#(and i also consider those 2 friends autistic so yeah)
idkimnotreal · 2 years
all throughout high school i was like, “why haven’t i fallen in love yet”, and i attributed that to the fact that i didn’t know of any other queer boy in any of my years (in brazil students used to have one individual class until some years ago, now it’s after the u.s. model, but that’s irrelevant), until i found out one of my straight crushes from sophomore year was actually gay, and in senior year i forced myself to fall for him. (because i wanted to experience love, everyone was talking about it and i had no idea what it was besides descriptive notions)
well, my theory from back then is proven wrong: i forced myself to fall for a straight guy this time, just because i wanted the feeling, and not at all a romantic relationship. i find that i can force myself to fall for any guy quite easily, provide they’re not a plain “normie” - like they have to have some unique stuff going on about them, but even if i don’t agree with parts of their personality, i can still fall in love.
it’s curious to me that i can choose when to fall and also pretty much when to fall out of love, and the people (provided correct gender) i can fall for as well. i guess that’s a pretty aromantic thing when you look at it. falling in love for me doesn’t take into account the possibility of a romantic relationship, it never has, i never imagined myself in a relationship with any of the people i’ve fallen for or came close to falling for; it’s always some sort of prerequisite they have to fill first (in the case of the straight guy now, it’s his softness compared to other straight guys. being soft/warm was the prerequisite).
anyway, i love living in the 21st century because we actually have terms to describe stuff.
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master-of-stupidity · 5 months
Fuck it gonna put all my Tangled rants into a single thread that I'll just continue on if needed-
Oldest to newest btww (also spoilers most of these r about Eugene btw ik ik I'm a lil autistic spare me 💀)
That one part of Bruno is Orange but Eugene coded-
"Did you hear about that Father
Sent his own infant son away
And said "It's to *dangerous* for
you to stay so, I had to *save* you" "
I may be cringe but I am FREE
Yo omg ok so my brother is singin a Into the Woods song while I look at Tangled stuff n it made me remember a scene from the play where Gothel yells at the Prince "Rapunzel can think for herself!" n like- dude Cass said the same thing in Cassandra's Revenge to Eugene! Ooo girlll-
The way I would kill so many ppl if it meant getting a series about Lance n Eugene as kids like broooo imagineee-
Its crazy how like I'll be enjoying my day than suddenly I'll see a post of a mf going "Hey what if Eugene thought he was a yr younger cuz he was like a rlly scrawny kid?" Yeah ok sure n what if I hit u with a *metal pole*
My tangled ocs r so random its hilarious- like it goes from a bodyguard,a greedy businessman,a ringleader,n than that one serial killer who turns ppl into meat pies like how did we get here???? 😭🙏
I just remembered like just a few days ago my brother randomly said "vase" while playing Fortnite n my ass just said "vAHse" just to fck w/ him n like that kinda reminded me of that one scene of Eugene n Cass like damn they were sibling coded frrr lmao I miss em
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Wdym there was a scrapped Eugene n Lance childhood episode??🧍And WDYM it's literally everything I ever wished for and more???????? 😃
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Would love to see Eugene n Martin Kratt interact solely to see Martin be appalled n slowly lose his mind over how Eugene knows jackshit about animals 💀🙏
I think the Eugene genderbends look so weird to me because none of them kept the infamous goatee like cmon man don't be a coward give that girl some facial hair 🗣🗣
I should not be relating Heather's music to scenes from Tangled the Series yet here we r 😭
Omggg thinking about how Eugene proposing to Rapunzel in tts came from his abandonment issues n him literally not being able to see a life without Rapunzel omgg shut upppp leave me ALONEEE
Literally despise with every fiber of my being how the writers of the shitty Wreck it Ralph 2 movie had fcking RAPUNZEL of all ppl say "Do ppl assume all ur problems were solved just because a big strong man showed up?" They fcking HATEE the movie Tangled *so much* bro istggg
The way I wanna be bold n talk more about the "Over the Corona Walls" ep- esp about Staylan n Eugene n all the icky implications of that but I'm also so scared too cuz I fear ppl won't take me seriously or think I'm overanalyzing too much 😭🙏
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Lowkey not over the fact Eugene was willing to trap himself back in an abusive relationship, "leaving" the one person he HAS died for n would die for again, all to save his best friend like bro don't TALK TO MEEEE
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As u can tell I am totally normal n not at all ill about Eugene or this show 😁
What if I gave Eugene like- slight wedding trauma after the whole "Beyond the Corona Walls" incident??? I think it'd be kinda cool n in character ngll 🤭🤭
No but that prompt for the unaired Lance n Eugene episode STILL makes me so fcking ill bro stg can't STAND those mfss bro 😭😭
"And if I gave up on being *pretty* I wouldn't know how to be ALIVE" is SO Eugene coded idc idc idccccc
You think if I put Eugene Fitzherbert in The Amazing Digital Circus he'd be a walking dumpster fire considering he needs an identity to function n in TADC u like- quite literally don't have one??? 💀
Was listening to an audio last night n now I kinda wish we knew like- what Eugene's mom was actually *like* in a way considering I don't think her character was ever explored :((
Why is this plushie literally Eugene Fitzherbert omgg I want it nowwww
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To the ppl who only see others as their pfps lowkey rlly hope y'all just see me as jester Eugene Fitzherbert cuz that'd be rlly funny n I'd love that 💀🙏 like yes I truly am just Eugene in a jester fit yappin my ass off on twitter dot com LMFAOOO (btw follow me @/theratbatjester)
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lymooniee · 9 months
I've come to another realization--
This scene in particular is so important ahem let me do some sort of analysis:
Firstly, Shadow's desperation to stop Sonic right away by exclaiming they're not real. This right here shows us that he empathizes with Sonic by trying to protect him from getting hurt. He understands these are the closest projections to his reality, so he does what he can to keep Sonic at a calm level instead of letting him spiral. We see this too by the way he guides his hand out to Sonic, but pulls back because Shadow has a difficult time expressing his emotions. I've stated before that I see Shadow as autistic. This, to me, kind of adds to that hc of mine. There's actually a lot of scenes in this episode I could pull to make my point ngl. Anyways, that's off topic a bit, but yeah he has a hard time with placing his empathy into comfort. Yet he still knows the right things to say, I believe this is because he's able to place himself in Sonic's view in some sense.
Shadow gets annoyed by Sonic for being stubborn and once again reiterates how Sonic has much more important things to live for. Like his "real" friends, I think Shadow saying this is so significant because it reminds me of his own backstory. He knows how hard it was to promise to save Maria and end up losing her, so he knows how Sonic would feel if he were to die and not be able to keep his promises or vice versa, where he couldn't save anyone else because of his impulsive decisions. The way Shadow becomes so adamant that Sonic needs to focus on those who are real and truly need saving makes me happy because it once again shows his empathetic side. He may not come out and say "I want to save everyone" but the way he expresses his desire to save those around him and to encourage Sonic in doing so as well, is brilliant. It's why he has in the past saved Rouge and other characters of course too. It's why he does sacrifice himself at the end of Sonic Adventure 2. He isn't heartless, he cares deeply and a character doesn't need to say they're a hero to do hero things either. Shadow can be a hero in his own way, but because of his past and because of him teaming up with EGGMAN. He came to be known on the dark team. You know the funny thing though, is that the dark team weren't even bad, they helped those around them, helped Sonic in many ways, I just believe they have different ambitions hence why they are on a separate team. I've always loved that they never considered them as evil. It makes Shadow such a realistic character in a lot of ways, he wants to save those around him, but he doesn't want to gain praise from it.
The fact that Sonic at first pushes Shadow away, but then pauses in realization. It's so good, the dynamic between them is why I'd love to have a game where they just have to work together and you play as both. It'd be interesting to see them write them as something other than rivals, because tbh, they weren't ever the typical rivals to begin with which I love. I think too it'd be such a refresher from all the poorly written Shadow characterization, it'd do justice for him and Sonic in a lot of ways. I also do hope one day that Sega allows us to play as all the characters again but i digress as I ramble on and on.
To go back on topic, they both wish for the same things but have such different mindsets. Sonic needed Shadow in this, because without Shadow, Sonic would be struggling to keep his head straight.
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orangeprotogen · 9 months
I say this all the time but conservatives and transphobes and the like are literally the only people who have the whole "But what if-" problems with pronouns. "Oh so if someone wants me to call them 'god' i just have to call them that?" name ONE person who has asked you to call them god. I know a lot of people, I've seen a lot more people than I've met, I'm chronically online for christs sake. I have yet to meet or see one person who does that. And the fact that so many of them use strawman arguments like this all the time means that we have to point it out all the time. It gets to the point where "Strawman" loses it's meaning and the conservatives don't take it literally anymore, they forget why we keep calling it that. Because that's what it is. I tried explaining to my mother about pronouns once, which was difficult for sure because she's one of those "Keep an open mind! Not me though, I'll never consider your side of the argument because Ben Shapiro told me that's what liberals do" types of conservatives. Anyway, she pulls out the whole "So what, if some random person at a convenience store happens to want to be called 'master' all the time, I have to just call them that?" and like...mother...no. You don't know that person so 1, you're not going to interact with them 2, you can just walk away if you don't like it 3, nobody has that as their neopronoun and if they do i guarantee you they don't force it onto randoms at the store because they know just as well as you should that you two are never going to meet again! Anyway, back on topic, terfs and conservatives also like to call us "Obsessed" because we want to explain simple fucking 3rd grader concepts to legal adults rather than leave them blind. WE'RE obsessed, apparently. Yeah, I've never seen anyone more obsessed with anything than Conservatives / Terfs are obsessed with trans people and pronouns. Genuinely. I have multiple autistic friends, my sibling is also autistic. They all have their interests and obsession, hyperfixations, the like. For my sibling, it's tanks. They've L O V E D tanks and tank related things their whole life! They have like over 3000 hours on War Thunder purely because they like the tanks. They've spent hundreds of dollars on tank figurines and....well, you get the point. But you know what they haven't done? Start a podcast about how much they like tanks, while talking about them 24/7. They aren't going on the internet to rant about tanks, or going up to random people and saying "Well clearly you don't know how tanks work" when tanks weren't part of the conversations. They don't randomly insult someone else or insinuate that the person is inferior because of their lack of tank info. They don't vote for people purely because the person likes tanks. They LOVE tanks, but they're not an asshole and they're not stupid. You know who DOES do all those things? Conservatives and terfs. Just replace "Tanks" with "Trans people". I haven't heard a single Ben Shapiro episode (I hear a lot of them, my parents are binge-listeners) that didn't mention trans people. That man is a walking Cognito hazard because he makes my brain rot with how much he talks about trans people. I'm literally trans and i don't even talk about it that much.
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writtenonreceipts · 1 year
Hi friend! Can I ask you a book related question? So I read the Skyward series from Brandon Sanderson—those were the first of his books that I’ve read, and I loved them. I’ve wanted to read his other series for a long time, since I always hear so much about them, but I have no idea where to start. Cosmere? Stormlight? I read that they take place in the same universe, so do I need to read those series in order? If you could help me out it would be much appreciated. If not, I’m sure I can find the answer somewhere through google, but I thought I’d ask a friend first 🫶
Hey friend!! Yes! I love book questions! Haha 😄and I love Sanderson too, lol, and never get to talk about it enough. Forgive the rambling that is about to commence 😅
Skyward is honestly such a good place to start with his books tbh. He is very much a high and epic fantasy writer and that series really eases readers into his style as well. I still need finish them, lol, but I'm so glad you liked them! I've just read the first one and it was such a fun reach honestly.
As far as his other books go: The Cosmere is basically what Brandon called the magical universe he created to interconnect most of his books. (I think theres only 1 or 2 right now that aren't considered part of the Cosmere). So yeah, if you wanna choose chaos you can read any of the different series as you want in whatever order. But I do have some thoughts:
I do recommend starting with Mistborn. It is what he is best known for and what really launched his career. It's...it is a little denser, but the world building and characters and pay offs are phenomenal. It highlights a great magic system, political intrigue, overthrowing evil, and heists. Brandon describes it as his Cinderella heist novel, lol. It's the what would happen to the world if the villain had won? And highlights one man's desire to fight kill/eat the rich. The Mistborn books are considered "Era 1". He has 3 series planned set on this specific planet in the Cosmere.
Era 2 of Mistborn: The Wax and Wayne Books. A Western fantasy. And I love it. Queer characters, autistic characters, chaos, broody male mc, sarcasm and puns, marriage of convenience (thought that plot is very small. It's my favorite thing about the series though). The final book just came out last Nov. I'll spare you all the other thoughts lol. But it can technically be read on its own without needing to read Era 1, though, there are a lot of things about this series that work better when read after the og trilogy. I hold this series close to my heart. It's a lot of fun and you can tell Brandon just had fun.
Warbreaker. Handsdown love this book. I want to recommend reading it even before Mistborn as it does bridge the gap of ya to adult fantasy rather well. The magic system is different and fun too. This book has the forced marriage plot a bit stronger, political intrugue, queer rep (albeit small), and magical talking swords that want to kill you be your friend. And I love the female characters. Vivenna is my love. Hands down one of my favorite female characters ever. I don't think this book is talked about enough tbh. I could go OFF an all the things I love about it.
The Stormlight Archive. Get ready to buckle in. It is planned to be a 10 book series. Book 5 should be coming out in 2024. They are 1,300-1,500 pages long. So... yeah, long and epic but so so worth it. Like. I can't even begin to describe it. War, mental health, religious discussions, honor, depression, hope. Iconic characters. I also hold these books special to my heart. You can jump right into this one, but there are references to world hoppers on this book and the magic system is steep. So, I would recommend reading at least Mistborn. But that's just me.
>>Other Sanderson Books and thoughts: The Rhythmatist, people have mixed feelings but I liked it, which is why I bring it up. It's another ya almost adult fantasy. It's another great one to get into the way Brandon does magic systems and world building. Elantris is technically his first published. It was not my favorite. I mean...I enjoyed it but it was hard to get through. You can tell it's his first book. The premise is cool and interesting but I struggled with it. It is technically the first book of the Cosmere universe. He has a book of short stories and novellas interwoven through the Cosmere. If you can find it on it's own The Emperors Soul is great.
I'll stop. I loved this...anyways...
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paradoxgavel · 1 month
😇🐻 Was Henry a decent person? (For the FNaF headcanon ask game!)
Prompt list here!
Ooh, okay, so... I'm gonna ramble a bit, I got a lot to say about my guy lfkjslkjd
Henry is complicated. I headcanon him as being a very detached person. He just kinda doesn't pay much attention to most people. And he tends to be very difficult to get to know - he's quiet, spacey, distant, intimidating, has a serious resting bitch face, is very disinterested in most folks... But once you manage to get through to him (a very tough task. like, he could, at one point, count the people he was close to on one hand) he's a very deeply kind person. Liked making people smile, in his own reserved way. He just also happens to be a curmudgeonly old autistic fella who doesn't care to get close to most people.
But when Charlie died, he just shut down. Walked away from everything. Went completely hands-off. Like, he tried to stay involved with Fazbear Entertainment for a while there in the hopes that maybe he could get his mind off things with work, making the Toy Animatronics and trying to program them to recognize faces in order to keep criminals away after the whole Missing Children Incident in their previous location, but... after everything there went badly as well, he just left. Gave up. To the point that he literally didn't know ANYTHING that happened after the FNAF 2 location. All the awful shit William was doing just kept going on and he didn't pay attention to any of it because he didn't want to hear a single thing about his former business or friend. He blocked every last little bit of it out. He was just sick of it all without his Charlie.
And he knew, yeah? He had to have known it was William, on some level. All of the murders. He's not an idiot. But he can't get himself to face that fact. It's too much. That's William, his best friend who he's been with since college, who is basically a part of his family, that's HIS William. He knows it was him, but it hurts too much to acknowledge it on basically any level, so for the longest time, he just doesn't. He just leaves it all alone and lets him keep doing what he's doing.
But then... One day, William's boy Michael turns up on Henry's doorstep. And he looks awful - torn open and stitched and bandaged back up, purple skin from blood loss, the fella should be dead. Michael actually showed up there to chew Henry out, for walking away, for neglecting to check in and stop any of what was happening, but... as soon as Henry realized who Mike was and how badly he'd been hurt, he just wraps him up in a hug, and Mike just breaks down. The two of them sit down and Mike informs Henry of everything William did. Henry finally has to face it all, internalize and accept it, grapple with the facts, but the thing that kills him the most is:
"Wait. You... You mentioned Charlie. Why did you mention Charlie." "Huh? Oh, I mean, she's still out there somewhere in the Puppet. She ran off a while ago. I dunno where, but she-" "She's STILL OUT THERE? IN THE PUPPET? MY LITTLE GIRL STILL EXISTS AND SHE'S BEEN OUT THERE THIS ENTIRE GODDAMNED TIME?" "I... You... You didn't know?"
... At which point, Henry sits down and almost immediately starts drawing up the plans for Lefty. He's tracking his daughter down. He's determined to clean up the mess he feels like he enabled with his absence, and to get those souls to rest. At that point, he's so disgusted and betrayed and so, so, SO tired that he just wants it all to be over. So he drags everyone involved in this mess down to rest with him, whether they want to or not, which... the intentions are there, but the morals are dubious. Especially considering that he rigged Lefty up to lightly shock the Puppet if it tried to get away - not enough to hurt, but... still.
In the end, in the afterlife, he's Old Man Consequences, sitting by the pond and watching over Cassidy and William. Sometimes Charlie comes and sits with him. Eventually, he convinces Cassidy to let go, for her own sake. To go join the others and get some rest. Leave the demon to his demons. But... he never really leaves the pond behind. William's down there. And Henry can't get himself to walk away. Not again.
So... he's not a bad person, I don't think. But when he loses the main thing that makes him happy in life, he's all too willing to just shut down, shut himself in, and pretend the outside world doesn't exist anymore just because what's the point of any of it. Allowing people to get hurt while he looks away. Children that he was partly responsible for. And his solution to all of it being to trap and destroy them all without their input is... y'know. But he was tired and hurting, and knew they all were too. So he did what he thought was for the best. So he made some poor but understandable decisions along the way outta grief and exhaustion.
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cheemerthelizard · 2 years
after watching half of MP100 season 1 in about two (2) days, I think I can definitively say that Mob is definitely autistic-coded, and that his psychic powers are an allegory for romanticized mental illnesses/disorders.
Mob being autistic coded is pretty obvious to anyone who knows the littlest bit about autism. I'm sure if I watched it in 4th grade, I would say that Mob kind of reminded me of some of my autistic friends, and maybe even a little bit about myself (I would probably also say that watching it in 4th grade would've scarred me for life, but that's not the point). His inability to "get a clue", his uptight keeping with the rules, his utmost trust in whatever anyone says, and many other traits are very reminiscent of traits found in autistic people.
Of course, Mob's personality isn't the main spotlight I wanted to shine on this post, but rather his psychic powers. Now, I personally think that his powers were specifically designed to be an allegory for autistic people who mask certain traits of theirs, but seeing as there are a lot of connections I could make with my undesirable ADHD traits, I believe these powers could be an allegory with just about any romanticized mental illness or disorder.
You may have noticed that I opted to exclude Mob's difficulty to express his emotions in my paragraph listing his autistic traits. Well, this is because that specific trait is linked to him repressing his emotions so that his powers don't leak out and potentially cause harm. Now, in the case of autism, this could be a metaphor for any number of autistic tendencies (stimming, infodumping, etc.) but it could easily serve as a metaphor for tendencies in other disabilities and illnesses, such as the inability to control one's voice with ADHD. They're traits that others consider weird and annoying, which sometimes makes it hard to make friends.
Of course, there's also the "percent till Mob explodes", which can so easily be a metaphor for meltdowns. Now, I'm not sure if it's from the autism or from some unknown mental illness of mine, but I personally tend to bottle things up until they burst, going into a fit of despair and self loathing, accompanied by loud crying that embarrasses me to no end. However, I don't think those are the type of meltdowns that the show meant to portray. I think it was specifically going for the meltdowns that autistic people feel when they reach a level of overstimulation that pushes them past what they can handle.
And, of course, there's a reason I said Mob's psychic powers were an allegory for romanticized mental illnesses. That's because of the usage of psychic powers in the first place. Everyone wants psychic powers. I mean, imagine all of the things we could accomplish if we could use telekinesis or see ghosts! This same mentality is used to tell people of any neurodivergency that they should stop taking their "cool superpowers" for granted. People with ADHD can get into the zone when they really like something and get so much done (and absolutely zero done on things they don't like)! People with OCD can always live in a clean space (and compulsively pick/scratch at their skin, leaving permanent scars)! People with autism can see the world in a different way than everyone else (and can become ostracized from that world because they see it differently)! These things are similar to what Mob has to deal with regarding psychic powers.
tldr yeah Mob is the autistic icon the anime community needs. him and jotaro are besties and hang out together not talking the entire time
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Hell yea! You hath summoneth me with this! You know what will happen, right?
Asks Galore Attack!
1, 10, 12, 18, 21 (I already know the answer is yes, but it's the elaboration that tends to be more interesting and revealing. Ex: what do you consider as "spiritual" in the first place? Do you see a difference between your understanding of the spiritual with those around you?), 23, 24, 34
Have fun!
Oh no how horrible, the anticipated Lyndis attack! Hi Lyn nice seeing you here :3
1. What are 3 things you'd say shaped you into who you are?
Probably my fire emblem hyperfixation and the aftermath. I played 3h, then made an instagram because of it and met a community of people who liked fire emblem, then I made several friends, got better at drawing and eventually took up 3 new hobbies! The friends I've made as a direct result of fire emblem (that includes my octopath friends! This blog wouldn't exist without fe3h!) are all wonderful and amazing and I love them AND YOU LYN!!!!
I think also one very specific thing my mom would do had a huge impact on me. Sometime in the early 2000s, she read an article in a magazine that said you always have to cultivate your kids' hobbies. She did that and I'm extremely artistic as a result. She always got me the supplies I needed and loved seeing my art. I never would've been able to start sewing or papermache if she didn't support all my art so passionately. My siblings too, she got my brothers loads of instruments and I hear them play everyday.
Last one is probably just being very mentally ill and autistic. Since kindergarten, I've always been acutely aware that I was extremely different from everyone else. It was only when I got my autism diagnosis that I actually figured out why I struggled with making friends.
10. Would you say you're an emotional person?
Yep! To a bad extent! It's fine when I smile and laugh over the smallest things but not so much when I cried for an entire hour because of the first scene with Svarog in tristrat or when I lash out at people. I show my emotions a lot I think.
12. What's some good advice you want to share?
When writing, tilt the screen downwards and write. Don't care about the quality or typos or grammatical or formatting errors, you can correct it later but you need something to correct first. I'm not old enough to have good life advice other than the thing in the last question.
18. Do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens?
Yes to both! I don't know the full lore of my denomination but I believe upset or evil spirits can get stuck on earth with the purpose of making others fall to sin.
As for aliens, we have such a big universe so it's a bit difficult for me to believe aliens have never existed. Even if they're currently extinct or do not exist, I do believe life could evolve and exist on other planets at some point, but it doesn't necessarily have to be right now.
21. Are you a spiritual person?
Haha EXTREMELY funny that you ask this because I do not actually feel comfortable going in depth about the deep lore of my denomination online. Not upset you asked but yeah, unfortunately will not be answering this one.
23. Say 3 things about someone you hate.
I don't really hate this person anymore but used to.
1. He'd threaten to kill himself whenever he was upset.
2. Made constant sex jokes.
3. Dumped all his mental health issues on me and called me insane when I asked if I could talk about my intrusive thoughts because he was scared I would hurt him.
He was extremely selfish and treated me and his other friends like crap. Idk where he is now, last I checked he has a big friend group and is doing better mentally. I'm happy for him because he hurt himself a lot and I'd rather he improve and become a better person than be unhappy forever, but I'm still a bit upset about the things he did to me because I still haven't fully recovered. But again, I don't hate him. It's unhealthy to hate people, it just weighs you down and I have much better things to spend my time and energy on than actively disliking someone I haven't talked to in a year.
24. What's one thing you're proud of yourself for?
I haven't done self harm in almost a year. First anniversary is on the 15th. I've thought about it a lot but I've managed to not give in and here we are! Whenever I thought about doing self harm, I would remind myself that the reason hurting yourself is considered a sin because God loves us and does not want us to be in pain. If the urges were especially bad, I would pray and then listen to music until I felt better. This has worked really well and I'm doing much better than January last year. January last year was one of the worst months of my life so I'm very very happy and proud to be doing better.
34. Any pet peeves?
People who promote revenge or say that it's okay to not forgive someone. I understand how that may seem like a good idea in the moment, but you only hurt yourself by doing it.
"I hated my mean grandma so I vandalized her grave" cool, do you think she cares that much? She's probably in the afterlife chilling with her parents or other dead loved ones.
If your grandmother was abusive, you won't find comfort by dishonoring her. Yes, it is true you'll feel better in the moment, but it's not a good plan in the long run. You'll just be up late at night, unable to sleep because you're just angry. Please, just see a therapist and talk about how sad your grandma made you. It's so much healthier to just acknowledge grandma sucked and to MOVE ON!!! Baby stop wasting energy spraying silly string on her grave or burning the stuff you inherited from her, go to a friend and cry about how much she sucked then play video games together.
Abusive grandma is just one example but it could be anything really.
My brother is a casual berserk fan and due to his poor media literacy skills, he's pro revenge. I need to get him to read the count of Monte Cristo so he'll realize he's wrong.
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litterateur97 · 2 years
Sorry you’re having a bad week! I hope you’re doing alright. I’m kinda shy so I don’t normally send in asks, but I wanted to ask if you’ve considered seeing My Hero Academia? The primary villain/deuteragonist of the story reminds me so much of Beyond Birthday it’s unreal, and there are characters who hearken toward Mello and Misa too, which is awesome. I think if you like any of those people you should give it a watch, it’s one of my comfort anime right now. Here are the characters (BB, Mello, and Misa):
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Have you thought about L’s upbringing in Wammy’s House? What was his education like? Did he have any childhood friends? Were A and B his friends?
Who is your favorite anime character of all time?
Hi there, thank you for the ask! I understand being shy, I don't send people questions very often either lol.
1. So I actually have seen the first two seasons of My Hero Academia and I really liked it! I meant to continue watching it, but with my ADHD I often get sidetracked. I agree though that Bakugo is like Mello and Shigaraki is like BB. I don't think I've met the character who's like Misa yet, but she looks cool! I'll definitely have to get back to watching the series so I can see what happens next. So far Todoroki is my favorite character followed closely by Tsu. I find both of them relatable and I like their powers a lot.
2. I have thought about his upbringing a lot and I have several different headcanons for it. For the most part, I think L was mostly a loner and didn't interact with the other kids a ton. I think he had lessons with Roger and Wammy and then started educating himself on various stuff when he got his computer and got bored of what the old men taught him. I think he didn't have any close friends, or anything he would truly consider a real friendship, but got along alright with some of the other kids there. I imagine he would act polite to keep up appearances or to get what he wanted from the other kids. He probably mostly stuck to his room though. Wammy probably tried to encourage him to talk to the other kids until L started solving cases and he realized that was what L was most interested in. I think he probably got along with A and had a complicated relationship with B. He probably kept them at a distance because he doesn't like to get close to others, but still cared about both of them even if he didn't outwardly express that. Maybe they helped him with a few cases and he got to know them slightly better than the other kids at Wammy's, but he still probably wouldn't have labelled the relationships as friendships. Especially if he went on to make them his first successors, he probably tried to make them more like his colleagues.
3. My favorite anime character of all time is L. I have always found him to be incredibly fascinating and I relate to his character in multiple ways. I don't see a lot of autistic representation in the media that I view positively, but L was the first character I viewed as autistic that I loved the representation of. He was relatable and flawed and kind of the hero of the story while also kind of the villain of the story and there was so much mystery surrounding him that I could come up with whatever I wanted to give him a backstory. He sits weird like I do and loves sweets like I do and prefers to be by himself like I do and he's a badass. He's polite but also seen as a jerk, which is how folks often view me as well. I really looked up to him while also questioning a lot of his actions. I don't think any other character has come close to giving me all the feelings L does. I love him and I think he's a mess and I think he's capable of more and he gives me hope for myself. So yeah, he'll always be my favorite.
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neuroglitch · 1 year
I think sensory processing issues aren't seen as specific to asd is because
1) sensory processing issues are either an incredibly common symptom found in a lot of neurodivergencies or their own separate disorder that is commonly comorbid with asd (I personally like to think of them as their own separate thing as many people in my family have sensory processing issues but otherwise would be considered neurotypical)
2) it's only in the most recent edition of the dsm that sensory processing issues are mentioned in connection to asd, specifically in the "determining severity level" section (I personally dislike this change since I don't get why you'd use a sensory disorder to determine the severity of a social skills/communication/executive functioning disorder)
But basically it boils down to sensory processing issues being acknowledged as a common symptom in multiple disorders before this current wave of asd activism, combined with sensory processing issues only recently being officially connected with asd in the dsm.
Also I just want to say I really appreciate your posts about symptoms not being tied to one diagnosis and about relating and stuff. Sensory processing issues run in my family, and I had ongoing trauma my entire childhood that started before I can remember, so it's literally impossible to say in my case whether I'm autistic, have sensory processing issues and trauma, or some combination of those things. I've also got some type of dissociative plurality thing going on but it doesn't really match the experiences I've seen other people describe and like. It's just really nice seeing the acknowledgement from someone else that not everyone is going to fit neatly in the boxes created by the dsm or online disability communities
Hey!! Yeah I think you are correct on account of the sensory processing - it's a trait commonly seen in a variety of difficulties (and even on its own entirely), and not as heavily associated with ASD specifically. And I feel like if hard pressed, most people would eventually agree that no ONE symptom or trait cannot exist in the same form in someone who's not austistic. And in that way I find myself questioning the protectiveness over certain terms that are used to describe some of those experiences. Esp when it's directed at other disabled and marginalized people who are looking for community and language to describe their experiences.. (not arguing anything, just thinking out loud :p)
I'm happy my post resonated with you!! I relate to what you describe to a degree, as well as I relate it to the experience of a number of my loved ones. And it's really one of the reasons I'm so against this "disorder superiority", where symptoms occurring outside a confirmed specific 'correct disorder' are considered misconstrued at best, fake at worst.
Which leads to everything from people telling me I "must be austistic" because I'm so awkward and weird, to people insisting my friend must have terrible "repressed childhood trauma" she has forgotten bc she has experiences of identity compartmentalization, to people hating on me for being "endo" until they talk to me for ten minutes and then insist I have osdd, to me anxiously trying to avoid using terms like stimming because it's not "mine" and I'm a bad ally if I don't say "fidgeting" bc only autistic people stim (but I also fidget and it's not the same thing), claiming my heavily traumatized partner can't have the symptoms of DID because most of the major trauma happened after he was 10, etc etc.
And it's shit bc for someone like you, it's not like you don't relate to autistic experiences a lot (orherwise you wouldn't be wondering), but unless you are willing to publically agree that you're austistic, there's going to be people who will be armchair diagnosing you if you talk about you experiences, or who will find it distasteful for you to discuss your experiences.
Similarly to how people on occasion have been SO MAD about my odd little plural identity stuff, until they conclude that I'm osdd but has been misled by the evil antipsychiatric agenda or whatever.. and it's like.
If the ONLY thing I would need to do differently for those people to stop being unhappy about my public behaviour is to diagnose myself with osdd (a disorder not present in any diagnostic manual where I live, and based on a set of symptoms that has been repeatedly (i believe wrongly) counted among my psychotic symptoms by all psychiatrists I've ever spoken to), then that's fucked up.
[Do these people think that these sets of symptoms didn't exist before they got described in the Big Book? What ahistorical arrogance! To assume that yes, now, at this Peak of Psychiatric Science, we have finally successfully described all things ever correctly, and there could be no more left to discover or describe - yet clearly 30 years ago (or in most of the world) they were (are) missing a lot, according to these very same people?! Baffling.]
Ultimately it really doesn't matter whether any of us could or could not technically be diagnosed with this or that thing. And frankly, as an educated psychologist this may sound petty or even hypocritical.. But fucking hell, I am tired of the amount of deference to our psychiatric overlords and the DSM-bible..
And the amount of toxicity and exclusion and abuse and gatekeeping that is hiding behind "but science says...!".
It does not. It literally does not. I'm not gonna go into it heavily, but the classification of mental disorders is not a particularly data driven project.
Sorry for going off on a whole ass rant... oops... i think I'm in a Mood lol
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autistic-katara · 1 year
WHAT'S CATRIONA'S BACKSTORY?? (love her name btw)
tysfm for asking omg
so basically Catriona had a pretty normal childhood until she was 11. she grew up with her mother and father (for now unnamed) and her younger sister Francis in idk some city in Scotland (haven’t decided which). she and her sister were pretty close considering their 4 year age gap and even lowkey shared a few friends (Catriona’s friends considering Francis a cute kid they could let play minecraft with them or smthn and Francis’s friends considering Catriona a cool big kid who was really good at hide and seek or smthn). but when Catriona was 11 and Francis was 7 their parents got in a car accident and both died. it was traumatic as hell for both of them (obviously) but what was worse was due to them having no family able to take care of them (their dad was abandoned at birth and bounced around the foster care system until he was 18 + their mother was an only child who’s dad had died some time before this and her mother being unable to care for 2 kids) and none of their friend’s families being able to take the both of them they ended up getting separated. Catriona doesn’t know where Francis ended up, she hoped one of her friends’ parents had adopted her or something but she (Catriona) ended up in foster care. she went around a couple homes until she was placed long term with this one family. they were a man and woman in their late 40s with 3 bio kids of their own (a boy a few years older than Catriona named Jacob, a girl her age named Erin, and a boy a year younger than Francis named Harris) and a few other foster kids. The other foster kids (along with the boys) mostly ignored her, Erin seemed to have some sort of personal thing against her, and the foster parents were pretty abusive (to all of the kids but particularly the foster ones). as well as all that the foster parents clearly weren’t equipped to take care of her, given that whenever she (or the other autistic kid there bcz yes do u rlly except me to make an allistic character?) would get overwhelmed or have a meltdown they’d treat it as a tantrum and punish her for it. they also didn’t know how to deal with her hair type (like 3c i think) and just pressured her into straightening it so it would be “easier to deal with”. they were also quite religious (protestant christian) and didn’t care that Catriona wasn’t raised religious and “didn’t really believe in it” and forced her to go anyway (they were also pretty homophobic bcz those kinda ppl typically are which was kinda a problem cause Catriona’s lesbian and very much didn’t wanna have to deal with the fallout if they found out).
one time when she was 14, Erin ended up destroying one of the last remaining memories of her family, a photo of them the day Francis started primary school, with Erin’s mother saying that “it was an accident” and “just a photo” and got rlly mad at her for “being dramatic” over it. so that night Catriona as quietly as possible packed everything she owned could fit into her school bag and took all the money in the house she could find that didn’t belong to the other foster kids. (couple hundred pounds) and left. taking a train to somewhere. somewhere that wasn’t there.
and yeah i haven’t figured out exactly how she meets everyone else and finds the place they live and the order everything happens in nd allat but i’ll figure it out soon c:
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goldensmilingbird · 2 years
felix and bri (pv) for the ask game?
First, Felix!
1: sexuality headcanon - demiromantic ace and probably bi.
Also I hc him as a trans guy, and I think he figured out the gender part pretty early, but haven't figured out his sexuality yet, because he never felt attraction before and was never really bothered by it. Then he meets Ladybug, gets to know her and oh. It all starts to come together.
2: otp - Felix/Bridgette, my original otp. I also have a soft spot for Felix/Allan.
3: brotp - Felix and Allegra as childhood friends. Felix and Claude as frenemies. Felix and Allan as the type of friends who just chill together (I think maybe Claude would bring out his Chat side and Allan his Felix side? Anyway I love this trio). And Felix and Plagg as unlikely friends that start out on a really bad note.
4: notp - him and canon Marinette.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: autistic Felix! Also here is a bunch of random ones:
- he loves vinyl records and later starts collecting them along with books;
- he always brings spare clothes and a first aid kit with him in case of bad luck (and on occasion he used them to help others, too);
- he is almost always cold, even on hot summer day he'll wear long sleeves or several layers of clothes;
- he is sensitive to noise so Allan gifts him a pair of noise-cancelling headphones once, and he doesn't leave home without them since;
- he has a sun allergy (yeah, that's a thing), and Quantics like to joke he is a vampire;
- he uses a cane (as seen here) and he has chronic pain.
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6: favorite line from this character: he has none 😔
7: one way in which I relate to this character: his closed off, maybe anxious nature
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: uhh that one art where he drops the apple on Mari's/Bri's head I guess
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? problematic fave!
Now, Bri!
1: sexuality headcanon - bi or pan! I think she would fall in love easily, and a lot of her crushes would be girls, so unlike Felix, she already figured out she's not straight. If Luka and Kagami were in PV-verse, I bet both Felix and Bri would fall for Kagami.
2: otp - Felix/Bridgette and I have soft spot for Bri with girls (Allegra, concept!Alya, Kagami, Chloe)
3: brotp - Bri and her version of Alya as old friends, Bri and Allan as new friends, Bri and Adrien for pv/canon crossovers.
4: notp - uhh, idk? I can't really see Bridrien or Bri/Claude as romantic though.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head - I'm gonna do a bunch again:
- she has ADHD;
- like Felix, she likes collecting stuff, but it's usually stuff like figurines and plushies or cool rocks and trinkets. But most of her money goes on various arts and crafts supplies or gifts for friends;
- she adds pockets to all of her pants/shorts and some of the dresses;
- she loves listening to music while she works/studies and has a bunch of playlists;
- if not music, then doodling also helps her focus;
- her room is always cluttered with clothes and wips and various other things;
- she tried bringing a stray cat home more than once;
- she likes bugs, even those that are considered creepy.
6: favorite line from this character - she has none 😔
7: one way in which I relate to this character: I guess we're both very emotional and can be quite excitable? I'm not as outgoing though
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: her running after Felix and missing the cues that he is not interested
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? cinnamon roll!
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credit-song · 1 year
It’s 2 am and I have work tomorrow but my stupid manic brain refuses to let this go and I don’t have anywhere else to put this because I spend 30 minutes typing out a YouTube comment and then the page reloaded and it was gone but I can’t let it go so here I am on tumblr instead.
The TLDR is: I think I have autism, but I probably don’t but three of my four siblings have been diagnosed with autism and I’ve been diagnosed with pretty much everything but autism and it would make way more sense if I have have bipolar disorder and autism but maybe I only want to have autism because of how my mom gave my autistic siblings special treatment.
So yeah, kinda a long TLDR but whatever. I have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, OCD, AHDH, Dyslexia, BPD, and got a “you might have STPD” once but wasn’t fully assessed for that. I have four siblings, three of which have been diagnosed with autism. To make things easier, I will call them:
A, the oldest, who has autism
B, the third oldest (I’m second oldest), who has autism
C, the second youngest who supposedly doesn’t have any mental disorders but also has never been assessed for anything
And D, the youngest, who had autism.
Growing up, A and I were close in age, so we were always paired together. My mom figured out pretty early on that A was autistic. We called it “Asperger’s” back then, but we call it autism now, so that’s how I’ll be referring to it. I was always considered the “normal one” in my family. When I was a young child (like, before C and D were born) my two siblings were very clearly autistic, so my mom would literally call me “the normal one.” Like this isn’t me being dramatic, I was literally the Normal One.
My mom infantilized the shit out of A and B (especially A). And since A and I were always doing things together, we were compared a lot. I was “good at making friends” and talking to people “came easily” to me. Whereas it was difficult to A. So my mom told me that I had to be sure to make friends for the both of us. Because it was easy for me and difficult for A. The thing was: it wasn’t fucking easy for me!!! I don’t know how this developed because it all happened when I was so young. But as far back as I can remember, my mom would always talk about how I was the extrovert and good at making friends and had to make friends for both me and A and I would sit there and be like “yes, I love talking to people, it’s so easy” and be lying through my teeth. I found it so difficult to talk to people. I was always saying the wrong thing and people thought I was weird. But I knew I had to be social because A couldn’t so I had to do it for both of us.
I did eventually make some friends, and I was so determined to be that social butterfly and not be the weird kid. Cause the thing was, I was the “normal one” in my family, but other people didn’t see that. I was still weird to everyone else. But I never noticed because my mom said that I was just mimicking what A did and that’s why people thought I acted strange. It wasn’t because I had autism, it was because I was copying A (which, typing that out makes me want to scream because mimicking behaviors is literally a symptom of autism).
Anyways, I had finally made some friends, but then they all decided that I was annoying and cried about everything and talked too much so they stopped being friends with A and I. Only one of those friends stuck by us and to this day I have yet to become friends with someone new and connect with them at the level I was friends with the friend that stuck with us. That friendship also fell apart because I was gay as hell for her but we were in a very homophobic environment so I just repressed it until she got a boyfriend and everything fell apart.
But at this point in time, I was still the “normal one.” I was still the one who was great at making friends (despite sucking at making friends) and great at talking to people (despite people thinking I was weird). I had this obsession with eye contact because my mom would talk about how A couldn’t maintain eye contact with people and how important it was for me to do that. But instead of avoiding eye contact, I would just stare at people when they spoke to me. I wouldn’t even be paying attention that what they were saying, I was too focused on making sure that I was maintaining eye contact. I also had a lot of interests that people found weird but I was obsessed with them. I used to go on lore dumps for hours before I eventually figured out that people didn’t like that and became the ultimate people pleaser who never talked about anything I liked for fear that I wouldn’t be able to shut up when I got started.
Then I moved out of my mom’s house and started college. I was pretty surprised to find out that most people thought I was weird. I failed miserably at making friends. Well, making friends was fine, keeping those friends was impossible. I would much rather stay in my room and spend time on my hobbies than go out and socialize. My poor roommate tried so hard to be my friend, but whenever she’d try to talk to me, I’d just be like “why are we talking? I want to go work on my story, but I guess I’ll be polite.” She must have invited me out fifteen times before I realized that “we should go bar hopping sometime!” meant “let’s make a plan to go bar hopping together.”
I desperately wanted to fit in and connect with my peers, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that they were all getting something that I was fundamentally missing out on. I would come home from class and just scream and cry in my car until I felt good enough to go inside. And then my poor roommate would try to engage in conversation and I’d want to scream but kept a cool face until I could shut down the conversation and get back to my computer.
The only people I really had any sort of relationship with were men who wanted to date me. I was pretty naive, so I was like “oh, I don’t want to date, but we can be friends!” and then we’d be friends but they’d still want to date and would always be like “man, I wish we were dating” but I really didn’t want to date and really wanted a friend so I’d just be like “haha, but we’re not!” They’d always be like “you’re not like other girls” and I’d be thinking “yeah! I’m trying to figure out why!” They very much treated me like a manic pixie dream girl but I wanted them to like me so I went along with it.
I remember once in class, well actually while I was waiting for class to start, I was talking to one of my “guy friends” and I opened up my computer to see that one of my favorite YouTubers had uploaded. I remember feeling this almost painful amount of joy. I didn’t even notice I was flapping my hands until my guy friend goes “are you autistic or something?” in such a disgusted tone that I stopped immediately. I told him about how I grew up with a lot of autistic siblings so that’s why I seem autistic but I’m not. Another time, I was at a party (the one party I went to at college and only when I was a senior), I was talking to a guy and he said that I had “really weird and dramatic facial expressions.” For some reason that sent me into a spiral because “weird facial expressions” is an autistic thing and I can’t have autism because A has autism and I’m The Normal One.
I know I’m making myself seem autistic, but I am actually pretty good at reading social cues! At least, I know that when I do something inappropriate because of people’s reactions. I thought I was good at reading facial expressions until I got to thinking about it and realized that I just don’t know when people change expressions. I will stare at someone’s face to maintain eye contact, but I have no clue why expression they’re making because I’m not paying attention. I think I’d be good at reading expressions in theory but I don’t know because I just don’t pay attention to expressions.
Anyways, I had big meltdown at college and got diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. I moved back home and got to know my younger siblings (C and D) better as they were only 10-11 when I left for college and were now 14-15. D had recently been diagnosed with autism and mental disorders is one of her special interests. I’m also obsessed with mental disorders, so we bonded a lot over that. And I learned way more about autism from her.
Okay, now it’s almost 3 am so I’m gonna try to sum up the rest quickly. I had serious mental health issues after coming home, so I ended up getting all the above diagnosis from various doctors and therapists. But I never felt like they were right? I guess? I definitely have manic episodes so I definitely have Bipolar disorder, but it’s like, okay so when I’m making a drink at work and I have to do it the “correct way” and if I miss a step I have to start over and that’s my OCD, and then when I can’t focus to conversations or forget details that’s my ADHD and when I have meltdowns over nothing and get super overwhelmed and can’t talk, that’s my BPD or my bipolar disorder, and it’s just exhausting to juggle around all these labels to explain everything. I was watching someone talk about when you get a bunch of diagnosis like that it probably means you actually just have one disorder that people are misdiagnosing as other disorders. But I could never figure out that One True Diagnosis. Because I definitely have bipolar disorder, but also something else is going on.
My therapist has suggested that perhaps I like to collect these diagnosises because my mom gave special treatment to my siblings with autism and thus I grew up thinking that a diagnosis meant getting love from my mother. But my mom doesn’t give me special treatment for my bipolar disorder or OCD or ADHD or Dsylexia so I’m subconsciously trying to get new disorders to find the one that will make her love me. I’m paraphrasing here, but the theory definitely holds up. But I also feel like if I had been an only child, I would be convinced I had autism by this age. Because I relate so much to autism content and I do show a lot of signs of autism. But it’s so mild compared to my autistic siblings so I don’t know if I actually have it.
I did get assessed for it once. It was a few months back. I was talking to someone online and mentioned having ADHD and three siblings with autism. They were basically like “hey, girlie, hate to break it to you, but if you’ve been diagnosed with ADHD and three of your siblings have autism, chances are, you do too.” It was the first time anyone had just plainly suggested that I might have autism (in a non-disgusted manner) and it definitely sent me spiraling. I was taking those “am I autistic” quizzes and reading the DSM-5 and everything. Even though the quizzes said that I might have autism, I wasn’t really convinced. But I thought it wouldn’t hurt to get assessed.
So I did, and the psychiatrist met with me and was like “why do you want to be assessed” and I was like “well, I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD but also three of my four siblings have autism, so…” and she gave me some questionnaires to take home. One for me and three for “friends and family.” But the questionnaires were clearly meant for parents of young children and not adults and their “friends and family.” Also my only friends are my family, and I’ve always been the “normal one” (although C is really now the “normal one” since I’m so bipolar). So the whole thing was a disaster. I was also horribly depressed at the time, so I’m the next few times I saw that psychiatrist, we mostly talked about that. She didn’t give me any sort of test?? But I guess the interview and the questionnaires were the test. In the end she was like “well, one things for sure, you definitely have bipolar disorder, okay bye” so I guess she determined that I didn’t have autism. So yeah, guess I don’t have it.
I don’t know. I guess maybe I want to have autism because of my mom? But also me having autism would explain so much. I wouldn’t have to juggle around so many labels. I’d just be a person who has bipolar disorder and autism. I weirdly think that my bipolar disorder is so, you know, disorder-y that when doctors look at how my life is disordered, all they see is the mania and the depression. But do I bite my wrist when I get stressed and flap my hands when I get excited because of bipolar disorder? Do I shut down when someone in my schedule changes because of bipolar disorder? Do I unintentionally piss people off all the ticking time because of bipolar disorder. Okay, maybe yes to the last one, but I feel like everyone looks at me and is like “that person is weird” and I wish I could be like “yeah, I have autism, I don’t care if you think I’m weird.” But I guess I don’t have autism. Cause the psychiatrist just said Bipolar. I don’t know.
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c0rrupted-mov · 1 year
dr3 chiaki for the ask game?
i kinda don't distinguish dr3 and sdr2 Chiaki becuse I close my eyes at the part of the canon that says she's dead lol. it's my world and my rules she's alive and well ok
favorite thing about them
Her passion to her hobby/talent. I relate to that a lot and also find it a very interesting quirk of hers. Like other ultimates don't really lose their sleep and food to do more photos or cooking or else. Other than Ryota and that's why we kin him too. Idk makes me wonder why Nanami is the way she is
least favorite thing about them
Here's two 1) The way fandom treats her. She gets SO much hate and for what? She just wanted to play her silly games all day and have friends :( The "mary sue" treatment like yeah she's not the best written character in the series but she's fine! It's not a crime to not have a detail backstory or character. it's sad we don't have it, but it doesn't make her awful. Oh and I HATE the "waifu bait" thing!! The fact that Kodaka said in the interview that he made a character with similar hobbies as him is not the same as waifu bait! I can relate to this feeling of his and see nothing bad with it. She's not just a pretty looks and "uwu gamer girl" (she doesn't fit the stereotype at all imo) and those who think otherwise didn't really pay attention to her. And 2) How little focus she has despite her role. I wish dr3 spent some time developing her character and story. We know very little about her life before the events! And it's sad! Her behavior gives a lot of food for thought of why she's the way she is and I would love to see more canon material about it. Esp if we consider that in canon it's the real Chiaki. Not focusing on her as a person was a big mistake
favorite line
From sdr2: "Nagito can you please be quiet" like yes girl!! So epic of her. AND THE WAY NAGITO IMMEDIATELY SHUTS UP FDKGMJ. And "How should I lure out Nagito? No, acting sexy won't work..." like girl why was it the first idea you had huh?? Huh?? huuuh??? 👁👁👁👁
From dr3: "I wanted to play games with you... One more time..." and her whole near death speech in general. like GIRL YOU'RE DYING AND YOU THINK YOU'RE THE ONE WHO SHOULD SAY SORRY?? Let me hug you T^T I had to rewatch that scene for this and it breaks my heart everytime. ON A BRIGHTER NOTE it's not a line but a k.o she gave Hanamura even tho she was affected by the soup. It was so badass of her like YEES GIRL SHOW HIM!!!! #HanamuraSlander
So many honestly... Hinanami and even komanami, her and chihiro and her and sonia... I feel like she would get along with a lot of people
Komanami 100%. Nanami canonically has always been the only person in their class who didn't hate Komaeda at every point of the story. She has always shown compassion and support to him. While also not approving of his wrong actions and doing her best to show him that there's other way. That he can be their classmate and friend too. There's part in her dr wiki page that says "Even self-deprecating Nagito Komaeda understands that Chiaki would always invite him even if no one else would" LIKE?? And people still say that they canonically hate each other??? I'm sure they were friends in dr3
Hinanami lol. Sorry to every hinanami lover here but I don't see the chemistry at all. And I just feel like the impact they had on each other hits stronger if you think of them as friends. At least it's the way I see it lol. Don't think it's bad tho, it's definitely nice. Just not my cup of tea
random headcanon
Autistic!! It makes SO much sense, the most making sense thing possible ever. Gaming is also her coping mechanism and a way to hide from outside world, that feels too unpredictable and scary to her
unpopular opinion
Things i said in "least favorite thing about them" and also does headcanoning her alive and giving her more character traits and more detailed story counts? idk. Also there's no way she's as skinny as in canon
song i associate with them
"Apparently there's a cheat code for happiness" eng cover by Milkychan. Because I heard in a first Nanami edit I saw back in 2019 by an editor that since long deleted their videos... They greatly inspired me to edit too. Other than that it also fits her. The way she also interprets things in life as in video game. I can see her understanding key elements of happiness at life as some video game achievements or boosts klhgbn
favorite picture of them
One apple tall
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butchviking · 1 year
idk if your post was rhetorical but it got me thinking. my def of transgender is someone who thinks performance or lack thereof of sex-based stereotypes Means Something intrinsic or pathological about themselves. up to and including 'internal' stereotypes (see women who think they aren't women because they don't enjoy performing femininity 'for men' but like performing it 'for themselves').
tbh i think the draw of the transgender label overall is the fact that it has so many definitions and can't be pinned down. discussing it w trans friends irl has always wound up "well transness means something different to everyone" even though that isn't... meaningful. (if trans means something different to everyone what is the 'trans community'? 'trans activism'?) and any further attempts to understand are considered stupid at best and hostile at worst. i'd be so curious to see what trans-id'ed people would say transgender means to them honestly like besties i've been trying to figure this out for a decade give me something to work with
it was absolutely not rhetorical! im rly interested in this conversation.
"means something intrinsic or pathological about themselves"... that's definitely a broad one. i tend to think that my own lack of performance of sex-based stereotypes (not an entire lack im sure, there will still b aspects of female socialisation that have seeped into me, but im relatively gnc) means smthn intrinsic about me, but it's not that i have a gendered soul - it's that im stubborn, prone to defy, autistic (so don't pick up/care about social rules) , and that im just naturally, intrinsically, kind of loud/brash/agressive/etc and those traits happen to be coded as masculine in the society im in. i think many gay ppl would also say that their lack of performance of sex stereotypes says smthn intrinsic about them, and it's that they're gay!
sorry im shooting down every definition everyone comes up w but i think ur right, i think it is totally unpinnable. ive been asking this question to gender critical friends fr a few weeks and ive gotten slightly different answers each time but i think no matter how u define it you're always going to end up either excluding some ppl who are clearly trans and/or including some ppl who aren't. and yeah, when i was first getting into gender criticism & discussed it w trans friends they all said the same as yours did - "it's different for everybody". and maybe one could say "oh the specific definition doesn't matter that much" but when we start enshrining things in law nd talking about protections for trans ppl, trans rights, or even trans communities & trans activism like u said, we surely need 2 know what people are included in that and what ppl aren't
i'd love for some trans ppl to weigh in on this! i know i have plenty following me im not sure how much they read what i say and how much they're just here for gerard image but if any of my followers reading this identify as trans & want to explain what that means 2 them id love 2 hear it. cause yeah, exactly, pushing for anything beyond "it's different for everyone" is usually seen as stupid at best & hostile at worst, but that just ends up meaning that we've got different groups of ppl all defining it their own ways and never even talking abt it between each other and thats only gna divide us further nd leave people having all these arguments abt "trans people" where the ppl arguing aren't even arguing abt the SAME GROUP OF PPL because they both have such different ideas in their head of what trans means. so trans ppl PLEASE weigh in here i promise i'll b niceys
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wet-paiint · 10 months
criticizing porn seems p TERFy. they do it a lot and I'm worried you might be a crypto-TERF? but idk how I'd know bc you could totally just lie.
first of all thank you for sending this ask, i’m happy to clarify :]
yeah, terfs do criticize porn a lot, which is honestly part of the reason i wanted to talk about it. when terfs criticize porn it’s always some form of “all men are evil sadistic scum who get off on violence towards women” which 1) is obviously not true lol and 2) completely leaves out the experiences of men (and trans people) who have suffered abuse in the porn industry. also, they’re terfs, so their social commentary will never have any value because it’s an incomplete and inaccurate lens of society.
i’m not condemning porn itself, or even the porn industry, though i do think there are a lot of problems with the industry. i’m more curious about the sociological aspect of porn, because i think it’s mishandled. i think that porn, as a commodity, is an entirely separate experience from sex, which is an interaction, and i’m really fascinated by that! i think we should be considering that discrepancy a lot more and that it could lead to a healthier social understanding of porn. the bottom line here is i’m autistic and super extremely interested in sociology lol
terfs have kind of cornered the market on criticizing porn, and that sucks, and i hope it changes. i believe that there could be so much value in engaging in critical discussions about the place of porn in society and it’s so annoying that terfs have overshadowed the possibility of those conversations taking place. also i’m super transgender and so is my partner and the vast majority of my friends so it would be kind of weird if i was a terf lmao.
tl;dr i’m critiquing porn not condemning it and i hope every terf dies forever and ever amen
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