#(sorry buddy. doesn't get easier after this.)
see-arcane · 28 days
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The trains go only so quick
The weather’s only so calm
For the people are all out
For celebration’s a balm
Our good friend sighs in shelter
Barred from revelry and fear
A storied local greets him
As a thunderhead draws near
Preface: For maximum effect, give, “Dracula’s Guest,” a read before proceeding.
The PDF version of the preview is here.
Munich held onto him longer than he would have liked. Had he been marooned in the place as a mere visitor he would never have opted to haunt the station rather than milling around through the celebrating streets. There was as much reveling as reverence at work due to the holiday. The far end of it, anyway. Jonathan had tucked a note on it in his schedule. Celebration meant delays even in the most sedate locales and there was every chance that this one’s might postpone his conveyance. He smiled tiredly at the shorthand, if only so he did not torture himself with looking at his watch for the third time in as many minutes.
‘Walpurgisnacht. Walpurgis Night. A holy day held in respect to Saint Walpurga, the 8th century abbess who warred with illness, pestilence, witchcraft and grim spirits. A time of grave superstition by dark and relieved gaiety by sunup with the witches and the dead all banished. The date has a predecessor in the form of the May Day festivals of old, making the time one of bonfires and fear, beauty and feasting.’ And apparently keeping the trains held up so that any wandering spirits cannot flee too far from the cemeteries.
Jonathan tucked the note away with the rest and battled with himself over whether he dared to stray from the platform or not. His train was meant to arrive at seven o’ clock, which meant that for safety’s sake he ought to be ready and waiting by six, even if the train was more likely to appear closer to eight. But the hour was now half-past five and he had taken his lunch early that day. He was down to rationing mints from their tin lest he give in to hunger and try to elbow his way through the crowded streets to find a restaurant. One that he would not even have time to truly enjoy, needing to eat speedily and flee back to the tracks. His stomach pinched him in protest. He held a fist against it to muffle a growl.
“You can wait.” He could. If there was no dining on the train, he would still make time for breakfast in Vienna. Or if not breakfast, lunch in Klausenburgh. Or… “Or I could just break and get a room for the night.” The words were a sigh. He had spied a hotel sitting in a picturesque spot near a spread of wild greenery that bled into woodlands. What was the name? “Quatre Saisons, I think,” he said under his breath. This, like the rest of his murmured commentary, was meant for no ears but his own. The festivities had left the station remarkably barren. Everyone who had traveled to or from the area wouldn’t be packing up until at least the next morning. So it came as a surprise when he heard a voice behind his head:
“You are an Englishman?”
Jonathan turned to see a man almost as young as himself peering down at him. A cluster of wild roses at his breast was the only flourish to his apparel. His expression was unreadable apart from an angle of suspicion to the brows.
“I am,” Jonathan allowed, grateful that he didn’t need to strain his tongue or the man’s ears with his fragmented German.
“You have come from the Quatre Saisons?” The suspecting angle deepened.
“No, but I was thinking I may have to book a room if the train comes too late.”
The man’s face softened at this, his posture relaxing an increment as he insisted, “The train will come late. Not too late, but still late. You must not bother with the Quatre Saisons either way.”
“Is it full?”
“Most rooms always fill in advance of these days. Inns and hotels shall all be swarmed from now until the seventh of May. But Herr Delbrück’s Quatre Saisons must not be tried. The place is not well this time of year.”
“I do not quite follow,” Jonathan said, his nose just catching the whiff of past toasts to the date on his companion’s breath. “How is it not well?”
“The land it sits with. It is bad to be near it, even after Walpurgisnacht has been and gone. There are…” the man seemed to catch himself on a word before pressing on, “…wild dogs that roam the forest and its valley. Strange souls who would take after the devils of last night, even as we light the fires against them. No, you must not stay there until at least the thick of summer. Better to try in the city’s heart if you must have a room.”
The rooms that were full of visitors already, according to the young man himself. Either way it still relied on Jonathan potentially spoiling the entirety of the client’s route as laid out and paid for from his own account. The idea of taking a room and gambling on a morning train was only a daydream. Jonathan almost said as much.
Instead, “I do not need a room, really. I can hardly risk missing the evening’s train by a minute. But I thank you for the advice, sir.” The young man frowned at Jonathan then, his eyes roaming the length of him in a searching way. “Are you waiting on the train as well?”
“I just purchased my ticket for the morning. It is better to travel by day. And to eat by it too.” He nodded at Jonathan. “You have not been in the city itself? You have partaken of nothing?”
“Sadly no. If I were here on my own account I should have liked to see more, but—,”
“The train will not come any earlier if you sit and starve.”
“Likely not. But I cannot risk wandering too far.” He regarded his luggage drearily. No, he dared not even risk a restaurant. Even the next stop would allow him only a glimpse of the city as he rushed from one point to the next. Perhaps he could find some time to wander when he reached the hotel, but not before. He clenched his belly against another snarl and popped another mint in his mouth. Only three left, but, “Would you care for one?”
The young man whispered something in his homeland’s tongue—it sounded to Jonathan like, “Better to have the leaves,”—but in English said, “I would. Thank you.” He laid it on his tongue as if it were a medicine pill. “But it is still not a supper. Take yourself away for a meal at least, Herr Englishman.”
So saying, the young man departed, perhaps for his own plate or hotel. Jonathan swallowed a sigh and put the tin away. Looking around he saw he really was the last one on the platform apart from one dozing woman playing chaperone to her family’s luggage. Her husband had taken the two sulking children back out into the streets to burn off some energy. With the surly toddlers and the brief conversationalist departed, the space felt oddly like an island. Even the clamor that leaked in from the mouth of the tracks was muted. Jonathan tried to bury himself in a book, but gave up as the text swam before his eyes.
What rest he had gotten was as thin as his last meal was distant. If he could only lay down and sleep through the hunger he might be satisfied, but that risked drowsing through the train whistle itself. He tucked the book away and took himself to the closest opening which showed the beginnings of twilight oozing over the tracks. His hand went again to the neglected journal at his heart and thought another apology at its pages. So far he’d only managed to jot his name within the cover.
“I am sorry,” he told the air. “My head is in no state for you yet.”
A sudden cold gust blew his words back. There was a rise of distraught voices from outside as the breeze whipped through. In the next moment there was a shift in the palette of the sky as a weighty cloud rolled over the last of the sun, plunging the outdoors into early dusk. After that came the pattering of hail. The last festive sounds turned to a disgruntled din before their noise was drowned entirely by the hammering on the station’s roof. Jonathan pulled his coat tight around him and wished luck out to the revelers.
Between one blink and the next, one of the latter manifested at the threshold below. She wore what would have been an immaculate costume of a bygone age if not for the burns that had assailed the fine old dress. Though perhaps that was merely a desired effect. She was likely going around as some witch or spirit who had escaped the bonfires’ efforts during the night. Between the platform’s glow and the outdoors’ new gloom she certainly possessed the half-lit look of a ghost.
The sort of ghost meant for a stage, he added to himself. She has an actress’ face.
Yes, an actress powdered and dressed to be a dead beauty. Her mouth was a full and somber curl of red against a carcass’ pallor. She carved it into a smile as she stared up at him, seemingly oblivious to the cold and hail at her back.
“Are you alright?” he asked in his stilted German. The woman only kept her faded eyes upon him. They had a pull to them that Jonathan couldn’t place. He found himself approaching the tracks’ edge before he realized his feet were moving. “Do you need help?” he added, wondering if the trouble was just a matter of shelter. The tracks were set deep and it would be a hassle to hoist oneself up to the platform’s edge.
“He tries again,” said the woman on the tracks. Possibly. Her German was almost as fractured as his own, albeit with a different inflection. “Another sent for. Another to travel with. Fast, fast, fast.” The sky growled at her words. A stage’s effects could do no better. With the thought in mind, he wondered:
Is this a performance?
Before he could ask, his stomach spoke for him. It was mortifyingly loud and the thunder’s next peal did not do enough to cover it. The woman’s expression cracked on a wider smile. She recited:
“Help, Heaven, help! who knows the Father
Knows surely that he loves his child:
The bread and wine from the hand divine
Shall make thy tempered grief less wild.”
Jonathan smiled back, glad to recall the verse. He and Mina had gone over it in the original text and the English for practice and preference’s sake. Lenore’s lines fell from him:
“Oh! mother dear mother! the wine and the bread
Will not soften the anguish that bows down my head;
For bread and for wine it will yet be as late
That his cold corpse creeps from the grim grave’s gate.”  
The woman’s grin now bared teeth. They were brilliantly white against the crimson of her lips.
“Are you meant to be Lenore?” Jonathan asked.
“Lenore sought her lover. I sought only death.” Her hand rose toward him. “Will you help me find it?”
Thunder boomed as a new wind rolled through the station like a howl. The woman’s ruined dress and hanging hair danced wildly on her, though she seemed not to notice. Jonathan went toward her, deciding whatever act she adhered to would be better performed out of the elements’ reach. His hand reached down to hers. There was a moment when their fingers brushed and Jonathan felt sick at how frozen she felt even through his glove.
In the same instant he saw the dancing of lightning without. The bolts seemed almost like a great weaving animal, snapping in closer and closer bolts along the blackened sky. Intuition tightened in his chest. Suspicion leapt to certainty. There was no time to speak—
Get off get off the tracks it’s going to—
—only to grab for her hand.
But not fast enough. Another gale of wind rushed through, this time angled in such a way that it seized and flung him back against the floor. Lightning struck in the same instant. Noise blasted his ears. It was a nigh deafening din made from the crackle of electricity dancing on the tracks and the rattling roar of a thunderclap. Under it, he swore he heard the woman scream.
God oh God oh God hospital what is the word for hospital I need the dictionary I need—
He scrambled to his feet and back to the platform’s edge. His breath stayed trapped in his chest until he looked down.
And saw nothing.
There was no woman, alive or dead. He gawped for almost a minute at the bare tracks. The hail thinned away as he stared and the thunder softened to a grumble.
“You are hurt?”
Jonathan looked up and found the dozing mother had left her heap of baggage to check on him.
“No, no, not hurt. But there was someone…” He gestured at the tracks and limped through a few lines of German before she shooed his words away with her hand, switching briskly to English. He explained the scene in full and the mother nodded with something between grave intensity and a sprightly eagerness.
“Yes, there would still be some who wander late. Walpurgisnacht is night and day. Probably she is drifting back to her tomb, sulking that she did not get company for her bier. If you had your gloves off and showed your ring she may have not bothered. Lovers who die before the wedding day, they are the greediest souls on these nights.”
This she said with great authority and Jonathan had no desire to mention that he wore no ring as yet. No more than he had any urge to voice his suspicion that the woman had been very much alive and somehow made it away from the station’s threshold before the lightning could do any damage.
The other explanation is that the woman was, in fact, a roaming ghost come to collect a new member for the graveyard. It is the time of year for such things.  
A call from the other end of the station turned the mother’s head. Father and children had come in from the storm, as had a smattering of other travelers. The train whistle bayed not long after. Jonathan looked to the tracks again as if the woman might suddenly rematerialize in the locomotive’s path. The only body that he could see was the outline of some animal at the edge of the platform’s glow. It looked like a large dog posed beside the tracks, tail still and eyes lambent. Jonathan held its stare for a moment. Then it was gone, loping off into the night.  
This. This is worth writing about.
And it was. At least once his seat had him in it and a wonderfully dense meal sat in him. He brought out his stationery pages for the cause, jotting the entirety of his time in the station up to the arrival of the train. These loose sheets were reserved specifically for storytelling and recipe preservation, the better to possibly be scrapbooked away at home. The journal still drowsed in his pocket.
Hold out for the hotel room. Almost there.
Jonathan cupped a hand to his eyes to keep out the glare as he watched the world go by in the window. The storm was left behind now and the sky was all stars above rooftops and treetops alike. A brilliant wedge of a moon shined out at him. He was still admiring the view when the steward came along to tap his shoulder. There was a smile on his face but a glimmer of anxiety in his eye.
“Herr Harker, yes?”
“Yes,” Jonathan managed before the steward produced a telegram.
“For you. Will you have another drink?”
“No, thank you.” But the glass was already stolen away and refilled before he could finish the sentence. The steward vanished in nearly the same instant, looking as if he meant to finish the bottle himself. Jonathan puzzled over this a moment before turning his attention to the telegram.
My friend, I send all apologies to you on account of the trains and the time. We arranged our meeting during the heart of much fervor, and such will always meddle with travel. I send this in anticipation of your own frustrations with the hindered hours and my gratitude for your steadfastness. I hope it shall please you to know that the Hotel Royale has its finest suite reserved and waiting for you, and so too for the Golden Krone of Bistritz after them. May their hospitality be a balm against the troubles of a passenger at the mercy of fickle clocks. —Dracula
Jonathan marveled at the message. It was a rarity in itself to have a client who made no fuss when it came to snags that the firm had no control over. To have one who foresaw said snags and went out of his way to apologize to the solicitor himself was unheard of. And from a noble?
He added the telegram to his memoranda with a smile. 
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hxrukii · 1 month
Maybe Ace, Rook, Kalim, Trey and Azul for Pinkie!reader as well?
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❝Yes a perfect gift for me, is a smile as wide as a mile!❞
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╭・๑ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲︰ʚ Some of NRC student with a Pinkie Pie!Reader.‧₊˚✦
‧₊˚↷ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫(𝐬)┊❝ Ace Trappola, Rook Hunt, Kalim Al-Asim, Trey Clover, Azul Ashengrotto. ❞ ⸜⸜*
↷︰ʚ 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 ‧₊˚✦ Reader is female can be read as Yuu. Wow, his also took a few days to make huh. Some of these are quite short cause I didn't know how to write for them, I'm so sorry 'bout that.
╰・𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬) ‧₊˚꒰ Spoiler for book 1, 3 and 5. ɞ‧✦
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Will be inviting Pinkie!Reader to every Unbirthday Parth just because preparing for the Party will be much more easier with her around
Absolutely loves to see Pinkie!Reader beat the shit out of every overblot/person with her Party Canon. Laughed his ahh off when he first saw Pinkie!Reader use it against Riddle.
It was only after everything calmed down after Riddle's overblot that he actually realized that Pinkie!Reader has a canon.
Is now worried that she might actually have a bomb somewhere in Ramshackle.
For that reason, Ace tries to remain on Pinkie!Reader's good side, just so that he doesn't get bombed
Loves to eat anything Pinkie!Reader baked. Since he doesn't have to worry that anything is for an Unbirthday Party so he probably eats more of Pinkie!Reader's baking then Trey's.
Likes to mess around with Pinkie!Reader's pet alligator.
Sometimes even ends up having staring contest with it. (His competitiveness will probably get the best of him, the competition will probably last hours if nobody stops him.)
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Overly positive couple.
Like neither of them ever seem to be sad. Idia is probably scared shitless of the both of them.
They also both know everybody that goes to NRC someway somehow.
Rook and Pinkie!Reader are both overly talkative. So whenever the two of them starts a conversation, it will never end. Vil has to personally come and drag Rook away for the conversation to end.
Would probably wax poetry about Pinkie!Reader's baking skill ngl.
And would also wax poetry about her musical skill ig, since Rook probably has a passion for anything art related.
Is also intrigued by Pinkie!Reader's Party Canon, he isn't worried about how she got it though.
Wonders how Pinkie!Reader manages to fit so many party decorations inside of the canon. Also, where does she keep it?
Was surprised the first time he's seen Pinkie!Reader with a Party Canon, which was during Vil's overblot, since she legit pulled it out of thin air.
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Overly positive couple pt. 2
Kalim absolutely adores Pinkie!Reader.
The both of them are Jamil's worst nightmare.
Will want to host parties all day every day whenever he and Pinkie!Reader are together.
The two of them are just so positive and extroverted. They're probably also Idia's worst nightmare.
The whole of NRC are probably blinded by the positivity whenever they are together.
Was absolutely ecstatic when Pinkie!Reader pulled out her Party Canon for the first time.
Does that mean that Pinkie!Reader could host a party in a matter of seconds?! That's awesome!
Also loves to eat Pinkie!Reader's baking, to the point where he forgets that Jamil needs to taste his food before hand in case of poisoning. But surely Pinkie!Reader wouldn't try to poison him, right?
Would probably also stuff Pinkie!Reader's pet alligator with crackers just like he did with Grim. Well if alligators can eat crackers that is.
Whenever Kalim is hosting a party. Pinkie!Reader will be the first one invited. And if she's not the first one invited, then she's probably hosting the party alongside him.
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Baking buddies for real
Trey would probably love to bake with Pinkie!Reader. They would exchange recipes and all.
Also enjoys being around her in general, how positivity and carefree personality is probably a welcome change for him, especially after Riddle's overblot, since he was used to Heartslabyul's strictness.
Would personally invite Pinkie!Reader every Unbirthday Party Heartslabyul is hosting since he knows she loves to party.
Was flabbergasted when he saw Pinkie!Reader pull out her Party Canon during Riddle's overblot.
Probably thought it was a real canon at first. Was about to stop her from firing, since he really didn't?t want to witness Riddle die y'know.
Only to be shocked and relieved that inside the canon was... part decoration.
Still was worried by the fact that Pinkie!Reader somehow manages to walk around NRC with a canon that she keeps who knows where.
Actually, where does the canon even come from? May end up overthinking it.
Though he is glad that Pinkie!Reader is able to defend herself, though her method of defense is rather... interesting to say the least.
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Azul would probably invite Pinkie!Reader to help decorate the Mostro Lounge whenever there's an event.
Also enjoys eating her baking from time to time, but stops himself from eating to much, since he has to maintain his appearance.
Tries to get Pinoie!Reader to sign a contract so that she can work for Mostro Lounge full time, but somehow, Pinkie!Reader always manage to confuse him and refuse to sign the contract, much to Azul's dismay.
You'd think he'd be used to her strange personality since he's known the Leech twins for so long, but apparently not.
Was also absolutely mortified when he first saw Pinkie!Reader pull out a canon during his overblot.
Tries to get Pinkie!Reader to tell him where the canon comes from. Tough he still hasn't succeeded yet, but he's determined.
Will keep Floyd as far away from Pinkie!Reader's canon as possible, he really doesn't need Floyd to scare away potential customers, or blow up the Mostro Lounge.
Also very impressed by Pinkie!Reader's musical still, and surprisingly good memory.
Probably wanted to steal those abilities for Ace, Deuce and Grim's freedom, but opted for Ramshackle instead.
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꒰ ◁ ꒱┊❝Back to Ace, Rook, Kalim, Trey, Azul's Masterlist❞
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hellisharchive · 5 months
Adam with a bimbo s/o? I know it's not much to go off of but I'm a huge fangirl of your writing and I think you could do so well with this prompt! Have fun!!!
☆ dumb bitch
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Summary: Everyone knows you weren't the sharpest tool in the shed, you were pretty but dumb, you were always kind to everyone though. You somehow got the attention of the first man who didn't care how kind you were- he just wanted a good fuck
Warnings: 18+, sexual remarks, implied sex
Pairing: Adam x Bimbo!reader
Notes: Hi yes this took literally 2 months I'm sorry I suck at requests in a managable time 😭😭😭
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▶ Adam first saw you and he immediately knew he wanted to fuck. I mean, you were HOT. So of course he hit his shot, he was the first man, Adam! Who wouldn't want the original dick?.
▶ So, he shamelessly went up to you and flirted, causing you to blush and become flustered. You didn't know what he looked like under that mask but his voice was hot. He said he wanted to bring you to his room, what for? You weren't sure. But he he was cute, so you agreed.
▶He noticed that you weren't the smartest and you asked if you were going to watch movies or something, totally not understanding that he wanted to get freaky, and he sighed internally. He got a dumb bitch, didn't he? At least it'll make it easier for him to fuck you silly.
▶ You laughed at his every joke even if they didn't hit as you walked towards his place, it was in the center of Heaven! How'd he manage that? That was only where the highest non human angels lived! You asked him and he sighed interally again before answering. "I'm the first mortal soul here Babe, I got the best of the best".
▶ You both finally made it to his place and you just stared in awe at how pretty it was before oh! He started kissing you! That was unexpected, but you couldn't help but kiss back. Was this why he wanted to take you back? Not to watch movies? Things started to escalate and he dragged you into his bedroom where he shut the door.
▶ Two weeks later, you two fucked regularly, Adam only saw you as a fuck buddy, but you considered it to be a relationship without even him knowing. So you always told people he was your boyfriend and when he finally found out, oh he was PISSED.
▶ You were shocked when he said you two weren't dating, but how? You were together! You were fucking! You liked him! You started to cry because it hurt and he quickly shushed you, trying to calm you down but you kept sobbing.
▶ He thought of something that normally he wouldn't agree to, but he- for some reason- felt terrible for making you cry. He told you that you can officially start dating and you squealed in delight and hugged him. Right after he felt like he was making a huge mistake, but couldn't help it when he felt his heart skip a beat when you hugged him. Oh no, was he forming feelings for you too?
▶ Three months later and the relationship actually was pretty nice, Lute gave him hard shit at first but eventually ended up being fond over you- protective even. He doesn't do "romance" so he had to always get advice on what to do, but he was actually pretty happy with you. It shocked him, but you were such a pure soul he was almost thankful he agreed.
▶ You were as happy as can be and on your first official date, you finally got to watch movies with him. Now every few dates, he always watches the newest movies that come out just to make you happy, he loves to see you smile.
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avonne-writes · 24 days
Carry You Home
A post-war kitty Gale (cat shifter Gale) drabble written for the "LCAPT fic off" game initiated by @middlingmay. And it’s a gift for @butdaddyilovehim99 💕 Featuring the most Gale-looking cat pic ever. Thanks @swifty-fox for brainstorming with me! (On AO3)
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The sticky seed of some unfamiliar weed sticks to the fur on Gale’s legs, but he ignores the uncomfortable tugging sensation and just keeps running. Away, far away, anywhere but here. He’s done with this whole charade. To hell with it all. John can go find some other fool who can stand his goddamn womanizing.
Gale doesn’t care that it's only a facade. Sometimes, he wants to be the one being wooed and not watch John flirt with someone else. He thought... He thought they would go on a date, just the two of them, to the pretty creek in the woods close to town. All the exciting, cheerful sounds of the forest, the clear air, enough space and privacy for Gale to shift back and forth when he wanted. But John had to ruin it by chatting up three women who were on a walk.
They could have let the ladies pass and waited to be alone again, but John just had to do it, didn’t he? Maybe he didn’t want to be alone with Gale at all. He could have been looking for an excuse to cut their date short all along. Instead of laughing and walking with Gale, he charmed those girls until they were drawn to him like moths to the light, and Gale, sour in his disappointment, was left to trail behind until they finally parted ways.
Then, the fight. That terrible fight. It wasn’t too decent of Gale to snap the way he did, but it hurt so much to watch John flash his best smile at the girls, to touch their arms under one excuse or another, the way he should have touched Gale instead. Gale's tired of it. He can’t stand it anymore, to see the affection that's meant to be his given to another while he’s right there.
John didn’t understand - or didn’t want to - so, Gale shifted and ran away. It didn’t take more than five seconds and he was out of John's sight. Being small makes it easier to hide among the bushes. To disappear. He doesn’t matter anyway. He’s no one. Perhaps, he won't ever shift back again. Why bother? He’ll just live the rest of his years as a wildcat, nothing but the forest and the freedom of no expectations. He can live alone and -
"Gale!" John's cry interrupts Gale's thoughts. "Gale, please! Come on, doll, don't do this to me."
Gale stops to crouch low in the underbrush, his heart pounding wildly. His coat is too bright and clean to hide him among all the greens, browns and greys around, but he’s covered by a few thick shrubs and wide leaves where he is. He curls his fluffy tail close to his body and waits. He won't be spotted unless he moves.
"I'm sorry, okay?" John tells the forest plaintively. The canopies above them whoosh in sympathy. "I didn’t mean to hurt you, sweetheart, I didn’t mean it like that."
What you meant doesn't change anything, Gale makes a low, angry sound that John, thankfully, doesn't hear as he jogs down the path in front of Gale's hiding place.
"Shit." John mutters under his breath and runs a hand through his curls. At first, Gale thinks it's because of Gale not folding to his pleading, but a moment later, he sees the fake, wide smile that appears on John's face.
"Egan? That you?" An unfamiliar voice calls, and Gale is alarmed to see a stocky, middle-aged man with a camera approach John from the opposite direction they came from.
"Frank, buddy, the hell are you doin' out here?" John says and clasps the man's outstretched hand in greeting.
Frank launches into a long-winded story about bird watching and photography, and how his wife kicked him out of the house just to get some peace. From his vantage point under the shrubs, low on the cool forest soil, Gale can see John nodding along politely, but his eyes keep darting to the woods, searching for a flash of white that gives Gale away. After a while, Frank notices too.
"Everything okay?" He asks John, concerned.
"Yeah, just looking for my... my cat." John replies awkwardly, putting his hands on his hips the way he always does. Despite his pain and anger, Gale feels a tinge of fondness at the sight.
"You brought your cat out here?" Frank frowns. There’s something like pity in his expression, which makes Gale huff in irritation. Everything their generation does is chalked up to the fucking war, isn’t it?
"He likes going on walks with me." John says, fully turning away. "Gale!"
"Gale? Like your roommate?" Frank asks, his eyebrows trying to meet his receding hairline.
John falters for a moment, embarrassed that he slipped up in his panic to find Gale. "It’s a joke."
"Oh." Frank's face smooths out and he barks a laugh. "Let me help, the two of us will find him faster."
"Oh, I don't want to keep you."
"Nonsense." Frank claps John's shoulder. "My wife says my eyes are so keen I should've been a detective."
John chuckles good-naturedly. "If she says so, Frankie."
Frank walks towards the woods on the opposite side of the path from where Gale’s hiding. "What does your cat look like?"
John sighs. "Cream-white fur, white paws, bushy tail. Piercing blue eyes. As big as a small dog."
Sounds about right, Gale notes with satisfaction. He glares daggers at John. He hopes he can feel it.
Frank whistles. "Must be one mighty creature."
Gale preens. The sad look on John's face is especially vindicating.
"The most beautiful thing I've ever seen." John says quietly as he starts walking along the treeline again. "He's my best friend, you know. My partner. I just wish I knew what's going on in his head. It’s so hard to read him sometimes, and I don't realize I've done something wrong until it’s too late. I just want to make him happy, keep him safe."
An ache swells deep in Gale's chest and rolls through his whole body until the bitterness of his anger fades away to the illusion of salty tears. He can’t cry in this shape but he wants to. He wants it to rain down over his cheeks in big, fat drops, over the scars, for John to wipe and kiss them away, to whisper promises he can’t keep and tell Gale he loves him more than anything. He wants that, still - it hurts, but he wants it. As his impulsiveness vanishes, he realizes that life in the forest wouldn’t suffice. He would always long for Bucky.
"Sounds like a marriage." Frank snorts, shaking a few bushes that sends nearby critters running across the fallen leaves. Gale hears them scurry away from where he is.
"You bet." John laughs ruefully. "Feels like one too."
The cry escapes Gale’s throat before he could clamp down on the feeling that sparks it. It's a quiet, sad little meow but it stands out from the forest's low buzz regardless.
John's head whips up in his direction. "Gale?"
No use hiding anymore. Gale pushes himself up and walks out of the underbrush like some kicked pet, putting his paws on the path hesitantly because he’s not sure yet if he's ready to forgive everything or not. His tail rises in greeting, but when John darts towards him with a beaming, relieved smile on his face, Gale hisses at him.
"I'm sorry!" John raises his hands placatingly, then, in a quieter voice, "I'm sorry, doll."
"Oh my! What a beauty!" Frank exclaims when he spots Gale, his expression one of wonder.
Feeling shy and wary, Gale rushes over to John and weaves himself around his ankles, putting his front paws on John's right boot as he stares the stranger down. He doesn’t know where the hell the guy knows John from, doesn’t care - he just wants him to leave them alone, to give him a chance to shift back and let John give him a proper apology. He’s so focused on keeping his eyes on the man that he forgets he's angry long enough for John to stroke his head. But when the touch reminds him, he growls.
"Don’t be like that." John nudges him, then reaches lower to remove the spikelets stuck in Gale's fur. Irritated beyond belief, Gale bites his fingers, satisfied when John winces, but the hand doesn’t move far - it slides over Gale's back and combs at his fur.
"Hi Gale." Frank crouches down a few feet away, cooing like an idiot. Gale gives him a disdainful look. Honestly, this is the worst thing about being a cat. Interacting with people who want to touch him. "You weren't kidding when you said he was pretty. Never seen such a gorgeous cat in my life. What a unique colour. His fur is immaculate. And look at those eyes! Damn."
"I know." John says, all affectionate. If he thinks that's enough to make up with Gale, he’s sorely mistaken. "Sky blue."
Gale leans against John's leg. A part of him enjoys the praise. People always tend to heap it on him in this shape but never say anything when he's in his human form. His mom, for example, when he still lived in Wyoming. The only exceptions to that are Marge and John, the only people who saw the value in giving him compliments no matter how he stood in front of them. Gale learnt to take appreciation where he got it, even if it was received as a cat. Frank, of course, is unaware that Gale, the cat, and Gale, John's roommate are one and the same, but his words of awe feel good. Gale extends his legs in front of him and stretches, showing off his looks.
"If I were you, I would put a collar on him." Frank says.
"Nah, he's pretty good about comin' home to papa." John replies, a teasing note in his voice. For that, Gale reaches up to drag his clawed paws over the leg of John's trousers until John yelps and pushes him off. Frank laughs.
"Boy, my wife will be so jealous." He shakes his head, smiling. "Can I pet him?"
Gale’s answering noise of warning comes instantly.
"Ah, he doesn’t like strangers, sorry, Frankie." John says for him. Good. At least that much of Gale's feelings he does understand.
Frank waves him off and stands up. "I understand. I would love to photograph him, though. Proof for the missus." He winks.
John chuckles. Gale tilts his head back to glance at him and finds him looking back. Something he sees in Gale's eyes encourages him to reach down and scoop Gale up into his arms. It’s easier to let him than to protest.
"Why not?"
About a dozen photos later, John finally tries to say goodbye to Frank, but they're unlucky - the man decides to go the same way John's headed. He must be lonely, Gale figures, but it doesn't make it any less annoying that for lack of a graceful way to get out of the situation, John starts walking with the man while holding Gale in his arms.
It's comfortable, at least. Holding Gale just right in both forms has always been one of John's special talents. This time, Gale's paws dangle over his arm and his head rests in the crook of John's elbow. Since John can’t exactly put him down when he has just caught Gale after he ran away, it’s no use fighting it.
Resigned, Gale relaxes. He’s just a cat now. Loved and cherished openly where everyone can see. Something precious John can hold tight right where his heart beats, and no one bats an eye.
It’s bittersweet, but Gale will take it. The fight seeped out of him somewhere between John calling him his partner and the first apologetic caress over his silky fur. Gale tunes the conversation out and just drifts on the sense of peace and safety he feels in John's arms as the gentle sounds of the forest ripple around them along the path. After a few minutes, he falls asleep.
He doesn’t know how much time passed when he wakes up, but he’s still lying in John's arms, still warm against John's chest, but Frank is, at last, gone. They're almost at the edge of the forest, close to where their truck parks.
"Jesus Christ, finally." John blows out a noisy breath and swipes his thumbs back and forth over Gale’s fur. "Coast's clear if you wanna shift back."
Gale lets his eyes slip closed again and doesn’t move a single other muscle. He can feel John trying to lean over him to see his face better.
"Did you fall asleep?" John rocks him. As a reply, Gale moves his head in a way that looks like he’s saying no. It makes John snort. "Are you still mad at me?"
When no answer comes, John presses his face close to Gale. "Let’s talk about it."
Another shake of the head.
"What, you want me to hold you the rest of the way?"
Gale nods.
John laughs, sweet and rumbling against Gale's body. "All right, doll. I got you. I'll carry you home."
Although he knows he shouldn't, Gale purrs.
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satan-says-uwu · 2 months
Forever in awe that there is a dispute in the 911 fandom about who is better, Eddie or Tommy...
One is canonically racist and sexist and the other isn't. How in the fuck is this even a conversation anymore?!
And I swear to God if I see one more person say "Hen and Chim forgave him in canon, people change" I will canon myself into the sun! Look into my queer eyes and pinpoint a season, episode and timestamp where Tommy on camera said "I'm sorry". Let me help you out, there isn't one, it doesn't exist. And before anyone says "it's implied since Hen and Chim are nice to him" in no universe is it ok to imply an apology for racism and sexism. That shit needs to be seen on screen.
Let me ask you this, have you never been kind, even playful, to someone that fucked you over because it's easier to get through the day that way, especially when said thing they did was so deeply ingrained in who they are as a person. You know in their soul they aren't actually sorry. The only times we see Tommy interact with Hen and Chim after leaving the 118 were the helo scenes (where they are under immense stress to find their friends) and 1 deleted scene where you can see that Hen and Karen both don't like Tommy. How is that them forgiving Tommy? May I also add, when Hen asked for a helo pilot to get to Bobby and Athena she asked for Lucy.
This isn't even about Buddie vs. Bucktommy anymore, this is just basic human decency.
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lemotmo · 2 months
I'm so sorry I already sent you one today but this is the one I've been waiting for her to be asked. I sent the question and the answer. EVERYONE READ THIS ANSWER! EVERYONE READ THIS ANSWER! THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS!!! Oh please! Oh please!
Q. Do you think it would be possible for Buck to ever get to a place where he would be comfortable going by Evan? And since you keep saying it, what is the point of Tommy if he is just a plot point?
A. Hi anon, first of all I want to say that I'm stunned given how often I have said the words Tommy and plot point that this is the first time I've been asked that question, so thank you! I personally don't see Buck ever getting to a place where he wants to go by Evan again. I think he associates Evan with the kid nobody wanted. The son who was born strictly to give life to his older brother. The kid who never felt like he belonged anywhere. The kid who wasn't wanted by anyone. Maddie occasionally calling him Evan is fine, Maddie was the one person he believed loved Evan. Eddie calling him Evan when he's trying to make sure he's actually listening to what Eddie is saying to him is also fine, because he knows how Buck feels about the name, and he knew that calling him Evan would ensure Buck knew he was being serious. I also think if Buck ever did decide to 'reclaim' the name it would 100% be a canon conversation. It's a series long theme for Buck. It would absolutely not be an off screen conversation.
Now to Tommy. I hope this all makes sense, lol. So walk with me, anon. I think Tommy is a version of Eddie that Buck is allowed to admit he's attracted to. I think that's why Tommy 'worked' in the first four episodes, especially 7x4. We were seeing the parts of him that were similar to Eddie. He was likeable when we could see bits of Eddie, that's why the dialogue made a point of telling the audience that Tommy and Eddie had similarities (if they had been able to stick with the original plan of it being Eddie who he was supposed to kiss Tommy would have had similarities to Buck, but when they had to swap Eddie for Buck, Tommy's personality changed as well, hence plot point). I think the reason he felt so different in every scene after 7x4 was because then the show was highlighting all the ways he's different from Eddie. And how they don't fit with Buck. They're unflattering differences where Buck is concerned. Not necessarily bad but certainly wrong for Buck. It started with their differing participation levels at the bachelor party. The show made a point of showing us that Eddie fully committed and matched Buck freak for freak, while Tommy began his pattern of indifference. Eddie represents a lot of things Buck's never had before, and as a result Buck doesn't think to examine what his feelings for Eddie actually are. He just long ago put them in a very particular box inside of him that has just always belonged to Eddie. He accepts Eddie Is just different from everyone else but doesn't look too closely at why. His relationship with Tommy will force him to examine those feelings. It's also how Buck and Eddie get their own plot within what will essentially be the same storyline, the buildup to Buddie.
I think Eddie will be able to admit to his feelings for Buck easier than Buck will be able to admit to his feelings for Eddie. Eddie's spiral will come from realizing his sexuality. Buck's spiral will come from realizing his true feelings for Eddie. Buck has deep, deep abandonment issues. And admitting he's in love with Eddie and having to decide whether or not to explore the possibility of a real relationship would also require accepting that if the relationship doesn't work, they won't be able to go back to what they are now. Things would inevitably be different. That will terrify Buck. Eddie is already at rock bottom. We will see him rebuild himself from the ground up. I still think his sexuality stuff will somehow come up in therapy and because of his upbringing, his Catholic background, coupled with his military background that realization will terrify Eddie. And he will fight it. But I think once he comes to terms with it realizing he's in love with Buck will be a natural conclusion, 'I'm into men of course I'm in love with Buck'. I think for Eddie realizing his feelings for Buck will actually be a sense of relief. So although I think Buck will arrive at the beginning of their relationship more physically prepared. I think Eddie will arrive more emotionally prepared.
I think Ryan and Jennifer both saying they wanted scenes together was actually them telling us that Eddie and Maddie will actually have scenes together this season. That puts Maddie in the perfect position to point out the Tommy/Eddie thing to Buck. Something that Buck is currently, blissfully ignorant of. I also think Ryan saying he wants Eddie to have more scenes with Karen was also letting us know that they will indeed share scenes this season. I think Karen is who Eddie will confide in. She's involved enough to know how big a deal it is, but separate enough that Eddie won't feel like she's watching his every move with regards to Buck. Obviously the details I've described are up for debate, and of course subject to change, but I do think overall this is the story they are telling. Right now Tommy is surface level similar to Eddie enough for Buck to be attracted to but at some point the real Eddie will be a real option. What will Buck do at that point.
This got very long, lol. I'm so sorry! But this is more or less the story I think we're getting. 💗
Okay, I just woke up and I have very little time to answer to this, so I'm just going to post this without adding anything. It doesn't really need anything added to it, to be honest. This answer is, once again, perfect. Thank you OP!
I fully agree with everything in this post!
And remember, Lou said in a cameo that he couldn't call Buck by his own chosen nickname, but that he HAS to use his full name: Evan. Another red flag right there.
Thank you Nonny for dropping it in the askbox!
Remember, no hate in comments or reblogs. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of the anonymous OP’s posts, you can find all of their posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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hiskillingjar · 6 months
Strade with an autistic mc?
One of my characters has low functioning autism. She’s really sensitive to bright, noisy light and cold air. (It could trigger a meltdown). Her special interests are stuffed animals, especially if they’re big and cuddly, and apple slices.
She’s not really great at verbal communication especially when she scared or nervous. She’s good at physical communication tho? Expressions?
Also she’s part tanuki soooo do whatever you want with that.
autism gang rise up
i'm gonna make this a headcanon post cus i've written something adjacent to this for strade before (cw for. strade lol)
ren 🦊
suddenly he is the sweetest boy in the world
like so kind, so patient, so sweet
you're out in public and get triggered by bright lights, loud noises, you have a meltdown? ren is literally dragging you out and making sure you're okay
he's speaking to you so sweetly, so gently, he won't touch you if you don't want him to
he's just so patient with you
kind of like...he's the only person who really understands you? the world is so cruel and mean to people like you...and you're so sweet and gentle, you shouldn't be out there...you should be with me, you should let me take care of you...nobody else will
manipulating king. gaslighting king
to be fair he does win your affection with stuffed animals and like. good sensory stuff. blankets, pillows. got a whole autism nest goin
he'll replace all the lights in the house too
doesn't mind when you stim by touching his tail or ears. it just makes him curl into you that much more <3
and like obviously he's doing this cus he's a horny monster that wants you to depend on him
but he does genuinely just want someone to care for
like even if you can't make eye contact all the time, or if you don't understand what he says or tells you sometimes, he'd still be so patient
he knows you struggle with that stuff, and you're doing your best. that's all he asks for <3
law 🥀
autism 4 autism
law is so autistic, are you kidding.
granted their autism manifests kind of differently though. they got the liveleaks autism, the monotone drawl autism, the twin peaks autism (me too)
but like. providing that you survived the first night (cus they might not be able to stop themselves from just watching you wilt)
they'd be reasonably patient and gentle with you
i mean there's like no prolonged eye contact between you
but you'd communicate remarkably well (with what little you did actually talk)
they know how it feels to be misunderstood after all...and you're so delicate and need to be cared for
they wouldn't. totally understand your special interests (cus they like bones and taxidermy and roadkill) but they wouldn't be able to stop themselves from buying a few soft toys
you just look so sweet and comfortable when they leave you for work, why would they deprive you of that?
they might panic if you started having a meltdown, but they'd eventually clue in and. get you settled down (give them a break, they have meltdowns too)
and like. autism 4 autism...you know there's some sadomasochism happening. good for you! good for you...
strade 🔨
i mean. i've written it so. lol
strade would be such an asshole i'm so sorry
like come on you've come preloaded with triggers and buttons he could push to make you panic and freak out. he couldn't NOT fuck around with you
he might get a little overwhelmed himself by how much he likes fucking around with you. it's just so easy
keep a few bright lights on, play some music too loud, put on the air conditioning, that's all it takes? buddy you are NOT surviving this one
but okay okay. on the concept that you DO survive past the first night (lol)
strade would still be pretty shitty about everything
like he wouldn't yell or be mad at you for meltdowns but he would not understand in the slightest (and you know his ass is not looking anything up to make it easier)
it would kind of be on ren to make adjustments (changing lights, reminding him about your sensitivities) and like. maybe then he'd pay attention to some shit
he's better with your special interests and sensory needs tbh. he might even think it's kind of cute that you infodump when you're excited or curl up with blankets and soft toys
that doesn't mean he's not gonna fuck with you though lol.
also. full german stare at all times. will trigger your conversation sensitivity at all time. he loves it.
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the-moon-files · 10 months
Linked Universe - Masc!Reader Soulmate Quick Headcanons <3
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(^^ this is so cute i gotta find the anime its from)
Sun: Male/Masc Reader (he/him), Guide Reader :)
Stars: Wild (Breath of the Wild Link)
Planet: Headcanons/scenarios, kinda long sorry
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: Link possibly feeling comphet (compulsory heteronormative), the general angst of being the best friend love interest (ends well dw), Links missing you/being sad about it
& Trigger Warnings: Link crying. (Please comment if otherwise.)
Wild (BOTW Link)
Ok so we know he was stuck before the calamity following Zelda around
And while in game it seems like he's perfectly accepting of his role as her knight
And maybe could love her or grow to love her
I feel like after the Calamity, and after he meets you, its not possible anymore
It kinda feels like that same way ppl come to realize theyre lesbians??
Like he could've been straight and happy or content (not really, not fully, but in that way that gay women settle for staying with a man, he'd stay with Zelda maybe)
She used to be all he had left really, so maybe out of obligation he'd have stayed, but then he lost his memories.
And what was once a daily duty now became a woman he barely knew halfway across the kingdom, (who creepily randomly telepathically invaded his mind,,)
Link doesn't really realize how he feels until after traveling with you around the entirety of Hyrule, camping, fighting, cooking, eating etc. together, after becoming best friends with you,
Its like how a lesbian realizes they're lesbian bc they could never imagine themselves actually dating/married to a man, at least relying on him for the long term,
Then that sentiment comes in like "i just wish i could stay with my best (non-man) friend forever" kinda way
Like he definitely had the thought "this is so much easier, i wish we could be together forever" <3
So while "dating" you didn't necessarily occur to Link at first bc of heteronormative mindset/general mission of the Calamity Ganons
He quickly breaks out of that a couple months into the journey
Zelda at first may have been the quintessential "princess needing saving" but you were the "best friend love interest all along" type of energy you know?
So when at the end of you guys' journey, you feel the tug to leave, because the adventure's over.. you fully expect to see Zelda running into his arms or something, and turn away
You may be able to accept he loves women (tho how he looked at you and how comfortable he was touching you had you thinking possibly, maybe, hopefully otherwise)
But that doesn't mean you're going to sit here and watch it happen
(You know the games, the Legend of Zelda, this is how it always ends)
Instead, you feel lean but strong arms clamp around your torso
You're lifted up (even if you complain about how heavy you are, and he must be tired)
But Link is just smiling, and spins you around, Zelda is slack jawed in the background and then giggles??
Well, that's sweet, at least he remembered you were here instead of getting absorbed in her
Link practically whips you around, turning you in his arms
You stumble but he's too strong to let you falter in this position
He crushes you to his chest, a whispered "thank you" in your right ear, his breath is warm and ticklish
You awkwardly pat his back, "yeah, of course buddy, glad she's okay, and you're alright, you should get some rest. Oh, and you can have whatever I've got left in my iventory, since I won't be needing it anymore... you know I've gotta go soon."
You feel more see Link jump in shock, he grasps your shoulders (you didn't realize how hot his hands were until they were gone from your back)
You're worried he forgot about the whole "only here for adventures" Guide thing until painful understanding shows in his blue eyes
He immediately looks like the wind got knocked out of him
"Sorry Link, I wish I could stay to rebuild or explore Hyrule with you... but it's not my choice anymore."
You look apologetic but at least you know he won't be alone, that was your entire reason for being a Guide in the first place
But as you begin to fade (which, wow, Hylia really can't spare having you stick around for longer than a few minutes or seconds after Ganon's defeat??)
Link looks, panicked?
Like he's watching the Calamity happen all over again, but unlike in the game, he actually looks overwhelmed and freaked
His calloused hands attempt to grab you in various places, your arms, your waist, your shoulders, hands, just anything he can hold onto
But nothing works and you give him a sad smile, wishing him good luck with Zelda and the kingdom
And a reminder not to push himself too hard, bc you wont be there to stop him anymore
It's only just as the last of your vision fades (like a movie fading to black at the edges and closing in)
That you see him start to cry.
The first few months without you were hard, you had practically been the one constant in his life, afterall he couldn't remember much else so consistent before you
Sure, he had flickers of old memories, old friends, even of Zelda,
But they were special ones, specific moments, not having a routine every evening for who cooks dinner and who does dishes
No memory of someone helping him figure out how to dress himself, or how to shield surf down the best slopes
You were home, the very wilds he's grown to love and adore during his adventure, his house in Hateno was more like a inn he didn't pay for, rather than the warm fire you were sitting beside, lifting a blanket corner so he could curl up beside you
Zelda had understood, thankfully
She'd expected he would be different, memory loss can affect someone like that
But she'd said he seemed, better, lighter
Lighter than he ever was as a knight, even at the happiest she'd seen him
He'd helped some with the castle at first, but seeing how depressed he was, esp after she got other workers or Hylians to help, Zelda had sent him off
Under the flimsy excuse to go officially inform the rest of the kingdoms that she'd been freed and Ganon defeated
Link had unconciously returned to your favorite spots around Hyrule, and it had hurt in a different way to be around stables and have people ask where you were (you were more talkative than he was)
He'd started to avoid civilization unless absolutely necessary for supply runs, and he preferred to do so in disguise late at night..
So when Link's summoned on an adventure yet again to fight a threat so devastating it needs the previous incarnations of him...
He's actually looking forward to it.
Don't get him wrong, he wishes this weren't necessary to defeat the shadow, and he doesn't want anyone to get hurt, but if this is an adventure...
It means he might be able to see you again.
And he's willing to take on Ganon all over again, spend months at a time fighting and mowing down monsters, if it means you're allowed to be by his side once more
(He had tried praying to Hylia, which he didn't do much pre or post calamity usually, but for you he made an exception, and the blonde found that this was the one prayer that he could feel no divine eye turned on him for...? Her presence was practically gone when he prayed for you back)
But at least now, he realizes, he was right.
Thank goodness (not Hylia?) , he was right
Because Link could feel you,
As he'd learned towards the end of his journey, there was an innate 6th sense he had for feeling your presence, the closer you were, the more precise it was, even down to which way you were turned (all without him looking at you)
(He had ignored the strangely giddy feeling that bubbled up in his chest when Impa learned of this trick, and began to tell him, for the first time since his memories about it were gone, about soulmates)
Like familiar paths in Hyrule, he knew where a safe place to sleep was waiting,
You were waiting.
All he had to do was step through the portal, find his fellow heroes, and he knew, you would be there.
This accidentally posted 💀🥲
Welp, i was about ready to post it anyway, hope someone got a kick outta this,
Im slowly gonna add all the Links btw lol
Thanks for reading, hope u enjoyed! :)
Peace Out,
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spoon-slayer · 4 months
TASM Peter Parker x TASM Gwen x Son reader
Okay, so this is an AU where Gwen doesn't die and she and Peter stay together and Gwen gets pregnant. Maybe you can write that she goes into labor and Peter has a cute fluff moment with being able to hold/see his son and Peter trying to calm him down.
TASM Peter Parker x Son Reader
Peter is a single dad and it's his son's first doctor's appointment in the end, the reader has to get a shot and gets scared so Peter does his best to calm him down.
[Sorry I need fluff right now]
Shots Aren’t That Bad
TASM!Peter Parker x Son!Reader [MASTER LIST] SUMMARY: Peter hasn’t been a proper father in so long. So, when you begin to throw a fit over needing shots, he doesn’t know how to handle it. WARNINGS: Needles, shots, Doctor Offices + Brief mentions of depression and death. A/N: Hello! I’m back, and you’re the first request I’m writing for! I tweaked it a bit, so let me know if you didn’t want that! Please excuse how long it’s taken me to write this, I’m trying to get back into the groove of things. Let me know about any mistakes in my writing, and I’ll get to fixing it soon. Enjoy! [GIF NOT MINE]
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Peter honestly didn’t know how his uncle did it, taking a kid to a scheduled appointment for shots. Having to wrestle the petrified kid to sit still long enough for a shot to the arm.
Because, right now, he had to sooth a screaming five year old. Sure, it would’ve been nice to have some help but he had to learn to do this himself. He wasn’t sixteen anymore, he was almost twenty-one. Aunt May won’t always be there to help him.
Peter’s depression after Gwen’s death lasted far too long for his liking. He missed out on quite a bit and had a lot of… For a lack of better words, ‘dad duties’ to catch up on. And, god forbid, it was hard. Really hard.
Frustration bubbled through his chest as soon as the doctor left the room. When his five year old son, You, immediately turned to beg for a way out of getting a shot. Pleading.
“Daddy,” you began, fingers moving to curl into Peter’s shirt. Peter gritted his teeth. He shouldn’t get frustrated with you, but he couldn’t help it. It’s been so long since he’d last dealt with a potential tantrum, so his skills lacked and his knowledge failed.
Why did he have to fall into that deep depression? This all would’ve been so much easier if he hadn’t closed himself off.
“You’re getting that shot,” Peter lifted his hand, brushing his fingers delicately through your hair. It did little to sedate your fear. And honestly? Peter didn’t expect it to. So he was far from surprised on how you reacted. “I know it’s scary, buddy, but afterwards we’re going to get some food.”
“Daddy,” you repeated, voice growing louder. Peter grimaced. A tantrum was imminent, and he was dreading its approach. Your bottom lip trembled in the pout you had mustered, eyes tearful and cheeks just about to be streaked with tears. “I don’t want it, it’s gonna hurt.”
“I know. It’ll be over before you know it. Just, bear with me here. Don’t cry, please don’t cry,” Peter damn near pleaded. His hands moved from your hair to cradle your face. You’ve grown to fit into his palms comfortably. Peter ignored the dull ache in his chest at the realization.
He’d missed it.
“It’s going to hurt,” You repeated. You were crying now, grabbing at his shirt. “It always hurts,” Peter grit his teeth. He had to stay calm. You were just a child, of course you had fears and trouble with regulating your emotions. He wiped some tears.
“Please,” You pleaded. This wasn’t going to work on him. But, it didn’t hurt to try.
“Kid,” Peter spoke more sternly now. “No. C’mon, there has to be something to calm you…” Peter muttered, more to himself than to you.
There had to be something to sedate this fear. Something had to work, something had to give. And, despite all his efforts, it led to screaming. (Of course it did, or else it wouldn’t have been mentioned at the beginning of this story.)
Frustration had finally seeped from his chest and into his head, clouding his mind as tears, too, flooded his eyes. And that was what got you to cease your screaming and crying, reduced to hiccups as your father damn near sobbed from the frustration you were bringing him.
Guilt. You felt guilt numb your fears. “Daddy…?” You wiped your face haphazardly, hands now wet with salty tears from your short lived tantrum.
“What?” Peter replied, exasperated. He had long since backed away from you, hands now clutching at his hair and tugging lightly. He had even sat himself down on the seat beside the examination table you sat upon. His tone was harsh, tired. Once he got a look at your face, your reaction, he sighed and softened up. “What is it?”
You didn’t reply for a moment, silently studying him. Something you picked up during his absence from your life. From a young age, you had to adapt to mood swings between good days and bad days. Where your father was energized enough to Sit and watch a movie to the days he’d lay in bed, easily irritated by your presence and getting Aunt May to take care of you. You learned to tell his mood from it.
From what you saw, he wasn’t a ‘Happy Daddy,’ or a ‘Mad Daddy.’ Neither of those categories were linear but just a general sense of if he was in a mood or not. Rather, this one, was more of a ‘Sad Daddy.’ (The system of which you developed wasn’t full proof. As, sometimes he looked happy when he was sad.)
With this assessment, you briefly fidgeted with the hem of your shirt, tugging on it for just a moment. “I’m sorry.” Your voice was quiet, meek.
And Peter paused. He’d heard that tone before, many times. From the days he’d lay in bed, mindlessly scrolling and groaning in disdain that his Son even requested his attention and called for his Aunt to get you. (He’ll never forgive himself for those days. He was going to rebuild this relationship with his son.)
“It’s okay, I…” Peter stopped, wetting his lips. He was back to standing. “It’s okay. I just got frustrated, that’s all. It’s okay,” he reassured.
“I’ll get the shot,” You continued, watching as Peter gently grasped your hands in his. “I won’t cry, I promise. I’ll be a big boy.”
Peter honestly didn’t like how you were acting. Not in the sense it made him angry, more so… Sad. Guilty. You were trying to act mature, trying to seem less like a little boy and more like an understanding adult. “You can cry. Don’t… Don’t act like this, please. It’s.. I…” Peter struggled. He couldn’t find the right words, really. “Crying shows you’re strong..?” Was that the right thing to say? God damn it. He didn’t know what he was doing and it showed. Next time Aunt May gives him unsolicited parenting advice, he’s going to listen.
Well, at least you stopped crying.
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coffeeghoulie · 10 months
Could we get something where Phantom/Aeon realizes for the first time he is truly safe and loved in the new pack
I sprinkled some of my Aeon headcanons/lore on this one, I hope you don't mind.
Aeon had a rough time in the Pit and is afraid the other ghouls will hurt him, he does have sensory issues and a meltdown, but all ends well.
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Aeon is summoned, brought Topside, in a particularly chaotic time.
He's rushed through practices, learns to harness his magick and play guitar, and is thrown into a tour that lasts several months. Sure, he's in tight quarters with a bunch of strange ghouls, he gets to know them, grows to like them even, but he's constantly on his guard. He knows what other ghouls are like, especially to a runt of a quintessence ghoul like him, and has the scars and marks to prove it. He spends the entire tour doing his best to keep up, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Getting back to the Abbey after the tour ends is just as drastic a change. Aeon's a ghoul who thrives on routines. In the Pit, it was simple: Scavenge enough food and clean water to survive, avoid the roaming packs of ghouls looking for easy pickings, repeat. Tour is similar enough, try to get enough sleep, keep his energy up, perform his best every night, crash on the bus, repeat.
When the tour ends, Aeon is faced with a daunting amount of free time. Sure, he has chores and duties, but nothing as demanding as the touring he's grown accustomed to. He doesn't deal with change well, throws everything off rhythm and makes it so much easier to overload him. Aeon spends most of his free time holed up in his room, door locked to the rest of the ghouls.
It's a shitty morning to begin with. The neckline of his pajama shirt rests against his throat, nearly setting off his gag reflex as he wakes up. Aeon changes into somebody else's hoodie that made its way into his room. The smell isn't quite right, doesn't fit him the way he likes, but it's the only clean top he has, and Aeon can't bring himself to go do laundry. The lights are too bright, and Aeon hisses, pulling the hood over his shaggy hair to shield his eyes.
Aeon slinks out of his room, trying to avoid the others as he heads to the kitchen. He just wants to grab some food, some fruit or something, and dart back to the safety of his room.
Naturally, that isn't what happens.
Cirrus, Swiss, and Dew are all in the kitchen, talking loudly and laughing with each other as Cirrus slips out, steaming mugs in their hands. The fire and multi ghouls turn and swivel to face him as he enters. Aeon gulps, pinned in place by their gazes.
"Morning, sleepyhead. Nice hoodie," Swiss teases, tail swishing behind him lazily. He grins wide, and Aeon does his best to hide his flinch as Swiss bares his fangs.
"We haven't seen much of you lately," Dew observes, taking a long drink from his mug, locking eyes with Aeon as he drinks.
Aeon burrows further into the hoodie, claws worrying at hangnails as he tucks his hands in the front pocket. "Sorry," he whispers, tail flicking behind him. He shudders as the sensitive spade scrapes against the tile. Aeon shrinks back
"You're always hiding in your room," Dew says, brows furrowed slightly. "What, are you afraid of us?"
"We spent months in real tight quarters, buggy," Swiss says, reaching out and setting a hand on Aeon's shoulder. "I know you value your privacy, but you can't hide in there forever."
Aeon flinches, jerking his shoulder back from Swiss's hand. "I just want to get something to eat. Don't wanna get in anybody's hair."
"You're not," Swiss says, frowning slightly, and Lucifer, that stings. "We just wanna know why you don't want to spend time with us."
"Yeah, voidling, we were all buddy-buddy on tour," Dew adds on. "What happened? We didn't upset you, didn't we?" Dew reaches out, touches his chest, and Aeon feels himself pushed over the edge, past an overload and hurtling towards a meltdown.
"Why won't you all leave me the fuck alone?" Aeon snarls, eyes flashing white-hot silver. His ears pin flat to his head, his tail lashing behind him. He snaps his fangs at Dew's outstretched hand, quintessence crackling in purple bolts like static electricity along his skin, looking for all the world like a feral ghoul straight out of the deepest, darkest parts of the Pit.
Dew flinches back, eyes wide with an expression that Aeon wishes more than anything he could read. Swiss takes a step back, swallowing hard as he holds his hands up placatingly. Aeon feels his stomach flip, eyes blurring with tears.
He takes a shaking step back, away from the fire ghoul. He ignores the others calling his name. He can't tell if they're calling for him out of anger, itching to put him in his place for disturbing their tentative peace.
His brain tells him he's back in the Pit, alone and in danger, surrounded by bigger, stronger ghouls, and his body acts accordingly. His hands dig into his hair, covering his ringing ears, claws biting into his scalp. He shrinks away from them, squeezing his eyes shut as he backs himself into the corner, back sliding down the wall as he makes himself as small as he can.
Aeon opens his mouth to beg, to plead with them for forgiveness, but can't find his words, human language escaping him, stuck in his throat. He hears Cirrus step back into the room, butting past Dew and Swiss, and feels her presence as she crouches down near him.
"Darling," she whispers. "Sweetheart, can you tell me what's wrong? It's okay if you can't."
"Please don't hurt me," he chitters, the ghoulish easier on his tongue. "I'm sorry, please don't hurt me."
Cirrus straightens, turning back to the other ghouls as she shifts backwards, giving Aeon a little more space. "Boys, I need you to take three steps back."
Aeon can hear their footsteps, breathes a little easier. He keeps muttering in ghoulish, pleading her, waiting to feel her sharp claws make contact. Tears streak down his cheeks, and he can't control his sobs as he feels three pairs of eyes on him.
"We're not going to hurt you, Aeon," she says, voice soft like a breeze. "Why would we hurt you? Darling, you're pack."
That's enough to shock Aeon out of his tears, opening his eyes to meet hers. "I'm not anybody's pack," He says, voice shaking as Cirrus's face falls. "I've never been anybody's pack."
"You're our pack, Aeon," she breathes. "Darling, you are as much our pack as any of us here. I'm sorry we haven't been clear about it."
Dew nods, taking a hesitant step forward. "Voidling, we all love you. I swear to the Father Below, none of us will ever hurt you," he says, sinking to his knees by Cirrus's side, his hands palm up and open on his thighs. "I'm sorry we kept pushing you."
Aeon wipes his eyes with the oversized sleeves of his hoodies, sniffling as Swiss kneels at Cirrus's other side. There's enough distance between the three of them and him that he doesn't feel cornered, but something in him feels right having them close.
"What did you mean, buggy, that you've never been anybody's pack?" Swiss asks, gold eyes full of something Aeon realizes with a start is concern. "You don't have to tell us, we just want to understand."
Aeon makes eye contact with Swiss for the first time since he lashed out. "Nobody wants a quintessence runt," he whispers. "Been on my own for a long time."
"Aeon, voidling," Dew says. "You're not alone anymore. You don't have to be."
"Besides, we do want you, buggy," Swiss says. "We want you in our pack so much. We want to see you, more than just glances. We're not solitary creatures, you know."
Cirrus reaches out hesitantly, her hand open and non-threatening, claws glamoured away. "Can I touch you, darling boy?"
Aeon nods and launches himself into her arms, burying his face in the crook of her neck, breathing her honeysuckle-jasmine scent. "You promise you're not gonna hurt me?" he whispers.
"May I be banished to the Pits if I break that promise, darling," she whispers in his ear. She notices the chunk missing from the shell of his ear, holds him closer as she purrs soothingly. Swiss sets a gentle hand on the small of his back, and Dew runs glamoured fingers through his shaggy hair. "You'll never be hurt again."
They kneel there on the kitchen floor for a while, until Aeon shifts uncomfortably. Cirrus moves to let him go, and he clings harder, whimpering. "Please," he whispers. "Just, my knees hurt."
Cirrus chuckles, shifting herself. "Mine too. Are you alright if we go to the couches in the common room? Far more comfortable than the kitchen floor."
He tenses, but nods, hesitantly extricating himself from Cirrus's arms. Swiss helps him to his feet, leading the group to the oversized futon in the common room. Aeon and Swiss lay down, Aeon curled up to the multi-ghoul's warm chest, his arms wrapped tight around him. Cirrus sidles up against Aeon's back, rubbing soft patterns along his bicep over the hoodie. Dew lays horizontal to them, letting Aeon rest his head on the softness of his stomach, purring like a rusty motor.
One by one, the other ghouls join the cuddle pile, Aeon in the center, and he's never felt safer in his life. He chuffs, safe and content, drifting off to sleep, surrounded by the soft breathing of his pack.
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
a threesome with solomon and luci would be insane... as long as lucifer doesn't kick solomon out for being annoying
Ah, noticed my tags on this post huh?
The thing is, I just think the Solomon and Lucifer relationship is really really funny. So throw in getting sexy with MC and the hilarity ramps up significantly. Plus can you imagine if it was a condition for Lucifer to make a pact with both MC and Solomon???
I really think Lucifer would only make a pact with Solomon if it was the only way to get a pact with MC. Like MC just says it's all or nothing, buddy.
Lucifer would refuse for a while, but I think he'd cave eventually.
Then MC hits him with the oh yeah and a threesome lol.
He'd be so angry. Solomon would probably be like as fun as it is to troll Lucifer, I'm a little concerned for my own well being.
I like to think of it as MC being sly. Both Lucifer and Solomon are not exactly thrilled with the idea, but they're also not against it and if that's what MC wants, then okay.
But then it turns out they're inexplicably attracted to each other and MC mostly just gets to watch them with a smug expression.
More description and NSFW MDNI below the read more (it's mild nothing super explicit).
It starts when Lucifer sees all of Solomon's pact marks for the first time. He can't help but be turned on by the sight of all that power just casually displayed on Solomon's skin.
And Solomon can feel him looking. It's making his limbs tingle. He's suddenly a little shy and can't meet Lucifer's eyes.
MC is just sitting on Lucifer's bed (because you know he would insist on this happening on his own turf), watching them with a little smile.
Lucifer clears his throat and turns to MC, trying to make it seem like he's only interested in them anyway.
MC can see them just struggling with the fact that they're more interested in each other than they want to be, so they kinda step in and facilitate things.
It's easier for both of them if MC is in the middle, you know? Then they can pretend to themselves that it's about them.
I suspect at some point, Solomon does annoy Lucifer, who absolutely threatens to kick him out, but MC is able to redirect him before he does.
After that, things are never the same between those two. And everybody else is like what's going on with them? Meanwhile MC is just like huh who can say? LOL I'm so sorry this is such a crackship but it's just so funny to me, I can't help myself.
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inferencesarchives · 1 year
Hey can I Request a headcannon of the ancient Heroes (and dark enchantress I guess) reactions and Feelings towards a new hero in town with the powers of Spider-Man.
Bonus points if you add references towards the villains.
The Fantastic Spider-Cookie!
dark cacao, golden cheese, hollyberry, pure vanilla, white lily (not really x reader but uh you can think of it like that if u wanna this is mostly just a random au tho)
summary: how do the ancients react to the new superhero in town?
warningns: mentions of fighting, possibly ooc golden cheese/white lily? (written before their release), also not proofread sorry im tired
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confused at first. also very suspicious of the new hero. just who is this cookie, and what are their intentions?
he tries to uncover the identity of this strange hero, but to no avail.
after a few months, he eventually gets used to the presence of the hero. as long as they aren't causing too much trouble, he doesn't have a problem with them.
he does find it a bit annoying whenever spider-cookie gets slammed into the side of the citadel by doctor octopus cookie during a battle though.
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as soon as the new superhero shows up, she's interested.
she really wants to know who spider-cookie really is, but of course, she can't find any solid evidence that could lead to their identity, which leaves her a little frustrated.
sometimes she can't help but wonder why exactly spider-cookie decided to use their powers to help the city, but she's not complaining, soooo....
cheers (rather loudly) whenever spider-cookie ends up triumphant after a long and fierce battle against the spot. also gives the hero a high-five if she has time after the battle.
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she's surprised when the hero shows up for the first time, but she certainly welcomes them with open arms.
she tries to ask spider-cookie directly who they really are, but, obviously, the hero keeps their identity secret. she doesn't really mind, through, as long as they continue to keep the city safe.
she tries to get to know the cookie. she's curious as to what they're like and why they decided to use their power for good (and if they'll be her drinking buddy).
after spider-cookie wins an arduous battle, she can't help but have a feast in their honor to celebrate.
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very confused when spider-cookie first shows up. like who?? are you??? why?? do you have spider powers??? h U H????????
he is happy that the new superhero is helping take care of criminals though. it makes him less stressed while he's working.
he does get a bit curious about who the mysterious hero really is, but he knows not to butt into other cookies' business.
he does get a bit worried whenever spider-cookie has to fight a villain, but he knows the hero is plenty capable of defeating them.
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confused and surprised when the hero shows up for the first time. also a bit concerned, since she's not really sure what spider-cookie's intentions are.
she tries to figure out the identity of spider-cookie of course, but obviously she can't find any leads.
after a little over a year since the hero showed up, she eventually gets used to the hero being around the city. of course, she's still a bit suspicious of them, but she figures that if they wanted to do something bad, they would have done it by now.
she's always happy whenever the hero defeats a villain though. it makes the city safer and makes her work easier.
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a/n: anon im so so sorry for the delay,, writer's block has been absolutely kicking me in the ASS,, but i finally finished this request after like forever- now that this is done, ill officially be starting to revamp my blog!! yay yippee okay byE
thanks for stopping by!
wanna submit a request? see my requesting rules here.
wanna be tagged? let me know!
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yellowocaballero · 6 months
In Stars and Time AU: Sif Puts The Star In Starcraft
Wow the ISAT fandom has a lot of cool AUs. That's a lot of fun! What if my extremely good buddy @lazuliquetzal theorized while playing ISAT for the first time that Sif was a fallen star? What then? What if I have unsuccessfully tried to restrain myself from talking about it?
Anyway AU where Sif is a star and also a gamer.
Sif is a hip Gen Z star who doesn't go outside nearly enough and spends all of their time playing videogames watching Earth. Their sibling Loop is always telling them to stop touching grass and to get their head back in the clouds, but they can't help it - they might miss the newest adventures of their favorite humans! Look at them, they're questing! Aren't they so cool? Isabeau just got a rare item drop!
Mirabelle and Isabeau are cool. They're brave, strong, nice, and best friends. Sif loves watching their heroic quest and cool adventures. After a while they even feel like his real friends. Eventually they start making a wish on themself - if they could only join them on their adventure! Get out of my room Loop I don't know what a parasocial relationship is.
Mirabelle is scared. Mirabelle is worrying that she's leading Isabeau on a doomed journey, that their struggle is destined to end in their deaths. She doesn't know if she can do this at all. Why her? Why not somebody more competent, more worthy? In a moment of desperation, she clasps her hands together and makes a desperate wish upon a star from the very bottom of her heart - that her party will be protected. That the Change God will send somebody to help them and keep them safe and save the world. Somebody, anybody, a little more competent than her.
Sif logs on.
Sif is a stroke of luck. Sif is mysterious, cool, and very talented. Sif can protect the whole party with a smirk on their face and a quip on their tongue. They're cool. He cheers you up, he's reliable, they're strong, and they are a treasured member of the party. They're a treasured friend. Things might be hard and scary, but with Sif there everybody breathes a little easier.
Sif loves, loves, loves being a human! The world is so fun and exciting, nothing like the boring and dreary cosmos! They have croissants, trees, friends! Being a human is great. They have an entire life on Earth, one way nicer than in the boring old sky that never changes. Sorry, Loop, they're skipping dinner, they have a World of Warcraft guild raid adventure with Mira today!
Sif has a job to do. Sif's here to grant a wish, and Sif is going to earn his place here. They protect the spirits of their friends by joking and keeping everybody hopeful. No friends get injured on their watch! Even if Sif gets hurt, that's part of the job. Bonnie's just upset about the eye because they don't know it's Sif's job as their friend to protect them. There's no point in feeding them during snacktime, so they'll patrol while you guys relax. Sif can't tell them how lonely they are or how they don't want this adventure to end, that's burdening them. They can't know that Sif's not really their friend, that they're not human, that their only point is their job - that's not protecting them. Get out of my ROOM PLANET, Loop, I'm NOT turning off the game touching space! It's not a game to them, it's their lives. Even if it'll never be Sif's.
But this adventure is drawing to a close. Mirabelle wished upon a star, and a star fell, and the star's about to grant her wish. And the star will have to log off. Even if the star wants to a be human, even if the star wants to be together forever - the game ends. Even if this ending really freaking sucks.
Why does this have to be a JRPG? Why can't it be one of the good games, the games that you can play forever and ever - like a farming/life simulator or an MMORPG or something? Where you do the same chores every day and nothing ever changes, and you're happy and safe in this little town forever? Everybody seperating at the end isn't a happy ending. Sif hates this ending. Sif hates this genre. Sif can't log off. They can't protect their friends if they log off. It's their job to protect their friends. They have to play the game right and create an ending that makes sure everybody is safe and happy and everything's perfect.
The party - Sif's family - reaches the third floor. Sif cracks open his Star AO3 account. Mirabelle unlocks the door and swings it open to find…
What's a coffee shop doing here?
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puckthisshift · 2 months
Hi! Mattdrai and 31 (Cursed/turned into an animal) for the ask game please💙
Because I've already written about Matthew being cursed to turn into an animal.... here's Leon getting cursed.
The cat goes from purring under Matthew's hands to slashing at him with sharp nails within seconds. There's no reason for it - Matthew thinks the cat is a dude, but he's not stupid enough to check - to lash out at him, but still, Matthew comes inches from his hand getting fucked up because of a stray cat.
A stray cat that showed up at his door last night and whined until Matthew let him in. And since Matthew is a sucker - shut up, Taryn, he knows - he actually let the little guy in. Shit, he even fed the cat some of his good fish earlier, and his reward is... this.
"Buddy, if you hate me, why are you here?" Matthew can't believe he's talking to a fucking cat. "You don't make sense."
He doesn't get an answer, as expected. There's more hissing, of course, but nothing else. Matthew gives the cat the space he so clearly wants and goes to the office. There has to be a way to find out if someone is missing a cat, right? Maybe there's a place where he can get adopted by someone he actually wants to hang out with, instead of hissing at Matthew whenever he feels like it.
Matthew goes from scrolling through pages of local shelters, trying not to feel sorry for himself because he can't have a pet with the amount of time he travels. Cats are easier than dogs, probably, but that doesn't mean Matthew can bail for a week and expect a cat to be fine. So... a shelter it is.
"It could never work, buddy."
The "buddy" in question launches himself into Matthew's lap after only a few minutes away. He's decided he's been alone for too long, even though he's the one who put an end to their petting session.
"Right, you're in charge, I get it." Matthew quickly starts petting his temporary roommate again. "Affection only when you initiate."
There's no way Matthew is going to comment on the purring that starts up soon after that, the pictures of cat shelters quickly forgotten in favor of running his fingers through the soft fur.
With a quick kiss to his new friend's soft head, Matthew closes his laptop. Maybe he can wait a little while longer to get rid of this guy.
The chair creaks ominously as a heavy weight thuds into Matthew's lap out of nowhere, falling halfway on top of him and cursing up a storm in a strange language as he hits his arm on the desk behind him. Matthew instinctively reaches out to steady the man, only to hurriedly pull back when he realizes this guy is completely naked.
And also Leon fucking Draisaitl.
"What the fuck?"
What else is Matthew supposed to say?
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yanteetle · 1 year
Hello! I am actually still new with Tumblr and I found your account and fell in love with your work! I hope you can find time to do this request! I was thinking of a Yandere Rottmnt Turtles x mutant night light reader......
(Night light is like a mix breed between a Light fury and a Night fury from the movie named How to train your dragons) So April actually introduces the reader to them since they saved her and the turtles are going bonkers for them, interested in the reader and their supernatural powers.....
Hi there! My requests are closed but since you took the time to comment on so many of my posts I decided to do this anyway 🥹❤️ thank you so much for the comments by the way, I loved each and every single one of them!
Okay so although I haven't watched httyd, (aside from the first movie) I'm going off the assumption that the reader is a human-light+night fury hyrbrid. It's a mouthful to say, but that's what I'm assuming from your request!
Okay personally, I feel Mikey would have a much easier time obsessing over y/n this way, and you can find him sketching, drawing or painting them in his sketchbook. He'd be a little violating in his artwork, and if you carefully looked through it you'd see him drawing y/n's scales very accurately... Even if they never showed him all of their scales. Makes you think about how much of y/n he's seen...
Donnie however, is a little less weird and violating, but will be pretty excited and amazed to see Y/n in action, especially seeing how they fight and he even lets y/n be his inspiration for future tech projects! He might even try to take a small sample of y/n's scales... Just in case :) it's not like he's gonna try to make a test tube baby out of y/n's dna.... Right? What would he even need that for..?
Leo would try to ride y/n and make them fly with him at first sight, I'm sorry but he would. He's just annoying like that. But try not to get all buddy-buddy with him. Next thing you know y/n's got a collar around their neck and they won't be able to fly at all.
Raph... We all know he's a little sweetie right? But we often forget he's the well-meaning but bossy older brother that is lowkey really annoying and overprotective. What I'm trying to say is.... He's going to be doing a LOT of coddling. And he won't be doing it in the baby-ish, cutesy way either. He'll micromanage and try to follow y/n's every move, and he'll panic even more if they try to fly away from their issues. (Aka him: he's the issue.) But another route you could go with this, is that y/n impresses him and they quickly become sparring partners. Although, it'll get shut down relatively quickly when he finds out what happens when he doesn't hold back his strength against y/n... Maybe seeing their crumpled body isn't so worth the sparring practices after all... Yikes.
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mazzystar24 · 6 months
Do you think they've had their "OH" moment?
I think Eddie has had his but thinks it won't go anywhere, that it's unrequited... I sometimes feel like Buck has his years ago, like either the will or when Eddie said he doesn't anyone else other than Buck to look after Chris, but then something I think has Buck had that "Oh" moment yet?
Sorry this took me a few hours to get to😭😭
Love this ask anon because I actually think about this a lot!
Personally I like to think they both have had their “oh” moments but I can see the writers making an onscreen explicitly stated oh moment if they do make buddie canon just because that would be easier to communicate to new audiences.
(though I would prefer the former with a love confession followed by maybe a cute little morning after scene talking about when they knew to eachother)
Anyways, my personal thoughts on when the buddie oh moments kinda vary
Like for Buck, I think he was having a little crush on Eddie in like EARLY season two like especially after seeing him with Chris and I think he was aware of it but like in a hey it’s just a crush way but I think his oh moment was the post tsunami conversation but then he was like internally like “nope not gonna risk that friendship there is no chance that’d happen so I’m gonna bury it” and I think he mentally reasoned it away over the years as being due to all the things going on at that point in time but like it still is in the back of his head
Eddie I think is a more complicated little tough nut to crack, I think that he’s so repressed and like that comp het has him in a CHOKEHOLD I think he kinda has slipped in and out of knowing like he knows and he has known but he doesn’t know, you know?
Like I think the shooting was low-key his oh moment then he went right back on that comp het beat. I think s6 therapized Eddie gave me hope for him fully having accepted and had his og moment and then they threw Marisol in but I’m holding out hope that his head is out of his dump truck ass by now😔🤞🤞
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