#(It definitely wasn't Valentino's idea)
mayashesfly · 3 months
Alastor seeing Vox wearing turtlenecks underneath his suit again, and before he could think about it, he approaches Vox.
Musing outloud that he had missed seeing Vox in such casual clothes as he fixed Vox's bowtie subconsciously.
Vox visibly flinched from Alastor suddenly appearing infront of him, causing his suit to fall off his shoulders.
Much to Alastor's shock, the turtleneck Vox was wearing had no sleeves. Showcasing the sprinkle of bright cyan freckles on his shoulders as he blushed profusely.
Alastor was utterly confused.
Why would Vox wear something so revealing underneath his suit?
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cryptidghostgirl · 7 months
Unexpected (Vox x Fox Demon!Reader)
Pairing: Vox x Reader
Description: Vox tries to make a deal with Y/n.
Warnings: Valentino is his own warning. Um, slightly explicit near the beginning? Nothing too bad. Cigarettes.
Word Count: 2,928
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Hazbin Hotel Master List
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A/N Considering the returns on my most recent poll, I figured I should get this slightly steamy little idea I've had for a while out there in the world.
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Vox had never been one to make deals with lesser demons, to take their souls. No, that was Valentino's thing. Vox didn't need to own a soul to get a demon to do what he wanted for one, and for another, Vox didn't particularly like people. He preferred to work alone, to be alone. Life was much more productive that way.
The other Vees were different. Vox allowed them in his life because they were useful, they solidified and expanded his power. Anyone else was just a waste of time and space.
Speaking of the other Vees, Vox right now was on his way to visit Valentino. At Velvette's request, he was aiming to talk to the man about whatever scene he'd instigated at a club the night before. It just happened to be his luck because of course it was his fucking luck that the only spare moment he had to deal with the situation was when Val was filming.
Vox burst through the studio doors, making a beeline for Valentino who sat in a director's chair before the set. He was well practiced at approaching his business partner while the man was working and averted his eyes, trying his best to keep focus on the task at hand.
"Val." he hummed in irritation as he came to a stop beside the moth demon's chair, "What did you do last night?"
Valentino blew out a puff of pink smoke, fixing his eyes on Vox.
"Whatever do you mean?"
The feigned innocence coming from this man was laughable. Vox rolled his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, to reveal what Velvette had told him. By chance, just at that moment, he happened to look away.
It wasn't on purpose. There had been a sound from the set that had involuntarily grabbed Vox's attention. His eyes widened, his screen glitching with fury as he turned back to Valentino.
"What the fuck is that?" he asked pointing to the set.
There, in the middle of the bed was a demon. That was far from unusual, as was the demon's half dressed state. What was unusual was the fact that the demon had been dressed up to look exactly like Vox himself. Well, not exactly. The actor had a box over his head with a fake screen on the front. A cheap costume but one that was most certainly supposed to be him.
There was another demon beneath him, a short thing with with wide eyes and the large ears of a fennec fox. It was then that the sound that caught his attention registered with Vox. Trapped under the other actor's arms, his lips to her neck, she had moaned his name.
Val lazily threw his gaze to the stage before smiling.
"Just my newest project. Don't you worry."
"Val, I am definitely worried. I want you to cancel this, right now."
"Oh comon Voxy!" Valentino pleaded, "Think of all the money it would bring in! Half of Hell wants to get dicked down by you for Christ's sake."
Vox folded his arms over his chest, actively not looking at the pair who were still on stage. They had not stopped what they were doing for the sake of the overlord's conversation and Vox was so high strung that he nearly flinched at the sound of fabric tearing.
His voice came out deep and mangled, as if his speakers were turned up way too loud. Vox's eye twitched slightly in irritation, his hands clenched into fists. Valentino just watched him for a moment before sighing. Waving his hand, he turned to the stage.
"That's a wrap everyone!" he called and Vox turned to watch at the whole crew of demons, including the pair of actors, turned to their boss, "We're trashing this script."
If anyone had complaints, they dared not voice them before the two overlords. Slowly, the crew began to pack up.
"Thank you." Vox reluctantly said to Val.
His eyes were fixed on the two actors, something that did not escape Valentino's notice as he waved the words of thanks off.
"You owe me one."
The man had pulled himself from the bed by now and discarded the false head he'd been wearing. With a kindly smile, he held a hand out to the girl he'd been on top of just moments before. She sat up, leaning back on her arms. Vox watched her lips move and though he couldn't hear what she said over the clamor, he assumed it must've been a joke as the other demon laughed.
Gently, and with much more grace than Vox could have thought she was capable of, she took the demons hand and brought herself off the bed. Vox's breath caught in his throat because of course, of fucking course, Valentino had decided to dress her like that.
If Val was good at anything, it was guessing someone's kinks just by looking at them. A party trick but in practice, very useful for his line of work. The demon was dressed in blue and red lingerie, running like twisting wires over her limbs, pressing gently into her skin in just the right way. The remnants of a black dress, the source of the earlier sound of torn fabric no doubt, lay in the imprint of her body on the bed. Vox didn't care if it was predictable, she looked fucking hot.
With that specific breed of confidence that seems only to belong to pornstars, the pair began heading toward the door. Muffled, as if through water, Vox heard Valentino ask him something.
"Yeah." Vox absently replied, tearing his eyes away from the pair and meeting Valentino's gaze.
Val smirked up at him knowingly.
"You alright there Voxy?" he hummed, "Fox got your tongue?"
"I am not going to deign that with a response. If you ever pull shit like this agai-"
"Yeah yeah. Doll!"
Vox followed Val's shifted line of sight to see that the girl had stopped by the door which was being held open for her by her scene partner. She turned to face Val, suddenly taking on a much more demure demeanor than she had previously displayed. Hands clasped before her, she met her boss's eyes across the expanse of the room.
"Yes?" she called, her voice like music.
"Val." he warned under his breath for what felt like the umpteenth time.
Valentino, of course, ignored him, seeking his own entertainment and profit above all else.
"Come here for a second, would you?"
She nodded, saying something to the demon behind her over her shoulder. With a shrug, he left the room, letting the door fall shut behind him. Stepping carefully between the frantic workers, the girl made her way across the room to Vox and Val. She stopped before Val's chair, looking up at him through her lashes.
"What did you want to see me for, sir."
Her words were careful, perfectly annunciated.
"Back here in ten. You've got another job."
"Yes, Valentino." she replied, bowing her head just the slightest bit towards the man.
Val's wicked grin widened.
"Wear the white."
"Yes, Valentino."
It was like those were the only two words she knew. She treated the horrific man before her with the utmost respect, never once taking her eyes off of him.
"You may go."
Val waved her off with a lazy flick of his hand.
"Thank you, sir."
Another slight bow and the girl turned, her hair splaying out slightly at the ends from her sudden movement. As she made for the door once again, she shot a momentary glance at Vox. It was as if the world had stopped turning the second their eyes met. It felt like an eternity of him losing himself in their sticky softness. Then, she was gone.
Vox didn't understand what was happening. Sure, he had found people attractive before. He'd engaged in hookups, wasted time on the occasional relationship but nothing -- nothing -- had ever been like this. Every time he shut his eyes, there she was. Every spare second, his mind drifted to her. He found himself staring off into space, the image of that wry smile she had shot her costar as he had helped her off the bed burned into his memory.
The worst part was she was one of Val's girls and Val's girls were always trouble. The look they had shared, the scene she had been in, the way his name had sounded spilling from her soft lips, Vox knew it meant nothing to her. She had probably already forgotten it by now. The worst part was, it wasn't nothing to him. His muscles tensed at just the thought of the sound, at the idea of him being the one to actually make her beg for him rather than some cheap excuse for a facsimile. The worst part was, he didn't even know her name. In Val's gaze, she was just another body to profit off of. She was a doll, unworthy of any other title. The idea of someone seeing her so cheaply made him glitch because god, he had only met her once, but she was so much more than a toy. Vox was sure of it.
Wrapped in fantasy, he crafted an image of the girl. Vox imagined her patterns of being, what she must be like as a person -- so obedient but with that dry sense of humor he had attributed to her with no evidence save that she'd managed to make one person laugh in front of him one time. Vox never expected to see her again. He thought that the demon would be forever relegated to his dreams, to the recesses of his mind. He thought she'd be dead in a week, with Val's track record.
Vox pulled himself from his desk chair with a sigh. Three hours had passed and he just couldn't bring himself to be productive. She was a menace, a true vixen with those fox ears and tail to match. He would curse her very name for what she was doing to him if he knew what it was.
"Some fresh air. That's all I need." he said to the emptiness of his office, "Yeah."
The back doors of the Vee's building were seldom used, even by the people who worked there. Half the paparazzi didn't even know that they existed and so, he planned his escape. Of course it had to be his luck because it was always his goddamn luck these days wasn't it that the second he opened the door, it was to the smell of cigarette smoke and the image of a demon leaning against the building's brick exterior.
Vox let the door fall shut behind him with a heavy bang. The demon shot him a glance out of the corner of her eye, taking a long drag of her cigarette.
"Escaping?" she asked.
He hadn't wanted anyone to see him. More importantly, he hand't wanted to see anyone, let alone talk to him. Vox sighed, adjusting his sleeves as he turned to face the demon fully.
She looked up at him, squinting slightly against the sun. Vox's heart stuttered in his chest. She looked... different and it wasn't just because she was fully dressed this time. There was no doubt about it however, this was the demon from the studio just a few weeks before.
None of the playful joy or diligent respect from their last encounter remained in her features, she just looked tired. Black jeans and a leather jacket, hair pulled up and away from her face, not a speck of makeup to be seen besides the smudged remnants of mascara beneath her eyes.
"You... you're that... you're one of Val's..."
"Victims?" she chuckled ruefully, "Yeah. I am."
"You're the one from..."
"Last week? Yep. Sorry about that, by the way. If it's any consolation, it was uncomfortable for us too."
Vox was speechless, stunned, utterly taken aback and completely blindsided. The exact thing he was trying to escape, standing before him and utterly contrary to his every previously conjured image.
"Want a smoke?"
"Uh, no thanks. Don't smoke."
The girl shrugged.
"Mind if I do."
She took another long drag, watching the smoke she blew out as it hung blue in the air. She shot him a sidelong glance.
"You just gonna stand there?"
"You ask a lot of questions."
She laughed. Vox wasn't expecting her to do that.
"S'pose I do."
The idea of a walk had long left Vox's mind. He leaned against the wall across from her in the cramped ally, watching as she anxiously checked the time.
She lowered her arm, shaking the sleeve of her jacket back over the watch and looking wistfully out towards the exit of the ally.
"You seem... you're different than I expected you to be."
"Thats your fault for having expectations."
She smiled at him like a shark watching prey and he nodded his head to the side in mild agreement.
"What's your name?"
Her smile fell, eyes widening slightly. One of her ears twitched and Vox could hear the sound of her tail shifting against the wall. The world felt so far away. Right now, there was nothing else in existence except for himself, the ally, and the fox before him.
"Vix..." she bowed theatrically after a moment, "is my porn name."
Her eyes shot up to his as she finished her phrase, the same confident and, he now realized, performative smile curling the edges of her lips.
"But my parents called me Y/n."
The demon straightened herself up, holding a hand out to Vox. He regarded it carefully for a moment before placing his hand in hers.
"I know."
Y/n took a final drag from her cigarette, stamping the butt out on the ground beneath the heavy heel of her boot.
"Well," she sighed with one last look to the shock of sky they could see between the buildings, "I best be going. Nice meeting you."
Vox hadn't meant to say it, nor had he meant to frantically latch onto her arm. Y/n flinched slightly under the contact, stilling before the door and turning back to him, her brow furrowed.
"Why do you..." he cleared his throat, his cheeks flushing slightly pink, "How'd you end up... working... here."
Y/n laughed again. She had to admit, his flustered state was rather endearing, not at all what she had expected from one of the most feared overlords in all of Hell.
"For Val?" she asked and he nodded in response, "Same as every other wayward soul. He offered me something I couldn't refuse, and I was too naive to understand the price."
It took Vox a moment for her words to register with him, for her cryptic language to translate in his mind.
"He owns your soul?"
Y/n nodded once, all traces of amusement having fallen from her face.
"For what."
"Fame! Money! Riches!" she sarcastically called out with wild swings of her arms.
She stilled in her movements, a wry smile flashing across her face as she met his eyes again, her arms falling to her sides.
"Nah, I'm not that classy. I needed protection."
"From what?"
"Anything. I was new and I was afraid."
"And now you're trapped."
"Now I am trapped." Y/n concurred solemnly, "And I have to go."
"Do you want to go?"
Y/n thought for a moment before shaking her head.
"You're not what I expected you to be."
"Thanks?" Vox questioned after a moment, "I am not sure if you meant that as a compliment."
It was a noncommittal answer and one that sent sparks of anxiety like shards of broken glass through him.
"I meant more so do you want to go to Val."
"Do I want to go get fucked by twenty guys or whatever he's gonna have me do? Of course fucking not. I don't really have a say in the matter so its not really important what I want."
"Of course it's important what you want."
Vox's mouth was moving a hundred times faster than his head. He couldn't seem to make it stop. Y/n's eyes went wide, she shook her head slightly as if ridding it of a thought.
"Maybe in another afterlife." she joked.
"What if... what if I could... fix this for you."
A pause, tense and full of longing. An intake of breath.
"What do you mean?"
"If you make a contract with another demon, Val's would be void."
"Another demon like you."
She trailed off, looking up at him with wide eyes. Her tail wagged once happily behind her before all traces of hope were swallowed once again by the utter desolation.
"I dug my grave, Vox."
"But you don't have to lie in it."
He was practically begging her, his hand on her arm again. He couldn't recall when he had placed it there after her wild movements earlier in detailing her deal had thrown it from her. She looked down, examining the place where flesh made contact with leather. Y/n's eyes met his again, she shook him off.
"One deal is bad enough. Trading chains for chains doesn't change anything."
"But it could."
"Look, Vox. I have to go."
Y/n turned her back on him and opened the door. She hesitated for a moment, leaning on it's edge.
"It was nice to meet you."
Vox watched as she disappeared, the door slamming behind her.
A/N It doesn't matter if you guys want a part two or not because there will be one.
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libraryraccoon · 7 months
Hey lol uh this is my first time requesting and stuff so I hope I won’t be a bother and stuff but could you do a male reader who’s a lot like mommy long legs from poppy playtime.
And basically he is the older sibling of angel dust and always been the parent for him through his struggles, but one day male reader decided to visit the Masquerade While filming, reader arrives and Angel Dust immediately tries to get them away before Valentino sees then. When the reader accidentally ruins the set, Valentino takes Angel Dust away and abuses him when made the reader very angry to the point realizing what’s happening to angel they became deranged to the point there eyes are now completely dilated, giving off an unhinged vibe there hair is now twisted and mangled, no longer the neat curls in there previous form there hands are enlarged maniacally, and his fingers are splayed and elongated to resemble claws. His body is also twisted in even more alarming and unnatural angles.
(Er I don’t really want to put that much but you can definitely decide if you want male reader to do something to Valentino but you don’t really need to do this if this is too much and I’ll completely understand😭)
Gender : Male
Pronouns used : None
Info : Reader is the older brother of Angel Dust.
Message of Raccoon : I didn't have too much idea for that one tbh. I will maybe rewrite it in the futur.
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You were like the big brother/father of the Hotel Hazbin crew, and you were Anthony's biological big brother, or Angel Dust as he liked to be called in Hell.
You treated the entire Hazbin Crew like if they were your children, even Lucifer.
You cooked for them, helped Niffty with her work, you helped your kids the hazbin crew to solve their problems, you loved them like any good father would…
A perfect father !
But that also brought problems.
You wanted to break Angel Dust's contract with Charlie, but unfortunately some problems happened.
Charlie had set fire to the set/studio by accident.
But Valentino didn't want to know anything.
He took Angel Dust aside, and, fearing for your little brother, you followed them.
Seeing Valentino hit Angel Dust revealed why you were in Hell.
I neglected to mention that you, Mommy Long Legs!reader, were very protective and that you would do anything for those you saw as family.. This was also the reason of why you were in Hell.
Your eyes were big and black, completely dilated. The smile on your face didn't say anything good.
Your size had greatly increased, making you touch the ceiling of the room and making you appear much more intimidating and strong.
Your body was twisting every which way, in ways that shouldn't be possible. It was like you had no bones.
You took Angel Dust in one of your hand (kind of like Mommy Long Legs with Poppy) and pulled him away from Valentino.
���Don’t you dare touch my brother.” Is everything you said.
You would have killed Valentino right now if Anthony wasn't there, he don't need to see you kill him.
Valentino just nodded silently in fear, your shadow covering him.
"Great !" You said happily, placing Anthony on the ground before changing back to your smaller size.
After that, you, Charlie and Anthony had left the studio.
You might not have been able to cancel his contract today, but that's okay. You will do it another day.
And if Valentino was smart enough, he would do it himself without you needing to ask again.
After all this, Anthony has avoided upsetting you, not wanting to face the same anger as Val had to face.
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martini-garnish · 7 months
So I've been throwing ideas about Vox at @bigfatbimbo for a hot minute, specifically factoring in his relationship with Valentino because they are toxic and manipulative and so incredibly non-exclusive lmao. But some things are too long to be asks and y'all Did vote for freak behavior on main lmao
(Like every other scenario I wordvomit onto the screen this is definitely based around an oc but I'll be generic with it lmfao)
18+! NSFW! Minors do not fucking interact Please!
So Val sucks, we know this, we know. Please note Vox also sucks. That does not get acknowledged often enough he is also an asshole. What I'm saying is there is no way he wouldn't use a side piece to get under Vals skin.
It's word of Viv that outside their relationship they're both very dominant, but with eachother it's a toss up and, inevitably, a fight for power every time.
Here's where this new partner comes in, especially if they're someone petty, vindictive, and or willing to take shots at Val. Because wouldn't he just hate to see something he has to fight so hard for get offered up on a silver platter to some Fucking Nobody? Of course he would.
So Vox let's himself get dommed. Kind of. He plans it, of course, lays out Exactly what's going to happen. He's pulling the strings, he's in control here, he won't let them forget it, but Val doesn't need to know that. The plan of course is to film this encounter and "accidentally" leave it playing somewhere that Valentino will probably definitely "accidentally" come across it. See someone else getting the easy submission he can't have.
The problem arises when Vox, stripped with his hands tied and someone, sometimes, being gentle with him in this state, realizes he likes this a little too much.
A lot too much. He's stopped reminding them to stay on script. He's forgotten to moan instead of whine. They tell him he looks so perfect like this, he's doing such an incredible job. And the scripted scene is out the window because he's fucking whimpering.
The more they praise him the more he forgets what this was for in the first place. That the point wasn't originally being told how stunning and brilliant and gorgeous he is while being touched so softly it almost aches. He didn't plan out begging for more, please fucking more because he's getting close before they even start paying attention to his cock. As soon as they do its practically over, he bluescreens, buffers, glitches, practically sobbing when he cums so hard it knocks out power in the entire section of the building.
Once he's back in his head he can't believe he knocked out the fucking camera, that was the whole point, now they'll have to set this whole thing over again. Friday? Does that work? Maybe sooner? It's really too bad he lost the footage.
(Of course he didn't, it autosaved up until the black out. But they don't need to know that.)
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campbell-rose · 9 months
Okay, i worked on angel dust a bit for the redesign, and right now i love his design, but his colors are giving me trouble. not sure if i'll stick with these colors, but for now i'd say im satisfied with him
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i love the idea of fluffy spiders, the idea of them, if i ever saw one i'd probably die on the spot. in terms of character, i think i want to bring back some of the personality from the zoophobia age, because back then he wasn't a walking sex joke. He still makes the jokes, but not every word out of his lips has to be an innuendo.
EDIT: SULTRY i remembered the word i was looking for when i posted this. He's sultry and sensual in this, he's got an air of sophistication about him, he's a classy crack whore
Side note, as i was doing this, why the actual fuck does he have a choker and a bowtie in his final design??? his throat is so cluttered. In my version, his choker is a collar, specifically given to him by Valentino, meaning he'd take it off once he's out of Val's influence.
The more i look at it, the more i definitely think the colors need adjusting, just not sure. I might edit his official redesign pic and see how it looks in the environment and that might influence it.
Either way, i think i like him, he looks fluffy and cute, and i gave him back his hat because he deserves to look like a gangster dammit.
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stylescine · 11 months
no because i have had this thought since this years met and i NEED to tell someone
imagine like influencer!reader who is doing interviews at the met (kinda like emma chamberlain) and she’s like a very known fan of harry (and was very open ab having a crush on harry online because she was so sure this man would never see it) and she interviews him and is lowk nervous because….. he’s harry styles and maybe he somehow (definitely) KNOWS. she has a massive crush on him and just
basically that!!! so if you could could you write something w that? i’ve had the idea for months it was driving me crazy
Summary: Everyone knows Y/N has a crush on Harry. But she didn't expect him to know about it too. She could have never imagined things to unfold this way...
Warnings: Y/N has a very obvious crush on harry, fangirling ig???, Harry is a tease, suggestive language, anxious Y/N, oh Harry is also a huge flirt, kind of a fast pace way to a one night stand (no graphic description)
Words: 2.3k
A/N: Gosh, I love that idea!! Influencer!Y/N x Harry is one of my favourite dynamics ever. This turned out way longer than planned but I hope you still have fun with it!
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The Met Gala was the event of the year. For everyone. Not only for her. But for her it meant so much more. It was her first opportunity to make the jump from being a simple Influencer to being a real presence in the world of fame and celebrities. Of course, she wasn't just seeking fame and attention, but more possibilities. Open up new ways of life for herself and–
There was a light tap on her shoulder. She turned around in an instant, looking at a familiar PR manager she had talked to a few weeks ahead of the gala.
"I'm so glad you could make it. We were really blown away by the podcast you did and we're excited to see how the interviews on the red carpet will turn out," the blonde woman said, giving her a soft smile. She was wearing a tight black dress, a clipboard in hand, but the blush on her cheeks, combined with the small beads of sweat on her forehead, were the only things telling of today's pressure on her.
Y/N could understand. She had paced up and down in her hotel room earlier today, changing her outfit three times and making sure every little strand of her hair would be in place perfectly. Today was not for imperfections. Today was a step into the future – hopefully.
"I need to thank you for inviting me. This opportunity is really one of a kind and–"
"I'm so sorry, dear," the manager interrupted her as she fumbled around in her small Valentino bag, following the ringing of her phone. "No problem," Y/N replied, giving her a reluctant smile.
She could hear the camera shutters go off in the distance, probably due to the arrival of the first guests. Her palms were growing sweaty. She was getting closer to her "big" moments. Soon, she would be talking to all these famous people, ones she had always looked up to, others she had admired for years.
"It's time to go," the manager said quickly, pushing Y/N into the direction of the carpet. The camera man followed close behind, probably being on her tail the entire day. A microphone was pushed into her hand as well as she stepped out onto the long red carpet, hundreds of photographers waiting on the sides. Their lenses were focused on the few celebrities already on the carpet.
Ryan Reynolds was one of them which made her feel giddy inside already.
But the real surprise came around the corner just a moment later. Flashing lights were going off left and right as he appeared in his lace outfit. It was way more see-through than she could have handled in any other situation.
Harry Styles looked stunning.
Her grip around the microphone became tighter as she watched him pose in front of the cameras, earring dangling on his sides, his hair styled perfectly.
A part of her wanted to rush over immediately. Ask him a million questions and record all of it. Because when would she ever be face to face with the Harry Styles again?
Another part of her, a much stronger one, felt the urge to run backstage and escape this moment. She was way too afraid to embarrass herself in front of her biggest celebrity crush. The worst thing was – everyone knew she had this huge crush on Harry for years. She was quite open when it came to talking with her community about people she thought of as attractive or had a crush on. But she was also usually a thousand miles away from said crushes. It had always been a quiet admiring through her phone screen and giggles exchanged with friends over dinner.
Harry wouldn't know this, of course, but it surely didn't make the situation easier for her.
He seemed to be a walking reminder of what people knew about her and testing her own awkwardness in the process.
Before she could turn around and make her escape to probably lock herself in the bathroom as to not embarrass herself in any way – because that would truly be a tragedy in front of him – he was already right in front of her.
There was the charming, witty smile he was giving his fans or interviewers all the time. His eyes looked a deeper shade of green as she was standing right in front of him. Of course, she had looked at a thousand pictures of him over the last few years, but nothing came close to this moment. Maybe it was the heat that was rushing into her face or maybe the overwhelming urge to present herself from her best side – but it was all so different than she had ever imagined.
Y/N took a long breath. She needed to focus. Or else millions of people would see her shocked expression all over Instagram, Twitter and National TV. So she did what she always did best. Entertain.
She turned towards the camera. "Harry Styles just joined us at the Met Gala!" She said excitedly and none of it was part of her acting. Genuine excitement was bubbling uncontrollably in her belly.
Then she turned back around and shook Harry's hand. It was enough to make her legs wobble for a moment, but she was a grown woman and she would stay calm. On the outside at least.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N."
He knew her name? How did he know her name?
Something had to be wrong. She tried hard to stop herself from pinching her arm in an attempt to wake up from this dream or nightmare – whatever you wanna call it.
"You're looking amazing tonight. Do you mind telling us more about what you're wearing?" She smiled and held the microphone into his direction.
Harry gave her an enthusiastic nod and then started to talk all about the designer of his outfit and how it was composed. She listened carefully, bound to his lips as she had been so many times before through the screen.
He continued to keep eye contact with her, continuously making her nervous. It wasn't his fault. She just wasn't prepared to get any attention at all from him.
"Thank you so much. Are you looking forward to tonight's after show party?" She had so many more questions to ask. About his music. Even about his favourite food. But none of that was expected of her right now and she didn't want to lose herself in the admiration she had kept for that man for so long.
"Definitely. Will you be there too?" Harry tilted his head to the side, slightly – a small sign of curiosity.
The thoughts in her head stopped for a moment. Was he really asking her...? He was just making friendly conversation. Nothing more. The slight smirk in his face was nothing. Nothing to think more about.
"Probably. Maybe we can share a drink if we see each other?" She could feel her palms growing more and more sweaty. Was this really not just a dream?
"That will be on me. See you later then." Then he shook her hand again and she prayed that he wouldn't feel how sweaty she had become. How her nerves were running wild inside her body.
"See you later."
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Her face felt like it was on fire just a few hours later. She was looking at herself in the mirror, her hair having turned messy and her eyes almost screaming the truth at everyone.
She was nervous and out of her mind.
The music outside was loud. Giggles and laughter echoed over into the bathroom whenever the door opened and a new woman came in. She had seen so many celebrities today that she had lost count. Some of them asked her if she was alright, if she needed help with her make-up, while others just continued on with their day.
When she was alone for a brief moment, she took a deep breath. "It's gonna be alright," she muttered under her breath before she pushed herself off the sink and went back into the crowded room.
The bar was illuminated with purple lights and that's where she was headed. On her way there, she could see him following her in the corner of her vision.
This was really happening.
"What would you like to drink?" His voice was deep, but loud enough for her to make out his words in the packed room. A shiver ran down her spine when she felt his arm brush hers as he made his way to her side.
Harry leaned against the counter casually, his outfit catching her interest immediately. He had changed into a white shirt with a huge red bow at the front.
And he still looked as good as earlier.
"A Martini is just fine," she answered with a smile, pushing herself to sit on the barstool. Harry ordered two drinks for them, before he sat down on the chair next to her.
"You're enjoying yourself?" His voice was laced with curiosity once more, his hand resting on the bar. She had a hard time not taking a closer look at the rings adorning his fingers.
"Oh yeah, a lot. What about you?"
"The evening is about to get a lot better now that I finally found you," he admitted with a low chuckle and accepted the drinks from the bartender when he came back over.
Y/N could feel her head spinning. What did she do to get all this attention from him? Did he know what he was doing to her? Did he know about her crush on him?
"Those are some pretty heavy words if you acknowledge the fact that we have never met before today," she replied, a simple attempt to cool down herself and ground them both in reality again. Or more so herself.
"That's true, but I like to make people happy."
She almost choked on her drink. He had to know something. How would he know that talking to her would make her day?
Knowing that Harry Styles had probably seen a video of her made her feel even more dizzy.
She needed to loosen up. This would be her only chance at spending an evening with her favourite singer and long-time celebrity crush. Another sip from the Martini as a way to gather some liquid courage as quickly as possible.
"Me too. I hope talking to me makes you just as happy as it makes me," she answered with a smile, gathering all the confidence she had.
Harry's lovely smile as he took a sip from his straw was all she needed as confirmation. Maybe she was in for a good time if she came out of her shell and was able to push her anxiety to the back of her mind.
"It definitely does. I've seen your video on 2010's fashion just a few days ago. It was a really good watch."
She couldn't hold back her huge smile. Harry had seen her videos and liked them. That was more than she had ever hoped for. More than she had ever allowed herself to dream about!
“Oh my god, that means a lot to me, I-“
“I’m so glad you didn’t include my too tight skinny jeans in there, actually. That would have been embarrassing,” Harry joked casually, his eyes wandering from her hands to her mouth and then her eyes.
While his eyes were filled with joy and curiosity, his gaze still seemed to keep her trapped under his spell. There was something undeniably charming and menacing about Harry Styles.
She had known it all along, but seeing it in real life, actually being under said spell, was a different experience entirely.
"I believe they still looked decent," she admitted with a small shrug, taking another sip from her drink.
"You certainly don't look decent tonight. That can only be described as stunning."
She was so taken aback by the compliment that she was close to spitting out her drink. Her hand wrapped tighter around her glass and she was thrown into a spiral of nerves and anxiety. Was Harry Styles straight up flirting with her? He definitely was and she had no idea how to act.
"Have you looked at yours-"
"I don't need to look at myself if I can look at something better." His voice had grown deeper and he moved closer ever so slightly.
She was at a loss for words now. Where was this going?
But she quickly decided that she liked it, despite her initial anxiety.
So Y/N took a step closer as well, her fingers brushing past Harry's as she was setting down her drink on the counter.
"You're really a flirt," she whispered, wondering if he had even heard her over the loud music.
But his eyes seemed fixed on her lips, a smirk resting on his own.
"As you have suspected in a video or two..."
It sent a shiver straight down her spine to get more and more confirmation that he had been watching her stuff. He knew exactly what he was doing to her and she wanted to let him do whatever he wanted.
This was what she had been waiting for.
"Maybe you can prove a bit more of my assumptions right?" She replied, fingers brushing over his forearm, under his sleeve and feeling the soft skin. She wanted to see him without the top. She wanted to finally see that naked chest up close, take a look at every little line of his tattoos and count them all.
"Why would we waste any more time then?" He grinned, his right hand coming up to wrap around her wrist slowly. He took her hand away from his skin, intertwining their fingers slowly before he slid off his chair.
They left their drinks unfinished.
But there was more important business to get to.
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Hello, oh my, damn... so english isn't my first language and i wasn't sure how to phrase it better so don't worry, i totally understand being uncomfortable and I'm sorry 😅
I did enjoy your version very much and i also think that you should definitely go for a crow reader cause that is such a cute idea!
- accidentally proposing anon
No problem! And since you're interested here's some very quick ideas I had about crow reader before I go to work today!
Nothing phases this man anymore. Niffty literally gifted him a crown of dead roaches. So when you flutter excitedly and present him with a string of shiny can tabs, you've been collecting he accepts it graciously.
"You're quite right dear, these are incredibly colorful. Yes, very shiny are you sure you don't want to keep this? Oh! You made it for me? Well, aren't you just precious."
He makes it into a necklace or even something to decorate his horns.
Valentino likes light, you like shiny things, both of you tend to like being around screens and bright colors.
Except you don't just like screens, it's anything colorful or shiny. Actually sometimes it's not even that, its just random odds and ends that caught your attention for some reason. He gets it sometimes, textures, patterns, things like that.
But you have everything from soda can tabs to random buttons to rocks of various shapes, sizes, and colors. You have different sticks and pieces of wood you found that for some reason you then had to have. Pieces of mismatched jewelry. It's cute but it also clutters up space and he eventually designates one room for your stuff and tells you to keep it condensed. You do, and swear it's organized, but it's all just a jumbled mess to him.
He's in his lair, observing all the many different cameras, looking for some wannabe actress who owed him money, when you bounce in, barely stifling excited squaking. He sighs fondly and turns to you, knowing he's not going to be able to concentrate until he sees what you want to show him.
It's a collection of your molted feathers, the best ones, sleek and iridescent, bound together with some colorful twine you found and attached to it is a miniature glass jar filled with colorful, shiny bits of plastic, metal, and rock, and corked shut and sealed with hot glue.
It makes a nice rattle sound when he shakes it and the feathers are nice to pet and run his fingers over and..."Did you make me a fidget toy? From....random stuff you found? That's, that's actually really cute, thanks Doll."
He downplays how much he uses it, but it's literally on his key ring, so you know it goes everywhere with him and if during long meetings his staff are subjected to the consistent background noise of little shiny bits rattling around in a jar, then that's their problem.
As you may have noticed Lucifer also tends to collect things he has no need for. But he might need it one day! Between the two of you it does get to be a bit of a problem, so you both agree to sort through and condense your piles.
It takes days cuz you guys keep stopping to show each other cool stuff you guys have. Then, several more days just to get through his numerous rubber ducks. Eventually it's down to a single room where your collections have merged. Each item carefully chosen and presented to one another like expensive jewelry or other such luxurious things. But it's a cool rock you found, a giant bronze spring, a box full of candy wrappers with clever sayings, and a scrapbook with various brightly colored pieces of cardboard from snacks, toys, shoes, literally anything, that caught your eye.
It's anyone's guess on who adds what, but you do both have to agree on it before it's added so you don't hoard things again.
That's the end, but maybe I'll go back and add Adam and some of the other characters later. I just wanted to get my initial ideas down before work.
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starryeyeddreamer21 · 5 months
So I have this idea for a Hazbin Hotel au and just hear me out okay.... CO PARENTING AU
Like the hotel residents are just chilling when the doorbell rings and Charlie goes to answer it hoping that it's a demon that wants to be redeemed but no it's a little baby wrapped in a fuzzy pink blanket
Charlie freaks out, y'know as you do when there's a baby on your doorstep, and she calls the others over
Angel is the first to respond he squeals and picks up the baby Nifty climbs onto his shoulder to get a closer look
"Can we keep it?"
Husk facepalms (mostly to hide his smile because Angel looks so cute with that baby)
Vaggie is horrified and continues refusing to let Angel keep this baby
Angel just goes on a whole rant about how her parents left her there and he wasn't going to abandon her (he's really going for guilt tripping them tbh) In the middle of the rant he thrusts the baby into Vaggie's arms and she just stares down at this baby and you can see her fall in love right then and there
Charlie is watching this with heart eyes because Vaggie looks so soft right now
Sir Pentious is just like "Sssso are we keeping it?" (He's not very good with kids)
Spoiler alert: they kept her
I've been thinking about this way too much so here's what I think they'd be like as parents
Most of them in the same boat where they're good with kids but being good with kids and raising them is a whole nother story
Vaggie: is a little too strict at times and is probably the one saying you can't have too much sugar. She didn't really have a childhood so she's trying her best to give the baby the best childhood she can while also keeping her safe and probably being way too overprotective
Charlie: is spending as much time with that child as possible. She never wants her to think she's being abandoned and wants her to know that they love her more than anything. She's basically just trying to be there the way her parents weren't.
Angel: His style of parenting is very different from Vaggie's. He's not strict at all he just really wants to be liked. He's still a good parent though. He's basically trying to give her the childhood he didn't get and is definitely overprotective. He's terrified of what Valentino would do if he found out about her which he knows is irrational because she's got the most powerful family in hell but he still has nightmares about it. He will definitely bring the baby into his bed a lot of nights instead of leaving her in her crib. He talks to her a lot in Italian and sings her lullabies.
Husk: He's an amazing father. He's logical but chill enough to be a good middle ground in the middle of all the crazy. He's basically the kind of parent we all need. He's very intune with others feelings and always knows what's wrong when she's crying.
Nifty: She takes on a lot of the important stuff like changing and bathing her. She's tiny and can't actually pick the baby up but she's a surprisingly good parent anyway. She's still Nifty though so she's definitely making toys out of roach corpses and entertaining her with those puppet shows.
Sir Pentious: Okay this man has no idea what he's doing at all. He's not very good with children just because he doesn't know how to interact with them but he shows love in his own way. He's the one that makes her crib and most of her toys. He's definitely the one that teaches her math and science when she's older and they would probably invent together too.
Alastor: He wanted absolutely nothing to do with this baby. He was against bringing her into the hotel all together but eventually he warmed up to her. It starts when everyone else is asleep and he hears the baby crying. After a minute of contemplation he decides to go see what's going on. He ends up rocking her and humming his jazz music until she falls back asleep. He starts doing this every night (someone has definitely walked in on him doing this but nobody mentions it to his face). He's the kind of parent that takes a vow like "I will protect you to my dying breath" y'know some crazy shit like that
Lucifer: He's there all the time helping out. He's the kind of grandparent that would brag about his grandkids, he's showing everyone pictures of this baby it's honestly embarrassing. He's really doing his best to make up for not spending enough time with Charlie. He's also the only one who knows anything about children like they wouldn't even know how to feed this kid without him.
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zep-zep-blog · 7 months
This is 100% based off the song and episodes 🫡. I also might rewrite this to fit Lucifer too.
Vox x gn!reader
Genre: Angst, fluffy ending, hurt/comfort, song fic
Cw: Imposter, talk of being replaced, mind control(?), swearing, fighting
☾Seeing doubles☽
Reader and Vox are getting married, but something seems off about reader and Vox seems more laggy than usual. Is it nerves or something else?
Tumblr media
Velvette knew something was off. She always had a hunch about something. She knew when Valentino hid his anger or at least tried..and failed, she knew when you and Vox tried to hide your relationship at first, hell she even knew Vox wanted to marry you before he knew himself. Yet she couldn't pinpoint what was off about you and Vox. You guys acted like normal, but Vox seemed more dazed than usual and you seemed to snap at random. That definitely wasn't right, but she chalked it up to nerves or stress about the upcoming wedding and all the planning that had consumed your daily schedule.
It started off small, making comments you usually wouldn't make, having a strange aura, and overall just acting off. Then, she noticed your taste was different, liking a different flavor of cake and other desserts. Then your style was weird, you had always wanted a certain type of outfit for the wedding and yet there you stood in the bridal store wearing something you would never even look at.
Vox was no different, he always had an 'all bark, no bite' vibe, but he seemed more dazed, and laggy, and he blue-screened more than usual. Again, it could all be chalked up to wedding nerves and cold feet or whatever. But when Velvette had a hunch, it was usually right.
She placed hidden cameras around, ones that Vox couldn't connect to. She hired imps and sinners she made deals with to follow you and Vox around. She constantly tried to keep an eye on you and it finally paid off. She had caught you talking about not loving Vox and sucking the love out of him, this confused and worried her. This person wasn't you, you loved Vox dearly and definitely showed it.
When she found this out she tried to share it with Valentino, but he was both stubborn and blind to hear her out. She tried to get through to Vox, but he lagged and shooed her away. She was frustrated and royally pissed off, someone definitely replaced you and she will get to the bottom of it.
She decided to confront your imposter at dinner before the wedding in hopes of them coming forward. Unfortunately, it ended with everyone shunning her and shutting her down. She left the restaurant pissed, no one was listening to her clearly concerning revelation. She turned the corner and was face to face with you? The imposter?
"Oh, what do you want? I know you aren't the real [Name]." She says with a sour tone.
"Oh, I just wanted to apologize." Your voice rang out, but it had a creepy undertone.
"What the fuck-" Velvette gets cut off as a ring of green fire surrounds her and her vision goes black.
For what felt like months you were trapped, stuck in this mirror-like prison. With no light except the natural red one that reflected off the crystal-like cave walls. You felt helpless, and scared, with no idea what that monster did to Vox. She was hungry for power and love, she fed off it.
You were so excited, to walk down the aisle with your fiance. To share vows, kisses, and cake, but now? It seemed all too futile. Your eyes were red and puffy from crying tears of frustration and sadness. Your hair was messy from being kept from a hairbrush for heaven knows how long. You had a few scrapes and bruises from wandering aimlessly in the dark, unable to see where a rock or wall was.
That was how it was until you heard the familiar voice of Velvette echo through the caves. Soon she found you, her phone flashlight bouncing off the crystal walls as her eyes met yours.
"[Name]? Is that really you? You're not that prick that replaced you, right?" She asked, looking you over with concern and weariness.
You nod several times, tears welling in your eyes as you hug her. This is the first contact you had with anyone for a long time. It wasn't the warmth of Vox, but it was still comforting nonetheless.
"We have to get out of this shit hole and stop her," Velvette says, pointing her phone flashlight toward the end of the crystal tunnel.
"This day is going to be perfect. The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small." Your imposter said, spinning a red rose in between her fingers before putting it into the bouquet.
"Everybody will gather 'round, say I look lovely in my gown." She said, twirling in the mirror, the white lace and silk of the outfit spinning around her figure. "But, what they don't know is that I have fooled them all." She smirks, placing the matching accessory in her hair. She had successfully replaced you and would soon get what she wanted.
'This day was going to be perfect..the kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small..but, instead of having cake with all my friends to celebrate. My wedding bells, may not ring for me at all..'
You and Velvette raced desperately to find a way out, hoping to make it before your double married Vox. You feared what would happen if those vows were made before you could escape.
"I could care less about the dress." She said, taking a seat at the vanity. "I won't partake in any cake." She took one of the makeup brushes and applied blush to her cheeks. Your replacement stood up and again did a once over in the mirror before turning to a picture of you and Vox. It was your anniversary, both of you smiling and facing the camera. "Vows? Well, I'll be lying when I say, 'That through any kind of weather I'll want us to be together.'" There was a mocking tone in her voice as she scowled at the photo.
"The truth is I don't care for him at all." She took the picture frame and shoved it into one of the dresser drawers, slamming it shut in disdain. "No, I do not love the groom. In my heart, there is no room."
'But I still want him to be all mine.'
"We must escape before it's too late, find a way to save the day." You say to Velvette, searching around for an exit to the reflective prison. She places her hand on your shoulder, breaking you out of your desperate daze. "We'll make it. Don't worry.
'Hope I'll be lying when I say 'I don't fear that I may lose him to those who want to use him. Not care for love and cherish him each day. For I-oh so love the groom. All my thoughts he does consume.'
You and Velvette finally find an exit, rushing to see the surface of hell. You hope that time will be on your side and those wedding bells won't ring soon.
'Oh Vox, I'll be there very soon.' You pray to the same god that condemned you down here as you and Velvette weed through the streets of the entertainment district. Hoping the crowd would move faster so you could make it to the venue before your imposter made it down the aisle. You and Velvette make it to the entrance, weaving in and out of the crowd as the wedding bells ring out. You look at Velvette with wide eyes, doubt clouds hers as she realizes there's a chance you won't make it.
'Finally, the moment has arrived for me to be one lucky bride.' She smirked as she walked down the aisle, your aisle towards your future husband. Her veil trails behind her as she steps in tune with the wedding march being played.
'Oh, the wedding we won't make, he'll end up marrying a fake. Vox will be-'
'Mine. All mine.'
She gets to the alter, facing a dazed and glitchy Vox. He was clearly under some sort of magic or curse as she stood there. Right as the officiant clears his throat to start his speech you burst through the doors. The guests gasped and turned their heads, there you stood looking madder than ever. The guests looked back and forth between you and the imposter, not knowing who was real and who wasn't. The sinner in your place stared daggers at you, throwing the bouquet to the floor.
"You bitch!" You screamed, pointing fingers at your double. The room went silent, most of the crowd was shocked. "H-how are there two of you?" One of the guests shouts, causing the rest to start whispering amongst themselves.
"She's a shapeshifter! She takes any form and gains power from the love you have for someone!" This caused the fake you to cackle. She stepped forward, smashing the bouquet. "Right, you are. I've been feeding off his love for you, every second I grow stronger." She stepped towards you, green flames engulfing her as she transformed back into her original form. "He may not be my husband, but he is under my total control-" You cut her off by punching her in the face and knocking her to the floor. At this point, the only people left were you, her, and the Vees, the guests had left in a hurry as soon as she transformed.
"Fuck with me or Vox again and I'll remind you why I'm down here." You glare, your words sharp. Her eyes were wide, you had landed a hit on her when she had been practically untouchable for years. She scowled, "This won't be the last time you see me. Mark my words." With that, she disappeared into a pillar of emerald flames.
As soon as she's gone you rush to Vox's side, putting your hands on his shoulders and shaking him softly. "Vox? Vox, please snap out of it." You beg, tears starting to well up in your eyes. Your voice broke as he didn't seem to register your words. You broke down, hugging him tightly. Velvette and Valentino stood there silently as you sobbed into his shoulder, your relationship, him boiled down to nothing from the shapeshifter's doing.
In a last-ditch attempt, you kiss him, hoping it would spark something between the wires for him to snap out of it. Your hands grip his shoulders as you pull away, looking at the black screen. It flashed and he slumped into your arms with a groan.
"Vox? Vox?" You gently shake him, trying to him to look at you.
He turns his head up and looks at you in confusion, "[Name]?"
You hug him tighter, tears falling down your cheeks. Vox is super confused as to why you're crying and the fact he was in an empty wedding venue with you.
"What the- what are we doing here? Why the hell are you so dirty?" Vox pulled away and wiped your tears with his thumb. "We can talk about it later, let's just get home." You say softly, leaning your head into his touch.
Over the next few weeks, you and Vox planned a real wedding, with the real you. You and Vox picked the right flavors and bridal outfits, happy that it was actually you two. Velvette had never seen Vox this happy and she's his business partner and one of the closest people to him this side of hell.
You finally felt at ease when you walked down the aisle with Vox, saying your vows and slipping the matching rings on. Not even a spear made from shiny angelic steel could break this.
IT'S FINALLY FINISHED ᕙ(⍢)ᕗ Hope yall enjoy <3
Requests open!!
Tag list: @mrssabinecallas
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theoisdaydreaming · 6 months
hi!! i loved your overlord angel dust/husk art and i commented about potentially turning it into a fic and adding your art, which you consented to. i was wondering if you had any additional ideas to make it more than a oneshot, maybe they open a casino together with mafia roots, collect souls together, etc…once again, your art was amazing!!
Thank you so much, I would love a fic about my AU (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
Here are other ideas about the story:
In this AU Angel didn't worked with Valentino, he and Arackniss reconciled before Angel could sign a contract with him
That is not to say Angel wasn't doing sex work, he would take all kinds of offers, from stripping to singing gigs, just for the money
Regarding the backstory of the spider brothers I haven't really fleshed it out but here are some points of it:
They had kind of a strained relationship even though they cared for each other, because Arackniss (or Andrew as I like to think) used to put down Anthony's dreams of becoming a performer like the drag queens he liked to see (in secret) in the gay bars the Mafia used to own back in the 30s (real history btw)
He did this in hopes he would give up, leave it all behind and live a 'normal' life, out of fear their dad would disown him, or worse, kill him
It wouldn't matter anyway because both of them would die together while doing a shady work for the mob (who started the shots? They couldn't really remember)
At the beginning of their afterlife Arackniss avoided Angel with the guilt that (according to him) it was his fault his little brother got shot in the eye. (He was too far, too late, he couldn't protect his brother and now he's dead because of him)
Cause of this angel thinks his brother hates him, but they eventually encounter during a turf war that went wrong
Arackniss sees Angel surrounded and not wanting to repeat his brothers death again, he saves him this time.
They sort things out, and become closer than ever
When Arackniss figures out what angel has been doing for money they decide to start doing mob work again, they're good and people start giving their loyalty and doing contracts with them because the brothers actually care about the souls they own, deciding to learn from their father's mistakes, they respect all of their workers
furthermore, Angel gains more influence because he gave the people he met while being a sex worker, safe and living conditions; every stripper, actor, performer wanted to work with him, and with all the contracts he made, became an overlord
On the other hand, arackniss does all the shady work, sticking to the shadows, not wanting any attention. He is very prod of angel, and becomes his right hand man
Other ideas and dynamics:
Angel calls arackniss An, Andy or niss
Arackniss calls angel Angie, Anni, or Anth. (He never really liked tony, that's what his father called him)
They love each other very much but they're still siblings, they bicker and fight all the time (all their goons are used to it at this point, unimpressed by the brothers shenanigans)
Valentino develops some sort of obsession with Angel after meeting him (this brings problems)
Angel fell first, husk fell harder
They kind of had an enemies to lovers (but not really, more like a rivalry bc angel likes to annoy the cat overlord for fun)
Molly is still in heaven in this AU, arackniss was able to shield her from the family business (he couldn't with angel though, That's part of his guilt)
She died of heart disease before the brothers death
Angel is the spoilt younger sibling
I haven't really thought about how him and husk get together but they will definitely become a power couple
I like the idea Angel performs at the casino
He sings, does drag, etc. (Maybe some pornos too, just for fun)
What caught husk's attention is that Angel cared a lot for the souls he owned, he treated them like the humans they are
That's all I have for now, I will make more art about this AU later, you can use it if you like, whether as reference or inspiration for the fic (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
Ik this is more about Angel and Arackniss but I really like to focus on their story. So regarding the huskerdust you can have fun with that as I don't have a lot of ideas
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weenisstuff · 6 months
Affinity - Part 1 (Huskerdust)
Valentino wasn't at the studio, which in most cases would be a godsend but in today's case only made the day more exhausting. 
The demon chose Vox to take care of the shoot, very different from his usual choice of Velvette. Anyone but Valentino otherwise would be amazing except that Vox was negligent when it came to breaks, as well as Angel's request to bring in physical force in any case where Angel felt it necessary. Ultimately leading to Angel getting way more roughed up than he originally expected when walking into the studio that day. 
He finds himself waiting in the waiting area of the studio once all is said and done, his legs are sore to a point walking makes him tremble and shake. Better yet it's raining more than it has in months leaving him trapped inside as he calls Vaggie to ask for a ride. 
“Hello?” she says, finally picking up after the sixth ring. 
“Hey toots I need a ride again from the studio” Angel says his usual confident manner of speaking falling flat as his throat is also bruised, he prays Vaggie can't hear it from the other side of the phone. 
There's a shuffle and a background voice that he presumes is Charlie. “Husk will be there in a bit” 
“What?!” He exclaims “What happened to the car?” It had only been once but he was sure the last time he called for a ride they sent over a black mustang, incredibly impressive for what the hotel's financial state was currently in.  
“Angel that was a rental, Husk is coming for you just stay where you are '' She says, her tone is exhausted. Whatever, at least he didn't have to walk alone in the streets, he wasn't in the mood for fighting off any pervs. He hung up swiftly no longer having the motivating to argue further, the rain was only falling harder. 
Husk was used to being ordered around regularly, he worked for Alastor long enough to realize that not doing so was only more work than doing the task itself. So even though his hangover made him sluggish and impossibly tired he moved fast to retrieve Angel when Vaggie instructed him to. 
He wasn't entirely bothered by the labor, spending any time with Angel was a treat. He ran his mouth sure but his quick wit and charismatic humor really helped him warm up to the idea of actually being his friend, and helping him out of any situation that involved Val was always extremely gratifying. 
The rain was coming down especially hard, the wind a nuisance as Husk gripped the handle of his umbrella. The booze only helped a bit with warming his body, small shivers erupting every time a breeze hit his fur in a particular way. He held Angel's big puffer jacket close to his chest in an attempt to warm himself as best he could, his only solace the neon pink lights of Valentinos studio in a close distance.
Husk arrived soaked, shivering, and with Angel’s jacket in hand. Why he didn't put it on while traveling was a mystery to him.
“Jesus Husky, you really could have waited until the rain calmed down a bit” Angel commented, getting up from his seat in the waiting area and walking over to the soaking wet cat.      
“Didn't wanna leave you here for longer than you needed to be” Husk admitted handing over Angel's dry jacket that somehow survived getting just as drenched as the cat before him. He couldn't help but feel like a nuisance for making him come and retrieve him. 
“Stop that” His thoughts were interrupted at Husks annoyed tone, confused he asked. “Stop what?” 
“You're overthinking, I came because I wanted to so don't go thinking that you're a bother” he sighed, making Angel wonder if he had always been so transparent or if Husk was simply all too perceptive. Regardless he smiled and with a pep in his step tugged on his jacket and hooked one of his six arms around Husks, making the cat smirk at his new attitude. 
The rain was just as harsh as it had looked from inside the studio, Husk held on tight to keep the umbrella from flying out of his grasp. Angel's new pumps would definitely be ruined after this little trip. 
Just as they were approaching the hotel the rain finally let up, Husk groaned at the irony. 
“Thanks” Angel sighed from beside him, shivering from the harsh winds that invaded their space. Husk wished he had thought to bring a spare pair of Angels pants to shield his bare legs from the cold. 
“No problem, '' he replied, pretending not to notice the small smile that lit up on the other demon's face. Angel liked to pretend he was mysterious but his true emotions were easier to read when he wasn't performing for an audience that wasn't there.
As the pair made it inside Angel gladly took his usual spot at the bar. “Hope you're up for a drink old man” he challenged excitedly. 
“Gonna need it after being in the cold for that long,” Husk answered, pouring himself a glass of scotch and Angel's usual vodka. 
Angel chuckled sweetly “With our luck we'll probably get a cold” Husk nodded in agreement, disregarding his hatred for being ill as thoughts of it all being worth it invaded his mind.
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weebsinstash · 8 months
big big spoilers for the hazbin hotel finale below
-ok so I fucking. I fucking KNEW ADAM WORE A MASK. I KNEW it was weird that Lute had a human face, but, Adam is like a higher being, so, I wasn't sure? But sure enough it's a helmet
-not me having thoughts about shape-shifting playful goofy little Lucifer BRAGGING TO ADAM'S FACE ABOUT STEALING HIS GIRL AND EATING HER OUT AND HER LOVING IT. AND THEN? Would have ended his fucking life if Charlie hadn't stopped him and then he's like "How's mercy feel bitch" also demon form hot
-I feel like maybe Alastor has a contract with Eve instead of Lilith...
--I love how Emily is so excited and Sera looks EXHAUSTED SHE HATES THIS SHE HATES CHARLIE IS RIGHT
-Lilith though, you-you BITCH, you horrible mom and shit wife, what the fuck is this deal Lute is talking about? Did you vaguely sell out your family to vacation in Heaven with some sort of deal they don't kill them, but now that they're getting involved, Lilith needs to make them stop?
-either way, bitch. I'll take your husband off your hands then-- (I'm kinda suspicious why they didn't show her eyes but maybe it was just because she isnt speaking or anything yet....)
-- i agree with Vox honestly the other Vees should have been more hype but he really was doing a little Too Much. But also missed opportunity with all three of them. I'm thinking of a journalist kinda reader or blogger reader or whatever whos better at making informative videos and personal documentation of these events. Surprised Velvette wasn't blogging about it and I'm especially surprised Valentino didn't seem to care if anything happened to Angel? Also not enough Val singing :( it was too brief and kinda sucked and I've heard a little of Joel's other works and he can definitely sing
Either way what a great finale and I'm sad the show is over. I know a second season is confirmed but maybe we'll get a third after that? 🥺 or a spin off? Well have to see... I'm getting sleepy so the ideas and posting will have to wait for tomorrow
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batsplat · 3 months
seen people talk about how marcs 2012 season was the reason the penalty point system was introduced (that made vale start from the back in 2015 which is admittedly absolutely absurdly funny) so here i am to ask my favorite motogp historian for thoughts (and prayers?) mostly about what exactly marc DID to make that happen (kinda funny also that he was branded a track terrorist from day 1 😭) and why they struck it in the mid 2010s?
okay so I'm gonna be lazy here and start out by just including what I put in the marc race recs post:
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phillip island 2011 was the worst incident, and marc was criticised by motogp riders too, including valentino and casey. that one was like... it was just straight up dangerous and also incredibly stupid, I mean you're trying to get an extra lap in at the end of fp1 and are putting yourself and other riders in serious danger (definitely a case where you can argue that the penalty didn't go far enough and a race ban would have been warranted). marc can sometimes be pretty bullish in response to criticism while still going away and kinda realising what he'd done was a bad idea, quietly adjusting his behaviour... examples include this, where he had his team appeal the penalty, as well as of course 2018 argentina, where he talked down the 'mistakes' he'd made and said he'd done more wrong in the aleix than the valentino incident (which may be true, but it's the rhetorical equivalent of saying it's better to go up to someone's home and throw bricks through the windows than it is to set it on fire) - he is fairly good at learning from his mistakes, even when he doesn't always fully admit to them
that being said, of course he did continue getting himself involved in a fair bit of controversy during 2012. but it's worth pointing out that the penalty points system wasn't just a case of 'oh this kid is so bad, we've got to do something' - it was also a case of 'yeah this is being handled in a super inconsistent manner, actually'. like, there were times people felt marc should be penalised more, yes, but other times where they felt it was too much... it was just a bit all over the place. luckily, inconsistent stewarding is a problem they've managed to fix in the intervening twelve years, so we never hear about that stuff any more. let's just give a quick summary of the four biggest 2012 flashpoints:
qatar: marc runs luthi off-track in a deliberate and pretty dangerous way and gets a slap on the cooldown lap for his troubles, plus a reprimand from race direction
catalunya: towards the end of a race in which marc made several questionable moves, pol espargaro attempted to overtake marc who had just saved a fall - marc cuts across the track to rejoin the racing line and ends up colliding with pol. he was initially given a controversial penalty in the form of a minute added to his final time, before that was rescinded (which was unsuccessfully appealed by pol's team). see here for valentino and casey's reactions
motegi: marc 'torpedoed' kallio in saturday morning practise, riding into his side while kallio was on the racing line headed into a turn and causing kallio to highside... which he was not penalised for. some responses to the incident below
valencia: marc attempted to overtake corsi in friday practise, causing him to crash. this time, race direction handed out a back-of-the-grid penalty
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it's a subtle distinction but an important one so I'll just stress it again: the stated aim of the penalty points wasn't to hold back aggressive riders like marc but to attempt to reduce inconsistency, which had been exposed in part due to how differently these marc incidents were handled. what marc did was create several high profile controversies, in each case prompting some level of frustration with how race direction handled the whole thing. obviously, there were other non-marc-related stewarding controversies, but it is inarguable that he was a significant factor in causing a revamp of the system
by the way, here's valentino's criticism of marc after the valencia incident:
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here's a quick explanation of how the penalty points worked:
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and, you know, for what it's worth marc did calm down in motogp... he certainly became better at operating in the grey area of the rules, approaching his racing in a manner his competitors didn't always appreciate but was certainly a lot harder to penalise. though there were also incidents that of course people felt marc should be penalised for - say after jerez 2013, jorge did kinda go 'okay but surely you can at least give a few penalty points for this, isn't this what they're for'. but it's not like there was unanimous agreement on that, see the immediate responses of some of the riders:
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(bradley smith saying that jorge's last serious race was motegi 2005 - the one he got the race ban for - is a bit of an insane stance to take and doesn't really match up to reality, but it did make me laugh so that's something. of course the general point that during the alien era most of them were avoiding doing much actual racing isn't exactly wrong but. still)
not to make this a riding standards post, but this is the underlying tension when you're trying to decide how to regulate the sport... jerez was the first serious test that system faced - and it's one where race direction ended up calling it a pure racing incident. which is a tough call! I talked about it a bit in the sete post and what his stance was on the jerez 2005 incident, where he feels like this isn't a contact sport and shouldn't be adjudicated as such. it's a fundamental philosophical difference that became very relevant again when marc showed up fresh from his controversial moto2 campaign and woke up the entire class with his own particular brand of racing. from a write-up of the jerez 2013 race:
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(motegi 2008 not motegi 2010, which is something I remember because casey's pass also allowed valentino to immediately swoop on through. should be noted that casey may have apologised but he did not give the position back to dani lol. also motegi 2010 is pretty memorable if we're talking about hard racing. fair to say that valentino demonstrated he did not share the approach of his fellow aliens when battling jorge)
and more on the shift marc brought about:
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this is the thing, right - a big part of understanding that time period is concerning yourself with what came just before. the general feeling (unsurprisingly not shared by casey, jorge or dani) was that the series desperately needed some new life breathed into it, that the racing had become stale and sterile and far too predictable... there were several factors that contributed to this, from the beloathed 800cc bikes that were only replaced in 2012, to the approach of those three aliens and how adept they'd become at racking up wins by dominating out front, to how valentino (generally considered the most 'exciting' racer of the lot) had taken himself out of the competitive picture... I mean, in all honesty the racing is still not great in 2013 compared to the rossi heyday (it had gotten better by the very end of the 2010s), but of course there's a lot more energy to it than the years before. which meant the sport as a whole was in a tricky place where they both had to be seen to be constraining marc, stopping him from being an active danger to himself and others, while also kind of... letting him loose. a little bit of controversy is hardly a bad thing, after all - love him or hate him, everyone had a take, and that's the kind of thing that's obviously healthy for a sport
marc did get two penalty points that year for ignoring yellow flags in silverstone and crashing in the same place as cal crutchlow had just gone down:
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(for obvious reasons, 'ignoring yellow flags' is extremely dangerous, but there's no reason to believe he wasn't being honest here)
he was also given another penalty point for the contact that caused dani's crash in aragon, taking him perilously close to that back-of-the-grid penalty:
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and that was basically their position - it's a warning. broadly they wanted him to not completely revamp his approach, but just apply a little more discretion, exercise his judgement. a little more caution, a little more restraint. it's still fundamentally a different philosophy of racing than the one that had been espoused for several years by the other aliens save for valentino - but marc could get to a place where he was engaging in hard racing that generally toed the line without crossing it. a little more detail on the aragon incident and marc's approach to racing in the context of the time period from this write-up:
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this is the issue, right, marc was riding on just the right line of acceptable that race direction would not have in any way been justified in slapping out race bans - though you can certainly argue that in some cases, you could have handed out more penalty points, which would then have meant he would have faced more 'real' consequences. in any case, they couldn't actually 'teach him a lesson', because he'd already more or less learned it... if the lesson is 'hard racing and contact is fine, just don't overdo it'. which of course, not everyone would agree with. the odd memorable exception aside, throughout marc's premier class career he's been very aware of that line, and has taken care to avoid bringing the wrath of race direction upon himself too severely
the penalty points thing and sepang 2015... well, first of all let's quickly bring in what the actual ruling was:
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honestly, I imagine that if they didn't have a penalty points system, they would've figured out a different way to penalise him, and might have slapped him with a back-of-the-grid penalty anyway. not in a 'oh the fim had it out for valentino rossi!!!!' way, more that they did need to be seen doing something. the penalty points felt like a fairly elegant way of giving a penalty that wasn't that harsh and wasn't making any judgement calls over whether valentino deliberately kicked marc, while also in an indirect way ensuring that valentino would suffer consequences. and yes, it is a nice bit of dramatic irony - but the piece says it, the penalty "had to be severe enough for rossi to feel truly punished". the penalty points happened to be the tool they had available and perhaps with a different set of rules, valentino would have been handed a slightly different flavour of punishment. but really, this is more 'fun historical coincidence' than something that massively changed the events that played out
of course, it was a controversial decision that few people felt 100% comfortable with. on the one hand, if you believe that valentino kicked marc, then you probably would have wanted him to be disqualified - three measly penalty points does not feel enough in that situation. on the other, if you believe that valentino engaged aggressively with marc but without deliberately trying to make him crash, then a back-of-the-grid penalty that essentially decided the outcome of the championship before the final race even started is a tough pill to swallow. (of course there's also a position somewhere in between where valentino didn't literally kick marc but did attempt to run him off track, which would make the penalty 'about right'.) of course, the championship standings should ideally not determine what sort of penalties are being handed out - but equally, it's something that did limit the intrigue going into the race, and over something that felt quite arbitrary. the other penalty point he'd gotten to rack up the four total was about a qualifying incident in misano - which either feels like a silly thing to determine the ultimate outcome of the championship, or instead is a demonstration of how the cumulative nature of the points system is supposed to work. but yes, it did get a lot of criticism in the aftermath, with concerns over whether future title fights could end up being defanged as an indirect consequence of relatively minor incidents earlier in the season
and of course, the penalty points were eventually scrapped in early 2017. here's a bit more on that decision:
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basically, sepang 2015 was a contributing factor to broader changes in how motogp was regulated, which down the line had the knock-on effect of getting rid of that penalty system entirely. rightly or wrongly, race direction felt like they had better tools available to penalise riders and this system was now redundant. anyway [insert another lazy gag about how the switch to a stewards panel has completely failed in eliminating controversy from stewarding] [insert pithy closing line] [press post]
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starlight-bread-blog · 8 months
I Watched The First Two Episodes of Hazbin Hotel
Overall I wasn't bored. It's a fun show from the little I've seen. I have thoughts and notes I'd like to give so here's how this is gonna go:
🔵 Is for things I liked/would like to be expanded upon in the show's future.
🔴 Is for things I disliked ranging from nitpicks and just general critisisms.
Whenever something about Angel Dust's trauma I will come up, I'll mark "————" at the beginning & ending so you can avoid the topic if you'd like.
So let's dive right in!<3
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🔴 I am so confused. This is narrarated by Charlie. And her goal is to redeem sinners so they can enter Heaven to save their lives. But she also knows that Heaven doesn't kill sinners to stop over-population, it's just plain evil. So, what are we doing here again?
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🔴 This is the first time her relationship with her father is mentioned in the show. And it's done though a joke made by Alastor in a commercial he made. (Also, how would he know about Charlie's "daddy issues"? This isn't common knowledge as far as I know).
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🔴 WHAT THE FUCK? I'M SORRY. WHAT THE FUCK? I hate being this negative in the beginning but WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I don't want to discuss this line any more than the shock I felt while hearing it. Next.
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🔴 Everyone already talked about how the camera work is crap and I agree. But here's an idea: If they wanted to make something grandiose, why not make a classic musical number that's completely unrealistic, and then make the reality of Hell clash with it?
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🔴 This scene could be cut off mostly entirely. The point here is to show how awful Adam is, and the second the talking's over, we get a better song that does just that.
🔵 At first I was gonna make this a critisism, but all it did was making me ask questions, which is good in a first episode. This has me wondering about the characterization of Heaven and how it came to be. I can accept them being a shitty bureaucracy who only appear good, but this is some Saturday Morning Cartoon villian stuff. I'm very curious about this.
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🔵 Niffty couldn't say her lines and just stared at the camera and was completely unaware of the fact that she did a shitty job. How come? I wonder what they'll do with it.
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🔴 This is edited. The scene didn't go like this. We cut from the hotel to the Vees before we see Alastor's counter-attack. They cut to a really long section of the episode, in the middle of something that could be dealt with in a second. I wasn't as invested as I could have been in the introduction of the Vees, because I kept waiting to come back to Alastor.
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🔵 I'd like to know why Charlie is so naive. Optimistic? Yeah, makes sense. But naive? Now that's interesting to know. She clearly goes outside and sees how sinners aren't the safest people (ie Happy Day in Hell), so you think that spending eternity with them would get her acquainted with the culture and make her adjust her behaviors. But she's still looking at the guy who just tried to kill her and goes "Oh, hello again". I'm dying to know why she's like that.
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🔵 I see where this is going<3 Despite it all, Angel Dust clearly still loves acting. So when he'll escape Val, he'll show his theatrical side by improvising and acting for Charlie<3
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🔵 Despite Angel Dust not adoring the hotel, it's very much a safe place for him. A safe the Vees, from Valentino. Now, someone who worked for them just a second before getting discovered, is in. Can't wait to see more of this.
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🔵 I liked the rivalry of Alastor and Vox. I liked how Vox is this perfect big shot, yet crumbles about Alastor when he's barely trying. Definitely a highlight.
To Summarize...
🔴 6 negatives 🔵 6 positives
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I enjoyed myself a fair bit. Most of the negatives are either nitpicks or won't matter in five eps. It had some flaws but it's a start.
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neilgill · 8 months
Wish Defense I: The 'Complaints'
“Be to her virtues very kind, Be to her faults a little blind.” ― Matthew Prior
Disney's Wish was actually great and I'm here to defend it.
I'd like to start by negating most of, if not all, the 'complaints' this film's been getting. Please join me as I do this in 12 brief points:
Asha is a great protagonist. She is not just 'quirky' or one-dimensional: she's caring, strong, beautifully flawed, and doesn't solve every problem on her own; the movie makes a point of every one of these. I never saw her as a clone of someone like Mirabel or Anna. And she does have a character arc: she matures and learns to work hard for what she believes in. She learns that doing the right thing is difficult, but it's necessary. All this makes for a beautifully put-together character that gets through challenges and comes out stronger. Why aren't people talking about how great that is?
Magnifico is a great villain. He's an amalgam of familiar villains like Maleficent, Ursula, and Gaston, done in ways that seem fresh and unique. I've seen a lot of people say his motivation seems to change every few minutes or so, but I disagree. Him using his traumatic past is his excuse for his bad behaviour: that's what narcissists do. Just look at Mother Gothel and all her gaslighting. He was always a self-absorbed jerk who wants everyone under his heel, and whose darkness just got revealed more and more. And his 'villain shtick' is a cool and terrifying one: stripping people of their hopes and dreams to make them docile subjects who depend on him. He takes away their agency, essentially their souls and who they are as people. That is the bad thing he's been doing from Day 1, it's what makes him a villain: the film tells us that. How can people defend him? It's like people defending Gaston all over again. He's a great villain in that he goes against the values the story holds dear, challenges the protagonist in personal ways, is wonderful to hate, and is rightfully depicted as in the wrong for doing bad things. He's the selfish one, not Asha as the 'critics' are claiming. Why aren't people talking about that?
Star is a great secondary character. He is intentionally supposed to be a character that harkens back to those like Jiminy Cricket or Timothy Q. Mouse (I have a very personal connection with Dumbo, so this was important to me). People are REALLY misinterpreting that concept art of them: Star and Asha were never supposed to have a romance because Human Star would look like her grandfather. And 'Starboy' would just be a copy of Peter Pan or Genie, which people would definitely slam, thus I'm glad they changed him. See point 11 for more on Star and why his current form is the one they went with. People just care about having a Jack Frost clone (if they did go that route, they'd probably be slammed for copying Dreamworks, knowing 'critics'). The idea of a mute, magical sidekick, something that we haven't seen since Tinker Bell, is a pretty fun one that feels new and cool. And it's important to note that he never grants anyone's wish: he just helps out, letting Asha and others know that they themselves have to make it come true. Why aren't people talking about that?
I was really worried Valentino was going to be little more than a gag, but he wasn't. He helps out here and there, especially when aiding the Teens in freeing the wishes, proving his importance to the narrative. Plus I did find him pretty funny.
The Teens do stand on their own. I went into the movie knowing they were going to be new versions of the 7 Dwarfs, but each of them felt like their own unique person to me, especially Dahlia and Simon.
The animation is gorgeous: you have to watch it in HD or 4k, which people are doing for other films like Spider-Verse or Nimona, just not this one. It is far from 'lazy' or 'Disney Junior level': it harkens back to art styles Walt Disney himself loved. I can't believe they managed to replicate the feel of classic Disney backgrounds, like Snow White or Sleeping Beauty, so perfectly with modern technology. It looks like a painting, or a tapestry. Disney movies are still beautiful. Why aren't people talking about that?
The music is great: I've caught myself singing every song at least thrice. Each song brings something to the table. 'This is the Thanks I Get' fits Magnifico's character, and is something in the same vein as Gaston's song; you cannot tell me that one rent line is worse than 'nobody spits like Gaston'. I still get chills listening to 'This Wish' and its reprise. I don't know how people online are starting to think it's a bad song, but now others are just jumping on the bandwagon. You can see Asha's love and struggles within the song, and it even has the melody of 'Part of Your World'; how can you hate that? I've seen so many people personally connect with that song, myself included... Why aren't people talking about that?
'At All Costs' was never a love song between Asha and Star: Julia Michaels just wanted a love song (find that Variety article), and now it can be used for all kinds of love. I actually did tear up watching that sequence for the first time, seeing Asha hold her grandfather's wish dearly in her arms. I've seen people say it reminds them of what a parent would sing to their child, like 'You'll Be in My Heart', and I think that's just so wonderful and heartfelt. Why aren't people talking about that?
I don't have the actual post, but I'd like to bring attention back to what an artist on the film said: every 'Easter Egg' is meaningfully placed, a tribute to what has inspired generations. Not one of them felt shoehorned in to me. This movie is a tribute, a love letter, a celebration of what people have loved for 100 years. Why aren't people talking about that?
Magnifico's defeat is far from silly. It makes sense given the rules the world of the film runs on: the fact that 'we are made of stars' is a good Chekov's gun that carries a lot of meaningful importance. Each of us is special, each of us has magic, and each of us has hope. And this is where evil dies and good endures: Magnifico cannot comprehend that anyone but himself is worth anything, thus why he cannot quell this and it is the reason for this downfall. He, the villain, loses because he lacks the virtues the heroes possess. Why aren't people talking about that?
The story of this film is special: as confirmed by the staff, the film is an allegory for Walt Disney's life, and the story of Disney overall. Asha is Walt Disney, Star is Mickey Mouse: a magical force of creativity and inspiration that lights up a dark time. Because of the special nature of this, even though I'm a die-hard Disney fan, I'm fine with there not being any romance in this film (even though I'd like it back someday). This was intentionally made as a simple film à la Snow White, which was meant to be a happy, hope-giving film for people back in the 1930s. Just like this film is supposed to be now. One last time: why aren't people talking about that?
This is the first of a few posts I'll make defending this movie, so for other Wish fans out there, please stick around. I don't care if I get dragged for this: I'd rather stick up for my beliefs and defend myself my way than let online bullies like Schaffrillas, Aldone, or Astor Rhymemaster stop me from loving something I really enjoyed. I really hope this movie gets the Atlantis treatment and becomes a beloved cult classic down the line. Until next time.
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moonshynecybin · 10 months
"he hasnt gotten laid properly in since 2015" <- this is soooooo crucial and also so heartbreaking. like not even the sex proper but the intimacy. and also i like to think (maybe delulu) that vale finding this out (by accident/slip of tongue) is what makes him start rethinking the whole situation... bc no matter how vehemently he hates marc he has eyes and can see just how hot he is (our whole scenario hinges on that). marc can get anyone and anything he wants, and yet... if you told vale in 2015 that marc went celibate over their break up he'd laugh his ass off, but a vale ten years older- like that's definitely an extreme reaction and THAT'S not his fault but. it wasn't that bad. no reason to not get a life
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context here and here
i do think marc is genuinely like. a uhaul lesbian in many respects to the people he keeps close in his life lmao. like he chooses your ass and you are there forever!!! a lil possessive methinks! same team from like 17 until the bike was actively trying to kill him and even few years after that. still reaching out to vale years 2015-2018! he's sooo one and done and in this scenario him and valentino have been "casually" (NAWT casual to either of them but they do not talk about it) fucking on and off for a bit (TWO YEARS..) and it truly. does not occur to marc that it might end or that he might get dropped at the curb and have to reckon with a world without valentino in his life (or god forbid as his enemy). marc marquez situationship victim.
so yeah him and vale break up and its awful and terrible and after 2018 he does the marc thing. which is shut that part of him down like gangbusters. truly i dont need to be loved anymore i want to WIN. and unfortunately for marc once he's not winning he is . unrelentingly miserable and in pain and sad and struggling. and he gets surgery and the bike gets better when he goes to gresini and back to honda but it was bad. for a while. and he still isnt getting laid lol
so someone (ON GOD. no idea who. bc you could not waterboard that out of marc lol) lets it slip that marc doesnt really. get laid. ever. and vale (slut, sex-haver) is like lol that cannot be true (HD flashbacks of marc young eager sloppy big eyed in his bed playing against his eyelids). realizations dawning. so he waits until ummmm the end of year gala when they are all niiiiice and tipsy and corners marc and asks him without actually asking him. and marc doesnt confirm it but it is CLEAR. that lil homie gay ass has not in fact slept with anyone before or since.
and then. i think our man valentino gets a little crazy about it. picturing marc. remembering. thinking about how like. lonely and miserable he must have been during his injury and how valentino was the last and only person to get to touch him like that. its a lil problematic but it is crucially sexy. this is also when marc notices vale like. staring at him all the time and the wheels start turning about the weird convo at the gala. so he activates slut mode and vale gets even more insane about it and starts walking into doorways bc marc is doing shirtless stretches in tiny shorts and putting his leg up fully behind his head. so OBVIOUSLY vale's gotta fuck him. as like. a humanitarian effort
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