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valeriehalla · 1 month ago
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This afternoon, read CURSE/KISS/CUTE, my illustrated web novel for queers 18+. Features include:
the inherent sexiness of change
vaguely scary deep lore (also sexy)
forcefem (woke)
It's literally free: www.dicot.moe/ckc
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tumblebagel · 3 months ago
I need more queer friends to shakedown into reading this wholesome/lewd web novel I’m obsessed with.
Anyone out there looking to moot with DEFINITELY no ulterior motives?
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valeriehalla · 25 days ago
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CURSE/KISS/CUTE - “Name of the Helper, Part I” - Scene One is now up on Patreon!
in which the thing happens to Nathan Small.
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valeriehalla · 1 month ago
The casual gender fuckery and trans-ness in CURSE/KISS/CUTE makes me so happy. I found myself crying halfway through episode 0. It wasn't even anything in particular. You just managed to send me on a very emotional journey. I have to hand it to you, now I'm longing for a place that isn't real but I feel like I can very tangibly miss. Fantastic work, stimulating synesthesia. Hope you're well <3
at some point in our world's future there will be a moment where everybody finally Gets Over It. it will happen at different times in different places. there are some places where it's already happened. i am interested in writing stories set in that "after". charmside as a setting represents an "after". queerness in charmside is the default state not because everyone in it is queer but because there is no one left who cares enough to reject the label. the concept of being straight or cis never took root here. the farther you get from the train station, the less monsters you'll find who could even comprehend what the word "cis" means without taking a college course on human sociology.
i think this is a real future and i believe with my whole ass that it will be manifest. however, it's also a little hot to think about? like, to scoop up some humans from the "before" world and plop them down into the "after" ... where there's not a soul in sight who can conceive of their self-repression as anything other than transparently maladaptive behavior ............ what do you mean you can't wear a skirt ............ who told you that ............................. huh?? i just don't get it ...................................... well i think you should try it on though ...................................... look how cute it is!
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valeriehalla · 1 month ago
I’ve just finished reading the Curse/Kiss/Cute pilot, and, oh my god, help! I’m having a lot of gender envy over Drippy and her drippy-ness!
Also, while I have this ask. Um, why doesn’t she wear pants or a skirt? Is it a confidence thing or does she not care?
some people become monsters and it takes them a long time—maybe a lifetime—to fully scrub the grout of human social mores from between their brain-folds. for others, it's like sloughing off a bad pair of jeans after a long day. it's not about confidence and it's not merely an ambivalence to the concept of pants. a new body is an opportunity to redefine the terms and conditions of how people think about and interact with that body. in other words, it's about control. but most importantly of all, it's about looking cute in cute underwear
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valeriehalla · 11 days ago
ive been wondering if aster focused could they shapeshift?
concentrating allows Aster to shapeshift in much the same way that it allows them to grow their fingernails or induce their gallbladder to secrete bile into the small intestine, which is to say that it doesn’t and they just do that on their own without conscious intervention!
while it’s true that a lot of monsters are inherently a little magic, the magic bits tend to be precisely those bits that aren’t under the monster’s conscious control. sandalphon can’t turn off his halo, aster can’t decide how to change their body, and if drippy decides she wants to do chocolate milk this month then she has to actually change her diet. mally can shapeshift, but that’s because they’re a slime. you can imagine that if cartoon slimes existed in real life, shapeshifting would just be one of their innate faculties, so it’s not actually magic when mally does it.
conscious control of magic is something you have to bargain for, and that’s why witches are a rarity even in the Middle Wood...
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valeriehalla · 1 month ago
Read CURSEKISSCUTE last night and it has not left my mind for a moment (to the point my organic chemistry teacher assume i was nodding off because i kept zoning out thinking about it lol) its genuinely incredible and is already a huge motivator for how i want to be
I did have a question tho! Are plants and animals affected by the curse? Animals like pets im especially curious about
non-human animals are generally not affected by the Curse. indeed, you could say that the Curse exclusively operates on monsters: in the cosmology of the Middle Wood, humans are just another type of monster. the Curse can freely change the form of a monster into that of a human and vice-versa, so implicitly, they categorize together. meanwhile, one can assume that most animals do not have a strong sense of self, so there's not much there for the Curse to act upon.
there's actually a four-way categorization scheme for living things in CURSE/KISS/CUTE, and considering it generally doesn't count as "good writing" to insert a taxonomical diagram into your prose novel about gay monsters kissing, i suppose this is as good a place as any for it to go:
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valeriehalla · 1 month ago
I have only known Sandy for about 3 hours but if anything happened to him I’d start leveling cities. That being said, “Leveled City” is about the magnitude that I need this twink obliterated. 😍
from a story engineering standpoint i originally slotted sandalphon into episode 0 as sort of a DEI hire to increase the hot boys quotient in an otherwise girls-heavy pilot episode, but he ended up being my absolute favorite character to write for. please mentally read all of his lines with a james from team rocket type of accent. he's vers by the way.
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valeriehalla · 1 month ago
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curse/kiss/cute episode 1 coming soon
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valeriehalla · 3 months ago
so it turns out that while tumblr will let you make a post with the tag #CURSE/KISS/CUTE, it is impossible to actually search posts with that tag, as i have only just learned. i will have to start using #cursekisscute instead. whoops!!!! My Excellent Naming Conventions.............
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valeriehalla · 21 days ago
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not for nothing, but i’m really feeling like “we’re so back” with this one.
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CURSE/KISS/CUTE - “Name of the Helper, Part I” - Scene One is now up on Patreon!
in which the thing happens to Nathan Small.
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