#(people who need money to survive don’t count cause they need to survive and money is the necessary evil
heylinfanclub · 7 months
Ya ever see someone open their mouth and wish someone killed a business man every day? Wished you became a businessman focused serial killer? Who chokes them with old telephone cords and cuts their fingers off with the paper slicer?
**adds this to my 1 future attempt at a horror visual novel** so this character snag a business person cause ‘ur rly boring, shallow and seem to have no purpose. but I know ur human deep down so I’m gonna cut until I find your humanity’. Convince them ur human with ur pleading and promises to be better or they will absolutely pin you like an insect to the side of a tree (with ur whole body opened and pulled apart like the insides of a machine, neatly ordered and catalogued).
0 notes
confused-wanderer · 1 year
It would be hilarious if villains loved Nightwing and were terrified of Officer Dick Grayson.
Dick Grayson- who is used to open spaces and adrenaline- being stuck in a boring bleak office, surviving on shots of coffee and red bull with caffeine that would make Tim concerned.
The thugs soon realised that unlike most of the other cops - Dick was from Gotham.
No one fucks with Gothamites.
Villain *shooting at Dick with machine guns*
Dick *appearing from the shadows behind him*: Boo.
Thief *throwing a counting down bomb at Dick*
Dick: *catching and tossing the bomb at a safe distance before turning round and shooting it so it explodes mid air while running after thief*
Thief: .. what the actual fuck
Dick: Gee look at all that time you had! Shame you threw it away :D
Dick: I’m from Gotham
Thief *realising they fucked up* : Please don’t steal my bones
Shooter: *sets elaborate booby traps throughout the houses in an active hostage situation*
Dick *using his training as robin and inhuman flexibility to surpass them with ease*: Ah been a while since I got to have a nice stretch thank you.
Dick: .. Hi :)
Shooter: Are you Satan?
In interrogation room
Murderer: I think I’ll take your eyes and add them to my collection
Dick *running on spite and caffeine that could give Superman a sugar rush* : Funny.. I was going to say the same thing to you
Murderer: .. what
Dick: I wouldn’t take your eyes though.. they look like the inspiration behind the whole Medusa’s “look at it and you turn to stone” thing-
Murderer: Hey! Take that back before I gut you
Dick *smile stretching wider without blinking* : oh? Or what? I know everything about you. Who says I can’t kill you and walk out with everyone being none the wiser? I know how to kill someone too..you aren’t special.
Murderer: I’m scared for my safety.
Because the thing is, Nightwing is who Dick really is. It’s who he can be free as, be himself as without red tapes and regulations. Where he can give as good as he gets, and he’s kind and empathetic. He gets to help the downtrodden and goes easy on most of them if they give up right away, not to mention the fact that he never causes permanent damage.
But officer Dick Grayson is a different story. He runs on sleepless nights and no self preservation. Seeing an officer with an uncanny skill set they’re scarily good at, not to mention the cheery attitude he always has scares the shit out of criminals. Cuz no way in hell is a smiling Gothamite not a deranged one. He chases crimes like a bloodhound, and isn’t afraid to make good on threats he makes to ensure they never hurt anyone again.
Bonus if the batfam doesn’t know about this.
Red hood: Shit I can’t believe we ended up in Bludhaven
Red Robin *tying up the corrupt politican* : Since this is a sensitive case, we need someone we can trust to make sure it is seen through.
Red hood: .. So we paying a visit to Officer Grayson?
Red hood: .. is he fucking serious?
Henchmen: Sir he is. And we agree. Please take our bones and kill us but don’t take us to Officer Grayson.
Red Robin: Wait what did he do?
Henchman 1: He asked boss if the hat was sentient.. and said that if it was would it make that hat the top and boss the bottom.
Henchman 2: Last time we met I tried to shoot him but suddenly my gun was blank and he raised his hand and let the ammo drop
Red Hood: Well even I could do that-
Henchman 2: They were my bullets. I had selected the colour personally.
Red robin *growing concerned*
Henchman 3: He sang a lullaby to a child when we were holding the station hostage, and replaced the people with my family members. He even sang their social security numbers!
Henchman 4: He’s the most dangerous of them all. I ain’t shitting ya when I say he’s as scary as the bat from Gotham.
*all nodding in agreement*
Red hood:
Red Robin:
Red hood: Nah that doesn’t sound like Dick
Red Robin: Agreed. Let’s go there Hood.
*villains’ sobbing intensifies*
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staytinyville · 10 months
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This Isn't Grey's Anatomy
Pairing: seungmin × reader
Event: 16 Days of Smutmas brought to you by @kwanisms
Word Count: 4852
Summary: Working the night shift at the hospital has always been easy for (Y/N) because most often then not, everyone was asleep and there wasn’t much she needed to do. However when she gets Suengmin as a patient because he had bronchitis, her chill nights were anything but. With the heating system working slowly, there was only so much blankets could do to heat up the body.
Warnings: piv, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex (we don’t do that here), degradation, bratty!reader, bratty!Seungmin, dominance battle, masochist!reader, angry sex (of sorts)
A/N: Thank you to @saradika-graphics for the banners. They fit this story perfectly! Please be sure to check out all the other amazing stories brought to you by these great writers! Don't forget to like and reblog. If you wish to be added to my permanent taglist you can apply down here.
Staytinyville Permanent Taglist
Special Taglist: @kwanisms , @anyamaris , @millennial-fangirl , @twisted-tales-of-all , @yoonguurt , @kpop-stories-21 , @skyechild , @stardragongalaxy ,
Affiliated: @cultofdionysusnet , @k-labels , @k-vanity , @skzstarnet
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You sniffled as the cold got to your body causing snot to build up. While your hospital floor was much, much warmer than outside you could still feel the cold seeping in to disturb the peace. One of your co-workers had called to find out what the problem was–wanting to be on top of taking care of the overnight patients to make sure their stay wasn’t terrible. 
“So?” You asked as all the other floor nurses gathered to listen in. “What's going on?”
“The heater isn't working to its full capacity.” The nurse explained. “It's not enough to warm the entire hospital so we'll have to survive on what we got.”
Everyone sighed, moving to gather their jackets and scarves to keep them warm while working. You sighed to yourself, sniffling one more time before looking out the large windows in the lobby and smiling at the snowflakes slowly falling. 
“It looks pretty outside, though.” You said.
“You say that now until you step outside.” The eldest nurse got up, sighing. “Let me go get more blankets and stuff just in case the patient wants them. You guys go and ask.” They told you all. 
You had three patients in total. A little girl who was recovering from an infected wound she had sustained from falling down a hill. An older woman who was recovering from a kidney transplant. And lastly a man your age who was experiencing pneumonia.
You worked in the VIP section of the hospital, which meant that patients with top priority were placed in your care. You weren’t an ICU but you were the section that catered to patients who would come out of surgery or just needed certain meds for a couple of days. 
Because of this you had come across a wide variety of people that, more often than not, had money to spend on the best care. You were quite happy with the way patients tend to act in your presence. You had your everyday politician or idol who assumed you were doing your job wrong but you grew callous for those kinds of people. It didn’t matter what kind of hospital room you would have, anyone could always assume they knew more. 
You never complained about your patients, thus far. Not until Kim Seungmin was brought in four days ago with a bad cough and lungs that burned. Since you worked the night shift, you were thankful that all you had to do was give him his nighttime medicine and then never have to speak to him again because he was sleeping. However it seemed the man chose to stay up late just to annoy you further.
You knew all about Stray Kids and their worldwide stardom. In fact you listened to some of their songs sometimes when your spotify would play it back. If asked though, you wouldn’t be able to choose who your bias was. 
You had no idea if the attitude he bestowed upon you was the actual way he was with others or if he purposely only did it to you. The day nurse would tell you all about how nice Suengmin was and that he wasn’t much of a problem. It left you even more annoyed knowing it was in fact just you he acted that with. 
While you were annoyed at the time of the bickering back and forth, you knew that when you got home you would find yourself missing his annoying personality. You chalked it up to your own personality shining through and wanting to argue back with everything he sent your way. You enjoyed the adrenaline that came with arguing with him. You weren’t about to admit to it though.
“Seungmin!” You called as you entered the room. 
“Oh.” The man deadpanned, turning from the TV to watch you stroll into his room. 
“Don't sound too excited.” You rolled your eyes. 
“I thought you were done for the night?” He sat up in his bed, sitting crossed legged as you got closer. 
“Heater isn't working fully so I've come to ask if you wanted more blankets or something.” You told him. 
“I should be good.” He frowned, looking around at the fuzzy blanket he had brought from home. 
“You sure?” You asked, looking at the sort of thin material. “It's gonna get colder later.”
“Yeah. I'm fine.” He waved you off, going back to watching the TV.
You sniffled, waiting for him to say something else but he continued to ignore you. You glared at the side of his head, sneering at his attitude. 
“Jerk.” You said. 
“What was that?” He hummed, turning to you quickly as he took in your annoyed expression. 
“Nothing!” You smiled sweetly, turning around quickly. “Suit yourself then.”
The rest of the time spent at your desk was going over certain things and checking in on your patients over the computers. It was around midnight when you had to give out your next wave of medicine. Since the older lady was only in the ICU for surgery recovery, you only had to give medicine to the little girl and Suengmin. 
You decided to do the girl first before moving to the man’s room. “Hey, Seungmin? It's time for your medicine.” You called in, trying to find the man. 
You almost groaned seeing his curled up form on the bed trying to generate more body heat. You almost laughed at the way the large man was curled up in a ball. But instead you rolled your eyes and quickly went to find a solution to his problem. 
“You okay?” You glared, moving to scold him a bit. “I told you to take the extra blanket! You stubborn, brat.”
“I'm not a brat.” Seungmin pursed his lips, uncurling from his position. He looked around you for a moment before giving you a confused look. “Where's the blanket?” He asked. 
“There's no more.” You answered. “All we have now are extra gowns.”
“Fine.” He sighed, getting out of the bed. 
You turned around to get the extra clothing out from the closet in the room. You reached up to gather all that you needed before turning around to give them to Seungmin. However as you did, your eyes went wide as they took in his naked back.
“What are you doing!?” You yelled, throwing the clothing at him as he quickly turned to face him. 
“Taking my clothes off?” He squinted his eyes at you like you were the idiot. 
“Why?” You exclaimed. “Just put these over your clothes!?” You stressed out, moving to pick up the clothing you threw at him. 
“I've heard that taking off your clothes makes you warmer.” He told you as if it was the smartest thing ever. 
“Seungmin, that's only if your clothes are wet or if you have another person to heat you up.” You purse your lips, giving him an incredulous look.  
He paused for a moment as he looked at you. Tilting your head to question him, he suddenly lunged forward to bring you into his chest. 
“What are you doing?” You gasped trying to pull away from him. 
You squealed as he fell back onto his bed, getting comfortable for a moment with you on top of him. 
“You don't have any more rounds to do.” He spoke as if it was nothing. “Keep me warm until your shift ends.”
“That is not how things work–” You rolled your eyes, leaning up to look at him. 
When he stopped moving and you felt less suffocated, you tried to get up but the man seemed to hold you closer. Moving your knees to be placed on either side of his thighs, you tried to sit up in his lap but instead he took your movements to lay down more comfortably. He used his legs to push himself up on the bed, dragging you along with him. 
“Seungmin.” You warned. 
“You talk too much.” He told you, rolling his eyes. 
He dropped his head back, pulling the covers over the both of you as his legs shifted causing you to move around. You gasped when you felt something brush against your thigh, quickly trying to get off him. 
“I could get fired for this!” You growled, smacking his shoulder. 
Suengmin shifted his legs one last time, eyes flying open as his hands went down to your hips to keep you from moving so much on top of him. 
“Will you stop!?” He growled out, keeping you from shifting too much on his length that was starting to move from your grinding. 
“You stop!” You sat up, the blanket hanging around your shoulders. “You're being a brat.”
“You keep calling me that and I really beg to differ which one the real brat is.” Seungmin sat up, getting closer to your face as your chest pressed against his. 
“It means someone who won't listen and continues to misbehave.” You rolled your eyes. “Seems to me like that definition fits you perfectly.”
“Not in my book, sweetheart.” He glared. 
His hands had found themselves on your back, you not taking notice of how he seemed to push you further into him. All you felt was the heat of being talked down to like you were some child in need of a scolding. It was something you were not used to–something you found yourself wanting to correct in the man. However that proved to be difficult seeing as you both were having the same thoughts. 
You both wanted to show the other up. However, that caused the sexual tension to rise exponentially. 
“Brat in mine means Kim Seungmin.” You whispered.
“I'll show you—” He growled, pulling you by your thighs closer to his hips as he got up to sit on his calves. 
You gasped out from the movement, quickly grabbing onto his shoulders to keep you stable. With your knees further spread apart, your eyes went wide at the growing heat between the both of you. Looking down at Suengmin’s smug face though, it made your insides burn. 
“Bet you won't.” You told him. 
“Is that a challenge?” He asked, nose bumping against yours.
“An easy one.” You hummed. 
He licked his lips before they slotted against yours. It was nothing but teeth as you groaned from the bump, but you felt an adrenaline coursing through your body that made you do things on instinct. Your hand moved to the back of his head, gripping onto the base of his hair and tugging it back so that you could dominate the kiss. 
When you pulled at his hair, Suengmin’s hands on your hips suddenly gripped you tight, a warning. And when he shifted his hips up to sit correctly, you gasped out from his growing length bumping against your pussy. 
Both your scrubs and his hospital wear were nothing short of thin. You were both able to feel everything seeing as there was more than enough breathing room in the fabrics. Between your two bodies though, not even a feather could fit. 
With you gasping from the stimulation, Suengmin took the moment to slip his tongue into your mouth. You felt his smug grin from his ministrations, your eyebrows pinching together as you hummed in annoyance. 
So you pulled on his hair harder, pulling him from the kiss to shove him down onto the bed. You leaned down over him, hands placed on either side of his head. 
“Is that the only trick you have?” He laughed. “You’re way in over your head on this.”
You glared, placing a hand on his neck as you gave a warning squeeze. “You’re just someone who needs to be put in their place.” You moved your hand up, forcing his head to move. 
He glared playfully, a teasing smirk on his face. Before you could notice, he moved his hand to grip onto your hair, pulling your own head back. You groaned from the sensation, pressing your lips together to keep from making a noise. 
“And you are exactly the same.”
You looked down at him, letting go of his neck to drift your fingers down his chest. Suengmin let go of your hair to allow his hand to find the bottom of your shirt. His fingers skimmed your skin just a bit causing you to flinch from the cold tips. In retaliation, you didn’t bother with formalities and instead placed your palms on his stomach. 
“Ah.” He gasped out, grabbing your wrist to move your hands away from him. 
Your giggle caused him to glare, pinning your wrists together with one hand as the other went under your own shirt. You whined and tried to wiggle away from him, almost slipping off the bed. But Suengmin caught you on time, moving you back into his lap. 
You moaned a little as your core rubbed against his length again, shifting your hips a bit to satiate the nerves building up in your core. Seungmin huffed a laugh, making you stop your movement. 
“You’re so sensitive.” He teased, moving his hips a bit to get you to whine again. 
You shoved his hips down, glaring at his smug look. When you fully grinded down on him, he choked on air and dropped his head back down. 
“We aren’t on different ships here.” You told him. 
Seungmin growled as he sat back up, quickly taking a hold of your shirt and throwing it over your head. Without asking, he quickly shoved the cups of your bra down, devouring a nippled in his mouth. 
“Seungmin!” You gasped, trying to get him to pull away by gripping onto his hair but it only seemed to make him suck harder. 
You felt a shiver go down your body, having been extra sensitive when it came to your nipples. You suddenly let out quiet whimpers, gasping when you felt his teeth graze the skin. Taking initiative of his sucking, you instead pushed his head further, leaning back to allow him more access. 
When you felt that nipple had enough, you shoved him back roughly before moving him onto the other side. He made a noise and quickly pulled back. His glare made you smile evilly. 
“You’re testing my patience.” He told you. 
“Mine already ran out.” You answered. 
“Call us even then.” With that you were finally pushed off him and onto your back on the bed. 
Instead of crawling over you, you gasped when Seungmin took the moment to roll you over harshly. He moved you the way he wanted, picking up your hips so that your bottom was up in the air. Before you realized it, his hands had gripped onto your scrub pants, pulling them down along with your underwear to your knees. 
“Seungmin–” You gasped out, wanting to turn around but a loud smack and stinging pain brought down onto your ass had you freezing. 
His palm reeled back when he didn’t get a sound from you. He moved onto the other cheek, palm flying flat onto the junction where your cheek met your thigh. This time you lurched forward with a moan, squeezing your thighs together as your hips moved back into their arch. 
“Ain’t so big now, are you?” Seungmin mocked. His hand soothed over the skin that was turning pink. 
He hummed as he took in his work. “You just want to be a brat to get punished.” He leaned over your back, lips hovering over your ear. “I can see you squeezing your legs together, Pretty.”
You turned to face him, the glare still on your face making him tsk. He growled when you quickly moved your hips up to nudge at his cock. He quickly gave you another spank, getting a squeak from your lips. 
“And you get off on giving the punishment.” You growled. “Do us both a favor–” You moved onto your palms, leaning up to lick at his lips with the tip of your tongue. “Spank harder.”
“Greedy.” Seungmin sneered, complying fully with your request though. 
Each grunt and wiggle of your hips had Seungmin sucking in a breath. He kept having to push your hips down each time you would push back to follow his hand that would come off your skin. 
“Are you that much of a masochist?” He asked you, fingers digging into the flesh of your ass. 
“Nope.” You grinned, turning around to face him. “You just hit like a girl.”
You almost snickered at how red his face seemed to have gotten. But things took a turn when he suddenly gripped your hair tightly in one hand and pulled to expose your neck. He grunted as he pushed your hips up to meet his own. You clenched your eyes as you sucked in a breath from having his length rub against your soaking core. 
“The purple bruising on your ass cheeks beg to differ.” He whispered in your ear, nipping at it. “You still have work to get back to, Princess.”
Your hand snaked back between the two of you, quickly cupping onto Seungmin’s cock, rubbing your fingers gently along his sack. The groan you got went straight to your core once more, soaking his hospital pants. 
“Maybe I want to be reminded of how I made you turn into a moaning mess.” You huffed back.
You immediately stopped rubbing at him and quickly used the momentum to turn around and drag him down onto the bed without falling over. You kept him from moving by sitting on his lap as you took off the rest of your scrubs. 
You wanted to giggle at the way Seungmin’s eyes attached themselves to your breast after taking off your bra. With you completely naked by then, you shimmed your way down his legs, fingers hooking into the band of his pants. 
Just as he did to you, you shoved them down his thighs, his cock springing free and laying against his stomach. Without warning, you quickly traced the tip of your tongue up his length, making him buck up to follow your mouth that pulled away from him. 
When he bucked his hips up, you shoved them back down. You slowly made your way up to his face, making sure your nipples brushed against the tip of his length. You felt him shiver, pulling a giggle from you. 
“Pretty boy sensitive.” You mocked, fingers tracing him again. He growled about to push up to make you turn but you quickly shoved him back down. 
“I like my boys to be good.” You slowly encased your hand around his throat again. “Might just make both of us feel good.”
Seungmin’s laugh reached your ears, making you clench your jaw. “You really think I’d let you do that? As if I’d ever give you the chance.”
You sneered falling forward to bite at his neck, sucking a bruise into his skin. While he did allow you to do that, his hands still fell down onto your hips as he shoved you down onto his lap making you grind against his thigh. 
“We’ll see after this.” You told him, moving back down to his cock. 
Before he could say anything, your mouth encased him entirely. His tip hit the back of your throat immediately without a warning start. He groaned and shifted his hips wanting but you kept him from moving at his own pace. With all your force you kept your hands on his hips to keep him attached to the bed, using only your mouth to keep his cock in its place. 
With your cheeks hollowed out as your mouth created a vacuum, Seungmin felt himself falling from his annoyance. However when you shifted forward to get a better hold on him, he came back to where he was and quickly gathered your hair in his hands. 
He created a makeshift ponytail, holding your head up and your hands became loose on his hips allowing him room to move. He began to thrust his hips up quickly, huffing and trying to keep quiet as his body began to fall into the pit of pleasure. 
Your spit began to drip down his shaft, leaving a large trail down his balls. Your gagging sound only made him go faster. At least until you quickly pulled away and tried to stop yourself from coughing. Your breathing was harsh, the air returning to your lungs. 
As Seungmin took in your tired look, mouth hanging open to get a better grip on your breathing, chest heaving, fingers gripping onto his thighs to stabilize yourself–he felt a different need than to just make you submit. 
He wanted to worship you.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful.” He huffed out, sitting up to take the back of your head and push you towards his lips. 
You made a stunned noise, not prepared for his lips to slot against yours. However the moment they did you felt your shoulder drop and hands move to slide them along his shoulders. You moved your knees on either side of his thighs, sitting directly on his cock. He shifted just a bit, nustling himself directly between your folds and placing his hands on your ass to grind you down harder. 
The moan he got from your lips made his mouth pull open, sucking in breaths as his own hips started to move to the way you sounded on top of him. 
“Gonna let me fuck you?” He asked you quietly. 
You looked down at him with hooded eyes, hips continuing their motions in a hypnotizing fashion. Your body was becoming numb, telling you to succumb to your pleasure but your head was telling you that you didn’t want to back down from him just yet. 
Seungmin knew what you were thinking because he suddenly gave you a grin. “I’ll let you be on top, princess.” He spoke against your lips. “Just let me feel this pussy.”
With that your body fell on top of him and pushed him down onto the bed. Seungmin’s hands went to the dips in your hips, pulling at the fat as he made you give him a pussy job. 
By that point the blanket he was using had been discarded because it was much too hot. Your bodies were sticking together as you both generated so much heat. It was intoxicating to be that close to Seungmin and feel the heat of his rigid body against your soft one. 
It wasn’t until his tip got caught at your entrance that you let out a whine, stopping your movement to keep him there. “Seungmin, are you going back on your word?” You whispered against his collarbone. 
“Not for this.” He whispered, grabbing a hold of his length to line up with your entrance. 
When you felt the pop and his head stretching you out the more he thrusted forward, you moaned in Seungmin’s ear which had him squeezing his eyes closed to keep from releasing too early. He grabbed onto the fat of your ass, fully sitting you down on top of him. 
The way he felt you clenching at the pillow and sheets by his head and the way you withered on top of him made his head dizzy. You were getting used to him, he got that much but each time you moved he felt your walls nudge at his tip. 
“You almost done?” He breathed out, teeth grinding against one another. “You’re making it really hard not to bust.”
Your breathless giggle had his mind reeling. “Like this?” You huffed, shifting your hips back. 
He choked up, smacking you raw ass in a teasing manner. You finally sat up off his chest, nails dragging against his skin and teasing his nipples. You moved your knees, lifting yourself up from his cock for just a moment before falling back down. 
You got a groan from him, making you smile and a blush to overtake your features. “You sound so pretty.” You cooed, beginning to move up and down at a slow place. 
“Ah–You should hear yourself.” He hummed, thumbs brushing the inside of your thighs as he gripped them. “Sounds like you’re in a porno.”
“Those are fake.” A moan slipped out as he cock started to hit a certain spot in you that made you grind harder against it. “This is the real thing.” You breathed out.
His breathless laugh had the ball in your stomach growing bigger. The way he threw his head back against the pillows and his hair stuck to his forehead had your head spinning. You didn’t notice how you began to bounce faster, falling prey to his reactions. 
“Just like that, baby.” He whispered, planting his feet on the bed to begin shifting his own hips. 
You cried out and fell forward as he took charge once again, huffing into his chest as his hips pistoned up into you. Your whimpers were bringing him closer to the edge, feeling your walls squeeze around him as he realized you too were close. 
“Come on, Princess.” He kissed his teeth, not stopping his quick movements. “Let go for me. I know you want to.”
You were breathless, mouth dry but you were still buzzing with nerves. “You first.” You told him.
“You’re such a brat.” He whined, quickly pulling out just as you clenched down on him from your own orgasm. He used his hand to shoot his cum onto your backside, painting the red skin white. 
The warmness had you whining from your already heated skin. The moment the both of you had finished, you dropped down onto the bed–all your muscles relaxing from the moment. 
“I don’t think I’m going to need that extra blanket.” Seungmin told you.
“You do need a shower.” You crinkle your nose, peeling your cheek from his chest as you feel the sweat stick to you. “Look what you did to me.” You whined, knowing you were going to have to shower as well. 
“You weren’t complaining at the time!” He retorted. 
“You had me dick crazed.” You swat at him. 
“You got crazy for some dick?” Seungmin cooed. 
You sat up, smearing his cum onto his thighs. The glare was back on your face and it made the man laugh. “I have to get back to work.” You huffed standing up before entering his bathroom to get cleaned. 
Seungmin was discharged two days later. You had been the one to tell him the next day about it. He only gave you a hum and told you that he was glad to finally go back to work and leave the stuffy place. As well as finally not being sick and hacking everywhere. 
You worked the nightshift which meant you weren’t his actual nurse that would fill out all those papers. The only thing you made it to when you got to work were the janitors disinfecting his room for the next patient. You didn’t get the chance to catch him before he left. 
Your shifts always started at 7 in the evening, around the time a lot of people closed up their shops and went to get dinner. But you were not those people, instead you were there to attend to the little girl who’s infection was starting to go away. The older lady was released the following day when you were with Seungmin. 
It was a rather calming evening, the snow still on the ground but finally stopped falling. You had on your long sleeved shirt, the heater working full blast this time around. As you looked out the windows to catch the lit up Christmas tree in the middle of the garden of the hospital you smiled to yourself. 
“(Y/N), these are for you.” You looked up to find one of your co-workers coming in with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. 
You frowned, wondering who could have gotten them when you knew flowers were much too hard to come by in this kind of weather. You took the card, finding the logo to be one that a vast majority of Korea knew. 
It was a card from JYP Entertainment. The person who sent you the bouquet decided to hand write the letter and have it sent to your hospital. As you placed them down, you took the time to read over the note. 
Don’t let your negative energy kill them - Kim
At the bottom were numbers put together in a sequence you knew all too well. You didn’t bother to wait, already knowing that the both of you weren’t people who beat around the bush. SO you picked up your phone and punched in the numbers sending the message. 
You better be taking your meds.  7:15
You spent a good amount waiting for his reply but it didn’t leave you worried. So when you saw a notification on your phone the next time you sat down you grinned. 
Not even a thank you.  8:20
What if I’m not? 8:22
The smile that had overtaken your face made your cheeks hurt. You weren’t going to admit that to him though. 
You really want to find out what happens if you don’t? 9:32
Is that a challenge? 9:33
An easy one. 9:33
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Permanent Taglist : @ldysmfrst , @hecateslittlewitchling , @rln-byg , @vampcharxter
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hauntedhokage · 11 months
the distraction
summary: Lucifer doesn’t understand what the appeal is. Diavolo is smitten, a couple of his brothers have made pacts, and he thinks you’re only going to be trouble and create more of it the longer you’re in the Devildom. A visit to the castle to check on an allegedly sick Lord Diavolo grants an invitation for Lucifer to see what all the fuss was about. 
word count: 3.3k
warnings: explicit sexual content, f!receiving oral, exhibitionism/voyeurism, double penetration, anal, hints of hatefucking from Lucifer, jealous!Lucifer, maybe Luci has a crush on Dia i’m not sure, some Diavolo/Lucifer action, overstimulation, i don’t know what this is (which is becoming my answer to everything now)
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Lucifer thinks you’re a distraction. A mistake to have been brought into the Devildom because you distract his Lord Diavolo, and the rest of his brothers (but that was a different issue). You don’t listen, you’re stubborn, and it felt like every single day he was hearing about something you did - if not from his brothers then from Diavolo himself. The Demon Lord was smitten with the human exchange student who wasn’t supposed to be anything special but ended up turning the school upside down. 
He didn’t get what was so great about you, and he hated the effect you had on everyone around you. It just didn’t make sense. You’d even made Diavolo late for council meetings a couple times, which was mostly excusable considering how busy the prince was and how desperately he wanted to make sure this exchange event was successful. The key to that success was the comfort and survival of the exchange students, and if you had a question for Diavolo, then he was going to answer it. Only for you, though, nobody else was allowed to make him tardy.
It must’ve been one hell of a question this time, since Diavolo was now more than ten minutes late to the Student Council meeting. Not only that, he wasn’t answering his phone, either. 
“Where’s Diavolo?” The empty chair makes him more nervous than it should. There’s no way something had happened to him, but for Diavolo to be more than five minutes late with no contact was greatly concerning. 
“He said he wasn’t feeling well and went home early.” Why wasn’t he told? Instead Mammon is the one told that the head of the student council wasn’t going to be in attendance at the council meeting? That was extremely irresponsible and out of character for Diavolo, which was cause for concern on Lucifer’s end. 
But then he noticed that the human that was supposed to be with Mammon wasn’t there, either. 
“Where’s the human?”
“Back at the house. Said she was tired.” It wasn’t unusual for Mammon to be unbothered, the health of the human had no bearing on how much money he had, but that didn’t stop Lucifer from wishing that his younger brother thought about things in a bit more detail than just the financial. 
“Well, we can just cancel this meeting then. We’ll need to check on her, and I’ll go check on Diavolo.”
“Wouldn’t Barbatos have that taken care of?”
“It’s polite to check on people when you hear they’re unwell, Mammon.” Is all the eldest leaves them with, leaving the chamber in a calculated hurry. He has to maintain his composure to avoid suspicion or concern. Causing any sort of commotion would never bode well. 
Upon his arrival at Diavolo’s castle, he’s greeted warmly by Barbatos with some slight confusion regarding his appearance. But nonetheless, he’s allowed to go up to where Diavolo’s office and bedroom were so he could check in on his prince.
He doesn’t hear the sound of pen on paper, nor does he hear what he would expect of a sick Diavolo. The prince was whiny when he was sick, begging Barbatos for more tea and maybe a tissue. Instead Lucifer hears what sounds like moans coming from the bedroom. 
The respectful thing to do would be to turn around and leave Diavolo to his business. Who he spends time with is private, and he could be grilled about his extracurricular activities tomorrow. Leaving him to his guest was the polite thing to do, even if he was curious considering Diavolo hadn’t shown much interest in pursuing a romantic relationship with anybody. He didn’t want to ruin it.
“D-Dia, I’m so close. Please don’t stop.”
Yes, turning around and leaving would be the respectful thing to do. However he knows that voice, and it’s the current source of his recurring stress outside of his siblings. You’ve now proven to be a massive distraction for Lord Diavolo, and that needed to be addressed immediately. He needed to stop it, and convince Diavolo to send you back up to the human world so things could return to normal. 
Lucifer is pushing the door open just as you’re crying out Diavolo’s name, and his eyes aren’t sure where to focus. Your blissed out face, or Diavolo’s back that he could see between your parted legs? Did he look at your body? Should he look at you at all considering you were naked in Diavolo’s bed with your hand gripping the prince’s red hair in a tight fist. 
“I must not have told Barbatos I wasn’t to be bothered by anyone,” is all Diavolo says at first, and Lucifer watches as his dear friend kisses the inside of your thigh before wiping at his chin. It’s then that he sees Diavolo’s face, sees how pleased the prince is, and that just doesn’t feel right. “Good afternoon, Lucifer.”
“Is there anybody you won’t infect, human?” The question isn’t meant to be voiced, he’s immediately embarrassed as soon as the words come out. He’s supposed to be kind, inviting, setting a good example for his brothers and making sure not to disgrace Diavolo. But here he was, talking down to you while you laid naked in Diavolo’s bed. Here he was, disgracing Diavolo. 
“I don’t think he truly means that,” Diavolo comments, looking between you and his right hand in concern. But you seem unbothered by the statement; in fact, you actually look amused to see Lucifer agitated and embarrassed. Usually it was him scolding Mammon for saying idiotic things, how the tables had turned.
“No, I’m sure he does. Lucifer doesn’t like me that much, Diavolo.” You’re even pouting up at the future Demon King, laying on the theatrics a bit thick for Lucifer’s taste but he knows Diavolo sees through it. “He thinks I’m up to no good.”
“The only no good thing you’re up to, darling, is when I’ve got you riding my cock.” Lucifer wants to puke at that, plus the way Diavolo leans in to kiss at your neck before murmuring “sinful” against your skin. “Oh!”
“What?” Lucifer asks in unison with you, not missing the way you rolled your eyes before Diavolo is kissing you again. As if it was his fault he had the same question at Diovolo’s outburst.
“Maybe,” the redhead starts, kissing you once more before he pulls back to look at Lucifer again. “Maybe Lucifer just needs a taste. You and I can help him lighten up a bit, I’m sure.” 
“Is he even capable of having fun?”
“If I tell him to.” 
“I don’t need Diavolo to tell me to have fun.” 
“Then get naked, get in this bed, and have fun with us!” If it was coming from Diavolo, he’d see it as an offer. But coming from you, it felt like a challenge. And he wasn’t about to lose to a human, especially not one like you. “While I’m still wet, Luci. Don’t waste his efforts.”
Pain in the ass, he thinks to himself as he strips, trying not to start too hard at the way you and Diavolo were watching him. To have both of your gazes burning into his skin, to know that your hand is slowly jerking Diavolo’s cock while Diavolo’s mouth busies itself with your breast - you two were pleasuring each other to the sight of him. It should make him uncomfortable, but instead it only turns him on more.
“Do you trust that he’ll satisfy me, Diavolo?” you ask, winking up at Lucifer as Diavolo looks up at you. “And how can I satisfy you as he does?”
“I trust Lucifer with everything. If he fails in his task, I’m not sure what I’ll do.” He actually looks troubled at the thought that he would have to react should Lucifer not deliver, his brow furrowing until you smooth the wrinkles away with your thumb.  “We’ll just have to keep at it until you’re truly satisfied. It’s a task not given lightly so, should he fail, I’d want him to work at it until he’s successful.”
It’s Diavolo who guides Lucifer’s hand to the apex of your thighs, Diavolo who encourages Lucifer to gather that wetness and taste it for himself, while you just lay there and watch the eldest of the seven brothers as he stares down at you. What was going through your head, he didn’t know and wasn’t sure he wanted to. Your mind had proven to surprise him numerous times during your stay at the House of Lamentation, what could come out of your mouth while Diavolo was here to protect you from his rage was something Lucifer wanted nothing to do with. 
But he couldn’t deny that you were beautiful, especially among the lavish sheets and pillows that made Lord Diavolo’s bedding. If only you weren’t so irritating.
“Lucifer,” you murmur, sitting up a bit while waving him in closer. He obliges in your request, leaning in so you were almost nose to nose as he adjusts himself between your legs, only to be caught off guard when you kiss him. There was no intimacy in your kiss, only need, and he uses this moment to carefully push himself into your waiting heat. If you weren’t ready that wasn’t his problem, but the moan that reverberates around his tongue tells him that you enjoyed his intrusion into your body. 
You pull him back with you as you lie back against the pillows, breaking the kiss in favor of looking over at Diavolo who is grinning in his own victory. Whatever he’d been plotting would have to be addressed later, as Lucifer’s one goal now is to fuck some respect into the bratty human living in his home. One of his hands snakes around to grip the back of your neck, fingers digging into your skin as he gets close to your ear. 
“Maybe there is something special about you,” he taunts, nipping at the shell of your ear as he presses his hips flush to yours.
“Gonna start sleeping on my bedroom floor like your brothers do?”
“Don’t let this make you think that you’ve got my interest as anything more than the human living in my house.” Despite his tone, he feels your cheek rise against his with a grin that only agitates him more. Did you ever care about what he said? “Insolent brat.”
He’s not very gentle as he grabs you, his hands keeping you connected to him as he pulls you back up into a sitting position. The demand is made that you work for your orgasm, something that has Diavolo chuckling from the side before he’s moving to box you in against Lucifer. 
“Ride him well, darling, and I’ll reward you greatly.” 
Lucifer was going to add spoiled to the list of things you definitely were, especially when he feels what could only be Diavolo’s hand near the base of his cock
“What are you planning?”
“She’s got another hole to fill, doesn’t she? Maybe you should try her ass, it’s just as wonderful as-”
“I will not make a habit out of fucking her.”
“So you say now.” Diavolo’s knowing smirk was just as irritating in this moment as your little smirks were every day. Knowing that Diavolo was on your side in this; that he liked you to the point of having sex with you frequently, that you were allowed to touch him so delicately behind closed doors, when you were just some little girl in a world too big and magical for you just had him feeling many different emotions and not one of them was positive. 
“It’s okay to like me, Lucifer,” you whisper in his ear, your hips moving against him while your hands are firm on his shoulders to keep yourself steady. “If you need Diavolo’s permission for that, he’d grant it.”
“I don’t need Diavolo’s permission to do anything,” he counters, but follows to lie on his back when you push at his shoulders. It’s your quirked brow that has him gripping your hips harder as he starts to fuck up into you, trying to prove a point while also being mindful of where Diavolo’s positioned behind you. Something short circuits in Lucifer’s brain when he feels a tongue on his sac, and he tries to look past you and your pleasured expression to see just what Diavolo was trying to achieve down there - was the redhead trying to prep you or get him off faster?
But he does feel you getting tighter around him, the way your pace gets a bit less consistent and your moans grow a bit louder, Lucifer knows that the silly human is about to cum on his cock and Diavolo’s fingers that were working to stretch your other hole open. And as you’re coming undone, face twisting in pleasure as he fucks you through it, he thinks he gets the hype about you. You were pretty cute when you were babbling about how good you felt and begging the two demons not to stop, he was almost concerned that pleasure of this magnitude from demons would alter your brain. 
He knew better now. 
But then the bed is shifting beneath him again, and he looks away from your face to see Diavolo on his knees behind you. 
“Are you ready, sweetheart?” The question sounds so gentle leaving him, as if he’s asking you if you’re ready to go out on the town and not have both of your holes penetrated by two demons at the same time. And you respond just as sweetly, looking over your shoulder and whispering a “yes, please” to Diavolo that has Lucifer holding your hips just a bit tighter. 
“You know, we’ve done anal before,” you comment, smiling down at Lucifer and taking the chance to push his hair out of his face. “Worried about me?”
“You’re human, so yes.” 
“Oh really? I had no clue that I was- oh, fuck.” 
Diavolo was making his entrance, so Lucifer just waited while also basking in the feeling that was your pussy getting tighter with Diavolo working his way into your ass. You’re biting your lip until he’s carefully coaxing it from between your teeth but pushing his thumb into your mouth as Diavolo is whispering reassurances into your ear. 
“You’re not gonna cum already, are you?” Lucifer asks, grinning when you gently bite down on his thumb in response to him rolling his hips into yours. “He’s not even fully inside you yet. But I bet you want Diavolo to touch that pretty clit of yours. Would that be your third orgasm, or did I miss one on my way over?”
“Missed two,” Diavolo corrects while snaking his arm around your waist, bringing a look of surprise onto Lucifer’s face at the information. “One of my own, too.”
“That’s less interesting.”
“Mammon says you’re in love with me, though.”
“And I’ll lecture him about that once I’m home.” It was almost like they weren’t both trying to fuck their human exchange student right now. Almost; but he can feel the way you clench impossibly tighter around them, see the way Diavolo has to compose himself while pressing his face into your shoulder due to how tense you were getting with your impending orgasm. He’d try to edge you, but he doesn’t think it’d be possible with how stuffed full you were at the moment. 
He also doesn’t think Diavolo would allow him to deny the precious human what she wanted.
Diavolo sends you over the edge with a snap of his hips, chuckling at the wail you let out as you cum around both men. Lucifer is kissing at the skin he can reach while the redhead continues to fuck you - both men riding that high in their own way and trying to keep you on that edge and clenching around them for as long as they could.
“And there’s four,” Lucifer murmurs, biting into your neck as his own patience wears thin and he's holding you in place so he could fuck up into you at his own brutal pace that matched the prince’s. “Can we get you to five, brat?”
“We definitely can.” Diavolo assures, winking at Lucifer over your shoulder. “Can’t we, darling?”
You're nodding while begging for it, and Lucifer can’t take his eyes off of your face. Your body is so warm, and would likely be exhausted after this last orgasm and he’s not sure how he’d get your back to the house but that’s a problem for later. Right now is about how incredible your pussy feels, and how right it feels to feel Diavolo’s cock working alongside his own while being held in your inviting warmth. He could spend years in this position if it was allowed, you felt that good. 
"So tight, darling," Diavolo groans, his forehead pressed against your shoulder while one of his hands grips your hip and the other keeps his weight off of you. "I won’t last much longer with you like this. But I think it’d be divine if both Lucifer and I filled you at the same time. Would you like that?”
You nod quickly, babbling your approval of the idea as Lucifer’s hips pick up their pace to something he could only think would be brutal for someone in your current state. You were so close to cumming again, they just needed to get you there and Diavolo’s hand frantically rubbing against your clit proved to get you there rather quickly - but that showed how well the prince knew your body at this point. 
“You can cum too, Lucifer.” He didn’t know that he needed permission, but getting that permission makes it impossible for him to hold off any longer and he’s painting your walls with his cum as Diavolo finally stills above you with his own orgasm.
The bedroom is quiet save for the heavy breathing of all three parties, the room settling more when Diavolo carefully pulls out before he removes you from on top of Lucifer. The demon watches as the prince guides you onto the pillows, gently stroking your face as he praises you for your performance.
“You good, Lucifer?” you ask when Diavolo stops to breathe, propping yourself up to look at Lucifer as he finally sits up. “No bullshit.”
“I’m good, that was good. We should do that again sometime.”
“Just stay the night, we can do it a few more times.” The suggestion from Diavolo has you winking at Lucifer before you drop back onto the mountain pillows. “My bathtub will fit all three of us, too.”
“Hear that? All three of us.” Your addition pulls a sigh from him and a chuckle from Diavolo, and Lucifer knows what the answer was. He wasn’t going to be able to pull you away from the prince anyway.
“I’ll text the group chat and let them all know that we’re helping tend to Lord Diavolo,” Lucifer states, looking over to see that Diavolo had wasted no time in curling himself around the tired human. “Not that either of you really care.”
“I care a little bit,” you mumble, eyes still closed as Diavolo starts kissing at your neck. “Don’t want the boys worrying about me too much.”
“I care, but only because I don’t want them barging in while we’re ravishing our exchange student. I don’t think she can take more than two at a time, Lucifer, and your brothers are rather impatient.”
“You’re awful,” you giggle, gently swatting at Diavolo as Lucifer rolls his eyes. As if he’d share something like this with his younger brothers. But that would be left alone for now, seeing that Diavolo had you rolled over onto your stomach to prepare you for another round. 
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topguncortez · 2 years
Ice Cold, No Mistakes - T. Kazansky
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pairing: Tom "Iceman" Kazansky x Female!Reader warnings: death, grief, sadness, angst, TOPGUN shit word count: 1.6k Iceman Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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 “Ice, why are you so cold?” 
It was the age old question that everyone dared to ask. What made Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky so cold? People over the years had speculated what caused him to be so closed off and fly with the precision that he did. 
Some suggested it was daddy issues. His old man must’ve been a hardass and instilled that Ice could only be the best. That his dad was mentally abusive, calling Ice names when he was anything less than perfect or had too much feeling. Some even suggested that Ice’s dad was living vicariously through him, which made him work even harder because letting him down would be the last thing that Ice would want. 
The other rumor was that it was his mom. That his mom was some sort of leech, maybe a drunk or a druggie that constantly needed money. That he grew up poor because his mother was spending every dime on vodka and coke. So Ice worked hard to get himself through the academy, and into flight school and then ultimately into TopGun. And with all the money that Ice was making, he sent some of it back home to pay his mother’s bills and keep a roof over her head, and to help her survive on her addiction problems. 
But both the family rumors turned out to be just that. . . rumors. Goose had met Iceman’s parents at their graduation, and it promptly shut down those bad/toxic parenting stories. Ice’s parents were nothing like him, they were warm, caring individuals from a small town on the east coast. His mother was a school teacher and his father a banker. Some of the questions on Ice’s cold personality were answered, but not all of them. 
So what made Tom Kazansky so cold? 
Well, that could be answered with a simple explanation: it was her. 
No one had asked questions about the picture of the girl in his locker. It wasn’t uncommon for the pilots to stick pictures of their families inside their lockers. It was a reminder of their loved ones and who they had waiting on them at home. No asked. . . until one day Maverick did. 
“So, who’s the girl, Kazansky?” Maverick asked, shucking off of his flight suit. Slider froze next to his pilot, waiting for Ice to come off his rocker. The last time someone asked about the photo, Ice had ripped them a new one, and everyone in their last squadron knew not to ask about the girl in the picture. 
Iceman’s blue eyes looked over at the polaroid that was taped to the door. Her bright smile always made him feel warm, and the little girl next to her eyes were bright and filled with love. Iceman clenched his jaw and shut his locker slowly. 
“No one.” Ice mumbled and walked out of the locker room. 
“Ice, I’m-” 
“Do yourself a favor, Mitchell,” Slider said, “Don’t ask about the girl in the picture.” 
Maverick nodded and watched as Slider went after his pilot. Maverick knew that his curiosity should end right then and there. That he shouldn’t pry into the life of his competition, but he couldn’t just let it be. If this was a chance to get a one up on Iceman, then he was going to take it. He knew that there was one person, besides Slider, that new Iceman well enough to possibly know about the girl in the picture. 
“No, I’m not telling you,” Goose said, ignoring his pilot. 
“You need to, it’s life or death.” 
Goose gave Maverick a look. 
“Okay, not life or death but still.” 
Goose sighed and leaned back in his chair, “No one talks about the girl in the picture. It’s just. . . it’s just never talked about. All you need to know is that he takes that picture everywhere. He had it back at the academy, he had it in flight school, hell I think if his house caught on fire the one thing he’d rush into save, is that picture.” 
Maverick nodded, the gears turning in his head. He looked up at his RIO and gave him a smirk, “Thank you, Goose.” 
“Hey, I don’t like that look, Mav!” Goose pointed, sitting up straight, “What are you going to do?”
“Nothing,” Maverick said, but Goose knew better than to trust him. 
And Goose should’ve stopped him, but he didn’t think that his pilot would go as far as breaking into Ice’s locker and taking the picture until the next day when Ice stormed into the classroom, anger and fury in his eyes. 
“Where the fuck is Mitchell?” Ice yelled and Maverick slowly turned around, a smirk on his face which was quickly wiped off by Ice’s fist to his jaw. 
“What the fuck!” 
“Where’s my fucking picture!?” Ice yelled, grabbing Maverick by the collar and slamming him up against the wall. Other pilots quickly scrambled to try and break up the fight waiting to happen. 
“Kazansky!” Jester yelled. 
“I know you fucking have it,” Ice seethed, “Give it back.” 
“Why Kazansky? What’s got you so fucking tense about a goddamn picture?” Maverick jeered, hoping to get a rise out of him. They both knew that if a fight broke out, they would be kicked out of the program. 
“Kazansky,” Jester said again, taking a step closer. Ice’s jaw was clenched so tightly, it was a miracle he wasn’t breaking teeth. 
Ice looked down for a moment, weighing his options, before letting go of Maverick’s tan button up, and walking away. Slider glared at Maverick, before chasing after his pilot. And the look in Goose’s eyes was one Maverick had never seen before, the look of pure disappointment. 
“I’m not sure what happened,” Jester said, “But return Kazansky’s belongings as soon as possible or you’ll both be tossed out.” 
It was the last thing he wanted to do, but Maverick didn’t want to run the risk and get kicked out of the program he dreamed of going to. So later that night, he swallowed his pride and walked towards Iceman’s room, the picture in his hand. Maverick sighed as he knocked on the door. He jumped back a bit when it was ripped open, a half naked Tom Kazansky standing in front of him in just his boxers. Ice’s hair was a mess, his blue eyes red and so was his nose. This wasn’t like him at all. 
“I brought-” Maverick held up the picture, and Iceman quickly ripped it out of his hands. 
“Don’t ever touch my stuff again,” Iceman seethed, “Or the next time, I won’t stop because Jester says so.” 
Maverick nodded and Ice turned to shut the door, but he held his hand out stopping him. Ice sighed and faced him. 
“What, Mitchell,” Ice demanded. 
“Why is that picture so important to you that you’d throw everything away?” Maverick asked. 
Ice let out a sigh as he looked down at the picture in his hand. Neither one of them would want him acting like this, so eager to throw in the towel just to be with them. 
“Y/N, She was my wingman,” Ice said, his voice filled with sadness, “She was my wingman before I was even a pilot. She was going to fly with me, be my backseater. She was determined to be the first woman in the program, and I think she would’ve done it.” 
“And the little girl?” 
Ice looked up at Maverick, tears rolling down his cheeks, “My daughter.” He looked back down at the picture and sniffed, “We had her in high school. Everyone said it was a mistake, but she wasn’t. . . she was the best thing that ever happened to me.” 
“What happened?” Maverick’s voice was barely above a whisper. 
“Graduation weekend,” Ice answered, “We had been at a small party my family was hosting. It just happened to be Lydia’s second birthday. God, she was so excited to be two,” Ice smiled at the brief memory of how happy he had been that whole weekend. Not only had Y/N and Ice both graduated high school and were taking steps to start the next chapter in their lives, and Ice got to celebrate yet another year of being a father. Sure he was young, but to him that didn’t mean anything. Lydia was perfect, she had been the best baby ever, but she was becoming the best toddler ever, hitting every single milestone and then some. She was so smart, something that she had gotten from her mother, and sassy, something she had gotten from her father. 
“It happened so quick,” Ice’s voice cracked, “One minute, we were on top of the world, singing along to that damn Queen song and then. . . the car came out of nowhere.” 
Maverick watched as the cold, tough exterior of his enemy came crashing down. The picture fluttered out of Ice’s hand as he covered his face and cried. Sobs racked his body, and Maverick bent down to pick up the picture, gingerly handing it back to Ice. 
“He took them both,” Ice whispered, and wiped his face on his arm, “Y/N was killed instantly, he hit on her side. Lydia. . . she fought hard for three days, but her little body couldn’t handle the injuries. I buried them both on the same day.” 
“Ice, I am so-” 
“I fly the way I do because I can’t afford to make mistakes,” Ice said, and turned to face Maverick, “Because that’s what he did. He made the mistake of getting in his car that night and it cost me everything. I refuse to be the reason why someone has to bury the people that they love. I refuse to make mistakes because it kills people.” 
Maverick nodded, now understanding a whole new side of Tom “Iceman” Kazansky. 
“Again, I’m sorry for your loss, Tom,” Maverick said, and took a step back.
“Thank you, Pete,” Ice responded, and closed the door. He leaned his back against the door and slowly slid down to the ground, clutching the picture to his chest.
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note: I'm back bitches
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galway-girlatwork · 2 months
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written for @studioghibelli's writing challenge
Fandom: Narcos
Rating: Mature-There is angst, fluff and smut if you squint really, really hard. 😊
Central Characters: Reader/Pena/Murphy
Central Relationship: Pena/Reader
Word Count: 3,478
Please do not copy or reblog my work without tagging me
Music inspiration: The Pretty Reckless
A tumultuous relationship with a fellow DEA agent, is marked by tension and unspoken feelings. Can a growing affection, mixed with reckless behavior, drugs, death, money and power, really survive? From Bogota, to Miami, to Rome, how far will it go?
A Broken Silence
As the last of the Cali Cartel fell, like little toy soldiers, she wondered what was next. She’d been down in Columbia, longer than she’d lived back in the states. It had taken years of dedication, long fucking days and even longer nights. Elise thought of the hundreds of people that had died, gotten hooked on blow and for what? Power and money. That was the root cause of it all, power and money. She’d been assigned to Columbia a year after she became DEA. They told her she’d be an asset, it turned out to be a load of shit. Women agents were looked at as glorified secretary’s but that was until she met Pena and Murphy. Pena looked at her like a piece of meat, Murphy actually used her intelligence to their advantage. Did she ever actually make it into the field? Yep, as an undercover hooker, Pena’s idea of course. His exact words to her, as she stood there in a slinky red dress was, she had a body, might as well use it. That was the first time she hit him. The second time was when he drunk on whiskey and made a pass at her.
The three of them had been working together for a year before she realized she actually cared about Pena. She’d been sitting in her car, in the parking lot of the embassy when she saw him pull in, a gangly female crawling out of the passenger seat, as he got out, pressing herself against him, her tongue half way down his throat, his hand on her tit. Part of her wanted to vomit, part of her wanted to punch the whore. She knew the woman was a whore, those were the only types of women Pena seemed to be interested in. It was that afternoon, the dynamic of the relationship changed between them because she realized she’d been jealous and the only reason a woman was jealous was because she wanted him. She wanted all of him but knew it would never happen. Her attitude towards him went from indifference to straight up bitch, Murphy snickering every time she went for a kill. By the time Escobar was riddled with bullets, Pena hated her with a passion, which he made clear before he was sent to DC, Murphy back to Florida and she was right back where she started, glorified secretary.
A month later she had been re-assigned, working with some head honcho on the Cali cartel and the intel needed to break up their little surrender deal they had going, cringing inward when a jean clad hip, found the edge of her desk.
“Well, well, seems something is working out for me, how’s is shaken Tanner?” “Are you fucking serious right now Pena? I am working with you? Again? Can someone please tell me who I pissed off in a past life?” “Probably the devil himself hermosa.”
“Don’t, don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Come in here thinking I won’t deck you for bein a polla.”
“Whoa, Spanish is improving.” 
“Get the hell off my desk Pena and go find yourself a whore. I’m sure there were slim pickins in D.C.”
“You offering?”
“Vete al infierno.”
“Already there babe.”
Getting off her desk, he went into his office, slamming the door, watching the glass rattle before he threw himself in the chair behind his desk. Fuck, he thought Elise would have been stateside by now, along with Murphy but as luck would have it, she was here to torment him. It was hard seeing her right now, needing to focus on Cali but he couldn’t stop thinking about her. Fuck she was still beautiful and her temper gave her skin a glow that most women he knew would kill for. Closing his eyes, he remembered all the nights he thought of her. Imagining his hands twisted in thick, curly brown hair, looking into eyes so brown, they were almost black, as he slid into her, marking her as his. He not only wanted her but had fallen in love with her. He wasn’t sure when it happened or how but he realized it the day he had been shipped to D.C. thinking his career was over, sitting in an airport bar with Murphy. Murphy knew it and told him to do something about it before it was too late. He’d laughed it off before giving his partner a hug, both of them going their separate ways. Well God had a sense of humor, he thought as he walked in, seeing her sitting there in jeans and a t-shirt, chewing on a pencil as she read the file on her desk. Yea he was so screwed and not in the way that made him want a drink and a smoke.
The next six months were unbearable, her nerves frazzled when it was all over, thrilled when they gave her a month before she was going to her next post in Miami. Just because Cali fell in Columbia didn’t mean the drug trafficking did, since it was still all about power and money. What was that saying, he who dies with the most toys wins? Well, these bastards were gonna make sure they had all the toys and more.
Sitting on a bar stool, surrounded by co-workers, they celebrated with food and drinks, the beer and tequila flowing freely, except for Pena, who leaned more towards whiskey.
“To victory,” Javi toasted, his eyes lingering on Elise longer than necessary.
“To victory,” she echoed, smiling, but there was a wistfulness in her eyes that Javi couldn’t decipher. As the night wore on, one drink led to another to another and before she could stop and form thought, she found herself in Pena’s apartment, passion flaring between them like an arc of lighting. His lips found the base of her throat, suckling at the skin and come morning, it would be a purple blossom of broken blood vessels. Fingers tugged at the buttons of his shirt before she grabbed the sides, yanking as hard as she could, buttons pinging to the floor before they moved to his belt. She wanted him knowing in the morning she’d be gone. One night wouldn’t kill her, right?
Fuck, he thought, as he yanked her t-shirt off her frame, breasts held in place by a wisp of lace, was this really fucking happening right now? Her skin was warm and soft beneath his hands as he undid the button on her jeans, hand sliding into the waistband, his mind focused on one thing, and he almost died right there as he slid his fingers into her depths, feeling how wet she was. God fucking damn he wanted her, laid out in his bed, beneath him, his body marking her as his.
She moaned against his mouth as his fingers slid into her, the pad of his thumb against her clit, every nerve over firing, sending dopamine coursing through her, limbs melting from one feeling to another until they were both naked, not remembering if they had even stopped kissing at this point. He was rough with her, one hand tangled in her hair while the other slid under her knee, teeth nipping at her earlobe. Reaching between them, hand wrapping around the thickness of his cock, she positioned him at her entrance, his name a whisper into the space between them.
That was all it took for his control to snap like a rubber band wound too tight and he slammed into her. He held still for all of thirty seconds before he lost control, hips bucking against her like teenager having sex for the first time. She was warm, wet, tight, her skin sweet on the tip of his tongue as he dragged it across one nipple before moving on to the other, lips attached themselves to the skin of her collar bone, sucking on it, knowing he would mark her there just as he did to the left side of her neck. He knew some thought hickies were tacky but he didn’t give a fuck. When she walked the streets of Columbia, he wanted everyone to know she was taken. He pulled out of her so violently, he wondered if he’d hurt her, but that thought was fleeting as he flipped her over, bringing her to her knees, fingers digging into her hips as he pulled her back, sliding into her with no remorse for the brutality of it. He was feeding his soul with her body and she was allowing it. He exploded violently within her as her orgasm hit, her walls clenching around his hardness made it impossible not to, his name screamed out into the sex filled air surrounding them. Arms wrapped around her, his chest against her back, holding onto her for a moment before he left go, collapsing on his back.
Her body had a mind of its own at this point, falling on her side, facing him, watching as he took in deep gulps of air. He turned to look at her, eyes making contact, it was like they had just seen each other for the first time and there was something so intense in his stare and she felt it within her soul, feeling as if he knew everything about her and still wanted her, wondering if he actually cared, if all the hate fueled words he’d thrown at her, was a façade. She shook her head, displacing those thoughts as she moved over him, wondering how many more times they could lose themselves in the moment before dawn streaked across the sky of Columbia.
He woke up to an empty bed, reaching out, only to find Elise’s side cold. Panic surged through him as he saw a note on the pillow.
Watch your back. Be safe. 
Fuck, he thought, as his heart sank, crumbling the note and throwing it across the room. He’d never been good with words, especially when it came to expressing feelings. He’d cared for Elise, but kept that buried, not wanting emotions involved because they were a distraction in the dangerous world they’d been living in. But now, that time was up down here, he realized he couldn’t let her go and now he had to find her.
Finding her hadn’t been as easy as he thought it would be. By the time he got cleaned up and to the embassy, he found out that everything was being sent to the field office in Miami, her next assignment. He wasn’t due to leave Bogota for another week. By the time he got to Miami, his nerves were on fire, feeling like he was always just one step behind her. She’d checked in with the field office but twenty-four hours later, she’d gone on vacation and no one knew where, all they could tell him is she wasn’t due back to the office for a month. Where the fuck could she go for a month?
It took him two days and breaking protocol, something he did with ease; to find out she was in Rome. How the fuck was he going to find her there? He’d never been to Rome and no idea where to start. That was when he broke into her new apartment, searching for any clue and found just the name of a museum, Galleria Borghese. What the fuck was he doing, chasing some woman across the fuckin world? This was out of character for him, he was the fuck em, use em, kick em to the curb kind of man but now he was standing at a ticket counter, passport in hand, heading to Italy.
Everything she’d done since she landed were things she did on the fly. There was no rhyme or reason to where she went, how she spent her days, just happy to be away from drugs and death. Don’t get her wrong, she loved her job but Columbia had taken a lot out of her and she needed time to breathe, to find herself again. But her thoughts kept drifting back to Javi. The night they shared had been everything she had ever wanted, and yet, she knew it was impossible. Maybe that was part of the reason she’d come here instead of staying close to home. Maybe she was running and didn’t even know it. Maybe she was just a tad crazy about a man who went through women like he did cigarettes.
She wandered around Rome, trying to take in what was around her from Vatican City, to The Colosseum, every art museum and tonight to the Trevi Fountain. She’d learned that it was best to go at night, the crowds were not as bad and to make sure she threw three coins into to the water. Gelato in hand, she was standing at the edge of the fountain, the white marble still warm from the sun that had beat down on it from the day. Even she had to admit that it was beautiful and again that is when her mind went back to Javi. Fuck, why the hell did she had to be in love with that man? He was more a man of action, not of words. She had seen him break hearts before, and knew she was just another casualty.
The Trevi Fountain loomed ahead, Javi been all over the tourist places and had come up empty. He was frustrated, pissed and was beginning to wonder if he should just go back home and wait however there was one small problem, he was not a patient man, anyone who worked with him could tell ya that much. When he reached the fountain, the third time he’d been there, the coins glinted at the bottom, knowing each one was a wish, a hope and without a coin to toss in, he couldn’t help but think about his own wish, to find Elise. He was too stubborn, refusing to go back and wait. That was when he saw her, sitting at the very edge of the fountain, rubbing fingers over his eyes to make sure it really was her. About fuckin time, he thought, as he watched her throw a single coin over her shoulder. He moved towards her, pushing his way through the crowd, ignoring annoyed mutters and sharp glares of the other tourists he jostled aside. He was less than a foot away from her before he stopped, “What did you wish for?”
Shock couldn’t even begin to describe the look on her face when she saw him standing there, asking what she’d wished for. He looked out of place among the tourists and well everything that Rome was but his eyes were intense, filled with determination, a look she’d seen before when they were in Columbia. “Javi what the fuck are you doing here?”
“I came for you.”
“Why? My assignment in Columbia is over, so is yours so I am a little confused as to again why you’re here.”
Grabbing her hand, he began tugging her away from the fountain, looking for someplace where they could talk, finding a doorway, he pushed her back against the old, faded brick, kissing her, tongue slipping into her mouth, tasting lemon against her lips before he pulled away from her. “Why the fuck did you leave Bogota without saying goodbye?”
“Wait you came all the way to fuckin Italy to ask me that? Are you insane?”
“No. Yes. Fuck. I came here because I didn’t realize until I woke up to an empty bed, a fucking note, and you gone, that I love you.”
“You have lost your mind. Javi please don’t do this because I seriously can’t handle it. I’ve seen you with other women, I’ve seen you use them, hell I’ve seen you break them, and I can’t be just another one in a long line of em.”
“You’re not,” he said. “You’re not just another one of them. Te quiero hermosa.”
“Yea heard you say that a time or two. Look, what happened that night, it was, and this is not to feed your ego, was amazing but I am also not stupid. I can’t take the chance that this is nothing more than a fling and, in the end, the only one picking up the pieces is me as you move on to whoever can give you intel on whatever big bad you’re chasing.”
“God you fucking talk too much.” He kissed her again, hands wrapping in the thickness of her hair, before he nipped his way to her shoulder, teeth and lips, digging into the curve of muscle and sinew, suckling until he heard her gasp, her fingers digging into his hips. The tip of his tongue ran over the red mark on her skin, knowing he marked again, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Now every man in Rome will know that you belong to me.”
“I am not a possession Javier Pena.”
“Fuck I didn’t mean it that way. God damn it, Elise. No one is fuckin perfect but I’m standing in the middle of a fucking country I’ve never been to, chasing you around the globe wanting you, no one else, why can’t you see that?”
She stood frozen for a moment, eyes wide with shock, his words hitting her like the tidal wave crashing over her. Taking a deep breath, she slowly let it out, “Because I don’t want to be hurt, can’t you understand that? I’ve been in love with you, all this time and there is a part of me that wants you too, to love all the parts you are. Demanding, possessive, passionate, asshole, dedicated. The risk? Of this? Of believing you want me this much is something I don’t know how to handle.”
“It’s not going to be cut and dry baby. It ain’t like intel where you dissect it all. Just feel it.” He took a deep breath, frustration giving away to relief, stepping closer, eyes locking onto hers. “I get it hermosa, never been down this road before with anyone. Scared shitless that I’ll fuck it up but let’s try to see where this goes.”
Feeling the warmth of his body against her, hearing all the words, let’s be honest, every woman wants to hear, “Okay,” she whispered, voice barely audible. Something in the back of her mind was telling her this was a mistake, of the highest, but fuck it, she thought, because she didn’t want to be that person who turns a hundred and has regrets. Fingers tugged on the belt loops of his jeans, she pulled him closer, tongue tracing the outline of his jugular, skin tangy with the salt of his sweat.
His breath caught as she pulled him closer, feeling her mouth against his throat. “I just want to get away from all of this. Just you and me, away from the crowds, from everything. I want to be alone with you, beneath me. Fuck we need to go now or I am going to take you against this building and we’re getting arrested.”
As dawn began to creep along the city, fingers pinched her nipples as she straddled him, hips rolling in circles, his cock buried deep within her body, he pulled her down to him, lips hard and demanding against hers, devouring her orgasm as his spilled into her depths, her heartbeat erratic against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her.
His name was whispered breathlessly, her voice trembling with the aftermath of their orgasms, feeling his embrace tighten around her, hands now trailing down her back, she pulled back slightly to look into his eyes, a soft smile playing on her lips as she rolled off of his body, laying on her side. “Didn’t get much sleep last night. We should stay in today, order room service.”
Grabbing her wrist, he pulled her towards him, a hand cupping her breast, nipple still erect beneath his palm. “I don’t think I will ever get enough of you hermosa, so I am in agreement with you on that. Te amo.”
“Yo también te quiero, cariño.”
“Getting better with the Spanish.”
“Been practicing.”
Fuck, he thought, hearing his native language fall from her lips, he was in deep with her and it was a realization that hit him with a force of a hurricane, watching her as her eyes drifted closed, breathing steady as she fought staying awake, losing the battle. How the fuck had he fallen for her? He, who had always kept emotions in check, as he whored his way through Bogota, taking down drug cartels, not wanting involvement. Figured he would be scared out of his fucking mind but he wasn’t. The last thought he had before sleep claimed him? How he could get re-assigned to Miami.
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gottawriteanegoortwo · 7 months
The Stress of an Election - Marmien
Word Count: 743
The election campaign was causing a lot of excitement across the city. It was expected that the young lawyer with little experience in both life and in politics would have survived the process of getting political backing to even begin his campaign.
Yet, despite the odds, Damien survived that and two election debates. He was truly the underdog that was shooting up the popularity rankings. But just as a pendulum swings to and fro, so too did this approval rating come with a cost of fierce opposition.
"- could have some sort of negative consequence if I make even one mistake. And you know as well as I do that my family will not be there to support me, which further backs the claim that I'm merely doing this for attention."
Mark, lounging on the sofa in the living room of his family home, watched with furrowed eyebrows as Damien paced the length of the coffee table. His words were as quick as his steps, doing nothing but amplifying the fears he had skilfully kept hidden from everyone else in the small circle of trusted confidants.
"What if I ruin everything?" At last, the pacing came to a halt as Damien turned to Mark. "I'm running an election campaign on a shoestring budget, ten years earlier than I planned because I allowed my parents to push me into this so I could be of use to them. And when I refused their money so they couldn't turn that into 'favours owed' down the line, they upped my office hours!"
"So now I'm juggling two full-time jobs when I should be in a position to take a career break because I can't afford to take time off work. But on the other hand, I'm already too far to back out."
Oh no. The pacing had resumed. This time, it was paired with the frantic rolling of one hand over another. Mark knew the gesture well as one of Damien's clear anxious ticks. He normally hid it well, but if anyone on the opposite team caught wind of it, Damien would be a goner.
A thought briefly crossed Mark’s mind as to whether he should find something to help alleviate the stress by channelling it into a held item. An idea for another time, for sure. Right now… If Damien was left to stew any longer, his worry would likely bubble over into a panicked mess.
It was time to act.
"Damesy…" The affectionate pet name was repeated as Mark got to his feet and snatched both of Damien's hands in his. "The people love you. You chose to run so the common people would have a voice that wasn’t tainted. You don’t speak for the rich snobs who already have other politicians in their back pockets. You’re already making waves and getting people to pay attention.”
“Yes, but -”
“Those who don’t like you can see the change you’re bringing. It was easy to keep the status quo when the majority weren’t paying attention, yes?” Mark’s question earned him a slow nod from Damien. “It means you’re doing everything right. Things wouldn’t be easy otherwise, and where’s the fun in that?”
“Easy for you to say.” Damien huffed, glancing aside. “You’re the one who could break an antique vase and still have everyone loving you by the end of it. I wish I could back out, but it would prove everyone right -”
Words were not going to help quell the worries in the young politician’s mind, so Mark opted to lean forward and kiss Damien on the forehead. When the action prompted a brief pause, he ducked down just enough to peck Damien’s lips.
“What you need right now,” he murmured, refusing to move too far back, “is a nice cup of tea, a chance to sit down, and something else to worry about. I mean, not that I’d know anything…”
“Mark…?” When the actor coyly stepped back, Damien reached out to grab his wrist. “What else is going on?”
“I mean… You didn’t hear this from me, but our childhood friend with the yard brush for a face accessory was an absolute buffoon when he came with me to the theatre’s band practice yesterday.” The opening line was all he needed to have Damien’s attention shift away from the worries of today. Mark seized the opportunity to pull Damien close to him, wrap an arm around his waist, and lead him into the kitchen.
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xbadgerbearx · 5 months
chapter 6: 9 lives
Tumblr media
word count: 2k
Sonata in Darkness: [5] ... [7]
Finding Bruce Wayne at your place of work was rather surprising. You felt bad looking at him; he was a total mess after what the Riddler revealed to the public about his family. Although it seems like the Wayne’s deserved it, you still felt bad for the surviving Wayne. Before, you thought Bruce might have thought himself too good for the public—he was never out, never did anything with his money, didn’t do anything. Now, things were different. The way he interacted with you at the funeral changed everything. He was not above anyone; he treated you, someone who people like Falcone take advantage of, with respect and kindness. The assumption that he didn’t want to be out in the public because he was too good for anyone was wrong; you could see that he was just slightly awkward and introverted. ‘Maybe I’ll have to give him a call later,’ you thought. ‘But not right now. I have to find Selina.’
Selina was supposed to find Batman—she had thought of a plan that they could use to find Kenzie, so she was grabbing him. ‘Just don’t make any moves without me,’ Batman’s voice echoed in your head. You touched your lips as you remembered your kiss that you shared shortly after. As you were heading out of the building to meet Selina at the bat signal, you found her leaning against the alleyway outside of the building. She was fuming.
“He’s not there,” she shouted, frustrated. “I’ve waited for hours—he never showed!” 
“Maybe he’s just busy—“
“I say we do this without him,” she decided. “Probably easier too. That asshole has to pay now.”
Honestly, you thought that you really should wait for Batman. “Selina,” you said gently, hoping to calm her down. “Remember what happened last time? At the recycling plant?” Selina arched her brow. “Last time we did something without him, we almost died.”
“Yeah, well, you live and you learn. So what, you backing out too?”
“Then come one, let’s go. I’ve already thought up an alternative plan while I was waiting for the dick to show up.”
You found yourself back into the club and applying a fresh swipe of lipstick as you approached the 44 Below entrance. Kenzie was there guarding the door, eyes already on you and staring hungrily. 
“Hey, sugar,” he greeted cheerfully. “Haven’t seen you for a while. You working tonight?”
“No, I just got off,” you giggled. “I was hoping on catchin’ a ride home…”
“Well if you need a ride, I can pay a taxi for—“
“…with you.” You batted your eyes and picked at his sleeve. “Please?”
Whatever internal battle Kenzie had with himself was short lived because he gave in rather quickly. “Ah, what the hell. Just let me grab my keys and ask one of the guys to take my place. I get off in 15 minutes anyways.” He returned to you, eagerly. “Let’s go, baby.”
Taking his hand, he followed as you led the way. He was getting rather handsy. The twin bodyguards let out a whistle as they saw you leave with Kenzie; you flashed them a smile. The alley was pretty dark—no street lights—and you were gonna ask him something before he suddenly pushed you against the wall.
“I don’t think I can wait that long,” he huffed. “I’ve been eyeing you for a loooong time now. Be a good girl and—“ His feet slid back from beneath him, causing him to drop to the ground hard. He let out a wheeze.
Before he could make another remark, you quickly covered his mouth and wrapped your arm around his neck. You only let up once he passed out. 
“Nice job,” Selina complimented while coming out of the shadows. She was retrieving her chain from around his legs. You shrugged and started going through his pockets. A watch, his phone, his gun, another phone—wait…
“Selina, I think this is your phone.”
“What? Give it here,” she demanded before immediately grabbing it from you. She swiped on it for a few seconds before letting out a chilling cry. “I—oh my god. She called me! Annika called me!” Crying, she clutched her phone to her chest. You had to pry her fingers away so you could grab it back. Pressing play started a horrifying voicemail.
“Help,” Annika pleaded into the phone before a man yelled at you to get back. 
“Hey, hey, what’re you doin’, Kenzie? You’re scaring her.” It was Carmine Falcone. You paused the recording. 
“I really think we should wait for Batman,” you told her.
“Play it.”
“I said play it, goddamnit!” 
Staring at her, you thought for a moment. “Not here,” you said slowly. “We’ll listen to it but not here.” Selina nodded curtly after a while. “Help me with him, would you?”
Selina tied him up with some zip ties that she had brought and you both heaved him onto your motorcycle—not before she took his gun, of course. You handed Selina her phone, which you were sure she listened to on the way to the bat signal given the tears going down her face. She helped you carry him into the elevator, albeit rather roughly, and dropped him onto the ground by the ledge. You turned on the light to signal Batman hoping that he would see and put on your catsuit that Selina brought with her. She was already in hers.
You sat against the building near the elevator; you were waiting for Kenzie to wake up or for Batman to show up—whichever came first. Your phone buzzed once in your pocket. Fishing it out, you saw a text from an unknown number. 
Hey, it’s Bruce.
You totally forgot to text him with everything going on. Under better circumstances, you would have loved to talk to him; you’re a little busy at the moment. Kenzie was still down though, so you tapped your finger on the keyboard as you replied. 
Hey… How’re you doing? You feeling alright?
I’ve been better.
Sorry about earlier, I was a total mess.
It’s okay!
Don’t worry about it, I’m sure there’s enough on your plate
Yeah, haha.
I was thinking maybe we could meet up sometime?
I really need a break, it would be nice to relax after everything that’s happened.
Coffee, lunch, or dinner? Your pick.
Bruce Wayne asking you out? Say it ain’t so! As you thought up a reply, Kenzie soon woke up dazed. He groaned as he sat up. Quickly pocketing your phone—and leaving Bruce on read—you stood up and made your way to the man.
“Get on your knees,” you ordered. He spat at your feet so you kicked him hard in the ribs. “Now!” He let out a pained wheeze as he shuffled into position. 
Everything was rather quiet as you waited. Kenzie’s labored breath and the bustle of the city were the only things you could hear as you stared at the bat-shaped light in the sky. Your phone buzzed once again after a while, but you couldn’t check it as you were watching Kenzie. Selina, however, was growing in frustration, gun in hand.
“What do you want? Please, don’t—“
“Shut up,” Selina shouted as she punched him from under his chin, causing him to reel his head back. She let out her anger by assaulting him, causing him to cry out. This lasted for a while before the sound of the elevator stopping to open caused you to turn around. Batman, as well as a police officer—whom you recognized as Gordon from the funeral—marched out. You stood by Kenzie, waiting. A memory of you  flashed in Batman’s mind; ‘So anytime I want to see you I just need to light that bad boy up?’ He was hoping you would have called him for a different reason…he also understood why you never texted him back.
“I found him,” Selina called out as she gave him a kick that made him bend over.
“I see that.” Batman’s guard was up.
“He had my shit and my phone. She left a message the night they took her. She called me—“
“—Gordon! Help me out, man! She got my gun!”
“Shut up,” you ordered as you smacked the back of his head. Selina aimed the gun at him.
“Put the gun down.”
“I’m telling you, god damn it! She called me,” Selina yelled at Batman. When he didn’t relent, she pulled the gun away and fished out her phone. “Listen.”
“Hey, get back here! Where are you going? Come back here!” Annika cried into the phone.
“Hey, hey, what’re you doin’, Kenzie? You’re scaring her.”
“I’m—I’m sorry, Mr. Falcone—“
“—Please, please, please,” Annika begged. “Please don’t hurt me, please.”
“Hey, don’t be scared,” Falcone assured. “Come here.” Batman and Gordon leaned in closer, listening. A tear fell onto your cheek as you covered your mouth in silent horror. “Now let me ask you again. What did Mitchell tell you?”
“No—nothing. He—“
“Don liked to talk, I know that. Especially to pretty girls like you. That’s why I made him take your passport, until we could have this little…conversation.”
“All I want to do is get out of here, okay?” Between Annika’s voice trembling and her thick accent, it was a little hard to hear. “You’ll never hear from me again, nobody will, please—!               
“We’re gonna get you outta here, I promise,” Falcone raised his voice in frustration. “But first, I gotta know…what did he tell you?”
“He…he just said that they all made a deal with you.”
“Oh,” he hummed. “He told you about that, huh? The deal?”
“He said you gave some information on some drops thing, and that’s how he became mayor. He said that you were a very important man.”
“Right,” he hummed again. “Okay.” Annika’s piercing scream filled the air. More tears fell from your eyes as you could hear her struggling. “Just take it easy.”
“Jesus, he’s strangling her,” Gordon said. A few more seconds of tussling played until the phone call ended. Batman was deep in thought.
“Rata Alana,” he said. “A falcon has wings, too.”
“Falcone is the rat?” Gordon asked. The men looked at Kenzie. Walking up to him, Gordon asked, “Falcone works for you guys? The mayor? The D.A.?”
Kenzie swallowed. “No,” he sighed shakily. “We work for him. Everybody does.”
Batman asked, “How?”
“Through Renewal. Renewal is everything.”
“The Renewal fund?” Gordon pressed.
“Yeah. After Thomas Wayne died, they all went after it like vultures. The mayor, Falcone, Maroni. Everyone got in on it. It was perfect for making bribes, laundering money—a huge charitable fund with no oversight. Everybody got a piece.” Kenzie took a labored breath before continuing, “But Falcone wanted more. So he orchestrated a play to take Maroni down big. He’d rat out his drops operation, make the careers of everybody that went after him, then install them all as his puppets.” Batman looked at you. “You think this goddamn election matters? Falcone’s the mayor. Has been for the last 20 years.”
“Come on, Vengeance,” Selina said. “Let’s go kill that son of a bitch…this creep too—“ you put your hands on Kenzie’s shoulders to hold him still. “—let’s finish this.”
“No!” Batman knocked the gun out of Selina’s hand. She readied herself for a fight. “We’ll get him. But not that way.”
“There is no other way,” you finally said. “He owns the city! Did you not hear him?”
“Cross that line, you’ll become just like him.” Batman’s gaze shifted from Selina to you. His eyes pleaded as he said, “Listen to me. Don’t throw your life away.” His attention went back to your feline partner as she studied his face. Her composure suddenly changed to a relaxed one; you knew what was about to happen. Batman was not with you.
“Don’t worry, honey,” Selina said as you rested your foot onto Kenzie’s chest. You smiled at him as she said, “I got nine of them.” Instantly, Selina shoved Batman away letting you kick Kenzie off the building. Both men lurch forward to save the falling man, letting Selina grab the fallen gun. Batman’s harpoon gun quickly fires around his ankle, allowing the men to pull him up. As they were distracted, you and Selina ran to some wires that were used to pull a crane, sliding down them gracefully. You could hear Kenzie screaming. 
Already speeding away on your motorcycles to the club, you couldn’t see Batman chasing you down the building.    
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loving-jack-kelly · 2 years
I love Jack Kelly so much and so I adore your posts. so curious on how you feel about some in the fandom treating Jack like a villain because of his ‘betrayal’ and don’t think his reasoning is ‘good enough’? it irritates me to no end because they have no idea who Jack is.
oh anon this is one of my favorite things to talk about how did you know?
the thing is. this is addressed specifically in the show. So Jack, an escaped "criminal" and homeless orphan who is also the leader/protector of a gang of other homeless orphans, gets put in an impossible position. "cowboy or convict [Pulitzer] wins either way." he has two options when he chooses to "betray" the strike:
option one: take the money, do his best to stop the strike from continuing, and run away from the only home he's ever known to a dream he knows probably won't ever be reality (and let's be real here, Jack is a dreamer but he isn't stupid. he knows that Sante Fe will never be all it is in his head but he clings to that hope because he's idealistic, knowing full well it's not gonna work the way he wishes it would if he ever does make it out). taking option one means breaking the trust of the people he's looking out for, but it also means they're safe. the strike is over, they stop getting beat up, they still have work and therefore won't starve.
option two: refuse the money, let Snyder take him to the Refuge, and let the strike continue knowing full well that Pulitzer can and will ensure that all of the people he cares about are locked up, too. including Davey and Les, who have so much more to lose comparatively because they're not homeless orphans, they have a home and a family. Pulizter is directly threatening all of the people Jack loves, and Jack knows he'll make good on it, and Jack knows how bad the Refuge is.
so for Jack, this boils down to a simple choice: protect them, or let them get hurt. and for Jack, that's a non-choice
everything that Jack does is filtered through this lens of selflessness that borders on self-destruction. the end justifies the means as long as the end is that everyone he loves is safe and cared for. he will provoke a fight with the delanceys if it means nobody else gets hit. he will let all of them think he's betraying them if it means they're safe. who cares if they hate him as long as they're alive and out of the Refuge?
you can see it in that scene. he comes in confident and guns blazing, and doesn't change his mind at all until Pulitzer brings the other newsies into it. he doesn't care if he gets hurt. he knows that a strike is dangerous, and as long as Pulizter is focused on him, who cares? he's fighting for the most important thing in the world, his kids. but when Pulizter is threatening his kids, and the choice is lose them or let them get hurt. well. who cares if he's happy, as long as they're safe? who cares if Santa Fe has always been a pipe dream that he had no real intention of following, he'll survive. he'll be fine. they'll be fine. and that's what matters.
and listen. if jack had really intended on running to Santa Fe, he would have already done it. why didn't he hop a train? why is he so insistent on paying for a ticket? to me, it screams more of that idealism. will he ever realistically be able to save enough to get there? no. and that's part of the comfort of the dream: as long as it isn't real, it can't disappoint him (just be real is all I'm asking, not some painting in my head, 'cause I'm dead if I can't count on you today. I got nothing if I ain't got Santa Fe. how much more scared of Santa Fe disappointing him than staying here is he? i bet a lot. he needs the dream to be perfect).
but of course he chooses to protect his kids because that's what he does. that's what he's always done. that's why he's their leader. he refuses to let them get left behind, he refuses to see them hurt, and he will let them think the worst of him if it means at least they're safe.
on the rooftop, katherine says "I need to know you didn't cave for the money" and Jack says no almost dismissively because of course he didn't. obviously he didn't. Jack who tried to refuse payment from Medda because why should somebody who cares for him need to pay him? Jack who drops two bits, half a day's profit, on somebody he just met? Jack who only started this whole thing in the first place because he knows how bad it will be for the kids who don't move as many papers as him? please. why would he cave for the money? and Katherine was there, she heard Pulitzer threaten the other kids, she should know this.
and then at the end. the strike settled, jack should probably be hitting the road, right? because how could they want him to stay, now that he's betrayed them? except he didn't, and they know he didn't, now that they know what happened. he didn't do it for the money, and he never would have. he only did it because it was the only way he could protect everyone.
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kirbyliker12 · 1 year
What's ur full analysis on Susie
Ohoho….😏😏😏I suppose…..I’ll Unleash the Thoughts all at once😏😏😏😏😏normally you’d need more kirbyliker14EXP(exposure points) for it to be comprehensible but recommended levels are always wrong (this is the worst intro I have ever made
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Ok first of all to get That out of the way uhh the whole star Allies Susie desc got mistranslated(classic star allies!) basically it’s supposed to be like “helping other planets with technology” and the whole exterminate thing is supposed to be just crushing bad people okay are we clear did we get that good (also I’m gonna be putting my Suzy kaomoji between points because I Said So(It might act b me favorite ?? I’m reely happy w how it turned out 😙my magolor kaomoji ᴑ /₍⸌╷╷⸍₎\ ᴑ is close but I think it’s mostly bc I felt proud as hell after figuring out how to put the ears on one line)
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Ok first off her lore basically blah blah Suzy was Exposed To The Internet At A Young Age
Fun(?????????) fact😋 as it makes no sense for Max to have done those experiments with star dream with his only daughter in close proximity so it’s highly likely that Suzy disobeyed her fathers warnings and prohibition and technically caused her own disappearance (why am I mentioning dis??😏ermm aheu heu you’ll c)
Suzy returns after seeing the Horrors and now works for Max
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Come to think of it idk if Suzy even knew of max’s real goal like ik the novel made it so he openly misses her but ?? The novel also made him live at the end so No Im not counting that data in my
Anyway blah blah Suzy feels resentment for max and how either A)simple minded his goal of “unlimited money” is or B) that he doesn’t even recognize her
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Notably this is prevalent in the Japanese version as shown which means he intentionally tried to forget his feelings (in other words what makes a human=human) and then started forgetting them more after more usage but didn’t see a problem with it (why are the haltmanns Like That)
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Anyway time for the main story events
It’s been established that this is after Susie clawed her way out of hell(???) (before magolor made it cool) at like idk 11 years old so that’s slightly less impressive than the average Kirby adventure
Also that max has now lost abt 90% of his self (willingly??? Idk don’t ask me) and appears to focus entirely on money
Mr maxx pulls a questionable rant out at Kirby and tries to obliterate this 9 year olds entire world after losing a single battle but Suzy takes the helmet right after it touches his head(a tiny bit too late to enact the action?? A tiny bit too early???? Is this the worst outcome????Could he have survived and been reasoned with after defeat ???? I still don’t know STOP ASKING ME) and she enacts her famous line
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She was so real for that she yippyd before it was cool oh anyway she then comes out(WOOOO GOOD FOR HER💥💥💥💥💥) as someone who’s been Against max all this time (in other words…disobeying her father…..😏😏😏I can’t believe Suzy made a Suzy reference)
However her calculated plan backfires and as the helmet touched his head but he didn’t have the helmet he gets 99% of his entire self destroyed and now the cold calculated machine decides to destroy the universe (erm…WHOOPS!😂😂😂 susie is so losercoded I can’t believe everyone calls her the Normal Person how do you screw up a plan this bad like seriously oh my god marx and magolor enacted their plan perfectly and taranza managed to technically bring the heros of the lower worlds to sectonia but Susie completely screwed up they should start calling her Losie)
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However when learning of this susie doesn’t react in a normal way like there’s no sulking or sad face she gets up and immediately thinks of a plan to defeat star dream (giving Kirby the gimmick that notably cannot fly for very long without certain abilities and has quite short ranged attacks) then meta knight shows up n gives a much better plan by using his cool ship
As you can see her body language is all formal and cool and she’s all commanding and stuff (her autistic stare has captivated my soul) HOWEVER😏😏😏😏😂😏ohhh babyyyy I was dying after realizing this
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As soon as they fly off screen susie immediately establishes a more desperate pose and language (in like. Every other version I think this is the American version even Europe got it better Suzy uses a formal name for Kirby instead of pinky)
In other words Suzy refuses to show her weakness in front of people(LOSIE THEORY CONFIRMED??????) then at the end she immediately leaves pop star instead of like lingering around to celebrate with Kirby like taranza did or the end of rtdl with Kirby’s chums (u can probably use ur imagination for the possible reasons she chooses to be alone😙😙😙)
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ok robobot events over wooo anyway I Wasnt Sure How To Title This
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Robobot is known for having a similar lore story to Taranza where villian that dies actually lost their self prior to the events of the game and the villian who gets redeemed had a persona connection with them
When we later see Suzy in Allies she appears Completely Normal And Fine compared to taranza
However I really doubt that she’s just FINE I mean you saw during the cutscenes I bet offscreen she’s tormented by thinking abt what her dad could have been and how he ended up and how she caused his fate (ok I changed my mind I don’t want losie theory to be confirmed take it back)
Notably, she’s completely dedicated herself to max’s company even though she seemed to really dislike him at the end(she coulda just made a whole new company)is this her way of apologizing for destroying him ?? A way of making her dad proud ????? Where do these questions keep coming from
While taranza gets to openly grieve and dedicate some time to receiving closure Suzy does Not the whole thing abt planet robobot is constantly upgrading and improving and so on and GRIEF is COUNTER PRODUCTIVE (oouuhhhghgghh I feel like things obtained from evolution that are counterproductive to modern life could b soo interesting to explore with Suzy like uh adrenaline giving you paranoia and complex emotions such as guilt and embarrassment being a side effect of brains developing more)
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No more “girlboss” Susie we’ve advanced to LOSIE susie now 👍👍👍👍👍👍
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thenixkat · 5 months
Prolific The Rapper x A Tribe Called Red - Black Snakes [Updated]
[Intro] One family If we don't stand, who will? One Earth
[Verse 1] The wind comes in four corners Four directions, four colors And death rides on 4 horsemen A black snake with some black tanks (ugh) How much money do these companies need to make? They could drive their product But they want to save a buck Already extracted billions When is enough, enough? I used to be in the oil fields, getting paid But I quit, 'cause oil-water I can't drink Looked down and seen Kimimila die in the mud I looked up and told myself that enough's enough Money does not own my soul, living comfortable Is not in my plans, my hands in the sand Some things worth more than gold Some things they can't be sold Some things can't be replaced She is your mother, the fresh water is her veins
[Bridge] Turtle Island, not black snakes The fresh water is her veins What is going on have we all lost our minds? Every human needs clean water to survive
[Verse 2] Love is the strongest This path is the hardest But if we weren't strong enough to do it we wouldn't see it Our prayers would not be needed This movement's very needed Indigenous wisdom unheeded And sacred things depleted I'm Mexicano, ma Lakota, and I'm white, too I'm mixed with everyone So part of me's just like you Every group of human beings shares the same stars And if the earth is not your mother Are you from Mars?
[Bridge] This side of the planet's been in decline since 1492 500 years and counting Surviving the genocide they call "colonizing my Turtle Island" [Verse 3] What is a fossil fuel? Continued destruction, nothing new Live in a system Taking our children Shifting their feelings Till nothings true I had that money in front of me but I left it 'Cause oil money's dirty if my Mother gets disrespected We're disconnected, these times are hectic And feeling heavy But we still love all living beings And suffer for the many We are a peaceful people That's why we walk with prayer And if that wasn't true We wouldn't be standing here
[Outro] We're peaceful people Who walk with prayer Turtle Island, have no fear Despite what they show in the media We're kind people, hold your ground Change is coming now
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unexistingdotnet · 1 year
Headcanon for Gem’s Origin
Based on other ideas about Empires/ Hermitcraft Gem. Sticks to earlier posts about Gem/ Dawn, and a couple about Pearl.
Word Count: 1k (How has this happened)
Mix of a headcanon and a fic. 
Mentions of Death, Blood, Financial issues, Alcohol
Our story starts in Dawn. Back long before Gem could even dream of being the princess of Dawn. Yes, everyone must start their story somewhere, even a being who now possesses so much power as miss Geminitay. Because like all beings as powerful as her, she was not born with these powers, but earned them over time.
Gem’s story starts on the coasts of Dawn, right next to the docks. Her parents were both part of the fishing business. Her Mother caught the fish and her father would sell it out of their stall. This was good work, and they were proud of what they did. Gem grew up to be an intensely clever girl, as she would spend her free time hanging out with either of her parents, sitting in a corner in her mother’s boat or her father’s stall. However, in this particular era, this was not rich work, as the price of fish was falling fast.
Dawn’s wealth was booming, driven by a few now wealthy merchants who had established ties to many other empires. These new connections created trade routes that tied Dawn to the world at large, including several empires with richer ports that hauled in huge quantities of fish, which they could now export to Dawn on the cheap.
Not that Gem understood any of that. All she saw was that something was happening in the world and it meant she saw her parents less, and when she did, they seemed more anxious. This was a somewhat confusing and poorly timed twist for Gem. But, she was old enough to somewhat piece together than the source of these issues was money. So as she enter adolescence, she kept a sideways eye on this.
Nothing of note happened for most of Gem’s life until she turned eighteen, the draft age for Dawn. Dawn had always poured money into keeping their country safe, so the pay for military personnel was excellent. And Gem knew she was exactly the kind of girl they were looking for.
Gem signed up, against the very adamant wishes of her parents. Most people in Dawn’s military are the people with swords, the ones they post on the border to send a message to any neighbors who get a little bold. Gem, unfortunately, was not cut out for that kind of work.
She was always smart, and always fit, and she was destined for better things. A small country like Dawn needs a very specific political climate in order to survive. Gem’s mission was to keep the world in that climate, by any means necessary.
And Gem was good at this. She surprised herself with how easily she could perform her subterfuge and assassinations. By the time she was twenty-four, she could already trace her handiwork to the end of several political movements and the collapse of an entire empire. The work was bloody and taxing, but very, very rich.
When she was twenty-six, Gem was tired. It was difficult for her to tap down an exact moment that took the life out of her. Really it was just the accumulation of death and destruction her hand had caused. For those working with her, it was a truly bizarre series of events. One random mission, the blood of her last victim still splattered on her face. She left. She dropped her sword and knives and walked into the streets. She disappeared into the crowd, and wouldn’t reappear for years.
Where was she in this time? Gem made her way through the jungle, some jungle she was not really familiar with. She found a small halfway home. It was attended by a half man half rabbit tending a bar. 
“Hm.” He took a look at Gem’s bloodied appearance. “You look like our usual clientele. What do you drink?”
“Something strong, I don’t care.”
The bartender looked at her for a minute. “Apple juice it is.”
Gem found the place confusing, to say the least. It was appointed like any roadside inn across the empires, yet there was something strange about this place. As instinct dictated, she scoured the place for anything useful or unexpected. Outside of her gear, she only found a book, a small one that would fit in her pocket. It had a sunflower painted on the cover, although the paint was beginning to chip. Gem had always assumed these places where legends, yet here she was, in one of Saint Pearl’s lost Temples.
Filled with wonder for the first time in ages, Gem explored. She poked her head into every nook and corner she could find to see as much of this place as she could.
“This place is severely off-limits.” A deep voice boomed as Gem started to enter the basement.
“Sorry! I was just looking around.”
The voice laughed. “I’m kidding, I just like spookin people.” Gem turned to see a golden haired woman wearing a green apron grinning at her. “But seriously, that’s a crypt. I wouldn’t go down there alone. It’s creepy, and that’s coming from me.”
“Well, that sounds like an offer to join me.”
“I’d say you trust too easily, but let’s face it, no one ends up in my corner of paradise because they were too trusting.”
This woman, of course, was not some rogue janitor, but Saint Pearl herself. From the clouds, Pearl had take note of her as someone who could have an interesting and useful second chance. Gem became Pearl’s warlock. For years, she did nothing but travel through different empires, and eventually dimensions doing whatever she wanted, more or less. A strange stipulation of their warlock pact, Gem has to be doing things she loves to do. A lot of that was roleplay. She’d enter a new dimension, and get to just transform herself into whatever version of herself she wanted to be, and just spend time playing in these worlds, always trying to make them prettier. At first, she had tried just making them better, but found her powers worked far better when she just tried to make things sparkle a little more.
At this point, Gem is technically not bound by her warlock pact anymore. Her sheer willpower and joy means she generates her own magic now, she is an ethereal being, not technically a god, but certainly more than a mortal. And she spends her days doing what she was meant to do: whatever she wants.
Well, this was supposed to be a head canon and now its like a mini fic.  
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Favorite Reads of 2022
The only criteria I have for this list is that I need to have read it this year. Audio dramas sadly don’t count, but they are ok for the honorable mentions.
The reason I even mention them at all is because I can’t speak Japanese, so therefore I had to read along with some translations. Also if they would be on the list more than half of this would be Nitro+Chiral stuff and as much as I love their stories, I’d like to have at least a little variety.
Speaking of Nitro+Chiral, btw:
10: DRAMAtical Murder re:connect
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Content Warnings:
Body Horror, Cannibalism, Emotional Abuse, Explicit Sex, Explicit Violence, Incest … kind of?, Kidnapping, Mature Themes, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Domestic Abuse, Self-Harm
Average Rating: 7.85/10 (VNStat)
Fandisk of the original game that expands a bit more on every ending, with some extra content.
(Synopsis by ✨yours truly✨)
My Rating: 8/10
My Opinion:
Not much to say. I love DRAMAtical Murder, so I love re:connect. If the game wouldn’t be 80% smashing it would definitely be way higher though. Like, I don’t mind sex scenes, but do they have to be the main draw in the good endings?
9: Dekoboko Sugar Days
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Content Warnings:
Explicit Sex
Average Rating: 7.52/10
When they were little kids, Yuujirou Matsukaze rescued the poor Rui Hanamine from an unlucky incident. It was love at first sight for Yuujirou, and from that moment on, he knew that he had to protect Rui at all costs.
Now in high school, Rui stands tall at 186 cm and is strongly attached to Yuujirou, who is conscious of his height of only 165 cm. Despite knowing each other for so long, Rui remains oblivious to Yuujirou's feelings, and Yuujirou cannot bring himself to express his emotions. But as they grow more aware of what they feel deep inside, the harder it gets to contain their sweet sentiments for each other.
My Rating: 8/10
My Opinion:
Very cute little romcom I read whenever I need to bring a smile to my face. This is really all I have to say. It is just very cute and funny and adorable and the two main characters are absolute idiots and I love that.
8: Sweet Home
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Content Warnings:
Bullying, Mature Themes, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Suicide, Violence, Domestic Abuse
Average Rating: 8.27/10
Cha Hyun is a reclusive high school student who spends his days holed up in his room playing video games. But when he loses his entire family in a tragic car accident, he is forced to leave his home and carefree lifestyle behind and move into a new apartment all by himself. However, his pesky neighbors and lack of money soon become the least of his worries as people around him suddenly begin turning into horrifying monsters, plunging the world into apocalyptic chaos.
The situation takes a turn for the worse when Hyun realizes that he himself is slowly turning into a monster, while a mysterious voice in his head grows louder and louder. With his time running out, Hyun must work together with his fellow tenants to uncover the cause of the outbreak and find a way to survive in this hopeless new world, all the while fighting to retain his humanity.
My Rating: 9/10
My Opinion:
Incredibly gripping. It was really hard to put it down and I loved following the main character on his journey to discover his humanity and regain his will to live.
7: My Brother’s Husband
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Content Warnings:
Average Rating: 8.17/10
Yaichi Origuchi's uneventful day is interrupted by a big, burly foreigner who shows up at his front door and begins to hug him. The man introduces himself as Mike Flanagan, and Yaichi quickly discovers that Mike is the widower of Ryouji, his younger twin brother. Since Ryouji left for Canada a decade ago, Yaichi heard nothing about him other than he married a foreigner and passed away the month before.
While Yaichi is apprehensive about the whole situation, his young daughter Kana is absolutely thrilled at the idea of having a gay Canadian uncle. Kana's lack of understanding of Japanese societal views on homosexuality cause Yaichi to reflect on his own preconceived notions. And as Mike continues to stay with the family, Yaichi gradually learns more about his brother-in-law, and he recalls his own past with Ryouji.
My Rating: 9/10
My Opinion:
Another very cute read and you can see that casual homophobia in Japanese society is a topic the author is extremely passionate about. Now subtlety is not in this manga and I understand why. However, it is a bit annoying that the message is so strongly shoved in your face but that does not cancel out how cute and sweet it is to see the familial bonds develop and the main character to become a better and more tolerant person.
6: Magi
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Content Warnings:
Sexual Abuse Played as a Joke
Average Rating: 8.28/10
Fourteen years ago, mysterious buildings called "Dungeons" started to rise in various places around the world. Within these dungeons, powerful beings called djinns rule over. When a person successfully conquers the dungeon, the djinn offers their immense strength in the form of Metal Vessels, recognizing him or her as a worthy king candidate. Adventurers from many empires and kingdoms venture into the dungeons in search of their bountiful treasures and the power of djinns. However, to travel through them is not an easy task, and only Magi—legendary magicians who choose kings and develop countries—can guide people through.
After being trapped in a room for most of his life, a young Magi named Aladdin finally sets out on a journey to explore the world along with his friend, a djinn named Ugo, who he can summon from his flute. Through a series of fateful encounters, Aladdin meets new various friends and allies, and together they begin an adventure that will change the fate of the world.
My Rating: 8/10
My Opinion:
Magi still slays just as much as I remembered. Not much to say except that I absolutely adore politics, economics and especially philosophizing in Fantasy. Combine that with a fun cast of characters and a setting that isn’t based on medieval europe (thank fucking god) and you have me squealing in my seat while I read.
Also my favorite arcs are the Kou Empire arc, the Balbadd arc and the second Balbadd arc in that order.
5: Sweet Pool
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Content Warnings:
Cannibalism, Child Abuse, Cults, Emotional Abuse, Explicit Sex, Mental Illness, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Domestic Abuse, Mentions of Homophobia
Average Rating: 7.78/10 (VNStat)
After yet another long stay in the hospital, Sakiyama Youji hoped that things would finally get back to normal. But shortly after returning to school, his world begins to change — and no one seems to notice.
Bizarre symptoms plague his body, and vivid hallucinations of blood and flesh stalk his every waking moment. At the same time, two fellow students — the stoic Tetsuo and the notorious troublemaker Zenya — begin to take an intense and inexplicable interest in him.
What are Tetsuo and Zenya after? Are his hallucinations really nothing more? Everyone seems to know more than they’re letting on — but by trying to put the pieces together, Youji may be sowing the seeds of his doom.
My Rating: 8/10
My Opinion:
This story really grew on me the more I thought about it. This is definitely not for everyone. In fact, I would barely ever recommend this to someone. However, it is my favorite game to talk about because the premise is so bonkers. Just summarizing the plot will get some funny reactions out of people, which is what I’m living for.
But once you get past the extremely out there premise you get a really well executed slow paced horror and is tragically beautiful. When I listened to the audio drama of the characters just going to karaoke and hang out and have a good time, I was so happy for them that I almost cried,
I never would have expected a story about a dude shitting meat to touch me in this way, yet here I am, close to tears and kind of disturbed because what the fuck did I just read?
4: Our Dining Table
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Content Warnings:
Average Rating: 8.19/10
Yutaka Hozumi has always been bad at eating in the company of others, with people complaining that his presence makes mealtimes boring and food taste bad. While eating lunch alone one day, he is suddenly approached by a hungry little boy to whom he hands over the onigiri from his meal. When the boy's older brother shows up, Yutaka is introduced to Tane and Minoru Ueda—a pair of siblings with a significant age gap.
When Yutaka meets the brothers again, they ask to learn how to make his special rice balls; little Tane insists that they were the best he had ever eaten. Succumbing to Tane's adorable pleas and his own fear of the intimidating Minoru, Yutaka agrees to become their cooking teacher.
As lessons morph into meals, Yutaka and the siblings grow closer—but Tane and Minoru's close bond draws out uncomfortable memories for Yutaka, and there are feelings lurking beneath the surface of these group meals that were not initially apparent.
My Rating: 10/10
My Opinion:
This is just so wholesome and cute. To be fair this is mainly so high because I’m an absolute sucker for cute and wholesome things but that doesn’t make this any less heartwarming. As someone who loves to cook for other people I also love that, in this story,  food is used as a way for people to connect and bond over and form relationships that will last a lifetime.
Honorable Mentions:
Biting the Tiger (8/10)
DRAMAtical Murder Drama CD Vol. 1 Koujaku (8/10)
DRAMAtical Murder Drama CD Vol. 2 Clear (9/10)
DRAMAtical Murder Drama CD Vol. 4 Noiz (8/10)
Mom, I’m Gay (8/10)
My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness (8/10)
No.6 (8/10)
Sweet Pool Drama CD Everblue (7/10)
3: Alice in Borderland
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Content Warnings:
Mature Themes, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Content, Violence
Average Rating: 8.40/10
Feeling unsettled about the future, high school student Ryouhei Arisu often escapes the reality of life. After hanging out at a bar, Arisu and his best friends, Daikichi Karube and Chouta Segawa, wait for the first train to arrive in the morning. Suddenly, a colorful array of fireworks set off in the sky, and an enormous blinding firework renders them unconscious.
The trio finds themselves back at the bar covered in dust, discovering that the city has become a barren wasteland. But instead of being worried, Arisu feels alive for the very first time in his life and relishes the freedom of this lifeless city. However, his bliss is cut short when the group rashly enters a festival venue. Seeing its delicacies and lively ambiance, they think the place is a dream; unbeknownst to them, it will be the setting for their first deadly game.
Together with his friends, Arisu slowly enters the mysterious area known as the Borderland—an unknown country where every game puts their lives at stake, and a single misstep can lead to their demise.
My Rating: 9/10
My Opinion:
The only reason this isn’t a perfect 10/10 is because I am not a big fan of the romance, which had way too little build up and no chemistry, imo. This manga is just amazing, it is so intelligently written and I couldn’t put it down no matter how tired I was at times. First thing I did in the morning was reading this, first thing I did when I got home from work was reading this, last thing I did before going to bed was reading this, even though I was way too tired, forgot what I read and had to re-read it the next day.
It is just really good and I highly recommend it to anyone who can stomach the gore.
2: DRAMAtical Murder
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Content Warnings:
Cannibalism, Emotional Abuse, Explicit Sex, Explicit Violence, Kidnapping, Mature Themes, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Domestic Abuse, Self-Harm
Average Rating: 7.92/10 (VNStat)
"I will destroy you."
Midorijima. Situated to the south of Japan, this beautiful island was once a place where people lived in harmony with nature. Then the Toue Corporation took over, driving off most of the island's residents and forcing those who would not leave to live in the shadow of Platinum Jail, a walled-off megaresort where the wealthy wallow in luxury.
Aoba is a young man living with his grandmother in the Old Residential District, the last refuge of Midorijima's people. While his peers join gangs and fight for dominance of the streets or immerse themselves in the virtual reality game Rhyme, Aoba works part-time at a junk shop and hopes only that his peaceful life will last.
But strange things are happening on Midorijima, and Aoba will soon have to fight... or lose everything that he holds dear.
My Rating: 9/10
My Opinion:
Ok, listen: I love this game a lot, as you probably could have guessed from it being on number two. However, there are very few words that describe how much I have loved every second (that doesn’t have Mink) of this game.
I laughed and smiled so much during this game and despite knowing everything that will happen I still dreaded the bad endings and empathized with every single character and the situation they were in.
I almost cried, twice and still laugh about the memes that were made almost ten years ago.
If there is only one title you are willing to check out, please let it be this one (number one a few too many content warnings to recommend, imo). I know 18+ gay romances aren’t something everyone is interested in but, trust me, you won’t regret it.
Also, if you say anything against my boi Clear I will find out where you live.
1: Slow Damage
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Content Warnings:
Attempted Suicide, Child Abuse, Child Trafficing, Drug Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Explicit Sex, Explicit Violence, Gambling, Human Trafficing, Mature Themes, Mental Illness, Pedophilia (nothing is shown but it is mentioned a few times), Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Domestic Abuse, Self-Harm, Suicide, Mentions of Homophobia, also warning for strobe lights
Average Rating: 8.92/10 (VNStat)
The year is 20XX, and the declining nation of Japan has built the ultimate casino resort: Shinkoumi. This "special administrative region," once known as Tokyo Waterfront City, is functionally its own separate country under the complete control of a private managing organization known as the Takasatogumi.
With the economy in turmoil, the masses flock to Shinkoumi with the hope of getting rich quick, or at the very least, venting the stress of their overworked, underpaid lives. With no restriction on who can enter, crime has flourished, and entire districts have decayed.
Our protagonist, Towa, lives a life of indolence on the third floor of a small neighborhood clinic. For you see, he has a hobby: painting human desire. Specifically, the moment before those suppressed urges break free from their constraints. And to do so, naturally, he must experience it himself firsthand.
In the art world, he is known as "euphoria".
It can be dangerous to grant people's darkest desires – someti mes, even deadly. But in the spirit of avant-garde, Towa is willing to die for his art…
My Rating: 10/10
My Opinion:
I can not put into words how much I love this story. The first three routes are solid 8/10s, really good but not the best I have ever read. As soon as the true route started ,however, I was hooked and got extremely emotional. The romance is so beautiful and I love all of the characters so much.
Now, don’t take this game lightly, every single content warning this game has is more than deserved. It is incredibly fucked up and disturbing, I do not recommend it if you have an even slightly faint heart. However, if you are able to read it, please do. This story is absolutely incredible and I love it so very much.
I could start crying thinking about the fact that the only extra content for the game has not been translated, yet and that it will take a while for me to follow the characters further in their lives.
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prep4tomoro · 2 years
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Minimalist Living - The Conserver Lifestyle: Freedom From Stuff
Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions." (Luke 12:15) Security doesn't come from having more but from needing less. "Because we lack a divine Center, our need for security has led us into an insane attachment to things. We really must understand that the lust for affluence in contemporary society is psychotic. It is psychotic because it has completely lost touch with reality. We crave things we neither need nor enjoy. 'We buy things we do not want to impress people we do not like'. Where planned obsolescence leaves off, psychological obsolescence takes over. We are made to feel ashamed to wear clothes or drive cars until they are worn out. The mass media have convinced us that to be out of step with fashion is to be out of step with reality. It is time we awaken to the fact that conformity to a sick society is to be sick. Until we see how unbalanced our culture has become at this point, we will not be able to deal with the mammon spirit within ourselves nor will we desire Christian simplicity." ― Richard J. Foster, Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth "a man there was, though some did count him mad, the more he cast away the more he had." ― John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress Job, Money, Status, Stuff . . . the American Dream? The American nightmare! The more I have, the more I want, the more things breakdown, the more stress to replace them and get more. How does it end? An unfullfilled life (and death) or with removing those "things" that satisfy so little. The older I get, the less I need, and the more I realize how my possessions have become more burdensome than comforting. The more I have, the more I have to lose. I am a slave to my stuff. The more money I make, the more stress I have and more fearful of losing what I have strived so hard to accumulate. "The one with the most toys wins" is a favorite saying for the one who seeks stuff to make them think they are happy. A movie called "LESS: Losing is Everything" helps to make the point that "when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change" and will gain a new-found sense of freedom. Needs vs. Wants: NEEDS are basic (not fancy) things we must have to survive like air, water, food, shelter and clothing. WANTS are luxuries; things I can live without like TV, car, jewelry; things we would like to have simply to enjoy. I ask myself the question "do I NEED this or do I WANT it?" Is it a necessity for my health or to perform a task, or is it something I want, just because? I have found that most of what I thought I needed, is simply something I wanted and could have done without and saved money, space and the aggrivation to get it. Later, I find those wants have lost the alure that sucked me in to buying them, and now I just want to get rid of the financial burden, or inconvenience, they cause. I encourage seeking simplicity. The more I have, the more I have to lose and greater will be the pain when it's gone. Things I Have Learned:
1 - Never say "never" - When we say “I could never…” we are limiting the possibilities for our lives. 2 - Start Working NOW to Get Out of Debt 3 - Don't envy those who have more. They, generally, have more to lose, more to maintain, less freedom and less financial discipline. 4 - Become keenly aware of income, spending and savings activities. This is best done with a Spending Plan/Budget. 5 - Establish and practice a strict NEEDS vs. WANTS mentality. Don't justify giving in to WANTS and Instant Gratification. 6 - Eliminate unnecessary (WANTS) monthly expenses. 7 - Find ways to reduce necessary (NEEDS) monthly expenses. 8 - Combine travel. If you need to go to the store, stop by the store on your way home from work. And shop at stores on route to/from home. 9 - Understand that "less expensive" does not necessarily mean "cheap". "Less expensive" soap will clean, and "less expensive" toilet paper will wipe, and go down the drain just as well as the "best" expensive brands (see The Dollar Store is My Friend). 10 - Turn off or unplug electical applicances and lights when not being actively used (see Kill Your Electrical Vampires). 11 - Addictions and Bad Habits sap, not only our finances, but our energy and health as well. Kick the habits. You can do it!
Consider a Disciplined Pursuit of Less: Not just haphazardly saying no, but purposefully, deliberately, and strategically eliminating the nonessentials. Not just once a year as part of a planning meeting, but constantly reducing, focusing, and simplifying. Not just getting rid of the obvious time wasters, but being willing to say NO to really terrific opportunities as well. Ask "What is essential?" and eliminate the rest. Everything changes when we give ourselves permission to eliminate the nonessentials. At once, we have the key to unlock the next level of our lives. Few appear to have the courage to live this principle, which may be why it differentiates successful people and organizations from the very successful ones. Too many of us trade our happiness and well-being for the reliability of a steady paycheck. We work long hours at jobs we dislike or find unfulfilling so that we can buy a lot of stuff that never really seems to satisfy us. And when that paycheck turns out to be not so reliable, we panic. Unemployment terrifies us. Is there any way out of this dilemma? Charles Long reveals one possibility -- the Conserver Lifestyle. . . . Security doesn't come from having more but from needing less. Resources: How to Survive Without a Salary by Charles Long Books on Frugal Living [Reference Link] Related Links: No-Nonsense Guide to Simplify Every Aspect of Your Life (Podcast) Is Simple Living for You? The Untapped Potential of Less Find That "One Thing"
[14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [5six7 Menu]
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msommers · 8 months
barbarian and ranger for riya & aphrodite
thank you!!! xoxo // d&d character class asks
barbarian: What makes your muse angry? How do they manage their anger? Has their rage ever led them to destroy something important?
RIYA — i imagine only minor, maybe petty things before the real drama in her life began, nothing serious enough to cause any damage. the anger she was expressing over the mage murder last session is probably the angriest she’s ever felt, and that resulted in her own belief that the trust between her and leo had been significantly damaged (though not of her own fault from riya’s pov). who knows maybe we’ll see her furious again soon, that’d be fun and a nice relief for her from the constant sorrow and fear. i don’t think she’d have great anger management, that’d require a good deal more patience than she has within her at this point in time.
APHRODITE — she doesn’t get angry too often, which translates to having terrible control over herself when it becomes too intense…which isn’t hard because she’s such a drama queen. i’m deciding at this moment that her worst outburst would have been over neither of her parents bothering to come home for one of her early teens birthdays, and she would have been so infuriated by their neglect that she would have just snapped. broke a whole hutch full of dishes and glassware by fucking frisbee tossing whatever delivered cake and dinner they threw money at to appease her into the thing and stomped out of the house after a bit more tantruming all over the place lmao. i feel bad for whatever housekeeper had to walk into that place the following morning (maybe you could also count her covering the matching tattoo years down the line after the break-up with her ex?? that was pretty important and probably fueled by anger)
ranger: What is your muse's preferred environment? How good is your muse at fitting in with the world around them? Can they survive on their own, or do they need support?
RIYA — i can’t think of any particular space, rather just the vibe of being around people she’s comfortable being open with. obviously she’d prefer it to be in a fancy room full of plush seats and endless refreshments at hand, but at this point she’ll take whatever she can get when it comes to feeling at ease. she’s really not the best at fitting in with locations that aren’t similar to those she became accustomed to growing up, but she’s trying her best out here. she’s wrinkling her nose in judgement and constantly cleaning her fingernails and begging for a decent bath at each new place the party visits but at least she’s not trying to abandon ship! 100% needs the support, she would have been dead like three times over before the game had started if bastian hadn’t been there to ace the survival skills for the both of them.
APHRODITE — a crowded environment with a good dose of enraptured admiration aimed right at her, be it a party or performance or things along those lines. she feels at ease adapting to plenty of scenes due to how adventurous and active she + her band have been through the years, though that doesn’t keep the outside perspectives looking almost comical at times. it’s kinda ridiculous seeing a girl in a pink outfit easily worth thousands just chilling in a middle-of-nowhere, cheap looking diner, or just strolling down some dingy city alley y’know? she’s comfortable but looks hilariously out of place.
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meistoshi · 1 year
(mostly full) rundown of one piece verse things (which can be tweaked to fit Any pirate/seafaring verse).
grew up inland but helped his mama run a inn & heard a bunch of stories about pirates from travelers, some of which were pirates or former crew members themselves, because satoshi spent most of the time “helping” just making conversation with customers   ( they ended up buying more food & drink the longer they spoke to him so hanako counted it as helping ) ,  even if most of the “conversation” was 90% satoshi listening.
he has no idea who gold roger is.     what’s a one piece.     he missed the memo.     seriously, no one told him, everyone either assumed satoshi already knew or personally did not care about it.
satoshi doesn’t really have any “be the best like no one ever was” goals, he’s not chasing the one piece or trying to become pirate king, he’s literally just in it for the adventure of it all & to cause problems on purpose, & if he happens to make a name for himself then he’ll take that in stride same as everything else.     sends much of the coin he’s earned back to his mama by people that owe him favors.     he knows if they’ve kept the money for themselves.
he does alas have a body count by age 12, & he captains his first crew at 14   ( though technically not his crew as he didn’t choose them, they chose him   ( good ol’ pirate democracy ) ) .
only not dead 50 times over because a sea god took one look at him stepping foot on his first ship aged 10, barely 11, & decided this one is never going to die at sea.     & so he hasn’t.     not that anyone knows that’s why, they just think he’s stupid lucky   ( which he is ) ,  or a funky brand of devil fruit user   ( which he is not ) .     wounds that would kill him on land don’t pack the same punch at sea & regardless of how long he’s been under water he’s always been resuscitated within a minute.
has had a fistfight with nearly every creature that has tried attacking the ships he’s been on  ;     he hasn’t always won but he sure has punched a sea monster in whatever counts for its face.     it’s stunts like that that convinced his first few captains not to drop the 10-13yo off at the nearest port town or island.     kid worked hard & could do as much as any adult & there was never a pair of hands on deck that was considered excess but he was also, well, a child, but everyone figured that a kid that will dropkick a beast at the drop of a hat & survive is worth keeping around, so they did.
most of the crews he’s been a part of have fallen apart after about a year & far from where he first joined them, so the first time he returned home was 9 years after the fact.
he’s been slowly building a new crew under the name of the phoenix pirates, having permanently “borrowed” a ship from the marines   ( which he renamed fushichou )  ;     ship’s massive so everyone does a whole lot of heavy lifting around the place, satoshi included, & there’s rarely a moment’s rest.     part of his current attire was also permanently “borrowed” from the marines, during a raid sighting a blood-red coat & immediately deciding he needed to have it, even if he mostly wears it simply draped over his shoulders.     he nabbed a matching hat, citing as reasoning a saying he’d once heard about a true captain needing a good hat.
he has a mouse on him at all times, a ryukyu mouse that snuck on board the first ship satoshi was on by hiding in his bag, & by the time that satoshi found out they were already in the middle of the sea & he didn’t have the heart to get rid of the little rodent so he kept it.     by all accounts it should be dead by now, if only purely because mice aren’t supposed to live longer than maybe two years.     but no, satoshi fucked around with magic & found out & that mouse is still alive & kicking, & it has done wonders in helping with prison breaks & stealing maps if someone was being difficult about either the information or the price, along with being great for checking if the coast is clear in sneaky business.
the last time he was in homeland satoshi found a pup on his way back to his ship which he only later found out to be a jackal.     it’s a cute little thing even if it gets real rowdy real often.     it’s the best reflector of satoshi’s mood because his expression cannot be trusted 80% of the time, & usually people get what it means when he’s smiling but his jackal looks ready to maul them any second.
satoshi has an instinctively easy time using observational haki but first started actively trying to train armament, only fairly recently training both in tandem.
can hear the voice of all things.
he’s one of the few non-marine captains that’s gotten his crew across the calm belt, which is how the phoenix pirates got into the new world.     perks of stealing a ship from the marines :).
currently sailing the new world, mostly letting the unpredictable winds & currents guide their journey, dodging & weaving through the chaos that the worst generation have whipped up.     has not been keeping up with the news.
the crew of the fushichou  :
satoshi akiyoshi.     captain, helmsman.     bounty B139′000′000.
raiden chiba (pikachu).     first mate, martial artist.     bounty B125′000′000.
kazuyuki iso (lucario).     second mate, martial artist.     bounty B116′000′000.
yusei endo (kadabra).     cook.     devil fruit user, paramencia, branch of the telekinetic-type fruits.
rin enoshima (leafeon).     shipwright.
kairi yuto (dragonite).     navigator, doctor.     skypiean.
genji arai (gengar).     sniper.     devil fruit user, logia, branch of the shadow-type fruits.
katsuro nagai (farfetch’d).     swordsman.
fletcher sharpe (sirfetch’d).     swordsman.
momo tamura (ditto).     martial artist.     devil fruit user, paramencia, branch of the clone-type fruits.
rikuto godai (rapidash).     martial artist.
drogo wash (dracovish).     martial artist.     dunkleosteus fishman.
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