it.
There’s plenty of other things Andrew can and does call him instead, anyway.
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dozing-marshmallow · 12 days
Hello!!! I really love ur blog btw can you do a Cody x Yandere fem reader? Like she is more low-key and chill than Sierra, she is more easier to befriend Cody??
Hiiyaa!!💗 Thank you so much for all the love, I'm sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner!!
I hope you all have a wonderful read and a beautiful day💖☀️ CODY X YANDERE! FEMALE! READER ONE SHOT
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Ah, Cody.
The love of your life.
You loved him the moment you saw him walking down the dock in the introduction episode.
"Coooooooody! Isn't our couple ship so beautifuuuul?"
Though, this walking encyclopaedia just had to join this year.
But that's alright. You've been patient and it's always rewarded you.
And now, the opportunity has presented itself once again.
“Is she bothering you?” you asked tenderly to Cody before oozing poisonous words to your rival,“Sierra, why are you such a whore?”
She gasps,“Am not! A whore would have eyes for many guys! But not me! I only have eyes for my Codykins!”
You had to hold your scoff in. Her Codykins? Who does she think she is? His girlfriend? His wife? His soulmate? All those positions have already been taken by you!
Straining yourself from the temptation to strangle her, you marched forward with your relaxed demeanour,“Cody, do you like Sierra?”
“Um... No... Not really...” he flinched, your poor baby has been wired to automatically expect her touch,“I-I’m kinda spooked by her...”
“Spooked? By me? Why me?!” she screeches in ignorance.
“Because you violate his privacy and think it’s cute to harass him?” sarcasm veils your tone,“The boy avoids you like the plague, Sierra. I don’t see what’s so charming about being voted by loverboy in every elimination round our team faces.”
“(Y/-(Y/N)!” your darling exclaims in panic. Looks like he wasn't planning to tell that.
Your strong stomach sinks for a moment, but you knew what you were doing was for his good,“No, Cody. You want her to back off? Tell her exactly how you feel.” you affirm, directing your attention to Sierra for the ultimate reality check,“Cody doesn’t care if you cry, moan or die. In fact, neither of us do. So do us all a favour and-“
“Oh blah blah! Like I’m gonna take whatever comes out of your mouth as Cody’s truth!” she shamelessly interrupts by shoving her hand in your face,“So clueless! Isn’t she, Cody?” she asks, cooing to the man at question.
How vulnerable he was...,“Uh...well actually...” he gulps, yes yes yes!,“I...I'm with (Y/N) on that...”
HAHA,“W-What?” she splutters, reeling her hand back,“What do you mean, my love...?”
“Uh...well...you’re just...”
A good lover will always step in to help,“The worst thing that ever came in your life?” you finish for him, your voice a complete polar opposite to what was going on in your head.
She gasps again,“He doesn’t think that! Stop trying to sabotage our relationship! Tell her, Cody!”
“No...she’s right. A-About everything.”
“Cody! Don’t let this wretch brainwash you!" she begs, rushing over to your precious, burning her desperate hands all over his face...
How dare she?
"Brainwashing?" your rage is converted to a calm head tilt,"Aren't you cute. Didn't you hear him?" you put your hand on your hip,"He doesn't like you. There's something to write for your blog."
Realisation was a stab to her chest."Y-You took m-m-my...." Sierra couldn't even finish her sentence before her blubbers took over, sprinting away hysterically.
You and Cody watch in silence as the volume of Sierra's heartbreak ceased; not because she was crying any less, but because she was all the way down the other end of the plane.
“Well, that went better than expected.” you smirk, though it withers as you turn to face your prize, appreciating the distance muffling her sorrows.
"Whew... I uh feel so relieved... But uh..." he nervously points to the direction she ran off to,"Will she be alright?"
You take a sit next to him, noticing how he shifts closer,“I wouldn't worry about it. She’s the moron here, not you. You feeling any sort of remorse for her is exactly what she wants. If you even try to get good with her after this, I won’t be here to save you the next time she’s swooning over you, understand?”
That was a lie, but he bought it well,"Right..." he nods. You were enticed by the implication that he preferred the future with you and no Sierra,"Hehe...you know, you're really cool, (Y/N)... Even cooler than Gwen."
"You just figured that out?" a smile tints your face to convey play.
And it paid off!,"Yeah. It's a bit embarrassing... But I coulda really had someone like you in my life before all...this." your heart swells as he leans on your shoulder.
You allowed it for the rest of the plane ride. Obviously.
You didn't need to overanalyse two previous seasons to learn anyone's fatal flaws.
It's simple- Sierra tried to win Cody's heart by knowledge.
You won by personality.
At least, presentation.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 6 months
Inbox is back open. Apparently there’s supposed to be some bad winter weather coming to my area tomorrow, so I’ll have a lot of extra time to answer some questions. Thanks you for being patient 😊
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hellpride · 1 month
I am planning to try and get decently active again 🫶🏼
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voidzphere · 2 months
puttin the @killersanz askblog on hiatus 4 now until i get the motivation to continue it again ^_^
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coffeexxcigarettes · 11 days
There are moments within the withdrawal
When you drag your tired body
To the altar of reckoning,
Only to see something in the dark reflection
Worth saving.
A brief moment of laughter,
Seeping through porcelain cracks
Like warm, golden honey.
A reminder of who you once were,
Somebody gentle and maybe even
Worth calling out to-
Sitting in the ruin of recovery,
Though the moment is fleeting-
Its warmth overwhelmed me..
The way they laughed and shouted,
Insisting on dragging me along.
"You've been so...loving lately."
And I had been.
And I wanted to be.
And to be numb is easier,
But it's nice to feel like me again-
If only for a moment.
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kwriterintraining · 1 year
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New installment just dropped :D
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j0kers-light · 2 months
Hi Chaos here! 🖤✨
I’m back from my vacation and stress free! Now I gotta get my glasses fixed, take stock of my funds, and get back to normal!! Me? Normal? 🤔👀 HA!
I hope to write two (maybe three?) oneshots before resuming the HL chapter.
I’m gonna take my time and not rush. Being in a new city has nourished my inspiration though. I haven’t ignored any asks or requests; I’m just ridiculously slow at filling them. Ya girl still has asks from December 2023.
😞 pls forgive me
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typemoonsmashorpass · 6 months
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alottodix · 2 months
The current mood is battling the urge to write more of chapter 9 because I got exams to cram for, will be soon, just not that soon, if I perish blame education
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pluto-supremacy · 4 months
Please I need the Vi fluff omg nooooooo
I’m working on it! I promise. Sorry I haven’t gotten the fic out yet, I started a new job and some personal things have come up, so my writing lately has just been slow and terrible. I don’t want to just push out a half-assed fic. Hopefully I’ll have it out this weekend or early next week!
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