#(penguin pebbling)
my-autism-adhd-blog · 6 months
Autistic Love Languages
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Deep pressure
Penguin Pebbling
Info Dumping
Body doubling
Sharing interests
Spending spoons
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talking-2-the-wall · 7 days
Not only do I make art, but I create things in Canva as well
All that combined with my love for penguin pebbling, and I make gifts at random moments
like this for @strangesunny
This is their pfp made by them:
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now i know barely anything about tf2 but i had an idea
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(he has natsuki barrettes bc i say so)
anyway, as i say with all gifts,
you like?
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stimpunks · 2 years
Dashboard Crabs Are Penguin Pebbles
Dashboard crabs are penguin pebbles.
“Penguins give pebbles to other penguins to show that they care.”
Penguin pebbling is a neurodivergent love language.
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rosetyler42 · 1 month
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Had this idea bouncing around my head for a while. I found out one of the Autistic love languages is Unusual gifts or "Penguin pebbling" - which totally seemed like something Ericka would do (both for Drac and the others - I figure she's one of those people who buys or finds souvenirs everyplace she goes, both for herself and to give to family members. And greatly appreciates when others do the same for her, such as Johnavis and her "Hot Dawg" Goblin dog shirt.) And since Drac canonically hasn't left the hotel much since Martha died and is used to being the one taking care of others, (not to mention the whole monster/human thing) I kinda thought Ericka finding him a shell - especially a conch shell that you can hear the ocean in to remind him of her - would be cute and sweet.
So yeah, Ericka showing some of that autistic rizz.
Infographic from @my-autism-adhd-blog and Amanda No Guinness/Little Puddins.
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@lovelylivelyv @black-ak9 @hotelt-resurrection @ssleeping-in-a-coffin @serial-serializednovelreader @deathfangirl9 @kittyball23 @twinklecupcake @wingingfromthezing
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sleepyeye17 · 2 years
Neurodivergent Love Languages: Penguin Pebbling
Final installment of this series. Sorry for the delay, depression hit. 
This series of fics is inspired by a post by amythest@neurowonderful. The post is on the five Neurodivergent love languages: Infodumping, parallel play, support swapping, ‘crush my soul back into my body,’ and ‘I found this cool object and thought of you’. This is the fifth and final fic in the series, and the love language is I found This Cool Object, also known as Penguin Pebbling. Neurowonderful defines this as “I found this cool rock/button/leaf etc and thought you would like it: unconventional gift giving, sharing things that are valuable or interesting to you as a sign of affection, OR giving someone a thing you know they are interested in (sure, memes count).” Some people call this penguin pebbling, because Gentoo Penguins show love by giving their SO pebbles.
Eddie slips things into Steve’s pockets. Steve doesn’t even notice he’s doing it at first, but when he does laundry he finds things that Eddie has snuck in there.
A Bic lighter, when Eddie finally swears to quit smoking. It has a little bat drawn on it in black sharpie. 
A thin comb, the kind you get for free at hotels. 
A tootsie roll. 
A cork, with the tapered end stained burgundy. 
A pair of purple dice. 
A lead soldier. 
Steve keeps all of these things in an old wooden cigar box with a picture of Romeo and Juliet on it. The box belonged to his grandfather. Now it’s filled with Eddie’s things.
A scrunchie.
A sheet of photos of the two of them, taken at the arcade photo booth. It shows Eddie leaning in and kissing Steve on the cheek, then ducking out, leaving Steve looking red and bewildered.
A perfectly round stone.
A ring made out of a nail.
A wolf figurine.
Steve doesn’t give those sorts of things to Eddie. He does give Eddie dandelions, though. Any time he sees a dandelion, he picks it and gives it to Eddie. He’ll make a whole bouquet of them, or put them in Eddie’s hair. Eddie loves them. He loves how wild and light they are.
“Why dandelions?” he asks. Steve shrugs.
“I dunno. They’re wild. Have a lot of wishes.” He smiles. “Very hard to kill.”
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If you think about it, the penguin custom of offering a stone as a sign of courtship is technically the same thing we do with engagement rings. "Here's a shiny rock with completely made-up value, be with me forever"
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kiruliom · 2 years
time for penguin pebbling
(if youd like to) share one (or more!!) of your favorite terms you coined or hoarded, can be literally anything for any reason
Ill go first
mine's infigendercraftic from kiinglover
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definition: a gender related to the Minecraft splash text saying "Contains infinite genders!"
reasoning (not necessary): I like minecraft and I also thecnically contain infinite genders >:D
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call-me-pup2 · 8 months
If we were penguins I'd go and find you the coolest rock
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penguin-pebble · 6 months
Journal 20/24/09/21
Uh Dear Diary I guess? 
I’ve never really been one to journal, but Mood’s been taking research notes and I guess when I end up going home people are going to want to know about this world. It’s a little weird being here. Like things are mostly the same, and then suddenly there's this gap. There’s cars and houses and phones here but they’re all just different, different shapes, holes or hooks or latches in weird places or brands I don’t recognize but seem so familiar and established. 
People act a little differently too. We’re both human, as far as biology is concerned (those were some of the first tests when I arrived) but sometimes instincts or social stuff is a little different. And some of the animals are weird too. Like my first day here, mood introduced me to everyone in the house and mentioned pets, saying something like “oh fido and spot must be out back right now you’ll probably meet them tomorrow”. The next morning, I woke up to the biggest pigeon I’d ever seen, loafed and purring in the sunbeam that fell on the guest bed. Complete with a little paracord harness and dog tag that read “Fido”. Upon asking, Mood brought out a notepad and asked me what kind of pets I was used to. Any answers were followed by furious scribbling. 
That notepad basically followed me around for the first few weeks staying here. Eventually, Harper noticed that I seemed a little uncomfortable, but apparently, the solution was to get everyone a little notebook “That way everyone can do some science”. 
So here we are, after a quick trip to Brad’s paper and craft supply we’ve all got new notebooks. I tried to find the most plain but well... Options ranged from childish to gaudy, from Tyler’s sketchbook with multicolored cartoon hippogryphs to the journal featuring the large multicolored rhinestones Harper chose. I still feel like a preppy schoolgirl with what I was able to find, along with my new “stationary kit”. It seems to contain pencils, gel pens, and highlighters in every conceivable color, but absolutely no eraser or correction fluid in sight. I guess writing all this down has helped a little. I’m still a little uncomfortable with Mood studying me like some weird mold in a petri dish… but I guess that is her job. And now I get to document everything weird that happens here too. Look out strange bird world, you're about to get scienced!
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disney-is-mylife · 3 months
THIS IS NOT A COMPREHENSIVE LIST. I just wanted to highlight some beloved and underrated nostalgic classics.
I am NOT counting: Studio Ghibli, DC, Marvel, Scooby-Doo, sequels/prequels, and most other franchises. I also chose to cut Dreamworks, because I wanted to give as much love as possible to other nostalgic films. There's a LOT to cover in the 80s-90s, hence why I split the two polls.
80's Poll
Happy voting! ❤
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cadencedreaming · 9 months
ND Love Languages - Penguin Pebbling
I've been thinking about the Neurodivergent love languages ever since I mentioned them in another post. Of the five "languages," Penguin Pebbling is by far my go-to strategy for signalling "Hey, I like you!" Sometimes referred to as "Look at this cool rock I found!", Penguin Pebbling is based on the practice observed in Gentoo penguins, who will scoop up a good pebble in their beaks and carry them to their nest partner. This BBC article says it's "a gift that acknowledges the relationship between the two penguins and helps grow the nest for their budding family.”
In humans, ‘pebbles’ can be anything from a funny meme to a pic of the dinner we just cooked, to an art piece we're working on. It can be a random snap that encapsulates our experience of any particular given moment, or a small thing we bought that brings us joy. The point of Penguin Pebbling is to share something you found/saw/did/experienced that you thought was funny and cool, to let the other person know you're thinking of them and wanting to include them in your world. It's also an easy test to see if the other person is on your wavelength, and a great way to connect and add to a “nest” for a budding relationship. 
To further build on the idea of ‘love languages’ in general, today I found out about something called 'emotional bids', via this page: "[Emotional] Bids can be small or big, verbal or nonverbal. They’re requests to connect. Bids are often purposely subtle because people are afraid to be vulnerable and put themselves out there. It’s scary to say, “Hey! I want to connect! Pay attention to me!” so instead, we ask a question or tell a story or offer our hand for connection. We hope we’ll receive connection in return, but if not, it’s less scary than pleading, “Connect with me, please!” 
Penguin Pebbling is an extremely low risk emotional bid. If you share something you like with someone, and they think it's gross, stupid or unfunny, or judge you for it… well then you know you haven't found the right person to connect with, and you can choose to dial back your investment in them no harm no foul. It's certainly an easy way to avoid being hurt; instead of a wild declaration of intention that leaves you vulnerable, at worst you're left with a joke that didn't land, or an artistic endeavour in need of appreciation by someone else. 
But what happens when two Penguin Pebblers get together and pebble each other until there's an eight feet wall of tiny stones between the two of you? Honestly this is a very real problem, ngl. It probably involves someone punching a hole through the wall to finally have a frank conversation about all the cool rocks you've collectively gifted each other, which turns a low risk activity into an extremely high risk one.  But if neither of you does it, you’ll just be awkwardly staring at each other across rooms and up all night texting memes to each other until your friends finally stage an intervention to get the two of you together. (Remind me to post on “Lesbian Sheepitude” sometime!). 
At any rate, I find it interesting to have discovered a new ‘love language’ (my traditional LL is ‘words of affirmation’, which as a writer, should come as no surprise).  I can definitely identify lots of times in the past where I engaged in pebbling, without knowing what it was or why I felt so hurt when partners and friends didn’t care about the shiny thing I was trying to show them.  I know it’s impossible to wrap everything up in a tidy box with a neat little bow, but it does give me some tools to understand and communicate more transparently with the important people in my life. 
One of the things I’m the most proud of myself for is that I took the time about a decade ago to do some intentional and intense personal development work around improving my attitudes towards honesty and integrity and improving my communication with people. That’s why I find all this stuff about how humans relate and communicate and feel about each other so fascinating.  In another life I’m sure I would have made a great actual psychologist, instead of just an armchair one. :P 
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Penguin Pebbling
the idea:
a modern type of asynchronous, usually text-based, emotional bid that serves as a shorthand for "i saw this and thought of you". penguin pebbles are often memes or short pieces of media like videos, songs, or articles. this is related to, but not the same as, third things (which require synchronicity of gaze).
my original source:
this tiktok, which specifically proposes penguin pebbling as a neurodivergent love language.
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unbound-shade · 1 year
Friend: I should get into _thing_. Any recommendations?
Me: For sure! Here's a few great jumping-on points.
-two days pass-
Friend: I tried _thing_ and had a really hard time understanding it.
Me: Did you start at one of the recommended points?
Friend: No. I'm just not sure I get it.
Me, trying not to scream: ThAt's WHy I GavE yOu reComMendaTionS.
I swear sometimes trying to share the stuff that's important to you is like serving someone a dinner you slaved over and watching them try to eat it through a drinking straw instead of with the fork and knife you handed them. You might like the meal more if you stopped trying to eat it your way and used the tools you were given.
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super-marvel-dc · 8 months
Bucky, holding a rock: Y/N just gave this to me and said "I feel like you deserve the moon but all I can give you is a rock."
Thor: If you don't marry them, I will.
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laughroditee · 1 month
I'd like to believe that Simon Riley is the kind of guy to watch animal documentaries.
One night, he watches one about Gentoo penguins, who mate for life. The males court their chosen partners by presenting them with the smoothest pebble he can find, and should his potential mate accept, that pebble becomes the foundation for the nest they will build together.
While on deployment, Simon searches the ground and rubble for the smoothest, most appealing rock he can find -- it's not like he has much else to do during downtime -- and then he gives it to you.
You don't really know what to make of it at first, but the mere act of accepting it opened the way to receiving pebbles each and every time he comes back from deployment, or anywhere else really. Now you have rocks from all around the world. And also from outside the barber shop and the bakery and the beach....
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