#(sometimes it's nice to take a break and hang out with the clan members who are less likely to maim you)
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fisheito · 7 days ago
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pics that were locked behind my yakueifangame textwalls 😆 here they are ,out in the open!! mood: contemplating the probability of eiden enjoying some lighthearted romance-manga-bubbley moments (playing fake tag with ur lover) , only to be pranked by the reality of his psychologically complicated harem
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arieshasbrainrot57 · 3 years ago
How some redacted listeners would react if their boi died
@halo-arcane26 @darlin-collins
- has a voicemail that Geordi left them a few months before and replays it every night before they fall asleep
- on bad days, they play it multiple times and break down whenever it ends, since they know its the only time they can hear his voice now and it's ended all over again
- spends a lot of time with their friends since they hate being alone
- it reminds them that geordi's not there
- hates how quiet things are in their head, now that they can't hear his thoughts anymore
- they knew he was gone when they stopped being able to hear him in their head
- listens to his favourite music all the time to try and ignore the silence in their head
- its the closest they can get now to having his voice in their head
Freelancer and Damien:
- spends a lot of time with the DAMN squad - refuses to stop working, no matter how many times the others tell them to take a break - they know damien wouldn't neglect his work and they refuse to do fall behind in it just bc he's not around - talks in their sleep a lot
- they mostly talk to damien in their sleep, as if he's still there - it breaks the other's hearts - one of the DAMN squad is always over at their place, keeping an eye on them and making sure they're ok - huxley makes sure they're eating well and lasko makes sure they're taking breaks from their work - gavin usually comes over to help them sleep
Freelancer and Huxley:
- becomes super quiet and reserved - hardly ever uses their powers - starts skipping classes - hardly has the energy to do anything anymore - they spend most of their time in bed, either asleep or rewatching videos of them, huxley and the DAMN squad on their phone
- they just want to be able to see him smile again - they spend a lot of time with gavin, bc he's good company when they just want to sit quietly
Freelancer and Lasko:
- they get really close to damien, since he feels guilty that he might not have always been super nice to lasko when he was still around - they spend the majority of their time helping the other DAMN squad, since they hope that even if they cant fix their own grief, they might be able to fix theirs - rarely talks about lasko unless their talking to someone else and the other person brings him up first - just saying his name makes them break out in tears - they practice their air elemental magic more than anything else, in a way to feel closer to him, like hes still there - when they're really sad and missing him, they'll make small breezes, like the ones that used to constantly follow lasko around and would spring up whenever he was nervous
Freelancer and Gavin:
- sees gavin in everyone around them, in small traits or little things about their appearence/mannerisms - starts distancing themselves from the DAMN squad, since they remind them of gavint the most - will sometimes think they see him on the street, only to realise that its someone else
- becomes a total loner - withdraws from everyone and moves out into the woods - the only people they rarely see are members of the clan, like will or sam - becomes basically feral, rarely seeing anyone and feeding off whatever they can find in the woods - dreams that vincent's still there each night
- talks about david like he's still alive - no one else has the heart to mention it or ask why - they wear his jacket around the house constantly bc it still smells like him - hangs around asher and babe a lot, just anyone from the pack, since they're the only one's who can get what they're going through
- keeps his jewellry and wears it everywhere - acts pretty casual around other people, hoping that if they act normal things will feel normal too - sleeps with a huge nest of pillows so they can feel like asher's still there with them
- rarely eats bc they just feel sick doing things like that without him
- it just feels wrong
- even if david gets up them for it, they stop coming to pack meetings - they shift a lot, trying to feel less like a person with human emotions - starts getting in a lot more fights more often, refusing to take proper of themselves - if sam can't be there to heal them and just be there with them, then they don't want to heal at all
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actuallysaiyan · 4 years ago
Hold Me(Kakashi Hatake x Fem!Reader)
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Word count: 1,603 Pairings: Kakashi Hatake x Reader Summary: Reader has loved Kakashi since they were children, but she knew that it would be hard to get underneath all his layers and get to his heart. She knows he doesn’t think he is worthy of love, but she knows he is. She’ll do anything to show him how amazing he truly is. Warnings: Fluffy, bittersweet, mentions of Rin and Obito, sadness. A/N: Just letting everyone know, I write Naruto content for real now. I’ve finished Shippuden and you can send in your Naruto requests!
It took you so long to finally come to terms with your feelings. You had known him for so long, and you always tried to suppress how you truly felt. You knew that Kakashi wasn’t someone who was so willing to open up to people. He had gone through so much in his life, and you were always there on the sidelines to adore him from the sidelines.
But now, you were an adult and you were trying to get your life together. Both of your parents had died when you were really young, so just like Kakashi, you had to fend for yourself and grow up quickly. Finally, you were financially and emotionally in a good spot, but something was still missing.
You wanted to have a good relationship with somebody and maybe start a family, but you wanted no one else but Kakashi. You felt like maybe you should give up before you even start, considering he was not going to accept your flirtings or advances. He just wasn’t ready for something like that, and maybe he’d never be ready for it. Kakashi was way too afraid to lose someone else in his life, so he just happily went along and lived alone and contented himself with reading his erotica books for entertainment between training sessions and missions.
Days would go by before you finally decided to go see him. He was hanging out under a tree, watching his team train. You had your hands full with your own team, and they were making decent progress. From what you had heard, Kakashi ended up with the sole member of the Uchiha clan and Naruto Uzumaki as his students, along with a young woman named Sakura. Kakashi definitely had his hands full with this group.
The two young men were at odds with each other with the girl trying to be the mediator. This scene really reminded you of when you and Kakashi were young and he was on his team with Rin and Obito. It was almost like you were looking into the past.
“Kakashi~” You announced your presence. He looked up at you and you could see him smiling under his mask.
“Hi,” Kakashi casually said  as he kept an eye on his team.
You walked over to him and plopped yourself down on the grass near his feet. He stared at you for a moment before crouching down to your level. You smiled at him before ruffling his hair playfully.
“How have you been?” You asked, hoping to talk to him for a little while. Your heart was pounding as you tried to remind yourself why you were really here.
“I’ve been pretty busy. How about yourself?”
You started to talk a bit, mostly about your missions and other things. As you both continued to chat, you noticed his students keeping a watchful eye on both of you. You could tell that these youngsters didn’t think that Kakashi had many friends.
“I was wondering, if you aren’t too busy, you and I could go for some ramen later tonight.” You asked, nervously looking away from Kakashi’s glance.
Kakashi looks down, a blush not apparent on his face due to his mask. “Uhm, I don’t know if I’ll have enough time.” He was making up an excuse, but in reality, he wanted to go with you.
“Oh, well maybe some other time.” You said, trying to hide your disappointment. Kakashi just chuckled nervously and nodded.
“Yeah, sure.” He rubbed the back of his neck and then walked over to his team. You wondered if he was just trying to deflect, but you figured he just wasn’t interested in you at all.
You could imagine your surprise when later that night, there’s a knock at your door and on the other side, it’s Kakashi. He’s got his hands behind his back and he’s looking pretty anxious. You’re very surprised but also pleased to see him.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, hoping he had found the time to go out with you.
“I switched around a few things on my schedule,” he started. “I’m feeling pretty hungry, would you like to get some ramen?” 
You eyed him a little suspiciously, wondering if someone put him up to this. You knew sometimes Gai would egg on Kakashi and make him do some pretty silly things. Yet, you felt a little more at ease when Kakashi said please. Your heart swelled at the thought of him actually wanting to spend some time with you.
The walk to Ramen Ichiraku wasn’t long and you were enjoying the warm night air. Kakashi wasn’t really sure what to say to you, so you mostly just took the lead in the conversation. Finally, you spotted the stall and you challenged Kakashi to a race. He wasn’t ready for that, so you obviously won.
“That wasn’t very fair,” Kakashi teased, but he sat next to you.
“I know, but I won anyway.” You said as you stuck out your tongue. Kakashi chuckled.
You both ordered some ramen and enjoyed each other’s company. It wasn’t often that you got to spend some alone time with Kakashi and you knew it wasn’t going to be possible anytime soon after this. You both had your teams to take care of and they would be taking their Chunin exams very shortly.
As the night went on, you could feel your feelings for Kakashi grow even more. Part of you wanted to pull his mask down and kiss him softly, and the other part of you wanted to run home and cry in bed because you knew he would never want to get into a serious relationship.
The date came to an end way too quickly, and Kakashi offered to walk you home. You happily accepted his offer, knowing that your only chance to tell him how you truly felt would be now or never. You didn’t want it to be never, but you could feel your stomach clench at the thought of confessing.
You stood with your back to your apartment door, watching Kakashi with half-lidded eyes. You weren’t really sure how you could start this conversation, but thankfully Kakashi wasn’t an idiot. He knew you had feelings for him, and he knew for quite some time now.
“Listen, this was really fun, but I don’t know if we could keep doing this.” Kakashi started, and you could already feel your heart wrench.
“Oh, I see. Well, it was nice to spend time with you.” You were already mentally kicking yourself for not telling him how you truly felt and fighting for his affections.
You turned to open your door, but stopped midway and turned back around to face him.
“No, I’m not letting you go.” You stood your ground as Kakashi wasn’t really sure how to react.
“Kakashi, you spend most of your time alone. You’ve never allowed yourself to love someone after what happened with your teammates, but I’ve always been there for you. I know I’m not going to replace Rin or Obito, but I love you.”
Kakashi is a little shocked, but he regained his composure pretty quickly. He leaned in towards you, cupping your face gently. He doesn’t want to break your heart, but he doesn’t think he’s worthy of your love at all. He’s too afraid to lose someone so precious to him once again.
“I can’t do this. You deserve so much more,” Kakashi muttered, and you shake your head no.
“Kakashi, you must really think you’re unlovable, but you truly deserve my love. I want to show you that you can be happy again.” You pressed your forehead to his, looking into his eyes wantonly.
Your fingers traced his face softly before removing his mask and exposing his gorgeous face to you. You had only seen his face fully once or twice, but now it was different. It lit a fire in your belly and you leaned in to kiss him passionately. 
Kakashi didn’t pull away, instead he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you even closer. He knew it was going to take him some time to get used to this kind of treatment, but he wanted to be loved so badly. He needed to be loved, and especially by you.
You pulled away, holding him at arm's length to study his reaction. He’s got a dopey look on his face, but you knew he was a little apprehensive. You pulled him in for a hug, holding him close to you.
“I can’t bring back the people you love, but I can show you how amazing you truly are. I love you so much, and I can’t hide those feelings anymore.” You confessed. Kakashi hummed softly before placing a kiss on the top of your head.
“You are way too amazing for me, love. Are you sure this is what you want?” Kakashi asked, hoping you would change your mind and find someone who was much more full of life and wasn’t so damaged.
“I couldn’t be any more sure of something in my life. I love you.”
He smiled softly, not really sure what to say or how to react. You invited him inside to stay the night and he happily agreed. The rest of the night consisted of you comforting him and reminding him of how much he was worthy of your love.
And Kakashi would never go without love for any longer. For the rest of his life, you would always be there to show him that he wasn’t too damaged or too far gone to be happy.
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undead-merman · 4 years ago
Could you do yandere headcanons of harpy mammon and naga leviathan please . Thank you
This one was fun to do.
🦅Harpy Mammon🦅 and 🐍Naga Leviathan🐍 (Monster Edition) GN- Reader SFW
Mammon is the unquestioned King of his Murder and the only Albino Crow Harpy. He always stands out in his clan.
His feathers are a snow white unlike others of his kind. The bits of down feathers on the sides of his face, the long elegant wings, and even his tail feather don’t have a trace of color to them, they shine brightly in the morning sun, and glow ever so softly under the moon.
His legs from the knee down are avian like and tipped with golden talons. One foot is large enough to grasp a human head all the way around and strong enough to crush one easily. His hands are more human-like only with sharp talons for fingernails.
His wrists and shoulders hold some feathers as well, and a large chunk of his upper back is covered in plumage. It looks so soft and plush, but the softest feathers are the ones on his cheeks.
Avian Habits
His avian instincts are extremely strong and he doesn’t even realize what he’s doing unless he’s called out, though none of the other members of his crew say anything, worried that he’ll get angry at them.
If he’s flying and notices something shiny, he’ll probably forget what he was doing immediately and dive down to inspect it. He’ll coo at it like it was a baby while cuddling it in his arms and take it back to the house to his nest and find a nice place for it.
He’s very protective of his nest and room, he gets all bristled and puffed up if someone knocks on the door. If they just suddenly come in, Mammon will screech at them.
He has a very sensitive stomach and will never admit to having one, so he’ll secretly eat small rocks to help his digestion like other birds do.
Spending time with you
At first he wanted nothing to do with you, but now he never wants you to leave his side. He doesn’t want anyone else to spend time with you, he wants to be the only thing you look at.
If someone touches you he’ll spread his wings and tail feathers out and hold you behind his back while he yells at whoever touches you. Afterward he pouts and becomes needy/broody, wanting to be touching you or if he’s mad enough just sits on you while he calms down.
Eventually he’ll have slowly moved all your stuff into his room and has made a bunch of excuses for you to stay inside his room. He wants to be the first thing you see when you wake up and go to bed. If you try to sleep in your own room he’ll whine until you open the door, or even just break in and steal you back to his room and tuck you into his nest.
He will never admit it but he loves it when you give him head pats and you brush your thumb right between his eyes. It sends such a happy shiver up his spine and all his feathers fluff up, as his tail feathers wag briefly. He’ll deny up and down that he enjoyed it that much however.
He also enjoys the thrill of carrying you around while flying. He loves to laugh at you as you hang onto him. He loves to swing you around and throw you only to catch you again. If you’re scared of heights however he’ll do baby exposure until you trust him enough not to drop you or you don’t freak out as he flies.
Whenever he sees you by surprise his feathers puff up high and his tail feathers wag a bit, as he runs towards you no matter what he was doing beforehand.
His Dark Tenancies
In his mind, you’re already mates ever since you hurt your arm and seemed so small and fragile. After the event you were constantly tailed by him. He's right at your heels even when you don’t want him to be, you’d be able to feel his eyes on you at all times.
He LOVES your smell and he loves leaving you smelling like him too. He scents you often, nuzzling his nose and cheeks on the back of your neck and wrists and anywhere else he can.
You’ll have some freedom, he’ll allow you to wonder the House of Lamentation but should you for any reason make him feel like you and his brothers are getting to close or you prove your self ‘untrustworthy’ he’ll take you to an isolated mountain nest, the location only known by him and his Murder.
You’ll have your freedom there too, but it’s really hard to call freedom. If you wander too far you’ll freeze to death and even before you perish one if his cronies will take you back. Always watching and waiting to bring you home to their master.
If anyone came to try and ruin what you two have, he’d make sure they were beaten to within an inch of their life, promising to whoever it was that he’d kill them if they ever tried again; gathering black mail and pressuring them to give in and forget everything that happened between you all.
If they continued to threaten you two, Mammon would simply let his Murder tear them to pieces and leave them to fester and rot. or if he’s feeling particularly angry that day, he’ll crush their skulls with his claws.
Misc Stuff
He likes the rain, even more he loves thunderstorms. He likes to sing in the cover of rain and he has a beautiful voice though he’s extremely self conscious of it. If he trusts you enough he’ll sing to you but he gets too embarrassed to finish the song.
His songs can influence the listeners emotions, he can make you feel giggly, angry, or scared at any point.
He hates being called a ‘bird brain’ He always gets all hissy and throws a bit of a tantrum before giving them the silent treatment.
Leviathan’s body is monstrously long and extremely lithe. His tail constantly curling into perfect loops. His navy blue scales are perfectly smooth and he has black and neon yellow raindrop patches.
He has large hands, larger than most humans, his fingers have transparent navy webbing. His fingers are tipped with long black claws with navy blue coloring. His claws secrete an oil which if entered into the bloodstream could instantly kill a whale, let alone a human. In order to safely touch you with his own hands, instead of his tail, he wears special gloves that prevent the oils from seeping through.
His fangs and indigo forked tongue are long and poke out of his mouth. If bitten he has a completely different venom which causes complete paralysis for a few hours and extreme fatigue afterwards.
He has fined ears which twist and flick with his emotions, they have yellow speckles which glow in the dark or if he’s mad or upset enough.
A Water Naga’s Daily Life
He is not a mermaid. He doesn’t have a tail fin, he doesn’t sing, and he doesn’t play with cute dolphins, he’s a scary monster and he hates it.
He’s nocturnal and bright lights hurt his eyes, if a bright light is suddenly flashed at him he’ll curl into himself in a corner while nursing his burning eyes.
He uses a heating pad, since heat lamps are a nuisance, to warm his cold blooded body, he’ll also listen to the weather forecast to go out on humid nights and lounge while playing on a handheld console to pass the time.
His skin gets really dry if he’s not in water, he gets particularly cranky when dehydrated don’t let him get too dry or he’ll turn into his true water monster form and destroy everything till he can get to water.
He has adaptable lungs so he can breathe in both air and water. He often just sleeps in the bathtub full of water. He enjoys mostly being in water but will breech to play games.
Spending Time with You
He only wants alone time with you, nothing else matters besides spending time alone with you. He prefers it to be inside, but it doesn’t matter what your doing be it baking, playing video games and watching anime it doesn’t matter to him.
Since there's no sun in the Devildom he doesn’t mind taking you out so long as it’s not too crowded and you can bring water bottles with him. He loves waiting in lines for events with you sitting on his tail helping to keep him from drying out.
He loves lounging with you. Be you swimming around his immense body or using him as a flotation device. He likes being in his element with you, it makes him feel so euphoric to see you swimming around with streaks of light beaming through the water on your face while your hair floats around you like a halo, you look so innocent and warm.
He always has his tail wrapped around one of your legs, he even does it unconsciously, he has a fascination with your legs he finds the appanages cute. Sometimes he’ll even wiggle your toes if he thinks you aren’t paying attention.
His tail quivers if you gently pat his head and praise him, he always covers his head and shrinks down but he loves every second of it. He also loves it when you scratch behind his ear, he lets out a soft whine of content.
His Dark Tendencies
He does NOT like anyone seeing you at all. He wants to be the only one you pay attention to or even think about. He’ll have a nice comfortable chain for you so you can’t leave the room. He’ll want to do everything for you, feed you, dress you up as his favorite characters, clean you, he sees you like a little doll to play with and dress up.
If you make him upset he’ll bite you and force you into a paralyzed state you can’t move, you can’t talk, you can only watch and listen to what is happening around you. He punishes you by just leaving you there unable to move, unable to eat or drink, he’ll only come back when he feels you’ve learned your lesson.
He loves to play with your hair, petting it with dangerously sharp claws. He loves how soft it is and the color is just so appealing to him he can’t help but admire it. While he may be self deprecating he at least knows he is capable of keeping you in your place.
He does not like competition or anyone ruining his time with you. As soon as it becomes a problem to him, he goes into a fit destroying whoever it was who made him angry, afterwards he clings onto you like his life depended on it.
He sleeps with his tail completely wrapped around you. That way he can be close to you and you don’t have a chance of slipping away from him as he sleeps. His tail is heavy against you and just a light squeeze from him could break you.
Misc Stuff
When he sheds he complains constantly of the itching. He applies lotion and will be so grateful if you help him apply it, but after shedding his skin is very sensitive and he hides in his tank with Henry until the sensitivity calms down.
Under black light his liquids glow insanely bright, and some scales shine bright.
He has super soft hands from washing them a lot cleaning off the oils, unfortunately you’re prohibited from touching them for safety reasons.
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m-y-fandoms · 5 years ago
Fuyuhiko x reader -  Fuyuhiko’s S/O saves his sister from being killed by Sato
Request: congrats on the blog!! i really like your writing!! could i request fuyuhiko's s/o protecting natsumi from being killed by sato?
Of course! I love Fuyuhiko actually, he just barely missed my top five favorite DR characters list, definitely top 10. Warnings: blood, violence, spoilers for the Danganronpa 3 anime and Super Danganronpa 2, reader’s gender not specified  - Mod Kokichi
     “See ya, babe. Don’t be late after last period today, I got some shit to handle for my dad as soon as I drop you off at work,” Fuyuhiko spoke lazily, a nudge on your shoulder to get your attention again.
     “Yeah, ‘course!” You smiled as he leaned in and pecked you on the cheek, routinely, like he had every morning for the past few years. “See ya, ‘Hiko!” He nodded, sauntering off with books under his arm and his free hand in the pocket of his slacks. “Bye, Peko!” You bowed your head to the swordswoman who followed diligently behind your boyfriend, nodding her acknowledgment to you. You sighed, watching him disappear into the entrance of the main wing of Hope’s Peak Academy. Your eyes glossed over dreamily, lingering on him. Was that a new cologne on him today? Maybe he was wearing his uniform a little neater than usual this morning…
     “Let’s go, fuckin’ space cadet!” A shove from behind knocked you forward toward the entrance of the Reserve Course wing, You sighed deeply. “My brother ain’t that cute, damn!”
     “Natsumi, you could’ve just said something.” You pushed back the frustration in your voice in favor of a small smile in her direction.
     “Whatever, we’re gonna be late, and I’m not dealing with another one of Mr. Nakamura’s lectures on the value of punctuality!” She stuck her tongue out as if gagging, her blonde hair floating through the air as she rushed past you, her shoulder roughly knocking into yours.
     “Geez...that girl…” You shook your head, following behind.
     You couldn’t really complain about anything or anyone at Hope’s Peak, seeing as you were just lucky to be there in the first place. After dating Fuyuhiko for a little over two years, he got scouted and asked to attend Hope’s Peak’s main course as the Ultimate Yakuza. You were so happy for him, and proud, but he wasn’t as thrilled. He was really attached to you, with your father and his father being childhood friends and clan members, and your own childhood friendship with him had blossomed into this loving and loyal relationship. It was the best kind. After all, people always say the healthiest and longest-lasting marriages came when your spouse was your best friend, and you definitely intended to marry that boy one day. With how close you two were, he’d be damned if he was splitting up with you for some stupid school, but both you and his father weren’t having it. Mr. Kuzuryu only gained more influence and pride once his son started going to the best school in the country, and you just wouldn’t let your boyfriend pass up on the opportunity of a lifetime, and so…
     Fuyuhiko had gotten his father to personally pay for your tuition in order to enter the Reserve Course. It wasn’t like your family was poor, but you weren’t Hope’s-Peak-level rich. You protested at first, of course, feeling like a burden, but you could see that Fuyuhiko was quickly getting angry at your refusals and excuses, so you accepted. Plus, he told you that he wanted someone he trusted to look after his little sister, Natsumi, and you let him give you this excuse as a justification to accept his father’s financial support.
     The Reserve Course wasn’t that bad, certainly much more high class than your previous school, but sharing most of your classes with Natsumi was a pain in your ass. Her father was the leader of the Kuzuryu clan. Your father was one of his subordinates, below him, and she seemed to like to remind you of that every five minutes. She talked down to you endlessly, and seemed jealous of the attention her brother gave you, but you had absolutely no room to complain to Fuyuhiko about it after what his father had done for you, so you just didn’t. As far as he knew, you and his sister were on good, neutral terms. She was mean and a smart-ass to everyone, so he didn’t expect you two to be having sleepovers and make friendship bracelets, but he figured you liked her, and she didn’t hate you.
     You could sense a deep insecurity in Natsumi: a need to be recognized, a want to be in the main course, an inferiority complex that you sometimes saw in other Kuzuryu’s you knew, so you tried to always be nice to her. Everyone has their struggles, and her aggressive personality was how she pushed back hers. She was in your life for good, if you wanted to stay with Fuyuhiko, and besides, you promised him you’d look after her. And so, you kept your chin up and walked to class with a smile...until you opened the classroom door.
     “I’m telling you, Kuzuryu, I don’t care who your father is, none of us do! You’re in the Reserve Course just like us because you’re no better than anyone else here!” The green haired girl, Sato, Natsumi’s current and longest-standing arch-enemy, loomed over Natsumi, her face red with anger and hands balled into trembling fists at her side. Really...they’re starting early today...school just started.
     “Move your stupid face and smelly breath out of my face before I move it for you!” Natsumi spat back, leaning further into the argument. You quickly ran and stood between them. Every day was like this, with you or your classmate Hajime Hinata - a plain boy with a big heart - breaking it up before it escalated. But it was wearing on you, having been going on for over a month.
     “What the fuck did you say, bitch?! Just because your dad is some thug criminal doesn’t mean no one can touch you! You’re testing my patience!” Sato’s hand raised, and your own shot out and grabbed her by the wrist.
     “Woah, woah!” Your breath was shaky. “What’s it about, today, guys? What happened?” Sato was mad about you stopping her, of course, but she liked you, certainly more than she did Natsumi, and she respected you and Hajime for always looking out for your classmates, even if she didn’t want to admit it. After all, you’d stuck up for her and others just as much as Natsumi over the course of the semester - not taking Natsumi’s side so much as simply diffusing the situation - so she paused her attack, huffing. You couldn’t actually believe Sato raised her hand to Natsumi. They always bickered, every single day, but it hadn’t gotten physical, yet.
     “She’s talking shit about Mahiru again! I told this bitch to stay away from Mahiru and keep her name out of her mouth, but of course her jealousy knows no limits!” Sato spat, and you looked to Natsumi as if for confirmation. Just then, Hajime Hinata, as well as your professor, waltzed into the room together, just a little late after the bell. Upon seeing the scene before them, Mr. Nakamura spoke out:
     “What’s going on here? I’m a few minutes late and you guys think class should turn into a free-for-all? Get to your seats!” You looked to Natsumi, then Sato.
     “Guys, this isn’t worth it, please…” Your eyes pleaded softly. Sato scowled, turning away and returning to her seat. Natsumi pushed past you, her lips close to your ear.
     “I’ve told you before and I’m telling you again, I don’t need you fighting my fuckin’ battles for me…” she whispered, her tone flat and menacing, “I don’t care if you’re dating my brother, if you get in my way again, I’ll handle you and Sato.” You knew she didn’t mean it. She was hotheaded like her brother, and at this moment she felt bested by Sato, not having gotten to say her piece and have the final word in the argument. She was embarrassed and angry. So you let her go back to her seat without a response or retort.
     When the class period ended, you caught Natsumi walking past Sato as everyone was leaving the room, speaking harshly. “Hey, Sato, raise a hand to me again, and I’ll fucking kill you.”
     You were in the back of a sleek limousine, sitting on Fuyuhiko’s lap, your arms around his neck as he attacked your neck with rough kisses. Being alone in the back was nice and all, but it felt so...off. Usually, Natsumi rode along with you, and any friends that were riding back to the Kuzuryu east-side guesthouse after school to hang out. Friends and non-clan members weren’t allowed in the Kuzuryu main manor, it was far too dangerous, but the Kuzuryu’s owned many little extravagant homes, lounges, stores and clubhouses where you’d meet up and pass time with friends.
     “ ‘Hiko, why isn’t Natsumi here, again?”
     “I told you, some shit about a photography club meeting after school. You know she likes taking pictures and shit.” His brow furrowed at the interruption before going back to your neck. “Geez, just savor it. I rarely have time to be alone with you.” You pushed his shoulders back.
     “Y-yeah but, Natsumi isn’t in the photography club for the Reserve Course. I know because I’m in it...we don’t have a meeting this week.” You started to worry.
     “Whatever, who cares. Maybe she went off to give some kid a handy behind the school.” You rolled your eyes at his facetious tone and he smirked. “Why do you care? She’s fine.” He took his attack south to your collarbone, and you let him as you continued.
     “Well...it’s just…she’s been having issues with this girl in class and I’m worried…”
     “Issues?” His head popped up, face screwed up in an annoyed and anxious expression, but then melting into careful suspicion just as fast. “What kind of issues? I’m sure that if it was that bad, you’d have told me a while ago, yes?”
     “W-well, of course, but...I mean nothing’s happened, really…they usually just swear and insult each other, but today, things almost got physical…” He paused, thinking.
     “...what’s been going on?” Physical for a boy used to being around yakuza could mean anything from a fistfight to a bullet to the head, so he automatically assumed the worst most of the time.
     “I don’t know...they just hate each other. Natsumi doesn’t like this girl...Mahiru Koi...something. She’s in your class. She’s jealous of her, I think...and so Sato, the one Natsumi is fighting with, is defending Mahiru to be a good friend, but-“
     “Pfft! I thought you were gonna say something serious. This is petty high-school girl shit, s/o! If they wanna throw punches, break their nails and pull hair, let them. Natsumi and I see blood spilled every day. She can handle herself in a fight. Let her pop this Sato chick in the mouth, then. Who cares? Bet it will settle this little spat of theirs. You shouldn’t be so stressed about it.” His eyes softened, rubbing your back with one hand.
     “I know, it’s just...I mean you told me to look out for her, and it’s not like I don’t care about your sister, she’s like family to me…”
     “It’s not your job to babysit and bodyguard her. I just said that so you’d take the damn tuition money and I think you know that,” he snorted, shifting your position on his lap to kiss you on the forehead. “If she really needs someone like Peko, we’ll get her someone, but we both wanted to go to school without the clan’s influence. You know that…” he trailed off.
     “I know, but-“ the driver stopped abruptly.
     “I’ll see you after work. Don’t stress about this, seriously.” Fuyuhiko pushed your folded up work clothes into your hands, and you gave him a look of warning, as if to say ‘you aren’t taking this seriously’ before he gestured toward the limousine door, giving you a playful slap on the ass as you exited with the driver patiently holding the door open for you. “I love you.”
     “I love you, too, ‘Hiko,” you smiled before pushing through the large crystal doors on the upscale, Kuzuryu-owned men’s clothing boutique for your shift.
     The next day was like any other school day: dropped off at the gates, Fuyuhiko’s peck on your cheek, Natsumi walking with you to first period...but, what was that grin on her face…? She hated waking up early, she hated first period...she was always sluggish or irritable and waiting for her morning caffeine to kick in. You decided you were being paranoid, and shook it off.
     When you entered the classroom, the students were all huddled in the corner, surrounding Sato, who was screaming at Hajime about something.
     “-and I am not just gonna let this slide, Hinata! You better fuck of-“ Hajime saw you two enter, and Sato’s eyes followed his own, her rant cutting off. Locking eyes with Natsumi, who smirked back wickedly, she flew out of her seat, launching herself at your future sister-in-law. Natsumi fought back, her hands around Sato’s neck as Sato pulled her down to the ground.
     “Oh my-stop!” You pulled at Natsumi’s arms, everything seeming to happen so fast. She threw an elbow back toward you for interfering, and it hit your side roughly. You grimaced, the pain working hard but your adrenaline working harder. You thrust yourself between the girls, pulling Natsumi back with all of your might. Hajime rushed over, pulling Sato off the ground and holding her back as she kicked and swung.
     “I told you-! You-let go of me!!!” Natsumi resisted as well, and you and Hajime locked eyes, barely keeping hold of the two combatants.
     “What could possibly be worth all this!” You wheezed, Natsumi quickly overpowering you.
     “That cunt! Let me go, Hinata or I’ll fuck you up, too!” Sato roared, catching the attention of Mr. Nakamura, who rushed in and quickly pressed his authority, threatening both girls with suspension or worse if they spoke another word or touched each other. They were both sent to the headmaster’s office, with Hajime being asked to escort them since they ‘obviously needed to be monitored like children’.
     You sat in your desk seat, uniform askew, armpits wet with perspiration. Another student filled you in after class. Apparently, Natsumi had gone over to the photo development room in the main course’s wing after school, and ripped up each and every photo Mahiru was going to present at the upcoming photography competition on campus. Twenty photos for a gallery opening up tomorrow for student work. Twenty priceless, stunning photographs by the Ultimate Photographer, all gone. Oh...so that’s why Sato was so pissed. You had to admit, it was hard to defend Natsumi at this point. You released a breath you’d been holding in, putting your head down on your desk to just calm your thoughts before texting Fuyuhiko. You filled him in about what happened, every detail, and your thoughts on it, taking Sato’s side as gently as possible. You had hoped to get his counsel, simply wanting validation and reassurance that there was nothing to worry about, but you ended up only making it worse.
     Natsumi texted you about fifteen minutes later, calling you a fucking snitch and many other expletives, saying with malice that now her brother was on her case. Fuyuhiko then texted you saying he told Natsumi she better go straight to the limo after the last bell rang like a fire was lit under her ass, and that he wanted you to stand outside her last class and wait for her to make sure she did just that. You swallowed your spit down hard, throat going dry all of a sudden. You didn’t intend for this to happen. Now Natsumi was going to hate you, and Fuyuhiko is going to be in a bad mood. Why did you have to be so stupid? Why did Natsumi have to cause so much trouble? Maybe you should just let her suffer on her own, and stop stressing about it like Fuyuhiko said. This wasn’t fair, for you to feel like this because of her behavior.
     You left your last class a few minutes early, rushing to Natsumi’s classroom with an exhausted and anxious air about you. You found the class, and leaned on the wall beside the door, preparing for her to march out and scream at you and who knows maybe even strangle you because that’s what she was into now apparently and-
     Your ears perked up at a loud sound, like muffled yelling and a crash of glass. It sounded nearby, but far away at the same time. The yelling picked up, a bit louder now, and you felt yourself get nervous for no reason. It had to be on this floor, and close. You looked around, and held your bag close, sprinting down the hall. The sound got louder, confirming your suspicions until you were in front of the music room, with yelling and then a strangled cry coming from the other side. You panicked, fumbling with the door handle, but it wouldn’t budge. You pounded on the door, your breathing getting harder and faster. Backing up, you braced yourself, and ran at the door with the strength of fight-or-flight adrenaline in your veins, throwing your shoulder into the hard door and it flew open, slamming into the wall on the other side.
     “NATSUMI!” You didn’t have time to baby your injured shoulder, as the scene before you needed immediate action, obviously. A broken glass fish tank was scattered on the ground, gravel and quickly dying freshwater fish littering the floor. The room was a mess, with sheet music and desks knocked over and spilled out everywhere. Sato stood near the window, her hands around Natsumi’s neck in a vice-like grip, and Natsumi gasping and flailing, her eyes slowly rolling to the back of her head. “Sato, what the fuck are you thinking?!!!” You ran at her, and Sato didn’t even look in your direction, her mind clouded with hatred and blood lust. Knocking into Sato with all you had, she fell forward into the window, releasing Natsumi as the window splintered and cracked around her.
     Natsumi hit the the wall beside the window and fell to the floor, gasping and choking, her lungs clawing desperately for air. Sato leapt at her again, and you tackled her to the ground, looking up at Natsumi.
     “Go! GO! Fuyuhiko will be at the gates! Get him!” Natsumi looked shocked, traumatized, and simply stared at you, while Sato spat and growled and tried to buck you off, reaching for Natsumi’s skirt. “Get someone! Please!”
     “I-I told you I don’t need y-your help, s/o!” She tried to keep up her gangster’s-daughter persona even in her shaken-up state, but her voice betrayed her and tears sprung from her eyes. Sato threw you off and started to stand.
      “Run! Natsumi, RUN!!” She heard the seriousness in your voice, the fear, and she had never heard you sound like that before. You were her brother’s sensitive, pacifist, kind-hearted s/o, and here you were, in danger because of her. She shook off her pride, and ran toward the door as you grabbed Sato’s ankle and she tripped to the ground again. Natsumi disappeared down the hall, screaming for help the entire way.
      “Fuck you! Fuck you!! She deserved this! You ruined everything!” Sato sounded like an animal more than a high-school girl. She reached to her right, twisting her body around violently until she could reach a long shard of glass from the fish tank, and she brought it down hard on your thigh, the glass tearing into your flesh.
     You screamed out in pain, your vision blurring quickly at the shock of it, sobs coming immediately from your mouth. Blood gushed out of the inches-deep wound, and your heads involuntarily released Sato. When you steadied yourself, steeling your nerves, and reached out to try and neutralize her again, she pulled the glass out of your leg, slamming it down again, hitting a vein deeply before pulling it out. You yelped and forced yourself to stand as she did, blood spurting freely from your leg. You fell more than threw yourself onto her, your head beginning to spin and feeling consciousness leaving you slowly. Leaning on her, you wrapped your arms around her waist with all of your remaining energy, and gripped tightly, hoping you could at least burden her enough to make leaving to room slower and making it impossible for her to catch up to Natsumi or flee the scene before help came.
     Now with a great strength advantage over you, she arched her back, threw her head back, and slammed you behind her into the wall. Your head hit the wall with a crack, and immediately you slumped to the ground, your world going dark.
     “...hear me? S-.....” fuzziness. Emptiness. Darkness. “-lose you, please! You h-“ A voice faded in and out, then finally out for good. Hours later, you felt yourself stir.
     When your eyelids flew open, the ceiling above you was white, clean, calming.
     “S/o?!” Fuyuhiko? You sat up quickly, a pounding in your head making you gasp and whimper. “No, no! You need to stay down.” A hand on your chest softly guided you back onto the pillow below you. You turned your head to the side. You took in your surroundings slowly. A hospital. You were in a hospital bed, and Fuyuhiko had been in a chair beside you, now standing at your side. His hands flew to your face, cradling your cheeks. “You’re an idiot, you know that? Are you fucking crazy?” His words were harsh, but there was no anger behind them, only worry and pain. You felt the wrap of linen around your head wound, and adjusting your leg at all resulted in a sharp spike of pain shooting up your body.
     “Where’s Natsumi? Is she okay? Did Sato-“
     “I don’t wanna hear that bitch’s name. And why are you worried about Natsumi right now?!” Now there was anger. “You almost fucking died, s/o! I almost lost you!” His voice cracked on that last word, and your eyes widened at the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes before he angrily rubbed them away with his sleeve. “Natsumi’s fucking fine. She didn’t have anything more than a few bruises on her neck. Nothing’s broken or injured except her pride. And she will be coming to thank and apologize to you at length later.” You didn’t comment on that last bit, deciding instead to ask about what happened after you passed out.
     Natsumi found a security guard at the entrance, he explained, and he saw her screaming from his position at the school gates. He rushed over to yell at her and figure out what the hell was going on, before having her grab him by the wrist and force him into the school with stuttering gibberish about you and that you were in trouble or something like that with the security guard running close behind. When they got to the music room, the door was open and Sato was nowhere to be found.
     Fuyuhiko had screamed your name, his throat ripping apart as he swore and cried and snot ran down his face like a fool. He ran to what he thought was your corpse, blood splattered everywhere, pooling under you, a little patch of blood on the wall behind you head. He took in your closed eyes and thigh oozing slowly-drying blood, and picked you up into his arms, his clothes getting covered in the liquid. He screamed at Natsumi to call for the police, an ambulance, anything, while the security guard called for backup and went off to find Sato. You were brought immediately to the hospital along with Natsumi, and he’d been waiting by your bed ever since, just pleading, begging you to wake up. Sato was apprehended by police a few blocks from the school, obviously off her rocker and in a manic state.
     “You...you were almost gone. You lost...just so much blood,” he sniffled.
     “But, I’m here,” you reached up and grabbed his hand, a comforting smile on your lips, “aren’t I?” He scoffed at you.
     “You fucking idiot,” he shook his head, leaning down and kissing you roughly on the lips, tears from his eyes falling onto your cheeks. “I fucking love you. Don’t make me worry like this.” He pulled back, face inches from yours.
     “I love you, too, so much.” You looked back at him with some indeterminable emotion washing over you. You were just overwhelmed.
     “I will always love you. Please, don’t leave me.”
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tenderlyrenjun · 4 years ago
[4:05 P.M.]
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“Na Jaemin!” you exclaim, running into your friend’s arms. 
Renjun follows slowly, walking behind you like an escort, even though he made sure to hire a few. They all assume positions around the estate - your guest bedroom, the kitchens, a few entrances, the gardens. ‘A few’ to him includes an elite, small group of trained warriors whose sense of duty got enhanced after bitten; to you, ‘a few’ should have meant taking Mark and his trusted favorites, but Renjun convinced you to let them safe guard your own manor.
You hug Jaemin over his shoulder, letting him melt into your neck. His guards take microscopic steps that your ears became accustomed to before they were even born. “Tell your newborns to back off,” you hiss in his ear, “or I’ll do it myself.” You pull away, smiling sweetly.” And you know I don’t play nicely.”
Jaemin rolls his eyes. “They’re all at least 200 years old.”
You give him a serious look, red flashing across your irises. “Still.” You do not ... react very favorably with guards standing at attention so closely to your every move, especially with Renjun in the room. “I’ve had whiskey older than them.”
Jaemin rolls his eyes again, a pacifist’s smile on his face, but complies with your request nonetheless - probably something to do with Renjun’s presence. He silently brushes his nose, telling the guards to stand down. Jaemin embraces Renjun in the same manner, hugging him tightly. “Tell your mate to quit threatening my guards every time you two stay here.”
“Can’t,” Renjun mutters in his ear. They pull away then grasp each other’s forearms, sharing a look: can’t, or won’t? Renjun breaks the silent conversation first, shaking Jaemin to break the spell. “Separate minds and all.”
“Yet in all 700 years I’ve known you two, never have I seen you separated.”
You slide into Renjun’s side, kissing his cheek as an annoying public display of affection that does not bother Jaemin in the way it would your partner had his mate been present. Even so, Renjun accepts you, draping his arm possessively over your shoulders. “And we have no intention, moving forward.”
“The infamous ‘we’ couple of the Huang Coven,” Jeno announces loudly, bouncing down the stairs, into the throne hall, dramatically. Renjun rolls his eyes; he hates that moniker. Maybe while the two of you visit the Na, he can convince Jaemin to change the title. Jeno, his antithesis, oppositely more traditional, tightens the watch under his suit. And you just know Renjun wants to poke fun at you. Wearing business casual, over streetwear, was a smart choice. Although, Jaemin’s guards wear sunglasses and leather jackets, indoors.
You speed over to Jeno faster than the others, embracing him in the same fashion as you did Jaemin. And he accepts it, all his friend congregating closely by the exit. “It’s been too long, old friend.”
“What are you doing here?” Renjun asks half-jokingly. “Doyoung actually let you outside?” The Kim Family patriarch is rather ,, protective of his members, and has been for the last millennia, even more so actually since officially turning Jeno sometime during the Second Dark Age.
Jeno hugs you in return, his friendship grip crossing diagonally over your back, unlike Jaemin’s around the neck position or Renjun’s more romantic hold. He pulls away seconds after to extend handshakes with the other two. “Doyoung is actually more relaxed than you think,” he admits, hoping that enemy ears are far (one cannot be too careful, especially as other covens accumulate members, like grains of rice - for power, he assumes). “And you would know that,” Jeno redirects to Renjun, “if you got to know him.”
“Hmm,” Renjun hums, not really considering it. You return into his arms, hugging his waist like a newlywed incapable of separating. “The air between us is always so ... tense.”
“Awkward,” you correct. Renjun glances down at you, pinching your side as you continue, “He means awkward. Speaking of -” You smack Renjun’s hand away and spin to Jaemin. “- how is Jaehyun? Ever since breaking off his -” Renjun clears his throat, asking you not to say the word coven, and you nod your head, easily persuaded. “- family, things have been tense between you two, no?”
“No,” Jaemin denies. He refuses to admit that he is awkward with anyone, although his introvert tendencies appear when in large groups, especially if he does not see those people daily. “Jaehyun just added two new members - Jungwoo and Sungchan.”
“Oh, cool,” Jeno interrupts. “That’s why I’m here too.” He passes off a calligraphed note to Jaemin, whose shoulder you nosily look over until Renjun tugs your back into his chest. “His name is Donghyuck, or Haechan when uses his special ability - luring blood with his voice.”
“He and Renjun should get along well,” you comment. “Their powers are compatible.”
“Not as much as yours and mine, love.” Renjun kisses the crown of your head, hanging his arms around your shoulders, to which Jaemin rolls his eyes. You are starting to think Renjun is just making Jaemin jealous, on purpose. Psychologists say that people start complaining about being single while near couples, and since Renjun hates all the formal meetings, getting Jaemin a long-term mate might back him off.
“You don’t have a special ability though,” Jeno points out.
“No,” Renjun disagrees, shaking his head. “Beauty.” You take your turn, for the Huang Clan, to roll your eyes. He always says that your natural looks became enhanced after you turned (however, he usually keeps the flirting private), and although you disagree, you cannot stop him from saying so. His own natural ability becomes stronger when he is happy, which is anytime around you.
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As the sun settles into the sky’s middle, everyone sits around a short, long table. Renjun assumes the head across Jaemin, you at his right hand and Jeno at Jaemin’s. Your mate was granted hosting duties, despite being a nomad to this estate. Probably because he is the best at straining tea. And to begin the ceremony, he asks the first question:
“So, Jaemin, how is Jisung fairing? Adjusted to vampire yet?”
“No,” Jaemin shakes his head. He accepts a glazed cup though, with both hands, from Renjun, who hands out empty earthenware as a way to keep track of who is drinking. Jaemin has an extra servant at beck and call in case anyone wants something more or he wants coffee. This set is meant to remain empty until he starts pouring the first round (into new glasses). “I think he’ll get over it once we turn him in a few years.”
“Aish,” Jeno mutters, waving his hand across the table. “Recruitment is starting younger and younger these days.”
“Yet none of us look a day over 23,” Renjun comments. He starts a fire under the second teapot, an empty one that he will fill with blood in a few minutes. “Did you get water from the spring outside, or did you have a servant retrieve a bottle from Nunobiki again?”
“The latter,” Jaemin nods, popping a white sugar cube in his mouth. He relaxes more on the pillow cushion, stretching a legs underneath the table. “It is a special occasion after all. I haven’t seen you three in the same room in what? 80 years?”
You push his shoulder, throwing him off balance. “We’re not divorced. You can visit us any time.”
“I haven’t left the compound in -” Jaemin looks at his watch. “- God, ninety years.”
“All the more reason to. Plus you’ll never guess what Renjun got us into!”
Speaking of the devil, Renjun clears his throat, asking for attention as he places a strainer over a teapot, pouring cold blood into the wide opening. He takes the now hot water and drizzles it in as well while the conversation comes to a stop, the ceremony’s second phase. Everyone watches closely, your eyes more permanently sparkling red, almost like having being starved for weeks. Renjun pours the now warm mixture on some leaves, then removes it just as quickly, repeating the process twice more, to fully rinse the leaves. When he takes the pot of boiled blood, spilling into the decanting bowl, you hear a guzheng in the steam, transporting you to the park in 1500 where Renjun would escort you to feed the ducks. No wonder Jaemin relinquishes hosting duties to Renjun; he always emits a beautiful memory. Renjun starts an hour glass, timing five minutes for the water to cool while everyone resumes conversation.
Jeno bites into an hojicha brownie, chewing the hazelnuts extra thoroughly (it takes like bits of flesh, which make it all the more delicious. “You were saying? What did Renjun rope you into this time?”
Renjun rolls his eyes, already groaning, and you smirk, knowing that your friends will take your side.
“College,” you seethe.
“It’s not as bad as it sounds!” 
“It is,” you point at Renjun, though he knows you are at least half-joking. You look at Jaemin, who sports an amused look; he, nor Jeno, has never seriously entertained college, preferring their current roles. “We’re registered for a full year of classes. I want to come visit three weeks ago, but midterms and projects take up extra hours of our time.”
“We don’t sleep though,” Jeno points out, siding with Renjun. “It can’t be as hard as it is for mortals who need 8 hours a night.” He taps Renjun’s shoulder. “Ha, remember being 20?”
“Heavens,” Renjun sighs nostalgically, reclining on his pillows in thought, staring at the ceiling like it can show a movie of his first lifetime. “Learning how to write from pictures? Carving lines into bronze with literal ancient tools? Computers are so much better.” He gently kicks your foot. “It’s why I signed you up for that Microsoft class.”
“Microsoft?” Jaemin scoffs. “Does your school not provide Apple courses?”
“No.” You roll your eyes. “Not that it matters anyways. I have to perform calculus by hand. I didn’t even do that during the Han dynasty! I still have the original suanpan in my study.”
“Yes, but,” Renjun drawls, “you have to admit how much easier it is to type integrals into that new graphing calculator I bought you.”
You turn to Jeno, deadpanned. “Everyday, I have to do homework, but yeah, no, you two should totally try it.”
The last grain of coarse sand falling onto the pile echoes loudly for your vampiric ears, so all of you stare at it, suddenly dehydrated again. And ever so slowly, almost theatrically (ever the moongwa), Renjun takes the original pot, adding some extra warm water until the blood’s color becomes translucent enough to see the pretty leaves. He pours everything into the decanting bowl, disrupting the ration between blood and water. The ceremony’s final phase comes to an end as he serves the drinks, handing one to Jaemin first as a sign of respect. You are next, his co-leader, then Jeno, the only member without a title (ironic, considering that he was a prince in his first lifetime, higher than any of you), and himself in closing. Everyone waits for Jaemin to take the first sip, ignoring the fact that Renjun assumed a host’s role. When his reaction is satisfactory, you take the second sip. It is very sweet, the floral aroma lingering the longer you keep the small cup near your nose. Renjun’s stoic demeanor does not give away anything you recognize, possibly because he is too humble or because he additionally drinks in all the praise. When Jeno takes the last first sip, reciprocating the tastefulness, you all resume conversation and the ceremony, more laxed.
Jaemin gestures for a guard to let one of the servants enter and asks for an iced americano, ending his tea drinking.
Renjun waits for you to also ask for coffee before also ordering it, and Jeno follows suit when the last pot empties.
“It is our cycle to sleep,” Renjun announces, cleaning his hands with a wet wipe. A servant comes in to clear the table, and all of you wait for the table to be emptied before retiring to your individual rooms.
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Renjun starts tossing the extraneous throw pillows on the bed foot bench, already dressed in a comfortable matching pyjama set while you still have yet to change. He runs around the bed, after he finishes preparing it, nestling his chin into the crook of your neck.
“Come to bed.”
You hear him whine, interlocking his fingers above your liver, one of his most favorite places to drink your blood, once he punctures the right spot. His fangs start growing, gently knocking your skin for an invitation. You give it to him freely, extending your head left - better access, wordlessly.
“These meetings are infinitely more tolerable with you here,” he whispers, already reliving the ambrosial tea that seems to just be steaming through your tiny pores. He takes one lick, preparing you for the deep puncture. “You should come to them more often.”
You anticipate his bite but he only nibbles your jugular, grazing his teeth ever so lightly when his lips part too wide. “If I went with you, then I wouldn’t miss you.” You spin around, still enveloped by his arms. Renjun pushes you into the wardrobe, and your hands brace his shoulders, like a prey trying to escape, except your fingers dig into his shirt, attempting to pull him impossibly close. “We wouldn’t have these moments if I always went with you.”
“But we’re having this moment now, while you’re with me.”
“You’re so clingy,” you whisper as he tugs your hair by the base of your scalp. You sigh, knees faltering. 
Renjun places a singular kiss on your neck, displaying immense restraint against drinking you dry. You feel his fangs reach maximum length despite not sinking into your skin yet, so you draw him in by his throat. And he smirks. “Who’s the clingy one now?”
“Bite me.”
“Well, if you insist.”
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what do you think lee and obito's dynamic would be like if, say, things were a bit different and they were the same age. like, minato made a deal with the shinigami, except because obito caused the kyubi attack, he'd be the one lee latched onto. so, say lee went to konoha when obito is five or so, how would he react to this strange foreigner and how would the uchiha react? idk it's kinda funny to me. you don't have to answer if you don't like!
I feel as if you people are sometimes trying to push me story ideas like you’re pushing crack. One of these days, you know my will power’s going to break and I’m going to write the thing, it’s just a matter of which one.
But not today, Satan.
So, I’ll just do this at a high level instead and we can content ourselves with a “what if”.
Well, first, it’s very hard for me to picture this scenario. Obito was there at the time, yes, but he had no direct content with the Shinigami, didn’t call her himself, and well was mired in nihilist rage. So, I’m not sure Lee the god would even notice him there except, perhaps, distantly. 
Though, perhaps through the sheer power of his rage, Obito’s overwhelming ability to force his will onto the world, and more would spark her notice and cause her to go to him rather than a young Minato. That, or when Ellie Potter decides to take the Dursley’s up on their suggestion to leave and find an orphanage, she gravitates towards a time period where the Minato she had previously met is closer to existing (Minato’s older, in a stable relationship with Kushina, etc.)
Regardless, I think a Lee who would choose this time frame, even unwittingly, would be less human and closer to whatever Lee truly is. 
Which means, of course, that Obito’s going to have the weirdest time of his goddamn life.
I forget when Obito enters the academy, I’m going to throw six out as a number as I believe that’s canonically when Naruto’s generation typically enters, and that way Kakashi’s even more ridiculous for graduating at five. 
Until this point, being an Uchiha and living with his grandmother, he has no interaction with strange foreign (possibly Uzumaki) orphan Eru Lee. So, he undoubtedly meets her in the academy, and she’s peak weird.
I imagine she easily confesses to Obito that she’s here to meet the man who, in a few years time, is going to summon her and offer his own soul in sacrifice. She thinks it would be a little awkward to approach him directly, he’s a grown man and she’s six, and in the meantime she’s discovered that the only occupation for foreign orphans is to become shinobi and pray you have some talent. Also, fun fact Obito Uchiha, you burn down the village riding on the back of a Godzilla villain knockoff.
Obito, naturally, is weirded the fuck out and wants nothing to do with her (to his misfortune, her seat is right next to his, and Rin’s is on the opposite side of the classroom). Obito’s grandmother probably tells him to be nice to the weird, friendless, foreign orphan girl and makes him feel guilty as hell. He tries, it’s still weird, and not helped by the fact that Lee quickly reveals herself to be insanely talented.
While Obito, of course, sucks.
Obito’s the one who points out that, if Lee’s this good, they’re not going to care that she completely fails her written exams: she’s going to graduate yesterday. Lee thinks this war business sounds unpleasant, also Obito is the only person who talks to her and if she leaves now she’ll be alone, six, and on a battlefield, and starts purposefully failing her exams. Unfortunately, she’s terrible at failing. Fortunately, she’s great at genjutsu and successfully remains in Obito’s shinobi class. Obito can’t even.
Eventually, i.e. right away though Obito doesn’t admit it for months, Lee becomes his best friend and unofficial wingman who tries to help him win Rin’s heart. She makes it worse, because now Obito’s that weirdass kid who hangs out with that other weird ass kid who does things like get kidnapped by their own clones.
His grandmother is glad Obito has friends, Lee is over all the time eating all their food and practically lives at their house, but has no idea what to make of this girl at all. Much like in “Minato” though, thanks to shenanigans and a lack of direct jonin supervision, the village hasn’t really caught on yet that Lee is anything more than an abnormally talented civilian born orphan. So, the Uchiha don’t think anything of it (and since Obito’s a branch member and very young they don’t really care that he appears to have a non-Uchiha/arranged girlfriend). 
Four years later, Obito hates Lee forever because she genjutsus her placement to be on his genin team instead of the top kunoichi in their class: Rin. Also not helping, as his best friend is a girl, this means that everyone (Rin included) thinks Lee is his girlfriend. At this point, even Obito’s not sure if Lee is his girlfriend or not, her being an alien also doesn’t help matters (a fact which Obito catches onto much faster than Minato did in “Minato”).
The bell test is a convoluted mess. Minato and Lee have the world’s weirdest “do I know you from somewhere?” staring contest. Lee knows she can get the bells in two seconds and instead spends the entire test trying to negotiate with Kakashi and Obito and decide among themselves who stays and who goes. (Obito, clearly, must stay if he wishes to become hokage. Lee would go, but Kakashi and Obito seem to fight like cats and dogs. Per Minato Namikaze, they’re not all staying). This turns into a ridiculous brawl with Kakashi who cannot believe he’s stuck with these genin losers. They end up passing the test because Lee gets the bells and probably buries Minato in the sand somewhere and makes him renegotiate his terms (he takes all three of them as students if he knows what’s good for him). Minato’s not sure how he feels about this.
Life, continues, shenanigans ensue that undoubtedly attract the interest of all the right parties: Danzo, Orochimaru, and the Uchiha clan. The Uchiha clan probably sits Obito down to tell him “By the way, you’re going to marry your weirdass friend”. Obito has an existential crisis about his shitty family, the nature of duty, and everything else.
Danzo probably waits with glee for Lee to turn chunin but undoubtedly actively tries to recruit her straight away. Lee is very weirded out by this.
Orochimaru probably steals hair samples and tells Danzo that he has dibs.
They’re put into war very early, as Obito was in canon, this is undoubtedly quite awful. They likely have a very tense relationship with Kakashi, who wants nothing to do with either of them, and is in his stoic, serious, traumatized phase of his life.
And so on and so forth, we could keep going, but I think this is enough.
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fallinnflower · 5 years ago
lilili yabbay
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the8 x reader (angst, vampire!the8)
jun   hoshi   the8   dino
“you make me look at the moon and pray / pray that you’ll look at me”
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Minghao has seen terrible things. He’s seen beautiful things, too, and he’s seen things that somehow are both at once and leave him still with a strange feeling in his chest to remember. And yet, of all the things he’s seen in his life, he decidedly likes you best above all. 
Xu Minghao is 327 years old to the day when he meets you. And although he isn’t foolish enough to believe this is fate, or destiny, that he’s lived for centuries just to meet you, he will admit that you seem to have made all that slow-moving time seem quite worth it to him.
In his current identity, current life, he is living in Seoul with a clan of twelve others. The only other member from China, a comparatively fresh vampire at only 150 years, insisted on celebrating Minghao’s birthday. In this life, as in a few previous, Minghao is an avid lover of photography and of wine — two things which, generally, should be meaningless to vampires but ironically make him feel more alive — and so he forces Junhui to a horrifically expensive restaurant on the top floor of a glittering building where he can look out over Seoul and beyond, and sip as much red wine as he pleases until Jun, the toddler that he is, inevitably whines enough that they go home.
Surrounded by all the glamour of this lifestyle, this place; the velvet cushions and silk dresses, the marble floors and city like a jewelry case, you should really not stand out as much as you do. And yet, as you pour Minghao his first glass of wine, he can’t help but be captivated by you. Jun notices, inevitably, even though Minghao’s expression remains as calculatedly cool as ever whilst he gently swirls the wine in his glass. 
“It’s his birthday,” Junhui pretends to whisper to you. Minghao is about to scold him, but all words leave him when you suddenly break into a lovely, bashful grin, and bow your head to him.
“Happy birthday.” Your voice is soft, softer than the velvet of the seat he’s sitting on. He can’t even manage to thank you before you’re weaving silently back to your post, his eyes tracing your movements carefully. He forgets all about the wine he had been so excited for, certain that if he still had a heartbeat it would be erratic.
“She’s cute.” Minghao turns to look at Jun, who’s staring at him with an overly-pleased grin and his chin propped in his hand. “I told you it was a good idea to go out for your birthday.”
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Through the course of the evening, you come by many times to refill his glass. Other patrons come and go, and Minghao watches the city go through its varying stages of nightlife. 
It’s late into the night, far too late for you to still be working he feels, when you appear at the table not with his purchased bottle of wine, but with a small, decadent chocolate torte with a single tiny candle in the center of it. Jun has the biggest smile on his face, while Minghao can barely manage to remember to blink.
“I couldn’t find anymore candles,” you apologize, taking a lighter from your pocket and lighting the candle. You bow down, eye level with Minghao as the candlelight reflects in your irises. “But one is enough to make a wish, right?”
Jun is the one who begins singing from behind you, and you join in with a soft, imperfect lilt. He only takes his eyes off of you once he closes them to blow the candle out. You place the cake down on his table and give him a playful grin.
“Well, what did you wish for?” You ask, pulling the candle out of the cake.
“Isn’t that supposed to be a secret?” Minghao asks.
“It’s not like I’d have anyone to tell, anyways,” you retort. “I don’t even know who you are.”
“Minghao,” he replies, far too quickly. Your expression shows your surprise for only a moment before you’re smiling at him again, your gaze warm. “Xu Minghao.”
“L/N Y/N,” you say, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. Minghao traces your movements, baffled by how entranced you have him with even the simplest, most mundane of tasks when he hardly knows you—
“And I’m Jun!” 
Although Minghao’s gaze is sharp when he turns it to the vampire, neither you nor Junhui look in the slightest bit fazed to have ruined his concentration. At that point, you politely excuse yourself, and Minghao doesn’t see you for the rest of his evening out.
That morning, as the sun rises over Seoul, Minghao finds himself painting for the first time in well over a decade. He hasn’t been a painter since two ‘lives’ ago, when he created art under a pseudonym. This one, however, he doesn’t intend to sell.
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Minghao keeps seeing you after that, and while Jun and Dokyeom and a few of his other clan-mates like to tease that it’s fate, he still refuses to believe it. He wonders if he’s subconsciously seeking you out, hunting down that feeling he’d gotten the first night — a feeling that made him almost believe he was human again, if only for a moment.
It’s foolish, fanciful, and far too heavy a burden to place on you. And yet every time he sees you, no matter how cold he must come across, you have a smile to greet him with. 
It’s springtime, and he sees you out at a local market buying flowers. He has every intention to pass by you, but you notice him before he can, flashing him a blinding grin that stops him in his tracks. 
“Xu Minghao,” you greet. He shakes his head, laughing as he looks down at you. Every time he sees you, it feels like the first time — and he treats it as the last.
“It’s been months,” he says. “You can just call me Minghao.” You tap a finger to your chin, as if deep in thought, before shaking your head.
“No. Xu Minghao has a nice ring to it. I like saying it.” You adjust the canvas bag hanging off your shoulder, tucking the bouquet of flowers you’d just purchased under your arm.
“Walk with me?” you ask. You tilt your head in the direction of the street and Minghao wishes he could freeze time as the sunlight catches in your eyes, the breeze gently tugging strands of hair from your face. Your skin looks warm, and carried on the breeze is the unparalleled sweet scent of your blood. Minghao agrees, although he knows he shouldn’t. The more time he spends with you, the more attached he’ll become, even if he has every intention of maintaining distance.
He isn’t foolish enough to believe in fate, or destiny — but sometimes he truly wishes he was, because then he could imagine a happy ending for the two of you. For himself.
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It all truly goes to shit when he asks you to model for him. Nothing special, really, he assures you, because you look horribly nervous when he brings it up. He tells you he couldn’t imagine photographing anyone else for his next project, and while he can tell that you think he’s just buttering you up he’s never meant any words more in his life. 
And so he dooms himself. He spends hours just staring at your face, your body, directing you; driving you to locations, editing the photos down to the minutest detail until he’s sure he could trace your face in his dreams if he had them. Instead, he stays up all night painting you again, and again, and again, driven mad by his own muse and the desire to expel it before it becomes dangerous.
You don’t know what he is, but he does, and the ache he has at the thought of telling you outweighs the ache at the thought of losing you, although they’ve been inching nearer equality every day. His foolish project doesn’t quell his urge to see you, merely heightens it, until he’s spending nearly every free moment he has trying to communicate with you, or looking at your photos or likenesses in his studio. 
It makes him wonder, of course, what his point is with all this. Even if he loves you, he can’t have you. He knows it better than anyone ever can or ever will, because he certainly has no intentions of forcing you into immortality at his side. Some people may think it’s worth it — given the option even you might, but it isn’t a subject he’s willing to broach or a risk he’s willing to take, no matter how precious you’re becoming to him.
So he comes to a conclusion which may seem heartless and unorthodox to most, but being a vampire he determines it’s pretty much on-brand.
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The exhibition is as much of a success as Minghao hoped it would be, even though he isn’t technically involved. There’s a private level above the gallery which Minghao requested be kept dark, and so he slinks around like the creature of the night he is, watching as the crowds gaze at all the photos of you he’d spent hours taking and editing and arranging. He stands in the corner, watching the door, waiting—
You appear, looking more beautiful than ever. As you look around the room, Minghao can’t help but smile at the adorable mix of bashful and proud that you present in your body language, a blush rising on your cheeks and a grin tugging at your lips. He can tell you’re looking for him as your eyes sweep uncertainly over the crowd. He wants nothing more than to go down and sweep you off your feet, show you off to everyone in the room especially with how dazzling you look. It hurts him to wonder if you dressed up just for him, and he shoots down the thought as you begin to move towards the center of the room where the one piece of text has been put up in simple, unassuming text:
you make me look at the moon and pray that you’ll look at me
One benefit of being a vampire is superhuman sight. Every nuance of your expression is as clear to him from here as if he were standing in front of you. He watches as you look around for him once more, somewhat more frantically this time. Minghao feels a pit forming in his stomach as he watches you.
“Minghao,” Jun calls softly, emerging from the darkness behind Minghao. He doesn’t turn until Jun’s hand comes to land on his shoulder, at which point the other vampire gives him a concerned look. 
“Are you sure about this?” Minghao notices how the shadows cling to his friend’s face as he asks that question, and he can’t help but feel that old bitterness rising up in him at the sight. Who was he to tether you to him? What could he offer you but a cold, empty space where a heart once resided and a constant need to run? Minghao casts one last look at you, catching you gazing in awe at the largest photograph of yourself in the gallery, the one that inspired his poem, of you standing on the fire escape of his studio and gazing up at the full moon. Your skin is washed silver, almost white, your eyes catching the light like twin stars. A bitter laugh creeps up his throat.
“Yes,” he replies, turning away from the gallery scene. “There’s no other way.” With that, Minghao steps into the inky darkness and disappears down the backstairs, leaving Jun to watch you, melancholy, for a moment before he follows his clan-mate. 
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Faking one’s death is very strange, and Minghao has learned that it does not get less strange with time or practice. If anything, it gets stranger as the lives pile up and one finds they can’t help but run parallel in each one. So many things remain the same: looks, interests, hobbies, clans.
And then so much must be left behind.
Seungcheol raps gently on the edge of Minghao’s doorframe. The Chinese vampire doesn’t grant him permission to enter, doesn’t need to, simply continues gazing out the window and gently swirling the wine in his glass as he’s been doing for the past hour. 
“Are you all packed, Minghao?” His clan leader asks, and Minghao simply murmurs in the affirmative. 
“Finish that up then. We need to get going soon.” With that, Seungcheol slips away down the hall, likely to get the rest of the clan together. Minghao looks at the wine remaining in his glass and downs it all in one gulp, wincing slightly at the bitter burn at the back of his throat. He stands from his chair, nudges his rolling suitcase so it bumps against the doorframe. A cluster of clouds block out the moon, and Minghao draws the curtains shut, walking across his room to join his luggage in the hallway. He turns back to look at his room one last time, and smiles half-wistful and half-bitter at the one object remaining, gently catching the dim light from the hall.
In his next life, he’s decided, he won’t have any need for photography. He closes the door, and disappears.
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misssunflowersandsangria · 5 years ago
This is my Idea
Chapter 1: Trust 
Happy @shikatemaweek my deers!  OMG!  I’ve been so excited about this week and seeing all the amazing content from some incredible creators!  I got into the fandom so late so this is Baby’s First ShikaTema Week! 
This story is Canon Divergent.  Don’t worry too much about what’s going on in everyone else's storyline because it doesn't really affect ShikaTem.  Also just know that Temari’s parents are alive and Rasa is not a complete monster.  Okay, happy reading! 
Prompt: Trust
Shika: 13
Tem: 15
Summary:   At a young age, Shikamaru is tasked with guiding the Princess Temari around Konoha every Summer. It was an assignment neither one was happy with but over time those feelings changed.
“Lord Kazekage, it’s an honor to welcome you and your daughter to the village.”  The Hokage warmly greeted the duo.  
“We have assigned a Chunin level Shinobi to accompany your daughter around the village during our meetings.  He will remain her guard for all of Princess Temari’s trips in the future.  He is one of our best and they are close in age so I feel that they should get along quite well.”  The Kazekage had warned the Hokage in advance about his daughter’s temperament; he assured him that they’d have a capable Shinobi available.
The recently promoted Chunin moved forward bowing politely.  “It’s an honor Lord Kazekage and Princess Temari.  I will do my absolute best to ensure your comfort and safety while you are here in the village.”
The newly formed alliance with Suna was a huge step forward towards peace.  The Kazekage was there to work out the important details.  He brought along his daughter because the plan was for her to take on the role of ambassador.  To bring the countries together she would spend her Summers in Konoha for the foreseeable future.  This was to build unity and familiarity while she conducted important alliance work.  Shikamaru knew that it was an important mission some would even call it an honor. He saw it as a complete chore. He tried as hard as he could to avoid making it look like he’d rather be anywhere than there.   
She was taller than him with four bunches of blonde hair and teal eyes.  She might be considered cute if it wasn’t for the look of utter hatred and disdain on her face. Her expression matched how he was feeling.   
Temari glared at the Shinobi standing in front of her.  He was shorter than her despite the obnoxious pineapple hair.  He was probably younger than her too. How the hell was he supposed to protect her?
“Temari.”  The Kazekage pushed her forward towards the Shinobi.  Putting on her best smile and not wanting to incur any rage from her father she nodded.
“Thank you Shikamaru, I know that we will have a pleasant time together.”  She replied through clenched teeth. 
“Alright kids, we will see you back here at 5.  Shikamaru, please keep a close eye on Princess Temari.”  The Hokage directed as he and the Kazekage went towards his office. 
“Yes sir.”
The second they were outside of the Hokage’s office Temari leveled Shikamaru with a look pushing a finger against his chest.
“Listen here, I don’t need an escort.  I can take care of myself.”
He rolled his eyes and looked at her with a bored expression.  “And you listen, I didn’t want this damn assignment, babysitting a spoiled princess all Summer was not my idea.  But your dad and the Hokage expect us to play nice so stop being such a drag.”
Temari felt the rage starting to build.  At first, she was excited about the prospect of going to Konoha.  Any way that she could help her village she’d gladly take on.  This was not what she expected. 
“A drag?  You arrogant little!  Screw this!”  Faster than he could react she was gone in a flash forcing him to run after her.  He would rather she get lost but the Hokage would have his head if something happened to the Princess. 
“What is your problem?  Get back here!”  He yelled, chasing her across the rooftops.
“Do your job better!!!”  She teased him racing forward. As annoying as this whole situation was, it was kind of fun weaving through and trying to lose him.  Seeing him become increasingly frustrated.  
“Stop chasing me!”  She demanded once they hit the tree line.  She went into the treetops trying to stay hidden.
“Stop being troublesome and I won’t have to!”  Like that was going to happen.  She went to dart across to the next tree but found herself completely stuck.  
“What the hell?”
“Shadow possession jutsu complete.”  She felt her body turn to face an all too smug Shikamaru.
A shadow user, of course.  She should have asked him what his jutsu was in the beginning.
”Let go of me!  I’m a Princess.”  She demanded in disbelief that he caught her. 
“No, you’re being a brat!”  He yelled back. 
“The second your jutsu falls I’m running.”
She was strong and he could feel himself struggle to hold it.  He knew he had a time limit before it would break.  “Look, I don’t like this any more than you do but we need to make this work.  I won’t be any more annoying or invasive than I have to be but you’re going to have to give me something to work with here.  It’s pretty obvious that you don’t need me to protect you so I won’t even try to step into that kind of role.  Think of me as a guide while you’re here.”
Temari struggled before letting her body go lax. She knew that her father wouldn’t be too happy knowing that she acted this way.  This wasn’t the way a future ambassador should behave.  Perhaps she could just ignore him for the time that they were there.
“Fine.  I won’t run.  I get you’re stuck with me but you’re going to give me my freedom okay.”
“Fine.”  He dropped his shadows giving her back control over her body.  Before he could blink he was thrown back into a tree by a gust of wind. 
“Damn it….”.  He groaned, so much for trusting her.
“You deserve that for using your Jutsu on me.”  Temari grinned above him but held a hand out. With a sigh, he took it standing up. That was a dirty move but at least she was still there. 
“We’re even now.” 
“I’m hungry, take me somewhere to eat.” 
Shikamaru had to physically stop himself from rolling his eyes at the demand.  The alliance with Suna was important so he’d have to ensure the Princess didn’t say anything that would put it at risk. 
“Okay, come along.” 
He chose to avoid popular places in town not wanting to run into his friends who thought his assignment was hilarious. Instead, he took her out towards the Nara lands.  His clan members thought that the assignment was actually quite an accomplishment so he hoped that they wouldn’t give him too much grief. They didn’t bother him but he saw their smiles and knowing looks.  It would only be a matter of time before his mother tried to find him to ensure that he was treating the Princess with the respect she deserved. 
“So what’s there to do around here?”
“Well, there’s shopping and uh salons?”  He offered, those were things that Ino enjoyed. 
Her lips immediately curled into a frown.  “Does it look like I’m interested in things like that?”
“I assumed because you were a Princess and a girl, yes?”
Hopeless, this kid was completely hopeless.  “Figure out something that we can do or I’m running off again.”
“Fine, geez.  How about we go train, get some of that aggression out of you.” The suggestion was partly a joke but earlier when she’d run off there seemed to be a genuine smile on her face.  
Temari contemplated the thought but nodded.  She did enjoy practicing her jutsu and she relished an opportunity to put this kid in his place.  As annoyed as Temari was at Shikamaru using his shadows against her, there was a part of her that was impressed. It was very difficult to outwit her. Practicing her jutsu with him could be fun. 
“That will be fine.”
They spent the rest of the Summer training with one another. She was a very talented wind user and had a strategic mind. Developing counters for her moves was fun and challenging.  They kept score for all their Summers together.  
For as bad of a start that they had as the days passed the company became more pleasant. He was thankful to find out that despite being a little high maintenance and demanding at times she was actually quite interesting and engaging.   She appreciated that despite how young he was and prone to complaining he was a genius, quick-witted, and dependable. Every morning she looked forward to where the day would take them. 
He taught her to play Shogi and their games would sometimes go on for a few days because neither would admit defeat.  They explored all of Konoha and the  Nara lands.   He began to integrate her with his friends and they would all hang out together. They would look forward to her visits as much as he would.  Some of the best days they had were when they would do little to nothing at all besides watching the clouds float by.  
When the first leaf changed its color their first Summer together finally came to an end.  It took some time but by the end of it trust in one another had been built.   They had become close friends and confidants. 
“Thanks, Shikamaru.  It’s actually been pretty fun.”  Temari admitted with a smile.  
He shrugged trying to keep his expression neutral but the acknowledgment was astounding.  “Thanks for being a little less troublesome.” 
She shook her head with a grin, okay she was pretty cute.  “I’ll see you next year?”
“See you then.”   He watched her figure disappear into the horizon with a smile. So this would be his Summers for the foreseeable future.  Perhaps it wouldn’t be too bad.
So this is a different take on Shika being Tem’s guide in the village and also inspired by Swan Princess the movie :D
 I’m approaching this week differently.  Instead of doing small one-shots for each of the prompts I’m going to write one full story trying to use the prompts.  I had to get...let’s say ‘creative’ to make the prompts work but I think that I did okay with them.  This story is going to go fast.   Either way, I hope that you enjoyed it.  Thank you so much for stopping by to read! There is so much more incredible content, art, and stories out there, especially for this week!  Go forth, love you all, and love ShikaTema!
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keysmash · 6 years ago
AU where (***SPOILERS FOR THOSE WHO DIDN'T SEE THE FORUM ON NOVEL UPDATES***) LSZ hadn't lost his memory of WWX and the remaining Wen clan members.
ILY ANON! This AU is one of the few things I have lined up for, like, after I’m done with the soulmate HCs but since you asked, here you go (under the read more cut, because, SPOILERS!) It’s a lengthy one. I hope you enjoy this anon~
First of all, I’ll have you know that my muse while writing this down are obviously Wangxian by LWJ and You are my sunshine (Nick Lachey ver.). 
It starts with a dream, or memory - WWX hides little LSZ in a place he thought would be the safest, further away from what he thinks would be considered war loot. A-yuan hears a lullaby WWX sings to him every night and difts off to sleep
Before waking up from his dream, LSZ remembers WWX apologising to him for what’s going to happen (I would tell you to come kick my ass in hell, but I hope you’ll go to heaven, A-Yuan.)
When he wakes up in the cloud recesses, at least two weeks have passed since WWX died. He wakes up, panics and cries for for Xian-gege (Xian-gege where are you? I promise to be a good boy! A-Yuan will call you mama! I won’t call you Brother Poor. Wwaaaaaahhh)
LWJ takes the crying boy into his arms in an attempt to shush him. LSZ recognises his Brother Rich and cries harder. (I want Xian-gege! I want granny! I want- I want… Uwaaaaaa)
LWJ plays Inquiry every day with a sleeping LZS in his lap, usually crying himself to sleep calling for Xian-gege.
He stops crying himself to sleep after a few weeks but still accompanies LWJ every day as the latter plays Inquiry. (What are you doing? // Finding Wei Ying // Can you find Xian-gege this way? // Mm. // Can A-Yuan play too? A-Yuan will help find Xian-gege. // Can learn. // Will brother teach me? // When you’re older.)
When LSZ is officially recognised as a Lan, he remembers WWX telling him about “the rich sect with lots of rules”. He will study hard and be strong so that if WWX returns, LSZ can protect him. He doesn’t like to follow the older disciples into town. They all talk bad about WWX and LSZ won’t listen to them
He meets LJY for the first time when he turns seven. They end up in a fist fight because LJY talks shit about WWX (I bet he’s evil and ugly OWW what did you hit me for?!) They are punished to kneel and copy the rules for two whole months after classes. Within the two months, the boys reconciled and become fast friends (LJY: We’re BFF now yeah? Yeah!)
After a year or so, LSZ tentatively asks LJY: “What if I tell you I’m not actually a Lan?” He has read books about the Wens and slowly starts to understand the atrocity committed by the Qishan Wen Sect in the past. He wants LJY to know about him although he is scared of losing a friend. LJY simply tells him he doesn’t care even if LSZ is a demon king or whatever and that they’re friends either way. He’ll also fight other people who make fun of LSZ. I LIVE FOR THEIR FRIENDSHIP OKAY
When he turns 10, LWJ starts him on quqin training. After getting no answer 10 times, LSZ secretly breaks down crying before he goes to sleep. He gains a newfound respect for LWJ who never stops playing Inquiry for a long time. He starts calling LWJ Hanguang-jun out of respect although in his heart, LWJ will always be the kind Rich Brother and a dad.
LSZ studies, cultivates and trains diligently. He helps LWJ take care of the rabbits. (Hanguang-jun, how did these rabbits end up here? / Wei Ying.) At 10, LSZ is too young to understand LWJ’s real feelings so he thinks LWJ must have been a very close friend of WWX
LSZ lights incense and prays for his fallen family members every year on the anniversary of the siege. He visits the kitchen and makes spicy congee as an offering and plays Inquiry in a solo attempt to find WWX.
One night, he dreams about his family and wakes up earlier than usual. He sits at his desk and draws the faces of everyone he loves and misses. When LJY asks, LSZ says he is scared of forgetting their faces, so he wants to draw them while he can still vividly remember how they look like.
LWJ finds his drawing. LSZ apologises for wasting time on mundane things and expresses his readiness to accept punishment. LWJ asks him to describe each and every person in his drawing. LSZ happily complies
When they arrive at WWX’s drawing, LSZ sees the changes in LWJ’s expression and offers LWJ his drawing. He’s not surprised when LWJ takes the drawing and thanks him for it.
At 12, the young disciples go on an excursion to Caiyi Town. LSZ discovers a romance novel and secretly buys it. In the novel, the character has achieved immortality and waits for hundreds of years to be reunited with his deceased lover, traveling to many places for a chance to meet each other. LSZ thinks the character is similar to LWJ and realises with a jolt how LWJ must have felt for WWX.
One night, he silently joins LWJ to play Inquiry next to him. LWJ looks at him questioningly. LSZ simply says “I also love Xian-gege.” and plays his quqin. “When I meet him again, I’ll surprise him and call him Mama. He was so jealous when he thought I cried and called you papa the first time we met, Hanging-jun. Uh… Sorry for my ugly crying, haha.” He swears LWJ actually smiles a little but when he blinks, the hint of a smile is no longer around.
One evening, LWJ hears LSZ playing a melody he has never taught the boy (wangxian). It isn’t 100% the same but very similar so he asks LSZ about the song. (Xian-gege used to sing it for me when I had trouble sleeping. Sometimes he plays the tune with his flute. It’s very different than the other songs he played).
By the time he starts training with guest disciples from other sects and meet Jin Ling, LSZ has calmed down enough to not react badly when people thrash talk WWX. In a way, he understands why JL is the way he is but he is not afraid to voice out his opinions when he thinks it’s necessary.
Like LWJ, he listens to stories about JC capturing demonic cultivators and hopes none of them is WWX.
One time, LSZ buys every copy of a book depicting the evil deeds of the Yiling Patriarch from a street vendor, highly exaggerated to the point of obvious slander (WHAT IS THIS BOOK? XIAN-GEGE WOULD NEVER INFLICT PAIN ON PEOPLE FOR FUN!) He burns every single copy to dust.
In class, they learn how to use the tools invented by WWX in night hunt (like the compass and the flags). LSZ sighs at the irony of people hating on Yiling Patriarch but still making full use of what he left behind.
The request for an exorcism at Mo Village arrives and LSZ is in sent out because from the request received, the matter doesn’t seem very difficult for even junior disciples to handle.
When he reaches Mo Village in the morning, it feels like any other village he had previously visited. At around noon, however, he feels a subtle change in the atmosphere.
Seeing fierce corpses fight each other reminds LSZ of his childhood. He feels a pang of nostalgia when he remembers WN but shakes it away to focus on the intense fight.
When he hears MXY play a hastily carved bamboo flute, LSZ is stunned. He knows there are many people who venture into demonic cultivation and want to be as strong as Yiling Patriarch but the melody played, although much poorer in quality probably due to the flute, sounds nostalgic.
When WN appears, LSZ has to stop himself from breaking down in tears because Brother Ning who protected him, played with him, took care of him, whom everyone thought to have been ground to dust, has returned. When WN roars at the cultivators who gang up to capture him, LSZ wants to interfere.
Before he could, MXY plays a soft melody to calm WN’s bloodlust. LSZ recognises the song straight away as his childhood lullaby. (“A nice song isn’t it?” WWX asked little LSZ in the past. “I’ll only play it so you can sleep, okay A-Yuan? I’m going to lose face if people hear the feared Yiling Patriarch playing songs like this in public hahahaha”
He sees LWJ protecting MXY from JC and all his doubts are cleared. WWX has returned in the body of MXY.
LSZ runs to stand by LWJ an WWX and tries to reason with JC. (“I won’t let him take you, Xian-gege”). He is the only disciple not surprised at all when LWJ brings WWX to The Cloud Recesses.
Following LWJ’s lead, he pretends to play along with WWX’s charade as MXY until LWJ tells him otherwise. It’s okay, he thought. We have waited 13 years. What a little more? Besides, the wait is already over. LSZ can’t wait to show WWX what he has learnt. He wants WWX to be proud of him.
Later, LSZ thinks, it is really impossible to doubt that it is indeed WWX in MXY’s body. WWX’s smile, although in a different body, is the same cheeky smile he remembers.
And so LSZ waits.
Should I continue?
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robininthelabyrinth · 6 years ago
You write an amazing smut! Hashirama is such a sneaky bastard. He knows exactly how to manipulate Madara. Madara will never leave him. Not now when he knows how Tobi is manipulate and hurt. Uchiha couldn't leave Tobirama alone at Hashirama's mercy.I don't know if you plan to continue the series, but if so, I have some suggestions. I would like to read the promised double penetration or scene where Tobirama was rude and must be punished.
Hahaha, thank you!!! I’m having a ridiculous amount of fun writing it, and I’m definitely happy to take suggestions - I only have one part planned after this, so more prompts are welcome!
Accordingly, per your prompt (and, as usual, for @blackberreh-art!), here’s part four of the I-really-should-name-this-something series
Tobirama stumbles a little when he leaves his labs, but that’s probably just because he ran out of food at some point and didn’t bother to stop what he was doing to get more. It’s fine, though. Totally worthwhile. He’s come up with something really great, tested it and recorded it, and once his chakra reserves are back the way they ought to be, he’ll show it to Hashirama and -Hashirama’s here.Why is Hashirama here at home in the middle of the day? Tobirama squints at his brother, who has his arms crossed over his chest and a scowl. “Don’t you have work you’re supposed to be doing?”“I declared a holiday.”That gets Tobirama’s attention. “Anija, no!” he exclaims. “Do you know what an administrative nightmare a new holiday would -”“He’s joking,” Madara interjects, because he appears to have also skived off work for the day. Is Tobirama the only person with a work ethic around here? “We finished today’s meetings early and took the rest of our work home. We’ve been worried about you.”Tobirama blinks owlishly at them. “Worried…?”“You’ve been in there for six days,” Madara continues, scowling. “And from the look of you…have you slept at all?”That depends; do catnaps count as sleep?…maybe he shouldn’t answer that question. Not that it matters; he’s sure the bags under his eyes tell the truth for him.“You’ve been very naughty, making us worry like that,” Hashirama says, clicking his tongue in disapproval. “That’s not very nice of you, you know. I think you need to be punished.”Tobirama is going to protest, because whatever Hashirama might think he is not a child anymore, except suddenly Hashirama is shining very bright, chakra overwhelming, and it’s going straight to his head and -Tobirama wakes up feeling considerably more refreshed.Also, in a more concerning development, unable to move.At all.There are roots and vines twined everywhere around him, immobilizing each limb, crossing over his chest and hips, even climbing up to hold his head and neck steady. His chakra is being suppressed – with an Uzumaki seal, no less, so breaking it will cost more than it’s probably worth.He’s stuck.But not unsafe.“Oh, good,” his anija sings out from somewhere he can’t see. Not that it matters; his comforting chakra is everywhere around, meaning that Tobirama hasn’t tensed up or started to panic. “You’re awake!”The roots ripple around him - a surprisingly pleasant feeling - and next thing Tobirama knows he’s suspended upright, hanging from the wall and still unable to move.“Why?” he asks, meaning his current situation, since asking to be let go would clearly be futile. Hashirama cups his face in both hands, pressing a kiss to Tobirama’s forehead. “You worked yourself into near chakra exhaustion. Again. What if you’d collapsed in your labs?”Then he would lie there until time had healed him, like he’d done before. Obviously.Equally obviously, telling Hashirama that was not going to be conductive to getting out of this.“You shouldn’t worry your big brother like that,” Hashirama continues sternly. “If you can’t be trusted to take care of yourself, I’m just going to have to do it for you.”Tobirama sighs. He knows where this is going. "You’re just going to be punishing yourself, too, you know, keeping me tied up like this,“ he tries. "If you don’t let me down, you’ll have to do my paperwork.”Hashirama’s grin tells him his gambit isn’t going to work this time.Whatever. It’s fine! While admittedly this level of total immobilization is moderately new, Hashirama has locked him away before, tied him up like this before, it’s something he does when he wants to reestablish control; Tobirama can handle it. Sure, he’s helpless, but it’s just Hashirama. Hashirama would never truly hurt him…unless he thought it was for Tobirama’s own good, anyway.Still. He’s mostly safe.“What. What are you doing?”…right. Madara lives here now, too. Tobirama feels the back of his neck go hot with embarrassment. Madara’s presence is…new. He’d tried to go home after their little week together - and seriously who was Hashirama kidding with his concerns about chakra exhaustion, he’d nearly killed them all with sexual exhaustion - only for Hashirama to announce that it was rather inconvenient for members of the Hokage’s office to live far away from the administrative center and that Madara, as the only one distant, should move in with them.
Madara asked, very politely, if he was insane.
Hashirama responded by suggesting, very kindly, that if Madara preferred to limp on home, stinking of sex and newly applied ink, to explain himself (and the brand-new tattoo on the sole of his foot) to his brother and the rest of his clan, he was welcome to do so.
Madara agreed to move in with somewhat alarming alacrity.
Tobirama hadn’t quite understood what was wrong with explaining (he himself would never, of course, but then he’s a very private person, while Madara had always struck him as rather extroverted in comparison, particularly with his close family), but he’d been cheered, briefly, by the thought that maybe, just maybe, he could finally escape being used as Hashirama’s favorite cuddling pillow every night.
No such luck.
It turns out that Madara is also a rather aggressive cuddler, and somehow Tobirama seems to always end up lying right in the middle. It’s a good thing he enjoys being warm at night or else he would be forced to murder them both as they tug him back and forth between them in their sleep.
Really, is it any wonder he retreated to his labs at first instance?
Though maybe – and he’d never admit this out loud – he may have gotten a little bit carried away, if it was enough to make Hashirama break out…this.
“I’m punishing him!” Hashirama chirps, entirely unphased by Madara’s twitching. “So that he learns it’s not good to worry us like that.”
Notably, Hashirama doesn’t suggest that he thinks this will be effective at deterring Tobirama from doing it again in the future should Tobirama think the cause justified. He’s at least figured out that much.
Madara’s mouth opens and closes mutely for a moment. “So you tie him up on your wall? Naked?” he finally says.
“He clearly can’t be trusted to take care of himself,” Hashirama sniffs. “So I’m going to have to do it for him.”
Tobirama really isn’t looking forward to being spoon-fed again. It’s humiliating, even if Hashirama takes such glee in doing so.
It’s not that Tobirama minds being hand-fed in the normal course of events – he’s certain that Hashirama’s been sticking food in his mouth with a “Try this, Tobirama!” since he was a baby, so at this point he’s resigned himself – but he has a distinctive distaste for being fed because he can’t use his arms.
Worst punishment ever.
“…he seems uncomfortable,” Madara finally says, after apparently dismissing at least five other objections that seemed to come to mind.
“It’s a punishment,” Hashirama points out. “He hates keeping still –”
“He sits still all the time.”
“No, he fidgets. Haven’t you seen him playing with that spinning figurine the Nara gave us, the one on his desk?”
“I thought he did that just to irritate me.”
No, that was just a fringe benefit.
“I’m fairly sure that’s just extra fun,” Hashirama, who knows him too well, says with a shrug. “He used to fidget with his arms but he – doesn’t anymore. Anyway, he hates being kept still, which makes it a perfect punishment. I usually keep him like this for a few days.”
There’s an entire history in that brief pause, of Tobirama’s one point of contention with their father and tears shed on Hashirama’s shoulder and the way their father sometimes coughed up flower petals in the weeks before he died while Hashirama smiled, but that wasn’t history Madara needed to know.
Not when Madara’s already done so much for Tobirama already, the hot press of his lips on Tobirama’s chest and the wash of forgiveness turning a mark of shame into nothing but old scar tissue. There was no need to burden him with more.
“A few days seems a bit much,” Madara says, crossing his arms. “Especially since the village will probably fall apart without him.”
“See, anija?” Tobirama can’t help but say. “I told you.”
“We manage fine when he goes out on mission,” Hashirama says, ignoring him entirely.
(That was the other part of this punishment that Tobirama disliked: Hashirama would dote on him or ignore him, but Tobirama never has any say in the matter when he was bound like this.)
Madara’s still frowning, though, so Hashirama finally heaves a great big sigh and says, “Well, if you like, I could do something faster if you promise to help.”
Madara squints at him suspiciously. “Promises to you are dangerous, as I’ve recently learned,” he says.
Tobirama can’t help but snort at that. “Recently? You’re the one who promised to build a village with him; now look where we are.”
Madara doesn’t look at him, keeping his eyes focused on Hashirama, but he hasn’t mastered Hashirama’s ability to compartmentalize anything he doesn’t immediately care to think about so Tobirama still sees it when his lips twitch upwards suspiciously.
Hashirama shrugs grandly. “It’s not like I’m going to force you –”
“Since when?” Madara and Tobirama ask in unison.
Definitely a twitch of Madraa’s lips then.
Hashirama pouts at them both.
It’s an absurd expression on someone so powerful.
“Tobirama, what do you think?” Madara asks, surprising Tobirama. “It’s your – er – punishment.”
“I feel like asking that defeats the purpose of this exercise,” Hashirama grumbles.
“I’m sure you’ll find a way to make me suffer either way, anija,” Tobirama says, automatically reaching for a way to comfort and support his brother. It’s a terrible instinct, especially under circumstances like this.
Hashirama brightens, though, and that’s worth anything.
…he thinks.
“Fast and with audience participation it is,” Hashirama declares, because of course he thinks that any decision left to Tobirama is his to decide, and unfortunately he’s not wrong about that.
Tobirama still takes the time to nod at Madara, who in a rather confusing turn of events seems to care much more about whether Tobirama agrees to things and who prefers confirmation that Tobirama doesn’t mind. Which he doesn’t! He’s already resigned himself to whatever Hashirama has in mind – especially since Hashirama will be absolutely insufferable if he doesn’t get a chance to try whatever he’s thought up – but also he really would rather be able to move sooner rather than later.
So it’s basically the same as him agreeing.
Then Hashirama whispers in Madara’s ear, which is mildly worrying, and Madara smirks, which is more worrying, and next thing Tobirama knows he’s got Madara’s mouth on his cock, which is very worrying but also mind-blowing enough that it distracts him from worrying.
“You realize, anija,” he chokes out, trying desperately to thrust into Madara’s hot mouth even though he knows logically that it’s a terrible idea and he’s only setting himself up for future misery, and anyway that it’s pointless because his hips are being forced into stillness right now, “that sexual deprivation isn’t going to work every time.”
“I don’t know,” Hashirama says, sprawling out in a chair that curls its way out of the floor. He’s never bothered to go get an existing chair in his life, even if there is one two feet away as there is now, and this is why Tobirama’s always giving people sets of slightly mismatched chairs as housewarming presents. Eventually someone’s going to figure out his motives. “I think I have a good window of time before it stops being effective. That’s good enough for now, Madara, come back here.”
Tobirama whines when Madara retreats, which he knows is essentially conceding Hashirama’s point, but still.
Madara’s chakra crackles, making him whine again as the nerves down his spine light up, and it’s really entirely unfair how quickly Madara learned to do that.
It’s also unfair how much Hashirama has warmed to the idea of providing visual stimulation (if by stimulation Tobirama means additional torture, which he does), because he’s pulled Madara into his lap and watching Madara sprawl out like that, all boneless and moaning and head lolled back onto Hashirama’s shoulder as Hashirama’s clever fingers work him over –
Tobirama struggles to move, even knowing that he can’t, and he feels that burn of humiliation that he always gets when he fails to escape except now it’s mixing in with lust in a way that speaks worryingly of Hashirama’s future plans and how he’s playing right into them but he really can’t bring himself to care right now because he just wants – something.
“You’re doing so well for me, Madara,” Hashirama purrs into Madara’s ear. “Helping me like this, worrying about Tobirama – you’re the best friend a man could have.”
“I – I feel like we’ve gone – ah – somewhat beyond – yes, that, more of that– beyond friendship at this point,” Madara pants.
“Nonsense. Whatever else we are, we’re still friends,” Hashirama says. “You’re my dearest friend, my precious person, and I’ll love you forever and always, no matter what.”
And he means it, too, shining and sincere, charismatic enough to make anyone believe in him even if he were lying but it’s all the more potent because he’s not.
Tobirama feels what is almost a prickle of jealousy, but he learned that he must share his brother’s love with Madara years ago by a riverbank and had that lessons seared into his mind again during that previous week, so instead of jealousy he just feels envy that Hashirama is praising Madara and not him.
If that’s the punishment, it’s a very good one, but somehow Tobirama suspects there’s more to it.
“In fact, you’ve been so good, I should reward you,” Hashirama continues. “Would you like a reward, Madara? Say please.”
Madara grunts.
Hashirama leans down and bites Madara’s shoulder, sharp and sudden, and Madara’s whole body spasms in a way that suggests he enjoyed it tremendously.
“Use your words, Madara,” Hashirama scolds, if anything said in that low growl, menacing and overwhelmingly sexual, could be properly classified as scolding. “Come on, pet, you can do it for me.”
It takes another minute of torment, but eventually Madara forces out a desperate-sounding “please” between his lips, biting them with his teeth until they’re red and plump and Tobirama wants to kiss him more than anything.
Well, maybe not more than he wants to come, watching them like that, or more than he wants to join them, but – more than anything else.
Hashirama’s not done, though.
“Please what?” he asks, eyes round with innocence.
“Please – reward me,” Madara chokes out between groans. “Please!”
“Well, all right. Since you asked so nicely. How about a nice show?”
Show? What type of –
Tobirama feels one of the vines curled around his legs unwind just a little, making its slow, creeping way up his inner thigh.
That type of show.
No, wait – Hashirama can’t mean – not with his Mokuton, not with vines and roots instead of hands and fingers and –
“Anija!” he shouts, feeling the vine slide up higher and start to prod in a purposeful sort of way. Hashirama’s used the Mokuton on him before, of course, and even during that week he used it liberally enough to hold him down or move him in place but he’s never – not inside –
“Shh,” Hashirama says. “You’re being punished; this is Madara’s reward. You should be quiet and let him enjoy it.”
Tobirama opens his mouth to say – something, he’s not sure what, but he’s certain he would have come up with something adequately snarky and cutting, except before he can get a word out there’s a thick wooden branch sliding between his lips, fat and heavy on his tongue, and he can’t do more than make incoherent noises around it as it forces his jaw open wide.
“Oh,” Madara says, a half-choked off sound full of something like wonder, and Tobirama feels his face burning again. It hadn’t occurred to him how it would look, his lips wrapped around the branch as if he were sucking it, but now that it has he can’t stop thinking about it. 
It’s only made worse when Hashirama’s murmur – “Look what a pretty picture he makes” – drifts over to him.
The roots binding his body start shifting then, too.  They don’t give him any leeway to move, but crawl all over his body, alternatively tight and confining or soft and stroking, and Tobirama finds himself whimpering as they curl up on his chest, flicking at his nipples until he’s sure they’re bright red against his pale skin, as red as his cock is, hard and straining and wrapped around with one of Hashirama’s vines that start moving back and forth in a pale imitation of what Hashirama’s hand is doing to Madara.
It’s such a conflicting burst of sensations – the tightness around his cock, the branch in his mouth, the feelers on his chest, the feeling of two chakras pouring over him, the sight of Madara falling to pieces before him – that Tobirama, unforgivably, forgets for a moment about the vine between his legs.
Naturally, that’s the moment that it pushes into him, slick and wet with its own sap, and the surprise makes him shout, muffled by the branch in his mouth as it is.
“What are you doing to him?” he hears Madara ask, but he’s distracted by the strange way it feels – the vine is cool, not warmed with blood the way fingers or a cock would be, and it twists around inside of him in an altogether unfamiliar way.
“Let me show you,” Hashirama says, and suddenly Tobirama is moving – not of his own volition, but being moved, the roots rearranging his body as if he were a doll to be posed at Hashirama’s pleasure – for Madara’s pleasure.
The posing comparison is particularly apt, he finds, as the roots put him on display. He feels himself burn up again, that overwhelming humiliation-tempered-by-lust sweeping through him again, as his legs are spread open and raised up so that Madara can see him, pinned and immobile, getting fucked not by a person, no, but by the manifestation of Hashirama’s will, watch him reduced to writhing and grunting and moaning by nothing more than a vine –
A second vine slides up his legs, a smaller one, twining around the one already there, and Tobirama has less than a moment to realize what it’s going to do before it does it and suddenly there are two vines moving in and out of him, one dedicated to hitting that spot within him that makes him see stars and the other to opening him further, pushing in deeper and harder, and he moans.
“Fuck,” he hears Madara say. “Oh, fuck, look at him – just look –”
“I bet I can fit another in his mouth, too,” Hashirama says conversationally, and Tobirama doesn’t think he’s right because his jaw is already aching but apparently he’s wrong, he can fit in two, and now he’s got them thrusting in there as well – less a gag now than a substitute for a cock, and he can feel himself drooling all over them, leaking from the corners of his mouth, messy and filthy; he must look disgusting –
“Beautiful,” Madara says. “So beautiful.”
And now Tobirama’s burning again, embarrassed beyond belief that Madara is seeing him like this, skewered open like this.
Even his hands are being used now, thick vines slipping in through his fingers and with the barest encouragement from Hashirama he finds himself working his hands up and down them as if they were real.
“Beautiful,” Madara says again, and that’s enough, that’s reason enough even if he knows he’ll wake up in the middle of the night for weeks thinking of this moment, blushing furiously at the sight he must be making, the display he’s putting on, whorish, so greedy that not even the half-dozen thick vines Hashirama is forcing on him is enough.
And he hears Hashirama saying as much, too, laughing at him, teasing him, “Look at him,” he says, “all that and he still wants more, don’t you think? Look at my stern, serious little brother, always proper, knowing every rule of etiquette; look at him now, what do you think of him now?”
“I think he’s perfect,” Madara says, his voice low.
“Oh, he is,” and Hashirama’s voice is fond as ever, fond and loving, and that’s why Tobirama lets him do things like this, obscene things he’s never even imagined, all because he loves him so. “He’s always perfect, my Tobirama – perfect fighter, perfect scholar, perfect administrator, perfect little slut.”
Humiliation should make him thrash with fury, embarrassment should make him turn away in shame, but instead his cock is leaking and tears stream down his face as he tries so hard to thrust his hips only to be stopped by the vines. As an object lesson, it’s a very good one: he’s not in control here, not at all, not even over instinctual responses that his body is begging him for.
Everything about him belongs to Hashirama, now just as always, and by hurting himself he’s hurt something of his brother’s and that is not allowed.
“What do you think, Madara? Look at him – perfect, just like you said. Putting on a display like that, the perfect wanton little whore. The best brothel in Konoha couldn’t put up someone better than him, taking all of that at once like that and enjoying it too. Doesn’t seem like much of a punishment, though, does it, with him enjoying it so much – I bet he’d do it for real if we asked nicely enough, don’t you?”
Tobirama writhes, red in his cheeks and his ears and blush going down his chest because he wouldn’t, he wouldn’t, surely, he has too much pride than that, too much dignity –
But if his brother asked…
“Think about it,” Hashirama laughs in Madara’s ear, Madara’s eyes spinning red as he brands the image Tobirama is making into his brain forever. “The village’d never lack for money if we rented him out. People would line up for the privilege, and no one would care how many he’s had before as long as he takes them, too. Or maybe we could offer him to visiting diplomats as a perk – see how well they negotiate in the morning when they’ve had him on his knees the night before, sucking them all off, letting them come on his face, on his hands, on his body until he’s sopping wet –”
“No,” Madara growls, and his gaze is so intense that Tobirama imagines he can feel it on his skin, burning and hot and dark the way his chakra is, bubbling oil scorching him from the inside. “No one else. He’s ours.”
Tobirama wants to say something, do something – wants to kiss Madara, take him into his arms, thank him somehow – but he can’t do anything, anything at all; he’s entirely at their mercy.
Hashirama laughs again.
“All ours, yes,” he says, smug and satisfied. “All mine, both of you. I could have you like this any time I want, Tobirama, you know that, right? Doesn’t matter where or when: all the houses are made of wood.  Just think about that for a moment. You could be in my office, sitting at your desk; you could be kneeling at the dinner table at home; you could be snug asleep in your bed, and none of it would matter. You’d never have the slightest warning until my roots are wrapped around you.”
Tobirama’s thinking about it, oh, he’s thinking about it. Thinks about waking up in the middle of the night already split open, legs pushed apart before he was ever aware; thinks about his office chair suddenly reaching up for him when his mind is preoccupied with paperwork; thinks about the flimsy door to the Hokage office and the window where shinobi come through on a regular basis without warning – where they could see –
Yes, he’s thinking.
He really wishes sometimes that he could stop thinking.
He wishes he could beg Hashirama for forgiveness, for mercy, for relief, but gagged as he is he can’t do more than plead with his eyes.
“Should we have pity?” Hashirama asks Madara. “I don’t know. I’m not sure he’s adequately made it up to us, all that worrying he’s put us through. I think we need a little more.”
Tobirama’s not sure what more he can possibly give.
But Hashirama’s voice is dropping too low to be overheard and he’s whispering instructions in Madara’s ear, Madara nodding obediently – because everyone obeys Hashirama eventually – and the next thing Tobirama knows Madara’s not in Hashirama’s lap anymore, he’s pressed up hot and heavy against Tobirama, and the vines between Tobirama’s legs are pulling out, leaving him empty, but Madara’s there for him, pushing in instead.
It’s so much better, hot flesh giving easily the way the wood and plant matter didn’t, and Tobirama moans, helplessly approving.
The branches slip out of his mouth, too, and Madara kisses him, whispering, “Beautiful” at him even though Tobirama knows his face is wet with tears and drool. He’s not beautiful, he knows he’s not, and especially not now, but sometimes when Madara says it he could almost believe it.
But then Hashirama’s there, too, pressed up behind him, pressing up inside him, first fingers and then cock, sliding in easily where the vines have already stretched Tobirama open, and – oh –
“Anija,” he whimpers. “Anija – you’re – you’re inside – you’ve never –”
It’s not really the first time he’s had his brother’s cock, not really; during their week together he’d learned to suck him, had him in his mouth while Madara rutted inside him, and certainly he’s had Hashirama’s fingers in him from well before then (that horrible talk about the importance of masturbation in maintaining one’s health, fuck, the demonstration portion of that went on for hours and hours and he’s still mildly shell-shocked to this day about it) and Hashirama certainly talked about doing this, but somehow, somehow, the reality is still different.
“Fuck,” Madara says, and buries his face, red and hot, in Tobirama’s neck. “Oh, fuck, that shouldn’t be as hot as it is, fuck, why does that do it for me –”
“You’re so cute,” Hashirama coos, even as he wraps his long arms around them both. He really is far too tall; he can make even Tobirama feel small. “Both of you, my precious people, so cute. Tobirama, make that cute little face again and say ‘please fuck me, anija’.”
Tobirama has no idea what face Hashirama’s referring to, but he needs to show that he can be good, too, the way Madara was being good earlier, so that Hashirama will be pleased with him, will praise him, too, so he obediently says, “Please fuck me, anija.”
Madara groans and stops holding still, starting to move, and Hashirama’s moving, too, and somehow this is nothing at all like the two vines from earlier, it’s less coordinated, less timed, and it’s so much better. Tobirama’s being tugged between them, as helpless as he was beneath the roots, being used by them, feeling their cocks rub up against each other inside of him, hearing Madara curse and Hashirama laugh and it’s so good, he loves it, he’s so happy that he can do this for them when even a few weeks ago it would have seemed impossible.
“So good,” Hashirama says. “You’re so good, Tobirama, taking us both like this. Don’t you like it when we share?”
“Yes,” he gasps, and his voice is slurring as if he’s drunk, drunk on pleasure instead of sake. “Yes, yes, please, please share me, share me whenever you want, have me, use me –”
“How are you this perfect,” Madara says, and his hands are tight on Tobirama’s hips and his chakra is metal-bright and warm on Tobirama’s tongue and he’s not even asking a question, not really, he really thinks that, he thinks Tobirama is perfect, no one thinks that, no one but Hashirama.
And Madara, now.
“Anija, please,” he begs, because he can do that now, he’d forgotten somehow. “Please, I’ll be good for you, I won’t make you worry, please, just let me come, please –”
“Us first,” Hashirama says, not without sympathy. “This is a punishment, after all.”
“Please, anija, I’ve learned better, I know better, I won’t, I’ll be good, just please –”
“No, Tobirama. Us first.”
“Don’t worry,” Madara grunts. “I’m not going to take long.”
He doesn’t, thankfully, and Hashirama loves seeing them after they’ve come, all fucked out and mindless and split open right down to the core, so he’s coming not much longer after that.
Tobirama can feel them, both of them; feels them both pull out, their come dripping down his thighs and mingling together until it’s impossible to tell whose it is, and he’s sore and he’s hard and he whines, long and high, and finally, finally, Hashirama has mercy on him, releasing him from the vines – all of them, even the ones that were stimulating him, and reaching down with an amused expression to push his fingers inside once again, coating them with his come, with Madara’s, and just thinking of that has Tobirama coming at last without any more help than that.
He’d be ashamed of himself, of how easy he is to please, except that he doesn’t have any space to feel anything other than pleasure and relief so sharp it almost hurts.
“Shh, shh,” Madara is saying, his hands running across Tobirama’s overheated body gently. “Come down, nice and slow, we’ve got you.”
Tobirama comes back down to earth, finding himself on the floor with Hashirama on one side and Madara on the other, and he doesn’t want to move a single muscle ever again.
“I think that was a good punishment,” Hashirama says, satisfied.
“Stop gloating and go to sleep,” Madara says, his eyes already heavily lidded. “Though I guess someone should probably go get some water to clean us up.”
Tobirama considers the possibility of someone leaving right now, even for so short a time, and finds it unacceptable, so he lazily makes the signs one-handed and douses them all with warm water pulled from the humid air right outside their window.
“That,” Madara, now awake again and glaring, says, “was not what I meant.”
Hashirama starts laughing.
Tobirama decides he doesn’t care – Madara still hasn’t left, after all, and the water was hot so really he has no basis to complain even if his hair will probably get a little tangled from it – and so he closes his eyes and goes to sleep, his brother’s laughter and his lover’s grumbling still ringing in his ears as he does.
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whalien-imagines · 6 years ago
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SeokminxModelFemale!Reader (Mentionings of other groups) 
Part 1
Fluff (crackish as well)
Summary: Video games bring people together. Who ever tells you they don’t, clearly hasn’t played a good game.
Word Count: +3.1K
Warnings: Cursing
A/N: I’m sorry i don’t know much about LOL besides of what my ex has taught me. Also, when the chat is italicized, they’re on a call. When it’s bold, it’s texting! (It only is meant for the group chat, but not for other characters)
Video games are a way to destress, have a fun time, and a way to make new friends. They bring out different thing about a person. How competitive they get, or how quickly they willing to break any alliance they have when it come to the final round. No bitterness there, none at all. 
It seemed to be the only way you could escape your busy life. After all those moments in front of the camera and the adoring fans, you always seemed to coming running home to your computer. No matter what time it was, you had to play, even if it was almost the crack of dawn. 
It first started off as curiosity. You saw some of your friends where going to gaming cafes or playing it when you hung out. It was frustrating because you had no experience with these types of things. Your fingers would always cramp up from the way you were holding them and your reflexes seemed to be lacking compared to others. 
That’s when you became determined to kick everyone’s ass.  
You could remember the days before you were scouted. It was the best time because all you did was get better. First it was RPG games, then it was FPS games, and then you finally got hooked on League of Legends.  
In that moment, the world finally realized they fucked up. 
You began to play the game consistently, farming up points and skills, allowing you to climb up the leaderboard. Soon you figure out that there was a pre-season to the game, so you prepared yourself for it. The season started and you were on a roll at this point. 
Your social group has realized the terrible fate that held you hostage. 
They tried getting you to stop playing and tried get you outside. However, you put up a good fight, before they completely kidnapped you in your sleep and forced you outside. 
If it weren’t for them, you would have never been scouted by the company that now manages your career as a model. 
It leaves you to where you are now, in a tiny but beautiful apartment in the heart of the city. Some would think that you have it because you have the money for it, but in all honesty, you’re just worried about being kidnapped if you had a normal apartment. It nearly happened one too many times. 
Your feet were aching from the heels you wore and the make-up on your face was starting to feel a little too heavy for you. No matter how much you tried to get used to the model life, it was quite difficult. You felt that sometimes it was hard to be yourself with a job like this. 
All everyone was doing was covering you, the pile of mess, with a blanket and expensive stuff. 
Your phone rang, and you saw that your group was online and waiting for you. 
DK97: Hurry up!!! We’re waiting for you!!!
You smiled as you threw on whatever comfortable clothes you could find, grabbed the make-up wipes, and sat down in front of your little corner dedicated to your hobby. You quickly signed in and found that everyone had been waiting for you on the group call. 
BHHM8: Where have you been?! You said 8pm the latest!!!
KSJ030: At least she made it on time for the game!! 
DK97:Hush!!!! I’m preparing myself mentally for this! 
You chuckled a bit, soon grabbing your headset and finally joined in the chat.
1Reder:Oh hush up all of you. You guys are just glad that the strongest player is here. 
BHHM8:So close on kicking you out. 
KSJ030:Both of you, SHUT UP! WE’RE STARTING!!!!!
All of you began to scream in sync as the round started. Yes, you were those people that made sure to be as extra as possible. It’s how you bonded. You began to shout on where to attack and what should be the next move. The other members began to follow and let out battle cries that only the Gods could understand. 
It wasn’t until about an hour later that the match ended. After a good fight, you found your team gaining another victory. It was something everyone needed tonight. You glanced over to you clock and found it sat 11:30 pm. You frowned, glancing back to your screen. 
1Reder: Hey, I might have to leave early this time.
A paused entered the chat, it felt heavy. 
BHHM8: We had a feeling... but luckily you’re not the only one this time. 
You smiled a bit, glad that the one teammate you butted heads with was being sort of nice. These were the only few people that you felt comfortable with. They knew when you had tough and good days. They cheered you on in your victories and sort of became family. 
It bothered you that you couldn’t tell them about what you do for a living. 
You made a name for yourself, being a very popular model in the city. It felt like everyone wanted a piece of you, but how were you going to say no when they gave you the money to live in such an expensive world? It scared you to think that they were going to be the same, even after everything. 
KSJ030: Glad I’m not the only one. I got shit to do tomorrow.
1Reder: I feel like you’re just trying to feel as important, be honest. You’re gonna play a different gAME WITHOUT US AGAIN!
KSJ030: THaT WAs oNE TimE!!
DK97:The wound is still so fresh... The betrayal is real. 
BBHM8: Vote to kick his ass out?
1Reder: I 
DK97: I
KSJ030: WHAT?! You guys can suck my big toe.
1Reder: Jinnie, you know were only joking!!! You complete us! 
KSJ030: I’ve be criticized for who i am, a human being that enjoys playing video games. NOW I’LL be the first to HANG UP THIS DAMN CALL!!!
His number quickly dropped and everyone bursted out in laughter from the dramatic man’s behavior. Most people would think that he was furious, but all of you knew that he was only playing and that he was really leaving to sleep. It was already late, and he said his roommates gets annoyed because he stays up so often. 
You glanced over to the clock and sighed in defeat. There wasn’t a way to live out your fantasy of playing LoL all day and keep this career of yours. Reality simply wasn’t allowing you. You gathered yourself quickly. 
1Reder: I’m gonna join Jinnie on this one. I have to go too now. I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.
With that a wave of goodbyes followed and you logged off from virtual life. For some reason, it felt sad to say bye to everyone.
Your history with your close friends was interesting. The first time you had encountered their clan, there was a bit of a misunderstanding about something. You had gotten mad with them. It took awhile for you to realized that it was wrong people. 
After long apologies, you joined their clan. 
Within the first day, everyone had agreed to keep themselves anonymous and to just be good internet friends. Sure, it was great and all but there times where you wanted to know them in person. 
It was all because everyone wanted to be your friend in real life. Fame brings all the wrong people. There are the ones that want to take pieces of you everytime they’re around you and others that just want you for the name. It made you kind of scared about everyone, because sometimes people were good at hiding their true intentions. However, the clan knew the real you. They knew how crazy you were under the well decorated mask. Sure, you expected nerds behind the screen but sometimes you felt like they were like you. Famous people who wanted nothing more than true friendship. 
Maybe you were over thinking all of this, you thought. You quickly prepared yourself for bed and passed out before you could think any further. 
The morning quickly came around and you prepared yourself for the driver coming around. There wasn’t a need to put on makeup or anything, so instead you wore causal type clothing. You said your good mornings to the driver and hid yourself in the back of the car. The drive felt long but once you arrived, the set was where everyone seemed to be rushing around. You took a quick glance at your phone and found that everyone in the group chat had woken up and seemed to be talking randomly. A small little smile began to itch at your lips, but you quickly suppressed it. You knew if you joined in, your true self would appear in front of everyone. So you ignored the chat and forced yourself to look unfazed.
The driver escorted you out of the back of the car. You glanced around the set, seeing cameras and lights decorate the place. It was a cute place. It seemed to ooze out the feelings of a first date. It made you little sad but you ignored it. Instead you were led to your dressing room by your manager. They explained that this was a music video was about a secret love between a model and each member. They said it was for a group called SEVENTEEN. Your person was Lee Chan or Dino. He was around your age, so they thought the “chemistry” would work better. You quietly nodded and sat at the chair where they prepared you.
You saw the sad look on your manager’s face. You knew he did this so you would make friends and be happy again, but he knew how scared you were. Of course, if he were in your shoes, he would be too. It’s scary that every time you made friends that they would use you. How does one say no when all they want is to be loved for who they are. He knew about your nerdy habits and who you really were, and he still appreciated you. 
In a way, he was one of the few close friends that you had. He managed your career but he always tried his best to keep you comfortable and happy too.
While you getting ready, someone else had walked into the room. A young boy who seemed to be one of the members of the group. He was already dressed up, and they seemed to do a beautiful job on getting him to boyfriend material. (Not like they weren’t already, but that’s your thoughts)
“Ah! You must be (Y/N)! I’m Lee Seokmin, one of the beautiful voices of SEVENTEEN.” He stated. His smile was beautiful, contagious even. God, how is he not chased around, or even taken by someone? However, his voice seemed oddly familiar but your couldn’t place your finger on it. Maybe it from a song you heard at a store probably. “Oh. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Are you excited?”
“I guess so.” You faked a smile. No matter how happy of a person he was, you still didn’t know him. It’s always the ones you least expect that hurt you the most. 
“You don’t seem like it.”
You quickly tensed up and sighed. He had caught you. 
“Uh...,” you turned around and faced him completely, “Look, I don’t wanna come off as an ass but I just don’t want to deal with celebrities that only care about themselves looking good for the camera.” You glanced over to your manager who seemed to be interested in the conversation. Why wasn’t the man helping you out of this?
You were starting to grow a bit nervous. It felt like he was looking for you, not at you. Could he see the facade that you were wearing? Maybe even see more than that?
“Maybe you should try to give us a try,” he mentioned. 
You chuckled a bit out of nervousness, “You’re cute Seokmin.” Then came out the words you never expected yourself to say, “Maybe I will, just for you.”
His face started to blush. You caught him off guard this time, and he liked it.
As soon as you were finished, Seokmin accompanied you down to the set and you seemed to talk naturally. His personality was really charming to you. You couldn’t help but have a good time with him. He was so funny and seemed so interested in a lot of the things you had to say. Some might have confused you for a couple (not that you were saying it’s a bad thing, but I digress). He stayed with you until it was his turn with his partner came, that’s when he had to leave. You found yourself taking the chance to look over to the group chat. 
DK97: So i met someone today
KSJ030: DetAiLS
You smiled a bit, he deserved love.
You couldn’t help but laugh at your friend’s desperation, which caught the attention of other members. They quickly recognized you as the model that was all around the city. Your face decorated billboards with brands that you endorsed... which was a lot. They watched as you seemed to smile in content with whatever was on your phone. It wasn’t until Seokmin was done with filming that they saw how you lighted up and put away your phone. 
That’s when they realized what was going on. 
“How did you like my acting skills?” He joked. 
You laughed, “They might need some work, but you were cute enough to pass it off better than a dumbass.” That’s when you tensed up again. You slipped up, you thought. Instead of him being disgusted, he continued to joke around with you. He liked it and you. 
However, you still were so guarded. He saw how nervous you were on making some of the jokes and watching how he reacted. He knew it was gonna take time to get you out of your shell, but it was time that he was willing to put in. 
Soon you left to start your filming and Seokmin was left admiring you. He tried to look at his phone, but Hoshi and Seungkwan approached him before he could. 
“So you and (Y/N)?" Seungkwan started. 
He glanced at his two friends and smiled, "No, I'm trying to make her comfortable, you know?"
"That flirting says something else though." Hoshi winked at him. 
Instead of denying it, he just sighed. "I can't be thinking like that, you know? It's not fair to her to try this earlier. It gives her the impression that i think, 'oh my god shes this big celebrity, dating her means I grow in popularity!'"
"Well, it's good that you're going out and making her feel safe," Hoshi reassured him. "I wonder what she'll think about your gaming problem."
"SHHHH,"Seokmin quickly covered his mouth and glanced around to see if you were lurking anywhere, "We don't talk about that in front of the pretty girl," he whispered. His actions only made his friends start laughing. For the rest of the time, he and friends began to talk about other things and Seokmin waited for you to come back. 
He waited and waited, and when he saw Chan eating over by the food table, that's when he approached the younger member. He smiled and asked, “Hey Chan, do you where your partner happened to leave to after your shoot?”
He thought about it for a bit, “All she said was that she has an important meeting and then said goodbye.” 
It was true, you did have an important meeting... with LoL and your friends. Sure you felt bad that you left them all behind so quickly but you felt so drained after. You wanted to be 100% there for Seokmin if you ever saw him again. He was cute and definitely your type of guy but you didn’t want to get your hopes up for a guy like him. If you were to ever date him, you were afraid he was just that guy who was going to use you for your name. Go out on dates for the paparazzi and only texting when it’s convenient, it’s how it always is with fame. 
In this world, everyone uses each other to grow in popularity. 
You were doing you and him a favor with discontinuing whatever was going on between the both of you. It was just better to be safe than sorry, you thought. You quickly prepared yourself for a night of gaming. Anything to get these types of hopeful thoughts out of your head. You looked at the group chat and saw BH was desperate for anyone to come back to talk. 
BBHM8: Hey guys!
BBHM8: Please someone come back...
BBHM8:Anyone please..........
BBHM8: I’ll send someone pizza if I have to!
BBHM8: I need a girlfriend.
You smiled and began to type,
1Reder: About time you admitted it. Alright guys, let’s found our boy here a woman!
BBHM8: I hate you. 
1Reder: I love you too BH <3
Your phone began to vibrate and you glanced at it to find that it was your manager calling you instead of the group chat. It was odd to see him call so suddenly. He would always send you warning text before hand to let you know to pause your games but he went straight for it. 
Which slightly concerned you.
You quickly answered it. “Hello?”
“I need to know if I can share your number to your future husband.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, “Future husband? I thought we agreed I would be a lonely animal lady for life? I’ve already prepared the apartment too.” You muttered. 
You paused for a moment, who exactly was he talking about though? Seokmin maybe? He was definitely cute and seemed like he wouldn’t mind your dorky self. Maybe you were also getting your hopes to high up. No perfect man can exist. 
“Seokmin is your future husband, I thought we figured this out.” He stated. He seemed a bit distracted, almost in a rush. 
“Go ahead, but I bet you that he ain’t gonna text me.” 
He said his thank you and quickly hung up, leaving you in the dark about why he was doing this. Sometimes you wondered if your manager was using the crack that you were. You thought about asking him later. 
You felt your phone vibrate and a wave of panic hit you. 
You glanced at the name and you were found by a name that you didn’t want to see. A wave of anger it you and you ignored the wave of text that he hit you with. Every bit of hell and all the heartbreak, just so he could get his chance at fame from you. 
Who the hell gave him you new number? 
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iohourtime · 6 years ago
Moeyo Ken (Burn! O Sword!) - Novel Recap 1
One good thing about a book/manga adaptation is that you can read the story right away, spend the next few months contemplating how certain scenes will be adapted, getting hyped while reading about people saying how the casting is all wrong, and then hopefully not be disappointed when the movie inevitably end up being different from your imagination!
Moeyo Ken, a 2-volume historical novel about Hijikata Toshizo and the Shinsengumi, written by Shiba Ryotaro1 will be adapted into a 2020 movie directed by Harada Masato. They only announced the cast for 5 key characters as of end of April 2019:
Hijikata Toshizo (Okada Junichi) - “Demon” Vice Commander. Originally from Hino, near Edo (Tokyo's former name).
Oyuki (Shibasaki Kou) - Hijikata’s one true love; a widow from Edo who followed her late (unnamed) husband to Kyoto.
Kondo Isami (Suzuki Ryohei) - Commander and Hijikata’s childhood friend.
Okita Souji (Yamada Ryosuke) - Captain of the First Unit and kind of like Hijikata and Kondo’s little brother. (Also Hijikata & Okita are rather popular ships. They are HijiOki.)
Serizawa Kamo (Ito Hideaki) - The original Commander of the Shinsengumi.
Harada also adapted and directed2 Sekigahara (2017), another Shiba novel about the rise of the Tokugawa shogunate. I watched that movie and ended up spending a good hour on Wikipedia trying to make sense who's who 😅. So while the Shinsengumi story is more straightforward, it might be helpful to have some background before watching Moeyo Ken.
I split this into two posts. The first is a brief background of the era, including some details of the story itself. In order to keep the spoilers to a minimum, the plot I did include might be a bit vague. The second talks about the main characters, specifically the trio. There are major spoilers on what happened to them. (Or you can look at Wikipedia. 😅) While there are other interesting characters in the Shinsengumi, they were more like background characters in the novel. Moeyo Ken is predominantly about Hijikata3, with Kondo and Okita as major secondary characters. Anyway, you can decide if you want to skip any parts. (If you just want to read about Okita, click the link here and skip to the end. 😅)
The movie officially cranked up on April 27. Suzuki Ryohei posted some location shots (just scenery) on his blog here. I guess if you want to visit the filming locations, you can use this as the guide.
The World of Moeyo Ken
Disclaimer: I don't know much about Japanese history. This is more of the worldview of the novel. Shiba definitely took some liberties and included some fictional elements.
Moeyo Ken was set in the Bakumatsu4 period and the story spanned most of the decade of 1860. Although there was an emperor at that time, the military power belonged to the Bakufu (the shogunate), which was led by the Tokugawa family for almost 300 years. Due to corruption within the Bakufu and a fear of foreigners, a group of rebels, the Ishin Shishi, or more commonly the Tobaku faction, tried to bring down the Bakufu and restore military power to the Emperor. As the Ishin Shishi (many were from the Choshu samurai clan5) were causing trouble, the Bakufu decided to do an open recruitment for a “roshigumi”, or ronin squad. Ronin (wanderers) were simply warriors who didn't serve a master. They could be ex Samurai or just regular folks.
Back in those days, you could only become a Samurai if you had the right lineage. Even if you were a superb swordsman, if you weren't born with the right connections, you were out of luck. So when the Bakufu opened up the recruitment to everyone, guys like Hijikata jumped at the chance to become a “real bushi (warrior)”. At the same time, people saw them as wannabes.
Hijikata was the youngest son in a relatively wealthy family that made medicine in Hino, near Edo. While he tried his hands at various jobs, at the beginning of the novel, his main job was to peddle his family’s secret formula, sometimes in exchange for one or two martial arts moves. He spent his spare time studying kenjutsu and hanging out with his best friend, Kondo, who was the heir of the Tennen Rishin-ryū (“TRR”) dojo. He eventually taught full time at the dojo with Kondo and Okita. Life was simple, other than the occasional (i.e semi-regular) duels to defend the territory. For that reason, the dojo also "employer" a number of outside martial artists by providing them with room and board. Approximately 1/6th of the novel dealt with the Hino arc, although I don’t know if Harada plan to adapt much of this. I actually liked this arc the most.
Due to a plague that devastated the villages and decimated the dojo’s business, plus an intention to do something for the government, Kondo took his group of 9 to join the roshigumi. In addition to the core 3, the gang included:
Inoue Genzaburō
Nagakura Shinpachi
Saitō Hajime
Harada Sanosuke (unlike the others, he used a spear)
Tōdō Heisuke
Yamanami Keisuke6 Looking back, the Bakufu was weak and corrupt while the Tobaku side represented hope and progress, so why did our guys align with them? At that time, the seat of power was in Kyoto, so the regular folks from Kanto tended to be less politically savvy. Furthermore, Hino’s region benefited greatly from the Tokugawa shogunate, so the guys joined the ronin squad partly out of loyalty. Of course there were other reasons why they stuck with the Bakufu after. I digressed.
When the TRR group joined the roshigumi, as they came from some backwater dojo, they were not valued by the leader at all. They also found out the leader was using the recruitment as a front to build his own army of nationalists, which was not what they signed up for. Kondo's faction joined forces with Serizawa Kamo's faction to form the Mibu Roshigumi (named after their base at Mibu Dera), which was affiliated with the Bakufu but not quite. As Serizawa had connections, he was installed as the first commander. Unfortunately, Serizawa’s gang was corrupt and went around bullying businesses and residents of Kyoto to pay them protection money, so his reign over Mibu Roshigumi didn't last long. Kondo became the next commander, Hijikata became the infamous “Demon Vice Commander”, and the group changed its name to the Shinsengumi. In its short history, there were power struggles, assassinations, betrayals etc. Yes, this squad lasted only about 5 years, culminating in a battle in Hakodate, Hokkaido.
Although the Shinsengumi was a police squad protecting the residents of Kyoto on paper, their real mission was to kill those any suspected Ishin Shishi. The Choshu samurai clan, in particular, was loved by the residents of Kyoto, so Kyoto itself was already somewhat sympathetic to the Tobaku side. So back in the days, the Shinsengumi was viewed as a bloodthirsty gang of wannabes, lapdogs of the Bakufu, and more like thugs hired by one of the pro-Bakufu Samurai clans. People actually called them the Wolves of Mibu. This changed with the Ikedaya Incident, in that people no longer called them that to their faces.
When Yamazaki Susumu, the resident spy in Shinsengumi, got word that the Ishin Shishi were planning something, the Bakufu tasked the group to arrest or kill the rebels. They learned from one of the rebels (through days of pretty graphic torture 😱) that they planned to set fire in Kyoto and used the confusion to kidnap the Emperor. The Shinsengumi was deployed. While 30+ Shinsengumi members took part in this mission, they actually split into 2 groups, so only 5 of them led by Kondo were at Ikedaya taking out 30+ opponents. As you can see, after the incident, people stopped dismissing the group. At least they were very effective and tactical!
Shinsengumi was not kind to its own people either. During Serizawa's reign, the organization was really no better than gangsters. So after Kondo took control, Hijikata created the (in)famous code with 5 articles (trimmed down from about 50):
Do not deviate from the bushido (Warrior's way)
Do not leave the Shinsengumi
Do not engage in private fundraising (more like coerced “fundraising”)
Do not part in others' litigation, and
Do not engage in private fights.
These rules were intended to get the members to fall in line, so while they were still bloodthirsty 😅, at least they were honorable! The punishment for breaking any of the 5 rules was death. You might be given the honour to commit seppuku*, beheaded, or assassinated. 😧 The Shinsengumi weren't very nice, right?
* Seppuku is a ritual suicide used by a samurai either to avoid surrendering or to atone for his sins. The samurai basically sliced himself across the abdomen. If he had the chance, he could nominate a person as his “second” to chop his head off and end the pain earlier. Once a samurai commit seppuku, he was viewed as having died honourably.
After Ikedaya, the Bakufu elevated the status of the Shinsengumi by making them an official branch. That was probably the peak of the group. Shortly after, Ito Kashitaro, who was very well educated and Tobaku, joined the Shinsengumi with the intention to steal the group away from Kondo. Hijikata hated his guts but Kondo loved and relied on him. At first anyway. Ito became very popular among the members. When Ito realized Kondo was all in with the Bakufu, he staged a coup (ish) and coerced Kondo and Hijikata into letting him leave with his faction. It was “resolved” in the Aburano Koji incident.
There was no time to breathe though. The Shinsengumi was immediately sent to fight against the Tobaku in the Toba-Fushimi battle during the Boshin War. Well, Bakumatsu literally means the end of Bakufu, so how do you think it went? 😅 Eventually Tokugawa gave up his military power, ending the shogunate’s 300 years of military rule. After the final battle in Hakodate, a new era begun - the Meiji Restoration period.
Early in the Meiji Restoration period, the Bakufu and Shinsengumi were vilified. But perhaps due to the charismatic and/or oddball characters of the squad, or perhaps they were like the ultimate underdogs, people started to view them in a different light over time7. Although Shiba never set out to show the Shinsengumi as nice people, his novels romanticized their escapades and brought new fans to the squad. The Shinsengumi has been pop culture fixtures, spawning numerous tv shows, movies, manga about their exploits and the brotherhood*. Even in defeat, the Shinsengumi were forged into the exquisite swords of Bakumatsu, and their lives burned with such intensity that nobody could ignore.
Next Post
*Then there was Gohatto (Taboo), based on one of the short stories in Shiba's Shinsengumi Keppuroku, which explored the gay relationships within the squad. According to surviving letters written by Kondo to his family, homosexuality was quite widely practiced.
A well-known author of Japanese historical novels. ↩︎
Harada is a big Shiba fan, based on his extremely long comment on the movie webpage. He said that there were 3 incidents that shaped Japan's history: The battle of Sekigahara, Bakumatsu, and WWII. He has been hoping to adapt Moeyo Ken for a while. He apparently loved the HijiOki banter. Hopefully he kept most of them. ↩︎
Shiba’s other novel, Shinsengumi Keppuroku, actually delve more into the non-Hijikata characters. I do wonder how much of the other novel will Harada incorporate into the movie. ↩︎
Although the protagonists and antagonists had different agendas, they were all purportedly protectionists. It was a bit ironic later on when both sides relied on Western armory to fight their civil war. ↩︎
There were many Samurai clans across Japan and they each had difference allegiances and agendas. ↩︎
The names sound familiar, right? The Shinsengumi in Gintama was based on the historical characters, but they may not have the same personalities. Some characters appeared in Rurouni Kenshin too. ↩︎
I read online that there may have been BL fanfiction written about Hijikata and Okita as well as Hijikata and Kondo in the early 20th century. Apparently, someone found them in his or her grandmother’s belonging. 😅 ↩︎
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walters-tampon-string · 7 years ago
Fandom: Warriors
Rating: T
Warnings: Evil Spottedleaf, Spottedshade, drowning, murder (neither of done to either party of the ship)
Characters: Spottedleaf, Mapleshade, Patchkit, Larchkit, Flowerkit, Reedshine, Appledusk.
Relationships: Mapleshade/Spottedleaf
Description: Everything Spottedleaf did was just. 
Notes: Credit to Pumpkin Claws and Draikinator on YT for the AU. 
Seeing kits up in StarClan never failed to make Spottedleaf’s heart twinge a bit in pity. It seemed unfair, for lives to be lost so soon. Every kit, in her opinion, should get the opportunity to taste their first piece of prey or to be an apprentice. They should get the opportunity to live. And she stuck hard to this vow. She had gotten herself killed trying to give Frostfur’s kits that right.
Alas though, as much as she believed in this conviction, she couldn’t change fate completely, and every now and then, a kit, scared and confused, would join their ranks. It was always a heartbreaking sight to see, really. The kit would usually always demand or beg to see their mother or father, which would then force one of the StarClan members to come forward and gently explain that the kit was not apart of his or her’s parents world anymore, and they would have to wait until their mother, father, or siblings eventually joined the ranks with them, in order to see them again.
They always conveniently left out that it could be seasons and seasons before that would happen. But it eventually would. No cat could escape death forever, and she had to admit, it was touching to see kits finally reuniting with their parents, when their time eventually came. She’d been there when Mosskit got reunited with Bluestar. Admittedly, it had been quite a jarring sight to see her old leader, who Spottedleaf always saw as powerful, strong, and calculated cat, break down from overwhelming emotion. But it also made her heart melt a bit, too.
Seeing such sights always made her somewhat wish she could have kits of her own, but that opportunity was forever gone. Her tail twitched. But hey, she wasn’t the only unfortunate one here in StarClan. In fact, some had an even sadder fate than her. The three cats she had in mind were the kits who would never get the opportunity to see both of their parents’ again. At least, not in a meaningful way.
Kits in StarClan were very rarely left unattended. Even if their mother or father wasn’t up in StarClan yet, someone would usually step in and take care of them. Snowfur, for example, had apparently volunteered to take care of Mosskit after the kit had joined their ranks. To this day, Snowfur still continued to dote on her niece as if she were her own child.
There was always a cat like Snowfur around.
But for as long as she had been up here, there had been three particular kits who seemed to be without guardians. Of course, they weren’t outcasted completely. If one of the kits squeaked up at a leader, while in the middle of playing, that particular StarClan warrior would always be willing to spend a bit of time entertaining and talking with them. She even saw them playing with some of the other StarClan kits  every now and again. But while they weren’t completely ignored or vilified, there was no denying that these kits were different from the other StarClan kits in some way.
It was extremely rare, but every now and then, she saw a RiverClan tom and she-cat approach them and stick with them, but never for very long. For a while, she wondered if those were the kits parents. Their fur seemed just as faded as theirs, which suggested they had all existed around the same time. She wasn’t sure. If they were their parents, why did they always look so uncomfortable whenever they were around the kits.
Her curiosity finally getting the best of her, she asked Smallear who the kits were and why they seemed to have no one around them constantly.
The story was much sadder than she thought it would be. The three kits had been the result of a forbidden romance between a ThunderClan she-cat and a RiverClan tom. Eventually, ThunderClan had apparently discovered that the kits were Half-Clan and had banished them and their mother out of the Clan. Thinking RiverClan would provide them sanctuary, the she-cat, having nowhere else to go, decided to trek across the river.
Unfortunately, the water got too rough, and the current swept the kits away. The she-cat and a bunch of RiverClan warriors had jumped in after them in an attempt to save them, but despite their best efforts, the kits, unfortunately, did not survive the incident.
Her heart aching for the poor kits and their unfair death, she then asked if the two cats she kept seeing approach them were their mother and father. She had <i> thought </i> they both looked like they were RiverClan cats, but she could’ve been wrong-
Then Smallear told her the second part of the story. The scarier, darker part of it. About how the she-cat, now lost with a desire for vengeance, had then went on a misguided murder to avenge the life of her kits. How that conquest had eventually lead to her own demise, and the demise of three other cats.
And now, that she-cat wasn’t even walking up in the fields of StarClan with them, but instead in the shadows of the Dark Forest. A tragic end to a tragic tale.
Despite the fact that what the she-cat did was wrong, Spottedleaf couldn’t help but feel a speck of pity for her in her heart. No cat should of had to go through the pain that she went through.
And while she would never admit it out loud to Smallear, she could even empathize with the she-cat in a way. She knew what it felt like to feel cheated by life and underappreciated. She also could understand the desire for revenge.
But, of course, she couldn’t go into that with Smallear. So instead, she simply innocently asked who this she-cat was.
And that was the first time she heard the name Mapleshade.
She had been willing to leave it at that. She had simply wanted to know the information for pure curiosity's sake. But then Smallear had to continue with, “I worry about those kits sometimes.”
“Why?” Spottedleaf asked immediately, her ears twitching with interest.
Smallear leaned towards her conspiringly, as if he was about to tell her a secret he wasn’t supposed to tell. Maybe he was. Spottedleaf felt her heart pump a bit with excitement as she leaned in with him to hear his words.
“Lots of cats here had been claiming they’ve seen her hanging around near the border lately. She never crosses, and most will get her to back off, but it is still quite odd. She has never made a habit of hanging around before. Especially not at the frequency these reports are coming in.” He suddenly leaned back and began to idly lick at his paw, saying in between licks, “And you know those Dark Forest cats don’t approach the border unless-”
“-They have someone they are looking for,” Spottedleaf finished.
Smallear nodded, “Exactly.”
Spottedleaf politely dipped her head and thanked Smallear for telling her about the mysterious kits. Smallear immediately got flustered and stammered out it was no problem. Hmph. Toms were so easy, it was kind of sad. Oh well, she wasn’t going to complain about cats being easier to convince. So, instead of giving him an unimpressed look, she gave him as a genuine of a beam as she could before padding away.
Besides, the tom deserved it.
The information he gave her was more valuable than he probably previously realized.
She had took it upon herself to play and tend with the three kits, whose names were apparently Patchkit, Flowerkit, and Larchkit. She had thought the decision might of been somewhat controversial in StarClan, seeing as the cats up here did seem somewhat uncomfortable with the kits, but to her surprise, people seemed to eye her approvingly. Smallear had even smiled, saying she had always been a nice cat and she was providing them a nice role model, unlike their mother. Cats were relieved some cat seemed to want to handle them for them.
She was glad the kits seemed to like her too. They followed her practically everywhere and were always wanting her to tell them stories or play around with them, and she was perfectly happy to indulge them sometimes. They were all very sweet kits. They did not deserve banishment from a Clan simply for the crime of being born, nor did they deserve to die such a horrible fate.
They would’ve made great warriors, whether they were in ThunderClan or RiverClan.
And she got to meet the two RiverClan cats who occasionally visited them. One of them was named Reedshine, a pretty she-cat, who the kits seemed to be at least somewhat fond of. Spottedleaf realized this must be the second mate Appledusk had taken in RiverClan. Spottedleaf liked her well enough. She was sweet and gentle, and if she held any resentment towards the kits from the pain their mother had no doubt caused her, she certainly didn’t show it. However, she did make it clear she was happy that Spottedleaf was taking task with them now instead of her. She lamented that she hated to see sweet kits by themselves most of the time, but she also got bad memories looking at them.
Spottedleaf had nodded sympathetically, though she was somewhat annoyed she had to mention this so close to the kits.
While Reedshine, ultimately though, seemed like a nice enough she-cat, Spottedleaf couldn’t say the tom, Appledusk carried that same kindness. The tom looked uncomfortable the entire time he was even near the kits. He spoke not a word to her or either of them. Spottedleaf could see the kits were more visibly nervous or avoidant of him. She watched Flowerkit tap his tail gently with her paws in an attempt to get his attention, but he just lifted his tail out of her reach and gave her a dirty look until she slinked away, looking apologetic.
Spottedleaf had held her tongue, a spike of anger shooting through her. What either Mapleshade or Reedshine saw in this tom was beyond her. To her, he seemed to be a most unpleasant character.
Eventually, after their first visit, Reedshine had dipped her head and said that they must go, once again thanked Spottedleaf for her kindness. Reedshine looked expectantly at her mate, who didn’t say anything. She nudged him on the shoulder and he gave her an annoyed look that practically screamed, ‘What?!’
Reedshine gestured at Spottedleaf with her head, and said, “Say thank you.”
Appledusk looked like he was prepared to argue, but then he just turned his nasty look on Spottedleaf and growled a rough, “Thanks.” before padding away.
Spottedleaf waited until they were a good distance away before letting her look grow dark. Hmph. What an entirely unpleasant tom. But she didn’t let herself get to angry and worked up. After all, if her plans worked out in her favor, then she wouldn’t have to deal with him anymore. Her tail curled in pleasure at the thought.
But first she had to gain the kits trust. They may be young in appearance, but they were not stupid.
Suddenly, she felt someone tapping her paw. Looking over, she saw Flowerkit looking at her shyly, mewing, “Spottedleaf… can you give us a badger ride?”
Spottedleaf internally grimaced at the thought. Badger rides were by far her least favorite of the games these kits liked to play, as they were much bigger than they thought they were and she was much smaller than they seemed to think she was. But seeing how nervous Flowerkit looked to ask, and remembering Appledusk’s dismissive attitude towards her, she immediately smiled and nodded. Flowerkit immediately beamed and shot off calling for her siblings to come and join.
She smiled. She couldn’t help but have the premonition that things were about to get a whole lot more interesting. And very soon.
It eventually happened one day.
She had just finished up an idle chat with Lionheart, when all of a sudden, she heard a shy, “Spottedleaf?”
She turned around and saw Larchkit, who was the one who spoke, approaching, with Patchkit and Flowerkit trailing behind him. Smiling, she said, “Yes, dear?”
Larchkit suddenly looked like he lost some confidence. Swallowing, he looked at his siblings for support, before he said, “Can we show you something?”
Spottedleaf had a feeling she knew exactly what they were wanting to show her. But she didn’t want to betray that. Keeping her gaze calculated, she said, “Show me something?”
Larchkit nodded firmly. Suddenly, Patchkit meowed, “But you have to promise not to get mad or tell on us! A lot of other cats get mad at us when we show them this!”
Spottedleaf blinked, before pleasantly chirping, “Oh, you three don’t have to worry your little heads about that. I could never be mad at you.”
The kits looked skeptical at this.
“What about the time when we told Yellowfang she was mean?” Patchkit asked, cocking his head.
Spottedleaf flattened her ears, before clarifying, “That was entirely different. You were being rude. But I wasn’t mad, I was just chiding you.”
The kits still looked skeptical, so Spottedleaf placatingly said, “I promise on my honor that I won’t get mad at whatever you show me.”
This seemed to convince the kits. Immediately they beamed. They were also prepared to move immediately, Patchkit immediately taking the lead, his small tail raised proudly in the air. He looked behind him and screeched, “Come on!” before charging off, Larchkit and Flowerkit not so far behind.
Spottedleaf shook her head. Where did kits get all of this energy from?
She followed them a good distance, purposely making sure that her strides were long enough for them to see her approaching, but slow enough that she was always a good distance behind them. She needed to be smart about this, if what, or for that matter, who, they were showing her was as bad as they were making it out to be.
Her theory was getting confirmed more and more, the longer they followed. The trees of the StarClan were beginning to get sparser, the grass beginning to die. She could feel a malevolent energy hanging in the air.
They were nearing the Dark Forest border.
All of a sudden, she heard squeals of excitement and saw Flowerkit, Patchkit, and Larchkit somehow moe een faster than before over the hill. Given that she heard Patchkit joyously scream, “Mother!”, it didn’t take a lot of deduction work to figure who was standing over the hill.
She continued to move slowly, not wanting to approach too suddenly in case she scared the she-cat off. All of a sudden, she saw Patchkit’s head pop over the hill. He half-ran, half-tumbled down it before, finally, he was by her side, puffing, “Come on! You got to see mom now! If we hang around here too much a patrol will see and we’ll never be able to see her again!”
That urged Spottedleaf to hurry up with Patchkit up the hill and then down it to go and see the infamous Mapleshade.
When she spotted the large she-cat, she had no doubt in her mind that this indeed Mapleshade. She looked almost identical to Patchkit in looks, though her thick fur was somewhat matted and her body was covered in scars. There was a particularly long one on the back of her neck. Her ears were covered in nicks. The marks of a cat who had lived a hard life.
It was amazing to see how much Mapleshade’s expression changed. When she had first began going down the hill, she saw the tortoiseshell’s face full of love as she looked at her kits from across the border. However, the moment she saw Spottedleaf, hatred and malignance flickered through her dark eyes. It was so dramatic an expression change, that when Mapleshade shot to her feet, her gnarled claws springing out of her paws, Spottedleaf actually leapt back a bit in fright, her own claws springing out from sheer reflex, her tail raising and bushing slightly.
But she forced her fur to lie flat when she heard Patchkit explain, “No, Mother, this is Spottedleaf. She is nice!”
Mapleshade looked as if she were somewhat split on being nicer for the sake of her kits, or just saying forget that and screaming obscenities at Spottedleaf. Her fur bristled and she kept looking at her kits, who were all talking over one another trying to explain what Spottedleaf had done for them and back to Spottedleaf.
Finally, she seemed to decide on a combination of the two. Allowing herself to sit down on her haunches, she licked her fur down, (though the claws were still out), and said, “What do you want?”
Spottedleaf kept her smile pleasant, “To talk.”
Mapleshade gave a skeptical look.
Mapleshade and Spottedleaf had discussed for quite a bit of time, the two she-cats laying down in their respective borders.
The kits played amiably around them, sometimes leaping on Spottedleaf’s tail or haunches, which was a bit distracting, but it kept them busy. Mapleshade still looked tense around her, but she was pretty sure hearing how comfortable the kits were with her and seeing the kind look on Spottedleaf’s face probably made her not think she was such a threat. Besides, it wasn’t like Spottedleaf was growling and chasing her off the border. She doubted she would be able to pull off that intimidating of a look anyways.
The two of them discussed some things. It was small talk really. Spottedleaf asked about what it was like at the Dark Forest and Mapleshade asked her a few questions about StarClan. Spottedleaf had tensed, waiting for Mapleshade to bring up any of the cats she killed, but the she-cat didn’t. Perhaps she didn’t even like thinking of them. Perhaps she didn’t want to know about them.
Mapleshade finally cut to the chase, “What do you want, StarClan cat? I am not so much of a fool to know you won’t use my kits as blackmail.” Mapleshade’s eyes glimmered with hatred again.
Spottedleaf kept her pleasant smile on her face, refusing to let herself be so easily intimidated by the she-cat. If she was going to prove herself to Mapleshade, she had to be tough. “I will do nothing of the sort. I personally think every kit should get to see their mother now and again.”
Mapleshade growled, “Then what do you want?”
“A favor,” Spottedleaf said. Mapleshade practically crowed in her face with laughter, revealing a set of very sharp, yellow teeth.
“A favor?” Mapleshade practically screeched, her voice shrill. “You StarClan cats have some nerve thinking you can ask the cats you sent down here a favor.”
She noticed that the kits had ceased playing, nervously eyeing the two of them. Spottedleaf coolly said, “I am not asking all of the Dark Forest for a favor, just you.”
Mapleshade hissed lowly, “You don’t have anything, I would want, flower.”
Spottedleaf gave a smirk now, her eyes glinting wickedly as she said, “Oh but I think I do, actually.”
Mapleshade’s eyes narrowed, as she said, “What? My kits-”
“No,” Spottedleaf said, cutting Mapleshade off. Leaning forward, so that her nose almost crossed the border, she said, “Revenge.”
Mapleshade opened her mouth in shock, and for a heartbeat, it seemed as if she was about to say something. But after a moment, her eyes narrowed even more and her mouth closed as she mulled things over. Then, finally, she looked at Spottedleaf and said, “Go on.”
Spottedleaf had always been a good actress. At least, she was pretty sure she did. Maybe it wasn’t her acting that was so good, it was just that people didn’t expect her to deceive them. She was sweet and pretty and a medicine cat. She didn’t make a habit of lying all the time, and she managed to keep herself believable enough to get cats to follow along with what she had to say.
And she was about to put this to the ultimate test. If she didn’t do this right then she would mess up a great opportunity for herself. So, bracing herself, she put on her best panicked and scared face and bolted towards a RiverClan tom who was stalking a mouse.
“Appledusk! Appledusk!” she cried, scaring the mouse away in the process. The tom glared at her in annoyance and was no doubt about to snap at her for making him lose his meal, but at the terrified and frazzled look she must of been sporting, he hesitated.
Taking advantage of his pause, she gasped, “Mapleshade got Reedshine!”
Appledusk immediately bristled, snapping, “What?!”
Spottedleaf shook her head. “There is little time to explain. The kits went missing and I asked her for help. She was trying to find Flowerkit, Patchkit, and Larchkit with me and we went near the Dark Forest border… we found them, but Mapleshade was waiting for us! They grabbed her and is holding her hostage! She told me to grab you immediately! Please, you got to help her!”
Appledusk immediately nodded and said, “Alright, let’s go. Lead the way.”
Spottedleaf nodded and charged ahead, fighting the urge to smile the whole entire way. They finally reached the Dark Forest border, she paused as Appledusk desperately looked around for Reedshine. “Reedshine? Reedshine?! Where are you? Mapleshade, show yourself!”
Appledusk was so desperate in looking across the border for Reedshine and Mapleshade, he didn’t notice Spottedleaf slinking up behind him. Taking a breath, she charged and then, with all of her strength, leapt at him and pushed him across the border. The unsuspecting tom tumbled with a cry of surprise, completely knocked off his feet.
Gritting his teeth, he tried to stand up. But midway before he could snarl at her and ask why she did that, a large she-cat leapt on top of him and pinned him down. When he opened his mouth, he could only let out a cry of pain when she slashed his muzzle.
Mapleshade leered down at him, “Hello again, Appledusk. It’s been a while.”
Appledusk snarled, “What are you doing, Mapleshade? Where is Reedshine? Spottedleaf, what is this?!” His green eyes were full of anger, but Spottedleaf could see a hint of fear inside of them as well. She supposed she couldn’t blame him.
“Don’t worry, Reedshine is fine. She is babysitting the kits,” Spottedleaf meowed, “You however, I can’t promise will be the same after Mapleshade is through with you.”
Appledusk struggled against Mapleshade’s weight, trying desperately to wiggle free or to kick her off, but she was not allowing it. The Dark Forest cat was as steadfast as a rock and she was not moving. In fact, she was seeming to take pleasure on digging her claws into Appledusk’s skin.
Appledusk looked at Spottedleaf in horror, gasping, “What is this?”
Spottedleaf just merely shook her head, “How could you have done that to someone you claimed to have loved?”
Appledusk’s eyes hardened. Looking at Mapleshade, he snarled, “I regret ever meeting you, fox-heart.”
“Likewise,” Mapleshade said. Then suddenly, she removed herself off of Appledusk’s body. The tom was about to shoot to his feet and no doubt flee, but Mapleshade quickly and roughly grabbed him by the scruff of the neck with a surprising amount of strength. Appledusk hissed in pain.
Spottedleaf smiled and said, “It seems as if Mapleshade’s mouth is full right now, so I will just fill in for her. You’re not leaving, Appledusk.” She saw Appledusk’s eyes widen with actual fear now. He tugged desperately to try and free himself, but Mapleshade was bigger and stronger than him, and she had her jaws fastened tightly on his flesh. He was not getting out of her iron grip.
“Traitor!” he screeched at Spottedleaf, his voice shrill. “You’re a traitor!”
“Perhaps so,” Spottedleaf said coldly, with a shrug, “But my betrayal will end up helping dozens of cats. Your betrayal ended up with multiple cats dead. So far, mine only has one casualty. Yours.”
“Let go of me! Let go! Let go!” Appledusk begged and pleaded, but Mapleshade wasn’t hearing anymore. She began dragging Appledusk with her. Not easy work, but they had accounted for this. Spottedleaf had made sure that the area they were in was relatively near the giant river the two realms had. It crossed blue and pristine from StarClan… and turned into blackish sludge in the Dark Forest. It would only take Mapleshade a few mouse-lengths to get in there.
As Appledusk and Mapleshade fought each other, hissing and clawing and spitting, Spottedleaf follow calmly behind, crossing the border to follow Mapleshade and see the process. She couldn’t have Appledusk coming back, no matter the cost. She definitely felt the difference as she crossed the border. Everything felt slimy and wet beneath her feet and the air felt heavy and thick. The smell of mold and rot filled her nose. Ugh. She would like to get out of here soon.
They finally reached the black river. Appledusk had taken quite the beating on the trip there. His body was littered with cuts and scrapes, and dirt matted his pelt and paws. He was also thoroughly exhausted from having to fight so hard, the tom gasping desperately in the heavy air. It took Mapleshade little work to push him into the water. Then, immediately, she jumped in and placed her weight on his head.
“This is what you get, Appledusk,” Mapleshade hissed, fury in her tone, “What I did to you when we were alive was entirely too merciful. You deserve to die a thousand times over!”
It was a slow process drowning someone. It was hard too. Appledusk kicked and fought, probably using every last energy reserve in his body to escape… even when he stilled, bubbles still rose, hinting he was alive. They had to wait patiently, until finally, the bubbles ceased. Mapleshade tentatively lifted her body out of the water, dragging Appledusk’s soaking body with her. The tom wasn’t moving or breathing. A few seconds later, they watched his body fade away.
Spottedleaf shuddered despite herself. Even for a horrible cat like that, she wasn’t a fan of watching murder. But she also felt a lick of satisfaction. She had done it. She had accomplished her task.
It seemed as if Mapleshade was surprised as well. After she shook off her fur (directly near Spottedleaf too, much to the medicine cat’s dismay), she looked Spottedleaf up and down and said, “I am surprised you did that, starlight. I thought all of you StarClan cats were moral goody-goodies.” Her whiskers twitched and she actually looked impressed. Pride beamed in Spottedleaf’s chest.
Giving Mapleshade a coy look, she said, “Surely Appledusk being up there convinced you that was not entirely true?”
Mapleshade growled her assent. Spottedleaf added, “But you are right, I am willing to go to bounds most StarClan cats aren’t willing to go to if it means things can go according to plan. And that is where you will come in.”
Mapleshade nodded, “You got yourself a deal.” Flexing her claws into the wet soil, she meowed, “Getting to tear my claws into that mouse-hearted coward again was more satisfying than I thought it would be.”
Spottedleaf nodded and smiled, genuinely this time, “Yes, yes… but we got a while yet before your part of the plan really becomes implemented.” There was always so much to do.
Mapleshade just grunted and kept licking at her pelt in a desperate attempt to get dry. Having thick fur like that get wet was probably a pain.
Spottedleaf knew that she should probably head back to her realm again, but it felt wrong to just leave like that. She still found Mapleshade a fascinating and smart and strong creature… and besides, surely their kits should get the right to see their mother multiple times, right?
So, looking at Mapleshade imploringly, she mewed, “Can I see you again? I’ll bring the kits.”
Mapleshade looked startled at the offer. “You wanting more from me or something?”
Spottedleaf shook her head, “No, I just wanted to see you.” She looked Mapleshade in the eyes to show that she was genuine.
Mapleshade looked away, as if unsure what to do about this. But eventually she meowed, “Sure.”
“Wonderful. I’ll see you sometime soon. Thank you for your help, Mapleshade,” Spottedleaf purred. She then pressed her nose quickly to Mapleshade’s muzzle, before she bounded off back to StarClan.
Excitement buzzed in her paws. She had a feeling things were about to get a whole lot more exciting soon.
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mlovesstories · 7 years ago
Adopting An Angel (RPF)
AN: Should I make this a series? Hope you like it! 
Summary: YN was adopted by Jensen and Danneel.  Adjusting to a new life is hard sometimes. 
Word count: 1461
Warnings: Online hate, low self-esteem
Jensen x Danneel, Jensen x daughter, Danneel x daughter
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“Hey, sweetheart.  How are you?”  Jensen was facetiming with his daughter.
“Hi, Jensen.  I’m okay.  Just adjusting.  It’s still new, ya know?  I wish you were here.”  
“Sure, YN.  I know.  It’s new for all of us.  But I’ll be home for hiatus soon.”
“Hiatus?”  YN didn’t know the reference.
“It’s our summer break from the show.  I won’t be back to Vancouver until mid-July.”
Jensen and Danneel had just adopted fifteen year-old YN.  She was full of life and adventure, but she was out of her element with having a structured family.  
“Yep. How’s school going?”  Jensen wanted to be there for her, but he was obligated to be in Vancouver for Supernatural.  
“It’s good for once in my life.  But technically we have like a week left. Oh, I made a friend today.”
“What’s her name?  Is she nice like someone I know?”  He winked at her.
“Very funny.  And HIS name is Skylar.”
“Umm, no.  No friends who are boys,” he stated straight-faced.  Her value just plummeted.  She didn’t want him to hate her already.  They were getting along so well.  
YN was quick to respond with, “I’m sorry.  I won’t hang out with him.  I’ll find someone-” she sputtered.
“YN, stop!  I was kidding, sweetheart.  I’m so proud of you for making friends,” Jensen smiled. “You are so strong, you know that?”  
“I don’t think so,” YN looked away from the phone.
“Hey,” Jensen got her attention, “you are.  You’re doing fine.  It’s all new, but that’s okay.”
She heard Jared in the background. “Is that YN? Let me see her,” Jared said as he took the phone from his friend. “Hey, YN!  How’s it going, darlin’?”
“Hi, Mr. Padalecki. It’s good, thank you.”
“What have I told you about the last name stuff, huh?  What did I say would happen if you called me that again?” He smirked.
“That you would tickle me until I cried,” she answered with a laugh. “I’m sorry, Jared,” YN emphasized his first name.
“There we go!  I’ll let it slide this time, shorty.”
“I ain’t short!” YN automatically responded.  “Stop calling me that, please,”  she thought she overstepped with her declaration.  “I’m so sorry.  I didn’t mean to be disrespectful.  Call me that if you want.”  YN was very timid with her new family and friends.  
“YN, if you don’t want me to, I won’t.  We’re silly in this family.  You are allowed to have a say and joke around too,” Jared affirmed her.  He knew she was trying to find her place in their world of crazy.  
“Oh. Umm, okay.  Well, I don’t mind it.  It’s okay if you call me that.  Although, for the record, I’m not short.  You’re just ginormous.”
Jared leaned back with a laugh.  “She doesn’t lie,” he told Jensen. “Okay, they are calling me to set.  Bye, shorty!”  With that, Jared left the frame of the phone.  
“Don’t mind the weird one,”  Jensen grinned at the camera as he referred to his tall co-star. YN beamed.
It was hiatus, and YN was glad to have the whole family together consistently for the first time since she became part of the Ackles clan.  She loved watching Danneel and Jensen interact with each other and the younger ones.  They spent their days at the pool, taking small trips, and hanging out as a family of six.  It was strange to be the oldest sibling, but she enjoyed it which surprised her.  The Ackles had not announced that they had adopted YN yet for her privacy, but Jensen and Danneel wanted to shout it from the rooftops.  She was such a gift to their family.  
“How are you feeling today, YN?”  Danneel asked.
“Good, I think.  I’m just not used to family stuff.”  She looked at her mom.
“Like what?” Danneel was curious.
“The laughing and goofing off.  I’ve never had that before.  You have a lot of fun,”  YN smiled. “And all the trips and outings.  That’s new.  My room is fantastic.  I never had a bed to myself.  It was always too crowded.  Now I have my own room with a bathroom.”
“I’m sure it’s different.  But is it a good different, at least?  I know it’s a lot to take in.  You can always tell us if you need to talk,” Danneel wrapped her arms around YN.  
“Oh no, it’s totally cool.  Just a kind of culture shock, I guess.  I love it though.”
“Good,”  Danneel was so glad for YN.  YN deserved some fun.  “Jensen, come here.” Jensen walked over to his girls.  “Let’s take a picture.  I want to document YN’s first summer with us.”
“Good idea, Dee. Here, I have my phone.  Let’s get the pool in the background.  It’s a good backdrop,” he nudged YN playfully, and she giggled. “One, two, three.”  He clicked the shutter button on his phone.  “Can I send this to Grandma and Grandpa?  They can’t wait to meet you next week when we go to Dallas.”
“Okay.  They seem nice.  Well, they should be.  I’m sure you got that from them anyway,” YN said quietly.
“They will absolutely love you.”
“You can post it.  If you want,” YN knew they were waiting for her approval to tell anyone outside of their families about their new addition. She understood that there would be a large reaction because of who her parents were.  After all, she was part of the SPN Family before she was part of the Ackles Family.  
“Post it?”  Jensen and Danneel each raised a brow questioning YN.
“On instagram.”  YN was nervous, but she knew it would happen eventually anyway.  “It’s okay if people know.”
“Are you sure, sweetie?  We don’t owe anyone anything on social media.  It’s just a fun way to interact with friends and fans, but we don’t need to,” Danneel soothed her daughter as she rubbed YN’s arm.
“No, it’s fine, really.  I mean, I’ve been with you for a couple of months, Dee.  I’ll be alright.”
As they talked, Danneel and Jensen asked YN what she was comfortable with them posting about her.  She wanted them to say that she was theirs, officially.  YN could publicly claim to have a real family.  She was excited.  
Both Jensen and Danneel posted a few pictures of YN interacting with the other Ackles family members.  They were so happy to tell about their beautiful daughter.  
Most of the fans were ecstatic for the family.  Unfortunately, there were those who made heartless comments which were completely unnecessary.  
“How could they choose her?  She doesn’t look like them.”
“She’ll never fit in with them, she’s a different nationality.”
“She ruined a perfect family.”
Jensen saw that most of the comments were positive, but he knew that if YN saw the negative ones, her confidence in herself and her new family would be crushed.  They were too late.  She logged on and saw the hate comments and messages that she received personally since her parents tagged her in their posts.  They heard a shriek and turned around.  As they did, she ran through the house and up the stairs to her room.  
“Dammit.”  Jensen guessed what happened and followed his daughter.  He knocked on her door after a few minutes.  She didn’t answer, so he slowly opened the door.  “Sweetheart-”
“I’m not anyone’s sweetheart, Jensen.  I’m ugly, and I don’t belong with your family.  I’m so sorry I ruined it,” she cried.  He hugged her until she stopped her sobs.
“Who said those hateful things, YN?” He pulled her away from his chest so that she could read his serious face.
“You’re right.  People that we don’t know.  Their opinions don’t matter even though it feels like they should.  It isn’t easy to ignore, I know that.  But I hope you give us a chance to show you that you aren’t any less valuable than the rest of us.  We are all part of this family.  Dee, me, JJ, the twins, and you.  We are a family.  Those people are not us.  Have we made those comments to you?”
“No, sir,”  she wiped a tear away.
“You’re right.  We haven’t because those statements aren’t true.  We love you so much.  We don’t care that you have a different color skin than we do.  You should be proud because that’s part of who you are.  Maybe you do look different on the outside, but the color of your heart is the same as ours.  That’s all Dee and I care about.”
“Are you sure?  I can go back to-”
“Hell no.  You aren’t going anywhere.  You are ours now.  You’re MY daughter, not the haters’.  Please remember that.”
“Okay,”  YN gave a small smile and leaned into her dad again.  “Thanks, Dad.” 
She called me Dad!
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xanthicantag · 7 years ago
do all the asks scrub
you have truly mastered all i have to teach and reached the rank scrub lord
We got D for Darren, IT for inktree, TE for scary terry, G for garramoosh, F for fellos and UN for unfaceable
1. How many dead parents do they have?
D: 2!IT: 0!!TE: 5!G: a whole deadass clanF: A whole mess of dead family poor kidUN: she technically killed her own father so like
2. How good are they at tongue twisters?Except for Darren, BAD
3. Biggest regret?D:Losing friendship powerIT: the lose of boyfriends 1-6TE: not killing more peopleG: Letting all his friends and family die and having to live with the regret he couldn’t avenge them and then took up the mantle of those who slew themF: Letting the clan of @purplewombat14481​ ‘s character die, he thought no one else would vote for the kidUN: listening to her friends and not ripping that Darrus guy in half
4. Are they formally trained or have they gone through a more organic learning experience for their skillset?
D: No training just a lot of the street lifeIT: All the fucking goddamn trainingTE: he’s a damn good murder sorcerer is what he isG: as much training as a paladin bugbear could get?F: Not as trained as Inky but he was trained real goodUN: ex military baby, and also a naruto like training period
5. If they could hang out with one famous person in 18th century American History, who would they want to hang out with?
None of them would last 5 minutes without killing them, except maybe Inktree, she’s a smart girl
6. What’s their theme song?
D: It’s a hard knock lifeIT: The Killing Type -Amanda PalmerTE: Young and a Menace - FOBG: Believer - Imagine Dragons or Every Kesha songF: Praying - KeshaUN: The Wolves - JJ & the pillars
7. What fictional character are they most like? Was this an intentional or accidental influence?
fukc dude, Garamoosh is kinda like the man of lamancha?
8. Paper or plastic?
all paper all the way
9. What’s their dump stat?
D: StrengthIT: Charisma (she’s not a good talker)TE: I don’t remember I think he might have busted stats tbhG: It was INT before he got a 19 in thatF: His cunning was bad? (this was for dragon age dnd)UN: Int and Dex, she was the strongest ranger
10. What’s their best stat?
D, IT, TE, G: DEX (also INT for IT and CHA for D and TE)F & UN: They are ripped as fucking hell.
11. What is their favorite anime?D & UN: NarutoF: Neon GenesisTE: High death animeG: he loves that slice of life anime about the big guy who finds love, it really gets to him as a big guy who’s just looking to have a family
12. What’s their favorite beverage?All but G: AlchoholG: He drinks water since it’s holy
13. If they can use magic, what’s their favorite spell?D: Burning handsIT: Booming blade or Magic MissileTE: Hellish Rebuke (I love tieflings btws)G: Divine smite (and shield, and find steed, he loves that horse, and magic, he’s a giver really)F: He likes his big hand grabby spellUN: Goodberry or passwithout trace, Hunters mark had it’s day in the light one time
14. Most heroic thing they have ever done?D: Tried to help someone in their time of need, that guy was a piece of shitIT: Saves the rest of the party, every time, always, she is tired of it, she wants restTE: Murder is bad and he is only good at thatG: he is techincally stopping a bunch of evil cults from ending the world, and murdered a slaver, it was dopeF: Saved a party memebers child, but also let a whole clan die so it kinda wasn’t so greatUN: Stopped a genocide and and punched a god
15. Most despicable thing they have ever done?D:He got over zealous and ripped a guys head off for style points after he surrendered, scared the rest of the partyIT: Techincally breaking out of jail is illegal but she doesn’t follow lawsTE: he is a murderer, like, really, he killed the other orphans, who does thatG: He techincally may have broken his oath once or twice, but it’s for good and he’s smater than religion now so no one can stop himF: see all times i mention those dead elvesUN: She kind of worked for a totalitarian order of assholes for a while
16. Are they a hero or a supporting protagonist?D: He wants to shine as a true hero with a heart of gold, but he’s really evil and is bad at being goodIT: she just wants some fuck and some sleep, she would gladly not be any whereTE: noG: That party is full of ridiculous hero backstoriesF: same as GUN: she was really stubborn but also didn’t really want to be front and center
17. What’s their favorite food?All non IT: any foodTE: The spider meat (the underdark is making her crazy)
18. Would they rather fight a hundred duck-sized horses, or one horse-sized duck?100 small horses, they are all good at aoe
19. They have to go live on a deserted island. They can take one thing and one person. What do they take?Alchohol for all non-GG: his family
20. Are they religious? If so, what god or gods do they serve?G: The golden Hog who saved him from death at the hands of a paladinF: The maker kindaNone for the rest
21. How did they become an adventurer?D: by accidentIT: she was arrested and said no i’m not staying hereTE: he’s really notG: the people needed himF: he wanted to save his brotherUN: she woke up in a basement and found a new family, a better one
22. Most amazing monster they have ever killed or helped kill?D: a battalionIT: shadow demon wizard fusionTE: i don’t even remember he needed to relaxG: a lot of high-powered high-ranking cultists, and a dragonF: Some hot guy UN: a fake god and then technically a real god 
23. Thoughts on death?BAD
24. Do they have any interesting skills?D: can pickpocket stuff with a whip (says he can pick a lock with it but everyone knows he just breaks the door down)G: has skin with AC 20UN: can pull rank sometimes
25. Favorite animal?IT: She really loves owlsD and TE: their pets ratG: HogsUN: her sweet dogF: Mabaris
26. Expansion of civilization or the preservation of nature?All of them except Fellos are for nature
27. They’re at a tavern. They bump into a big burly angry drunk with a combative attitude. What happens?That fucker get’s his ass beat is what happens (or eviscerated by D or TE) 
28. What do they do between quests?G: tries to raise his boy (another player)D: hunts a bastard manTE: his never not doing murderF: finding his brother (plot twist he found him it was awkward) or learning more about his friendsUN: systematically killing every member of the order she used to work for, or having a nice day with her doh
29. Biggest positive and negative influences on their life and development?D: himself and his murdery tendencies are bad, his friends were goodTE: HIMSELF, not goodIT: the other gnome and druid is the only not negative influence, everyone else is a negativeG: He loves everyone, until their evilF: His mother was his only big role model/ parent, and he is trying to do good to be that kind of figure for his brother, but the demon who lives in his brain (IS THE BEST INFLUENCE SHOUT OUT TO MY BOY)
30. Would they smooch a ghost?
100% YES
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