#(Interacting respectfully is OK!)
tinta--branca--art · 8 months
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Clanging pots and pans together @gendervapor14 your mind is huge for the corabelle+oc combo so here they are !!
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jonathanbyersphd · 1 year
Me, waiting to see how exactly they plan to resolve Jonathan's storyline now that they've reintegrated him back into the Byers family:
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echidnana · 11 months
maybe this is just us but. as a system of color. we don't think it's inherently appropriative to use names from different cultures. obviously there ARE ppl who do it disrespectfully or disregard the importance of names in cultures and stuff but it's always felt weird to see white systems especially say u can't use any names from different cultures ever
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izzyizumi · 2 years
m E: *Takes Deep Breath* ME: I LOV-- anyone who has spent five seconds around me ever: yes, you love GHOST GAME, we get it okay, you love DIGIMON GHOST GAME, /GHOST GAME/ is a *NEW* brightest f*CKING Starshine in your life, you f*cking ADORE{/D} IT {/SINCE THE 1ST EP}, yes okay yes, you love GHOST GAME!!!, HOW many times are we gonna go through this, yOU F*CKING LOVE GHOST GAME ACTUALLY AND IT'S OK FOR YOU TO LOVE THE GHOST GAME SERIES AND CHARACTERS!!!!
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frogchiro · 1 year
OK OK PLEASE HEAR ME OUT🙏 reader showing up to Slasher!graves house obviously with some pastries for him because she wanted to thank him for helping her with something and after a couple minutes pf him not so sneakily trying to get his musly scent on her, Reader realizes its getting late so she starts heading out but just before she leaves she hugs graves and gives him a kiss on the cheek before finally walking away and leaving him all flustered and still prossesing reader's actions since she had never before hugged him let alone kissed him
But how could you not bring him all these baked goods?? This is literally the one thing you could do for Mr Graves since he refuses any kind of payment for all the help he offers, always insisting he is the one who will personally see to any problem you might have even if you tell him that it's too much, that you couldn't possibly pay him back and that he surely has more important things to do than help some girl pick peaches or fix the ladder.
"Don't you even worry 'bout that darlin', it's my pleasure and a man's duty to help cute lil' ladies like yourself" he would reply in that low, syrupy southern drawl that leaves you flustered and erratic which Philip just laughs off.
When you brought him the baked goods, a tray of muffins and a decadent chocolate cake Philip was a little bit surprised but mostly smug. See? You're already caring and cook for him too! It's obviously a sign that you're not only attracted to him but also ready to take on the role of his cute little housewifey!! Isn't he so dreamy? <3
He was immediately on you, inviting you inside and perhaps to stay the night? It's already getting late darlin' and there could be creeps roaming around, you never know! But with that cute n shy polite smile you declined saying that there is still a bit of sun left but you wanted to bring these to him when they're still fresh :>
Ofc through the entire interaction Graves had one heavy arm around you, large, warm palm resting respectfully on your waist but not lower as not to scare you but he thinks he still managed to get the point across; his heavy musk and cologne rubbed off on you even if a little bit, making you smell like him and therefore marking you up. In a bold move he leaned down to give you a kiss on the cheek since he just couldn't help himself anymore. Sure it was risky and bold but judging by your flustered state and your darling doe eyes looking up at him all confused but oh so sweet, Graves knew he had to let you go or else he'd drag you inside his home to make his future wife a future momma <33
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stil-lindigo · 8 months
to your dead slug anon: i work at a university as a professors assistant. if you miss a day or two of classes in solidarity that will not fuck up you degree. as someone who has missed many days of class for less important reasons you will be fine. asking for notes doesn’t undermine anything (the point is to temporarily withdraw from business as usual and non attendance accomplishes that). idk about your specific university but in general many professors stand with palestine. many professors are happy to get any interaction from students at all and you showing interest in staying on top of your work while using your voice will reflect well on you.
2. (respectfully) please get some fucking perspective (this applies to everyone)! not everyone has a perfect and safe life however you are not being bombed. your family is safe from a random attack by a foreign entity. (assuming american) you are not facing occupation. your neighborhood is standing. you can go to your favorite restaurant. there are sterile and functional medical centers. there is food. there is water. you are going to university and getting a degree. all students in palestine studies have been put on pause or completely ended for those who have been martyred. their universities destroyed or severely damaged. their work all lost besides what is in their brains. palestinian intellectuals and writers targeted for the power and voices they hold. being a little uncomfortable will be ok. having to do a little extra make-up work or reading on your own will be ok and temporary! do not let feelings of nervousness about your comfort and your life stop your participation in something that is bigger than all of us on an individual scale. this is bigger than you. it will be ok to decenter your work and studies for one week.
we need to get willing to get uncomfortable and do things that may seem hard if we want the world to change period.
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khaire-traveler · 2 months
This is a difficult thing to accept sometimes, but it's really important that we do not immediately demonize those who disagree with us. If we ever want to find common ground in the future (because people can and do change), we need to ensure that we don't completely polarize our standings with people who don't hold the same perspective or opinion.
Especially online, this is difficult to do. People are prone to react immediately to information rather than take time to digest it. Reading tone is considered to be essentially impossible online by many researchers, which contributes to the intense debates you'll often see floating around some platforms.
It can be extremely difficult to keep our wits about us when topics hit especially close to home, but the best way to win over an opponent is to deliver a well-thought, neutral-leaning argument. Always acknowledge their points, whether or not you agree with them, and their perspective respectfully. Do not outright attack or insult someone; this immediately loses your opponent's engagement and greatly diminishes your argument. If the conversation gets too inflammatory, step away. You are not required to "win" the argument, and some people simply cannot be reasoned with online (or at all). Make sure you're informed on logical fallacies and that your arguments do not contain them.
Be aware that sometimes we just have to agree to disagree, even if it stabs us straight in our pride. It sucks, but that's simply the nature of being human: we will not agree on every single thing, and that's ok. Also, sometimes it's simply not worth engaging with someone. I've met people who choose to live in an echo chamber, regardless of how you present your information to them, and in those cases, for your own well-being, it can be better to simply not interact. Whatever you choose to do, always try to be nuanced and think critically. Take care, everyone.
***Disclaimer: This post is NOT referring to human rights issues and the like. It's referring to general Internet discourse.***
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writingwithcolor · 11 months
Romani character portrayals in fanfiction
Rroma Dick Grayson, batman fanfiction
endoftheworldhere asked:
I wanted to write a fanfiction about what Dick Grayson’s life would have been like if he wasn’t adopted by Batman. It was going to have him dealing with the bad parts of Gotham City and interacting with various criminals and rouges, But I was worried that could come off as stereotypical or racist since he’s been portrayed as at least part Romani and I wanted to include some connections to his heritage as a way he clings his parents after they died so traumatically. Any advice?
The thing about Dick Greyson is that he was retconned into being part Romani, and the writers did so in a very stereotypical way. A lot of Romani people have talked about this, especially on Tumblr, and opinions do vary about how he should be written. Many think it’s best to ignore his “heritage” and just write him as white, while others disagree and think that his heritage is important representation and should be written, but more respectfully.
I honestly don’t know my personal opinion on this, but I will say that there is a huge stereotype about Romani people being criminals. If you do plan to write him as part Romani, make sure to avoid these tropes. Otherwise, I would just nix his Romani heritage.
-Mod Tess
Romani woman, curses and Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Anonymous asked:
I'm struggling a bit with a piece of fan work right now, and I was hoping you could weigh in. In Buffy season two, there's a character named Jenny, who we first meet as a techno-pagan computer science teacher, who helps Buffy and co deal with fighting demons and stuff. Only the thing is, she's Rromani. She's there to make sure a family curse stays on a vampire who killed someone beloved to them a century ago (mostly to protect people from him if Angel/Angelus gets uncursed), which everyone gets mad at her for not telling them when he loses his soul and goes on rampage.  Ordinarily, it's not hard to write her, because until that arc, she's a fun character who happens to be a Rroma woman, and as other characters use magic, that doesn't stand out. But the whole curse thing, and the depiction of her family we're given, (and the way a canon redemption arc for Angelus I can't stand starts with him getting a soul as a punishment for killing a Rroma woman in 1898), and the everyone being mad about deception all just feels like many negative stereotypes.  What would be your thoughts on depicting Jenny, and on what to keep in mind trying to rewrite how she was shown in the show. [Ask redacted for length]
Let me just start out by saying that I am not very familiar with Buffy, so thank you for the context. I think your best bet here would be to drop the curse plot line altogether, as that’s a huge stereotype about Romani people. I think it’s ok to have her do magic, as long as other characters also do, and although I do think the vampire stuff is also a stereotype (a lot of vampire lore is supposedly taken from some Romani folklore, and Romani people are often associated with vampires in pop culture), I think it’s fine given the context of the show.
-Mod Tess
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thinkingofchishiya · 3 months
Shy, suguru?
Fluff x Smut
plot: fem!reader taking niragi home to clean him up after finding him during the alley scene but it leads to more
warnings: long, mentions of bullying, minor mention of injury and blood, virginity loss, dom!reader x sub!niragi (both are slight switches,this comes into play at the end), dynamic shift, praise and degradation, it’s niragi so i’d say dead dove do not eat but he’s not bad in this at it’s obviously pre!borderlands, afab! reader, characters are 18+ in their college year at school
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word count: over 4500
“hey asshole watch where your going!” you groan and rub your shoulder as a group of boys from your year rushed past, one of them barging past in the process almost knocking you off your feet.
“sorry sexy!” the boys all laugh still running and you visibly recoil your face in disgust. It was after school and you were walking home to your dorm block after a long day, that is until you heard the faint sound of sniffling in the alley you passed every day on your way to and from the school.
Curiosity killing the cat as you decide to take a look, it was niragi suguru. You shared a few classes but barely spoke, you were fairly popular at the school and well to put it simply, niragi was the opposite. Shy, nerdy and quiet you barely interacted unless it was for the work. Still you had never been mean to him and resented the treatment he got from others. He was a sweet socially awkward boy that could barely even make eye contact with your classmates half the time, but he kept to himself and didn’t do anything to deserve the relentless, torturous bullying his classmates inflicted upon him.
Niragi was on the ground, crying quietly and with a damaged and bloody nose, desperately searching for his glasses, that from what you could see were surprisingly not broken. His vision wasn’t the best without them and as you took footsteps towards him he looked up in fear. “Please!…please stop-” he pleaded while scrambling to reach for the glasses.
The sight broke your heart. Leaning down next to him and reaching for the glasses, you carefully put them back over his eyes. “it’s ok niragi it's me, y/n. We have history and math together”
His eyes widen with shock and temporary relief as he recognises your soft voice. “y/n..?” He looks up at you, sniffling, his nose still throbbing in pain. “You...you saw?” His voice trembles, a mix of vulnerability and embarrassment obvious.
“no but i saw them running off and had a gut feeling, fucking asshole almost knocked me off my feet…hey your bleeding” , you touch his arm softly urging him to stand. He flinches at the contact at first, but then relaxes when he realises that you don’t want to hurt him, instead fetching tissues from your tiny bag to give to him.
“i know...they always do this” he speaks low as he wipes the blood from his nose. “Thank you for helping me...”
“that’s okay sweetie but your cut needs care. Come with me, my dorm is only right there please let me clean you up,” you point at your apartment block.
His eyes dart towards the dorms, then back to you, a look of uncertainty crossing his face. “I...I don't know...” He bites his lip clearly torn. “I don't want to trouble you..”
“you’d only trouble me by not letting me help you, if you don’t i’ll be up all night worrying, come on honey”, you take his hand softly and he feels a pang against his heart at the unfamiliar feeling of care that your showing him.
His cheeks turn a faint shade of pink at the contact, his first time holding hands with a girl. “y/n...thank you” He takes a deep breath, letting you lead him towards the dormitories. “Thank you......I owe you so much”
��nonsense, come inside with me honey i'll look after you, i hate those assholes so much…” you enter your keycard pin and begin walking up the stairs with him trailing behind you. Your skirt reveals the back of your soft thighs like this and he looks away respectfully, the last thing he would want you to think is that he’s a pervert. He almost let’s out a breath of relief when you reach your floor.
He follows you into the dormitory, casting furtive glances around him as if expecting someone to jump out and yell at him until you softly take his hand again leading him further than the front door. Your apartment smells good, like vanilla and women’s perfume, he places it as your perfume that he was familiar with from math class, the little pink bottle you would leave on your desk every lesson.
“i don't know what I'd do without you right now...” His voice is barely a whisper, filled with a gratitude that borders on worship.
His praise does something to you and you begin to wonder if niragi has ever even had a girl be nice let alone touch him before. “it's okay i'm gonna clean you up, you can stay here as long as you need too i’ll make dinner afterwards i’d love for you to at least eat with me tonight”
His eyes light up at the offer, a hopeful smile playing on his lips. “Really? l'd like that. Thank you...” He murmurs, turning to face you with an expression of pure adoration.
“come with me… sit-” you point at your bed as you disappear into the bathroom to retrieve a first aid kit. He nods, his eyes fixed on you as you exit the room, a soft "okay" escaping his lips. Once you've left he cautiously approaches the bed, perching on the edge and taking in his surroundings.
Your room was a reflection of you, pink and cutesy with an edge of passion. The bed was adorned with pink covers and a matching fluffy blanket on the end, but as he looked around the rest of your room he noticed other things- stuff you were interested in. Posters, collectors stuff, even funko pops and books. This causes him to smile to himself, who would’ve thought one of the most popular girls he knew was so into her niche interests, it reminded him of his own room.
You return from the bathroom holding the first aid kit and niragi shifts nervously, he knew you would have to touch him. “it’s okay i’ll be gentle…”, however you then do the last thing niragi expects as you plant yourself down on his lap. Digging through the box to retrieve sterilising wipes the affect you have on niragi at the current moment goes unnoticed, his face flushed with shy surprise as he struggles to think of something to say.
“okay just be still for me…” you wipe the drying blood from his nose “good boy”. His breathing hitches at your words and touch, the warmth of your other hand cupping against his face making him blush even deeper. He bites his lip nervously trying to slow his breathing, trying not to move as you tend to his wound.
“that's it your doing so good for me, now let me just grab…” the rest of what your saying as you dig through the box is now lost on niragi, your choice of words sending blood pumping in places he wanted to keep under control while you were on his lap.
He watches you intently, taking in the gentleness and care that you are giving him in order to try and control his situation. Singing softly as you rub an ointment on his cut, a soft smile tugs at the corners of his lips, a rare show of happiness from the shy and timid boy. You lock eyes with him and smile in return when you notice, “you have a cute smile you know.”
His eyes widen at your words, his smile faltering for a moment before a deeper, more genuine one replaces it. He blushes a vibrant pink, ducking his head in embarrassment. “I-I.th-thank you...” His voice is soft, barely above a whisper as he stutters. “-no one's ever…”
“complimented you before?” you frown slightly while screwing the cap back on the ointment and putting it back in the box. He shakes his head, looking down at his hands in his lap. The blush on his cheeks deepens, if possible. “…no, no one's ever said anything like that to me before. It’s nice…” His voice is small, barely audible and you put the first aid kit on the bed next to you before placing your hands on his face to make him look up at you “well i notice”
A soft gasp slips from his lips as he feels your hands on his face, heating under your touch. “you do?”
“yep, i think your really cute actually” i move a strand of hair from his face “you don't try too hard- not like those other guys at school, i like that in a guy”, niragi can't believe the sudden outpouring of your words, it’s too good to be true. In his eyes you were a princess, but he knew all too well guys like him never got girls like you.
“yeah, why what do you think? that i like assholes like those guys from school?” Niragi shakes his head firmly, “N-no! Not at all! I-I mean, I know they're popular and all, but...” He swallows hard, his voice dropping to a whisper, “they're mean and arrogant”
“yeah exactly, and your sweet and so smart. I still remember when mrs park told you to tutor me” He nods, a smile lighting up his features at the memory. His grip on your arms relaxes as he recalls her praise. “Yeah, i remember too...you were struggling with calculus.” A blush creeps up his cheeks again.
“and i still do,” you let out a giggle “but the point is you always helped me and was so nice, you never got snappy when i kept getting questions wrong. You were patient with me and never made me feel bad or dumb about it”
His eyes sparkle at the praise and he chuckles softly, shaking his head. “no, I could never get angry at you and anyways I enjoyed helping you, seeing the smile on your face when you finally understand something...” he goes quite in fear of proffessing his love for you, “mmh and i only understood because of you” you smile at the boy once more.
The smile on his face grows wider, his chest puffing up slightly with pride. “really?” He blushes again, looking down at the floor.
“mhm and i never got to properly thank you” you lift his head slightly to make eye contact with him, his eyes meet yours and he gazes at you, his heart thudding in his chest. He gulps, his hand reaching up to gently brush some hair out of your face, the gesture sweet like him. “Y-you don't have to thank me, l enjoyed it...”
“i still want to, can i kiss you niragi?” His eyes widen in shock, and the butterflies in his body start rapidly going wild, “you? want to kiss,me?…yes...I-I mean, if you want to..” you laugh at his awkwardness, “ i wouldn't ask if i didn't want to”
His face turns even redder if possible as you lean closer to him. His hands instinctively move to your waist, pulling you as close as he dare before your lips meet each others. The kiss is soft and slow, so sweet it could put a jar of candy to shame. His eyes fluttering shut as he melts into your touch. His hands grips your waist, pulling you even closer as he returns the kiss, his lips soft and tentative. As the kiss deepens, he makes a small needy noise that goes straight to your core, making you involuntarily buck your hips into his as you makeout.
Feeling your hips buck against his, a small moan escapes niragi’s lips as he grinds back against you without thinking. His mind is in a haze as he focuses on the feeling of your lips and core on his. Until you break the kiss panting.
“baby your hard”, his eyes snap open staring at you in surprise as you break the kiss. He looks down and realizes his hard on is pressing against your thigh. He stammers apologies and blushes profusely, “fuck…i’m sorry i’m-” he tries to lift you so he can cover his erection but you push him back down and kiss him again, sitting closer on his lap now covering his erection with your heat.
A small smile forms on his lips as you heatedly makeout. When he was being beaten did he die and go to heaven? Suguru can’t believe his luck.Your warmth covering his hard on sends a shiver down his spine, and he bites back a moan.
“we don't have to do anything you don't want to, i know it’s your first time, but if you do want to then just tell me okay don’t be shy” you kiss his neck softly.
He feels embarrassment at your remark about knowing he was a virgin, but it quickly passes as you begin to suck on his neck leaving a mark. One of the most desired girls in the school was sitting on loser suguru niragi’s cock, marking his neck. In that moment he knew he was winning, “y/n i want you”.
“are you sure?” you pull away for a moment just to be positive that Niragi was ready. He nods, his face slightly flushed as he looks at you with a mix of desire and a little bit of nervousness. “, please y/n”
you let him kiss you for a little while more before pulling away “,ok what do you want baby?
He pulls back from the kiss, his chest heaving as he looks up at you with a shy but intense gaze. “I-I want….” He swallows hard, his voice barely above a whisper. “I want to feel your hands on me. all over me...”
“That can be done,” i give him feathery kisses all over his face “,can i take off your clothes?”
He nods slowly, biting his lip as he reaches up to start unbuttoning his shirt, his hands shaking slightly. “s'okay let me,” i kiss him on the lips gently and take control of undoing his buttons as i move his shaky hands out of the way “,need you to relax for me niragi”
He takes a deep breath as you take control undressing him, “will taking off mine aswel make you feel better?” His eyes light up at the suggestion and he nods eagerly. “Y-yes, please...” He helps you take off your clothes, his hands trembling in anticipation slightly as he watches you pull your shirt off. He feels his breath catch in his throat, “you are so beautiful..”
He reaches up to caress your cheek, “May... may I touch you as well?” you feel yourself get wet at this, compared to other guys you’ve been with niragi was giving you good signs that he cared for your consent and pleasure aswel as much as his own. “of course you can touch me ragi”. He smiles at the nickname and hesitates for a moment before closing the distance between you, his hand tentatively reaching out to touch your skin.. He explores your body with gentle fingers, tracing the outline of your waist and the curve of your breasts. “You're so warm... and soft..”
you giggle at this “,you like that?” He blushes at your laugh,his eyes sparkling with a mix of shyness and delight. Niragi would remember this as the best day of his life, the events that transpired to him even being here in your apartment now long forgotten.
He leans in closer, his lips brushing against your neck and collarbones as he continues to explore your body, his touch growing bolder but still gentle. “that’s it baby keep touching me” you grind over his budge slightly, his trousers and your skirt still on.
He moans softly, his hands roaming over your body with increased urgency. “y/n..want you,” His trousers strain against his growing arousal, the fabric a thin barrier between you until you stand up abruptly riding yourself of your skirt and he takes the initiative to remove his trousers aswel.
when you make your way back over to him he is staring at your now exposed thighs and pink g string thong. “do you like my panties niragi? you wiggle in his lap to show them off and his cheeks flush a deep pink at the sight, his mouth falling open slightly. “Y-yes... They're very pretty...” He stammers, his hands gripping onto your hips a little tighter. “wanna touch them?,” he nods and reaches out to gently brush his fingertips against the fabric and you moan as his fingertips graze against your clothed clit.
His eyes widen in surprise at the sound of your moan, his movements becoming more confident as he rubs his fingers against you. “does that... does that feel good?”
“it’s perfect, keep touching me there ragi just like that in circles, mhhh that's it” you roll your hips over his fingers. They move in small, gentle circles over your clit, his thumb rubbing in soft, figure-eight patterns. He watches transfixed as your face contorts with pleasure,
“like that pretty boy your doing so good,” you sigh with pleasure and his face lights up with a soft smile at your words, a blush creeping up his cheeks.
“You feel amazing...” this causes you to almost scoff with a slight bemused smirk “,you haven't even felt me yet”. A curious expression crosses his face, his cheeks flushed. He hesitates for a moment betore slipping his fingers under your panties and fingering you gently. You bite your lip with a spark of pleasure at the misunderstanding “oh fuck! niragi-“ He gasps softly as he discovers your arousal. “You're so wet...” His touch becomes more deliberate, pumping two fingers in and out of you at a steady pace. “S-so tight... is this okay?,” you almost ignore him as you barely manage to nod in reply with your head thrown back in white hot pleasure. His ego swells at your response, and he starts to move his fingers faster.
“You're making me so hard..,” he murmurs in awe. This causes you to snap back down before you cum, “can i fuck you are you ready now?” you make eye contact with him as you ask and notice how his widen at the sudden boldness of your words, a mix of shock and arousal flashing across his face but he nods eagerly. Pulling off his pants, revealing his hard and throbbing cock, his cheeks flush with embarrassment as he struggles to find the right words. “You can fuck me now... please…”
“fuck that's hot,” you push him back on the bed by his chest. He lands on the bed with a soft thud, his heart racing at your dominant gesture. He lies there, legs spread open, his cock twitching with anticipation.
“what position do you want?,” He swallows hard, his mind racing with possibilities. “Umm.… w-would you... f-fit on top?,” his face flushes at the thought of you straddling him, your hips moving against his. “is that what you imagine when you touch yourself?”
He looks away too embarrassed to meet your gaze as he answers “yes, ma'am... I... I've always imagined you like that... and sometimes I imagine you tying me up and... doing things to me...”
“your such a little whore” i degrade him but arousal practically drips down my legs at the lewd confession, His stammering voice is now a breathless whimper “fuck... I-I'm not” , his objections are cut off by the sight of you touching yourself above him. “no? then why did you let me take you home hmm? you wanted me to fuck you senseless didn't you, little dirty slut” i tease him while playing with my tits. He can't even form a coherent response anymore, loosing self control completely as he grabs your hips and thrusts into you, immediately bottoming out.
He cries out, his back arching off the bed at the feeling and you cry out in shock, “fuck niragi! you fucking slut i didn’t tell you to-”
Your cut off as he begins impaling you on his cock, the sudden intensity overwhelming both of your senses. “Ah! y/n... s-so deep-...” His eyes fly open when a hand wraps around his neck, pupils dilated with pleasure as he looks up at you, your weight pressing him into the mattress.
“what's a quiete little nerd like you doing walking around with such a monster cock for hmm?” you begin to move your hips taking back control. His breath hitches as you move, the combination of friction and praise making him even harder. “mhh other girls would be lucky to bounce on dick like this, and it's all mine” you gyrate your hips perfectly causing him to whimper.
His eyes roll back, lost in the ecstasy of your movements as he whimpers and moans. “Y-yes, ma'am... a-all yours…..” He wraps his arms around your waist, holding on for dear life as you ride him with expert precision, his body trembling with each thrust.
“do i fuck good baby? better than you imagined?” , He nods frantically, tears of pleasure welling up in his eyes. “Y-yes, ma'am... b-better than I ever imagined….” He gasps as you slam down onto him, his cock throbbing inside of you. “S-so good!”
He gasps as you continue to move on top of him, his body quivering with pleasure and so close to release, “lucky i'm even touching you” you throw your head back with your harsh words, and his eyes follow the movement, a mix of awe and adoration in his gaze despite the things you say to him.
“Y-yes, ma'am... I'm grateful for every moment you give me...” He thrusts his hips upwards, increasing the contact between the both of you. “mmh that's it niragi fuck me!” His eyes roll back, a look of ecstasy on his face as he listens to your demand.
“yes ma'am... I'll fuck you... I'll make you cum on my cock...” He starts to move beneath you with increased urgency, his hips thrusting upwards to meet your downward strokes.
“that's it take control ragi, fuck me!” His cock twitches with excitement at the use of his nickname and the sudden switch in dominance. He reaches around to grab your hips, helping you move faster on top of him. “Fuck, you're so tight and wet...” “destroy this pussy niragi don't stop!” your crying now as his hips begin to buck wildly, his cock plunging deeper into you. “won't stop until you scream my name and cum all over me...”
“fuck me from behind i want vou as deep as possible can you do that?” He nods quickly pulling out from under you and helps you get on all fours before positioning himself back inside you, thrusting deeply. He grips your hips tightly, his thrusts becoming more urgent as he pounds into you from behind. “Yes... I can feel how much you like it... so fucking tight and wet…I'm going to make you cum so hard y/n!”
“splitting me open ragi... so deep” you whimper, he can't get enough of seeing you in this new submissive light, and it only urges him on as he plunges his cock deeper into you. “That's right... you're practically begging me to split you open, aren't you?”
“shit shit shit, keep talking to me like that”, i reach down and play with my clit and he pounds me from behind. He leans over to whisper in your ear as he continues to pound into you, his breath hot against your skin.
He chuckles softly, clearly enjoying your embarrassment as much as your pleasure. “Shhh, it's okay princess... I'll keep your dirty little secret...i never imagined you were this much of a whore y/n” suddenly he spits between your bodies for more lube and quickens his pace brutally “FUCK NIRAGI!”
He grins wickedly at your outburst, “That's right, scream for me... let everyone know who's fucking you senseless” He groans in pleasure as you tighten around him, his own release fast approaching. “Fuck... I'm so close come for me, little slut... show me how much you love being fucked like this...”
withought much more persuading you cum all over niragi's cock, so hard that it makes a mess everywhere and milks him of his own orgasm. He watches in awe as you cum, your juices squirting all over his cock and dripping down his balls. He grunts, his own orgasm rippling through him. He collapses beside you, panting heavily as he tries to catch his breath.
“That….. was incredible…. I've never felt anything like that before...” He glances at you shyly, a faint blush returning on his cheeks. “Did I do okay? I mean... was it good for you?”
“more than good-fuck..” you can barely catch your breath. He smiles shyly, a sense of pride filling him as he hears your words. “I'm glad...”
He leans over and places a gentle kiss on your lips, his fingers tracing patterns on your stomach. “We should probably clean up...”
“it's okay don’t rush i'm not gonna kick you out” you chuckle and he laughs too, a warm and genuine sound that fills the room. “Thank you...” He kisses you once more before getting up and grabbing some tissues, helping you clean up before using them himself “Maybe we can do this again sometime...”
“of course, iv never had a fuck like that before if you think you can just live your life normally after that one your wrong niragi ” He chuckles. a hint of nervousness still in his voice. “I-I'll keep that in mind...” He looks at you sheepishly before leaning in for another kiss, one you return softly with a smile.
“i know i can get a little mean in the bedroom but i did it for you, i knew you was capable of taking controll of me. Stop letting those pricks be so horrible to you niragi, start standing up for yourself okay?” you kiss him tenderly again
He nods, his eyes sparkling with gratitude and affection. “I'll try...” He kisses you back, his hands resting on your hips as he pulls you closer. “You make me feel... invincible.”
“i'm glad” you straddle him once more and pepper feather light kisses all over his face.
He melts under your kisses, his eyes fluttering closed as he savors the gentle touch. “Mmm, that feels nice...” His hands slide up your back, gently caressing your skin as he returns your affection, his lips tracing soft kisses along your jawline.
“do you want to stay the night?” you walk over to the bathroom turning on the shower.
He nods eagerly, his eyes lighting up with excitement. “yes!,” He stands up and walks towards the bathroom, watching as you turn on the shower.
A mischievous grin spreads across his face. you raise an enquisitive eyebrow at his expression and pull the bathroom door shut with both of you inside.
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todayisawthewhxlewxrld · 11 months
"are you longing, is it Killing Time?"
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"if i’m honest, think i want it. no more talking, no more nonsense."
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synopsis// you work at a ballet studio and suna works at the karate dojo next door.
pairing// rintaro suna x gn!reader
word count// 3.9k
contents// ooc suna? idk he's like kinda smug in this... ive never written for him before so heed my warning. slight enemies to lovers but like kinda not really. osamu's obligatory accent. plot kinda speaks for itself i have no other warnings besides the fact that this kinda (majorly) sucks...
requested// by an anon!! im SO sorry this took me so long to write!!
notes// i know i said id never write for haikyuu again but i lied ok? take it. do what you will with this. sorry if this is all over the place... i feel very out of my element writing for haikyuu again LMFAO. also if anything mentioned about karate or ballet is wrong sorry!! i took ballet ONCE and taken karate never xoxo tbh i think the plot probably wouldve worked better as an smau but im not doin all that (respectfully.) anywho this was also inspired by killing time by movements (TOOOO GOOODDDDD)
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Classical music and the whispers of the kids eight-counting their steps echo throughout the room. Everything is peaceful and as it should be... That is, until the mirror walls begin to vibrate violently from the sudden blaring of music from the studio next to yours. All the kids turn to look at you, confused about what’s happening, and you flash them a small apologetic smile.
“You guys keep practicing, okay? I'm gonna go next door and ask them to turn it down.” 
Satisfied with your guidance, they nod, and you quickly walk out. Though not comfortable leaving a bunch of children unsupervised, you leave your studio door open to make sure that you’re still able to hear them from outside. You sigh before walking into the next studio; frankly, you had gotten this far without having to interact with anyone else, and you just wished it would stay that way. Neither the kids nor their instructor seem to notice your presence. And even though you clear your throat, no one hears you.
“Excuse me!” 
Suddenly all heads are turning toward you, and you reflexively dig your feet into the floor to stop yourself from running back out. Their instructor waves the kids off, having them go back to practicing whatever karate move he had just taught them before walking up to you.
"Can I help you?” he says, his eyes boring into yours.
And suddenly. Suddenly, you hate him. Or, at the very least, strongly dislike him. He blasts his music, knowing damn well the walls are thin, and then has the audacity to give you attitude?
“Are you gonna say something, or are you just gonna stand there all day?” He stops and briefly looks you up and down, a small smirk playing on his face. "Actually, I wouldn’t mind that.”
Your jaw clenches, giving him the nicest smile you very well could muster. “Can you turn down your music? It’s distracting my kids.”
He hums and appears to consider it for a moment, and you're almost grateful—almost, because then he has to open his stupid mouth again.
“Maybe if you say please.”
Your eye twitches. "Okay, you know what? Nevermind." You glance over at his students briefly, making sure they aren't looking at the two of you, and when you confirm that they aren't, you flip him off, and all he does is laugh. You groan, and if you could slam his studio door shut without the glass shattering, you would.
To no one’s surprise, he didn't stop playing his music at full volume—he claimed it pumped the kids up, and sure, maybe it did, but all it did was distract your own. And eventually, you two somehow fell into a game of who could play whose music louder. Considering your music consisted of different ballet numbers, it's safe to say he always won.
Week after week, you'd show up in his studio and ask him to just turn his music off, to lower the volume, to do something other than drive you crazy, but all he'd do was poorly flirt and smirk, his eyes always on you one way or another, and if you weren't so annoyed by him, you’re sure you would have found him captivating. It's not surprising when one day he’s the one showing up at your studio—you're actually excited about it, thinking that maybe, just maybe, he’s finally given up and is here to apologize. When you approach him and find all his students outside behind him, you quickly realize that's not the case. You glance between him and the kids.
“You guys go in and make friends, yeah?” You say as you move out the way to allow his students into your studio. You wait until they're all inside before stepping out and closing the door behind you. You whisper harshly, “What the fuck do you want?”
"Wow, you use that kind of language around your students?” He asks, his smirk all too evident on his face as he crosses his arms.
You stare at him blankly, no amusement etched on any of your features, and he awkwardly clears his throat.
“Our studio flooded.”
“Okay… What does that have to do with me?"
His shoulders slump as he groans. "Oh, c’mon.”
“How am I supposed to know what you want if you won't use your words like a big boy?” you ask, arms crossed and eyebrows raised.
He glares at you, and for once, it seems like you're the one getting under his skin. “Fuck you.”
You mockingly tut and shake your head. "Wow, you use that kind of language around your kids?”
He stands there and kicks at the sidewalk, clearly having some internal debate you don’t care enough to ask about, but he tells you anyway.
“Would you… be willing to share your studio with us until they fix our studio?”
Without missing a beat, you laugh. “Yeah no. I don't even know your name... What if you're some serial killer?”
“First of all, it's Rintaro Suna. Second of all, do you really think they would hire me to work around kids if I was a serial killer?”
You shrug. You don’t care about the logistics; you just don’t want him in your studio.
“And third of all, seriously?” He crosses his arms, and his tone is full of the kind of disappointment you'd only find in a friend who’s been betrayed—not in between two strangers who’ve done nothing but “fight” about music for weeks on end.
“Yes seriously. Can’t you find a new studio?”
“Owner says it’s more expensive to do that than fix whatever got fucked up.”
“Then find someone else to share with,” you say as you turn to walk back into your studio.
Suna grabs your wrist, and as you look over your shoulder at him, he pouts. "Are you really gonna take this out on the kids just because you hate me?”
You stare at him blankly, but the more you think about it and let what he’s said sink in, the softer your face becomes, and suddenly your conviction is nowhere to be found—just another leaf blown away in the wind. “How did your studio flood?”
Happy with how you don’t seem like you're about to escape off into your studio anymore, Suna lets go of your wrist and starts explaining, “Well, one kid clogged the toilet and the other left the sink running.”
“Deserved,” you say through a snort.
“Whatever. Are you gonna share or not?”
“Fine,” you sigh. "But I swear to god, Suna, the second you piss me off or don’t listen, I'm kicking your ass out. This is still my studio.”
"Technically, it’s not even yours.”
You stare at him blankly, eyes narrowed, and Suna can immediately tell you’re already thinking about taking back your offer of letting him stay in your studio.
He coughs awkwardly. "I'll shut up now.” 
“Good choice.”
A beat passes between the two of you just staring at each other, and when Suna realizes you won't say anything more, he takes the initiative.
Tilting his head at you, he asks, "So, are you gonna tell me your name now?”
You continue staring at him blankly.
"Oh, cmon, we’re gonna be sharing a studio now.”
“It's Y/n L/n.”
"Well, Y/n,” he says, somewhat dragging out your name before teasing, "I always knew you had a soft spot for me.”
"I have a soft spot for the kids, not you,” you correct him, crossing your arms.
“Keep telling yourself that,” he says, brushing your shoulder with his as he walks past you and into your studio.
“Don’t just walk into my studio like you own it?!" you call out, following after him.
“Not your studio, and you don’t own it either.”
“You know what I mean, Suna!”
It's almost scary how easily Suna and his students fit into your class. It didn’t even take a week for you to feel like having him in your studio was natural—how it should have always been. You hated how any ill-will you had toward him would suddenly vanish into thin air whenever you saw him interact with his or your students. You grew accustomed to your new routine with him.
Every other day, he could play his music and even teach some of your students some karate if they so desired, and vice versa. He’d bring you breakfast, and you'd bring him lunch, and sometimes the two of you would even go have dinner once all your students had left. You hated how he just wiggled his way into your life. You’re supposed to hate him—he used to play his music as loud as he could just to piss you off, and now you have dinner with him practically every day.
You’ve grown so fond of him that now, two months later, about to be three, you've completely forgotten why he’s here in the first place—that his residence in your studio is only temporary, and he’s just here till his studio is fixed. You’ve forgotten all about it because now you look forward to seeing him and actually want to see him more than you've ever wanted anything else before. and he feels the exact same because here he is, slumped in a chair in the back of the room, frowing as he watches his and your students combined because you’re not here.
The door swings open, and Suna can't help but let out a sigh of relief, practically jumping out of his seat, ready to go run and spin you in his arms like some shitty rom-com, only to find that it wasn't you who walked in; nope, it was just his friend. Suna’s face falls as he drops back into his chair with a groan.
“Okay, lovely to see ya too,” Osamu snorts as he walks over to Suna, taking the seat next to him.
He weakly tries pushing Osamu out of the chair, mumbling, “That’s Y/n’s seat.”
"Well, they aren't here, are they?”
Suna scowls at him but gives up trying to push him out nonetheless.
“Where are they anyway?”
“Running late, I guess.”
Osamu hums in response, and a comfortable silence falls over them. The only noise in the room was the kids whispering their next move to themselves or helping their friend with something. Suna watches them intently, with the care and attention of someone handling glass, and quickly finds a few students who need help.
"Hey, keep your leg straight when you kick,” he calls out to one of his students before turning to one of yours, “And you bend your knees more when you do your... uh-“ 
"Plié," the child supplies for him.
Suna nods. "Yeah, that whatever.”
Osamu doesn't know whether he should laugh at or side-eye Suna. “Do ya not know their names?”
"I don’t get paid enough to know their names.”
He shakes his head, deciding that commenting on that is not worth his time, and instead goes to why he came here in the first place. "I'm surprised yer still here, to be honest.”
"A job is a job.”
"No, I mean in this studio. I figured the repairs in yer’s would be finished by now; it’s been like, what? almost three months?”
Suna mumbles a slow, drawn-out, “…yeah.”
Osamu sits up straight, shifting in his seat to face Suna entirely. “What the fuck was that?”
“Don’t cuss in front of the kids; what’s wrong with you?" He reprimands, slapping Osamu’s arm.
“Don’t change the subject.”
"I'm not; I'm just saying.”
Osamu rolls his eyes. "Okay, well, start by saying what’s up with the repairs.”
He does not. “Y/n will be back soon; you should leave.”
“Suna,” Osamu monotones.
"If I tell you, will you leave?”
“What did ya do, Suna?”
Suna looks away as he embarrassedly mumbles, “The repairs could’ve been done a long, long time ago…”
“What?!” Osamu practically shrieks as he sits up straight. “What do ya mean?!”
Suna glares at Osamu before looking toward the kids, whose attentions were caught by Osamu yelling and waving them off. “Ignore him.”
“Oh my god, have ya been stalling the repairs?” He asks, this time quietly. “Why would ya do that?”
“Why do you think, Osamu?”
Suna’s attitude does nothing to deter Osamu, not when he’s just had the realization of a lifetime. “Oh my god... Oh my god! Ya have a crush on Y/n, don't ya?”
“Shut the fuck up,” Suna hisses through clenched teeth, his eyes wide and threateningly boring into his.
“What happened to not cussing in front of the kids?”
Suna stares at him blankly, and Osamu merely sighs, slumping back into his seat.
"I can't believe this. I don't know if this is pathetic or cute—kinda both, to be honest.”
"Osamu, I swear-“
With neither of them having heard the studio door swing open, you unknowingly interrupt his threat: "Hey! Sorry, traffic was horrible—oh, who’s this?"
“Doesn't matter; he was just about to leave,” Suna says without missing a beat while standing straight up.
"I'm Osamu,” he says, suddenly approaching you. “And yer the infamous Y/n, I'm assuming?”
“Infamous..?” you question under your breath before shaking your head and deciding to ignore it. “Uh yeah—are you friends with Suna?”
“Yes,” Osamu answers, ignoring Suna’s response. "I should get going, though. Nice meeting ya, Y/n!”
“Yeah, you too…”
Osamu waves you goodbye before winking at Suna and disappearing out the door.
You hum. “So what was that about?”
“No idea,” Suna shrugs as he walks away to gather his students.
Suna has been weird ever since a week ago, when you walked into the studio to Suna and his friend. He’s avoided you as best as he can, and even when he’s not actively trying to somehow get away from you, he still feels Pluto far from his more than dry replies. And frankly, you’ve had enough. You’re driving yourself crazy trying to figure out what you’ve done wrong and how to fix it—you can’t know unless he tells you.
Which is why, when both of your students left, you borderline kidnapped him. You grabbed him by his arm and dragged him into your car, driving the two of you to a restaurant, where you now sit in an awkward silence waiting for your food. But this is good, right? If he truly didn’t want to be in this position with you right now, you’re more than certain he could’ve put up a winning fight, yet he didn't, so that’s good. This is good.
"Did I do something?”
“Yeah,” he replies without missing a beat or looking up at you.
“Huh?” Your heart is in your throat as you blink at him. “What did I do?”
“What?” You shake your head in disbelief. "I thought we were getting along."
“We are—god.” As he finally looks up at you, he sighs and runs a hand through his hair. You almost feel like you're back in his studio for the very first time with the way his eyes are boring into yours. “We get along too well, jesus christ, Y/n, you drive me crazy.”
“And you don’t drive me crazy?” you ask, giving him a crooked smile.
“You don't know what you’re saying,” he says flatly, yet the way it’s almost breathless has you thinking maybe he actually wants you to know what you’re saying—to know all of the implications that come with it and fully embrace them.
“Does it matter? Just stop ignoring me, Suna; I hate it.”
"I hate it too.”
“So then why are you doing it, idiot?”
“Because Y/n, I-“
You stare at him expectantly, patiently waiting for his answer.
"I get too distracted with you; I need to teach my students," he mumbles the rest of his sentence as he looks away from you, your scrutinizing gaze sending shivers down his spine and crushing any idea he had to say something else—say the truth—well, the whole truth, because you very well do distract Suna far too much for his liking.
“That sounds like a shitty excuse.”
Suna hums, and when he makes no move to explain himself, you wonder, “Why do I distract you so much?”
“Why do you care if I ignore you so much?”
You roll your eyes. “Don’t act childish, Suna.”
Suna merely raises an eyebrow at you, still waiting for your answer, just like you were waiting for his only a few moments ago.
You sigh. "I'm not sure.”
"Well, I am, so I won’t say anything until you're sure too.”
“That’s not fair, Sunaaaa,” you whine, sliding down your seat like a petulant child.
He shrugs, a slight smirk on his face. "I'm more than happy to wait.”
"Whatever, just stop ignoring me?”
"Yeah, I'll stop,” he says, nodding. “Sorry bout that.”
"S'fine." You wave him off before remembering something that makes you sit up straight again. "Oh, also, I've been meaning to ask about how your studio is going?”
Suna’s mood and face drop so fast that it’s as if he was never even happy or smiling in the first place—the temperature of the room suddenly icy cold. “Oh.”
"I'm not trying to kick you out, Suna,” you immediately add, reassuring him that, as of now, that's the last thing you’d ever want to do. "I actually like you in my studio... like a lot, I guess, and I don't know, to be honest, I'm scared I'm getting too used to you being there."
"Well, I'm already used to it, so either way, we’re both kinda fucked in that department.”
You can't help but smile so wide it hurts your cheeks, absolutely over the moon that he feels the exact same way. That he’s grown so used to you, like the two of you should have never been apart in the first place, and it was always only a matter of time before you found your way to each other.
"I'm not sure, though. I haven’t heard much,” he continues, interrupting your inner swooning.
"Okay, well, that’s good then,” you say, nodding more to yourself than to him. “No need to get rid of you so soon; who else will annoy me?”
"Weren't you just begging me to stop ignoring you, and now I'm annoying?” he taunts.
You cross your arms, glaring at him. "I was not begging Rintaro Suna.”
“Could’ve fooled me.”
“Shut up," you say through a smile, no hostility anywhere in you. “Oh also! The kids wanted me to tell you about our recital coming up.”
“Yeah? When is it?”
“Week from now. They really want you there.”
Suna tilts his head slightly to the side, his eyes narrowing at you in doubt. “Just them?”
“Just them.”
Suna doesn't believe it for a second, and maybe he would’ve if your voice wasn't so shakey and breathless.
You relent; you never had much resolve when it came to him anyway—that's how he ended up in your studio in the first place, isn't it? “And me too, I guess.”
A blush that he makes look all too good covers his cheeks. "I'd love to go, Y/n.”
Suddenly his face drops, and he’s cursing under his breath, "Shit, wait, actually, we have a tournament that day too.”
"Oh, that's fine! I mean, being in the studio with us, it's like you get a free recital every day, right?” You smile, but even then, it's clear as day how disappointed you are.
"I'm sorry, Y/n. I can still try to make it.”
“No no! It's fine; you won't miss much. You have your own kids stuff to worry about.”
Suna frowns, wanting nothing more than to wipe that dejected look off your face. “Y/n.”
"Suna, it's fine, really." You weakly try to reassure him, but he’s just not budging.
He shakes his head. "I'll make it up to you, I promise.”
“Okay, I'll hold you to it then.”
The recital came faster than you cared for. You would be excited for this had Suna been able to come, but he couldn't, and now, even though you know he won't be here, you still can't help but peek through the stage curtains, hoping and praying you'll somehow spot him in the crowd. You try to keep your disappointment at bay the whole recital, and surprisingly you do. The recital goes off without a hitch, and the only thing you can wish for is that you were more excited. Your little ones did absolutely amazing and completely blew the crowd away, yet here you are moping around over some dude who, up until a few months ago, you hated.
“They did amazing,” an oddly familiar voice says, breaking you out of your thoughts. "I'm sure it's only because of their teacher... Do you know them? I'm actually looking for them.”
You're flattered, really, but you can't deal with compliments or holding a conversation right now, not when you want to just crawl under your bed covers and never come out. Not to mention that no one else is supposed to be backstage right now. You sigh before turning around to ask them to leave, only to practically jump out of your skin with excitement.
“Suna!” you exclaim happily, running your way toward him and closing some of the gap between you two. “You’re here, but how? Where were you? I looked, and I couldn't find you—wait, I thought? Where's your kids? Shouldn't you be at their tournament?” 
Suna watches you ramble with the softest of faces, huffing a small laugh. He shrugs once you're done. “Samu took over.”
“Rintaro Suna.”
“What? The little shits will get over it… but I don't think you would've if I didn't show up.”
"Well, I would've tried.” You take another step toward him. "Though I can't say you're not a smart man, Rintaro.”
Suna eyes you curiously and follows your movements, taking a step toward you. “So I've been told.”
You roll your eyes, despite an undeniable smile dressing your face, and in some fit of arrogance, you take the last step toward Suna, thus closing any remaining space between the two of you. With your chests touching, there’s nothing left for you to do but wrap your arms around his neck, which you do with ease—as if they were always meant to be there this whole time. He quickly follows your lead, resting his hands on your waist. But his eyebrows are furrowed as if to ask if this is okay, and you nod. This is more than okay—you’d actually prefer more, and it doesn’t seem like he’s getting the hint.
“So are you gonna kiss me, or are you just gonna stand there all day?"
Suna goes wide-eyed, and it takes a minute for his body to catch up with his brain, but before you know it, Suna is practically slamming his face into yours, kissing you like if he doesn't, he’ll die. like you’re the very oxygen Suna has been so desperately searching for all his life—and who's to say he isn't yours as well? Meeting his lips with the same exact urgency, you're sure if anyone else was backstage right now, the two of you would be scolded for years to come. Suna pulls away for air, practically panting; his face is flushed with such a deep red you can still make it out even under the dim lights, and you push strands of his hair out of his face just to revel in his blush some more.
Still struggling to catch his breath, he swallows harshly. “Would it ruin the moment if I told you my studio is finally fixed?”
"Yes, so I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that and keep kissing you instead.”
"Yeah, ok, I like that idea better anyway.”
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mortifesboy · 4 months
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wuthering waves centric but will post other medias —MASTERLIST — fem aligned /minors respectfully dni ꩜ if we are friends and you’re fem aligned it’s ok MASC ! reader blog — he/him — 20
i accept poly requests !
this blog is PRO-PALESTINE zionists and neutrals go home
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MENU ꩜ make sure to be specific as multiple items are associated with multiple characters
TARO MILK TEA !: male! rover,sosei akabane, eren jaeger, gojo, childe,kars
BROWN SUGAR TEA LATTE ! : jiyan, shōgo aoshima, erwin smith, mahito, zhongli
GREEN TEA ! : aalto, chidori, porco galliard, sukuna, diluc,dio,
PASSION FRUIT TEA ! : mortife, zeke jaeger, toji, nuvillete , risotto nero,yami (black clover)
STRAWBERRY SMOOTHIE ! : scar, Jean kirschtine, takuma ino , tighnari , bruno,avdol
OREO SMOOTHIE ! : yuwanwu, geto, armin, abbacchio,jotaro,weather report
for here : top ! reader or character
To go : bottom ! reader or character
Disposable container : switch ! Reader or character
SIDES kinks (optional)
brown sugar boba : overstimulation
popping pearls : somnophilia
cheese foam : gangbang/bukkake can be charas from different media interacting with eachother
Aloe Vera : breeding
Egg pudding : praise
Star pearls : degradation
Coffee jelly : stepcest
Taro: nipple sucking
Grass jelly: yandere
Baisil seeds : cnc
Strawberries : omega verse
0%: angst
50 % : fluff
100 % : smut
Special request: any character you may not see on here you can fill out a special request!! i have the right to deny a request especially if the character is a minor . I do not write scat, age play[but i will write for age REGRESSION which is NOT sexual ] , and race pla
Ordering example “hi can i please get a brown sugar tea latte (jiyan) , with alo vera , taro ,basil seeds, and 100% sugar for here(reader)? (Then specify what exactly you want happening )
Multiple characters: “ can i get a passion fruit tea ( mortife) w/ a Oreo smoothie(geto) ordering separate the Oreo smoothie has basil seeds, and star pearls) and to go (reader) while the passion fruit has aloe Vera also to go (mortife) (then specify)
requests always open but might take a while
© mortifesboy 2024
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arkham-guard-dp-au · 2 years
*Slowly slides a new ask idea thing*
... Ok, but like, like most inmates/patients in Arkham, Danny does not like Lyle Bolton (Batman: The Animated Series) at all, not when the man is blatantly abusing his power through (rather severe) punishments that end up setting back any sort of progress for anyone. Danny does his best to avoid most interactions with Bolton if he can.
Bolton, as the chief of security for Arkham, can respect Danny for not chickening out like most new hires during the first escape, but over time, as the man watches Danny seemingly perfect track record of no escapes while on duty along with him befriending the main rogues gallery especially, well, the man's suspicious of Danny.
Oh, and what's this? Cameras tend to Glitch and go static when Danny's nearby, especially during escape attempts. Bolton begins to grow wary and paranoid with Danny, so much so that, while most of the staff appreciate Danny, they all notice the blatant disrespect Bolton shows to him.
The longer Danny stays working at Arkham, the closer Bolton descends to becoming Lock Up. However, for this AU, his goal is simple. Locking Danny up in someway so Arkham stays intact and the prisoners stay where they're meant. After all, how else is this non-gothamite shrimp-looking kid able to cow the inmates to behave as they do? Bolton starts to believe Danny is allied with all the inmates and is doing the long-con of their inevitable escape and destruction of Arkham. Well, not under his watch!
He ends up somehow learning of the GIW and gain their sponsor of sorts, who fills him in about Danny being a person of interest and is to be detained and sent to their nearest lab immediately. As long as Danny's gone from Gotham, Lock Up will gladly help the GIW to keep the inmates in their cells till they rot. As they should be anyways.
Inmates notice Bolton's descent to seemingly madness and how he grumbles a lot about Danny. Not good. They grow protective of Danny. After all, despite how terrifying and creepy he may be, he's one of the very few who treat them well and respectfully. Like hell they'll let Bolton of all people try and hurt Arkham's favorite guard for any reason.
When the day Bolton manages to get his hands on Danny for GIW, a war might as well rain over Gotham now.
(Unsure if any of this makes sense anymore)
Now I don't know this Bolton but he sounds like a jerk. I wonder if he would try to get Batman in on his anti Danny campaign. Mabye even bringing the GIW into Bat's radar.
It could become extra angst if Batman believes the GIW lies and thinks they are in the right as a government organization, or be against them. Thinking the GIW runs a bit too close to anti meta campaigns.
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brummiereader · 5 months
Important message
This morning I woke up to a DM that I can't actually read, because the user must have deactivated their account during the night. The little preview of the message I can see says, "Hi, I wanted to ask you if you allow me to translate some...". I can only assume what the rest of the message said. And the answer is, respectfully, no.
I've never made this clear to anyone that follows my blog, but I do not consent to my work being copied, translated or posted on any platforms, including your own blogs on here. I put hours upon hours, into writing my stories. And I greatly appreciate the interactions via, comments, reblogs and messages. But taking my work and posting it elsewhere for others to read is not, ok. My little stories are my own. They take a lot of time and patience to create. Please respect that.
I appreciate the fact this user reached out to me, but they deactivated their account. So I can't even reply or read their full message.
Please don't do this. Full credit should always and only be given to the author of every work on here. If you want your followers to see the story you enjoyed, then reblog it. If English is not your first language and you want to translate the work, then use the Google translate option. But don't, please don't go and then post the translated version of that work onto another site.
Brummie xxx
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Espimon, Wistfully: ..I want to "evolve" too... mE, BANGING FISTS DOWN: I WANT YOU TO, TOO!!!!
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rott1ngbra1n · 6 months
First off! I wanna go ahead and drop some fun art stuff I’ve been doing as I’ve been watching Dragons Rising season 2, which I’ve been loving!
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I did a version of Arin before but it wasn’t my favorite so a redo! More AlleyCat stuff and obligatory Cole, because I love him.
I do have more Ninjago Art I want to do (Still need to finish that Cole and Morro friend piece-) and I have some other fandom art I also want to do, but I’ll explain more under the cut as well as why I’ve been gone or a bit less active everywhere. This is optional you do not have to read under the cut!
TW// Transphobia
For those unaware I am a trans man, I go by a different name: both online and IRL (online for privacy’s sake), I also work as a barista due to being a college student and needing to save money for moving away from my own transphobic parents. That’s a whole other story. But at work there was a coworker of mine who was consistently transphobic towards me whenever we worked together. It had been going on since June of last year (The irony of it starting during pride month made me and my friends laugh) but it escalated after I returned from New York, so much so I had to go to management.
Myself. Management had been informed by my best friend (who also works with me) about it and was told it was “gossip”. Ok. Sure- So I informed management of the new incidents and was told I had options, the first being to have a meeting with me, the transphobe, and my manager to discuss the issues. I said no so my manager went to the DM to find another solution. To give even more context, the transphobe couldn’t even be transphobic to my face most times it was always told behind my back to my best friend.
That’s how I knew my manager talked to the transphobe one on one, cause the transphobe right after the meeting went to said best friend. Telling her “not to tell me as she didn’t want to start drama” Cool, I feel so cool. I was very mad, went back to my manager with it, had that meeting with myself, the transphobe, and manager. Where my emotions were downplayed and the transphobe said she had “never interacted with a trans person before and didn’t know what she said was wrong.” OK.
After that we assumed it was over, my manager made an incident report, but it didn’t stop the transphobe still kept talking behind my back to others. Despite me talking respectfully of her. More context all the talking behind my back happened at work while on the clock. After a while I just went about my day, then Ethics and Compliance called. They spoke to everyone involved, including me and I relayed more about my testimony. They said they would be investigating and I assumed it would take a while, then finally. I was informed that the transphobe was in fact fired.
This whole situation, along with other personal stuff going on with me, caused so much stress. To the point I tended to fallback into habits I had thought I fixed, mainly regarding my physical health. Even at points hating myself for just existing and having been born wrong.
I’m thankfully doing so much better now and have recently gotten diagnosed with Autism, something I knew I had but didn’t fully understand for a while. I’ve been getting better existing in a world knowing the people that are my blood hate me, knowing that eventually, I will never be able to be loved by my parents or sister. I have friends and coworkers who support me and I want to support other people in this community.
With that said I’m back to making more art! I’m building a portfolio for animation and to intern next year, I also will be trying to post more animations to here when I finish them! I also will still be active in the Ninjago fandom, I’ve loved this show since it came out in 2011 y’all can pry it from my cold dead hands-
But I do want to make more original work, I want to do more Star Wars work, QSMP art and animations, and more Musical Theater art whether it be Broadway or Indie productions. I hope people enjoy what I make, especially some of my original characters as I’ve gotten to work on Cybernetic more thanks to my animation class. You’ll see more of it as we go!
Thank you if you’ve read this and thank you for supporting me!
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aninagirly · 1 month
The Art of Asking Girls to Pose with or for you
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It happens more often than you'd think: guys asking me for a photo somewhere. It could be in the city, in the park, at a bar, or even in a store. While sometimes I agree, 9 our of 10 I say no. And it's not because I always wouldn't do it, it's just because most guys are clueless on how to ask.
Let's explore why girls might not want to take photos with you and how you can increase your chances of getting a positive response. 
This is just from my experience and I am just trying to help by talking about the things guys have done wrong, ok?
Why Girls Will Say No
Personal Boundaries: Everyone has different comfort levels with personal space and interactions. A girl might not feel comfortable taking a photo with someone she doesn't know well.
Privacy Concerns: In an age where photos can be shared instantly online, some girls might be wary of where their image could end up. We don't like the idea to be shown around as your girlfriend somewhere!!
Mood and Context: If she's having a bad day, is in a rush, or simply doesn't feel like it, she might decline.
Safety: Unfortunately, there are instances where women have to be cautious about their interactions with strangers for their own safety. Creeeeeps!
It's crucial to understand that it is always up to the girl whether she wants to take a photo with you. Respect her decision without any negative reactions.
How to Increase Your Chances
1. Judge Her Context:
• Is she in a rush? If she looks like she's on a mission, it's best to let her go.
• Does she need help? If she seems like she could use assistance, offering help or being useful can be a good way to start a conversation, for example if you can help her with a suitcase. Make sure you help her first, before you ask for the photo though!!
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2. Make It About Her:
Use the context to show that you care about her comfort and interests. For example, if you're at a park and she seems to be enjoying the scenery, you could mention how beautiful the park is and ask if she'd like to capture the moment together.
The good news about this tip is, it really works any guy, no matter what you look like. Most girls don't care about looks in guy, but more about how he makes them feel. It's like the biggest superpower guys have and most don't even know it!
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3. Be sensitive, dial down the creep factor
Don't come on too strong. Being overly enthusiastic or intense can be off-putting. Keep the interaction light and friendly.
4. Offer a Compliment (yup, those still work!)
A genuine compliment can go a long way. For example you can compliment her for the choice of outfit she made for a specific night out in the context she is in, like playing pool at a bar.
Girls put a lot of thought into what to wear. Showing that you are into fashion from her point of view and care about the effort she put in is a great ice breaker!
Try to make it about her and not about the clothes she has on. E.g., "I love how you choose a leather mini for this occasion. Such a cool idea." Not: I love your leather mini. Huuuuge difference.
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5. Pay close attention to her Reaction:
Pay attention to her body language and verbal cues. If she seems receptive and positive, you can proceed to ask for a photo. Don't continue if she looks mad, regardless of if you think you messed up or not. Just say sorry and leave. Trust me! Nothing is more aggravating than a guy who can't find the exit in a moment like this.
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6. Finally, the Ask: Make her 100% comfortable and be transparent.
When you ask, do so politely and respectfully. Always ask "Is it okay if..." or "Can I..." before each step to make her feel in control.
Ask if you can be in the shot or not, first! Don't assume she agreed on a selfie!
Turn on the shutter sound, so she knows you only took one photo at a time.
Always show her the photo right away so she can see how it turned out.
If she doesn't like it, delete it immediately. Don't argue. Just delete it immediately!
Ask for her permission to take a new one, each time!
If she asks you to delete the photo, do so immediately and show her that you've deleted it from the trash as well. This shows that you respect her wishes and privacy.
Remember, the key is to be respectful and considerate. A positive interaction is more likely to lead to a positive response. Happy photo-taking!
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