#(not a flaw on its side or mine that just changes from thing to thing and i can’t predict it)
planet4546b · 8 months
it’s interesting to me that for as much as i’m pretty well read in contemporary sci fi and have a decent feel for a pretty broad range of the genre when i start doing worldbuilding it’s always friends at the table i turn to for inspiration. that’s always the texture i’m trying to emulate. they weren’t lying that worldbuidling can critical!!!
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kiddotarot · 19 days
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Explanation = sun represents soul and self in the astrology with studying about it placement you can get what karmic goal and achievement you need to work on .
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1. Sun in 1H/Aries = Aggression is the main point here it can be because in past life you are forced to develop a free will by involving war or you are forced to survive own your own thats the reson you enjoy the cut trusth competition. Your main goal is becoming aware of the unnecessary fighting spirit and take care of other needs .
2. Sun in Taurus/2H = With this placment you have a word which you use often " mine " . You think that your security and you are right place this can also lead you to not cutting your ties in unhappy marriage or environment because you don't learn that you can do better than this . Your pending karma is to learn to self security and trust yourself and make a strong rooted connection with yourself.
3. Sun in Gemini/3H = With this placment i can say in past life you are a publisher or teaching other thing related to spreading words . But it can also show that you are in gossip in past life you can share facts thst you don't even know is real or not just like a repoter. The duality is biggest problem for you . Your karmic goal is to express yourself cleary and fact check that you are communicating with right way .
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4. Sun in cancer/ 4H = I don't be surprised if you get stuck in nostalgia often in a day. You take everyone and every relationship on a emotional level and often think and feel clingy to to the thing and person you feel familiar. Possessiveness can be problems here . Your pending karma is you set a stong connection with yourself and heal to the inner level.
5. Sun in leo/5H = You are the natural entertainers and may be tou don't have to work hard for this but you need a recognition from it and if don't get it then it can lead you to don't give people there importance. Your karmic goal is to use your charm in creativity and develop a positive attitude to gain popularity.
6. Sun in virgo/6H = This placment can lead you tobe a taskmaster but hard on yourself as well as on others. And main things that this can also give you fear of faliur. And it can also lead you to hating yourself on little faliur and mistake. The karmic goal is to love yourself and accept yourself regarless any flaws.
7. Sun in libra/7H = You love a place with harmonious and beautiful environment. You know when the things around you is right and when not. And often you find yourself most of the time putting efforts to make things right for others but in this process you can loose yourself. With your need to be liked it can lead you to fit in other standards. Your karmic goal is to takecare yourself in a relationship and find comfort in yourself.
8. Sun in scorpio/ 8H = with this you have a challenge to master the power . You can find yourself attracting a lot of people with your hidden side and charm . You love over power scenarios but it can also lead you again in karmic connection. Your karmic goal is controing is not an option you soul need to involve and invite the great divine.
9. Sun in sagittarius/9H = This make you a great followers of ethic and law and follow the rule but there is always a side when you feel you are not participating and involving yourself fully into new experiences. You are just taking your personal freedom. Your karmic goal is to understand the real meaning of life and live it don't just stuck in sitting examples.
10. Sun in Capricorn/10H = with this placement you need to understand that success is a state of life and mind its not a race . You need to establish or understand it from inner state outer world is not going to satisfy this need . Your karmic goal is to live with inner security and power first before giving it to other world.
11. Sun in Aquarius/ 11H = you can be always confused in the changing yourself or remain the same. Because your soul crave for changing and for this you have to take your freedom. It can lead you to become detached but it can also lead you to bad thing . Your karmic goal is to leave unhealthy things and become flexible in this matters.
12. Sun in pieces/12H = you can have a feeling to stuck in a victim mentality where you feel that you need to take care of other things or people because you feel that is the same scenarios where you feel victim like them. Your karmic goal is to develop your own lesson and path do not take anyone other to achieve wholeness.
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tenebraevesper · 8 months
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 6)
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Welcome to Part 6 of my Shadow and Sonic character analysis, which is actually part analysis, part me just gushing over the Sonadow ship. In this Part, I will be covering the second half of Episode 17: Grim Tidings, which can be summed up as ''little brother is jealous of older brother's boyfriend and also is trying to kill them''.
With this done, I have three more episodes left in which Shadow appears, and unless I get too many screenshots/gifs so Tumblr won't let me post them all, Episode 21: Home Sick Home and Episode 22: The Devil is in the Tails will be one post, while Episode 23: From the Top will be its own post. There might also be a slight delay in me covering those episodes because I need to gather all of the material for them.
In any case, let's dive into this episode!
In the first half of the episode, we already saw a very prominent shift in Shadow's character, aka his protective and caring side and his attempt to reach out and comfort Sonic, which was genuinely really cute from him.
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So, Shadow and Sonic manage to enter The Grim, with Sonic (who for once didn't faceplant upon landing in the Shatterspace) being surprised to see Nine having gone full Elsa by creating a citadel with the Paradox Prism energy. As they approach it, they're confronted by Nine, who tells Sonic how Sonic's plan was never Nine's plan.
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''So, it was always about power?'' ''No, that's not-'' ''Exactly. With the Paradox Prism, I'll be able to turn this world into a paradise. MY PARADISE!''
I find it genuinely interesting how Shadow's first thought is that Nine was after power, rather than approval or companionship. Nine agrees, but he wasn't seeking power for the sake of power. Knowing Nine's character, he is a loner who had been bullied all of his life and after believing that he found a true friend in Sonic, all he wants is to create a world where he and Sonic can be happy. However, with Sonic ''betraying'' him, he decides that he is better off alone.
Now, doesn't this sound a bit familiar?
So, this is speculation, but I think that Nine is supposed to be a foil to Shadow. Both are loners with a cynical view of the world and a strong connection to Sonic. However, while Nine started out as Sonic's ally (after some initial trust issues) and looked up to him, Shadow was quite antagonistic, fighting Sonic and berating him for shattering their reality. However, over the course of the show, things changed, with Nine taking over as the main villain while Shadow became Sonic's closest ally.
While the reasons for Nine betraying Sonic have been seen and discussed in and out of the show, I want to point out something I didn't really see anyone bring up - how much does Nine really know Sonic (and for that matter, how much does Sonic really know Nine)?
Nine acted on the belief that Sonic wants to stay with him in The Grim and create a world just for them, at least until he got the confirmation that Sonic wanted to restore Ghost Hill. Nine is not Tails, so no matter how much he interacts with Sonic, he wouldn't know about any of Sonic's past actions or how he acted in similar situations to get a good understanding of him.
Shadow, on the other hand, knows Sonic well enough to point out his mistakes and flaws and is not afraid to knock him down a peg, while also understanding that Sonic genuinely has everyone's best interests on mind. He has seen how Sonic behaves in situations like this, and even if he fights Sonic, he has no issues working with him and trusting him (albeit, after he admits that, yeah, they need each other to fix reality). Unlike Nine, he has enough experience with Sonic to understand why he acts like this.
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''Let's destroy this traitor.'' ''Wait! Maybe I can reason with him.'' ''Reason with him?!'' ''Just let me try. If that doesn't work-'' ''Then he's mine.'' ''No, he's ours.''
*Soviet anthem starts playing* Sorry, not sorry! X3 But seriously, was anyone reminded of that one meme when Sonic went ''he's ours''? Because that's the first thing that popped into my mind.
Also, why do writers love writing Shadow trying to destroy Tails? Like this is the third time this happens!
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First we had Shadow fighting Tails in Sonic X (granted, he was targeting Cosmo, but still!).
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Then we had Shadow fighting Tails in Sonic Boom (granted, he was targeting Sonic, and Tails and Knuckles were in his way, but still!).
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Now we have Shadow targeting Nine in Sonic Prime, who betrayed them, took the Paradox Prism and left their reality to fracture... which for once is actually a valid reason for Shadow to go after him.
But still, why is Shadow having beef with Tails in every animated media he appears in? Going by this pattern, I guess that Shadow will also target Tails in Sonic Movie 3.
*shakes head in amusement* Anyways, where were we? Ah, yes!
So, Shadow and Sonic's conversation is actually quite interesting when you take into consideration everything that happened between them. Shadow wants to do the obvious, while Sonic, despite having experienced a great loss, still hopes that he can reason with Nine. Shadow is stunned, but Sonic asks him to let him at least try. If it doesn't work, Shadow will deal with him... No, Shadow and Sonic will deal with him.
This is certainly the culmination of both Sonic and Shadow's character growth. Not only did they talk about their plans, but Sonic acknowledges that, if he cannot talk to Nine, he will have to fight him. Shadow, in turn, let's Sonic do try the more diplomatic approach rather than take the violent option, clearly showing trust in Sonic's negotiation skills. It is genuinely amazing to see.
Unfortunately for Sonic, Nine doesn't care about fixing their relationship, as he already replaced him with his own version of Chaos Sonic, called Grim Sonic.
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''Woah! Who or what is THAT?!'' ''It's you.'' ''Yeah, but if you squint and tilt your head to the side, it's also kinda you.'' *gives Sonic an unimpressed look*
Honestly, I genuinely laughed at this little exchange, especially when Shadow just gives Sonic that look. It's really fun to just have them talk like this, showing off their dynamic.
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''Whatever it is, it's in our way.'' ''Not for long!''
The conversation even continues, with both preparing for the fight. Once again, I just love how these two can hold a banter in one moment and leap into action in the next one.
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At first, they get caught off guard by Grim Sonic, with Sonic being exasperated there's another robotic version of him, with Nine pointing out how he saved Sonic from Chaos Sonic, but how this time, Sonic is on his own. Sonic's expression falls as he hears that, clearly hurt by Nine's words.
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''He's not on his own.'' *Sonic perks up, both confront Grim Sonic* ''We're all on our own.''
Honestly, this is really sweet of Shadow, showing that he now stands firmly by Sonic's side and cheering him up. Shadow really has undergone through a lot of character growth, affirming that he and Sonic are now a team and they will work together to beat Nine. Not to mention, Sonic just looks so happy to hear this.
What follows next is Sonic and Shadow beating up Grim Sonic, showing some amazing teamwork together.
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''It's over Nine!'' ''I decide when it's over!''
Nine summons the other Grim Variants, that of Amy, Knuckles, Rouge and Birdie (no Big or Froggy tho, and certainly no variant of Tails), claiming how they're his friends now. Sonic and Shadow continue the battle.
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''Behind you!'' ''Behind you!''
I'm absolutely loving this! Seriously, before Sonic Prime, when was the last time we saw them work together like this?
Anyways, as the battle continues, Shadow tells Sonic to go for the Prism, but Sonic protests, not wanting to leave him alone. Shadow assures him that he'll be fine and tells him to go, with Sonic listening to him. Nine laments about Sonic's recklessness, throwing crystals at him and knocking him down.
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Shadow looks absolutely devastated when he sees Sonic fall...
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...and his first instinct is to rush over to Sonic to protect him.
Fortunately, Sonic gets up, with Nine joining the Grim Variants, praising the power of the Prism and how there's nothing he can't do. Sonic questions him whether this is really what he wants, to spend his life all alone with robots as his companions. Nine responds how he can at least trust them, with Sonic the pointing out how The Grim is decaying, and Nine reveals that, while he rebuilt the Paradox Prism, some of the Prism energy is still missing.
Now, observe this closely.
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''Oh, I've rebuilt it. But it turns down there is some Prism energy missing.''
When Nine mentions the missing Prism energy, he briefly glances at Sonic's shoes, smirking. Sonic clearly has no idea what he's talking about, thinking about his words.
Shadow, on the other hand, follows Nine's gaze, looking at Sonic's shoes, then back at Nine, who gives him a firm look, as if confirming something. Shadow's eyes widen in realization, then he gives Nine a look of pure anger.
Shadow has put together that Nine is now targeting Sonic, and he is pissed.
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''Sonic, you have to get out of here!'' ''What?''
Shadow's first words and actions after this realization is to tell Sonic to get out and then protecting him from Grim Sonic.
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''It's you! He's after your energy!''
It is as if someone flipped a switch. Shadow's thoughts are basically ''Forget the Paradox Prism, I need to protect Sonic now!'' He literally switched priorities the moment Sonic had been put into danger, and when he sees Sonic struggling with the Grim variants, he basically encases him into a tornado to protect him, telling him that he has to go.
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''What? Shadow thinks he can steal Sonic away from me!? Not a chance!''
I know that Nine is after Sonic's Prism energy, but he sounds so much like a little brother who is jealous that his older brother spends more time with his boyfriend than with him. I mean, he certainly isn't over Sonic, no matter what he says about the robots being his friends now, so it certainly checks out.
Nine then fires a blast of energy at Sonic and Shadow, with Shadow managing to grab Sonic's leg...
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''This is for your own good!'' ''Shadooooow!''
...proceeding to throw him out of The Grim and right into The Void, much to Nine's dismay. Nine then sends Grim Birdie and its clones to follow Sonic, and while Shadow fights the rest of the robots.
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He is not in the best state, but damned if he doesn't give his all to cover Sonic. Unfortunately, he is outnumbered and eventually knocked into the abyss.
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You fought as best as you could Shadow, but unfortunately, you will need more help in the fight against Nine. Fortunately, Sonic knows where to find that help.
So, the second half of the episode just cemented everything I had said about Shadow's character growth, with the inclusion of him putting Sonic's safety above his own. Sure, Sonic is Nine's target, but you can't say that Shadow hasn't been doing that even before he learned about Nine's plans.
Oh, and Sonadow shippers? I think you can definitely add ''Protective Shadow'' to your story ideas.
#Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 5)
#Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 7)
#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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absolutebl · 1 year
This week in BL - I am all over the place, But Laws of Attraction is Phenomenal af
July 2023 Wk 2
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Laws of Attraction (Thai Sat iQIYI) 1 of 8 - Icky picked it up but it’s not airing for me until Sundays so I held this post specifically to watch and talk about this show. Stars the pair from To Sir With Love with the same production team. IT’S SO GOOD Y’ALL. A morally corrupted trickster lawyer with a tragic past, sad eyes, and a beautiful smile that he uses like a weapon. Meets paladin martial arts instructor from other side of the tracks (who is out, at least to his baby sister). Corrupt police. Spoiled rich kid evil. Ambitious politician. Tragic death. Terrible subs.* This show is very like Manner of Death but so far it is a much better/tighter story. It’s NOT BL but it is fucking phenomenal. And you shoudl watch it. Not wait to binge it. WATCH IT. On a global scale this might be the best thing currently airing featuring gay romantic leads. Its really fucking good. It’s Lawless Lawyer but more complex character motivation and gay af. Fuck yes please and thank you. FINALLY. Triggers for violence, beatings, death & torture depicted on screen. Like MoD they are not holding back.  (* A lot of the familial names they are using are not gendered in Thai but translated as such, like “nephew”. This one is gonna go down a lot easier if you know some Thai.)
Step By Step (Tues WeTV & Gaga) ep 12fin - 2 years pass and no one’s hairstyle changes? Srs. Them meeting again = hella AWKWARD. Both still pining & hurt. NO SINGING. The reconciliation scene was great. I enjoyed that on the “do over relationship” they went with phi/pom (instead of the super formal khuns). So cute and so much more relaxed. Also lots of neck kisses! Charming final ep. It’s only flaw being they dropped the side couple, but I wasn’t really into them anyway. Ultimately? This is what Boss & Babe should have been and could we please have Up lead out another BL? I miss him and he only gets prettier. Full review below.
La Pluie (Sat iQIYI) ep 12fin - I adore the tiny little baby GL thread that we almost got. And I wish we had had more of it throughout the show. The side couple turned out to be good too. Emotional crying kisses are my favorite. Sunshine netted himself an earnest serious romantic boy, we likey. As for the main couple? Well... Tai’s search story arc was dull and dragging in a final ep and it felt bloated and slow as a result. It was a good confession reunion with Tai figuring all of his shit out, not surprising but fine. Kind of a a weak final ep. Full review below. 
Hidden Agenda (Thai Sun GMMTV YouTube) ep 1 of 12 - JoonDunk are back and we have all seen this a million times before, but Thailand never executed a successful formula it didn’t want to repeat a million times over, drunk bathroom and everything. Welcome (back) to Thai BL (and back and back and back). Basically they just added glasses, a new 1-shared-brain-cell friendship group, and different uni departments. Ah GMMTV, forever trying to recreate the magic of 2gether. But also I’m enjoying it. I’m a simple person. (Hi Jamie! Still in college since 2018 I see.) Anyone else notice that Chinese phrase that they did not translate for us? Mmm hum. Cute. Still... NO SINGING. 
Low Frequency (Sat iQIYI) ep 2 of 8 - Thames is in coma and getting slagged off on the socials. It’s moving a bit slowly but the premise is interesting despite the poor quality of the execution. 
Dinosaur Love (Sun iQIYI) ep 3 of 8 eps - Major trigger for self harm depicted on screen in part 2/4. I skipped it. Then there is assault and verbal abuse. I told you Ultimate Troop is NOT to be trusted. 
Be Mine Super Star (Mon Viki) ep 2 of 12 - Look, I don’t really mind this show but I also don’t like second hand embarrassment and I sense a metric butt ton incoming.
Be My Favorite (Fri YouTube) ep 8 of 12 - I was not best pleased with this episode. Ya’ll round the tumblr-sphere seem to be enjoying it but I have officially hit the wall on Kawi. There is not enough booze for me to cope with his shizz. I may be alone in this. But gotta say how I feel... Unlike him. Trash watch here.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Tokyo in April is... AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 5 of 8 - Poor Ren, he feels compelled to take on the burden of protecting everyone from sexual assault because he blames himself. And he can’t even talk to his boyfriend about it. Oh fuck me the pair of shoes at the door. And neck kisses? TOO MUCH. Argh. Japan. Why must you hurt so good? 
Stay By My Side (Taiwan Fri Gaga) 3 of 10 eps - It’s a very cute show. All the tropes and archetypes with no fuss or attempts to be clever, just executing them (sometimes over and over again). Even hiccoughs as a result of flirting! I haven’t seen that one in ages. The show feels old fashioned as a result. Nostalgic. I’m good with that. 
Tie The Not (Pinoy YouTube) ep 6 of 8 - Sad boys still sad now drunk. (Noooooo shoes on bed! Argh.) Finally kisses! Also good ones for a large portion of this ep. Plus hair pulling. And verse rep! And after sex convo. Then side dishes have a whole proper gay ax covo about top/bottom. Everyone say thank you Philippines! get down with your queer selves! 
Stupid Genius (Vietnam Fri YouTube) ep 6fin - I believe this was the final episode. It was cute. This is a standard sort of semi-crappy VBL high school drama. Enjoyable in its floppy friendliness, weirdly like a queer after school special promoting education. Dead fish kisses but fine for what it is. 7/10 
Minato's Laundromat Season 2 AKA Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 (Japan Thu Gaga) 2 of 12 eps - Activate cohabitation trope. They okay bfs. Minato not as frustrating this week, but still frustrating for me and Shin. Next week = cute outfits and dumb miscommunication yay!
Vian the series (Vietnam YouTube ) ep 11 of 12 - again it didn’t show up on my dash in time for this. I’ll pop it into next week. 
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It’s airing but ...
House of Stars (Thai Mon iQIYI) 12 eps - I bounced at ep 3. Will binge if told it is worth it at end.
Stay (Pinoy YouTube) 7 eps - It’s mostly English & set in LA (shudder) so I’m not bothering.
Stay With Me ... NO I WILL NOT! And you can’t make me.
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Ended This Week
Step By Step Series Review  
This was Thailand’s answer to The New Employee, and everything I loved about that show I loved about this one. This was an office romance between stern boss and sweet subordinate that felt more authentic to an office environment than previous Thai BLs of this ilk. And that authenticity added tension to the narrative and character development (how novel). Now that might be because it has western source material, or it might be because it is actually kind of old-fashioned (it’s been years since I worked as an office grunt). I also really enjoyed the brothers’ relationship, and kinda wished they hadn’t attempted (and failed) to give said brother his own side BL. That one flaw made it a 9/10 for me. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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La Pluie Series Review
This BL takes to task the fated mates trope and what it means to have love chained intimately to predestination. It’s about how faith in destiny before choice diminishes the authenticity of emotion, relationships, and connection. This is a high concept to examine through the lens of a BL. By activating + examining the soulmates trope this show is challenging a foundation of romance: the idea that there is one person meant to be your one romantic partner all your life. This means that we, as viewers, spend much of the show worried about it having a happy ending, and that’s the source of both its brilliance and tension: would the narrative have the strength to truly challenge its own romantic core? But, ultimately, all this elevated complexity was executed in a somewhat shaky manner with the narrative derailing into some serious pacing issues and characters manipulated by miscommunication. However, with good chemistry and decent acting all around, plus some excellent high heat and representation of consent and a few other rare tropes, this one has to (like it’s sibling show My Ride) earn a 9/10. I enjoyed it even as it made me think, so despite its flaws: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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7/19 Wedding Plan (Thai Wed YouTube & iQIYI)  - It's Mame and she's coming for our GL. She's such a misogynist IMAGINE what we will get with a GL side dish? It's going to be absolute carnage. To crane your neck as you drive by the car wreck or not? That is the question. Me? I'm wallowing in the guts. Trying to decide to trash watch or not... 
7/20 Jun & Jun (Korea Thu Viki) - From 2022 I CAN’T FUCKING WAIT! So excited for this one. 
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
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FYI roselle juice is made from hibiscus (a flower) so technically neither a tea nor a juice. (Hidden Agenda)
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Tie the Not = all the verse rep this ep. I love this for them. 
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The giggling was SO DAMN CUTE (Step by Step, na?) 
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We all guessed it but it was still fun. (Stupid Genius) Also miracles of miracles, two actors who actually look like they could be brothers play brothers. 
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First time I’ve seen faen translated as significant other. (Laws of Attraction)
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THE PAIN! (Tokyo) 
(Last week.)
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bobbydagen24 · 5 months
a little list of some things I Hope to see if they do a 4th film.
also if you have any ideas of little things you'd like to see in the next film I'd love to hear them.
anyway my list would include.
its gotta still be a Bro zone centered adventure no side-lining them or any of the same crap they pulled with the world tour characters their still very much the focus. on whatever Journey the plot requires Poppy and Branch to go on and this way we see more of them learning abut each other like the other Bros being surprised by Branch's survival skills. and how he came to learn them and finding out just how dorkish Clay has become in his interests and how pampered and sheltered Bruce has been. to the point he's totally out of his element when they have to travel through forests and such. 2. a main villain that Judges Bro zone as a family this is a bit of a petty desire of mine lol but I'd love it if we had a villain who openly looked down on B zone. maybe the main villain is some sorta loner who believes in family being a weakness and nothing else so they judge Branch for letting his Brothers back into his life when he proved he was capable of surviving on his own. and also they just have a bitterness towards the concept of family for personal reasons so they see how flawed Bro zone are yet the fact that their still together as something to be mocked. 3. an actual none comedic mention of Grandma given how TBT sorta used her as a comedic gag in the two scenes in which she was relevant. so I just want her to for once be brought up without a bad Joke ruining the emotions of it like FR I just want one scene where she's brought up. and you actually just let the characters be serous about it maybe Branch finally tells them exactly how she died after refusing to talk about it for ages. and maybe he still blames himself somewhat for her death and was worried the brothers would think the same if they found out. 4. I've said about this one before but I Hope we see other Grey Trolls in the society it doesn't have to be a major plot point just something we see in the opening briefly. like I said before maybe Branch just casually Hanging out with other permanently Grey Trolls from different Tribes or even them having their own little group or something would be nice to see. I think the group idea would be a nice bit of worldbuilding and development as it would kinda show how differently Pop Village handles these kinda things now. where they aren't just about toxic positivity and brushing serous stuff to the side anymore but are actively encouraging people to talk about their darker emotions and such. 5. this one is probably the most unlikely on this list but I'd kinda like it if we saw Branch's colours get worse again and him actually feeling somewhat ashamed of it. maybe trying to hide it from his Brothers out of fear of either being judged or pitied. I just love the angst idea of him being found out and in a somewhat upset and frustrated way saying that he doesn't know why its happening again. claiming he's fine and that it must just be some kind of mistake on his bodies part and that it isn't his fault this time as that isn't who he is anymore. upsetting Poppy and his Brothers seeing him so clearly upset but obviously desperately trying to hide it and also the notion that he's ashamed of his Greyness and he sees it as something other people would blame him for is pretty sad. like I said it probably won't happen but Honestly I love the idea of actually showing his colours get worse again and him being insecure about it. especially in front of his Brothers it'd be emotional to see them see him this way. 6. another one that's maybe a bit out there but I kinda wanna see Peppy die as I feel him dying has some good story potential. for one it gives some angst to Poppy for a change she could blame herself as his death could happen as result of her actions maybe her not listenening to other people again. and trying to solve the conflict with the villain her own way results in them all being in danger and her dad dying to save her. and as a result her actions actually have permanent consequences for a change and she blames herself tho maybe on the outside she tries to slap a smile on her face.
but Branch sees through it and he can actually have a nice moment of helping her through things and even relating a bit given he blamed himself for what happened to his Grandma for years. plus it'd give Viva some heartbreak since she only just got him back in her life after all these years and now she's lost him again. which I feel in the end could bring her and Poppy even closer together. and like I said after TBT and the first film I'm desperate for some Poppy angst to balance things out a tad and actually give us some more scenes of Branch supporting her again. 😅😅😅😅 anyway those are some things I'd kinda like to see in a future film what about you?
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gaoau · 9 months
一 ; one ; uno
it's so cold warnings — none. word count — 4.0k
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ive long realized plenty of things i never needed—the past is never behind us, the present is fleeting, the future doesnt exist. theres a wrinkle in the sands of time. theres a fault in the fabric of the universe. there are many flaws everywhere i look. sano manjiro lies dead before me. mikey lies dead before me. blond hair and a dragon tattoo because we both miss ken. black hair that makes him look too much like shin. white hair and dark bags covered in tears. how many times have i seen this already? why have i seen this already? everything is broken. its disastrous and confusing and suffocating. i dont understand what im looking at.
i remember, just seconds ago, i was busy beating up some random guys from a rival gang. theres a reason we rule over the kanto area. we dont back down from a fight. so where did i go? where am i? why am i seeing this now? these are memories of a future i dont have. these are memories of a future i shouldnt have. its enough to drive me insane when i think that this is all i get for being next to mikey. i hold my breath and choke whenever hes around. that intoxicating grace of his, the one that sets him apart from the world, has been flooding my senses for longer than i can take. and i let him, because i want him to be happy. this is all i get; blood, gore, pain, death, loneliness.
i dont want to think about mikey any longer. ive done all i could, it seems. id just like to be free for one moment. i still see it all, futures im not a part of, futures that takemichi has made sure to change.
he wears that godforsaken dragon tattoo like a brand on his neck. long hair hes kept dyed through the years because he doesnt want to cut it off, but he doesnt want me to style it for him. i look at him and i see ken. its torture. the years have gone by, im still by his side, he still has me locked in place. he hasnt smiled in what feels like eons. im okay with that. his smile, that empty, silent smile has always made my stomach ache. im not okay with that. hes a carbon copy of ken. we both miss him, i know. it hurts him more than me, even if im the one staring at a burning ghost all day, every day.
we're alone. im alone with mikey. im all alone when im with him. its cold on top of this building, in the corner of the world, secluded from the city weve conquered. i stretch out my legs, leaning against the wall, squinting at the reflection of led lights bending to hit my eye. mikey is still as small as ever. hes so small despite sitting on his throne like this. the gun i hold weighs on my hand. neither of us know how to properly handle guns. weve been drowning in this business for over a decade, but we're very clearly still children.
the safety clicks as i press the barrel under my jaw. "itd be so easy, dont you think?" the sound of my voice calls to him. its the only familiar sound in his life. its why ive been staying with him. i couldnt save him, but at least he still clings onto me like this. hes had me trapped for so long that i seem to have forgotten i was ever my own person.
his darkened eyes shift towards me so slowly. i see his face twist into a panicked frown. "whatre you doing?" he doesnt move from where hes sitting against the wall adjacent to mine. he reaches with his foot to tap my knee. stop, hes trying to say, dont even think about it. hes scared, i can tell. ive learned to read him like the open book he is. his light has grown dimmer through the years. hes angry, i can tell. hes wondering if ill leave him, too.
"nothing," i sigh. i lower the gun and leave it on my lap for a second. "m just thinking…" and i think. yes, i think. i know i cant leave him. he doesnt let me. he keeps me tied down to him. a chuckle falls, sardonic. i point the gun at him. "i cant die before you, mikey." ive promised. ive sworn to stay by his side until the bitter end—until his bitter end.
he doesnt bat an eye. "are you gonna kill me?" its funny how he doesnt care that im the one wholl be killing him. im just making my job easier for myself. i wonder what kind of face kisaki will make when he finds out what ive done.
"do you want me to?" i know he does. tonight ill see we find peace, manjiro. im the only one who he can lean on now.
hes quiet for a second. his eyes are like black holes as they swallow up all the light. he stares straight at me without expression. then, in a whisper, he begs, "…please." he doesnt say my name. no, he hasnt said my name more than once in our lives. he calls me by that stupid nickname he made up when we were hanging out at grandpas dojo.
i cant help the soft simper pulling at my lips. hes still the same mikey i know. he still struggles with asking for help, even if its me. but he still asks; hes still vulnerable in front of me. i pat my lap, legs stretched out just for him. "come here, then," i invite him closer, ready to welcome him with open arms, "rest your head for a bit." rest before you leave.
he doesnt hesitate. he never hesitates. in a swift movement, the back of his head collapses onto me. his eyes, the ones hes kept me trapped in for all my life, they dance around the vast expanse of midnight above us. "the stars are lovely today." stars i once promised to drag down to his feet if he asked. stars i swore wed always watch together.
i hum in agreement. "thats why we're here." everyone knows that stars only come out at night. we both know we're the two brightest burning stars in the world. we sit here, where people can see us burn and consume ourselves until we get crushed. "itll be over soon, i promise." the same way i promised him forever. ill hold him until the moment he dies. 
"thanks." ah, now he chooses to use my actual name. he can be so unfair. he could save a life, but he decided to take mine away instead. under his charm, i let him drag me down. we die hand in hand.
there are no tears; not from me, not from him. it seems weve both been waiting for the other to make the first move. hes so tired and so am i. with a singed throat, the words sting on my tongue as i remind him, "i love you, manjiro." theres no other feeling in the world like loving sano manjiro. i look into his darkened gaze and deny the truth staring back at me. its all a mess, scraping away at my mind. my love and hate look quite alike.
i can hardly tell light from dark or right from wrong anymore. mikey replies, "i love you." again, he dares not say my name. i hate him. he makes me go weak at the knees, even as i slump against the wall. i wonder if its him or the cross im bearing on my back, weighing me down.
mikey closes his eyes. he wants to let go. hes letting me go. its been years and hes finally letting me go. the wind howls and screams our names in my ears as i press the barrel of my gun to his forehead. we're stars; we'll burn, we'll rest, we'll disappear. we go down together. i shoot. his body relaxes against my legs. i feel the warmth of his blood seeping through my clothes. hes free. the gentle quirk of his lips tells me hes happy hes dead. maybe im just making it up. maybe i just want to believe ive done something.
i lift my head to the sky. the gun is warm against my skin. my pulse doesnt tremble when i pull the trigger.
im free.
but we arent free. i walk into his room to find mikey slumped against a corner. hes here again, a ghost of ken. how come his eyes grow darker every time i look? i scratch away an itch on the underside of my jaw, clearing my throat to let him know im here, it's me. he doesnt bother lifting his head for me. i stand right in front of him, bare feet centimeters away from his crossed legs. ive heard what hes done. he didnt check in with me before killing our friends. if takashi dies, then i stay. if pah dies, then i stay. ken and kei died, so i stay. he knows ill follow him to hell.
it hurts me, too. he cant let go of me and hes bruising my wrists. i want him to be happy. i want him to be free. i want to be free. "takashi, pah, peh, chifuyu." the list rings with poison in both of our ears. how did we get here?
"takemicchi got away," he mumbles. i highly doubt takemichi matters much right now. we stopped trusting him long ago. he changed after bloody halloween and mikey couldnt understand why.
i crouch to try and meet his eyes. charming, deadly works of art. viral. it's been years, but he still holds me in his gaze. "never woulda guessed chifuyu was working with tora. after killing kei, i thought for sure he wouldnt forgive him." theres no sugarcoating needed. i dont censor my words. his wounds are fresh and i keep digging my fingers into his flesh to make them deeper. i make all his mistakes real for him because he wants to be scolded. he cant ask for sympathy—he only asks for cruelty.
theres a pause. a silence that hangs. it's heavy, stagnant. it pulls at the seams. "kazutora needs to go, too."
my knees come in contact with the floor as i lean towards mikey. i wrap my arms around his head, cradling him to my chest. hes still warm. he rests his forehead against me. "theres no time, mikey. you cant do this any longer." youre falling apart, manjiro. i pull my gun from its holster, cocking it as i bury it in his hair.
"set me free." he pronounces that stupid nickname, chaos of my real name. i cant discern if hes begging or ordering me.
i hum softly. he put his trust in me. "i love you." he nods. the gunshot echoes in the quiet room. it rings in my ears. i see splatters of mikeys blood on the wall. i feel his body relax in my arms. with the barrel against my temple, i shoot myself free.
a headache splits my skull apart as i watch this unwind. have i seen this before? no, mikeys hair is pitch black. im glad he doesn't let it fall over his forehead. i don't think i could bear to look at shin so much. i was adamant to cut it for him when he asked. the list is the same, though much longer. takashi, pah, peh, chifuyu, tora, the twins, hakkai, even ken. hes talking with takemichi now. it's easy to tell what mikey wants from him. im no good in this future. i don't have what takemichi has.
there is nothing left here for us. i wait among the shadows and debris, listening to mikey confess all his crimes. he veered down the wrong path. ive kept by his side all this time, holding him at his most vulnerable, but im not a savior. takemichi can save him in a way i can't. all ive done so far is push back the inevitable. mikey falls victim to his dark impulses every time. who am i to stop him? he keeps the safety of his gun on; i don't. i can save myself.
"kill me," he says. i feel like ive heard that before. it's not directed at me, though. i won't stop him. all mikey wants is to die and be free. that's what i want, too.
takemichi is, understandably, confused. he doesn't get it. maybe that's why mikey has chosen him. takemichi tries to figure out what mikeys trying to tell him. he asks about the friends hes murdered. it must be frightening for him to hear his former commander speak so nonchalantly about setting hakkai on fire. he asks about me. mikey glances at where im hidden. i catch the look in his eyes. those eyes that had me wrapped around his finger when he so intensely stared into my soul. they quiver.
hes helpless. hes scared. hes tired. hes horrified. he doesn't know what to do. he pounces on takemichi and threatens him. then a gunshot rings. it's not mikeys, it's not takemichis. and it's certainly not mine. mikey is dead. mikey is free. i swore to him that i would see him to his end. we die hand in hand, don't we, manjiro?
tachibana naoto, hinas little brother shot him. i remember her mentioning him to me once. ironic how hes the one to kill mikey, of all people. as takemichi cradles mikeys dead body in his arms, i step out of my waiting spot. it alerts both men instantly. naoto is wary of my presence, but takemichi believes in hope. he exclaims my name with enthusiasm. perhaps he thought mikey had killed me as well when he didn't answer. as if mikey would ever let me go.
"im just here to pick him up," i let them know i mean no harm.
naoto is a cautious man, if anything. "takemichi-kun, get behind me." id never do anything to hurt takemichi. he doesn't need to be worried about me.
i kneel before takemichi, extending my arms out. i remove mikeys burdens from his chest to take him away with me so we can both find peace. his blood smears on my clothes and i know takemichi will have a hard time forgetting this sight. mikey doesn't weigh much. it's painful knowledge.
as i haul mikey away, takemichi calls, "wait!"
there's nothing left to say, though. mikey has confessed all his crimes. mikey has confessed all his pains. "it's over, takemichi." i can't bring myself to curse him with that stupid nickname after all these years. "it's finally over." we're finally free. welcome home, manjiro. i wonder, if i smiled, would it hurt him? it'd be genuine happiness, but it's not like he'd be able to read that, so i don't. mikeys body is cold and stiff against mine. i let him rest against me, eyes closed and dried tears on his cheeks. he hasn't cried in so long. he leans his head on my shoulder. he always does this when he lets his vulnerability show. "i love you, manjiro," i remind him. hes all i have. i press my gun to the roof of my mouth. i don't get to taste it.
it's never over. my tongue feels dry when i chew on it out of anxiety. ive heard three shots. i see haru waiting behind a corner as mikey finishes his business. i didn't even glance at takemichi before i decided i couldn't do this. i wonder how much longer it'll take mikey to come up here and join me. this is the tokyo we conquered; this is not the dream mikey had. if he'd had a better moral compass, if he hadn't let ken go, if he hadn't put his trust in me, maybe this wouldn't have happened.
i hear footsteps behind me. here he is. i hug one of my legs to my chest, the other one dangling off the edge. we're on top of the world. it's a long way back home from up on this rooftop. he stands next to me in complete silence. so he's left takemichi to die. he was hopeless and helpless until the very end. i can't blame him. he's been through so much. he doesn't know how to share. he takes on all of the pain. he can only ask to be punished, because aid isn't a word in his vocabulary.
mikey pipes up, "you've been waiting for me here?" it doesn't surprise him at all. i know him like the back of my hand. this is how he takes responsibility for the last decade of misfortunes. he'll end it all.
"i couldn't bare to watch you keep making these mistakes," i reply truthfully. ive seen this before. i glance up at him and he glances down at the street. don't look down, manjiro. you won't survive this trip to hell.
it sounds like he wants to laugh. he doesn't. instead he brings back a conversation we had when we were fourteen. "that's why you're better than me." hardly. he says that stupid nickname clinging to me like a curse.
"after you." i motion towards his kingdom, to the path covered in blood and snow.
mikey looks at me briefly, quiet. then he cranes his neck up at the sky. "you won't stop me?" i see the tattoo on his nape. he put it there so he wouldn't have to look at it. it burns on his skin as it burns on my shoulder blade.
"i can't." i don't have the rights to stop him. i didn't do it in other timelines, im not going to start now. this is the only way for us to be free. it's tragic how unfortunate we are. maybe we deserve it.
how does one normally respond to a friend committing suicide? how does one respond to a friend letting them commit suicide? it's not what mikey does when he hums. "i'll see you later." he disappears into his own mind. whose face is he seeing? shins? emmas? i would hope. "everyone, let's do this!" there's a grin on his face. ive missed it. he hops off the roof and away from me.
"ill see you later."
i hear haru screaming all the way from the street. he's distressed. he's been with manjiro just as long as i have. mikey trapped him the same way he trapped me, but somehow worse. i know im not free as long as i stay next to mikey. i stay out of love and selfishness. haru stays out of fear and obsession. i know im not free, but im still my own person.
and i don't fool myself.
mikeys falling to his death, peaceful. an arm shoots out from the building and latches onto him. i smile bitterly, a sigh tumbling from my lips. "sucks that death is a bit of a bitch for both of us." i want to jump, too. i stick to my perch and swallow my pride, because im my own person, but im not. i can't die before mikey, i can't leave him alone.
i see the tears pouring out of his eyes. he begs for help, finally, for the first time in his life. it's enough to make me cry, too. he's being weak for the whole world to watch him burn himself to oblivion. takemichi scolds him. he struggles to hold on when the cross he's bearing weighs him down. twelve years of pain make him slip from his saviors grasp. there's nothing i can do.
blond hair and passive, ken's tattoo, black hair and chaos, izana's earrings. reality is broken for me, pieces of different timelines scattered on the floor. i have all these memories that aren't mine. mikey lies dead before me in a billion angles no one else can see. i don't understand why im seeing this now. i know ive seen it before. it's been two years since i last had to suffer through this. time is shattered and it hurts.
i hear that nickname ring in my ears. when i blink, mikey's corpses are gone. there's a weight in my hand and it's not from a gun. im gripping an unconscious boy by the collar. my knuckles sting. the skin of my hands is split open, bleeding. i remember now. we were wiping out a rival gang that challenged us. i turn towards mikey, trying to blink him into focus. "sorry, what'd you say?"
he stares back at me with hollow eyes. there's a tiny furrow in his brow that others wouldn't be able to pinpoint. "let's go," he repeats, nodding his head for me to follow him. i see haru and koko waiting for us behind him. they both look away when i catch their gazes.
"oh, yeah." i clear my throat. the kid im holding slips from my fingers and crumbles on the floor. his head bounces when it hits the ground. next to the blood splattered on the dirt, a tear drops. i realize it's mine instantly. im crying. i wipe at my eyes with my sleeve to pretend nobody saw me. i don't think i can explain what's made me cry like this in the middle of a fight. there's a discomfort in my throat, and remnants of a headache pulse in my temples, and the roof of my mouth itches. im still crying. the tears fall, but i feel nothing. this anguish isn't mine to feel.
i cough into my fist as i walk to stand next to mikey so we can head back. there's an open gash on his leg that he's ignoring. what's a little wound to the invincible mikey, after all? i know nobody is invincible, let alone manjiro, because i know people die, because ive killed him with my own two hands. ill take care of it for him later; mikey is my responsibility. he waits for me to join him. my shoulder brushes against his. he glares at my tears so intensely. "are you okay?" he asks quietly, like he doesn't want the two boys ahead of us to hear.
i turn my head to find his eyes. it's like he's trying to bring all my deceit to light, like im not allowed to hold secrets. i see those black holes that swallow up his own deceit. all i see, rather than the mikey right in front of me, is his corpses in variety, because i killed him, because i let him die, because that's what he wanted and that's the only way he could be free. so i clear my throat again, "yeah, just got dizzy." he knows it's a lie, instantly. my voice doesn't waver when i lie, but it gets small. he knows.
he lets silence hang for a moment. "did you eat today?"
i shake my head. "i was waiting for you." my attention flutters back to the two boys a few paces ahead. they're awfully quiet.
so is mikey. i feel him still staring at me. "okay." and he looks away, too.
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hexhomos · 2 years
so do i have to play league to keep up with lore?
Not at all!!! League is the opposite of a story-based game. Champions are meant to represent an archetype in the rift and shout some cool catchphrases. MOST are self contained, a few have interwoven plotlines that can span years. Some character stories get updated over time in the form of short fiction / comics / event based visual novels but most of that content can be looked up online.
In the case of jayce/viktor, to make ref easier for all: HERE’S THE JAYVIK LEAGUE LORE CHEAT SHEET.
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League of Legends
Viktor's bio v.1 | Jayce's bio v.1 | Blitzcrank's bio v.1
Viktor's bio v.2 | Jayce's bio v.2 | Blitzcrank's bio v.2
Viktor’s short story | Jayce’s short story | Blitz’ alt bio
“v.1″ refers to their original release bios, “v.2″ to post runeterra universe reboot bios. Worth noting that some of these changes were... contentious; blitzcrank’s new origin story as something viktor did not create but simply mod is mostly ignored by fans, who still refer to original events in a vague manner. The omission of stanwick in jayce / blitz’ updated bios is a big questionmark. To get in the spirit of the thing I just go all in the ‘Unreliable Narrator’ aspect of their whole shebang and cobble together my own interpretation of events.
[update nov.22]: Blitzcrank’s alt bio has been added! this 1.5 version contains a somewhat different account of events that I kind of prefer, compared to 2.0
Read info on ALL Canon AU universes, find HD splash art, Skinline details, 3D Models & more on the Vikjayce Codex!
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'CONVERGENCE' is an Ekko-led platformer game that released in 2023. An accompanying free-to-download comic miniseries was made to supplement the game's story, and it focuses on Jayce, Viktor, Ekko himself & his family -- and how they are all interwoven as the 'struggling genius' archetype in a very flawed system.
[Read here!!]
This series features a retelling of J/V's backstories through the lens of an outsider, and a bit of an update on where they are now. Surprising absolutely no one: they are still very attached to each other. (This comic is standalone, and not part of the Arcane universe.)
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Legends of Runeterra vikjayce content:
[ Jayce’s Deck / related cards ]  |  [ Viktor’s Deck / related cards ]
Jayce's Path of Champions Comic (Voiced/Viktor is in it)
Jayce voice interactions | Viktor voice interactions (he shares this vid w other champions, pops back from time to time)
*They both keep extensive research/life notes addressing themselves. It’s very undying highschool girl cute. LoR is sometimes referred to as its own continuity; their cards are both a progression of their story and a what-if scenario.
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Arcane universe limited content:
[ Jayce Talis’ journal ] was available to read in the league client while the show was airing. “Far From Home” “Progress Day” “A Powerful Partnership” are all diary entries; the layout is a bit finicky but click on chapter numbers to progress, the image on the side changes to match!
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Wild Rift limited content:
[ Jayce got a champion release webtoon ] that never made it to NA servers. It quickly summarizes his deal and vaguely hints Viktor is in the update horizon.
There is a tentative translation offered by blessed twitter user crossedfires, highlight being the jayce/viktor panel wherein he remarks: 
“Genius is always lonely, I know this truth very well. Until Viktor appeared – I admit it – he is the only gear comparable to me.” (uses the verb xiāngdāng (comparable) that means match, balance, correspond to). One of my mandarin-speaking friends has also pointed out the wordplay lends itself to double meaning; “He is the only gear to match/that matches mine.”
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Jayce & Viktor animated stickers
Punches&Plants 2 - Altcanon comedy, various champs living in an urbanized fantasy version of runeterra. Jayce and Viktor retire from a life of rivalry to dedicate themselves to new hobbies. Viktor is a dollmaker, Jayce is a weeb. Blitzcrank has an unfortunate job.
League’s Germany twitter promo - Viktor gets his ‘man of progress’ mug.
Wild Rift holidays promo - Jayce leaves a gift for ‘V’ under the tree.
Jayce and Viktor also have plenty of AU ingame skins with their own micro bios. Not linking these here since itd be too much info/ u can easily google; they share the Battlecast universe (ppl like this one) and the Heavy Metal universe (ppl dislike this one for various reasons, namely retconning Viktor’s full machine skin from ‘his last stage of mechanization’ into a very unfortunate stereotype.) They were meant to be an annoying player and an annoyed dungeon master in the Riftquest universe but riot scrapped Viktor’s skin. RIP
if anything else cool happens or I remember a missed spot I’ll update this!
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theatrevelyan · 7 months
Ok, I’ve binged the new ATLA live action and I have feelings about it so here are my incoherent thoughts! (SPOILERS btw!!)
I’m a fan of the original show and I approached this show with low expectations (namely the only expectation I had was “this can’t be worse than the movie, right??”) but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised!!
I mean sure some details have been changed to flow better in this rendition of the story but I’m fine with that so long as the heart that made the original special is still there and I know some people didn’t felt like it did but I had the feeling that it was.
Do I love absolutely everything about the show?
I have some issues with the first episode being too stiff and some shots were outright weird?? Like the tilted camera when Grangran was speaking was a really odd choice??? Was it to signal that the world changed when the fire nation attacked? If so it missed the mark, it just felt weird… to be honest Grangran in general felt weird. Idk man, she felt like an exposition dump made flesh. Also I did like it better when it was Katara’s unchecked emotions that led them to Aang.
In general, the dialogues were… uhm, how to put it…? Too rigid? Not the acting mind you, but the actual script felt a bit stilted, I felt it more in the first few episodes but to me, the first episode is by far the weakest of the season in this regard which is odd since it’s your hook and most of the time you want to make sure the hook is if not the best at least a really solid opening.
I did not like Bumi, like at all. He was never a favorite of mine even in the original but still I found him annoying in this version and the fight in that episode was not the best to say the least but the rest of Omashu was good even if they changed it to include both Sai’s and Jet’s storylines. Too bad they didn’t include the loss of culture subplot for Aang but I get there was no time/place for it in this version of events and the rest was handled well… except for Bumi lol
On the more serious complaints… they butchered my boi HeiBai!!! That episode was all over the place in sense of scripting. I didn’t mind putting Koh and the owl there but we just forgot about the HeiBai plot along the way and we never got a resolution about it???? Like just two lines about healing the forest would have been enough, not good mind you, but enough.
Also I did not get why they changed the motivation for going to the North Pole from going there to train to go there bc of Kyoshi weird premonition thing or why Roku didn’t tell Aang about the comet????
Like ok the Kyoshi thing I can just wave it away like a minor change to flow better with the new structure of the episodes but I can’t ignore the fucking comet!!! That’s like a really important timeframe for the gaang to follow and maybe they will get to it next season since it was addressed on Ozai’s side of things but it felt still like a weird change.
Oh and why didn’t Aang learn water bending??? I mean I guess they probably wanted to elevate Katara’s skill level and have her be recognized as a master before she started teaching him besides him having still to come to terms with having to accept that he is the avatar and that he has to fight sometimes something that he doesn’t really do until the season finale and I can get behind that, I really can… but man… let him water bend just a little. Maybe in just one scene to show that he is picking up something from Katara even if she’s not his teacher yet. To show that despite all the doubts he’s actually trying to do what he’s supposed to. I guess this is a “wait and see” kind of change though so I’ll let it go… for now.
All that said, do I think the show is a good adaptation of the original?
Fucking yes.
It has its flaws for sure but there is also a lot of good things in it.
Sokka was the highlight for me. I really liked him in the original but i feel like he’s been elevated in this version of the story and the actor did a really remarkable job with him, despite my worry with the changes in his initial story arch they managed to give him another layer that I liked.
Actually all the actors did a very good job! Aang was spot on and Zuko had a lot more humanity in him from the start without losing his rough edges. And while I stand by that Sokka’s actor is the one that surprised me the most, Zuko’s was the one I had more fun watching. A really great performance in my opinion.
Iroh was a fucking delight and an emotional gut punch as always and while he was a bit more somber I really liked this version of the character.
They did Azula and Ozai justice showing how cunningly terrifying and utterly toxic they can be and I really liked that we got to see more of them in season 1.
Hell, even Zhao felt the right balance of unhinged cartoony villain and actual threat for the pov characters.
Katara was more of mixed bag for me. She’s my favorite character in the original (with Zuko being a close second) so I have higher standards for her and overall all she still feels like the Katara that I know and love but idk sometimes she felt too poised?? It’s more evident in the first few episodes to be fair and I don’t think it was the acting, the actress was great! Maybe it was the direction or the writing?? Idk man I still loved her, mind you, but in the original, Katara, while being kind and loving, was still a force of nature that you do not want to anger exactly like a raging river that can both be a source of life or a force of destruction. In this it felt like they softened her edges a bit too much. That might be a me problem though, as I said she’s my favorite so I have higher standards for her.
Ti be honest though, it seems that they softened everyone’s less palatable traits. Zuko isn’t as ruthless, Sokka isn’t sexist at the start of the season, Aang isn’t as goofy and so on. I didn’t mind it actually and most of the time it works really well in showing us new sides of these characters without losing who the are but idk man… while I still loved Katara it felt like she was missing something. And same with Suki! She looked fantastic and she was fierce as I expected her to be but she also felt more naive and love struck that she should have. Nothing terrible but enough to notice.
The bending was fantastic and it really felt… well real. Especially air bending! Appa and Momo were really well animated too! Big win for the VFX team!
The music too! It just felt right. And I’m still not over those scenes when you faintly hear leaves from the vines play in the background. Curse you and your great choices that made me actually cry my eyes out like a baby!
In the end I’d give it a solid 7/10. It was a nice watch and it brought me back to my childhood and I can see it’s potential to be something special on its own.
Mind you, this could still turn into a dumpster fire along the way. It wouldn’t be the first time it happened to a really promising Netflix show (I’m looking at you Voltron and the Witcher) but I have to say, I’m gladly surprised and mildly optimistic about this show!
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cuddletime-blog · 7 months
LBC Valentine's Day Poems (2024)
Valentine’s Day Poem for Alkaid
Love is like breezy, spring bike rides by the ocean.
You make me feel like peaceful days with you
could stretch on and on for the rest of our lives.
Now, I won’t think of spring days
in the same way I once used to.
I just want to fill up my youth
with lovely spring days with you.
I just want to smell the roses
like I never have before
and lie there on the grass daydreaming
or I could gaze up and study the stars in the night sky,
wondering how lucky I am to have met you.
It’s no mystery how I feel about you.
I only know that I love you.
The truth isn’t all that hard to find
when I know that I want to be with you.
Valentine’s Day Poem for Clarence
How do I write the perfect Valentine’s poem
for a serious scholar?
Goodness only knows.
All I know is that you are reliable when it counts.
You are like autumn days,
everchanging and mild.
Warm and cold,
the in-between of changing seasons
You are like winter days,
cold but calm like the pure snow
gently falling.
Even the river leads to somewhere calmer.
I hope you find your waterfall
and can let yourself go where your heart belongs.
I know you’ll reach for your dreams,
but I hope you’ll get everything your heart wishes for.
I hope you can be true to yourself.
It’s fine to have flaws too.
Even a mountain has its rugged edges,
but the view from the top may the most beautiful scenery.
I hope you remember that I’ll be there for you when you need me
and I’ll still be by your side on any journey.
Valentine’s Day Poem for Ayn
You are like a box of chocolates,
a surprise each time.
You are like all the songs on a CD.
No song is the same,
but each one is a treasure.
I hope you’ll enjoy the little things
and just live the way you want to
regardless of what anyone else thinks.
Life can be any adventure you choose
and our story is just the beginning.
No chapter is the same.
So I’ll take your hand and you can take the lead.
Lead the way and I’m confident we’ll still
someday reach our destination.
We’ll encourage each other
and bring out the best in one another.
Valentine’s Day Poem for Lars
No words might be enough to
describe exactly what you are to me,
but I like imperfect things just as much too.
You are honest with me.
I like how you really know
how to seize life and how you take the time
to show me the good things in life
so I don’t miss out on anything even though
I’m taking my time catching up to you.
You’re matching your pace with mine
and gradually, before I even notice,
we’re just walking side by side.
I have confidence in you being able to
do anything your heart sets on to do.
I like both the confident business leader Lars
and the silly, jokester child-at-heart Lars.
Whoever and whatever you are,
I can’t thank you enough for just being yourself. 
You make ordinary days seem amazing
no matter what we’re doing.
You’re like the sun of my universe
and I hope you’ll have all the best in the world and more.
I hope we can see more of the world,
seize the best in each day,
and find the best of what life has to offer together.
Valentine’s Day Poem for Cael
No masterpiece is simply a masterpiece
Just because it was one in the first place.
Each piece has its merits and its admirer.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I want to see past your walls,
to see the whole picture and not just the pieces.
I’ll climb the walls if you just let me.
I want to show you that the world
is much bigger, wider, and better than we ever knew.
You are only seeing things from a certain perspective.
Perhaps you are missing some of the details.
You are not alone
because I hope you remember that you have me too.
I’ll still be here when you’re ready to talk again.
I’ll listen to your whole story
so all you need to do is to be ready to show me
what we really mean to one another.
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I hear you need angst ideas for Jimmy. WELL- canonically his character is not only insecure but it’s heavily implied he has abandonment issues. What if you delve into that with the whole mess with his ex deputy fwhip.
Jimmy was used to people only staying temporarily. Even if they promised they'd never leave, they always left or were taken from him. For a while he began to wonder if he was the problem.
I mean, only so many people can promise to stick by your side just to disappear so many times before you start to wonder if you were the reason they left. Maybe you were driving them away.
And Jimmy was fine to accept that. He knew he wasn't the greatest person alive. He made mistakes, he got angry and sad or would say the wrong thing at the wrong time. So maybe everyone had just seen how bad of a person he was and didn't want to deal with him anymore. That was fine. That was understandable.
And then fWhip wanted to be deputy. The little goblin man came along with his charming grin and big blue eyes and completely won over Jimmy's heart. They were good friends and fWhip hadn't done anything to spite Jimmy so far so Jimmy trusted him with a shiny golden badge, crafted from the finest gold from Tumble Town mines. And it was even made specifically for fWhip's size.
"I would never ever betray you, Sheriff." fWhip promises one day, crossing over his heart. Jimmy swallows and tries to keep his hopes down. fWhip would leave eventually. fWhip would get sick of him and his antics and throw in the badge and never speak to him again.
But fWhip didn't leave. At least not for a while. He stayed by Jimmy's side for months. Jimmy had grown to trust fWhip, telling him things no one else on the server knew. He told fWhip about Double Life, how he still thought of Tango all the time, about how people always seemed to leave him, how he didn't even feel human sometimes.
And fWhip listened. He listened with a heavy heart to Jimmy's stories. He didn't crack jokes to downplay Jimmy's feelings. He was a friend, a deputy, partner in crime law.
"I promise I won't leave," fWhip mumbles, scooting closer to Jimmy and resting his hand on top of Jimmy's.
The Sheriff takes it as a simple comforting gesture. "Please don't." He mumbles back, leaning his head on top of fWhip's.
fWhip kept to his promise. He stuck to Jimmy like glue. He ransacked the Toy Barn in Jimmy's name, distributed Law books, defended Jimmy in and out of court, all while wearing his deputy badge proudly.
It all made Jimmy feel.. some way. He didn't have the words for it.
And Jimmy began to believe fWhip. Maybe he wouldn't leave. Maybe Jimmy would have a solid ally for once. They'd be the best of friends and would always have each other's backs no matter what.
Jimmy really liked that idea.
But nothing good lasts around Jimmy Solidarity. He can never have anything precious in his life. Just when he thinks everything is perfect and maybe he isn't a horrible person the sky comes crashing down and ruins everything in its path.
Something changed in fWhip. A switch flipped, maybe. One day he was Jimmy's best friend and the next he was shouting from the rooftops that Jimmy was corrupt, that he was a bad Sheriff and shouldn't be trusted.
Of course Jimmy fired him. Not before basically begging on his knees to know what had happened between them, what he'd done and how he could fix him.
fWhip wanted nothing to do with him.
So Jimmy was alone again.
Maybe he really was the problem. Maybe there was something wrong with him he couldn't see but others could. Did he talk too much? Or not enough? Was his logic really that flawed? Was he not considerate enough? Too clingy? Did he really carry himself like he was above everyone?
He just wanted to know what his deal was, why he couldn't keep friends. And he wanted all his friends back.
Jimmy... only talks to people for business matters now. And he doesn't bother being friendly. It doesn't earn him any friends but it keeps people from getting too close. Gotta stop the spark before it can start a fire, right?
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ginshariboy · 1 year
#3 and #7 for those video game asks 👀
3. 1-3 games you’ve played in the past 12 months that you really enjoyed Pokemon Scarlet
i genuinely loved this game which was a difficult thing for games to accomplish after i was consumed by elden ring and didn't want to wriggle free of its grasp on me lol. i think it has its flaws of course, i'm not going to be delulu about that but i dont know unpopular opinion but i like open world games!!! i dont know if this scale and direction will be the best to stick with in the future for pokemon but i really loved having a generous amount of freedom in where i went and the order in which i did shit. it was wild to wander off to casseroya lake and just frantically try to juke around all of the dragon pokemon a shit ton of levels above mine while screaming until i managed to get to the other side. i also just really loved the story and characters (except for SOMEBODY), got me really emotional also arven best boy
Silent Hill 3
bought the game for the first time when i was like fourteen, just finished it basically fourteen years later lol. loved the idea of horror games as a kid but i was so bad at playing them, they were mostly just prime sleepover games at the time 😂 but it was great to revisit the game after getting a lot more context for themes and the overarching story of silent hill. while i'm not as susceptible to getting scared by these games anymore, i feel like knowing more about them on top of just having a lot more uhhh life experience than i did when i first got the games helped to elevate the horror from oo spooky scary to oh god oh fuck that's the dread isn't it oh no it's hitting awful close to real life now oh shit. also it was just cool to see how bizarre and clunky silent hill could be compared to like…Nostalgia Glasses Silent Hill. it sounds like something that's all sorts of bad but i honestly liked how weird and disjointed progression could be in the games.
Baldur's Gate 3
i mean......come on i think this is everyone's choice if asked lol BUT.....plot twist, i really didn't want to touch the game initially. i loved the original games, they're literally my top favorite games, but for me, i'd given the series its kiss goodnight and i couldn't really figure out what a third game would add to the main storyline. it was pretty wrapped up and i don't know this new studio and everyone was pushing me about it and trying to make me trust the new studio but it didnt change the fact that i didnt know them, i didn't know what they were going to do with my favorite game and i was like eugh i dont wanna roll the dice and i just wanted to be left alone about it, and the bear shit happened and i was like ohhhh the legacy is gonna die because this is all people are going to focus on oh jeez scoob no one talk to me about this game ever again, baldur's gate is at rest in its tomb and i will hear no more!!!! then i played it. and i'm still working through it. but once again i was Consumed to a degree that i hadn't been consumed since elden ring. i keep making new characters because its just fun to try the game out from a completely different character from the beginning, i don't know how they fit it all in there. i know its a huge game but holy shit there's so much to it i dont even think the actual size of the game sounds feasible for all of the shit going on. i didnt think i'd give a single shit about any of the new companions but i love them dearly and i'm so happy to see my old pals minsc and jaheira but it's so hard to form a proper party because i just want everyone on my team because i love them all!!! i think if i had to choose, i do still love the original games about gorion's ward, it's a hard story to beat and i mean i've loved the game for like 20 years for a reason, but i do think 3 is a great addition to the series and manages to pay respectful homage to its predecessors for old players while still bringing the world and mechanics up to speed for modern day. anyway my first character fucked the guy who turns into a bear so whatever in that department i guess.
7. A series you’ve lost interest in Fallout
i don't say this in a bad way but i think i've lost a bit of interest in it in the sense that it's just not really at the forefront of my mind these days? i still really love the games but i mean my favorite one is 3 and i don't think i've gotten the same exact feeling from the games afterward. i know new vegas is a fan favorite and 4 was good but i was consumed by 3 lol. so it's less like eugh ew eauaugh hate it and more just i tucked it into bed and kissed it goodnight and it will awaken when it awakens.
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c7thetumbler · 6 months
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Quick Game Reviews March 2024
3 month combo hell yeah
I'm reusing last months banner because I got super lazy
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Image taken from my switch. We fist bumped.
Splatoon 3 [Revisited] (Switch)
I previously "reviewed" this in 2022, and here were my thoughts on that:
While it doesn't break much ground in comparison to the previous game, it's definitely worth a go if you've enjoyed the first 2 entries.
Now that the DLC and a number of updates are out, I went ahead and revisited this for about a whole months worth of eveneings just to see how far it's come.
And it's doing pretty well! I"m still utter trash at pvp, but that's not stopped me from enjoying it. Additionally all of the new Salmon Run content, including Big Run, is really fun to continue grinding away at for hours on end. The level of customization the game has is great as well, and the badges being hidden is a solid way of doing achievements. Again, It's a very solid Splatoon experience and I'd recommend it to anyone interested in it, though you've probably gotten it already if you are.
That being said, it + the expansion pack are a little pricey for what you're getting, at least so far. Nintendo hasn't announced a 3rd wave of DLC, but the 1st wave consisted of just some more cosmetics and an optional hub world, which wasn't a whole lot to go off of, and the 2nd, Side Order (reviewed last month) is great but not $30 great. The game seems to be getting gameplay and Splatfest updates still at least, so I'll probably be sticking with it for a while cuz it's just a fun romp while listening to podcasts and chillin with the cat in the lap.
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Image from the B3313 fandom wiki
B3313 (N64 Rom hack)
B3313 is a Mario 64 Rom Hack that thrives off of your previous experiences with SM64 and SM64DS and twists it with dream-like surreal changes and a vast degree of inception-like complexity. It is near impossible to map out its worlds, and around every corner, death, door, or even successful star you will often find yourself thrown into a completely new, slightly twisted version of somewhere you may recognize.
I had a really good time at first divng straight into it and navigating my way through the worlds, trying to maker cohesive sense of it, and managed to get ~40 stars before I got bored of it. I know there's a whole lot more there, but its fatal flaw is when you get this complex, your levels really have to be engaging or interesting in and of themselves, and most of the time they just aren't. You'll spend a lot of time running around big, empty levels looking for a silver star or red coinv, or in a lot of cases replaying the same start of a level to get to a sub area within a sub area that your previously died at only to get thrown off by the game's camera and miss a jump and then thrown back out into Peach's castle as imagine by MC Escher.
It's a fun romhack, and a lot of love was thrown into it, but as a "game" or for-fun experience it doesn't really hold up there. I would more recommend it just to see if it's something you enjoy, but prepare for some frustration and backtracking.
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Image from Dreamsweeper's steam page
Dreamsweeper (Steam Demo)
I saw GirlDM (wholesome catgirl vtuber) playing this on my feed once and decided to give it a go. It's basically like if Crypt of the Necrodancer replace the music mechanics with Minesweeper instead, which I'm down for.
The core loop is good; I had a lot of fun applying Minesweeper logic in a new way, as well as the aesthetics really bringing out the comfy, lofi dream look they were really going for, so that's a huge plus. That being said, it's still got some growing to do. I'm a little confused as to how you would expand this into a full game, and sometimes the generation can just make it impossible to logic out some areas. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing; the difference between Minesweeper and a logic complete puzzle game like Sudoku is occasionally you do run into guesses. It's like dealing with real mines!
Additionally, the combat is a bit out of place. That's not to say the DDR-esque (or like Undyne from Undertale) minigame isn't good, but it doesn't really fit with the minesweeper or even dream look in and of itself, and just serves to take you out of it rather than add to it. I would've preferred something like a logic puzzle, or even another variation or callback to a different old windows pc minigame everyone had just to kinda keep it cohesive.
That being said, I enjoyed my time time with and am looking forward to seeing how they expand on it in the future!
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Image from the steam page
Megaman X Dive Offline (Steam)
You get mad props in my book for turning your mobile game from a F2P gacha game to a cohesive, single-purchase experience. Even more so, when you take the servers down you release that as its own offline game so that it's accessible to anyone who may have missed out.
This was an impulse purchase alongside the Battle Network Legacy collections, and honestly? Kind of regret it. Not because the game is bad exactly, but because I realized that I don't actually like Mega Man X that much to begin with so me getting the whole deal didn't make a lot of sense. The levels are fine and the gameplay is too, however I can already tell that because of how the Gacha works it's a grindfest to get any character up to par, and there's as a result a bunch of inventory management between levels to ensure your stuff remains good. I'm glad they did it, but it exemplifies why adding mechanics that meld with microtransactions inherently makes the core experience worse and the game's not for me.
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Image taken from the Sonic Triple Trouble 16 bit website
Sonic Triple Trouble 16-bit (Fan game)
I saw an article that the Noah Copeland was hopping off of the Sonic Drift 16-bit project to make his own game with his own characters. His reasoning was he had two goals: Make a Sonic fan game and make his own games, and now that he had done the former with Sonic Triple Trouble 16-bit, he wanted to start on the latter. That's completely fair and understandable, and I wish him the best and hope the Sonic Drift 16-bit project continues with the current devs because it looks really good!
I'd be lying if my initial reaction wasn't actually me being like "Wait, there's a really good remake of Sonic Triple Trouble?" Though.
And it is really good! It remakes Sonic Triple Trouble into a "modern" classic Sonic game w3hile adding new levels, playable characters, and layouts and expanding on the story to make it cohesive and fun. Sonic's drop dash returns from Mania, and again it really brings his moveset together and makes him the most fun character to play in my opinion. Tails is also playable at the same time as Sonic, and you can swap to him on the fly with a single button press, which is a welcome change over just having him be around. In Free play mode you can unlock 3 more characters as well, which is always fun.
Overall this is, like Mania, peak classic Sonic gameplay. This is what Sonic Superstars should've been, and its quality is higher than a lot of official Sonic releases as of late (looking at you, Origins and Forces). If you're a fan of Classic Sonic, this is a well designed and excellent experience you need to give a try! And it won't cost you a cent!
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Image taken from the steam store page
Insaniquarium Deluxe (Steam)
This was a fun revisit. I Hadn't played this since way back in the day when they had the original, much more pixelated version and it was nice to revisit.
Just some quick notes on this one: PvZ definitely aged a lot better. While I appreciate that large amount of modes and variety in levels, the gameplay itself is very one note. It's addictive fore sure, but as soon as you get into the habit of it there really isn't much variety between the different tanks other than figuring out how to ramp up production.
Additionally the game has you clicking a lot, and the speed at which you can click is very much ingrained into its core mechanics. If this were made today, that would not go well given how utterly painful play sessions can get. I opted to use a mouse clicker, because I wanted to have fun and also be able to work tomorrow without dying.
All that being said, it's still a fantastic game in its own right! Sure, it's not the deepest gameplay you've ever seen, but not all games have to have deep, complex interweaving mechanics to be a grand old time. It's a great time to play for an hour or so while you're listening to a video or podcast, and honestly I recommend it for just being a fun, nostalgic clicker game. But wait for a sale.
And it's more enjoyable than cookie clicker, imo
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Image from my switch
Princess Peach: Showtime!
As of the time of this writing I haven't beaten it yet, so my story & gameplay assessment may change by that time. If that does, I'll update this in my reviews next month, but I think I'm still pretty on point.
I'll go into this saying I had pretty high hopes for this one. Nintendo has a great track record when it comes to making spin-offs based off of other Mario characters; Yoshi games offer a different but still engaging platforming experience to the basic Mario platformers. Wario Land games are for the most part all great, ranging from platformers that test your wits and abilities to the iconic WL4/Shake it gameplay that would give rise to Pizza Tower. Luigi's mansion took a character whose only feature was being Green Mario and made it into a successful franchise with completely unique gameplay.
And sure, Peach has had a platformer before with Super Princess Peach. I haven't played it, but I heard it was fun. But when this game was announced I will say I was excited to see another Mario spin-off but with Peach as the leading lady.
And it's definitely not bad! I want to make sure that's clear; I don't dislike the game. It's difficult to describe the gameplay in a way that encompasses everything though. The best comparison would be a puzzle platformer but with a large amount of minigames interspersed, along with hidden collectibles all throughout the levels. To go with probably the worst possible game mashup I can think of, It's like Wario: Master of Disguise mixed with Luigi's Mansion 2 and a Spin-off Kirby game.
I will also say that I'm not the target audience for it, for sure, so I'm keeping that in mind when I say this. It's just, I'm kind of disappointed in it myself. It's not challenging, kinda like how Yoshi's Crafted World and most modern Kirby's aren't, but the gameplay isn't really engaging me enough to want to progress that frequently. Additionally most of the challenge seems to be from collecting the green sparkles scattered throughout the level, and for the most part it's not so much a skill challenge as a "Oh did you find the right part of the screen to stand on and pose" sort of thing.
The setting and story kind of irks me as well. The theatre aesthetic isn't foreign to Mario games, with Paper Mario and SMB3 even embracing it, but it feels inconsistent here. Peach is put through a variety of different plays where she assumes the main role in order to complete the stage and overcome the main antagonist: Grape and the Sour Bunch, and bring order back to the play. But it feels like they couldn't decide whether the game was trying to be like "Hey this is you actually helping people in need" and "This is all an act for your amusement", and bouncing back between those constantly and clumsily does it a disservice.
Performance wise the game's not doing so hot either. I know it's on switch, but with how smooth Mario Kart 8 DX and Splatoon 3 run, the game doesn't really have an excuse to be dropping frames. Most of the game is a fixed perspective with models made to look like theater props, but I find it's actually pretty common to see things operating at a lower framerate or stuttering. They also didn't even stick 100% with the theater aesthetic, with a lot of transitions looking almost voxel and digital in nature rather than actively moving set pieces like a performance, which is a shame because if they went all in on it it would've been cool to see them nail it like modern Paper Mario hits the paper aesthetic really well.
All in all, I'd say this a fairly decent game that has some issues finding what it's supposed to be. There's definitely fun to have here, but the variety of costumes and performances which for the most part don't mix together make the game feel like a mini-game collection more than a cohesive experience. So, it's alright, but in my opinion I'd wait for a big sale before picking it up. If you're looking for a challenge, consider this to be like a Kirby game before you buy
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pullakori · 1 year
Febuwhump 2023
Day 20. Knife wound Alt 4. Experimentation
TW: Implied torture
At first, they had kept him in a cell. Charles didn't know how long, weeks at least, maybe months. His sense of time had been twisted useless with drugs they pumped into him. They had probed him and cut him and most recently, shaved his head. Clearly they were after something, but he had no idea what because none off them spoke to him.
Today, they had moved him in to another room. The drugs in him made his telepathy still numb and his mind little groggy. He was chained to a chair by his chest and wrists. There were strange machines around the room and wires hanging from the ceiling. The five men, that were preapering different tools for something, wore what looked like either medical scrubs or lab coats.
They're going to torture me, Charles thought, surprised how little emotional response it brought in him.
The door to the room opened and someone walked inside, accompanied by a sound of heels clicking against the floor.
"Now tell me, how are things progressing in here." The voice sounded familiar, but Charles had hard time placing it.
"Ms. Frost." One of the men in a lab coat greeted and Charles was left confused. Frost? Shaw's telepath, who had, last he was aware, been working with Erik and the Brotherhood? He craned his neck to the side to see better. The labcoated man was giving the report to the woman in white. "Everything is on schedule, we have located the energy points in the subject's brain and are ready for surgery." That was the most information Charles had heard ever since he had been abducted. None off it comforted him. Surgery? What did they mean? What did they want with him?
Frost nodded at the scientist, who went back to his work, before turning to look at Charles.
"Nice to see you again, sugar. Have you enjoyed your stay?" She asked as she walked gracefully in front of him.
"Ms. Frost." Charles greeted, still unsure what he should think about this situation. Was this a rescue? He hoped so, but Frost's icy smile worried him. "Why am I here?"
"You are here to fulfill your desteny." The woman decleared and smothered any hope that she was here to help. "You are wasting your power, playing school and fraternizing with the humans, when you could make them accept us without a question." She continued, distaste clear in her tone.
"That wouldn't be right. I can't just change someone's mind like that." Charles told her with as strong voice as he could muster. He had set firm boundaries on his morals regarding his power. He knew that he could do terrible things, if he so decided, and those morals were the only thing keeping him from destroying everything around him.
"Not even to save your own kind?" Frost prodded, lifting one of her eyebrows, but Charles just gave her a deadpan look.
"Would you want for me to change completely who you are? Make you think you're a middle aged man who loves to fix cars, perhaps?" He suggested.
"That is not the same thing. This, you will do for the grater good." Frost insisted, but Charles shook his head. It was easy to say that one knew what was best for everyone. Charles knew it was one of his own flaws, hence the boundaries. But in reality, human mind was flawed, its perception limited and it could easily lose its way.
"If I do one, what prevents me from doing the other?" He asked. If he took one step over the line, why stop there.
Frost didn't seem eager to continue that line of conversation, so Charles asked about something else. Now that he was getting answers he needed to keep asking.
"Why aren't you doing it? You're a telepath too." He pointed out.
"You have your tricks, I have mine." The woman smiled again. "Our powers might be similiar, but they are not the same. You are much more powerfull when it comes to influencing and changing one's mind." She ran a nail faintly against Charles' temple, but he dug away from the touch. "And while I am ready to do almost anything for our cause, this kind of sacrifice is a bit too much for me."
"Sacrifice?" Charles parroted the word, dread finally catching up with him and the situation. The other telepath's smirk didn't help.
"A project of this caliber needs a lot of time and contineous work." Frost explained. "And only way to achieve that amount of work, is to connect a telepath in to a machine that will make sure, that the work is done." She gestured around the room with her hand and Charles realised that the whole room was an inside of a giant machine.
"And how have you kept this all from Erik?" This much metal would not go unnoticed by his old friend. This place had to be in some kind of remote location that Frost visited in secret.
"Oh sugar," Frost almost laughed, leaned down so they were face to face and looked at Charles like he was a dumb child. "who do you think came up with the idea?" She asked and Charles' stomach dropped.
"No..." The word escaped his mouth. There was no way this was true. Charles shook his head. "No, you're lying! Erik would never-"
"He left you on that beach didn't he?" Emma pointed out, cutting Charles off. "He thought that he was done with you, that you had no more use to him, especially when you didn't seem too eager to join him." She continued and straightened herself. "But as it turned out, having a strong telepath on your side opens so many doors, that the sacrifice is worth it. One man's pain for the freedom of the others."
Charles didn't want to believe it. There was no way Erik would do something like this! But then again, he hadn't thought that Erik would shut him out. And he hadn't seen the man in almost a year. Who knew what he was up to...
"Ms. Frost, we are ready." The voice of one of the scientists pulled Charles away from his thoughts.
"Good. Proceed gentlemen." Frost nodded and someone grapped Charles by his head, pulling him close to the backrest of the chair. A new metal bond was put around his neck and something was also placed on his head, making it impossible for him to move it.
"Wait! Please!" Charles begged, not sure if he was shouting to Frost or at the scientists, but in the end, that didn't really matter for no one was listening. "Please, let me speak to Erik!"
"I'll report to Magneto that everything is going according to plan." Frost announced, then turned and walked off of Charles' line of sight just as a sound of a drill filled the room.
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mejomonster · 2 years
truly shocking how good the yakuza games Can be. i mean, of course a game can be good. but when i’ve played games like dragon age inquisition that wasted 60 hours on meaningless fetch quests without even the reward of interesting story, games like yakuza like a dragon where i’ve spent 50 hours and the entire time doing only stuff i wanted to do and enjoyed? fucking incredible
i don’t want a long game if it’s going to waste my time with things not designed to be fun for the players sake. story is nice to me, so the quests of Nier Automata and Nier Replicant were generally a fucking delight, because even if sometimes they were just fetch quests, you got regular story from them and it was interesting story (not to mention the Nier games reward you with Weapon Stories if you’re just spending time grinding to upgrade weapons, so even that potentially dull task has an interesting benefit besides just a stronger weapon). minigames i personally Enjoy Playing are enjoyable to me, so when Spyro has me do a bunch of minigames its not a waste because they’re Fun. when yakuza offers minigames, they’re nearly ALL optional, and i spend hours on them because they’re just personally Fun to me (and they often do reward with Story at certain milestones which is an additional fun part for me ToT).
i’m just so beyond irritated with games that tote 40+ hours of gameplay (or god forbid 100) but most of those hours aren’t gameplay you’d want to fucking do. either make the game 20 hours of genuinely good fun stuff to do, or make the other ‘added’ hours of gameplay optional so people who’d rather not do 60 hours of harvesting/collecting things can at least ignore that portion. (yes this is also about FFVII Remake’s 10 hour long Reactor dungeons, which was to me the biggest flaw of the Remake I couldn’t manage to overlook... some other changes were A Choice sure, but the Reactors that took 15 minutes to 2 hours at a stretch in the original, took 7-10 hours in the Remake, with nothing happening during them additional but just more grinding battle after battle. it felt like a way to pad play time. i’d have preferred a 20 hour tight game with fun interesting things happening every 1/2 hour at least, over a game padded with a lot of 5 hour chunks of nothing but grinding. I get it... the makers spent Forever on VII Remake... so they didn’t want to show they’d wasted all those years on only 20 hours and the first 1/3 of the game lol. But i’d have preferred 20 hours of a really solid Remake. i get why they made the decision though. it just makes me really Not want to replay the Remake part 1, despite all of the other parts i genuinely loved and liked. At least when i replay the original FF VII I don’t ever feel like its wasting my time. And yes I klnow long hours spent grinding is a pet peeve of mine specifically, and it is perfectly neutral or enjoyable to plenty of others - which is why a lot of people like FF13 fine whereas i quit every time i hit the required 10 hour grind section, and the reason people enjoy many a jrpgs that Are 100 hours of gameplay with a significant portion of grinding, that i’ve mostly never played cause the jrpgs i like tend to be paced more on the ‘if you do no grinding and only the battles you run into on the core path, you’ll generally always be leveled up enough’.)
back to my point. Yakuza Like a Dragon really is a well made game. At least so far, as of chapter 11. Its paced fairly well, its got a story you can follow tightly, with a lot of room to fuck off and do whatever side stories or mini games you enjoy if you want a break from the crime drama Angst story/cutscenes, its really nicely thought out AS a turn base job classes rpg game (I was really happily surprised all the goofing off i do bonding with my party members and playing side quests and minigames actually affects my job classes and what Ichiban can do in other parts of the game - meaning i get a reward for the UFO catcher besides a cute plushie lol, unlike previous games). I love that while it’s clearly designed after Dragon Quest, I can see how the designers thought out how an rpg concept would work FULLY integrated into what a yakuza game IS. They could have easily placed a turn base rpg fight system on top of the existing Yakuza game structure, instead they integrated the minigames and side stories and how bosses Work and how friendships work. I also see a lot of references to other games besides Dragon Quest - Dragon Cart feels like a blatant rip off of Crash Team Racing (one of my fave games ever - or maybe they meant to rip off Mario Cart which is conceptually the same), but i love that in my Yakuza game I can go play one of my favorite Racing games lol! And I love that the racers you compete against come with their own funny little side story the same way the Cabaret Girls game in Yakuza 0 did. I love how the bonding with party members is a lot like how you romanced/befriended cabaret girls in prior games, but being friendship focused it provides a permanent sort of feeling to the bond story deepening - since they’re constantly in your party commenting, and warmer in future cutscenes, and constantly in the game (unlike the cabaret girl sidestories in prior games). i like that because the bond stories are all treated equally, i didn’t have to worry the yakuza writers would make weaker stories for the girls (which generally didn’t happen in cabaret girl stories, but did tend to happen with some lead women in Yakuza games especially in Yakuza 1 and 2 who’s stories got a weaker written once romantically/closely tied to Kiryu). Since they’re all written fairly equally in terms of quality, Saeko’s story feels as solid as Adachi’s, etc, and I appreciate the quality improvement (and I appreciate the way the cabaret girls dating sim got combined into the party mechanic and jobs/level up system). Even the Corporation side story, which is 1 optional if you want it to be, and 2 if you enjoy it like you enjoyed Yakuza 0 Kiryu’s business venture game, then they did a pretty good job of making the Stockholder meetings work a lot like the Turn Based regular combat system, again making the element from another game feel more integrated into THIS Yakuza game specifically). I just... fucking love how much work was put into designing this Yakuza Like a Dragon game so that all the game design elements interweave so well. On top of that, it’s of course got the usual Yakuza game balance of mandatory angst crime drama fight story, and lots of optional side story content and minigame content that is up to you if you want to play and how much (except now these side elements will benefit you a bit more in the main-story portions in some ways if you choose to do some of them - like the party member bonding). 
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wahrhelt · 2 years
RP blog for Reshiram (including gijinka form), written by Necro.
Necro | it/its pronouns only | 25+
Read the fucking pages pweaseeee
Mun | Muse
Rules underneath.
Blog is a wip as of now.
Absolutely no ooc drama. Unless someone actively abuses other people or writes illegal content, I do not want to hear it.
This also goes for proship/anti ship talk. I simply do not care. So long as every muse involved is legal and able to consent, as well as human intelligence and the ability to communicate consent, it's fine to me.
Please do not softblock me. Always hard block me. If you softblock me, I will likely think tumblr made a mistake and refollow. I'd rather not force my way into spaces where I'm not wanted.
I do not send in passwords.
I will not follow back if I'm not interested or see too much ooc drama on your blog.
This blog is a hobby. Roleplay is a hobby. I'm not here to have every flaw of mine scrutinized. I will be liberal with the block button if I feel the need to.
I will generally send a reminder if we have a thread going if you haven't replied in two days or longer. If you want to drop a thread, please just tell me. I will not be mad. I just want to know, otherwise the anxiety will drive me insane.
Let me know if you need anything specific tagged. - Triggers are otherwise tagged as #Trigger/ - Please tag trypophobia, eye gore, mouth gore, and pregnancy for me.
Shipping is only done via chemistry. One sided insta crushes on your muses end are permitted, but don't force a ship on me.
I will not interact if I cannot see our muses interact for a longer period of time.
Blog will contain a LOT OF CRACK sometimes. It's the best way for me to cope with heavier thread topics. If you don't like that, you can blacklist the #Crack.; tag.
I'm too old for dumb fights over who's right and who isn't. Don't come into my inbox expecting to change my mind on drama. It will only get you blocked. - This goes both ways. I myself don't engage in pros.hip and never will, but I tolerate them on my blog so long as what they write isn't fucking illegal. But should any pros.hip person try to force their disposition on me, they will also be blocked. - If you don't like that, leave. The door exists. It's called the un/follow button.
Once again, with feeling this time: This is a hobby. Not a moral or ideological crusade.
I'm an abuse survivor, stalking survivor, grooming and child sexual harassment survivor. If you even so much as fucking dare to insinuate that I support any of that shit because I don't give a fuck if someone is pros.hip in my vague vicinity, you will get the block and never return button.
I cannot believe how many of these rules have to be about pros.hip and antis.hip, but apparently this is the world we live in now.
I know these rules sound really harsh and aggro, but I really want to make sure people understand where I stand. I've dealt with enough trauma from this website and its bullshittery, please don't make me relive it.
I promise beyond that I am a very kind and patient person. It just fucking sucks I have to be so aggressive about enforcing my rules because we can't have nice things on this hellsite.
I will never be mad if you block or unfollow me because something I write makes you uncomfortable, but if you need to talk to me about literally anything oocly (and it doesn't violate an abovementioned rule), you can always DM me. I don't bite and just want to be friends and write.
I have several mental health problems, please be patient with me.
If I like and unlike your post several times, it's not me trying to force your attention. It's me having to follow an OCD impulse. I apologize in advance.
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neon-rhapsodies · 8 months
Looking back through this blog, all these posts from the past few years, and seeing how things have unraveled, it's disheartening. How I went from attending a graduate conference to going into teaching; from trying to start an online Classics community to shelving it, to joining a local one and another online one and doing badly in both; from being able to write about everything and anything, to having a mental breakdown and being unable to write about the things I actually want to write about; from considering wild ideas, like podcasting or a video PhD, to even being afraid of writing on my main blog -- my own blog. I remember reading a similar post of mine in which I was talking about how much growth I've gone through, but also how much more I've been holding back, and it pains me.
This side blog was supposed to be the place where I posted my writings about Classics. My hot takes, my crazy interpretations, my bold speculations about the field and authors and anything relevant. And now, it's like a graveyard of all these great things that could have been but weren't. The birth and death of my Classics community project broadcasted to the world, with this urge of having to perform, to play a part, to act like my entrepreneurial self and showcase my work. All bullshit.
I don't want to pretend anymore. I don't want to have to perform. I don't even want to put tags to this shit. I just want to draw a line, take a deep breath, and move on with my life. I prided myself on consistency, but the only thing that's been consistent is way of looking a things. My worldview, if you will. My values. Everything else -- directions, performance, outcomes -- has been inconsistent. Which is fair, because that's just the nature of human beings. But that's the issue. Being human, that is. I have limits. I am flawed. And I have to accept that. I have to accept that I can make mistakes and be wildly inconsistent. I don't want to. But I must.
So, here we are. Or rather, here I am. Announcing a new set of intentions. This blog, started as a place to post my Classics writing, then updates about my project, then about my life in general, is now set to go through its latest change and, rather simply, become my personal blog. Widening up its scope and freeing myself to pursue a seemingly infinite range of possibilities. Because throughout my whole life, the only constant has been me. Everyone and everything will go over time, and only I will be left. And, after a while, not even I will be left, but that will be okay, because by then, my consciousness will have left this world, and so it will be no big deal. But while I'm still here, I think I'd like to be a little selfish and give myself permission to exist. Unapologetically, that is.
Because, after all, everything is personal. That has always been my perspective. All interpretations about Classics, even academic ones, even though solidly backed by sound evidence etc, they all begin as personal. It's your view of the world that influences how you see things and how you interpret them. I know I am flawed. I know I have limits. But for all my human faults, my life has still value. My thoughts are worth writing about. My life is worth sharing. My failure and successes worth reflecting on. Even if just with myself.
In that old post of above, I also kept asking myself, "Is it worth it?". To write about things. To say what I think. To that version of me, I would like to reply: "I think so." I won't pretend that I know that for certain. But I will say that, from my recent experience, life is incredibly difficult when you don't speak up for yourself, even if it's just with yourself.
I think back to those values of mine, and I noticed that, at the bottom of the list, there is creativity. I always thought that creativity was a way to express yourself, to get out of yourself. But now, I wonder if creativity is also something that you can do within yourself. Can you create things in you? Can you generate new realities inside of you? Can you share with the other, and the other is you?
These are difficult questions. But they are welcome ones. Because while externally I may have limits, inside, I don't. This blog is a reflection of my inside. There, I don't have limits. So I won't here either.
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