oh-no-its-bird · 20 days
Chasing Shadows inspired time travel au where Fugaku and Kakashi get zapped to the warring states, but things become tricky when they keep looking to Hikaku as their shared "figure of respect/responsibility" (bc hes the Uchiha head in future Konoha, having lasted long enough to make Fugaku his heir) when at this time he's just barley third in command and Madara is like. RIGHT there.
That's not even mentioning the ticking time bomb of "Kakashi looks like Tobirama did as a child" that's already been established, that's gonna cause problems (half-Hatake Tobirama who's Kakashi's blood uncle agenda goes brrr)
(For those who don't know what Chasing Shadows is, all u really need to know for this is that Kakashi is 6, Fugaku is 19, and Hikaku is the acting Uchiha clan head at 76. A week after his fathers suicide, Kakashi found out he's related to Tobirama via his grandmother, projects on him really fucking hard, and eventually ends up with Hikaku acting as one of multiple mentor figures to him.)
Fugaku, aware that the Uchiha compound of this era isn't uhh. The best place for a Hatake kid who resembles one of their greatest enemies to a suspicious degree: "maybe u should leave actually. Go shack up with the Senju or smthn"
Kakashi, now heavily biased towards the Uchiha bc of Hikaku and Fugaku: "ok but why."
Izuna, standing directly behind him holding a giant mallet:
The Uchiha are arguing ab what they should do w Kakashi and if they should like. Take him as political hostage (assuming, not entirely incorrectly, that he's related to Tobirama and Hashirama) but also like. The Hatake are an isolated clan that famously react very fucking badly when their kids are threatened. So is this a potential political tool for them to use or a ticking time bomb to when they accidentally potentially get a new clan (who's already allied to the Senju) involved in their feud.
The Uchiha writing to Tobirama and Hashirama like "we have ur secret little brother/cousin(?) come talk to us now or he gets it"
"You have our what."
Hashirama is going "ahaha oh nooo my secret little brother,, who I love very much and also know exactly who ur talking about but would love it if u could send a portrait or chakra signature or smthn just to make sure its the right kid,,, u know how it is <3"
I feel like I've used that beat before actually. Which one of my like 20 Kakashi to warring states time travel aus have I pulled this in?? Possibly multiple tbh
Anyways Hashirama also going "oh nooo u have my baby brother,, I guess we have no choice but to talk andmaybedopeace"
Anyways. I need a Hikaku focused character study sooo badd,, the pipe he uses in Chasing Shadows is Madara's, have I mentioned that yet? Bc it totally is and no one really knows that and like. Hikaku sure as fuck won't mention it bc it'd really only bring bad things
Kakashi and Fugaku are making surprised Pikachu faces at Hikaku like every time they see him, neither can get over seeing him this young and not blind and also not in charge. It's unnatural.
Even logically knowing that they can't just place their full trust in him bc hes not their Hikaku, they still can't stop themselves from doing it accidentally— Fugaku is his ward, he was raised by the guy. And Kakashi is a moody 6 year old who only has like 5 actually trusted adult figures in his life and only 3 of those he gives actual respect and Hikaku is one of those 3.
That's totally gonna fuck them over in the future bc, again, Hikaku doesn't know them!!! His clan and his loyalty to Madara + Izuna will always come first over these odd strangers, sorry
Maybe throw Mikoto in too, who's Izuna's granddaughter (that resemblance is gonna cause issues) and Fugaku's begrudging fiance (Hikaku said Fugaku could become clan head on ONE condition— marrying Izuna's granddaughter back into the main line), could be fun
Maybe I'll try to write smthn like this once I'm more into the meat of chasing shadows and have set up the Hikaku-Fugaku-Kakashi dynamic enough that people are invested in it
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spideywhites · 2 months
Just came from reading the latest chapter of COS. And after screaming and crying my head out in different directions, all I have to say is... You are an amazing writer and I have faith in you.
Like we got glimpses into Naruto's mentality and disastrous coping mechanisms and the frustrations and hurt simmering between both the twins. This coupled with that horrendous heir contract for Natsume looming in the future has set up a tense stage.
But. Naruto already has grown leaps and bounds compared to how he was in canon at this stage. And I don't mean it solely in terms of skill level. So tbh with the way you are exploring and gutting canon I won't be surprised if he were to grow up even further emotionally as a person.
Cuz let's be honest- the moment Naruto chose to continue to love Konoha, after knowing every fucked up thing they did to Sasuke... I knew his character was being stagnated. To the point I was baffled when Yami Naruto came and Naruto actually got furious at his mom being exported from Uzu to be made into a Jinchuuriki. He is optimistic like Minato (in the sense of knowing how the world is shit but choosing to love it anyways), but mostly because of his horrifically low self esteem and unhealthy coping behaviours (which ok I understand. Cus the choice is between bad and worse). The brainwashing in his academy years and the way the public treated him has just fed into the mindset of rationalising away everything bad and the idea that he is the problem. Vs. Natsu is cynical like Kushina.
Coming back, Naruto's reaction regarding his Mom...makes me think that...when he will learn and understand the full depth of the shit Natsume was put through....he is gonna have a reaction similar to Sasuke (not sure about the I wanna raze Konoha to ground part though lol)
I have a feeling that canon is going to be thoroughly thrown off its rails by the time Shippuden were to arrive (or maybe even before that). Cuz Naruto and Natsume can have their growth arcs, if they are still stuck in the village that is hurting them and leeching off them
This was a brilliant chapter!!
First off, thanks for reading and all your thoughts! I’m glad this chapter was suitably scream-worthy lol. I’ve been trying my best to add in realism outside of the general canon-divergence, because as much as I love the nostalgia of Naruto, it’s lacking a bit when it comes to character depth, a sense of intimacy in relationships (of any kind), and just that good, slow burning build of friendship and maturity.
There’s going to be a lot more divergence ahead! That’s really all I can say tbh! I fear they’ve been trapped in stagnation for too long, it’s time for shit to hit the fan….
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cartoonrival · 4 months
ive talked about this one million times but heres my canon compliant timeline between the end of shippuden and the start of boruto
sasuke leaves on his shit trip because he thinks its a trip for atonement and in order for it to count as atoning naruto can't come with him, since atoning is something you're supposed to do solo and is synonymous with suffering. if naruto comes with him he won't be suffering.
naruto is not in love with sakura anymore
hinata is still in love with naruto
naruto isn't really doing anything. he feels sort of aimless. he still wants to become hokage obviously but he's not chasing sasuke anymore and since sasuke is technically "saved" he doesn't really know why it still feels like there's a hole in his chest. kakashi is hokage right now anyways. so in the meantime he'll just train and help rebuild/reconnect. iruka forces him to study.
hinata gathers the courage to ask him out. he's flattered, and says sure because she's nice and she wants to, and he doesn't think he DOESN'T want to, so .. sure. ok
hinata and naruto are dating. this is fine i guess. people seem happy for them, and hinata seems happy so he supposes he must be happy too. sasuke is fine. they exchange letters, but the turnaround is slow. naruto keeps all the letters he gets from sasuke but he isn't really sure why he's doing it. sasuke's fine now!
hinata proposes. naruto is flattered, and says sure because she's sweet and she's nice to spend time with. if she wants to, sure. everyone is really excited and happy for them. he figures marriage must feel like less of a big deal when its yours than when its someone elses.
he sends a letter to sasuke saying that he's getting married. he didn't really tell sasuke that much about his relationship with hinata, which wasn't exactly a conscious decision, there was just other stuff he'd rather be telling sasuke about.
sasuke sends back a letter that says nothing other than "CONGRATULATIONS" in big text. he isn't at the wedding, even though naruto told him when it would be. that's fine, he's busy. he's fine now, he's allowed to be busy. he's bettering himself and it's gonna be good for him. naruto wonders what it would've been like if sasuke was there, and he tries to pretend he's not scanning the crowd for him during the whole event. kissing hinata has the same emotional impact as giving a high five. why do people make such a big deal out of this sort of thing?
sakura has been talking for a while about how she misses sasuke. she and naruto both feel a little lost without building their lives around his rescue.
sakura gets restless and frustrated very quickly when she doesn't have something she feels like she's working towards or something to structure her life around. she decides its been long enough. she wants to bring sasuke home.
naruto wants to come with her, but sakura tells him he's married now, and he should stay home with hinata. this seems like it makes sense, and both of them believe it, so he does. sasuke's fine anyways. the letters are spaced further apart.
sakura finds sasuke outside the land of fire based on information from kakashi. he's surprised to see her, and doesn't tell her to leave, because despite everything she represents a piece of home that doesn't hate him. they don't really have a lot in common, but they both represent something that the other can't get back.
sakura confesses for the same reason she always does, which is because she wants something that doesn't exist but she's hoping that she can lie to herself that it does, and sasuke remembers naruto and hinata and says "okay" even though he doesn't really remember telling his mouth to say that word
when sarada is born, sakura convinces him to come with her back to konoha. out on the road is no way to raise a child anyways, and he's not so stupid that he doesn't know this, so he says okay, and he comes back to konoha even though walking through the village feels like being stripped naked over and over
naruto has a kid now too, with a stupid name. he looks just like his dad, and sasuke doesn't even mind holding him.
being back in konoha makes sasuke want to rip out his hair. he feels suffocated, and no one who glances at him on the street is too shy to remind him that being forgiven by naruto will never mean forgiveness from the rest of the world.
at the very first sign of a chance to leave konoha, he takes it, and he leaves without saying goodbye. he tells himself it's because the mission is time sensitive, but he still has time to see naruto before he goes. he decides that sakura is better with kids anyways. she's always taken care of sarada more than he did, mostly because he strayed from home as much as possible
10 or so years pass, boruto begins
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akaakeis · 1 month
gnawing at my nails rn i miss my bf (i dont have one) how do u pick like,,, one person to selfship with bc⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
like there r so many options ushijima i dont even know who's my favourite character rn ushijima like guys☹️⁉️⁉️
BUT I cant wait for savyaku😼😼😼😼😼 SOCUTE
goshiki is my babey though he is sososososososososo cute and i would want him irl and i bet i could even pull him irl toooo
yk what this type of starting is called! a HOOK sentence cuz u got HOOKED and now ur reading this long ass ask. WAIT FUCJ mattsun guys hear me out here ANYWAYS. HRU SAV!!!!!!!!!!!! its 4am for yew rn right!!
anyways.. its 4pm havent had lunch yet am so fucking tired but soft rice.. soft white rice.... i want to sleep but rice....... call me basic but soft white rice is the best fucking thing in the entire world right after u. teacher gave my english composition an 80 i think ill end up on the news. i just stood up abruptly and the world went 🌀🌀🌀🌀 should i be worried..!!!!
THERE WAS AN OWL ON OUR ROOF THE OTHER DAY SO COOL i almost started writing akaashi hurt comfort (???) at school today but i didnt get time and now im Too Tired :(
im reading and the mountains echoed by khaled hosseini and erm. the plot is so questionable at times like wdym the guy was in love with his chauffeur wdym she tried to kill her sister and changed her mind last second so it was only paralysis but its ok bc she killed her fr next time. wdym this one girl dated her moms ex and then married her friend's ex like guys.. guys i have Questions..
i cant wait for ur birthday #weirdkidthings Im So Funny Guys Im So Funny
im going to sleep so hard tonight grrgrgrhrgrg i had ice cream on the way home from school YUM and then math kid era p2 i finished this one thinf before everyone else even started and the teacher asked if i did it qt home cuz wtf. ew now i remember her using her nail to create indentations in the paper and i feel nauseous my skin is crawling
WHATEVER eRmmrmrm im sitting on the stairs rn hashtag procrastination ahahahahah ive been writing this and zoninf out for the past 7 minutes yyyyyippeeee
im so tired guys let me sleeeep
my parenrs were supposed to find baby gender today but the little shit kept its legs shut and didnt let them see (just like me frl)
correction im lying on the stairs rn ..
honestly me x goshiki would be Bomb why is he so unpopular all his fics are mid or questionable so far,,,, anyways. konoha is so beautiful i would want him excpet i have like no grip on his character so #tweaks. i hate andrew tate so fkn much. i cant wait till i turn 16 idk i feel like life will be significantly cooler then. anyways bb i take my leave gotta go eat lunch
i hope youve eaten by the time ur reading this!!! stay hydrated and safe and dm me to be silly together whenever >:]]]]] i hope u have a WONDERFUL day sav!! ily <3
look at my man hes so gorgeous btw
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alina... bf... :D alright then! umumumummm honestly there were many characters that i wanted to do a selfship with but i didnt want to be self shipping with the same character that someone im following consistently self ships with LMAO cause i feel like it gets weird for me at that point cause all the hcs in my head get mixed up? ANYWAY i just think of selfships with any character im hyperfixating on at that very moment... in fact my selfship very well may change!!!
anyway since im replying after you decided on yuulina... NOYA AGHHH U GUYS WILL BE SO CUTE TOGETHER!!! IM UR NO 1 SUPPORTER THIS IS YUULINA SUPPORT CENTRAL‼️‼️‼️
savyaku sounds so funny i need to thank of something that sounds better stop rn 💔 BUT I LOVE HIM SO SO SO SO SO MUCH IM SUPER EXCITED TO DO SOME SELFSHIP STUFF :))
u would so pull goshiki irl 🙂‍↕️
HELP thanks for the english lesson lina 😭 those terms always make me shudder because they were drilled into my head in my college comp class it was horrifying. and NO not mattsun i do NOT approve of that at this point in time!!!! AND IM OKAY!! tired as hell and i have 3 projects to work on <3 (i stacked my classes this year, im not proud.) IT IS NOW 3 PM AS I ANSWER THIS ASK SO SORRY IT TOOK ME LIKE 12 HOURS WOAH
WHAT AN OWL ON THE ROOF THATS SUPER COOL!! bro i love owls :( and ugh i get what u mean i feel like sometimes the time just slips away... but its okay! you'll have time at some later date <3 make sure you rest enough!!
guys what my jaw just dropped?? THOSE WERE THE MOST RANDOM PLOT POINTS YOU COULDVE LEFT ME WITH. NOW IM JUST CONFUSED? KINDA WANNA READ IT NOW (my readlist has 100+ books on it)...
im excited for your bday too!! im trying to math away the time differences in my head so like i would dm at 12 pm the day before your bday so i would catch u at midnight i THINK.
i hope u are having an AMAZING sleep rn alina!!! and u are so smart <3 barf ur teacher needs to stop doing that thats lowk unsanitary? in my book
HELP ME NOT THE JS LIKE ME FR 😭😭 hopefully u guys are able to figure out the gender soon!! im so excited for you guys <33
goshiki is under appreciated as a character honestly and i think its cause of his fuckass haircut 😭 NO OFFENSE TO YOU WHATSOEVER IM SORRY!! HES CUTE BUT THE HAIR IS NOT FOR ME. when i saw him shirabu AND tendou i was like "what the HELL is wrong with shiratorizawa they are all fucked" no they werent they had semi and ushijima BUT THAT WAS FIRST IMPRESSION ANYWAY also konoha UGRHSHSBNDMSJABD hes so!!! so!!! yeah!!! i love him sm... also how did we get on the topic of andrew tate hes such a weird guy i dont like him 💀 AND SO REAL im excited to be 16 <3
AND I HAVE!! make sure u eat something nutritious before school! and drink some water!! i hope your day is lovely <3 ily!!
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tamelee · 2 years
Hey, I saw your ask about Gaiden and I want to add something because this theory used to be my big obsession. I never watched Boruto super intently so maybe I got something wrong, so I’m sorry if it happens. Anyway these are my thoughts:
1. Why on earth Karin would keep Sakura’s umbilical cord (or whatever it was)???? It just doesn’t make any sense. Even if they like each other now it’s still weird as hell. And why would Sakura give a birth outside the village? Shouldn’t they go back from their trip when the pregnancy was advanced??? Also doesn’t make sense.
2. I read somewhere that Orochimaru might have stolen some of Sasuke’s dna years ago when he was his student, and then make Sarada without his knowledge, and I think it makes a lot of sense actually. Sasuke would find out and take the baby because he knows how it feels to live with Orochimaru (not the nicest thing ever), also didn’t want Orochimaru to get sharingan, but he still didn’t want to be stuck in the village, so he asked Sakura for help (she was a medic so I guess she could also check if the baby is OK)
3. Sakura found it as a perfect opportunity to finally get closer to Sasuke, so she convinced him that it’s the best for the baby to pretend that they are her parents.
So yeah, this is the end of the story 😅 I just wanted to share my thoughts, thought that maybe you’d found them interesting 😄 Have a great day!
Hi @pattie1k ^^ ♡ I have a few posts on that topic here and here. And dw, I also don't watch 'Boruto', but I tried reading the Manga ( ̄ω ̄)"
I read that in Japanese culture sometimes they give the umbilical cord to the midwife? I'm not too familiar with this concept but I find this a reach regardless. As I say in the posts too, why would Karin call the desk she keeps the cord in "a part of her" anyway? And it's like you say, none of it makes sense. Orochimaru's hideout would be the last place Sasuke would let Sakura give birth in if it is true he dragged her around while she was pregnant and loved her so much.
No way Orochimaru would need Sakura's help..
Well that was part of my theory too and reason why Sarada stays with Sakura in Konoha.
But I want to get back to your second point. And this is actually a popular Headcanon that I never talked about. Orochimaru having Sasuke's DNA.
I don't remember all the details so feel free to correct me but remember when everything split?
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It is WAY more likely Orochimaru was trying to create some sort of OP child with both pure-blooded Uchiha and Uzumaki genes. And btw I said this before but who says it had to be Sasuke's genes anyway? Who says Orochimaru didn't have Itachi's DNA laying around? I know, morbid, but they were both in Akatsuki.. anything is possible tbh (though not likely). Sasuke was with him almost 3 years where he did all sorts of tests and experiments, where Kishimoto made it clear that Snake-man had a thing for Sasuke's body (I know, ew) and just did whatever... why would he not have DNA is more the question. And why would Karin refuse?
Well, it would explain a lot if Sarada was an experiment, but some things definitely went wrong. She should've pretty much been the most OP child to have ever existed. Could the glasses be a hint? I MEAN COME ON IT HAS TO BE. That, or Kishimoto is trolling. Or both. She got the Sharingan, but inherited Karin's bad eyesight. Oops. (Obito wore goggles to protect his eyes, that's different.) Karin can't teach her Jutsu because she isn't raising her and they're keeping it a secret, for what reason exactly? What are they avoiding anyway? Too many questions that were never answers and are now being ignored because they all live in Esaka's Lala-land. Idk, lol, it's fun to think about but I wonder if Kishimoto's narrative is already completely erased. Or maybe Sakura wins the poll and we get another fun Manga about her smashing down the house.
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stepswowdsen · 1 month
【KagePro】 KuroEne Shibari (Rope Bondage) + Maid Kuroha plays with Ene (NSFW) 🖤💙
Kuroha teases Ene with a vibrator (NSFW)
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It just came to mind but ngl it'd be cool to draw a long forked snake tongue variant of this doodle as well. It'd be quick to draw as well.
I think the 1st one with the smug grin fits more, but both are nice ^^
KuroEne Scenario Ideas (NSFW)
Kuroha teases Ene with a vibrator
Maid Kuroha plays the roleplay game with Ene
Kuroha ties Ene up with mild shibari (rope bondage)
Sen's Meow Meow Mfs
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Masc charas I don't play about: Meow meow mfs 🐈‍⬛🖤🤍
Evil/morally bankrupt little guy!
(Tbh my faves are usually giant…)
Though I have faves who are average height too, like Hibari and Judar
Douman (FGO): 200 cm (6'7")
Hibari (KHR): 169 cm (5'7")
Xanxus (KHR): 188 cm (6'2")
Idate (WATGBS AU): 185 cm (6'1")
Judar (Magi): 173 cm (5'8")
Kuroha/Saeru (KagePro): 182 cm (6'0")
Note: While possessing Konoha's body
I'll put my previous ramble posts under the cut since this post is based on my previous posts. I'll also put my new ideas under the cut too
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Anyways I think putting a Content Label and Read more before posting NSFW is a good idea cuz it gives people the option whether they want to opt into seeing it and a warning beforehand so they don't get jumpscared by it (like if you're in public or something)
I prefer clothed intimacy most of the time like it just looks sexier to me. Since the charas are fully clothed, it's pretty tame and nothing explicit is showing but putting a warning cuz the context is NSFW
Anyways I'm trying to practice drawing NSFW cuz I wanna get good at it one day 🙏
Normally I post rambles that I prepared in advance to post cuz I just copy paste them from my Notion docs but I felt sleepy yesterday so I didn't post them before. So I'm just gonna post some stuff I had in mind Ig
Gonna put a warning cuz the doodles are fully clothed intimacy, but REALLY NSFW.
Anyways I'm glad I'm getting better at drawing NSFW ^^
These are much better than my doodles from 2021 - 2022 (which I won't even show cuz they look like doodoo)
Maid Kuroha plays the roleplay game with Ene (NSFW)
Kuroha teases Ene with a vibrator (NSFW)
Kuroha teases Ene with a vibrator (NSFW)
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It just came to mind but ngl it'd be cool to draw a long forked snake tongue variant of this doodle as well. It'd be quick to draw as well.
Also did an alt version where Kuroha has a long forked snake tongue
I think the 1st one fits more cuz I like the smug grin, but the 2nd one is also cool
I'm not really paying attention to the way the clothes are drawn in these since I just wanna get the basic idea down
I love their expression here hehe
Also just put the JP version this time cuz I prefer the text formatting in JP. It's easier to format text. I also included the cropped versions
Ene suspended by ropes (shibari rope bondage) (NSFW)
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Kuroha/Saeru and Ene play a little game 🖤💙🐍🐇
When Kuroha proposes wanting to play a game of shibari rope bondage and tying her up, Ene gets all embarrassed as usual, and then agrees to play with him.
Kuroha: I won't deny that. But knowledge comes from experience, right?
She makes him promise to just make it tight enough so that she doesn't fall, or anything, and that it only feels pleasurable and not painful. And Kuroha agrees with her terms.
I redrew Ene’s expression a few times but I’m pretty happy hehe
I still wanted it to be a comfortable position for her so I think this is ok.
Mild bondage is ok for me when it comes to ship intimacy 👍
I’m not into the heavy/extreme forms of it.
I’m not paying too much attention to the ropes so I just used a brush to get the basic idea down.
I'll also show the version without the rope brushes cuz it's covering the sketch
Technically it’s just Ene but it’s KuroEne (implied). I didn’t know how to fit Kuroha into the piece so I’ll probably sketch something different with him. Like showing his reaction on the other side.
Or drawing both of them from side view, like when Kuroha walks up to her and leans in to touch her face gently while she's tied up.
Suspension bondage where Ene gets held up by ropes and has mild shibari (rope bondage) over her clothes 🥰💞
I was wondering whether to make the ropes black or red… Black, yellow, and red, are all Kuroha’s colours, so I think either is fine. I should probably add more ropes later.
Mf wants to see a needy Ene beg for him 🥰 Once he gets the reaction he wants, he’ll cut the rope that holds the vibrator in place, and then fuck her himself like that. When they’re done, he lets her down.
Ene: Let me down gently! Carry me! Ene is a delicate flower!
Ene: (//>3<//)
These two are so fun to write ship scenarios for, including ship intimacy… The pros of a guy that knows (almost) everything, can change his body into anything he wants, and is very open to experimenting in sex 👍
KuroEne AU: Maid Ene plays the roleplay game wtih Kuroha (NSFW)
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Sadistic meow meow mf plays a game with Ene in a maid outfit where she does maid roleplay for him (ie. cleaning the room, making tea) while having a vibrator inside her and Kuroha sits back and messes with the settings. And when he's satisfied, he fucks her.
KuroEne AU: Maid Kuroha plays the roleplay game with Ene
I'll just summarize this. Ene wants to get "revenge" on Kuroha/Saeru for teasing her mercilessly last time. Last time being the above scenario I described ^^
Ene's attempts to embarrass and fluster Kuroha/Saeru just ends up flustering her more. Her forms of "punishment" for Kuroha/Saeru's "bad behaviour" (Him not doing what she wants, like him spilling paint all over the walls and floors when she tells him to clean), are not punishments at all for him.
Ene decides to "punish him" for making a mess, by face sitting on him and making him take it and ordering him to eat her out, but then just has a sudden realization to herself like "Wait a minute… Is this even a punishment for him???"
(It's not.)
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Kuroha: Come now. Do you really think I'd let you have your fun with me, only for me to be a passive participant?
Kuroha: I don't want to make things TOO easy for you. That would simply be boring.
Kuroha: But, let me make one thing clear. I'll be sure to claim my reward after we’re done.
Ene: That’s just so like you… Ok, ok! We’ll take turns! It’s only fair!
Kuroha: Of course~ It’s only fair we both get what we want.
Ene: Just wait until you're the one getting teased!!! BRING IT ON!!!
Ene initially thought that embarrassing him would be EASY (a piece of cake), but it turns out that while he likes getting teased in intimacy, he has no sense of embarrassment. And she eventually realizes that and decides she needs to change her game plan.
(In Ene's mind -> He's a mega pervert)
Kuroha just shrugs cuz of course he has perverse tastes. But then simply says that knowledge comes from experience.
Ene thinks to herself that while she likes taking the reigns in bed, she's actually not as good at the "punishment games" type of intimacy that he (Kuroha) is.
Ene thinks she can tease and fluster Kuroha once he's the one playing maid/Servant for her, but as always, he is going along with her whims because it's fun for the both of them. He causes mischief because he doesn't want to make the game "too easy" for her.
I wasn't sure whether I wanted to include this but I had this idea where Ene starts mimicking what Kuroha did in their previous games
Just had this thought where Ene tells him to lift his maid's skirt up for him, and Kuroha notices and picks up on it like, "I see, I see… You're copying what I did, hm? Well, I don't mind." And then does as asked and lifts his skirt up. Ene looks down and goes like (.) when she sees that he's hard, and immediately turns red-faced. And then screams, "Don't you have any shame!?!?" (///)
If I were to draw this, I'd have one of those manga panels where it's just a view of the outside of the building/house, and a speech bubble of Ene screaming like $(&!@%!@!%@)!%@
And Kuroha starts laughing at how Ene's attempts to embarrass him are just embarrassing her more. Then says, "Is it really such a big deal? We've done it countless times before. I don't have such inhibitions."
And Kuroha just goes like, "But how could I resist such a sweet and alluring prey, hmm~? It's simply too tempting~ I can't wait to see the expressions you'll make~ It makes me aroused just thinking about it…! How you'll moan and whimper and twitch—"
And Ene just fumes red from embarrassment and goes like, "ANDDDD THAT'S ENOUGH OUT OF YOU!!!"
Like god this mf just says/does the most provocative shit to provoke her on purpose 😭
DAKLSKLDSKLDKLS this idea is so funny to me ngl
KuroEne Shibari (Rope Bondage) (NSFW)
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Thinking about KuroEne shibari rope bondage with Ene with the rope ties over her clothes…
It's still gonna be mild shibari though
It's not my thing for it to be super heavy.
I thought about the Outer Science MV, and how it's scattered with telephone poles and cords, and various junk heaps strewn across the backgrounds
Ngl it'd be cool if it's like…
Cuz I was trying to decide whether I wanted Ene to be tied up on the bed just with her arms on the bed (and her back on the bed), like usual sex positions
Or whether I wanted her to be suspended a bit (still in a comfortable position, though), where she's suspended in the air via ropes and held in place via his ropes and black aura spirals
I decided to go with mild suspension/hanging bondage. But I'm open to drawing both ^^
Cuz again I'm not into heavy/extreme kink stuff in my ships' bedroom intimacy.
Ene pouts and huffs at him that the ropes BETTER not come loose cuz it'd be super unsexy if she falls on the ground during sex, and Kuroha tells her not to worry because he's made sure the ropes are tight/secure enough and that he knows what he's doing.
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bogbees · 1 year
ok these ones are more ab world building sunagakure bc i love the sand sibs and hate how kishimoto went ab that village
Concept: sunakagure was carved like a bowl out of a mountain. The kazekage's building dead centre at the bottom - prob prone to flooding 2:33 AM · Jun 19, 2017
But prob not because the founding fathers of suna would have designed it with a flood drain system and pipes for indoor plumbing or whatever
Bc it HAS to be an oasis. Has to be. There's got to be a bloody underground lake - which would be rad imagine sneaking off to swim
Anyway built like a bowl. Buildings are built like 100ft from the top of the mountain I guess and gradually get lower and lower
Like Santorini just stairs everywhere everyone has killer calves from all the stairs - how gaara can exist as a ninja bc of all the stairs
Anyway I just like making suna cooler than it actually is, god there's so much wasted potential there. Just make Konoha but made out of rock
Like the buildings are made of rock, looks like old Cario or Jaislamer, with basic tunnels in the rock surrounding the village I guess
But with the underground lake, they have greenery and everyone uses colourful fabrics for shade and colours to accent shops and homes
It's not just sandy, windy and basic I like to think.
Naruto visits and Kankuro is like "I warned you about the stairs bro" 4:25 PM · Jun 27, 2017
Suna tots has bubble tea. Fuck it. 8:37 AM · Jul 29, 2017
Suna…. would have public baths too…… 4:20 AM · Aug 1, 2017
i've been looking at some many images of gol gumbaz i completely forgot that my vers of the suna admin building has a central courtyard 1:22 AM · Aug 2, 2017
cause i imaged the first kage to have used the house like the white house is used in america?? and the garden is just something nice
More rad suna: Everyone wears knee length dresses and leggings under their cloaks. There's no difference between men and women's fashion 5:14 AM · Oct 25, 2017
And veils and long dresses/ skirts are a symbol of wealth and are only worn by high society or at weddings by bride and groom
Ninjas are expected to wear midriff exposing outfits to "highlight their power" and to remind guests "yo fucks I got a guy who can kill you"
But only at fancy parties. Ninja's usually wear whatever the fuck they want. See a guy wearing a t-shirt? Yeah he's a ninja
So say high society wind country throws a party and invites the sand sibs to it. They'll all wear veils and long skirts
Temari and Kankuro will bare their midriff while Gaara will not - kazekage, you know him anywhere -- tho u really shouldn't technically ??
Temari hates the class system and only dresses up for important events. Kankuro loves dressing up for every event. They're both best dressed
Gaara… Gaara just wears a nice casual dress and pants and throws on his white scarf over his head. They hate him bc he's beautiful still!
Temari eventually drops Wind country fashion for Fire country fashion 5:32 AM · Oct 25, 2017
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
im a casual kagepro fan 😔 i used to be REALLY REALLY into it like in 2014-2016 to the point that kid me actually like. celebrated August 14/15 every year with various gore-themed baked goods. and then i went to college and dropped out of every fandom forever :(
but it's ok i hope, bc i follow you in hopes of regaining my former fervor and un-casualing myself :) just sitting here reveling in your hcs and drawings and trying to remember who everyone is lmao (could never forget the main cast but for some reason i always mix up kenjirou and some other guy . but i think they are different guys.?)
anyway not much of a point to this ask but yea i appreciate your enthusiasm a lot!!
HIIII god thats so awesome. i got into kagepro when i was a kid too (i was 13) i just never got out of it.... it makes me happy im helping u revisit it!! and i hope u get to feel the joy of analysing every single pic u see.
u probably mix up kenjirou and clearing eyes/saeru or as u probably know it, kuroha (we stopped calling it that a while ago!!) snake = eye power. clearing eyes is the evil snake that ends up possessing kenjirou and later on haruka/konoha's body hence the kuroha but its just a snake possessing both kenjirou and haruka's bodies. thats probably who u mix up?? or the other side character grown man is tsukihiko, azami's husband and marys grandfather. erm. hope this helps❤️ i love overexplaining kagepro ❤️
also honestly i made that post just to say im embarrassed i wasnt serious abt the Dont follow me thing LOL anyone can follow me! and tbh i do follow a lot of ppl BECAUSE they are super into a specific thing i know nothing abt, particularly bc i know what it's like to be so dedicated to something and share to a niche audience for the fun of it... I Get It and it makes me so happy to see people do it bc to me its the most genuine!!! so itd be hypocritical to be like NO!! DONT FOLLOW ME IF UR NOT A KAGEPRO FAN 4 LIFE!!!! but also dont judge me and let me be cringe
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Does this mean Minato and Kushina also swap roles too? Minato Uzumaki and Kushina Namikaze... I don't know if Minato and Kurama being stuck with each other would be peak comedy or peak travesty! And the hyper-speed punches Kushina could launch if she mastered the Flying Thunder God and Body Flicker techniques... pure terror. Wonder how different the timeline would be if she were hokage!
oh my god yes. 100%. kushina SHOULD have been hokage not because she would have been like any better or anything but just because i love women <3 also it was HER dream it was her dream!!!!! that was her dream!!! her terrible fucked up dream!!! and minato STOLE it. now granted by the time he was taken under consideration as a candidate she was already completely off the table for the job on account of the kyubi. but you know. i'd still love to see her with the hat. and its not like other kages havent been jinchuriki.
ok anyways the neat thing about minato vs kushina is that minato doesnt tend to justify his actions so much as he simply does not think about the fact that they are wrong at all ever. he is so juiced up on propaganda and nationalism that anything he or anyone else does in the name of konoha Simply Cannot Be A Problem. even if the action doesnt do anything to help konoha strictly speaking. no one ever accused him of being capable of critical thinking. KUSHINA on the other hand is like. well sometimes she sees problems and then she closes her eyes and ignores them as hard as she can because konoha HAS to be good. because it has to. so they're actually very similar its just that minato's thought control comes more naturally to him.
i dont really know that this would change in a roleswap? i kind of lean towards it being a more innate part of their personalities than anything. both of them are horribly mistreated by konohas systems in different ways and i think they just have verryyyyy slightly different ways of coping with it. i think kushina might have been like. a slightllyyyy ? better hokage than minato? but not really lol i just think shed lean ever so slightly towards inaction instead of Actively Doing War Crimes. so you know. still bad.
kushina as team 7 sensei goes HARD though because the thing is she would relate less to rin in the superficial ways she does in canon (she wouldnt have experienced the whole "being pushed aside for men thing") and also she would be. about as bad of a teacher as minato LMAO none of these people are qualified to teach im sorry.
minato with kurama makes me INTERESTED because i think that. he would be more open to communicating with him than kushina is but imo i dont think it would work out? idk i always thought the tailed beasts just kind of being ok with helping the people who captured them and will continue to keep them imprisoned for as long as they possibly can was a little bit silly. naruto's allowed to do it because he reached out with the intent of eventually fixing things. but minato would NOT do that and so he would simply not be able to cooperate with kuarma. DESERVED. send that pretty boy to HELL.
overall i dont think these two would be the source of all that much timeline shuffling but i do think that i would like it a lot and also that kushina should be hokage because Pretty Please. i love her.
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oh-no-its-bird · 26 days
TMA naruto au time buckle up,
Jon should get to be a half Uchiha bastard who has an infamously hard time controlling his sharingan.
His mangekyo (which he gets very very young when he accidentally leads a bully to their death at the hands of a nukenin with a love of spiders) basically acts as his beholding abilities and can allow him to compel people to sit still and answer anything he asks of them, which gets really messy when you consider a) shinobi society is built on secrets, and b) he has a really hard time turning it off
His visions absoloutley fucked but whatever bloodline his father was from seems to have caused the deterioration of his eyes to stop where it is— and is also the cause of why he has extra difficulty w it's flip switch
Anyways, Inuzuka Daisy or Hatake Daisy, I can't decide. Either way shes wolf coded as fuck and also in a similar boat of being absoloutley shit at controlling her bloodline. She and Jon are so problem child coded, and I think part of the reason she hates him as kids is bc she sees a lot of herself in him but like, at her worst. All of her issues but he just lays down and takes it when she fights tooth and nail against anyone who so much looks at her wrong. They are opposite ends of the spectrum and she's hyper aware of it
I think that when they're older they should get to go on a mission together and basically the whole coffin thing happens but with like an enemy nin w an earth chakra type.
Mmm alternatively tho, sprinkle in hints of the dreaded fears and play w the beasts and yokai of naruto canon, pull some spooky shit.
They get in over their heads, coffin happens, Jon goes back for her then we end with them both just kind of looking at eachother like "there are things in this world we can not comprehend."
Mmm, naruto version of the fears,,, that could be fun. Incorporate the bijuu maybe, idk
Anyways, Daisy hates Jon, coffin time happens and Jon escapes but then goes back for her (if she's a Hatake, this could also play interestingly w parallels to Kakashi) and they come out of the whole thing having Seen Thing(tm) and are irriversably changed and also now very much edging into co-dependant besties territory
Can u tell I'm a big fan of the Daisy and Jon besties agenda bc I so am
Moving on to the others ->
I want to say civilian Martin? I don't have much for him tbh, it'd be cool if he was like distantly related to Haku tho. Give him the cool ice mirror bloodline limit or whatever bc smthn smthn the lonely.
Mmm ok acrually hear me out: civilian Martin who's trying very hard to avoid shinobi things. He's actually a defected Kiri nin who forged a new identity for himself and fled to Konoha to start a new life after the bloodline hunts back in Kiri killed his whole family (except for Haku, but he doesn't know he's still alive) He's trying very hard to fly under the radar, but I doubt he'll succeed for long
I want him to look like all those fun lonely avatar fan arts of him w the sharp teeth, white streaked hair, dulled looking skin and kinda fishy vibes overall actually, but like he uses a seal to keep a permanant henge on him to look normal bc hes very visibly Kiri otherwise
Tim is giving me Yamanaka vibes for some reason. I like that also bc then we could possibly get him and Jon working together in T&I, which like yay parallel to how they used to work together before the archives
Sasha is giving me civilian born shinobi vibes, I think she should get to work in the hokage tower. Paper pusher with big dreams of moving up the latter and really being someone one day. She has her eyes dead set on a position in the Hokage's office
Basira is ,,, somewhere. You really can't have Daisy without her that's just illegal but I'm not too sure where to put her. Civilian born Basira kinda suits her but I'm ngl I'm kinda eyeing Nara Basira. Wait no fuck ok, Nara Basira and she was on a 3 man unit with Tim at one point, now they just need a Akimichi to complete the narashikacho trifecta there
She totally works in T&I now, or maybe with the Uchiha police force? It's like 90% Uchiha but I'm pretty sure some other clans are spotted here in there among them, and if they're not, I mean, I don't actually give a shit so .
I don't know if this is one of those aus where canon is still there but we're just adding tma characters into the mix or if it's just vague naruto setting but tma characters are our focus / replacing the main cast. But I think it's the first. If it was the second tho I'd say Elias as Danzo in a heartbeat
But since it's the first, Nara Elias who got a mysterious eye transplant years ago that seemed to have changed his personality entirley (were totally keeping the body hopping shit, rip the real Nara Elias who's been dead for years)
He's a slimy politician who works closely with Danzo
Ok so main narrative:
I'm thinking the coffin thing happens with Daisy and Jon, and now they're kind of eyes open to the existence of whatever version of the fears exist in this world. Jon is Jon and can't let sleeping dogs lie, and Daisy is Daisy and does her twitchy "there's something dangerous out there I can't control/don't know about" thing so she's really not stopping him, but she is helping him be more smart about it. Sometimes. They're both kind of lose canons tbh holy shit this is gonna be a disaster
So Jon gets kind of obsessed w whatever the FUCK that was, and Elias smells blood in the water and approaches
Idk what's going on with Elias but he's still body hopping bitch boy Jonah here. He's very involved in the fears, and he's had his eyes on Jon for a while. You see, the way that avatars manifest in Naruto world is that sometimes they'll often show their influence through bloodlines— Nara the dark, Yamanaka the beholding, Inuzuka the hunt, it's all there if you look for it.
Those in 'the know' believe that all bloodline limits came from the fears— sometimes their influence shows more than others. And very very rarley, that influence becomes a a bit more... potent, than in others.
Elias believes that Jon is one such instance of this, his strange mangekyo being so painfully and terrifyingly beholding coded, far more than his clansmen who's own mangekyo tend to branch off lightly into territories of different fears.
Jon (and Daisy, but Elias has a clear favorite here) running into such a strong instance of the buried, which is rare on its own, has only made Elias even more interested, taking it as some sort of sign that there really is something especially odd about Jon's unusually strong link to the fears.
Anyways, Elias sponsoring Jon's investigation into the fears, their links to the bijuu, how they interact with chakra and if they might truly be the source of modern bloodline limits.
Konoha secret supernatural task force (not to be confused with ROOT or ANBU) meant to monitor the fears influence in Konoha,,,
(God, of course Elias couldn't help but make his own fucking secret service in opposition to ROOT. He couldn't let Danzo upstage him)
Just like how ANBU has their shoulder seal and ROOT the tongue seal, I'm thinking their seal is a stylized eye on the back of their neck, which ofc Elias is always watching through, rip
Oh fuck, actually give me seal master Elias and his special spy seals he can watch and listen through. It's not a power thing it's just a specialization thing— he has his own eye tattoo that allows him to directly see through all his seals at any time.
Anyways we're calling this organization ARCHIVE bc I am a simple gal. Don't ask what it's supposed to stand for in verse, idk
Idk who else should be in it, or if it should be like ground up and Daisy and Jon are the first. Wait what the fuck am I saying, Gertrude and Gerry obviously. Michael Shelly too, can't forget him
Toss in Mike Crew and Jude Perry also just bc I like them. Maybe Nikola and an Aburame Jane Prentiss? But also idk if I'd want to put them in the position where they're technically working under Elias, I feel like that just doesn't fit. Better to leave them out in the wold to run into instead for conflict. Except Mike Crew, who is my favorite little guy and who should get to be here on loan from Elias' friend and Daimyo's court shinobi, Simon Fairchild
Honestly be funny if Kakashi was in it at one point just bc then he'd have been in all 3 konoha secret services and honestly? Hilarious. Someone give that guy a fucking break oh my god
Obviously Tim, Sasha, Martin and Basira all eventually join in, tho idk how. Maybe Jon is actually asked who would be a good choice for it? Jon says Tim and Daisy says Basira, then they both kinda eye Sasha who's been very fucking vocal ab needing just a chance to get her claws into the hooks of the Konoha power ladder and reccomend her too
Martin is the tricky one, I'm thinking Elias somehow finds out ab his Kiri background and has always wanted to poke more at the lonley's very visible connection to many kiri bloodlines— but Martin's in particular. So he kinda blackmails him into it, but framed in a more friendly "I'll make sure you don't have to hide anymore, I can secure your place in Konoha even with your ancestry :)"
Also maybe he was impressed by Martin's disguise seals, that'd be neat. Seal master Martin but he's Martin so he's like "Ah, I'm really not that good at it :("
(Jon is infuriated by his seemingly natural talent then even more infuriated when it becomes clear he's actual shit at most other shinobi things)
Ok so peddle it back to Mr Jonah eye fuckery Magnus here -> he was once like Jon. A man born into a clan w a link to the beholding, with a light eye themed bloodline limit. But he was born with a stronger tie to their patron than the others, strong enough to recognize they had a patron at all. And by feeding into it (don't ask me how I have no clue) he was able to strengthen that tie, gaining more power, and the ability to body hop through eyes
And he looks at Jon and wonders if he can replicate that in him. Groom him into something closer to their god, then feed him to the beholding to further his own power, which seems to have stagnated in growth.
I think also there's just a good amount of spite for ROOT and hunger for political power that he might get from ARCHIVE, and Jon is a clear fit for it, so like. Add him to the pile !!
I have a couple more vague thoughts for this -> the archive tunnels correlating to ROOT tunnels, the real Elias being childhood friends w Danzo and Hiruzen before Magnus took his body, Madara off in his cave somewhere being influenced by a Zetsu who serves the fears instead of Kaguya, etc.
But I'll leave it here for now, thank u for ur time
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the mangekyo is classic kishimoto. he needed a cool powerup thats the explanation, you can clearly tell he was just doodling cool eye design and came up with an excuse later. the mangekyo isn't from killing someone its from the grief of someone you love dearly dying, because the uchiha are the clan of emotion (the one consistency in the manga). all sharingan upgrades are from intense emotions. and mangekyo only unlocks with the most intense emotion: grief. there's plenty of uchiha that awakened it even if they didn't directly kill their loved one. anyways the explanation is that the intense emotion causes a chakra reaction in the brain that causes their eyes to change. see the secret is that naruto is 95% bullshit like this. mangekyo sharingan is a great example of the phenomena.
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i hate this explanation so much. special brain chakra... and then the mangekyo is a more extreme version requiring even stronger emotions. the sharingan doesn't normally develop over time. it requires the intense emotions to level up and it just so happens that putting child soldiers in a war in life or death situations where most of their friends and family die tends to meet those requirements.
im rotating the fire lightning sasuke chakra affinity debate in my head. Sasuke's shown talent with both making giant fireballs in like a week and a small one on his first try and lightning chidori in a month. He uses a mix of fire and lighting jutsu. So theres no strong evidence in either those two points that tilts the scales. His mangekyo sharingan is the most unique and personal of his skills and ameterasu (sun goddess) is a fire skill. This is probably the strongest evidence that he's fire affinity. His clan's specialty is fire. On the lighting side is how he's a reincarnation of indra, indra irl the hindu god of the sky (indoeuropean sky father diety thik odin or zeus) so theres a strong association with lightning there, most of the jutsu sasuke's created has been lightning too like kirin or the sword thing.
Finishing up the naruto manga and i have to say sauce-gay is the worst at thinking, truly not a single thought rattling around in there only murder. When naruto is the brains reasoning side of thia fight, you should knkw you've messed up. Im going to kill itachi -> im going to kill everyone in konoha -> im going to kill the kages just because -> save the world teehee -> jk lmao back to killing all the kages, bijuu, and ofc naruto.
One thing i find interesting about the third hokage hiruzen is how his belief in the good in others causes so many problems. Hiruzen believes so strongly in people being their best selves than he will overlook anything and everything and do nothing about problems because he thinks those problems will fix themselves. Danzo and orochimaru are great examples of this. Danzo: betrays hiruzen Hiruzen: thats ok you care about konoha Danzo: tries to throw a coup Hiruzen: thats ok you care about konoha Danzo: betrays hirizen again Hiruzen: thats ok you care about konoha Danzo: kidnaps and tortures children Hiruzen: thats ok you care about konoha Danzo: genocides the uchiha clan Hiruzen: slap on the wrist. Really the whole uchiha affair was very indicative hiruzens personality and leadership style. He makes attempts at dialogue but makes 0 policy changes to back up his words or address the grievances of the uchiha. Because he believes it will all work out in the end, the fugaku and the uchiha are good people and a part of konoha so of course hiruzen doesnt actually need to take any action or need to demonstrate that the uchiha that they are a part of konoha. I think in any other job hiruzen would have just been the kindly old man and a good person but because he was in a leadership position where his negligence and willingness to believe the best in people, he was complicit in just a lot of evil like all the torturing kids wow.
The konoha leadership or the narrative potential of it i find very interesting. But thats mostly because i like political dramas. I would happily read a political drama about all the factionalism and clan politics of konoha and probably like it better than the actual series. All the hokages and leadership end up a bit morally ambiguous. On the pretty clearly evil but does have a couple points is danzo who was right how sometimes sacrifices must be made but his vision of konoha was so tied up in his own ego. His foal was what was best for konoha but what he saw as best for konoha oh so conveniently placed him in a position of unilateral total power. And thus anything he did to advanced his own position also in his mind advanced the interest of konoha. On the other end is hashirama who did so a lot to end violence and brokered a lot of peace agreements and instead of 6 year olds he was only sending out 10 year olds to for die for their nation. Progress. And he also went and enslaved the bijuu as war weapons. And rhen theres tobirama who invented public education but also zombies, encoded factionalism into law and isolated the uchiha his clan's rival clan (and we all know how well than ended up).
Back to political drama. Boruto seems really bad like really really bad and i don't think it should have been made at all. But if the premises were to be salvaged i think the best way would be to make it a work comedy/political drama/midlife crisis story geared toward struggling 40 year olds. Of course this would never sell which is why they didnt do it. But you could really revel in the mess of things. Stressed out, overworked, marriage in shambles, dreams all crumbled to dust. Like naruto and hinata married at 19 and had a kid at 20. Yikes slow down. A more interesting take would have been that naruto didnt particularly want to marry hinata but wanted all the things that came with it. Naruto's a people pleaser this is canon, and hinata loves him unconditionally and fiercely in a way he has no reference for so of course he loves her back and wants her to be happy. Naruto is nice like that. He alao has little references for healthy marriages. He wants to be happy, he wants to be loved, he wants a normal family, he wants kids. And you know the hyuuga clan was putting on the pressure. Town hero and future hokage? Oh they are jumping on that. And he likes being with hinata but the pressures getting to him and the job is getting to him, he's wanted this for so long so of course he has to push himself. But he's unhappy and desperately in denial that he is unhappy because he has everything he's ever wanted what could be wrong.
... boruto (the kid) is a boomer. Like a literal post war baby boom
A lot of people were mad at that kishimoto decided to put a war in naruto and im not. The writing is bad but a lot of the writing in naruto is bad..i dont hate the concept because war is a reoccurring theme in naruto. The last continent wide war was a little over 15 years ago so all the adult characters are traumatized by it. Their society is geared towards perpetual war and the constant imminent of threat of war drives the politics of all the nations. And the 4th shinobi war does continues the main themes of Naruto. Because the contingent is caught in a cycle pain and hurt where wars are waged against each other but finally they arent fighting each other they are fighting with each other, they break that cycle. This ties in with the other theme that people cant do things alone (nagato, itachi, madara, obito), people are stronger together (naruto, the allied shinobi force). The "with all our power combined" thing is heavy handed but eh naruto isnt a good series. Ninja war had parts that were very good and them a whole lot of filler inbetween. Pacing was bad.
Contrast this with bnha (which im currently reading) which overall is a better series with better writing but unlike naruto, bnha did not have those underlying themes of war so its was arc is more out of place. In some ways bnha is more political especially in the social justice sense. The dynamic between those with and without quirks in particular i find interesting. In that when quirks first appeared those with them were heavily discriminated against. The term "quirk" itself in universe was an act of early quirk activism. And to this day those with very visually noticeable quirks or bodies that look different are discriminated against in the same society where now a quirkless kid will get bullied for not having a quirk. Those who are oppressed are not innocent of never further the oppression of others. Like irish americans becoming cops
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wlwsakura · 2 years
little sakura finds a pic of tsunade during her genin years and falls in love w her and then goes crazy later cuz like holy fuck booba when she sees an updated one and shes like my dream is to go on a date w tsunade- sama 🙈🙈🙈
at first tsunade thinks it’s funny in a ‘haha this kid idolizes me its adorable’ and then eventually she finally gets it thru sakura’s head that she’s too old for her and that she should try and give a more age appropriate girl a chance. Sakura ends up walking home and ends up spotting Ino on the way and is hit with this realization ‘oh.’ She runs home and ends up avoiding her for a while cuz “holy fuck!”
On Ino and Sakura’s wedding day right before she’s set to walk down the aisle she pulls Tsunade aside and tells her ‘sorry tsunade but i’m gonna marry ino 😔💖” wait no she tells her that before she proposes/ after ino proposes to her lol
-sakura learning all abt medicine and shit on the off chance she meets tsunade to impress her and shes like “umm im suuuper smart and strong pls date me :/“ and tsunade is just: “gross u r a child 🤮 i could be ur mom’
naruto: “more like her grandma lmao”
tsunade hoping to stop all this nonsense and realizing how talented sakura is( albeit begrudgingly) suggests to sakura, “kid how bout i make u my apprentice and u stop asking me out every other day.”
sakura weighs her options like damn i get to spend more time w her but i cant ask her out as much BUT THIS WILL BE A CHALLENGE FOR MY LOVE AND I WILL PREVAIL!! (false) and so she tells her, “ok bet imma be your best apprentice and just absorb all i can get from u and spend time w u until u inevitably fall in love w me but tsunade is just “u r like family to me”
sakura gets advice from genma but all he says is, “to get over someone i have to get under someone else”
anyway ino and sakura start dating
sakura throughout her academy+ninja career wearing an outfit thats complimentary to the outfits tsuna wore as a kid onwards and ppl just think she idolizes her which like yeah but ummm rude! shes in love w her actually!
(Tsunade shishou i know i promised to save myself for you since i was 6 and that we’d get married and i’d only love you but ino be bangin 😔🤍 sorry) thats like her wedding speech before she starts her wedding vows LMAO
later ​sakura sends apology flowers to tsunade like ‘sorry shishou turns out ino is the love of my life actually 😢 you’re still cool tho. btw ino and i our extending our honeymoon and wont be back to konoha for another month k thx bye”
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dememetor · 3 years
Haikyuu boys when they're drunk
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characters iwaizumi hajime, oikawa tooru, kuroo tetsurou, bokuto koutarou, sakusa kiyoomi, kageyama tobio
warnings swearing (i swear, they don't, they're polite boys), uhh drinking? but that's pretty obvious
recent works: what it feels like to fall in love with them
Iwaizumi Hajime
You know how he's usually the mom friend?
Pulls a one fucking eighty
Has no sense of self-preservation whatsoever
Has to be under constant surveillance or Else
Once jumped off the first floor because Hanamaki told him not to
(Kyoutani soon followed after him too, but I digress)
There's just this little troublemaker in him that comes through when he's drunk and it amuses everyone, especially Hanamaki and Matsukawa who can't wait to join him when he starts doing stupid shit
However, when the alcohol starts wearing off he gets unusually quiet
Oikawa usually calls it the stage of regret
But in all honesty he just gets tired, usually falling asleep on the nearest couch
Or chair
Or the floor
Oikawa Tooru
Walks a fine line between being the life of the party and an emotional shipwreck
Once Yahaba accidentaly said his hair looked funny and he started crying on the spot
It's like his emotions are amplified, he's either having the time of his life or sitting in a corner wailing about something that happened four years ago
But when he's in a good mood, he laughs
All the time
(And it's like the prettiest sound in the world)
Refuses to drink anything else but vodka
Especially beer
Hates it with a burning passion
Insists that it tastes like piss
Matsukawa made him try the apple and lemon flavored ones but he's too stubborn to admit they're not bad
Has the highest alcohol tolerance out of them all mostly because he's been drinking since he was like 14
(Which is really bad, I do not condone this)
Knows exactly how much he can drink and how much everyone else on the team can drink, and usually watches out for them not to get too shitfaced
When they do though, he's the one to sit by them when they puke and call an uber to get them home
Just,, too sweet
Kuroo Tetsurou
Just like Oikawa, knows how not to get shitfaced
However, enjoys getting shitfaced from time to time
Makes the best cocktails
Doesn't let Kenma drink them
Owns a guitar and god damn can he play it
Usually doesn't like when other people listen to him but get him tipsy and he will hold an entire concert
Once Lev accidentaly broke his guitar when he tackled Yaku and since then Kuroo keeps it with him like it's the holy grail
I'm not even kidding, will start barking if you look at it the wrong way
Prefers whiskey
Loves playing with other people's hair
It's either you or Kenma, whoever he lays his hands on first
Learned how to braid hair on his sister and now does it so well it's on par with like Brad Mondo or some shit
Bokuto koutarou
Shares a similarity with a kinder surprise egg in a way that there is no possible way you know what you will get
Either ecstatic or emo, no in between
For some reason really likes taking his shirt off
Gets really fidgety
Can't stand still for two fucking seconds
Randomly leaves the conversation to run around and then comes back like nothing ever happened
Easily distracted
Someone needs to be with him at all times or he will randomly wander off
"Ohh I wanna pet that hedgehog."
"Bokuto, get your ass over here."
If he ends up in the emo stage... oh boy
Cries at everything
Once got emotionally attached to Konoha's pet grasshopper
Refused to leave without it so Konoha let him borrow it for the night but when Bokuto woke up he mistook it for a stick of wood and threw it away
Sakusa Kiyoomi
This man does not drink
The taste of alcohol genuinely disgusts him
People act stupid when they drink anyway
Also he takes volleyball very seriously
Can't drink if you're planning on competing profesionally y'know
He tried a cocktail once accidentally
The waitress switched his drink when he was out with his teammates and they made him try it
Will never admit it but it wasn't that bad
Tasted like juice, really
And let me tell you, tipsy sakusa kiyoomi is the cutest thing ever
Just giggles all the time
Has conversations with himself about volleyballll
Sits down next to you, hugs your arm and just rambles about whatever's on his mind
Usually it's his next match
One time made you sit through a passionate 15 minute description of his breakfast
Also very affectionate
Will compliment the everloving shit out of anyone in a 10 meter radius
His hangovers arent even that bad but he stays in a godawful mood the entire next day
Kageyama Tobio
Rarely drinks
Him and Tsukishima usually stand aside (in silence) and watch others do stupid shit
Has a ridiculously low alcohol tolerance
I swear this boy gets drunk on fucking liquor chocolates
The first time he got tipsy he refused to believe it
"I can get up on my own, thanks Sugawara."
Both fascinated and scared of the fact that he can't walk straight
Gets really judgy
You know how analytical he gets when playing volleyball?
Well now he says it all out loud and it lowkey pisses everyone off
Well everyone except Tsukki who unironically enjoys this side of him
(Tsukki even looks forward to parties with kageyama because he can gossip about anything and Kageyama is actually great listener when drunk, but Tsukki would rather eat a lego than admit it)
Can't tell different alcohol apart
You can get him to say anything (which Tanaka and Nishinoya abuse a lot)
Shows affection in... unusual ways
Will hold your hand "So it's not too heavy for you"
Will apply the same logic to your face
Like he will just cup it and look you in the eye "it's ok you can relax now"
Like not even some cute shit, he's dead serious
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kageyuji · 4 years
❝what’s on your neck?❞
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also known as “the team finds the hickeys you left on him”
-> warnings; implied making out, hickeys, sexual jokes
-> includes; bokuto, kuroo, tanaka, atsumu, and iwaizumi.
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a/n; gender neutral, also it’s implied just making out but the characters are aged up to third year (18 years old)! and please remember to reblog <3
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bokuto honestly forgot it was there, he’d remembered the makeout session you and he had
but somehow he had completely forgotten about the mark you’d left, sigh <//3
washio is Staring he is Looking he Knows what’s going on
akaashi and konoha exchange a look before finally akaashi speaks up
“what’s on your neck?” he doesn’t know why he even asked - he knows the answer
“hm?” bokuto asked, a totally innocent and confused expression on his face before realizing what they meant
konoha lightly tapped on his own neck, showing bokuto what they meant
he’s blushing at first, but then quickly changes his expression into a smirk
he has like 27% shame, he’s a little nervous but then again he loves you and couldn’t care any less if they see
konoha never lets him hear the end of it, but it becomes helpful whenever he and Akaashi are trying to get him out of slumps
the team also probably teases you about it, but bokuto just pouts and pulls you closer
10/10 boyfriend, anyway-
he probably lets it happen again but its literally on accident <//3
like he just. cannot remember <///3
he spends hours on his hair in the morning i don’t know how he doesn’t see it
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kuroo knew they were they he just didn’t really think anyone would notice
kenma did, but he didn’t really care
‘kuroo getting freaky sigh idk this animal crossing lookin real sexy tho’ or smth idk what goes on in kenma’s head
he doesn’t really show off his hickeys, he just more acts like they weren’t there? and if someone sees them, someone sees them
yaku was the first one besides kenma who saw, but he didn’t really say anything
he just kind of?? stared?? and grabbed kuroo by the shirt, pulled him down, and inspected the hickey
lev was the one to actually ask, poor baby didnt realize what it was, “what’s on your neck?”
kuroo very nonchalantly says, “oh, y/n gave me a hickey last night.”
yamamoto is going feral, he’s yelling, he’s gone absolutely batshit
whenever you walk in yamamoto does the whistle thing, you know what i mean
yaku gives you a whole speech <//3
kenma honestly couldn’t care any less, you can go and vibe w him <3
kuroo likes to tease you about it too, not as much as yamamoto, but teasing nonetheless
it’s just sweet little jokes though, teasing you but not too much
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well in all honesty it wasn’t like tanaka was actually trying to hide it
he knew it was there, he wanted to show it off, he had absolutely no shame about it
he walked into volleyball practice and the first thing people noticed was that he wasn’t wearing his usual jacket
instead, he was wearing a sweater
the next thing they noticed was the mark on the side of his neck, definitely put there by you on last night’s date
“tanaka?!?!” hinata was the first to say something, worried about what had happened to his elder, “what’s on your neck?”
then he realized what it was and his face went from 🤕 to 😟
nishinoya laughs, congratulating tanaka on “finally getting some action”
hes smirking and hyping himself up, but on the inside??
he’s just a blushy smiley boi 🥰😽
if the team mentions it to you you’re like 🧍 and suddenly tanaka turns from cocky to soft, peppering light kisses on your face and trying to convince you the team saw your marks on accident
the team absolutely teases him about how quickly his disposition changed
but once you’re out of the room, he’s flexing on them again BAJDBFNCM
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little shit knew it was there, was trying to act like he didn’t, and was secretly trying to show it off WSHUXHDN
osamu deadass just looks at him like 😐 when he sees the hickey
“what’s on your neck, sumu?”
“what do you mean, samu?”
suna looks so annoyed sigh </3
they’re both very much done with atsumu’s bullshit
some of the other members are v concerned about it though BSJDJFNF
suna loves to tease you about it, he likes to see you go 😳 or 😼
it makes atsumu 10x more flirty i’m not even gonna lie, he’s riding the high
teases you all the time, even though?? he’s the one that should be being teased?? but go off ig sir <//3
dw though suna asks him all the time if he’s gotten anymore sigh
jokingly asks you for another one after realizing it’s getting him attention and then panics when you say ok LMAOWBHSHDFM
the fans are lowkey upset about it </3
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he half forgot it was there, like he made an effort to cover it up but at some point during the day he let it show
oikawa was the one to point it out, very dramatically gasping and pointing it out like Iwa was a plague victim or smth
kunimi and kyotani couldn’t give a shit they just wanted to be anywhere else and away from the rest of the team, who were all screaming and yelling
“awww did iwa get his dick wet?” mattsun asks
“no, we were just making out,” Iwaizumi says sternly, but no one believes him 💀
mattsun and hanamaki keep making sex jokes, oikawa occasionally joining in
oikawa is mostly asking what happened, he’s wondering what happened and wanting to know all of the details
kindaichi is just like 🧍‍♂️
if you come in?? oikawa is not shutting up about it
mattsun and hanamaki are teasing you and iwa about it, sigh 💔
iwa just holds you and pretends to (well, tries to, it doesn’t really work) ignore them
he’s much more careful about consealing his hickeys now, he never wants to have to deal with Seijoh like that again, sigh
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sunatooru · 3 years
This is just a cute thought I had for my favorite bois but can I request cute headcannons of Bokuto, Hinata, Suna, and Tendou having an affectionate s/o and when they’re teammates call them out for being coddled too much, they get offended but here they are laying their head on their s/o’s lap getting gentle head rubs/scratches or being fed from a bento she made them while calling them sweet nicknames like “Honeybun” or “Darling”.
Teammate: You’re hopeless when it comes to Y/N 😐
Character: Am not! 😤 *is wrapped around the reader like a koala*
Reader: My dear ☺️ *rubs her bf’s head and muscles*
This was VERY cute😌! It felt so natural writing Bokuto in this situation 😂 (love the little dialogues) Thank you for requesting xx
Warnings: it’s just fluff and gn!reader
* He loves how affectionate you are
* Like yes please, hug him, kiss him, give him all your precious attention, he feels so loved
* He honestly doesn’t see the issue in basking in your attention
* Always runs up to you when you make your way to practice, screaming out your name and waiting for you to give him affection, just like now
* When he’s received enough he goes back up practice, Konoha and Sarukui laughing amongst themselves
* “Hey hey hey! What’s funny? I want to laugh too!” He approaches them innocently
* “You’re like a baby when it comes to your s/o..” Konoha teases and Bokuto looks in confusion
* “No I’m not! Hmph! You just wish you had someone who gave you attention.” His hair deflates as he walks back to you
* “What’s wrong, baby?” You ask as he sits next to you and rest his head ok your lap
* “They said I’m a baby when I’m with you..” he pouts
* “Aww, but that’s because you look as cute as one! You are my baby, sugarplum. So cute!” You rub his cheek and poke his nose, instantly lifting his mood
* “You’re right! I’m your baby and you’re mine!”
* He later on sticks his tongue out at the guys if they tease him again
* He’s so flustered whenever he sees you
* Eyes sparkling whenever you walk down the hallway, love how you lean into him as you speak
* You visit him during lunch and he instantly brightens up when you ruffle his hair
* “I missed you!” He confesses, closing his eyes as your fingers play with his hair
* “You saw them an hour ago.” You hear Kageyama mutter, blinking at how wrapped around you Hinata is
* “So!”
* “Ha, it’s like you can’t function without them. I mean you barely function anyways..” Hinata huffs when he hears Tsukishima from outside the room
* “Yes I can! I can function perfectly, actually.” He narrows his eyes, resting his head on your shoulder
* “Right, babe?”
* “Yes, honeybun.” He grins at them and closes his eyes again, blocking out the amused faces and enjoying your touch
* Gets teased everyday but he doesn’t care because he’s got you
* he secretly loves how affectionate you are
* He loves the closeness and makes sure you always end up crossing paths with him or sitting with him so he can receive your affection
* Of course though, as discreet as he tries to be, he’s been caught more than a couple times reaching for you
* You knew he often forgets to pack some food, so you came in during his practice break
* “Honey!” He tries to hide his smile when he sees you waving your bento for him
* He hugs and sits with you, you open the bento and offer him a piece of food
* He smiles and accepts it, leaning his head on your shoulder
* “Well well well, if it isn’t little Rin being fed like a toddler.” Atsumu smirks, wiggling his brows as Suna glares
* “Yeah, come on Suna!” Osamu adds
* “Whatever. You’re just mad I’m eating better than you…can you go, you’re ruining my meal. I don’t act like a toddler…” he mumbles the last part after giving them dead look
* You giggle and feed him, playing with his hair as he flips the twins off, before closing his eyes and laying his head on your thighs
* “Awww, you look so cute pouting sweetie!” You kiss his nose, and exaggerated gag comes from Atsumu in the back
* He was so overwhelmed at your affections
* He barely got attention for the right reasons and then you came into his life and he finally knew what being adored felt like
* He tries to be as affectionate, a little hesitance in case he comes on too strong, and blushes every time you look at him
* “Darling! Sa! To! Ri!” You cheer from the side as you watch him practice
* You have a small towel, water bottle and extra tape for him when he finishes the latest game
* “Thank you baby.” He kisses your forehead, accepting the bottle and taking a sip
* “Ooh, your tape has come off. Wait, let me fix it for you, cutie pie.” His face warms up as you carefully wrap the tape around his fingers, a soft smile on his face
* “Who knew the guess monster could turn this soft? You’re so coddled by them haha probably couldn’t live without your s/o.” His teammate jokes and he frowns a little
* “Whaat? Meee? Ha as if..” he rolls his eyes at them
* “I think they’re jealous…I’m not coddled by you?.” He wraps his arms around you
* “Of course not, darling. You’re just my precious baby.” You rubs your hands over his back and scratching it soothingly, giving him energy to block every single ball
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
I’m curious : How does Konoha (the fankid) find out they’re a reincarnation?
konoha (the fankid) is so funny to me idk why. first name konoha second name the third name fankid
ok also erm. i dont know. for me to know that i'd require intelligence which i do not have. i think maybe they keep having dreams??? tells his family and maybe they are side eyeing each other like 🙂 that probably doesnt mean anything💗
a fic i rly like abt reborn konoha has him find out thru ayano using favoring eyes and giving him the memories and i think thats a rly cool idea but in that fic ayano is like. dead. i love that fic but i think alive ayano wouldnt do this bc she'd be like those memories are too tragic and sad for him and hes just a kid and if i can protect them and spare them the pain then i will!!! maybe??? would she?? also would she even have those memories? idk. i guess if she could give him the memories itd stir up some drama about whether or not she should lol. anyways idk HOW he finds out but i do know konoha and shintaro both know first idk if shin figures it out before konoha does or konoha tells him but they are best friends forever and will always find each other except now shins like 40 years old and konohas like 14 or something. they are still best friends okay💗 kid konoha on their adventures of How Do I Tell My Parents I'm A Reincarnation sitcom episode ft middle aged shintaro
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