#((don your a petty bitch u-u))
ducknotinarow · 1 year
[07 Raph, Summer and Don uwu]
Now that Donatello was playing the role of Uncle as well, he was able to get his revenge. So when Casey was at work, and Raph taking care of Summer, Don waited until Raph was distracted, had his shell turned, and made his move. Breaking into homes and sticking to the shadows was something they all did well. Summer cradled in his arms, Don was in and out of their home without a noise. Don't worry though Raphael, Donatello left a note.
At his own home, Donatello had Summer and Ariel, grinning as he watched them play. They were a little too young for him to start showing them experiments - but oh, when they could walk and talk, he's going to totally show them some science.
And when Raph inevitably showed up, Donatello decided he was going to be the bastard this time, smiling their way, as if butter couldn't melt,
"I thought you could use a break, I know how difficult it is looking after the hatchlings after all."
Neither of them were hatched, it's just what Donatello ended up calling the little munchkins,
"I mean, are you really going to break up them up - that's cold Raph."
Oh yeah, he's throwing everything back. They really were twins,
"Can't believe you'd be so cruel."
| Muse Interaction
Raphael had their little Summer child bundled up in blankets, even as she fussed slightly trying to her legs out free from the blankets. Once she had learned to use them she never quite let them being trapped away like so small little babbles being made as Raph at least kept a good hold on her in his arms. She was a bit to focused on getting free to take in the fact Casey was heading off to work. Raph at least was standing near the door to the apartment idly talking back and forth with Casey. Well aware they didn't want to go to work they wanted to be home with the new addition to their lives. After the worst case of baby fever had hit the pair. making them talk the idea over and over. Going from maybe one day we'll have this to they really truly wanted to have a baby all their own. Hypothetical children spoken about random names dropped here and there as they would let those conversation go on to long. To kidnapping their niece Ariel just to get the fix of a baby. Even if it meant they were going to be more running away from Donnie then playing with the baby. That part was fun to.
Shifting Summer in his hold to hold her up to look at Casey now, telling her to tell her Dad bye now. Summer idly stared up to her Dad taking in blue eyes of his before smiling and waving her arms around. Raph just eating up watching the mister tough Casey Jones melt at the sight of their kid, baby talk falling out from his mouth as he told her he would be back. Before Casey turned attention back to Raph telling him the same. Raph acted like that did hit his heart just a little to square in the center. Before shutting the door and turning attention back on to Summer. Letting her tiny little fingers curl around one of his own squeezing it as tight as she seemed to be able to before her free hand reached up and made a grab for his mask. High squeal let out as she tug on the soft fabric dragging it down to get a good look at Raph's reaming green eye. Raph didn't flinch away or tell her to stop he just chuckled to himself.
Sometimes he took off to the lair with Summer when it was the two of them. It was a good system Casey took off to work when he had to go in. And Raph got to spend all day basically playing with Summer. Family wasn't ever a dream or wish he wanted. But those moments by the door telling Casey bye, Summer being his excuse cause of Course had to make sure she knew Dad was leaving. Taking pictures for Casey of her since he had to miss out. Switching off when Casey got back home cause course Casey needed his fill of baby time once he was home. Sometimes full switch in roles if Raph had to join his brothers on something going on. It just gave him more reason to think a bit more before he acted so they could keep this little routine going. Raph liked being a Dad that's kind of all he knew, he could see why Donnie seemed to treasure it all so much. Really did become a full time thing uh? Raph had been making Casey's place more and more his home as well. Staying days at time sometimes never leaving still there by the time Casey came home. Once Summer came around? He pretty much never left. Outside visiting a time or two.
All of Summer's stuff was at home after all, her crib, her favorite toys all the stuff she liked to get into that she shouldn't like Casey's golf bag of blunt weapons he used to stomp the wannabes with. Summer soon started to fuss a little more and Raph just chuckled again.
"yeah yeah I know, don' 'ike bein' confined" Stepping over to the living room where her play mat always stayed set up. Setting her down just under the toys that hung over head that she right away tried to grab for. Hans garbing the first stuff toy they could tugging it down and giggling the whole time. "never stop do ya uh?" Raph asks playful poking her stomach before he reclaimed his mask and started to set it back over his face before moving to step away. "Sit tight slugger" his way of telling her he'd be right back she was bound to grow hungry soon and whine for her favorite toy that was left in her crib. His eyes were only take off of her for all of a solid four minutes at best so he could grab her hockey player teddy bear and get a bottle ready for her.
But that was all the time needed for Donatello to go and pull a little reverse on Raphael. Aware of his twin's current daily routine seemed to pin point the right time to make himself at home. Summer seemed aware of her self leaving the ground. The baby slightly grew quite as she turned to look at Donatello, not scared or spooked. She knew the other creatures that resembled her papa. But when she didn't see the red her paper worse, her lip quivered a little bit as she reached up and grabbed at their purple mask tugging it down in her fuss only to pause when getting the glimpse of green in his own eyes though she started to settle down and moved to pat his snout any sign of a cry dying out. She knew the green of her papa' Raph's eye and it was like that even if it was mixed with brown. Making it far easier for Don to take off with her. Summer unaware of what was going on simply settled in her uncles hold and happily looked around once they were outside.
In time for Raph to come back to the living room with a missing baby and a open wide window. Face would panic or snap over the fact his and Casey's baby was suddenly gone. But thanks to Summer's little habit he found purple cloth left on the floor beside her play mat and he knew what happened. Only one of them would been able to sneak in her so easily after all. Though Raph couldn't help but feel annoyed he knew all too well why Don did this.
" You're fuckin' petty ass bitch Don." he simply sighs out as he make his way inside of Don and Von's own place tossing thier mask over at them before he went to cross his arms infront of his plastron, holding Summers little stuff bear by the paw so it hung over his arm. Uncaring if they didn't like the language he went and used. Summer grew uo around it after all and beside Ariel heard it a lot when with Raph and Casey as is.
Sighing well shifting his attention down to where summer was happily sat on the ground with her cousin. They two of them babbling nonesense but you swear they were holding a whole conversation between. As Ariel held tightly on to her mermaid doll that once belong to Donatello. Summer seeming to try and take it from her.
"I thought you could use a break, I know how difficult it is looking after the hatchlings after all."
"Hatcklings?" Raph soon questions "I though Airel came outta Von?" Not seeming to catch it was just a term of endearment and not a factual statement.
"I mean, are you really going to break up them up - that's cold Raph."
Raph just huff and moved to bent down now as he hand Summer her bear so she would stop trying to take her cousins doll away last thing they needed was a baby fight to break out. Raph was pretty sure Summer would win anyway. All well keeping his twin on ignore he knew what theynwere doing. He was simply paying back some revenge Raphael's way.
"Can't believe you'd be so cruel."
"Don I already called ya a petty bitch don' prove my point here." Despite his statement he moved to be beside his brother, because even if he wanted to take Summer and go home just because they pissed him off anf royally annoyed him well Don had a point it would be kind of cruel.
Summer now having her own favorite toy and Ariel's doll safe from being stolen seemed to make their play far more peaceful before the possible fight was about to break out. Raph did smile a little, watching them letting Don's little stunt brush over his shoulders now. "They gonna be jus' as bad as us ya know 'hat 'ight?" He brings up suddenly "glued to the hip, more trouble together 'han apart, bring out the worst and best outta the other?"
Of course thier kids were bound to be close with how close the pair of them were. But even if that moment was nice and sweet Raoh still swiftly punched his brother in the shoulder. Not one his little light hello taps no a an actual punch aiming to hurt his brother with the action. "That don' mean ya get to jus' steal my kid cause ya a petty ass bitch though. Jus' means imma hav'ta get ya back again."
Because, it's okay when Raphael steals Don's baby but not the other way around. Smirking at the expression Don had aimed his way cause he knew they had a similar line of thought in mind about what Raphael threatened. "Could've jus' asked me ta come over I know you miss me but really Don? Using the girls as an excuse?" This was Don's doing stole hos kod so now he's gonna be annoying. "I mean I know I'm ya favorite but can just talk to me." Not anywhere near being Don as he gives a purposely annoying voice when speaking as Donnie. "Hey Raphie come hang out wit' me 'm lonely since ya went an' started a family too." Just because Donnie was getting pay back meant Raoh was going to let Donnie enjoy it.
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f0xd13-blog · 4 months
I agree I Changed my mind and GOT DISAPPOINTED because u behaved like shit! Don listen to new world pink press (fans) next time around they are also making their money and thet deserve it and stop behaving like a fucking child /don behave like th superio bitch next tim around. Untreated god complex is fucked delusionals of grandeza also
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delicrieux · 4 years
☆ミ 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚢 “𝚘𝚑”
PART 13: ...O-OH?
it’s the night of the big stream. y/n uncovers a strange, albeit deep, bond with charlie. corpse interrupts her garden date with sykkuno quite unceremoniously. tensions are high as ever; proximity chat reveals internal monologues and stray thoughts. y/n’s “batshit insane” energy affects everyone. this is, quite literally, the best game of among us bretman has ever played.
─── corpse husband x reader, sykkuno x reader (if you squint, it’s very one sided)  ─── soc. media + written fiction! ─── word count: 6.1k oops ─── ❥ reqs: sum people requested some interaction w bretman + jealous corpse + flirty sykkuno
author’s note: guys....GUYS WE’RE ON THE 3RD “OH” hope ur excited cus i am!!! this was rly fun to write, but then again, everything is better than writing an essay lmao! this is extremely chaotic and a bit seggsy but like a minuscule bit u wont even notice it i swear xx there’s not much social media in this one, mostly written lol. as always lmk wat u think n thank u for all ur kind words n sooo manyyyy ideassss!!! love u lots
ultimate masterlist.  ҉  myso masterlist   ҉   previous. ҉   next.
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It’s happening, you think, picking the discreet, angelic white color for your astronaut - with a halo and all, truly, you are a seraph that stepped through the gates of heaven and descended onto earth to grace these morals with your presence...quite literally, you’re not only donning white in game, but also in real life, cute as a button or more like as a bunny. Cat girls are overrated - cat boys, on the other hand, you’ll ardently defend till your last breath - but bunny girls...Safe to say, your chat had been going feral. Your endless ego is fed well. You even swore on your heart that no devilish trickery would follow in this game - you had left your snake ways behind you.
No one believed you. The Roaches know you too fucking well.
The influx of new subs, however, do not. Look at this cute girl! She wouldn’t hurt a fly! You chuckle at the compliments. At the exact same moment, Rae pipes up on the discord call, “Y/n is leering and cackling evilly. No one trust her.”
Demon woman herself must be watching your stream before starting her own. You pout, all adorable and innocent, but your eyes gleam slyly. Truly, a mastermind of manipulation! Look at you go! The chat is swooning. The viewer number steadily climbs past 16K and you hum happily, welcoming all that decided to join your little clan, “Don’t listen to Rae. Wifey is mad because I said I’m not bringing her back a souvenir. Well guess what, bitch, I’m the gift.”
Your perfect image does not quite align with your tone, nor the affectionate nickname you call your roommate (bitch, not wifey). The new viewers are none the wiser though, just like your new stream mates.
There is laughter from people you don’t quite know. The lobby is almost full, but not everyone has trickled in yet.
“Filing divorce papers right now.” Rae mumbles, but you hear the smile in her voice. It makes you crack a grin, too. 
More hello’s and shy introductions to the people in the lobby. Sykkuno’s green astronaut pops in with a upbeat, “Hey, everyone! Hi, Y/n!” as his character circles around yours. A collective awww echoes in your stream chat as you, quite breathless at the wholesomeness, reply with a “Hi! Hi hi!” as well.
Corpse is next to join, mysteriously ominous. The discord call is pure chaos, everyone screaming over the other variations of his name while stressing different syllables. Silent as a grave, he just stands there, his black astronaut seemingly eyeing everyone in the lobby. 
Alas, when the noise dies down, he utters, “Whaddup, baby.” and it’s pandemonium all over again. You are screeching/laughing along with the rest. His astronaut swiftly glides to Sykkuno, still circling around you, “Hey, Sykkuno.” He says. The latter abruptly stops. The game hasn’t even started, and already - betrayal! Sykkuno starts circling around Corpse now, leaving you in the dust.
“Hey, dude!”
“Yo,” You interrupt, “I’m like here too, yeah?”
“Fight, fight, fight!” Pokimane jeers. You can’t see her, but you’re certain she’s pumping her fists in the air. 
“Let’s leave the bloodshed for the game, yeah?” Dream offers past her laugh ridden urging.
“No, fuck that, let’s start this shit right now,” Charlie declares - his monotone is strangely pleasant to the ear, and you lean back in your chair with a thoughtful hum. Something about his energy just clicks with yours instantly, but perhaps you’re judging too quickly- “Got my fucking knife ready to slit some throats. You can all pretend you aren’t ready to kill on sight, but that’s not me. I’ll teabag your dead fucking body.”
-yeah, no, your initial estimate had been correct! What a pleasant surprise, you feel like you and he will get along beautifully. 
“Way to be subtle, Charles.” Rae snorts.
“Subtle doesn’t make an interesting game, Rae,” He’s quick to bite back, “and if I’m Impostor, you bet your fucking ass I’m going after you first.”
“Noooooo!” She shrieks, rushing to your astronaut, which is still just standing there, abandoned, like the equivalent of that one emoji, “Y/n, protect me.”
“Of course, baby.” You purr. 
There’s mumbling in the discord call, though it’s barely audible. Corpse seems to be repeating the word to himself: Baby...Baby?...Baby...
“You’re gonna stab me in the back the first chance you get, won’t you?” She questions, already painfully aware of the answer.
“You know it!”
“Finally, someone that’s not fucking cowering in their boots and flaunting their real nature.” Charlie says, “Y/n, form a Big Dick Alliance with me.”
“Oh for sure, man.” You agree immediately, trailing to his in game figure, “Let’s show these virgins how it’s done.”
“This is going to be a mess, isn’t it?” Sean’s voice rings with a cheerful laugh, making you flustered. Yes, you’re actually playing with THE JacksepticeyeTM. You still haven’t fully wrapped your head around that part, “I’m very excited to see where this will go.”
“Nowhere good.” You say with unparalleled sincerity - every word you speak to him, the icon, the legend, the one of the few youtubers you actually actively follow, must be genuine. You doubt you can lie to him. He’s too good of a person. You admire him too much. Stuck between wanting to be a shady bitch and an absolute saint, you refrain from addressing him more - you are simply not worthy.
its the y/n trying to act like a normal person in front of jack for me
ikr she looks ready to join the monastery
each day we stray closer to gods light???
Your viewers are snide as always. Gosh, you love them.
The last player pops in, fashionably late, “Hey, y’all.”
“Hey, Bretman!” The call choruses somewhat harmoniously.
“Hi, daddy.” He’s speaking to Corpse now, a smile in his voice - you can hear it even past the static of his atrocious mic. Your eyes widen, eyebrows shooting up. Your friends are cackling, but confusion refrains you from doing the same - were you not the only one Corpse offered, seemingly so long ago!, to be his sugar baby? 
One betrayal after the other. You’re glad for the Big Dick Alliance. The name has a nice right to it, too. 
Corpse laughs, “...Hey, Bretman. How are you today?”
Damn, two sentences for him, but not even a word spoken to you!? You’re already scripting a very melodramatic paragraph you will text him after the stream. With poorly masked discontent, you mutter, “Wow, thanks for such a warm welcome, Corpse, my day’s going great, yeah, loving the company.”
“Now now miss girl,” Bretman chimes, “we can’t be all daddy’s favorite.”
“Careful,” Charlie drones, “I think you just got yourself onto Y/n’s shit list.”
“Right next to Corpse Husband and Valkyrae.” You agree, “Sykkuno!” You suddenly call him.
“Uhm-Uh-Yes?” Is his nervous reply.
“You’re safe.” You state coldly, “For now.”
“You are not going after Sykkuno on my watch.” It must be a belated holiday miracle because Corpse finally decides to address you. His words seem to awake something in him, “Hey-Hey-Hey-” He swiftly glides to you, standing right next to your minute virtuous angel, “When are you coming back to Cali?”
corpse stop acting weird challenge
literally omg lmao
he does bring up a good point y/n y u not in cali yet?!
^pack it up corpse simp he disrespected the queen when he didnt say hi
“Back off, buddy,” Charlie interjects, “this spot is for Big Dick Alliance members only.”
“I’m never returning.” You inform him, your voice cold like the Arctic snow, and the look in your eyes is no kinder. You feel like you’re having a stare down through screen. 
Silence stretches. Is this an intimidation tactic? Because if it is, it’s a paltry one. Your conviction to be petty is stronger than any vulnerability you might feel.
“Then I have nothing to say to you.” He admits and fucks right off with that. Fine, go join Sykkuno and Rae in their little corner of betrayal! Friendship ended with Corpse, now Charlie is your best friend.
“Okay, guys, guys, guys-” Toast, noting this is going to spiral any minute now, tries to catch their attention, “Let’s start?!”
You look into your camera, and the roaches know what you’re thinking. You’re twins like that, communicating telepathically. You are taking back your tender promise of not being a conniving bastard. It’s fucking on. You will destroy everyone in your path, starting with the guy you have a stupid crush on - maybe?! Feelings are confusing, you’d rather just not think point blank period.
With no objections from the cast, the counter ticks away seconds and, for the first round, you’re stuck as CREW MATE.
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Charlie is a gift. Truly, you had not expected such a sudden, wonderful relationship to bloom. How have you not known of him sooner?! It’s a crime that you hadn’t spoken to him earlier. You are a 100% certain if you had found him before you started streaming, he would’ve been a big inspiration. 
The two of you do your silly little tasks and curse like sailors, commenting about this and that thanks to proximity chat. You wouldn’t have been able to stand the claustrophobic silence if it was just a normal Among Us game - to think, missing out on all his foully worded quips! It almost springs a tear into your eye. He’s just as unhinged as you.
worried about this dynamic 
its a trainwreck lol i love it plz collab more plz
Caught in a headed discussion in Electrical - TikTok trends, or audios specifically - you defend the app the best you can. Charlie thinks it’s super cringe, and you insist it’s part of the charm as you connect wires.
“I mean, have...-do you know that one audio, the one that goes, like,” You’re spilling your words, heated, frustrated that he’s so dismissive of the app that literally saved 2020, “it goes like, uhm,” You clear your throat, prep your voice - even take a sip of your favorite drink. Drawing the syllables, you try your best to make it drop an octave - it must sound like you’re doing an atrociously bad and nauseatingly scratchy Corpse impression with an extra dramatic flair, “My assssssss, your cockkk, you do the mathhh.”
“Did-Did I just-” You freeze hearing Corpse’s voice, finally done with your task. Charlie is muffling his laughter behind his palm; Corpse’s astronaut stands in the doorway, “What the fuck did I just walk into?” He seems genuinely confused, though a strangely winded. You’re mortified. Your shoulders are shaking. You look at the stream chat but it’s going too fast for you to follow. Manic laughter bubbles in your chest and you squeeze your eyes shut, mouth split into a toothy grin, lowering your head and trying to hide the blush dusting your cheeks.
“Hey? Guys? What the fuck are you talking about?” He questions again.
“Honestly?” Charlie chimes, “No fucking clue. TikTok, I think. Ask Y/n.”
You can’t reply. You’re crying. You cover your face with your palms, muttering a soft oh my god before bursting into a full blow laugh, throwing your head back, the motion accidentally knocking your headphones off.
“Y/n.” Corpse calls you, “Fuck was that?”
You’re howling. Your stomach hurts. There are literal tears in your eyes. You think Charlie might be laughing too, but you can’t really tell over your loud screeching. Hastily fixing your headphones, you wipe away the tears stuck to your lower lashes, heaving, “S-Sorry, I-” You stutter, breaking into another fit of giggles. Corpse patiently waits you to calm down. Catching your breath, you start again with a sniffle, “TikTok, yeah.” You idly fix your hair, trying to bite down a smile, “It’s an audio.”
“What- What kind of videos are you watching?”
“The good kind.” Your reply is instant, merciless, “Also, why are you here? We’re having a BDA meeting, you know.”
“I-I...” He trails off, “I...I heard people talking and...I just came here to check it out, but...I’m regretting it.” There’s a lilt in his voice, and you know he doesn’t regret jack shit. You bet he’s smiling. You wish you could see it.
“Bitch, then leave!” You huff. You aren’t sure what is with him today, and you don’t want to stick around and find out - his playfulness makes your stomach flip at the most inappropriate times! Like when you’re trying to sound threatening. You must retreat posthaste, “No, wait, I’ll do it for you.” You say, brushing past his character. Charlie follows after you.
“Dude, you’re so fucking lucky neither of us are the Impostor because you’d be deader than I’ve been feeling since I was 10.” Your favorite companion comments. Charlie is truly a modern wordsmith. You’re pretty sure you adore him, because you’re nodding your head, so quick to agree with him that even you’re surprised. 
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A meeting is called. You spare a glance at your fallen crew mates. They will be missed. Sean most of all, God, why does heaven always take the good ones?! The game feels emptier without him, even if you really only passed him once on your trek to Cafeteria with Charlie.
You may or may not have been avoiding him, afraid you’d accidentally say something horrible and he would hate you. It’s a silly fear, though a deep one. And with Charlie keeping you company, you had not uttered a single objectively  good, or even coherent, sentence. Your parents can’t watch this stream once it’s uploaded onto your Youtube channel. They know you’re barely keeping it together in most of your videos, but here, now? Yeah, no. Charlie is already hard to listen to on his own for sensitive viewers, and hearing you agree with literally everything he says with your own chaotic ideas? Your dad would stumble into an early grave.
Mom probably wouldn’t mind too much, but you’d have to explain your relationship status again. She is under the assumption that everyone you collab with is your significant other. You’d say it began with Sykkuno, though the exclamation of “Finally! My daughter isn’t pathetically single! We need to celebrate.” had started with Rae. Truly, a scandal.
Speaking of which, Sykkuno is gone, too, but you had time to mourn him already. You found his body roughly ten minutes ago; so torn with the fresh agony of heartbreak, you could not do anything else but cry. It was Charlie, bless his heart, that reported it.
“Someone killed Jack,” You say, voice dripping with venom, “court is now in session. I’m ready to vote the fucker out.”
People speak all at once. Toast roars over them, “ORDER! ODER IN COURT!” as he slams his hand onto his desk repeatedly. That seems to work, though briefly.
“I think it’s Y/n.” Corpse says. You stare at him, hand gripping your heart, mouth falling open in surprise.
flame him
corpse boutta be a corpse fr
beat his ass queen!!!!!
“Pardon my french,” You grumble, “but nani the fuck?!”
“It’s definitely Y/n, I found her and Charlie conspiring in Electrical. Surrealist experience of my fucking life, but it’s definitely her.”
“Dude, we’ve been over this,” Charlie sighs, shushing Rae who was about to comment something - knowing your luck, it was probably in favor of the man throwing you under the bus, “we would’ve snapped your fucking neck the moment you walked in. But we didn’t.”
“Yeah, we didn’t.” Corpse notes, “I said nothing about you, I’m just saying it’s definitely her. She probably didn’t kill in front of you because of your stupid alliance-”
“Someone sounds salty because he wasn’t invited.” Pokimane snickers.
“-or possibly she did tell you and you won’t betray her for the exact same reason.”
“That’s some big brain logic you pulled there, genius,” Charlie says, absolutely unimpressed, “sure you didn’t have an aneurysm trying to connect all of that together?”
“Well,” Rae pipes up, “Y/n and Charlie did say they will kill right before the game started. If you ask me, it’s not unbelievable. And Sykkuno was sorta on the shit list.”
“I’m writing down your name twice, Rachell.” You spit.
“Not helping your case at all, Y/n...” Dream worries, “And Rae makes a good point. Charlie and you have professed desire for murder. I’m just saying! It’s a bit suspicious, you know?”
The next words to leave Corpse’s lips sound incredibly smug, “See?” He drawls.  The pressure is getting to you - you don’t understand where this beguiling talent of his to convince literally everyone comes from, but it doesn’t inspire any confidence. Your fist suddenly feels incredibly lonely, so useless - oh, how you long to swing at him, “It’s definitely Y/n.”
“I dunno...” Toast mumbles.
“It’s Y/n.”
“Corpse-” You try, but he's ignoring you - shocker, as if he hadn’t been doing that from the very start of this stupid game - and chanting your name like it’s a fucking mantra or something, a smile in his voice, knowing, relishing in the fact that he’s grating on your nerves, “FIRST OF ALL,” You scream into the mic, successfully cutting him off; catching your breath, you exhale, and continue, calmly, lowly,  “get my pretty name out of your mouth.” 
There’s a pause full of tense silence. 
Then, there’s a sound, seemingly stuck in the back of his throat, “...O-Oh...?”
“Second of all,” You continue, words like honey dipped in arsenic, “This is the clearest smear campaign I have ever witnessed. By how hard you’re trying to frame me for fuck knows what reason, I’m led to believe it’s you that killed them. You’re the Impostor.”
“Corpse wouldn’t kill Sykkuno, though.” Rae comments, skeptical.
“Then the other Impostor did it.” You counter.
“Maybe you’re both Impostors.” Pokimane chirps.
“Y/n would never betray the Big Dick Alliance like that.” Charlie states.
You grin, “Charlie, I literally love you.” 
“Wait hold up now,” Corpse seems to get his bearings together, “what’s this about love I’m hearing?”
“I have none for you, dick.” You snap, flipping him off. Your chat cheers. While he can’t see it, you hope he senses it through the screen, “I officially hate you.”
“No, wait-”
“Boo, Corpse, you suck.” Toast laughs.
“Y/n, please-”
“Let’s all vote for Corpse Husband, okay?” You say it like it’s his full official name with an encouraging smile and multiple soft nods. Sykkuno can’t be here to nod, so you’ll do it for him. You eye the rapidly decreasing timer before clicking on Corpse’s figure and voting for him. The VOTED icon instantly pops up beside your adorable astronaut.
“Baby, I-” It slips past his lips so easily, as if he’s not even thinking about it, like it’s only natural to call you that and a spike of anxiety shoots up, making you glare. It’s only halfhearted. You try your best to ignore the rapid and uncoordinated pulses of your heart. Replace unwanted feelings with anger and hate - works like a charm, every time.
“You are not allowed to call me that.” You hiss. The chat spams snake emojis. 
“Wait-” Bretman chimes, “Hold up, y’all, slow down a minute. Why does Corpse never call me baby?”
“Yeah!” Pokimane agrees, “I want to be baby, too!”
Pokimane may not have been called baby, but you just single-handedly decided her nickname for her - Target 4. Welcome to the shit list, she is officially your public enemy number 1. You aren’t sure why the thought of Corpse ever referring to anyone else as baby makes you sick to your stomach (you actually do know why, but brain no think at the moment), but you wish this whole conversation never happened. You don’t like it.
20 seconds left. More VOTED icons appear by your friends. Corpse is the last one to cast his ballot at, you assume, you, as the rest wait for his quick explanation before everyone (or not) returns to the game, “...Because she’s my baby.”
Goodbye. Life had been sweet, and there was sorrow, though the amount of embarrassment you feel now is worse than when the internet found your cringe worthy high school pictures on your mom’s Facebook. It’s a mixture of dread and excitement - the pleasure of being noticed, cherished even, though anxious from vulnerability. Someone is screaming a very prolonged “WHAAAAT?!”, or maybe multiple people are, you aren’t sure, your ears start to hurt from the loud, conflicting cacophony of voices as you stare blankly at the screen. You received two votes, just like Corpse, Charlie got one, the rest skipped. With no one flung out, you all find yourself back in Cafeteria again.
Baby. My baby? My baby. My baby. The sentence is playing ping-pong in your mind, reverberating louder each time. You’re actually speechless for the first time in your life; your chest hurts, your heart beating so fast your hands start shaking. Had he meant it? Or was this a some joke? Was he trying to get a rise out of you again? You might just go insane from so many questions. My baby. Holy shit, this is a heart attack, this is what a heart attack feels like, dear God, you figured you at least had ten years before you get one!
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First round ends with IMPOSTORS raining victorious. Your sixth sense had been working wonders since, true to you previous estimate, it had been Corpse. His companion was Pokimane. For absolutely no reason what’s so ever, you change her name once more from Target 4 to Target 1. Normally, you’re all for girls supporting girls. Men don’t deserve anything, really, but now you’re so flustered and still reeling from what you are 80% sure was cardiac arrest that you genuinely don’t care about your established morals.
Round two starts without much deliberation. You get CREW MATE again; the game must sense your growing bloodlust, making sure that once you do get IMPOSTOR, you will not hold back. True power is granted to those who are ready and strong enough to wield it. You wait for your moment with bated breath.
Charlie is taken from you too early. The two of you were once again caught in a discussion - God knows about what, Minecraft, hentai, oh! your server! - as you tried to card swipe for the umpteenth time. The lights blew out and you just knew one of you was getting murdered there and then. Charlie’s voice abruptly cut off, and you think a part of you died with him.
It’s a cold meeting; with your new best friend being the first to go, everyone decides to skip. You proclaim you seek vengeance. When the meeting comes to an end, Sykkuno is the first to offer his condolences.
“I’m sorry, Y/n.” He says, and while he’s not in Brooklyn, you somehow feel him patting your back. You feign a sniffle.
“There’s nothing to apologize for...” You murmur sadly, “Unless...” Your voice turns sharp as the knife that was surely twisted into Charlie’s back, “It was you?”
“NO!” He exclaims, “I would never-you gotta believe me! I would never kill him. I know he’s important to you. I wouldn’t do that, I swear.”
“He was like a brother to me.” You admit, solemn, “Charlie, if you’re haunting me right now, know I will avenge you. I will not let this go.”
Sykkuno hums, circling around you, “Hey, I have a task in Greenhouse. Would you, uh--Would like to, uhm, join me?” Despite the shaky start, he finishes on a firm, pleasant note. He’s trying to cheer you up. Having lost your closest friend, he’s offering you his company. You accept with a soft smile and a cute “Yes, please!” and he releases an airy little laugh. The two of you make your way to your favorite place in map MIRA.
It’s difficult to stay sad for long when Sykkuno’s so sweet; the atmosphere of the Greenhouse is strangely calming; your problems seem to be left behind the shut doors. If you tried hard enough, you could imagine being in an actual Greenhouse - the warm, damp air clinging to your skin, the unmistakable smell of earth and vegetation, the pleasant silence broken only by yours and his hushed voices and clumsy footsteps.
The two of you are talking. Mainly about your choice of attire. Cat first, Sykkuno ponders aloud, doing his task as you watch the plants grow, now bunny, what’s next? You affirm that you will most likely dress up in cow-print next, or as an adorable sheep. He laughs, admitting you’ll look good in anything before he trails off. His awkwardness is really endearing. 
“Or!” You chirp happily, content with being locked away with him for the whole game. The idea must be playing in his mind, too, because he seems in no rush to leave, “I could, like, dress as someone from My Hero Academia. I watched the stream you did with Stella, the one where she made you look like Todoroki. It was really cute. You were really cute.”
“Oh, uhm-well, uh, thank you, thanks, I, uhm-” He clears his throat, and despite his stutter, you hear the smile in his voice, “I-I think you’d look better, though. Not as Todoroki. Or, probably as Todoroki, too. But, uhm, what character are you thinking about?”
“Maybe Momo?”
“Momo!” He yeps, “Momo is good. Yeah, she’s great. You’ll-uhm-you’ll look amazing. Really. Momo is awesome. Very pretty. Just like you.”
You are blushing. A stupid, toothy grin makes your cheeks hurt. Your eyes flicker to the chat, but again, it’s going wild. Giggling, you thank him for his sweet words, so giddy it’s honestly embarrassing. Why can’t you stop smiling? This is incriminating. You hide your lips behind your palm.
“...What’s this?” Corpse question. You had failed to note his sudden appearance, too busy gushing. “Am I interrupting?”
“Hey, Corpse!” Sykkuno greets. For someone so awkward and shy, he sure is good at hiding it when he wants to. Perhaps it’s all an act and you had been deviously tricked! Probably not, but you can’t help but narrow your eyes suspiciously, finally able to calm down. You definitely underestimated him, you just haven’t figured out how yet, “Not really! Y/n was sad Charlie died so I took her here.”
“You interrupted our date, dipshit.” You deadpan. 
“...Fuck you say?” Corpse dares, his voice low and somewhat menacing - for someone who exclusively portrays his emotions through only his voice, he’s incredibly hard to read. This is payback. Your love for wreaking havoc resurfaces suddenly. Serves him right for pulling all this ignoring shit at the start. Maybe you’ll make him say oh again.
Your sly smirk is promptly wiped. Fuck. He said oh, he literally said oh out loud. The Teruhashi fangirl in you is screaming. You had been so caught up in defending yourself you didn’t even register it at first. Alarmed, you look at the camera, then at the chat. First oh, then my baby. There’s no way he had been teasing you, and this proves it. Holy shit. You mouth the words “HE SAID OH!” for your audience only.
now she notices
snail pace baby we’ve been loosing our shit for the past hour 
corpse x y/n saikik au enemies to lovers 500k words slow burn im here for it
opening wattpad rn^
Your heart races in your chest - it might be considered an Olympic medalist at this point; flustered yet again, you wish you could cave into yourself. You should’ve brought your bright blue wig with you to Brooklyn. Turns out it would have been perfect for this stream. Yes, yes thinking about unnecessary details always works in distracting you from the butterflies throwing a fucking rave in your stomach. 
“I guess it is a date!” Sykkuno admits, “Kinda after a funeral, but still.”
Corpse hums. You’re still too stunned to say anything. The black astronaut with adorable cat ears approaches Sykkuno. 
“It’s not.” He states. Your mouth falls open in shock as your date, your companion, the Shoto to your Momo is murdered in cold blood right in front of you. His lifeless body, cut in half, lays on the tiles by the growing flowers, right beside you, “You didn’t see shit.”
“...I didn’t see shit.” Is all you can utter, breathless and terrified.
“Thaaaat’s fucking right, baby.” Corpse coos, “Now I’m gonna report it, and I’ll say we found Sykkuno together. Better stick close to me after the meeting, got it?”
If Sykkuno is Shoto, then Corpse is definitely Dabi. 
why is that kinda hot tho omg
didn’t know i needed dom corpse since now but i do
y/n looks like shes boutta throw up lmao 
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You follow him around like a lost puppy - because what else is left for you to do!? You’re helpless in this situation. He’s got you in the palm of his hand, successfully eliminating everyone you had previously interacted with. First it was Charlie, then Sykkuno, even Sean, who said hello in passing, was shot instantly. Real Sangwoo behavior. You almost want to scream warnings at everyone to not approach you. You cannot mourn another lost crew mate, you don’t think your conscience can take it. But words fail to form. You’re too weak. You fake cry to your audience. They’re quick to remind you to stop acting like a little bitch.
“Mean.” Is all you say, eyeing the comments.
“Was talking to the roaches.”
“What are they saying?”
“That I should betray you.”
“...Better not.”
A shiver shoots up your spine and you half believe he will bust down your door and drag you into his basement for real. A nervous laugh slips past your lips, “I won’t, I won’t.” You reassure him, “Don’t worry, I’m sticking with you. I haven’t seen shit.”
“I like that you listen to me. You always this agreeable?”
“You’re kinda not giving me a choice right now.” You grumble, vending yourself a drink while he looms behind you, protecting you. From who?! Himself?!
“Oh my fucking God, finally,” Bretman exclaims, “girl, I’ve been running around the whole map trynna find someone, is everyone like, dead?”
You’re scared to reply. Corpse does it for you, “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, maybe? Not sure. Where have you been?”
“Oh you know,” Bretman grins, “doing tasks, talking shit, the usual. You two are not, like, Impostors right?”
You shoot a look at Corpse, but he obviously can’t see it. Biting your lip, you murmur, “Nope.”
“Just your regular crew mates doing regular crew mate things.” Corpse says, no, purrs. Because that’s not suspicious at all. You’d recommend Bretman to run, and not only because that sounded shady as fuck. But he seems to enjoy danger, or he just doesn’t care.
“Hmmmm, crew mates, sure. Miss girl Y/n,” He’s addressing you now; you smile anxiously, “How come every time I see you, you’re with a different man?! Like damn, leave some for the rest of us, for real!”
You like Bretman. You like his high-pitched whine and drawl. You would like him even more if not for the complex situation at hand. You fear for his life. Chewing at your bottom lip, you snicker, “Sorry, Bret. I can leave you Corpse if you want?”
He laughs, “Girl, I’d say yes so fucking quick, but I know he wouldn’t want that. Normally I wouldn’t care, but y’all are such a cute couple it’s making me not want to be a shady motherfucking bitch. Changing my ways, embracing the lord. Love it.”
 Corpse doesn’t correct him that you are, in fact, not dating. His lack of reaction unnerves you slightly. Does he...? No! No think! Only exist! You catch that train of thought and steer it away from forbidden territory. Looks like it’s up to you to clear the air, and that is exactly what you do after trying to swallow down the lump in your throat, “Uh, we’re not together, actually. We’re just really good friends.”
“Bitch, then move over,” Bretman says snappily,”go like, back to your other boyfriends. Or find another one. I think I saw Dream near Navigation.”
“Near Navigation, huh?” Corpse hums thoughtfully. It’s a subtle warning, but you catch it. Yeah, even if you try running, Dream’s going to join your other ‘boyfriends’ in the afterlife. Granted, killing someone by just talking with them is kind of cool. Or maybe Stockholm Syndrome is finally kicking in, “Bret, the thing is, Y/n’s scared of dying, so she asked me to stay with her.”
It’s disturbing how good at lying he is. It is also really really attractive, as bizarre as that is.
y/n stop being in a toxic relationship with corpse challenge
making fanart of this omg her face
its the blushing for me girl get your head outta the gutter!
^she cant, it lives there
“Baby, you’re gonna fucking die if you stick with her,” Bretman points out, “have you noticed the mortality rate of her partners? Rest in peace, daddy.”
“He’s right, you know.” You mutter, dramatically looking to the side, “I’m no good, Corpse.”
“Not leaving you, end of discussion. Bretman, join us?” Corpse offers, catching you by surprise. He might still be lying, though. Creating a false sense of security before eliminating Bretman. Probably would laugh while doing it, too. Wow, he truly is evil.
Turns out he doesn’t have to do any of that, because when Dream strolls into Cafeteria, he kills Bretman instead. The two Impostors are finally revealed. You promised not to snitch on Corpse, but you didn’t say shit about not exposing Dream. You press the REPORT button and say just that: “Dream just murdered Bret right in front of me and Corpse.”
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The last meeting is called. Dream had been voted out with the help of Corpse, and now only you, he, and Rae remain.
“Baby, you know what to do.”
The VOTED icon pops up beside Corpse’s astronaut. Rae wheezes, “No! Y/n, it’s not me, you gotta believe me, I swear it’s not me!”
“...I really don’t know,” You murmur, “I’ve been with Corpse a lot, and...Rae, I’m not sure...”
“Please! I swear it on my Kagayama cardboard cut out, I’m not the Impostor, please! You know me, I’d never lie to you like this.”
“She’s definitely lying.” Corpse says, sounding pleased.
“Don’t listen to him! Remember, during the first round, when he tried to convince us that you were the Impostor? He’s doing the same shit to me!”
“I also remember you agreeing with him.” You remind her.
“I was stupid! Small dumb brain moment! He was using us to win! He’s using you right now!” She votes, “Please, Y/n, make the right choice.”
You’re silent for a moment.
“I’m gonna...I’m gonna vote for who I think it is.” You lastly say.
A slow, lazy grin makes it’s way onto your lips, eyes gleaming mischievously. You had not forgotten your promise to your brother from another mother, you had not forgotten the pride of the BDA, you had not forgotten your beautiful friendship. Two miniature astronauts pop up by Corpse’s at the exact moment Rae screeches “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!”
“Fuck.” Is all Corpse says with a laugh.
The screen changes, informing of the first CREW MATE victory.
Your ears are assaulted with different voices as you appear in the lobby.
“Now that’s what I’m fucking talking about.” Charlie raves, “I swear to fucking God, Y/n, you even got me going for a second. Pulled some 1000 IQ shit right there. It was fucking amazing. Best back stabbing I’ve seen in a while, and I’ve seen a lot.”
“That was absolutely fantastic, Y/n.” Sean applauds, “I really thought you joined Corpse like some crew mate accomplice or something. Can’t believe you switched on him at the last second.”
“That’s my wifey!” Rae cheers, strolling to you, “Love you, mwah.”
“Hey, Corpse,” Charlie calls him, “How does it feel to be a fucking loser?”
“I’m surprisingly fine with it.”
yeah he would be lmao
mom is the best snake ever i love you sm y/n
rae and y/n’s friendship....the feeeeeels
As the rest sing your praises for another solid minute or two, the third round begins. CREW MATE again. Though, just because you’re stuck as an underpaid worker in a dying spaceship, it doesn’t mean you’re innocent. Your last round proved that quite well. You can’t help but silently snicker.
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tags (in italics is those i couldn’t tag! make sure all’s ok w your settings!) : @littlebabysandboxburritos - @fairywriter-oracle - @tsukishimawh0re - @ofstarsanddreams - @bbecc-a - @annshit - @leahh19 - @letsloveimagines - @bellomi-clarke - @wineandionysus - @guiltydols - @onephootinfrontoftheother - @liamakorn - @thirstyfangirl - @lilysdaydreams - @pan-ini - @mxqicshxp - @tanchosanke - @yoshinorecommends - @flightsandfantasy - @liljennyx3 - @bingusmode - @unknown-and-invisible - @sinister-sleep - @fivedicksinatrenchcoat - @mercury--moon - @peterparkerspjsuit - @unstableye - @simonsbluee - @shinyshimaagain - @ppopty - @siriuslystupid - @crapimahuman - @ofthedewthesunlight - @mythicalamphitrite - @artsyally - @corpsesimpp - @corpsewhitetee - @corpse-husbandsimp - @hyp-oh-critical - @roses-and-grasses - @rhyrhy462 - @sparklylandflaplawyer - @charbkgo - @airwaveee - @creativedogs - @kaitlyn2907 - @loxbbg - @afuckingunicornn - @fleurmoon - @yeolliedokai
more tags are in the comments bcs tumblr only allows me to tag 50 people max 💙
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laceymorganwrites · 3 years
Relationship hcs: chausseurs
okay we all know this man has too much energy
prepare for spontaneous dates
sometimes he just picks you up and runs to a new cafe that opened because he just remembered where it was
surprise: you get lost
Roland is the type of person who forgets all your important dates (like birthdays and anniversaries, that man doesn´t even remember his own birthday so don´t hold it against him)
he´s actually super romantic but his gestures are always a bit too grand, a room full of flowers sounds nice but at the same time: where are u gonna sleep now?
out of the three he definitely takes you on the best dates though
mostly because he always finds the best spots 
not even on purpose, he just loves walking through the city with you and will stop and literally every shop that peaks his interest
he´s actually not that dense when it comes to confessions, probably the one who confessed first too
since he doesn´t have a problem in expressing his own feelings he loves pda as well, he just loves showing you off (which pisses the others off sometimes but as if he cares, sometimes he does it just because of that)
he will make you feel like a royal at all times
worships the ground you walk on
he loves picking you up the most
also tickling you
loves hearing you laugh
he gets lost in your eyes so much and loses his track of thought every single time, just stops talking all of a sudden
his favorite date activity is probably stargazing because he loves walking around nature anyways and is a fan of romantic gestures and such so those cheesy dates are the best for him
this bitch
he´s team: I´ll never fall in love (partly cause he´s petty that he´s the only single one and partly cause he knows he´s a lot and doesn´t want to do that to his partner)
cue you entering his life
that guy´s brain suddenly doesn´t work anymore
seriously, he can´t focus anymore, it´s a problem
it takes so long for you two to actually get together
which is all his fault because he´s too intimidating
you wanted to confess three times and he always brushed you off saying he had no time etc. 
mostly he did that cause he literally doesn´t know how to act around you and therefore pushes you away like everyone else
you literally have to get Roland´s help to finally get him to listen
Roland and Olivier always teased him about him being dense, they told him a bunch of times you liked him but he never believed them
you´re way too good for him
he will test your patience, so much so that in the end you just yell at him that you want to go out with him 
everyone hears
up to this point you didn´t even know he was capable of blushing but yup he is
he´s stuttering as well, it´s really cute
just yells back at you trying to confirm that it isn´t just a joke 
Olivier is muttering in the background ´how can anyone be this hopeless?´
you look at him dumbfounded and just drag him with you to the city into some cafe
once he calms down it´s actually a really nice date
he´s a great listener and makes you laugh
gets super possessive of you but nobody will dare to even look at you
he loves to dance with you
not too romantic in gestures but he sometimes will say the sweetest things to you out of nowhere
not a fan of pda at all but he is so fucking clingy in private
he´ll even let you do his hair
he loves playing with your hands for some reason
getting alone time with him is so hard because of his work
but he actually misses you a lot, especially when he has to go on a mission with Roland
he´s a good cook and his favorite dates with you are either a home cooked dinner or a picnic where no one can disturb you
he can only sleep if he has you in his arms and yes he has an iron grip, he won´t let you go
he will avoid letting you meet his colleagues because he´s lowkey scared you´re gonna leave him (he doesn´t want you to think he´s incompetent because the other two are such idiots)
however you annoy him so much that he just can´t refuse you anymore after a certain point
the first hand embarrassment he feels when Roland just hugs you out of nowhere and won´t let you go all like: yayyy you´re part of the family now!
he will tell you all the embarrassing things that Olivier has ever done and latter isn´t having any fun because you didn´t need to know any of that
you actually get al0ng quite well with Roland and Astolfo 
so in the end when you get home with Olivier you´re kind of sad he never talks about work
because you´re actually super impressed about his strength and praise him for it which he is surprised by since he feared you´d be bored by work talk
now he´s way more relieved though and tells you everything much to your delight
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jiminrings · 4 years
honestly i could talk w band!hobi abt numbers all day, like i wouldn't even mind. what are ur thoughts on 27 hobi? i think they a bad bitch. also UM might i request a drabble abt like a film major! yn (that is very enthusiastic abt films and the aesthetics + cinematography and whatnot) w like,,, a theatre kid?? any of ot7 works fine and it's all good if u can't or don't want to! thankyouu 💜
muse of mine
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pairing: namjoon x y/n
wordcount: 4k
glimpse: namjoon’s always been a little sensitive to feedback whether it’s positive or negative, y/n’s an endearing type of talker, and smuggled snacks to the theater haven’t ever tasted this sweet :D // gif from pinterest!
notes: i kinda switched it up a lil bit and made them more established in their respective fields bc my mind went berserk on this concept!!! also this is mayhaps my oNLY piece that’s just pure fluff
“27? The number? Hmm. That sounds... sexy.” - band!hobi
this been’s bugging you for the past half hour
this whole experience feels oddly familiar
you’ve been in this theater for half an hour so far to watch this play!!
lmao ur gonna admit RIGHT off the bat that theatre’s definitely not it for you
your slight unfondness for it is deeply-rooted back to university and for four years, you’ve consistently taken dumps on theatre kids even if it’s under your breath
alright it’s possible that you don’t hATE the actual people ( only some of them ;D ) themselves but rather this whole type of cockiness and the “i’m a direct descendant of shakespeare himself. trust me bro. on god” energy that they always seem to exhude
but realistically, maybe this deep-rooted hate stemmed from seokjin
he was the guy you’d share the exact same elective class with him for two straight whole semesters and you’ve been seatmates from time to time
homie took foreign language as an elective?????
the language is korean?????????????????
“wait b-but i — aren’t you — n-no but i really???”
that’s what you first sputtered to him in realization when he took his seat beside you
the two of you have only ever shown each other notes bc the other was dozing off and the occasional sharing of gummy bears that’s already pre-opened to not make any noise
but for some reason, it’s only dawned in you why seokjin’s a god in this class and he answers your questions without even looking at his notes by hALFWAY through the whole semester of foreign language
one day, u are gonna find a way to bodyslam yourself and never recover from it ever again
“mhmm. don’t sweat it, sweetheart. i personally think it’s very don quixote of me to y’know, take something as impractical and amusing as this.”
you snort at his choice of words because honestly!! you barely remember don quixote and jin’s use of it as an adjective jigs up a refresher course on your brain
who was he again?? 
was he the donkey
.. or are you thinking about shrek again because of your film analysis
you sWEAR there was a donkey in that story
it’s good fun to talk with jin even if he keeps sliding bourgeoisie words here and there and you’re a lil confused with all these references that he makes but that’s okay !!!
atleast even him saying it in a long-winded way that he was like someone from the merchant of somewhere, you know now that he pretty-pleased and charmed his way to the registrar for him to take korean as an elective
two weeks later, jin sits next to you in class 
in ACTUAL non-elective, non-native language he already speaks class
now that you’re squinting a bit more, jin does look a little uh?? different
his hair that was once a hybrid of lavender and peach and pink and then blonde was now wholly black and it’s probably his original hair color because it matches with those eyebrows of his!!!
his combo of a black bomber jacket with a silk button-up underneath honestly SLAPS and it makes you forget how he used to exclusively wear only knitted shirts and argyle-patterned cardigans
you have ur jaw dropped because you totally would’ve fallen for seokjin jAW-FIRST 
— if only he didn’t strike you as the brother type when he smacked the back of your head because you were falling asleep on class again and uhhh you mUst be forgetting that the two of you were sitting in front
you had no time to reevaluate whether you should develop a crush for him or not 
he’s immediately slapping his hands on his knees, looking at you so intensely before pointing a finger at you with so much conviction, and then scoffing to himself
“switched majors to film. theatre was gonna be the death of me!!! y/n, if you even think about trying to switch to that cheap, amazon-ordered quill and tanning lights for stage lighting major, you’re absolutely dEAD to me-”
you’ve never had a conversation this striking nor long with jin but you genuinely have no complaints at all
seokjin talks pure shit about theatre and theatre junkies and everything in between for the WHOLE day 
trails beside you for every single class you had, which was convenient because he can then sweet-talk his way again (if anybody even dared to question him) that he’s just newly-switched 
sat with you for lunch and him not eating because he just needS to tell you all about it and you trying not to choke on your pasta as you try to reply to him
followed you back hOME and decided to crash the night there
yeah, that. your unfondness for theatre’s rooted on that one
uh-huh safe to say that you’ve become best friends with jin ever since that day
you’re a sponge for your friends and jin’s the closest one you have, so it was only natural that you soak up his distastes and whatnot
not to brag but aha :D
you add salt to the water while you boil pasta so u may be a little bit of a masterchef or somewhat, no big deal :D
he’s absorbed your fascination for all kinds of lights and fixtures that he has about seven different nightlights in the form of squishies or neon and everything else on his bedside table, in which he turns all of them on at night
fun fact: he’s capable of sleeping in the dark
jin’s the whole reason for your stance on this
he’s adamant about his points and you’ve graduated uni four years ago!!!
which is why you DON’T get why jin would give you a scented black envelope, with “don’t come to this” scribbled in gold at the front, carrying a single ticket to this play with a sticky note saying “don’t watch this at 7 pm, wearing your boss lady year-end award show type of clothes, sitting at the ninth row from the back and two seats from your right.”
because of course!! what the hell did he expect you to do? NOT come to this play at 7 pm wearing your boss lady year-end award show type of clothes then sitting at the ninth row from the back, two seats from the right???
your goal in life is to do exactly the opposite of what jin tells you. there’s literally nothing else in life you’d want to fulfill
he’s made it quite easy for you to spite him and although you wouldn’t admit it.,,.,., you may be a little petty ok
he’s the even bigger goof out of the two of you and you can never have the final say!! it’s always him and his wit and yOU being the dunce
it’s a lil sus that jin’s basically ASKING for it with his instructions but whatever
whatever it is, this is finally your chance to enact the final say and you’re gonna pull ALL the stops
all you know about theater-goers is that they dress fancy and wear these mini binoculars and that’s about it
there’s not even one film you know that you see anyone in the audience wearing a worn-in cardigan or even a puffer jacket even if the theater’s mad cold
all the people bring are scarves and shawls???? thee thinnest version of a blanket that won’t warm them up against the frigid airconditioning
that whole dress code sounds ridiculous!!! great please ring out this thousand-dollar dress im gonna wear to the theater thank u
you’re a little worried that you’re not gonna blend into the crowd, but after some digging about the invitation, formal wear is most definitely recommended
it’s an exclusive invite-only play which would be later released to the general public later on so yeah the situation dOES call for a gown thank u very much
also how could you forget that jin explicitly told you not to wear this type of attire
if you’re being humble right now, which you always normally are, even if that jUST sounded boastful talking about how you’re humble all the time —
you do look pretty breath-taking :-)
even when the doors weren’t opened and everyone’s just collectively loitering outside the hall, you’d feel glances at you
the sweet security guard did a double-take at you and mumbled a “very very nice evening to you, miss :D” instead of his normal “enjoy the show!” to the other patrons before you
you’re gonna soak all the silent compliments up and try to remember all of them before writing them on your journal later hee-hee
your midnight blue satin dress that’s floor-length and off-shoulder is dEFINITELY in your favor :D
your dress still glimmers even if the spotlight isn’t on you and you wish you weren’t shy to ask a random stranger to take a picture of you
going on self-timer isn’t ideal either when there’s like a hundred other people in the room
they probably wouldn’t even care if you took a picture of yourself!!! but in your head they probably think that you’re laughable so you’d rather not.. do that
the theater’s dark as hell if that wasn’t established
it is literally pitch black in the room and the ushers at each row holding the flashlights that are meant to guide the patrons aren’t exactly helpful
big kudos to them though,, must take a lot of self-control to not wave their lights like it was a rave :D
a flashlight tHAT bright?? whew pls is this what ships feel in the night
the last time you were in a rave, your thirty minutes of fun was cut short when seokjin immediately got hammered and wouldn’t stop throwing a fit if you didn’t drive him home that instant
his energy seemed to compelling everyone that he’s managed to somehow suck the energy out of a WHOLE rave so you took him home for everyone’s enjoyment :(((( except yours apparently
you’re trying hard to focus on the play that’s happening because for the past twenty minutes, all you’ve done is zone out randomly with ideas all of a sudden 
you NEED to listen
wait this is actually.. good
you find plays hard to follow and absolutely boring when you don’t immerse yourself in a run-down PRIOR to watching it in order to get
it’s the same analogy as reading the plot of a movie on wikipedia before watching the movie at the cinema.... absolutely useless
it sucks out the fun from something you weren’t supposed to know
watching plays is two hours of you being confused, going home to read the plot and only understand it by tHEN, and never coming to the theater again because you’d waste your money.... watching something cluelessly in the theater..... for a plot you’d grasp at home
but no
because this one
actually this one that you’re watching...
it’s not bad
it’s nice, actually.
within two minutes, you managed to grasp that it’s a story about a never-ending spring between these two lovers
there’s something about the whole setting of it actually that just sucks you in
in some plays, the outfits would seem so forced even in the given context that it reminds you of uh a particular superhero movie
and yes ur aware that stage makeup has to be enhanced so that people all the way to the back row would see
but there’s just something in this scene that’s laid out right-now that actually gets you in awe
it’s of the couple in the back of their pick-up truck and everything about it seems so natural
the background straight up looks like what it’d be if you were to go outside
the guy’s arm around her shoulder seems so natural and in nature that it doesn’t feel like a random cue in the script
the girl twinkles and it doesn’t even feel like a forced type of laugh you’d cue in attempt to warm the audience’s hearts
it’s of a plot where the the guy eventually falls out of love with the girl, while girl gets even more smitten with the guy at the same time
it’s what you take from the past ten minutes that you watch in dead silence, and you don’t even remember in the back of your head that you’re supposed to hate plays
“no way.”
you mumble in disbelief under your breath, head shaking profusely
is your mind playing tricks on you???
you’ve got too used to seokjin sitting beside you that you immediately turn to your right, whispering out your concerns 
“is it just me or is she wearing a different shade of pink?”
you don’t even buffer for one second when you ask the stranger beside you
you’re so concerned that you’re looking at him intently while waiting for his answer that could either console or despair you, a random theater-goer that’s too noisy with her questions for her own good
it’s absolutely dARK as fuck in the theater but after awhile your eyes adjusted slightly
and the first thing you look at after the stage is him
him as in the dude in your right that you just asked all of a sudden
you could only see his silhouette and the faintest features of his face along with his well-dressed suit but god
... you are totally not lying if you say that even the barest silhouette of him doesn’t look handsome
you’re expecting him to tell you off for being so noisy but instead, he’s the one who takes you by surprise
“how did you notice that?” 
“oh my god!” you exclaim almost too loudly that you yourself even jolts, the guy even making you duck with him slightly for a brief second, “im sO sorry!! am i accidentally spoiling it out for you?”
the guy blinks twice, lips slightly parted before shaking his head no
“no, no... this is the first screening — i mean uh, how would you know that?”
oh boy
you’re adjusting yourself on your seat, bum now warm as you try to explain and not be nervous because what if you just made a wrong assumption about this play and you’re sitting next to a goddamn tHEATRE BUFF???
“well i —uh, uhm what’s your name?” you’re flustered and the FIRST thing you ask is what was his name.,.,,
he seems equally as flustered before he adjusts his glasses, “o-oh uhm i’m namjoon...?”
alright! handsome guy is namjoon!
“you see, namjoon — okay it might just be in my head, but i tHINK it looks deeper with the light somehow. but uh...? the spotlight’s not following her and — is it just me or without the light, her sweater looks brown?”
you’re squinting and if u squint even more, maybe your contacts would just crumple by then
hold on a second
“brown, like — oh my gOD LIKE-”
namjoon puts a hand over his mouth before you could even gasp, hand reaching out for your forearm even before you manage to grasp his shoulder to take it in realization
was it under your nose the whole time??
“... fall.”
holy fucking shit
namjoon looks positively euphoric looking at your face of realization, his once-heavy chest about the whole scene becoming completely devoid of weight
his confirmation makes you inwardly squeal, grinning as you point at him and the stage back and forth
“i think this is the first play i’ve become ever interested in watching.”
okay what now
his ears perk up at that, your first sentence that you’ve said after your pink sweater that looks like spring also looks brown like fall in certain scene because of the lighting realization
“it is?”
he takes the chance to look at you as best as he could, trying to play his squinting as cool as he can
namjoon’s far sighted and the glasses he’s wearing are nOT up to date with his current grade bc he’s pretty sure his eyesight’s worsened the past month
he can’t make you out wholly, but he does know that you’re pretty
his eyes don’t linger on you because of the snacks you’re fishing from your purse while you talk that are absolutely illegal in this theater house lmao
but instead, his gaze lingers on you because you’re so pretty
the minimal light that’s bouncing off the stage is enough for him to see a faint outline of your features, highlighting your smiles just right and your dress to glint underneath
“mhmm. i actually hate plays,” suddenly, you’re not scared if namjoon happens to be some sort of theatre buff and you’re offending him because honestly, you feel at ease. “crunch?” you’re holding out the mini bar of chocolate out to him, one he politely declines to because his eyes are bulging out the next second
“you do????”
his genuine reaction indulges you, making you grin ultimately that you put off eating snacks for now to focus on him
“yeah! this is my hate outfit :D”
namjoon giggles as if it’s the funniest thing he’s ever heard
you automatically scoot closer because this time, it’s yOUR turn to shush him
this is totally for just the reason of talking more discreetly and not distracting anyone and is totally not an excuse to be closer to the next guy and touch shoulders with him then get a whiff of cologne because it’s rare for a guy to be handsome and aLSO smell good
your eyes get used to the darkness and eventually, you could make out features of namjoon beside you
he has the prettiest eyes you’ve ever seen
and the way he looks at you makes you feel safe and even your height difference is visible with how probably lonG his torso is compared to yours, his gaze doesn’t make you feel small
namjoon’s still (unsurprisingly) far-sighted and ur so close that he’s a lil cross-eyed 
fuck it he’s gonna go to ophthalmologist FIRST thing in the morning tomorrow
“then why are you here?”
“my friend seokjin,” you lean back upon realizing the original reason why you’re here, the situation being so ironic that you puff out a smile
your friend’s named seokjin?
cool :D kim seokjin is namjoon’s of his favorite directors eVER!!
second best for him actually though.,., no one could quite compare to his first
your explanation makes him cackle several times, a swell of pride recounting why you hate (it’ll be past tense probably after this one) theatre 
“what about you?”
you turn the question to him, making his dimples disappear effectively that you think you’ve just spooked him
“i uh, well i always wanted to see a story that went like this, so i’m here.”
“you’re a critic? oh god. please don’t tell me you heard all my mumbles.”
no this is even WORSE
namjoon’s not a theatre buff
HE’S A CRITIC????????????
god im coming up
“don’t worry, i also think that the drapings must probably be dirty.”
he breaks out into a smile recounting how you were talking to yourself earlier, a snort escaping him involuntarily 
“RIGHT??? it’s like how do you even clean them?? do they fit in washing machines or-”
my god he’s such a nice guy!!!
in fact, he’s everything you want in a guy
you’ve went through atleast twelve facets of emotions for the past hour and you’re not even dating!!!!!!!
“my thoughts exactly!! and if it’s by hand, how do you even scrub the entirety of it?? or wring the water out??”
namjoon KNOWS exactly what’s up :’)
“is there even a clothesline that’d bEAR the weight??”
the two of you are so happy that you just look at each other laughing, a moment in time before namjoon nudges you to lean back because the ending’s happening
you don’t even question him how he’d know that it’s the ending and not just another opening to a new scene, just listening to him
you’re so happy
the play made you happy but namjoon made you even happier :-)
“if you are a critic, you should probably open up your review with this chatty play-hating girl beside you, then at the end, close it off with how she loves it.”
it’s the parting conversation as you realize and holy fuck you are nOT ready for it
you r gonna drag this out for as long as you could <3
and namjoon wants in too <3
“noted. if i was a playwright, i’d even make you the lead. which detail should i include? offering me wrapper-covered rice crispy snacks, or asking how you’d watch it while going thru the bathroom?”
this feels so natural
as natural as the couple in the play you’ve just finished watching :))
“you’re hilarious,” you’re not even the slightest bit annoyed and your restrained smile tells him all about it
yea you may have brought in snacks illegally but you aRE gathering your trash up as you’re a decent human being
namjoon wishes you’d pick up after yourself slowly, standing up from his seat as he has the plan of picking up trash that isn’t even his
“what name should i put then?”
you’re silent and oh god he thinks you found his company stupid and would definitely not give him your name
you’re not ignoring him though!!!
his words are still stuck in your head, realizing it lately with his “which detail should i include?”
“me wanting to turn this into a film, actually.”
you test the words out on your tongue, nodding to yourself after a few seconds that you seem so sure of it
“yeah. i wanna make it into a film.”
the lights turn on after being dim for so long, namjoon’s eyes going wide trying to digest what you’ve just said
no fucking way
namjoon’s malfunctioning as he’s looking at you from eye to eye, bottom lip trembling while he’s so keen at pointing at you
“y-you’re miss y/n!!”
he’s a fan of yours??
namjoon’s fanning his face because he’s about to literally burst into tears
how could he nOT???
how could he not be emotional when all along, he’s been talking to his number one favorite director????
you and your films are the absolute gems of his life namjoon’s not even kidding
your films were world-renowned for being so natural and sentimental without loading too much into it!!!! you’re known for being so humble through the multiple back-to-back awards and praise you get!!!! 
he cannot calm the fUCK down when you’re rubbing circles on his back
“you w-want to turn my play into a film?”
oh my gOD
you’re fumbling for the envelope and it’s only nOW that you realize that it’s not from seokjin in the first place
spring day a play by kim namjoon an invite for director y/n y/l/n
“it’s you!!!!”
“no it’s YOU!!”
jin’s plan worked alright :D
he’s just FOUR rows behind you lmao
it was just two weeks ago when yoongi, the executive producer of his film that he was directing, let it slip that he was co-financing a play
he met yoongi some semesters later after he became close with you, and he’s aLSO converted yoongi into hating theatre then he fit right in to your little posse of theatre kid-hating film students
that gave jin the laugh of his laugh and yoongi was not joking at all
“no, no. i’m telling you man. it’s different! i even have the script that i’ll let you read.”
and holy shit it IS different
if you see a couple tears on the last seven pages of yoongi’s copy of spring day’s script then mind yo oWN fucking business
then two weeks later, here he is :D
jin managed to also convert you to love theatre even IF it is namjoon’s play that did all the work
( also coincidentally found you a future boyfriend because he’s tired of seeing you alone and the closest you’d get to having someone is projecting your yearning into writing the scripts for the films you’d make )
he’s also secretly co-financed the whole play along with yoongi and he’ll drop that bomb later on lmao
“and that must mean i looked like a total FOOL beside you oh my god im so sorry!!”
namjoon panics at that, about to cry when another realization hits him when he’s about to put his head on his hands
“then that means the friend who gave you the ticket was-”
he cries to your shoulder and you never expected to be hugging and consoling someone you’ve just met two hours ago, a more than fond smile on your face he takes advantage of when he sneaks in the chance to ask you
“do you mean that?”
“now why would i lie to the playwright who’s been listening to me talk shit, then theorizing, then crying for the past hour?”
it’s true though
namjoon’s seen it all
he’s still handsome as ever even when he sniffles, his dimples on display when you return his question
“now did you mean it? writing me into your play?”
why are you even ASKING
he’s the biggest fan of u
namjoon’s made notes of your work, dedicated scripts to your movies, and he’s thinking about how it’s not yet hitting you how your whole epiphany about the pink sweater turning brown on his play,,, was entirely inspired from you and your affinity for lighting in your films
he thinks it’s still a little early to kiss you on the cheek even if you’ve already hugged, instead settling on pinching your cheek with satisfaction present in all corners
“you’ve always been my muse.”
124 notes · View notes
bakatenshii · 4 years
All Might x Sara
I wanted to get this out for your birthday, but then I got distracted, so I wanted to get it out for his birthday, bUt then I didn’t finish ahksjklje I’m sorry it’s so late aaaah, but here it is!! For @saratour my love, my All Might fucker, happy late birthday, and happy late birthday to your husband too!
P.S. this is truly the softest you’ll get out of me. 
Toshi’s not got a hero complex, despite being branded the Hallmark of Heroes since fuck knows when—
probably since he first donned that ridiculously cartoonish hero costume ripped straight out of a Marvel/DC comic.
He doesn’t even like going out in Big Might form, ‘it’s embarrassing’, ‘too flashy’, or whatever
Fans hoping to crash into All Might doing normal things out and about may as well be playing Where’s Waldo, if Waldo’s not got his iconic distinct glasses or hat or stupid stripey top. (or Where’s Wally, for your weirdo Brits and fake Aussies)
So, essentially— impossible.
That’s how he gets around so easily and never get caught by paparazzi; head to the supermarket in SmallMight form, parading ‘round town without the fear or being recognized
Here: because I can’t manage to fit this in the hcs somehow naturally, the date is: June 8th
(and if you’re an All Might stan u should know, his birthday’s June 10th)
and Number 1 Hero All Might’s birthday may as well been a national holiday, honestly
There’s fucking posters plastered around town, All Might cosplayers, even All Might dildo lollipops, they really are milking this man dry of any possible profits
Anyways, cut scene to our protagonist today, Sara, who’s at the grocer’s looking for a cake to buy herself for her birthday
Only feeling half-sorry because— another friend’s just gotten engaged and here she is buying her own cake for her own birthday, pity party galore
Rude bitch sent her a wedding invite the day of her birthday even though she knew Sara was single. Even told her to bring a ‘Wedding Date’, it really do be your own ones
Will it be another cliché, you ask? Why yes, of course! 
Guess who Sara crashes into at the cake section, asking for the same cake she’d just chosen?
If you guessed All Might, you’re wrong! It’s— 
drumroll please...
Small Might! Hah, got you there El Oh El
Of course it’s our main man Toshi, in all his deflated glory, doing his daily shop at a market he doesn’t frequent on the other side of town.
Why the other side of town? Because I say so, otherwise the plot wouldn’t make sense okay, bear with it.
The baker’s just handing Sara the wrapped up lemon buttercream cake, and thank fuck she didn’t have it in her hands yet because when a familiar voice next to her asks:
“Have you got any of the lemon buttercream left?”
She just about gave herself whiplash and an unpayable debt to the chiropractor by the sheer force and velocity at which she whipped around to look at the man—
the myth, the legend—
All Might, except he’s.. small? Small Might, if you will, hence the nickname I’ve been using. 
(I think I’m so quirky and funny, everyone else say: Shut Up Angel!)
Obviously that was the last cake, because we love cliché tropes here in my crack-canons.
Sara? Starstruck.
Small Might? Disappointed, a lil. 
Moreso concerned about the speed at which the woman next to him was able to turn her neck, though.
Yes, yes, a lot of ‘All Might?’ with starry eyes, and shocked response of ‘y-you recognize me?’ and ‘of course I do, I’d be able to recognize that voice anywhere!’ blah blah cut scene timeskip to:
They’re at dinner, at her’s, because fuck a slow burn, she had been feeling brave because it’s her birthday and honestly what’s there to lose by asking Number 1 Hero All Might to accompany her for her birthday?
Crashing into him, meeting him in his form no one else knew, almost like a shared secret between them, it must’ve been destiny?
(It’s more so the author— namely, me— binding their fate together, so everyone say: Thank you Angel!)
By the grace of gods (again, see: me) Toshi agrees, makes a joke about how it’s his birthday soon too and he didn’t have anyone to spend it with either, so why not spend it together? swoon
It’s all a lil sad and ironic, big famous hero All Might not having anyone to celebrate his birthday with, despite everyone else celebrating it for him
It tugs at Sara’s heartstrings, it really does, so she makes them a wholesome feast, lights a candle for each of them on the cake, and have a giddy old time listening to his stories about his students
She doesn’t ask about his hero career, it’s too sensitive, too soon, and if the nervous tick in his hand gestures gives anything away, he’s a lil lot insecure about his weak frail form.
And he appreciates it, instead having a fucking blast going on and on about how worried he is about his overzealous students getting injured because they’re too busy trying to save the world, 
or whatever cat got caught on a treebranch, and whatnot.
This is all very soft and sweet, and I really am gooey writing this, but that’s just how both of them are, you know?
Sara, who’s painfully kind and sweet, sometimes a lil stubborn, and Toshi, who’s just honestly the most wholesome man on this planet,
How did you expect me to write anything stoopid & ridiculous for this couple, honestly?
So they have dinner together, do some grocery shopping together, he helps her move some furniture around (don’t ask why), she helps massage his sore aging muscles (PG folks, PG)
And bob’s your uncle, and to everyone’s relief they start dating.
They’re entire full grown adults, you know, so they’re in it for the long run. None of this petty arguments, stupid make-up and break-ups, just pure soft romance.
The Notebook would be impressed.
Nicholas Sparks is on a stretcher. 
(Did I mention they celebrated his birthday together two days after hers? 
And she bought him a stupid gift that both of them laughed for hours about that I won’t say because I haven’t come up with what it was? 
And that they shared a chocolate cake that she made that was even better than the lemon buttercream from the store— 
‘why did you go out and buy it when yours tastes so much better?’ , ‘because it was my birthday and I wanted to treat myself, okay’
Because yeah, they did that. It was so tooth-rottingly cute, I have a cavity and also I’m really bad at fluff so just *shoves* TAKE IT.)
And so, here they are, being the Hallmark of a happy couple, and we all gag at how fucking adorable they are while we sit in our sweat-stained joggers eating ramen with our 3 cats.
But wait! There’s more!
Guess who Sara shows up with, a year later, to her stupid friend’s wedding (who was knocked up! Hah!) looking positively glowing next to her date?
Symbol of Peace, former Number 1 Hero, All Might
or to her, lovingly, ‘Toshi’
Suck on that, nameless-friend from high school who’s getting married because she got knocked up and wanted to rub her happiness in lonely singles faces.
(Sorry that may or may not come from personal aggression, ignore that)
tags: @enjifuckersupreme , @mindninjax , @sanguinekeigo , @yukiimanic 
13 notes · View notes
ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
15x07 Commentary
Bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
@smol-and-grumpy​ (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon​  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby​  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
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Nat : 3
Nat : 2
Nat : 1
Nat : go
Giulia: Yas eileen
Zee: This thing with the bullet I still don’t completely get
Kat: So happy she’s back
Kat: It’s not a real bullet
Giulia: Us
Nat : do they always have to have a flashback tho
Zee: Future corpses
Kat: But it’s explained a bit more this episode
Nat : Tag yourself
Giulia: I know the blonde one
Giulia: I’m the brunette
Zee: I’m the brunette
Kat: Brunette for sure
Nat : I'm a mix
Kat: Nah babe you’re the blonde
Zee: I’ve only been the blonde once
Zee: Amazing
Nat : What
Nat : I didn't hear a car
Kat: At least the blonde didn’t get murdered
Zee: Bitch wipe the spit
Nat : Yet
Giulia: Oh no clean your lips yuck
Kat: Too much throw up sound
Nat : Ridiculous. You would still hear it
Giulia: Well ok wow
Giulia: I jumped not gonna lie
Nat : Ew What is that
Zee: Was that a werewolf ?
Giulia: The wendigo feels
Nat : snorts
Kat: Red shirt of sex
Giulia: Oh look wallowing in depression again
Nat : Ah Deano
Zee: Weak
Kat: Yum
Kat: No surprise there
Zee: What’s that sound of his lips?
Nat : "Yeah"
Zee: Mostly
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Zee: Real bacon
Nat : Real bacon?
Nat : lol
E: We might've gotten just a little carried away with the margaritas last night.
Giulia: WOW
Kat: Fucking adorable
Kat: So domestic
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S: You're turning down bacon?
D: Mm, yes, yeah, I'm actually... I'm gonna head out.
Kat: Get out
Giulia: DEAN’s weird
Zee: I’m good Dean motto
Nat : "I'm good" I'M GOOD, GOOOOOOOOD
D: It means I got to... I got to get out of here, okay? I just... I got to...I'm gonna take a drive, clear my head.
S: Eileen and I have stuff to do.
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Giulia: Lol
Giulia: I BET U DO
Zee: Look at that face
Kat: Aw someone’s feeling like a third wheel
Zee: Aaagggggghhh
Giulia: MY GOD
Kat: The dimples
D: Um, okay, but if, uh, things go your way, just make sure you put the sock on the door so I know.
Nat : sock on the door
Zee: Sock on the door
Kat: The wink melts
Giulia: not only on the door
Nat : well that would be highly uncomfortable
Giulia: Oh shush you know what im talking about
Nat : What's with the hair
Zee: Can he shut his face ?
Giulia: The accent lol
Giulia: He weird
Nat : Jensen's jealous that the sheriff can have an accent and he doesn't
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Zee: Do you all talk like that Kat ?
Kat: Excuse you. I do not speak like that.
Giulia: Snort
Kat: Dean is not impressed
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Zee: Can we focus on the scruff for just a sec?
Giulia: And the crazy hair
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Kat: The blue steel
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Giulia: You’ve got the look
Zee: Is he hitting on him?
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Giulia: IS IT TIME
Zee: Swayze’s???
Kat: Roadhouse nod
Zee: Look at that strut
Giulia: Nice
Nat : Fun that there's only one parking spot left right in front
Giulia: I wanna go in a dump like that
Nat : Lots of Woo girls
Giulia: Hand it over
Nat : Get in line
Giulia: Lol i like her. Will she die
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Giulia: Oh well now she will
Zee: Nice
Nat : Ow
Kat: Damn girl
Giulia: Cute. They cute
Kat: Dean friggin Winchester
Zee: Is this ep filled with his close ups?
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Giulia: So cute
Nat : HE owns this joint?
Zee: I’m happy
Nat : Will this be the place where Dean will always end up tho. Because his friend owns the joint
Zee: Look at that couple
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Giulia: SO CUTE
Giulia: the stares
Giulia: Cute
Giulia: Why don t we do something fun
Zee: Do something fun
S: Yeah. Um... ideas?
E: I mean, a few.
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Zee: Go girl
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Giulia: NO. COME ON
Zee: Seriously ???
Kat: It’s not okay
Nat : Ah
Giulia: my bb has done nothing wrong in his entire existence,ever, shut yo mouths
Nat : Snort
S: So we've been looking for signs of Chuck and Lilith
C:  Lilith?
S: Yeah, uh, she's back.
Giulia: U should have read your messages cas
Nat : Hey, nobody can say that they've been cock blocked by an aNgEL oF tHe LorD
Zee: I think that Sam’s virginity might have grown back man
C: So there may be some of you inside Chuck.
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Giulia: Ew
Zee: Ew
Nat : Is that sexual
Giulia: Family business beers lol
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Kat: I think you’re right
L: I always liked that crusty son of a bitch.
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Giulia: Awe dad. Crusty sob lol
Kat: Oh.
Kat: No
Giulia: Ah well praises from dad Winchester
Zee: His crinkles are distracting me
Giulia: And his smirk
Kat: Aren’t they great
Giulia: ...ah that stare
Zee: So that’s how you felt last ep? @Giulia
Giulia: Yes. U get it now
Zee: He needs to shut up
Giulia: Awe dean. And now some zoom
Nat : Dean, you don't wanna do that
Zee: That head nod hurt my soul
S: Cass, are you sure about this?
C: No, but I am sure I can't heal the wound. Maybe I can probe it.
Giulia: Yes probe cas
Zee: Probe
Kat: Ew lol
Giulia: Im ready
Giulia: Same
Zee: This is gonna sting
Nat : This is gonna sting
Nat : snorts
Giulia: Sam are you ok
Nat : a little
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Giulia: Awe
Giulia: Oh wow
Giulia: Nice cas
Nat : AH
Zee: Amazing
Nat : Well he's not ok now is he
Kat: Poor Sammy
Giulia: Awe that cheek rub
Zee: Sam knocked out again
D: This is Dean's other-other-other-other phone. Leave a message.
Zee: Other other other
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Giulia: AH how does it feels now cas
C: Dean, I need you to call me back. Sam is hurt, and I..
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Nat : How many phones does he has
Zee: Jaggers
Giulia: Look at that tuff of hair
Nat : Ew
Giulia: Slutty
Kat: Everything about him is slutty
Zee: Can’t spell it
Zee: Love it tho
Nat : Split up Triplets?
Zee: He’s gonna get some me thinks
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Giulia: What a dumb stare
Kat: Ah I miss blushy Dean
Giulia: Oh him again
Nat : Who dat
Giulia: Sam winchester is hurt
Giulia: What else is new
Giulia: The one with gabe grace
Nat : A collecter
Kat: You think so huh
C: Let me rephrase. If you don't help me tonight,
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Zee: Cas is serious
Kat: A return of badass Cas finally
Giulia: Lol yellow fever
Nat : Cas has zero patience
Giulia: Same
Zee: We’ve been knew
Giulia: U have even less
Nat : No but I just don't think that he'll get any this season cuz it won't do anything to the plot
Nat : Plot of dying guest stars
D: Trust me, uh, bigger doesn't always equal better.  
Giulia: what she said
D: Besides, who's gonna look out after the little guy? God certainly isn't.
Giulia: Damn brother that’s rough
Zee: Rough decade
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Zee: No shit
Giulia: He has no idea
Kat: Ugh that smile
Nat : Dean has doubts. I hate that
Giulia: aw look that is future dean if he’s going on like that
Giulia: GIMME
L: Remember that old song your dad used to play us before we'd go out on a Hunt?
D: Oh, no.
All of us: Oh, yeah.
Zee: YAS
Giulia: come on BOI
Kat: I had to look the song up
Giulia: YEAH what song
Kat: I didn’t know it 😂
Kat: Dukes was a clue
Giulia: idk her
Giulia: still don’t know her
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Giulia: YEEEEP
Giulia: FUCK OFF
Kat: Exactly
Giulia: flips table
Nat : Better than Karaoke Demon Dean
Giulia: don’t let him hear you
Giulia: YAAAS
Zee: Wait in line
Zee: He’s so happy I’m scared
Giulia: AWE 20sec of happiness
Kat: NO
Nat : Ah
Kat: Damn I’m soaked again
Giulia: Me
Zee: Thank god don’t need my ovaries anymore
Kat: He sounds so Texan this ep
Zee: Oh fuck yeah
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Kat: Them bowlegs
Nat : What a concidence
Zee: Not the ghostbusters
Nat : I like Sergei. He's got attitude
Giulia: I hate him
C: Okay, that's enough. You're here for a reason.
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Giulia: Cas needs to tie his fucking tie because he slutty af
Zee: He’s following the mood of the ep
Kat: Poor Eileen so worried
Zee: Dying?
spn fandom: what else is new
Giulia: Not even surprised
Giulia: Of course he is
Nat : What else is new
Giulia: She loved jesus and america too
Giulia: So I’m a bad girl
Zee: It was a good car
Nat : lol it's the tom petty song
Giulia: me in the morning
Zee: You love Jesus and America in the morning ?
Kat: Love that song
Giulia: Am I too young for that shit?
Nat : Freeeeee Faaaaallin
Giulia: No, that whiskey in the coffee. Pay attention
Zee: Yeah. Like you paid attention last week
Giulia: Well I was on the important stuff
Kat: Okay children
Giulia: Look at my confused bb
Kat: Sergei is so dramatic
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Giulia: Nice shit
Zee: The legs
Giulia: Shot
Zee: Also correct
Nat : HE knows that the junkyard is NOT a runway right?
Giulia: Don t think he does
Kat: Everywhere is a runway for him
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Giulia: That haircut is bad ok
Kat: I saw it coming a mile away
Nat : He ded
Zee: Wait for it
Nat : Like I said, plot of dying guest stars
Giulia: They need to stop with these jumpscares
Giulia: SERGEI
Zee: Fucker
Nat : They need to find Amara. Think Amara is sick of her brother herself. she'd probably help them without even wanting anything in return
Kat: Don’t worry Cas takes care of him
Giulia: good
Giulia: Nice Eileen
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Giulia: The key to death. Psh fuck off
Kat: The key to death. That’s going to come into play I bet
Giulia: So dramatic
Zee: Cas still confused. And angry
Giulia: Look at that face
Nat : Sergei is so fucking extra
Zee: Suck it Sergei
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Kat: He called Bobby
Giulia: Oh the other bobby. Forgot about him
Nat : They should get the key and open the door to the empty. Bring Jack back. And death. Ah why am I babbling
Kat: It’s what you do
Giulia: Snort
Nat : The eye squint
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Kat: It doesn’t open the empty though I don’t think lol
Giulia: Wtf is in there
Kat: Aw Dean tied down. My fave
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Nat : What is that thing 
Nat : What she said
Giulia: But also
Zee: Shut up
Giulia: Will dean have to kill his fwriend
Kat: 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Giulia: Nice
Zee: He will huh?
Giulia: It won’t be a great addition to his mental health
Nat : Have you been watching the same show
Kat: All his friends die
Giulia: All their friends die
Kat: Well Eileen’s back lol
Kat: I know but my heart can’t take it
Nat : Every one who comes on the show die
Zee: Shush
Zee: Can blood really go up the tube?
Giulia: If there is vacuum yeah
Nat : I don't think they care
Giulia: The monster needs to suck
Nat : It doesn't suck
Giulia: He stupid
Zee: Oh stop please
Kat: Come on Dean get out
Giulia: What she doesn’t say
Kat: Nice
Nat : The monster will get out
Nat : what he said
Zee: And kill lee
Awe look at Dean’s repulsion towards his friend
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Giulia: Nah dean will kill lee. Because this is supernatural
Zee: Daddy’s home
Nat : Surprise
Kat: The head
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Giulia: Is that the sound of water 2
Kat: Ew
Zee: God bless Texas
Nat : Why does Lee do that for again? I missed it
Zee: His happiness
Kat: Money health
Nat : Feeding people to a monster makes him happy
Kat: Because fuck everyone else
Giulia: Ah saw it
Giulia: Oh yeah dean?
Kat: The monster gives him things for keeping it fed
Nat : Ah Nat : Dean distracts me
Kat: He yummy
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Zee: I kill monsters
Giulia: Awe dean . Well you become the hero or the monster you hunt i guess
Zee: Welcome to my world
Giulia: Ouch
Zee: Impaled
Giulia: That should hurt so much more
Nat : Ah, that's the cue he was talking about that didn't break at first and he had to "walk off the pain" Kat: What
Giulia: ?
He told it once at a con I think? They had a fight with a cue and the cue didn't break like twice or three times and his back was blue
Giulia: Awe bb dean
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Kat: Aw his murder face. Now sad face
Giulia: CAS
Giulia: awe look at them
Giulia: Oh
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Nat : Awkward
Zee: That bed is too small
Kat: No, he’s just huge
Kat: What she said
Zee: What she said
Giulia: Everything is too small concerning to sam
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Nat : Preview?
Kat: Ya go watch
Nat : Adam snorts
Kat: Basically tells them to suck it lol
Giulia: you let me rot in hell. Well he ain t wrong
Nat : Can u blame him
Kat: From his view, they must
Zee: They left him there for ages
ee: I’m happy with this ep. Need to change panties but I’m happy
Zee: You can leave this out
Kat: No leave it in lol
sam and Eileen cute gif
Giulia: They kill me
Giulia: Ok but if that’s sam endgame i’m so good with that. My bb deserve it
Giulia: Hope it doesn’t end in smoke
Giulia: snort
Giulia: That was mean
Kat: Wow Giuls
Giulia: Ok but look at it from chuck’s eyes
Giulia: PLOT
Giulia: lol
15x08 coming soon
If you want to get tagged send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby​ or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @wayward-angelgirl​  @destiel-honeypie​      @mariekoukie6661​      @dragontamerm​       @closetspngirl​    @rainflowermoon​     @mattiecat​       @bunnybaby121115​  @aliaitee2​    @jacks-word-of-the-day​     @4evamc​       @dammitsammy​     @legendary-destiel​   @winchesterprincessbride​    @destielhoneybee​    @castiellover20   @ravenhg​ @evvvissticante​ @emoryhemsworth​​ @markofdean79​s
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☽ NYX, 24
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“ I’m the bad guy....duh. ” — Billie Eilish
Real Name: SOLANA PHYRE (”SOL”) 
Agency: ʟᴀᴢᴇʀ (Lava World)
FC: Duckie Thot
Unicorn Name: U-800 [+]
Place of Birth:  Ambrym, Vanuatu -  largest city and capitol of LW's largest planet; Vanuatu An over-populated city crawling with illicit dealings and even more dubious people and intentions. Police and other enforcers prowling the streets that are overrun with more civilians than there are of cops. But nevertheless, they don't take shit laying down. Sol grew up just down the causeway from her family's mechanic shoppe ahem chop shoppe She was thrown into the family business since she was able to light a welding torch - which happens to be verrrrrry early on and she took to it right away. She knows the ins and outs of the city she called home; having to know 'em in order to outrun the cops as well as conducting illegal underground above ground races
Appearance: Within the first few months of Sol signing onto ʟᴀᴢᴇʀ; she underwent surgery - after much begging and pushing from the agency. Ocular implants aren't as widely consumed as one would assume. However, they aren't rare either. Hell, 𝕿𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙's own Ice Queen, Snow, had diamonds implanted into her irises. ʟᴀᴢᴇʀ felt it was a great idea to really sell the villain route of Nyx.
(What better than to make them tremble in fear just from your gaze alone? And to be able to see it from the track? Brilliant!)
They might have well had the conversations with themselves with the amount of input Sol gave. But, she gave in; secretly thrilled at the idea, though she'd never give ʟᴀᴢᴇʀ the satisfaction.
Piercing, molten gold eyes now stand out against her skin. The molten of her gaze almost glows in anticipation and when she's in the throes of passion and excitement. They dull, almost as if gold could tarnish, when she's expressing darker more sinister thoughts. It's in those times you should watch your back. However, she rarely lets it slip that she's concocting any sort of illicit activities and therefore - you should always be wary. 
"Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer," as the old proverb states.
Swarthy skin as smooth as supple leather, but tough from living in LW as well as with the amount of time spent hunched over a blow torch and welding machines. Skin which takes on an almost ethereal sight when the light hits her just so and she is obsidian in the flesh. Typically her raven locks are worn long. However, when she was younger and growing up she could be seen sporting a buzzed style or her natural fro-curls. Due to ʟᴀᴢᴇʀ's villainous projection of Nyx, she continues to keep it long and straight for the most part - and then varying forms of the aforementioned. 
Wardrobe: Black glitz & glam spiked heel to your face. Blacks, blacks and more black. With gold, silver and red splashed throughout. Sol is typically the poster child of all that Lava World fashion has to offer. While she's out and about, mainly strongly influenced by ʟᴀᴢᴇʀ and their contract with the woman, she is seen donning either high fashion pretty clothes as she refers to them, or the counterpart of high fashioned battle / racing gear [ you know, leather or fabric pants, jackets, tops - and of course some stunning kickass boots? that's the one ]
Places most likely to be found: Most likely can be found in the stables with Uuie; or getting her mechanic on - legally or illegally especially if there's an upcoming race. Otherwise, she likes to live it up as much as she can with her "free time". She can be spotted at any bar or nightclub with her siblings living it up or if it's mandatory - a promo event that her agency sets up.
People mostly likely to be with: Her siblings; Hugo, Ember and Pele. As well as her fellow teammates; Flame and Widow. She does still keep in contact with some of her old racing buds from the underground scene.
Strongest character trait: Ruthless
Public Image: cut-throat. ruthless. brutal. aloof. cold and calculating. the bad guy. the one you hate to love and love to hate. a true villain. what is she gonna do next? and will it be legal? very much a tabloid trashcat lol
Racing Strengths:  tenacious. knows the limits of Uuie like the back of her hand - oh that's new - so she knows how to run him and the courses to the best of his abilities. she likes to think that she can easily adapt to a multitude of situations - whether it's due to a new steed, new course, even new teammates cough cough yrah right
Racing Weaknesses: pushes herself and Uuie to the limit. focused on winning, no matter the cost - except for in the case of Uuie as of late - she's grown soft with him
Personality: arrogant. headstrong. over ambitious. stubborn. sharp witted. silver tongue. quick reaction. an absolute instigator. somewhat of a bully. edgy and irritable. determined. observant. intuitive. confident. cunning. questionable motives for sure. untrustworthy - duh. sneaky. incredible liar. knows she's talented and takes it a bit too far. highly intelligent. nasty bitch. party loving animal. ruthless. aggressive. charming. cut-throat. brutal. aloof. cold and calculating. the bad guy. the one you hate to love and love to hate. a true villain. very much a tabloid trashcat lol hardworking. super handy. think female villainous tony stark she is also quite the lil cocky genius. she adores being center of attention - all the more challenging to get away with things - not to mention, being petty and subtle not so subtle in her tone and actions with others is so lovely~ will absolutely get inside your and her own head. ruthless. cunning. talented. hardworking. handy. can assemble and disassemble any and all unicorns and horses that cross her path after spending a few hours with it. can say the same for literally any other mechanical device / equipment. worries about stupid shit - specifically shit that she makes up in her head - ruthless. motives and means are questionable at best. shifty, shady lady. crass - sometimes doesn't realize it - it's just in her nature. insomnia is a real thing.
Biography: Sol grew up in a racing household. Well, kinda. Coming from quite a large, working family, Sol has never been one to shy away from hard work and working towards her goals. No matter the consequences. Her father used to race - unofficially, of course - but before then he was a mechanic. Constantly working on the horses. His father had owned and ran a shop specifically for the racers of Lava. Along with some shady chop shop goings on at the same time, and outta the same shop. Since her father and grandfather were so close, she was there everyday - learning the ins and outs of the . . . family business. Which only furthered her passion with the sport.
So, as soon as she could ride, her pops helped her get a rig of her own totally not stolen and they got to work building it up from the base it was literally a chassis. The majority of the work fell onto Sol's shoulders because not long into starting, her grandfather passed and her pop was thrown in jail not for long, but still .
Sol, being the eldest of her siblings, she hauled ass to complete her stallion, that she aptly named Frankenstein - yeah she was well aware that wasn't his name, but she liked it waaaay better than adam bleghh. The next day after his completion, she took him to an underground track where there was talks about races took place and positions won cash. Competing in her first race went . . . smoother than she anticipated. However, that isn't saying much seeing as how she not only lost but Frank was nearly destroyed when the ground shifted beneath him and they toppled to the ground, his large frame landing on top of her - effectively breaking her right arm.
After that point, she was constantly rebuilding Frank - eventually having to scrap him when there was no longer anything to rebuild and continue the same process over and over again. To say that Sol got in the experience of racing is an understatement. The amount of race time she put in rivaled that of the older crowd who'd been attending these events for years even before Sol was born.
Winning the races came after. The money going back into the family's food and shelter. But a few times, more often than not, the first place went to Sol for reasons outside of the stats of her current beast. No one could really prove it. And it wasn't like others participating weren't conducting similar measures of their own - it was just a blow to the pride when they believed that this . . . kid was the cause of the sabotage.
Fast forward a few years and Sol's name was known on the beat as the mechanic with wicked stats and even more wicked intentions. Winning unknown underground races was no longer thrilling for her anymore. Especially since no one posed any serious threat to her. Either because they all sucked or because they were too chicken shit to attempt, she couldn't be sure. But either way, she didn't like it. The only one to give her a run for her money was the now infamous Widowmaker. But since signing on with ʟᴀᴢᴇʀ, the scene has been . . . lacking.
Sol was excited for her long time friend and rival. Though she never could brush off that pang of jealousy she felt for being left behind. Regardless of her age.
It wasn't until she was 17 that things were beginning to look up for the eldest Phyre child. She'd just won a race - one that took place under and around the ʟᴀᴢᴇʀ agencies recruitment station and stalls where they house the unicorns and horses, ya know to add a lil spice to game. Well, their antics and noise drew the attention of the cities police enforcement as well as agency members. Sol was skilled enough to bolt, not lucky enough to get away. Turns out, ʟᴀᴢᴇʀ had been keeping tabs on the girl for awhile now - not to mention Widowmaker spoke highly of her - that they asked for her to join them. Unofficially as of the time, of course legality purposes and all bleghh.
Having known who exactly who she was and the family she stems from, they knew the exact role she was going to play within their agency. And since Sol had no issue conducting . . . less than legal means, they continued and played up that strength of hers ***though they would never admit out loud or publicly that what the rumors posted are true in any form of the word / i mean what ?***
Since her signing with the agency, Nyx has been the ever fan favorite villain. Her ruthlessness on and off the track knows no bounds. ʟᴀᴢᴇʀ has never been one to shy away from the drama or the dirty and the nasty and having Nyx's villainous tendencies, that she will do anything she has to in order to get what she wants, slip out into the public, well, oops, oh well
Nyx’s image and her skill with her Uuie have brought her moderate success. As of late, however, she's been quite worried about whether or not the agency is going to drop her - that she's not a fan favorite anymore. Which to be honest . . . she's still a favorite - the kind you wanna hate and love it. She’s good, no doubt, but she’s no Snow or Supernova. Which honestly, she never expected to be - they have waaaaay more experience than she ever will, but still~ However, with the currently rising Flame, with wins and popularity, she is in her right to worry some. Though, it's nowhere near where her imagination takes her. So, she has decided to go off script for the time being - continuing her tasks passed down through the agency - but also making sure to keep up her own appearance. Anything to get what she wants. Nyx doesn’t take no for an answer, so she’s going to do whatever it takes to get to the top. Even if it means exacerbating all the rumors of foul play that already surround her.
She's painted as the villain, right?
Might as well give them what they want . . .
Snow -
Sky -
Ice -
Supernova -
Sunbeam -  
Flower -
Flame -
Nyx -
Widowmaker -
lucky you | eminem ft. joyner lucas
rap god | eminem
killshot | eminem
'till i collapse | eminem ft. nate dogg
lady in red | jolin tsai
el chapo | the game
don't be nice | watsky
punchin' bag | cage the elephant
mess around | cage the elephant
ride | zz ward
raise hell | dorothy
wicked ones | dorothy
monsters | ruelle
copycat | billie eilish
bad guy | billie eilish
all the good girls go to hell | billie eilish
dangerous | royal deluxe
unstoppable | the score
natural | imagine dragons
control | halsey
beekeeper | keaton henson
paint it, black | ciara
As Nyx; she's expected to be a villain - always; that includes when out in public and at events. She has to play the part and well, be villainous. She doesn't mind, but also doesn't want to lose fans cause she's playing at being a bitch to them. Apparently, the die hards don't care, cause she's constantly in contact with them.
knows quite a few die hard fans by name and can spot them outta the crowds. she's a lil weary of a few of the more stan-y of them.
has kicked some of the creepy fans ass; which only helped solidify her Nyx role . . .
hasn't dated anyone since signing onto ʟᴀᴢᴇʀ | has had quite a few fuck buddies though - even having a buddy for each day of the week at one point. has toned it down however to just 2 - gotta satisfy that appetite
does have quite the lil crush on Flower; mainly because of how similar she sees them. Not to mention, she's such a cutie. Anytime they're together or near, she likes to tease the girl~
she likes to tease and make others uncomfortable regardless - it's just sooooo much fun
even though she can adapt to any horse / unicorn thrown at her, she has her fav; Uuie - she's sentimental that way
so she resorts to just makin' adjustments and any mods she can get away with
doesn't really like it when the agency throws a new horse at her while Uuie is undergoing repairs - but deals; begrudgingly
listens to music loudly while she's working / training etc. to the point where it makes it extremely difficult for her to hear anything else going on around her
really, realllllly skilled in mechanations of all sorts
constantly in contact with her siblings - actually pretty close with them
they run the family business without her while she's off "being a super villain"
her father is still in prison and refuses to give up any information on his "alleged" illegal activities
he's kinda the big dog on site; has quite the following and is extremely proud of his oldest daughter and what she's become
looks up to her teammates; Widowmaker and Flame - though will NOT admit to the latter of the two; because she feels like it makes her look and sound weak and she canNOT have that
taken a play from flower's app has merch of her own team, specifically her own shiit; cause she's vain and LOVES how she's portrayed. what's wrong with having a small room dedicated to ʟᴀᴢᴇʀ cough cough herself
actually loves playing the villain; it isn't too far off the mark from who she really is
she's a lil more . . . lively than her villainous counterpart think harley quinn type lively
when she's Nyx; she hardly speaks - not really needing too - but when she does, expect, cool, acid tones to drip from her lips; sultry and cabaret sounding - while her normal tone is actually more city slang and more bubbly
sleeps in the nude OR an oversized shirt that typically hangs off one shoulder there is no in between
Family/Other Characters:
Baskara Phyre [ grandfather ]
Kiran Phyre [ father ]
Aithne Phyre [ mother ]
Hugo Phyre [ brother ]
Pele Phyre [ sister ]
Ember Phyre [ sister ]
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/kzombi3/rua/
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solarianradiance · 6 years
Jellyatinous Rose
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Calliope: Welcome lovelies, to oUr little get together for an adventure throUgh the Use of a Role-Playing Game system called DUngeons & Dragons! Tonight we have a new player joining in oUr dUngeon delving, oUr lovely friend, Roxy.
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Roxy: hey erebody, its ur gurl roxy!
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Dave: hey rox
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Rose: Welcome to the game Roxy, nice to see you came tonight~
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Kanaya: Pleasure To Have You Dear Roxy!
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Jade: nice to see you again!
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John: glad you could make it tonight!
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Roxy: tnx 4 the warm welcum gaiz, makes me feel good bout this venture here
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Roxy: so, when do we start playin?
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Calliope: Shortlym bUtt first, we shall introdUce oUr varioUs party members for the road ahead, so that we may give oUr newest addition a chance to Understand her new chUms? Jade, why dont we start with yoU?
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Jade: ok!
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Jade: im a level 5 chaotic good gnoll ranger called groche’a, and i was ousted from my tribe for not wanting to plunder tombs for bones because i was scared of waking the dead and having them get revenge on us... which they did! im the only survivor!
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Roxy: wats a goll? Roxy: *gnoll
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Jade: a gnoll is a dog person
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Jade: like this!
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Roxy: oh so ur a hyna furry basically then?
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Jade: well no, im more like a malamute husky, i actually based my character off of bec and what jake told me about my scratched other self
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Roxy: yeah, ur gilf self was pretty smokin for an old lady, so i can c y u chose her
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Jade: ...what?
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Calliope: Lets keep this train of introdUctions going, Dave YoU’re Up love!
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Dave: im dave, and im a barbarian. im a level 4 chaotic good guy i guess, gettin my rage on with my magic shit talking sword and doin all kinds of awesome shit!
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Roxy: u men like connan the barbarian?
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Dave: no, not liek conan Dave: *like Dave: fuck
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Roxy: wats ur backstory?
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Dave: im a kickass barbarian, i showed up one day and started kicking ass, what more backstory do you need?
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Roxy: that sunds lame
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Dave: youre lame
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Calliope: Moving on, John, how aboUt we introdUce yoUr character?
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John: im Salamon of the Hearthlands, a level 4 neutral good halfling jester!
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Roxy: wats a halflin?
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John: they’re pretty much just hobbits but a bit more... “earthly” i think would be a good word to describe them? they’re sort more vice than virtue and do things like eat a lot of food, take whats not theirs and breed like rabbits.
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Roxy: le gasp, ur a bunny boy! that sounds adorable!
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John: heh, no, im not a bunny, but i guess i am bunny-like in that sense
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Jade: you know, that would actually be a good fursona for you
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John: eh, nah, its not really my thing, besides im more like a tiger
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Jade: hahahaha! no you’re not!
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John: in fact i think would be more like tigra from thundercats
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Jade: i said no. you’re fucking. not.
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John: uuuuh!!!
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Roxy: calli!
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Calliope: Yes Roxy, what is it?
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Roxy: can u make jon into a bunny boy?
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Calliope: I... can, bUt I need a good reason like a magical invocation or something like that, I cannot simply do as I wish with the players whenever I wish.
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Calliope: Besides, the game has not started. Rose, why dont yoU go next?
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Rose: 𝐼 𝒶𝓂 𝒶 𝒩𝑒𝓊𝓉𝓇𝒶𝓁 𝐸𝓋𝒾𝓁 𝒟𝓇𝑜𝓌 𝒩𝑒𝒸𝓇𝑜𝓂𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓇, 𝒞𝓎𝒶𝒾𝓃𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝐻𝑜𝓊𝓈𝑒 𝒢𝓊𝓁’𝒢𝒶𝓃. 𝑀𝓎 𝑀𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇, 𝓌𝒽𝑜 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝒾𝓇𝑒𝒹 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓂𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒𝒸𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝒶 𝒫𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓈𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝐿𝑜𝓁𝓉𝒽, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈, 𝐼 𝓈𝓁𝒶𝓎𝑒𝒹 𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓊𝓈𝑒𝒹 𝓂𝓎 𝒩𝑒𝒸𝓇𝑜𝓂𝒶𝓃𝒸𝓎 𝓉𝑜 𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓊𝓇𝓇𝑒𝒸𝓉 𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝒶𝓈 𝓂𝓎 𝓅𝓊𝓅𝓅𝑒𝓉, 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝒶𝓁𝒶𝓈, 𝓂𝓎 𝓅𝓁𝑜𝓉 𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝓇𝑜𝓁 𝑜𝒻 𝓂𝓎 𝐻𝑜𝓊𝓈𝑒 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝒻𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹 𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝒶𝓈 𝐼 𝓂𝒶𝒹𝑒 𝒶 𝓂𝒾𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒾𝓃 𝒸𝒶𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝓎 𝓈𝓅𝑒𝓁𝓁 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓀𝑒𝑒𝓅𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝒻𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝓇𝑜𝓉𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝑜𝑜 𝓆𝓊𝒾𝒸𝓀𝓁𝓎, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐼 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝓈𝑒𝓃𝓈𝑒 𝒷𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝒾𝓃 𝑒𝓍𝒾𝓁𝑒 𝒻𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝓂𝓎 𝒽𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒟𝒶𝓇𝓀 𝐸𝓁𝒻 𝒞𝒾𝓉𝓎, 𝑀𝑒𝓃𝓏𝑜𝒷𝑒𝓇𝓇𝒶𝓃𝓏𝒶𝓃, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝓅𝓁𝑜𝓉 𝓂𝓎 𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓋𝒾𝓉𝒶𝒷𝓁𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝓉𝓊𝓇𝓃 𝓉𝑜 𝓇𝑒𝒸𝓁𝒶𝒾𝓂 𝓂𝓎 𝒷𝒾𝓇𝓉𝒽𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝒶𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝓊𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓂𝑒 𝓇𝓊𝓁𝑒𝓇 𝑜𝒻 𝓂𝓎 𝐻𝑜𝓊𝓈𝑒, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓅𝑜𝓈𝓈𝒾𝒷𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝑜𝒻 𝒟𝓇𝑜𝓌𝒹𝑜𝓂~ 
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Roxy: ur kinda given me the willies theres rosie
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Rose: Hah! Thank you! I try to accentuate the nature of the Dark Elves as much as possible~ I am a Level 5 Necromancer by the way, just so we are clear.
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Calliope: That was a nice sUrprise, always good to see dear ole Rose to give Us a performance and bring a little life throUgh characterization. Now, for oUr last member, Kanaya!
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Kanaya: Salutations, I Am Mildred Of Baldurs Gate! A Neutral Good Human Cleric Of Lathander. I Am Level Three And I Am Looking Forward To Keeping You Out Of Trouble, As I Am The Primary Healer Of The Group. Though I Can Take A Swing With My Shredder Axe If I Wish, I Can Be More Than Helpful In Most Situations! 
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Roxy: i dunno boit that but i think ill be hpy 2 have u round when the magical shit hits the fan! Roxy: *about
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Calliope: Well, now that we have oUr standing party’s introdUctions oUt of the way, how aboUt we have Roxy introdUce Us to oUr newest member?!
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Roxy: what bout u calli, whats ur character?
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Calliope: I am the DUngeon Master, I recant the tale to the party based on the actions and decisions they make. Technically, I am all of the characters that are not part of the party! BUt I do have a rather sUltry lass that i have been meaning to play for a while. When my tenUre as DUngeon Master is Up, I shall pass the responsibility of rUnning the game onto others and break her oUt!
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Roxy: rly? what is she? tell me!
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Calliope: She isn’t finalized, but shes a YUan-Ti Magician, specifically an assistant. Haven’t qUite figUred oUt if shes a fUll-blood or a half-blood.
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Roxy: a yankee?
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Calliope: A YUan-Ti is more or less a snake person, mUch like myself I sUppose. I’ll admit shes a bit of a self-insert, bUt I made her for immersion for flarping. John helped me in crafting her!
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Roxy: oh... he did now, did he?
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John: yeah! it was actually pretty fun! learning about the lore of the snake people was kinda neat!
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Calliope: Indeed! And in retUrn, helped John create another character to pair alongside with her! He is also a Magician, and she acts as his assistant!
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Roxy: assistant huh? does that mean you can make his magic wand
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Roxy: disappear?!~♥
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John: whoa! roxy!
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Calliope: Making a Magicians Magic Wand disappear is childs play.
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John: uh calli, thats not what she mea-
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Calliope: BUt making his wand spit magical glowing seed, now thats the magic~
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Calliope: Mwah!~♥
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Dave: whoa-ho, damn!
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Rose: Ooo, how racey~
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Kanaya: I Must Admit, That Got Quite Raunchy Awfully Quickly!
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Jade: you can do that?!
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John: ok! moving on! time for your introduction rox, before this turns into a smut campaign.
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Roxy: how do u know that it wont turn into 1 when i do get my intro on? ;)
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John: rox!
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Roxy: relax! im jus teasin y Roxy: *u
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Roxy: ok, my character is xerox gundalf the pink! shes a level 1 chotic good gun wizard!
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John: gun wizard?! that actually sounds cool!
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Jade: that actually sound cool, maybe ill roll one next campaign!
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Dave: gotta admit, that does sound pretty bitchin rp as
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Rose: Um, Roxy, as creative as that is, “Gun Wizard” isnt a valid class within the ruleset of DnD.
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Roxy: wat? naaah, its fine! got xeroxs character shit filled out and everything! even drew her!
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Roxy: c? kickass sex witch! put a spell on u make u her enchanted slav! put a magic bullet in ur butt and set her enemies on fire! abraka-sexbang!!
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Rose: But we already have a Wizardess! Why don’t you be another class, a legal one such as a Rogue or a Thief?
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Roxy: those dont sound legal 2 me sister, sides im a rogue in real life! i dont wanna play a rogue i wanna b a badass gun wizard! calli help me out here
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Calliope: Mmmmm, well, while technically “GUn Wizards” are not what they are called, “GUn Mages” are in fact an actUal class! So I sUppose thats no significant issUe
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Roxy: gasp YAYS!
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Rose: Wait, “Gun Mage” is an actual class?
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Calliope: Why yes, it is! QUite the interesting one too, might even roll a character to play as one myself at some point!
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Rose: Well, anyways, as I said, we already have a Wizardess, which is myself. So how about you roll Up a Rogue? John can moonlight as one, but he isnt able to specialize as one. Here, lemme just get you started and roll you a character right now!
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Roxy: uh, no, imma play a wizard!
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Rose: We’ll make her Neutral Good, for maximum opportunity while still being approachable. Some good Dexterity for all of that lockpicking you’ll be doing.
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Roxy: rose, water u doin?
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Rose: Dump all the skill points into stealth, traps, and lockpicking!
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Roxy: ross! Roxy:*rose
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John: you know i could just spec into those skills myself, i was planning on doing it anyways!
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Rose: We can make her pink, with some blue trimmings~
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Roxy: stahp!
*Roxy latches onto Rose’s pen hand, preventing her from drawing further. The two devolve into a bit of a struggle*
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Rose: Stop... getting... in the... way, Roxy!
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Jade: you do know you can multi-class in this game, right? as in you both can have both.
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Roxy: well i don.. wann play... fuckin rogue, i wan be... a wizard of bullets!
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Rose: We need a Rogue to-*is bitten*-FUCK! ROXY!
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Kanaya: What Is Happening?
*Roxy and Rose devolve to a mother/daughter/sister squabble between petty bitches who both want the same thing, but are unwilling to share, complete with hair pulling, bites, scratches, clothes ripping and an assortment of name calling.*
*Its a good ole fashioned cat fight yy’all!*
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Jade: shouldnt someone stop this? like kanaya, isnt this your thing?
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Kanaya: ...I... Want To, But I Think I Am Enjoying The Sight Of This Conflict? Should I Do So Anyways?
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Dave: with them? nah man itll sort itself out eventually. just let em get tuckered out.
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John: ... roll for initiative?
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Calliope: Haa! Hahahaha!
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blackinkfanfic · 3 years
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“Man where the fuck was you at last night. You, was suppose to do the late night sesh last night?”
Don spoke. I smiled and shrugged my shoulders. I never stand the guys up on work out. But like I said, I seen the opportunity and took the leap. And I’m glad I did, because shorty definitely sent me out the crib, stomach full off some Akee and Saltfish with Festival. I’m stuck for sure now.
“Man, I linked up with a shorty.... you kno-”
“Wait, you clapped cheeks?”
I laughed and shook my head.
“Nah, not even. I changed diapers and fed bottles” 
Eyes wide, both Phor and don busted out laughing.
“What the fuck... what we miss man”
I laughed and shook my head.
“I.... I’m fucking with a shorty. Jamaican, who you know, it’s just her. She’s here from New York, by way of .... Jamaica, but you know. We vibing”
“She coming to the convention in New York?”
I shrugged. I ain’t asked her, but I can.
“I’ll ask her, but we defiantly can pull up on her at her grand opening for her Salon. Tomorrow”
“Oh yeah, fasho. I’m down. Wassup with Rachell?”
I sat back down on the bench and braced myself for another rep.
“She....Called me this morning. Talking about I can pick up Mase. And I’m with it, I’m ready. Then she hear, the baby in the back and say ‘is that a baby’ ‘never mind’ this that and the third. Like that ain’t got shit to do with you. I’m tired of her playing with... my relationship with my son. So, if I get there and he ain’t there. I’m coming out of pocket”
Don shook his head.
“Nah, we ain’t even on that time. She be petty, take her ass to court. And I know you wasn’t trying to go there, but shorty playing with your time with your kids”
Phor chimed in.
“Besides that bullshit. This convention. I heard Kitty gonna be there”
I laughed sarcastically and shrugged.
“I’m not worrying about that girl”
Everybody think me and Kitty fucked, we didn’t. And to be honest the bitch is crazy. She don’t tattoo worth a shit but be at every convention and function. At this point she’s a fan. A stalking fan”
4:29 pm
I hopped out my whip, hot as hell. Of course Rachell did exactly what I knew she would. I go to pick Mase up and he ain’t there. I don’t have time for this childish ass shit. 
Walking up to her door, I banged on it a few times. Waiting, I watched as Mase opened the door excited as hell.
“Wassup man, you ready”
He nodded, Grabbing his bag that was already at the door and his shoes and dashing past me. As we walked out, I heard Rachell coming down the steps before she appeared.
“Why are you at my fucking house. Ima call the p-”
“Mase get in the car for me”
He nodded, climbing in and closing the door. I don’t do none of that arguing and toxic shit in front of my kids.
“What the fuck is wrong with you. Why do you wanna play with me like that”
“I’m not okay with my son being around a bitch, or-”
I laughed and shrugged my shoulders.
“Or what. I didn’t say shit when you was fucking off on Canyon’s pops with my son in the same house. MY BUSINESS AIN’T GOT SHIT TO DO WITH YOU. NOT A BABY, NOT A BITCH, NOT NONE OF THAT”
I was ready to crack her fucking head. But before I did that, I walked off. As she walked up to the car trying to open Mason’s door, I pulled off and shook my head.
“Dad do you have another baby?
He questioned. She don’t even know the story yet she spreading rumors and shit.
“Would you be mad?”
He laughed lowly and shook his head.
“No.. I’m not mad. My mom might be, but I like babies”
“Iight well that’s all that matters. How you feel”
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6:56 pm
“Who the hell you smiling at in that phone girl!?”
Dettra spoke as I looked up from my phone, laughing and shook my head. I ain’t even wanna tell her because I ain’t wanna look crazy but, what the fuck is this feeling. 
“Girl... I don’t want you to look at me crazy”
“You’re my best friend... bitch tell me. I done told you my crazy ass stories”
I laughed and nodded my head, taking a fussy Mia from her stroller and placing her on my breast.
“Ryan.... Henry... 9 mag. Girl it’s too much to pour out but we ended up, hanging out last night. He spent the night. Took care of my baby, literally. Woke up with her, was feeding her and shit. While I was getting ready to come here earlier, he got her ready and packed her bag”
I stopped mid sentence and felt the tears welling up in my eyes. He mouth dropped and she leaned foreword, rubbing my back.
“I’ve never had that.... never.... like. She was so calm too. He was attentive to her and I... and he didn’t have to be. I just met this man and he’s doing al the right shit.”
It might be these hormones, but these feelings are real. I’ve never had this type of support. And to see my baby sleep so peacefully in that mans arms, like that was her fucking father, put my heart at ease.
“Girl why would I think you were crazy, that’s beautiful”
I laughed wiping my tears and shook my head.
“Cause it’s so soon, I just met him”
“Girl so what. Fuck time, energy and actions show us all we need. Ya’ll ain’t fuck did you”
I smacked my teeth and chuckled.
“Girl... no”
“Iight then, and even if ya’ll do. Who cares, ya’ll grown. The fuck”
I chuckled to myself, looking down at Mia and burping her. 
“So what you doing tonight? Is he coming to the opening tomorrow?”
Se questioned. I nodded my head. And he asked me to tag along to a convention back in New York. I agreed, being I can visit some family, some of which that still haven’t seen Mia.
“Yeah he’s coming. And tonight he wants to take me on a date. Found a sitter for Mia and his son. I’m just, in shook”
“Take advantage of it girl. Cause most these niggas just wanna fuck. They don’t give a fuck about you, your kid, just wanna fuck” 
I was fully aware, even though I’m enjoying this treatment, I’m still moving cautiously.
9: 25 pm
“Oh lord, I’m so all over the place”
I spoke as I prepared all that Mia would need for the night. This is my first time away from her. And I know I need a night out. But I’m nervous.
It does help that they’ll be here but I’m still nervous. A knock at the door broke my thought process. I looked at Mia who was sleep in her Mamaroo swing and walked down the hall and opened the door. There stood Ryan with a woman who looked just like him and his son.
I smiled , greeting them all. Going to shake his mother’s hand she smiled, and brought me into a hug. Something I haven’t felt since my mother passed.
“Kari, this is my mother and my son Mason”
I smiled as his son hugged me before walking in and towards the swing.
“Ryan told me you guys are going on a date and here I am”
I smiled and nodded my, looking towards Mason. I was surprised to see him wash his hands before walking back to Mia and touching her hand.
“Yes, and I’m sorry. I’m all over the place. I’ve never not been with her or near her”
“It’s okay baby. You can check in as much as you need. Call as much as you like, just show me everything and I promise you everything is gonna be fine”
I nodded, walking her into the kitchen to show her the bottles.
“She is a every 3-4 hour wake up baby sometimes, it depends on the night. She had a bath, and she just ate so she’s good for a while. I have 5 bottles prepped for the night but you’ll probably only need 1. I put a caddy and bassinet in the first guest bedroom in case you wanna get comfortable and keep her near. Her diapers, wipes, bibs, burp clothes, extra clothes are all in it. Or she can sleep in her bed”
She nodded, walking over to the swing and took her out gently. I smiled, seeing the love all over her and Mason’s face.
“And Mase, There’s another bedroom. You’re dad said you brought your game. You can hook it up. And I stocked snacks, drinks, food, whatever you need”
“Thank you”
He spoke, smiling at me then back at Mia.
“Alright, we gonna head out mama. Call if yo-”
“Bye Ryan, I got this”
I laughed grabbing my purse and heels and walking out the door with him. I was nervous, but I know she’s in good hands. 
0 notes
agron-rps · 7 years
Current Lip Sync Songs Masterlist
Listed in alphabetical order by song title.
Aaron’s Party - Aaron Carter   (Richard Harmon, Pink: Round 1)
Africa-Toto   (Camila Mendes, Pink: Round 1)
Ain’t My Fault- Zara Larsson  (Nina Dobrev, Green: Round 2)
Ain’t No Other Man- Christina Aguilera  (Tyler Seguin, Orange: Round 2)
Ain’t Your Mama- Jennifer Lopez   (Perrie Edwards, Gold: Round 2)
All Eyez On Me- 2Pac   (Stephen James Hendry, Red: Round 2)
All I Do Is Win- DJ Khaled  (Sophia Bush, Pink: Round 1)
All The Small Things- Blink 182  (KJ Apa, Blue: Round 1)
Alpha Omega- MGK   (Dylan O’Brien, Orange: Round 2)
American Girl- Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers  (Elizabeth Olsen, White: Round 1)
Applause- Lady Gaga   (Courtney Act, Gold: Round 1)
Auston Matthews- SVDVM  (Auston Matthews, Red: Round 2)
Baby One More Time- Britney Spears   (Ashley Benson, Purple: Round 2)
Back To Black- Amy Winehouse   (KJ Apa, Blue: Round 2)
Bad At Love- Halsey  (Hailey Baldwin, Red: Round 1)
Bad Blood- Taylor Swift  (Matt Daddario, Gold: Round 2)
Bad Medicine- Bon Jovi   (Sharon Needles, Blue: Round 2)
Barbie Girl- Aqua   (Alaska Thunderfuck 5000, Turquoise: Round 2)
Beauty and The Beat- Justin Bieber   (Sarah Drew, Blue: Round 1)
Believer - Imagine Dragons  (Lili Reinhart, Red: Round 2)
Best of Both Worlds- Hannah Montana   (Alfie Deyes, Pink: Round 2)
Bet On It- Zac Efron   (Zac Efron, Orange: Round 2)
Bitch- Meredith Brooks   (Lily James, Pink: Round 2)
Black Widow- Iggy Azalea feat. Rita Ora  (Jennifer Morrison Blue: Round 1)
Blow Your Mind (Mwah)- Dua Lipa   (Adelaide Kane, Yellow: Round 2)
Bohemian Rhapsody- Queen  (Taylor Swift, Green: Round 1)
Born To Run- Bruce Springsteen  (Troian Bellisario, Blue Round 1)
Bottoms Up - Trey Songz feat. Nicki Minaj  (Eliza Taylor, Green: Round 2)
Bye Bye Bye- NSYNC  (Darren Criss, White: Round 1)
Cake By The Ocean- DNCE   (Olivia Holt, Green: Round 1)
Can’t Stop The Feeling- Justin Timberlake   (Chris Wood, Blue: Round 2)
Careless Whisper - George Michael  (Karlie Kloss, Pink: Round 1)
Caught Up - Usher  (Richard Harmon, Pink: Round 2)
Celebrity Status- Mariana’s Trench  (Marie Avgeropoulos, Yellow: Round 1)
Chandelier- Sia   (Marzia Bigonin, Yellow: Round 2)
Chantaje- Shakira   (Paulo Dybala, Orange: Round 1)
Chunky - Bruno Mars  (Joe Jonas, Green: Round 1)
Come To My Window- Melissa Etheridge   (Elizabeth Olsen, White: Round 2)
Confident- Demi Lovato  (Nina Dobrev, Green: Round 1)
Cool Girl- Tove Lo   (Adelaide Kane, Yellow: Round 1)
Cruella De Vil- Selena Gomez   (Genevieve Gaunt, Gold: Round 2)
Daddy Lessons - Beyonce (Zendaya, Yellow: Round 1)
Dance Dance- Fall Out Boy  (Rose McIver, White: Round 1) 
Despacito-Luis Fonsi feat. Daddy Yankee  (Auston Matthews, Red: Round 1)
Dick In A Box- Justin Timberlake   (Katie Cassidy, White: Round 2)
Dirrty- Christina Aguilera  (Marie Avgeropoulos, Yellow: Round 2)
Diva- Beyonce   (Saoirse Ronan, Pink: Round 1)
Dog Days Are Over- Florence and The Machine   (Toby Regbo, Orange: Round 1)
Don’t Blame Me- Taylor Swift   (Keegan Allen, Red: Round 2)
Don’t Cry For Me Argentina- Madonna   (Bianca Del Rio, Gold: Round 2)
Drop It Like It’s Hot- Snoop feat. Pharrell  (Tom Holland, Gold: Round 1)
Dream On- Aerosmith   (Delta Goodrem, Orange: Round 1)
Drummer Boy - Misterwives (Sarah Hyland, Purple: Round 1)
Emperor’s New Clothes- Panic! At The Disco  (Charlie Heaton, Turquoise: Round 2)
Encore/Numb mashup- Jay Z and Linkin Park   (Katie Cassidy, White: Round 1)
Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)-Backstreet Boys   (Dominic Sherwood, Turquoise: Round 1)
Everybody Wants To Rule The World- Tears For Fears   (Danielle Panabaker, Green: Round 1)
Ex Factor- Lauryn Hill  (Tori Kelly, Orange: Round 1)
Express- Christina Aguilera from Burlesque   (Olivia Holt, Green: Round 2)
Eye To Eye- From The Goofy Movie   (Brendan Urie, Green: Round 2)
Felices Los 4- Maluma   (Paulo Dybala, Orange: Round 2)
Fight Song- Rachel Platten  (Madelaine Petsch, Pink: Round 1)
Filthy- Justin Timberlake   (Justin Bieber, Gold: Round 1)
Finesse- Bruno Mars feat. Cardi B.  (Dianna Agron, Blue: Round 2)
Flawless- Beyonce   (Amber Heard, White: Round 2)
Footloose- Kenny Loggins   (Jack Lowden, Turquoise: Round 2)
Forgot About Dre- Dr. Dre feat. Eminem  (Stephen Amell, Turquoise: Round 2)
Free Your Mind- En Vogue  (Tori Kelly, Orange: Round 2)
Fuck You- Lily Allen   (Selena Gomez, Purple: Round 1)
Galway Girl- Ed Sheeran  (Domhnall Gleeson, Yellow: Round 2)
Gangsta’s Paradise- Coolio feat L.V.   (Lily Collins, Blue: Round 1)
Gas Pedal (cover)- Mike Stud  (Tyler Seguin, Orange: Round 1)
Girl I Know- Avenged Sevenfold   (Hailey Baldwin, Red: Round 2)
Girl Next Door - Saving Jane  (Eliza Taylor, Green: Round 1)
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun- Cyndi Lauper  (Zac Efron, Orange: Round 1)
Give Your Heart A Break- Demi Lovato   (Adore Delano, Yellow: Round 1)
Gold Digger- Kanye West   (Phoebe Tonkin, Green: Round 2)
Gotta Tell You - Samantha Mumba  (Caity Lotz, Yellow: Round 1)
Green Light- Lorde   (Lily Collins, Blue: Round 2)
Gucci Gang- Lil Pump  (Henry Cavill, Orange: Round 1)
Gust Of Wind- Pharrell feat. Daft Punk  (Bill Skarsgard, White: Round 1)
Hallelujah- Rufus Weinwright  (Blake Lively, Turquoise: Round 1)
Happy- Pharrell   (Witney Carson, Yelllow: Round 1)
Harder To Breathe- Maroon 5.  (Chris Evans, White: Round 1)
Havana- Camila Cabello  (Bella Hadid, Yellow: Round 1)
Heartbreaker- Pat Benatar   (Willa Holland, Yellow: Round 1)
Hello-Adele   (Alaska Thunderfuck 5000, Turquoise: Round 1)
Here I Go Again- Whitesnake   (Skeet Ulrich, Purple: Round 2)
Hips Don’t Lie- Shakira  (Gal Gadot, Red: Round 2)
Holding Out For A Hero- Bonnie Tyler   (Benedict Cumberbatch, Red: Round 1)
Hold Me Tight Or Don’t - Fall Out Boy  
Hold On We’re Going Home-Drake feat. Majid Jordan  (Alycia Debnam-Carey, Blue: Round 1)
Home - Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes. (Zoe Sugg, Orange: Round 1)
Honey, I’m Good - Andy Grammar  (Grant Gustin, Red: Round 1)
Hook-Blue’s Traveler   (Roman Josi, Green: Round 1)
Hopeless Wanderer- Mumford and Sons  (Alex Galchenyuk, Orange: Round 2)
Hound Dog- Elvis Presley   (Bob Morley, Blue: Round 1)
Hot In Herre- Nelly  (Bob Morley, Blue: Round 2)
Hotline Bling - Drake (Zendaya, Yellow: Round 2)
Hot ‘N Cold- Katy Perry  (Kendall Jenner, White: Round 1)
How Long - Charlie Puth
Humble- Kendrick Lamar   (Taylor Hill, Gold: Round 1)
I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing - Aerosmith   (Chris Wood, Blue: Round 1)
I Get Off-Halestorm   (Alexandra Park, Blue: Round 2)
I Just Had Sex-  The Lonely Island feat. Akon  (Sophia Bush, Pink: Round 2)
I Like it - Enrique Iglesias (Crystal Reed, Yellow: Round 1)
I’m Real- Jennifer Lopez feat. Ja Rule   (Emily Bett Rickards, Purple: Round 2)
I Wanna Dance With Somebody- Whitney Houston   (Ashleigh Murray, Blue: Round 1)
I Want It That Way-Backstreet Boys   (Taissa Farmiga, Turquoise: Round 1)
I Want To Break Free- Queen   (Adam Devine, Blue: Round 2)
I Was Made For Loving You- KISS  (Adam Devine, Blue: Round 1)
I Write Sins Not Tragedies- Panic! At The Disco  (Rose McIver, White: Round 2)
Ice, Ice, Baby - Vanilla Ice  (Melissa Benoist, Turquoise: Round 2)
Idiot Boyfriend- Jimmy Fallon   (Margot Robbie, Pink: Round 2)
IDGAF- Dua Lipa   (Harry Styles, Pink: Round 1)
If I Had You- Adam Lambert   (Bill Skarsgard, White: Round 2)
If U Seek Amy- Britney Spears  (Natalie Dormer, Orange: Round 1)
Instruction- Jax Jonest feat. Demi Lovato, Stefflon Don  (Kat McNamara, Orange: Round 2)
In The Navy- Village People   (Alexander Skarsgard, White: Round 2)
It Must Have Been Love- Roxette   (Emmy Rossum, Red: Round 1)
It’s All Coming Back To Me Now - Celine Dion (Aaron Rodgers, Purple: Round 2)
It’s Gonna Be Me- NSYNC   (Darce Montgomery, Purple: Round 2)
It’s My Life- Bon Jovi   (Darce Montgomery, Purple: Round 1)
It’s The End of The World- R.E.M.  (Stephen Amell, Turquoise: Round 1)
Just Like Fire- P!nk  (Jennifer Morrison Blue: Round 2)
Ladies Choice- Zac Efron   (Alexandra Daddario, Green: Round 1)
Let It Go- Idina Menzel from Frozen  (Blake Lively, Turquoise: Round 2)
Let You Go- Machine Gun Kelly   (Justin Bieber, Gold: Round 2)
Lights Down Low - MAX feat. gnash (Jordan Fisher, Blue: Round 1)
Like A Prayer- Madonna   (Danielle Panabaker, Green: Round 2)
Like A Virgin- Madonna  (Ashley Benson, Purple: Round 1)
Living La Vida Loca- Ricky Martin   (Delta Goodrem, Orange: Round 2)
Livin’ On A Prayer- Bon Jovi   (Skeet Ulrich, Purple: Round 1)
Look What You Made Me Do- Taylor Swift   (Domhnall Gleeson, Yellow: Round 1)
Lose Yourself- Eminem  (Daisy Ridley, Orange: Round 2)
Love Doesn’t Stand A Chance- From Once Upon A Time  (Zayn Malik, Green: Round 2)
Love on the Brain - Rihanna (Nick Jonas, Red: Round 1)
Love You To Death- Type O Negative  (Henrik Lundqvist, Pink: Round 1)
Mama Don’t Make Me Put On The Dress Again- Trixie Mattel   (Katya Zamaolodchikova, Purple: Round 2)
Mama Say- Betty Who   (Gigi Hadid, Gold: Round 1)
Mamma Mia-Abba  (Emilia Clarke, Turquoise: Round 2)
Man! I Feel Like A Woman- Shania Twain   (Harry Styles, Pink: Round 2)
Mi Gente - J Balvin, Willy William
Milkshake- Kelis  (Henry Cavill, Orange: Round 2)
Miss You - Louis Tomlinson (Natalia Dyer, Yellow: Round 2)
Monster- Nicki Minaj   (Vanessa Hudgens, Gold: Round 1)
My Heart Will Go On- Celine Dion   (Cole Sprouse, Green: Round 2)
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light ‘Em Up) - Fall Out Boy (Nick Jonas, Red: Round 2)
New Rules- Dua Lipa   (Bella Hadid, Yellow: Round 2)
Never Gonna Give You Up- Rick Astley   (Alfie Deyes, Pink: Round 1)
Nothing Compares To Uou - Sinead O'Connor  (Trixie Mattel, Turquoise: Round 2)
No Rain - One Blind Melon   (Stephen James Hendry, Red: Round 1)
Often-The Weeknd   (Selena Gomez, Purple: Round 2)
One Dance- Drake   (Amber Heard, White: Round 1)
Only Girl (In The World)- Rihanna   (Gigi Hadid, Gold: Round 2)
On Top of You - Enrique Iglesias  (Jordan Fisher, Blue: Round 2)
Oops... I Did It Again- Britney Spears  (Saoirse Ronan, Pink: Round 2)
Out of Your Mind - True Steppers, Dane Bowers feat. Victoria Beckham   (Willa Holland, Yellow: Round 2)
Paper Planes- M.I.A.   (Perrie Edwards, Gold: Round 1)
Paris in the Rain - LAUV
Part of Your World-  From the Little Mermaid   (Lindsay Arnold, Turquoise: Round 1)
Perfect-Ed Sheeran   (Emilia Clarke, Turquoise: Round 1)
Play That Funky Music- Wild Cherry   (Tom Hiddleston, Gold: Round 2)
Poker Face- Lady Gaga  (Natalie Dormer, Orange: Round 2)
Pony- Ginuwine  (Jason Momoa, White: Round 2)
Pour Some Sugar On Me- Def Leppard   (Danneel Harris, Yellow: Round 2)
Power- Little Mix   (Kat McNamara, Orange: Round 1)
Praying- Ke$ha  (Lea Michele, Yellow: Round 1)
Pretty Fly For A White Guy - Offspring  (Aaron Rodgers, Purple: Round 1)
Prince Ali- Robin Williams from Aladdin   (Camila Mendes, Pink: Round 2)
Purple Rain- Prince   (Toby Regbo, Orange: Round 2)
Rap God-Eminem  (Alex Galchenyuk, Orange: Round 1)
Rebel Yell- Billy Idol   (Andy Biersack, White: Round 1)
Redneck Woman- Gretchen Wilson   (Danneel Harris, Yellow: Round 1)
Reet Petite- Jackie Wilson   (Jack Lowden, Turquoise: Round 1)
Reggaeton Lento (Bailemos)- CNCO   (Emeraude Toubia, Purple: Round 1)
Repeat Stuff- Bo Burnham  (Dylan Sprouse, White: Round 1)
Replay- Zendaya   (Tom Holland, Gold: Round 2)
Rockin’ Robin- The Jackson 5   (Ian Harding, Gold: Round 1)
Rhythm Nation- Janet Jackson (Sarah Drew, Blue: Round 2)
River - Eminem feat. Ed Sheeran (Sarah Hyland, Purple: Round 2)
Roar- Katy Perry  (Marzia Bigonin, Yellow: Round 1)
Roses- Outkast   (Lindsey Morgan, Red: Round 1)
Run The World (Girls)- Beyonce  (Troian Bellisario, Blue Round 2)
S&M-Rihanna   (Alexandra Park, Blue: Round 1)
School’s Out- Alice Cooper  (Zayn Malik, Green: Round 1)
Sex Addiction- L.A Guns   (Henrik Lundqvist, Pink: Round 2)
Sex On Fire- Kings of Leon   (Zoey Deutch, Green: Round 2)
Sexy Back-Justin Timberlake   (Chris Evans, White: Round 2)
Shake It Off- Taylor Swift   (Lucy Hale, Purple: Round 2)
Shape Of You- Ed Sheeran (Madelaine Petsch, Pink: Round 2)
She’s Country- Jason Aldean   (Jensen Ackles, White: Round 1)
She’s In Love With The Boy- Trisha Yearwood  (Carrie Underwood, Red: Round 1)
She’s So High - Tal Bachman. (Zoe Sugg, Orange: Round 2)
She Thinks My Tractor Is Sexy- Kenny Chesney  (Roman Josi, Green: Round 2)
Should’ve Said No- Taylor Swift   (Lea Michele, Yellow: Round 2)
Shout- Lulu & the Luvvers   (Benedict Cumberbatch, Red: Round 2)
Sign of the Times - Harry Styles   (Louis Tomlinson, Pink: Round 2)
Sister Christian- Night Ranger  (Justin Baldoni, Pink: Round 1)
Sk8ter Boy - Avril Lavigne   (Trixie Mattel, Turquoise: Round 1)
Slow Hands - Niall Horan   (Louis Tomlinson, Pink: Round 1)
Smooth Criminal - Michael Jackson  (Grant Gustin, Red: Round 2)
Somebody Told Me- The Killers  (Dianna Agron, Blue: Round 1)
Something Bad - Carrie Underwood and Miranda Lambert  (Natalia Dyer, Yellow: Round 1)
Somewhere Over the Rainbow- Israel “IZ” Kamakawiwoʻole  (Jason Momoa, White: Round 1)
Sorry- Justin Bieber   (Emeraude Toubia, Purple: Round 2)
Sorry Not Sorry- Demi Lovato   (Niall Horan, Orange: Round 2)
Spice Up Your Life- Spice Girls   (Courtney Act, Gold: Round 2)
Starman- David Bowie   (Daisy Ridley, Orange: Round 1)
Stacy's Mom - Fountains of Wayne  (Joe Jonas, Green: Round 2)
Stay The Night- James Blunt  (Keegan Allen, Red: Round 1)
Step In Time- Dick Van Dyke from Marry Poppins   (Emmy Rossum, Red: Round 2)
Stronger (What Doesn’t Make You Stronger)- Kelly Clarkson  (Carrie Underwood, Red: Round 2)
Sucker for Pain - Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons  (Cara Delevingne, Turquoise: Round 2)
Superbass- Nicki Minaj   (Kendall Jenner, White: Round 2)
Swalla - Jason Derulo feat. Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla $ign   (Sebastian Stan, Turquoise: Round 2)
Swish Swish- Katy Perry  (Matt Daddario, Gold: Round 1)
Talk Dirty- Jason Derulo feat. 2 Chainz  (Justin Baldoni, Pink: Round 2)
Talk that Talk by Rihanna feat. Jay Z (Alycia Debnam-Carey, Blue: Round 2)
Tear You Apart- She Wants Revenge  (Dylan O’Brien, Orange: Round 1)
Telephone- Lady Gaga feat. Beyonce  (Darren Criss, White: Round 2)
That’s My Girl- Fifth Harmony  (Lucy Hale, Purple: Round 1)
That’s What I Like- Bruno Mars   (Alberto Rosende, White: Round 1)
The Bare Necessities- Phil Harris   (Tom Hiddleston, Gold: Round 1)
The Best Damn Thing - Avril Lavinge  (Chyler Leigh, Green: Round 2)
The Boys (English Ver.) - Girls’ Generation  (Crystal Reed, Yellow: Round 2)
The Champion- Carrie Underwood   (Brie Bella, Pink: Round 2)
The Creep- The Lonely Island   (Dylan Sprouse, White: Round 2)
The Greatest- Sia   (Taylor Hill, Gold: Round 2)
The Look- Roxette   (Phoebe Tonkin, Green: Round 1)
This Ain’t A Scene It’s An Arm’s Race- Fall Out Boy   (Brendan Urie, Green: Round 1)
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things - Taylor Swift   (Karlie Kloss, Pink: Round 2)
Thong Song- Sisqo   (Sebastian Stan, Turquoise: Round 1)
Thrift Shop-Macklemore   (Taissa Farmiga, Turquoise: Round 2)
Tightrope - Janelle Monae  (Melissa Benoist, Turquoise: Round 1)
Tough Lover- Christina Aguilera from Burlesque   (Alexandra Daddario, Green: Round 2)
Under A Paper Moon- All Time Low  (Charlie Heaton, Turquoise: Round 1)
Unwritten -  Natasha Bedingfield (Chyler Leigh, Green: Round 1)
Uptown Funk- Mark Ronon feat. Bruno Mars.  (Lindsey Morgan, Red: Round 2)
Valentina- Alaska Thunderfuck 5000   (Sharon Needles, Blue: Round 1)
Violent Femmes - Blister in the Sun (Cole Sprouse, Green: Round 1)
Wait (The Whisper Song)- The Ying Yang Twins  (Margot Robbie, Pink: Round 1)
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go-Wham!   (Ashleigh Murray, Blue: Round 2)
Welcome To The Black Parade- My Chemical Romance  (Zoey Deutch, Green: Round 1)
What About Us- P!nk  (Gal Gadot, Red: Round 1)
What Dreams Are Made Of - Hilary Duff.  (Lili Reinhart, Red: Round 1)
What Lovers Do- Maroon 5 feat SZA   (Emily Bett Rickards, Purple: Round 1)
What Makes You Country- Luke Bryan  (Brie Bella, Pink: Round 1)
Whatever It Takes - Imagine Dragons  (Cara Delevingne, Turquoise: Round 1)
White and Nerdy- Weird Al Yankovic   (Ian Harding, Gold: Round 2)
Work It - Missy Elliott  (Caity Lotz, Yellow: Round 2)
Worth It - Fifth Harmony  (Lindsay Arnold, Turquoise: Round 2)
Wrecking Ball- Miley Cyrus  (Taylor Swift, Green: Round 2)
Yonce/Partition-Beyonce   (Vanessa Hudgens, Gold: Round 2)
You & I- One Direction   (Alberto Rosende, White: Round 2)
You Don’t Know Me- Jax Jones feat Ray-Z   (Genevieve Gaunt, Gold: Round 1)
You Gotta Be- Des’ree   (Lily James, Pink: Round 1)
You Got The Right Stuff- New Kids On The Block   (Alexander Skarsgard, White: Round 1)
Young, Dumb and Broke- Khalid   (Niall Horan, Orange: Round 1)
You’re The One That I Want- From Grease   (Witney Carson, Yelllow: Round 2)
You Shook Me All Night Long- AC/DC   (Andy Biersack, White: Round 2)
You’ll Be Back - Jonathan Groff from Hamilton   (Bianca Del Rio, Gold: Round 1)
Zombie- The Cranberries   (Adore Delano, Yellow: Round 2)
7th Element- Vitas   (Katya Zamaolodchikova, Purple: Round 1)
17 notes · View notes
2.    Khalid - Location 
3.    Migos - Pretty Little Lady
4.    Russ - Pull The Trigger
5.    Russ - Losin Control
6.    Gnash - I hate you, I love you
7.    Lyfe Jennings - S.e.x.
8.    Lil Wayne - Drop The World
9.    Rihanna - Consideration
10. Beyonce - All Night
11. Beyonce ft Kendrick Lamar - Freedom
12. Beyonce - Love Drought
13. Drake - Child's play
14. Britney Spears - If U Seek Amy
15. Drake - One Dance
16. Beyonce - Hold Up
17. Jeremih ft Tink - Don't Tell Nobody
18. Dreezy ft. Jeremih - Body
19. Fort Minor - Where'd You Go
20. Harry Hudson - Stop
22. Sorry Not Sorry — Bryson Tiller
23. Come And See Me — PnD ft. Drake
24. Still Brazy — YG
25. One Dance — Drake
26. Work — Rihanna ft. Drake
27. Waves — Kanye West ft. Chris Brown
28. Don't Let Me Down — The Chainsmokers ft. Daya
29. Panda — Desiigner
30. Too Good — Drake ft. Rihanna
31. This Is What You Came For — Calvin Harris ft. Rihanna
32. Sorry — Beyonce
33. Never Be Like You — Flume
34. Needed Me — Rihanna
35. Champions — G.O.O.D Music
36. That Part — ScHoolBoy Q ft. Kanye West
37. LUV — Tory Lanez
38. For Free — DJ Khaled ft. Drake
39. Pick Up the Phone — Travis Scott ft. Young Thug & Quavo
40. All the Way Up"— Fat Joe ft. Remy Ma & French Montana
41. Oui — Jeremiah
42. Born in the USA — Bruce Springsteen
43. American Idiot — Green Day
44. American Woman — Lenny Kravitz
45. Living in America — James Brown
46. American Pie — Don McLean
47. Made in America — Jay Z, Kanye West & Frank Ocean
48. Made in the USA — Demi Lovato
49. Party in the USA — Miley Cyrus
50. American Boy — Estelle ft.Kanye West
51. American Woman — The Guess Who
52. Surfin USA — The Beach Boys
53. American Girl — Bonnie McKee
54. American Girl — Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
55. Firework — Kate Perry
56. Born to Be Wild — Steppenwolf
57. God Bless America — Lil Wayne
58. Don't Stop Believin' — Journey
59. Summer of 69 — Bryan Adam
60. Summertime — DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince
61. American Badass — Kid Rock
64. "HOME" — TINK
78. Kanye West – "Waves"
79. Nicki Minaj – "Truffle Butter"
80. Frank Ocean – "Godspeed"
81. Nicki Minaj – "Save Me"
82. Kanye West – "Famous"
83. Tyga - "Faded"
84. Migos - "Pretty Little Lady"
86. P.I.M.P. - 50 Cent
87. Hard For You - Tyga
88. Rich $ex - Future
89. Do It Again - Pia Mia Feat. Chris Brown, Tyga
90. Fuck Up Some Commas - Future
91. Blow a Bag - Future
92. Watch Me (Whip / Nae Nae) - Silento
93. Cha Cha - D.R.A.M.
94. White Iverson - Post Malone
95. The Worst - Jhene Aiko
96. Fun - Pitbull
97. Stick Talk - Future
98. Exchange - Bryson Tiller
99. Party Favors - Tinashe
100.             Here (Lucian Remix) - Alessia Cara
101.             Ten Nine Fourteen - Bryson Tiller
102.             Overtime - Bryson Tiller
103.             Come Get Her - Rae Sremmurd
104.             No Role Modelz - J. Cole
105.             Let 'Em Know - Bryson Tiller
106.             Superwifey - Tyga
107.             Dope'd Up - Tyga
108.             Again - Fetty Wap (covered by Pia Mia)
109.             My Love - Majid Jordan
110.             How Deep is Your Love - Calvin Harris
111.             Take Ya Tights Off - Problem
112.             Ice Cream Man - Tyga
113.             Drama - Roy Wood$
114.             Liquor - Chris Brown
115.             Jugg -Fetty Wap
116.             Drama - Roy Woods
117.             Come Get Her - Rae Sremmurd
118.             Come Thru - Drake
119.             Thirsty - PARTYNEXTDOOR
120.             If I Can't - 50 Cent
121.             Exchange - Bryson Tiller
122.             Sorry - Justin Bieber
123.             Been That Way - Bryson Tiller
124.             Say It - Tory Lanez
125.             Weekend - Mac Miller
126.             IV. Sweatpants - Childish Gambino
127.             White Iverson - Post Malone
128.             Shot For Me - Drake
129.             Been That Way - Bryson Tiller
130.             Slum Anthem - K Camp
131.             Liquor - Chris Brown
132.             My Driver - Skate
133.             Antidote -Travi$ Scott
134.             F**k The Summer Up by Leikeli47
135.             I Won - Future Feat. Kanye West
136.             Here - Alessia Cara
137.             I'm Yours - Justine Skye
138.             Rack City Bitch - Tyga
139.             Anaconda - Nicki Minaj
140.             I Don't Mind - Usher
141.             Drama - Roy Wood$
142.             Doped up - Tyga
143.             Ice Cream Man - Tyga
144.             Right Now - PARTYNEXTDOOR
145.             On & On - Justine Skye 
146.             Sorry Not Sorry - Bryson Tiller
147.             So Listen - Cody Simpson
148.             Where Ya At - Future Feat. Drake
149.             The Hills - The Weeknd
150.             The Feeling - Justin Bieber
151.             7/11 - Beyoncé
152.             Bartender - T-Pain
153.             Skrt - Kodak Black
154.             In Vein - Rick Ross Feat. The Weeknd
155.             You're A Thot - K.E. ON THE TRACK Understand - Legacy Feat. Tyga
156.             Phone Down - Erykah Badu Woosah - Jeremih Love Yourself - Justin Bieber Workin - Puff Daddy Facts - Kanye West Days In The East - Drake Runnin - Kehlani Panic Cord (Hucci Remix) - Gabrielle Aplin Ratchet - Borgore SKRT - Kodak Black Party At 8 - PARTYNEXTDOOR Slow - Lido Feat. Halsey Addiction - Kanye West Real Friends - Kanye West Bad Boyz - Shyne Top - Lil Uzi Vert Like Dat - Kodak Black  Woosah - Jeremih Party At 8 - PARTYNEXTDOOR Drunk On The Mic - Mickey Shiloh IN2 – WSTRN
157.             Tuscan Leather – Drake
158.             King Wizard - Kid Kudi  Super Rich Kids - Frank Ocean Bodmon - Ramriddlz Uber Everywhere - MADEINTYO Different Hos - Blackbear
159.             Hella Os - Lil Yachty
160.             Top - Lil Uzi Vert
161.             Just Another Interlude - Bryson Tiller
162.             Let 'Em Know - Bryson Tiller
163.             Self Righteous - Bryson Tiller
164.             Girls Like You - Miguel
165.             502 Come Up - Bryson Tiller
166.             Consideration - Rihanna
167.             Needed Me - Rihanna
168.             Hella Os - Lil Yachty
169.             Pilates - DonMonique
170.             1Night - Lil Yachty
171.             PILLOWTALK - ZAYN
172.             Famous - Kanye West Feat. Rihanna
173.             Where Ya At - Future
174.             Potty Mouth - Tyga
175.             FML - Kanye West
176.             Heartburn - Wafia
177.             Worthy - Jeremih
178.             Yeah, I Said It - Rihanna
179.             Ice Cream Man - Tyga
180.             Planez - Jeremih
181.             Pass Dat - Jeremih
182.             Impatient - Jeremih
183.             Famous - Kanye West
184.             Waves - Kanye West
185.             f**k Up Some Commas - Future
186.             Make It Nasty - Tyga
187.             Highlights - Kanye West
188.             Same Ol' Mistake - Rihanna
189.             Ultralight Beam - Kanye West
190.             Feedback - Kanye West
191.             Waves - Kanye West
192.             Highlights - Kanye West
193.             What The F**k Right Now - Tyler The Ceator
194.             Stop - Harry Hudson
195.             Panda - Desiigner
196.             Men - Tink & DJ Dahi
197.             Don't Tell Nobody - Tink Feat. Jeremih
198.             Stimulated - Tyga
199.             Kylie Jenner - YOG$ Feat. Elwood
200.             Come And See Me - PARTYNEXTDOOR
201.             Slow - Lido Feat. Halsey
202.             Minnesota - Lil Yachty
203.             Like A Drug - Ty Dolla $ign
204.             So High - Doja Cat
205.             Candy - PARTYNEXTDOOR
206.             Real Friends - Kanye West
207.             Wolves - Kanye West
208.             I'm Different - 2 Chainz
209.             Drunk on The Mic - Mickey Shiloh
210.             Been That Way - Bryson Tiller
211.             Deja Vu - TWENTY88
212.             Ayy Ladies - Travis Porter Feat. Tyga
213.             Work - Rihanna
214.             One Dance - Drake
215.             Ba-lon - SZA Feat. Kendrick Lamar
216.             Baller Alert - Tyga
217.             Myself - Nav
218.             Birthday Sex - Jeremih
219.             Candy Shop - 50 Cent
220.             I Know - Big Sean
221.             Wrist - Chris Brown
222.             Top - Lil Uzi Vert
223.             Stop B**chin' - Kirko Bangz
224.             Yeah, I Said It - Rihanna
225.             Down In The DM - Yo Gotti Feat. Nicki Minaj
226.             Panda - Desiigner
227.             Drama - Roy Woods
228.             Sorry Not Sorry - Bryson Tiller
229.             Don't - Bryson Tiller
230.             Come And See Me - PARTYNEXTDOOR
231.             Father Stretch My Hands Pt. 1 - Kanye West
232.             6 Inch - Beyoncé
233.             Girls Love Beyoncé - Drake
234.             Drunk On The Mic - Mickey Shiloh
235.             Treat Me Like Something - Tink
236.             Love Drought - Beyoncé
237.             Without U - Spooky Black
238.             Myself - Nav
239.             Feel No Ways - Drake
240.             Controlla - Drake
241.             Shot For Me - Drake
242.             I'm Yours - Justine Skye
243.             Beautiful Day - Burberry Perry
244.             One Dance - Drake
245.             No Rush - Ella Mai
246.             Don't Tell Nobody - Tink
247.             One Dance - Drake
248.             Losin Control - Russ
249.             U With Me? - Drake
250.             Girls Love Beyoncé - Drake
251.             Consideration - Rihanna
252.             Location - Khalid
253.             Heartburn - Wafia
254.             Pull The Trigger - Russ
255.             Too Good - Drake Feat. Rihanna
256.             Pretty Lady - Migos
257.             Talk That Talk - Rihanna feat. Jay-z
258.             You Was Right - Lil Uzi Vert
259.             Mixtape - Chance The Rapper
260.             Love Lockdown - Kanye West
261.             Back To December - Taylor Swift
262.             Boss - Tinashe
263.             Vulnerable - Tinashe
264.             Ecstasy - Tinashe
265.             Too Good - Drake feat. Rihanna
266.             Been That Way - Bryson Tiller
267.             Rambo - Bryson Tiller
268.             Ain't Ready - Tinashe
269.             Hype - Drake
270.             Circles - Pusha T feat. Ty Dolla Sign & Desiigner
271.             Offended - Meek Mill feat. Young Thug & 21 Savage
272.             Litty - Meek Mill feat. Tory Lanez
273.             Make It Work For You - Juelz Satana
274.             Girls & Guitars - Tyga feat. Kirko Bangz
 275.             source: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmFnE7p5vkyH9u-5bIz4vQg
276.             ♪ French Montana (ft Quavo) - Migo Montana
277.             ♪ French Montana (ft Future) - No Pressure
278.             ♪ French Montana (ft Travis Scott) - Jump
279.             ♪ Playboi Carti - Magnolia
280.             ♪ Travis Scott - A man
281.             ♪ Rae Sremmurd - Do Yoga
282.             ♪ Belly ft Future - Frozen Water
283.             ♪ SZA - Supermodel
284.             ♪ 2 Chainz ft. Travis Scott - 4 AM
285.             ♪ Amy Winehouse - Tears Dry On Their Own
286.             ♪ Amy Winehouse - You Know I'm No Good
287.             Russ - What They Want
288.             Migos - Slippery (feat. Gucci Mane)
289.             SZA - Normal Girl
290.             Bryson Tiller - Don't 
291.             Bryson Tiller - Rambo
292.             Daniel Caesar - We Find Love 
293.             Migos - Kelly Price (feat. Travis Scott)
294.             Madison Beer - Dead
295.             Travis Scott - Butterfly Effect
296.             GoldLink feat. Brent Faiyaz & Shy Glizzy - Crew
297.             Lana Del Rey feat. The Weeknd - Lust for Life
298.             Bryson Tiller - Somethin Tells Me
299.             DJ Mustard (feat Quavo & YG) - Want Her
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