#(I just genuinely love her and wanted the twins to have more tragedy to their story)
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star-streaks · 6 months ago
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With the resurgence of Gravity Falls, it got me thinking about my old oc,,
And man, she sure was an oc I made when I was 10,,
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maybeiwasjustjade · 8 months ago
Genuinely, perhaps 99% of me, believes that the only reason Condal and Hess made HOTD Aegon a r*pist/have adult Aegon’s introduction the aftermath of the SA of a maid, was because they knew that if Aegon was just a drunk and a cheat—like almost all Westerosi men—he would be too tragic of a character not to root for, and they really couldn’t have that. No, Aegon has to be the monster to Rhaenyra’s saint, because if you took away the act that made him monstrous, he’s so easy to root for, and the TB/TG divide would be significantly larger.
Cheating and visiting brothels are quite common in Westeros, with the vast majority of male characters doing one or the other or both. Drinking is even more so. Aegon would still be palatable with either or both traits because it doesn’t make him worse than Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra had three bastards with Harwin because Laenor’s gay, so it makes her affair understandable and valid. Aegon was forced to marry his own sister as a young teen, and clearly despises the whole targ-incest tradition. Why is it a crime that he doesn’t find his little sister sexually or romantically attractive???
Aegon’s basically a Greek tragedy made flesh. The eldest son conceived to be a long-awaited heir, yet simultaneously cheated out of a birthright. Born wanted yet unwanted, the heir who is not an heir. Meant to be loved, yet raised without it, with a mother’s disdain and fear as his only companion. His father stopped wanting him sometime after his second birthday (probably around the time Jacaerys was born), and his mother never wanted him anyway. His mere existence is a threat to a crown he never wanted, yet nobody cared when they placed it on his head. He wants love but no one loves him, and contrary to popular belief, that lack of love didn’t just stem from adulthood. He was a little boy once too, who very much didn’t deserve that level of apathy.
Married to his sister despite his clear disdain for his family’s incestuous tradition. Forced to father children on her at the grand old age of sixteen (and she fourteen). The only thing he ever really loved was his dragon, and the children he had. And even those he loses to tragedy, and someone else’s doing.
It’s not at all a surprise that Aegon’s defining trait is his love for Sunfyre. A ridiculously strong bond, born from years of having only each other. Moreover, a dragon is the symbol of power, which Aegon has little of. He can’t protect himself from his own family’s abuse or machinations, and unless he claims the crown everyone he loves will die. Dragons also represent freedom, and the ability to just fly away. And if there’s one thing Aegon wants more than anything in the world, it’s to run away from his family and the accursed throne.
In that, he’s not so different than a young Rhaenyra (pre-personality change anyway). Young Rhaenyra hated having to conform to societal standards. Hated having no choice but to marry, and to whom. She too wanted to fly away to freedom. There’s too many parallels between the two, even down to their ages pre-timeskip. Rhaenyra was about 18, and Aegon now is only 20. Yet Rhaenyra at 16’s only problem was whether her infant brother would replace her as heir, while Aegon’s was being forced to play house with his sister and newborn twins.
Perhaps misogyny and society would always be Rhaenyra’s greatest opponent, and the same Aegon’s ally when it comes to their claims, but it was not the only issue. Precedent declared that Aegon would be heir ahead of her, yet it was Rhaenyra’s position and honor that Viserys defied law for, even when she committed high treason against the crown thrice. She got everything; Aegon had nothing. He’s the underdog of the story, not her. So had they not made him an on screen r*pist (unlike Daemon who was off-screen one and merely an on-screen pedo and wife-killer), it would’ve been very hard for the writers to push their “Rhaenyra good, TG bad” narrative. Those two would’ve had too many parallels and foils for it to work, and they really couldn’t have that, could they.
No, Aegon has to be the villain; Rhaenyra has to be the hero. It’s a black and white war, good vs evil. That’s the story HOTD is trying to sell, and not at all the complex tragedy of a family tearing itself and its dynasty into pieces over greed and idiocy.
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superkooku · 4 months ago
Favorite character from Greek mythology + favorite myth from Greek mythology?
Favorite characters
I'll turn this into a tag game : @margaretkart @dootznbootz @sarafangirlart @aliciavance4228 @katerinaaqu @hermesmoly @go-rocksquadsfan @sanska @vint-knight .
And @anon (you can give your answer in another ask 😉).
So, I have a loooooooot of faves. This list is long.
Here are mine :
Nobody. Yeah, in reality, I hate mythology and just pretend I like it. Or I just love making puns about my favorite lying war criminal. Who didn't cheat btw.
Penelope. These two are soulmates, no ifs or buts. I always found her underrated and @dootznbootz 's ramblings on her confirm that. Cunning and sassy half-naiad queen.
"The delian twins", as I like to call them. Idk I really love their multifaceted natures of protectors and deadly huntress/inflictor of illnesses (with an affinity towards plague). And their familial bond is precious. And I like them both equally, even though I talk about Apollo a bit more ig.
Leto. She's precious. They're always ready to defend each other. Like when Apollo and Artemis killed Niobe's kids because she was disrespectful to Leto. Or when Leto came in to save her son from being thrown in Tartarus by Zeus. Or when baby Artemis helped her mother deliver her brother. She fought for her children and now they fight for her.
Hestia. Too bad there isn't more about her because I relate a lot to the concept of chilling at home and staying away from drama.
Ariadne. Because of her family's tragic history, her healing from it with Dionysus (in most versions) and overall, she's great. Also, it's funny how Theseus wanted to marry a child of Zeus but his ex girlfriend actually succeeded 😂. Speaking of her family tragedy...
Asterius. I bet most adaptation authors don't know who I am referring to 🤣. He's a man-eating monster, yes, but he grew up isolated, trapped and unloved. I feel so bad for him.
Perseus. The GOAT. Partly thanks to @sarafangirlart. I already liked him since I always knew he wanted to save his mother, but he genuinely grew on me since I read her posts. That and when I learned of his war against Dionysus. Extremely underrated story.
Athena. Idk I don't think I need to elaborate on why she's cool.
Hades. In retellings, I often hate him because he's either woobified or made into "Greek Satan" (at least in Disney he's fun), but he's genuinely cool in mythology. Morally gray Hades save me.
Hermes. From birth, he was always a little trickster. I love how many functions he has (messenger of the gods, god of merchants, thieves, communication, also a psychopomp btw). A very energetic and helpful god.
Asclepius. I think I should make a post explaining why he's great because, yeah, I don't talk much about him even though there are things to say (yeah it's because I did a lot of research on him).
And... finally... Dionysus 🤣. Of course he made it in this list. I dedicated a whole essay series about this god, come on !
Honorable mentions : Hector, Andromache, Menelaus, Demeter, Telemachus, Hephaestus, Hippolytus, Danae, Ares and many others.
Favorite myths/plays/poems
I already answered that but can't find the post. So I'll do it again, with some new answers in mind. Basically "the myths with the characters on the list".
It's either because they're that compelling or just hilarious.
The homeric cycle. Ok, an easy one.
The Bacchae by Euripides (mandatory reading if you want to understand Dionysus imo. No excuses).
The frogs by Aristophanes. Because it's funny.
Asclepius' story. Seriously I'll elaborate on it one day.
Hermes' birth story. Him stealing Apollo's cows and Apollo getting mad at his scallywag of a brother 🤣🤣. And then just him winning Apollo over with the lyre.
Pirithous and Theseus getting their asses stuck on a chair (yes this is my title for this story). I love to mock these two, especially Pirithous because... give this man a Darwin award please. No thoughts and no survival instincts in his brain 😂.
Orpheus and Eurydice. Simple but powerful.
The Argonautica. Aka a huge crossover. Seeing more interactions between all these heroes would be awesome (especially if we take every version into account 👀. So many faces...). It's funny how I love the Argonautica but never talk about Jason himself 🤣🤣. The embodiment of the protagonist who's less interesting than the other characters.
Perseus' war against Dionysus. A potential retelling about this myth would go so hard !! Especially since we could get a scary Dionysus. Hopefully it doesn't get ruined :(
Edit : some English mistakes I had to correct.
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overlordofships · 5 months ago
oooo what got u interested in hookfang and snotlout as a ship. im interested to know :0 (if u still ship them haha)
Okay so when I was a baby fandom lad and just getting into HTTYD I remember shipping all the riders with their dragons, but back then the fics for that was like. 99% toothcup, 1% toothcup feat. other ships. So I could NOT for the life of me find any other dragon/rider ship fics solely for, say, Fishlegs/Meatlug, and then by extension I just didn't have any fuel for my shipping
Nowadays I'm more competent in making my own fuel. But for shipping any dragon and rider in HTTYD that is not Toothcup you have to watch the series to understand, since the pairings that aren't them don't get a lot of attention in the movies proper (henceforth all of this will be under the cut for how long it is):
First off, I will be talking about canon shippable moments. In the first season, there's an episode where Hookfang has a toothache (it's the one where the forge changes into a dentist, because Gobber doesn't have any reason to make weapons anymore) (sorry I forget episode names). There's a part near the end where big, macho man Snotlout breaks down in TEARS pleading for Hiccup to stop Gobber, outright sobbing the words, "He's gonna kill my dragon!" I remember just rewatching that episode over and over to the point of pissing off my mom and her telling me to watch something else, because it was the BIGGEST piece of non-Toothcup food I'd gotten fed up to that point.
The second season had an episode of Snotlout working Hookfang to the bone, to where Hookfang's flame went out and he got deathly ill. Snotlout CRIED, genuinely cried AGAIN over this (and this time it got called out by Astrid) and when he thought the Fireworm Queen had killed him, he just looked fucking BROKEN, and he even said "You're more than just another sword" (which I think is/was a line in our very small hooklout shipping community used to emphasize their relationship - they see each other not just as weapons to an end, they're more to each other than their strength even if that's what originally drew them to each other as dragon and rider).
Next up - this episode is Netflix-only which is heartbreaking for all you who don't have it. But there's an episode in either the first or second season of Race to the Edge (can't remember) where not only does Snotlout think Hookfang is leaving him (and the twins play it as a fucking love triangle tragedy the whole time) but he straight-up tells Hiccup that if he can't ride Hookfang, he doesn't want to ride a dragon at all.
I reference all of these to say that there's just something special to me about two people (or one person and one dragon) who are normally cold, standoffish and outright cruel to other people, but become absolutely soft and vulnerable when it comes to each other. There's a difference there to me between that and how Hiccup is nice to everyone, but is just a special nice to Toothless. (I am still a very hard Toothcup shipper, don't get me wrong, but Hooklout at this point has firmly overtaken them as my OTP for HTTYD)
All of that said, because we unfortunately cannot see into Hookfang's mind beyond the obvious (he is a dragon and cannot talk - which is ofc a roadblock in one of my fics, but still) one of my favorite things to do is imagine the canon show but with my Shifter-verse, so here are some headcanons for anyone who wants them featuring Shifter!Hookfang and Snotlout:
Hookfang uses Monstrous Nightmare courtship, which involves either submitting himself to someone stronger or making himself seem tougher/stronger. All the times he hurts Snotlout are his unfortunate attempts at flirting. (Related: He also regularly, casually says, "If this goes wrong, I want Snotlout to kill me" and he also thinks that's flirting, too)
In my Shifter AU the episode with the Fireworm Queen turns out differently - he gets to that point because he thinks he's not enough for Snotlout. Maybe a snide comment from Spitelout got him there, or maybe something happened in a battle. Whatever it is, he does it himself - and then, later, when he's better, when Snotlout is all bawling and asking what the hell he was doing, Hookfang says, "I wanted to be good enough to be your dragon." and that would be big since in my Shifter-verse I think that wouldn't be something the dragons would say lightly
Related to number 1, whenever Snotlout does something really impressive strength or intelligence-wise, Hookfang just becomes this gooey, flirty, flustered mess. It's adorable to watch, but very confusing for poor Snotlout
The episode in Race to the Edge where Snotlout has to do all those trials to be Mala's king? Hookfang insists Snotlout do it because he will NOT stand for anyone implying his mate couldn't survive something (and Snotlout plans to turn Mala down afterward anyway)
Incidentally, Hookfang acts like Toothless is the most annoying dragon ever when he talks about Hiccup... But if you let him Hookfang could give rants twice as long and just as sappy, if not sappier
Somehow, despite that, Snotlout WOULD NOT GET IT. He teases the hell out of Hiccup and Toothless, but prior to Hookfang actually using real words to say to Snotlout that he's in love with him, Snotlout would have 0% understanding that Hookfang is into him (that's also a trope I love, btw: two people very-obviously smitten with each other but one of them has absolutely no idea)
Hookfang just casually leaning on/draping himself over Snotlout in his human form, a quiet way of saying to everyone around him "This is mine" (and when they get together Snotlout starts casually sitting in Hookfang's lap)
Related to the above: Remember when I said Hookfang would casually say "If this goes wrong, I want Snotlout to kill me"? After they get together, Snotlout starts returning that phrase with, "Not if you kill me first". All the dragons think it's cute but the humans are just like "....what-"
They're also the most fucking dramatic when they get together. Hookfang sweeps Snotlout into his arms, DIPS him and then presses a big kiss to his lips. Right in front of everyone else. (Compared to Hiccup and Toothless who went out to the cove to confess to each other, and Fishlegs and Meatlug who quietly got together without even noticing)
Basically, what got me into them is imagining these idiotic, self-confident, sappy, oblivious, simpy morons looking at each other and saying "That one" and then somehow taking years to realize their feelings are requited despite them each being the only one the other will truly be vulnerable for
now I leave you with this screencap from the end of the Fireworm Queen episode
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aspoonofsugar · 1 year ago
So what are your thoughts on kana now having black holes in her eyes instead of a galaxy? and did you ever think we would ever get dark kana? because i was honestly surprised aka gave her that because i thought the dark eyes will be for the hoshino's only
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I had not noticed, but you are right! Her eyes do look like black holes here...
In general, I think Dark Kana is necessary for Kana to grow and I am excited about this development. As I have written here:
If Kana wants to shine, she needs to experience shadows. If she wants to have healthy bonds with others, she needs to discover and accept their darkness. She is slowly going through this process.
I talk about others' darkness, but for Kana to start exploring her own shadows makes a lot of sense:
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According to Jung, the shadow is what people repress and ignore, like Kana's negative feelings towards Ruby. These emotions are not only about Ruby, though, but rather they are about Kana's own acting career. As a matter of fact Kana's whole arc is about her rediscovering her own selfishness and need to shine:
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As a child, Kana shines so brightly that she dazzles everyone. Still, she has a difficult personality, so she is left behind once she grows up. As a result, she matures and learns to work well with others, even if it means she has to sacrifice her own light for everyone's sake. Both Aqua and Akane notice this and try to help her shine again, in their own ways. Still, before Kana can truly explode in a bright galaxy, she should explore her darkest self and learn about others' darkness. It is not by chance that she starts this journey by trying Akane's acting approach:
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Akane acts by looking inside. She analyzes her character and empathizes with her, so that she can become a new person and play naturally every part. Basically, Akane plunges into people's shadows with no fear. Kana here is doing the same. She is stepping into Nino's darkness and by doing so she is discovering new things about herself:
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This is important on multiple levels:
Psychologically, Kana is facing the heart of her trauma. She faces her feelings of jealousy, which are the result of her low self-esteem born from the belief she isn't enough.
Plot-wise, she is becoming Nino, as Ruby is becoming Ai. Considering Nino is probably involved in Ai's death, it is possible Kana's link with Nino will lead to new discoveries.
Thematically, this movie is about understanding Ai, live her story again, but change its ending. From Ai's tragedy to the twins' happy ending. Nino and Ai's relationship could never be mended, while Kana and Ruby's will. Kana is right now surrounded by darkness, but she will escape them and shine once again. She will restore her friendship with Ruby and help her.
Finally, Kana's choice to show her true feelings to Ruby makes her similar to Ai:
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In the end, Kana hurting Ruby is just an attempt to love her. Even when she is showing her friend her genuine negative feelings, she is doing so to help Ruby grow. Kana who never feels loved is right now trying to show love in the wrong way. Just like Ai is a person who was never loved and could not love. Kana is wrapping herself in a lie, just like Ai did. It is just that Ai's lie was "love", while Kana's one is "hate".
Kana is currently growing as an actress because she is experiencing lies and how complex and intertwined with truth they can be. It is not pretty, but it is necessary both for her art to bloom and for her to eventually be able to see the truth about her loved ones. Ruby, Aqua and Akane. Only in this way she can go back to shine brightly for them.
On another note, I wonder if instead Akane will grow in the opposite reaction by trying a more reactive and "bright" kind of acting. I think she should as she has many pieces of information that if shared could help save Aqua.
Thank you for the ask!
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writeronartblock · 4 months ago
.... (sigh) I don't think I need to say anything
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This. This is something that I frankly did expect, just- not- y'know... Just because I expected it to happen, doesn't mean I wanted it.
I was hoping, SO HARD, for any type of intervention (divine or otherwise) to happen. Like, "TSUKUYOMI, GET HIS ASS BACK, PLEASE!" type of desperate. Nope, didn't happen, fuck.
I talked about this with some friends, here are some of my past thoughts...
he's such a tragic character, both of his lives as amamiya gorou and hoshino aqua were cut short before they could truly begin, both with the death of Ai and his first mother. and he's saddled with si much grief, and pain, and anguish, and vengeance, and it's--- (sigh)
if they do really stick with it, i'm gonna be so surprised because that will make so many people mad (including me)
like, objectively high climax (having the main protag die), but just really low catharsis
I, like, genuinely don't know how to feel about this. As Akane said in her monologue towards the end of the chapter and even Aqua himself during his final moments...
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And as Tsukuyomi herself has said, he was barely 18 years old, he was a fucking child. I think that's the real tragedy, the fact that this boy sacrificed his whole future for the future of other people. But even if he sees this as a "noble" act, protecting his loved ones, he inadvertently caused them more pain than if he just came clean about everything.
Even if he didn't think so, the people he loved would've still love him in turn and cherish him. Yes, they barely or don't even know what you've done up to this point, but the right thing to do is to fess up and wholeheartedly apologize. Instead he threw away his life in service to a greater future he thought was better for them, even though he himself wanted to continue living.
He left Kana, he left Akane, he left Saito, he left Gotanda, he left Miyako.
And in the end... he also left Ruby. The sister he swore to protect from any harm. The one that made him believe that the reason he was reborn as a twin was to watch over her and keep her safe. The one that would experience the most grief than any other character.
Aqua was her brother, her other half. He was also Dr. Amamiya, the love of her life. He was half of the reason why she wanted to be an idol, he was the one who supported her through it all and helped her make her dream come true.
(claps) Bravo Aka, bravo Mengo. I am impressed as I am mortified, and I'm pretting dang mortified. I am angered as I am in grief, I'm mad and anguished, and I'm experiencing the whole stages of grief again simultaneously and repeatedly.
I'll leave one more thing before I end this post...
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I used to hear a simple song...
That was until you came along...
Now in it's place is something new...
I hear it when I look at you...
You took my broken melody...
And now I hear a symphony...
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supervisormeero · 3 months ago
please tell me all of your thoughts about our little wet cardboard son syril <3
How I feel about this character: I could fix him. He just needs a hug. He needs a hug, and someone to take him away from his mother, and someone to Tell Him He's Good, and a closet full of pretty outfits. GOD. Aside from the obvious, I love him because there's so much complexity to him. Villains in Star Wars can tend to be a bit one-dimensional, but Syril (and Dedra) are so alive. He's not just Imperial and Bad because He Is and That's That: we get to know the environment that created him, the internal torment and lack of self-worth that drives him to tailor his uniforms, and yell at his underlings at Pre-Mor, and go on the galaxy's most ill-advised power trip, and believe that status is everything. Do I believe in his beliefs? Hell no, but that's not the point, is it? The point is that Tony Gilroy created a character whose beliefs I oppose, but I grew to appreciate and go insane over because of how well he's written, and how accessibly human he feels in a franchise where antagonists are often very flat.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: You'll never guess... clearly, Dedra. They're twin flames. They're two halves of the same awkward, striving, rigid whole. They finish each other's obsessions. They are in each other's lives to make each other worse, but the tragedy is that if they were both... I don't know, 50% more normal, maybe it could work out. Maybe they'd have a chance. As it is, they're doomed, but I'm popping popcorn to watch them crash. (And I also feel bad for Cereal Man here, because I think he's going to end up genuinely loving her at some point in Season 2, and she's going to have no idea what to do with that besides shoving him away, hard.) Also Krennic, even though they might never meet in canon.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Huh. Do I even have one? Maybe Mosk. I do love their whole feedback loop of absolute dumbassery. "Well said, sir."
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don't know how far I want to get into this. Uh. Without turning this into several thousand words' worth of a rant that no one needs to read, I think there's a tendency across the Internet to melt Syril down to "pathetic, stupid, cereal-eating stalker who serves no purpose except to be a punching bag, symbolically, for fascism as a whole." I say this with complete respect to people who dislike him, and there are many valid reasons to: I don't think that's how Tony Gilroy intended him to read. In fact, Tony Gilroy has said he holds "tremendous sympathy" for Syril, and that he writes him sympathetically — he's not, like, cackling maniacally when he writes Syril's scenes, I don't think. Was the stalking bad? Yeah. Clearly. Is it funny when he sits at the breakfast table of shame and slurps his sad Star Wars cereal? Yeah. But I think people tend to get so caught up in either throwing punches at or laughing at him that they forget he's smart, and I think those same people might be surprised by him being a competent and valuable Imperial asset in Season 2. At least, I hope.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I want him and Dedra to kiss, just once, just to see what happens and how weird they are about it I want him to get into the ISB. I know it might not happen, and that's fine, but the thought of him ending up there when Blevin's also there is so fucking funny to me. Also, I'm excited to see all of his new outfits in Season 2. LET'S GO SILLY BERET SYRIL LET'S GO BROWN SUIT SYRIL 2.0 LET'S GO CURLY-HAIRED SYRIL
Send me a character, and I'll break them down!
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shi-daisy · 2 years ago
Tamlins character assassination genuinely bothered me, to have his character turn abusive isnt inherently bad but having him get constantly shat on while ryhsand continues to be genuinely vile and horrid to feryre, tamlin just seems more sympathetic the more i pick apart why feyre and rhys suck ASS. sjm does not get to sit there and act like Nesta was evil and awful as she got constantly belittled and shat on for her COPING Mechanisms and that Nesta is the one who has to apologize to the inner circle despite the way ALL of them treated her and expect me not to think she just failed with tamlin as well, she keeps writing characters she wants me to think are bad while not acknowledging that the characters she loves ARE VERY BAD IF NOT MUCH WORSE.
Anon are we lost twins by any chance? Lol kidding, but you've just voiced the exact reason why Feysand (and by extension sjm who wrote them) piss me the fuck off!
Tamlin's story reads like a damn tragedy. Abusive father and brothers, a mom who loved him but couldn't do anything to protect him, he's resigned to not get the court and tried to go unoticed to stay safe then once he finally makes a new friend his family ruin that friend's life, he loses his mother due to the family fued, is forced to be the ruler of a nation when he has no idea how and still pulls through. Then gets hounded by Amrantha and cursed. Has to lose another friend to break the curse. Finally finds true love and even after attempting to protect her she nearly dies. He had to rebuild the court and support his fiance while still suffering from ptsd himself and so he fucks up royally, said fuck up costs him his relationship, his bestie and his court and now he has nothing.
And I'm supposed to cheer for this? I'm supposed to accept this as a fitting end to my favorite character? Nope, not gonna happen. Not when Rhysand can commit multiple war crimes and treat people like shit and Feyre can ruin a court and half of another cuz she mad at Tamlin and wanted to girlboss. (Girl stop acting like an edgy 13 year old, people are dead and you have the intelligence of cabbage head.)
Oh and yes the way they treated Nesta was worse than anything Tamlin ever did yet we're supposed to think they healed her? Tamlin locked Feyre up cuz he was irrationally afraid of her getting hurt. They looked Nesta up cuz she spent 0.000001% of their wealth and calls Rhysand an ass to his face. Guess who I'm gonna side with?!
Sarah is too into Rhysand and so anyhting he and Feyre do is justified but anyone else can go choke. It's the reason I dropped the books after ACOFAS (Tamlin's scene there had me crying and I had to yeet the book away)
Tamlin needs a redemption, but written by anyone other than SJM. She will ruin him like she did Nesta.
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horizon-verizon · 8 months ago
I physically cringe at how toxic some fans are becoming.
Canonically Rhaenyra loved all her children, Jace would have been a great king, Luke and Joffrey's deaths are tragedies Like the disappearance/supposed death of Visenys and Aegon loved his older brothers, so where did this brutal division come from where one side calls the older ones irrelevant and useless bastards and the other says Aegon and Visenys weren't just as loved as the three first brothers.
I find it worrying that for the first one they are recycled TG comments (I can only assume these people are A/V fans and not Rhaenyra fans if they are regurgitating this mentality) and the seconds are the fault of the same problem that the VB and the dragon twins already suffered, that of the change in ages, time jumps and poor management of time on screen translates into poor development of family dynamics.
Also, even in the show this whole argument about who Rhaenyra loves more, Harwin's or Daemon's children is super stupid because you can argue either way due to circumstantial evidence.
She loves Daemon's people more because they are children of the love of her life! She loves Harwin more because he's not a pedophile!She loves Luke more because she called him her "sweet boy" (at one point he was worried and she comforted him)! She loves Daemon's children less because she barely kissed them (we ignore that she takes the time to go play with them*)!!
Or let's make the opposite argument!! Lucerys (from Harwin) and Visenya (from Daemon) aren't enough to start a war, so I imagine she doesn't care about either of them 😳
This is all stupid and ignores both the source material and the show's writing problems, and Rhaenyra (either Rhaenyra) would be furious and ashamed that anyone make these kinds of arguments against her children.
(Now, if anyone wants to talk about Rhaenyra treating the dragon twins less like her daughters or her husband's daughters and more like one of her servants, yeah, I have no arguments against the way They destroyed those relationships because they did not " nuanced " it, they simply eliminated it)
*I have only seen intolerance from one of these sides and I am genuinely curious what it looks like in these people's heads to show that Rhaenyra "does" care about Aegon and Visenys Let it not be something she already did and just needed to be expanded upon because it appears that they mean is that they have to show Rhaenyra caring MORE about them than her other three children. Rhaenyra is supposed to hold Aegon and say "oh, my beloved Valyrian-looking son that I can love with all my heart." ?
I believe the writing for the show--how they have her literally do almost nothing for her kids after Luke dies--encourages and flamed the fires for these already existing ideas for people to be so brave about it. I myself haven't seen some myself and I think that has to do with good filtering, but I don't deny they exist. Truthfully, such ideas have existed a very long time in the fandom and I hate them.
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theforsakenprince · 3 months ago
Two things I wanna know! (feel free to ignore obviously ^^ )
What are your top 5 favorite characters and why are they your favorite? Could be current favorites, favorites over the years that you still like, favorites in general, etc. Also any media
And/or gimme 1-5 of your ocs - whether they're your favorite, most recent, the one you've been having fun with recently, etc. Tell me some fun facts about them, and why you picked them!
Hope you're having a great day/night - and remember to stay hydrated!
ooooh boy top 5 characters is gonna be hard I have so many... I think I'm gonna keep it to destiny characters because it's what I'm thinking about currently and I don't wanna be here all day JDFHSJDF
Uldren sov. is anyone surprised by this. ever since I read the forsaken prince I've been obsessed. something about someone who's been doomed from the beginning get me... like was it all avoidable? yes. but at the same time it wasn't because none of the characters would've made any other decisions. I love him so much outside of the tragedy of his whole life too lol he's just. such a dumbass. guy whose first reaction to getting his throat cut is to run back home and yell "aliens!! I found aliens and one of them cut my throat!". He also just cares so so so much about his people, the birds he raises, the eliksni who remind him of himself, the children he tells stories to. He unequivocally did horrible things but that is absolutely part of my I love him. I'm gonna stop here or else I'll be here all day but if you ever ask me about him it's gonna start an unskippable cutscene LMAO
Crow! it feels like cheating putting him and Uldren on the same list since (arguably) they're the same guy... but also Crow isn't him because he woke up initially without any memories of Uldren's life but then later got them back... it's complicated. Point is I love him because of what he chose to do with that second chance. He actively wants to be better and right Uldren's wrongs, even if he would've been entirely in the right for not wanting anything to do with it. He's also a dumbass in the same way Uldren was. also so much more of a loser I love him <3
MARA!! I cannot mention Uldren being my favorite without mentioning Mara sov... girl who has so many things wrong with her but she's trying! genuinely proud of her improvement and growth. I also just absolutely love women who are terrible at expressing their emotions with everyone except one person they trust their entire being with <3 that being said I'm fistfighting her mom Osana for making her feel like she's responsible for her twin brother and also everyone that has ever looked up to her when she was 19. I love her Mara Sov haters dni
Eris Morn! I loved her from the beginning tbh, she is the character I picture when I think of "violent optimism". because she is nowhere near soft but goddammit things WILL get better if she has anything to say about it. She's so committed to making sure no one has to go through what she did and helping others through their own trauma and grief. Season of the Witch was SO good specifically because it had Eris using the tools of the enemy to best them. And then at the end rejects it, because she won't continue the cycle of hatred and violence that's been perpetuated for millennia. "this is the rejection of your sad legacy" indeed.
Osiris. tbh picking #5 was hard because there are SO many good characters and this spot honestly could've gone to anyone but man... Osiris just resonates. He is a man who cares about humanity so much he'd do anything to keep them alive. A man who broke time to save the man he loves and succeeded. His journey through grief after losing Sagira (his Ghost) in Lightfall hit so hard for me too. "I am afraid that if I open my hand, I will find it no longer hurts, that the thorn I have imagined there for so long is already gone." is.... such a good quote and has lived in my head ever since I've played it. He's rough around the edges and can be harsh but at the end of the day everything he does is because he cares so deeply.
Honorable mention goes to Jolyon but I cannot in good conscience put him on this list because he has nowhere near the same screentime and also I think I made up like half his characterization in my head.
and OCs... man I have been thinking about them a LOT lately. Working on writing more for them but in the meantime I do have a ton on my ao3
Apollo... my beloved, probably my oldest Destiny OC. He's a laidback, easygoing Hunter who can be reckless and say things without thinking but overall means well. He has so much love in his heart but his centuries alone during the dark ages and the Great Disaster have made him a little rough around the edges. I won't say too much about him since it is part of what I'm writing!
Coyote! basically my "what would happen if a child was a Guardian?" character and then I got attached lol. She's an upbeat, awkward kid who gets excited/stressed really easily like a dog, hence her name. Currently trying to find out more about her past life with the help of a certain conman (Drifter). Again, won't say too much because it's the plot of a fic I'm writing!
Thank you so much for asking btw, I'm always happy to talk about characters!!
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lunar-system · 4 months ago
the acolyte e7 liveblog
back in the past. this one is going to hurt.
a real setup for a tragedy. yes, osha should have followed the rules and stay inside the fortress to not be seen. no, there was never gonna be a way to make her obey. she had to go. it was inevitable.
climbing? in those robes? sol, you are insane
"we should return to the ship and ask the council for guidance" yes pls
"they do not treat the girls like children" you were right about that sol. they did not.
as a jedi, sol's weakness was his empathy. ironically that's also what made him so dangerous
mother aniseya had the upper hand when she got torbin under her power. but osha had power over her mother. nothing else could have swayed her. but it was inevitable
was it torbin? who caused the destruction? because he was humiliated?
"i worry she is not safe." it is true that osha was being almost forced to become a witch with the coven. at the same time it feels bad to hear sol echo the "think of the children!" sentiment that is so often used against queerness. he is the representative of the hegemonic power here. and he worries if the kids of the minority are truly safe with their family
"who is protecting this child if not the jedi?" again, a very "i know what's best for this minority" attitude from a representative of a powerful organisation
and at the same time, osha was not having good time at home. she was pressured. and at the same time she was loved. gahhh it's complex
"do not confuse what osha wants with you want" didn't we hear this sentiment echoed somewhere earlier in the series? i forgor
i am so scared to see what happened in young mae's test i don't know why but i am
"everyone must be sacrificed to fullfill their destiny" maeee nooo was it you who lead the jedi astray? you who are so proud of your people! you said those words proudly! and did not know how they sounded like to the outsider! mae I'm so sorry!
shit. the fact that there are no other children really makes it look like they were all child sacrifice before the twins.
i like this indara.
and the council made a reasonable decision not to separate the twins.
"do not alter this little girl's destiny because you have formed an emotional attachement to her." tooo laaaateeeee
"i want to do what's best for osha." you don't get to decide that." sol is such a weird combination of a genuinely caring person and a toxic parent who "knows best."
everything seems so good at this point. so is it something about the twins creation that twisted the jedi knickers so bad?
they are one soul!!
ironically, if mother aniseya hadn't encouraged torbin to ask for what he wants, he would not be doing this. They would have listened to the council's orders and left them alone. But because mother aniseya tried to scare them away, he accidentally gave torbin the courage to disobey.
oh shit fight-mother takes mae's side. oh shit war-mommy escalates the situation quiiickly. oh shit they believe the jedi are attacking.
Sol attacked an unarmed person. Noble intentions. Mother Aniseya is dead, killed by Sol. Fuck.
was it mae's fire that caused the explosions?
torbin's scar came from a possessed wookie!
did. did indara kill them all. just like that.
Sol made the fucking CHOICE to drop Mae. This is so much worse.
So. It was not… intentionally malicious from the jedi's part. I had started to believe more of Mae's story: that jedi is a colonising force that intentionally assimilates children. Well. The council had made a decision not to do that. So there is some understanding there. Still, the jedi managed to destroy a whole culture by being careless. It was the individuals unintented and ill-adviced decisions that led to this. An inevitable tragedy that could have been prevented in a countless little ways. And at the same time not.
Torbin has it the worst. He is too young. He will never recover.
Sol is older, but he is too soft for a jedi. He will carry a heavy burden.
An how endlessly cruel to turh osha against mae!
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mdhwrites · 2 years ago
I just read your post on King and Eda, and I TOTALLY agree with you.
If you were in charge of the Owl House, how would you rewrite the two of them? (no pressure to answer if you don't feel like it.)
Forgot to mention this: This is with the kindness of hindsight. It is always easier to critique than it is to create. Especially with how little I plan my stories when I start them, it's arguable if I'd actually make something as cohesive as what I'm going to pitch here. This is why I rarely claim to actually be able to write something better.
So normally my response to this sort of ask is "You can't change the element without losing the spirit of the show" but that's actually not true with just changing Eda and King. There's a foundation there for something really good stemming from the concepts of the two of them but TOH actively avoids doing anything with them. Like I said... They're just kind of bad characters in execution because Eda doesn't have any interest in her own craft or her world while King is a contradictory, one note comic relief character for S1 and then a plot point more than a character in S2/3 that entirely hinges on his heritage. This is part of why King suddenly is the wisest fucking 8 year old to ever exist.
So what would I change? First, I would make them a real family from go. Not by blood but by connection. Acknowledge earlier that Eda adopted King when he was alone and scared. She actually cares about him but struggles to show it because she's been really hurt by family as well and just by life in general so she has these boundaries even with those she's close with. This makes Luz's arc of turning her more motherly feel more natural because Eda isn't just randomly becoming a better person and retconned as having always been sweet but instead her relationship with King highlights what her eventual fate will be as Mama Eda and allows her inner kindness to show earlier.
For King: Write him as a fucking eight year old. Now, I actually have to get into the other big change in order to discuss more of the changes I would make with him but he should never have been equally as world weary as Eda. It constantly put his age into question in S1 and it made how much he actually cared about his heritage feel out of step with the lessons Eda would have taught him to make him such a jaded ass in the first half of S1. It also means that his character is more inline with his character episodes instead of feeling like they're out of character. The true big change though is... Have them reflect twin sides of the Isles. Make Eda love magic, and thus show Luz the grandeur of the Isles (you can even keep the "No Chosen One" thing for this because she genuinely thinks ALL magic is special and wants to impart that on Luz if Luz really wants to be her pupil). It makes it so that she is actually motivated to teach Luz and to experiment with magic. It turns her character more towards someone who is always experimenting with magic and the curse was instead not just something that made them not be able to steal as effectively but a genuine tragedy for her. But because she acts tough and is forty and flirty, she doesn't show it except in really vulnerable moments. Again, this allows Eda and Luz to have a better relationship and keeps her character more consistent between the two seasons while still allowing character growth/an arc that feels justifiable versus what we got.
Meanwhile... King is a fucking 8 year old orphan who's mom has to constantly leave the house to feed them and Hooty is his only protection. He has no strength, he has no magic, he has no friends, he has NOTHING. So make him wanting to be a ruler explicitly a fantasy. Not just biologically encoded into him (which is a WEIRD fucking plot point to begin with) but something that comes from his surroundings. He wants to be a king and have minions because kings are safe and have subjects who adore them. It makes it so that you can have the ruling jokes while also letting King be a character. This also makes him latching onto Luz feel more natural. He is desperate for safety and others and Luz is not only willing to give him the time of day unlike most, but is also mostly safe. He doesn't have to worry about how much more powerful she is than him as they're getting close so he feels like a friend of hers rather than her vassal. This admittedly would need changes to how Luz treats King but, well... That kind of has to do with what both of these changes really are: Take the narrative goals TOH had for these characters... And use them to make real characters. This is a general problem of TOH that Eda and King suffer especially from. They're not real characters. They're just creations meant to serve specific goals and those goals are more important to the writers than the characters. Which begs the question of "If the writers don't care about the MAIN CAST as people... Why should the audience?" And that's something that I as a writer fear a lot personally. I consider characters to be the end and beginning of a story but they do still have to work for the story and finding that balance is a very real struggle. I do not promote Inspiration ID Vol. 1 because the main character in that series is shit. And he's shit because he is just my obsession with a porn trope I disliked and led to the creation of that book. And a lot of TOH shares that motivation so of course the characters are going to tear down the world they're in more than they're going to lift it up.
And when talking about main pillars of your story... The ground is going to cave in eventually.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead, If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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farenduil · 1 year ago
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September 2023
mentions of @meryasek, @aegnorx, @yaviefey, @wintersaurora, Titania, & more
"Parents got divorced when I was, uh, five years old And I saw my father about three times a year after that And when he found out that he had cancer, he decided to To bring me here and he gives me this big pink seashell And he says to me, "Son, the answers are all inside of this" And I'm all, "What?" But then I realize, I realize that The shell's empty, there's no point to any of this, it's all just a A random lottery of meaningless tragedy and a series of near escapes." - The Pink Seashell, Fall Out Boy
The news hits him and it's all just another blow, but it is perhaps the hardest one to take. After every loss he asks himself how much more can he afford? If the people he cared for were gold in his pocket, it'd be empty. Or it had been emptied time and time again and he would cling to them a little tighter, those that remained. He felt as if he never got the chance to. Time was such a strange concept over the years and he'd unwittingly thought he had so much of it. And yet it was never going to be enough. Mortal, he sits on the beach where he and Mery used to walk along. His brother would run up to him with all of these shells in his hands and he would kneel in the sand and look at each one with genuine awe. Some of those shells sit heavy in his pocket now and he swears they are anchoring him to the very earth. Without them, surely he would just float away.
Things had been different between them as they grew, over what must have been the last few months but the time might as well have spanned centuries. He'd gotten to see that boy turn into a man, into a prince, and then into a king and he'd tried so hard to protect him from everything and so he'd coddled him like their mother had. Farenduil, in an ever present grief that he now knew he and Titania shared over Aegnor, he had underestimated him. He'd been a good senator despite not wanting the position, he'd been a good man, he'd been a good king. He'd been a good brother. When he had been at his lowest, Mery had been there to catch him, hoist him up and shake him around and remind him he wasn't a failure until he let himself be. His talk with Titania, what he imagined would be the last one, had remedied that to an extent. He had her love, and Mery's too, Yavie's, potentially Aurora's, the twins in their own way, maybe even Aegnor's if he could find it in him to really sit down and talk with the man. And yet he can't do much of anything. He can't even bring himself to leave the forest despite the fact that he has no real place in it anymore. He wakes up in the cabin, Emma's tomb, and he goes to his desk and gets out some paper and he writes letters. He'd done that on the ship after Yavie had gone over the edge, he had put letters in bottles and gently dropped them off into the ether, as if his warder would get them. He writes down everything he should have said to Mery, begins each piece of paper with 'Dear Brother', and it's almost mechanical. Healing in some way to draw from the empty shell that is his body and just pour whatever is left of him onto the paper. He tells him that he is sorry that he could not be better, that he could not be of more help, that he had not been there in the end. And then each day he goes to what he thinks of as their beach and kneels down at the water's edge and he gently sets the glass bottle containing the letter in the shallows. He sits in the sand, he watches the waves take it out further and he finds it soothing. No matter how angry the waves seem to be some days, they carry his words gently, he watches them bob on the water until he can't see them anymore. He thinks about interrupting meetings for a boy tugging on his sleeves, he picks flowers just up the beach on the grass to send in the bottles. He thinks of that first masquerade where he was drunk and happy at the edge of the dancefloor as that disco music Mery loved played on around them. He goes back as far as remembering when he'd first laid eyes on the child, when he'd been so sure he couldn't possibly feel much for a new brother after losing Aegnor. But he'd looked at Mery in his mother's arms and he had the exact opposite reaction, he had thought that no one would ever hurt him, not while he was around. How wrong he'd been. He goes home when it gets dark, prepared to do it all again the next day. Knowing that the one person who had never given up on him was gone and that now he had to carry on for him anyways, because it's what Mery would have wanted. He would continue on him, even if his magic was gone. He could live for that boy he'd carried around the halls of the palace and told stories to, that he'd watched make flowers grow. Farenduil goes home and he waits for what feels like a miracle, for yet another gold coin to be returned to a pocket that's full of only shells.
"So I take pleasure in the detail, you know, a A Quarter Pounder with cheese Those are good The sky about ten minutes before it started to rain A moment where your laughter becomes a cackle And I sit back And I ride my own melt"
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chlorineloki · 2 years ago
i’m sorry i’m going on another rant but this ship enrages me; i think they should be besties, not romantically in love. that’s how i originally read it, and i hope the show backtracks a little bit and makes that real, because they do NOT need to have romantic feelings for each other. like it seemed like they were just trying to figure out how to CARE about others, not like they were in love. i think they have deep platonic love for one another, but i see no reason that it needs to be/ should be romantic?? i think they’re both just trying to figure out how to express that for each other, and they’re really awkward about it, so it ends up being expressed a bit weirdly. i really really hope s2 does this narrative and they don’t end up as a couple. it just doesn’t feel right.
idc about the selfcest or whatever bc they’re completely different characters. the actors even have some chemistry, but i just do not like this ship as romantic, i see them as friends. i’m curious to see as well if sylvies feelings were genuine, or if she was trying to manipulate loki to get what she wants. i hope they can be friends without the writers/directors ruining it and making them actually fall in love.
taken from a quora response (i know i hate that site too but this reply really made sense):
“I glanced at the other answers and everyone seems pretty sure that they are madly in love. I have to say I disagree.
The Loki we know has truly experienced trauma throughout his life. He was basically abducted as a baby for lack of a better term, lied to, etc etc. He doesn't trust people. I would go as far as to say he doesn't even put any effort into liking them. As much as I do believe he loves Thor, it is a love-born out of initial obligation. I think that loving/caring about anyone outside of your immediate family is always different. And that the first time you do it, it has a learning curve. What a lot of people read as soft loving romantic feelings, I read as Loki slowly lowering walls.
I think that at the moment when Mobius was pruned, Loki truly was heartbroken, because he considered him an ally and a friend. Possibly his first. Imagine not having a single friend in a thousand years. After having that kick ass fight, working with Sylvie against the minutemen, he grabs her shoulders, I don't think he was going to dip her and kiss her. Ala a Peggy/Steve or Tony Pepper moment. Or declare her his one true love.
I think he was going to declare that he trusted her and that he wanted to fight alongside her. He was going to tell her everything that she missed, everything that he thought they should do next. He was fully prepared to do the same thing with Mobius, He just never got the chance. He's never known how to trust someone and now he did. And in his mind the first part of that is declaring it. Declaring that you aren't trying to betray that person despite it kind of being your calling card.
Could I see a romantic relationship in the distant future? Maybe? Everyone seems to look at the variant thing differently. To me none of the variants are the same. They look different, they act different, they were raised different, and they don't even appear to have the same genes. Literally twins are more similar than the variants. A lot of people are also saying that him caring for her is similar to him accepting himself because they share so many traits. But that is a kind of relationship that can be found in a person who isn't your trans-dimensional variant. Oftentimes our best friends, our platonic soulmates, are people that we see ourselves in the most.
There's a quote that I don't remember exactly. But it goes something like, “You will find that in your life there are people who will know your soul from the inside out and the great tragedy is that these are rarely the people you spend your life with." I thought of that quote several times when I was watching the last episode.
I personally really like Sylvie as a standalone character, and at this point I'm just hoping that she lives to move on in the next phase of movies. Because honestly, I like Tom Hiddleston, it would be cool for him to have a romantic relationship with anybody. But more than anything I'd love to see him in his mischievous glory with a best friend egging him on.”
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nightingaletrash · 9 months ago
1, 2, 4, 7, 12, and 20 for the DAV asks??? (Hopefully not too many ;w;)
There's no such thing as too many!! :D
I already answered 1 and 4 in another ask, but I'll copy-paste them below a cut for you ^^
2. Which Dragon Age game is your favorite so far?
Gotta be da2, it's the game that compels me most in terms of story and characters. I love that it's a tragedy, that the ending never changes no matter what you do because you are a little guy against an overwhelming forces BUT what you do still matters - Hawke is my favourite Dragon Age protagonist and I will love them forever because they might not have power in the overarching story, but in the little things? In the everyday lives of people? Hawke matters so much, they help people and make things a little better for them, and they did their best. It's not a perfect game, but it's a game that makes me feel a lot of things, and I love that <3
7. Which character from the previous games or other media are you most hoping will make an appearance in DAV?
Isabela, Dorian, Maevaris, Fenris, Vaea, Francesca, Valta, Calpernia, Valya, ISSEYA (not in-person obvs, but I'm begging for just one mention of my aroace Warden Queen, she deserves acknowledgement), Sandal <3
(there's definitely someone I'm forgetting but these are the ones I know for sure I want to see in some fashion)
12. What's one thing you're hoping we DON'T see in this next game?
jks I know bioware won't bring him back now but I genuinely struggle to think of what I don't want because shard searching, multiplayer and micro-transactions are confirmed to be gone for Veilguard :D
20. Post a picture or gif that conveys your current level of excitement for Dragon Age: The Veilguard!
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an accurate representation of the goblin in my brain <3
1. What was the first Dragon Age game you played?
Origins!! It was back in 2014 - I'd seen some Inquisition clips and looked into the series, and decided to start right at the beginning ^^
4. What does your worldstate look like going into DAV?
This... got lengthy, but here is my canon world state for Dragon Age:
Origins: Warden was a female Human Mage who romanced Leliana; Redcliffe was saved, sided with Mages, Connor was freed from possession, Anvil was destroyed, Bhelen was crowned King, Zathrian sacrificed himself to end the curse, the Urn Sacred Ashes was preserved, all companions recruited, Alistair became a drunk, Anora was crowned as Queen alone, Warden performed the Dark Ritual (modded lol), Avernus was spared and allowed to continue experiments, Shale rediscovered their past, and Morrigan was allowed to leave through the Eluvian
2: Hawke was a female Mage who romanced Isabela; Bethany died escaping Lothering, accepted Merchant Cavril's bribe and worked for the mercenaries, protected the mages without killing Karras, sent Feynriel to the Dalish then to Tevinter, Carver became a Grey Warden, killed Bartrand, Aveline married Donnic, didn't side with Petrice, killed the Arishok, made Tallis angry, sided with Janeka and killed Larius, Varric didn't keep the idol, killed Castillon, helped Merrill leave her people peacefully and preserved the Eluvian, let Zevran go, let Keran go, turned conspirators over to Orsino, reunited Gamlen and Charade, helped Anders, killed Anders, sided with Orsino
(I also have a rogue Hawke who is the twin brother to Marian; he romanced Fenris, helped Tallis, and sided with Larius)
Inquisition: Inquisitor was a Female Elven Mage and Merciful Judge who romanced Solas; denied being Andraste's Herald, helped refugees in the Hinterlands, recruited and dissolved the Templar Order, declared for the Inquisitor, left Hawke in the Fade, recruited the Grey Wardens, Celene rules and was reunited with Briala, Dorian reconciled with father and planned to return to Tevinter, Blackwall redeemed as Rainier, Bull saved the Chargers and became Tal-Vashoth, Cassandra discovered the book and rebuilt the Seekers, Sera killed Harmond, Cole became more human, Solas freed his friend, helped Varric track the red lyrium source, Vivienne was given the heart of the snowy wyvern, Cullen did not take lyrium, Josephine and the Inquisitor did favours for the du Paraquettes, Leliana was inspired, Calpernia's past was investigated, respected the Temple Guardians, spoke to Calpernia, Inquisitor drank from the Well, Leliana became Divine Victoria; shared the truth about Ameridan, earned a legend mark from the Avvar, discovered the source of the tremors, Bull stayed loyal, redeem Solas, disbanded the Inquisition. Additionally, Inquisition forces were deployed regularly, all keeps were captured, lake rift was closed, and Sutherland's company was successful.
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thal-ent · 1 year ago
Greetings! For the ask game, what characters would you consider your blorbos and what do you like about them?
Ok ok ok ok so i have many blorbos. So many of them. So I'll only talk about my current Big 3™ of blorbos eheheheh
Honorable mention because I dont wanna talk too long for now about her but my character Agathe is very blorbo. She's just a little off. A little gal. A lesbian with weird Magic thingies around her. An angel who keeps her eyes closed.
Blorbo number one : Nico Robin, the one and only. My gay awakening. The only strawhat that wasn't invited. The backstory that still makes me bawl my eyes out years later. She's genuinely such a well written character and I would die for her anytime. Her struggles with her survival and realising that after 20 years she found a home are HEARTBREAKING. She's also such a badass and I love how her powers are used. I also agree with Oda her devil fruit is probably the one I'd want lmao
Blorbo number two : Vash the Stampede, any iteration of him (even tho I have a hard time with the perviness of 98 and BLR). The Humanoid Typhoon, the 60.000.000$$ man, a guy who just wants to help people around him but is trapped in a tragedy of his own twin's making. Honestly Vash is so interesting to me with how he always has some sad and melancolic mysterious aura around him, and it only serves to hide the rage he knows he feels. He's a pacifist but he's so angry all of the time. He loves humanity but ran for years before actually saving them. He refuses to take any life but doesn't care about his own. He's not human yet so painfully Human. He's full of contradictions, and his relationship with Wolfwood and Meryl show that as well. I could go on about how they represent his present and his future respectively, but it's about Vash, not Mashwood lmao
Blorbo number three : C!Dream, the tragedy. That's really how I see him, he's a tragedy. Forced into a role that never fit him, just a 21yo boy forced to fight friends and then getting villainized for it. A boy that kept trying to distance himself from his friends and ended up alone despite having someone at his side always. A man that didn't care about his own life so he let himself be put in prison. A man that got offered a hand and a "maybe we can try" too late. He was barely 23. He's the snake that lost everything, he's a man who never got a hand from anyone, a man that was always seen as a villain no matter what.
I have so many more but yea they're my top three currently uwu
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