#(and also yknow. the warcrimes)
opal-owl-flight · 26 days
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Your Protege. (Pt 2)
(Pt 1)
This is the only time theyve shown such sheer anger in front of anyone. Theyre usually just cold, or disappointed -- never furious.
Its one of the times Neo3 actually feared the captain.
Not over how Cuttlefish is this fuckign loony old man who pushes his ideas on young 3, constantly goinf "yall kids think Im crazy but LOOK WHOS RIGHT FOR ONCE", "I cant fight anymore, thats why I got you!", "Youre hero material, kid! Youre gonna be big!!"
Then raves abt how the Octarians are evil
3, who was desperate for praise from someone who reminds them of their direct relatives, does everything he says to do just to be appreciated more.
Cuttlefish taught them how to fight hand to hand. How to move and think on their feet. (Though they were given similar in their younger years)
Cuttlefish was... generally more warm and supportive than their dad, but yknow. A lot of this started bc 3 agreed to work for him. Be his deadly weapon.
Cuttlefish was more concerned abt the Zapfish than 3s well-being then... He knew that the constant praising was working so hes gonna keep doing it. (...mostly bc thats what worked on HIM back then)
After 3 does his dirty work, he realized he should probably keep the kid around bc his paranoia with Octaria is a damn bitch and this kid is one hell of an ass kicker. They dont mind. Right??
3 never showed any sign of wanting to leave. Why would they, he was so kind to them, more than their dad or grandad ever was. (Also the paranoia rubbed off on them. Oops!)
Then, he asked them to go on a longer patrol with him. Pushed them to their fucking limit. Bc of what?? Octaria making moves again? (Octavio did make moves but they were already, as we say in the game, "too far from the objective to really contribute to the fight". This is why agent 4 was dragged in.)
There, 3 saw more and more that hes just a loony old man who wanted to have a fancy weapon to protect him in his crusade. A crusade they never really questioned, mind you. Theyve no reason to believe Octaria was nice in any way, not when they keep trying to kill them. (...in self defense. They havent realized, yet.)
Then they encounter 8, who had dropped her weapon at the sight of them. Raising her hands in surrender. 3 was far ahead of the coot, and managed to actually talk to her and everything. They were this close to bringing her back to Inkopolis as a friend, until the bastard ruined the moment.
Cuttlefish still told them that she was a danger. It might be a trick! Dont put your guard down! Pressured to follow their superior, 3s mask returns to their face, turning onto 8 with the herl shot ready to fire.
Then they all tumbled into the metro.......
....for Cuttlefish to use yet ANOTHER kid (8) to get him out of a hairy situation.
Hes a crazy old man. Only caring for any of the kids beyond the platoon after they do his dirty work.
Like "mmm! Thank you for committing the war crimes in my stead. Youre a good kid, you know that? Anything I can do to support you further? Mmmm???"
...I dont think hes aware.
Hes not aware that hes harming the entire platoon, bc in his mind hes doing the greater good here. Get some easily manipulable kids on the street, shower em with praise and promises of glory and valor, and theyll do ANYTHING for you.
Including the warcrimes you keep wanting to do.
I think...I think he doesnt know hes manipulating the kids. I think he genuinely believes his own promises. He glamorizes the valor of war bc hes a commander who sits in the back of it. He really believes that this is for the best. He believes that this is how you inspire your troops to fight.
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decepti-thots · 10 months
an extremely arbitrary headcanon of mine is that drift privately fucking Loathes chromedome (all the warcrimes against PoWs the cons Definitely knew he did, after Soundwave nearly got shadowplayed) but literally nobody but ratchet has any idea, including chromedome, because drift is very good at pretending he likes people when necessary for the sake of not attracting attention to his past.
and yknow i think he'd like to NOT because he is ALSO someone who regrets basically his entire involvement in the war and is trying to be better. he's trying to let that one go because internally he's like mmmm BIT hypocritical. but intellectually knowing that really doesn't help, especially since nobody seems to hold anything against chromedome at all, as though they don't really think of it as Really Bad.
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rainbowgod666 · 10 months
Sonic.exe: (drunk as shit) an' uh- you... y... uuuhhh... honestly? Your girl isss... rreeEALLYy cool actshtually... (demoman noises) aa- at leasth you donth av to let a one offf phrase thefine yu...
SCP-166 Epon: (showing off her eìre goddess side) y- yuyeaahhh... thscanks for teaching her about... th-uuuhh thE SECOND AMENDMENT (she- did she fucking down half a pint of hard liquor like th- IS THAT IN THE "APOCALYPSE KNIGHT" CODE?) WOOOOOOOOOO! thiss... thissum gus shite i tellyahwat...- anyway ye t- think its hardd? Boi lemme tell ye, im suppos' ta be the Foundation's WAIFU! And thossshshshsheee...ff... fUCKs go after... (sighs) the fuckin' furrybait shy girll
Sonic.exe: prEaCh girl, thats... thatsh whut ye learned from whenyou uh... l-lived in a c...hurch
Epon: y-yuh cause like... me father's alto cLef yknow??? He focken döömped me thaer! Me name meansh fucken MEESTÆK in HEBREw! Like???
Sonic.exe: at leASt yer creatorshnot a fuken EDGELORD! HAAAAA
(They both drown the cringe in alcohol)
Herobrine: the top sniper of the Creepypasta Unit and the Second Knight of the Apocalypse everyone. (Disappointment intensifies)
Tumblr furry: hang on, i get to stay AWAKE and it still counts as anesthesia?
Aubergine Man: its some SCP shit but its actually harmless (turns on red lightsaber) anyway, you said you wanted to transition?
Tumblr furry: yes pls i need the gender euphoria
Aubergine Man: Based.
Aubergine Man: also you get a free blåhaj after gender-affirming surgery and you get three months of hormones free of charge, but then you need a renewal service and depending on the fandom the price can change-
Gaster (from the storage room): afton PLEASE dont advertise during sURGERY
Orochimaru, all the way from the office: yeah! Its annoying!
Aubergine Man William Afton: ah whatever, anyway time for some personalized genital moddding :D
Eric: so... uuhhh
Kyle: no, i wont tell anybody WHAT you used as the generator for dickinbaus
Butters: you promise?
Kyle: considering that i just saw 30 SCPs taped toghether to generate infinite energy from a taco-bell induced diharrea attack from cartman, yeah
Eric: good.
Eric: so... (looms at butter) you wanna do a nuclear warcrime? I want to staple a nuclear reactor to the dickinbaus
Butters: yeah! Nuclear energy!!!
Kyle: what the fuck is wrong with you two
Pomni: what is this... white space?
Ink: welcome to the anti-void
Uncle grandpa: its basically an infinite canvas at the bottom of the undertale multiverse.
Dr.bright: its also a physical version of the Noosphere
Pomni:... a- (spontaneous combustion)
I fucking told y'all
(All the charachters that ever canonically knew or had access to a "white space" like the undertale anti-void/uncle grandpa "intermission space" proceed to nod, agree, and talk about how such a simple concept is THIS complex apparently)
MONIST-1 RA: when i discovered that "Deimos" is also the name of a Madcom Charahcter i... genuinely liked this rock even more
Metat Aun: some people compare me to a scene of an extremely ancient cradle film... "2001 space odissey"... whatever tf that means
P.O.L.L.V.X.: a pilot canonically "pacified" me by having yaoi seggs with me
(Everyone embarassed)
Lancer!Alex (callsign ALPHA): (face bursts from pavement like he got shot from a basement or shit) and i would do it agaaain~
(All NHPs are now currently screaming in abject fear at the UwU NHP-Fucker pilot)
Collector: why are we in ukraine?
Sonic.exe: i wanna teach you how to use a sniper rifle by killing some REALLY bad russian generals
Collector:... considering my lore, i would like you to define "bad"
Sonic.exe: the one we're "hunting" rn? He kills 10% of his squad every time they lose. And they lose A LOT.
Sonic.exe: were using Alex's "special ammo". This one is .65 BMG, Telekill/Depleted Uranium anti-tank DARPA. And theyre encased in fucking NuclearCraft Extreme Alloy. Because the powder used is so reactive it makes caesium and water look like a fart in a kids cartoon.
Collector:... (realizes that theyre basically launching nukes out of a customized-af barrett) what the fuck is Alex ON when he does these things???
Sonic.exe: the autistic spectrum
Collector: oh yeah right
(48??u or something idk)
Xian Xiaoli: i need a melee weapon but all i have is the pieces to make a shotgun the size of a Barbarossa!
RA, from a busted radio: then do it?
Xian: how???
RA: let me use my Funny OP-plz-nerf Paracasualty Powers
Xian Xiaoli: (MONIST-1 RA enlightened noises)
Xian Xiaoli: (shudders) whOOH! That actually felt kinda good... thanks!
RA: any day girl!
Shinji: just so you know, i figured that you didnt wanna do this to "save humanity"
Kaworu: how did you know?
Shinji: Kaworu, we have been lovely breeding each other for 6 hours straight. Its 2 AM and were naked under the covers while we cant feel our S H L O N G S anymore, this is TOO gay to be a "world-saving effort", and honestly?
Shinji, fully embracing kaworu: i wouldnt have any other way ❤️
(They then kept being lovebirds throughout the entire night. Rei was the only one who knew about this but shes based enough that when Asuka asked her she roundhouse kicked her into the wall) (because rei is THUG LIFE BAYBEEEE)
SCP-096: wait, WHAT
Umbral: yeah, my name is like this because he thought "Number 96" sounded dumb. And one day he goes "actually when I watched the anime i never figured out your name" SO NOW HERE WE ARE!
096: at least its a good name...?
Betê Noire betty: please tell me you're joking.
Bright: yep. Were now Alex's OCs because our creatore were associate with Predators
Betty: what
Bright: yeah hes like that
Bright: yep. He has good intentions, but sonetimes the way he goes about them are... excessively violent.
Betty: and he excuses his mistakes with autism?
Bright: only when its ACTUALLY the autism
Hank: no you dont get it- Rye is the girlfriend, and Chelsea is the emoticona support pillow
Chelsea: exactly
Rye: (whispers to chelsea) wait so we take turns?
Chelsea: (whispers back) yeah girl, i got the assets but you got the wholesome
Rye: (whispering) aww tysm
Hunter: honestly nice UNO win there, anyways why are we in your room and what did you mean by "taking your rewar-"
Willow: (stretches Vine like whip)
Hunter: (blushing HARD) oh shit-
(30 mins later, in the living room)
The collector: (staring right at Luz and Amity with the eyes of somebody that is 👌 this close to SNAPPING.) this is what i hear every fucking time i just wanna play pokemon in PEACE, and you two decide to give more material to the "next generation" part of our fandom.
Monika: ok no seriously Alex, your mom is right- YOU CANT BUY MORE YUGIOH DUDE STAHP
Need content for unboxing. ( ◕_◕)
Monika: (mental breakdown) why are you like this
Bright: i still feel you did something REALLY stupid
Clef: RE-LAAAAAX. Alex is a literal eigenweapon but he has a moral compass, hes gonna go there and do the job
Shaw: clef. You basically unleashed the only thing that can kill 682 (and then ressurrect it for "natural order" bullshit) on a small CI platoon that managed to get SCP-882.
Shaw: you sent a nuclear bomb eater to recover a nuclear bomb from nuclear thieves
Clef: (realizes that he is gonna be the reason the Veil is gonna be used as a hanging rope for the CI) fuck.
Epon: why does my "knight" form... excite you so much
Sìgurros: girl, look me in the eyes and TELL me that "fiery war goddes of bare-handed murder with toned abs and large bazonkas" isnt peak waifu
Epon: (teary-eyed from the compliment) t...thank youuuu 🥺
Sìgurrós: exactly :3
Benjamin kirby Tennyson: i feel like i am forgetting something important
Rex salazar: well you know how the reference goes
Daniel Fenton: if you forgot then it wasnt important!
Ben: u guys are right :3 its probably nothing
(Meanwhile, a few trilion lightyears from earth...)
Alex (Gear5): Ğømü ģòmų ñô...
Divinity: (cant speak on account of getting fisted from across every fandom ever at once)
Belos: what.
Luz: yeah so... Alex is about to kill us all
Collector: and its all your fault
Amity: and YOU wanted to join forces with him
Odalia: yeah i know dear daughter, i mean- you get a girlfriend that is a human with less manners than a wild animal? Eh i can survive that. The literal emperor of the boiling isles being not only ugly, misoginistic and bigoted, but also a massive idiot? Oh titan NOPE
Hunter: yeah... considering what he did until now, if i knew he was THIS stupid i would have defected the instant i saw someone else even remotely smart
Eda: congratulations, youre a failure
(And then everyone died in a gigantic HBM mod themed explosion because yes.) (AND there was epic music behind it because here in italy we use sick beats as condiment for explosions)
Herobrine: between Entity303 using all our internet connection for yaoi, and SCP-4335 basically being kirby but with even less braincells?
Herobrine: better than the screming italians and their constant overkillage anyway
Bill: the what
Scunt player: what... ARE you?
Alex, omnitrix transformation 250 "team fortress" version SCOUT ultimate form cyberpsychosis scout: im... your upgrade?
Scunt player: that explains the green
Cyberpsychosis scout: those are a ben 10 reference
The entire fucking server: (peeks to see whats happening) what.
Jax: you know, i get that i need to be nicer to others...
Talloran: BOO! GROW A PAIR!
Jax: (crying in existential pain)
Lmao get rekt
Pomni:... why do i feel satisfied looking at this
Pomni: i want to kill.
Caine: what
Pomni: (looks right at caine) you will be the last one to see this place die.
Caine: what???
Ragatha: (blushing) woah uh-
Pomni: (points to ragatha) you shall reign over the aftermath of my fury.
Ragatha:... thats actually kinda hot ngl
Caine: WHAT THE-
049: im sorry what
1048: ok look we get it sounds weird but-
2295: we want to build an EVA unit!
(Downtime action "Go Diving", gain result 6)
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ALPHA: what the fu-
SCP-035: so uhm... if you ever need to know, SCP stuff is compatible with this setting but uuuuhhh... NOT the other way around!
ALPHA: i have questions and that wasnt one of them
Chara: why does the fnaf movie have a scene where a child does MY "eyes bleeding void" thing?
G. Freddy: in that film im the 「stand」 of a little girl and matpat is there to do the "just a theory" line. Dont ask wtf were the producers smoking
Sonic.exe after hearing about the "pissing on the moon" incident: yeah sure, like eggman actually DID that...
(A few hours later)
Sonic.exe: (traumatized)
Sonic: we told you.
Shadow: seriously, he was drunk, what did you expect.
Sonic.exe: (broken innocence noises)
Tails: is he gonna have that thousand-yard stare for long? I need somebody to debug a program...
Baby: i excuse the glorified dress-up but i draw the line at tHIS
Afton: (doing the California Girls meme as a mass of wires in the Vanny costume... all while the "proportions" are "exaggerated") this is how its fucken done :>
Gregory: really. THIS is the villain of the series?
Baby: the film removed all the nuance dear
Gregory: sick claw tho
Baby: ty
Cyana: (looks around)
Cyana: where the fuck am i.
Susie: kris where the fuck are we
Kris: this is the chernobyl reactor in 1989, we are here because Towa from DBXV wants to stop Boris The Slav Superstar to crawl out of Reactor 4
Susie: oh yeah, side gig at the dragonball time patrol, i remember
Kris: you need some Omega-3 girl
Susie: where the fuck do i find all that fish tho?
Kris: do i LOOK like i would know?
Herobrine: ma dici che qualcuno ci fa caso che noi due (come tutti) sappiamo l'italiano
Sans: seeeeeeeeh come se qualcuno ci facesse caso
Herobrine: la "libreria" a snowdin si chiama "librerbia".
Sans: ...senti un pò blockman-
Alex: im 70% sure this is normal
Cross: Alex, Xgaster is getting springlocked
Alex: yeah thats what i said
Xgaster: (suffering for his fandom crimes in an excessively graphic way)
Astolfo: being in the testosterone squad is actually really based
(postal dude does a terrorism)
Astolfo: i mean, the only reason im here is that all my testosterone went in my Monster Can and im also pretty sure its also a health problem for future me but hey i get to be the sniper because i have the lowest T of all the squad
Astolfo: (another Gmod explosion in the background) which is probably ANOTHER health hazard. but Duke smokes literal kilos of cigars a day, Postal dude heals using crack, and im pretty sure Slayer is like, 1% Biologically Human so im... probably fine!
Astolfo: we get full health benefits (not just dental) and we kill people as the most masculine team ever, so we're not getting bored anytime soon
(another fucking explosion but this time its CLOSER???) (boi wut dhehel boi)
Cimmerian: i have no idea WHY am i able to kill Alex by telling him hes wrong.
Cimmerian: and at this point? im not fucking asking.
Frisk: wait, how did we end up like this?
Betty: see, the thing is, Alex rewrote like three AUs toghether and taped them to eachother, and it WORKED. years later we do wacky adventures and right now were fighting plantera
Asriel, currently escaping from the funny omega flowey joke: FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FU-
Frisk: yeah its the last part thats confusing
Chara (flying on a- thats a fucking jetpack): Dimensional Breach. we are going deep into Asriel's Terraria file to grab a zenith and unfuck things up back there
Frisk: ok... still doesnt explain asriel's starter weapon being a funny prism tho
Massive wave of mindustry drones all ominously chanting the "hamburger cheeseburger big mac whopper" song:
Alex: so yeah, im gonna out-drone robotnik
Sonic:... compared to eggman, robotnik is fucking insane
Sonic.exe: and extremely pathetic
Sonic: exactly my (technically our) point, but still; Alex. WHAT THE FUCK
Sonic.exe: oh no hes doing that thing where hes both in and out of this reality
Sonic: fuck
Ink: so uhm... should we do something about that?
(SCP-3125 stuck in the threads holding the papers that make the Undertale Multiverse while other SCP gods try to pull him out)
Uncle sam: (turns out to be an immortal sarkic man that genuinely wants to help)
[REDACTED]: let him cook.
Vriska: 4r3 y0u 3v3r g0nn4 w47ch 0ur 53r135?
Tf do i know
Vriska: FU-
Shaggy: like zoinks scoob
Shaggy: we fell in the backrooms
Scooby: ruh roh
Rick:... tumblr is-
Emptier than you expect?
Rick: yeah.
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avianreptiles · 3 months
Oc yapping that will make sense to no one except me until the lore doc is public:
My son I hate him
Whenever you see "thinking about the oc 😋😋😋😋" just assume it's about Kenny, it always is, every single time
Anyways, Kendrick always had a problem with codependency, and that really, really reared its ugly head in the last couple of months. He's always had a track record of using his significant others and close ones for the benefit that it saw him, even before being drafted
A less notable example, he initially started the relationship with his girlfriend in college, Amy and when they started dating, he immediately grew distant and cold, and just started using her for things such as sex and weed. It's debatable whether or not he even liked Amy in the first place, but one of the only reasons why he kept her around was just for the cash she had on her and to get notes from her for college.
A more notable example, and one that drew out to the end of his life, is his horribly codependent relationship with Jay. Jay, who obviously loved the man, always had regrets in marrying him. Kendrick, although he did love Jay, towards the end used him as a rock for stability, never really taking in Jay's feelings into consideration. When his mental health took a plunge, he ended up dragging Jay down with him multiple times. He refused to get better and when Jay finally had enough and walked away, he lost it.
Anyways that guy kinda sucked, but in a way that an immature teenager sucks. Like if he had gotten proper help from the start, he probably would've been fine, but his gov was actively parading against that proper help, so eh
He's like one of those characters that, if you idolize, you missed the point of the character
I can't even say he's terrible because there's like 5 different things I'd have to unpack and a lot of "well yeah but he also did xyz" and it all just kinda boils down to corrupt gov takes advantage of a mentally ill transman and waives his human rights above his head to get him to do anything they say, including warcrimes and felonies. It's his fault in some regards but the rest of it is entirely the albany govs fault, yknow
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ebisul · 2 months
TCW Rewatch: Season 1 Episodes 9-12
I have no comments to premise this other than I should really read the geneva conventions
Episode 9: Cloak of Darkness
* Prisoner transport of Nute Gunray
* Dooku sends Ventress to rescue or assassinate Gunray, very different tasks my guy
* Gunray interrogation, Ahsoka going a bit too hard on the bad cop role not very jedi of her
* The separatists want to ensure their secrets remain hidden which
* Nute Gunray is a Certifed Coward
* Argyus is a traitor, kinda expected but i can’t pinpoint what was so off about him, bad vibes fr, this is like the third traiter we’ve had in one season the republic needs to vet their men a bit better
* “Innocent Pawn” yknow except for the multiple counts of attempted murder, the invasion, the probable war crimes, the definite war crimes…
* Gunray was rescued, though could be tracked in a Republic ship bc theyre all dumb of ass
Episode 10: Lair of Grevious
* So war crimes are totally a thing and in the galaxy far far away
* Dooku is using jedi as bait to catch Grievous?? To test him
* Grievous killed Nahdar, Fisto escaped
Episode 11: Dooku Captured
* Anakin gets captured, Obi Wan goes to search for and rescue him
* It was a setup to capture Dooku
* They for sure knew how to block sith lightening in fact we see them do it a lot and just never taught luke lol
* This episode is peak obi-ani bickering
* Dooku captured by weequay pirates, ransoming him to the Republic
* The weequay attempt to drug obiwan and anakin likely to ransom them as well but obi and ani switch their drinks
Episode 12: The Gungan General
* Dooku keeps warning Obi Wan and Obi Wan continues to Not Listen
* The weequay also capture Obiwan and Anakin to ransom them as well, presumably their drinks were drugged but that implies that they either foresaw which drinks they would switch and that they would swap them OR all of the drinks were drugged
* Obi Wan’s attitude with Dooku this whole episode is the same as Anakin’s attitude with Obi Wan
* Interesting character dynamics, i love obi wan and dooku interactions
* JarJar being in charge is concerning because of his sheer incompetence and unfortunate luck
* Obi Wan lets Hondo go, also reminds him Dooku is not as honorable and will likely seek revenge, which is probably why he let him go
War Crime Counter:
Separatists: 4
Republic: 0
no new warcrimes this time that im aware of at least
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greenninja-irl · 1 year
Hi, this is Harumi, yknow, the "whore". I just need to know where the fuck you put your goddamn spaceship pirate thisg so I can commit some warcrimes. Also I'm dad's forvorite, have uneven met vinny? Stupid bitch ❤️🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 these pictures are so fun
@irl-the-quiet-one is me
And I can change this word thing with the button
Have a shit day
No, I'm not telling you where the bounty is, fuck off. I'm his fucking favorite, and you're not his daughter NOR my sister, dont even act like you're related to me bitch.
You can't even fucking use technology right oughng... fuck you. leave me and my ask box alone.
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icharchivist · 2 years
Yknow every once in a while I'll just suddenly remember Lucifer was in a war and probably killed his own share of people, probably more than anyone at the time since Beelzebub drooled over his power.
"He is innocent and did no wrong"
Pretty sure the ones he killed would disagree-
(And maybe I'm wrong. Maybe late night fever thoughts just decided Lucifer looked like he needed some war crimes in the effect of killing many many people)
i mean i wouldn't say Lucifer did nothing wrong ever, but let's look into the casulties?
The two wars we know Lucifer participated on were, respectively, a war against the Otherworld, and the Angel Civil War.
Against the Otherworld, Lucifer is indeed mentioned to have killed a huge, huge share of them. He used to fight them off with Belial by his side. Beelzebub's raid quest shows a flashback of Lucifer rescuing Beelzebub from an Otherworld attack by exterminating all of them while Bubs stares in awe.
And during the Angel Civil War, we know Lucifer participated to the battle, against his better wishes, as the angels were all coming in to fight and kill. It's not unlikely Lucifer at least brought some of them into pitiable state (since the way to kill a primal is. nebulous at best).
Most importantly though, it's Lucifer who set up the Pandemonium. He's the one who kept it tightly locked. He didn't even monitor closely who got locked in it since the Primarches did a lot of the locking (which is why Lucifer only learnt after he closed it that Sandy was in it) And while he did what he thought was best to keep Lucilius's horrifying creations under control, this means Lucifer is responsible for all the horrors having happened in it. Sandalphon being tortured. The primals who were left to be consumed by Avatar's energy like Sariel and IzAz. Astaroth also mentions something like that.
Not to mention there are Otherworldly creatures in the Pandemonium who did use to come here and hurt and torture the primals who had been locked in.
and, on another level, the fact the Pandemonium is a place some skyfarers have been trying to explore, that resulted in a lot of death from them.
Tbh i'd be hesitant about calling out his possible bodycount during the Angel War since primals don't really die (except for him) but he did get forced into inflincting suffering to the people he had sworn to protect (yes because they attacked him first but still). For the Otherworld, he's a war criminal the same way we are on that matter LMAO.
But the Pandemonium and everything that happened in it? is on Lucifer's hands. And I think that's the biggest of his warcrimes.
So yeah, our Lucifer isn't all pure and sunshine, he was created as a weapon and weapon he was. He's just as criminal as the lots of them. It's just that everyone else got significantly more dramatic about it.
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lethalhoopla · 2 years
finally playing da2 and I gotta say it is a crime that they introduce Varric like that and yet don’t let you romance him
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favvnsongs · 4 years
Hey so what is ahead to still waters 👀👀
I - oof even what is Ahead to still waters, indeed, lmfao.
Uhm, so very long story short-ish:
Atsw is the sprawling, all over the place, sometimes a gritty traumatic war drama, sometimes an indulgent opulent space opera, occasionally an uncomfortable psychological horror, more often than not a heartbreakingly tragic and agonizing and tenderly romantic monsterbeast of a catradora(...?) fic that happened when a dubcon chipped!catra/adora pwp drabble morphed into Cry little sister and then that au morphed a second time into Ahead to still waters.
It's @trashcanpunch and I's favorite fic-child and we basically come crashing into one anothers DMs on a constant basis to scream feelings at each other. I mean mostly like angsty feelings as if we're on two different sides of a vicious guerilla war and heartbreaking plot moments or snippets or whatever the fuck are spike pits in the jungle but... yknow.
Lmfao no but uh. basically. Atsw, much like Cls, is the "what if" exploration i guess based on if adora&co had left catra behind after catra had helped to rescue glimmer off of prime's flagship.
(mind you that the backstory "lore" of the universe is only like... 5% canon compliant bc I dont fuck with canon when it comes to aus it's stupid and I dont like being limited like that lmao)
no but uhhh. yeah. without the events of Save the Cat, adora never really becomes she ra again. meanwhile, catra isn't forcibly baptized in the mountain dew pool of doom against her will and shoddy chipped and shoved into the hivemind. rather prime sees how much she's hurting and how much internal conflict and despair she's got in her, and very gently and tenderly and so so so uncomfortably grooms her into turning on etheria. essentially handing over not only everything she knows willingly, but also taking the light willingly, joining the hivemind willingly, but also giving herself over to the war effort bodily in letting him use her physically for the creation of little sister, who is kinda sorta an entirely separate personality? it's weird. that whole aspect is sorta... it hasn't been ironed out yet.
(if any of y'all are familiar with my aus, youll know nothing is concrete and everything is always changing and being retconned lol so things may change but)
catra is essentially given the light rather early? and the light and the chips and the hivemind all work differently than in the show, obvs. and she wants to repay prime for giving her a new home and a place of belonging and a purpose?
(oof and I loooove prime in this au. like. i love him because I have such a love hate relationship with him. and I think that's his entire point?? because he'll Make You Like Him??? and make you trust him??? and it's just So Good. and then you'll be reminded that he's an absolute fucking monster it's Amazing)
no but. so. catra. but also little sister. so like, catra is given the light and she's been relieved of her despair and her grief and her anger and bitterness and pain and all that jazz. she's also done some other shit too but we won't get into that here lol. she's earned her place, so to speak. but she wants to do more. she's a true believer. she has seen the truth and heard it from on high and followed him from out of the darkness with pure blind faith and been rewarded. she has really truly deeply drank the koolaid.
prime basically through some weird process splits her - personality? entire wholeass consciousness?? idek. but there's catra and little sister and theyre two different people but they're not and they have two separate personalities but they dont. and they have different memories and knowledge of things but then at the same time they dont. they share a body and a soul but thanks to chip shenanigans and prime's influence, little sister is intentionally so much stronger than catra, she's the one in control most of the time? and yeah sometimes, though very rarely, catra can shove her way to the front but more often than not prime has to allow catra to be present.
(it's not like she'd want to be anyways. committing warcrimes and whatnot. she's comfy where she is. as long as adora's safe she's okay to let little sister be of service to lord prime's plans. that's okay. as long as adora's okay, she's okay.)
but then yknow turns out prime is getting kinda bored af with the war and the heart of etheria isn't like. he doesnt really want it to blow up the universe bc that's dumb as fuck?? lmao what. he mostly either wants to harness that magic so no one else can have it who Would blow up the universe bc there are much more evil fuckers than Prime out there and they aren't members of the evil version of the space united nations or whatever who are all like "so hey uh what's the deal with basically that giant bomb I guess you were gonna take care of or something...?" or he wants to conquer etheria and her surrounding planets (which is mostly his current plan but etheria is kind of just... being a bitch..) bc he cant really just. leave something like that sitting in what is his backyard now. but either way he's getting really fed up and he's all "alright we're gonna just mass chip everyone fuck it i don't care" or something like that, and then honestly prolly destroy all the runestones or something and then just pack up and see if the planet explodes like a pressure cooker.
but also prime has a bit of a soft spot for catra (I mean its more that that but we're not gonna get into that rn) and shes all 🥺👉👈 do you think mebbe I could go and talk to adora and see if i could convince her to join the light? she might be so happy to see me that she'd say yes?
and little sister and prime are all "lmao this kid" and "oh you sweet summer child, how precious you are. sure, it's worth a try" but at the same time they both know that adora isn't an idiot and that she's gonna put two and two together and realize pretty quick why catra isn't dead and why she has a chip but hasn't been seen in years. and oh gee yeah I mean you've been committing God awful horrific atrocities but sure I'll come with you and join ur cult ex bestie sure ♡•°` so little sister pretty much promises prime that she'll kidnap adora if/when she says no to catra both bc adora is a good asset to have Anyway and bc like it or not she's got a soft spot for catra too, even if she's a spoiled little fuck who gets special treatment.
so adora obvs says no and catra is all 🥺 and little sister is all 😤🙄😒🗡🗡 and so adora gets kidnapped...? politely taken prisoner? ... rescued from maybe being blown up? ... reunited with her ex-bestie who she abandoned to prolly/potential doom? lmao pick one. catra is pouting bc adora was mean and rude even tho catra was so excited and happy to see her again and adora is grumpy and stubborn and impolite and little sister is like "I hate you both So Much" and prime is all "drama! I love it :3"
aaand I gotta go run errands and try to be productive so I guess thats all the explanation you'll get for now.
@trashcanpunch can prolly sum it up MUCH MORE seriously than I can tho lmfao
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kargathbladefist · 5 years
Yeah I feel like both the writers and the fans are 100% ok with racial genocide as long as it’s against the “evil” “savage” orcs. I’ve seen even Super Woke fans try to make excuses for Jaina’s horrifying racism and act like that’s a natural, reasonable response to trauma and not just, yknow...racism. This is especially fucked up because Blizz draws real life inspiration from actual marginalized tribal societies.
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like nobody is gonna deny that the orcs collectively did awful things WHEN under demonic servitude, iirc (?) it wasn’t until garrosh era that they started portraying orcs doing huge-scale warcrimes & atrocities again without the blood curse backing them up which i have my own fucking Qualms with why blizzard thought that was necessary but w/e, unrelated
like… i know in the end wow is fantasy and orcs are a fantasy race and the whole thing is a story but it still gives me huge yikes vibes when i see people (fans OR WRITERS) totally dehumanizing them/devaluing them next to humans/elves or, like you said, implying It’s Okay That Daelin and Jaina Wanted to Genocide Them at some point because They’re Savage Monsters Save For A Select Few
and yeah in the end like………. it’s the racial coding that really makes it unnerving when these topics come up. i feel like everything with jaina is just a really touchy subject to discuss in meta, and has been since MoP, since she’s still a traumatized female character in a game that is notoriously Bad at portraying women and portraying ppl with mental illnesses, but i gotta agree that that DOES NOT in any way make her actions after theramore okay. “understandable but not justified” 🍵🍵
part of what pissed me off with how her character was positioned in MoP was the whole orc racism thing *because* the core of her character before that WAS that she was THE human character that made relations between them and the orcs possible. i’m not saying women should not be able to react to trauma in fiction, i’m just saying if it was any other character in this situation i’d be less miffed but since it’s jaina it just bugs me that they’d go that direction with her and it took me a while to come to terms with the fact that a character i had always identified as the open-minded, down to earth, young leader and who stood out among the alliance because of that ended up becoming unnecessarily close-minded and bigoted (to the point where varian was literally the more coolheaded of the two of them in SoO, when she was just like KILL THEM ALL)
i feel like this whole discourse regarding jaina is clouded by the fact that a) blizz has been wishy washy on what exactly they want to do with her character for 7 years, b) the bulk of wow fans’ opinion usually is either a hard “jaina is an evil dreadlord Crazy Woman who wanted to drown all orcs so we should raidboss her!!!” or “jaina is completely justified in her actions because she experienced severe trauma there is no grey area here fuck you orcs are evil” and c) the folks pulling the strings w/ how she’s written are probably all white men
this is getting long but i also just wanna ☝☝ the thing about “Blizz draws real life inspiration from actual marginalized tribal societies”, thats so important. hugely touchy subject that i wish had more discussion in the community (but since the community is probably like 90% close-minded white gamers its like yeah right) i’ve seen a few posts making this point about trolls and how up until bfa they’ve literally ALWAYS been the villains outside of the single darkspear tribe so i’m just really happy zandalar happened the way it did (even if it did become a raid and even if the alliance did the shit it did). i know there’s a ton of problematic elements to how poc cultures are pretty much exclusively represented by non-human species in warcraft and how that is extremely otherizing, AND the awful saturation of stereotypes but. discourse for another time
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ebisul · 2 months
TCW Rewatch: Season 1 Episodes 5-8
These get more interesting the less serious I take it. I’m actually at season 2 now and moving these from my notes app so the formating gets a bit funky.
Im considering uploading my phantom menace notes bc i truly am qui gon jinns biggest hater.
Note: Episodes 6 and 7 are not my favs so they get shorter notes but Bombad Jedi unfortunately got more than average notes even though it is the jarjar jedi episode. This is a grave disappointment but I feel it makes up for the lack of notes in 6-7.
Episode 5: Rookies
Clones are being sent out to war before they are finished with their training putting them in charge of highly important stations that prevent invasion for the Republic
Totally sound plan, guys, good job
Cody and Rex inspecting the stations while Obi Wan and Anakin search for Grievous
Droid invasion of the Rishi Outpost
Ventress is spying on Kamino? For what purpose
Yknow, other than the fact that that is where all of the clones come from
The separatists are planning to invade Kamino.
That explains why ventress was spying on Kamino because they want to cripple the GAR supply chain which is a fucked up notion bc these are people and not just products but i doubt the separatists care
Hevy sacrifices his life to destroy the outpost to protect kamino and alert Obi Wan and Anakin of Grievous’s attempt at invasion
Episode 6: Downfall of a Droid
R2-D2 is missing and has valuable information about the GAR that Anakin didnt wipe from his memory leaving a risk of a security leak
Trandoshan smuggling R2 to Grievous so they know R2 has the info?
Is R3 programmed by separatists? Suspicious
Episode 7: Duel of the Droids
The trandoshan takes R2 to the listening post thats intercepting communications between republic forces and transmitting them to the Separatists
R3 was a spy
I knew it
How?? How did he even get there??
Anakins team explodes the spy station
Dramatic ass droid fight goes crazy tho
Episode 8: Bombad Jedi
Rodia is in crisis
Rodians are starving and Supply ships are getting attacked by pirates. Rodians have lost faith that the Republic will assist them in their crisis
“My people will starve all the same”
The republic postponed a vote for a relief effort to assist the Rodians
Padme assures the Rodian ruler that they will get their food but that doesnt not change that they need it now
Nute Gunray (separatist and the viceroy that attempted to assassinate and overthrow padme) has sniped the opportunity to assist the Rodians and earn their allegiance
Conflict of allying with bad people to protect the lives of your own civilians and betraying the “good guys” for the health and saftey of others
“To live in fear is no life at all”
Conflict of morality, protect the life of your dear friend or the lives of your starving people
That robe is totally anakins and c3po totally knows it
Badass padme escape as per usual
Padmes got hands
Padme is planning to capture viceroy gunray while he is on Rodia
Gunray wants to execute Padme as a prisoner of war which feels like a warcrime
He is also withholding from fulfilling his end of the deal and not providing the promised relief effort
Overall, dick move
Ono only wants to see his people live
C3po contacts the GAR forces
Execution by firing squad is wild for a generally innocent, unarmed(?) woman
I refuse to praise jarjar for anything
Ono double crosses Gunray and arrests him, although Padme saying that was the plan from the beginning is a likely bluff
Viceroy Gunray is arrested, a major victory for the GAR and weakening the Separatist leadership
War Crime Counter!!!:
Separatists: 4?
Republic: still 0 but just you wait its coming
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favvnsongs · 2 years
top 5 aus of yours!! :3
this is hard because I have... a lot. I didn't realize how many I have until I had to think on it for a moment lmfao. uhm, okay. I mean I have more that I love than these five but these are the ones that I guess I love and that also have.. content? yknow.
ahead to still waters: i cant not do this one. the yucky angsty 'screw canon i do what I want' space opera chipped!catra darkfic has been my baby for nearly two years I think lmao. nothing better than mindfuckery and warcrimes and dopplebanging and political subterfuge.
hear the words and have faith: the other really big one, where lexa dies almost immediately and then comes back wrong, hopeless and despairing and without purpose. it was originally clexa but not it's more sort of lexa&clarke and maybe they'll occasionally hold hands and verbally acknowledge that they love each other but aren't in love with each other because messy and convoluted. also my small brat son aden is heda and bullies the sky people♡
for the windows in paradise: I only just remembered this one exists but scrolling back through the tag was like 'oh Thats why I was so enamored' - the ftwd/spn kidsquad/calicia au. disaster nicholas who only just got his shit together and then the world decided to end, and 'holder of the one braincell' alicia, and fallen angel christopher. and it's funny because christopher is Technically nicks guardian angel but nick is like "fuck off leave me alone" so he just sorta pals around with alicia most of the time? anyway. it's cute. theyre cute.
east of the sun west of the moon: clexa again, I do love fiddling with fairytales. its another one of those Big Ones, but the synopsis is in the tag somewhere♡ I've always been a sucker for lexa and nia having a weird student/teacher - toxic mother/daughter relationship though. especially when lexa hates her guts the entire time all the while taking advantage of whatever benefit hanging out with nia offers.
Uhm. fuck it we'll throw shapeless in there too
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