#(i miss artemy the skull)
littlemushroomboi · 2 years
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3 healers
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skullhazard · 1 year
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af-answers · 1 year
To anyone who'd like to answer, what little thing, like a minor inconvenience or an accidental misfortune, frustrates you the most?
Holly: Just missing the tube. It's so annoying when the doors shut right in your face. I get why they do but-- it tempts me to risk the traffic.
Mulch: Have you ever been eating something soft and then your whole skull shakes with an unidentified hard object between your jaws? That, but with soil.
Juliet: When any of the parents at the twins' school try to talk to me. They know I'm not their mom, and so they try to ask "friendly" prying questions. I've started telling them I'm not allowed to talk to civilians.
Myles: Yes, that approach makes us very popular.
Beckett: For real! Juliet is the most popular not-mom in the school! A lot of boys from school want to come over to meet her.
Myles: That's my annoying inconvenience.
Foaly: The lack of centaur-friendly seating-- anywhere.
Root: HR.
Butler: Mine is when boundaries I thought I'd established are breached without warning.
Artemis: Mine is passive aggression. On a completely unrelated note, because I cannot for the life of me conceive of a smooth segue: what are you wearing?
Butler: I found it in my room. I assumed it was part of some bizarre scheme you didn't tell me about.
Artemis (laughing): Bizarre scheme, assuredly, but not mine.
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sunnysam-my · 2 months
A reminder to any Young Justice fanfic writer.
Part of the reason why Megan's telepathical link is so uncomfortable at first is because you can hear people's thoughts and emotions. This is seen for example in S01E06. If someone, like Wally for example, has an internal monologue then everyone will hear it in words, but if someone is just thinking in feeling then that's what they will "hear".
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First GIF:
MISS MARTIAN: Everyone online?
ARTEMIS: Oh, this is weird.
ROQUETTE: And distracting. Coding a distributed algorithm virus on a kiddie computer with less RAM than a wristwatch is hard enough. Now I have to hear teen think in my skull?!
Second GIF:
*Kid Flash and Artemis wordlessly glare at eachother.*
AQUALAD, off screen: Stop it, both of you.
AQUALAD: I can hear you glaring.
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ratsoh-writes · 3 months
"What the FUCK were you thinking?" bonk. Mavi snapped at Kovu as she hit him over the skull., despite being older then him, that fucker was indeed taller. Kovu hissed at her, "how the hell should have I known this would happen??" "they are YOUR kids." "touché" he clicked his tongue. King sighed as he held one of the four devils in his arms. Dove was babbling away to him, paying no mind to her aunt and father bitching at each other. Lucy was in Mavis arms, Wisp was sitting in the lab of his mama, Artemis. 3 kids, one was missing. The new comer, Aimé, the fourth kid in the set. Kovus youngest son. And he was a rascal just like Kovu, not 10 minutes are they at the festival and the bugger vanished. He flew off, a curse as King once jokingly said. The mischievous little fucker was the first one to learn how to fly properly without in need of aid. Now he was lost, in a massive festival. Wine can NOT know about this. At least at that they both agreed on. Mavi asked Pluto to help searching for him, shed fly around and try to see if she could spot him from above. Kovu used his height for an advantage and King called up his gan- family to help out. Meanwhile little Aimé had managed to be at the other side of the festival, he was near the fighting area. He was quietly waddling around, two wings tugged on his back and his tail swishing around.
hopefully wine doesnt find him before the others do.
Artemis: it’s ok guys! Maybe we could ask the guards? They can radio other ones around the fair?
It’s a good thing the three other babies haven’t picked up on the adults distress yet.
Pluto floats down
Pluto: n-no sign of aimé but w-wine is in the n-next row! Heads up!
Aimé toddles into the dance grounds by the wrestling area. There’s a day band and monsters and humans alike are dancing and grinding on each other having a great time. Nobody with kids would come over here.
As the toddler starts to get underfoot of a group of monsters about to unknowingly trample him, a pair of thin arms picks him up saving him from bruises that were sure to come
Sails: no- hic* - way!! Who’s lost baby s’ thjsssnsn
The high off of his mind skeleton holds the toddler to his chest gingerly as he stumbles out of the dance floor happily. His equally smashed companions follow cooing at the little Drake baby
Hook: he’s- he’s so little! Look at em’ wings!!
Argo: aaaaa- he smells like uhhhhh dunno dirt? Farm baby?
Sails: farm dragon eheheheh
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lampmanliveblogs · 1 year
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Even when talking about the difficulties of life, this Luz still looked and sounded so positive and upbeat. A far cry from the current state our beloved protagonist girl finds herself in.
And wow, this entire episode really was a targeted attack against me specifically, huh? I mean, even Luz’ line about being able to read witch tongue reminds me how back in the days, I could read gnommish (from the Artemis Fowl books) and decode the messages along the bottom of the pages. It doesn’t hit as hard as that one previous scene, but it still hits pretty close to home.
Camila believed that if Luz applied herself more, then she could do great things. She was right about that; just look at what she’s been able to do with glyphs in such a short time. Even Philip, who’s spent the last four hundred years or so thinking he was literally the only real person in the world admitted that he was impressed by her.
The point being that ”normal” subject like math or social studies might not be able to hold Luz interest for long, but given the right subject and the right environment, she will excel.
Timeline wise, this takes place right before the disastrous book report we saw at the beginning of episode one, season one.
I believe the ”Domicile Evil 4” poster is a reference to the Resident Evil franchise.
Down in the right corner we have… ”Night of [the?] Zombie S-” Night of the Zombie S…squirrel? That doesn’t look like a squirrel on the poster though. Maybe it’s a shrew or something, I dunno.
There are also a bunch of books in the bookcase: mostly Azura books, no surprise. There are also three books that have titles. One says ”Ghosts” on it, so I think it’s the same book that Gordon Ramsay read in that one episode of Hotel Hell that was in Connecticut.
Now, despite my brand new glasses, I have a hard time making out the other two. I think one of them says ”Taxi-something” on it, and there’s a skull next to it, so it might be about taxidermy.
That one pink jacket with the golden star in the wardrobe is giving me Steven Universe vibes. I bet Steven would love it. Is it organic though?
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”…I’m staying in the Human Realm. Permanently.”
Oh, so that’s what Luz was planning, that makes sense. I mean, it’s a terrible idea, but it makes sense. I’m surprised I didn’t think of that possibility.
I guess Luz though there was still a real possibility that they could create a new portal, even before Hunter told her about the hidden Titan’s Blood. And she thought the other Exiles could return back home… and that they’d be okay with leaving her behind? And I guess she was willing to send them into a world where who knows what has happened ever since they left it at the whims of a hyperactive kid with the power to move celestial bodies around.
Luz, sweetie, I know you hate yourself right now, and I know fourteen-year-olds aren’t the best at making good long-term decisions, but please think about this.
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I should probably talk a little bit about Camila’s reactions as well.
Her facial journey throughout this playlist fairly subtle, and I am not the best at reading faces, but here goes:
When the videos first start playing, she looks a little unsure. Probably because she shouldn’t be watching her daughter’s video diary.
Then Luz talks about Manny’s death. And while that is undoubtedly still a great source of sadness for her, Camila’s first instinct is to reach out towards the image of her grieving daughter.
We then move on to the videos showing off Luz’ antics, her trying to cut her hair with the sword, and Camila’s expression becomes fond. She’s missed this side of her daughter, her silly ideas, wonderful creativity, and endless optimism… even if her ideas don’t always work out.
Her smile fades as in the next video, Luz talks about the conversation she had with Camila about school. I get the sense that Camila feels guilty that she didn’t appreciate her daughter for the things she was good at or passionate about, trying instead to get her to fit into a box. 
Finally, we arrives at the last entry, where Luz says she’s going to stay in the Human Realm forever. Camila looks shocked and then… this expression. I believe she’s reached the same conclusion as me, that it is a bad idea. Even without bringing Luz’ extended family in the form of Eda & King (and also Hooty and Cool Aunt Lilith) into the equation, all of Luz’ best friends, and her awesome girlfriend are from that other world. I think Camila on some level knows that Luz will never truly be happy in this ordinary human world.
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This is why we wash our wounds and make sure to change our bandaids regularly, Hunter.
Also, nononononono, it’s happening, it’s happening, oh no-
Also, also, eeeeeeww!
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Turns out I was right!
To be more precise, my third proposed theory of why Luz’ burnt her hand on the glyph back at the vet clinic was right. It was because of the hidden Titan’s Blood, which makes glyph magic work… at least to some extent, those light orbs look a bit wobbly.
Not only does this give Luz a way to find the blood, but it also gives her some way to defend herself against the monster waiting in the woods.
Hey, let’s think positively! Maybe Hunter isn’t possessed by his creepy uncle, but is actually just turning into a werewolf! Yeah, that’s what’s happening. And Luz is exactly the kind of nerd who knows how to deal with a werewolf.
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cherryskkks · 9 months
Reposting my fanfics in english because in my original linguage the people don't care about them
I write a lot of creative (at least in my perspective) fanfics and show them in fanfics sites like Wattpad and Spirit Fanfiction. I write them in Portuguese, my original linguage and... the people don't give a fuck. And I sad because I take so much time to write those fanfics and liked them so much, and almost anyone see or liked them. (The one people that read ALL of my fanfics is my friend, ILY CAMYY)
So, now, almost one year after I stoped writing, I have a decision to repost my fanfics with my horrible english (most of them with Google Translator help because my english is not one of the best) and looking for readers.
So, enjoy the fanfic :)
Son of Hades, little emo is!
Mo dao zu shi X Percy Jackson. Wen Ning as Nico di Angelo. There is a bit short, srry!
Wen Ning stared at his reflection in the water of the camp lake. The hair that was originally tied up in a perfect and neat ponytail was now loose and covering much of his face, his skin had never been so tanned but was now so pale that anyone would think he was a corpse.
Wen Qing, his sister, went on a mission with Wuxian, a son of Hermes, Wanyin, a son of Ares, Xue Yang, a satyr, Wanjin, a son of Athena, and her sister's new friend, Mian Mian, a hunter of Artemis. It had been exactly a week since they had been away, and it made the poor boy restless.
He couldn't adjust to the Hermes cabin, people were always stealing his blankets and pillows and he didn't have the courage to ask someone to steal them back. The girls at Aphrodite's cabin also kept talking about his appearance, no matter how much Yanli asked them to stop. The Ares cabin didn't leave him alone either, normally Wanyin was there to tell everyone to shut up and be quiet, but since Wanyin wasn't there, they could mess with anyone without getting scolded. And not to mention the Apollo cabin, who looked at him as if they were looking for the slightest mistake to say something bad about.
And the result was: He didn't fit in this place. He missed his sister and just wanted to go away with her, to get away from all these people who talk bad about him. He made Wei Wuxian promise to bring his sister back safely.
"Wen Ning, we're back." A voice suddenly sounded behind the boy, who jumped back and came face to face with the son of Hermes who always wore a red ribbon to tie his hair.
"Where is my sister? Is she okay?"
"Well… she asked me to give you this." The boy gave a necklace with a skull symbol engraved in the center, around it it had small flames "She… asked me to give it to you before…"
The enormous silence deepened, Wuxian just looked away and begged Wen Ning to understand what he meant since he himself didn't have the courage to say it. Even though he knew that he was the cause of Wen Qing's death, it was his job to talk about what happened to his friend's sister.
"Wuxian, where is my sister?" Wen Ning's voice sounded broken, as if he was about to cry, Wuxian didn't have the courage to respond, the boy just hugged the younger's shoulders as a way of comforting him.
"I'm sorry, I tried to stop her but–"
"You promised! You promised you would protect her!"
"I tried but–!"
"No! You lied! You didn't protect her!" Wen Ning desperately tried to get out of the elder's embrace, but the more he tried to get out, the tighter the hug became. Fat tears repeatedly came out of the youngest's eyes "Let go of me! I want my sister…
Not far from the boys was Xue Yang nervously chewing on a piece of wooden furniture and Wanyin and Yanli giving the boys sad looks. Wanyin found out about what his cabin did to Wen Ning while he was away, and made sure to get into a fight with his brothers from the Ares cabin.
None of the three noticed that Wen Ning managed to escape Wuxian's embrace and ran towards the forest. They only realized when they heard Wuxian's screams.
"No! Wen Ning go back, it's dangerous!" A hand stopped the boy from running after his friend, that hand was Fegmian's. The camp's centaur instructor, who is also responsible for the campers' safety.
"Leave him. The only thing we can do is hope that Kronos doesn't find him and that he gets eaten by a monster."
"Come on A'Xian, you, A'Cheng and A'Yang need to take a shower urgently." Yanli pushed the three boys towards the bathroom, in the girl's arms they had different soaps and perfumes (Don't ask how she got all those types of soaps).
Wen Ning looked around for something to heat the makeshift fire he had created, next to him was a red spirit staring at him amusedly.
"Master, are you cold?"
"Unlike you, I have a body, Wen Chao." Wen Ning's voice was no longer as gentle as before, the boy was colder than before
"HA HA HA! I loved your sense of humor today master!" The spirit let out loud laughter that made the silence of the forest disappear completely.
"Are you sure you're going to make it so I can see my sister again? Or are you just trying to trick me?"
"Of course I'll make you see your sister! You just need to kill someone, you know, one soul for another." The laughter disappeared, making room for the ghost striking a pose.
"Okay... and who do I have to kill?" The boy still didn't seem completely convinced.
"Oh! None other than the person who killed your sister! Wuxian, half-blood son of Hermes!"
Wen Ning closed her eyes, wondering if this was really what her sister would want. No! She would definitely do it for him too! After all, they are brothers right? Brothers do this for each other, right?
Later the boy discovered that Wen Chao only wanted to kill him to get his body and apologized to Wuxian for trying to kill him. It wasn't easy, as he still felt sad about his sister's death.
Wen Ning was surprised when people learned about his divine father, until they explained that Hades' children were completely killed during World War II. Hades' cabin was made of dark wood, with everything inside it being the same color, bunk beds, drawers, wardrobes, everything was black. It was common for the boy to bump or trip over objects from time to time.
"I envy you, A'Ning! You have a cabin all to yourself and you don't have to worry about people stealing from you. This is true paradise." Wuxian sighed, eating his food which consisted of an apple, fish and rice grains.
"Well, it's boring and boring to be alone in a big cabin." The shy boy played with the rice grains on his plate. For some reason, he didn't feel like eating "Especially when the cabin is all black..."
"You get used to it, I didn't like the gold paint on my cabin either. And honestly, compared to the rest of the cabins, yours is the most comfortable." Wuxian spoke with a mouth full of food, but for some reason Wen Ning managed to understand.
"And why do you think that?"
"The Ares cabin is full of people who have no patience and fall into blows after five minutes of conversation. The Apollo cabin most of the time stays up late practicing singing in the middle of the night. Everyone in the Hephaestus cabin lives working in forges and they don't even care if they're interrupting someone's sleep. In Aphrodite's cabin, the air is contaminated with expensive perfume and the girls there would say horrible things about the way you act. The cabin of–"
"Okay! Okay! I understand! There's no need to say more."
"Seriously, I was still going to talk about Athena's cabin. Man, those are the worst."
As if with a sixth sense, Wanjin from the Athena cabin quickly turned his gaze towards Wuxian and Wen Ning. The younger one lowered his head in shame for being caught talking bad about someone while the taller one smiled at Wanjin, who felt his ears burn involuntarily when he saw Wuxian's bright smile.
Wen Ning had left the camp again to investigate Kronos and the recent war that was about to break out. When he returned, Wuxian didn't hesitate to run to see his friend. He just didn't expect his friend to return with a giant black dog with him.
"This is Chenqing! She's sweet, isn't she?" The giant dog frantically wagged its tail on the ground as Wen Ning stroked its nose.
"A-Ahem, a g-great sweet.."
"My father gave her to me when I visited the underworld, she was still a puppy and now she's a big girl!"
"Hey, do you know where the... OH MY FUCKIN ZEUS WHAT A CUTIE THING!" Wanyin shouted, drawing the attention of the two half-bloods that were there and the big dog, who almost instantly jumped at her new friend. "Who's the cute little dog? Yes, it's you!"
"A'Cheng! Thank you for saving me!" Wuxian cried out in relief
"She liked you Wanyin."
"What's this cutie's name?" The son of Ares who is normally always aggressive was now looking like a little child playing with the big hellhound "Yes I'm talking about you!"
"Chenqing." "Demon." Both Wen Ning and Wuxian spoke at the same time The two teenagers ignored what Wuxian said about the lovely Chenqing.
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Trick or treat!
I'm not sure which this counts as, but I hope you'll enjoy it either way — a short Festival of the Lost piece with two of my three Destiny OCs:
A Step Outside the Halls Between
(Read on AO3)
—Acolyte, three-twenty-four by minus-twelve.
Felix hummed a wordless affirmation as he dropped the Servant Leader’s barrel. In another heartbeat, a single trigger pull expelled a projectile that turned the chitinous skull in his sights into a burst of soulfire and confectionaries. 
—Any more?
North whirred from within him for a moment, then materialized in his palm with a negative.
“I have to ask, though—”
Felix sighed, already knowing where this conversation was going. Still, he had the same question, and the fact that it was one strange phenomenon that still worked to their advantage wasn’t going to stop him from wondering, too, so he allowed his Ghost to finish the question unhindered:
“—Why the candy?”
Of course, no one knew why the Hive had begun dropping candy—actual, edible things with real sugar—around the Festival of the Lost, and as much as Felix was a Warlock, he was also twelve years old and mostly involved in field operations, and whatever the Cryptarchs or the Hidden might have uncovered they were keeping close to their chests.
If they had uncovered anything: certainly Eido was no closer than she had been the year before.
“You’re not actually going to eat that, are you?”
North’s concerned question startled Felix out of his reverie, the sudden change in his posture knocking the holo-table out of existence just before it could properly catch fire, and he held up the mundane chocolate for his Ghost’s inspection.
“It’s from the Cryptarchs’ get-together,” he corrected, “not our patrols. C’mon, little light, you know me better than that, don’t you?”
North counter-rotated with unmistakable irritation, and Felix winced apologetically. But an unearthly howl interrupted his reply, and Guardian and Ghost turned together to see Artemis Brac materializing from a seasonal particle shimmer. The Awoken Hunter had changed just as much as Felix over the twelve years since they had first been raised and joined forces, but that same long-lasting partnership made the sight of her feel as familiar as North’s ancient “junkyard” shell.
“No Maedhros?” Brac lifted a comet-tail eyebrow, and shrugged at Felix’s silent response. “Figures—said he was going by Mars on the way back, poke around in the Weapon Shaper. Not sure if that thing or the Hive dropping candy again gives me worse shivers. You haven’t eaten any, have you?”
Felix laughed, tossing her the chocolate he’d been holding. Psyche materialized next to Brac’s hand as she caught the candy and floated next to North, the two old Ghosts engaging in subaudio conversation as their Guardians convened against the nearest railing, looking out over the twilit City.
“I was on the comms with Immaru earlier,” Felix began, twirling another chocolate between his fingers. “Can’t remember what he was saying—I try not to listen, mostly—but I just thought, if only Cayde were here, he’d have us all in stitches over this dumb little guy.”
Brac laughed, a short, involuntary sound, and sighed. 
“We could use Cayde these days, for certain,” she agreed, “and not just because the Hunters have been at loose ends for the last… fuck, five years? But no one else could…”
She trailed off, shook her head, and looked in Felix’s direction with an unfinished grin.
“Neptune,” she added, pausing with a frown, “or Nexus—Nimbus, that’s it. Ugh, what a showoff. Overconfident, the absolute worst sense of humor… but I don’t know what they’re going to do out there without him. Rohan’s only got a couple years left, and that kid… sometimes you miss the strangest people.”
Felix nodded, and silence fell between them as the sun climbed slowly lower across the space where the Traveler had once hung like an immutable truth in the sky. Maedhros would join them before dark, Felix knew, and share his own memory, and they would raid the Cryptarchs’ lounge for hot cocoa. 
And then, of course, they would head up to the Moon to kill pumpkins.
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borealtwilight · 9 months
Alone, Fear, and Ghost for Hunter :3
Alone: Hunter doesn't always deal well with loneliness. He tends to retreat within himself, putting his walls up and becoming guarded even around those closest to him. This stems from the fact that his team were essentially ripped from him after augmentations, and when they were already down a member because one died during a "training accident"— or so he was told.
When he finds a connection with someone — particularly if it's another Spartan — then he tends to latch onto them pretty damn quickly.
Fear: Probably the idea of being alone is his greatest fear. He tries to act like he's coping with it, but he always feels like there's something missing from him.
He's not particularly open with his fear; at least not with his crew. With other Spartans, on the other hand? Well, he might open up about it eventually.
Ghost: He tends to be haunted by the ghosts of deceased family members. Not just blood kin, but his Spartan family, too.
His maternal grandparents died when Terra Nova was attacked by the Covenant. He presumed his parents died when his home planet of Qasnara was attacked; however, he later learned they managed to flee during the invasion, only to later perish when their new home, [TBD i need to give them a new home skdfjhskjhdf] was attacked by the Covenant ( yeah his family's had shit luck with the aliens, huh :skull emoji: ).
As for his Spartan family, formed during training: Marek-B252 died in a "training accident", Artemis-B312 was taken from him not long after training was complete and he was unaware she had even survived the War until she came into contact with him some years after the War's end, and Kat-B320 was transferred elsewhere after they partook in Operation: CARTWHEEL together; he later learns from Artemis that she was killed in action on Reach.
He doesn't particularly know how to live with his ghosts; he tries to ignore the nightmares as best he can, but there are times when it gets to him. And even though Artemis is no longer a ghost to him... well.
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borderlinehannibal · 1 year
Kin ask game: 46, 40, 39, 36 (I know a few but I would love to hear you talk about them more)
40- have you picked up any hobbies or activities bcause of your kintypes?
I mean, probrably yeah! But ive known most of my kintypes for 5-10 years so the things ive taken up for kin related reasons have kinds just become things i do!
46- does anything give you specific kinfeels?
Oh, Definitely, especially music! I always end up crying if i listen to chameleon circuit songs for too long, yknow? Espcially the drums, The doctor is dying and type 40!
39- do you have ay collections that relate to your kintype?
Its not directly related, but i feel like my orc brain is definitely a factor in the metal bits that i collect! I have a jar full of discarded keys, hollowed out locks, bottle caps, screws, etc!
36- do you have any fiction kintypes? If so, what sre they?
OH BOY i have a page long list of my fictionkintypes haha!
(Copy pasted from my carrd)
Hannibal (nbc) cannibal culture
Octavian (hoo) modern day prophet
☆Hazel levesque (hoo) gold digger
☆Vivi (mystery skulls) not a crowd
☆Jareth (labrynth) goblin dream
★Bipper (bad end friends au gravity
falls) geometric anxiety
★Boy king! Sam Winchester (supernatural) boy king
★Jade harley (homestuck humanstuck) green island
☆Gamzee (homestuck) purple menace
Teal grub (homestuck) squirm
☆Artemis Fowl (artemis fowl) deal breaker
☆Mink (dmmd) miss me
★Beast!wirt (otgw) wayward soul
★The Master (doctor who) master of none
☆Stiles (teen wolf) sheriffs daughter
★Armitage Hux (church au star wars) ginger god
Triana (violin) maestros minstrel
★Handcluster (steven universe) together forever
☆Pip pirrup (south park) burning angel
☆Jason dean (heathers) teenage dirtbag
Logan (bobs burgers) confused teens
☆Ichimatsu (osumatsu) nyatsu matsu
Johnny cade (the outsiders) golden gone
☆Todd tolansky (xmen evolution) frog prince
Elder poptarts (book of mormon) its thomas
8/8 cluster member (sense8) 8/8 forever
☆Jerome valeska (gotham) clown prince
Victor zsasz (gotham) and the zsaszettes
☆Lars (steven universe) and the real boy
Asgore dreemur (undertale) goat dad
☆Agatha prendergahst
(paranorman) a witch by any other name
★Rick sanchez (rick and morty, universe pzz-420) ricksaster
Sam (babadook) i cant be normal
Ocellus (mlp) eyeshy
Dorian grey (the portrait of dorian grey) pictures worth
Rottenella (lazy town) rotten dance
The marionette (fnaf) no strings
Ian gallagher (shameless) need a medic
Carl Gallagher (shameless) go ahead and shoot
Unknown Goth Kid (south park) dark scene
Xue Yang sweet things
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audikatia · 2 years
Thanks for the tag, @your-void-senpai!
Pick ten of your fics, scroll to the middle, and pic a line (or a couple) to share and tag people!
Transubstantiation (TRC) “I’m sorry,” Gansey told Declan, “Ronan is a child who cannot hold the phone because it’s lava.”
So Fair to Be Seen (TRC) He dug in his coat for his keys and Ronan slipped his hand alongside Gansey’s in his pocket. His other hand crawling around Gansey’s side to rest against his stomach, pulling his back to his chest possessively. Ronan’s mouth dragged against the side of his neck.
“I sucked your dick. Let me drive.”
“You live your life according to a fascinating rubric.”
“Say rubric again.”
Veritas (TRC) Careful not to disturb Ronan, he turned in the bed, twisting the blankets around his hips, to watch Ronan’s prone form. Adam checked him for nightwash, but saw only stubbled pale skin unmarred by black residue. He watched Ronan’s eyes for the telltale twitch of his eyes under his delicate eyelids, but saw only perfect stillness. He brushed the tip of his finger down the long slope of Ronan’s roman nose, but saw only his face burrow more firmly into the pillow.
Lacrimosa (Young Justice) The listless, vacant vase living in the house isn’t a vase at all. Artemis is not holding seeds, blooming flowers within herself. She’s an urn, a living cadaver holding all the memories Zatanna has been forcing inside her to mingle in the ashes of who Artemis used to be.
let the pretty bleed out (Young Justice) "Can you even taste the blood?" Jade asks, eyeing with boredom the torn wings laying haphazardly on the concrete floor of their shared space.
"It's not about the taste," Artemis tries to explain. It's the experience. It's pinning it down, splitting it open, letting the pretty bleed out. It's stunning, careless and wonderful and pure. It's the power she gets from ripping the wings off and cupping the twitching body in her hand. It's caught, hers forever.
Touch Me Til I Follow in Love (Young Justice) He thinks maybe he should hold his hand, but he can't bring himself to that shared level of intimacy. Instead, his fingers twist into the stubborn cowl of Jaime's sweat-soaked hair, his hands rub at the tension of his shoulders, his palm rests at the base of his skull. His hands never leave Jaime for longer than a moment.
I Taste the Summer on Your Peppery Skin (Young Justice) She leaned her head back and let the last bit of the evening's sun wash over her face. Her throat exposed and her tendons stretched out, Wally eyed the dip of her collarbone and counted three grains of sand that had settled there.
glare (Young Justice) Motionless, he stares at her. Yellow tangled hair, pink flushed cheeks, red bitten lips, gray narrowed eyes. He stares unblinking until her colors blend before him. And when she finally stands, he thinks haphazardly of a sunrise.
Graceless Hearts (Star Trek) "I'm not always going to be around to take care of you," McCoy warns, tugging a little tighter than necessary on the stitches. Blood bubbles up in minuscule dots like scattered supernovas, but Jim doesn't even blink.
"Yes you are," he smirks.
Bleedme Blue (Star Trek) Friendships founded on alcohol, sex, and fuckups shouldn't work, but Jim can do the impossible. Everything is his or made to be his, and McCoy is just another item on that list. Jim takes the liberty to rename him.
Bones is a better name anyway.
lol this was so much fun, I haven't looked at some of these fics in years. I had to go back to my fanfiction.net account for some of these. I miss my Star Trek 2009 era lol
Tagging: @the-prince-of-tides, @apocketfullofhobbits, @ive-garden, @freshwaterseas, and anyone else who wants to go on a nostalgia binge lol
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violetswritingg · 11 days
Canary Cry
Robin/Nightwing (Dick Grayson) x OFC!
Description: Her violence was silent. Until it wasn't.
"I'm fine."
"Fine is just another word for drowning."
Rating T-M (mentions of blood, child abuse, mental health, cannon situations of violence and the like. Loss of parents, hard of hearing/deaf character, poorly written fight scenes lol)
Want to read the other chapters?
Click here
August 8, 21:59 EDT
Kate was positioned on the south side of the building, crouching on the edge of the roof. Working perimeter with Miss Martian and Superboy. Which was almost preferable than being in a room with everyone else after the display her, Roy, and Dinah put on. She could feel their questions on the transport over here.
The last thing she wanted or needed was Kaldur pulling her aside before they had left and asking if she was okay after Roy showing up like that but he did and it was almost sweet.
She'd honestly rather just ignore that it had ever happened and block it out from her memory. Which, according to Dinah, wasn't exactly a healthy coping mechanism and Kate would definitely be going home to a talk with the woman about what happened and how it made her feel.
"Link established. Everyone online?" Kate winced at the pressure filling her head, she still wasn't used to the feeling of other people entering her mind.
"This is so weird." Artemis thought? Kate decided it wasn't worth thinking too hard about. Just accepting the fact that she now had voices in her head that weren't hers.
"And distracting. Coding a distributive algorithm on a kitty computer with less ram than a wrist watch is hard enough. Now I have to hear teen-think in my skull?" Dr. Roquette complained and Kate couldn't help but scoff.
"Lady, do you always complain when someone is trying to help you?" Kid Flash's voice entered Kate's head.
"Pot Kettle have you met?" Artemis's words made Kate chuckle, the girl catching herself and fixing her posture on the ledge. Subtly looking around to make sure no one had heard.
"Hey, hey, I do not need attitude from the girl who drove Red Arrow off the team." Kate almost wished she was in that room, if only to see this go down in person.
"That is so not on me!"
"Red Arrow was never on the team KF, him abandoning his friends and family isn't on her." Goldfinch snapped, her mood souring at the mention of the red archer, Kate not there to see the reactions of everyone. Thankfully.
"Fate of the world at stake!" Doc, in the room, waved her arms around to emphasize her frustration with the group of teens.
"She started it!" KF childishly pointed the finger at Artemis, who decided removing herself from the room would be for the best.
"How about I just help Miss Martian, Superboy, and Goldfinch patrol the perimeter?"
"Good idea. Trade places with Goldfinch." Aqualad agreed as the archer walked out of the room, quietly closing the door behind her.
"Where do I go then?" Goldfinch asked.
"Inside." Kaldur answered and Kate sighed but left her perch and headed towards the roof access door.
"You might want to cut her some slack; it was her arrow that saved your butt against Amazo." Robin said to his best friend. The speedster's reaction almost comical if Goldfinch had been in a better mood.
"What no! That was Speedy's- Red Arrow's.... Arrow. Right?"
"No. It wasn't." Goldfinch said monotonously, looking straight ahead with a frown as she lifelessly bounced down the stairwell. One floor closer to the computer lab.
"Well, still not giving her the satisfaction." Goldfinch rolled her eyes and chuckled without any humor. Wondering if this is how Dinah felt with her sometimes, but closing that off from the group chat in her mind.
"I'll make a sweep of the floor, and then report to the computer lab." Goldfinch stated before anyone could protest, Artemis and KF going back at it giving her cover.
She kept her eyes peeled as she made her way through the hallways.
"The virus won't be of much use if we cannot find the weapon. Can you track it?" Aqualad asked.
"My utility fog is not a weapon, it's science. Brilliant science. And of course, I can track it-" Goldfinch cut off the doctor.
"But she'll have to go online. Might as well rent a billboard with this address and an open invite to come kill her painted in neon."
"Goldfinch." Aqualad scolded her.
"What? I'm just stating facts here." The blonde glared at the tile floor under her feet as she walked.
"We will protect you." Goldfinch sighed and stopped in her tracks, looking up to the ceiling and internally groaning.
"What he said Doc."
"Tracking fog now." Goldfinch cleared the last hallway on the floor and started to make her way to the computer lab. Her short period of solitude coming to a bitter end.
"Mmm, that boy." Goldfinch stopped right outside the computer lab and choked down any laughter fighting its way to the surface.
"He can hear you, we can all hear you." Miss M chastised. Someone's a little territorial, Goldfinch made sure to keep her thoughts out of the mental link.
"Oh, I know." The songbird was slowly starting to like Artemis, like actually like her, not just saying she was cool with her just showing up. She was funny, only a little bit, and Goldfinch could relate to having a rough childhood. They were two sides of the same coin really, and that's what scared the bird. Letting someone else in, someone that knew Kate and Goldfinch. Caring for them and then them just... leaving.
"Miss Martian, Doctor Roquette has located the Fog. Reconfigure the Bioship so that Robin and Superboy can pursue." The aforementioned teen boys passed Kate on her way back inside the computer lab.
"Good luck." The blonde smiled slightly at Robin.
"Stay whelmed." Kate rolled her eyes, but the smile on her face growing larger gave her away, "Admit it, it's growing on you."
"In your dreams, Bird Boy." Robin only smirked at the blonde and turned on his heel, running to catch up with Superboy.
"You got that right Goldie." KF muttered as Kate, in a visibly better mood, hopped up onto the counter that ringed the room.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Kate looked at the speedster confused, the red-head only shook his head with a look in his eye that screamed, "I know something you don't." And it was slowly starting to piss her off again.
"Nothing, never mind." Kate only pursed her lips and leaned back against the wall behind her while crossing her arms over her stomach.
After some time in relative silence, KF decides to stand outside the door, like a bouncer to a club and Artemis and Miss M start talking again.
"You embarrassed Superboy." Miss M accused, annoyed.
"Didn't hear him say that." Artemis fired back.
"Must you challenge everyone?"
"Where I come from, that's how you survive." Kate tensed slightly in front of the Doctors desk, Aqualad noticed but didn't say anything. That was another thing Kate could relate to with Artemis.
Kate could feel it in her gut that something bad was going to happen, and low and behold not even five minutes later, Aqualad is jumping in front of a projectile aimed for the Doctors head.
"Get down Doc!" Kate ordered, standing in front of the older blonde as a woman with dark hair and a creepy mask on her face ran into the room. An assassin sent by the Shadows.
Aqualad jumped in front of the two blondes as two more throwing stars were launched at them and imbedded themselves into his arm. "Mm, that had to hurt."
"Atlantean skin is quite dense." The assassin attacked Aqualad, who uses his waterbearers to block her twin sais.
"And my shuriken are quite poisonous." The assassin replied, Kate cursing under her breath and letting her annoyance of Aqualad treating her like she was fragile and couldn't take a hit fade. Now only worried for her leader and friend.
"M'gann, Kid, Artemis, we are under attack in the computer lab!"
Kate pulled out her batons and started to attack the assassin with Aqualad, hearing the confirmation from Artemis that back up was coming, but not able to respond as the assassin landed a kick to Kate's side and knocking her down before jumping at Aqualad and wrapping her legs around his neck and twisting to take him down. Throwing one of her blades with deadly precision, Aqualad knocking it off course just enough with a water whip to make it miss it's mark by a fraction.
Kate was up quickly and back in front of the doctor.
"Almost, poison slowing you down?" The assassin and Aqualad struggled for the upper hand, Kate prepping a scream as a last resort, knowing it would probably take out this part of the building as well as the assassin. Her powers had been stressed as a "break glass" option only to her by Aqualad for this mission.
"Jelly fish toxin, I'm largely immune." The assassin headbutted Aqualad and knocked him down.
"largely?" She raised her blade and Kate was about to lunge at the creepy mask lady when the sais was knocked out of her hand by an arrow. Artemis's arrow.
"Don't. Move." The archer ordered, distracting the assassin just long enough for Aqualad to get back up and to have Kate move to his side, fists up and ready to throw a killer right hook.
"This gigs' getting interesting." The assassin chuckled and whipped out a foldable sword. Artemis started firing arrow after arrow, only to have them all cut in half or sliced mid-air as KF and Miss M finally showed up. And helped Kate and Aqualad form a barrier around the Doctor.
"Maybe a little too interesting." She threw down a smoke bomb and disappeared.
"She's getting away! You're letting her get away!" Doctor Roquette yelled at Aqualad and Kate.
"This is all your fault! You were on perimeter, how'd that Shadow get in?!" Kid Flash yelled at Artemis, Kate pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance at everything that had just gone down and is continuing to blow up right in front of her.
They had just gotten into a good place, where they really felt like a team, but now with a new member throwing things into chaos.... It was way too much to be dealing with on such an intense mission.
"Wasn't just her that missed things." Kate referenced herself, once again coming to Artemis's defense.
"Yeah, that's not really fair, I was outside too." Miss M added to Kate's statement. It was all very "sister solidarity".
"Outside... being distracted by her!" KF found an avenue to bring it back around on the blonde archer making Kate glare at the speedster. "Besides, I can't be mad at you."
"You gave me mouth to mouth." KF wasn't as good as keeping his own thoughts out of the mind link as Kate and the others were.
"We heard that." The team chorused making Kid groan and walk away.
"I didn't do half as well on my first battle, and I know you can't have been Green Arrow's sidekick for very long." Miss M tried to comfort the archer, in true M'gann fashion.
"Focus everyone, the shadows will be back." Aqualad ordered, getting the teams attention and pulling them back on mission.
"Robin to Aqualad, we're over Philadelphia. We've located the Shadows target, we're too late." Robin's voice came over the comms, Kate cursing internally at the news. "It's destroyed, totally destroyed. The Fog decimated it."
"This is bad," Kate muttered, gaining the attention of the room, "STAR Labs is cutting edge tech and science. And now-"
"And now their secrets are in the hands of the enemy." Robin interrupted, sounding just as pissed off as Kate. "What's our next move?"
Aqualad looked to the Doc, "Re-scan for that Fog, find it. We're moving the Doctor."
"You sure it's a good idea leaving the old married couple to watch her?" Kate asked the Atlantean beside her.
"Maybe not, but your powers are not meant for indoor use." Aqualad had a point, underground or close quarters were historically not smart places to use a sonic scream, which is why Canary trained her as hard as she did. Because not every fight is going to be out in the open or primarily long-range attack centered. "You are better utilized in this leg of the plan."
Aqualad paused and looked to the kind of community center building from his and Kate's positions across the street.
"Stop it both of you." He ordered, sounding fed up with their childish bullshit.
"What?" Artemis and Wally replied offended. Kate huffed and rolled her eyes.
"We can hear you glaring." Aqualad jerked his head to the side, telling her silently it was time to play their part. The two took off into the forested area behind them, and crouching behind a tree for cover.
"Miss Martian, stay in camouflage mode and make a wide perimeter sweep." Kate had to fight back the cringe at how loud Aqualad had said that, but she kept on guard, knowing it was all part of the plan.
A rustle was heard a fraction of a second before Kate and Aqualad were yanked up into the tree by sticky webs. The two fighting against the Shadow and were thrown out of the foliage, Aqualad grabbing Kate and taking the force of being thrown into a van parked on the side of street and falling to the sidewalk.
"Thanks." Kate said breathlessly as they both stood up quickly. The blonde spotting the purple clad assassin fly through the air and land in front of them, Aqualad getting knocked down by an attack from behind while the web guy tried to get Kate.
She let herself get tied up and fell, hitting her head, and "Passing out".
"The Martian could return any second, and I'm not keen on evening the odds. We end Roquette. Now." The assassins left and Aqualad and Kate got up, looking at each other with matching smirks before getting up and going to the place where they had actually stashed to doctor.
Aqualad paced slowly by the windows and Kate stood next to Roquette.
"I've almost got it!" Kate took a deep breath, adrenaline coursing through her veins like her own personal drug. Which only heightened when a loud thump came from the ceiling.
"We've got company!" Aqualad told the Doc, looking to the ceiling just like Kate had done.
"Any day now Doc." The blonde muttered, pulling out her batons and prepping for a fight.
"Uploading now, and you said you'd protect me. You both did." Kate really wanted to smack the doctor. Like a lot. Before she could ask herself if that made her a bad hero a metal ball rolled into the room.
"Oh shi-" it released a cloud of smoke and Kate got into a defensive stance, Aqualad pulling out his waterbearers and turning them into swords.
"No matter what, protect the doctor." Aqualad ordered before turning around quickly and taking three darts to the chest, Kate pushed Roquette behind her and backed up as the creepy mask assassin jumped down from a square in the ceiling.
"Let's test the immunity of your jelly fish immunity, shall we?" The assassin glanced over to Kate, "And maybe see how much the birdie can take. That should be interesting."
Aqualad blinked hard and shook his head to regain his bearings and rushed at the assassin. Kate following orders as much as she hated standing back and letting Kaldur do all the heavy lifting for the moment.
Kate gripped her batons tighter when the assassin took down Kaldur with only a couple hits, the toxin obviously weakening the Atlantean.
"There, limit tested, now..." The dark-haired woman turned to the two blondes. Blink and you'd miss the assassin throwing darts at the teen, Kate's reflexes really saving her ass and the doctor. Pushing Roquette out of the way and hitting the darts out of the air without really knowing how she did that.
"Holy-" Kate almost laughed but the assassin was on her once they realized her darts hadn't hit their target. "Fu-" Kate reacted, throwing up her batons, crossed over the other like an x. Blocking the shuriken and their poison.
Kate didn't wait to react again, needing to put the battle on her terms, needing to get the assassin away from the doctor and outside. Where Kate could hopefully light her up with a sonic blast. Kate's boot met the woman's stomach and knocked her to the ground. The woman caught herself though. Rolling back and into a three point stance.
Kat acted in the split second that the assassin threw more assumedly poisoned projectiles, rolling to the ground and throwing one of her batons in response. The woman standing slowly, Kate matching her pace. The woman laughed.
"Your aim could use some work."
Kate just smirked and held out her hand in an open position. Her baton came back, called by the magnets in her gloves, but not without pegging the woman in the back of the head. It was then that Kate started to feel whoosy. Bringing up a heavy hand to her exposed cheek her fingers came a way with red coating them.
Kate's world started to tip, and she went with it.
"That's disappointing, I thought you'd be able to handle more, anyway...It's time for my appointment doctor." The assassin said darkly, turning her sights to the big fish she came for.
The blonde teen seeing blurry figures, one pushing the other to the floor, a glint of something, labored breathing, muffled words. Nothing solid, like she was underwater, it was constantly shifting. Kate wasn't someone to give in though, pushing herself up shakily and stumbling after the blurry green shape she could barely register as the assassin.
Being forced back into the wall of the building when a small explosion and smoke filled the air. The shock bringing the world back into minimal focus, recognizing Artemis standing on the other side of the assassin with her bow drawn.
"Don't move a muscle."
"Wow, I am completely at your mercy." The assassin taunted, her mask on the ground, but her back to Kate so the only person who could see her face was the archer.
"You." Artemis gasped quietly.
"I suppose now is when you bring me to Justice? Let your new friends interrogate me? I don't think the bird is gonna make it much longer though, not with the stuff I shot her with. Quite disappointing really, I didn't even get to hear her scream." Artemis shot a cautious yet worried look to Kate, who was barely on her feet. "I do wonder though, if your position is secure enough to survive them learning everything I know."
Kate, in the back of her poison fogged mind could put the puzzle pieces together that this was Artemis's sister, the League of Shadows assassin, she had been told about. But she couldn't remember her name for the life of her. Her brain refusing to work like it should as things started to get fuzzy again, her knees giving out.
Smoke filled her senses and she started to cough just as Doctor Roquette and Aqualad came out of the café.
"Artemis, where is the assassin?" His eyes fell to a basically passed out Kate leaned against the building, holding back a sigh of exasperation. The blonde was most likely injured. Again. Why this kept happening was a mystery to everyone on the team.
"She uh, she got away." The blonde teen archer spoke dejectedly.
"Oh! From you? Big surprise!" KF zoomed up beside her as she walked away. "Notice, we got ours." Miss Martian hovered mid-air behind him telekinetically holding Black spider and Hookman above the ground.
The speedster looks to the ground and saw the other assassin's mask by Kate's feet, rushing to the blonde's side and picking up the mask. "Cool, souvenir! Hey GF, come on sleeping beauty, time to wake up."
"Her mask? Did- did you see her face?" Aqualad asked as he took out the darts imbedded in his chest, KF still trying to wake up Kate and getting increasingly more worried about her. Robin would kill him if she got seriously injured again while he was around.
"It was dark." Artemis said defensively, her back facing the team.
"It is fine, Robin and Superboy were able to neutralize the fog, and Dr. Roquette is safe, Thanks in no small part to you," Artemis turned to look at the group assembled in front of the internet café, "Welcome to the team."
KF hung back with Kate as Kaldur and Miss M went up to the conscious blonde. The Atlantean shaking her hand and the Martian laying a green hand on her shoulder.
"I've always wanted a sister. Here on earth, I mean, I have twelve back on mars. But trust me, it's not the same. Now I have two."
"I wouldn't know but, thanks."
KF let Doctor Roquette have a look at Kate as he walked up to Artemis. Miss Martian elbowing him in the side when he didn't say anything, Doctor Roquette helping the younger blonde up to her feet behind them.
"Yeah, welcome," he muttered unenthusiastically, about to bring up Goldfinch needing medical attention when Doctor Roquette did it for him.
"Uh, excuse me, she needs help." The four team members looked to the struggling pair of blondes and Aqualad instantly went on high alert when he saw the blood trickling down Kate's cheek. Rushing up to her and holding her head in his hands. Neck doing nothing to hold up its weight on its own, earning a low groan from the fourteen year old, sweeping her limp body up into his arms and turning to the team.
"We need to get back to the cave now."
"How are you feeling?" Aqualad asked the blonde laying on the scratchy bed in the medical bay.
"Fine," Kate smirked a little at Aqualad unamused face. "Really I'm alright." The blonde reassured, letting her smirk drop into a neutral look of exhaustion.
"I'm glad to hear that. I hate to ask this so soon after you've woken up but-"
"You wanna know if I saw the assassin's face," Kate sighed quietly, rolling her head to the side and lazily looking at the Atlantean, "What did Artemis say?"
Unbeknownst to either of the teens in the med bay a certain blonde archer stood just outside with her ear pressed to the door.
"She said it was too dark." Aqualad answered carefully, slightly suspicious of why Kate would want to know what Artemis had said.
"There's your answer, I could barely see my own hand in front of my face, it was all just a big blob." Aqualad nodded neutrally before giving the blonde a small smile, placing a hand on her arm.
"I am happy you are okay; the other's will be as well. Robin was almost panicked when we told him and Superboy of your condition." The Atlantean smirked at how flushed Kate's face got.
Artemis, after a long night with an even longer wait at the cave to see if Kate was going to be okay, finally Zeta's home. The bright light fading as she exits the phony broken phone booth, feeling eyes on her and knocking an arrow, pulling back and aiming it at the person creeping up on her.
"Step into the Light. Now." The teen archer ordered.
It was Red Arrow.
"Nice move." Roy patronized as he walked closer, making it clear he didn't see her as any kind of threat. "Almost made me believe you are Green Arrow's niece, but we both know you're not," Artemis narrowed her eyes at the correct accusation, "Still, I'm sure GA, Bats, Canary, and Goldfinch have a reason for lying. Though how they got Goldfinch to trust you at all is a complete mystery to me, so... your cover's safe. But I warn you, do not hurt my friends."
With that he walked away.
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Death Blows Bubbles
Words spoken of a silver tongue
Lure me into a sunken cemetery
In the dead of night I lurch
Between crumbling gravestones
The shadows dance in the crystal
Of the moon in a cloudless sky
Ghosts pull me by my hands
To the open door of a mausoleum
Bubbles float out the door
The stars reflecting in their
Rainbow filled, shiny exteriors
Sticking to my fingertips
Death itself sits on top of the coffin
A bubble wand in his boney fingers
He doesn’t acknowledge my presence
More bubbles pass my drained face
Somewhere an off-key piano taps out a song
Death turns his hollow skull toward me
“What brings you all the way here?”
His question buzzes in my mind
“The singing led me” I say
He nods solemnly and puts down the wand
“It always happens like this, young one”
Somehow, I think, Death looks graceful and guilty
Before I knew it, he was next to me
“What is life like, dear soul?”
I think hard before I answer him
Trying to recall my most joyous memories
“It’s warm, and soft, and wonderful”
I thought about more; I told the truth
“It’s also cold, and rough, and bitter”
In honesty, I missed the sun
He nodded as though he understood
Everything I didn’t say out loud in fear
Of answering him incorrectly; his jaw creaked
“How silly it is; to fear Death’s repercussions”
“You were treated unfairly, little mouse”
He held his boney hand out to me
“I know why you’re here, bird”
“You were hunted by your own kind for fun”
Thin skeleton fingers drifted along my scars
“Worry not, small one, you are safe now”
Death walked me to the coffin
He sang to the off-key piano
“Rest now, little mouse”
He motioned to the porcelain box
The lid creaked open; he held out his hand
He helped me climb in
~ Artemis
0 notes
ratsoh-writes · 8 months
When the call ended, Mavi was shaking with pure anger. She placed the phone done and bawled her hands into fists. The drake took deep breaths to calm down, careful not to accidentally ignit something around her.
"they are okay, just.. it aren't triplets anymore" she spoke through her teeth, tears of frustration and anger forming in her sockets.
"She went after artemis and that bitch admitted theres a fourth child. She fucking abandoned it. Who knows if they're still alive or not, Dads is about to breakdown, Kovu caused a fire. Artemis is crying-" she kept mumbling, overwhelmed by the news she just received, She wasn't very quiet so, pretty sure everyone heard her, not that she cared currently.
Plutos eyes widen horrified when he hears that. The first thing he does is float up so he can give mavi a hug. He lets her hug him back tightly as he rubs a hand on her skull soothingly
It’s a few minutes later, when Mavis calmed down enough that she’s evenly breathing that Pluto talks agaon
Pluto: o-ok so the baby is missing.. but not confirmed dead. Right? D-do you have a description?
Sans pops his head in the door, eyes wide but determined
Sans: lens and I already broke into the welfare firewalls. If we can get an age, species and magic color we can find out of the baby was on the system
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demigod MC Series: Athena
So. I have to deal with the virgin goddesses… By mythos, there really shouldn't ever be children of Artemis, Hestia, or Athena (yes, Athena was a virgin goddess). PJ got past that by making it canon that Annabeth and her siblings were born from cracking open Athena's skull (yes, that's also more or less the canon explanation). They gloss over it real quick but I remember, Rick. I've always remembered and that mental image has haunted me for years...
I can't, in good conscience, ignore the history around Athena's worship (call it an academic restraint) but I REFUSE to do the skull thing. So, since I make the rules here, I'm going with magic adoption. They still get magic powers, they're just more human than demigod. Cool? Cool.
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter, Athena
The human that popped out of the portal seemed to have enough sense not to attack everyone in the room for a change, but even Lucifer could tell that was more of a strategic choice than for lack of ability...
Their very existence was highly unusual… and quite worrisome. He wasn't even aware Athena could have "children" of her own, but apparently she had been taking in some particularly bright humans to raise and train like her own...
Unbeknownst to him, a surprising amount of human scholars, diplomats, and generals have her to thank for their trade… and that alone should speak to the level of intrigue at play here. 
Was this an accident or Athena's attempt to plant an Olympian spy in the Devildom too…? Either way, he didn't trust them from the get go…
Look, Lucifer isn’t stupid. Athena is a goddess of Wisdom and War and war happens on more than just the battlefield… 
Since they've shown up records have been going missing, official documents keep getting misplaced, and he swears that there's some kind of bug in the student council room...!
It's infuriating watching the MC suck up to Diavolo when he's almost certain that they're running their own agenda behind the scenes! And he can't prove any of it!! They cover their tracks too well!
Lucifer has one of those corkboards covered in newspapers and string in a secret wing of the Castle - 100% dedicated to just tracking the MC's activities…. The longer they're there, the more obsessed he becomes...
He swears between Simeon, Solomon, and MC he feels like a shepherd wondering why the sheep are growling… The Devildom has never been in more danger than it is right now... Send help.
To be honest, he kind of thought that they were just going to be Satan 2.0 but that's not really true.
They're more than just a book sponge! Though they do read, like a lot. Let’s just say from one schemer to another… Game recognizes Game.
They come up with plans and ideas soooo fast, it’s insane! Honestly, there are times where he has a new money-making plot and he just brings it to the MC first to run it over. 
Nine times out of ten, not only do they sniff out any problems but they have a solution for him in a matter of minutes! His scheme game has been on point since they’ve shown up!!
They’re also even better tutoring than Satan is, so he’s even managed to get a couple A’s for the first time in his life! Lucifer actually told him he was proud (which he secretly recorded and now uses as a ringtone much to his brother’s regret...)
So yeah, he likes them... buuut that doesn’t keep him from thinking they act a little weird sometimes... 
Mammon: *points to a unused tower close to the RAD building* Over there is the Tower of Sorrow. We use it for storage.
MC: Ah. Interesting… *starts writing in a notebook, muttering* It may need a few minor tweaks but the location is defensible...
Mammon: *stops* Ya say somethin’?
MC: *looks back up* Nope! Say, you’ve been to the Castle a lot haven’t you? Do you know any good ways in?
Mammon: Uhm… Why do ya want to know that…? *starts looking around for Lucifer*
MC: In case of emergencies. I like being prepared. 🙂
Mammon: Look, I don’t know what Lucifer might’a told ya…
MC: I’ll pay you a thousand Grimm for it.
Mammon: Well shit, ya want those maps with or without color?
... Yeeeah, that’s pretty weird… But it’s probably fine. I mean, as long as they keep giving him money, who’s he to complain? 🤷‍♀️
Also thought that they’d be a lot more like Satan but was pleasantly surprised that they were into more than books.
What else did they like exactly? Military strategy!!
It’s been a looong time since he’s been able to talk to someone who’s actually interested in all the battles he’s fought, both in the Celestial Realm and the Devildom, and their curiosity is kind of flattering...! Not a lot of people take his strategic prowess all that seriously anymore...
Plus, they are the BEST partner to have any turn-based strategy game. Hands down. He once got stuck on a level of D-COM for weeks until the MC walked in and mopped the floor with the AI!! They have a serious head for probability and tactics.
The House once made the mistake of letting these two be on the same team during a Hell Game and they absolutely demolished the competition. Mammon didn’t even get a single shot off before half his team was lost to a rigged paint grenade… It took a whole day to clean up… 
However, Levi’s also noticed some odd things about the human… He likes that they’re interested in his past but maybe they’re a little… too interested?
Levi: -and that’s how we defeated the Four Horsemen before they escaped from Purgatory. 
MC: Wow, Levi that’s seriously impressive!! *furiously scribbling on a notebook*
Levi: Well t-thanks… 😅 But, uhm... are you writing that down…?
MC: Hm? Oh no, just doodling. *they lift up the notebook to show a bunch of cute little sketches on the page… and not the magic-based invisible ink all over them…*
Levi: Oh you draw too? Can you do fanart???
MC: Eh, sometimes. But say Levi, can you tell me about your naval ranks again? I’m still really curious… *gets the pen ready again with a smile*
Oh, it's been a long game of cat-and-mouse between these two… and unfortunately, it’s been pretty addicting too.
He honestly had every intention of tricking the human into making a huge mess do he could bother Lucifer, but at every turn they proved just a hair too clever for him...
He once gave them a cursed book to “lend” to Lucifer, but they saw through it the moment they touched it and lifted the spell before handing it over.
He rigged a podium to spray glitter during one of Lucifer's speeches but the MC disconnected the trigger mic before he even got on stage. It was pretty dang frustrating...
At one point he got so desperate that, just as a test, he tried to trap them in the House's Music Room. Fortunately for them, it only took a few minutes to work out an escape. They even passed by him in the hallway with a wink!
It's confounding! It's infuriating!! 
...and it's so damn sexy... He should be furious but he’s just in awe!!
Add on that they know their art, literature, and multiple different crafts thanks to the tutelage of their adopted mother and that’s it. He’s finished. This boy is in love.
Truthfully though, a part of him is 90% sure that they’re also gathering state secrets… Like, they’re watching Barbs and Diavolo far too close for comfort - but he just can't bring himself to care. 🤷‍♀️
The MC could walk into his room one day and say, "Hey, do you want to help overthrow the monarchy with me?" and he dreads it because deep down he knows that he wouldn’t say no…
Take some notes, kids. Some bad influences get you to drink or do drugs. Others pull you into a centuries long conspiracy to destabilize and topple rival realms from within… But he has fallen for their brain hard. Devil help them all…
They’re pretty clever, he’ll give them that, but uh… Are they a little off to anybody else?
Asmo is a charmer by birthright so he has a bit of nose for when someone’s just a liiittttle too nice… Not much of a nose mind you, because he can be thrown off by compliments himself, but enough to think that the MC might be a little too… “kind” for their own good...
First off, who wants to spend that much time with Levi?? They don’t even seem that interested in anime! They just keeping asking him for old war stories…
Then all the sucking up they do to Diavolo and Barbatos? Look, he gets it. Diavolo is a delicious piece of man-hunk and his butler could give him a lesson or two in sweet-talk (and he has), but they seem to be just a little too… nosy.
Of course, Asmo’s suspicions disappear pretty quickly after they start to spoil him with spa nights and beauty secrets they picked up from “casual research” into the subject.
And you know, get a little Demonus in Asmo and start massaging his back? Oh, sweetie he’ll sing like a bird!! … with gossip. Singing with gossip.
Asmo: So I’ve heard that Lucifer has been spending more time at RAD than usual… His whole club is talking about it, they think he’s meeting with some witch!
MC: Hm, is that so? *works on a knot near his shoulder blades* What do you think?
Asmo: Ooh~! Right there, MC! *purrs and lays his head on his arms* Well come on, this is Lucifer we’re talking about! I’m sure he’s just working.
Asmo: Hmm... though come to think of it, I think I heard him asking Barbatos for the spare keys to the Tower of Sorrow…
MC: Oh really? Huh. *works out the knot and gets up* I just remembered that I left some papers with Satan... I’ll be right back.
Asmo: You’re going already??
MC: *waves him off quickly* I’ll be right back, Asmo. *hurries out the door to do totally on-the-up-and-up things… surely*
Honestly he doesn't like this one… But not for the reasons you'd expect.
He agrees with everyone else that they seem a little shady, but Solomon and Simeon are too so it's not like that's anything new... 🤷‍♀️
No, no. He dislikes them because they're the person who FINALLY figured out how to keep him from eating all the food in the kitchen!!
Turns out that the trick was to put a teleportation charm on the fridge door that would send all the food away if it’s opened after a certain time of night… 
And where does it go? The Purgatory Hall fridge. And where does the Purgatory Hall food go…? The HoL fridge…
It doesn’t sound so bad until you remember that it means half of their fridge is now Solomon’s leftovers…. 🤢
After they put the same kind of spell on the pantry, it was all over… He couldn't get midnight snacks from the House anymore… Everything was contaminated by Solomon…
The MC is a nice enough person, he doesn’t have a lot of complaints about them, but he wants them to leave. Now. This is inexcusable… He’s so hungry… and he doesn’t want to die by “goulash” or whatever Solomon calls his latest culinary catastrophe… He’s still too young for death… 😓
In a way, he absolutely could not have asked for a better person to help him get out of that attic.
… In another way, he got one of the worst possible people to try and kill... Like. They saw through his scheme sooo fast…
How was he supposed to know that the human had training in body language and sniffing out lies???
Getting the door open was a piece of cake for them. They knew enough magic to undo the seals and just rummaged around Lucifer's stuff long enough to find the key to the door. He could not have found a more competent individual for a break out, really.
It’s just… well he didn’t expect to go from locked in a room like a prisoner to tied up in enchanted rope, still like a prisoner but now mobile. 😑 
They even used his own hug ruse against him! They caught his wrists when they got close and tied him up before he could shake them off...
Admittedly, it wasn't exactly the best look for them either - what with walking Belphegor downstairs to the others like a one-man-prison-caravan but they're as silver-tongued as they are sly so they talked their way out of it beautifully… 
And like hell was he going to trust them after that!! And not even Beel liked them so something had to be up...
Well, you want a detective? Look no farther than Belphie (no seriously, it’s in the canon). He can put things together pretty fast when he puts his mind to it and watching the MC for a while gave him enough proof to work off of...
He always knew that, humans were bad news and the MC just proved it to him all over again. They are bad news, bad bad news and they’re going to-!
Overthrow… Diavolo…? Is that what he is getting from them…? Huh…
Wait a second, MC. You might just have him interested… 😏
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What about something with pumpkins for percy × Apollo for your Halloween prompt thing??
Nice! 🎃 Thank you for the prompt and sorry, not sorry for the following 💙 (While I tagged it, I don't want anybody to be triggered - ⚠️ warning for gore!)
Percy loved carving pumpkins.
Among the handful of things he liked, not disrupted and destroyed by Gabe, was pumpkins carving. Every year, the first Sunday of October was filled with laughter, regardless of Gabe's grumblings.
Sally always brought home two pumpkins - one for him, and one for herself - and they would make a competition out of who could carve out the best faces.
What started as a little boy clumsily carving a lopsided smile with two unshaped holes as eyes, throughout the years it turned into intricate portrays. He might not know how to draw or paint, but carving pumpkins?
He was the best.
This little family tradition stayed with him for long. After Gabe died; after Sally fell in love with Paul; after his baby sister joined to the fun...
And now he brought this tradition with him to his marriage with Apollo, who, despite of his age, was not well versed in this activity.
"What do you think you are going to make?" Percy asked curiosity, looking at the unusually ugly pumpkin in front of his husband.
Apollo shrugged, "Maybe just a face?" he said, and tried to imagine the different faces he could carve. "It's not like music! Or poetry! This is more difficult, and I want to elevate this ugliness into something decorative," he pouted.
Percy just smiled at his husband, used to his dramatics, and turned to his own pumpkin. It was smaller than Apollo's, but just as colorful. Instead of the usual orange color, it was painted with reddish brown, giving it a morbid, yet more festive tint, because Percy was determined to have the most horrific decorations that year.
He rolled up his sleeves, getting ready to cut into his artwork. He had a clear picture in his mind how he wanted to elevate it, he didn't need to draw the lines.
"And you?" Apollo asked while carefully draw the outline of his work, tongue peeking out of his mouth in his concentration.
"Secret," the demigod grinned, and made his first incision.
They lapse into silence, Apollo's album blasting from the speaker. The only other sound breaking the focused silence was the golden god's hissed curses. Percy is so focused on his work, he almost missed Apollo's declaration of "I think I'm done."
As he, too, was almost done, he just showed his pointing finger to his husband as a sign of 'one moment, please', and with a last flourish, his art was ready to be on display.
"Okay, me too," he said, smiling lovingly at his husband. He knew that no matter how Apollo succeeded, the fact that he participated in this tradition with him, meant the world for him.
"Are you ready to see the best Jack'o'lantern ever?" Apollo asked, bouncing on his toe, like an excited little kid, wanting to be noticed and praised by the parents. Percy nodded. "What do you think?" The god turned his art to face Percy.
It was...
Horrifying, but in the best way.
What looked at him with its carved out, hollow eyes and toothless smile, lights cheerfully flickering, was the severed head of Zeus. It looked like a wax head if not for the ichor still dripping from the eye sockets with lazy drops, painting the cheeks with gold. Apollo took out all of his teeth, and made a nice necklace out of it, as a reminder that he won.
He was with his husband, and nobody could ever break them up ever again.
Percy nodded, impressed, then showed his own art: the skinless skull of his ex-girlfriend. He left her blonde hair on the skull, but skinned the other parts. He carved 'Seaweed Brain', 'fuck-up', and her other "pet names" into the bones, as a reminder that it doesn't matter how smart do you think you are, there's always somebody smarter, better, more powerful.
That he was better than her.
Apollo whistled, admiringly. "Next to the others?" he motioned towards their living room, where other skulls and severed heads in various state of decomposition were in display. Percy nodded, taking both heads into his hands, and arranged them in a decorative way.
"Zeus, Hera, Dionysus, Artemis, Demeter, Eros, and Annabeth... All finished," Percy smiled, listing the names all of those, who tried to separate them from each other. All those mighty gods, and that one demigod, who thought it would be a good idea to oppose one of the most cruel gods and most powerful demigod, was nothing more than decomposing skin, dried ichor and cracking bones.
The lights in the skulls flickered threateningly, as if they were still trying to fight against the happy couple, but it was for nothing.
Apollo and Percy were finally free.
Send me a Halloween prompt!
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