#(i should just go to sleep)
hersurvival · 4 months
At times I worry I am not, will not,
Be enough.
That you'll forever be searching
For something more.
Or longing for someone else you knew
From the past.
And I wonder just how deeply you feel,
If you're just as close, just as sure,
As I am.
Insecure and jealous,
I know others love you and that you love
Them back.
I wish I could replace them, to stretch,
To take up every room, every chamber
Of your heart
How selfish.
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molabuddy · 1 month
buh. things continue to happen to me in my brain
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zeroducks-2 · 9 months
I was watching a dinosaur biology video and it caught me completely off guard by starting out with showing a giant picture of Eobard and starting to describe the "reverse flash" "flash" dynamic of two dinosaurs in the cretaceous period
Danny, Danny what the fuck, what are you saying I am so tired my eyes are closing I am not entirely sure I'm not hallucinating this whole ask, why was Eo in a video about dinosaur biology what help-
Was the video host saying that two dinosaurs in the creteaceous period have an Eobarry dynamic. Are dinosaurs biologically stalkers. What is happeniNG also can I see this video too :)))
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Imagine the kids at the mansion changing Raven's alarm clock sound to I'm blue dabadee dabadaa
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lonelymuffin · 2 months
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logically-asexual · 2 years
im reading about kafka’s letter to his father trying to feel better because either i relate to it and feel comforted by being understood, or i don’t and maybe feel comforted by the fact that my own issues could be a lot worse.
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i hate when you cry so much your eyes hurt to keep open lmao
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I am the Hamilton of the musical of my life –
I want too much and I crave it too hard.
I am worried my time for success will come in the second act,
while I will die in the first one.
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joelslegalwhre · 1 year
At this point, if I look for yet another age gap book and I get recommended books with 7 or 10 year age gaps- simply no. I need a good hefty 15+ difference okay?! What do you mean it’s “age gap” with them being 7 years apart?? that’s not it sweetie
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bumblebeehug · 1 year
i’m so nervous about uni but i low-key have no reason to be bc im in a very non-nervous situation compared to my friend who moved across the country to study. she moved into her new place today (?!) and she got friends and all that fun stuff and i have to wait over a week to even register my course so it just feels like everything is taking so long shajdhjed im feeling messy and odd. also i gotta start taking walks so i can strut around in the city without sweating like a pig. also i want to whiten my teeth, but i’ve wanted that for years (i should just do it, im stressing ms out by just running around wanting things)
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i hate that just surviving isn't enough to actually live
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danlous · 2 years
My covid brain can't take this anymore
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gnabries · 1 year
being a female football is something else. like i know the majority of the millionaires i blog about would either tell me to go back to the kitchen, laugh about the "joke", or not speak up
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acediamelody · 2 years
how do I stop wasting time???
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otogariado · 2 years
being nonbinary, and specifically for me, agenderflux, is hard. i feel like it's hard to understand for people who don't experience it and it feels hard to be taken seriously and not feel like people would just question you for what you claim your identity is and it feels like nobody would ever truly get you. i'm finally comfortable and confident enough in calling myself Something, but how much does it matter if other people can't acknowledge me the way i want to be acknowledged
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noinou · 2 years
it doesn't make any sense. im trapped in this body horror nightmare im supposed to have satin black fur and a mnice snout and black lips anf four paws and nice big ears i just dont understand
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