#( update
meggahamicide · 2 days
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Drawing this is realizing I’ve never drawn Splinter.
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evertidings · 2 days
— JUNE 2024.
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hi!! how's everyone been lately? june was a really good month for me in terms of writing and i'm really really happy about it. turns out, forcing yourself to write actually does something. who would've thought?
for the longest time, i had no motivation to work on this chapter because it wasn't going anywhere. i had the issue with the plothole and it honestly killed so much of my joy. since reworking the chapter, however, i've gotten back some of my spark. i basically told myself that 'hey, you still really like what you've created so far, right? so suck it up and push past your mental block.' and here we are.
i'm still getting back into the groove of things, but i've done a lot more writing for this than i have for a while. that said, i apologize for the long wait. i feel immensely guilty about the lack of update but i swear to you, it will come. my plan is some time in the summer. if not, then early fall (though this is obviously not preferred).
to speak on the chapter itself, chapter eleven has three major branches in total, and, as i said in last month's update, each of them feature different ros. i'm currently wrapping up branch #2 and plan on working on #3 later this week. technically, branch #1 isn't done yet, but it was also the branch that gave me immense writer's block so forgive me if i ignore it a little longer. branch #1 and #2 are also a lot heavier compared to #3, so having written those for months on end, i'm feeling a little weighed down. by switching over to #3, the goal is to have enough energy to get back to #1. once that's done, all i gotta do is edit and publish it!
so yeah, maybe we're not at the end yet, but we're getting there. this is the best i've felt about this chapter for a very long time now and i'm really hoping this energy continues. thank you for your continued patience. i will try my hardest to make this worth it for you.
take care of yourselves! <3
chapter total: ~21,170 words
game total: ~493,170 words
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rafedaddy01 · 3 days
Girl I just love your works. Can you do a Cheater!rafe x younger!reader where he cheats on his wife with the babysitter or something like that.
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You loved watching your bosses kids, especially when he’d teach you special lessons on nights his wife’s away on business trips. For instance, tonight’s lesson was about how to pleasure yourself.
“Something’s happening, daddy” you cry out as the feelings gets too intense.
Rafe watches you from the sofa, gripping the arm rest until his nails indent.
He knows it’s wrong, but it’d be even more wrong to touch you.
You’re only an 18 year old little girl. A little girl whose tits and ass don’t fit her age, he knew immediately when he and his wife interviewed you that you’re desperate for somebody to teach you things you’ve never experienced.
So he came up with these ‘lessons’
“That’s perfectly natural, sweet girl. Keep going, your doing so good, promise you’ll like it”
You shudder as the new feeling takes over your body, building at an intense pace, “it’s- it’s too m-much”
He leans forward, his whole body raging with heat, “don’t you dare stop. Keep going, good girl”
Your body shakes as the feelings washes through you sending little aftershocks that jolt your body up.
He stands and walks toward you, kneeling down and swiping his fingers over your soaking cunt, not being able to stop himself, he tastes you.
“Such a good fucking girl. Always so good for your daddy”
@f4ll-for-you @rafeysworldim19 @baby19sthings @sevenwivesofrafecameron @rxfecameronsslut @findapenny @r1vrsefx @spencerreidsrealgf @rafescokenostril @thievin-stealing @rafemotherfuckingcameron @dilvcv @starkeysheart
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comicaurora · 2 days
see you on monday!
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seraphinitegames · 2 days
The Wayhaven Chronicles—Update 05/July/2024
Not exactly the week I was hoping for this week, but I suppose it happens sometimes!
Me and Nai got absolutely slammed with stomach flu this week. We were wiped out Sunday and Monday, then finally thought we were over it Tuesday…only for it to hit us again in full force. So that was…fun, lol.
We did manage to push ourselves to move our working space to somewhere with stable internet finally! I’d actually forgotten what working internet was like until I loaded a webpage in the new space and it just loaded—just like that! :D
So hoping that will make a massive difference to just being able to do things smoothly now.
But whilst I was out of commission for a bit, I did manage to do a few things: as I was thinking over the coding and what’s coming up, I did realise there’s a massive bug for imported characters that I’ll be able to fix before imported characters are even enabled, so that’s a big thing!
Also, I designed the villain’s masquerade mask! I ADORE it so much! That will be up on Patreon as part of the sketch series I’m doing on there soon. Still have Nate/Nat’s and Farah/Felix’s masks to go in that series as well.
I also wrote a couple of loose scenes to keep me in the flow where the MC kind of ‘falls’ into an AU version of the love interest’s backstory and gets to experience it first hand, as well as interact with the vampires how they were back then.
It won’t be in the main series, but it was a seriously interesting writing exercise!
When we finally started feeling like we could stand up without the world spinning away around us, we really knuckled down to it!
I got the first part of the edits back from the editor, so I’m currently working on those.
I’m hoping to get Chapter Two into the demo some time at the end of this month pushing into early August as a loose idea of date, then Chapter Three and Four will be released together quite some time after that. But Chapter Two has A LOT going on that I really want to get out soon so I can chat about it with you all, hehe! ;D
Next week will be social media days, as well as pushing on with Chapter Three. I’m coming into a section that is seriously massive to write. It has three different versions to start with, as well as branching and variations within each version on top. But it does bring in the introduction of a new Unit, which I’m super excited for!
Hope you all have an amazing weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I'll update you all again next week! <3
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rockybloo · 3 days
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🦇Glitter and Guilt Double Update🦇
The lovesickness...it begins
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Demo Update(?) 7/4/24
This probably deserves its own special post, but I've been meaning to post it all week and I keep forgetting! So behold, the original TLOTG demo up to chapter six, which was originally posted to Patreon and now serves as special little extra content.
Key things to note: this demo is obsolete because the Naturalist is not in it. This demo is also important because it still has the Seer's storyline, even though I'm adding things in as I go. I'm picking apart both their stories in my free time and it's going really well!
Also, I'm no longer posting on Ich.io, and will return to my roots on CSIDE because the language is easier for me to just shut up and write without fussing over code. I'm not publishing through CoG, but I am playing in their sandbox. TLOTG will be free when it's finished.
Anything else? I don't remember. My job is all-consuming at the moment and it's been hard for me to write more than a few sentences a night. My brain is mush. I just wanted to give you all something new because you all deserve it! Thank you for being patient and kind and supportive. I am always thinking about this game, and I'm excited to update soon.
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skittlewaffle · 18 hours
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Houghhh … been a while, huh ?? ^^”
Actually, just ignore that time gap and look at my process of figuring out my style for the Digital Circus characters in these silly lil doodles (in reverse order haha), i like to make myself suffer by forcing myself to draw the characters from memory instead of looking up references;; mostly because i only doodle traditionally at work and i’m not supposed to have my phone at work hdjdjcjsj,, i only get the chance to observe the designs more closely every time i come back home :)
I hope u enjoy !! I’m trying my best;; posting is just hard to me for no clear reason 😭😭😭 I’ve been reading all ur tags and it honestly warms my heart (made me cry a lil tbh);; I was surprised my work was still looked at and so many people had such good things to say about it !! And those of y’all concerned about me, don’t worry, i am okay 🥹🤲 it started with schoolwork with random spells of task paralysis that had me napping way more than i should’ve. the majority of my online activity is on discord so i had basically moved my focus away from my public audience (i’m sowwy :(( ) i’m doing my best to manage and figure out my problems
Thank you all for sticking with me through it; i can’t quite express the extent of my gratitude haha , 💖💖💖 I love y’all
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aprismaticodyssey · 3 days
Surprise! Chapters 8 and 9 of Agents of Lucifer are now up!
Okay, I can't promise when I'll upload more chapters but I was glad to see most of this was already done, so there was little for me to do when I came back to it. Click this sentence to read!
That said, Ch.9 is wordy and there aren't a lot of choices/flavor text. So if you want to see more of either, and have ideas/suggestions, please let me know! Because it could definitely use it. I went through and did testing and such, so hopefully everything works as it should!
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 18 hours
Hi everyone,
I apologize for the lack of activity. I’m currently staying at my partner’s house for the weekend. I’ll get back to posting soon. I appreciate you all! ♥️
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humansbgone · 12 hours
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The first scene is DONE! Slower going than I would have liked, but much better than nothing as I get back into it. The bronchitis still isn't entirely gone, but it seems to be nearly there.
Additionally, Darth has completed modeling the remaining 3D assets! Now, they just need some shader fixes and rigging.
Here, we see Sophodra busy at work with the toilet. Can you name the specific species of plant it's based on?
Over the weekend, I'll try to get the new assets finished up. Then, a week on staging the remaining scenes now that I have the final assets. Probably another week to animate those scenes. Hopefully my energy will improve and it'll be just a month to animate the scenes after that, but we'll find out. Thanks to everyone for bearing with me. Until next time!
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skulkingfoxes · 2 days
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This is a joke I've been waiting for years to do
Kingfisher is 1920s occult mystery webcomic that updates weekly, about an amateur scholar and his roommate/bodyguard try to unravel the strange mysteries of the Kingfisher Box.  
Update here
Start here
See new pages early here
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the-depths-au · 2 days
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Zelda never returns after the battle with the Demon King. Link is determined to bring her back, no matter what it takes or where it takes him. So when the Light Dragon starts to dive into the Depths, which have remained dark and uncharted since the Gloom faded away, he prepares to descend as well.
the depths
a post-totk bad ending au.
Rated M: CW for mature themes, violence and blood.
beta readers on this chapter: @zeldaelmo and @cooking-with-hailstones 💕thanks guys!!
chapter 5
As he sinks deeper and deeper into the blackness, leaving Tulin and the light of the surface behind, Link remembers exactly what it is that set him on edge the first time he descended into this place. Everyone assumes the darkness is the most unsettling part of the depths. It’s certainly disorientating and eerie, different from the impermanent shadow of nightfall up above. Consuming and unnaturally aware; it’s the kind of dark that would crawl under your skin and change you if it could. It follows no cycle, knows no end, and still, it is not the thing that unnerves Link the most. It’s the warmth.
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darielivalyen · 22 hours
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Eldritch Tales: Inheritance | July 6, 2024 Update
Hi guys! Long time no see, I know, I know. It's been a tricky month for me, and I hope things get better soon (they're already a bit better, so no worried). BUT! The important part is that the first part of Chapter 2 is here. Here’s what it adds to the game:
The update includes the first portion of Chapter 2, which is about 11.600 words, excluding code. It’s more like a setup for what will happen in the chapter.
Highlight 1: First proper flirtatious moments for all the characters. Typically, you’ll have full freedom in choosing who you want to spend time with, but this time, the person who visits you will be the same person you chose to have a room next to. (It just makes sense in the context of the scene.)
Highlight 2: A cozy food moment.
Highlight 3: Introduction to background-related scenes that will come in the next patch.
Not a highlight, but I also fixed more typos.
The next update shouldn't take me nearly as long; maybe a week or two. This next update will focus on things related to the background (one of six) you chose for your MC in Chapter 1.
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whattimeisitfic · 12 hours
Wanted to apologize for going like… essentially radio silent for the past month or so. I thought after I wrote my exams I’d feel a burst of motivation, but the second I fin died my last one, my brain just didn’t want to do anything anymore. Not to mention my Hazbin Hotel hyperfixation has really faded out since I first started writing my fic, and now every time I think about opening the document it just feels like a chore, and I put it off. So I told myself I’d wait until July, give myself teh est of the month as a break, then come back and start posting again…
And then on the 2nd of the month my dad was admitted into the hospital, and the doctors think he’s got MS. So now I’m stressed again, and thinking about how long it’s been since I’ve posted has really made me think I need to give some sort of update. I don’t want to be that person who abandons their work completely, but I guess, for lack of a better term, we’re going through it right now.
I’m seriously trying to work up the motivation to at LEAST get the next chapter up. I have it written, but it feels like every time I try to open it and edit, my brain turns off and doesn’t want to. I can’t even go to AO3 and open my comments because I’m afraid there’s going to be a bunch of unanswered ones there, or people wondering where I am, and like. U know. That stuff. So I don’t really know what’s going on right now, but please know I haven’t forgotten about my ducklings and I am trying.
Thanks for your understanding.
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ginnyw-potter · 2 days
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Spilt Blood
Word count: 41K Rating: Explicit Tags: Regency AU, Arranged/Forced Marriage, spouse to lovers Updates weekly!
Ginny was raised by her great-aunt Lady Muriel so she could marry well. Ginny always thought she would get a choice but she ended up standing across from a man she had never met. During their wedding night she discovers the whipping scars caused by his cruel family. They are determined to void the agreement he had with his family. There is the need for an heir, and Harry’s reluctance to make one. Ginny navigates this new life as she gets to know her husband. Regency AU
Chapter 6: Pouring one's heart out (full chapter on AO3)
She giggled as she splashed around in the water, watching Ron catch one of the sheep, though he was hardly taller than it. She heard a noise towards the house. While whipping around to look, she lost her footing and slipped under the water. She stuck her arms and legs out as far as she could to brace her fall. Her hand reached the bottom and she tried to push up but her foot was stuck on a piece of plant.
Panicked, she pushed up, trying to reach the surface. It was barely out of reach. Her arms reached up and one touched the air. She pushed forward and tried to take in a gulp of air but instead, water filled her lungs. She could not breathe, the water was murky from all the splashing and her foot wouldn’t come loose. She looked up at the sun through the muddy water and tried to breathe again. The water settled heavy and painfully in her lungs. The water was getting darker… it clouded her vision…She felt herself sink back to the bottom.
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