#(ask me please)
urxdadd · 1 year
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chrissy-kaos · 2 months
You totally could be a Victoria Secret’s model you’re so damn HOT! 🥵 🪭
Naaaa not even remotely hot enough for that..
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emilys-hideaway · 7 months
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Found these in my sister’s closet, I need them! 💕
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rainbowdelicsunshine · 9 months
Hey guys, I'm super bored and in need of people to talk to so please go by my inbox if you can!
Thank you!!
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loafyall · 6 months
what is your favorite thing about yanqing, and whats the saddest/funniest thing about him in your opinion? :D
My fav thing about Yanqing is that I imagine him to be somewhat a very very hyper child, Like if Jing yuan and yanqing would ever go to penacony yanqing would be the one to get lost immediately in the crowd or smtg and jing yuan's father instinct will rise up. And the accessory on his hair is most likely a gift from Jing yuan! Such father and son!!
The funniest thing is that I imagine him hiding in the closet when he was younger to hide from Jing yuan when playing hide seek (I also love imagining him being a GREMLIN CHILD) And Yanqing is very very protective of his swords, He even has a seperate room where he puts his collection in!
Now on to the angsty part
Yanqing has low self-esteem and wants to be perfect in the eyes of jing yuan, He has anxiety sometimes and doesn't feel like he's enough, his insecurities only rose after the battle between jingliu, Blade and Dan heng (like seriously hoyo stop making my poor boy a punching bag plsss), I think he sometimes also skipped meals and didn't take breaks between training which got him almost at the brink of fainting.
After he (somewhat) got possessed by the heliobus, he is doing a bit better than before, Sometimes jing yuan has to tell Yanqing to make sure that Yanqing eats properly, Takes rest, Takes breaks between etc, They're true father and son :>>>>>>>
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mrfleshwizard · 15 days
Reading through some of your HH/HB posts got me thinking (which is never a good thing, lol) about how Hazbin talks about redemption and what it takes to get into heaven.
I mean, you would expect that "redemption" would go hand-in-hand with healing, right? Stuff like taking apart your past, why you did the things that you did, and how you feel about them now. Stuff like therapy.
(And, that in itself could be an interesting story, right? Helping people heal and try to be better? Going into their backstories? Slowly figuring out that the rules defining who goes to heaven or hell aren't very solid?)
But instead we get... none of that. For a story that says it's all about second chances, they never give the characters any time to change. It kinda feels like all Charlie cares about is how things look, and not diving into how they actually are.
If Angel isn't actively killing anyone, then he's fixed! If Sir Pentious apologizes, then he obviously means it! YAy, the Hotel worked!
I was a really shitty person in the past. I did things I am not proud of, I said things I cannot take back and I hurt people that I can no longer apologize to. I like to think that I've gotten better now, but my "redemption" wasn't because I read a script about not doing drugs, or did trust fall activities.
And it's really disappointing to see so much potential for actual commentary on mental health and religion and redemption... all to be wasted on a weird musical about excessively horny demons.
Yeah. HH is disappointing. I'm supposed to root for this characters, but how I can root for past mafia mob going for heaven when he doesn't feel bad about his action at all? How can I root for Sir Pentious going heaven when we never see him admit to things he done? How can I root for Charlie's dream coming true when she allowed an serial killer into to her hotel?
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Zombie Apocalypse Yandere Phantomhive Manor
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In a modern au your hired as a nanny for the young but capable Ciel Phantomhive
Helping the practically perfect butler-Sebastian Michealis as he balances most of the house work
There’s the other butler-pleasant but strange Tanaka 
And there's maid Mey-Rin, the chef Bardroy, and the florist Finny
Granted they're not super-good at their jobs but you don’t mind lending a hand when Ciel is too focused on working 
As his nanny you are a new face meant to help more with his emotional development, than you are with actually watching him to keep him safe
Still heading home every afternoon/night you still have your own life
School/volunteer/another job you name its what you spend your free time doing
Prior to andduring the zombie apocalypse you often had to pry everyone’s fingers off you the moment you head for the door
“Alright guys I’m going to start heading out.”
“Noooo b-but (Y/n) we haven’t even served dessert yet, we haven’t!” 
“Y-yeah and didn’t ya want to see the moonflowers we planted?”
“Guys I have sweets at home and I will see them another time. Good. Night.”
Even Ciel can get a little aggressive when he doesn’t want you to leave
“I’ll fire you if you step out that door!” 
“Ciel…you were the one who signed the contract that I be out before seven.”
“Ergh! Sebastian, don't let them leave!”
“Well we did want to focus on him learning to exercise control.”
“Well we shouldn’t be teaching kidnapping as a solution to problems.”
But the moment that the zombie apocalypse hits they won’t let you leave so easily
Early on into the pandemic you find out how prepared the Phantomhive staff are for this
If your not already in the manor they’re bringing you inside
Easily mowing down the hordes of the undead in order to bring you home 
And when they finally do have you safe and sound any attempt to go outside is immediately shot
“Ay! Before we may not have had a good enough reason ta’ stop ya but now we do.”
Majorly outmatched by their expertise with a gun, flamethrower, and strength in general 
You're not going anywhere
And even if you managed to get past all that Sebastian’s all too skilled at keeping you in arms reach
“Ah, (Y/n) seems you’ve gotten lost. I’ll escort you to your room.”
“My room?”
Yes they have a room which is a bedazzled copy of your own room that you’d never seen prior to this apocalypse 
Should you continue to misbehave that will be your room jail cell
Even better you probably won’t want to leave anyway
Who would want to fend for themselves in a world full of death and despair when you have a highly trained staff and master that were more than willing to protect you 
“You’ll find we, at the Phantomhive Manor, are all dedicated and are more than capable of protecting you.”
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chlobody · 3 months
Do you ever enjoy nude recreation in a social setting, like a nude beach or AANR club?
Absolutely! Have only had one experience where someone was disrespectful and creepy. Any other time has been pleasant and fun! Wherever it’s legal/permitted, I’m never turning down the opportunity!
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chrissy-kaos · 3 months
I think you might be one of the only real people on this platform. Have a beautiful day.
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emilys-hideaway · 6 months
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So I never tell people on Tumblr what city I live in, but I have this guy in my DMs who literally told me he lives in the same city as me… what should I do??? 😳
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theeroticlover · 2 years
What’s on your mind right now?
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This !!!
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wo3backup · 5 months
Update on "No drops past midnight" my Trucker AU
I'm STRUGGLING on a specific chapter. I can’t really skim over it either cause I feel like it's suppose to be a meaningful scene.
Trucker Y/N hauls across the country. Since they do that they want to let the Daycare attendant experience the world since they spent their lives in the pizza plex.
Do ya'll have any places ya'll recommend they should make a pitstop at?
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mrfleshwizard · 14 days
I find the fate of Hazbin and Helluva sad in a way. Viv has a big dream to become an animator to create these cartoons since she was young. She had these ideas for more than a decade and the fandom after the shows ended will die faster than her passion and years of putting her hard work into both shows. It will become a strange distant memories after years.
As a person who wants to put my stories in the world someday it's very unfornute.
I can't emptize with Viv since she has herself to blame, but it still sad.
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1. Quando è il tuo compleanno?
2. Qual è il tuo animale preferito?
3. Cosa fai nella vita?
4. Se potessi viaggiare ovunque nel mondo, dove andresti?
5. Qual era la tua materia scolastica preferita?
6. Hai una famiglia piccola o grande?
7. Quali generi di musica ti piacciono di più?
8. Come ti piace passare il tempo libero?
9. Sei una persona mattiniera o notturna?
10. Qual è il tuo ricordo d’infanzia preferito?
11. Chi è la tua cotta per una celebrità?
12. Parli più di una lingua?
13. Qual è il tuo problema più grande?
14. Qual è la tua festa preferita?
15. Dove sei cresciuto?
16. Qual è l’abilità che vorresti imparare?
17. Cosa apprezzi di più in un amico?
18. Qual è la tua più grande paura irrazionale?
19. Quale animale vorresti essere?
20. Qual è il tuo soprannome?
21. Sei un secchione?
22. Se potessi avere un superpotere, quale sceglieresti?
23. Ti consideri una persona felice?
24. Qual è la tua serie TV preferita?
25. Qual è il personaggio storico che più ammiri?
26. Cosa dici quando rispondi al telefono?
27. Hai mai guidato ubriaco?
28. Cosa odi di te?
29. Ti dà fastidio se ti toccano i capelli?
30. Di che cosa hai più paura in assoluto?
31. Che lavoro vorresti fare?
32. Hai mai fatto il bagno al mare nudo/a?
33. Il concerto che non dimenticherai mai?
34. Hai qualche velleità artistica?
35. Qual è la cosa più avventurosa che hai fatto nella vita?
36. Qual è la tua aspirazione più grande?
37. Qual è il tuo peggior difetto? E il tuo miglior pregio?
38. Qual è la cosa più costosa che ti sei comprato? Qual è la cosa più costosa che hai regalato a qualcuno?
39. Hai mai visto una stella cadente?
40. Se potessi cambiare una parte del tuo corpo, quale sarebbe?
41. Fai sport?
42. Se avessi la possibilità di essere qualcun altro, chi saresti?
43. Riesci a fissare a lungo le persone negli occhi?
44. Quando è stata l’ultima volta che hai pianto? E l’ultima volta che hai riso?
45. Qual è il tuo film preferito?
46. Secondo te l’uomo è fondamentalmente buono o cattivo?
47. Sei superstizioso?
48. Hai fiducia in te stesso? E negli altri?
49. Vedi il bicchiere mezzo vuoto o mezzo pieno?
50. Sorprendi i ladri in casa: come ti comporti?
51. Qual è stato il momento più bello della tua vita?
52. Cosa fai se vedi una cartaccia abbandonata in un prato?
53. Qual è il più bel gesto che si possa ricevere?
54. Qual è la tua definizione di libertà?
55. Se potessi ricominciare la tua vita da capo, cosa faresti?
56. Qual è il tuo supereroe preferito?
57. Se dovessi morire oggi, quale sarebbe il tuo più grande rimpianto?
58. Cosa fai se vedi una rissa?
59. Cosa ti riesce meglio?
60. Cosa pensi che gli altri pensino di te?
61. Quale è il mese che preferisci? Perché?
62. Qual è la tua opera d’arte preferita?
63. Se vincessi la lotteria che faresti con tutti quei soldi?
64. Preferisci i cani o i gatti?
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gaywatermelonbread · 1 year
You know what, fuck it. Give me your Cod Zombie hot takes and I'll comment on it. Either comment or ask me about it. I wanna see what you all think.
It can be so out there and landish like Richtofen being straight, or something fucked up like the possibility of Samuel Stuhlinger eating a zombiea dick off. All headcannons, i want to know. plssssss
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