blackvahana · 10 days
Lev said I was Memory.
The urge to dance - which is to say the deeprooted existence as the thing which causes others to dance - is boiling. Unfurling thick petals are violence, reality torn with the unfurling is a blooming. Hear the beat, and then I'll get you to copy it. Let me introduce you to Time.
There is no Grey, I am an amalgamation, an alloy. Gold seeps from the eyes of those seeing, makes the dances red. Red pulls the reigns of the wolf chariot, wild as the burning sky. Revelation. Watch the clock underlying reality - Janus at every doorway. Tick, tick, tick, return. A series of mine steps forward, one back, the body lurches with it. The divorcing of Time from Perception is ancient, a line drawn in the sand by the first trident.
I open the text book on symbols to a huge image, the Shri Yantra. Ah, God, the madness that is not expelled turns the head, rolls the brain and eyeballs, is digested by the host.
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scarypablo · 1 year
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otherperson12 · 2 years
Lo’ak, the middle child.
I don't remember who asked me for this, I really don't know if anyone asked but here it is. I really think it's something that needs to be talked about regarding Jake and Lo'ak's relationship. I'm the middle child, the only female and seeing how Lo'ak developed throughout the movie was something that really got to me. I don't want to justify anyone for their actions or anything, I just want to take the opportunity to vent a little and hope it helps someone else.
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Lo'ak wondered if it was just him or did it happen to others as well. He wondered if it was simply because he was the second son or if they really had something against him. Day by day he wondered if he was the problem but his questions were never answered no matter how much he prayed or begged, nothing changed. Eywa seemed to turn her back on him. He tried to help with what he could but it didn't seem to be enough, he would always be Neteyam's shadow and his father's burden. He also had to admit that he was impulsive when he wanted to help and ended up messing up, he was constantly getting into trouble maybe for two reasons: he wanted to look brave and he wanted to challenge his father to assert himself.
When you are the middle child, you always look ahead or behind, to the oldest or the youngest. You compare your situation, your position with the rest of your " equals ".
In the scenario study the results and patterns repeat themselves with minimal variations. The results are sad for those who are in the middle; the hypotheses are confronted with the heart and feelings you want to deny, the chest tightens and the eyes burn.
Lo'ak was the second biological son of two great legends among the Omaticaya, he could be considered the third if we follow the following order: Neteyam, Kiri, him, and Tuk. He was one of the youngest but still not the youngest, it was then that he realized that he was not too old to be guided in life or too young to be cared for.
Neteyam would be his father's heir.
Kiri would probably be the next Tsahik. (Perhaps there would be some sort of arrangement for both siblings to rule).
Tuk was a child.
Lo'k remembers well the birth of his little sister, he remembers how they hardly let him carry her and how they always asked his brother for help to take care of her, he also wanted to be a good big brother. Likewise, they could no longer always take care of Lo'ak as he wanted and he didn't really understand, he was just a child.
He treasures the memory of his father being proud for him after completing his Iknimaya ritual (he wasn't as happy as he was with his older brothers, but no matter), that day they were celebrating him and no one else but him. Jake recalled old stories of the boy as an infant as he gave him almadias of pride. On his back. He was happy until he heard: " It took Neteyam less time to donate to his ikran and what to speak of Kiri!". There, that was his portion of attention. His turn had passed. Neytiri noticed how her son's tail stopped wagging happily and became still on the ground. She knew what it was like to be second. She took her son's chin and stroked his cheek tenderly.
That night, Lo'ak understood that he had to be better if he wanted to make his father proud, he had to be useful to the clan and to his family. He tried, shit he tried. He really did! But it was never enough and he did nothing but disappoint his dad, he just wanted to be like him.....
"Why can't you be like your brother?"
Among the people it was known that Lo'ak was the troublesome son and shadow of Neteyam, who was indeed a worthy son of Toruk Makto. Lo'ak was the black sheep as the People of Heaven used to say.
He was not one to pray too much, but he really wanted, needed, help. He prayed and implored Eywa for answers and for wisdom to do the right thing and make his father proud.
He never cried. He never showed his sadness or bitterness; he never let them see that he was weak. He held his head as high as he could, always with his eyes straight ahead.
Lo'ak never doubted that his parents loved him but he couldn't help but feel that he was less loved than the rest of his siblings, that the love he received came with a shadow in front of him. He wanted a love just for him, he wanted to be seen for being him, Lo'k and not for being the second, the shame. He wanted a love just for him, would he find it? Yes, but it was still not from his father.
But when his father said, "I see you, son," he couldn't help but be taken by surprise. His father at last saw him as a worthy son. He was, at last, loved and his father was proud.
At last he saw him.
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mariesrbouipochodian · 7 months
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forhershlag · 5 years
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"Son como gusanos, gusanos por todas partes". Samanta Schweblin, Distancia de Rescate. Larga vida a Samanta y su literatura #SamantaSchweblin . . . #literatura #libros #almadia #magallanes #cuento #books #instamoment #instadaily #vscofilter #vsco #colors #art #cozy #artistsoninstagram #artist #morning #mx #mexico #argentina #schweblin https://www.instagram.com/p/B3C4mh9jd6f/?igshid=69qpe20v5e63
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Almadia in Burgi.
Transporting wood from the high mountain forests to the cities and the seas was very difficult in ancient times since there was no good roads and it was very expensive to rent the carts needed to move heavy trunks. The simplest way was using the rivers when possible.
In the Pyrenean area, people used the trunks they wanted to sell to build a temporary raft called “almadia”, and slid down from the mountains to the valley. To sail an almadía is quite difficult and risky, especially when the river drops or there are rocks and / or rapids.
It’s now a dead profession since now wood is transported mostly in trucks. But in Euskal Herria, this ancient tradition has survived in Burgi (Nafarroa) where each year an almadia sails the river to pay hommage to their past.
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hojeandolibros · 6 years
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Diego Enrique Osorno en TERTULIAS
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alluse61 · 4 years
Segnatempo Marchi Svizzeri scomparsi: A: Abeler, Abercrombie & Fitch Co., Accor, Achile, Accro Bond, Acqua, Actina, Action, Actua, Adan, Adano, Adler, Adlon, Admes, Admira, Admiral, Admiration, Adolf Vortmann, Adora, Adrem, Adria, Adriatic, Adriatica, Aec Watch, Aerni, Aero, Aero Neuchatel, Aetos, Agari, Agassiz, Agefa, Agir Watch, Agon, Ajax, Aku, Alb, Alben, Albona, Albrich, Alconi, Aldar, Aleph, Alexis, Alfex, Algarantie, Algex, Alihor, Allaine, Allas, Allegro, Alltime, Almadia, Almo, Alos, Alpha, Alprosa, Alsa, Alsi, Alsta, Altair, Altamira, Altessa, Altimatic, Altitude, Altoba, Altus, Alverna, Alwa, A. Marchand, Ambèrte, Amer, Amida, Amidor, Amila, Ami Watch, Amsa, Amulcor, Amyria, Ancora, Ancre, Andora, Andowatch, André Bouchard, Anew, Angel, Anker, Ankra, Antares, Anthony, Anthos Watch, Antor, Apart, Apex, Apolo, Apollo, Aquator, Ara, Aramis, Arbor, Arbu, Arcadia, Arches, Arco, Arctos, Ardan, Ardor, Aretta, Arfena, Argentor, Argil Watch, Argos, Argus, Arhon, Arila, Aristex, Arka, Arla, Arlaska, Arlea, Arlon, Arly, Armida, Aro, Arola, Aroma, Arowe, Arp, Arpeggio, Arsal Watch, Arsenal, Arta, Arten, Artis Watch, Arva, Arvor, Arvos, AS, Ascalon, Ascor, Ascot, Aseikon, Asor Watch, Aspor, Assa, Aster, Astin, Astor,Astral, Astrée Watch, Astro, Astrolux, Astron Watch, Asu, Asvil, Ata, Athena, Athos, Atima, Atlas, Atmar, Atomik, Atrexa, Atual, Aube, Aucor Watch, Audix Watch, Augustus, Aurea, Aureole, Aureus Extra, Aurex, Auri, Auriga, Aurora, Ausal, Autrix, Avala, Avalon, Avelta, Avigdor, Avion, Avivas, Avystyle, Axa, Axes, Aydil, Awa, Awill, Azhar, Azimut; B: Badenia, Bader, Balave, Balder, Baldwin, Balldor, Baltic, Bances, Bancor, Banner, Barbricos, Bargain, Barka, Barlux, Barolux, Baron, Barrett, Basis, Basmich, Bassin, Baylor, Becker, Beguelin, Beha, Belair, Belca, Belcron, Beleco, Belforte, Belinda, Belisa, Bellana, Beljane, Belora, Belsis, Beltane, Beltex, Belvil, Benedict, Benfre, Bendix, Benmore, Benora, Benos, Benrus, Bentima, Berco, Bercona, Berg, Bergana, Bergisch, Bergmayr, Berg Parat, Berios, Berlac, Bermi, Berna, Bernex, Bero, Berthoud, Berwitch, Besee, Bessa, Besta, Betina, Biagio, Bienna, Bieri Watch, Bilat, Bimesa, Binatime, Binesa, Biolmar, Birka, Birma, Bischoff, Bitunia, Blanval, Blita, Blumus, Blyssa, Bochud, Bodan, Bohle, Boillat Les Bois, Bondix, Bore, Borea, Borel, Borgward, Boris, Boros, Bostol, Boulevard, Bourbon, Bourquin, Bradley, Bravex, Bravingtons, Brenets Watch, Brindia, Bristol, Britix, Britscar, Bronnimann, Brunela, Brunet, Brunex, Bubas, Buler, Bulevard, Bulla, Burgana, Burton, Buser, But, Butex, Buxy; C: Cadola, Cadolux, Cadreclair, Caerys, Calan, Caldex, Calgor, Caliston, Callima, Calumex, Calverta, Cameron, Camif, Camos, Camy, Cancis Watch, Candeleanu, Capri, Caprice, Caprima, Capt, Cara, Carat, Caravelle, Carda, Cardiff, Cardinal, Caren, Carlisle, Carlto, Caros, Carpentier, Carpo, Carrol, Carronade, Cart, Cartis, Castell, Caswatch, Catalina, Catena, Catorex, Caugynes, Cavalry, Cefini, Celene, Censor, Centaur, Cervus, Cetikon, Ceuva, Chalet, Challfont, Champion, Chandler, Charmo, Chateau, Chaumont, Chermette, Chevron, Chilex, Chilez, Chivas, Chloé, Choisi, Christ, Chronex, Chronorex, Chronos, Cinia, Ciny, Cito, City, Civis, Civitas, Clamour, Clarex, Claro, Clartex, Classic, Clebar, Cler Watch, Clinor, Clinton, Cliper, Clipper, Clodif, Club, Clyda, Codhor, Codosa, Coinor, Colant, Colgor, Colomby, Comex, Comfort, Cominter, Competition, Comos, Conac, Concerta, Concordia, Condor, Constanta, Consul, Conteas, Contex,Contil, Continental, Copernicus, Corail, Coranic, Corcel, Cordia, Cordura, Corect, Coresa, Corgemont, Coris, Corma, Cornavin, Cornell, Corona, Coronet, Correct, Corsar, Cortebert, Corticima, Cortland, Corvette, Costal, Countess, Courbelin, Couros, Coursier, Court, Courtie, Cousins, Craftman, Crawford, Création, Credos, Cristal Watch, Croisade, Cromwell, Cronel, Cronex, Cronos, Cronow, Crown, Crypton, Cultus, Curtis, Curtiss, Cyprus; D: Dalia, Dalton, Damas, Dafnis, Dako, Dania, Danicar, Daniel Perret, Daniel Roth, Dard, Darne, Darwil, Datum, Datzward, D auphin, Davar, Davis, Davosa, Daybell, Debal, De Bolé, Debor, De Cave, Def, Defender, De Graer, Deiters, Delac, Delage, Delano, Delbana, Delcona, Delgia, Deline, Delma, Delmont, Delora, Delpa, Delrio, Delvaux, Delvina, Delvinex, Deman Watch, Demieux, Denill, Denis, Derphil, Dero, Derrick, Dersi, Descartes, Desira, Desotos, Desta, De Villiers, Devis, Devyth, Dhorix, Diane, Diantus, Dichi Watch, Dicto, Diehl, Diese, Difor, Dila, Dilau, Dilecta, Dilvie, Dima Watch, Dimetron, Dinamo, Dinmont, Diope, Diorex, Dispol, Dixen, Diwen, Docker, Dofreal, Dolmak, Dolmaru, Dolys, Domwatch, Donexy, Donor, Dopas, Dorex, Dorly, Dorset, Dorval, Dorwell, Dosahlia, Douglas, Doyle, Draga, Dreffa, Drimex, Driva, Droz, D.T.F., Duaz,Dubell, Dubois & Cie, Duca, Ducado, Ducal, Duchess, Dufonte, Dulfi, Duke, Dulcia, Dulux, Dumont, Dunamis, Dunya, Dupro, Durable, Dural, Durol, Duv, Dux, Duxot, Duward; E: Eastfield, Easton, Ebart Watch, Eberjax, Ebf, Ebosa, Ebro,Eccelso,Echo, Eclair, Ecly, Edele, Edelstar, Eden, Edima, Editia, Edma, Edo, Effort, Efrico, Egana, Egger, Egona, Egosta, Egotrix, Ehr, Eiger, Eisenhardt, Eitel, Eko, Ela, Elco, Eldex, Eldis Watch Co., Eldor, Eldorado, Election, Electra, Elem, Elema, Eletta, Elfa, Elgé, Elgin, Elida, Elinco, Elite, Elitic, Elix, Eljo, Elka, Ellis, Elmas, Elmont, Eloga, Elpar, Elrex, Eltra, Elves, Elvia, Elzomark, Emarten, Embe, E.M.C., Emes, Emewo, Emgeh, Emifin, Emilia, Emka, Eminent, Emo, Emp, Emperor, Emro, Endura, Eneo Extra, Enscar, Eolo, Eppa, Eppo, Eral, Erax, Erbe, E.R.C., Erdissot, Eref, Eresco, Ergo, Erguel, Eridas, Erji, Erman, Ermano, Ermi, Eroica, Eros, Erster, Ertus, Ery, Esarine, Esco, Eska, Esoral, Esperanto, Essex, Estima, Etna, ET. Verem, Eurmond, Euron, Eusi, Evans, Evelix, Everite, Ever Swiss, Everton, Evilux, Evob, Exacta, Exactima, Exactly, Exacto, Exactor, Exactus, Exarena, Excalibur, Excellent, Excelsior Park, Exel, Exim, Exita Auslese, Exita Sport, Exodo, Exponent, Exquisit, Eweco, Ewerghard, Ewergsprint, Ewys, Eza; F: Fabuna, Facit, Facuer, Fairfax, Falco, Falcon, Falken, Fantome, Farexy, Fast, Faustang, Favor, Fawe, Fazetta, FBU, Federal, Felba, Felca, Felco, Felicitas, Felsus, Felter, Felux, Feny, Fera, Ferdin, Ferex, Fero, Festiva, Feuver, Feuvrier, FHB, Fiat, Fidelius, Figaro, Filos, Fingerhut, Finita, Finorva, Fischer Extra, Flamingo, Flamor, Flavix, Flérex, Fleur, Fleurier Watch, Fleuron Watch, Flex, Flica, Flora, Florex, Florina, Florus, Flucano, Fludo, Fluva, Focal, Fokker, Fonda, Fontaine, For, Foresta, Formatic, Formida, Forsam, Fortex, Forum, Foxor, Fralux, Framont, Freco, Fregatte, Frenca, Fresard, Fresca, Frey, Fricona, Frohlich, Fulton; G: Gab, Gala, Galant, Galco, Gallant, Gallet, Galo, Gama, Gamundia, Gances, Gander, Garel, Garland, Garrard, Gde, G.E. Maire, Gebo, Gedu, Gefa, Gelbros, Gelfo, Gendis, General Watch, Geneva, Genievre, Genin, Genor, Genova, Gérald Genta, Gerard & Marten, Gerber, Gerka, Germinal Voltaire, Geula, GH, Ghitor, Gigantic, Gigon, Gilda, Gilde, Ginsbo, Gintars, Giroxa, Gisa, Gisca, Gladiator, Gleencar, Globa, Globe, Globus, Gloriosa, Glorys, Godiva, Golana, Golday, Goldina, Goldor, Goldwyn, Gomai, Goodwill, Gorgerat, Gotham, G.O.W. Diplomat, Grana, Granat, Greenwich, Grenchen, Greville, Grewaco, Griffon, Grimsel, Grintex, Groma, Gronva, Gruen, Grutli, GUB Glashutte, Guda, Guidus, Guilda, Guildhall, Guilford, Guvaro, Guy-Robert, Gyho; H: Habmann, Hacrev, Hado, Hafis, Halcon, Haidra, Halifax, Halleria, Halsa, Hampden, Hanover, Hanseat, Harajan, Harblas, Harlem, Harlo, Harmanette, Harper, Harryman, Harswatch, Harvard, Harvel, Haste, Haval, Hebe, Heca, Hefik, Hega, Heika, Helbi, Helbros, Helda, Helfa, Helfora, Helicon, Helina, Helios, Héli Reymond, Hellas, Helma, Heloisa, Helsa, Helva, Helvia, Helvetia, Hema, Hemeros, Hendir, Heno, Henri Sandoz, Henry Birks & sons, Henzi & Pfaff, Herald, Hercules, Heres, Herlin, Herma, Hermal, Hermano, Hermin,Hernor, Hero, Herold, Hertig, Hesperia, Heuer, Heuralp, Hexcynia, Hever, Heyworth, HF, HFB, H. Gervin, Hiltex, Hilton, Hislon, Hoffmann, Hoga, Holland, Home Watch Co., Homis, Honor, Horalis, Horifa, Horlolu x, Hormax, Horus, Hosam, Hoverta, Hower, HPB, Hrw, Hubbuch, Huber, Hubmann, Hudson, Huga, Hugex, Huguenin, Hunt, Huntley, Hydepark, Hysa Watch; I: Iaxa, Icarus, Iffland, Igima, Illinois Watch, Iloga, Ilona, Imaco, Impecabilis, Imperia, Imperial Watch, Imperios, Incabloc, Incarna, Indus, Inex, Ingraham, Inova, Integra, Into, Intrador, Invar, Inventic, Iobo, Ioco, Ionatom, Irax, Irno, Irocal, Irowa, Isingard, Ismar, Isoma, Ita, Itex, Itraco, Ityco; J: Jacmire, Jacor, Jacto, Jana, Janer, Janno, Janus, Jaquet-Girard, Jardur, Javil, Jaz, JB, Jean Grandy, Jean Herber, Jean Louis Roehrich, Jean Perret, Jean Revlin, Jean Roulet, Jeba, Jeco Watch, Jelosol, Jenco, Jenny, Jesby, Jgeha, Jico, Jobina, Joihora, Joko, Jolus, Jora, Joseph Watch, Josmar, Jourez, Jovial, Joyas, Jowissa, Judex, Jungbauer, Junger, Jungfrau, Jupex, Jupiter, Jura Watch, Justex, Justy, Juta, Juwel, Juwelor, Jyb, Jyde, J.W. Benson; K: Kaiser, Kaiserstunde, Kalos, Kalter, Kander, Kano, Kardex, Karelin, Karenz, Karex, Karman, Karus, Kasper, Kasta, Kaster, Kedive, Kelbert, Kelek, Keller, Kelton, Kenwell, Kered, Kibris, Kiefer, Kimer, Kimberly, Kim Watch, Kings, Kingsel, Kingston Watch, Kiple, Kirby, Kirchhof, Kismet, Klipper, Kody, Koha, Koho, Kolster, Konnexa, Kores, Kralina, Kramer, Krida, Kriter, Kronotron, Kulm, Kunast, Kunis, Kurfurst, Kurtz, Kuster, K2; L: Labor, Labhart, Lacher, Lacorda, Lagonda, Lagro, La Leuba, Lamar, La Martine, Lamont, Lancel, Lancet, Lancia, Lanco, Lancyl, Landeron, Landi, Langel, Langendorf, Langford, Lanta, Lantex, Larex, Lasalle, Lasita, Lathin, Latino, Lator, Laureat, Lauris, Lavilla, Lavina, Laxos, Lawrence, Lea, Lebem, Le Cheminant, Leda, Ledial, Ledian, Legend, Le Jour, Lema, Lemac, Léman, Lemania, Lembach, Lemieux, Lenotre, Lenox, Leobe, Leon Watch, Leorex, L'Etoile, Le Phare, Lepem, Lepine, Le Roy, Lesco, Lessa, Leuba Louis, Lex, Liban, Libela, Libelle,Licurgo, Lider, Lidher, Lidor, Liga, Lijac, Limit, Linat, Lince, Lincoln, Lindex, Lings, Lipar, Lisona, Livadia, LKE, Lloyd, Loengrin, Logan, Loichot, Longune, Longvi, Lonstar, Lonville, Lorcano, Lordan, Lord Elgin, Lordex, Lord Gallant, Lord Nelson, Lord Sanford, Lorea, Loridal, Lorton, Lorymal, Losan, Lotex, Louis, Louvic, Lov, Lover, Lowenthal, Lowerlyn, Lubin, Lucerne, Lucien Perreaux, Lucien Rochat, Ludox, Lugran, Lukcom, Luma, Lunesa, Lunik, Lunivos, Lunsol, Lusina, Lusitano, Luxor, Luxus, Luz, Luzerna, Lyceum, Lycke Watch, Lyric Pomar; M: Mabel, Madorina, Mady, Magalex, Magar, Magia, Maglore, Magna, Magnat, Magnus, Majex, Majola, Malton, Mamaco, M. Anez, Manier, Manson, Mapo, Mara, Maran, Marathon, Marba, Marbell, Marbex, Marca, Marcel Frene, Marcena, Mardon, Marex, Marguy, Marinel, Marlux, Maro, Maros, Mars, Martel, Maru, Marubi, Maruxa, Marvil, Master Watch, Match, Mathey Tissot, Matina, Matinatic, Maty, Maurice Guerdat, Mauthe, Maya, Mavar Super, Maviro, Max Buro, Maxor, Mec, Meda, Medana, Meier Watch, Meister Anker, Melba, Melbun, Melissa, Melux, Memosail, Mendys, Mentor, Mercator, Meridian, Merit, Merkury Watch, Mervos, Mestril, Metro, Meyer Watch, Meylan, MFM, MHR, Miba, Mibis, Mical, Michanny, Michel Herbelin, Miconos, Midix, Mildia, Mildor, Milex, Mimo, Minimax, Mira, Miramar, Mirador, Mirak Watch, Mirca, Mirexal, Mirona, Misalla, Misdany, Mithras, Mitot, Miura, Mobilia, Mod, Modina, Moeris, Mof, Mofa, Mogus, Molnjia, Monalux, Monarch, Monbaron, Monex, Monico, Monil, Monitor, Monray, Monroe, Monsegur, Montanus, Montdor, Monté, Montilier, Montine, Montres BD S.A., Montresor, Monumental, Monval, Monvis, Monyco, Mora, Moremar, Morex, Morris, Mortima, Movina, MSD, MuDu, Mulco, Mulfi, Multy, Mundus, Muralt, Murondis, Muros, Murry, Musette, Mutrix, Myon, Myr, Myrex; N: Nacar, Nadexo, Nadine, Nadir, Naits, Nanco, Nappex, Nappey, Narva, Nasia Watch, Natalis, Nautico, Nave, Navet, Navir, Navzer, Nectar, Nefireus, Negmar, Neil, Neker, Nelco, Nemos, Neova, Neptune, Nersa, Net, Neuchatel, Nevac, Newmark, Newton, Nibo, Nibur Watch, Nicao, Nicéa, Nice Watch, Nickles, Nicole Geneve, Nicolet Gedeon, Nidor, Niers, Niga, Nigedo, Nikpol, Nila, Nilax, Nilda, Nileg, Nimer, Ni-L ite, Nimart, Ninfa, Nironax, Nisam, Nisus, Nitava, Nitella, Nivada, Nivarox, Nivia, Nivoc, Nivor, Nivram, Nivrel, Nobby, Nobel, Nobelt, Nobellux, Noblex, Noi, Nomina, Norbert, Norexa, Norina, Norma, Normana, Norstel, Norton, Nostra, Nostrana, Nova, Novelia, Novera, Novilty, Novoris, Novus, Nulox, Numa; O: Oberon, Octo, Octus, Odema, Oderfla Watch, Odien, Oebra, Ofair, Ofelia, Oficel, Ogival, Ognol, Oisa, Oko, Okroma, Oliros, Olivia, Olor, Olympic, Omax, Omer, Omiko, Omnia, Omodox, Ondex, Ondina, Onsa, Opal, Opera, Operarius, Optima, Orano, Orator, Orbiter, Orco, Ordiam, Oreas, Oreba, Orefa, Orfa, Orfina, Organa, Oriental, Original, Orion, Oriosa, Orloff, Orlogin, Orlon, Orltim, Ormo, Ornata, Ornen, Ornet, Orola, Orpheo, Orthos, Orthosa, Ortin Watch, Orvin, Orwa, Osco, Osram, Ostara, Otar-Vatch, Otero, Otha, Ovaras, Ovivo, Oxford, Owix, Owo; P: Packard, Paco, Page, Pagin, Pagol, Pajarola, Paladin, Palerma, Palermo, Pallas, Pandul, Panta, Parger, Paris, Parker, Park Lexington, Paros, Partex, Partout, Pater Watch, Patria, Paul Arpantier, Paul Durelle, Paul Jobin, Paul Peugeot,Paul Portinoux w.c.Pavel Buhre, Paxor, Payard, Pencron, Pentaflex, Perdal, Perenzin, Perfecta, Perfex, Perfine, Perhisa, Perkins, Perma, Permax, Perona, Perret-Gentil, Perry Greaves, Personal, Pesag, Peso, Pevanda, Phenix, Phigied, Philier, Philos, Philippe Precision, Picard, Picton,Pfois, Pier, Pierre Laro, Pierpont, Pierre Denill, Piguette, Pikleur, Pilatus, Pimax, Pingard, Pinlever, Pinnacle, Pirenne, Pirofa, Piztam, Planesa, Planet, Plattner, Plaza, Plymouth, Pokema, Polar, Polhem, Polymac, Polwatch, Poncin, Pontiac, Pontifa, Porluc, Porta, Porter, Portex, Posor, Post, Prado, Praesens, Praesent, Pratina, Précia, Precibel, Precimax, Precisa, Predial, Prefis, Premier, Premira, President, Prestige, Prexa, Preziosa, Primalux, Primato, Primator, Primera, Prince, Printania, Printania Watch, Prisma, Proctus, Pronto, Pronto Verdal, Protus, Provis, Provita, Proxima, Prunus, Puerta, Pyramid; Q: Questar; R: Racer, Racine, RacingTeam, Radar, Radax, Radiant, Radny, Rajawongs, Ralco, Rama, Ramades, Ramba, Rambler, Ramina, Ramino, Ramona, Randal, Ranol, Rapid, Rasec, Raylon, Real, Record, Recta, Recthor, Rectory, Reda, Redue, Regatta, Regency, Regent, Regeor, Regina, Regine, Reglex, Reglia, Rego, Rehard, Reimar, Rela, Relliac, Relide, Reliont, Rellum, Rem Lever, Remova Ancre, Rendex, Renis, Reno, Renoir, Renov, Renna, Reo-Gran, Repa, Repco Watch, Replay, Replic, Republic, Resisto, Reston, Retiva, Reusser, Revere, Revlon, Rex, Rexa, Rexiana, Rexor, Reynolds, Re Watch, Rewel, Rewolx, Rezalfa, Rhodos, RHM, RHS, Rhudos, Ribot, Ribu, Richard, Richmond, Richon, Rideau, Rigel, Rigi, Rigor, Rika, Rila, Rima, Rinkus, Rio, Rios, Riva, Rivella, Rivo, R. Jaquet, Roal, Roa Watch, Roberta, Robur, Rocail, Rocar, Roco, Rocket, Rodams, Rodana, Rodania, Roen, Rofina, Rogata, Rogelin, Roidor, Roki Watch, Rolatron, Rolly, Roma, Romandor, Romex De luxe, Romina, Rona, Ronalp, Rone, Ronet, Roni, Rontex, Ross, Rosselet, Rouan, Roundex, Rovac, Rovano, Roveta, Rox, Roxane, Roxy, Roxor, Roxy, Royal, Royce, Rowil, Rozi, Rubens, Rubes, Rubi, Rubina, Rubra, Rue du Lac, Rulcy, Rulon, Rural, Rutex, Rutina, Rutis, Ruxton, Rytima, RWS; S: Saba, Sabah, Sabina, Sabrina, Sachat, Sada, Sagara, Said, Saint Blaise, Salvest, Same, Samiria, Samska, Sanctus, Sander, Sanitas, Santima, Santire, Santra, Sappeur, Sarda Besancon, Sardlux, Sarpier, Saturne, Sauter Frères, Saveb, Savillon, Savina, Saving, Savoy, Savoyen, Saxony, Saytoko, Scandia, Schaon, Scholler, Sea Liner, Sears, Seca, Seega, Seeland, Sekundant, Selecta, Seliva, Selux, Selva, Selza, Semca, Senit, Seni Watch, Serdix, Services, Seth Thomas, Severo, Sexima, Seyes River, SGT, Shallow, SHD, Sheffield, Shell, Sheloh, Shelton, Sheraton, Shield, Shorewood, Sibel, Sibelles, Sicura, Siderlux, Siduna, Siera, Sigdin, Sigel, Sigena, Sigma, Sigma Valmon, Signo, Siko, Silena,Silyan watch company, Silgar, Siluett, Silvana, Silver, Silver Star, Sim, Simas, Simba, Simplex, Sincron, Sindaco, Sinex, Singer, Sinsa, Sira, Sirius, Siro, Siro Lever, Sisgau, Sita Watch, Sivac, Sivane, Siverwatch, Skiff, Slandex, Smith, Sobimo, Socomex, Socor, Sofior, Sogel, Sokas, Sola, Solar, Solida, Solita, Solix, Sollieres, Solo, Solora, Somali, Sonett, Soni, Sonic, Sorag, Sornadat, Sornana, Sovereign, Sparewa, Sparta, Spazial, Speck, Spendid, Spera, Spes, Sphinge Watch, Sphinx, Spider, Spir, Splendid, Splendor, Sponta, Sportex, Sporting, Sportsman, Stabila, Stahel, Stahl, Star, Starina, Staromatic, Start, Steelco, Steiert, Steiner, Stellers, Stempel, Stendal, Stenis, Stewag, Stima, Stop, Strad, Strada, Strato, Straumann, Styfl, Stylt, Subwater, Sugo Watch, Suizex, Suja, Sulina, Sully Special, Sultana, Summit, Sunex, Superalfa, Superatic, Superb Lever, Superio, Superius, Superoma, Superwatch, Supremo, Supremos, Sur, Surdiac, Surrex, Surtec, Sussex, Suter, Sutil, Sutit, Suzana, Svalan, Svea, Svu, Sydnem, Systema, Swift; T: Tacar, Talia, Talis, Tanis, Tanivann, Tansa, Tara, Tarnan, Tasan, Tasso, Tavernier, Tawek, Team, Technos, Tecron, Tefor, Tegra, Tegrov, Teka, Tekel, Telda, Television, Telhor, Telix, Tell, Tellus, Telor, Telstar, Tempic, Tempo, Temporis, Tena, Tenens, Tenor, Tenor-Dorly, Teriam, Terrasse, Terrote, Terten, Terval, Teseo, Test, Testudo, Tevo, Texa Watch, Textor, Thales, Themis Watch, Theorein, Thermamed, Thermidor, Thiel, Thol, Thomas Blundell, Thoresen, Thormas, Thoro, Th Picard Fils, Thusal, Thussy, Thusyt, Thuya, Tiara, Tiber Watch, Ticin, Tidana, Tiega, Tierce, Tiger, Tilius, Tim, Timavero, Times, Timetone, Timor, Tipsy, Tirza, Tisseran, Titan, Titana, Titanic, Titan-Luxe, Titanus, Titus, Tivena, Tollet, Tonic, Tonodor, Topaz, Torelli, Torina, Tornado, Tosal, Tourist, Tourneau, Tovare, Towa, Trada, Tradition, Trafalgar, Tramlex, Transglobe, Transmarine, Travita, Trebex, Trematic, Tressa, Triglav, Triunfo-R, Trivera, Trojan, Trotteur, Truma, Trumpf, Tucah, Tugaris, Tuhess, Tulxis, Tusal, Tyber Watch, Tyl, Tylex; U: Uhtra, Ultimor, Ultra, Ultramar, Ultrapyl, Ulyclod, Unic, Unichron, Unicorn, Union, Uniona, Union Soleure, Uno, Unver, Urban, Urech, Urra, Ursus, Uti, Utina; V: Vacontin, Valadier, Valand, Valdor, Valent, Valex, Valgine, Valjaux, Valory, Valruz, Vanburen, Vanguard, Vantage, Varbar, Vasa, Veda, Vehns, Veler Watch, Velester, Velis, Velka, Velma, Velona, Vendome, Vensil, Ventex, Veranda, Verbel, Verbena, Verdal, Verimpex, Verity, Verndor, Veroni, Versa, Vertex, Veto, Vetur, Vialux, Viccanta, Vico, Victor, Vidan, Viking, Villard, Villereuse, Vilong, Vilor Watch, Vinca, Vindex, Vines, Vintan, Viola, Violetta, Viscont, Viser, Visotex, Vital, Vithos, Vito, Vitus, Vivat, Vivata, Vivax, Vixia, Voga, Vogel, Voight, Voumard, Vrema, Vuillemin; X: Xantia, Xaros Watch, Xenos; Y: Yarom, Yasma, Yokay; W: Wabos, Wabro, Wadsworth, Wagner, Waigel, Wakman, Walbo, Waldan, Waldman, Walker, Walier, Wall Watch, Walter, Walux, Wan-Tick, Warens, Watex, Watra, Waverly, Weber, Webster, Wedo, Wega, Wegena, Wehrmann, Welbar Watch, Welsbro, Welter, Wema, Wemalux, Wendts, Wenia, Werax Watch, Werba, Werlaine, Wernam, Wernet, Wertex, Wibax, Wilboi, Wilhelm, Wilka, William Watch, Wilson, Wimar, Winex, Winfort, Winthal, Winton, Wirz, Wisdor, Wittnauer, Wivex, White Star, Wladir, Wolbrook, Wolfram, Wotex, Ws, Wuba, Wylerma; Z: Zaigor, Zais Watch, Zarina, Zarvath, Zedon, Zédy, Zeih, Zellcon, Zelma, Zelus, Zentena, Zentima,Zephir, Zermatt, Zeysa, Zewa, Zewi, Zheut, Zico, Zila, Zim, Zinal, Zitaerna, Zitura, Zlatoust, Zome, Zoty, Zu,Zumac, Zundap, Zurc, Zurex, Zurich, Zuryl
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sofylara-blog · 4 years
El fantasma del coronavirus recorre todas las editoriales
El covid-19 ha afectado a las editoriales independientes. “Podríamos desaparecer sin apoyo” señalan las editoriales independientes.
Es bien sabido que los lugares que no son de primera necesidad fueron cerrados y con ello las librerías; sus ganancias han bajado tanto que se han visto en la penosa necesidad de despedir a su personal.
Las editoriales Almadía, Era y Sexto Piso tienen el objetivo de conseguir 2 millones de pesos porque saben que más de 60 familias dependen de esta publicación de libros que ha sido detenida.
La publicación de libros tiene más impacto en la economía de lo que tenemos en consideración.
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arilegocc-blog · 7 years
2. Seleccionar y profundizar
Hoy profundizaré un poco más en lo que escribí la semana pasada sobre la editorial Almadía. En la Feria del Libro 2015, tuve la oportunidad de asistir al Foro de Editores en el cual la editorial almadía presentó su proyecto. 
Es una editorial mexicana que nació en 2005 en Oaxaca. El director de la editorial es Guillermo Quijas, con  el sueño de jugar con el diseño y la producción del libro. Desde chico tuvo varios encuentros con imprentas, empresas tipográficas y fábricas de papel. Montó Almadía después de años de trabajar en la librería de su padre, con una filosofía de implementación de nuevas tecnologías sustentables, de fomento a proyectos sociales (sobre todo el fomento a la lectura), de apoyo a los autores y de permanencia en el mercado, creando alianzas con otras editoriales independientes para darle movimiento al mercado del libro. Actualmente cuenta con un catálogo de alrededor de 200 obras y 100 autores de origen latinoamericanos. 
En la cabeza de la empresa se encuentra Guillermo Quijas, el director de la empresa. De ahí él le da una gran importancia a la seguridad del autor, los editores y correctores tratan directamente con ellos todas sus dudas y los siguen a lo largo del proceso. La prioridad, el núcleo de la Editorial Almadía es el diseño, los diseñadores aportan todo tipo de nuevas ideas sobre los encuadres de las cajas de textos, las tipografías y la disposición de ilustraciones. Sin embargo el diseño de portadas tiene su propio escalón, ya que a la cabeza de este se encuentra Alejandro Magallanes, reconocido diseñador gráfico mexicano. Finalmente sus alianzas en el mundo de la edición independiente les permiten un mayor alcance en el mercado. Parte de su filosofía es cuidar el proceso de la edición desde que llega el texto hasta que se venda el ultimo ejemplar, esto se debe a que quieren reconocer el importante papel del editor en las empresas del libro, y el compromiso que tiene este con los autores y sus lectores. 
Ari Lego 20/09/2017
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blackvahana · 4 months
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voltear-la-pagina · 6 years
Recomendación: Temporada de huracanes, de Fernanda Melchor
La veracruzana lo vuelve a hacer, amigos. No por nada Fernanda Melchor nos había herido ya con textos como sus crónicas de Aquí no es Miami o su primera obra, Falsa liebre, publicados por Literatura Random House y editorial Almadia, respectivamente. Cada publicación ha resultado dolorosa y desgarradora, pero particularmente, con Temporada de huracanes la autora retiró el gancho de seguridad de su granada y nos la aventó sin piedad para que prácticamente el fondo y la forma nos explotaran justo delante de nuestros ojos.
Así es Temporada de huracanes. Una novela cruda, con temas tan arriesgados y tan actuales que solo su sed periodística podrían tratar tan magistralmente. Si tuviera que elegir una forma para describir la novela sería un círculo, un círculo por la buena ejecución y la forma en cómo se hilan los acontecimientos, un vaivén de eventos tan bien intercalados como la marea del puerto añorado por Norma, uno de los tantos personajes que podremos encontrar entre sus páginas. Sin embargo, no solo describiría con un círculo la forma de la obra, sino también su temática, una temática que de principio a fin es una cadena de violencia. Y esta cadena de violencia envuelve a todos los seres descritos en la novela: a Norma, la esposa del Luismi, quien ha huido de su casa por miedo a que su madre sepa que está embarazada y ahora vive con el Luismi en las condiciones más precarias en La Matosa; La Chabela, prostituta y madrota, encargada de soportar clientes violentos y encima a su esposo e hijo, a quienes mantiene; El Luismi, cargando con una sociedad heteronormada pero también con sus propios prejuicios.
Pero los anteriores no son los únicos personajes, ellos solo son un muestra de los demonios que se cargan los habitantes del pueblo, de cómo la lucha que sostienen no solamente es contra los demás, sino contra ellos mismos y que al parecer no tiene fin. Luchas como la maternidad no deseada, violencia obstétrica, homofobia, misoginia, etc. Yo podría describirles santo y seña acerca de Temporada de huracanes, sin embargo, nada resulta más magistral que las acciones narradas directo de la pluma de Fernanda Melchor, la escritora mexicana que ha llegado para quedarse incómoda entre nosotros, con ficciones tan reales que dan miedo, que erizan la piel con problemáticas tan latentes que son difíciles de ignorar, como un trago amargo imposible de pasar.
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gemmaamor · 2 years
La mariposa del alma:Días Especiales
La mariposa del alma:Días Especiales
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madamlaydebug · 6 years
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10 BLACK SCHOLARS WHO DEBUNKED EUROCENTRIC PROPAGANDA October 6, 2013 | Posted by A Moore DR. CHEIKH ANTA DIOP SENEGALESE-BORN Cheikh Anta Diop (1923 – 1986) received his DOCTORATE DEGREE from the University of Paris and was a BRILLIANT historian, anthropologist, physicist and politician and one of the most PROMINENT AND PROFICIENT black scholars in the HISTORY of African civilization. Contrary to the long-standing EUROPEAN MYTH of a Caucasian Egypt, Diop’s studies into ORIGINS of the human race and PRECOLONIAL AFRICAN CULTURE established that ANCIENT EGYPT was founded, populated, AND ruled by black Africans; the Egyptian language and culture STILL EXISTS in modern African languages (including his own Wolof language); and that BLACK EGYPT WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RISE OF CIVILIZATION throughout Africa AND the Mediterranean, INCLUDING Greece and Rome. Diop ALSO pioneered techniques of SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH – such as CARBON DATING as a means of dating artifacts and remains, and the MELANIN DOSAGE TEST which he used to VERIFY the melanin content of Egyptian mummies. Forensic investigators LATER ADOPTED THIS TECHNIQUE to determine the “racial identity” of badly burned accident victims. Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, Senegal, is named after him. Source: cheikhantadiop.com DR. JOHN HENRIK CLARKE Dr. John Henrik Clarke (1915 – 1998) was a Pan-Africanist writer, historian, professor, and a pioneer in the establishment of Africana studies in PROFESSIONAL INSTITUTIONS in academia starting in the late 1960s. He was professor of AFRICAN WORLD HISTORY and in 1969, he became the FOUNDING chairman of the Department of BLACK AND PUERTO RICAN STUDIES AT HUNTER COLLEGE of the City University of New York. He ALSO was the Carter G. Woodson Distinguished Visiting Professor of African History at Cornell University’s Africana Studies and Research Center. He CHALLENGED the mostly white academic historians and attributed THEIR RELUCTANCE TO ACKNOWLEDGE the HISTORICAL CONTRIBUTIONS of black people as part of the systematic AND racist suppression and distortion of African history. Clarke asserted: ”NOTHING IN AFRICA HAD ANY EUROPEAN INFLUENCE BEFORE 332 B.C. If you have 10,000 YEARS behind you before you even SAW A EUROPEAN, then WHO GAVE YOU THE IDEA that he moved from the ICE-AGE, came all the way into Africa AND built a great civilization AND disappeared, when he had NOT built a shoe for himself or a house with a window?” Source: Africana.library.cornell.edu/africana/clarke/index.html DR. MARIMBA ANI Dr. Marimba Ani is an ANTHROPOLOGIST AND AFRICAN STUDIES SCHOLAR best known for her book “YURUGU,” a comprehensive critique of European thought and culture. She COMPLETED her Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Chicago, and holds MASTERS AND DOCTORATE DEGREES in anthropology from the Graduate Faculty of the New School University. In her GROUND-BREAKING WORK, “Yurugu: An Afrikan-Centered Critique of European Cultural Thought and Behavior,” Ani uses an AFRICAN PERSPECTIVE through the myths of the DOGON PEOPLE and the LANGUAGE OF SWAHILI to examine the IMPACT of European cultural influence on black people and the world. She DEVELOPED a framework that METHODICALLY DEBUNKED the belief that Western civilization was the best, most constructive society ever built and instead she pointed out its inherent DESTRUCTIVE tendencies. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marimba_Ani DR. AMOS WILSON Dr. Amos N. Wilson (1941 – 1995) was a SOCIAL CASEWORKER, PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELOR, SUPERVISING PROBATION OFFICER and TRAINING ADMINISTRATOR in the New York City Department of Juvenile Justice. He was ALSO an assistant professor of psychology at the City University of New York. In his book “Black-on-Black Violence: The Psychodynamic of Black Self-Annihilation in Service of White Domination,” Wilson, DISCREDITED THE PERVASIVE MYTH that blacks are inherently criminal. NOT ONLY did he chronicle the vast history of VIOLENCE that was pervasive in American culture, but he ALSO demonstrated HOW black-on-black violence and black male criminality in the United States WAS A POLITICALLY AND ECONOMICALLY ENGINEERED PROCESS designed to MAINTAIN the subservience and relative powerlessness of black people and black communities worldwide. However, Wilson contended that bringing an END to black-on-black violence and criminality is the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF ALL BLACK PEOPLE. In his book he lays out practical AND theoretical ways of eradicating it. Source: Awis.scripterz.org IVAN VAN SERTIMA Dr. Ivan Gladstone Van Sertima (1935 – 2009) was a Guyanese-born ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR of Africana Studies at Rutgers University in New Jersey. He was BEST KNOWN for his work “They Came before Columbus,” which provided a PYRAMID OF EVIDENCE to support the IDEA that ANCIENT AFRICANS WERE MASTER SHIPBUILDERS who sailed from AFRICA TO THE AMERICAS THOUSANDS OF YEARS BEFORE Spanish explorer Christopher Columbus, and that the Africans TRADED with the indigenous people, leaving lasting influences on their cultures. In one example, Van Sertima presents EVIDENCE that EMPEROR ABUBAKARI OF MALI used these “almadias” or longboats to make a TRIP TO THE AMERICAS during the 1300s. Van Sertima methodically demonstrates that these blacks WERE NOT SLAVES, but traders and priests who were HONORED AND VENERATED BY THE NATIVE AMERICANS who built statues – Olmec heads- IN THEIR HONOR. In the closing of the book, he declaimed the notion of “discovery” by Columbus. In 1987, Van Sertima TESTIFIED before a United States congressional committee to OPPOSE RECOGNITION of the 500th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ “discovery” of the Americas. He said, “You CANNOT really conceive of how INSULTING it is to Native Americans … to be TOLD they were discovered.” Source: raceandhistory.com/historicalviews/ancientamerica.htm DR. FRANCES CRESS WELSING Dr. Frances Cress Welsing is an African-American PSYCHIATRIST practicing in Washington, D.C. She is noted for authoring the “Cress Theory of Color Confrontation” and “The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors,” which explore AND define the global system of white supremacy. In “The Isis Papers,” Welsing contradicts the notion that white supremacy was rooted in an idea of genetic superiority. Instead, she presents a PSYCHOGENETIC THEORY suggesting whites FEAR genetic annihilation because their genes ARE recessive to the majority of the world’s population, which consists of people of color – the most threatening being black. Therefore they established white supremacy to PREVENT people of color from diluting their genes and subsequently rendering them extinct. Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frances Cress Welsing DR. YOSEF BEN-JOCHANNAN Dr. Yosef Alfredo Antonio Ben-Jochannan, also known as Dr. Ben, is an Ethiopian-Puerto Rican WRITER, HISTORIAN AND EGYPTOLOGIST. Ben-Jochannan earned a Bachelor of Science degree in CIVIL ENGINEERING at the University of Puerto Rico in 1938, and earned his master’s degree in ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING from the University of Havana, Cuba in 1938. He received his doctoral degrees in CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY AND MOORISH HISTORY from the University of Havana and the University of Barcelona, Spain, respectively. Ben-Jochannan is the AUTHOR OF 49 books, primarily on ancient Nile Valley civilizations AND their impact on Western cultures. One of Dr. Ben’s most thought-provoking works, “African Origins of the Major ‘Western Religions’” (1970), highlights how the roots of Judaism, Christianity and Islam originated in black Africa. He also ARGUES that the ORIGINAL JEWS WERE FROM ETHIOPIA AND WERE BLACK AFRICANS, while the European Jews later ADOPTED the Jewish faith and its customs. http://www.thehistorymakers.com/biography/yosef-ben-jochannan-41 http://www.raceandhistory.com/Historians/ben_jochannan.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yosef_Ben-Jochannan DR. ANTHONY MARTIN Dr. Anthony Martin (1942 – 2013) was a Trinidadian-born PROFESSOR of Africana Studies at Wellesley College, Massachusetts. He was a lecturer AND prolific author of scholarly articles about black history AND was considered the world’s foremost AUTHORITY ON JAMAICAN BLACK NATIONALIST LEADER MARCUS GARVEY. Martin authored, compiled or edited 14 BOOKS, his earliest work being “Race First: The Ideological and Organizational Struggles of Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association” (1976). In his works on Garvey, Martin used his scholarship to COUNTERACT attempts by the mainstream to mischaracterize and deny Garvey’s TRUE LEGACY as one of the GREATEST black leaders of all time. When Martin detailed the ROLE European Jews played in the transatlantic slave trade in his book, “The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews,” the professor found himself the subject of a CHARACTER ASSASSINATION campaign, which is ONGOING even after his death. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Martin_%28professor%29 http://www.blackbluedog.com/2013/01/news/dr-tony-martin-noted-scholar-and-proponent-of-pan-africanism-passes-away/ DR. CHANCELLOR WILLIAMS Dr. Chancellor Williams (1893 – 1992) was an African-American sociologist, historian and writer. His BEST KNOWN work is “The Destruction of Black Civilization: Great Issues of a Race from 4500 B.C. to 2000 A.D.”, for which he was AWARDED honors by the Black Academy of Arts and Letters. In “Destruction of Black Civilization,” Williams chronicles how HIGH CIVILIZATION BEGAN IN BLACK AFRICA, contrary to what mainstream historians have espoused to the world. He meticulously lays out the history of Africa in GREAT DETAIL AND DEMONSTRATES that the continent’s current underdevelopment came after thousands of years of consistent onslaught by Eurasians, and not because Africans made no significant contributions to the world. http://aalbc.com/authors/chancell.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chancellor_Williams www.goodreads.com/author/show/72450.Chancellor_Williams DR. GEORGE G.M. JAMES Dr. George Granville Monah James (unknown – 1954) was a well-regarded historian and author from Georgetown, Guyana. He’s best known for his 1954 book “Stolen Legacy,” in which he PRESENTED EVIDENCE that Greek philosophy ORIGINATED IN ANCIENT EGYPT. He gained his DOCTORATE DEGREE at Columbia University in New York, became a PROFESSOR OF LOGIC AND GREEK at Livingstone College in Salisbury, N. C., for two years, and then taught at the University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff. In “Stolen Legacy,” James painstakingly DOCUMENTS the African ORIGINS of Greco-Roman philosophical thought. He asserted that “Greek philosophy” WAS NOT created by the Greeks at all, instead it was BORROWED WITHOUT ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF the ancient Egyptians. James even CHALLENGED the foundations of Judaism AND Judeo-Christianity and argued that the STATUE of the EGYPTIAN GODDESS ISIS with her child Horus in her arms is the ORIGIN of the Virgin Mary and child. He MYSTERIOUSLY DIED, shortly after publishing Stolen Legacy. http://www.africaresource.com/rasta/sesostris-the-great-the-egyptian-hercules/george-gm-james-guyanas-shining-star-a-tribute/ Artwork by: Citizins
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Le Radeau de La Méduse (1819) et Banksy
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👉 EU: Théodore Géricaulten Méduse ontziaren almadia artelana
👉 ES: La obra de arte La balsa de la Medusa de Théodore Géricault
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👉 EU: Banksyren bertsioa (2017)
👉 ES: La versión de Banksy (2017)
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