#(and i love him)
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lucifers-favorite-child · 2 days ago
"Eurylochus got the crew killed when he opened the bag-" but he literally did not??? Are we all forgetting Get in the Water? Where Poseidon's storm is trapped in a windbag so Odysseus can get home, so instead Poseidon waits until Odysseus is home to get his ass! Poseidon literally shows up by saying "ODYSSEUS OF ITHACA!" He knows where that man lives! Or when Poseidon tells Odysseus to get in the water or he would kill his family, maim his son, and drown his entire kingdom? In what universe does Poseidon see the crew get home safely after the Cyclops saga and think "ah dang it! guess I'll get them next time." (Odysseus and Eurylochus obviously don't realize this during the Ocean and Lightning sagas, but what is your excuse???))
Within the context of the musical, Eurylochus did not get anyone killed! It was absolutely a betrayal of trust and a big fuck up, but he was not responsible for the crew's death. Odysseus is! That's half the point of his character! He's complex and interesting! He messed up majorly because he is arrogant, he was emotionally compromised from Polites's death and killing Astyanax (the infant), he's used to being the smartest person in the room, and he's used to having Athena's divine favor!!! Removing his responsibility makes him less interesting.
While we're here. Every time someone gets mad at Eurylochus for saying they should leave behind the men Circe turned into pigs, I lose three days of my life. "Why is Eurylochus mad at Ody for sacrificing 6 men when he said let's leave the men behind-" Because Odysseus knowingly sacrificed their lives with prior knowledge and without informing anyone beforehand, while making sure he lived. Whereas on Circe's island a powerful minor goddess just transformed several men into animals. They had no way of knowing if it's even possible to make them human again. And they JUST got away from Poseidon, another god, who killed 550 men. Eurylochus wasn't saying fuck the crew. He was saying "your arrogance with the cyclops just got most of our men killed, and now you want to get in a fight with another god without knowing if you can win. you are going to get the REST OF US KILLED TOO. Also I feel immense guilt and don't want to see you die too."
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televised-eyes · 9 months ago
shout out to aziraphale for being more subversive than he’s given credit for. he’s so gay it made my parents uncomfortable in this very obvious but unspoken way
like crowley is clearly queer-coded as well but he has that sexy androgynous “rock n roll à la david bowie, mick jagger, prince, etc” vibe and cocky attitude that straight people seem to find little less intimidating
if that makes any sense anyways i love you aziraphale
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lazylittledragon · 1 year ago
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a word for word interaction i had with my boyfriend that i think about at least once a day
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mymoonymine · 6 months ago
Remus Lupin was NOT the casanova of the gryffindor tower. His friends only called him that JOKINGLY because he was friends with the girls that asked him help with their homework cause he’s nice and quiet. That man was a loser and a nerd (affectionate) with zero pull
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theonethatdidntgetaway · 1 year ago
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kroovv · 2 years ago
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Astarion 🩸
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unknownteapot · 1 year ago
every time i look at shayne's story i start crying again because this guy. this fucking guy who thought his career was over in his 20s. who joined smosh as a 'last resort', as a defeat of sorts as he mentioned many times. this guy. who met. his coworker at thE FUCKING AUDITION. WHO SAID SEE U AT WORK. AND THEN HE SAW THEM AT WORK. AND THEN THEY WERE SHIPPED. ANd they never dated, never realised they had something, probably due to all the pressure. later shayne mentions 'investing into his friendships' more than relationships as advice for finding the one. she mentions when he made her a care package when they were sick, and it proabably didn't occur to them for a while until shit slowed down during the pandemic, until there were less eyes on everyone. this guy who mentions being bad at dating. these guys who made a whole show about being 'bad at dating'. this guy who didn't know what to expect at smosh but made it spark up again, who helped shape it and make it what it is though hard work and immense dedication, mET THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE AT SMOSH. NO. HE MADE SMOSH WHAT IT IS WITH HER. THE PILLARS OF SMOSH. AND THIS GUY. IS NOW. FUCKING MARRIED TO THEM?? THEY'RE MARRIED???? WHAT THE FUCK
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vincelest · 3 months ago
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I love early seasons Reid sm
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blotsjunkyard · 10 months ago
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Zuko, age 15
what i did instead of working on wips or for my internship. adios.
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dovewingkinnie · 25 days ago
mascot horror where the main character is a little BITCH who deserves every bad thing coming to him and then theres a second main character (most likely a mascot) who's the sweetest thing ever like imagine following a MC who deserves the horrors of course it'll be balanced out with the cutie pie mascot character because. you need to root for somebody yknow and that guy.. naw...
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daftmooncretin · 1 year ago
james Tiberius Kirk is pro choice and pro contraceptives just fyi
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pinkiemachine · 6 months ago
New Teen Titans X Kim Possible — “Conner’s First Day”
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Hehehe… an oldie but a goodie…
Check out the Kim Possible episode “Bad Boy”
For those who still want context but don’t want to watch the episode, Ron was trying REALLY hard to be a “bad boy” because he thought it would get him a date. It backfired horribly, but at least the end result was funny :D
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evermorepeyton · 6 months ago
i love the concept of dan howell not being born to be a cool famous pop star, or a lawyer.
no, he was put on this earth to be exactly what he is.
he was genetically engineered in a lab to be The parasocial best buddy of the girls, the goths, the gays and the geeks. he was created by god or the universe to be chronically online, and to represent some kind of hope for loners around the world. for the introverts, for the weirdos.
he wasn’t built to be mainstream, disconnected from what people are saying about him online. no, he was meant to be the internet’s it boy, really.
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soapdi-spencer · 9 months ago
The sheer tonal shift between some details of Marius' lore is WILD. His right arm is a symbiote fungus thing. He psychoanalyzed Dionysus. He was a mecha pilot. He once stared at the sun for days because he didn't realise that it was supposed to hurt. He's asexual. He spontaneously grew facial hair. He often has no kneecaps. He's 5'5. He can't recall his only parent's face. He gets vored
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0nlyhere4phil · 2 months ago
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i really love this guy
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