#oc: jay lombardi
avianreptiles · 4 months
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Redrew that one meme
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lilgreenfox · 4 years
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For the Chambers & Charizard campaign I run, I've drawn the rivals once every IRL year. Check out the improvement over time!Left - Darna Ravelo & Varga, Middle - Jay Lombardi & Arson, Right - Kip Gilligan & Mairu ===
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the-angel-of-filth · 4 years
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I’ve been doing some redesigns of my Solar Flare Ocs as of late!
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dibatag · 9 months
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This is absolutely devastating to draw and to think about because these two ocs have been in my head for months and I'm shaking as I draw this
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avianreptiles · 2 months
wow avianreptiles from tumblr, talk about that sad pathetic cunt again!
Assorted things I've been thinking about lately/not so fun facts/extremely intricate lore doc snippets:
So tw for death/brief mentions of alcoholism and drug use/vaguely talking about suicide
-I based Kendrick's personality and general attitude on my brother. They're both extremely arrogant and hard-headed. I also gave them extremely close birthdays (they're both Tauruses)
-Kendrick's bday used to be on 4/20, then I realized that was kind of mean given his history, so I changed it to the day after
-I always talk and think about "If Kendrick lived xyz," but honestly? He was doomed from the start. There was no getting better for him, if he lived past 2125, it was just prolonging a guarantee.
-Moving on from that depressing statement, here's another one: Kendrick looked a lot like his paternal grandfather, but not much like Mac. His horns took on the more curved shape of his grandfather's, as apart to his father's. When Kendrick drunkenly attacked his father, Mac definitely got flashbacks to when his own father drunkenly attacked him decades prior, when he was the same age as his son.
-Mac's father, a once renowned politician turned alcoholic abuser, more than likely drank himself to death after his son and wife left him
-so here's how aromantic allosexual Kendrick can work: trust me
-Kendrick's official Albanian military records for confirmed kills are extremely inaccurate. He lowballed his estimates and straight up lied and said he didn't do some things entirely. He did way worse and way more things than what he reported back
-If this guy were a real person I'd hate him
-While the government is mostly to blame for what he turned out to be (a relentless and cruel individual who slaughtered his way through any situation at hand, who realized way too late what he was doing was wrong), he did throw away literally any ounce of respect for human life just to live to see the sun rise in the morning.
-There was no justification for what he did and he knew that
-There was no redemption or coming back from what he did and he knew that
-Lore doc is at 19k words rn
-Jay was a little in the wrong for sticking around and defending continuation of Kendrick's position in gov/military. The emotional damage received in 2125 was kind of on him. He knowingly stuck by the side of a man he thought he could "fix." Jay's ultimate decision, when it came down to him, to keep Kendrick not only in the military, but in such a high, commanding position, after it was revealed he was an Albanian Dissenter, was a very bad one.
-Kendrick's night vision/vision in general was magnitudes greater than the general population and his peers. On the same coin, because he was so reliant on his sight, he was way more susceptible to eye damage, whether it be from flash bangs, the sun, or even on one occasion, having old car oil thrown at his face.
-He killed 2 men in cold blood because they stole his boots
-For the last couple years of his life, when half of his face got ripped off in the car crash, he was not an avid fan of mirrors or reflective surfaces. He witnessed the dead, mangled face of his mother when he was 12. Due to their facial similarities, he did not want to see the dead face of his mother every time he looked in the mirror, so he just didn't look in mirrors.
Anyways I'm done with fun kendrick facts with avianreptiles, most of them weren't fun, most of them were demeaning and kind of terrible to think about, but this guy is engraved on every single neuron in my brain so oh well
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avianreptiles · 5 months
Thinking about those fuckinh ocs again
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avianreptiles · 4 months
I do not know much about your ocs!! Can I get a rundown on em?
Absolute quickest rundown I can do like Absolutely ever (its still long, but any shorter, I'd be leaving out wayyyy too many details):
Tw some death and suicide
Us falls apart and shatters into mannnyyyy countries, two of which being The United States of Albany and the Republic of Massachusetts. These two hate eachother. So much so that Albany declared war on Massachusetts not once but twice. Cue some jackass named Kendrick who lived in Albany. His mom died in a car crash when he was 12 in a very gruesome way, but he and his father had a good ish relationship until he got to the 2nd half of his first year at college where he plummeted academically and never recovered. He dropped out of college, took up drinking and smoking pot, and ended up getting a beer bottle shattered over his head when he attacked his father (going really fast through this, but so much happens here that I'm still not even through it on the lore doc). Same night as beer bottle incident, he found out he got drafted to the military.
Fun. Anyways the military sucked the life out of him, so much so that he was never 100% himself even after getting out of the military. During his time in the military he racked up a name for himself (negative) and ended up being known as one of the most dangerous men in New England. Fun. Anyways he eventually figured out that maybbeee the war was bad and got damn near almost killed (this will happen 3 or 4 more times) for going AWOL. Gets the bright idea to just. Switch sides. So he does.
Switching sides was horrifyingly easy. Because Boston (because the Republic of Massachusetts collapsed like a year or two prior) was getting its ass kicked in the war, there was a lot of weak points in the military and Kenny ended up getting the title as "Commander" of one of the "armies." The structure of military was being held together by a toothpick and Kenny had to basically reform a military that he had helped collapse not even that long ago, making many enemies in the Boston government that thrived on the newly given power handed over by the weak military. One of these enemies would be Juniper Barron who will be important later.
JAY. OKAY. So Jay is someone who noticed Kenny join the military and instantly went "yup, that's certainly my crush right there" and the two of them got very familiar with eachother. I am going to criticize this guys actions right now. It was a bad idea to do that. Kenny didn't really want to give up the fact that he was infact an ex-albany soldier. So he didn't. If the following shit had not happened, there is a good chance Kenny could've kept this secret for decades.
At some point, about 4 years into being a Bostonian soldier, he ended up getting in a car wreck that basically killed the front two passengers, leaving him and some kid under his command, Colten, coincidentally Jay's cousin. So they're both properly stuck in the middle of fucking no where Massachusetts and to make matters worse, Kendrick was seriously injured to the point where half of his lower face got ripped off. Terrible. Oh well. They ended up getting by for a couple days before the unit that Kendrick had been in prior in the Albany armor caught them and after some elaborate fight he ended up getting stabbed. Being in the middle of nowhere, Kendrick was pretty damn content with dying out there, to Colten's horror, and had no real backup plan to if he lived. He lived. Help arrived last minute and he lived.
After coming out of that alive, he had to basically explain to the military that he was infact an ex-albany soldier, and after LOTS OF FIGHTING between higher ups, when it eventually came down to Jay whether or not Kendrick was allowed to remain as commander, Jay made (A decision I will criticize) the decision to allow him to continue. It ended up being a good decision, but it came with its criticisms. I will go ahead and say that Jay was thinking with his dick.
After a little bit, Kenny and Jay ended up getting technically unofficially married, but they just loved eachother too much.
Anyways Juniper Barron needs this guy out of the military, like stat. She comes up with this whole elaborate plan to place some guy named Luell under Kenny's command, and have Luell just assassinate him, which ends up working for the most part, but Luell overlooked 1 crucial bit of the plan, that was making sure that Kenny was actually dead. Kenny mauled that man alive. Anyways
That didn't work so Juniper just decided to full on coup d'etat the fucking government and ordered all of the people under Kenny's command to be arrested, along with him. Kenny and his unit were very tightly knit. Cue Kenny having to be muzzled cuz he took out a chunk of someone's arm in what I imagine sounds very homosexual to whoever's reading this. Juniper Barron, with everyone that she needed under arrest, under arrest, singles out two people of the unit to see if she can get anything out them, information wise. Upon getting nothing, she threatened one and the other kicked the shelf next to her, sending a gardening tool on the top shelf to cleave through her neck, killing her. Juniper's coup d'etat failed and the military part of the gov gained a little more power than before.
He's still pretty solid with Jay, and they still love eachother. Jay notices somethings off but brushes past it. Kenny's livelihood was centered in the war, it was all he had known for years. The closeness with those under his command was the only closeness he had, as he thought his only relative in Albany, his dad, had died years prior.
Cue a little bit of peace time and all of a sudden, very important member under Kenny's command is killed during a mission. It couldn't have been a stray round, and the entire unit was shocked. Kenny took this to heart and subconsciously blamed himself. A couple of weeks later, the best friend of the one that was killed put a round in his foot to get out of service. He ended up having to amputate the leg later on.
Down two crucial members, Kenny is just fucking plagguueeeddd by the memories of what he did years prior as an Albany soldier. Absolutely losing it. He took up drinking again around this point.
That unit he was in back in Albany? Came back. He ended up having to fight them on his own like a guy in a gladiator fight against a pride of lions. By the time they're all dead, he's straight up not having a good time. He put to rest the unit that ruined his life, making sure that it would never be in operation again, but he just felt immense guilt about what he did during his time in the unit. Around this time, in the back of his head, he started to just consider suicide as an option. He would not be a normal functioning member of society after what he did and what he experienced.
Not long after that, he ended up getting seriously injured again to the point where he had 5 years max to live. The injury severely stunted his physical activity, and to someone who based their entire ego on the ability to fight back, it was possibly the worst thing to happen to someone. If he continued with the fast-paced, physical activity that he had done for about 10 years at that point, his heart would give out in months. It was a death sentence. If he couldn't go out and fight, the only thing that he thought was his purpose in life, then by God did he have no life. The war had come to a conclusion by then, with Boston victorious.
After getting into an argument with Jay, he was finally given the ultimatum, that the military was going to discharge him, and that his time was up. After a bit of back and forth screaming, Jay walked away. Jay at this point couldn't argue either a deadman.
The next morning, Kenny shot himself. It was not a shock to those that saw it coming, but it was a deeply sad and unfortunate loss to those that Kenny knew.
Eventually the military managed to track down Kenny's dad, who was alive in Albany, and presented him with the fact that his son died a Bostonian hero. While Jay never got over Kenny, he eventually made peace with himself. Jay was not to blame for his death, if anything, it was the government of Albany that was to blame. Kenny was a deeply mentally ill kid allowed to kill, without little short term consequences, and when the long term consequences arrived at his doorstep, he couldn't come to terms with the fact that he was a murderer. Kenny was given options to dodge the military draft from the beginning and chose the cowardly option of fighting for a war that he thought was wrong.
Kenny was not a hero, he was a goddamn tragedy.
Another TDLR: mentally ill college dropout became a mass murderer for a corrupt gov and paid the price with his life a decade later when the horrors of what he did came to bite him in the ass
Anyways if you send me an ask about him I'll suck you off
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avianreptiles · 3 months
Oc yapping that will make sense to no one except me until the lore doc is public:
My son I hate him
Whenever you see "thinking about the oc 😋😋😋😋" just assume it's about Kenny, it always is, every single time
Anyways, Kendrick always had a problem with codependency, and that really, really reared its ugly head in the last couple of months. He's always had a track record of using his significant others and close ones for the benefit that it saw him, even before being drafted
A less notable example, he initially started the relationship with his girlfriend in college, Amy and when they started dating, he immediately grew distant and cold, and just started using her for things such as sex and weed. It's debatable whether or not he even liked Amy in the first place, but one of the only reasons why he kept her around was just for the cash she had on her and to get notes from her for college.
A more notable example, and one that drew out to the end of his life, is his horribly codependent relationship with Jay. Jay, who obviously loved the man, always had regrets in marrying him. Kendrick, although he did love Jay, towards the end used him as a rock for stability, never really taking in Jay's feelings into consideration. When his mental health took a plunge, he ended up dragging Jay down with him multiple times. He refused to get better and when Jay finally had enough and walked away, he lost it.
Anyways that guy kinda sucked, but in a way that an immature teenager sucks. Like if he had gotten proper help from the start, he probably would've been fine, but his gov was actively parading against that proper help, so eh
He's like one of those characters that, if you idolize, you missed the point of the character
I can't even say he's terrible because there's like 5 different things I'd have to unpack and a lot of "well yeah but he also did xyz" and it all just kinda boils down to corrupt gov takes advantage of a mentally ill transman and waives his human rights above his head to get him to do anything they say, including warcrimes and felonies. It's his fault in some regards but the rest of it is entirely the albany govs fault, yknow
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avianreptiles · 4 months
if your ocs were uhhhhh birds what birds would they be
Kenny would definitely be an African Crowned Eagle, or just any crested eagles with white eyes, he'd look unsettling
Jay could go either way being a Giant Coua or a Bataleur
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avianreptiles · 4 months
What was Kenny and Jay’s relationship like? ALSO how would it be different if they had met in just like. A domestic au or whatever without all the tragedy and whatnot?
Up until the end, strong.
Their relationship until the last ~4 months was pretty much the strongest bond in the entire military. Inseperable. Like sickening sweet. Like not even desth could've stopped them. Kenny genuinely loved Jay, but he always felt that guilt that he let Jay get so close. Kenny, from the beginning, had already pieced together his end, and letting Jay into his personal life was a mistake on his part since he didn't intend on going on for that long. Despite the trouble that was having to reveal that he was a former Albany soldier, a real awful one at that, Jay's perception of him didn't change, where it really should have. Like, hell, they even got married. They both genuinely loved each other, but it was doomed from the start. In those last 4 months, even though they loved eachother, Kenny's mental health and increasing awareness and remembrance of the things he did lead him to grow a little more cold to *everyone* around him, even Jay, eventually crescendoing into that final argument.
In a domestic AU, though? Something I had not brought up in that quick bit I answered with, is that in the time leading up to Kenny being drafted, he was extremely reckless, manipulative, and used a lot of the people around him for his own personal gain. In a domestic AU, he'd probably be the same way. Or they'd make each other better. Or worse. Who honestly knows (I do, it's probably the better scenario).
I think about them all the time
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avianreptiles · 4 months
I don't even know what Jay and Kenny have going on anymore man
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avianreptiles · 2 months
😞 DISAPPOINTED FACE — does your oc attract others, or do they tend to be left alone?
-Kendrick, when he first switched sides, tended to attract attention from his peers, who mostly just questioned why he had a New York accent when he said he was from Manchester and why he looked so out of it all the time. Bostonians, in general, were a lot more talkative and extroverted than the people where he grew up, which was something he had to get used to. In 2121, when he had to reveal that he lied about just about everything and was, in fact, a dangerous war crininal. Mostly everyone that knew of his background then backed off for the most part, mostly out of fear. However, you don't just have half of your face missing and now attract attention, so he gets a lot of people that walk up to him and ask where he got the injury from (if it was funny, he would've said something like "don't smoke pot")
🖤 BLACK HEART — has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they broken someone's heart and/or broken someone's trust?
-The number of recorded kills under Huron-01's (Kendrick's codename during his time in the military) official government record is 873. Kendrick, however, was estimating, instead of actually keeping count. He was lowballing it every time he had to report back to his superior. The actual number would be somewhere around ~1200-1400, something he was not proud of later on.
-In 2125, when Kendrick committed suicide, he did end up breaking his husband, Jay's heart. Jay would go on to never date or remarry, the experience as a whole being so mentally and physically draining that he just decided he didn't ever want to risk getting so invested in another man again, even years later.
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avianreptiles · 4 months
Lalalalalaala (simple text post but oc talk in the tags as usual boys)
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avianreptiles · 4 months
The man who sold the world (but the cover by nirvana) is so fucking Kenny and Jay core its awful I can't listen to this song normally ever again
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avianreptiles · 8 months
Avian I am constantly thinking about your ocs now please give me lore on Henry please please pleas
Alrighty (thank you for sending in asks I love elaborating)
Tw for death and suicide:
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Alright so what Henry is:
So all of this takes place in the 2110s-2120s. It's about a hundred years into the future. I think I already talked about how today's "modern" countries (namely the US, Canada, Most of Europe, and Russia) went to shit.
Henry goes by he/him (with exceptions). Henry is a butch lesbian and we love him. If I've given him she/her before, it was either 1.) A mistake or 2.) I was still on the fence whether or not to give him he/him or she/him.
This is basically a dystopia story but there are different sentient species. All sentient species evolved from primates (or this universes version of primates, more carnivorous and half arboreal half running around things), including Henry's species, which evolved from this universes equivalent of lemurs. The species looks damn near similar to a canine, but they're not even close. I've dubbed them lemurs but I don't really have a name atm, but theyre are just about the same size, if not a little taller than ceratis (human equivalent) by a couple inches and their shoulders are further down. They're covered in fur and they usually have fluffy necks and arms in comparison to other body parts.
Henry Castillo was born in 2092 in Boston, Massachusetts (not the state, but the country that reformed after the US fell 50 years prior) during a time of conflict with Massachusetts and its neighbor/enemy, the United Counties of Albany, which took over the rest of New England. Her father was born in Puerto Rico, Miami Republic, but moved in his adolescence. His mother died in action about 3 years after he was born, just after her brother, Mallick Castillo, was born. Henry's father did what he could to support Henry and Mallick, and opened up a mechanic shop in Boston that soon became the backbone of the community.
After The 2104 Truce where Massachusetts was allowed to rebound from about a decade of stress in exchange for a bit more land from Maine, when Henry was 12, Henry started working in the shop with his father. They made a pretty good living for a while, and strengthen the heart of Boston. He was quite popular with the ladies in Boston too. Henry stayed working at the mechanic shop until he turned 20.
So the war started back up again, fueled by a meticulous assassination plot that left Massachusetts without a key part of its executive government in 2111. At first, Massachusetts was doing *okay* enough for itself, but just needed soldiers, as there werent enough in the reserve. Massachusetts started to draft out eligible fighters and one happened to be Henry, who had just turned 20. Hardened by almost a decade of fixing cars and just about every mechanical device in a 10 miles radius of his house, Henry would seem like a great fit for the army.
He was not, for the first 3 years. He missed his father dearly, and he had horrible nightmares almost every night that he would end up like his mother. From 2113-2114, he was placed into 3rd army after progressing a couple of armies up. He was absolutely miserable for a good bit, but he made good friends with a woman about 3 years older than him, Cinne Sullivan. They immediately bonded, and Henry straightened out his act, becoming a great soldier. Upon the death of the 3rd army commander, Cinnie Sullivan became commander by peer recommendation. He would do pretty good with Cinnie as his commander.
In 2114, only after 3 years of the war being continued, the Massachusetts government crumbled under its own weight, and officially collapsed, with the military and the people having to rush to set up an official-enough government. What was set up was a mostly-military lead resistance against Albany, which was advised and spoken for by a group of people small enough to fit in a classroom. That is Boston. It's a hodgepodge. The military-organization unit didn't make much sense before, now it didn't make much sense anymore, but the same as it was before, if someone died/retired/moved up, someone from an army between 1-3 levels below would take their place. Commanders are chosen by 1.) Peer recommendation when the previous authority has no say in the matter/are dead 2.) Previous authority handing it down.
About a year later in 2115, a couple people in 1st army died and a kid named Jay Lombardi (YAY) was moved from 4th to 1st army, along with Henry Castillo. While it hurt Henry to have to be away from Cinnie, someone who he had grown incredibly close to, he was proud of himself for having made it that far, even landing a spot in 1st army. Henry did pretty well for himself, becoming great friends with a couple of the other people in 1st army, mainly "Vulture" Milican, Jay Lombardi, and Eloa Nighy. Being the 1st army seemed to be very good for Henry, as he loved being apart of decision making. After about a year later, in 2116, Jay Lombardi was chosen by prev-auth to become Commander of 1st army and he chose Henry and Vulture to be his right hand men. Henry loved having a say in matters, it was just about his favorite part of being in the position he was in. Was he a little unsure as the fact that Boston was being led by a 19 year old? Kinda. Oh well. His is about the time where Mallick is put into 1st army as a medic.
In 2117, a lot of people in the 4th and 2nd armies moved around and by the end of the year, some random fucking kid that passed "military-enough" training with flying colors got put in 2nd army and attracts the attention of literally everyone in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd army by being just very off-putting and strangely terrifying. That's Kenny. Henry is smart, very intelligent, and knows something is up immediately and no matter what, can not shake the fact that this random ass kid who claimed to be from Worcester with a Western New York accent is suspicious. Henry is the ONLY sensible motherfucker in the Boston Military. The only one.
Henry still talks to Cinnie often. Over the years, they're friendship just kinda leads into a full on romantic relationship. They would die for eachother. They would live for eachother. They're insane for one another. He loves her.
About 4 years later, so sayyy about 2121, so uh yeah half of 2nd army is just declared dead over the radios, including Commander Poste who was made commander by prev-auth and the medic who was Jay Lombardi's cousin. This obviously took a massive toll on Jay, as Jay was close to them both, so Henry took over a couple duties for a few days. Then like a week later they show up. And Kenny had to confess that he lied about just about everything, LIKE HENRY HAD SNIFFED OUT. More horrifyingly, Kenny also had to confess that he was specifically apart of a Kill-On-Site Group for Albany. A KOS group. For Albany.
Henry lost it, to say the least. He begged Jay to do SOMETHING about Kenny. Not even like making him retire, but like maybe just put his involvement in the army on pause. JAY DID NOTHING. NADA. Jay had the authority and reason to do something and didn't. It really made Henry lose respect for Jay.
Henry's opinions on the both of them took a while to settle, but by 2123, Henry's opinion on Kenny is mostly "whatever, he's definitely not Albany anymore but I don't agree with the fact that he's Commander."
Coincidentally in 2123, a random guy named Austin Luell was asked to be put into one of the higher two armies by Juniper Barron, one of the main people that basically advises the army. Austin was previously the sole survivor of his unit from an attack that happened years ago. Upon informing Austin about Commander Poste's previous actions, he was immediately out for blood and everyone recognized that. Austin went on this long tangent that "I know that Poste is the one that killed my unit and I'm mad about it" when Kenny didn't do shit and the dates didn't match up. Juniper Barron insisted in Austin being placed under Poste's domain, 2nd army. Well almost everyone else didnt. Almost everyone else recognized it as a bad idea. Except, you guessed it, Poste, who was a little stoned throughout the meeting but honestly didn't really care. This proved to be a really stupid decision, because 6 months later, Poste was AGAIN declared dead over the radios. Coincidentally, most of 2nd army was scattered throughout 3 counties, and Austin, with two other 2nd army members, declared himself commander by peer recommendation. Austin "killed" him. Austin had managed to overpower Poste, his goal, to get Poste to abdicate power, one way or another, and he did. As far as Austin knew, Poste was dead and Jay Lombardi, the only person in between him and control of the military, was next.
Henry was passed the fuck out when all of this was happening. He was coming down with a cold and slept in til about 3 in the afternoon. He only woke up when he was jolted awake by Colten, who had started rambling about some sort of secret plot that Henry was just not comprehending. The radios are all down. He only really woke up when he heard gunshots down the hall and shouting. After listening for a moment, he finally realized a portion of what Colten had been saying and ran down the hall in the opposite direction of what he assumed was Austin doing a sweep of the hallways, with the one goal of warning his commander. He made it to Jay's doorway. He got a couple words in, mostly just unintelligible yelling, and was completely bodied by Austin. Henry got to watch Austin threaten Jay for a minute, completely powerless, before Austin gave Jay an ultimatum, abdicate power or he end up like Poste. Then Poste showed up and in an act that horrified everyone watching, tore Austin to fucking shreds. This did nothing to persuade Henry that Poste was okay. Nothing at all.
Over the next about 3-ish years, growing as close as ever to the people in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd army, as the war with Albany dragged on, Henry remained strong. The death of Erin Seabird and the early retirement of Lake Köhler caused by self-inflicted injury got to him. Towards the end of 2125, Henry started to notice that both Jay and Kenny's were growing a tiny bit cold with eachother, but didn't pay much attention to it at first, but was forced to have to talk to Jay about it when Jay's performance started to become affected. Jay told Henry to leave him alone, and that was that.
In 2125, Commander Ellie Briggs, who had led the enemy offense into Boston for a decade at that point, was killed by Jay. Following a successful assassination of the Albany President, Hostille, the Albany government, unable to find a replacement for either in time to ease the growing public displeasure with the war, collapsed, thus putting an end to the war that had claimed thousands upon thousands. Henry was one of the first ones to start to talk about what would happen to the military now that the war was over. It was pretty agreed upon that everyone in 1st army would stay in the army. That changed when, a week and a half after the war ended, Commander Poste committed suicide. Commander Jay Lombardi, struck with grief, retired early, followed by Vulture Milican and Mallick Castillo.
Henry was named Commander by prev-auth. He was sad to see the people he had basically called family for years at this point retire from the military, but he made promises that he would try and visit every once in a while. He was still madly in love with Cinnie at the time, and they got married only a year later, when they had the time for it. They had been thinking about it for a while, but the end of the war is really all they had been waiting for. Henry and the new commander for 2nd army, Commander Abdi, worked together for 5 years, until Henry, joined by Cinnie only a momth later, retired in 2130 at the age of 38.
He's living a nicer life now, living in Downtown Boston with Cinnie. His brother and father live nearby, and they're all happy, for once.
Henry Castillo would never forget the horrors of war and what he had to do to survive for over a decade, but helping to rebuild his home city will atleast help him attach a better memory to Boston then the bloodshed and tears it was before.
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avianreptiles · 8 months
I think you should talk about Jay and Kenny (pls pls pls pls I really like them)
Sun and Moon Imagery for these two, thank you for sending this ask I love talking about ocs
TW: suicide.
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Something that I've had in my head for a while is that Jay and Kenny never really slept without each other. If one had to sleep without the presence of the other, for example, Kenny just wouldn't sleep. Like at all. He trusted Jay with his life and would only really feel comforted by the fact that someone he trusted would be right beside him when he went to bed and when he woke up. (A huge reason why he needed just *someone* there is because of the horrors that he had faced in the Albany army. He had no one in GLSF. He was on his own for the better part of two years and had to watch his own back, rven around the other GLSF members). If Kenny was not there in bed with him, Jay would become extremely distressed. Jay was known for having just about the poorest circulation, not doing too well in the cold, and Kenny was known for just about the opposite, too warm all the time (this is the type of mf you see at school to wear basketball shorts when its snowing outside). This is great for both of them because Jay got a big warm teddy bear, and Kenny gets an ice pack. They were made for each other. They slept together every night they could. It's not really too great to let the military know that two of the highest ranking officials were just about inseparable, but after like 2 attempts to ask them to stop, Barron gave up. Eventually just about everyone in 1st and 2nd army knew, but they didn't really care (save for Henry Castillo and a tiny bit of Eloa Nighy).
There's only been a couple of times where they purposely didn't sleep together due to some event, but 9 times out of ten it was because Kenny got injured and spent the night in the military hospital or Jay got sick.
About a week after Briggs was killed, (in the same confrontation that Kenny was horrifically injured) before Final Argument, however, Kenny had been purposely skipping nights to delay talking about the inevitable, having to be told to his face that he was done for in the military and he was going to have to retire early. (I made a post about this, but ill go into detail at some point). He had been avoiding it like the plague, and he knew that Jay would be the one to tell him. Him avoiding Jay was hurting the both of them and he knew that, so the night that Kenny decided to finally man up, is the night of the Final Argument. Kenny felt like his only purpose was the military and to take away the military would leave him with nothing, and Jay had nothing to argue back with. Kenny and Jay never really raised their voices often, just about everyone on the floor to hear it. Kenny, who hadn't properly cried in years, sobbed. Jay left him. They both slept alone. Jay felt cold for the first time in years and Kenny had burnt out like a star.
Kenny took his own life the morning after.
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