#(Anyway it is 3am I should go back to sleep. This is a really weird way of saying thank you for liking my recent stuff)
deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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there’s a non-non-zero chance of success though… _(:3 」∠)_
#long depressing rant in the tags incoming ig? take warning!!#maybe it’s bc it’s 3am and i’m tired or maybe it’s bc of the 8-9 hour old fried vermicelli that i just gave up on eating but my head hurts~~#or maybe it could even be bc i spent like 3 hours unpacking my boxes (note: my fam moved last month) instead of chilling like i wanted to…#either way i saw some things while unpacking that i really should’ve left in the distant past and i’m feeling as empty as my stomach pre-米粉#though i did uncover a dogtag i had engraved years ago with nothing but a ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) on it so that was pretty funny#but other than that… i remembered all the weird things i had given up on in the past via the things i unearthed…#like cooking! i unpacked this huge 1k+ page thick cookbook thing and remembered that i had a phase where i liked to cook#then i remembered that i had mistaken salt for sugar while making some meat dish with a ton of soy sauce and byebye cooking confidence :(#and to add to that i also read a past essay of mine about my culture and i remembered my grandma and i. yeah.#and i also saw stuff from my old hobbies that i had to give up on due to money/time constraints and i just. yeah.#and not to forget all the stuff from my former friends… i swear i always get ghosted the moment we affirm that we’re friends lol#am i a walking maxed social link or something? lol? yeah i have no irl friends. none.#i’ve gotten used to it though~ i don’t mind having no friends. it leaves me with more time for myself and my sleep~#it’s just that… sometimes i get the urge to hop over the country border for some ~chewing gum~ shopping… but there’s no one to go with lol#or like when i see interesting-looking events going on at local attractions but there’s no one to check it out with… or something.#and that got me wondering… am i just wasting my life or something? it’s a new year right? so i should make some lifestyle changes too right?#…​and so i bought a hairdryer for the first time a few days back. yeah. that’s enough change for 1 year. lol#who needs friends when you can have a nice warm hairdryer? blast away good pal!!!!!!!!!!!!#anyways yeah. that’s my 3am rant of the day. sorry if you read this lol#sunday’s 🧂saltfest🧂#h e lp i forgot to disable rbs on this for a bit i hate 3am brain smmmm </3
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You know, sometimes I get a little worried that being a low activity fic blog means I miss the boat with various ideas and prompts. It is always a really pleasant surprise when I'm proven wrong.
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navree · 8 days
ooh, pls expand on your dae/jae/aeg3 ideas! 😃😃😃
This is what happens when I wake up at 3am due to stubbornly persisting jetlag (pro tip, if you're gonna go to a country that's, like, sixteen hours ahead of your's, just block off a solid week of not doing anything when you get back because your sleep is gonna be FUCKED, my European jetlag has never been this longlasting or this bad), I create Ideas in my head and then use them to help me fall asleep. And it's honestly highly likely I'm actually gonna write something with this, it's quickly moved really high in my ASOIAF fics priorities list, just behind my Dance AU (I really should also write my version of Aegon's Conquest but it would just be so fucking looooooooooong and fall quarter is about to start for me at school anyway).
So, unlike most Greens, I actually quite like Daenaera, sue me, sometimes character are just Your Baby, and she's mine (I've enumerated why here for the curious). But I do understand the narrative issues some people have with killing off Jaehaera to make room for her, so I'm merging the best of both worlds here. A lot of the same things I talk about when it comes to why I like Daenaera's relationship with Aegon can also be applied to Jaehaera, she's also someone who likely would have felt lonely and isolated and deeply depressed after all she went through, and there likely wouldn't be many people she could try and connect with. There's Gaemon, her bastard half-brother, and there's Aegon. But can Jaehaera really bring herself to connect with him, or he with her? Aegon's father sent men to murder Jaehaera's twin and threaten to rape her; Jaehaera's father not only kept Aegon a prisoner but also made him watch his mother's execution via being eaten by a dragon. That's a huge emotional gulf for two children to overcome on their own, and that's where Daenaera comes in. Kids need socialization with other kids, we know this, and given that Daenaera becomes a ward of Aegon's half-sister Baela, her visits to King's Landing to see her brother often include bringing her young charge (I'm also reducing the age difference between Aegon/Jaehaera and Daenaera, because it is rightly weird as Hell that so much emphasis was put on six year old Daenaera being the hottest preschooler in Westeros). She socializes with both Aegon and Jaehaera, since she's on a similar social level, given not just the closeness between the Velaryons and the Targaryens, but her being kind of a member of Baela's family, and thus technically the royal family by extension. And Jaehaera is queen, so it's not unreasonable for someone to go "OK she needs some noble female companions" to allow her and Daenaera to hang out more.
In my head, the first closeness happens between Jaehaera and Daenaera, and not only as a meta-rebuttal to fandom weirdos who wanna pit two little girls against each other like it's One Tree Hill because you've all got big feelings over a fictional succession crisis. But I think Jaehaera would be more openly receptive to friends than Aegon. I mentioned it in my above linked post about Daenaera, but Aegon's one friend in his minority was Gaemon, and he had to be very careful about that friendship because of how Gaemon could be treated, so he was probably recalcitrant from getting close to anyone, along with his other issues. Jaehaera doesn't have that hangup, she's just a lonely girl without any friends, so having someone who's canonically sweet and charismatic enough that her sunny disposition uplifted the people around her would definitely help her out, and make her appreciate Daenaera as a person and want her around. It'd be almost something similar to what HOTD has between Rhaenyra and Alicent, close female companions bordering on homoeroticism and sapphic first loves.
On the Aegon front, a lot of what I talked about when talking about their canonical relationship can also apply here even before a marriage. Aegon's two main relationships to people his age are Gaemon, with the issues mentioned above, and Jaehaera, which does come with its own issues from the Dance. Daenaera would still be the first major guilt-free relationship in his life, someone he can interact with and be close to without feeling the burden of his own sins or the ones of those close to him on his shoulders. And again, along with that same temperament that endeared him to her in canon, and would endear her to Jaehaera in this AU, that's how they draw close and forge their own independent friendship. On all three sides though, it would likely be restrained to something like courtly love, where you can have concretely romantic feelings and even certain minor expressions of those feelings, but you can't ever really do anything, you just pine and have unspoken thoughts about everything. Aegon and Jaehaera are married, to each other, and they're also still growing, considering they get married when they're ten, so even if they grow closer and start communicating about shared desires more, it's still gonna take some time to parse out what it is they feel and what they want. Similarly, Daenaera would also need the time to grow and realize what she wants as well, and what her feelings even are, given that she's also young. And while I've talked about how Aegon and Jaehaera would grow closer to her, even beyond Daenaera being a naturally friendly person, there is something for her in those relationships as well. Companionship with people her age, for one, and a more calming presence from two people who do seem pretty even keeled, if melancholic, after the chaos of her own early life, and a measure of stability after going from two parents to just a father to orphaned to living with Baela.
One thing that would, in my view, firmly solidify the idea that Aegon and Jaehaera like having Daenaera in their lives and want to keep Daenaera in their lives is the secret siege. In canon, Daenaera nearly dies because of the poisoned fruit tarts, it's only because maesters give her something to make her throw up before the poison gets too much ingested into her system that it doesn't, unlike what happened to poor Gaemon. In my head, there's a period of time, probably a couple hours but still, where it's verrrrrrry touch and go for Daenaera and both Aegon and Jaehaera are really worried about her. Because they know death, they've seen death, not only have a lot of their family members died but they have personally witnessed someone not just die but be killed, be murdered. They know what it looks like and they both realize that they don't want that to happen to Daenaera, that she's important to them. After all, when I said "aegon and jaehaera and daenaera as the conquerors reborn", I wasn't just being facetious. I've mentioned in a lot of my Conquerors meta that Rhaenys appears to have been the glue that held her and her siblings together, and I can see Daenaera occupying a similar role. Like Aegon I and Visenya before them, Aegon III and Jaehaera are likely people who would be reticent in expressing emotion, though for different reasons (trauma vs just inherent personality), whereas Daenaera is not. And having kids socialize with someone like that, and learn to socialize with other people, including each other, like that, it's important, and it makes Daenaera important to them, along with the personal feelings that might become involved, especially with them all maturing emotionally and sexually at the same time. Post-secret siege is when I think things would take a concrete turn to the romantic, and given that the most successful Targaryens of all time were very famously in a polygamous marriage, that's when a plan can start forming about bringing Daenaera into the marriage, not unlike Rhaenys getting brought into Aegon and Visenya's marriage.
(though, unlike my headcanon where Aegon and Visenya never wanted each other romantically or sexually due in part to incompatibilities as Visenya was a lesbian, and they both wanted Rhaenys, all three participants in this poly couple would want each other. I think that Aegon and Jaehaera might like Daenaera individually more than they might like each other, cuz again there's a lot of baggage involved, but there's romantic attachment and sexual interest, though to varying degrees, from all parties to all parties)
A marriage including Daenaera also helps deal with the unseen faction of the Dance: the Velaryons. The Velaryons kinda got shafted by both sides in this war. The Blacks in general treated a lot of members of House Velaryon badly in the lead up (Daenaera's grandfather, again, is Vaemond Velaryon. That Vaemond Velaryon), along with Rhaenyra imprisoning and threatening the House head, Corlys, over her own neuroses. The Greens, meanwhile, not only kept a member of House Velaryon as a prisoner (Baela, who is also the current king's sister), but are responsible for the death of a member of House Velaryon through marriage, since Aegon and Aemond killed Rhaenys (fuck you HBO for ruining that team up, sorry I'm done now). The toll of the war on House Velaryon was pretty severe, with wrongs done by both sides, and there does need to be some element of House Targaryen going "my bad" and offering some kind of recompense, especially considering the ways House Velaryon helped both sides with the allegiance switch (also, if we're moving up Daenaera's age, you can have her father be a casualty of the Dance, rather than the Daughter's War). Having a Velaryon at the table, given a prominent seat at the table, can definitely be that, especially someone who is historically pureblood Velaryon, without major Targaryen ancestry who can clearly advocate for House Velaryon. So if the two Targaryen monarchs go "we want this Velaryon as our queen", that can work from a political perspective and allow the match to go forward.
And if we keep the dragons around, which I want to, because I like dragons, that's something that can also connect Daenaera and Jaehaera. Say Morghul never dies in the storming of the Dragonpit, now Jaehaera has a dragon, and we know Daenaera loves dragons, whereas Aegon can't stand them (reasonable, given what happened to Rhaenyra). So Jaehaera can't bond with Aegon about dragons, but she can bond with Daenaera, who'd be very interested in hearing everything about it. If Daenaera wanted to claim a dragon herself, and we know she expressed the desire to have one after seeing Rhaena and Morning in canon, Jaehaera could be the one to help and facilitate that. Not to mention, I put in a response to someone asking who might Sunfyre have allowed to be his rider if he survived Dragonstone (can't find it for the life of me tho, sorry!) that Daenaera was a likely candidate, given that they're both pretty sweethearts. So if I get to be self indulgent and have Sunfyre survive for a bit, Daenaera can connect with him and Jaehaera can have some link to her deceased father, Sunfyre's original rider.
So yeah, these are just a couple disjointed thoughts I had based on that idea, but in my head that's how it should be. I'm sure I'll think of more about them as actual proper adults and reigning monarchs, cuz right now a lot of this was childhood and teen years focused along with a spotlight more on how they got together than how the relationship unfolded into adulthood, but hope you enjoyed the expansion anon!
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svnnyd4ys · 2 years
(some of the) eah rebel students as incorrect quotes
Cedar: Are we really going to let Raven keep Cerise? Kitty: We kept Maddie.
Maddie: Awww, why don't you like cats, Raven? They're just snuggly buddies! They have toe beans! They make a little blep! What's not to love?? Raven: I don't know Maddie, I just prefer to be conscious instead of dead on the floor. Maddie: Raven: I'm ALLERGIC.
!!! Kitty: Isn’t it weird that we can’t ride any other animal except horses. Like if horses weren’t a thing, humans would be fucked cause we couldn’t ride any other animals. Like riding animals wouldn’t really be a thing. We should probably be more grateful to horses. Maddie: Elephants. Kitty: Blocked. Cerise: Camels. Kitty: Extra blocked. Cedar: Donkeys. Kitty: Ultra blocked. Raven: That dick. Kitty: ...Followed.
Raven, looking at a dead phone: How do we bring this thing back to life? Magic? Live sacrifice? I know a guy in town-
Maddie: *gets a text* Oh! It’s Kitty. Cerise, excitedly: Did they get me the stuff? Maddie: Yeah, they say they got you the clown costume, the power drill, and 12 gallons of blood. Cerise: Wow! Where’d they find 12 gallons of fake blood? Maddie: You wanted fake blood? Cerise: Maddie: I’ll go call Kitty.
Headmaster Grimm: Raven, I’ve left a letter telling your mother not to worry— Raven: She won’t. Headmaster Grimm: that you’re safe— Raven: That’ll just depress her. Headmaster Grimm: —and you’ll see her in a few weeks. Raven: Do I have to?
Kitty: Guys, there’s a monster under my bed and it’s really ugly. Cerise, on the bottom bunk: Honestly, fuck you.
Maddie: How would you like your tea? Cedar: As dark as my soul. Maddie: Got it, one cup of milk coming right up!
*at 3am* Kitty: *runs into Cerise’s room and turns on the light* Wake up sleepyhead! Cerise: *wakes up* Dude! Kitty: *cackles* Raven: *sits up from where they were sleeping behind Cerise* What the fuck, Kitty? Kitty: *jaw drops* Wait WHAT-
Maddie: YOU CHEATED! Cerise: So did my dad, but hey, my mom knew it all and even sorted out their wedding, so what’s the problem? Cedar: I… can confirm that that actually happened. Maddie: …What.
Kitty: Hey, Cerise, have you thought about having children? Cerise: ... Cerise: Does looking over you and the others not seem like I already do? Because I promise you, it sure feels like it. Kitty: But we're not childr- Cerise, already distracted: MADDIE, PUT THE FIRE DOWN!
Cerise: Maddie just said "I have an appetite for destruction" and then they reached down and untied my shoe.
Cedar: You ever see something that changes your life and you're just like "huh.." Raven: I saw you. Cedar: Honestly that's so cute and sweet but it kinda makes this awkward because I was gonna show you a picture of Cerise in a turkey costume.
Cedar: Did it hurt when you fell- Kitty: From heaven? Wow, I didn’t think you were such a flirt- Cedar: No, I meant when you fell down the stairs. Kitty: ... Cedar: You just laid there for 15 minutes.
Maddie: Raven, I rebuke thee! I rebuke thee! Raven: Rebuke? Is that a word? Maddie: You have all invoked my fury! You will all pay recompense for your transgressions! Raven: What, you got like a word-a-day calendar or something?
Cedar: Plants have feelings too?! What is this? Now I can't have food! Cerise: You can eat a rock. Raven: Air. Kitty: The fabric of time and space. Maddie: Chugging a bottle of bleach can solve all your problems. Cedar: You guys are not helpful.
Cedar: So anyways have y'all seen Maddie? Cerise: I think they went in Kitty's room 'studying'. Raven: Doubt that. I heard groans there. *Meanwhile in Kitty's room* Maddie & Kitty, fighting:
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cianmars · 9 months
3AM Coffee - 14th Doctor fic
Continuation of this fic
AO3 series
The Doctor wakes with a nightmare, and finds a nighttime companion in Rose Noble
The Doctor woke up with a start, both of his hearts trying to beat out of his chest, he gasped for breath, his eyes darting around the darkened room to search for danger. 
There wasn’t any danger, of course, as there hadn’t been the past couple of times he had done this. 
“It’s okay,” he soothed himself, low so he wouldn’t wake anyone else in the house, “it’s okay.” He sucked in a breath as slow as he could, then again, and again. Imagining in his head all the chemical reactions that he was hoping to defeat by just breathing deeply. 
It slowly began to work, much to his chagrin, he pushed himself from his bed. 
His bed … that was weird. In theory he had a bed on the Tardis, his old one, but that Doctor hadn’t really slept, she’d just keep going until she dropped, he remembered his friends, his ‘fam’ yelling at her for that, not as scarily as Donna would have, but as full of concern as they had been. 
He tilted his head to one side, feeling the turn of the world beneath his feet, it was three in the morning. He sighed, he should probably get more sleep, he was pretending to be a human after all and he was pretty sure most of them slept at three in the morning. 
Instead he left the room, making his way down the stairs without turning on any lights, nearly tripping down the stairs but righting himself at the last moment.
He walked to the kitchen, setting his sights on the kettle. He had found that coffee wasn’t to his taste, not in this body at least, he was pretty sure the Scottish one liked it. But it was what he needed he decided.
“Mum’s gonna kill you if she finds you drinking coffee.”
He jumped out of his skin, clutching his heart. He turned to the table, Rose was sitting her hair in a satin wrap, a sketchbook in front of her. A smirk appeared on her face when she saw his shock, even though they tried to hide it from her. 
“No she won’t.”
She tilted her head to the side, still amused, as though she was looking forward to watching Donna yell at him. “She says you’re already hyperactive, that she never wants to be around you if you’re drinking coffee, something about Tigger from Winnie the Pooh.” 
The Doctor rolled their eyes, of course Donna would have said that about him, she’d have said it to his face too, if he hadn’t spent the past two days sleeping nearly constantly. “Lucky she’s in bed then, isn’t it?”
“Your funeral mate,” but she didn’t protest further. “There’s some coffee syrups in the cupboard on your left, if you’re into that sort of thing.”
“I don’t know if I am,” he admitted, turning to the cupboard and opening it, looking at the various coffee additives, “not really sure of much, these days.”
“I get that.” 
And he knew then that she did. 
He grabbed the vanilla syrup and poured a lot of it into a mug, before flicking on the kettle and adding powdered to a big mug. They turned back to Rose, leaning back against the counter as he watched her concentrating on the sketchbook in front of her. “Whatcha working on?” he asked when she paused. 
“Some ideas for new toys, the collectable ones I make.”
He smiled genuinely, “They’re really impressive.”
“Thanks… it was easier to come up with ideas when I had all your memories of them so clearly.” She looked back up at him, giving him a small smile, “Don’t worry, it’s not a bad thing, it means I can come up with my own, and I have some memories, mostly vague ones, or ones mum remembers.” 
The kettle finished boiling, he turned to it, adding the boiled water to the mug, they pulled a face at the smell of it, but took a long sip anyway. It wasn’t what he expected but he liked it. 
They saw Rose pulling a disgusted face at him, reminding him of Amy when he’d been trying to figure out what to eat. 
“Is this not…?” He tilted his head to the side, “You don’t eat the mug at the same time yet, do you?”
“There’s no way that’s something we start doing.”
They let out a small snort of laughter, smirking at her calling him out, just like her mother. But like with her mother he wasn’t about to admit that he was lying about it just to see her face. “Guess you’ll find out, in, oh,” he tilted their head to the side as though to consider, “fifty years?”
“I guess I have that to look forward to then,” she told him, refusing to rise to the bait. 
He liked her. 
“Y’know, if you need any ideas, not that you can’t do it on your own, I mean you’re brilliant, but I have a hundred billion years of adventures, if you need something to draw on.” he held tight to his mug of coffee, letting the heat warm him in the cold kitchen. 
Rose smiled back at him, “I’d like that. I mean, you’ve got plenty of spare time now, it’ll give you something to do.” She sent him a cheeky smile, and this time he laughed. 
“You are so like your mother.” He was glad that she looked proud about that. He was proud that she was too. “I should probably get back to,” he tilted his head back towards the hallway which would lead him upstairs, “before Donna wakes up and kills me.” 
He knew his friend was worried about him, he was grateful about it, or at least he was trying to be, but she’d also insisted that he was going to sleep at night, she was clearly taking the request from The Doctor seriously, and had embraced her role of looking after him. 
“She’s just worried about you.” 
He knew that, he really did. And they appreciated it, they appreciated that she had insisted that he move in with them, that her whole family had welcomed him as though he had always been there. They knew that he needed it right now, that if they spent too long thinking he would have a breakdown, or maybe they were already having one. Was this what a midlife crisis was? Was he in their midlife? What was he… 
He took a deep breath, “Yeah,” he said when he realised that Rose was still watching him. She was looking at them so knowingly that he was forced to remember that she had got both their and Donna’s memories. She knew him. “I’m okay,” he promised. 
She raised an eyebrow, “Sure, and I’m a Timelord.” She sent him another small tender smile, “You will be though, you’ve just got to let yourself be broken first.”
“How did you get so wise?” He asked her, and she sent them a look. Ah, yes, gender in the twenty-first century in the UK… she had to grow up and grow wise and advocate from a young age, even with such a loving family around her. 
He thought about his own body, about how when they changed he would need new clothes, that they had needed to feel like themself, about the scar on his chest when they had regenerated into this body, about how it probably, no definitely, didn’t match up to the typical current human view on gender. 
“When my Tardis comes back we could go on a trip, if you like, there’s a planet where Zey see Zir gender only as colour, or another where they morph constantly to fit with their inner self, though we might need some anti sickness medicine for that, it can get a bit queasy with everyone changing constantly, and the trampoline floor.” 
“I’d like that,” her eyes flickered to the hallway before returning to him, smiling in the way which shone Donna out of every watt of it, “we’ll have to keep it a secret from mum though, if we go soon…”
It was an offer, he knew that, an offer to escape from standing still for a night, as much as he needed to work on himself he also needed these distractions. He nodded his head, “It’s a deal.” 
He took a long swig of his coffee. He wasn’t sure if it was the coffee or the talk to Rose which calmed him, but he was certain he would be able to sleep again now. “Try not to stay up too late,” he said knowing that it was probably the sort of thing that he as an adult should advise her.
She nodded, “Night Doctor.”
He took his cooling mug of coffee with him, hoping that this time he could stay asleep, and not wake up terrorised by nightmares. 
Maybe he could even dream.
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craftygalaxyspyfrog · 2 years
a/n: i do not remember writing this at all, but it was in my drafts. i think that this might just have been a 3am thing as there is absolutely no plot to this whatsoever, so i am sorry that it makes no sense at all, but i thought that it was somewhat cute anyway and so here we are. enjoy?
in pursuit of laughter (with the perfect degree of mirth)
Wednesday was outright refusing to rest. Each night, Enid could hear her clacking away at her typewriter, polishing her cello, stepping about in a quick pace around their shared room.
At first, the blonde hadn't questioned it. Wednesday was weird. We all knew that; it wasn't until she noticed the heavy bags that seemed to be pulling at the girl's eyelids that she decided to step in. The writer looked like she was in pain. Well, more pain than usual. Enid had spoken to Thing about it ad nasuem. He had expressed to her that she often does this. She goes through phases of insomnia. It wasn't entirely uncommon, but it didn't ever last this long. Five days. Wednesday hadn't closed her eyes in five days. Most people would have been driven mad by the third day, but not Wednesday. Because she was weird.
As if Enid had Beetlejuice-d her roommate with her mind, the latter came stomping through the door. Her movements were slow; her whole body drooping to the floor. She dropped her bag down beside her bed before collapsing onto her mattress with a sigh.
"Howdy, roomie!" Enid almost yelled.
Wednesday flinched at the decibel of Enid's tone before grunting at her roommate in response. This'd been the trajectory of how the majority of their conversations had concluded over the last few days. The werewolf missed her roomie. She had missed her usual not as cold, detached tone. These last few days had been far too cold for her liking.
After another minute of Enid staring at Wednesday and Wednesday pretending that she hadn't noticed, the raven haired girl stood up and started to move sluggishly towards their shared bathroom.
Enid followed her across the floor with her eyes. She needed to fix her friend and if Wednesday wanted to play hardball, well, so could she.
It had been a couple of minutes, but as the writer emerged from the bathroom, looking more worn out than when she had left those few minutes ago, the blonde decided that it was now or never.
Desperate times called for desperate measures. Enid pounced onto her roommate, the pair toppling to the floor with a very undignified thump. Wednesday struggled admirably, trying in vain to push Enid away from her. She should know by now that her tired spaghetti arms are no match for Enid's human strength, never mind her wolf strength. With little effort, the blonde forced Wednesday's hands behind her back and held them there with one knee.
"Enid, let me go," Wednesday hissed, her braid whipping around as she turned her head to face Enid.
The look that she gave to the other girl was almost enough to make her falter. Almost. Eyes on the prize, Enid. "No. You need to sleep, Wednesday."
The raven haired girl growled under her breath, hissing as she felt a hand latch onto her side. Her breath hitched as she realised what it was that Enid was planning to do.
"Enid, no. Don't." Her struggling became a little bit more frantic, but she was far too exhausted to really make it count.
"I'm sorry, Wednesday, but you leave me no choice. If you refuse to sleep then I will just have to make you."
And she went straight for the kill. Enid dug her fingers into Wednesday's ribs and hit the spots just between the bones that she knew drove the girl insane. The reaction was instantaneous.
"Ahahahahaha! Ehihihihinid!"
The werewolf couldn't help but smile along with the goth's laughter. She would never get tired of hearing her giggles and snorts. "Yes?"
The teasing lilt in her voice made Wednesday blush a shade darker than she had been. "Stohohohop it!"
Enid hummed, her face appearing to be in deep thought for a moment before her movements became a little bit more aggressive. She was not playing around. "No, I don't think I will."
Wednesday tried to pull at her hands, which were still suspended behind her back, to no avail. She snorted as Enid hit that dreaded spot on her second rib. It made giggles turn to full laughter as her struggling became slower under the weight of her exhaustion and her cachinnation.
Enid grinned down at the girl underneath her. "Oh, right, this is a really bad spot for you," she teased, snickering to herself. "I forgot."
If Wednesday had access to her knives right now, the werewolf would be dead. In fact, as soon as she regained control of all four of her limbs, the werewolf would die.
The blonde let her hands retreat from Wendesday's body, the writer gasping in some much needed air. Her head dropped to the floor, forehead resting against dusty floorboards. If Enid didn't know any better, she could have sworn that she saw the writer's eyes close for a few seconds as she gathered herself.
She looked down into Wednesday's eyes and could almost see that her resolve was breaking. "Do you want me to take you to bed?"
Wednesday turned her head just slightly to face the blonde's that was hovering above hers. "No, it is my writing -"
But the werewolf was having none of that. Enid wiggled her hand into Wednesday's short pocket and dug her thumb into the crease where the girl's leg met her body. It was a stab in the dark, to be honest. She wasn't entirely sure if the girl was ticklish there, but it was one of her worst spots. So she figured why not. She was not disappointed. Wednesday started snorting and cackling immediately. She tried to threaten Enid, to yell that she was going to use her bed springs to remove the werewolf's fingernails, but no words were making it past her manical laughter. It was frankly embarrassing how much of a reaction she was able to get out of her with just one finger.
Wednesday's face had reached an undiscovered shade of red as her head shot around in silent laughter. Enid used her thumb to dig into that spot whilst a claw simultaneously scratched circles onto her bottom ribs, bringing forth the perfect degree of mirth.
It wasn't until the girl had completely resigned herself to her fate that Enid retreated her hands again and released Wednesday's arms from their hold behind her back. Wednesday, for her part, lay on the floor in a puddle of her own limbs as she tried to gather herself together. Before she was able to regain full composure of her body, however, she felt herself be scooped up off the floor and carefully placed down onto her bed.
She stared tiredly up at Enid as the other girl brought the covers over her body, humming as she did so, and tucked the sides underneath her both of her arms.
The werewolf smiled down at her. "Sleep sweet, roomie," she said before skipping over to her own bed. Wednesday could have sworn that she saw the blonde fist pump Thing before her eyes drooped closed, and she fell into a very pleasant dream of revenge.
Enid was going to suffer, and Wednesday was going to enjoy every moment of inflicting said suffering.
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wrenrogue · 1 year
Generally Canon Compliant Kuroken AU where they end up going to the same university. They also see each other as nothing but friends and somehow were able to became roommates. One night, Kuroo drags Kenma to a party.
It's all good for the most part, but then some of the party goers are like "let's play some high school party games for the nostalgia!!" and so they do, and of course the first one is "seven minutes in heaven" and kuroo and kenma are the lucky bastards to be chosen to go first.
They both sheepishly shuffle themselves into the closet, Kuroo being like, "hahah guys we're friends this is weird nothing will happen," before they get locked in. In the closet, both boys are a bit awkward about things, both wondering if anything will happen and after 30 seconds, Kuroo finally speaks. "So, how should we approach this?"
Kenma stays quiet for a bit and then goes, "I don't mind actually going through with it, we're friends, what's the worst that can happen?"
"I dunno Kenma, you might traumatize me by being a bad kisser"
"You say that like you're any better."
"How do you know my kissing skill level?"
"Kuro, you've only kissed one (1) girl in your whole life and that was your grandma"
"All I'm hearing is that you wanna challenge me to a kiss-off"
"Fine, best kisser wins something."
"If I win, you will stop playing video games at 3am on blast and actually sleep"
"And if I win, you will clean the whole apartment for an entire month without my help and without blasting marina and the diamonds"
"Not Marina!"
"I said what I said"
"Fine, you're gonna lose anyway"
So they get closer to each other and they're chest to chest (?) when-
"Kuro, you have to lean down I can't reach your face"
"Oh right, gotta help the little guy someti-OW, was that kick to my shin really necessary?"
"You're so romantic, Kenma. I'm falling in love already"
"Please don't, that would be a nightmare."
"Agreed, I would hate to fall in love with slouchy mcgee"
"Just lean down and fucking kiss me already you gee-" Kenma never has the chance to let go of that last voiceless velar plosive because Kuroo has effectively leaned down and caught Kenma's lips in a soft kiss. He's stunned at first, but then Kenma closes his eyes and kisses back, or at least they stay connected, but don't actually move their lips.
Kuroo is the one to break the kiss. "That one sucked, we can do better." Kuroo says before cornering Kenma and leaning down again, this time Kenma is more prepared and kisses Kuroo back with more intensity, wrapping his arms around his neck.
Their lips glide against each other as Kuroo places his hands on Kenma's hips. Kenma's giving it his all and so is Kuroo, because they cannot lose to the other dammit. Kenma bites on Kuroo's bottom lip and Kuroo thinks, why the fuck not, and opens up his mouth just a bit, which Kenma immediately takes as the okay for him to slip his tongue in.
They have never french kissed anyone before, so theyre kinda not sure what theyre doing, but they're eager to one-up the other so they keep kissing to the best of their ability. Kuroo gets bold and gives Kenma a butt squeeze as he nibbles on his lip and shut up, Kenma did not moan, that was probably some cat outside, he swears.
Kenma wants payback as he drags his fingers through Kuroo's surprisingly soft hair, tugging it, Kuroo groans and Kenma takes advantage of this and pulls again, because he can't lie, that was pretty hot.
They're very much into their snogfest and they don't notice when someone opens the closet door and exposes them to everyone outside. It isn't until someone awkwardly coughs that they stop and come back to the mortal realm.
They immediately break up and are like "good time, it's time for us to leave, bye" and rush out. They are mortified for many reasons but mostly because they were kinda into the sloppy makeout session they just had, and also because they don't know who won the bet. They get home and are like, "haha yeah that happened, we should talk about it tomorrow"
Tomorrow comes and they sit across from each other on their lil kitchen table.
10 minutes pass as they twiddle their thumbs, UNTIL-
"Um, so should we just leave it as a draw?"
Kenma, not wanting to think about how he really liked kissing Kuroo is like "Uh, okay, yeah."
They try to go back to normal as best they can and treat each other like usual for the most part, but they're both kinda thinking about kissing the other 95% of the time. Kuroo would be like, "this pillow is so soft" and his mind would provide, "just like Kenma's soft pouty lips." And Kenma would stare at Kuroo's hair and think about how he would groan if Kenma tugged just right.
They were having lunch at some random restaurant one day and while Kuroo was digging into his ravioli, Kenma was thinking, was Kuroo actually attractive this whole time??? Likewise, Kuroo was like Was Kenma always this cute???, when he walked into Kenma scarfing down a bag of cool ranch doritos.
It got worse as the days passed to the point that their usual routine of bickering and slap fights were replaced with "sorry, I didn't mean to brush my elbow against your elbow, I will try not to think about how nice and soft your skin felt against mine, since that's scandalously lewd of me" and "I was not breathing in your general direction, I swear. I'm not a pervert!"
The last straw was when kenma woke up after having a wet dream about kuroo and had the epiphany that "I'm fucking Gay for Kuro why does god hate me so much????" He decides to talk to his bestie about it the next morning because this was going too far.
Kuroo, like usual, was making breakfast by the stove and noticed how tense kenma was as soon as he appeared in the kitchen. "Is everything okay, you look more tired than usual?"
"Kuro, we need to talk."
"Talk about what? Did something happen?"
Kenma sighs as he sits on the kitchen counter. He wanted to look relaxed enough so that kuroo wouldn't worry.
"Kenma, you're worrying me. What did you need to talk to me about?" because of course Kuroo would not fall for Kenma's antics.
Kenma took a deep breath. It's now or never. "Kuro..."
"I think..."
"Go on"
"I think I...hmm..."
"Use your words, kenma"
"Shut up I'm trying"
"I think..."
"You sure do think a lot"
"Kuro, I swear to god-"
"I'm sorry, I'll stop, I swear"
Kenma glares at kuroo for a minute and then takes another deep breath. "I think...I like you," he says, immediately hiding behind his hair. He shuts his eyes and waits for Kuroo's reaction and he hopes to everything that is holy that he doesn't regret what he just did.
"Kenma, hey." He feels a hand brushing his hair away from his face, but he refuses to open his eyes. "Kenma, it's okay, look at me." Kuroo speaks so softly that kenma decides to look at his friend. He's holding on to the counter so intensely that he feels his fingers hurting.
When he looks at his friend, he's taken aback by how tenderly Kuroo is looking at him.
Kuroo gently cups Kenma's cheek with his hand, ghosting his thumb against his lips. "I think I like you too," He confesses.
Kenma stays silent, processing what kuroo had just said. Everything seems to click into place as they stare at each other in their kitchen, no thoughts, heads empty, just gay.
"Should we do something...about it?" Kenma finally says.
Kuroo shivers at how Kenma's lips brush against his thumb. "I think so...yeah."
They lean forward and their lips meet once again, but this time, it wasn't for a bet. Their feather light kisses eventually became a bit more eager, a bit more passionate. Kuroo found himself in between Kenma's legs in an attempt to get closer to him on the counter.
Kuroo had moved on to leaving open mouthed kisses up the column of Kenma's neck, while kenma had his hands up Kuroo's shirt, when they smelled smoke.
"Oh fuck, the bacon!" Kuroo immediately turned around to turn off the stove, leaving kenma kiss bruised and a bit disoriented.
"Fuck, fuck, the bacon didn't make it."
"Oh god, why didn't the fire alarm go off. There's so much smoke."
"KURO" Kuroo stopped to look at kenma.
"Open a window, we can make more bacon, and I'd rather we continue where we left off."
Kuroo looked surprised at Kenma's boldness, but then his bastard energy kicked in and a smug grin appeared on his face. "You want me that bad, huh?"
"Kenma, I'm the one that's supposed to be smooth," Kuroo says, definitely NOT blushing.
"Just get over here and kiss me already."
"Only because you want me so bad."
"I'm having regrets."
"You don't mean that."
"I wish I did."
"You don't mean that either."
"Kuro, I'm waiting."
"You're so hot when you're bossy"
Kenma never finishes his thought and he's okay with that as long as Kuroo keeps kissing him, and Kuroo isn't one to disappoint.
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sucktacular · 1 year
Cw health scare, passing out, food mention, weed + being high, mention of blood work/needles
Had a yucky time last night that was very scary and wanna vent about it
and honestly kinda hope maybe someone that has low blood sugar moments or panic attacks or whatever the fuck could give me some insight if you're comfy doing so!!
Other wise just ignore this post :3 I'm okay now! But obv will get it looked at, prommy.
Also cw disordered eating... I don't mean to do it for any particular reasons I'm just very bad at remembering to eat, eating enough, and having too low energy to make anything lately. I got fresh groceries yesterday night tho so I'll be back to eating right for a bit.
So I uh nearly passed out at 3am alone in my kitchen trying to make a sandwich and I'm kinda pissed that my body is shitting out on me and now I gotta go to the human mechanic and get my stuff looked over cuz uh... Not normal happenings
I got up after laying down in bed for a while trying to sleep but got hungry and I was a little zooted too to be fair. Collected myself. Got all dressed to leave my room and was totally fine. If it was from standing up too fast it should have definitely hit me by that point but I was fine.
Went down and took all the things out of the fridge I needed for a sandwich. Slow and meticulous , not too fast cuz I was stoned and like to take my time to be quiet. Opened the bread, got a plate, opened the mayo, mayo'd my bread, then I went to open the deli chicken and started greying out and getting really light headed and weak and shakey and cold. So I waited a moment and it kept getting worse so I sat down and propped myself in the corner of my cabinets to try and help. Drank my chocolate milk and tried to wait it out. I've had low blood sugar act like that before- cold, shakey, grey vision, weak, etc - cuz I've kind of always been really bad at making sure I eat meals and last night i had just been eating chips, crackers, and chocolate pretzels all night. Snjcjsbjdks. I've been snackless for a few days so I NEEDED snack overload.
Anyway it kept getting worse over the minute or two to the point my vision was like white and black tv static with tunnel vision. my head felt super pressurized and I couldn't hear? I've had tinnitus since I was a tiny child but it really felt like those movies when everything is muffled and all you can hear is a very tiny faint high pitch ring. I could barely hear my tinnitus which was ... Deafeningly silent and that's WEIRD. I've never heard... Nothing? So that was scary. My whole body felt sweaty and hot and I just didn't know really what to do.
I think it was low blood sugar but + weed made me have a panic attack? Maybe? Or really bad low blood sugar. Because I HAVE been having light headed episodes and feeling weak lately... Which I chocked up to vitamin deficiencies (B12, D, or iron are problems of the past so I started taking those every day for the past week or so.)
Kind of super mad doctor I saw last week insisted I don't need blood work and to just take my new meds, cuz there's definitely something going on here and while blood work probably wouldn't have stopped last night's episode from happening, at the very least I could be a step closer today than i am. :(
Uhm... Yeah anyway it was really scary and I was on the floor in the kitchen with just Frankie watching me for a hot maybe 2-5minutes... Hard to tell how long. Not a super long time but more than just like 1-2 minutes. Felt better. Tried to get up and finish sandwich making. Got grey and weak again. Sat down some more. EVENTUALLY my vision and hearing went back to normal. Finished my sandwich weakly and packed the stuff away sloppily and had to turn the hallway light on cuz I couldn't see in the dark at all. Went to my bed and ate my sandwich and still felt fucked but eventually went right back to normal.
I do still feel airy headed and not totally alert but that's been kinda how it's been this past few weeks.
So uh... Mmm. Don't like that at all. Phone on me all the time now. Doctor visit again soon for this issue specifically. Partner suggested it sounded like a panic attack or when they get a vasovagal response to needles and nearly pass out. I definitely got scared and panicked cuz it was awful and scary and felt like I was dying. I did some 5seconds in 5 seconds out breathing exercises and it helped quite a bit to calm and focus me in the moment. Which was neat! They ain't lying about those exercises even if you don't know what you're doing. Focus on the counting and the breathing in and out softly.
Uhm.... So yeah if anyone actually genuinely has a comment or experience with that I'd love to hear. Otherwise I'm okay so far today and keeping an eye on it...
Problem also is I don't... Well, I have agoraphobia basically and it's very hard for me to go to a doctor without help from a friend or my partner and I can't figure out any online telehealth things in Ontario that don't cost money or aren't just for prescription renewals so uh not sure what to really do. I know I need to get it looked into but my GOD you know how fear will make you not care for yourself? Gestures. I'm trying so hard not to jump to the conclusion that it might be pre diabetes because my family has no history thankfully but the signs arent looking good..
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rbtlvr · 1 year
'translation' for chapter 3 of (someone help me) understand what's going on inside my mind
… What’s going on?
Where… where is he?
Who is he?
Everything’s… weird. Dark. He’s not… scared or worried, though. Maybe he should be, but he isn’t. He doesn’t know how. Not yet.
And besides… this isn’t a bad dark, anyway. It’s not dark like inky black void swallowing him up, not dark like everything he’s ever known disappearing as he cracks into pieces.
No. It’s dark like the lair at 3am. Dark like knowing the younger version of himself and his family is sleeping just in the other room, safe and happy. That kind of dark. 
Dark like safety, like burrowing under the blankets because they’re warm and cozy and there’s no need to be on guard, not anymore. Not here.
Slowly, slowly, like waking up from a deep sleep, it comes back to him. And as it does, so does the fear. Because good dark or not, he shouldn’t be here. He shouldn’t be aware, shouldn’t be alive – and yet, he is.
Or… he thinks he is, at least. He doesn’t… really remember anything between then and now, just… vague sensations. Pain, but not physical. Grief, regret, guilt. I’m sorry, Sprout, I’m SORRY –
And then this. 
It reminds him of the mindscape, he decides – before Sprout could access it, anyway. He can feel the emptiness down to his soul. No one else can get here. It’s just him.
And then, suddenly –
“What… is this place?”
Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. The voice sounds – so familiar but it shouldn’t, it can’t be – 
“Wait – how did you get here?” he asks, staring at Sprout across from him who’s young again, a kid again, with his arm – his real arm, not the metal one –
And the kid panics. Starts screaming. Because – because it’s not Sprout. He knows that, and not just because Sprout would’ve recognized him by now. No, he can feel it in his gut. Like he’s connected to the kid somehow.
It’s weird as hell, but he has more pressing matters to worry about right now.
“Whoa, hey! I’m not gonna hurt you.” He raises his hands carefully – letting the kid know he comes in peace. Hopefully, anyway. It seems to work, because the kid’s scream trails off, and he can see the exact moment when the fear turns to confusion.
Their eyes meet, and just like that, he knows. Doesn’t know how, doesn’t know why – it’s just the same gut feeling that told him the kid wasn’t Sprout.
“It’s… Poptart, right?” He says it like a question, even though it’s really not. And the kid’s face – Poptart’s face – scrunches up, tears rising to his eyes. Scared again, but not of him. Just – how is this happening? Why is this happening, how is he here, how –
“It’s – it’s you…” Poptart says, and promptly bursts into tears. He’s overwhelmed, understandably so. He hasn’t heard much at this point, but he’s heard enough – there’s awe, flickering alongside the confusion in Poptart’s chest.
“Oh, kid…” he doesn’t hesitate, doesn’t think twice of it before kneeling down and pulling Poptart into his arms. It’s second nature, comforting him. Almost like comforting Sprout, except not at all. Almost like comforting himself, if he was a different person who hadn’t been through everything he has. He must be imagining it, but he could swear he feels both sides of the hug, somehow.
“You’re okay,” he says softly, and the kid’s arms tighten around him. “I’ve got you. I’m here.”
There’s a flood of wonder that’s almost his but not really, because how-? How is he here? But he doesn’t exactly know the answer to that either, so he doesn’t say anything. Neither of them do, not until the dream starts to fade out.
“How?” Poptart asks, clutching at his arms desperately, like he doesn’t want to let go.
“I don’t know.” He wishes he had a better answer. He wishes he knew much of anything right now. “I don’t know, I’m –”
And just like that,
Poptart’s gone.
And so is he, though not in the same way as before. Drifting, only half-aware, but still there, somehow – his cut-off sentence still heavy in his mouth, until the next time he wakes.
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kimmimaru · 2 years
This is a ridiculous and rambling, nonsensical post and I’m sorry for it, but I have a lot of stupid late night thoughts I need to write down just to stop it from circling my head. So I’m sticking it on my blog. It’s under a cut so it doesn’t burden anyone’s dash. No joke, little of this makes any sense, it’s essentially just there for my own purposes but obviously if you really want to read you can, just don’t expect to understand it, because I don’t lol.
I am still awake at 3am. Mostly can’t sleep because my brain is torturing me, won’t shut the fuck up. So I’m here, on tumblr, making it worse.  I am having bad times obsessing over my own artistic talents and wondering what the fuck I’m going to do because I feel weirdly restless, like there’s something I should be doing but I can’t work out HOW. Like I need to get my fucking life together. I know there’s no time-limit but I dunno...I’m feeling more and more like there IS and it’s weird and unsettling.  When I was a kid literally the only thing I wanted to do when I grew up (other than become a Jedi) was draw or paint. Arty things are the only things I’m even remotely good at. But I can’t sell anything I make, no matter what I do. So my brain goes; well, you’re just not good enough! And I know I’m good, I just think maybe I’m not good ENOUGH. Which is annoying because what the fuck even IS good enough? I enter competitions and my work doesn’t even get displayed, I don’t care much about winning, but it would have been nice if people could have seen the fucking work. But nope.  I’m 35 and the only perfect thing I’ve ever ‘made’ is my daughter (yes, ok she’s not perfect to everyone but she is to ME). I just wish I could give her more. Having lost my mum (nearly a year ago now) it started dawning on me that I need to leave her something, I don’t want to leave her with nothing but burdens. I know, my mother didn’t mean to, she had plans and stuff but it happened and now my siblings and I are struggling to get shit done and it’s weighing everyone down. And the same thing will happen to my daughter as well and I HATE myself for it.  I feel like I’ve wasted my life, which is stupid but feelings are feelings.  I’ll admit, when I was young I wanted to be famous. I’ve always felt weirdly panicky about dying and being forgotten. It’s hard to explain, death doesn’t scare me, at least my own doesn’t. It’s inevitable. But I wanted to leave behind something. I don’t want to just disappear, if that makes sense. My hope was I could do that through my art. Art lasts. And yes, I have a child who could be considered me leaving something of myself behind but she’s not me, I don’t want her to be me. I want her to be herself. Make her own mark on the world in her own way.  What I WANT to do is go back to uni. I want to study, finally get the degree I fucked up last time around but that costs too much. I want to set up somewhere to sell my art work. I want to travel to more places, although I’ve been to Greece and seen mount Olympus, I’ve been in a hot air balloon over the Nile in Egypt as the sun rose, I’ve been to Bulgaria, skinny dipped in France and seen the remnants of the Berlin wall in Germany (I’ve obviously been to Scotland, Wales, Cornwall and Ireland too) but the world is big and I want to see more places. I want to go to Italy, Japan, Norway and as many other places as I can. But at this point I doubt I ever will. Essentially I’m just lamenting all the shit I could be doing but can’t because money. Same as everyone else I suppose. Anyway, my mum believed in reincarnation and that every time someone is reincarnated they do so to learn something in this new life, but I have to wonder wtf I’m supposed to be learning here because so far it’s not clear at all. Maybe it isn’t supposed to be clear but a nudge in the right direction would help a lot.
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freebooter4ever · 2 years
Hmmm memories. Grandma would love my tree.
I printed out a photo and mailed it to her in a christmas card but its not the same.
I was sitting in my chair and thinking about how i really should have a second one because it's extremely silly to have only one seat. Eventually i will expand my circle of friends, eventually im gonna want to invite people over who will not willingly sit at the bar for the whole time, i need a second seat.
But it also got me thinking about Grandma in ohio and her set up with two armchairs right next to each other in front of the TV.
When I was tiny, like really really little, like less than 4 feet tall little, I was terrified of the dark/sleeping alone. My one grandma (callyerdogsoff) helped out by recording a cassette tape of her reading my favorite books: "Sarah's Lion" and one about a ballerina. Every night I would play those on repeat over and over again until eventually I fell asleep and it would run to the end of the tape and then turn off.
My other grandparent's - the italian ones - solved this problem more directly. They would shove this ratty textured 70's lounge chair thing up against the end of their four poster bed and let me sleep there. The lounge chair had very boxy three sides and was flat and with the extra edge formed by the bed, essentially made a very large crib.
Now this was the house my dad and his three siblings went through high school in, so there were perfectly decent bunk beds in the boys old room I could have slept in one of those. But because I'd get scared grandma and grandpa always let me stay at the foot of their bed and fall asleep to grandpa's snoring.
Anyway, in october this year, the night before I took the flight back to LA, even though I knew I had to wake up at 3am, I snuck downstairs, through the farmhouse, and over to Grandma's little cottage, careful not to wake my aunt and uncle.
I knew grandma would be reading because of the number of times in the months after grandpa's death when I'd have to go take the book out of her hands and turn the light off after she'd finally fall asleep. And sure enough, she was in bed reading, and I crawled in on grandpa's side next to her, just to spend a little bit more time with her. And we were talking, and laughing about how both of us have queen sized beds now and neither of us use the whole thing - we have our 'side' and don't like to cross it. Grandma because from age 19 on she always had grandpa beside her. And me because im just used to having a twin bed, lol.
Grandma asked me if I wanted to sleep there next to her, and I declined because I knew I had to get up at an ungodly hour of the morning and I really didn't want to wake everybody on the farm. But also because it felt a little weird taking grandpa's spot instead of being at the foot of the bed.
And then she confessed something that just absolutely broke my heart. She said that sometimes when it's just her alone, in her chair in front of the TV, with the empty chair sitting next to her, she pretends like grandpa's sitting there and she's talking to him.
I have a lot of regrets about everything that happened after grandpa's death - i dont think we should have moved grandma from seattle that suddenly and quickly. She lost her entire support network and community AND her husband of over 65 years all in one go. And my aunt complains that now she won't socialize with anyone outside the family.
Grandma and grandpa had their first date when they were 14 and 17. And my bitter mother used to tell me that the only reason they stayed together was because they were of a 'different generation' and they secretly hate each other just like my mom hates my dad. But it wasn't true. My grandparents were in love up until the day he died - even when dying in the hospital while he was slightly delirious on pain meds grandpa was jorking about him and grandma 'necking'. And whenever the three of us went to the museum of flight during my visits back home from the burgh, grandpa and I would wander into the exhibits to look at the history. And grandma would sit in the main atrium to people watch and socialize. And grandpa would always make sure we checked in on her regularly because - as he put it - if he left her sitting there alone too long the old men would start flocking.
Anyway, I was just sitting there in my drawing chair tonight thinking about how I didn't even have a second chair let alone someone to imagine in it. And it also got me thinking about how much grandma would love my christmas tree.
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la-lauren · 1 year
After all the walking yesterday, today has been hard. It feels like a hangover. I’ve got brain fog, which I honestly think may have started yesterday since I forgot my own phone number. I woke up once because I got a bad cramp in my calf (I almost never get muscle cramps. The last one I remember having was closer to when I first got sick in 2016). Other muscles have also been twitching violently. The twitching has been a pretty constant thing the whole time I’ve been sick though.
This is all very frustrating, because it feels like 2016 all over again when I was consistently active and my body started do all of this so I had to stop being active.
Luckily my heart has been decent so far right now. The heart issues scare me most. The muscle stuff and brain fog are just annoying.
Anyway, I went to sleep at 9pm last night but woke up at midnight to my cat biting me. I put her in the bathroom for the night but couldn’t get back to sleep until 3am. I then slept until 11:40. 🙃 I was really hoping that by going to sleep at 9pm, I’d be able to get a better sleep schedule going. I didn’t want to set an alarm though because when my body feels this way, sleep is extremely important to not exacerbate it. If I push the limits, that’s when the heart starts messing up.
So now it’s after 1pm, and I in no way feel ready to tackle anything.
I’m starting to wonder if I should track bowel movements actually 😅 TMI will continue now. I frequently have loose stool, often with undigested food. It is usually mostly vegetables, which I know can be normal. It’s just weird to see it. And honestly it also makes me mad because I’m like, hey, I’m prioritizing eating veg — why aren’t you sucking up nutrients from it??? It also makes me wonder if it’s partially why I stay hungry. It sure is somehow sucking up calories but it’s not giving me vitamins/minerals or making me feel full 😭
Also, my period was supposed to start yesterday and didn’t. I’m a little shocked bc my past periods DID align with the moon cycles, and now that I noticed that, it’s like my body is being defiant. Could have also been the exercise throwing it off though.
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twelvegods · 3 years
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pairing/s; sirius black x gn!reader
warning/s; american!reader
word count; 1.1k
summary; anon “hi!! could you possibly write an ilvermorny transfer with sirius black? if not maybe a golden era sirius with a younger auror reader (like tonks x remus)? xx”
a/n; thank you anon! so to be clear, i chose to go with the first prompt. i’m in a love hate relationship with this fic, to be honest. i’m not too proud of it but this is my very first imagine going up so. if you have any suggestions or criticisms, be sure to drop me a message! will resume with the rest of the requests tomorrow, it’s literally 3AM where i live.
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being hogwart's first of many transfer students from the ilvermorny institute had its struggles, especially when it comes to hogwart's weird european customs and fickle accents, but eventually, it became an easy study. especially with the godsend that was hogwarts: a history. it was really the socializing that you had a huge difficulty with.
no one seemed to want to befriend the american at first simply because you either spoke funny or was just seemed too different in terms of mannerisms. that was what you've managed to overhear in the great hall anyway, back when you were a freshly sorted gryffindor in your sixth year.
sure, people were friendly, but nobody wanted to be your friend then.
but that all changed when sirius black spontaneously decided to befriend you. well, you didn't think he was trying to befriend you then because of the particular prank he tried to pull, but once the mediator remus lupin sorted it out just before you set his friend's pants on fire, it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
at first, your friendship revolved mostly around pranks and sarcastic comments up until you found him crying by the fireplace of the gryffindor lounge after hours after a particularly harsh letter from his mother. that night, he wouldn't let any of the marauders close, but strangely allowed you to sit by his side.
but you were unsure if you should be there at a time like this, until he lay his head on your shoulder, sniffing before his eyes met yours in a silent thank you. that was the very first moment you saw sirius in a completely different light.
you saw him when he was at his most vulnerable state and that completely changed your relationship for the better. sure, you still aided the marauders in performing pranks on various teachers and students and ghosts alike throughout your time at hogwarts, but this time there was a certain understanding, a certain bond.
and sirius, despite having not traveled to the states or even been outside of europe ever, had always managed to relate to you. he figured out your holidays and celebrated them with you however he could.
he always put in a word with the house elves whenever he knew you were particularly feeling homesick just to see your face brighten at the sight of your favorite american dish. he took you on midnight walks through the castle whenever he can under james' invisibility cloak just so you'd know where to go the next morning, sleep be damned.
it was during a particular midnight stroll when sirius realized something about you and about himself as he stared at you looking up at the stars in the middle of a deserted courtyard. as his eyes traced over your features as you continued to stare up in awe at the heavens, his gaze faltering on your lips, on the apples of your cheeks, on every single feature that made you you, sirius black realized that he had been falling helplessly in love with you.
he was in love with you the moment you stuck by his side that night by the fireplace. it just took him this long to realize it.
when you looked over at him staring at you with such intensity, you fought the urge to duck your head. instead, you met his gaze head-on, preparing yourself for whatever nasty, sarcastic comment about your face that he was going to say.
you scrunched your nose at him, sticking out your tongue rather childishly. "what? why are you looking at me like that?"
his eyes searched yours for a moment before he looked up to the sky, afraid that he might lose the courage if he maintained eye contact for what he was about to say.
"nothing. it's just that i've just realized that i like you." he was looking at you now, back the intensity from before. "really like you."
you blinked, before bursting out laughing. "you're ridiculous."
sirius rolled his eyes, the smile on his face was still there. "i'm serious, (y/n)–"
"of course you are."
"i really do like you. i know its taken me forever to figure it out and i'm sorry for making you wait this long. but i've really grown to love your american accent and the way that you refer to the professors as miss or mister and that spark you get in your eyes when you're asked about your ilvermorny house because you're so passionate about your birthplace. i love your eyes and the way you scrunch your nose at me and merlin, i especially love the way you say my name."
you were taken aback. you stared at sirius speechlessly, your brain short-circuiting at the fact that the very first boy that you developed feelings for liked you back. you had been so convinced throughout your friendship that that was all your relationship was going to be, a friendship, that you swallowed whatever feelings you had for sirius.
of course, remus somehow found out, but you made him promise not to tattle. you didn't bother with hints or confessions because you were a firm believer of the saying "if it's meant to be, it will be". and this was the universe's way of blowing you a kiss.
"–kay if you don't like me back or want to stop us being friends altogether, but will you please just say something?" sirius, beneath the clear and starry clear, looked close to tears as he regarded you desperately.
after shaking your head to snap yourself out of it, sirius interpreted it as rejection, and it broke your heart to see the way his shoulders slumped. you quickly backtracked.
"no, wait, i was just trying to clear my head. no, sirius, i like you, too." you smiled sheepishly, wrapping your arms around yourself. "sorry, i don't have a speech like you."
almost instantaneously, sirius brightened like the star that was his namesake and he took you in his arms, wrapping himself around your waist as he buried his head into the crook of your neck. this was something that came naturally to you two, physical affection, but now it obviously meant something less platonic this time around.
head still tucked under your chin, sirius muttered; "can i kiss you?"
a blush made its way to your cheeks. "ye–yeah," you breathed.
sirius stood up straight, a soft smile on his face as he cupped your own with both hands. his thumbs caressed your cheeks as he leaned down, tilting his head to meet your lips.
and when you kissed, it was like the whole world melted away.
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n1k1tty · 3 years
kiss me ! part 2
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“hawaii!” niki yells, throwing as fist in the air as he enters the van “riki, it’s 3am in the morning, please shut up” jay retorts, going back to sleep as he leans on the window
as if it was almost planned, you and jake sat beside each other at the furthest seat. it was complicated, you didn’t know if you were comfortable or not, you felt tense, afraid of jake’s teasing if you touch him even the slightest. yet you also didn’t want to leave your seat.
you let out a huff, trying to find a position where you could comfortably sleep in. you were spooked at the sudden hand that leans your head on their shoulders “you can sleep on my shoulders, it’s alright” jake chuckles, already drifting to sleep the second after he did that “thanks” you mumble, easing into his warmth.
you laugh a little at his aching figure “this is funny to you? after i’ve been so kind to let you sleep on my shoulder?” he pouts “i deserve a long massage during our flight” he jokes, continuing to carry your bags.
dumbfounded by the fact that you stayed with him, giving him a glance filled with guilt “y/n seriously, i’m fine. it’ll go away sooner or later” he reassures you, his heart exploding at the sight of you with glimmering eyes, feeling the guilt you expressed them with.
“what do you wanna eat for breakfast?” you mumble, taking the luggage cart from his grasp. he laughs at your attempt to make him feel better “sorry? didnt quite hear that well” he teases, making you give him a glare, almost forgetting that he was ‘injured’ you raise your hand to almost give him a punch “good thing you’re hurting or i would’ve punched your ass back to australia” you roll your eyes “you heard what i said!” eyebrows frowning as you look away “alright alright, i’m fine with coffee really—” he lets out a breathy chuckle, dragging his feet as he follows you around “—nonsense! breakfast is important. don’t give me that type of bullshit sim” you cut him off, stopping by a little restaurant as you tell the other members to go ahead “im getting you pancakes. better finish it or you’re not living to see another day”
he laughs “this is quite a unique way to care for someone don’t you think” you roll your eyes "eat the damn pancakes sim jaeyun"
"yas ma'am"
after everyone had met up, you all started finding your seats. you were bewildered, somehow, because now you found yourself wanting to switch seats with sunghoon for obvious reasons. but of course, you --again, didn't have the guts to do so.
a few hours into the flight and a few glances from jake here and there, you received a message
jake :):
hey pretty girl, do me a favour and go to the washroom behind you
and why exactly?
jake :):
no questions asked. i just miss you ;)
you swore you wanted to jump off the plane. pretty girl?! he misses me?!. you feel the heat creeping up in your face as you asked jungwon "hey, could you get up of a sec. i gotta go to the washroom" you whisper, mumbling a small 'thank you' before you walked to the washroom.
you felt a hand pull you "hey" he giggles, arms wrapped around your waist "you scared me! i thought i was getting abducted" you slap his shoulder. although you would be lying if you said you didn't want to just grab him and kiss him right at this moment.
he looked so good with his button up shirt, showing off his collar bones, neck wearing the beaded necklace you made for him during the summer and your birthstone necklace. his hair was messy, and you couldn't deny how hot he looked with his glasses on.
"you should consider buttoning up" you hesitantly say, looking anywhere but his eyes. of course he catches on to your intentions, but he felt like pissing you off "why? i'm showing off your necklace" he giggles "i even bought your birthstone" he grabs the necklace with his thumb, making you roll your eyes as you cross your arms, making sim jaeyun giggle.
he places his hand under your chin, finally letting you looking at him "switch seats with sunghoon please. i don't think i like the sight of you sleeping on jungwon's shoulders" now it was your time to piss him off.
"why?" you pout, "his shoulders are so comfortable, and we don't want your shoulders aching again now do we?" you give him a slight smile, well it wasn't like you weren't planning to switch with sunghoon way before the flight even started anyway.
jake rolls his eyes "that leaves you no choice--"
"can y'all hurry up? i'll switch with you y/n gosh! just let me pee!" sunghoon bangs on the door, making jake laugh "well that was easy"
oh how you regret changing seats.
because now you get to fully witness the flight attendants obviously flirting with him.
"good morning sir" she annoyingly giggles, biting her lip as she leans in way too close. jake leans back, letting out a small laugh out of politeness "hi, yeah i'd like..." he orders his food while you glare at the girl who's been displeasingly close to him "what can i get for you ma'am?"
"oh my girlfriend would like the same thing" jake interrupts, giving you a sly wink after placing his hand on top of yours. you let out a small scoff after seeing the disappointed look on the girl as she hands you the food. your skips a beat. girlfriend? you thought
now he was starting to piss you off. he was doing everything but ask you out. and with every ounce of pride you had in your soul, you hated to admit that you were starting to get really impatient. were you not obvious about your feelings? was the handmade necklace and the concern you have for him not obvious enough?
"ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Hawaii" the pilot announces, after you got your hand carry, you didn't even bother waiting for jake. immediately walking out of the plane, causing him to tilt his head out of confusion.
he didn't get a chance to talk to you, i mean, how could he when you would immediately start walking away from him whenever he tried to walk towards you.
as you sat beside jay in the tour bus, he gives you a weird look "why are you here" you give him a lost look "can i not...?" that's when he knew something happened between you and jake "y/n if this is because of jake--" you place your hand on his mouth, leaning way too close. but luck wasn't on your side today, because jake saw.
"shut up please! and yes! it is about him. so please spare me and let me sit here for the meantime" jay chuckles, "jake's going to kill me for this" he mumbles, leaning back to the chair "what?"
"nothing" he gives you a grin
after you guys arrived to jay's beach house you immediately grab your bag before jake could help you
"alright riki and sunoo are sharing a room, jungwon and heeseung are sharing, and...." jay looks at you, sunghoon and jake, not knowing what to do "you three figure it out. i'm just letting you know one gets to have their own room" jay starts to head to his own room, shrugging his shoulders as he walks past you with widened eyes.
"we already know what's about to happen. i'm getting my own room-"
"no!" you yell
"yes!" jake yells in unison,
"well......" sunghoon stood there, waiting for the both of you to talk "well, i just think i should get the room since you know-- i'm a girl and-- you and jake are best friends so you should be roommates" you explain, giving sunghoon an awkward smile "yeah sure whatever- ow!" jake hits sunghoon in the arm "you idiot! take the goddamn room!" jake grits through his teeth "you know what y/n! i change my mind. i uh, i think im going to take the room"
"why?!" you whisper with a harsh tone. poor sunghoon "IM GOING TO JERK OFF OR SOMETHING I DON'T KNOW" he yells, although he regrets it after the maids give him a weird look "ayo what?" heeseung peaks through the door "nothing! i didn't mean that. just --ugh! i'm heading out" he grabs his luggage, stomping through the hallways as he walks to the room. leaving you with jake.
you were about to have a mental breakdown "jay! you're seriously not helping me at all!" you give him a shove "ow! you need to control your strength sometimes! and i'm sorry okay? i just panicked, and i think you and jake being roommates wouldn't be a mistake. it's better to fix your problems instead of just sweeping it under the rug. you can't avoid him forever y/n" he was right. and you knew that. but you couldn't bring yourself to tell jake what was bothering you. even the thought of it was embarrassing, because what if he wasn't even intending to date you at all?
you walk back to the room, hesitating whether you should open it or not. but after hearing no noise, you open the door "AH OH MY GOD SORRY--" there you saw a shirtless jake, hair wet and his glasses having a few drops of water from his hair. he grabs your hand before you could walk out again "y/n, please talk to me" he places his hands on both sides of your shoulders "did i do something wrong? whatever it is, i'm really sorry" he panics, slightly pouting at the silent treatment you gave him "jake i-"
"dinners ready!" riki barges in, freezing at the sight of you two "oh- hey! riki, let's go!" you grab his arm, walking towards the dining room "please don't mention it" you whisper, sitting in between riki and jay.
jake later follows, now in his grey shirt and the checkered pajamas he wore earlier, he gives you a small smile before sitting next to heeseung.
"so, sunghoon. did you have fun?" heeseung teases
"shut up!"
"this wasn't going as planned anymore!" jake groans, he was currently in jay's room, ranting his frustrations out while jay listened. when jake had heard about the trip to hawaii, he originally planned to confess when you guys went to the party, it's not like the party had already happened, but it was already tomorrow "i already apologized, yet she still wouldn't speak"
"do you even know why she's mad?" jay asked, leaning on the bad with his arms as he watched jake pacing around his room "...no?"
"jake sim you idiot"
it was 1 am in the morning and you finally finished playing games with riki and heeseung. you were hesitating to open the door once again. afraid of letting the incident happen once more. you knock lightly, hoping that he was there and you could finally make up
but before you could open the door, jake already opened it. immediately embracing you "please talk to me" he whispers gently in your ear. you couldn't help but burst out crying, causing him to panic, he caresses your hair "let's go for a walk yeah?" he grabs your wrist, his touch so gentle as if you were fragile.
he wipes your tears as you walk along the shore "i missed you. you know?" he holds your hand as you both drag your feet along the sand. you hit him on his shoulder "ow!"
"that's what you get!" you sniffle, looking at the reflection of the moon on the sea "what did i do?" he chuckles, searching for your eyes. he tilts his head when you don't respond "hello?"
"cause! you always flirt with me, calling me your girlfriend and hugging me! i hate it! i hate it because my heart always skips a beat every time and i always expect you to ask me out soon yet you never do!" you yell, your skin was glowing under the moonlight. jake was in awe the moment he saw your glistening eyes that had tears threatening to fall.
he had the sudden urge to kiss you and tell you how he felt.
and he did. because jake was a man who never doubted his feelings when it came to you.
he pulls you by the waist, causing you to let out a yelp. his lips touches yours, and it stayed like that for a while, to make up for the moments he wasted without you this whole vacation. you wrap your hands around his neck, playing with his hair
"can i be your boyfriend?" he cheekily says, his smile making you smile as well "suck my ass. sim jaeyun. yes, i'd love for you to be my boyfriend"
"i'd gladly suck your a--"
"sim jaeyun!"
[bonus bcs i haven't posted in a while]
it was the morning of the party, you were in jake's arms "finally you're awake! good morning!" he excitedly says, peppering you with kisses "the guys are in the pool so get changed" he informs you, smacking your ass as soon as you got up "getting too comfortable for our first day aren't we?" you tilt your head, giving him a smirk "can't help it" he send a wink your way.
as soon as you got out in your swimsuit, jake's mouth drops "do a little turn for me" he smirks, twirling you around as he hypes you up "holy shit! i'm so lucky aren't i" he checks you out, earning a smack from you "ow! alright but i'm not letting them check you out like that! wear my shirt"
(he didn't let you go from the jacuzzi after heeseung hyped you up lol)
you told jake to go ahead, wanting to surprise him with the dress you bought.
after arriving to the party jake almost dropped the drink he had in his hand after he saw you. he was smiling so hard when the little girl put a Lei (flower neck lace) on you. he felt so proud when the other men at the party look at you giving him a hug
"that's right, she's mine" he thought
after you walked to wards him he grabs you by the waist "you look so pretty in red" he says, hugging you tightly "is that so?" you ask, giving him a chaste kiss on the lips, making him all giddy
part 1
taglist: @zylenes @hwalllllllelujah @theskzvibe
HI GUYS :D. i will be posting the visuals for this fic so pls wait :)
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soobasaur · 4 years
buzzfeed said i like-like you..
— a lee felix x au
(half felix pov half y/n pov)
lee felix x gender!neutral reader genre: best friends to lovers
a/n: this is mainly in felix’s pov since i thought it would fit better, the next felix au will be in y/n’s pov (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ and if you have any requests just ask away and i’ll try my best <3
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felix was currently very calm!! c a l m!!
certainly not panicking, nope not him!
it started when he flopped onto his bed in defeat after giving up on his art history essay
he could only analyze medieval paintings for so long >:((
so he ended up clicking on his folder of bookmarks and scrolling for the buzzfeed quiz one
dont judge him it was very relaxing !!
he did a couple weird ones like ‘what type of bread are you?’ (he was a challah bread apparently?!) and ‘what is your horror movie death scene?’ (he was going to be murdered!!)
he started clicking on the recommended ones until he landed on the romance section
he usually ignored these since they were typically very boring but just for the sake of it he chose one titled ‘are you in love with your best friend?
he scoffed as he let the quiz load and his mind wandered off to you
you and felix had met in grade school due to the both of you being the new kids and immediately being stuck together since no other kids wanted anything to do with you
and every since then you had been glued to the hip
he loved you sure, but being in love with you? he didn’t think he was.. he wouldn’t be opposed to it though
‘do you think your best friend is beautiful?’
obviously!! felix thought, choosing said option, how could he not? u were the most ethereal person he had ever been blessed to see, other then himself of course
‘when you get into arguments, are you reluctant to apologize and end it quickly or wait for them to apologize first?’
felix had to think about this one
you both didn’t rlly fight, it was usually over stupid things like the both of you needing to take care of yourselves more and such
but felix found himself apologizing more since he knew you were too stubborn to make the first move even if you wanted to
and whenever he did apologize you always broke down and did the same
he chose ‘i apologize first to get it over with’
‘do you often cuddle and kiss your best friend?’
doesnt everyone? felix thought, hovering his cursor over ‘duh!’
he often gave you cheek kisses and pulled you into hugs whenever he saw you, even if you were always shy and flustered afterwards
he thought it was cute to see you like that
and you often fell asleep in his bed during movie nights and the both of you woke up tangled into one another
now that he thought about it he didn’t really kiss his other best friends, he shuddered at the thought
‘would you get jealous if someone else were to kiss your best friend?’
felix frowned at the mere thought of someone else kissing you
only he could give you cheek kisses goddamnit !!
he wouldn’t be mad if jisung got kisses from someone else though, he’d be happy his friend had found a partner
but if you found a partner...he didn’t know how to feel about that
it would fall between wanting you to be happy and he should be making you happy
he quickly filled out the question and moved on, that was too much for him
the rest of the questions were things like ‘do you know their favorite color?’ ‘do you have their birthday memorized?’ (yes to both!)
he clicked done and waited for his old laptop to boot up the results
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oh...O H
WTF ?/$:&:@;
felix squinted at screen once more before pulling up a google tab
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he went through multiple wikihow articles before just shutting down his laptop and taking his head into his hands
did he have a crush on you??? weren’t crushes supposed to give you butterflies and shit?
well...he did get butterflies whenever you complimented him,,,
oh shit he did have a crush on you
he dove headfirst into his pillow and kicked his legs before sitting up, coming to a conclusion
he couldn’t just hold this vital piece of information to himself!!
and that’s how felix found himself in front of your dorm building, freezing in nothing but basketball shorts and a hoodie he was pretty sure he stole from you
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felix came barreling towards you, picking you up in a hug despite his tiny size
once he finally stopped spinning you and set you down was when you have him a confused look
“your welcome over whenever but why the sudden visit at 3am?” you ask, leading felix towards your dorm room
“fun news!! i realized i’m in love with you, thanks to a buzzfeed quiz!” he answered, doing jazz hands as you locked the dorm door behind you
“you’re...what now?” questioning if you heard right, ignoring your heart beat thumping loudly against your chest
“yeah like, i’m in love with you and realized it just now so i came here to tell you and-,”
/!&:@:@;@;@@, you were malfunctioning
how was?? felix so?? casual?? about this??
u had known you were in love with him since like /forever/ aND THIS MF JUST REALIZED A MINUTE AGO??
and you told him so, stalking towards him and reaching him in just two strides, shaking his shoulders
“what took you so long oh my god-,”
“wait does this mean you feel the same? cus if not it’s cool we can be homies ahah-,”
you did the cliche thing where you shut him up with a kiss
it made him go ∴◠‿◠∴
“we are not homies-,”
“we’re homies with benefits!”
*deep sigh*
from then on your relationship didn’t change that much
you were just best friends who know kissed one another and made out
bonus: headcanons
felix took on a new routine of coming over to your place at the ass crack of dawn
it drove you mad but you never slept anyways so you always opened the door
which was why felix came over in the first place!! to seduce you into a healthy sleeping schedule ;)
“y/n you would look so good tucked into your covers, all warm and cuddly as i hug you close-,”
“are you really trying to seduce me into sleeping right now??”
“...well is it working?” felix winked
(side note felix’s morning voice was to die for so if staying up late got felix to come over then that was another excuse for you to not sleep)
and since he was a dance major you always bought him bouquets and gifts after every single showcase
one time you got him a bunch of red roses and when you guys went back to his place he stuck one in his mouth and pulled you into a slow dance
it didn’t last very long though cus a thorn was left on the stem and caught his lip and you ended up having to help stop the bleeding
he still gave you a smile throughout it all though
“you look so creepy smiling with a mouthful of blood-,”
which made him smile even bigger
college with your best friend was fun but was even more fun with your boyfriend
the two of you often went on double dates with your friends jeongin and jisung, who recently got together, and had a blast going to parties
felix was a clingy drunk
if you thought he was clingy before just you wait
he would latch onto your arm like a koala and let you drag him around
and he would back hug you as you walked around
it was endearing though so you always let him get away with it
but if felix got too much to drink all hell broke loose
you still have flashbacks to that one time he started stripping on the pool table
you got a nice sight of his abs but so did everyone else !!
felix was willing to do anything with you and vice versa
if you even had the smallest inconvenience he was there to help
like that one time your coffee wouldn’t come out of the vending machine he karate kicked it until it did, and dragging you to run away when he spotted a hall monitor walking towards you
all in all he made you happy
it was perfect :’)
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thank you for reading !!
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cookiecrim · 2 years
Main F/O's reaction to MC!Jade accidentally letting their nickname slip (while texting)
It's nearly 3am for me, but I'd rather write up something instead of sleeping...so here we are-
Might do another one with MC!Jade letting their nickname slip in person, but this one is just when they're texting.
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I imagine that this would happen when Levi does his usual and texts over excited about a game or some anime or something soon the lines of that
Anyway, you get the idea: He's acting adorable (in his own way I guess) and Jade is all for it cause they love whenever their otaku boyfriend gets all hyped up about something
At some point in the chat, Jade will accidentally reply to Levi using the nickname "Sweet Bean" instead of his name.
It's only when Levi goes silent that Jade looks back over their last message and....well starts panicking.
"Ah, sorry! I didn't mean to send that...was that weird? It was, wasn't it? Sorry-"
"Levi...are you ignoring me? Was it really THAT bad?!"
"Okay...I figure you aren't even reading my messages now. Reply whenever I guess-"
In reality: Good going Jade, you managed to kill him (not literally dw!)
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I imagine this would happen when Jade is like been up real late and is texting Asmo while being real sleep deprived (nothing to do with the fact I just went into my game to have Asmo tell me I should be sleeping-)
Anyway, at some point Jade is making pretty much no sense (you know how it is texting while being pretty much asleep, can guarantee I've sent some weird texts in that state-)
Asmo will eventually respond with "Darling, it's way past your bedtime. Nighty Night~"
Of course Jade has to respond with "Goodnight, Cupcake!"
Even though Jade will be embarrassed in the morning, Asmo finds their nickname for him absolutely adorable.
He'll more than likely make them call him by his nickname all the time now (even in public, which will make them due of embarrassment)
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