#(no one else will but it's fine. i can still sing which is the important thing)
lesenbyan · 5 days
Good news to everyone about a worry I told no one: it only took an evening of forcing myself back into my head voice to get my singing back up there.
Bad news: no longer soprano :c
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iwassupremacy · 7 months
Good Girl
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Sawamura Daichi x f reader
Part two
Summary: your whole life all you ever wanted to be was faithful and pure. Saving yourself for marriage to honor God and your Family. You would never give in to any kind of sin. At least that’s what you thought. Until one day you met him. He was so gentle and so loving and so so… dirty. How did you get into this mess?!
Warnings: smut, safe sex, aged up characters, softdom!Daichi, sub!reader, inexperienced!reader, virgin!reader, first time, crisis of faith, blasphemy (kinda), reader has mommy issues, lots of praise, also lots of begging, petnames, nipple play, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, big dick Daichi, penetration, mentions of multiple orgasms, Daichi’s a consensual king!!
Let me know if I missed anything.
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You left church in your floaty white dress. It was a little too short for your liking, so you felt a little bad all through the service but it was such a hot summer day that you just had to make a little exception.
You thought to yourself that it for sure won’t be a problem since you’ve been so good all your life. As long as your mother didn’t see it would be fine. For her you just never tried hard enough. Never were good enough. But you had God. So who else would you even need to be truly happy, right?
“C’mon babyyy, you’re gonna love it! I just know it. The music will be soo good. And if it makes you feel any better I will be driving, so we both won’t be drinking. Even though, I have to say, I think it won’t kill you to have a shot or something and a little fun here and there. I’m sure Jesus will forgive you.” your best friend tried to convince you, once again.
She does this every second Friday of every month since every second Saturday they would play your favorite music at her favorite club.
You never understood why it was so important to her for you to get so close to potentially dinning. She called it fun.
You called it temptation. Alcohol wasn’t really a sin in itself. It was rather what could come from drinking it.
“I’m not seeking anyone’s forgiveness. I don’t want to give God a reason to have to forgive me.” You never once in your life even had to confess.
“Whatever. Please come? I am begging you!”
Most of the time you said no, so it really surprised you that she never gave up.
She was just so persistent.
“Okay I’ll go. Under one condition. You don’t ask me for at least three months.”
Most of the time you said no. Not every time. Maybe one of the reasons why she never stopped asking.
“I am so not wearing this. Not a chance.” You looked at the tiny blue dress your best friend held in her hands. Not only was it way to short but it was also very tight. You had seen it on her before and it was beautiful but just too revealing for the way you were raised.
“C’mon don’t be such a prude! You’d look so hot and… if I can say. Fuckable. Not that you have to fuck but you’d certainly not pay ANYTHING tonight.”
“Stop it. I’m not being a prude, I just have my beliefs and values. So I would like to wear this please. What’s wrong with this?”
She looked down on you raising her eyebrows and sighing. “Nothing’s wrong. It’s cute I guess. Just not for a club. You look like you’re gonna sell me a house or something.”
She probably had a point. You were wearing a pencil skirt and a blouse after all.
“Okay so I have a few tricks up my sleeve that would make you look like you just got of off work and went to the club right after. Sexy but still formal. What do you say?”
You gave in. She had to have her fun every once in a while. You too were so different that most of the time it surprised you she was even friends with you. “Okay let’s do it.”
“It looks… good. I’m actually surprised. Thank you.”
“I knew you would like it! Ah I am a genius.” she said in a sing sang voice.
You looked at yourself in the mirror. The first three buttons of your blouse were opened which was just enough to expose your collarbones but not your cleavage. Your hair was pinned up messily. Just as if it once was sleek and fell apart because you were at work or generally doing something.
You looked down. Your skirt was at knee length and even though you purposefully picked it it just didn’t fit the vibe.
You sighed. She’s gonna love this you thought.
“Do you have a mini skirt? Or, i don‘t know, a pencil skirt that’s a little shorter than mine? I don’t like the way this looks.“
She let out a little squeak of excitement. „Yes! I have the perfect skirt for you.“
Pulling on the black denim skirt the third time in 10 minutes you wondered what you were thinking agreeing to this. Sure you went to the club before but never in anything this revealing. Your thighs were out!
At least it covers my ass for all I know…
“10$ and ID please.” you did as you were told by the security and after getting through you were immediately introduced by the smell of sweat and alcohol, naked bodies and loud music.
“I’m gonna get myself a drink and a hot man to pay. You should do the same! Or should I bring you a coke later on?” She screamed over the sound of hips don’t lie.
“I’ll be fine go and have fun!”
It was kinda always like this which was one of the many reasons why you didn’t understand why she needed you to come with her in the first place.
Of course you danced together and she would never leave without you but the first two hours you were without an exception always alone.
That was the time where she found herself any good looking young man to flirt with and get drunk without paying.
Sometimes she even made out with these men but it rarely happened.
Later she always came back to you very tipsy and you guys danced the night away until your feed hurt.
Of course her understanding of dancing the night away was very different from yours but so far that was never a problem.
You had different lifestyles but deep down the same morals and values which is what was most important.
“Can I?”
Your had quickly turned around and collapsed with the hard chest of a tall man.
Out of reflex he put his hand on your waist which caused you to jump and immediately take two steps back.
You stared at him a little too long for your liking. But he was just so gorgeous. Sharp jaw line, short black hair with an undercut, subtle hint of a beard and oh so many muscles.
„I asked you if I you could let me pass. I kinda need to get to the bar my friend is hitting on a random woman. Again.“
You blinked just now finding a way back to reality.
„Yes! Sorry!“
Quickly you took a step aside.
The stranger chuckled. „Don’t worry. It’s not that important. He just can be very- persistent.“
You couldn’t help but take a look at the bar. Only spotting your best friend who already held her first drink of the night in her hand and was sitting dangerously close to a young man with greyish hair.
Tonight there would be a little make out session. You could already tell.
„Who‘s your friend?“ you asked still not looking back at him.
Suddenly he was really close. His hand on your back, right between your shoulders, his head next to yours. You could literally feel this strange man everywhere.
For some reason it didn’t bother you. In your eyes he was still very polite about it.
„See him over there? Right next to the girl in pink.“
Now you looked at him. More shocked than anything else though.
„Gray hair?“
„Yes gray hair. Why‘re you so surprised? He‘s not that old.“ the man laughed
„Ohh yeah I‘m sure of that.“ you let out a child like giggle. „The girl in pink is my best friend. So no need to worry. I bet she hit on him first.“
He let out a loud laugh and looked at you. “Then these two belong together I suppose, hm.” His expression suddenly changed to something way more serious and he said:
“Maybe you and I belong together as well. I believe in fate, do you, sweetheart?” His voice was so deep and his aura so masculine that it made you feel all shy.
“And then he said don’t take it the wrong way as if he didn’t just say the most vile thing to my face!” Daichi, you found out that was his name right after the two of you decided to spend the rest of the night together, chuckled. “It’s interesting what you call vile. At least to me it’s rather a statement than an insult.”
You gulped looking at your empty glass. “He called me fuckable. In the presence of my mother and father. It’s disrespectful.”
“It’s true.” You chocked looking at him in disbelief. Did he just call you fuckable?! “Wouldn’t’ve said it in front of your family, of course. But it’s true nonetheless.”
You felt his eyes peering into your soul. Staring you down as if he waited for you to say something. Do something. Instead you stood up. “I need- I’m going to get a new soda. See ya.” And then you left him behind. Feeling his eyes following your every move.
When you came back Daichi was on his phone, seemingly not paying any more thought to what had just happened. Being a gentleman man once again, he put his phone down, the moment he noticed you. Smiling at you in a calming manner. As if he senses your unsure demeanour.
“What is it with you?” He asked.
“What do you mean?” You frowned.
“There’s something about you. Something I can’t explain. You seem so- pure? But not childlike. Mature and confident. But still shy and bashful when talking about sex or alcohol. You’ve surely done those things, right? I mean you must be my age. Everyone has done those things by now.”
You blushed. You fricking blushed. Not once in your life were you ever embarrassed of your inexperience and most definitely not about the reason why. But now. Now you were. Not embarrassed by your religion or its beliefs of course, but by your lack of a response. Instea you started to stutter like a child. He interrupted your little stammer of words.
“You’re a virgin. Aren’t you?” You chocked on your spit. Quickly trying to gain back some semblance of confidence. “I am, yes. I don’t see any shame in that.”
“No, no, you’re right. There isn’t. It just surprises me. What are you waiting for? The one?” He let out a unbelievable loud laugh. As if that was the most ridiculous thought he’d ever thought about.
“Marriage, actually. I am very religious, you know. That’s also why I haven’t been drinking tonight.” He looked at you, eyes wide open. Mouth lightly agape. Now it was you who laughed, even if only quietly.
“I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to- I didn’t want to disrespect you or your beliefs. I- god this is embarrassing. I’m sorry. Really.”
“It’s okay. You couldn’t have known. I know there aren’t many religious people who actually live it all out. Doesn’t bother me of course, everyone should have the right to do as they want. I just chose this way.”
“Did you, though? Or did your family tell you it was the only right way?” He asked suddenly being very close. His hot breath fanning over the side of your face. You gulped.
“They did teach me many things of course. Especially my mother. Like that alcohol is only for special occasions, we only ever drink wine when I’m at church for example. Or that I am to cover myself to a certain level. My body shall only be seen by my future husband. She also taught me sex isn’t for pleasure. It’s an act of love-“ he turned your face towards him with two fingers. Staring at you. “and- and-”
“And?” He raised his eyebrows, smirking.
“And it should be intimately, with my future husband only. To make- a family. A woman shouldn’t-“ his finger carefully touched your lower lip, pulling it down a little. You took a deep breath. Taking his wrist and removing his hand from your face.
“A woman shouldn’t give herself away to just anybody.”
He nodded slowly. Still looking at you intensely. “And I get that. One question though. Did they tell this to the men too? You have a brother, right? You told me so. Does he have to safe himself for marriage? Is he allowed to give himself away whenever he likes or does he have to cover his body and wait for his wife to come along and make love to him intimately to make a family? Answer me and if the answer pleases me I’ll leave you be.”
You sighed. Truthfully you’ve thought about this before. Especially when you were younger and had a little crisis of faith. You’d pushed it down though. This is how it was to be. Him out there and you in church.
“No. He doesn’t. But that doesn’t matter he’s a-“ Daichi interrupted you. “Of course he doesn’t. He’s a man. He gets to fuck whom ever he likes, whenever he likes. No, sweetheart, this doesn’t satisfy me.”
Was he angry? For you? Or for himself?
“You only say this because you want to fuck me. You said it yourself. I’m fuckable.”
“Maybe. But maybe it’s bold of you to assume that and I actually only feel empathy towards you.”
He again placed two fingers on your chin, making you look at him. He leaned in, until his mouth was right next to your ear. He whispered now. “But you’re right. I wanna fuck you. Wanna fuck you real good. Make you feel things you could only dream of feeling. Make you cum as many times as your body can handle. And then tomorrow I wanna take you on a real date. Spoil you rotten and treat you like you deserve. Wanna make you feel like a real woman. Not a little girl in a golden cage. Though I would like to cage you like this.”
He pressed against your body with his until you whimpered and had nowhere to hide. “Would you like that, sweetheart? Hm? You can tell me, no one can hear us. Your mother can’t hear you when you’re with me.”
Your breath sped up, your hands subconsciously grabbing Daichis shoulders, squeezing them. It was all too much. You felt so overwhelmed. “I don’t know. I don’t know what I want. That never mattered. I never mattered.”
Slowly he moved back, synchronously moving his hand from your chin to your cheek, wiping your tears away. You didn’t even realise that you were crying.
“‘M sorry. It’s just not that easy for me. I know you’re technically right. I just- I’ve been raised this way. I’ve learned I’ll go to hell any other way.”
You started crying even more and he wiped away every single tear, letting you cry in silence until there were no more tears and he kissed your forehead.
“I know, baby. I know.” The petnames made your heart flutter. You’ve never had someone call you anything other than your name. Except for your best friend, but that was different from this.
Speaking of. Daichis head turned from you to your friends, still sitting at the bar, flirting and occasionally making out.
“Tell me, do you think, she’ll go to hell?” His head turned back to you, frowning.
You frowned along with him. “What? No! Of course not. She’s such a kind hearted person with a warm soul who loves and cares for everyone around her. She’s just got different morals than I do. She’d never go to hell. She’s too good for that.”
Daichi smiled. Cute he thought. The way you were talking about her.
“But she’s done all those things. She’s had sex. She drinks. She’s drunk right now! She dresses revealing. Hm? She does all those things. Why don’t you?”
You sighed again, staring to become a headache. Shaking your head you leaned into him, putting your forehead on his chest. You’ve never been so close to a stranger, especially not a man. But there was something about him that made you feel safe. “I don’t know. I really don’t know.”
Daichi put his hand on the back of your head, slowly unpinning your hair and running his fingers through it. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’ll stop talking about it now. I promise.”
For the rest of the night Daichi and you got back to talking about more meaningless stuff, laughed and got to know each other better.
You learned that he used to play volleyball in Highschool and that some of his former teammates are on the national team now and that he knows and meets most of the regularly, but he just continued it as a hobby and is now a policeman.
After the exhausting talk earlier, you decided, one drink would be fine. You needed it.
At first you wanted to go get a glass of wine at which Daichi just laughed. “You won’t get any wine in a place like this, sweetheart. But don’t worry, I know what to get you.”
He came back five minutes later with another beer for himself and a cocktail for you. Sex on the beach. The irony. You shook your head, laughing, but drinking it anyway.
One cocktail quickly turned into two and now you were feeling much better. A little lightheaded, but better.
After a few more hours your best friend and her company, Sugawara, finally decided to grace you with their presence. They were very drunk, but also very happy. Holding hands and giggling at each other. You smiled. It’a been a while since you’ve seen her like this.
“We’ve just realised- you’re our best friends! This guy is Sugawaras best friend and Y/N, you’re my besssst- friend! And you’ve met- and we have too!” Your best friend slurred, hiccuping several times.
Daichi laughed, patting Sugawara on the back. “Nice that you’ve come to realise that as well. Come on.” He took your hand. Your best friend gasped, but you glared at her, so she didn’t say anything. “Let’s get a cap, hm?”
The taxi driver drove to Sugawaras place first, your best friend leaving the car with him without ang explanation. As if they agreed on this long before they came back to you.
Daichi and you looked at each other, laughing at the absurdity of the situation. Until the taxi driver looked back at you. “Where to, next?”
The car suddenly got really quiet. “Come with me to my place. We won’t have to do anything except watch a movie and go to sleep. I was serious before. I wanna take you out tomorrow. And I wanna spend the night with you.” Daichi said.
You blushed. “Okay. I’ll come.”
Daichi opened the door to his apartment, carefully placing his hand on your back and leading you inside. You felt wobbly. The alcohol had just hit even more. So he made sure to steady you. “You okay?”
“Yea. I’m sorry. Just not used to more than a glass of wine.”
“That’s okay. I feel light headed too. Once we’re sleeping it’ll wear off. I’ll bring you water.”
While he was away, you got rid of your uncomfortable shoes. Staring at him moving in the kitchen. He was so tall and muscular. Fuck. You wanted him so bad.
So when he came back, you didn’t drink his water. Instead you set it aside and stepped closer to him. Until you were so close, you had to look up at him. As if out of instinct his hands landed on your waist.
“Daichi.” You whispered. Putting your hands on his shoulders. He didn’t say anything, instead he pulled you in even closer so that your chest touched his. “Daichi, please.”
“What is it, sweetheart? Tell me.” He squeezed your waist and you bit your lips.
“Please take me. I- I want you. Please.” You didn’t know where this sudden urge came from, just a few hours ago, you didn’t even so much as touch yourself and now you were begging a stranger to fuck you. but he stirred something inside you and it made you feel so good. So special.
“That’s the alcohol talking, Y/N. You will regret this in the morning.” Still he didn’t step back as if he wait for you to convince him. So you did.
“I might. But Daichi, you’ve been so understanding and kind. I- I don’t think I want to do this with anyone but you. You can lead me through this and if I regret it in the morning, I feel you’re the only man who wouldn’t take it personal and calm me down. Please. I want this. I want you. I- I want you to do all the stuff you said earlier. Make me feel like a real woman. Please.”
He grunted. He fucking grunted. “Shit okay, baby. I’ll do it. I’ll make you feel so desirable and so so good.”
And just like that he slammed his lips against yours. Quickly moving them. His tongue brushed against your lower lip, urging you to open your mouth. But you backed away. Never having kissed anyone like this, it was hard for you to keep up. “I don’t-“
“It’s okay, let me take the lead. Do what I do. I am not judging you. You’re doing so good. Were so brave begging me to fuck you, hm? Let me do it then, I’ll be careful. You’re okay?” You nodded. “No, talk to me, baby. I wanna hear you.”
“I- Yes. Yes, I’m okay. Please kiss me again.”
Daichi chuckled. “Such a good girl, fuck.”
And then he kissed you again. And again. And again. Until all you could think about was him and his hands that lifted you up and put you on the table right next to your glass of water.
His tongue forced its way in your mouth and circled yours. Your breath hitched when his hands opened all the buttons of your blouse and squeezed your breast. From there they wandered to the back and opened your bra as well.
“This okay?” He whispered, his breath fanning over your lips. You whimpered again. “Yes, please.” He moved back. First removing your blouse and then, very sensually, your bra. “You keep begging me, but you’re not telling me what you want me to do.”
He talked to you but he didn’t look you in the eyes. Instead he shamelessly stared at your breasts. It made you feel tingly and your thighs subconsciously pressed together. Resisting the urge to cover yourself and look away you said. “I want you to touch me. Please.”
One of his hands cupped your cheek, his thumb caressing your lips. The other one traced your body occasionally pinching one of your nipples while now staring you in the eyes. You tried to bite your lip to not make a sound, but you couldn’t because of his thumb so instead you whined.
“I am touching you, aren’t I? You need to be more specific, sweetheart. Where do you want me to touch you?”
“Everywhere? Like- here?” His hand moved up to your collarbone. “Or here?” He brushed over your shoulder, over your arm, past your elbow and took your hand. “Or maybe” he removed his second hand from your mouth and took your free hand with it, harshly pressing both your hands on the surface of the table with his. “you want me to touch you with my mouth?”
He lowered himself a little bit, never breaking eye contact and then kissed right between your breasts. “You want that, sweetheart?”
You squirmed under his gaze. You would really like to grab his hair and just yank him where you needed him most. “Yes! Yes please, Daichi, you’re being mean!”
“You have no idea how mean I can actually be, princess.” And then he finally took one of your buds in his mouth. Sucking and biting at it ever so gently.
“Ohh God” you let your head fall back and closed your eyes, biting your lip and pushing your chest up in his face. “please, please, please. More. I need more.”
“God’s not here, baby. Just me. I am the one making you feel like this. You feel good?” He licked over your bud one last time and then switches sides. Doing what he did before.
You shuddered. “Yes. Yes I- I feel good. You’re making me feel so- good, Daichi. Please. I need more of y- you.” Your breath quickened, your thighs presses together and your head started to feel dizzy.
“You’re so good, Y/N. Pleading and begging me so nicely. You’re all desperate just from a little nipple play. You’re perfect.”
The way he said your name made you feel so much. Horny. Desired. Happy. Just everything.
And then suddenly it all stopped. He let go of your hands and of your breast and just looked at you. “You’re beautiful, you know that?”
His constant praise made you blush. “Thank you.”
“Such a good girl. Come on.” He took your hands again, this time more carefully, leading you of the table. “I’m not taking your virginity here. Let’s move this to my bed, hm?”
On the way to his bedroom, Daichi got rid of his shirt and jeans, leaving you too stunned to say anything. Everything about him was hot. You didn’t know where to look. And so far you only saw his backside.
When you wanted to do the same and get rid of your skirt, he somehow noticed and, without turning around, stopped you. “Don’t. I’ll be doing that myself.” Shit.
Finally in his room Daichi stopped before his bed and turned around. His chest was even better than his back. So pretty and muscular. But you didn’t dare to look further than that.
“Come here.” He said, so you did. Stepping closer to him only in your skirt and panties underneath. Chest open and bare, but he not once stopped looking right in your eyes. Not even when he started to slowly get on his knees.
That’s when it hit you. Suddenly you took a big step backwards. Away from him. Feeling embarrassed. Without saying anything Daichi came back up. He was obviously confused, but not really surprised. Probably only wondering what exactly made you reconsider. So he asked.
“What is it, sweetheart? You have to tell me otherwise I can’t help you.”
“I am not- I didn’t- shave. I never had a reason to do it so far. I sometimes trim in the summer but I- it’s been a while. I’m sorry. I don’t-“ you started rambling in a panic. And even though Daichi found it cute, he didn’t want you to panic. So he interrupted you.
“You think I care? Because I don’t. If you feel ashamed about it and want to stop than that’s okay and valid. But don’t think you have to because of me. I want to eat you out either way. If you let me.”
Your entire face heated up and you looked away. He was so straightforward about this stuff. “Okay.”
“Okay, what? Look at me when you say it, sweetheart. And be more specific.” So you did.
“Okay, we can keep going. I want to continue. Please.”
“Such a good and polite girl. You wanna keep going? You gonna let me eat that pussy, baby? You want that? Hm?”
“Yes. Please.”
Without saying another word he again got on his knees carefully peeling your skirt off. Leaving you in your bright blue panties. He chuckled. They almost looked like boxer shorts. “They’re more comfortable…” you muttered.
“Don’t apologise. I think it’s cute.”
He grabbed your thighs and slowly spread them apart, kissing their insides, sucking and leaving marks. And then finally, you moaned. Not whined. Not whimpered. Moaned.
“Fuck. You sound so good baby. You like it when I kiss you here? Down where no one can see? Mark you up just for you and me to know. Hm?”
One of your hands buried itself in his messy hair, the other found its place on his shoulder, squeezing. You didn’t dare look at him, so you closed your eyes, sighed and nodded. Subconsciously pressing your lower body in his face.
He let this one slide. You were clearly overwhelmed. So he just hooked his fingers in your panties and pulled them down to your feet. You cringed at the feeling of how sticky they were from your wetness.
Daichi cursed. “Fuck.” The carpet most definitely matched the drape and you weren’t lying, you didn’t shave or trim in some time, but he’d seen more bush before. He liked how your little clit still peaked through. God, he wanted to lick it so bad. But first he had to get you to bed.
Without a warning he lifted you up and practically threw you onto his bed. Crawling on top of you. And even though you tried not to stare and be polite, you still got a good look of his body when he did so. How was that supposed to fit inside of you?! And you so far only saw its outline.
Daichi kissed his way down your body. This time paying a lot less attention to your breasts and quickly getting where he wanted to be.
He spread your legs as wide as he can, finally getting a good look at your glistening cunt which was equally spread. “So fucking pretty. Shit.”
Then he flattened out his tongue and took a long swipe from your asshole to your clit. “Oh fuuuck! Daichi!” Your hand again found its way to his hair. Grabbing it, slightly tucking. The other one landed on your own head, covering your eyes.
You would’ve never imagined it to be so good.
And Daichi really had no mercy. Licking. Sucking. Even biting. His tongue switched up between circling your clit and fucking your hole.
Your moans and choked sounds were like music to his ears. They were addictive and he needed more. So he went harder, faster. More reckless. Your body squirmed, back arched and legs shaking. You needed more too. He could tell.
“Gonna fuck you with my fingers, yes, princess?”
“Yes! Ahh. Anything you want. Just do it. Please.”
At first his fingertips just brushed your hole. Teasing you and gathering your juice, spreading it all over your cunt. Everything was so messy.
Then he finally put one inside. Tauntingly slow. It was easy and painless, giving how wet you were at this point.
“Move!” You rolled your hips trying to get some friction. It felt as if you had lost all control over your body.
“Are you leading now? Are you giving me orders? That’s how it is now?” He teased, slowly starting to remove his finger.
“No! No, no, no. Please, I‘m sorry. I‘m sorry!“ you tried to follow his finger with your hips but Daichi stopped you with his free hand. “Behave, princess. Only then I‘ll give you what you want.“
Your hips automatically came to a halt. “‘M sorry.“
“It‘s okay, I know your just desperate.“ he finally got back to work, putting his finger in all the way, slowly moving it in and out and his tongue found your clit once again. You moaned and threw your head back, pressing it into the pillow beneath you. He felt you harshly tuck at his hair, trying to yank his head closer which made him moan as well.
The vibrations of his moaning went through your entire body and you looked down at him, meeting his stare. The intensity of it it and the way it didn‘t falter made you whimper. That‘s when you saw it. He was grinding his hips against the mattress. “Daichi-“
His head lifted and you could see your wetness being spread all around his mouth. Your face heated up and you looked away. Daichi chuckled at that and wiped his face with his free hand. “What is it? What do you need, baby?“
“Need you- need you to fuck me.“ Your breath hitched when his finger stopped. “You‘re not ready yet, sweetheart. Need to prep you more.“
“No. I can take it, I promise. Please, I need you.“ You pulled him up so he was face to face with you and placed both your hands on his cheeks. “Please? I promise, I‘ll tell you if I feel any discomfort.“
He sighed and nodded. He just couldn’t deny you. That‘s when your hands went down to his underwear and started to remove it. “You gotta tell me or I‘ll punish you, you hear me?“
Your hands came to a halt and your breath hitched, but you nodded. “Good girl.“
Without looking down you took him in your hand. It felt weird. Heavy and big, with a slight curve and a big vein on the side. You wondered how it would feel inside you without a barrier but you wouldn’t dare risk that. Daichi neither. He groaned at the feeling of you subconsciously stroking him. “There‘re condoms in the upper drawer. Take one of them.“ So you opened the drawer and mindlessly took the first on out you could get a hold of.
You wanted to give it to him but he stopped you. “That one has taste, princess. We don‘t need that today.“
You gulped. You wanted to. But you were to shy and horny to voice your needs. So you just put it back and took a different one, this time taking a look in the drawer, so you wouldn‘t make the same mistake again and gave it to him. “Very good. You‘re being so good for me.“
All this praise made you feel sp light headed and proud. Growing up you‘d never received much of it since your mother was so strict with you. “Thank you.“
He smiled and stroked your cheek and hair before putting on the condom. You watched him, blushing at the immense size. “This will be a little painful at first because you didn‘t let me prep you properly. I‘ll go slow and careful but I need you to tell me if it‘s too much, do you understand?“
“Yes. I understand.“
“Good girl. Are you comfortable?“ You nodded but quickly muttered a quiet yes when you saw his disapproving face. He took your hands in his and pressed them onto the mattress, kissing you.
You soon melted and relaxed in the kiss which was much slower and more sensual than the one on the table. Not breaking the kiss Daichi lined himself up at your entrance and started to gently force his way inside you. You winced, accidentally biting his lip which only made him moan.
He was right, it was painful. But it wasn‘t unpleasant, just weird. He urged himself further and you started to feel really full, but when you broke the kiss and looked down, you realised that he was only half wat inside you. “Oh.“
“Want me to stop? I will.“ he said through gritted teeth and a clenched jaw. It was clear to you how much he had to hold back. “No, it’s okay. Please keep going“
He nodded and moaned when he continued. “You‘re so fucking tight, shit.“ The way you made him feel good, made you feel so good as well and despite the pain you moaned along with him. You wanted him to feel good.
He stopped once he was all inside you. His head fell on your shoulder and he breathed heavily. “You good, baby?“
You brushed through his hair. He was probably like this because you couldn’t stop gushing and clenching around him. “I‘m good just- give me a second please.“ you whined. “Of course. Take all the time you need.“
It took you a good while to adjust but Daichi waited patiently. To distract himself he started kissing you everywhere. On your lips, your ear, your forehead and then your neck where he even star to bite und suck, probably leaving marks you had to cover in the morning.
To distract you, his hand wandered south and circled your clit, trying to relax you. It worked. You whimpered and whined and quickly after you began to unclench and roll your hips against his hand, grinding on his dick and moaning. “You can move now.”
Daichi lifted his head and looked at you in awe. Your eyes were closed, but no squeezed shut, your mouth was just slightly opened and your nose scrunched, he doubted you even realized.
You were so breathtakingly beautiful and you were lying in his bed, naked and needy. And you were giving yourself to him, a complete stranger and he felt so lucky.
His train of thoughts were interrupted by an impatient groan and your hips rolling against him. He gasped. Today was not the day to keep such a beauty waiting for her pleasure, so he gently grabbed your hips and started to pull out and repeatedly thrust into your wet walls.
First really slow and gentle. Until your legs wrapped around his waist, trying to pull him closer. His Name left your lips like a chant, begging him to go faster. Harder.
“Daichi- please. Need it. Hngg- more more more.”
So he did. His hips started to rhythmically snap forward, trying to find that special spot and when he did, your loud moan was like music to his ears. He sped up his pace, keeping the hard force behind every thrust.
To keep you in place his hands started to grip you harder and he was sure there would be marks in the morning. But none of this seemed to bother you. Quite the opposite. You seemed to like it a little harder. Noted.
Your back arched from his bed and your hands gripped the mattress so hard, your knuckles lost color. All the while letting out the most desperate little moans.
They weren’t too loud or pornographic and he wanted to drown in you. You were so perfect and real. Not holding back but also not forcing anything to boost his ego. You were just enjoying yourself.
His head lowered again and he one of your sensitive nipple in his mouth again. This time a little harder. Harshly sucking and biting until you fisted his hair with your hands and tears rolled down your cheeks.
Only then did he remove himself and lick one last time so soothe the pain, just to switch sides and repeat his actions. You threw your head from one side to the other from time to time, tucking and pushing his. Your eyes screwed shut once again.
But he never faltered and when he could suddenly feel your legs start to shake and tighten around his hips, he knew you were about to finish. His lips removed themselves from your breast and instead he kissed you. Rough and harsh. Biting your lips and forcing his tongue down your throat.
His sudden aggressiveness startled but didn’t scare you. But you were also so overwhelmed with everything and when his hand wandered from your hip to your clit and rubbed it hard and fast with his fingers, you completely lost it.
Your mouth opened up, which left Daichi heavily breathing in your mouth, formed to a silent scream and all that came out of you were pathetic fast breaths.
Your glossy eyes were blown wide and looked at him with so much emotion, he almost came on the spot. But when they teared up even more and rolled back and you started to buck up into him because of the overstimulation, he bit on your lip and decided to hold back.
Instead he fucked you through it. His hips and fingers keeping a steady pace until you whimpered and tried to push him away.
“No more. No more.” You desperately pleaded.
So he pulled out, removed the condom and took matters into his own hand. Literally.
You curiously watched him jerk his hand and blushed. Was it weird that you wanted to do it for him? Touch him like he touched you and return the favor?
But instead of doin that you just opted with letting your hands wander on his back and to his biceps. Kissing his cheek and gathering your confidence to bite his ear and suck a mark below it. All the while pinching one of his nipples with shaky fingers.
Daichi moaned and went even faster. “Shit, baby. Don’t start something you can’t finish.”
Then he kissed your cheek and spilled his seed all over your stomach. Which oddly enough turned you on even more and made you whine.
You stayed like this for a minute or two and just looked each other in the eyes, breathing heavily. Until Daichi rolled of you two the side and you were both left staring at the ceiling.
He was the first to turn on his side, staring at you worried. With his clean hand he brushed your hair out of your face and made you look at him as well. “You okay, sweetheart?”
You blinked a few times, furrowing your brows. “I don’t know. I enjoyed it really much. I just feel- weird? Is that offensive to you?”
“Not at all. Come here.” He pulled you in, kissing your temple and holding you tight to his chest. None of you cared about his sticky hand or your dirty stomach.
His clean hand comped through your hair and he whispered sweet nothings right into your ear. Praising and complimenting you.
Later the two of you got out of bed, or more Daichi dragged your complaining figure and threw it over his shoulder. “You need to pee, Y/N. I mean it. And then we’ll have to shower or take a bath.”
You just groaned. Luckily he couldn’t see the embarrassment on your face from having your ass almost entirely in his face. “I don’t even feel the need to pee!”
“Then you will drink water and force yourself to do it still. Don’t make me punish you, baby. You’re not ready for that.”
His continues hints on being rougher and more dominant with you, made you blush and even horny, so that you had to resist the need to kick your feet and giggle like a schoolgirl.
You didn’t even notice how you clenched your thighs together, which made only made Daichi smirk. He would definitely go harder on you next time. Besides, he promised you to make you cum as many times as your body could handle and he was not one to break a promise.
PLEASE this was so much fun to write!! I hope you had just as much fun reading it! Let me know what you think since this is my first time publishing anything I’ve written and if you would like me to turn this into a series, let me know please!! I am seriously considering doing it.
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wolfybonnie759 · 10 months
floyd x reader what if you got captured instead of Floyd
you knew Floyd and brothers for a long time the day of brozone I think got separated and didn't want to be a band anymore you did not know where Floyd was going to to be honest you had a crush on him you didn't tell him because you were so shy but you always been around like your best friend but you don't know if he feel the same way you went to travel somewhere and you you was singing thinking about you and Floyd been together but then you heard footsteps and the next thing you know it you got caught by velvet and veneer who are nothing but big phonies who have no talent for many months you've been stuck in a diamond prison you hope Floyd and his brothers are okay and hope somebody will save you from these horrible twins you felt so weak you were pale and some of your hair got white like if you're aged up or something in a little half of your body is Crystal about how much they use your talent for theirs and you saw Floyd's older brother John Dory oh so you and a diamond prison he tried to break the diamond prison but nothing works and you told him to leave of the twins will get him and he did he promised to get help. You really did not like the twins at all well you got a little comfortable with veneer he was not as bad as his sister for some what he was nice to you and he feels bad for you he does not want to really want to use your talent for his great but saying an popular or fortune or more important and he care about his sister. All of all you wish you was with Floyd you could have told him that you love him and more than a friend way if you wasn't so shy about it. Oh you did was just sing a bit you were singing half your heart out thinking about the memories you had when you spend time with Floyd and he was your best friend and your crush and then you went to sleep which was uncomfortable by the way you wish to sleep next to Floyd because his calm snoozing voice always hope you relax and sleep better it just feels empty without him.
When you were just sleeping you hear a noise and you slowly open your eyes to see Poppy branch and Floyd your heart stop when you saw floyd he change a lot his different look make him more attractive but still look cute though but you hide your friend and stop blushing and you told them to get out where they can or else the twins will get them Floyd looked at you in sadness because he told you how much he miss you and it feels awful without you you felt your face burning a bit like you're blushing but you're happy that Floyd misses you haven't forgot about you then when you heard Velvet and veneer talking down the hall leave or hide somewhere there between can't see and. Floyd look at you one more time went somewhere so he will be seen by the twins.
You was shocked is missing the boys that have captured by velvet and veneer they it was arguing about something you wasn't paying attention at all Floyd looked at you and shocked is he the state you're in your hair was almost white completely White you are so pale as a white snow and have your body being Crystal the others saw that too they're trying to do in their best to help you. When the final moment and Poppy and branch and Poppy sisters who got all the brothers out of there they're still in the diamond prison but at least they're out except for you who was attached to Velvet but you were so pale you you almost got nothing left anymore could you feel like dying of course Floyd can't stand around and do nothing and let you die so everybody including Floyd was singing the perfect Harmony and you're not attached to Velvet and you was floating singing it was working it's broke the diamond prison everything was fine except you was Crystal troll you were falling into Floyd catch you. Poppy and her sister branch in his brothers and Floyd were crying upset and didn't save you in time and Floyd was talking about how he wished he could confess his love to you but little did he know you heard that you were listening your face became normal and you had a smile on your face everyone was happy included Floyd and you were blushing because Floyd's love to you then you told me you did love him too so you both kiss and the crowd cheered more than ever and veneer you told his fans and his sister that him and his sister were frauds and told the truth about it but the twins got arrested the everyone went back home and you were happy with your new boyfriend Floyd.
( hi everyone I want to say thank you for liking my post I saw that people like my first Floyd x reader I wasn't expecting to get that much since 4 town or turning red post but anyway I'm glad you like it and to be honest I like Floyd too I guess you could say he's my favorite from trolls band together and. That all I have to say is thank you and bye 👋❤️)
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evilios · 1 month
What do you think of the new Epic saga?
Hi, hon! 🌻
I appreciate you letting me Epic rant on the main, I'll keep it under the cut for my dear mutuals and followers' mental stability (some spoilers):
I should say: I separate Epic from Homeric texts. If it was loosely based on the Odyssey back in the Troy Saga, it's entirely its own thing now. Which is not bad! It's just different and it handles its own questions and problems.
Overall, I think it was good. It has its downsides (a little below on that) but I do like the hard work put into the musical. It's not exactly easy to put events of hundreds upon hundreds lines of an epic poem into five songs, so I'm not harsh on it.
I presume that everything Jorge showed on the livestream is what is more or less firmly canon within his musical (visually and lore wise) so with that in mind:
I think he nailed Telemachus. I love this boy, he's my everything. He's young, sweet, protective, he's just lovely. Legendary was my favorite when it existed in snippets and cut videos, it is still one of my favorite songs. The "I want" songs are always fun and Telemachus is very much a Disney prince singing from his magical tower. It's fun!
I see what Jorge did with Antinous being older than Telemachus in the musical which is, well, he had to sacrifice something. I'm guessing letting a guy around Telemachus' age sing about planning to wife up his mom would be weird. But! The only reason I'm bringing it up is that the potential ship dynamic/chemistry between epic Telemachus and Antinous would have been insane if they were around the same age. But, again, I understand the change.
Antinous' voice is also everything.
I like Telemachus' dynamic with Athena in the musical. It's a little closer than in the epics, a little more lighthearted. He doesn't really know about the weight on her shoulders but he's hospitable, sweet, and kind. We'll be Fine is a good song.
This is overall an "Athena's character development arc" saga to me. I see she's repeatedly mirrored to Odysseus, regretting her decisions/being too harsh and all. Jorge can't stop making parallels but! I'm a slut for parallel plotlines, so I like that. Myth Odysseus' usual mirror is Agamemnon but... he doesn't really fully exist in the realm of the musical so I see why they picked Athena, it's an interesting choice.
I could be Calypso's love in paradise 😔
No like she's so pretty. I know she's morally questionable (modernity-wise) but. She is so pretty. Her hair is so pretty. She's so bubbly, I'm so obsessed with her.
I don't think the clock-reverse thing needed to be in her song, it kind of messes with the tempo. I can see how it will work out on stage if Epic is ever in theater, but I'm still 50/50 about that part. Overall, Love in Paradise is catchy as hell!
From the visuals Jorge showed, I assume Calypso was physically close to Odysseus in this version too. Which, coupled with Athena claiming he never cheated, brings me to two different thoughts: a). They were physically close but he didn't have intimacy with her b). Athena does not consider forced intimacy cheating and I'm definitely for the second one, Odysseus' S/A is important.
God Games... torn on this one. A bit too short to my liking BUT will work out on stage. I can see how you could use stage lights + physical space to reconstruct it. Song length wouldn't matter as much.
I love short haired dark haired Apollo, it's like Jorge requested his version of the God to be distinct. His argument also IS SO UNSERIOUS. Like he's there only because Daddy asked him isn't he.
I'm glad Helios' cattle was not brought up as some people expected (and as I feared), Jorge knows his source material.
Hephaestus is absolutely too sweet for this world. I'm not sure if his bit with loyalty is about Hera myth or Aphrodite myth or something else... but it was sweet.
Aphrodite can have my heart on a plate. Fully. I don't care. Her bit is my favorite + I love that she's more pissed off about Odysseus "betraying" familial love rather than blaming him for, idk, potentially sleeping with Calypso or something.
Ares has an amazing voice though I keep wondering about his point. We know Odysseus didn't fight Scylla because a). There's no point in fighting Scylla b). He was planning to betray his crew. A part of me wants to think Ares is pissed because he sacrificed his comrades instead of fighting for them, it is cowardly.
I like their little fighting sequence, really shows Athena's ready to throw down in a fight if needed.
Hera is gorgeous stunning show stopping etc. I like her bit, it's not really serious, like Apollo's, but I don't see why it would be. Odysseus isn't really her business and he is a notable hero, she doesn't need to test him as one. But she needs to test him as a husband! Which is lovely.
Zeus would never hurt Athena I refuse to believe that part /lh
Overall? It's good. A bit clunky/compressed but good. Thunder one is still my favorite but the Athena Saga was good, gave my girl some more depth.
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Author's note: Zadakiel's next chapter.
Past =-= Next
Warnings: Implied Astartes and Human relations. Talks about how to deal with bullies. The advise comes from an Astartes soo... Yeah. Not anything else I can think of? Let me know if I need to add anything...
Summary: Zadakael has to allow his tiny Bonded to go to this thing called 'pre-school' and is totally N O R M A L about it.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k, @ms--lobotomy @bispecsual @thevoidscreams
Tagged continued: @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
“Lovely and perfect,” Zadakael continues to croon a lullaby in High Gothic as he gently rocks his tiny bonded asleep. 
His bonded human’s parents had met him, and had a friend who had an Astartes to help translate what was going on. They had been understandably, been a bit uncertain when they’d first heard that he’d bonded to their darling, fragile, tiny child. 
But he had slowly started to prove himself to them, and was wonderful with their daughter. Who was usually wonderfully and well behaved around him. If they were unable to get her to sleep, his gentle hold on her and his crooning singing would put her to sleep faster than anything else could or would.
The new parents were grateful to have an extra set of hands that didn’t need as much sleep. Granted, he had his own schedule that he followed for his duties as a Space Marine who ended up on Ancient Terra. He’s grateful that his new Captain was understanding and allowed him to bond with his new human. And that his hours of duty shift and training were changed around so that he could help his human’s family tend to his almost an infant Bonded.
At first he had been terrified to touch his precious Bonded. For they were so young and fragile, and his hands were covered in the blood of so many. He had learned gentleness when he learned artistic pursuits and he still continued to indulge in his hobbies.
Although part of him snapped and snarled and hissed when his precious, tiny bonded was in the arms of her parents he didn’t stop them from doing so. Sternly reminding himself that their family is also important for their growth and development. He’d researched all he could on Good Child Rearing Practices as well as taken lay-classes for child rearing and what not.
That had also eased the worries of his Bonded’s family when they saw how serious he took his duties towards his bonded. He’d been taking classes for the primary language that his humans spoke at home, which was different from the one that was the dominant language of the area. So he was easily learning languages at once to ensure that he’d be able to help his tiny human learn to speak multiple languages.
Spanish, he learned, was the name of the language that their family spoke, while English was the language that was spoken by the baseline humans in the area that he had landed in. His tiny human had several older siblings who thought he was Super Cool.Some of their elderly relatives seem to be more uncertain of him, which was fine.
Being with his tiny bonded, and watching as they grow and their personality take shape fills his hearts with a warmth that has a bitter sting to it as well. One of the things he finds out to his utter dismay is how fast his tiny Bonded is growing. 
It’s something that his Tiny Bonded’s parents commiserate with him over. As they grow, they are taken to ‘pre-school’. Which he grumbles over, he could teach them far more about how the Galaxy truly works than the so-called educators could. He’s seen what sort of homework their older siblings have and he’s unimpressed with how basic and sometimes outright false the information they have to learn is. Although, their literature and arts education is interesting and he can go down rabbit holes seeking more Ancient Terran knowledge about such things.
Still, his human’s parents insisted it would be good for their development to have time away from the house and them. With children her age (there are a few of his fellow Space Marines with Bonded around that age, or with Bonded who have children around that age). He’s pointed that out, and while they do have play dates with. 
But apparently that’s not enough. While both parents are able to work, Zadakael is happy to watch over the children and give guidance and a portion of his pay to help the household. The parents have deemed going to ‘pre-school’ to be important to their development.
He gently holds his tiny Bonded’s hand and walks with them to the pre-school, it’s fairly close to where his human’s family lives. And his tiny Bonded hand clung to him and had been Tearful about paring with him.
He would only admit to himself that he was equally reluctant to part with her. It had taken one of the Salamanders who worked there (with their Bonded Human as one the pre-school teachers) coming out to help calm the Tiny human (and only the tiny human. He wasn’t growling at anyone.) 
Stop judging him To’val! And no, he didn’t linger and watch his tiny bonded for the rest of the day. That would be ridiculous and were blatantly false accusations! He had certainly not needed to be dragged away by an exasperated Ultramarine to go tend to his duties that day. Zariel- stop making that face at him. Judgy Ultramarine bastard.
His tiny Bonded hadn’t wanted to leave his side to go to some stupid Pre-school. But that had been one first few days, they had grown to enjoy pre-school. Happily babbling to him and their siblings and parents about what they learned, and did, and about their friends that they played with on this and that day.
Sure, he occasionally heard of the childish squabbles, but he let his tiny Bonded know that they should Stand Their Ground and that if someone tried to bully them to punch them in the face. That would get them to stop that nonsense. And if someone tried to get them into trouble for it he would talk to the teachers about it.
The parents had been partly scolding, partly playful in their exasperation about what he’d said about defending oneself and one’s friends from bullies. But he was entirely serious about it. Bullying wasn’t something that was tolerated, and it could cause friction and Chaos if allowed to fester. Resentments, hurt feelings, and all sorts of nastiness if not dealt with promptly and with a proportional response.
Some of the children are other Blood Angels and their successor Chapter’s bonded human’s children. He pretends that he doesn’t see how some of the children look like a perfect blend of the human and Astartes's. Especially the children who are male presenting, having bright blond hair and red in their eyes.
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life-is-unreal · 26 days
Stranger Danger~ {Genshin x Reader} Teyavat Chapter 14 - Teardrop Crystal
slight spoiler : There's probably going to be a slime army :D, which slime for Liyue I wonderrrr :DDD
"Welcome back!" Venti's eyes glimmered under the bar lights. "Ah, this is the Holy Lyre! You managed to retrieve it!"
"The pattern of flowing wind carved on the rosewood... and the strings still feel cool to the touch too. Oh, the memories..." You rolled your eyes. Anyone with an actual brain could tell what's wrong with his words. 
Jean exchanged a glance with you. Barely shaking her head. "What do you think, Venti? Can you summon Dvalin?"
Venti shrugged, spreading his hands, "Although this lyre is the real thing, I doubt that it's going to work. As you can see, the lyre has been through a thousand years of history. Its Anemo power has run dry. In this condition, you couldn't play music fit for even Diluc's tavern with it..."
Diluc frowned, "Bards fight to get on the stage of my tavern. Don't make assumptions!" 
Paimon gaped at him in disbelief, "Is that really important right now, Master Diluc!? And you - did you just borrow the Holy Lyre to play music for drunkards to hear?"
Paimon's eyes widened in a cartoon like way, "What do you mean "hehe"!?"
"Anyway, we won't be able to call Dvalin with it." You sniggered at Aether's expression, if you didn't know the plot before hand, you would've slapped Venti.
Venti hurriedly changed his words upon Aether's emotionless face. "The lyre itself is fine, but the strings..."
You patted Aether's shoulder, "Time for you to do your lil magic."
“He never said that it was broken."
He nodded, "It's just that the anemo power is diminished."
You leaned to Aether's ear, "Use the tear drop thingy."
His eyes widened, "I- I never told you about that." He hissed.
You fluttered your eyelashes, "Shut up and do it."
Venti grinned, "It worked, as expected. 
"This youthful glow..." Jean muttered.
"Praising yourself?" Paimon gasped flabbergasted.
"It's not just a youthful glow, it fucking changed colors." You commented.
Jean raised a brow, "KEUGH KEUGH I said nothing." You waved your hands.
She sighed in exasperation, "...I was talking about the Holy Lyre."
"Thanks to Aether having purified the crystal, the Holy Lyre won't continue to lose power. That said, its power is far from replenished. It'd be great if we could get more tears."
"Wait." Your eyebrows furrowed. "Jean, you didn't pay us yet."
Paimon slapped her forehead. "Oh yeah! Paimon forgot about that too!"
"Oh and we rented out a place instead of going to the inn..." you smiled largely.
Jean smiled lightly, "I'll send all of the rewards after Dvalin no longer threatens Mondstadt."
"Then the water bodies..." you wiggled your eyebrows, sparkles in your eyes.
"After Albedo finishes his experimentations."
"Ok, we'll help."
Venti's eyes remained unfocused, "Suffering alone in some deserted place..." he muttered.
Paimon's expression turned from confusion to sadness, "Poor baby..."
"This is not something that an Honorary Knight and Y/N can accomplish alone. I will mobilize the rest of knights to assist. When you get the Teardrop Crystal, please let Aether perform the purification process."
"Leave it to me."
"Heroes supporting each other and setting out on a journey together... How exciting! Lemme come up with a song for you..." 
You and Paimon side eyed him. "Is that all you're going to do? Just sing?" Paimon screeched.
"Wouldn't be much of a bard if I didn't now, would I?"
"Hmph. You're so cheeky...You deserve an ugly nickname." Paimon, nooo, stop giving people that can one shot us ugly nicknames..."Oh, Paimon knows! From now on, you'll be known as 'Tone-Deaf Bard'!"
(Thousand Winds Temple)
"The ruin guards aren't attacking us..." Paimon scratched her head. "OH YEAH! It's Y/N's ability!"
A strange expression emerged on Diluc's face before returning back to normal.
You coughed slightly, "I think ya'll need to kill it though, how else are you going to get that crystal?"
Jean turned to you. "Y/N, do you want to try?"
"Yes, I've been wondering how it would react when you attack it." Strong curiosity could be seen through her cerulean eyes.
"I'll pay for your rent until you leave."
Your catalyst appeared besides you.
Aether gaped at you, "Where did you get that?!"
You smirked, "It's called having friends."
It didn't take too long for your smile to drop. "Oh fuck I can barely even fight. What if I fucking die?" You dragged your legs behind you.
Taking a deep breath, a ball of Anemo appeared in your hands.
The ruin guard stared down at you, as if frozen in place. As the ball of Anemo became larger and larger, you felt horrified when you noticed that it wouldn't stop.
"Y/N! That's enough to knock him out!" Aether yelled, he had no idea why you were suddenly so strong, the Anemo ball was stronger than his tornado, his eyes widened as it slowly grew to be twice your size. 
Jean frowned. "Is this her first time?"
Aether paused. "I have no idea but she's definitely never summoned such a large ball."
Jean's eyes narrowed, "I'll have to knock her out if she can't control it, she'll end up in a coma if this continues, she'll also create a large enough storm to cover up the whole of Mondstadt if this Anemo ball continues increasing."
The ruin guard stared down at you. "HELP ME!" You screamed, your hair covering your face. You could feel the large amount of Anemo gathering in your body. In a blue screen that only you could see, you noticed your experience increasing in large amounts.
It was a good thing but you felt chills on your spine, you were going to faint by the enormous amount of energy roaring inside of you. It felt refreshing, but in contrast you could feel your body getting tired. You might die if this continues on.
Suddenly, you felt your body getting lighter. Lifting your head, you noticed that the ruin guard slowly walked towards the Anemo ball. As its arm touched the ball, you felt yourself regaining control of the elemental energy. 
"Is it, killing itself?" Paimon shrieked. 
The machine continued to walk towards you, its gears getting ripped and turned into metal dust by the reckless energy.
You panted, staggering as the entire ruin guard turned into metal dust before disappearing, a precious chest dropping in its place.
"That was unexpected." Diluc's questioning gaze landed on you before striding towards the chest.
"To sacrifice itself so that you wouldn't be depleted of elemental energy. This... is indeed very unexpected. Your pet slimes don't even seem as odd now that I think of it." Jean handed you a potion.
"This will replenish the lost energy in your body. Sucrose created the formula by accident. I'll introduce you to her soon. Sorry for almost knocking you out." 
"It's fine. I didn't expect this too."
"I'll bring you to Albedo when he comes back with results with the samples across Mondstadt."
"Sorry, but umm... Paimon has been wondering since yesterday, what are you guys talking about?" Paimon giggled nervously.
"Oh? Is there a problem with Mondstadt's water? I was wondering why I saw Kaeya near the Dawn Winery." 
Remembering the sample of water that Keyarye 'accidentally' dropped, a small bottle appeared in your hands. The moment you returned back home, you had split the sample of the concentrated substance in portions. You were going to give one of them to Albedo but he was probably cooped up somewhere doing experiments.
"Oh yeah! I almost forgot. You might want to give this to Albedo, he can compare it to other samples." The concentrated liquid wasn't like the diluted samples, it looked like water but to the keen eye, some differences could be spotted. From the minty tint to the light sweet smell.
"Thank you Y/N." Obviously, Jean noticed the differences, hopefully she'd give you a raise.
Clearing your throat, "Did you guys seriously not notice how all the plants around the lakes look kinda wilted and how there's less and less fish? Why'd you think a bunch of knights gathered samples of the water bodies. And come on Aether! You legit go out every single day. How brain dead are you?"
Paimon coughed, "Anywayyyy, Paimon didn't think we'd find Dvalin's tears in a place like this."
"As knights, we are taught to hone our investigative skills."
"And I ended up in prison because three knights thought I was a spy." You grumbled.
Jean sighed, holding her head. "I'll double your pay if you stop talking about that during work."
Your eyes sparkled in joy, "Ok Grandmaster!
(Whispering woods)
"Jean...has a turtle..." Paimon whispered dazed. "Diluc...has a turtle?...too?!"
"Paimon... Are you ok?" You poked her tummy. "Paimon... You gained weight again."
Paimon turned to you, her eyes unfocused, "Hey Y/N, did you have a pet turtle when you were young?"
"Yeah. I had...five or something but they all died because of sickness. Maybe something else."
"Y/N... had five turtles.... turtles...Ehehehe, turtles..."
Your face scrunched up. "She's..."
"Yeah, let's ignore her. Let her be in her lil world." Aether muttered. Yup, Aether sounded more and more like a Gen Z through your influence.
Teyvat Chapter 15:
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a-998h · 2 months
Hotel Day 1
It has been a week since I showed up, bleeding, on the doorstep of the hotel. It's been nice. Charlie is super friendly, if a little hig energy, and so has Vaggie. Niffy freaks me out, but Charlie says she's 80% harmless. Alastor still creeps the fuck outta me, but I'm not sure he can be anything other than creepy.
Waking up, I see a post it on the bedside table. The note was clearly written with a glitter ink pen. Next to the note is also a plate of food and a glass of somekind of juice. Rubbing the last bit of sleep from my eyes, I read the note.
Good morning, Y/N! I figured you'd want to sleep in, so I had Niffty leave your breakfast on the bedside table. It's chocolate chip pancakes! Anyway, once you're awake and ready, you can meet us downstairs for today's activities! See you soon, Charlie 💙 Ps. Husk has juice for you at the bar.
Well... How the fuck did Niffty get through a locked door? I stare at the delicious looking pancakes, Niffty is a creepy woman and I have no idea what she might have done to my food. After about 15 minutes of checking my food for any sign of tampering I decide to suck it up and eat. The pancakes are as delicious as they looked. I smell the jucie too, because even if the pancakes were fine, who knows what Niffty could've done to it. It smells fine, looks fresh, and there is no weird coloring. Drinking it, it tastes like normal cherry juice. When I'm done, I collect the plate, glass, and utensils. Walking down the stairs, I see Vaggie and Charlie looking at the TV with Alastor standing next to it. Angel is on the other couch holding a bottle of alcohol and Husk is still behind the bar. Niffty rushes out from behind the bar and takes my dishes. It was confusing seeing how fast someone so small could be.
Charlie waves me over, saying she has something she wants me to see. I look for a chair, but Charlie pulls me onto the couch between her and Vaggie. Being squshed between the two of them freaks me out, I hate having my personal space invaded and invading someone elses space. The next minute is spent watching something that looks like a lose approximation of a commercial. It makes me want to die on the inside, it looks stupid. Alastor asks us what we think.
"I'm sorry, what the fuck was that?" Vaggie yells.
Vaggie tells Alastor why his "commercial" is bad and how it doesn't explian that the how tell is trying to save people from extermination, whatever that means. Angel raised his hand, saying they could use him in the commercial as he's celebrity. Vaggie argues with Angel about him being a pornstar. As they argue, I start to ferl very uncomfortable. Charlie rejects Angel's offer, and Angel starts listing everything he can do. Walking over to the bar, I hang out with Husk.
"So... What's extermination?" I ask.
Husk's POV
Damn it kid, why did you have to ask me that. I look at Vaggie, she gives me a death glare. Taking a deep breath, I tell the kid to not worry about it. I normally tell it how it is, but this kid is innocent. This kid would be traumatized if I told them what extermination was, plus I don't think Charlie and Vaggie would be to happy with me if I told the kid.
"Ummm, you don't need to worry about it kid. But, maybe ask Vaggie," I tell them.
The kid seems disappointed, but this is what's best for them. Before the kid can stand up, Charlie comes by singing.
*One song later*
Reader's POV
Vaggie says that Charlie is doing something important, so we'll be making a new commercial. She asks Alastor for a camera, to which he makes her an old fashioned camera. Vaggie clarifies she needs a video camera, to which he hums in either annoyance or because he's being a teasing jerk. I watch from the side lines as Vaggie tries to flim Husk and Angel's part. I want to die on the inside with the way Angel is acting. Vaggie tells Angel to be less horny, I don't think it's possible, and for Husk to not have a script in front of his face. Husk says something about no being an actor and Angel flirtly teases him, to which Husk pushes Angel off the bar.
"Alright Reader, all you have to do is list some of the fun activites we do here," Vaggie tells me.
I nod, and Vaggie starts fliming. I start listing activies, but I start to panic and ramble. Vaggie turns the camera off, and asks if I'm ok. Nodding, I run back to the bar and have Husk pour me some juice. Vaggie moves onto the fliming Niffty, who doesn't even say her lines, only staring into the camera. Angel teases Vaggie, which makes her mad. She says she'll fix it in post before storming off. I ask Husk about how Hell works, and he gives me vauge answers. Asking Angel and Niffty leads me to learning a few things. Sinners can own other sinners souls, the extermination happens every year, and as long as I stay inside during extermination then I'll be safe.
I blink surprise. I stare into my glass of juice, scared and confused. I don't want my soul taken, and this extermination thing is yearly! I always figured that Hell was burtal, but this is a lot worse than I thought. Time passes, and I start to feel more and more scared. Niffty tries her best to comfort me, but it's Niffty so she makes me panic a bit more. Vaggie soon walks out with Alastor, saying he'll be helping us make a proper commercial. Alastor snaps his fingers and everyone else gets cool 1920s themed outfits while my clothes stay the same.
"Alastor, why are my clothes still the same?"
"My dear, you're not going to be in it," Alastor explains in a condesening manner.
I was upset and angry at being condesended. I ask him why I can't be in it and he says something about not wanting the commercial to full of people. I sit on the couch, watching as this shadow flim crew takes care of doing the commercial.
*One Commercial fliming later*
Once the commercial is flimed, Alastor leaves the hotel, saying he'll get this commercial aired. I wave goodbye, still disappointed. Vaggie asks what's wrong and I share my anger at not being allowed in the commercial and the condesending way Alastor spoke to me. Vaggie reassures me that Alastor is a just a bit of jerk and that, she is worried about having a child in the commercial. I point out how Niffty looks young, and Alastor reminds me that many sinners know who Niffty is and her connection to him. Vaggie tells me it's ok, and that she'll find another way for me to be involved in the hotel.
Charlie comes back, looking a bit worried. Vaggie greets her and leads her to the couch in front of the TV. I sit next to Angel as Charlie smiles and almost tears up at the fact that the group made a new commercial for the Hotel. The commercial barely starts before it's interrupted. We all growl and complain about it. The lady with souless red eyes and blonde hair on the screen says that the news station had just been told by the Heaven embassy, which was the base of the hourglass clocktower, that the extermination would be happening sooner. The screen shows the clocktower calender showing 176 days. This causes all of us to start freaking out.
Narrator's POV
The angel's ship scans the headless body of an exterminator angel. Inside, Lute gets angry as she tells Adam they should go down there right now and wipe every sinner off the face of existance. Adam tells her to calm down.
"We can't risk them catching on. But don't worry, when we com back there won't a demon left alive to pull a stunt like this again! And, the nephilim kid will be back where they belong!" Adam declares, smash the lamp in the ship.
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we can have tomarrymort stories where harry is not a potter, not the bwl and not abused to make him a martyr for dumbledore’s cause and people lap it up and sing praises for good writing but then if you have a tomarrymort story where harry isn’t obsessed with sports, a girl who used him as a emotional crutch to deal her bfs murder, a girl who dated half the boys he knows to get his attention or desserts then you’re forcing an oc on the tomarrymort fandom and you need to get a grip and be honest or leave.
i don’t like fandom sometimes.
Funny thing, is how Harry is often raised different in those not-a-Potter Harrymort fics and tends to not be interested in Quidditch OR Cho, but no one is attacking those writers for leaving those things out.
What’s so different when a goal-oriented Harry – who only changed because of one or two major events in his early youth – doesn’t care much about a sport(that he was forced into and never told he had the option of saying ‘No’ or quitting in canon) and that makes him ‘too OOC’ but it’s acceptable for a Harry who has anyone else as a biological father and grows up in a different house with different expectations entirely, to not be into Quidditch? To not date Cho Chang or even be interested in her?
Why are things like a sport, a food, and girl he crushed on for a few months, considered the things that make him Harry Potter? Why is it wrong to not make those important to his character in every damn fic? How does taking away being a Seeker, dating Cho, and eating Treacle Tart change who Harry Potter is? What do they really bring to the table?
Why do the things that actually make him Harry Potter, not have to actually appear in a fic for him to still be considered 'In-Character'?
Such as:
Being related to the people who thrice-defied Voldy.
Being prophesied to defeat Voldy.
Being attacked by Voldy because of it and ending up surviving the AK, getting a famous scar, and acquiring a shard of Voldy’s soul in the process.
Being taken away from his legal guardian and shoved onto abusive people that made sure he grew with the mentality that he wasn’t worth shit and that dying for the ‘greater good’ if an old man claims it’s necessary, is okay.
The things that dog his every step and control his future without him knowing it or being able to control it, are the things that shape him as a character.
But nooooooo. If he’s not Ron Weasley-level obsessed with Quidditch(which he never was tbh), salivating over Cho Chang, or mentioning Treacle Tart every chapter, he’s OOC.
Some of y'all just want canon!Harry and that's fine, but stop attacking people just cuz they want to focus on unique parts of Harry to tell the story they've come up with. And dear Christ on a cracker, if he is a totally different person by age 11, based on different experiences, him not playing Quidditch isn't going to make the world end nor make him any less Harry Potter and you're dumb if you say otherwise.
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soniadamasco · 2 years
I found what Miri said to Kyu about not wanting to go home interesting because it's been like three months at this point and she doesn't seem to show any signs of missing Misaki or wanting to see her mom again. And yet she did still say back in ep 2 that she hoped her mom wasn't lonely. Could it be that she's not as oblivious to her situation as it looks and that she knows to some extent that her mom isn't in a state to be in her life?
That's a very interesting observation and I agree with you that's it's strange how she doesn't seem to miss her mom. I thought about that for a while and, while like you I think that she's more aware about what's going on around her than we believe, something else came to my mind.
You see, since ep. 1 Miri has always been a very independent kid: travelling alone all the way to find her papa, always escaping and trying to do things by herself. While kids at that age love to explore and try their hands at everything, it's quite strange for me how calm she is in those situations.
I believe Miri is actually used to be an independent kid because she was pretty often left by herself. Misaki doesn't seem to be a "bad mom" as in like a violent or verbally abusive parent, but she's also a working single mother. When Miri sings her mom's song in ep. 2 I believe she's recollecting a memory, probably from being at one of her mom's shows. Since we know Misaki is struggling with money, I find it very likely that she might have brought Miri along to her job, where she was left alone while her mom was working.
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Aside from Misaki having little time to spend with Miri because of her work, I don't think she ever tried to take care of her aside from her basic needs. Yes, she cooked for her, dressed her and she did all those other things you have to do to keep a child alive, but was she ever present emotionally? I don't think so, considering even those basic things felt like a burden for her. It's easy to do those things without caring for someone, just because you feel obligated, but it's way harder to fake an emotional connection.
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I still believe Miri cares a lot about her mom, but I also think she's used not to be around her. The fact that she didn't freak out the first time Rei and Kazuki left her alone in the house makes me also think that Misaki might've already left her at home by herself.
Another thing that makes me believe there is very little emotional connection between Miri and Misaki is how she answers to Kyutaro when he asks her if her family misses her:
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See how she deflects the answer towards herself? My guess is that probably she cannot understand the idea of her mom being worried about her, because she never saw that emotion in Misaki. Instead, she reassures him by telling him she's fine with living with her papas.
Why is that? I believe that Kazuki and Rei are giving her exactly what her mom couldn't give her, which is emotional care. Look how she continues with her answer:
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Those are the two most important things she can think about to show how well they're taking care of her. Yes, Kazuki is naturally great at cooking, but remember how she didn't like his hamburgers at first? And remember how he bought the ones from the store and also the cereals which she likes? With just this he's showing her attention, he shows her that he cares about what she likes and is ready to follow that direction because he knows it will make her happy. She feels like he's listening to her and that's very important for a child.
Another very important thing for children is spending quality time with their parents, just like Miri does when Rei plays videogames with her. We know he's not the best socially speaking, but he found a way to connect with Miri through something that he knows how to do well. Even playing a game together is a way to grow an emotional connection and I believe Miri is aware that this is Rei's way to show he cares about her.
Lastly, she says another important thing:
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Look at how sure she is when she says they'll always be with her. That is a sense of stability that no one else but Kazuki and Rei could give to Miri. She trusts that they will keep being with her because she knows how much they love her and there is no doubt in her mind. After probably being emotionally neglected by her mother, that's a huge thing to say, which shows how safe she feels around them.
At the end I still think Miri misses her mom, but she realises that Misaki could never give her the same love that Kazuki and Rei are showing her everyday. That is one of the most important things for a child. Actually, for every person regardless of age. Love is what makes you feel at home and now for Miri home is where Kazuki and Rei are.
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minervas-hand · 5 months
Ineffable May Day 6: Apology
Day 6 for @blairamok's Ineffable May 2024
AO3 link here
[S2 Ep.1. Aziraphale sits in the bookshop after their fight over Gabriel.]
Aziraphale made himself tea in the vain hope it would calm him. 
Usually the first sip would wash down the worst of any anxiousness, give him clarity to tackle whatever the problem might be. Even intransigent customers. But it did very little against the sinking pit inside, like a black hole had suddenly manifested inside his corporation.
He left. He left. 
He left me here, alone. 
The bookshop's walls seemed to tighten ever so slightly around him, beams and columns emitting comfort. He assayed the thinnest watery smile, which quickly collapsed under its own weight. Millennia of practice, pasting on a bright countenance for any situation no matter the reality. But right now, he was powerless to do any more than stare.
He shuffled out to the desk, to sort random paperwork through his fingers. Normal. That's the ticket. Everything will be back to normal, if one behaves normally.
The black hole continued, unabated. The daylight waned, slowly. 
At twilight he felt the whisper of demonic energy passing the bookshop's boundaries before he heard the door. His eyes shot to the demon striding in.
The spike of joy battled the black hole, but its gravity kept him in his chair, and he made himself look busy over the desk. He could feel the consternation in Crowley's gaze but he refused to look.
A harrumph, and then the bell dinged. "I'm baaack." 
He looked over as coolly as he could manage, then his eyes turned back firmly on the paper in his hand. "Yes-s. I can see that." Kept looking at his papers like they were very important. 
Heard the groan. "You want a big, 'I think I said the wrong thing' sort of an apology, or can we take that as said."
Over their years, how many things, too many things, taken as said. But he had said. I'm asking you to help me.
The now-retreating black hole left a shadow, an echo. You left me, you left me alone. 
He kept his gaze on his work. "Quite like the apology, actually."
A pause. "You were right." Pulled out of him with a long breath. 
Now Aziraphale turned, but couldn't quite banish the shadow. "Not good enough. I want a proper apology."
Crowley shot back - "No."
He wasn't letting this go. "With the little dance." 
"I don't do the dance."
He let the anger flare to the surface, felt his lip curl. "I did the 'I was wrong dance' in 1650, 1793, 1941-" His hand flicked out the enumeration. 
"- Fine!" 
Still glowering, he stood. Adjusted his waistcoat. Folded his hands together. Tilted his head, expectant.
Crowley glared his reluctance. Then his sinuous shape went twirling round his long legs. 
"You were right, you were right. I was wrong, you were right." He popped the 't' at the end and glared, teeth bared. Balanced for a moment in a long, low curtsy, arms held out in captivating grace.
Aziraphale stamped down the savage singing in his blood. Millennia of practice, in not letting his expression show exactly how much joy this beloved demon brought. Or, other feelings. It was as much their game as their prison. 
Crowley straightened up and asked "Okay?" Sardonic lilt trying to hide everything else. Not quite succeeding. 
Are we okay?
The shadow was muted to a whisper, dying. "Very nice." 
I forgive you. 
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Unnecessary discussion about Chat Noir and the Drums
There’s something I love so much about Chat playing the drums in Horrificator. This is something that’s been on my mind since I was 13, so hold on here.
First, obviously, Adrien also plays the piano - which obviously still has a lot of meaning!! - I’m not here to diss on the piano, there’s a lot of freedom of expression in every instrument type and music expression in general, but there’s a reason why some people are more inclined to different instruments, and I think there’s a lot more to it than just sound, but feeling as well. The role you play. How it feels to play it alone vs. playing it with others, if it’s typically something that you can play alone vs. in a group.
So first, the piano, and how I think it relates to Adrien’s character, plus how it relates to those points.
The piano, let’s be real, is something that a lot of us were forced to take lessons for at some point. It’s something that has ties to high society (there’s a HUGE discussion and so much more to say about that, but let’s not go there) and honestly?? I think it works pretty well with symbolizing the obsession with perfection that Gabriel shoves onto him. I’ve known many piano players, and while some genuinely loved playing it, it was always easier to somehow stumble onto someone with a deep hatred for it after being forced into lessons. Whenever I asked them why they hated it, I got almost the same answer every time: “I need to be perfect.” (Along with people saying that they were forced to lol)
Then there’s the role you play. You can play with people in a band, an orchestra, as an accompanist, a duet, at a bar with a bunch of people singing - whatever - music has many forms, and many different connections. But the piano is something you can play solo, no need for anyone else. It isn’t what you can do with other people that I’m focusing on for this, it’s the fact that you don’t need anyone. You can play alone, and it’ll still be fine. You can be alone, and you’re still fine - perfect even - which is something that Gabriel shoves down his throat, resistant to him playing with his friends by touching on this ideology.
Which is a glimpse into how he sees Adrien, and how Adrien experiences life. He can be alone, in fact he’s more perfect when he’s alone. And when other people are added, the attention to his perfection is taken away bit by bit, until he’s not good enough. He has to play solo in concert halls, on stage for everyone to watch, not in the back of a bar, playing with his friends.
Alright, so now we move to Chat Noir and the drums. The main play of this fake essay. 
It would be so easy to just ignore everything and just go “haha, he’s the energetic one, so ofc Ladybug gave him the drums! And they’re an easy instrument to play, etc.” but that’s far from the truth.
Ok, so I’m not a drum player or percussionist in any way, but I am a bass player, and genuinely love the drums so much because they’re incredibly important, and here’s my cheesy analogy: the drums are the heart of the band, keeping everyone on beat, it’s what you feel at the centre of it all. The band is nothing without the drums, without the percussion (The bass is what connects the band to the beat of the drums, kinda like the blood vessels, but sadly this ain’t about bass).  Like do you know how easy it is for a band to fall apart if they don’t have a drummer??? You need a drummer. You literally can’t survive without a drummer, because even if you manage to work together, use the bass as a backing, whatever you try, there’s still not much of a heart left.
But besides that, do you know how hard it is to play the drums??? You can’t just throw someone crazy, or energetic there just because “crazy drummers lol” you need someone who listens. Who can set the beat. Someone you can rely on, because they are the person in control, even if they aren’t as flashy as the guitar player. Reliable is the word that comes to mind. The drums can make or break a band.
And wanna know who that reminds me of?
Yeah. I highly doubt that the writers put this much thought into a random five second scene in an episode of season one, but it fits with Chat Noir SO well. 
Unlike the piano, the drums are almost solely played in a group setting - you need other people, and other people need you - he needs other people in his life, his friends are needed, but they also need him. Ladybug needs him, along with all the other heroes in Paris, whether he sees it or not. He seems to get in a state of thinking he’s not needed, but i do really think he’s the emotional glue that keeps the team connected, the heart that keeps them beating. If he’s isolated, he can’t quite reach his full potential that he can when he’s allowed to be around others, just like they can’t reach their own without him.
But on top of that, I think the stereotypes of the drums actually works in his favour for the next part. 
Breaking free from his dad, and being his own person, letting that fame go and embracing what he wants... well, to some that would look stupid. 
Relating it to music, the piano is flashy, you can play it solo, it sounds impressive, looks impressive, and people won’t think you’re just hitting pots and pans in the garage when you say you play it. But the drums are underestimated, a lot of people think you don’t need much practice, that they’re just the guys who sit at the back of the stage, not doing much, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Just like Adrien finally being who he wants wouldn’t be stupid, it could never be stupid, but there’s a stigma. But letting go of his flashy, solo life, and being the heart of his friend group is something that I think makes him truly happy as Chat Noir, and hopefully he gets to be like that as Adrien too.
Like Plagg said, Chat Noir and Adrien are both the real him, and I think the drums capture that perfectly. The heart and freedom, the meticulousness (rather than perfection) and steadiness, those are good qualities of a drummer.
I dunno, I just think it fits.
(sdfghjklkjhgf again I should state that acoustic versions of songs exist, and you can play songs without a drum and it sounds fantastic, but I’m not going into that today. Just talking generalization, and playing in a group setting). 
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After about a decade of building up my crystal collection, I can no longer close my eyes to what I've been supporting. Far from the good vibes that crystals are purported to have, I need to be honest that their trade funds the same human rights abuses and environmental destruction that I've spent most of my life decrying. I need to address this cognitive dissonance within myself, and can no longer endorse buying mass-market crystals anymore. I call myself an earth-worshipper, or nature-worshipper, yet I'm contributing to the destruction of the Earth and her people. This no longer sits right with me. Yes, there are likely minerals in my phone that were mined using less-than-ethical practices, however a cell phone in this day and age is kind of a necessity. Decorative crystals and fossils, though, are more difficult to justify in this way.
I'm still going to keep the ones I have for now, because, welp, the damage has already been done, and getting rid of them now won't undo what I've been endorsing with my dollar. I still have a box of gems that I bought to make wire-wrapped jewelery with, and I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with those, so they're tucked away until I can decide.
If there's interest, I may make some pieces with them and put them up for sale as a Crystal Clearout sale, since I did spend a lot of money on those supplies. Or I might wear or gift them. We will see.
Back to my spiritual practice. What am I going to use instead?
River rocks!
Or lake rocks. Park rocks. Parking lot rocks. Farm rocks. Forest Rocks. Anything except store-bought is fine. Look at these cool rocks I've found in my city so far! These are geologically tied to the place I live, they carry the history on the land I'm on, which is not mine to live on. It is Treaty 6 territory—the traditional and ancestral territory of the Cree, Dene, Blackfoot, Saulteaux and Nakota Sioux. This territory is home to the Métis Settlements and the Métis Nation of Alberta, Regions 2, 3 and 4 within the historical Northwest Métis Homeland.
These stones carry the memory of the people who were here before me, and that of a not-so-distant history I need to address time and time again, examine my own biases, and do what I can to address inequalities right here, right now. They are a connection to this land, and those who live on it.
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These stones can also hold my own memories, for instance this petrified wood reminds me of a day a friend and I went rock-hunting by the river, and on a trip to Ontario with this same friend, we found some jade (I think). Which brings me to another point. I am not a geologist. I plan to learn about minerals local to me, but I'll never have the assurance of some shopkeeper (whatever that's worth) that what I'm holding is 100% a piece of pure amethyst, and here is a list of its properties. Instead, I'll be able to find my own meaning in the stones, feathers and flowers I find while walking in the world, and use them in my practices the way I feel intuitively guided to.
In spiritual practices, what we are working with is energy and intention. The rest are simply tools, symbols for our brain to understand what we are channeling towards or away from. The most important quality you can develop as a witch, a pagan, a yogi, a spiritualist, whatever you wish to call yourself, is self-trust. Trust that you are enough. Trust that this stone made its way to you so that you would find it exactly when you did. Trust that the herbs you lovingly grew, watered, bundled and dried are sufficient for clearing any stale energies. Learn from those who came before you, but at a certain point, you have to free yourself from reliance on corporations, merchants, readers, authors, course creators, and anyone else looking to make a buck off your lack of experience and confidence.
When you have a true need, harken not to others' greed. (the Wiccan Rede)
Consumerism has its hooks in us to such a point where we feel like we have to buy our way out of all of our real or perceived inadequacies.
Feeling down? Buy this sun lamp!
Tummy hurts? It's this scary new syndrome I just made up! Peer review, what's that? Nevermind. Buy this supplement!
Want to feel really cool and attractive? Buy this new outfit!
Want to make friends? Learn a new hobby! Oh, but this hobby requires you to buy all this gear before anyone thinks you're serious about it! And make sure you buy a t-shirt that says you're into this hobby while you're at it, so you can talk about it to everyone!
McSpirituality works the same way. Feel like you don't belong? It's definitely a past life thing, buy a reading with me to find out! Looking for love? Make sure you buy a rose quartz to send a lover your way within 24 hours. Hmm, it didn't work? It must not be big enough. Make sure you buy this one instead! Trying to get into meditation? You'll need to buy a zafu, some mala beads, and a buddha head with some very questionable history Are you broke after all these purchases? You can just buy this abundance generating spell kit, and this $10K course (I have seen this price point, it's not hyperbole) on dissolving your subconscious blocks to abundance!
It's not your fault, it's the system we all live in. I was, and still am, immersed in it too. If you're in a tough place, it can be so easy to be swept up by the promise of a quick fix, because spiritual work is hard. You'll have to confront yourself in some tough ways, work through traumatic experiences and spend years building discipline and focus.
It's a lot easier to just walk into a crystal shop and pick the one you like, isn't it? But I want to remind myself that life doesn't work that way.
Do you just walk into a store and pick out the partner, the job, the house, the experiences, the circumstances that look prettiest?
Okay, maybe some of you do if you're very lucky or have certain privileges, but these choices aren't always the ones that guarantee long-term compatibility or happiness.
In real life, it's a lot more like walking down a riverbank with a friend, catching up on life, and showing each other the cool thing you found, maybe deliberating on what it might be. Your rock might look different than hers, but you found it and it feels good to you. Maybe the shape feels satisfying and built just for your hand. You feel like it was waiting for you all this time.
Or maybe it's like walking home after a difficult day, and seeing the little sparkle of something glimmering in the sunlight. Maybe this represents hope and silver linings. Maybe a bird eyes you as you examine your rock, offering you company and understanding in a way that words fail to.
That feeling certainly isn't for sale in stores, or online. If I find it at a garage sale, I'll let you know.
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midnightkens · 2 months
For kensposo: singing/making music together?
Matt loves watching Ken make music.
It's not just his voice - the voice that baffles and intrigues him, the voice that's smooth and ethereal one moment, low and raspy the next. It flows effortlessly depending on his partner's mood. But above all, Matt loves watching his hands.
Ken has big hands, but there's something tender in the way he holds the guitar. Long fingers strum the guitar, and Matt marvels at them. Even with his eyes closed, Ken's fingers effortlessly find every string.
"How do you do that?"
There's a discordant jang of guitar strings as Ken's eyes fly open. The world fades when he's in the zone - sometimes even Matt can't get through to him. Ken offers him a sheepish grin and runs a hand through his hair.
"Sorry. I kinda forgot you were here. What'd you say?"
Matt rolls his eyes. If it were anyone else, he'd take offense to it. He playfully flicks Ken's shoulder, ignoring his indignant gasp. "How do you do that? How do you just...Know which strings are which?"
"Oh. That?" Ken's blue eyes flit between Matt and the guitar. He studies the other man for a long moment, and Matt swallows. "It's kind of hard to explain. I can teach you, though!"
"Oh, that's fine, I won't -"
Ken ignores his protests, sliding the strap off his shoulder and onto Matt's before Matt can so much as blink, sticking out his tongue in concentration. Matt's heart swells with fondness. It's one of the many quirks he loves about his partner. Ken positions the guitar and sits back for a moment.
"That feel okay?"
What's it supposed to feel like? The acoustic guitar is heavier than he expected. Matt glides his pinky over it. The material is cool and smooth under his skin, strings still warm from Ken's hands. Okay, maybe he's imagining that part, but Matt offers him a one-shouldered shrug. "I guess?"
There's a soft chuckle, and Ken scrambles to his feet. White sneakers crunch on gravel, and then his partner is behind him, warm and solid. Matt turns his head, capturing Ken in a chaste kiss before turning back to the guitar. Ken's hands wrap around his own, marveling at the fact that they dwarf his own.
"It's a bit easier to show you. So, the first string is E." Ken positions Matt's finger, and Matt gives it a strum. He closes his eyes. It's a bass note that reminds him of Ken's voice - soothing. But without the uniqueness.
"See! You just played your first note. How's that feel?"
Matt grins. "Teach me how to play a chord, and I'll let you know."
Ken tuts. "Cheeky. Relax, young grasshopper, and learn from the master."
It's intimate in a way Matt's never experienced before. Warm, steady hands guide clumsy fingers across the strings, voice low and soothing as the man behind him allows a newcomer to inhabit a critical part of his world.
When Matt plays his first chord, it's awkward and off key. He winces and turns back to face Ken, embarrassed. "Sorry, I forgot where the G was and - "
But Ken's lopsided grin is wide and excited. "You played your first chord! Look at that!"
"It was off key, wasn't it?"
Ken shrugs. "Who cares? You still did it. No one's perfect on the first try, babe."
"What do you think? Wanna try again?"
It's intimidating. How does Ken play complicated songs on this? How has he memorized every string, how to strum to get the exact sound he wants? But more than anything, he wants Ken's expert hands on his, guiding him, cradling like Matt's the most important thing in the world.
"Yeah," Matt says with a soft smile. "Let's go again."
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
Discord Highlights: Headcanon Marathon
Meg suggested I write this all as a bullet point list instead of copying the chat this time; which is probably a good idea considering the workload here LOL
On the night of 5/4/23, we here at the Fig Tree Discord Server got together and headcanoned:
Primrose Gamgee is a redhead like her mother
Prim was born deaf
Prim and her brother Bilbo are thick as thieves
Signing doesn't come naturally to Bilbo, but he tries his hardest, and Prim understands him anyway
Goldilocks may or may not be named the way she is because Sam wanted to name a daughter Galadriel but Rosie wanted the hobbit version so they compromised
For the first like four years of her life Goldi thought she was named after a flower like her big sisters and was very confused why her parents laughed when she asked to plant goldilocks in the garden
Frodo later comforts her like "it's okay they can't plant Frodo either" and that got her giggling like crazy
She decides dandelions are goldilockses and is delighted when they show up in the yard
Sam is not
Actually Sam is just fine with this because hobbit lawns encourage natural biodiversity and also dandelions are good in salads
The Gamgee family is a big loud singing household
The Sound of Music, but it's Bag End
Fatty Bolger has three daughters and no other kids
One is Athelas, nicknamed Addie
Addie got sick when she was young and lost most of her hearing
Addie is best friends with Prim Gamgee
Addie and Prim hang out all the time and, in addition to being fluent in SSL (Shire Sign Language), they also constantly make up their own nonsense signs so that no one else can understand them
Another Bolger daughter is Azalea, nicknamed Azzie
Azzie and Addie are very close in age
(Not sure if we reached a consensus on who's older, but I feel like Azzie is older)
Azzie is a natural storyteller; she gets it from her dad
Since she tells her stories with both her voice and her hands it's somehow more spellbinding
She discovered puppet shows at the age of 3 and a half and was instantly hooked
When she's older, she makes her own puppets
Puts on puppet shows for her family
They don't have any talking, just Action, and Addie loves the action best
She used to put on shows for Baby Heather before she was ambulatory and got quite offended once Heather was old enough to crawl away
The youngest Bolger daughter is Heather
Heather is a good deal younger than her sisters and is spoiled rotten but she's the sweetest thing
Heather is constantly hungry and always eating, and yet she stays Very Short
She's perfectly healthy and round, just Smol
Mental image: Four girl hobbits (Prim, Addie, Azzie, and Heather) in a blanket tent, signing rapidly to each other, and no words can be heard but an unending stream of giggles
They're having a sleepover and Fatty has to keep coming in to tell them to be quiet. Heather and Azzie promise they'll hush, but Prim and Addie don't realize how loud they're being and it just sets the other two off all over again.
Azzie hears the story of Beren and Luthien from Prim's dad (very important he is, he's the mayor, you know!), and she sews her own puppets and puts on a show of it
The Beren puppet has a hand that's held on by a button
Once (don't ask me how) Aragorn and Arwen get to watch Azzie's Beren and Luthien show
They have nothing but positive reviews
(Even if Baby Heather tried to eat the wolf puppet halfway through)
Arwen is delighted and wants to help Azzie make some beautiful blinged out elvish puppets with gems sewn into them
Azzie never uses them but they are kept in a glass box and TreasuredTM
Fatty likes to wrestle with his friends' sons, since he has no boys of his own
Addie, however, is a tomboy and WILL go at it with her father if given the chance
Addie and Frodo Gamgee got in a fight once. For fun. She's four years younger than Frodo, and bby Frodo had to suffer a lecture from his no-nonsense dad, but Addie got off easy and Frodo still holds a bit of a grudge lol
He still thinks she's cool tho
(To which I suggested: "ship??" and got at least one eyes emoji, so there's that)
Prim is neither the best friend who's always talking Addie down, nor the best friend who's constantly hyping her up, but the best friend who hangs back like "I won't stop you but you should NOT"
Secretly Prim likes tending wounds
She has a makeshift vet office in the backyard
Bby Bilbo brings her his dragon (it's a lizard named Smaug)
(I suggested the lizard actually be a skink but the jury's still out on that one)
The Gamgees do not have pets, as a rule, but many animals and pet bugs are either smuggled or wander in
Rosie like "where's my best pot??" too bad now it's the home of Pippin's grasshopper
The Tooks, on the other hand, have lots of pets and very absurd ones too
Real conversation between Goldilocks and Rosie: "But Ma, why can't I play with the snake?" "Because it's poisonous. If it bites you, you will die." "But Faramir has a pet snake." "Faramir has a what now"
When they're older, Faramir and Goldie end up being that super weird couple with exotic pets and no kids for a very long time
"Ma when we get married we'll have snakes" "No Goldi" "Ma Faramir said so" "SAM call off the marriage" "They're seven, love—" "Call it off"
Mental Image: Estella is a fantastic baker. She's in the kitchen at Crickhollow or Brandyhall with a mess of little girls—her nieces and daughter(s)—all around her, talking and signing instructions, and no one is listening to her, and there's flour EVERYWHERE, and she's getting exasperated but simultaneously loving it
Elanor, being the oldest of a TON of younger cousins/relatives, is sort of the de facto leader on play dates
Get all the Gamgees, Brandybucks, Tooks, and Bolgers together, and Elanor can be seen holding a stick over her head like a general's baton and leading this veritable army of hobbit children down to the Party Field
Elanor was pretty uninterested in romance when she was young—too busy doing other things to get fussed about boys, and her standards were too high for most of them anyway—until one day she met Fastred and she came home and said, "Ma, I've found him", and whaddya know she had
(Still undecided whether they met because Elanor was in Greenholm for some reason or Fastred came to Hobbiton on business with his father, but either way Elanor and Fastred didn't meet until towards the end of their tweens)
When Sam tells stories he adjusts them for the ears of kids
Merry does not
Not even a little bit
(Unless Estella is nearby in which case he's gonna get an earful)
"Hey, kids, wanna hear about the time I killed a demon??"
Estella from the other room: "MERRY NO"
He's a bad judge of what's too scary for kids
He tells the story of their adventure with no filter at all
Sam tries to teach the kids lessons through the stories and that love conquers all
Pippin adds his own little bits and pieces every time he tells it until his version and the OG are nothing alike
At one point Legolas had wings (when Gandalf asked him to bring down the sun on Caradhras) and Gimli ate rocks
Gimli has actually eaten rocks
It was on a dare and he doesn't want anyone to know
Pippin had no idea; it was just a lucky guess
One time the kids asked Gimli if he actually ate rocks and he's just nervously sweating and wondering how the heck they know that
Pippin is shocked to find out he was actually right about this when he was just talking out his butt
(Legolas has also eaten rocks on a dare but we all knew that already)
The oldest kids get together sometimes—Elanor, Frodo, Boromir, and Faramir—to talk about their parents and try to understand what they went through
Faramir Took talks about how sometimes his father refuses that he get near any sort of fire
He'll be playing in his home by firelight while Pippin watches from the doorway, muttering to himself I'd never, I'd never, so fiercely that little Faramir looks up in innocent surprise and asks what he's talking about
And Pippin has to leave the room before he starts to cry
(Deep down, Pippin is sure Denethor loved his son too)
(And the Palantir haunts him to this day)
Boromir Brandybuck confesses that he's heard his dad cry out in his sleep some nights and he's scared to ask his parents about it
Boromir: "My father is a Knight of Rohan and Master of Buckland, a brave Traveller. He's never afraid." Elanor: "...He might be." Boromir: "No."
Merry's laughing in the face of fear mentality has an unintended effect on Boromir in particular. He wants to be his father; he wants to be fearless; Dad makes it look so easy!
Estella overhears once and has to explain the difference between fear and cowardice
The first time young Faramir goes to Gondor with this family, and poor little Goldi doesn't go, Rosie is struck with the sense of waiting her baby must be feeling
"He's my best friend ma" "I know, love" "It's far"
Rosie thinks, well, at least Goldi knows where he's going and when he's coming home again
When Theodoc's AccidentTM happened—the one that broke his feet and crippled him—the doctors were all telling Merry that Theodoc will live. All the pony did when it fell on him was crush his legs.
But Merry thinks they're lying. No, he is SURE that they are lying, because that's just how Theoden died. Crushed beneath his horse. They were both destined to die this way.
He cursed his son the moment he decided to honor the king who was like a father to him.
There he is, having a panic attack right there while the doctor is in with Theo, like "I killed him, I killed him, I killed my son—"
(And Pippin is the one who comforts him; Pippin, the one who has nightmares sometimes about burning with his Faramir)
The Travellers all talk about Gandalf differently
Sam waxes eloquent about his fireworks
That's all he talks about
Pippin laughingly and affectionately exaggerates how cranky Gandalf always was
"Once I rode on a horse with him" "Ooooooo"
"Didn't he call you a fool of a Took?" "NO that is what he called Merry but he is always caught up in his wizardry that he sometimes forgets that Merry unfortunately isn't a Took"
(Cue the distant, insulted Brandybuck noises)
Merry is the only reliable source of information, but only if you catch him in the right mood; otherwise he'll only mention the smoke rings Gandalf would blow
Merry has a killer Gandalf impression. Chomping on the pipe and everything
Bby Bilbo gets all his Gandalf info from Merry and Sam is Very Offended
(However, Sam owns Bilbo Sr.'s book, so that earns Bilbo Jr.'s trust back)
Frodo has had it up to HERE with fireworks, so he flees with his little brother to listen to Uncle Merry
They ask about Gandalf, and Uncle Merry goes "ah yes, brilliant fellow, a real grump. gorgeous fireworks—" and Frodo about tears his own hair out
(Merry is doing this on purpose. He knows how Sam gets about the darn fireworks.)
Frodo: "We have one last option. We have to go to Uncle Pippin."
Bilbo: "Do you trust everything he says? He once said that Mr. Legolas had wings."
Bilbo: "Mr. Legolas doesn't have wings."
Frodo: "How do you know that?"
Bilbo: "I don't want to talk about it"
(Legolas loves being called Mr. Legolas, but only by little hobbits)
And then there's the one about the lullaby Sam uses for his kids, but I'm saving that for a future fanfic ;-)
Brandybuck Kids: Theodoc (Theo/Trotter), Periadoc (Perry), Eomer (Merry?), Juniper, Madoc, Boromir (Rory), Eowyn (Wyn)
Took Kids: Faramir (Ferry), Simbelmyne (Minnie), Beregond (Berry), Sable
Bolger Kids: Athelas (Addie), Azalea (Azzie), Heather
General credits to @invisiblewashboard, @writingvalkyrie, @grondds-and-roses, and the illustrious Meg, you absolute madlasses X'-D
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ishouldsleepbut · 6 months
1, 20 and 29 for the music asks :)
have a fabulous day bestie <3
this was so fun to do so thank you thank you thank you for asking it!!! fair warning, my answer to the second one is pretty long. so proceed at your own risk and have a fabulous day/night as well <333
1. the red means i love you by mads buckley (1): this is the only song i consistently like with a color in the name and it was so hard to find T-T
2. deep breaths by sushi soucy (20): i have a lot of feelings about this song. basically, it's about this boy and he can't breathe. and no matter what anyone tells him or what he does, it doesn't get fixed. he still can't breathe and he ends up running away. for me, this song has two meanings: one relating to gender and the other to gifted kid syndrome stuff. for the gender part, it's all about how this kid is growing up in a world where everyone expects him to do this one "simple" thing. it's natural for everyone else, so why can't he do it? and except for breathing, he can do everything else fine. but people are only fixated on how he can't breathe. it's very real in the sense that if you're not cis, people will fixate on your gender like it's the most important thing and forget about everything else you do that isn't defined by that. also, it talks about how there's something wrong with his chest and maybe his lungs are "too big" or "too small". that has something to do with gender dysphoria, i think. i'm not really sure. as for the gifted kid part, it speaks about how eventually, "smart" kids (like moi) hit a wall where we can't just pass just on our own. we have to study, we have to put in effort. and most of us never learned how to do that since it came so easily. but now we have to and we can't deal with all that pressure and it quite literally feels like we can't breathe. yet everyone around us is still staring, expecting us to continuously and consistently keep reaching that high standard. we should able to breathe. we've done it before. but we can't.
3. can't help falling in love by elvis presley and ho hey by the lumineers (29): the first one is actually the lullaby that my parents used to sing to my sister when she was younger. they call it "her song" which i think is really cute and every time i hear it, i think of her. the second one is the one they would sing to me. though, i remember it specifically playing during my baths.
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ineffableautism · 8 days
Reverse Omens Files (1)
The first half of the Reverse Omens AU that @ineffable-celestials and I have been working on has finally been finished! It's a change of only having Crowley/Aziraphale swap places (and sometmes Muriel) and is what we both called a "complete" AU by doing... well, everyone! Everyone out of the angels and demons we know of (minus Josh, sorry Josh you're not as important </3)
As a note, this is our own set of headcanons and such for the characters so if you're not on board- then tough cookies, we enjoyed doing this!
So, let's meet a couple of angels, shall we?
Supreme Archangel Beelzebub, Leader of the angels
Info:The leader of the angels under the voice of God, Beelzebub will rarely let down their professionalism to show off their true personality. On one side, they come off as cold and harsh to the other angels as well as extremely diligent in their work. Once away from the confines of essentially being around everyone else and off work, they’re usually extremely stressed out at first. When calm, they can be soft and occasionally full of worry. Nobody ask about the very obviously human vape in their pocket though (it’s part of how they de-stress, is watermelon flavoured and miracled to never run out).
Before armageddidn’t, the leader of the angels had pale skin that looked like it never saw the light of day and almost sickly from the stress. Their hair was also short and shaggy- not befitting of an angel at all. Now they’re of a darker skin tone with hair that reaches down to their waist. To make sure it doesn’t get in the way of any duties- it’s usually kept in a french braid but it’s also been put up into a crown braid.
Golden flecks also dot Beelzebub’s face, usually in ways that look like they’re wearing golden eye shadow.
As for their uniform, they usually wear a white morning suit with gold embroidery down the edge and round the collar and white brogues. There’s also a cravat that completes the look in rose gold.
Miscellaneous rambles 
If I were to assign everyone a different distinctive “scent”, Beelzebub’s would probably be something like vanilla
They once discovered fruity and herbal teas on a visit to earth and has them into their personal office
Their animal’s a swan.
They’re known to have one of the most beautiful singing voices among angels.
Archangel Camael, Beelzebub’s second-in-command. Angel of strength, judgement and war
Camael was known as one of the fiercest angels to fight in the war between them and the demons. Before the fall, they were a good friend of the angel that would become the demon of war- which sparked a bitter rivalry between the two. Even now in “peacetime” they still carry their weapon on their belt. Camael can be found usually nose deep in paperwork trying to sort things out these days. They tread a fine line between being an angel and being cast down as they had… destroyed some things against God’s will during the war. 
They’re one of the only angel to have ginger hair in heaven, likely as a consequence of Camael’s history of walking an extremely fine line between Heaven and Hell. They also have a face full of freckles, which humans have started to call “angels kisses” for some reason. Outfit wise, it’s nothing else other than a plain white military coat which looks like it was pulled from one of Napoleon’s soldiers and dyed white, then gilded around the cuffs of the sleeves and hem at the bottom.
Miscellaneous rambles
Betta fish! Why? They’re known as the siamese fighting fish and are known to be extremely territorial.
Keeping Dagon’s ginger hair in being an angel was a decision semi upheld by the fact Judas Iscariot (the disciple who betrayed Jesus) is often painted with ginger hair, which is seen as a trait of treachery.
In more recent timings, their rivalry’s grown to include another demon in a similar role to them.
Kokabiel, a plant loving principality
Kokabiel was someone who created the stars and galaxies, stardust forever shining in their hair afterwards. They very much enjoy music, ranging from soft rock to classical music too. But their absolute pride and joy is their agriculture nursery- Kokabiel’s at their best and most peaceful when taking care of all the plants and planting seeds- often talking to them to help them stay healthy. Sure, they have a small farm they tend to as well every now and again (and adore their cows!), but planets are their true love when they’re not filling in stuff for heaven whenever they come calling. Or someone else.
They’re one of the most gender ambiguous angels out there- they really don’t look like either of the human men or women on earth at all like other angels do in the corporations. With wavy ginger hair that’s forever sparkling with stardust and soft brown eyes, Kokabiel had long since ditched the “traditional” colours of heaven when settled on earth. These now mostly combine “countryside” colours like greens, creams and browns that came from when the second world war was afoot and they helped in the Women’s Land Army. The current loved outfit is the green sweater they kept from the WLA mixed with a long, ankle length light brown skirt (with many pockets of course!) and boots when not on the farm. 
Miscellaneous rambles:
They don’t spend all their time on the farm these days, instead letting it to a family who they adore quite honestly.
The youngest child once called Kokabiel “Koko” when they were a toddler and the name stuck- quickly becoming a nickname only the family can use. 
European robin- they're both very well connected to the british countryshide! But also the red shared between them...
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