#miss cardice/heather winters
tv-sinner · 1 year
5 across all sins for Solar Flare AND 3 across all sins for Miss Cardice! (Feel free to split this into 2 posts if need be ofc)
Oh geez this took a while! Sorry about that. The answers are all under the cut!
(Lust) 3. Would you say your oc is bashful about intimate conversations, or are they the blunt one that makes everyone else uncomfortable?
In Heather’s case, she’s definitely NOT bashful in the slightest. Though she wouldn’t go out of her way to make people uncomfortable, she can be very flirtatious and pretty open about her sexuality.
(Lust) 5. Is your oc confident in their relationship? Why or why not?
I’d say he isn’t quite there at being confident in his relationship. Ciro sometimes doesn’t exactly get how he managed to pull someone like Heather, someone who is WAY out of league, in his opinion at least. Almost to the point he’s shocked that she hasn’t wisened up and left him yet for someone on “her level”. Not to say he doesn’t appreciate her but sometimes he wonders when (and not if) the day she finally dumps him will come, seeing himself as undeserving of her or her love.
(Pride) 3. How well or not well does your oc take constructive criticism?
Heather takes it pretty well and in good stride. She’s a very confident and self-assured person who takes criticism with elegant dignity and she will often apply what she’s learned from good faith critiques. It’s rare that criticism (that isn’t outright being purposely obtuse and bigoted) actually gets under her skin.
(Pride) 5. How does your oc take pride in themself and others?
While Ciro is more likely to see/talk about himself in a self-deprecating manner, he’s better with being proud of others.. Though his pride in others does come off a bit like “are you winning, son?” to most.
(Wrath) 3. Is your oc easy to disappoint? How so?
Not particularly, mostly because to Heather, most setbacks can be easily bounced back from. Of course, it’s not impossible to let her down, but best way to do that is to violate her trust.
(Wrath) 5. How does your oc act toward anger from others?
Ciro’s anger tends to be rather restrained at a first glance, mostly because Ciro kinda knows that strong emotions (especially negative ones, not just anger) tend to conjure up a nonzero chance of accidentally setting things ablaze, damaging sensitive electronics, generally causing destruction, etc.
(Greed) 3. Do they have or want a lot of money? Why?
Heather comes from a very wealthy background in the form of her mom, Beverly Winters. She’s an otherwise well respected CEO of a fashion company who moonlights as the kingpin supervillain, Nitrogue. Though Heather has since left the family business after her favorite nemesis Solar Flare disappeared one day, Beverly still remains in contact with her daughter and gives her access to her wealth.
(Greed) 5. What do they expect from the services they receive?
Probably not much. Ciro rarely expects anything decent especially considering that he spent several years as a homeless fugitive and social pariah.
(Gluttony) 3. What is your oc's favorite food?
Ice cream! Her favorite flavors are sea salt, white chocolate, and blueberry cheesecake.
(Gluttony) 5. Are they in the habit of judging the diet of others? Why?
First of all Ciro is in no place to judge anyone considering he will often eat shitty gas station food and energy drinks, even after he starts getting back on his feet. Second of all, during his time spent wandering Florida with no home to go to, he’s pretty understanding towards people who’ve had to go dumpster diving to get food as he had to do it himself. So the answer is no.
(Envy) 3. Is your oc very petty? How so?
Heather definitely can have a slight petty streak sometimes. Especially if it involves other supervillains she had beef with when she was still in the scene.
(Envy) 5. For what reasons does your oc usually envy others?
Ciro often feels envious of others who just.. generally have a better life situation than he does. Especially if they actually have a nice place to live in.
(Sloth) 3. How does your oc relax? Describe it.
Heather tends to relax by either scrolling through her socials, doing yoga, or if she has time to, take a nice long bubble bath.
(Sloth) 5. How does your oc help calm others down? Are they good at it?
He’s… not good at keeping others calm at all but if he has to, he will try to just talk them through whatever they’re going through. Usually, he ends up inadvertently making things worse.
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the-angel-of-filth · 4 years
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I’ve been doing some redesigns of my Solar Flare Ocs as of late!
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tv-sinner-archived · 6 years
all the numbers for B I C T H. and for the oc to answer them, whichever oc’s name starts w the letter. (So b would be bob, I would be ivan, etc)
B: Basics (Beelzebub)
1. what is their hair color?Beelzebub doesn’t technically have hair but she does have bristles on her face (the mystax of a robber fly). It has one layer of white and the other is dark green. 2. what is their eye color?She has dark gray compound eyes with tiny white pupils. 3. how tall are they?Beelzebub is 7 feet, 2 inches tall… 4. how old are they?She’s about 3,578 years old (as of 1979 when SOH verse begins. In 2018, she’d be 3,617 years old).5. how much do they weigh?Beelzebub weighs 124 lbs… which for a 7'2" tall anthropomorphic bug, that is severely underweight.
I: In-the-closet (Ida)
1. what is their sexuality? Bisexual, still questioning. 2. have they ever questioned their sexuality?Yes. 3. have they ever questioned their gender?Also yes. Why she was young, she used to be a carbon copy of her dad, Michael (looked exactly like him and identified as male) but now she has since changed that. 4. would/was their family be okay with them being LGBT?Yeah, they’re very aware of the concept of gender/sexuality and how not set in stone it is since they’re all Ancient so they’d be fine with it. 5. how long would/did it take for them to come out?It took her 70 years to come out, mostly because she was still questioning herself.
T: Truth (Trinity)
1. are they honest?In a strange way, they are but what honesty they do spew is very incomprehensible. 2. can they tell if someone is lying?As an elder god, they’re pretty good at reading mortals like a book. But they’re also scatterbrained and things like little white lies may slip by. 3. is it obvious when they’re lying?Since nearly 99.9999999% of the things they say doesn’t make a lick of sense, it will be really hard to tell what they’re even saying. 4. have they lied about anything they regret lying about?Trinity’s not very… aware of the consequences of their actions on others and won’t recognize that what they said or did was wrong. So most likely, no. 5. have they told truths that have been spread against their will?Since Trinity is pretty much God, they never feel like this happens to them, mostly due to their lack of insight or how they believe they live in a bubbled world away from suffering. They’re too childish to even recognize something like that happening.
C: Comfort (Cira Aniela Lombardi)
1. how do they sit in a chair?She sits cross legged on chairs. Even years after kindergarten, she still instinctively sits crisscross apple sauce every time. 2. in what position do they sleep?On her right side. 3. what is their ideal comfort day?Just chilling in front of a toasty fire. Preferably with a blanket and hot coffee. 4. what is their major comfort food? why?Sweet/Savory Pampushka… When Cira was in middle school, she had a best friend named Adrik who she used to hang around with and help with tutoring him. His mom, who was Ukrainian, used to always make these for Cira and Adrik as after school snacks. She loved those pastries so much. 5. who is the best at comforting them when down?Her girlfriend, Heather. She’s pretty good with helping her feel better via food, lots of blankets, etc. even if it’s just a little, Cira couldn’t appreciate the gesture more.
H: Heat (Heather Winters/Miss Cardice)
1. do they rather a hot or cold room?COLD… she’s not a fan of stuffy rooms. 2. do they prefer summer or winter?Winter… Summer sunshine just makes her get sun burned pretty easily and she hates how unbearable the heat waves can get. 3. do they like the snow?Oh yes! Not so much shoveling it but running around in it and enjoying the atmosphere it brings she loves it. 4. do they have a favorite summer activity?Going to the indoor ice skating rink. Anything the stay cool. 5. do they have a favorite winter activity?She loves to ski! She’s gone on skiing trips with her parents since she was a kid!
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the-angel-of-filth · 5 years
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Some Art Style/Outfit Redesigns of my ocs Cira/Solar Flare and Heather/Miss Cardice from my story, Solar Flare Verse!
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